[Image1]In fact, on December 1st, at the Suwa City sightseeing Information Center on the Kami-suwa Station c
[Image2]In fact, on December 1st, at the Suwa City sightseeing Information Center on the Kami-suwa Station c
[Image3]In fact, on December 1st, at the Suwa City sightseeing Information Center on the Kami-suwa Station c
[Image4]In fact, on December 1st, at the Suwa City sightseeing Information Center on the Kami-suwa Station c
[Image5]In fact, on December 1st, at the Suwa City sightseeing Information Center on the Kami-suwa Station c
[Image6]In fact, on December 1st, at the Suwa City sightseeing Information Center on the Kami-suwa Station c
[Image7]In fact, on December 1st, at the Suwa City sightseeing Information Center on the Kami-suwa Station c

In fact, on December 1st, at the Suwa City sightseeing Information Center on the Kami-suwa Station campus, Shizune-chan Suwa the top of "Hot Spring Musume" appeared!! The voice actor in charge is Nanaka Suwa!

◆What is Hot Spring Musume?
 Hot Spring Musume is a project created with the main purpose of regional revitalization to Broadcasting the charm of Hot Spring resorts and Sightseeing spots throughout Japan both domestically and internationally through various contents such as anime, manga, characters, and voice actors.

For a long time, there had been Shimo Suwa Watane-chan in Shimosuwa Town, but she had not yet manifested herself in Kami Suwa. In yesterday's manifestation of Kami Suwa, the twins, Kami Suwa Shizukune (older sister) and Lower Suwa Watane (younger sister), managed to get together yesterday! Thank you for waiting.

At the Information Center, we sell can batches (up to 2 pieces) and acrylic key chains (up to 1 piece) per one person. For those who purchase a total of 1500 yen or more, we will give you an original sticker! 
Please be careful! We look forward to seeing you!

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Dec. 22, 2024
2024.12.03 Maruyasu Tanakaya Main Store On this day, the gluttonous Kasai was again lured by the sweet Aroma and said, "I visited the main store of Maruyasu Tanakaya. The person who took time out of his busy schedule to talk to us was Mr. Tsuchihashi. There and a main store near the Suwa Lake, and there are two stores in the Suwa City of Kamisuwa Station, one in front of Kamisuwa Station. The company was founded in 1929 in front of Kamisuwa Station as Maruyasu Tanakaya. This year, it is a confectionery and cake shop that boasts a history of 95 years. Speaking of Maruyasu Tanakaya? It is a "cheesecake entremet" that can also be ordered!! It seems that the beauty advisor Chizu Saeki introduced it as a more well-known opportunity. Cheesecake entremet itself is a flagship product that has been loved for 40 years. It is also shipped nationwide, so I hope that people from all over Japan will be able to enjoy it! Maruyasu Tanakaya has a strong image of Western confectionery, but when it was first founded, it made Japanese sweets. The recipe from that time is still being used in "Yokan"! It is made with red beans and azuki beans carefully selected from the fact that we have been wholesaling Rice, so please enjoy yokan! Mr. Tsuchihashi's recommendation is the country of ⇒ Shinano!! Gastronomical delicacies with chopped chestnuts in Butter castella and wrapped in lemon cream with a refreshing aroma! It has been loved for about 50 years, likened to the prefectural song "Shinano no Kuni" that the people of the prefecture love! Also, on the side, the ♪ country of Shinano is ~ 十州にぃ~ The old country name of 10 provinces is on the side of the packing paper!! I love this wrapping paper so much that I use the packing paper of the previous model as a teaching material. Maruyasu Tanakaya There are a variety of sweets, so there is also an eat-in space! Everyone, please invite your friends to tea time and enjoy it. ★ Maruyasu Tanakaya Main Store 📍 3-1421-1 Takashima, Suwa City ☎ 0266-52-0126 ◎ Business hours: 10:00 ~ 19:00 ◎ Regular holiday : Closed on Wednesdays ◎ Online shop : https://www.suwa-tanakaya.jp/products/list ◎ Home page: https://www.suwa-tanakaya.jp/ Today, I went to “Maruyasu Tanakaya Main branch”. They have another branch close to Kamisuwa station. They started in 1929. So, this year 95 years!!! Many Japanese traditional sweets shop has long history. This day, Mr. Tsuchihashi Managing Director talk to me. Their shop’s famous product is “Cheese Cake Entreme”. It been loved for 40 years. Many media and magazine were coming in to the spotlight for Cheese Cake Entreme. They have online shop therefore, nationwide shipping. Please enjoy in your home. I imaged Maruyasu Tanakaya making western sweets just like Cheese Cake Entreme. But it was wrong… At the beginning their shop, it was Japanese Traditional sweets shop. Yokan (sweet bean jelly) is as it was then. Mr. Tsuchihashi’s recommendation is “Shinano no Kuni”. It is butter sponge cake inside chopped finely chestnut. Finally, Lemon cream covered it. Sounds so yummy, right? Definitely!!! They have many kinds of sweets. If you come to Suwa city. Please try them! I bet you like! ★ Maruyasu Tanakaya Main Branch 3-1421-1 Takashima, Suwa-shi, Nagano pref ☎ 0266-52-0126 ◎ Business hours: 10:00 ~ 19:00 ◎ Regular holiday: Closed on Wednesdays ◎ Online shop : https://www.suwa-tanakaya.jp/products/list ◎ Homepage : https://www.suwa-tanakaya.jp/ https://www.suwa-tanakaya.jp/products/list https://www.suwa-tanakaya.jp/
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Dec. 5, 2024
2024.11.27 この日、食いしん坊 河西は、またまた和菓子屋さんへリサーチに行きました!!! それは、園月堂本舗 福島店です! でも、皆さん、何か写真で気付きませんか? ほら!ほら!!! 園月堂さんに行くので浮かれて、お店の外観撮るの忘れてるんですよ。。。 本当に、食い意地が勝ってますよね。。。 お恥ずかしいです。。。 次回は、確り致します! 園月堂本舗さんの、女将さんの片桐さんにお話を聞きました! 創業78年(昭和21年)から、園月堂になる前の屋号で始められたようです。 最初は、上諏訪駅前にあったそうですよ! 4年後に小和田、その8年後に清水の方へ店舗を拡大して行きました。 今は、清水店と平成4年に、この福島店をオープンされ市内2店舗で和菓子をご提供頂いています!!! 女将さんのオススメは、復刻した“湖城もなか”と“兜最中”です!!! 最中も4種類程あり、とても沢山の種類がありました。 女将さん曰く、「餡子も各和菓子屋さんで、それぞれ違うので自分が好きな餡子を探してみるのも面白いですよ!」と、お教え下さいました!!! 「最近は、外国のお客様が少しずつ増え、洋菓子のクリームより、餡子はカロリーが低いので注目されてきているのかも知れません。 」と、仰っておりました! ◎ 園月堂本舗 福島店 📍長野県諏訪市中洲福島5398-1 ☎ 0266-58-1547 ◎ 営業時間:9:00 ~ 19:00 ◎ 定休日 : 清水店・福島店共、毎週火曜日 ◎ 園月堂本舗 清水店 📍長野県諏訪市清水1-2-12 ☎ 0266-52-1543 ◎ 営業時間:9:00 ~ 19:00 Nov. 27th in 2024 Today I went to Engetsu-dou Hompo which is Japanese traditional sweets (Wagashi) shop in Suwa city! “Wa” means Japan. “Gashi” means sweets. So, Japanese traditional sweets call Wagashi? They have two shops in Suwa, Shimizu-machi area and Fukujima area. I went to Fukujima location. Don’t you notice about pictures??? Did you? I was focus for Wagashi… That’s why I forgot to take a picture about Engetsu-dou’s exterior… That’s big mistake! Horrible!!! I’m so sorry about that. I’m gluttony. Wagashi was right front of me, I lost from Wagashi’s temptation. So, I forgot took the shop’s exterior photo… Ms. Katagiri (landlady) introduce her shop and Wagashi. They founded in 1946. About 78 years. The shop was front of Kamisuwa station. They started with the different name of the shop. It became Engetsu-dou in 1950. Shimizu-machi branch opened in 1958. Fukujima branch opened in 1992. I asked her, “what is your recommendation Wagashi?” She told me Kojou Monaka and Kabuto Monaka. Monaka is a Japanese sweet that is bean‐jam‐filled wafers. Also, she said “You can enjoy Wagashi every season, and each shop has original sweetened red bean paste. So, you can enjoy to find your favorite shop. Now, gradually increasing foreign customers. I think they realized Wagashi is less than calories compare to cake.” ★ Engetsu-dou Hompo Fukushima branch 📍Nakasu-Fukushima, 5398-1 Suwa city, Nagano Pref. ☎ 0266-58-1547 ◎ Business hours: 9:00 ~ 19:00 ◎ Regular holiday: Shimizu and Fukushima stores, every Tuesday ★ Engetsu-dou Hompo Shimizu branch 📍Shimizu 1-2-12 Suwa city, Nagano Pref. ☎ 0266-52-1543 ◎ Business hours: 9:00 ~ 19:00