Video article 1:06
Japan's Amazing Karakuri Boxes! Opening a Box Thought To Be Uncrackable!
Things to Do- 30 plays
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This video, titled "[Karakuri Box|Ishikawa Studio] Explanatory Video|Offertory Box 2." (からくり箱の作り方など紹介。「からくり箱 石川工房), was released by "pokun7144." In this video you can see with your own eyes the amazing offertory karakuri box. It's amazing how many wooden boards are used to open this karakuri box. By the way, "pokun7144" has released several videos about karakuri boxes, so if you are interested in them, you should check them out! If you like traditional Japanese crafts, be sure to check this video out! -
Video article 4:28
Walking along Minami Ebisubashi-suji Shopping Street, a popular shopping spot in Osaka. If you want to feel the atmosphere of a trip to Osaka, this strolling video is not to be missed.
Shopping- 20 plays
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This video, titled "Walking Along Ebisu Bashi-Suji Shopping Street in Minami Osaka #0035" (大阪ミナミ戎橋筋商店街を歩く #0035), was released by "machiaruki channel." The video shows Ebisu Bashi-Suji Shopping Street in Minami Osaka. For those who want to go to Namba but aren't able to do so, check out the video to get your fill! Of course, those planning to visit Osaka should watch it as well. It's a good reference for making sightseeing plans. At the 3:54, a famous spot in Osaka, Kani Doraku can be seen. It's a great place for taking pictures and shopping! -
Video article 10:47
Don't Miss the 350 Year Old Abare Festival in Noto, Ishikawa Prefecture! Watch as They Throw the Mikoshi Into the River!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 289 plays
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石川県能登に伝わる日本の伝統「あばれ祭り」とは? こちらの動画は「和倉温泉 多田屋 WAKURAONSEN TADAYA」が公開した石川県能登町宇出津に伝わる、「あばれ祭り」を紹介した「あばれ祭 - のとつづり」です。 あばれ祭りは350年以上の歴史がある日本の伝統行事で、無形民族文化財にも指定されています。 このお祭りは、キリコ祭りの先陣を切って行われる勇壮な祭りで、2日間に亘っておこなわれます。 1日目は約40基のキリコ山車が大松明(おおたいまつ)の火の粉を浴びながら無病息災を祈願し、御囃子や掛け声、太鼓に合わせて街を練り歩きます。 2日目には宮神輿が登場し、いやさか広場にキリコと神輿が集結しクライマックスを迎えます。 あばれ祭りという名前は宮神輿を水中や炎の中に投げ込んだり、地面に叩きつけるなどの過激なしきたりから由来しています。 祭りの期間は花火やライブ、屋台なども出て、能登の街はあばれ祭り一色になります。 石川県能登地方に伝わるキリコお祭りとイベント情報 あばれ祭りはキリコ祭りのオープニングを飾る祭りです。 キリコとは巨大な灯篭を模した山車のことで、キリコ吉祥文字と言われる地区ごとの願いや祈りを込めた文字を記し、御囃子や太鼓で祭囃子を鳴らしながら能登の街を練り歩きます。 キリコ祭りは石川県能登地方の住民にとって最も重要な夏祭りと言われていて、毎年祭りの時期には帰省し祭りに参加するしきたりなのだそうです。 特に宮神輿は一年を通じて石川県能登地方の祭りに参加し、貢献した担ぎ手だけが持つことを許されている特別な神輿です。 あばれ神輿の歴史と日本神話のつながり 江戸時代にかけて石川県周辺の能登地方は日本海に面した海上交通の要所でした。 加賀百万石と称された金沢を有し人の往来が絶えない豊かな地域でしたが、降水量が多くたびたび疫病の流行に悩まされていました。 そこで本格的に疫病が流行る前にキリコに魔を封じ、炎で清めたのがキリコ祭りの始まりと言われています。 昔から八坂神社では無病息災の祈祷が行われてきたのですが、肝心の宮神輿にまで悪鬼が取り付いてしまったので、神輿を乱舞させ地面に叩きつけ病魔ごと葬ったというのが神輿の扱いに関する由来です。 八坂神社の御祭祀、素戔嗚命(スサノオのミコト)は神仏習合により牛頭天王と同一格となり、京都八坂神社の祇園社信仰と結びつき、全国に広がりました。 素戔嗚命はヤマタノオロチを退治したことでも有名な日本神話を代表する神様で仏教では薬師如来が同格です。 このため、無病息災、悪鬼退散などのご利益があると言われています。 石川県能登に伝わる日本の伝統「あばれ祭り」のまとめ 石川県能登に伝わる日本の伝統奇祭「あばれ祭り」は1997年に「能登のキリコ祭り」として国から「無形民俗文化財」に指定され、その後2015年に文化庁から日本遺産の最初の18件の1つに選ばれました。 動画では2016年に行われた迫力ある祭りの模様を紹介しています。 来年はあなたも浴衣や、はっぴで石川県能登の「あばれ祭り」に足を運んでみませんか? 日程やイベント情報、当日の駐車場情報は「能登町観光ガイド」でご確認ください。 -
Video article 1:55
Cleaning Is a Part of Everyday Life at Schools in Japan. Let's Take a Look at the Commonplace Routine That Seems to Surprise Those Living Outside of Japan.
Life & Business- 673 plays
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Japanese Elementary School Students Cleaning Did you enjoy cleaning when you were a kid? Maybe not, but there are actually quite a few people in Japan who remember cleaning time in elementary school quite fondly. This video, “Japanese Students Clean Classrooms To Learn Life Skills” was created by “AJ+”. As you can see in the video, it is a natural thing for elementary school students in Japan to clean their classrooms themselves! This is a custom that people overseas are surprised at. The reason being that, in many cases, schools overseas hire janitors for cleaning. Let’s take a look at the introductory video of cleaning time for elementary school students. A nostalgic scene for Japanese people, and a maybe something new for those overseas. At Elementary Schools in Japan, It's Normal for Students to Clean Source :YouTube screenshot The joy of schools in Japan, and probably most schools around the world, is lunch time! You can see this at 0:29 in the video! When students in Japan finish eating, however, they clean up the used dishes by themselves after eating delicious meals. You can see cleaning time at 0:47, after lunch has ended. In Japan, students clean starting from elementary school. They clean classrooms and hallways all by themselves. At schools overseas, usually janitors do the cleaning, but in Japan, as seen in the video, it's a a part of everyday life for students to clean their schools by themselves. Children divide up their cleaning activities, diligently wiping down windows, mopping floors, sweeping, and getting rid of garbage. In Japan, cleaning is essentially another part of studying, and this is happens everyday. Japan's Cleaning Culture Source :YouTube screenshot At schools in Japan, students learn things that can be put to practical use. On such thing is cleaning. Students learn how to use cleaning utensils at school so they can put it into practice at home and in the future. Schools are not just a place to study, but also a place where students can bond and learn how to work as a team. Elementary school students in Japan learn these things from their everyday cleaning routine as well. Overseas Reactions Source :YouTube screenshot When foreigners watch this video, their reactions are noticeably different than those of the Japanese, to whom this is commonplace. In overseas countries, most people think “cleaning = labor,” and therefore think that cleaning activities are jobs for workers. There are also many people who understand the idea behind it, and the reason for keeping things clean. What Do the Teachers Think? Source :YouTube screenshot In the video, you can also see an interview of an elementary school teacher at 0:59. “Cleaning is something you have to be able to do for yourself later in life, so it's a custom that's likely to continue into the future,” she says. Summary of Cleaning at Japan's Elementary Schools Today we introduced a video about Japan’s everyday education. Many people might be surprised by this. However, for the Japanese, this is just a part of everyday life. So what do you think? Is it a good custom? And before answering, is your room clean? -
Video article 1:03
Yonezawa Uesugi Festival" in Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture is like stepping back in time to the battlefields of the Warring States Period. The powerful sound of real flintlock rifles being fired resonates in the core of the body!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 161 plays
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Yonezawa Uesugi Festival" in Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture, Video Introduction The video we'll be introducing this time is "Demonstration of Real Matchlock Guns" (本物の火縄銃の発砲実演), which as it's title suggests, demonstrates the firing of matchlock guns. The matchlock is one of the firearms that was introduced to Japan during the age of civil wars (c. 1467 to 1615). The matchlock is a smoothbore muzzleloader. The ignition method is classified as a matchlock type due to firing mechanism. When fired, the fuse comes into contact with a black powder propellant, thus igniting it and causing the gun to fire. The history of guns in Japan begins with the matchlock gun invented in Europe in 1543 that first landed in Tanegashima of Kyushu's Kagoshima Prefecture. Because of this it was referred to as a Tanegashima Gun or just "Tanegashima." According to the "Teppoki" an Edo Period (1603 to 1868 AD) account of the history of guns in Japan, Sengoku military commander Tokitaka Tanegashima adopted matchlock guns immediately after seeing a demonstration of their power, and soon after, matchlock guns spread throughout the rest of Japan. After its introduction, the design was improved upon, becoming a flash type matchlock using a spring as a trigger to improve accuracy. The History and Characteristics of the Matchlock Photo:A matchlock ashigaru squad The firearm before the matchlock was a touch-hole typethat was manually ignited by touching a flame to the ignition port, but a serpentine lock type that was operated with an S-shaped metal fitting was devised. In addition to that, a stock was added, and a matchlock gun was completed. The match lock system that was invented after that improved upon its range and power, and transformed it into a flint lock system that ignites by striking a flint rock. Comparing a museum matchlock with modern rifles, one of the things that stands out the most is the shape around the grip, which is very different. Therefore, it is said that the firing method was to shoot with the elbow stretched out instead of firing with the butt of the gun in one's shoulder. Oda Nobunaga, who held influence over the entire country during the Azuchi-Momoyama era, used the matchlock on the battlefield, and defeated the Takeda army at the famous battle of battle of Nagashino. The firing speed, which is a weak point of the matchlock gun, was made practical by forming teams of firing squads which led to Nobunaga's victory. During the Edo period, the shogunate restricted the possession of matchlock guns. Technology was stagnant due the national isolation policy that had been implemented by Japan's government, and new guns weren't introduced until the end of the Edo period at which point matchlock guns had become obsolete. Types of Matchlocks Photo:A matchlock In Japan, matchlock guns are categorized according to the weight of the ball they use, the place of production, and the school. Depending on the weight of the bullet, a matchlock is placed in either the small cylinder, medium cylinder, large cylinder, or large gun category. The production areas include Kunitomo Tsutsu, Sakai Tsutsu, Hino Tsutsu, Tosa Tsutsu, Satsuma Tsutsu, and more. Replicas made by safe gun makers are used in marksman competitions. Even in many Western countries, Japanese-style matchlock guns are used in quite a few tournaments. They are also sold to individuals, but they usually do not disclose prices and require you to contact them regarding any inquiries. In addition, even if you do not compete in competitions, you will need to register possession of one because it is subject to the regulations regarding possession of guns and swords. A Firing Demonstration at the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Yonezawa Uesugi Festival held in Yamagata Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region is one of the events where a matchlock demonstration is performed. The Yonezawa Uesugi Festival is a historic festival that has been held since 1965, and it is an annual festival held at the Uesugi Shrine, which enshrines the Uesugi family's ancestor, Uesugi Kenshin, as well as at Matsugasaki Shrine that enshrines Uesugi Yozan, Uesugi Kagekatsu, and Naoe Kanetsugu. On the final day of this event, you will be able to see a matchlock gun demonstration performed by 700 performers wearing armor, divided into the Uesugi and Takeda armies, and imitating the battle of Kawanakajima. A standing performer fires from 0:43 in the video, followed by crouching performers from 0:48, and finally from 0:56 we see a performer firing from the prone position. Summary of the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival Source :YouTube screenshot In this article we introduced the history and evolution of the matchlock gun. Did you like it? In the video, you can see a rare demonstration of the powerful matchlocks, so if you still haven't checked it out yet, we recommend giving it a watch! If you're interested in this kind of Japanese history, consider a trip to see the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival! -
Video article 8:26
A Glimpse at the Day-To-Day Life of Japanese High School Girls! This Popular Video With Over 3 Million Views, Gives Viewers Insight Into the Daily Life of a Japanese High School Girl, Through the Eyes of an International Student
Life & Business- 2.32K plays
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The Life of an International Student at a Japanese High School This time, we would like to introduce the video "A day in a Japanese High School // japan vlog # 1," where you can see the life of a Canadian high school girl studying in Japan. With over 3 million views, this video has become popular all over the world. Sophia, the person who took this video, studied Japanese through textbooks and YouTube education channels before studying abroad. She went to Japan for a study abroad program called Rotaly and stayed there for 11 months. We can see the life of Japanese high school girls from the perspective of foreign students. It's a chance for even Japanese people to learn something they might not have noticed about their daily lives. Let's take a look at the daily scenes and routines of international students attending Japanese schools. Japan's School Uniforms Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 0:16 in the video, high schoolers in Japan have uniforms designated by the school. Among high school girls who care about fashion, finding fashionable ways to wear their uniforms is part of everyday life. Sophia also looks in the mirror in the morning to make sure everything is in order. Many school uniforms are sailor uniforms or blazers. In fact, school uniforms are so important that some students choose a school strictly based on how cute or cool the school uniform is. The Daily Commute for a High School Girl in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot Next is the school scene in Japan, which you can watch from 0:45 in the video. Japanese high school girls go to school by train, bus, bicycle, or on foot. This video shows a group of girls going by train. Sophia seems to have about a 20 minute commute to school. The Everyday Classroom Life of a High School Girl in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot You can see Sophia arriving at school around 2:29 in the video and greeting her friends. Japanese classrooms generally have about 40 students per class, with wooden desks arranged in 5-6 rows. Even now, many schools still use blackboards and chalk, but they are gradually switching to electronic blackboards and whiteboards. Students study all day in these classrooms. You can also see children diligently doing class work and preparing for exams. They also study English as well, but the high school students in the video seem to be quite shy. Source :YouTube screenshot One of the fun things in school life is lunch time. You can see this at 5:42 in the video. Japanese high school students bring their own lunch boxes or buy and eat lunch at the school cafeteria or shop. As you can see at 7:08, when all the lessons are over, students clean the classroom by themselves. Groups of four or five students are assigned to clean the school grounds each week, and when it's their turn, they stay until all of the cleaning is finished. This cleaning custom is one of the characteristics of Japanese school life and has been very well received by the international community. Many elementary and junior high schools also have this practice. Summary of a Day in the Life of a High School Girl in Japan Photo:School classroom How'd you enjoy a day in the life of a high school girl in Japan? We think that it's good to get a glimpse of the daily lives of those who grew up in a different culture, in order to see a different perspective. If you look at school life in Japan from the perspective of an international student, there's probably a lot of differences. Learn about the life of a high school girl in Japan through this video! -
Video article 2:56
Steel Dragon at Nagashima Sparland, a popular amusement park in Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture, is a thrilling super jet coaster that travels at a speed of 150 km per hour!
Things to Do- 20 plays
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This video, titled "[HD] Nagashima Spa Land High Quality ★Steel Dragon 2000★" (【HD】 長島スパーランド 高画質★スチールドラゴン2000★), was released by "HIKAWA RIDES." This video introduces the Steel Dragon 2000, one of the attractions of Nagashima Spaland. You can feel what it's like to ride the Steel Dragon 2000 by watching the video Plunging down from 97 meters will have you on the edge of your seat! If you want to go to an amusement park in Japan but aren't able to travel, experience what it feels like by watching this video! You also get a great view of Nagashima Spa Land at 0:10 in the video. If you're visiting Mie Prefecture in the future, we recommend stopping by! -
Video article 4:13
Life as a High School Student in Japan! Commuting to School, Classes, and Recess... These Girls Show Us Their Daily Lives!
Life & Business- 40 plays
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This video, titled "Japanese High School Life - Come to School with Me," was released by "Ai from Japan." You can see the daily lives of Japan's high school students in this video. The video shows high school girls having fun, and of course, the natural smiles on their faces. If you're thinking of sending your child to study at a Japanese school, this video is a great way to get a feel for the atmosphere of a Japanese high school. It also shows a high school cafeteria. You can see what kind of lunch Japanese high school students have. There are many high schools in Japan, so if you're interested in seeing what they're like, be sure to check out the video! -
Video article 19:46
Shopping in Azabu Juban, the Most Exclusive Shopping District in Japan! Strolling Through a City Loved by Celebrities!
Shopping- 27 plays
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This video, titled "Walking around Azabu Juban Minatoku, Tokyo - Long Take【東京・麻布十番】 4K," was released by "NIPPON WANDERING TV." Azabujuban in Tokyo's Minato Ward is a "fashionable adult nightlife district" where the wealthy live. It's famous for its concentration of celebrity shops and restaurants where celebrities pop in for a night out. In this video, they take a stroll through Azabujuban and introduce the glamorous streets. During the walk, you can see mothers and commuters out with their children. You'll find cafes, soba noodle shops, and confectionery shops where you can stop by for a bite to eat. Enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of Azabujuban in this video! -
Video article 5:41
Kenshibu: A Traditional Japanese Performing Art That Combines Beauty and Spirit! Watch Closely as the "Kenshibu Super Team" Performs Their Prestigious "Kenshibu Dance"!
Traditional Culture- 82 plays
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The Kenshibu Super Team's Amazing Performance Video! This video, titled "Kenshibu Super Team|Promotional Video 'PASSION ~ Like a Blaze ~'," was released by the "Japan Ginkenshibu Foundation." Ginkenshibu, a traditional Japanese performing art, is a combination of two art forms: sword dancing and poetry. The Japan Ginkenshibu Foundation, introduced in the video, continues to promote the appeal of Ginkenshibu, a traditional Japanese performing art, through teaching Ginkenshibu and organizing stage performances and national competitions. A Closer Look at Kenshibu, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot The history of Ginkenshibu, the traditional Japanese performing art introduced in the video, dates back more than 100 years, and is said to have started when a samurai in the Edo period (1603-1868) danced whilst holding a sword. It was not until the Meiji period (1868-1912) that Hibino Raifu shaped the style of the current sword dance based on the forms used in Japanese swordsmanship. In most cases, different characters are in charge of the sword dance, which is performed brilliantly with the movements of kenjutsu and iaijutsu, and the poetry dance, which incorporates the techniques of Chinese poetry, Japanese Waka poetry, shigin, and Japanese music. The performance may be performed by two people who do the sword dance and poetry dance or done by a large number of performers. The characteristic of the traditional Japanese performing art, Kenshibu, is that swords and fans are used in the performances. Performers of the traditional performing art, Kenshibu, are required to have the spirit of Bushido, the spirit and dignity of a samurai. From 0:44 of the video, you can see the powerful Kenshibu performance. The Kenshibu Super Team Source :YouTube screenshot The Kenshibu Super Team is a project started to raise the next generation of Kenshibu artists while inheriting the techniques of the traditional Japanese performing art. Kenshibu Super Team's Shoko Shibata is a member of the Japan Soshinryu and started the traditional performing art Kenshibu when he was in elementary school. The highly skilled members of the team, including Shoko Shibata, Irikura Shouou, Gaikou Sotome, Houyo Kutsukawa, Yuuyo Sugiura, and Bishin Nagasawa; perform the Kenshibai Super Team performance "PASSION ~ Like a flame ~" introduced in the video at the beginning of this article. Many spectators are mesmerized by the dynamic and intense movements of Kenshibu. Summary of the Kenshibu Super Team Source :YouTube screenshot The Kenshibu Super Team is a fascinating organization that arranges and performs Kenshibu, a traditional Japanese performing art, in a contemporary style. If you want to experience traditional Japanese culture, be sure to check out the performance of the Kenshibu Super Team! 【Official Website】Kenshibu Super Team - Japan Ginkenshibu Foundation http://www.ginken.or.jp/index.php/en/top-en/ -
Video article 6:44
Ki&Ki - A Female Shamisen Duo Performing Modern Arrangements of Traditional Japanese Music. Watch as They Perform "Tsugaru Jongara Bushi," a Popular Japanese Folk Song!
Traditional Culture Entertainment & Music- 663 plays
- YouTube
The Tsugaru Shamisen Duo "Ki&Ki" This video, titled "Shamisen Girls Ki&Ki - Tsugaru Jongara Bushi," was uploaded by "Shamisen in Tokyo." The Tsugaru-shamisen musicians introduced in the video are a popular female musical duo called Ki&Ki (KiKi) from Japan. The group is composed of two members, Hikari Shirafuji (白藤ひかり) and Kanami Takeda (武田佳泉), who continue to release modern pieces of music performed on the traditional Tsugaru-shamisen. The Music of Ki&Ki Source :YouTube screenshot Ki&Ki, formed in 2008, is a musical duo of Tsugaru-shamisen performers. Both members have taken first place in numerous Tsugaru-shamisen competitions all over Japan. Ki&Ki perform a variety of music, from the traditional folk music Tsugaru Jongara Bushi to more modern music with rock and pop influences. They also perform cover songs as well as performing their own original music. There are various style of Tsugaru Jongara Bushi, including "Kyu-bushi" (旧節, a high-tempo style) and "Shin-bushi" (新節, a style sung with a quick tempo). Ki&Ki perform a style called "Shin-kyu-bushi" which is a combination of the two previous styles and is extremely popular among fans. Check Out Ki&Ki Band! Source :YouTube screenshot Ki&Ki Band is a five member group composed of the original Ki&Ki duo, together with Tatsuya Itou (伊藤辰哉) on piano, Keisuke Shimada (島田圭佑) on bass, and Yasuhito Sakairi (坂入康仁) on drums. It's hard to believe the band's powerful music is performed on traditional Japanese instruments! Prepare to be captivated by the delicate yet powerful sound of Ki&Ki Band, a sound like no other that will keep you coming back for more! Experience Playing the Tsugaru-Shamisen! Source :YouTube screenshot The Tsugaru-shamisen is a traditional Japanese instrument that originating in Aomori prefecture (青森県) and dating back to the Bakumatsu (end of the Edo period, 1853 AD-1869 AD). The first Tsugaru-shamisen was made by the Buddhist monk Nitabo (仁太坊). In recent years, more and more artists are performing modern arrangements of Shamisen music and the music genre is growing in popularity. Due to the growing popularity of Tsugaru-shamisen music, the number of schools offering Tsugaru-shamisen playing experiences has also been on the rise. The lessons are suitable for complete beginners so no need to worry if you have no experience playing the Tsugaru-shamisen. Have fun trying to play your favorite music and feel free to sing along! Summary of the Tsugaru-Shamisen Source :YouTube screenshot Many people think of the Tsugaru-shamisen as a traditional instrument for playing traditional Japanese music, however, as you can see in the video, a growing number of artists are performing more modern arrangements that appeal to larger audiences. If you enjoyed watching the Tsugaru-shamisen performance, why not experience playing the traditional Japanese instrument yourself by taking a lesson or two at a school near you! 【Official Website】Tsugaru-Shamisen Ki&Ki https://www.shamisenkiki.com/ -
Video article 1:48
A land of dreams and magic! Enjoy the whole day at Tokyo Disneyland Hotel in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture! Spend a moment at the Disney-inspired hotel and make it a memory you will cherish for a lifetime!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Things to Do- 65 plays
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東京ディズニーランド公式ホテル こちらで紹介する動画は「東京ディズニーリゾート公式/TokyoDisneyResortOfficial」が公開した「【公式】東京ディズニーランドホテル イメージ動画 | ディズニーホテル/DisneyHotels」です。 日本の観光地の中でも人気抜群なのが東京ディズニーランドです。 JR舞浜駅から降りれば、目の前は東京ディズニーランドと東京ディズニーシーがある東京ディズニーリゾートと呼ばれる人気の観光名所。 東京ディズニーランドはアジア初のディズニーランド! それが日本に上陸したのは1983年のこと。 以来年間入場者数は毎年1,600万人を超える日本屈指の観光スポットとなりました。 そして東京ディズニーリゾートには魅力溢れる3つのディズニーホテルがあるんですよ。 動画では壮大なシャンデリアがお迎えしてくれるアトリウムロビーを有する東京ディズニーランドホテルをメインに紹介していますので、ヴィクトリア朝時代のデザインをイメージしたファンタジー溢れる夢のホテルの模様をお楽しみください。 日本の観光ホテルの中でもハイクラス!ヴィクトリア朝様式の東京ディズニーランドホテル 画像引用 :YouTube screenshot 東京ディズニーランドホテルはモノレールの「東京ディズニーランドステーション」で下車した目の前がホテルのエントランスです。 ホテル内はディズニー映画の雰囲気そのまま再現! 中でも豪華なアトリウムロビーを持つエントランスは圧巻です。 東京ディズニーランドホテル内にはいたるところにミッキーマウスやミニーなどおなじみのキャラクターの隠れモチーフがちりばめられているので、隠れミッキーマウスを探すのもお楽しみの一つです。 東京ディズニーランドホテルの詳細(宿泊プランや料金、イベント情報など)は東京ディズニーリゾートの公式サイトでもご確認いただけます。 東京ディズニーシーの園内にあるホテルミラコスタ! 画像引用 :YouTube screenshot 東京ディズニーランドの隣にあるディズニーシーの園内にある豪華なホテルミラコスタ! 日本では東京ディズニーランドホテルに次いで2つめのディズニーランドとしてオープンした観光ホテルです。 お部屋からは園内の港が見えるデッキがあり、そこから景色を眺めていると、まるでディズニー映画のキャラクターになったよう! こんなインスタ映えするポイントが客室にあるって最高ですね。 レストランの料理も豪華でここが日本であることを忘れてしまいそうな魅力溢れるホテルです。 記念日にはスペシャルなルームサービスなどいかがでしょうか? ファンタジーと冒険につつまれたバリュータイプの東京ディズニーセレブレーションホテル 画像引用 :YouTube screenshot 新浦安エリアにあり、シンプルなサービススタイルで手軽にリゾート気分が満喫できる穴場的な名所が東京ディズニーセレブレーションホテルです。 アクセスは東京ディズニーランドと東京ディズニーシーから無料シャトルバスで約20分。 JR新浦安駅から徒歩約10分です。 東京ディズニーランドホテルやホテルミラコスタに比べるとお値段も手頃なのでディズニーランドアンバサダーもおすすめ! そして日本に観光旅行で訪れる海外の方も多く宿泊している人気のホテルなのです。 東京観光するのなら絶対に外せない東京ディズニーランド公式の3つのホテル紹介まとめ 東京ディズニーランドは首都圏観光の目玉の一つ。 毎年1,600万人以上が訪れる日本有数の観光地です。 東京ディズニーランドホテルの贅沢な空間をこの動画でお楽しみください。 -
Video article 2:06
A Beautiful Performance of Fire! Don't Miss the "Tezutsu Hanabi" Fireworks That Originated in Aichi Prefecture! This Powerful Festival Is a Sight to Behold!
Festivals & Events- 44 plays
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日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」とは? こちらで紹介する動画は「Armadas」が公開した「Tezutsu Fireworks in 8K」です。 日本の伝統的な夏祭りといえば花火大会ですが、中でもユニークなのが愛知県豊橋が発祥と言われる「天筒花火」です。 この花火大会は1メートルほどの竹筒に火薬を詰め、それを人が抱えながら火柱を高く吹き上げる「吹き上げ式」。 担ぎ手が持つ竹筒から勢い良く火柱が上がり、その後、衝撃音と共に手筒の底が抜けるという仕組みです。 担ぎ手たちの美しい所作と大迫力の火柱との共演がこちらの動画でご覧になれます。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」歴史について 現在日本で吹き上げ式の天筒花火が盛んに行なわれているのは愛知県の豊橋市がある東三河地方と静岡県の遠州地方の西部です。 この吹き上げ式の花火大会の歴史には諸説ありますが、もっとも有力なものは江戸時代に鉄砲が伝来し、1613年に徳川家康が江戸城内で花火を見物した際に天筒花火が披露されたことが発祥ではないかという説です。 徳川の砲術隊が三河岡崎にこの技術を持ち帰り、三河と遠州で天筒花火大会が盛んに開かれるようになったとされています。 愛知県豊橋市の吉田神社に残る江戸時代よりも古い文献の「三河国古老伝」にもそれらしき記述があり、何れにしても豊橋が発祥の地と見てよいと思います。 豊橋や遠州以外では岐阜県の飛騨高山、関東でも千葉県館林市や群馬県など日本各地で手筒花をご覧になることができます。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」の特徴 一般的な日本の打ち上げ花火では花火師が火玉を作って打ち上げますが、天筒花火の作り方は資格を取った地元の男衆が竹を伐採するところから、最後の火薬を詰め込むところまでの全作業を行います。 天筒花火に点火すると轟音とともにオレンジ色の火柱が立ち上り、担ぎ手は仁王立ち打ち上げます。最後には「はね」と呼ばれる仕掛けで衝撃音と共に天筒花火の底が爆発して幕を閉じます。 全国の天筒花火大会まつりのイベント開催情報 2019年8月〜9月には、以下の手筒花火大会が開催されました。 ・2019年8月15日:第14回越前市サマーフェスティバル花火大会(福井県) ・2019年8月22日:伊東温泉箸祭り花火大会(静岡県) ・2019年8月24日:美並夏祭り花火大会(岐阜県) ・2019年8月24日:第32回豊川手筒祭り(愛知県) ・2019年9月14日、15日:第24回炎の祭典〜炎の舞〜(愛知県) ・2019年9月15日:田原祭り・五町合同花火大会(愛知県) など。 花火大会会場は混雑し、道路は一部交通規制が敷かれる場合があるので、自動車で向かう場合は駐車場の場所や周辺エリアのホテル情報などを前もってネットでご確認ください。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」紹介のまとめ 日本の夏祭りといえば花火に浴衣に屋台と楽しみが満載ですね。 今回は愛知県豊橋市が発祥と言われている夏祭り「天筒花火」について紹介しました。 日本全国各地で天筒花火のお祭りを楽しむことができるので、穴場や名所、人気のスポットを調べて、楽しんではいかがでしょうか? 9月まで楽しめるお祭りなので旅行目的としてもおすすめです。 豊橋で行われた天筒花火の勇壮な祭りの模様はこちらの8Kの美麗な動画でご覧になれるのでお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:56
75 Years Later Iwo Jima Still Has Many Scars Left Over From the War. The Fierce Battlefield in Tokyo Tells of Its Tragic Situation Since the War
History- 637 plays
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The battlefield of Iwo Jima The video "Touring the battlefields of Iwo Jima = a scorching underground moat, and group burial ground(硫黄島の戦跡を巡る=灼熱の地下壕、集団埋葬地)is by "時事通信トレンドニュース" (Current Trending News and Events). World War II left many scars in Japan. However, since many historical facts have been twisted, many people still do not know what the Pacific War and former Japanese army were like. One remnant of them is the tragic battlefield of Iwo Jima. In the Showa era, it was taught that the only decisive battle that took place on Japan's home soil was fought in Okinawa Prefecture. However, it was the small island of Iwo Jima (8.1 mi²) near the Ogasawara Islands, located in the Pacific Ocean, where (before the battle in Okinawa) a decisive land battle took place . Many civilians lived on Iwo Jima before the war, but due to the war, Iwo Jima became a fierce battleground, and many civilians who could not flee to the mainland in time, as well as Lieutenant General Tadashi Kuribayashi and many other soldiers, were killed in battle. The movie "Letters from Iwo Jima" starring Ken Watanabe and Kazunari Ninomiya of the band "Arashi" is one of the few movies that tells of the fierce battle of Iwo Jima. In this article, I will introduce the history of Iwo Jima along with a video introducing the island. What is Iwo Jima? Was the Iwo Jima landing plan the cornerstone of Japan's defeat? Photo:Iwo Jima Iwo Jima is one of Ogasawara's villages, and Ogasawara itself belongs to Tokyo. Eruptions continue to occur on the small volcanic island located approximately 1,200 km from the 23 wards of Tokyo. From 0:06 in the beginning of the video, you can see the mural created by the US military in the northern part of Iwo Jima. The mural depicts the famous scene of the Marines who landed on Iwo Jima setting the Stars and Stripes on Mt.Suribachi. Resentful that only these people were treated as heroes, other US military members shot at the mural. Being that it’s a battlefield, from 1:45 in the video we can see the battered Armstrong gun that was hit by bombs, as well as some of the un-exploded shells that have been excavated. And from 3:33 in the video, the remains of the abandoned Sherman tank that the US Army destroyed are shown on the battlefield. Source of photo :YouTube screenshot The Iwo Jima landing plan by the US Army was called Operation Detachment. From the beginning of the war, there was a clear difference between the Japanese and Allied forces. However, the geothermal heat of Iwo Jima, which is an active volcano, is high and it is said that the underground bunker had the appearance of scorching hell. At 0:40 in the video, we see one of the battlefields that was used as a hospital, and when entering the back of the Navy Medical Department trench, the geothermal heat causes the camera lens to fog in an instant, making you wonder just how hot it really is. In addition, it was reported that the toxic gas from the underwater volcano filled the assault trench and it was used as a defensive tactic when in danger of defeat. The former Japanese army, while exposed to the double hardships of the US military and the natural environment of Iwo Jima, persisted for about a month in the battle of Iwo Jima, which was said have been decided in only 3 days' time. Spending this much time on Iwo Jima shows that the island was an important base for the U.S. forces to capture if they wanted to take mainland Japan. The remains of the battle of Iwo Jima Photo:Iwo Jima Currently, the general public cannot visit Iwo Jima, but once a year there is a tour to see the battlefields of the three Iwo Jima islands. Open to the public are the mass burial grounds, the murals that were used as propaganda in the United States after the war and that are said to have been shot at by US soldiers, as well as the Osakayama artillery battery and the battlefield housing the ashes of war. At other times, the Maritime Self-Defense Force is stationed there, where they train and collect remains from the war, so it is a restricted area. Summary of the battlefield of Iwo Jima video Source of photo :YouTube screenshot After the war, Japan was under American occupation, and Iwo Jima became an area where the Japanese were not allowed to set foot until autonomy was restored. The surviving islanders were chased from their homes, and scattered all over the country, and even now, they can only return home to Iwo Jima once a year. As you can see from the video 2:14, the official document released by the United States states that 2,000 sets of ashes have been buried in the ashes containment area, but more than 60% of Iwo Jima's dead still rest on the island to this day. Learn the history of Japan from its scars, that we do not repeat the tragedies of war. 【Tripadvisor】Iwo Jima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1137885-Iwo_Jima_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 12:15
Cute, Popular Products From the 100 Yen Shop, Daiso! Cute, Colorful Masking Tape to Get You Excited!
Life & Business Modern Culture- 22 plays
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This video, titled "Daiso Stationery Unboxing Video + Daiso Masking Tape Sampler ? | Rainbowholic" (ダイソー文具開封動画 + ダイソーのマスキングテープサンプラー ? | Rainbowholic), was released by "rainbowholicTV." Masking tape is a tape that can be applied and removed many times due to its low adhesive strength. It's printed with stylish floral and pastel patterns, and can be used to decorate diaries, notebook covers, and other small items. As a standard decoration item in the Japanese stationery world, it has become a must-have item for girls who love stylish stationery. They're available at 100-yen stores such as Daiso, and you can't help but pick them up for their cute looks and practicality. In this video, you can see how to make an original sample book by attaching masking tape to the full width of a notebook. -
Video article 8:45
A Custom Paint Job to Make Your Car Unique! These Paint Jobs Are Just as Worthy of Being Called Works of Art as the Finest Ukiyo-e Paintings!
Transportation- 17 plays
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This video, titled "How to paint like a Flames / Fire flame pattern with candy paint ! / カスタムペイント," was released by "warriorz777." Some car enthusiasts like customizing the body of their car with cool paint jobs. In the video, the designer "flames," which uses the motif of flames gives a custom paint job with candy paint. Candy paint is a technique that allows the artist to create a transparent and glossy look like a ball of candy by adjusting the concentration and thickness of the film coating. The way the luster on the surface changes depending on the amount of light is just like candy itself. Take a look at the artisan's painting technique, where the shine of the surface is instantly enhanced as he repeatedly applies various colors of paint! -
Video article 3:31
A Close Look At the Master Craftsmanship of Japan's Temple & Shrine Carpenters! Discover the Amazing Traditional Japanese Technique of Building Without Using Nails
Art & Architecture Traditional Culture- 975 plays
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Japan's Temple & Shrine Carpenters This video, titled "In Japan, Repairing Buildings Without a Single Nail," was uploaded by "Great Big Story." It introduces a traditional Japanese temple and shrine carpenter, called "Miyadaiku" (宮大工) in Japanese, from Kamakura (鎌倉). Japanese temple and shrine carpenters specialize in temples and shrines and construct/repair traditional buildings. Some of the craftsmen work on the construction and repair of historical buildings, such as Japan's national treasures and world heritage sites. Japan's temple and shrine carpenters must possess a high-level of skill and knowledge to repair traditional buildings. A building repaired by Japan's Miyadaiku carpenters allows the beautiful architecture of Japan to remain the work of art that it is. This article covers some of the amazing traditional techniques of Japan's temple and shrine carpenters and their journey to becoming full-fledged craftsmen. Kigumi - A Traditional Carpentry Technique Used by Japan's Miyadaiku Carpenters Photo:Kigumi, traditional Japanese architecture Some wooden architecture in Japan, including temples and shrines, is built by assembling wooden materials together as though it were one large 3d puzzle. This method is called the "Kigumi" method, meaning "wooden framework." This impressive craftsmanship can be seen from 0:21 in the video. The traditional skill of framing and jointing wood, characterized by very precise cutting and coupling of wood, requires countless hours of training and experience as a Miyadaiku carpenter. Traditional Japanese architecture is made possible thanks to the high-quality craftsmanship of Japan's temple and shrine carpenters. The Long Road to Becoming a Miyadaiku Carpenter Photo:A wooden shrine, traditional Japanese architecture Acquiring the skills of a Miyadaiku carpenter requires on-the-job training, so the first step is to become an apprentice at a workshop or construction firm and learn the repair processes and traditional methods used by observing the skills of a master Miyadaiku carpenter up close. The history of Miyadaiku carpenters dates back more than a thousand years. In the past, Japan's temple and shrine carpenters were referred to as "Wataridaiku," and they lived in areas with many shrines and temples, working from one location to the next. Miyadaiku carpenters also repair historic World Heritage buildings and prominent national treasures, such as the one's you'd find in Kyoto. Thus, Miyadaiku carpenters are required to have advanced knowledge in various fields, not just architecture, but religious studies as well. Summary of Japan's Traditional Miyadaiku Carpenters Photo:A wooden temple being built Miya-Daiku carpenters have been repairing Japan's temples and shrines since ancient times with their advanced skills that can be used to construct wooden buildings without the use of nails. This traditional Japanese culture is handed down from one generation of craftsmen to the next. It's no secret that all of Japan's beautiful temples and shrines look like the amazing works of art they art thanks to the amazing craftsmanship of Japan's Miyadaiku carpenters. -
Video article 3:55
A True Samurai of Our Time! Watch as He Sets a New Guiness World Record!
Traditional Culture- 32 plays
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ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画紹介 こちらの動画は「ギネス世界記録 公式チャンネル」が公開した「尋常じゃない動き!武道家の達人が、刀でイグサを切りまくる【ギネス世界記録】」です。 日本伝統の文化は今も尚さまざまな形で根付いています。 武道家としての道を究めた人の持つ技術は神業と呼ばれることもあります。 今回は日本刀でイグサをひたすら斬る動画を紹介します。 ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画とは 動画で紹介されている日本を代表する居合術家の町井勲(マチイイサオ)が日本刀を用いてひたすら猛スピードでイグサを斬る動画です。 実際の居合術の様子だけでなく、町井勲のインタビューとギネス世界記録を樹立した瞬間が収められています。 世界記録を保持している武道家はどれほどすごいのか知りたい方にうってつけの動画です。 町井勲が達成したギネス世界記録は日本刀を用いた1分間速斬りの最多数。動画内の記録は87太刀です。 町井勲とはどのような人物なのか 町井勲は修心流居合術兵法創始者。 平成のサムライと呼ばれ、6つのギネス世界記録を達成したことでも有名です。 2005年に居合術道場「修心館」を開設しています。 また『最強のすすめ ~日本刀が教えてくれた日本人の生き方~』という著書をはじめ、修心流居合術兵法の初歩に関するDVDを発売するなど日本伝統の居合術を広めるために精力的に活動していることでも有名。 町井勲が樹立したその他の世界記録 町井勲は1分間速斬りの最多数の他に樹立したギネス世界記録は ・据斬 ・3分間速斬り ・最速テニスボール居合斬り ・6ミリBB弾居合斬り ・千本斬り の5つになります。 日本刀1本で世界記録をいくつも達成する神業は想像以上の努力と才能が必要です。 ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画紹介まとめ 日本伝統の文化の1つである侍や居合術。 今回紹介した動画は世界記録を達成した日本の武道家の凄技が収められています。 この記事を通して日本伝統の文化や歴史などを学びたい、触れてみたいと感じていただけたら幸いです。 -
Video article 5:00
A Popular Watercolor Instructor Teaches Watercolor Painting in 5 Minutes! Learn to Paint Beautiful Japanese Landscapes in Watercolor!
Art & Architecture- 27 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Eng sub] 5min Easy Watercolor | Tree Painting tutorial," was released by "Watercolor by Shibasaki." In this lesson, Harumichi Shibasaki teaches tips for watercolor painting that are easy to understand even for beginners. In this lesson, you'll learn how to paint a realistic watercolor painting of a broad-leafed tree, such as the zelkova. The key to painting trees realistically is to be aware of the areas where the light from the sun hits and the areas in shadow. Then, using the dry brush strokes of a drained dry brush, I rough out the shape of the leaves. Enjoy how the colors gradually deepen on the canvas as if by magic. -
Video article 2:09
Enjoying Visiting an Amusement Park From the Comfort of Your Own Home! Scream on Yomiuri Land's Popular Roller Coaster, "Bandit"!
Things to Do- 55 plays
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This video, titled "Enjoying Visiting an Amusement Park From the Comfort of Your Own Home! Scream on Yomiuri Land's Popular Roller Coaster, "Bandit"!" (お家で遊園地気分が味わえる映像!よみうりランドの人気ジェットコースター「バンデット」で絶叫!), was released by "HIKAWA RIDES." Yomiuri Land is a recreational area that opened in 1964. The most popular attraction, Bandit, is a roller coaster that is still going strong several decades after its introduction in 1988. Its exhilarating ride through the forest on the grounds still attracts many roller coaster enthusiasts. The well-balanced ups and downs of the ride allow you to enjoy the ride without getting woozy. The horizontal loop, with its strong G's and being the 4th longest ride in Japan, are thrilling. Enjoy the thrilling experience in the video! -
Video article 22:53
Handling a Huge Flatfish That's 90 cm Long and Weighs Over 10 kg! From Brilliant Artisanal Knife Work to Exquisite Cuisine!
Food & Drink- 35 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Catching Flatfish for 50 Years, Zabuton for 15, but There's Still More to Come! Zabuton Flounder Ebisutei, Hirado" (ヒラメをさばいて50年。ざぶとんは15年。まだまだです。 ざぶとんヒラメ<さばき編> 平戸・エビス亭), was released by "99チャンネル 99chtv." Flounder, with its mild flavor, is a top-quality ingredient when used for sashimi. In this video they clean a huge flounder, which is big even compared to other large flounder. "Zabuton" flounder as they're called in Japanese refer to flounder between 70 and 90 cm in length and that weigh over 4 kg. Its size and weight make it a difficult fish to process fresh. The owner of Ebisutei in Hirado, Nagasaki, is the one processesing the fish. Japan's techniques for handling fish are among the best in the world in terms of speed and maintaining freshness. Look at the skill of the owner as he handles the flounder! -
Video article 6:11
How to Make the Hottest New Style of Insta-Worthy Sweet, "Rolled Ice Cream"! The Secret to the Popularity of This "Kawaii" Snack in Harajuku, Tokyo!
Food & Drink- 110 plays
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原宿で大人気!ロールアイスクリームの作り方をご紹介! 「パステルパレット彩ちゃん!」が製作した「ロールアイスの作りかた」は原宿にある行列のできるアイスクリームのお店を紹介した動画です。 なぜ、グルメ激戦区の原宿で行列ができるほどの人気があるのか、ロールアイスの作り方の動画の様子から徹底考察していきます。 可愛いだけじゃない!スイーツの最先端原宿 原宿といえば「可愛い」の発信地として、数々のグルメ・スイーツの新スタイルのお店ができるたびに話題を呼び、若い女性だけでなく外国からの観光客からも日本のグルメ文化を楽しめると非常に人気のある街です。 今回は、そんな原宿にある行列のできる日本初のロールアイス専門店「ロールアイスクリームファクトリー」の作り方を動画で紹介します。 ロールアイスの作り方 ロールアイスは1人のお客さんのオーダーを1人の店員さんが作っていく専属スタイルです。使うのは2つのヘラのみになります。 作り方は、4~6種類のアイスクリームフレーバーと20種類のミックスインから好きな食材を選べるのでグルメも満足の品揃えです。 マイナス10度以下のコールドプレートの上に乗せ、液状のアイスクリームをかけて混ぜ合わせていきます。 目の前で液体から固体に変わる様子と、手際よく小気味いい音を鳴らしながらきれいな四角形になるようにアイスクリームを薄く伸ばしていきます。 そして作り方の最大のポイント、くるくるとアイスクリームを丸めていき、7つのロールアイスが出来上がります。 トッピングを選んでカップに飾り付ければ、インスタ映え間違いなしの可愛い見た目のスイーツが完成です。 人気の理由はエンタメスイーツという日本の伝統であるグルメの実演 日本ではグルメを芸術的に表現することもあります。 例えば、飴細工のように目の前で姿を変えていくところを見せることに価値を提供しています。 ロールアイスもグルメを味覚だけでなく視覚・聴覚・嗅覚と五感に訴えるように作り方を工夫したのです。 くるくると巻いていく繊細な作り方に、日本文化が培った美的感覚が発揮されています。 見どころは日本らしいトッピングの飾りつけ 作り方の工夫の1つとして、インスタ映えするような飾りつけがあります。 抹茶は三食団子で日本らしさを感じさせ、バニラは赤と青のチョコレートを足しアメリカの国旗を足して日本との比較を楽しめます。 トッピングは40種類から選ぶことができ、最終的にどのような見た目になるのか楽しめることもグルメの心を掴むポイントです。 原宿の人気スイーツ「ロールアイス」の紹介まとめ くるくるロールアイスの専門店「ロールアイスクリームファクトリー」は日本で原宿だけでなく、仙台・大阪・名古屋にも店舗を構えています。 ぜひ動画でロールアイスの作り方をチェックしてみてください。 -
Video article 4:14
Enjoy Kabuki, a traditional Japanese performing art, at Kashimo Meiji-za, a playhouse in Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture! Enjoy its profound world in a playhouse with 130 years of history!
Traditional Culture- 143 plays
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What is Kamimo Meijiza, a playhouse in Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture? This video, produced by "N.a.," is titled "[Beautiful Japan] GIFU The Meijiza Playhouse,Tono." It introduces the Kashimo Meijiza, a performing arts theater in Gifu Prefecture. Gifu Prefecture's Kashimo Meijiza is a historical theater built in 1894. In the old days, Kabuki was performed by local amateur actors, and many theaters were built where these performances took root. This video shows actual Kabuki performances at Kashimo Meijiza. Relax and enjoy the traditional Japanese performing arts! Kabuki - A Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot Kabuki is an ancient form of taishu engeki (大衆演劇). The word "kabuki" (歌舞伎) comes from the word "傾く" (Kabuku), which long ago meant "to perform kabuki." Kabuki began as a dance performance started by Izumo no Okuni in Kyoto, and gradually spread throughout the country. Today, the traditional performing art Kabuki is designated as an Important Intangible Cultural Property of Japan. At one point, people were so absorbed in the plays that the Shogunate issued a ban on them. Other traditional performing arts of Japanese origin include Kyogen and Noh theatre. Kashimo Meijiza, shown in the video, works with the Toza Theater in Shirakawa, Gifu Prefecture, and holds a variety of events to give visitors a casual introduction to the traditional arts, such as exhibitions of amateur kabuki equipment. Famous Kabuki Actors Performing at Kashimo Meijiza! Source :YouTube screenshot Opened in 1894, Kashimo Meijiza was a popular event venue for a variety of performances, including traditional kabuki theater, plays, and dances. Since the mid 1990's, it has hosted performances by famous actors such as Nakamura Kanzaburo and Nakamura Shichinosuke. In the video, you can see how the venue is set up to welcome the audience at 1:06, performers putting on their makeup and wigs before going on stage at 1:22, and an actual performance at 1:45. Summary of Kashimo Meijiza, a Traditional Performing Arts Theater Source :YouTube screenshot You can watch kabuki performances on TV, but watching a kabuki performance from a seat in a kabuki theater is a special experience. If you'd like to see a kabuki performance in person, check out the performance information for Gifu's Kashimo Meijiza and plan a sightseeing trip in the area when one is taking place! The unadulterated spirit that can be found in traditional kabuki and kabuki theaters is truly something to behold. If you'd like to see a kabuki performance in person, check out the performance information for Gifu's Kashimo Meijiza and go sightseeing in the area! ◆Kashimo Meijiza|General Information◆ 【Address】4793-2 Kashimo, Nakatsugawa, Gifu 508-0421 【Access】50 minutes by car from the Nakatsugawa Interchange on the Chuo Expressway, or from JR Nakatsugawa Station, take the Kita-Ena Kotsu Bus and get off at Manga (万賀). 【Parking】Available 【Official Website】Kashimo Meijiza http://meijiza.jp/english.html 【Tripadvisor】Kashimo Meijiza https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1015944-d12194397-Reviews-Kashimo_Meijiza_Theater-Nakatsugawa_Gifu_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:30
Former popular AKB48 member introduces Tokyo Tower, the symbol of Tokyo, located in Minato-ku, Tokyo! Loved by the people of Japan for 60 years! What are the highlights of this popular tourist spot?
Art & Architecture- 33 plays
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Tokyo Tower" in Minato-ku, Tokyo Video Introduction こちらの動画は「東京タワー」が公開した「東京タワー ビジョンムービー」だ。 東京のシンボルとして日本国民に愛されてきた「東京タワー」。 2018年12月には開業60周年を迎えた東京タワーは、2012年5月に「東京スカイツリー」が建設されるまで、日本で最も高い電波塔であり観光地だった。 そんな東京タワーは、現在でも人気の観光スポットとして日本国内の旅行者のみならず、海外からの観光客からも親しまれている。 動画では東京タワーの展望台での楽しみ方や施設情報の案内を元AKB48の人気メンバー梅田彩佳が行っている。 東京タワー観光に行く予定のある方は、動画で予習してみてはいかがだろうか。 日本一高い建物だった「東京タワー」の現在の役割 東京タワーは、1958年12月に建設完了した東京都港区芝公園にある高さ333メートルの電波塔であり、日本一高い建物だった。 日本の歴史において東京タワーが果たした役割は大きく、テレビ局などの電波を日本の多くの世帯に発信していた。 東京タワーは、現在東京スカイツリーが完成したことで、電波塔としての役割は無く、予備電波塔と位置づけられている。 しかしながら、日本国内でも有数の観光地として訪れる方は多く、観光客は年間で360万人にも登り、日本のランドマークとしての役割を担っている。 近年においては東京タワーが日本の観光地として更に親しまれるために、バリアフリー化やイルミネーションによる企画などさまざまな取組みを行っている。 エレベーターの先は別世界!絶景の360度パノラマ 東京タワーで観光客が訪れることが出来るスポットは、150メートル地点にある「メインデッキ(大展望台)」と250メートル地点にある「トップデッキ(特別展望台)」だ。 メインデッキは動画の0:36から紹介されている。 ここは「360度パノラマ展望台」となっており、貸し出しの双眼鏡「レンタルスコープ」で東京中を見渡すことが出来る。 また、ガラス張りの床がスリル満点の「ルックダウンウィンドウ」はまるで空中を歩いているような感覚になる。 メインデッキにある「タワー大明神」は東京都内で最も高い位置にある神社として知られている。 受験シーズンになると「一番高い」成績を祈願して多くの学生が訪れる。 その他にも、イメージキャラクターとして有名な「ノッポン」のオリジナルグッズを購入できるショップやおしゃれなイベント会場「Club333」、東京タワーの周辺情報をまとめた「展望解説ボード」などがある。 さらに高いトップデッキから東京を見渡す! トップデッキ(特別展望台)は、予約制の「トップデッキツアー」に申し込んだ方のみが入れる特別な空間だ。 動画の3:33でトップデッキから見た景色を紹介している。 ここはメインデッキのような広い展望台ではないものの、メインデッキよりさらに100メートル高い250メートルから東京を見渡すことが出来る。 その景色は、まさに絶景だ。 設置された「ジオメトリックミラー」というオブジェは、風景が鏡に乱反射するよう設計されたもので、ロマンチックな雰囲気を演出する。 東京で人気のデートスポットだ。 「東京タワー」紹介動画まとめ 東京のシンボル「東京タワー」の魅力や施設情報を紹介した。 東京タワーは、東京都港区芝公園にあり非常にアクセスのしやすい観光施設だ。 電車で向かう場合、最寄り駅は大江戸線赤羽橋駅だ。 徒歩で10分以内で到着することができる。 バスで向かう場合は、目黒駅や品川駅などの主要な駅からバスが出ている。 また東京タワーには合計300台以上の車が収容可能な駐車場が併設されているので、車で来る観光者の方も安心だ。 建設から60年経ったが、魅力的な施設であることは変わりなく、満足できる観光地となっている。 動画を見て気になった方は、ぜひ足を運んで見てはいかがだろうか。