Video article 5:36
A Close Look at the Raden Craftsmen Who Preserve the Traditional Japanese Craft of Takaoka, Toyama Prefecture. Made of Brightly Colored Seashells, They're Truly Works of Art!
Traditional Crafts- 91 plays
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日本の伝統工芸螺鈿職人紹介動画 こちらの動画は「ニッポン手仕事図鑑」が公開した「螺鈿職人になる旅 / 武蔵川工房」です。 螺とは螺旋状の殻をもつ貝のことを指し、鈿とは金属や貝による飾りのことを指します。 アワビやヤコウガイ(夜光貝)シロチョウガイ(白蝶貝)クロチョウガイ(黒蝶貝)カワシンジュガイ(青貝)などの材料で幾何学模様を刻むという点で、螺鈿(らでん)は蒔絵や卵殻などとは異なります。 貝の厚さは0.4~1㎜で花鳥風月のデザインを刻むという点でも日本の伝統工芸らしさが際立ちます。 日本有数の伝統工芸螺鈿職人として最も有名な方が、動画で紹介されている武蔵川工房の親方である武蔵川剛嗣さんです。 螺鈿職人を育てた高岡漆器という日本の伝統 日本の伝統工芸である螺鈿職人を育てた歴史背景には、高岡漆器という日本の伝統工芸があります。 高岡漆器の特徴は町人文化のなかで日用品へ職人たちが技術を磨くため漆を塗り、それぞれの技法を乗せたという起源があります。 それらの匠の技として、象嵌という技法が挙げられます。 これは一つの材料に異質の原料をはめ込む種類の作り方で作られた美術品や工芸品を言います。 明治時代になると石瀬松次郎が青貝螺鈿加飾という伝統工芸漆器を始め、青貝塗という日本伝統文化を広めました。 やがて伝統工芸として螺鈿師という立場が確立され、武蔵川工房の武蔵川さんは国指定の伝統的工芸品の認定者となります。 螺鈿は光の加減によって様々な色に映るため、武蔵川工房では暑さを0.1mmまで削り加飾を行います。 高岡漆器独自のこの工程を踏むのが武蔵川工房様の特徴でもあります。 貝の輝きをいかに引き出し、コントロールできるかが伝統工芸を作る螺鈿職人の腕の見せ所であるとも言えます。 現代に活きる日本の伝統文化・螺鈿 現代においても螺鈿職人は様々な工夫を凝らして螺鈿の文化を進化させています。 ペーパーウェイトや帯留め、髪飾りや箸、時計やガラスに細工された螺鈿の作品は見ているだけでも楽しいものばかりです。 武蔵川工房でも皿や飾箱、茶器などへの螺鈿装飾を行ったものが多く制作されています。 動画では2:24よりご覧になることができます。 スマートフォンケースやスマートフォンリングといった現代の生活に即した螺鈿作品を作る螺鈿職人もいます。 日本の伝統文化螺鈿職人紹介まとめ 螺鈿職人は日本には数多くいますが、高岡漆器の歴史を組む武蔵川工房の螺鈿作品は他に類を見ない美しさを持っています。 ぜひ日本の富山県へ訪れた際には螺鈿にも触れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 22:01
The Techniques of a Master Swordsmith! A Young Man Who Inherited the Long History of Echizen Cutlery!
Traditional Crafts- 103 plays
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越前打刃物の起源と歴史 こちらの動画は「明日への扉 by アットホーム」が公開した「#070 越前打刃物職人 田村 徹 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム」です。 日本の福井県越前市には昔より刀剣を製造していた歴史があり、その技術が越前打刃物という伝統文化工芸に生かされています。 打刃物とは鉄を打って作る刃物のことで、1337年に千代鶴国安によって作られたとされています。 千代鶴神社にその文献が残され、以降700年もの長い間、職人の手によって受け継がれました。 越前打刃物は1979年には国の伝統工芸品として認定されます。 越前打刃物とは産地福井県越前市において700年の歴史と伝統がある刃物です。 型を抜いて作るのでなく、熱した鉄を打つことで一つの作品を製造するという特徴があります。 日本の伝統文化工芸を受け継ぐ若き越前打刃物職人・田村徹 そんな伝統文化工芸である越前打刃物の職人として修行し若き力を注いでいるのが、動画紹介されている田村徹さんです。 田村徹さんが現在師事しているのが、黄綬褒章も受賞した偉大なる師・清水正治さんです。 日本の伝統文化工芸を守る名工清水さんの最も有名な刃物が鮪包丁です。 刃渡り100センチ以上にもなる包丁を作れるのは日本でも数えるほどしかおらず、その匠の技と技法は唯一無二で伝統文化そのものと言えます。 清水正治さんの手仕事はメディアはもちろんのこと、多くの知識人からも支持されており清水正治さんの打刃物でなければならないと語る職人も多くいます。 日本の伝統文化工芸越前打刃物に挑む若き職人 弟子である田村徹さんが今回の動画の中で製作しているのは出刃包丁です。 その材料となるのは地金と鋼です。 包丁の種類は大きく分けて両刃と片刃という種類に分けられ、その用途によって研ぎ方を変えています。 動画の中では6:30より解説されています。 まずは工房の高温の炉のなかで柄に差し込む部分を作る中子取りという作業を行います。 その後、焼入れという工程で800度の窯から一気に冷水で冷やします。 柿色と言われる色合いまで加熱を行うとても繊細な作業です。 そして研師によって刃付け(研ぎ)という作業を行います。 完成した包丁は、もはや芸術品・美術品の一つとしても過言ではないほどの美しさと精巧さを備えたものとなります。 日本伝統文化である越前打刃物は包丁などの調理用品だけでなく、鎌など農業や林業、園芸にも用いられています。 日本伝統文化工芸越前打刃物紹介まとめ 越前打刃物という歴史ある日本伝統工芸作品を今まで以上に身近に感じることができたでしょうか。 毎日使用する包丁だからこそ、日本伝統文化である越前打刃物に触れてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 19:29
A Young Swordsmith Trains Hard Every Day to Make His Dream Come True. What Does the Man Preserving Japanese Traditions Have to Say About His Passion for Swords?
Traditional Crafts- 105 plays
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丹精込めて伝統文化・工芸品の刀を作る刀鍛冶とは こちらの動画は「明日への扉 by アットホーム」が公開した「#001 刀鍛冶 玉木 道明 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム」です。 「子供の時、おもちゃの刀を使って遊んでいたのがきっかけだった」 多くの日本人男子は、子供の時そのようにチャンバラをしてきたのではないでしょうか? 日本の伝統文化を継承するために毎日丹念している方の話しは、多くの人が面白い・興味深いと感じ、とても刺激的に感じることが多いと思います。 こちらの動画では工房で日本伝統の刀匠という刀鍛冶になるべく目指す若者を紹介。 この記事では、動画に沿って刀鍛冶の魅力や、刀の世界で毎日を過ごす玉木道明さんにについて紹介します。 日本の工芸品、伝統文化を伝える職業の刀鍛冶 刀鍛冶とは、刀を作る職人です。 高温に熱した鉄を何回も金槌で叩いて形を作っていきます。 刀の歴史・起源は日本書紀に奈良時代より作られていた記録も残っています。 現在では刀鍛冶は日本の伝統文化として珍しい職業となっています。 日本の伝統文化・工芸を継承する刀鍛冶の玉木道明について 若き刀職人の玉木道明氏は、日本の伝統文化を守るべく刀鍛冶になるため、広島県庄原市にある久保善博氏が行っている善博日本刀鍛錬道場で修行を行っています。 刀の職人は鍛人という言い方がありますが、それ以外にも鍛師・刀師・鍛刀師という呼び名があります。 また、刀派・流派は時代によって異なるのが特徴です。 刀鍛冶になるには修行が必要で、今日、明日刀を作りたいと言って作れることはできない匠の技です。 伝統文化・工芸品の刀を作るまでの工程 刀を作る工程として、まずは玉鋼を作ります。 火床で加熱をして鞴で火を操ることが大事だと言われています。 水へし・先手を行い火造り、研ぎ、焼き入れに刃紋を行います。 また、刀を作るためには刀工集団という専門的な技術を持った人が集まって作られます。 鉱物を山から掘る鉱山師から始まり、鉄穴師、タタラ師、山子、彫師、鞘師、研師といった多くの技法が相まって刀は作られているのです。 日本の伝統文化・工芸を継承すべく独立する玉木道明氏 今回の動画では玉木道明氏が独立するために刀剣の里で初打ち式へ参加する様子も収められています。 こちらは動画の16:12過ぎより紹介されています。 独立後は伝統文化として、刀は工芸品として価値が高い職人となることでしょう。 日本の伝統文化・工芸を伝える刀鍛冶、玉木道明の紹介まとめ 刀鍛冶を目指す玉木道明さんのドキュメンタリー動画では匠の技を感じられたのではないでしょうか。 この記事を読んで、刀鍛冶や日本の伝統文化・工芸などや玉木道明さんに興味をもった方は、日本刀に触れる観光に出かけてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 4:24
Kyo Sashimono - A Traditional Craft in Kyoto That Has Been Passed Down Since the Heian Period. A Rare Glimpse Into the Making of a Craft That Makes for a Great Souvenir!
Traditional Crafts- 146 plays
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伝統工芸「京指物」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「京指物」kyo-sahimono joinery/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 多くの観光客が訪れる京都には京指物と呼ばれる伝統工芸があります。 京都観光を楽しむ方は是非チェックしてください。 京指物とは一体どのように作られるのか 1つの京指物ができるまでにいくつもの制作工程があります。 動画をご覧になれば素材選びから完成までのイメージを掴めるのではないでしょうか。 まずは素材となる木を乾燥させ、荒木取と呼ばれる木の余分な部分を切り落とす工程が行われます。 続いてに木を矯正・荒削りして状態を整えたら仕口ホゾ接ぎと呼ばれる工程に移ります。 微調整しながら組み立てていくのがポイントです。 加工された部分に接着剤を塗って接合した後、平鉋(ひらがんな)で滑らかさや丸みを出す仕上削りが行われます。 その後、表面を研磨する仕上加工と呼ばれる工程で木の特長を引き出します。 最後は文様などを付ける加飾加工を行えば京指物のできあがりです。 気になる京指物の作品 京指物は茶道具をはじめ、桐箱や米櫃、調味料入れ、おちょこなどがあります。 通販サイトでは、いろいろな京指物が販売されているので、きっとお気に入りの作品が見つかるでしょう。 京指物紹介まとめ 京都は多くの観光客で賑わっており、日本の伝統工芸や歴史などを勉強するなら一度は訪れたい場所です。 今回紹介した動画をきっかけに日本の伝統工芸や京都について興味を持ってもらえれば幸いです。 -
Video article 15:28
Enjoy the Splendid Craftsmanship of Tempura Endo Yasaka in Gion, Kyoto. The Kyoto-Style Tempura Restaurant Will Blow You Away With Its Seasonal Ingredients
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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This video, titled "【海外セレブ御用達!高級天ぷら圓堂 超貴重な職人技!ASMR 京都 日本 The Art of Tempura Time! Japanese food,Kyoto Endo chef's skill!," was released by "DELI BALI." Tempura Endo Yasaka in Gion, Kyoto was established in Kyoto in 1868 and offers Kyoto-style tempura with seasonal vegetables and seafood. Visitors can also purchase a souvenir bento boxed lunch with shrimp tempura and tenmusu, which is cooked in the video. The restaurant popular even abroad, opened its first U.S. restaurant in Beverly Hills in 2015. Tempura Endo Yasaka in Gion, Kyoto is only a 2-10 minute walk from Kodaiji, Kiyomizudera, and Kenninji, so be sure to stop by on your way to visit these temples! -
Video article 8:59
These Noodles Go Down Smooth! Inaniwa Udon - How One of Japan's Top 3 Udons Is Made!
Food & Drink- 45 plays
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Making Inaniwa Udon This video shows how "Inaniwa Udon," a specialty of Akita Prefecture, said to be one of Japan's top 3 udon noodles, is made. As you can see in the video, Inaniwa Udon is made through several steps: 1. Neri (練り): Kneading 2. Komaki (小巻): The noodles are cut into pieces, stretched out to about 1.5 cm in thickness, and coiled inside a tub. 3. Nai (綯い): This involves wrapping the noodles around two small bars that resemble a sort of "noodle loom." 4. Tsubushi (つぶし): Using a special rolling pin to flatten the noodles that have been wrapped around the bars. 5. Nobashi (延ばし): Lengthening the noodles by hanging, etc. 6. Kansou (乾燥): Drying the noodles. 7. Saidan (裁断): Cutting the noodles to length. 8. Senbetsu (選別): Separating and removing any imperfect noodles. Inaniwa udon has a long history of being served to lords since the Edo period, and it was not allowed to be eaten by ordinary people. It is characterized by its translucent milky white color, smooth, slippery texture, and firm noodles. Be sure to try a bowl if you get the chance! -
Video article 49:10
[The Times Are Changing] Changes in Work Content Due to Mechanization and Rationalization, and Examples of Work From a Simpler Time
Life & Business- 29 plays
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This video, titled "[Changes in Cargo Handling] Transportation Pallet Work (1958)|Logistics Archives|Nippon Express" (荷役はかわる 通運のパレット作業(1958)|物流アーカイブズ|日本通運), was released by "Nippon Express Official Channel" (日本通運 公式チャンネル). This video explains about cargo handling in 1958. For more than a hundred years, cargo handling has been done by hand. However, this method had many disadvantages, such as the burden on the person carrying it and damage to cargo. The advent of forklifts, pallets, and roller conveyors changed this old-fashioned cargo handling operation. By mechanizing and streamlining the process using these devices, the efficiency of cargo handling operations has greatly improved! It has brought about a revolutionary change in cargo handling. This video shows how cargo loading and unloading has changed, from the old-fashioned loading and unloading of the past, to the mechanization of work today. -
Video article 5:50
Natural Incense Sticks Made Using a Water Wheel in Ibaraki Prefecture! The Only Materials Used Are Cedar Leaves and Fresh Water From Mount Tsukuba!
Traditional Crafts- 22 plays
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This video, titled "Japan Handicrafts x Komamura Seimei-do" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 駒村清明堂), was released by "Japan Handicrafts" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑). Amidst the sound of the waterwheel, what is being carefully prepared is a cedar incense stick made by Komamura Seimei-do, which has been made for over 100 years since the Meiji Era. What makes it unique is that Komamura Seimei-do is the only company in Ibaraki Prefecture that makes incense sticks using waterwheels. It takes about 40 hours to slowly grind the dried cedar leaves, which are more than 50 years old, to prevent the fragrance of the cedar from escaping. Spring water from Mt. Tsukuba is the only other ingredient combined with the ground cedar leaves. The incense sticks are 100% additive-free and derived from nature in Ibaraki. Many buyers are fascinated by the elegant fragrance that makes you feel as if you're bathing in a forest and come to experience the work or visit the factory. -
Video article 19:32
Even Don Konishi Recognizes Kiryu Yokoburi Embroidery! The Skills of the Master Embroiderer, Who Was the First to Receive the Medal With a Yellow Ribbon in Embroidery, Are to Be Passed on to the Youth of a New Age!
Traditional Crafts- 25 plays
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This video, titled "#097 Kiryu horizontal embroidery artisan Hiroshi Higa|Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (#097 桐生横振り刺繍職人 比嘉 寛志 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム), was released by "Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (明日への扉 by アットホーム). This is a unique Japanese embroidery technique called "yokoburi" embroidery, which uses a "yokoburi sewing machine" with a needle that moves horizontally. Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, which developed into one of Japan's leading embroidery production areas after the importation of the yokoburi sewing machine in the Taisho period. This technique is called "Kiryu Yokoburi." The video shows a young man who emigrated from Okinawa Prefecture, impressed by the embroidery on a jacket. His name is Higa Hiroshi. He studied under Kiyomi Osawa, the first recipient of the Medal with a Yellow Ribbon, and learned the delicate world of embroidery. In the video, fashion designer Don Konishi, who highly approves of Mr. Osawa, also makes an appearance. The art he creates on the sewing machine is a must-see! -
Video article 15:28
Even a Dented Car Can Be Beautifully Restored With These Amazing Sheet Metal Skills! A Look at Shizuoka Prefecture's Sheet Metal Repair Technology!
Life & Business- 28 plays
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This video, titled "Professional sheet metal skills that repair dents like they never happened! A Look at Shizuoka Prefecture's Sheet Metal Repair Technology! Car Factory Hakamada (Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture)" (プロの鈑金技術で事故車にならずに凹みを修復! 自動車修理鈑金技術を見学 カーファクトリーハカマダ(静岡県浜松市)), was released by "Momo Channel! [A Wireless Outdoorsy Youtuber With a Car]" (ももチャンネル! 【無線と車でアウトドアなYouTuber】). This video takes you on a tour of Car Factory Hakamada in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, to see how they repair cars. They show a car with big scratches and dents on the side from when it hit a wall. If the scratched and dented parts were to be replaced, the car would be considered to have been in an accident, so they decided to repair the car using sheet metal repair techniques! If possible, you want to restore the car to a clean state without it having "been in an accident," because if the car is in an accident, the resale value is often significantly lower. Cars that are scratched and dented are restored as if they were new thanks to the brilliant skills of these sheet metal masters! -
Video article 10:54
Eat Freshly Cut and Freshly Cooked Unaju! A Look at the Delicious Unaju of Unazen, Near Tokyo Sky Tree in Azumabashi, Tokyo!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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The Unaju of Unazen in Azumabashi This video shows the eel dishes of Unazen. Unazen has been open for more than 30 years in Azumabashi, near Tokyo Sky Tree, and has been run by a husband and wife team. There is often a line of people waiting to enter the restaurant. Unazen's unaju is made to order, so you can get freshly cooked eel that was live until your order was placed. Enjoy experiencing freshly cut and freshly cooked eel! ◆Unazen Store Information◆ 【Address】東京都墨田区吾妻橋3-6-18 【Access】A 7-minute walk from Asakusa Station off the Tobu Isesaki Line and Tokyo Metro Ginza Line / A 1-minute walk from Honjo-Azumabashi Station off the Toei Asakusa Line (exit A4) 【Avg. Cost】¥3600+ 【Hours】Tuesday - Friday 11:00-18:00 / Saturday - Sunday 11:00-16:00, or until sold out 【Closures】Mondays. If Monday is a public holiday then the following day is also closed. 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3624-0475 【Tabelog】Unazen (鰻禅) https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1312/A131203/13058979/ -
Video article 14:18
Keiji Nakazawa, Known as an Edo-Mae Sushi Chef From Japan, Has Opened the Hot New Sushi Sho in Waikiki, Hawaii! In This Video, Keiji Nakazawa Talks About the Spirit of Artisanship and the Importance of Sushi!
Food & Drink- 24 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "How Master Sushi Chef Keiji Nakazawa Built the Ultimate Sushi Team — Omakase," was released by Eater. This video introduces sushi chef Keiji Nakazawa's "Sushi Sho" at the Ritz-Carlton Residences in Waikiki, Hawaii. Mr. Nakazawa used to be a renowned sushi chef in Tokyo, but now he is taking on the challenge of serving Edo-mae sushi in Hawaii while using local fish. In the dignified atmosphere of the restaurant, the video shows the chefs working diligently to serve delicious local fish. Mr. Nakazawa says that the most important things are body, mind, and spirit. The only item on the menu is a carefully selected omakase course. Once you watch the video, you'll want to visit and taste it for yourself! -
Video article 3:28
Sukiyabashi Jiro - A Michelin-Starred Restaurant for Eight Consecutive Years! What the Artisans at Japan's Leading Sushi Restaurant Have to Say About Sushi!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
- YouTube
This video is titled "Sukiyabashi Jiro|Ono Jiro, the Sushi God" (すきやばし次郎 神様小野次郎). It was released by "mrlll." This video introduces Sukiyabashi Jiro, a famous sushi restaurant in Japan that has been awarded three stars by Michelin for eight consecutive years. Every piece of sushi made is sparkling and pleasing to the eye, and the taste is also indescribable, making Sukiyabashi Jiro famous as one of Japan's leading restaurants. It is famous for being the place where former American president, Barack Obama, visited, and it is a sushi restaurant we highly recommend checking out if you can. In this video, Jiro Ono, a chef at Sukiyabashi Jiro, talks about his sushi. -
Video article 6:33
The Work of a Master! The Amazing Kimono Making Process Starting From a Hand-Drawn Sketch!
Traditional Culture- 50 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "How to make Kimono - Digest Ver.," was released by Japanese Kimono Online Shop KYOTO. In this video, the process of making a kimono, starting from the hand-drawn sketches, is shown. The skilled artisans hand-draw the designs, which is a sight to behold in itself. The embroidery is also done by hand, resulting in beautiful kimono. Check out the finished kimono in the video! -
Video article 4:52
Saito Jotaro's Latest Kimono Designs Fascinate the World! A Commitment To Kimono That Even the World-Famous Artist Lady Gaga Delighted In!
Traditional Culture- 152 plays
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The Long History of the Japanese Kimono This video, titled "Kimono inspired by the ‘street’, Jotaro Saito | V&A" was created by "Victoria and Albert Museum." The kimono is an important part of Japanese culture. The knowledge and techniques required to create beautiful kimono have been passed down for centuries. Have you ever heard of Jotaro Saito? The video will introduce the kimono designer, whose work is famous both inside and outside of Japan. In the article, we'll provide supplementary information about Jotaro Saito. If you're interested in traditional Japanese culture, we highly recommend checking out the video! Introducing Jotaro Saito Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, Jotaro Saito talks about how his kimonos are made. There are English subtitles available for those who don't speak Japanese. Jotaro Saito was born in Kyoto in 1961. His family owns a well-established dyeing store that has been in business for over 80 years. He was brought up in an environment surrounded by kimono. In the interview, Jotaro Saito talks about how his kimono are designed to bring out a woman's sexiness. He also explains that "street" is the main source of inspiration for his designs from 0:46 in the video. From 2:56 in the video, Jotaro Saito touches on the manufacturing process and areas of specialization, such as embroidery, that make up the design of his kimonos. You can also take a look at how the designs are hand-drawn onto the kimono in the video. It's a very informative video for anyone wanting to learn more about the kimono-making process and how kimono patterns are created. More About the Famous Kimono Designer Jotaro Saito Source :YouTube screenshot Jotaro Saito is a kimono designer who was born in Kyoto prefecture. His grandfather, Saizaburo Saito (斉藤才三郎) was a dye artist and his father, Sansai Saito (斉藤三才), a kimono designer. At the young age of 27, Jotaro debuted as a kimono designer and began creating modern kimono to fit the lives of people today. His kimono designs are based on the Yuzen dyeing method (友禅) which he learned from his father. This method of dyeing is combined with special weaving techniques to create truly unique kimono designs. Jotaro Saito is also famous for his interior design work in buildings such as the Ritz-Carlton Kyoto (ザ・リッツ・カールトン京都) and the Grand Prince Hotel Shin Takanawa (グランドプリンスホテル新高輪). He also runs his own café called JOTARO SAITO in Ginza (銀座). Make sure to stop by during your trip to Japan and have a look at some of the Jotaro Saito goods for sale! Jotaro Saito's work is being recognized worldwide and his kimonos have been featured in Japan Fashion Week in Tokyo and he has even had the opportunity to create outfits for Lady Gaga. Learn More About Japanese Culture! Source :YouTube screenshot Jotaro Saito is a world-renown kimono designer. For those interested in traditional Japanese clothing, such as kimono, furisode and yukata, we highly recommend taking a look at some of Jotaro Saito's beautiful kimono in the video! -
Video article 29:17
The Roji of a Tea House. A Look at the Skill and Commitment of the Gardener Who Created the Urasenke Tea Garden
Traditional Culture- 38 plays
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This video is titled "#106 Gardener - Creating the garden of tea ceremony "Roji" - Kyosuke Ogawa - Door to Tomorrow by At Home." It was released by "Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (明日への扉 by アットホーム). In this video, you can see Kyoto gardener Kyosuke Ogawa working on the "roji," the garden to the tea ceremony room. Mr. Ogawa is the fifth-generation gardener at Uekuma, a long-established tea garden company in Kyoto. He mainly works on the tea gardens of the Urasenke. Check out the video to see how he creates beautiful roji through trial and error. -
Video article 7:31
A Master Bonsai Artist's Technique to Share the Appeal of Bonsai With the World! A Look at the Performance Leaving Italians in Awe!
Traditional Culture- 42 plays
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This video, titled "Kunio Kobayashi Bonsai demonstration," was released by Bonsai Empire (盆栽エンパイア). In this video, you can see the performance of Kunio Kobayashi, a bonsai master, at a bonsai event in Italy. Mr. Kunio Kobayashi has built a bonsai museum in Japan and has been promoting bonsai around the world. The video shows him impressing the people of Italy with his techniques. -
Video article 4:48
It Takes Time and Advanced Skills To Make Edo Sashimono, a Traditional Furniture of Tokyo That Uses 0 Nails! One Woman, Fascinated by the Traditional Techniques of the Edo Period, Passes on the Essence of Edo to the Modern World
Traditional Crafts- 287 plays
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About the Edo Sashimono Introductory Video This video, titled "Edo Sashimono, Traditional Furniture Made Without Using Nails - Tokyo Craftsman" (釘を使わない伝統の家具 東京職人「江戸指物」), was released by "Kyodo News." In Japan, there is a traditional way of building, creating furniture, and woodworking without using a single nail. This woodworking technique is called "sashimono" and has a long history dating back to the Heian Period (794-1185). Professionals who build Japanese shrines are called Kudenshi (宮殿師, "Buddhist altar craftsmen") or Miyadaiku (宮大工, temple carpenters), and it is said that the methods for crafting Edo Sashimono were inherited from these craftsmen. The origin of the name "sashimono" comes from fitting wood together (指, "sashi" means "put into"). You can see the female Edo Sashimono furniture craftsman "Motoko Kawauchi," who works at a workshop in Higashi-Nippori, Arakawa, Tokyo, in the video, carefully carving the mortice and tenon so that the dresser can be put together tightly. One can see that when the boards are put together, they fit together in a very satisfying way, creating a sturdy dresser. You can see a close look at the mortises at 1:02 in the video. Traditional Sashimono Craftsman Source :YouTube screenshot Unlike ordinary furniture craftsmen, Edo Sashimono, which is inherited from the advanced woodworking techniques of traditional Japanese craftsmen, the people who specialize in this are called "Sashimonoshi" (指物師). The history of the sashimonoshi is long, and it is said that it was during the Muromachi Period (1336-1573) that the techniques began to be passed down for a profession. The main crafts of Edo Sashimono consists of chests and shelves. Since ancient times, sashimono were used by noble houses and aristocrats in Kyoto and in the Edo Period (1603-1868), when they became the purveyors to the Tokugawa Shogunate, many sashimono craftsmen were invited to Edo, and the furniture they made became so popular that it became indispensable to samurai life. Many Edo sashimonoshi lived in the current Taito Ward, which was lined with daimyo residences. From the remnants of those days, Edo Sashimono workshops are still concentrated around Tokyo's Taito Ward. Characteristics of the Edo Sashimono, a Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot The characteristic of Edo Sashimono is the texture of woodwork furniture that makes the best use of the beauty of the wood grain. Also, because no nails are used, the appearance is clean and beautiful, and you can see from the video that the craftsmanship is utilized on all parts of the furniture. Edo Sashimono carves mortises and tenons so that the wooden joints cannot be seen from the outside when putting them together, because of this, the less you can see them, the higher the level of craftsmanship. Looking at the finished product of Edo Sashimono, you can see a glimpse of the simple and sturdy spirit of the craftsmen of the Edo Period. As shown at the end of the video, when you press one drawer, a different drawer pops out; which is evidence that the inside of the chest is very airtight because the wooden joints fit tightly together. The mortises are carved in such a way that if you put something in a drawer, the weight of it will prevent it from popping out. Edo sashimono craftsmen have passed down the traditional Japanese techniques to the present, from the selection of mulberry, zelkova, and paulownia wood to methods for assembling different pieces. You can see the beautiful completed wardrobe, like a work of art, from 3:03 in the video. Summary of Edo Sashimono, a Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we introduced Edo Sashimono, a traditional Japanese craft, alongside the video. When you go sightseeing in Japan, consider checking out an Edo Sashimono Exhibition and experiencing Edo Sashimono and the craftsmanship of traditional Japanese culture! 【Official Website】Edo Sashimono - Traditional Crafts | Taito Ward Official Traditional Crafts Site https://craft.city.taito.lg.jp/craft/893/ -
Video article 19:19
A Close Look at the "Tsugegushi Comb" Craftsman Inheriting Japanese Tradition! Hideaki Mori's Passion for Creating Combs Greater Than Any That Technology Can Produce!
Traditional Crafts- 49 plays
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This video, titled "#020 Tsugegushi Comb Craftsman Hideaki Mori|Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (#020 つげ櫛職人 森 英明 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム), was released by "Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (明日への扉 by アットホーム). Hideaki Mori is a tsugegushi comb craftsman born in 1983 in Aichi Prefecture. He is the third generation of "Tsugegushi Shoten," a long-established comb manufacturer. The tsugegushi comb is made from the wood of the Japanese boxwood, and in spite of its hardness, the teeth are hard to break and strong and static electricity does not occur easily because of the elasticity. For these reasons, the comb has long attracted users as a top quality comb. When Hideaki was a university student, he saw the reaction of the customers who used tsugegushi combs and realized the splendor of the tsugegushi combs. Upon graduating from college, he became an apprentice to his father, Shingo Mori, the third generation of the family, and has continued to hone his skills. -
Video article 19:34
The Cooking at Okinawa's Teppanyaki Steak Restaurant, "Heki," Will Have Your Mouth Watering Just Seeing It... So Delicious You Can FEEL the Flavors!
Food & Drink- 40 plays
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Heki - A Teppanyaki Steak Restaurant in Okinawa This video shows the chef grilling vegetables, shrimp, and wagyu steaks on a teppanyaki grill at the teppanyaki steak restaurant "Heki" in Okinawa Prefecture. Teppanyaki is a dish in which vegetables, fish, meat, etc. are grilled and served on a teppan, and many restaurants cook right in front of you. Another attraction of teppanyaki is that you can eat freshly prepared, hot food. Just watching the video seems to give you a sense of how delicious it is. Be sure to check out the teppanyaki steak restaurant "Heki" when you visit Okinawa. ◆Heki Higashimachi Store Information◆ 【Address】900-0034 Okinawa-ken, Naha-shi, Higashimachi 19-25 【Access】A 4-minute walk from Asahibashi Station 【Avg. Cost】¥3,000+ 【Hours】11:30-22:00 (L.O. 20:30) 【Closures】None 【Parking】Available 【Phone】098-917-3205 【Official Homepage】Teppanyaki Steak Restaurant HEKI https://heki.co.jp/ 【Tabelog】Heki (碧) Higashimachi Store https://tabelog.com/en/okinawa/A4701/A470101/47016210/ -
Video article 37:41
A Wooden Dollhouse With a Hidden Door! This Masterpiece Is Made With 100 Yen Materials and Amazing Craftsmanship!
Modern Culture- 21 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "DIY☺︎ 100均のフォトフレームに隠し扉のあるドールハウスを作ってみた!Miniature dollhouse with hidden door!" was released by "Hanabira工房" This is a popular DIY video that received over 1 million views within a month of its release! In the video, you can see a dollhouse with a hidden door being made. It uses mainly wood and 100-yen products. In the 40-minute video, you can enjoy watching the amazing process of making this hidden-door dollhouse. One of the highlights is the fried eggs and bacon on a frying pan that can be seen at 29:11 in the video. It's hard to believe they're smaller than a one-yen coin. -
Video article 6:00
A City That Produces 95% Of the Shogi Pieces Used in Japan. Introducing the Traditional Culture and Shogi Craftsmen of Tendo, Yamagata!
Traditional Culture History Life & Business- 108 plays
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Highly Specialized Shogi Pieces and Human Shogi in Tendo, Yamagata! This video, titled "Shogi Culture in Tendo - The Thoughts of Craftsmen and Human Shogi" (天童市の将棋駒文化~生産者の想いと人間将棋~), was uploaded by "The City of Tendo" (天童市). It's a PR video that was released by the Public Relations Department of Tendo, Yamagata, located in Japan's Tohoku region. Tendo is a small town in Yamagata Prefecture that produces more than 95% of Japan's shogi pieces. It has a long history, with roots dating back to around 1830. The origins date back to the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), when shogi itself was considered to be connected to bushido and the samurai way of life, and shogi pieces began to be made as an in-house occupation for many warriors. Tendo's passion for shogi is so strong that various shogi events are held as part of the city's urban development. As seen at 0:38 in the video, there are symbols of Shogi pieces on mail boxes, taxis, and bridges, and even shogi puzzles on the sidewalks of the streets. Urban Development and Shogi in Tendo, Yamagata. The Unique Charm of Tendo, a Town Full of Shogi! Photo:Human shogi, Tendo, Yamagata Tendo, Yamagata famous for shogi, hosts an event called the Tendo Cherry Blossom Festival: Human Shogi. This is one of the urban development events held just around the time the cherry blossoms are in full bloom in April, surrounded by approximately 2,000 cherry trees at the top of Mt. Maizuru. Human shogi, which can be seen from 1:12 in the video, is loved by people of all ages and genders. The basic rules are the same as for regular shogi. This unique shogi tournament, in which people play as shogi pieces, shows the smiling faces of Tendo residents and their passion for Shogi. Tendo is a town full of attractions and shogi alike. In addition to visiting the Shogi Museum and other famous attractions, we also recommend taking a stroll around the town of shogi, looking at souvenirs as you walk, and enjoying a tour of the shogi pieces that decorate the sidewalks. Shogi Culture and the Shogi Craftsmen of Tendo, Yamagata Producing 95% Of Japan's Shogi Pieces Tendo, which has supported the production of shogi pieces since the end of the Edo period, employs a method unique to Tendo that has been handed down from one generation to the next. Kijizukuri, the process of shaping logs into shogi pieces, is one of the fundamental operations in Shogi piece production. It's a high-quality crafting technique that can only be realized by Tendo's shogi craftsmen, who care deeply for the people that will be holding the pieces they craft. You can see how shogi pieces are made at 1:52 in the video. The calligraphy on crafted shogi pieces is done with lacquer. Unlike the ink used in calligraphy, lacquer cannot be used to write smoothly. Using lacquer to write characters such as "Osho" (王将, King), "Hisha" (飛車, Rook), and "Kaku" (角, Bishop) on small shogi pieces brings the shogi pieces to life. Furthermore, carving pieces using a seal-engraving knife is another well-known method. In Tendo, Yamagata, shogi piece craftsmen carve the characters by hand. This gives the pieces a texture and smoothness that machines cannot replicate. In this way, Tendo supports Japan's important, traditional shogi culture. The Different Pieces of Tendo, Yamagata Used in Titled Matches and Matches Between Shogi Meijin Photo:Shogi pieces Hori-koma (彫埋駒, engraved pieces) and Moriage-koma (盛上駒, pieces with raised characters painted with a special brush) used in matches between shogi meijin and in titled tournaments, are made by shogi piece craftsmen in Tendo, Yamagata. The shogi meijin system has a history of more than 400 years and is supported by the superb pieces made by the shogi craftsmen of Tendo. Hohoemi no Yado Takinoyu, a long-established ryokan in Tendo, where shogi culture is deeply rooted, is widely known to shogi fans as the site of the Ryuo Tournament. The Ryuo Room at Hohoemi no Yado Takinoyu has been passed down through the generations as the site of one of shogi's most historically famous games, in which Yoshiharu Habu, a shogi meijin (master) and chess FIDE Master, won the Ryuo title in 1994, with a 4-2 victory. The long-established ryokan Hohoemi no Yado Takinoyu can be reserved by the general public, and can be used as lodging when sightseeing in Tendo City. Sightseeing and Specialty Products of Tendo, Yamagata, a Town of Shogi We recommend using a sightseeing volunteer guide or using the "Tendo WARABE KOMA GUIDE" to explore the sights of Tendo, Yamagata. Various pieces are on display at the Shogi Museum as well. In addition, for residents of Japan, Tendo also focuses on Furusato Nozei tax payments, and returns include Yamagata Prefecture's specialty products, such as La France (French pears) and cherries, as well as shogi piece straps (key holders, etc.), decorative pieces, and sets of shogi pieces and shogi boards. Summary of Tendo, a Place of Shogi Culture in Yamagata Prefecture Photo:A shogi art installment at Tendo Park, Tendo, Yamagata Shogi piece culture has been handed down since the end of the Edo period in Tendo. In Tendo, Yamagata, shogi piece craftsmen have long supported traditional Japanese culture. The passion of Shogi piece craftsmen and Tendo's urban development events to preserve traditional culture... Enjoy the charm of Tendo's shogi culture in this 6-minute video. 【Trip Advisor】Tendo, a Town of Shogi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1023678-Tendo_Yamagata_Prefecture_Tohoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 4:03
Fresh, Hot and Fluffy Taiyaki! Check Out This Video Demonstration of Taiyaki, a Popular Japanese Confectionery That All Japanese Know and Love, at Gin no An!
Food & Drink Shopping- 137 plays
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Video introduction of "Gin no An Osu Shotengai" Taiyaki store in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture This video, titled "薄皮たい焼きの作り方 Japanese Pancakes fish shaped TAIYAKI," produced by "Sushi Bomber TV クッキング最前線," shows taiyaki being made at a food stall. This video is a compilation of taiyaki demonstrations at "Gin no An" at Osu Shotengai, a shopping street in Nagoya city (名古屋市: Nagoya-shi, Aichi prefecture (愛知県: Aichi-ken). Taiyaki is a traditional Japanese confectionery in the shape of a fish, and there are many famous shops in Japan that sell the delicious snack. Be sure to watch this video to learn how it's made! The Origin and Types of Taiyaki Photo:Taiyaki In Japan, “Imagawayaki, a round pancake filled with red bean paste, has been eaten since the Edo period (1603-1868). One day, a long established imagawayaki store changed the shape of their pancakes from a round shape to a fish shape. After changing the shape, the snack quite literally sold like hotcakes. The nursery rhyme Oyoge Taiyaki-kun was also a popular song for children in the Showa era. Taiyaki has a long history, and the variety of taiyaki is expanding rapidly, from the more orthodox ones with azuki beans in between, to chocolate taiyaki and even cream taiyaki. How to Make Taiyaki Source :YouTube screenshot Taiyaki are baked from a mixture of ingredients, including flour, baking soda, sugar, and water. The batter is poured into a metal baking mold specially made for taiyaki, followed by a generous amount of sweet bean paste, as shown at 0:45 in the video. When the batter is sufficiently cooked, the two sides of the mold are combined and it is further baked, as shown at 1:27 in the video. This can be a bit difficult to prepare at home, as the average homeowner doesn't have a taiyaki machine available. At 2:46 in the video, you can see the popular croissant taiyaki being made. The cooking process differs from regular taiyaki in that the ingredients are pre-prepared and can be baked as is. Each taiyaki contains about 220 calories and costs around 120-150 yen. Taiyaki is inexpensive and easy to eat, making it a great snack. Summary of Taiyaki Source :YouTube screenshot If you're planning a trip to Japan, we recommend that you taste a variety of Japanese food and sweets to gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture. there are a number of taiyaki shops, such as Gin no An, all over Japan that offer taiyaki sales demonstrations.> Once you've experienced the artisanal skills of these taiyaki chefs, be sure to try their freshly baked taiyaki! At 3:32 in the video, a customer breaks his taiyaki in half and shows us what's inside... It looks so yummy! ◆Gin no An - Osu Syotengai◆ 【Address】 2-17-20 Osu Naka-Ku Nagoya-shi Aichi ken 460 - 0011 【Access】A 7-8 minute walk from Osu-Kannon Station on the Nagoya Municipal Subway Maizuru Line 【Hours】[Weekdays ] 11:00 to 20:00, [Weekends and National holidays ] 10:30 to 20:00 Open 7 days a week 【Telephone】052-209-9151 【Parking】None 【Official Website】Gin-no An http://www.ginnoan.com/ -
Video article 6:48
The skill of the bonsai master of "Kisshoen" in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture! The world of craftsmanship is shown in this video! See the art of fusion of the natural beauty of materials and human skill!
Traditional Crafts- 166 plays
- YouTube
Japanese Traditional Craft "Bonsai" - Video Introduction of Interview with Bonsai Master in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture This video "Bonsai"(盆栽) was created by "Nippon Teshigotozukan". It is a video introducing the world of Bonsai featuring an interview with a Bonsai craftsman. Bonsai is the traditional Japanese art of growing miniature trees in containers which are often decorated with moss and other small decorations. Experts in the craft of making Bonsai are called Bonsai masters. The origin of Bonsai dates back to the Heian period (794 - 1185 AD). Bonsai is so popular that the Japanese word 'Bonsai' is known in many countries across the world. In this interview video, you can learn how to create and look after your own Bonsai tree. Please enjoy learning about traditional Japanese culture through this video! What is Bonsai? Let us introduce some of the special techniques required to make Bonsai! Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, we introduce the Bonsai master Okamoto Yoshimitsu, whose workshop "Kichishouen" is located in Toyota city, Aichi prefecture in the Tokai region of Japan. Okamoto Yoshimitsu is famous for his Needle Juniper Bonsai works of art. Source :YouTube screenshot Many techniques are required to complete a Bonsai piece of art, such as pruning, using wires to create bends in the tree's structure and applying paint to name a few. You can see some of these techniques from 2:07 in the video. You can also see some of the tools required for the maintenance of Bonsai from 0:23. Bonsai require special care as the seasons change, similar to other trees in nature. You can see the difference pruning makes to the Bonsai from the before and after pictures at 3:30 in the video. Interview With a Bonsai Master Source :YouTube screenshot From 3:40 in the video, Bonsai master Okamoto Yoshimitsu talks of how he feels the effort put into taking care of Bonsai can be very rewarding, similar to bringing up children. "Bonsai is a Japanese tradition, one that I do not want to die out I want young people to learn about Bonsai and understand the concept of Wabi-sabi (wabi-sabi is a Japanese term used to express the beauty of imperfection). Bonsai is a great way to express oneself through one's own style". Enjoy Looking the Fabulous Bonsai Works of Art Photo:Bonsai Tree Many people in Japan take up Bonsai as a hobby to enjoy the wabi-sabi aspect of the art. There are many varieties of Bonsai tree, from the inexpensive trees aimed at beginners to the very old trees and expensive pots used by professionals and experienced practitioners. The same type of tree, such as a Japanese white pine, can also have several structural forms: formal upright, informal upright, slanted and windswept are a few examples. Other tree types such as cherry blossom and maple trees can also be used. The charm of Bonsai comes from the individualized pruning and shaping of the trees which gives each particular tree it's personality. The combination of the natural beauty of the tree itself and the creativity and individuality of the craftsman is what makes Bonsai so interesting. Bonsai Tree Summary Source :YouTube screenshot Bonsai is a popular Japanese tradition that has been around for many generations. The Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama is growing in popularity, with more young people and foreigners visiting each year. There is also a tapioca shop which serves Bonsai Tapioca Milk Tea which is very popular with customers. Bonsai may look difficult but there are Bonsai for sale that are easy to look after, even for complete beginners. For those who are interested in the traditional Japanese art of Bonsai, why not try raising your own? ◆Kichishouen Introduction Information◆ 【Address】Yabushita 3, Nishimachi, Unebe, Toyota city, Aichi prefecture 470-1219 【Phone number】0565-21-2713 【Official Website】Saitama Bonsai Art Museum https://www.bonsai-art-museum.jp/en/