Video article 4:53
Onomichi Ramen Betcha - A World-Renowned Winner of the Monde Selection Gold Medal Three Years in a Row!
Food & Drink- 28 plays
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This video, titled "Onomichi Ramen Betcha (World-Renowned for Its Excellence)" (尾道らーめん ベッチャー【世界が認めた絶品の尾道ラーメン】), was released by "Jordan Travel VLOG" (ジョルダンの旅VLOG). This video introduces Onomichi Ramen Betcha, which has been awarded the Monde Selection gold medal for three consecutive years and is famous as a world-renowned ramen. The combination of chicken broth based soup with small fish flakes from the Seto Inland Sea and curly noodles that go just right with it, create a popular bowl of noodles. It's prayed for at Ichinomiya Shrine, which hosts the Betcha Festival, so you can expect to be cleansed of bad luck as well! This video introduces Onomichi Ramen Betcha in detail, so be sure to check it out. -
Video article 6:15
Once You've Had It, You'll Be Addicted - The Ramen Shop Kaigaraya! Their Oyster-Infused Soup Is Just Too Good!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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This video, titled 貝ガラ屋@淵野辺, was released by 行列覚悟のラーメン店Ramen shops worth the wait. This video introduces the ramen shop "Kaigaraya" in Sagamihara. What makes this ramen shop unique is the soup made with oysters, which is a must-try for seafood lovers. There are only two types of noodles on the menu, oyster soba and oyster tsukemen, so you don't have to worry about what you're going to eat. The side dish, oyster rice, is also delicious, so we recommend ordering it. In this video, you can see the oyster soba at Kaigaraya, so be sure to check it out. -
Video article 10:04
If You See a Line it's Probably Jiro-style Ramen, Fujimaru! A Look at the Mountain of Ramen and How it Tastes!
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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This video, titled " A Jiro-style restaurant with a long line of customers! Visiting a ramen shop I've been wanting to try for a long time (Sannen Shokutaro)" ( 【大食い】行列の絶えない二郎系!ずっと行ってみたかった念願のラーメン屋さんに行ってきた【三年食太郎】), was released by "Sannen Shokutaro" (三年食太郎). In this video, they introduce Ramen Fujimaru, famous for its Jiro-style ramen. Ramen Fujimaru is one of the most famous Jiro-style ramen shops, and it's said that if you want Jiro style ramen, this isthe place to go. The light broth is packed full of flavor, and you can eat an unbelievable amount of Jiro-style ramen. If you want to eat Jiro-style ramen, you've got to check this place out! The video shows you what people are actually eating at Ramen Fujimaru, so if you're interested, take a look! -
Video article 5:41
The Unique Flavors of the Ramen Shop Menya Musashi! Each Shop Is Said to Have a Different Taste, So You'll Feel Like You're Going to a Different Ramen Shop Each Time!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "Menya Musashi|Shinjuku Flagship Store|Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo|Kakuni Tsukemen|Standard" (麺屋武蔵 新宿総本店 東京都新宿区西新宿 角煮つけ麺 並), was released by "Nationwide Ramen Videos" (全国ラーメン動画). This video introduces Menya Musashi with the motto "no two shops have the same flavor." Their Shinjuku flagship store serves a double broth of "animal-based soup" and "seafood-based soup" which is mainly made with chicken and pork bones. However, the Ikebukuro branch offers ramen that is mainly deep-fried toppings, and the Okachimachi branch uses tonkotsu soup as its base, and offers three colors of ramen: white, red, and black, showing that each shop is completely different. In this video, you can see a sample of the Kakuni Dipping Ramen served at the Shinjuku flagship store, so if you're interested, check it out! -
Video article 4:13
A Ramen Shop Not to Be Missed for Those Who Love Hot and Spicy Food in Yokohama! Mouko Tanmen Nakamoto Yokohama! What a Spicy, Visually Stunning Ramen!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "The Man Who Has Been Slurping Down Nakamoto Noodles for Years Tries Them Again. Mouko Tanmen Nakamoto Yokohama Branch [Food Porn] Susuru TV. Episode 1422" (中本を一年すすり続けた男が、あらためて蒙古タンメンをすする 蒙古タンメン中本横浜店【飯テロ】 SUSURU TV.第1422回), was released by "SUSURU TV." This video introduces Mouko Tanmen Nakamoto's Yokohama Shop, which is very famous for its super spicy ramen in Yokohama. Mouko Tanmen is a very popular ramen that is characterized by it's spicy soup that you can't finish without a sip of water. The toppings are also very characteristic, and it is not often that you see egg, wakame seaweed, and mapo tofu on top of ramen. In this video, you can see a review of the ramen, so if you are interested, be sure to check it out! -
Video article 1:36
Here's a List of the Most Popular Places to Visit in Tokyo! Tokyo Is Full of Fascinating Places to Visit That Attract People From All Over the World!
Travel- 108 plays
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東京の人気観光スポット紹介動画について こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「IS JAPAN COOL? TOKYO」ロングバージョン」です。 日本の首都である東京には、さまざまな人気観光スポットがあります。 日本の歴史や伝統を感じられるスポット、東京の絶景を楽しめるスポット、絶品グルメを楽しめるエリアなど盛りだくさん。 こちらの記事では、東京の中で特におすすめのスポットを紹介し、東京の魅力を知ってもらいたいと思います。 この動画を見れば、「東京を観光したいな」と思うはず! 東京を観光するときに人気のエリアを紹介 東京を観光するときにおすすめのエリアといえば浅草でしょう。 浅草は日本らしい景色や伝統的な文化が楽しめる人気の観光地。 浅草寺の美しいお寺を見学したり、浅草演芸ホールで落語を体験するなど日本の文化を楽しむことができます。 浅草では屋形船に乗ることをおすすめします。隅田川から見る景観を楽しみましょう! 東京を観光するときに欠かせないエリアは新宿もあげられます。 新宿はグルメや都会の景色を楽しめる東京の中心地。 昔の日本らしい雰囲気の思い出横丁にはたくさんの外国人の観光客が訪れます。 さらに、都庁の展望室からもご覧になれる絶景や、ヒルトン東京、京王プラザホテルといった高級ホテルがあるのも魅力です。 また、新宿の周辺には新宿御苑や花園神社といった美しい景勝地も存在します。 東京を観光で歴史を感じることができるスポットを紹介 東京で日本の歴史を感じることができるおすすめスポットを二つ紹介します。 一つ目は、築地です。 築地の周辺には築地本願寺や浜離宮恩賜庭園といった日本らしい景観や歴史が楽しめるスポットがあります。 築地市場は日本の台所と呼ばれ、長年栄えてきましたが2018年に東京都中央卸売市場が豊洲に移転しました。 ただ、移転後も築地市場の場外ではおいしいグルメを求めて国内外から観光客で盛り上がっています。 二つ目は、明治神宮です。 明治神宮は明治天皇をおまつりする歴史ある神社で、パワースポットとしても知られています。 能や狂言を観覧できるイベントも開催しています。 東京を観光するときにおすすめの癒しスポットを紹介 東京を観光するときにおすすめの癒しスポットはたくさんあります! 東京の景色を楽しみたいという方は東京タワーや東京スカイツリー、六本木ヒルズ森タワーがおすすめ。 天気のいい日には都会の絶景が楽しめるでしょう。 ゆっくり体を癒やしたいという人はお台場にある大江戸温泉物語で温泉に浸かるのがおすすめ。 大江戸温泉物語にいくときは、お台場の実物大ガンダムをご覧になるのもいいですよ。 東京の魅力がたくさん詰まった動画紹介まとめ ANA Global Channelが制作した東京の観光地のプロモーション動画には東京の魅力がたくさん詰まっているのでおすすめ。 是非皆さんも東京観光をお楽しみください。 -
Video article 2:50
The Rich and Delicious Tantanmen Created by a Too-Beautiful Manager! The Akabane Ramen Shop "Houkiboshi," Which Has Been in Business for Just Three Months, Has Been Getting a Lot of Attention From the Media!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Houkiboshi|Akabane|Tantanmen" (ほうきぼし 赤羽 担々麺), was released by "Nationwide Ramen Videos" (全国ラーメン動画). Houkiboshi (ほうきぼし) is located 3 minutes from JR Akabane Station by foot, and their soupless tantanmen is very popular! The owner, who was 18 years old when opening the restaurant, became the talk of the town because she was so beautiful, and after only three months, people started lining up to try her noodles! The video shows not their signature dish "soupless tantanmen, but instead, tantanmen with soup. In fact, it's a hidden specialty of the shop. The soup is rich and mildly spicy with a hint of sansho (Japanese pepper) and eight kinds of spices. The medium thick noodles go great with komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach), miso, and bean sprouts! Topped with a little bit of nuts and you have yourself a meal! -
Video article 15:28
Enjoy the Splendid Craftsmanship of Tempura Endo Yasaka in Gion, Kyoto. The Kyoto-Style Tempura Restaurant Will Blow You Away With Its Seasonal Ingredients
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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This video, titled "【海外セレブ御用達!高級天ぷら圓堂 超貴重な職人技!ASMR 京都 日本 The Art of Tempura Time! Japanese food,Kyoto Endo chef's skill!," was released by "DELI BALI." Tempura Endo Yasaka in Gion, Kyoto was established in Kyoto in 1868 and offers Kyoto-style tempura with seasonal vegetables and seafood. Visitors can also purchase a souvenir bento boxed lunch with shrimp tempura and tenmusu, which is cooked in the video. The restaurant popular even abroad, opened its first U.S. restaurant in Beverly Hills in 2015. Tempura Endo Yasaka in Gion, Kyoto is only a 2-10 minute walk from Kodaiji, Kiyomizudera, and Kenninji, so be sure to stop by on your way to visit these temples! -
Video article 1:46
Ranked No. 1 in the Udon Category in Japan on Tabelog! A Look at the Wagyu Bukakke Udon of "Rakuraku," in Osaka!
Food & Drink- 28 plays
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The Wagyu Bukkaku Udon of Rakuraku! This video shows what dining at Raraku, an udon shop in Katano, Osaka, is like. Rakuraku has been ranked number one in Japan in the udon category by the Japanese food review site "Tabelog." People who love udon come from all over Japan to eat here, and even on weekdays, there are long lines of people. As you can see in the video, these udon noodles made with Wagyu beef are very popular. In addition, the boiling of the udon in a pressure cooker gives them a unique texture and elasticity. It's a very popular udon shop, so you should definitely check it out. 【Tabelog】Rakuraku https://tabelog.com/en/osaka/A2707/A270704/27011240/ -
Video article 2:36
Miura Udon, a Popular Udon Restaurant in Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Prefecture! Check Out This Delicious Meaty Udon!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, released by "National Gourmet Tours of Japan" (日本全国食い倒れグルメツアー), is titled "[Vlog|Gourmet] Miura Udon in Fujikawaguchiko Town|The Secret to Its Taste Is Its Strength|Exquisite Yoshida Udon [Food Porn]" (【vlog|グルメ】富士河口湖町のみうらうどん コシの強さが美味さの秘訣 絶品吉田うどん【飯テロ】). This video shows Miura Udon in Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Prefecture. It's so popular that people line up before the restaurant opens. Their noodles are characterized by their strength, and the overall price is reasonable. The most popular item on the menu is the udon noodles, but there's also tenkasu on the table that you can add as you please. Check out the video to see what the restaurant is like! -
Video article 3:28
Introducing the National Udon Summit in Kumagaya, an Event That Brings Together Unique Local Udon From All Over Japan. Which Udon Won the Grand Prize in 2018?!
Food & Drink Festivals & Events- 17 plays
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This video, titled "[Tentative title] The 8th National Udon Summit in Kumagaya 2018" (【仮題】第8回 全国ご当地うどんサミット in 熊谷 2018), was released by "National Udon Summit in Kumagaya" (全国ご当地うどんサミット in 熊谷). This video shows the 8th National Udon Summit in Kumagaya, that took place in 2018. Thirty-two restaurants from Hokkaido to Kyushu participated in the event and 120,000 people visited the event over two days. Visitors were able to compare unique local udon dishes and vote for their favorite participating restaurant. 2018's grand prize went to "Kumagai Udon" from Saitama Prefecture. The video introduces 32 different types of "local udon" that vary in shape, color, and soup stock depending on the region. We hope you'll take a look at the excitement of the event! -
Video article 2:22
Enjoy the Popular Stand-up Udon Noodles at Kagawa Station's "Renrakusen Udon"! Local Flavors to Enjoy at Sunrise Seto's Stops
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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This video, titled "Soba Station Tour: Kitsune Udon (Takamatsu Station's Renrakusen Udon)" (【駅そば巡り】きつねうどん(高松駅の連絡船うどん)), was released by "Travel and Trains: Katsuhiko Hotta" (旅と鉄道・堀田勝彦). This video introduces the stand-up udon shop Renrakusen Udon at Takamatsu Station in Kagawa Prefecture. Kagawa Prefecture is famous for its udon noodles, and Renrakusen Udon (連絡船うどん) is a popular and famous restaurant at Takamatsu Station. In the video, you can see how the udon is eaten with a large piece of fried tofu. -
Video article 3:57
Michelin Approved! A Variety of Beautiful Sushi Prepared by One of Japan's Leading Experts in Japanese Cuisine
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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This video, titled "GION SASAKI SHIME NO GOHAN MAY," was released by "GION SASAKI." In this video, Hiroshi Sasaki, a chef at Gion Sasaki, a Michelin-starred restaurant in Kyoto, shows how he makes sushi. When you hear the words "Japanese food," sushi is probably up there on the list of things that come to mind. Hiroshi Sasaki's sushi is unique in that it is all beautifully made. The magnificent knife handling and making of sushi is well worth the watch. The video s only 4 minutes long, making it an easy one to watch even when you're busy. At the 3:38 mark, a series of sushi is served on a single plate and you can see the attention to detail of Hiroshi Sasaki from its arrangement. -
Video article 7:35
Enjoy Delicious Pork Chashu Sauce Just Like What You'd Find in a Restaurant! The Chef of a Beer Bar in Chofu Shares His Secret Chashu Sauce Recipe!
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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This video, titled "[Tare Sauce] The Recipe for My Secret Chashu Tare [Ramen] [PetitLucky] Vol.2. #Stayhome #WithMe #TogetherAtHome" (【タレ】某有名店秘伝のチャーシューダレのレシピを教えちゃいます【ラーメン】【プチラッキー】Vol.2 #StayHome #WithMe #家で一緒にやってみよう), was released by "COCOCOROチャンネル." In this video, a chef from a beer bar in Chofu, Tokyo, shares his recipe for an excellent chashu tare. The recipe in the video is for a commercial amount, so it uses 3.6 liters of soy sauce, but you can make it at home by adjusting the ratio to be the same. The beauty of this recipe is that almost doesn't use any knives, just get the ingredients together and leave it to simmer. You can make delicious sauce just by letting it sit overnight. The sauce introduced in the video can be used for more than just chashu, so you can enjoy arranging it to suit your own needs! -
Video article 14:56
Kawachiya Is a Long-Established Eel and Fish Restaurant That Has Been in Business for 250 Years in Tokyo's Shibamata Taishakuten
Food & Drink- 18 plays
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Kawachiya - A Long Established Eel and Fish Restaurant in Tokyo's Shibamata Taishakuten This video shows the eel dishes at Kawachiya in Katsushika, Tokyo. Kawachiya is a long-established eel and fish restaurant that has been in business for over 250 years in Shibamata Taishakuten, a downtown area of Tokyo famous for the movie series "Otoko wa Tsuraiyo" (It's Tough Being a Man). The menu includes eel dishes such as unaju, hitsumabushi, kabayaki, the rare unagi-arai, etc., as well as carp dishes, tempura, bentos, course meals, and more. When you visit Katsushika, Tokyo, be sure to try the flavors that have been handed down since the Edo period. ◆Kawachiya Store Information◆ 【Address】7-6-16 Shibamata, Katsushika, Tokyo 【Access】A 3-minute walk from Shibamata Station off the Keisei Line / 5 minutes by car or bus from Kanamachi Station off the JR Joban Line / 15 minutes by car from Koiwa Station off the JR Sobu Line 【Avg. Cost】¥3200+ 【Hours】11:00-19:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】Yes, 21 cars 【Phone】03-3657-4151 【Official Website】Kawachiya https://www.kawachiya.biz/ 【Tabelog】Kawachiya https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1324/A132403/13018080/ -
Video article 4:53
Unagi Hitsumabushi Is a Specialty of Nagoya. Introducing the Hitsumabushi of Shirakawa
Food & Drink- 21 plays
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Unagi Hitsumabashi, a Specialty of Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture This video shows the Hitsumabushi at Shirakawa, a restaurant in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. Hitsumabushi is a dish in which a quarter of the unagi kabayaki on rice is served in a bowl, topped with condiments and spices such as green onion, wasabi, and chopped nori, and then topped with dashi or tea. Hitsumabushi is said to be a local gourmet that originated in Nagoya. Shirakawa, introduced in this video, is also located in Nagoya City, and Shirakawa's unagi hitsumabushi is served with dashi. Be sure to try Nagoya's specialty, unagi hitsumabushi! ◆Shirakawa Store Information◆ 【Address】3-15-33 Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture Sakae Gas Building, B1F 【Access】A 1-minute walk from Yabacho Station off the Meijo Subway Line. 【Avg. cost】¥2400+ 【Hours】11:00-14:30 (Last order) / 17:00-20:00(Last order) 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Phone】+81-50-5597-8629 【Official Website】Nagoya's Specialty Hitsumabushi|Unagi Shirakawa https://hitsumabushi.jp/ 【Tabelog】Shirakawa Sakae Gas Building Branch https://tabelog.com/en/aichi/A2301/A230103/23006137/ -
Video article 1:19
The Monaka Ice Cream at Osaka's "Tsuriganeya" Is Too Good to Pass up! This Video Will Have You Craving Dessert!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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A Familiar Japanese Treat - How Monaka Ice Cream is Made! This video shows the making and tasting of monaka ice cream at Tsuriganeya. "Monaka ice" is ice cream sandwiched between the "buns" of a Japanese confectionery called "monaka." The buns are made from mochi and the dough is thin and crispy. In Japan, major ice cream manufacturers sell monaka ice cream and other ice cream products, which can be found at convenience stores. At the restaurant in this video, you can choose vanilla, strawberry, matcha, black sesame, or chocolate. They order vanilla in the video. Be sure to check out the monaka ice cream in the video! -
Video article 2:50
How to Make Japan's "Kyaraben," the World's Cutest Bento! Is This Really a Bento?! You'll Be Amazed at the Quality!
Modern Culture Food & Drink- 38 plays
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This video, titled "These Bento Boxes Are Too Cute to Eat (Almost)," was released by Great Big Story. Kyaraben, the bentos so cute you don't even want to eat them, are made with rice, side dishes, and often involve cute anime character designs. In this video, you can see the world-famous Michael Jackson, former President Obama, Pokémon, Doraemon, Hello Kitty, and Mickey Mouse bentos! You'll be amazed at the quality of these kyaraben! The woman featured in the video also holds kyaraben workshops, and many people learn how to make kyaraben from her. Kyaraben are not only cute, but they also make children happy and encourage them to eat things they don't like. Take the time to enjoy this newly developed modern Japanese culture! -
Video article 2:20
Enjoy the Exquisite Chanko Nabe Dishes at Kotogaume, a Restaurant in Sumida Ward Run by a Former Sumo Wrestler! What's the Secret Behind Chanko Nabe That Gives Sumo Wrestlers Their Big Bodies?
Food & Drink- 28 plays
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Satoshi Kitayama, Former Sumo Wrestler and the Owner of Kotogaume, Talks About Chanko Nabe! Chanko nabe is a dish that sumo wrestlers eat on a daily basis to bulk up. In this video, former sumo wrestler Satoshi Kitayama introduces his restaurant, Kotogaume. In the video, he introduces what chanko nabe is and talks about sumo and why he opened the restaurant. Be sure to check it out! ◆Kotogaume Store Information◆ 【Address】3-4-4 Kinshi, Sumida City, Tokyo 130-0013 【Access】A 1-minute walk from the north exit of Kinshicho Station on the JR Sobu Line 【Avg. Cost】¥4,000+ 【Hours】17:00-23:00 (L.O. 22:00) 【Closures】Sundays・Holidays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3624-7887 【Official Homepage】Sumo Cuisine "Kotogaume," a Chanko Nabe and Tuna Restaurant http://www13.plala.or.jp/kotogaume/ 【Tabelog】Kotogaume (琴ヶ梅) https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1312/A131201/13002961/ -
Video article 15:25
Rare Glimpses Into the Production Process of the Popular Japanese Sake "Dassai"! Enjoy a Glass of the Finest Sake to Show Your Gratitude to the Hardworking Sake Artisans
Things to Do Food & Drink- 25 plays
- YouTube
Visit the Sake Brewery in Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Where They Make Top-Shelf Sake, "Dassai"! This video takes you on a tour of the brewery where the famous sake "Dassai" is made in Yamaguchi Prefecture. In this video, Kazuhiro Sakurai, President of Asahi Shuzo, gives us a tour of the brewery. Check out the video to see the making of Yamaguchi Prefecture's signature sake, "Dassai." 【Official Homepage】The Brewery of Dassai|Asahi Shuzo https://www.asahishuzo.ne.jp/en/ -
Video article 13:52
The "Popin' Cooking" Series Is Full of Delicious Treats to Make! You'll Be Surprised at the Quality of These Lifelike Educational Snacks That Adults and Kids Alike Can Enjoy!
Food & Drink- 29 plays
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Delicious Snacks! Kracie's "Popin' Cooking" Series of Educational Confectionaries This video shows you how to make four different types of candy with Kracie's "Popin' Cooking" series of educational snacks. ・0:08: Delicious ramen ・2:30: Gummy trees, soda flavor ・4:27: Hamburger ・9:09: Festival food The "Popin' Cooking" series is fun for both kids and adults to enjoy. It's so much more exciting when you can make them look just like the real thing! Be sure to check out what they're like in the video. 【Official Homepage】Popin' Cooking - Product Introduction|Kracie https://www.kracie.co.jp/eng/products/popin_n/okashi/ -
Video article 3:06
A summer tradition in Kyoto, “Kamogawa Noryo-doko” for a cool and relaxing evening, with recommended restaurants for dinner and lunch in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
Travel- 237 plays
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Video introduction of “Kamogawa Noryo-doko” in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City This video, titled "Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka & Ponto-cho|Summer in Kyoto" (鴨川納涼床と先斗町 京都の夏), was uploaded by "K Japan Traveler." Summer in Kyoto brings with it the Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka, a relaxing riverside dining experience. For a limited time, visitors can enjoy traditional Kyoto cuisine on the riverbank in the quaint Ponto-cho area, where if you're lucky, you can also encounter maiko. In the video, you can see Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka from Shijo Ohashi Bridge in the evening and at night, as well as the stores in Ponto-cho. Be sure to check it out. The History of the Terraces of Kyoto's Kamo River Photo:Kamo River terraces, Kyoto Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka is one of the most popular summer traditions in Kyoto. While the terraces in Kibune are called "kawadoko," the terraces on the Kamo River are called "nouryou-yuka." The wooden platforms (eating and drinking spaces) on the right bank of the Kamo River between Nijo Ohashi Bridge and Gojo Ohashi Bridge are called "kamogawa nouryou-yuka," and each establishment offers special courses for a limited time. The history of kamogawa nouryou-yuka dates back to the reign of Toyotomi Hideyoshi after a war. The Kamo River was improved by replacing Sanjo Ohashi and Gojo Ohashi Bridge, and the area became crowded with peddlers. Later, in the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.), many teahouses were built along the Kamo River. It is said that the first teahouses were built along the Kamo River, where wealthy merchants laid out benches with tables to entertain their guests who came from distant places so that they could enjoy the cool of the evening. When is Kyoto Kamogawa Noryokoyoko 2024? Photo:Kamo River terraces, Kyoto Kamogawa Noryokoko is associated with summer, but it is held every year from May. The 2024 event will be held from May 1 to September 30, 2024. [Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka] On the below websites, stores are introduced by area, such as the upper Kiyamachi Street area (Nijo Dori - Sanjo Dori), lower Kiyamachi Street area (Shijo Dori - Gojo Dori), Ponto-cho area, and Nishi-Ishigaki area, and you can check each store's opening hours, prices, and whether reservations are required by clicking the store you are interested in. Reservations required for dinner at Noryokoro? We introduce 4 recommended restaurants including hamo (Japanese conger eel), Kyoto cuisine, and Japanese beef! Photo:Ryokan Tsuruse Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka is a limited-time-only event that is very popular among both local Kyotoites and tourists. Advance reservations are recommended when visiting the river terraces. When making a reservation, be sure to let them know that you would like a terrace "yuka" seat. Below, we'll introduce some recommended restaurants when visiting the river terraces. ●Chimoto Chimoto is a long-established restaurant boasting fine Kyoto cuisine that has been loved by many writers and artists since its inception. This restaurant is recommended for those looking to enjoy the river terraces with a little luxury. Evening courses start at ¥19030 (~$140 USD). ●Robin Renovated from two 150-year-old teahouses, the restaurant's interior is like a maze. You can enjoy authentic Kyoto-style kaiseki cuisine and seasonal ingredients, such as conger eel. The Kawadoko Courses start at ¥7,000 (~$51 USD). ●Tsuruse This ryokan, with its majestic karahafu entrance evokes a sense of history. The nouryou-yuka (river terrace) can accommodate up to 200 people. The kawadoko course, which includes conger eel hot pot called "suzumi-ryori," starts at ¥8,500 (~$62 USD). ●Kyoto Yakiniku Shin Ponto-cho This is the perfect place for those who want to enjoy Wagyu beef on the Noryokoko. Why not enjoy Omi beef or black Wagyu beef while viewing the night scenery? The most popular course is the Kamo Course for ¥8,800(~$56USD). A Casual Way to Enjoy Kyoto's Cool River Terraces! 3 Recommended Cafes and Italian Restaurants For those who want to enjoy Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka a bit more casually and without breaking the bank, here are some cafes and Italian restaurants you can enjoy. ●Ushi no Hone A popular restaurant serving original Japanese cuisine and beef stew. The Nouryou-Yuka courses start at ¥6,000 (~$44 USD). ●Ikariya Shokudo A riverside bistro where you can enjoy confit a regional dish of southwestern France and handmade pasta. The kawadoko lunch course served on the Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka is ¥2,800 (~$21 USD). ●BABBI GELATERIA KYOTO How about some Italian gelato while cooling off on the river? Gelato is made daily using ingredients imported straight from Italy. There's tons of photogenic gelato for any instagrammers out there as well! ●Salon de Royal Kyoto Chocolate bonbons are the main attraction at this café, but macaroons, petit gâteau, and a variety of other desserts are also available. Access to Kyoto's Cool River Terraces Photo:A road sign The nearest station to Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka is Kawaramachi via the Hankyu Line. From the station, it is only a few minutes' walk to the entrance of Shijo Ponto-cho. From Kyoto Station, transfer at Shijo station on the subway Karasuma Line and get off at Kyoto-Kawaramachi Station on the Hankyu Line. If using a city bus, the nearest stops are "Kawaramachi-Gojo," "Shijo-Kawaramachi," and "Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae." Be sure to check the location of the restaurant and get off at the nearest stop. Summary of Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka, a Summer Tradition of Cool River Terraces in Kyoto You can find couples sitting along the banks of the Kamo River as seen from the Shijo Ohashi Bridge, regardless of the season. The summer nights along the Kamo River are lit up by the lights of the river terraces, creating a fantastic scene. [Video] 2:02 - Terraces on the Kamo River at Night The view from the river terraces is simply wonderful and has its own unique charm. In the hot summer of Kyoto, you can enjoy traditional Kyoto cuisine while enjoying the breeze and the gentle murmur of the Kamo River. It is a very relaxing and even romantic experience. Consider dropping by Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka when visiting Kyoto in the summer. 【Official Website】Kyoto Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka https://yuka-kyoto.com/ 【TripAdvisor】Kamogawa https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1021271-Kamogawa_Chiba_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 6:44
How long will it be open for business in 2024? One hour from central Tokyo! Cheers to beer with delicious food while enjoying the best view at "Mt. Takao Beer Mount" in Hachioji City, Tokyo!
Food & Drink Nature Travel- 96 plays
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Video introduction of "Mt. Takao Beer Mount" in Hachioji City, Tokyo This video, titled "Solo Drinks at a Beer Garden - Mt. Takao Beer Mount" (おひとりさまでもビアガーデン・高尾山「ビアマウント」で呑む), was uploaded by "furo1010." In the video, furo1010 is shown heading to Mt. Takao Beer Mount. With its beautiful scenery, delicious food, and tasty beer, Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a place you'd want to visit even if you are not a mountaineer or a hiking enthusiast. Be sure to check out the video to see how the buffet-style food and beer, as well as local sake and other beverages, are enjoyed. Mt. Takao Beer Mount – Experience Hospitality at 488 Meters Above Sea Level! A Look at the Event's Nearly 70 Years of History Photo:Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden), Mt. Takao Located in Hachioji, Tokyo, in Japan's Kanto region, Mt. Takao boasts the largest number of climbers in the world. In the summer, the observation deck restaurant, which is adjacent to the Mt. Takao cable car, transforms into Mt. Takao Beer Mount and hosts a beer garden. Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a beer garden that began in 1954 as a film festival and summer evening karaoke contest held to encourage the use of the Mt. Takao cable car and has been ongoing for nearly 70 years. The view from the top terrace of the observation deck restaurant—located 488 meters above sea level—is spectacular, offering a panoramic view from the Tokyo cityscape to the Boso Peninsula during the day. It's also a popular spot on Japanese Instagram for its beautiful night views. Being just an hour away from central Tokyo, you can enjoy delicious food and beverages while surrounded by nature at Mt. Takao Beer Mount. When does the 2024 Beermount start? Learn about the duration and fees! Photo:Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden), Hachioji, Tokyo The Mt. Takao Beer Mount has been held as usual since 2022. In 2024, it will be open from Saturday, June 15 to Tuesday, October 15, from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The price for all-you-can-eat and drink is 5,000 yen for adults, 4,700 yen for seniors (65 and older), 2,800 yen for junior high school students, 1,800 yen for elementary school students, and 500 yen for infants (3 years old to under elementary school students). It is a great opportunity to enjoy delicious gourmet food and a wide variety of beverages at this price with all-you-can-eat and all-you-can-drink options. Please enjoy it with your family and friends. Food at Mt. Takao Beer Mount – The Perfect Dishes to Go With Your Beer! Photo:The buffet at Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden) Dishes served buffet style will include Japanese, Western, and Chinese menu items. [Video] 2:55 - Buffet-Style Dishes Among the dishes we recommend are local specialties of Hachioj, including salads using vegetables grown in Hachioji and Hachioji Ramen. [Video] 4:00 - Local Specialties of Hachioji, Tokyo The beer goes perfect with the delicious food, and there's beers being served from four major breweries, allowing you to sample a variety of flavors. [Video] 4:13 - Beers From 4 Major Breweries In addition to beer, there's a wide range of beverages, including sake, sours, highballs, etc. Of course, non-alcoholic drinks for children are also available. [Video] 4:52 - A Wide Selection of Alcoholic Beverages Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a great place to enjoy delicious food and drinks, and is recommended for both families and solo guests alike. Information About Wait Times, Crowding, Recommended Seats, Reservations, and More! Mt. Takao Beer Mount has approximately 500 seats and all guests can enjoy the buffet for up to 2 hours. Although there are many seats, the beer garden can be quite crowded on weekends and during the Bon Festival, so be sure to keep this in mind if you're planning on visiting. If you want to enjoy the restaurant without any hassle, we recommend making reservations in advance. Reservations can be made for a minimum of 4 people on weekdays, and for 10 or more people on weekends and holidays. The best seats at Mt. Takao Beer Mount are on the top floor, called the slab. The night views from here are incredible. For those who want to enjoy nature, we recommend the garden surrounded by the forest. You can dine while relaxing in nature. The indoor hall is perfect for rainy or windy days. For rainy days, there's no need to worry, as there is also tent seating set up in the outdoor area. Use the Cable Car for Easy Access to the Mt. Takao Beer Mount Photo:Mt. Takao cable car To get to Mt. Takao, where the beer garden is located, first take the Keio Line from Shinjuku for 53 minutes to Takaosanguchi Station. From Takaosanguchi Station, head to the Kiyotaki Station cable car, a 5-minute walk away. Take the cable car (a 6-minute ride) and get off at Mt. Takao Station to reach the venue. Mt. Takao Beer Mount can also be reached on foot without using the cable car. The food and drinks will taste even better after a nice hike up the mountain! Trail 1 – Hiking Mt. Takao as an Inexperienced Climber/Hiker Source :Hachinavi Mt. Takao Feature Mt. Takao is so famous among mountaineering enthusiasts that around 3 million climbers visit the mountain each year. For those who wish to hike up to the beer garden, here are some recommendations. To get to Takao Beer Mount on foot, we recommend Trail 1. There are seven trails on Mt. Takao: Trails 1-6 and the Inariyama Course. Trail 1 is easy for beginners to climb as most of the course is paved and there are rest areas. It takes approximately 100 minutes to reach the summit and around 60 minutes to reach the beer garden. After a nice workout, why not enjoy the beer garden with some friends in the outdoors? Things to Do Near Mt. Takao There are a number of things to do near Mt. Takao. Below we'll introduce some places we recommend checking out when visiting the area. Takaosan Yakuoin Temple Takaosan Yakuoin Temple is a temple located on Mt. Takao. They have many seasonal events, such as New Years events and Setsubun, and they even have a fire walking event that's held during March each year. The temple is a 20-minute walk from the same cable car used to access the beer garden. Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Admission Fee: Free Takao 599 Museum A museum with a relax atmosphere that features exhibits relating to the unique ecosystem on Mt. Takao. The museum is located just 4 minutes from Takaosanguchi Station by foot. Hours: April to November: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Last admission 4:30 pm), December to March: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Last admission 3:30). ※Hours are subject to change due to events. Admission Fee: Free ※Some events/exhibits may have an admission fee Keio Takaosan Onsen Gokurakuyu Keio Takaosan Onsen Gokurakuyu is a natural hot spring located at the foot of Mt. Takao. The facility offers hot springs and massages, as well as restaurants where you can enjoy delicious soba and sashimi after relaxing in the hot springs. The facility is a quick 2-minute walk from Takaosanguchi Station. Hours: 8:00 am - 10:45 pm (Last admission 10:00 pm) Admission Fee (Weekdays): Adults: 1,100 yen, Children: 550 yen (Weekends/Public holidays/Peak season): Adults: 1,300 yen, Children: 650 yen ※Peak season fees apply during the following periods: December 29 - January 3, Golden Week, mid-August, November 1 - November 30, and other dates ※Free admission for children under 3 Mt. Takao Monkey Park & Wild Plant Garden A monkey park on Mt. Takao home to some 70 monkeys. The park also features a garden with walkways made from tree cookies and beautiful autumn leaves in the fall. The park is a 3-minute walk along Trail 1 after taking the cable car to Takaosan Station. Hours: December - February: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm, March - April: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm, May - November: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Admission Fee: Adults (Junior high school students and older): 430 yen, Children (Ages 3 and older): 210 yen Takao Trick Art Museum A museum full of mind-bending, Egyptian-themed optical illusion art where you can enjoy taking funny photos. The museum receives support from the Egyptian Embassy, and so the souvenir store has popular souvenirs imported directly from Egypt. The museum is a 2-minute walk from Takaosanguchi Station. Hours: April - November: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, December - March: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Closed: Thursdays Admission Fee (General): Adults: 1,300 yen, Junior high and high school students: 1,000 yen, Elementary school students: 700 yen, Young children (ages 4 and under): 500 yen (People with disabilities): Adults: 1,100 yen, Junior high and high school students: 800 yen, Elementary school students: 500 yen, Young children (ages 4 and under): 300 yen ※Discounts available for groups. Please see the official website for more information Summary of Mt. Takao Beer Mount Mt. Takao Beer Mount is held both in the summer and in the fall. Last year, it was held from October 19. The atmosphere is quite different during autumn, but just as enjoyable! Also, until the summer beer garden begins, the Mt. Takao Beer Buffet event is held, where visitors can enjoy barbecue cooked on an eco-friendly craft grill imported specially from Denmark. Mt. Takao, is a great place where visitors can enjoy both mountain climbing and gourmet food. Mt. Takao Beer Mount is the perfect for those looking to enjoy a cold beer to beat the summer heat! Relax and take a break from the daily grind and head to Mt. Takao Beer Mount, where you can enjoy nature, tasty food, and satisfying drinks! 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Takao Beer Mount -
Video article 18:32
A Promotional Video Introducing the Totsuka Shopping District in Yokohama City's Totsuka Ward in the Form of a Drama! See Heartwarming Views of People in a Variety of Stores!
Shopping- 93 plays
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Introduction of Totsuka Ward Shopping District Promotional Video This video, titled "The Totsuka Shopping District Promotional Video" (戸塚区商店街プロモーションビデオ), was uploaded by "CityOfYokohama." The promotional video introduces the Totsuka Shopping District in Yokohama, Kanagawa, in Japan's Kanto region. It was produced by the Totsuka Shopping District Federation, which is made up of 11 shopping associations in Yokohama's Totsuka Ward. The Totsuka Shopping District is home to a variety of stores and is used on a daily basis by people living in the neighborhood. The video is a dramatized story of five children meeting and growing up in the town. It's like watching a coming-of-age drama set in the Totsuka Shopping District and is very heartwarming. Through interactions with many shopkeepers, the video conveys the charm of the Totsuka Shopping District and the warm atmosphere of the streets, making the viewer feel nostalgic and emotional. Be sure to give it a watch! The Totsuka Shopping District in Yokohama, Kanagawa Photo:The view toward the east exit of Totsuka Station, Totsuka, Yokohama, Kanagawa All over Japan, there are various types of shopping associations in different areas. A shopping association is an organization of stores and businesses in the retail and service industries within a certain area. The Totsuka Shopping District aims to create a locally-based community where stores and specialty shops work together to make the town livelier. The Totsuka Shopping District is somewhat of an unusual shopping association in Japan in that it is comprised of large commercial buildings and shopping streets across the ward, while most shopping associations are made up of small stores in one location. Stores Located in the Totsuka Shopping District Source :YouTube screenshot At the beginning of the video, viewers are introduced to Tomizuka Hachimangu Shrine, the local guardian of Totsuka, which appears every time the children age. The children visit the shrine from time to time in their daily lives, which shows how the shrine is connected to the local community. The stores featured in the video are listed below for each shopping association. Totsuka Station East Exit Lapis Shopping Association: KITAYA Dunk (喜多屋ダンク), Yurindo (有隣堂) Tokyu Plaza Totsuka Association: Yurindo (有隣堂) Totsuka Asahimachidori Shopping Association: Ocean Hamaju (オセアンハマ住) Totsucana Mall Shopping Association: Niku no Saito (肉のさいとう), Mediac PC School (メディアックパソコンスクール), 1,000 Yen Cut Choki Choki (1000円カット Choki Choki), ABLE, Omedetaiyaki Honpo (おめで鯛焼き本舗) Up to this point, the children are about first graders while touring the Totsuka Shopping District, and from 3:57, the children who have grown up to be junior high school students introduce the stores. Totsuka Station East Exit Lapis Shopping Association: Monet (純喫茶モネ) Totsuka Higashiguchi Shopping Association: Boulangerie PETIT LAPIN (ぷちらぱん), Katsuta Orthopedic Clinic (かつた整骨院) Higashi-Totsuka Shopping Association: Hair Make De Choix Totsuka-juku Honobono Showa-kai: Tsumugu café & something (紡ぐ café & something) Totsuka Shuku Ekimae Shopping Association: Yamagata-ya Western Goods Store (山形屋洋品店) Tokyu Plaza Shotenkai: Green Parks Topic Harajuku Shopping Street Shoei-kai: Itoya Dry Cleaning (いとう屋クリーニング) Midway through Mr. Saeki, chairman of the "Hirado Shopping Association" the Totsuka Shopping District Federation, also makes an appearance. From 12:40, the five of them, now grown up, tour the Totsuka Shopping District together. Totsuka Shuku Honobono Showa Kai: Komachi Café (こまちカフェ) Totsuka Asahimachidori Shopping Association: Machi no Hanaya (街の花屋さん) Totsuka Station East Exit Lapis Shopping Association: Hashigo-ya (はしごや) Summary of the Totsuka Shopping District Promotional Video The video introduces the city of Totsuka, home to the Totsuka Shopping District. It's a nostalgic and heartwarming tour of the city with children. We hope you enjoy this story-based introduction video of the vibrant the Totsuka Shopping District, which even produced an original theme song to liven up the town.