Video article 3:00
San'in Kaigan Geopark - An Amazing Geopark in Japan! Discover the Beauty of This Diverse UNESCO Global Geopark!
Travel Things to Do Nature- 282 plays
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Video Introduction: San'in Kaigan Geopark - A Bird's Eye View of Kami This video, titled "Kami, Hyogo - Drone PR Video (Sea Edit)" (香美町ドローンPR映像(海編)), was uploaded by "Kami, Hyogo - Tourism, Commerce, and Industry Bureau [Official]" (兵庫県香美町 観光商工課). More About the San'in Kaigan Geopark The San'in Kaigan Geopark is recognized as a UNESCO Global Geopark. It refers to a large area of more than 100 km east to west, consisting of San'in Kaigan National Park and the surrounding area, which spans six cities and towns, including Kami, Hyogo in Japan's Kansai Region, Kyotango, Kyoto; Toyooko and Shinonsen in Hyogo, and Tottori City and Iwami in Tottori Prefecture. San'in Kaigan Geopark Trail - Spectacular Views of Precipitous Cliffs Photo:San'in Kaigan Geopark The main feature of the San'in Kaigan Geopark Trail is the sheer cliffs and various landforms along the coastline, as well as the scenery of the Sea of Japan, all of which can be enjoyed via the 27 courses available. ・Yoshioka Onsen - Tottori Station Course: Walk along the banks of lagoons enclosed by sand dunes ・Aotani Station - Tottori City Shikano Socializing and Exchange Hall 'Dream' Course: Walk and feel the eruption of volcanoes and the erosive power of the sea ・Roadside Station Amarube - Yoroi Station Course: Walk in Satoyama with a view of the 41.5-meter-tall Amarube Viaduct Kami, a Small Town in Hyogo, Japan Photo:San'in Kaigan Geopark, Kami, Hyogo In addition to the San'in Kaigan Geopark, Kami, Hyogo, which is located in the San'in Kaigan Geopark, features a variety of other places to visit. For example, Sazu Beach, Imagoura, Okami Park, and the Obikinohana Observatory are all worth seeing. The sunset from Imagoura and the Obikinohana Observatory is truly spectacular! It is also a popular Instagram spot, attracting the attention of a wide range of people, young and old alike. The video shows the beautiful sunset from the Obikinohana Observatory. [Video] 2:22 - The Obikinohana Observatory at sunset Summary of the San'in Kaigan Geopark Photo:San'in Kaigan Geopark The San'in Kaigan Geopark, consisting of six municipalities (Kami, Shinonsen, and Toyooko in Hyogo; Kyotango, Kyoto; Tottori City and Iwami, Tottori), offers a variety of sites and attracts many tourists. Visitors can also observe creatures living on the San'in Coast at the San'in Kaigan Geopark Museum of the Earth and Sea in Tottori Prefecture and the Kami Town Geopark & Marine Cultural Center in Hyogo Prefecture. There's also a sightseeing boat tour in Iwami, Tottori, where visitors can tour the islands of the Uradome Coast and admire the rich natural scenery from a boat. There are many Instagrammable spots where you can take great photos. The San'in Kaigan Geopark is one of the largest geoparks in Japan, spanning Kyoto, Hyogo and Tottori prefectures. There are a total of 27 courses! They are unique coastal trails with both mountain paths and coastlines. There are varying degrees of difficulty as well, so you can choose and plan the course that best suits your individual preferences. 【Official Website】San'in Kaigan Geopark https://sanin-geo.jp/know/en/ 【TripAdvisor】San'in Kaigan Geopark https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022822-d10813685-Reviews-San_in_Kaigan_UNESCO_Global_Geopark-Toyooka_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 8:19
Dazaifu in Fukuoka Prefecture, Where History and Tradition Are Alive and Well, Is One of the Best Sightseeing Spots in Fukuoka. Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine Is a Strong Ally of Students as a God of Studies!
Local PR Travel- 58 plays
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福岡県太宰府の観光スポット紹介動画 こちらの動画は「太宰府市」が公開した「DAZAIFU TIMELESS ELEGANCE(Japanese explanation)」です。 福岡県太宰府は、日本古来の街並みと豊かな自然に恵まれた景勝地であり、数多くの史跡が、時代を超えて多くの人々を魅了し「全国観光ランキング」でも上位を占め続けています。 古都の栄華を実感できる街「福岡県太宰府」 動画では、福岡随一の観光地である大宰府の、7世紀に国防目的で造られた1.2キロにもおよぶ堤防「水城跡」と、日本最古の山城「大野城跡」という二つの城跡の景観が当時をしのばせる名所が紹介されています。 7世紀後半に建造され、軍事拠点を兼ねた外交・貿易の窓口となった「太宰府政庁」の跡地は、現在「史跡公園」となっており、その雄大な景色は、古都の栄華が感じられる一大観光エリアです。 史跡公園内には「太宰府展示館」があり、貴重な遺跡類が展示されています。 さらに動画では、太宰府政庁跡の近くの九州随一の寺院として名高い「観世音寺」も紹介されており、国宝でもある日本最古の梵鐘と巨大な仏像をご覧になることができます。 また、当時の僧侶や尼僧に戒律を授けていた「戒壇院」では、観光客も参加できる坐禅会が行われています。 そして、霊峰・宝満山の麓には縁結びの神として知られる「宝満宮竈門神社」があります。 ご鎮座1,350年を記念して建造された現代建築の社務所と伝統的な神社建築との調和が注目を浴びています。 悲劇の人「菅原道真公」を祀る「太宰府天満宮」 動画でご覧になれるように、福岡県太宰府の観光シンボルとして有名なのが「太宰府天満宮」です。 およそ1,100年の歴史を有する神社で、学問の神様として高名な菅原道真公が祀られている名所で、ツアー客だけでなく全国から数多くの受験生が学業祈願で訪れ、参拝後は二種類の「御朱印」が授与できます。 ときの政争に巻き込まれ都から左遷された悲劇の官吏・菅原道真公を慕って一夜のうちに都から太宰府へ飛来してきたという「飛梅伝説」で知られる梅の木が御神木となっています。 そして参道には、名物菓子「梅が枝餅」などの土産店や多くの食事処が軒を連ねています。 木のぬくもりを感じさせる和のインテリアが話題の「スタバ」など太宰府にしかないショップの探訪もおすすめです。 ランチタイムには穴場の店を探してみましょう。 福岡県太宰府天満宮の「九州国立博物館」と伝統行事が観光客を魅了 福岡県太宰府天満宮からすぐの場所には、独特の美しい曲線フォルムの建物がひときわ目立つ「九州国立博物館」があります。 コンセプトは「日本文化の形成をアジア史的観点からとらえる」というもの。 アジアの玄関口として栄えた太宰府という場所ならではの展示物やイベントは、福岡県太宰府を訪れた多くの観光客を魅了し続けています。 文化と伝統の街である福岡の太宰府では「護摩焚き」「天神まつり」「古都の光」「神幸式」「鬼すべ」など、さまざまな祭事や行事の伝統が、令和となった現代にも守られているさまを観光客は目の当たりにすることができます。 悠久の歴史と豊かな自然と洗練された現代性が調和する街でもある福岡の太宰府は、四季を通じて日本ならではの色彩豊かな情景が広がる魅惑の観光スポットなのです。 福岡県太宰府紹介まとめ 西鉄福岡天神駅から太宰府駅までのルートは電車で約30分。 レンタカーでもJR博多駅または福岡空港から30~40分程度という、福岡市の中心部からの好アクセスも観光として大いに魅力的です。 事前に宿泊するホテルを予約し、泊りがけの旅行をじっくり楽しむことがおすすめです。 あなたも、福岡・太宰府で魅惑のひとときをぜひ堪能してみてください。 -
Video article 6:09
Todoroki Valley Is an Urban Oasis in Setagaya City Where You Can Take a Leisurely Stroll Along a Murmuring Promenade. Take a Trip to This Relaxing Destination in the Big City Where You Can Enjoy Waterfalls, Ancient Tombs, Temples, and More!
Nature- 116 plays
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Video introduction of "Todoroki Gorge" in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "Todoroki Valley – Tokyo - 4K Ultra HD (Todoroki Valley - Tokyo - 等々力渓谷 - 4K Ultra HD)," was filmed in Todoroki Valley, Setagaya city, Tokyo (東京都世田谷区, toukyousetagayaku). Todoroki Keikoku Park (等々力渓谷公園, todorokikeikokukouen) is a beautiful green park located in the center of Setagaya city that stretches over 1km, and is a 20-minute train ride from Shibuya station (渋谷駅, shibuyaeki). The picturesque promenade follows the Yazawa river (谷沢川, yazawagawa) which is part of the Tama River (多摩川, tamagawa) water system. Todoroki valley, a place in the city where you can enjoy taking a walk surrounded by nature, is also known for being a "power spot." From 1:24 in the video, you can see the entrance to the oasis that is Todoroki valley, under Golf-bashi Bridge (ゴルフ橋, gorufubashi). You can enjoy the scenery here year round, with cherry blossoms in spring, fresh greenery in summer, autumn colors in fall, and a snowy landscape in winter. Todoroki valley doesn't tend to get crowded as it isn't as well known as other spots in the city, making it a great place to casually visit in your free time. Sightseeing in Todoroki Valley Photo:Todoroki Valley・Setagaya, Tokyo Todoroki valley is situated on the Musashino Plateau (武蔵野台地, musashinodaichi), making it an ideal place to observe various plants and terrain. Walking along the path you can see green parks, stone paved areas, Japanese gardens and buildings, waterfalls, and more. From 2:43 in the video, you can see the bridge "Riken no hashi" (利剣の橋), and from 2:56 we get a glimpse at the shrine "Inari Daimyoujin" (稲荷大明神). There is also an ancient burial mound built during the Kofun period (古墳時代, kofunjidai) (~250-538 AD) called Todoroki Keikoku Sangoouketu (等々力渓谷三号横穴) situated along the path. The Shrines and Temples of Todoroki Valley Photo:Todoroki Fudoson・Setagaya, Tokyo From 4:10 in the video, you can see Manganji temple (満願寺, manganji), Todoroki Fudoson temple (等々力不動尊), and Ryugosan Myououin temple (滝轟山明王院). You can visit the main temple buildings, bells, and enjoy the view from the observation deck. Many people visit these temples in search of luck in marriage and in studying. Another great place to visit while you're in Todoroki valley is the Japanese-style cafe, Setsugekka (雪月花) which can be seen in the video at 3:24. Summary of Todoroki Valley Photo:Inari Daimyojin・Todoroki Valley, Setagaya, Tokyo Todoroki valley is a wonderful spot to have a picnic, take a walk, or play by the river. There isn't a lot of lighting so please take care when visiting during poor weather or at night. Many people visit Todoroki valley on dates or to enjoy lunch at the cafe. For those sightseeing in Tokyo, we recommend booking a hotel and making the most of your trip by visiting the Todoroki valley area and enjoying a relaxing break from the city! ◆Todoroki Valley General Information◆ 【Address】Todoroki 1-22-2-37, Setagaya city, Tokyo 【Access】A 3-minute walk from the Tokyu Oimachi Line Todoroki Station, or a 5-minute walk from the Tokyu Bus or Toei Bus Todoroki Bus Stop. 【Admission fee】Free 【Hours】24 hours a day 【Closures】Open all year round 【Parking】Fudoson Parking Area (free) (不動尊駐車場, fudousonchuushajou) 【Toilets】Available 【Official Website】Todoroki Valley Park, Setagaya City Official Home Page https://www.city.setagaya.lg.jp/mokuji/kusei/012/015/001/004/d00004247.html 【Tripadvisor】Todoroki Valley https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066455-d1373670-Reviews-Todoroki_Valley-Setagaya_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:40
Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms at Goryokaku, a Popular Sightseeing Spot in Hakodate, Hokkaido! The Cherry Blossoms at This Historical Spot Are Exceptionally Beautiful!
Travel- 38 plays
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北海道函館市の人気観光スポット「五稜郭」の桜紹介まとめ こちらの動画は「nippon.com」が公開した「Hakodate’s Cherry Blossoms Spring 2018 | nippon.com」です。 こちらの記事では、北海道函館市にある五稜郭の桜や箱館山からの夜景を紹介致します。 歴史ある日本の桜の名所と、古くから美しいと評価される夜景を、是非動画をご覧ください。 北海道函館市の人気観光スポット・五稜郭の歴史 五稜郭は、江戸時代末期に現在の函館市の中心地に建造されました。 もともとは外国船から箱館港を守るために建造されたようですが、戊辰戦争最後の戦場「箱館戦争」で旧幕府軍に占領され、木材不足のために一部が解体されて陸軍の訓練所として利用されるなどの紆余曲折がありました。 その後、1914年に五稜郭公園として一般開放され、現在は函館を代表する観光スポットとなっています。 1952年には北海道唯一の国指定特別史跡となりました。 「五稜郭」の桜の見頃や見どころ 五稜郭は函館市の桜の名所としても非常に有名で、ソメイヨシノを中心に1,600本もの桜があり、毎年桜の季節になると函館市民や観光客で大いに賑わいます。 五稜郭公園の桜の見どころは、お堀の外周の遊歩道。桜を見上げながらゆっくりと散策を楽しめます。桜を見ながらゆっくりと休憩ができるカフェ「自家焙煎コーヒー ピーベリー」もおすすめです。 また、五稜郭タワーの高さ約90mにあるガラス張りの展望台から見下ろす桜も人気で、五稜郭の星型を桜が彩る風景は一見の価値あり。 五稜郭の桜の見頃は、例年4月下旬から5月上旬にかけて。2024年の函館市の桜開花予想によると、2024年は例年よりも早く4月27日頃に見頃を迎えるようです。 隣接する五稜郭タワーの展望台からその景色を見下ろすと、星形の城郭に沿って綺麗な桜のピンク色を見ることが出来ます。 是非、地上と展望台の両方から五稜郭の桜を楽しんでみてはいかがでしょうか。 北海道函館市で夜景を楽しむ 昼間に桜を楽しんだ後は、箱館山で美しい函館市街の夜景を楽しむことが出来ます。 箱館山の山頂からは、海に挟まれた函館の街が光のアーチを作り、海岸線を縁取っています。 函館の夜景は古くから世界三大夜景と言われ、最近でも旅行ガイド「ミシュラン・グリーンガイド・ジャポン」で三ツ星を獲得する美しい景色です。 何度見てもまた行きたくなるような特別な魅力があります。 北海道函館市の人気観光スポット五稜郭紹介まとめ 北海道函館市にある五稜郭公園の桜と箱館山からの夜景について紹介させて頂きました。 どちらも日本が誇る非常に美しく素晴らしい景色です。 是非動画をご覧になって頂き、北海道旅行の際は実際に足を運んでいただければと思います。 -
Video article 18:32
A Promotional Video Introducing the Totsuka Shopping District in Yokohama City's Totsuka Ward in the Form of a Drama! See Heartwarming Views of People in a Variety of Stores!
Shopping- 84 plays
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Introduction of Totsuka Ward Shopping District Promotional Video This video, titled "The Totsuka Shopping District Promotional Video" (戸塚区商店街プロモーションビデオ), was uploaded by "CityOfYokohama." The promotional video introduces the Totsuka Shopping District in Yokohama, Kanagawa, in Japan's Kanto region. It was produced by the Totsuka Shopping District Federation, which is made up of 11 shopping associations in Yokohama's Totsuka Ward. The Totsuka Shopping District is home to a variety of stores and is used on a daily basis by people living in the neighborhood. The video is a dramatized story of five children meeting and growing up in the town. It's like watching a coming-of-age drama set in the Totsuka Shopping District and is very heartwarming. Through interactions with many shopkeepers, the video conveys the charm of the Totsuka Shopping District and the warm atmosphere of the streets, making the viewer feel nostalgic and emotional. Be sure to give it a watch! The Totsuka Shopping District in Yokohama, Kanagawa Photo:The view toward the east exit of Totsuka Station, Totsuka, Yokohama, Kanagawa All over Japan, there are various types of shopping associations in different areas. A shopping association is an organization of stores and businesses in the retail and service industries within a certain area. The Totsuka Shopping District aims to create a locally-based community where stores and specialty shops work together to make the town livelier. The Totsuka Shopping District is somewhat of an unusual shopping association in Japan in that it is comprised of large commercial buildings and shopping streets across the ward, while most shopping associations are made up of small stores in one location. Stores Located in the Totsuka Shopping District Source :YouTube screenshot At the beginning of the video, viewers are introduced to Tomizuka Hachimangu Shrine, the local guardian of Totsuka, which appears every time the children age. The children visit the shrine from time to time in their daily lives, which shows how the shrine is connected to the local community. The stores featured in the video are listed below for each shopping association. Totsuka Station East Exit Lapis Shopping Association: KITAYA Dunk (喜多屋ダンク), Yurindo (有隣堂) Tokyu Plaza Totsuka Association: Yurindo (有隣堂) Totsuka Asahimachidori Shopping Association: Ocean Hamaju (オセアンハマ住) Totsucana Mall Shopping Association: Niku no Saito (肉のさいとう), Mediac PC School (メディアックパソコンスクール), 1,000 Yen Cut Choki Choki (1000円カット Choki Choki), ABLE, Omedetaiyaki Honpo (おめで鯛焼き本舗) Up to this point, the children are about first graders while touring the Totsuka Shopping District, and from 3:57, the children who have grown up to be junior high school students introduce the stores. Totsuka Station East Exit Lapis Shopping Association: Monet (純喫茶モネ) Totsuka Higashiguchi Shopping Association: Boulangerie PETIT LAPIN (ぷちらぱん), Katsuta Orthopedic Clinic (かつた整骨院) Higashi-Totsuka Shopping Association: Hair Make De Choix Totsuka-juku Honobono Showa-kai: Tsumugu café & something (紡ぐ café & something) Totsuka Shuku Ekimae Shopping Association: Yamagata-ya Western Goods Store (山形屋洋品店) Tokyu Plaza Shotenkai: Green Parks Topic Harajuku Shopping Street Shoei-kai: Itoya Dry Cleaning (いとう屋クリーニング) Midway through Mr. Saeki, chairman of the "Hirado Shopping Association" the Totsuka Shopping District Federation, also makes an appearance. From 12:40, the five of them, now grown up, tour the Totsuka Shopping District together. Totsuka Shuku Honobono Showa Kai: Komachi Café (こまちカフェ) Totsuka Asahimachidori Shopping Association: Machi no Hanaya (街の花屋さん) Totsuka Station East Exit Lapis Shopping Association: Hashigo-ya (はしごや) Summary of the Totsuka Shopping District Promotional Video The video introduces the city of Totsuka, home to the Totsuka Shopping District. It's a nostalgic and heartwarming tour of the city with children. We hope you enjoy this story-based introduction video of the vibrant the Totsuka Shopping District, which even produced an original theme song to liven up the town. -
Video article 3:01
Introducing the Southern Area of Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, With a Lighthearted Rap! The Yamaguchi Dialect Goes Great With Rap! Which Popular Spot in Southern Yamaguchi Do You Want to Visit?
Travel Local PR- 46 plays
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Introducing Southern Yamaguchi With a Lighthearted Rap! This is a unique promotion video by "Yamaguchi Channel" titled "[Nambu Area RAP] A PR Video for the Southern Area of Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture" (山口県山口市南部地域のPR動画「ナンブエリアRAP」). It introduces attractive local products, crafts, events and scenery through rap music. A Brief Look at the History of Yamaguchi Photo: Rurikoji Temple, Yamaguchi Yamaguchi City is the capital of Yamaguchi Prefecture. It's a warm area, with little rain and snow each year. It has the second largest population in the prefecture after Shimonoseki. In 2005, Ajisu and other areas were merged to form the current Yamaguchi. It is said to be one of the smallest prefectural capitals in Japan, but it has a long history that includes historical sites associated with the Choshu Domain which helped lead the Meiji Restoration, as well as a coin factory that has been in operation since the Heian period, and Seto-mono-no-Sato (瀬戸物の里). Also, a number of prime ministers have been born in Yamaguchi. In the southern part of the city, there are Kagawa and Sayama where there are many scenic spots. Setouchi gourmet is also popular, attracting many tourists every year. Popular Sightseeing Locations in Yamaguchi Photo:The SL Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi The following are popular sightseeing sights shown in the video. - Natajima (0:38) This is a beautiful countryside scene featuring the young MC. It is a straight line stretching about 2km and is a part of the course for the international cycling event "Tour de Yamaguchi Bay." - Suegatake This mountain stretches across Aiofutajima, Sue, and Suzenji, and is called the "Mini-Fuji of Yamaguchi" because it looks like Mt. Fuji. It is also famous as a place to practice and experience climbing, and is a great place for beginners to climb as it's located 230 meters above sea level. This can be seen from 0:26 in the video. - Sand Art Large-scale sand art that can be seen around September and October, when the water in Nagasawa Pond recedes. You can see it from 0:34 in the video. - Natajima Shingaisaku Nambanhi This is the site where large-scale land reclamation work was conducted during the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). It was called "Nanbanhi" and used the latest technology at the time. It has since been designated as a National Historic Site as an Important Historical Resource. - The Former Katsuragatani Storage Dam The oldest dam in Yamaguchi that was completed in 1923. - Minogahama A warm and calm beach along the Seto Inland Sea. It has been crowded with SUP and swimming since it was opened in 2019. You can barbecue and camp in the specific area. - Japanese Tiger Prawns Aio, Yamaguchi is the birthplace of tiger prawn farming. Every year when the shrimp are in season, the "World Shrimp Hunting Competition" is held. - Setouchi Hot Spring Southern Yamaguchi is famous for its hot springs. "Aio-sou," a hotel with a view of the sea, is shown from 0:49 in the video. - Iwayasan Jizo-in You can visit pilgrimage sites in the southern area of Yamaguchi. It is the 83rd temple of the 88 sacred places of Aio. - Mejima A unique island referred to as the Mont-Saint-Michel of Yamaguchi. At low tide, the island is connected to other islands and can be crossed on foot. - Aio Fruit Tomatoes (秋穂フルーツトマト) There's a lot of delicious food to try in southern Yamaguchi. Aio Fruit Tomatoes are so sweet and delicious that they're called the king of tomatoes. There are local sake and pumpkins too. - SL Yamaguchi The SL Yamaguchi is a very exciting train. In the southern part of Yamaguchi, you can still see the steam locomotive in action. Photo:Suo Bridge, Yamaguchi Prefecture - Suo Bridge It connects the cities Ube and Hofu and has been selected as one of the Top 100 Bridges in Japan. At the foot of the mountain is the Fujio Mountain Slide, where you can experience the thrill of the slide while enjoying a spectacular view. - Yamaguchi Kirara Expo Memorial Park The remains of the site of the 2001 Yamaguchi Kirara Expo, the 21st Century Future Exposition, have been developed into a park and is loved by many locals of Yamaguchi. - The Izeki River The southern part of Yamaguchi Prefecture used to experience a lot of damage from storm surges, but with the completion of the Izeki River Tide Gate in 1991, storm surge damage has been reduced. - The Statue of Omura Masujiro He was one of the ten leading people of the Choshu clan who were active at the end of the Edo period. He contributed greatly to the Meiji Restoration and is said to have been well educated in Dutch studies, Western medicine, and military science. - Sue-no-Sue Kamaato Said to be a kiln using in the Heian period (794-1185 A.D.) to fire Seto Ware pottery. High- quality pottery has been produced in the Setouchi region since ancient times. - Fireworks Festival In Ogori, Yamaguchi, fireworks festivals have been held since the Meiji period (1868-1912 AD). Nowadays, a large-scale fireworks festival is held at Fushinogawahigashitsu Kasen Park in southern Yamaguchi. Summary of Southern Yamaguchi Photo:Osaba Hachiman, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture Access to Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, is convenient from Yamaguchi Station on the JR West Line and Shin-Yamaguchi Station on the Sanyo Shinkansen. Many places and events are introduced in the video. There are some seasonal events as well, so please check the brochure or the official website of Yamaguchi City for details. 【Official Website】Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.yamaguchi.lg.jp/site/userguide/11129.html 【Tripadvisor】Yamaguchi City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298142-Yamaguchi_Yamaguchi_Prefecture_Chugoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:22
Okazaki Castle in Aichi Prefecture – A Base of Tokugawa Ieyasu, One of the Three Unifiers of Japan! Discover the History of Japan in a City Deified as the Birthplace of the Gods!
Art & Architecture History- 135 plays
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Okazaki Castle" Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture Video Introduction The video this time is titled "[Touken World] 'Okazaki Castle'|Swords and Armor|Sword and Armor Displays in the Castle|YouTube Video" (【刀剣ワールド】「岡崎城」刀剣・甲冑に会える城|刀剣・甲冑展示の城郭 YouTube動画), released by "Virtual Sword Museum 'Touken World'." It introduces Okazaki Castle at Okazaki Park in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, in Japan's Tokai region. Okazaki Castle is known as the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and is famous for being the base of operations for Tokugawa Ieyasu, who returned to Mikawa (present-day Aichi Prefecture) after the Battle of Okehazama and used it as his base for unifying the country. This Okazaki Castle was deified as "the birthplace of the gods," and the Daimyo who became the lords of Okazaki Castle were proud to serve as its ruler. As you can see from 1:33 in the video, there are various exhibits of swords and armor related to Okazaki Castle. One of the most famous swords from the Muromachi period (1336-1573), "Kanemoto," with its impressive temper, resembling majestic mountains, can be seen at 1:51 in the video. At the The Ieyasu And Mikawa Bushi Museum in Okazaki Park, which can be seen at 2:09 in the video, visitors can learn about the history of the Matsudaira family, the ancestors of the Tokugawa family, from their beginnings to the unification of the Tokugawa family. A Kindami Gusoku (type of body armor), made of gold leaf, is also on display. A Look at Okazaki Castle Photo:Okazaki Castle Okazaki Castle is a Japanese castle located in the Mikawa Kuni Okazaki Domain (present-day Kosei Town, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture). Also known as "Ryujo," it was owned by the Matsudaira family during the Warring States period (1467-1615 AD) until the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1598 AD). Okazaki Castle is said to have been built by Saigo Tsuguyori, a descendant of the Niki clan in Mikawa Province, and his son Yoritsugu Saigo At that time, it was called "Ryuzu Castle." Tokugawa Ieyasu was born inside the castle in 1542. Therefore, it is called the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu. In the Edo period (1603 to 1868), it was written as "岡竒城" as oppsed to the current kanji "岡崎城" (same pronunciation). After the Meiji Restoration (1853-1867 AD), most of the castle wall at Okazaki Castle was demolished, but in 1959 the castle tower was restored to a three-layer, five-story building, and in 2006 it was listed as one of "Japan's Top 100 Castles." You can get to Okazaki Castle by foot from Meitetsu Higashi Okazaki Station or Okazaki Koen Station, or by local bus from Okazaki Koenmae Bus Stop. Vista Line Connecting Okazaki Castle and Taiju Temple Photo:Tokugawa Ieyasu・Daiju-ji Daiju-ji, a temple located around Okazaki Castle, is where Tokugawa Ieyasu, who, broken from his defeat in the Battle of Okehazama, attempted to commit ritual suicide, but was dissuaded by the chief priest. This 3-kilometer-long line that connects Okazaki Castle and Daiju-ji is known as the Vista Line, and it has been preserved for 370 years as a historical spot and a historical view. In modern times, the Vista Line has been drawn using laser light, and an event called the "Vista Line of Light" has also been held. Facilities Around Okazaki Castle Photo:Cherry blossoms at Okazaki Castle Okazaki Park, where Okazaki Castle is located, is famous for its cherry blossoms, and has been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom sites in Japan. A famous place in Okazaki Park is the Yachiyo Honten, where you can eat dengaku cuisine using Hatcho miso. Yachiyo Honten is a long-established Japanese restaurant that has been in business for more than 120 years. The Kinome Dengaku, grilled with the traditional technique of Yachiyo Honten, is an exquisite local specialty that can only be found at this restaurant. Also, in the castle town, there is an area called Hatcho Village, and there are traditional shops such as Hatcho Miso and Kakukyu Hatcho Miso, so please enjoy gourmet food and lunch. There are also temples and shrines, such as Rokusho Shrine, Takisan Toshogu Shrine, and Ise Hachimangu Shrine in the surrounding area, so we recommend visiting these to anyone collecting red seal stamps, after visiting Okazaki Castle. Summary of Okazaki Castle Photo:Okazaki Castle In the video you can learn more about Okazaki Castle, the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Okazaki Castle is a historical spot that we highly recommend visiting, as it is associated with Tokugawa Ieyasu, a famous warlord from the Warring States period. If you're interested, be sure to stop by Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture. ◆Okazaki Castle Facility Overview◆ 【Address】561-1 Koseicho, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, 444-0052 【Access】15 minutes walk from Meitetsu Higashi Okazaki Station 【Hours】 9:00-17:00 【Closures】End of the year (December 29-December 31) 【Admission fee】200 yen for adults 【Parking】Paid parking available 【Telephone No】0564-22-2122 【Official Website】Okazaki Castle Home Page | Okazaki Castle (Main Tower) | Special Features | Okazaki Park | Okazaki Outing Navigation-Okazaki City Tourist Association Official Site https://okazaki-kanko.jp/en 【Tripadvisor】Okazaki Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g788304-d1309910-Reviews-Okazaki_Castle-Okazaki_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 5:59
Gyoda City Was the First City in Saitama Prefecture to Be Recognized as a Japanese Heritage Site. Journey to the Charming City Where You Can Enjoy Quaint Scenery With Tabi Shoes and Historical Architecture!
Local PR Travel- 61 plays
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埼玉県内初の日本遺産に認定され行田市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「GyodaCity,Saitama,Japan」が公開した『「行田市日本遺産推進協議会」観光PR movie』です。 埼玉県行田市は文化庁が地域の文化や伝統・歴史を一体化して認定した日本遺産にも選ばれ、お城や歴史的建築物・古墳が多数残る街。 それでは日本遺産の埼玉県行田市を見ていきましょう! 埼玉県行田市で日本遺産を観光!忍城址は見逃せない! 写真:埼玉県行田市・忍城址 埼玉県行田市のシンボルとなっているのが忍城址(おしじょうし)。 忍城は、史上最大の水攻めにも耐えた城です。 敷地内は春の桜・秋のホテイアオイが有名。 鎧着付け体験や商工忍城時代まつりといったイベントも多く行われています。 忍城址は多く市民、観光客にも愛され、日本遺産の中心的な場所です。 埼玉県行田市の日本遺産を巡る!足袋が有名な街! 写真:地下足袋 埼玉県行田市は足袋の生産が昔から盛んでした。 毎年、日本で唯一の足袋コレが行われ、足袋作り体験や足袋とくらしの博物館を巡る旅行も楽しいでしょう。 埼玉県行田市には現在も足袋を保管するための足袋蔵が80個ほど残り、飲食店やギャラリーとして営業しています。 観光の際には足袋蔵を訪れてみてはどうでしょうか。 グルメがいっぱい!埼玉県行田市のグルメスポットを巡る旅 画像引用 :YouTube screenshot 埼玉県行田市はご当地グルメが豊富です。 その中でも有名なのがフライ。 フライとは小麦粉をフライパンで焼く、薄いお好み焼きのような食べ物です。 他にもジャガイモに野菜・おからを混ぜて小判状にして揚げたゼリーフライは埼玉県行田市の名物。 埼玉県行田市のグルメスポットを巡る観光もおすすめです。 埼玉県行田市で日本遺産を体感!歴史と自然に触れる観光旅行 写真:田んぼアート 埼玉県行田市の日本遺産を語る上で忘れていけないのがさきたま古墳公園。 ここには東日本最大の古墳があります。 また、毎年5月に行われる、「さきたま火祭り」はインスタ映えすると評判。 古代蓮の里も景勝地として多くの観光客が訪れます。 田んぼアートも毎年行われて、絶景の景色が味わえると人気です。 埼玉県行田市紹介まとめ 今回は日本遺産にも登録されている埼玉県行田市の動画を紹介しました。 埼玉県行田市は上野東京ラインを使うことで東京駅から約1時間とアクセスがよく、気軽に訪れるエリアです。 皆さんも埼玉県行田市周辺の観光を楽しんでみてはどうでしょうか。 -
Video article 3:35
Osaka Castle - Built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Second "Great Unifier" of Japan, in Osaka! Learn About the History of the Warring States Period Through Famous Swords and Armor!
History- 345 plays
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Introducing Osaka Castle This video, titled "[Sword World] Osaka Castle|Swords and Armor|Swords and Armor on Display in the Castle|YouTube Video" (【刀剣ワールド】「大阪城」刀剣・甲冑に会える城|刀剣・甲冑展示の城郭 YouTube動画), introduces Osaka Castle in Osaka. The castle's majestic appearance is famous as a symbol Osaka. However, most people don’t know the history of Osaka Castle. A Look at Osaka Castle Photo:Osaka Castle Osaka Castle was built in 1583 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the second of Japan's "Three Great Unifiers." As shown at 0:39 in the video, it's a massive, gorgeous castle with golden shachihoko ornaments. It was often called the "Golden Castle" because of this. The castle was a symbol of great wealth and power during Hideyoshi's reign, but after his death, it became the battlefield of Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Toyotomi family. In the end, Tokugawa Ieyasu came out on top, ending the reign of the Toyotomi family. Afterwards, Osaka Castle was seized by the Tokugawa Shogunate and became the base for its control of western Japan. During the Osaka campaign, the castle was heavily damaged and had to be rebuilt by the Tokugawa shogunate. The stone walls and moats that remain today were one such section that was rebuilt by the Tokugawa Shogunate. Swords and Armor Displayed in the Castle Source :YouTube screenshot Let's take a look at the history of Osaka Castle. It was the end of the Warring States Period (about 1615) and whoever won the battle between the Toyotomi and the Tokugawa families would become the unifier of the country. There were several important battles between Toyotomi and Tokugawa, but the decisive battle, and most famous one, is "The Battle of Sekigahara." Sengoku Hidehisa, a former feudal lord of the Toyotomi clan who followed Tokugawa Hidetada after Hideyoshi’s death, played an important role in this battle. His armor, as well as many other weapons, armor, and historical documents, are on display inside the castle. The present-day Osaka Castle was reconstructed in 1931, but it was destroyed during the Meiji Restoration and in air raids during the Pacific War. Today, the ruins of Osaka Castle are a special historical site, and a museum in the reconstructed site houses the famous blade, "Osaka Shinto," by an Osaka-based swordsmith, which can be seen at 2:10 in the video. The museum also houses "Kamichinokami Kunisuke" which is listed as Tangible Cultural Properties of Osaka Prefecture. It can be seen at 2:26 in the video. A number of armors, mainly from the Warring States period, are also on display. The chest with black leather, purple, red, and white armor, has been designated an important art object. You can see the collection of armor in the Osaka Castle from 2:29 in the video. Summary of Osaka Castle Photo:Osaka Castle Illumination The present-day Osaka Castle still has the inner citadel, the outer citadel, the watchtowers, and other structures that have been designated as important cultural assets, and you can also see the inside of the castle, which is currently undergoing a restoration project. Osaka Castle Park, known for its cherry blossoms and for being a great place for barbecuing, is also located in the vicinity, and is crowded with tourists who come to see the illuminations and light-up events. Osaka Castle is a symbol of Osaka, both in name and reality, as the adjacent Osaka Castle Hall hosts live concerts and other events. Enjoy delicious Osaka cuisine and learn about the history of Japan at Osaka Castle, a popular tourist destination! ◆Information◆ 【Address】1-1 Osakajo, Chuo, Osaka, Osaka 540-0002 【Access】A short walk from Tanimachi 4-chome (Yonchome) Station off the Chuo and Tanimachi Lines 【Admission fee】600 yen for adults 【Hours】9 am to 5 pm 【Closures】Year-end and New Years holidays 【Parking】Coin parking lot available 【Official Website】Osaka Castle https://www.osakacastle.net/ 【Tripadvisor】Osaka Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14127623-d320970-Reviews-Osaka_Castle-Chuo_Osaka_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:21
The Pure White Walls and Tiles of Kanazawa Castle Are Absolutely Gorgeous! A Look at the Castle Where You Can Learn About the Culture of Kaga Hyakumangoku in Kanazawa, Ishikawa!
Art & Architecture History- 74 plays
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Kanazawa Castle" in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Ishikawa Kanazawa Castle - 金沢城 - 4K Ultra HD" introduces information about Kanazawa castle in Ishikawa Prefecture. The video was published by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Kanazawa castle is one of the most popular tourist spots in the Hokuriku Region. At Kanazawa castle, you can learn about the history of Ishikawa, Kanazawa, a place known as a prosperous castle town in Kaga Hyakumangoku. Kaga Hyakumangoku refers to the measure of wealth the Kaga region attained during the early rule of the Maeda clan and the artisan culture they promoted over the following three centuries. The video shows the beautiful Kanazawa castle, a national historical site. In the article, we'll talk about Kanazawa castle alongside the video. Try to keep up! What is Kanazawa Castle? Photo:Kanazawa Castle Park in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture Kanazawa castle is located in Marunouchi, Kanazawa, in Ishikawa prefecture (Formerly Kaga province, Ishikawa-gun, Kaganokuni). It was built on the Kodatsuno Plateau between the Saigawa River and the Asano River, which flows through the Kanazawa plains. During Edo period (1603-1868), Kanazawa castle prospered as a castle town of Kaga Hyakumangoku and was used as a residence of the Maeda clan, the head of the Kaga domain. Today, the area around the castle, including the ruins of Kanazawa Castle, a national historic site, has been developed into Kanazawa Castle Park, and is one of Kanazawa's most popular tourist attractions. Kanazawa castle was constructed from the Warring States period (1467-1615) to the Edo period and is classified as a hilltop castle with a teikakushiki layout. It has a distinctive exterior with white walls made of white mortar and flat lead tiles. The beautiful white roof tiles of Kanazawa Castle can be seen at 0:04 in the video. Hashizume mon (gate) is the highlight of Kanazawa castle. Although it was burned down in 1881, it was restored to its former glory in 2015. Be sure to check out the interesting shapes of the rocks used in the stone walls at different gates. There so many interesting spots in Kanazawa park! The castle tower was destroyed by lightning three years after Toshiie Maeda became lord of the castle after the Battle of Shizugatake. There was a plan to restore the castle tower, but due to a lack of resources, it was difficult to do so. Tour Information for Kanazawa Castle Photo:Kanazawa Castle Park in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture Kanazawa castle is open year round. Between March 1st and October 15th it's open from 7 am to 6 pm and from October 16th to the end of February it's open from 8 am to 5 pm. Admission to Kanazawa Castle is free, but there are charges to enter Hishigaya Turret, Gojukken Nagaya Warehouse, Hashizume-mon, and the Tsuzuki Yagura Turret. The admission fees for these places are 320 yen for adults and 100 yen for children. Access is about 10 minutes by taxi from Kanazawa Station. By car, it takes about 30 minutes from the Kanazawa West IC (金沢西IC) on the Hokuriku Expressway. There are 3 different parking areas near Kanazawa castle. The illumination of Kanazawa Castle and Kenrokuen is a popular seasonal event. During this time, Kenrokuen will be open to the public free of charge at night and is lit up for a limited time. The autumn foliage and the fantastic scenery of lights are must-sees. Summary of Kanazawa castle. Photo:Kanazawa Castle Park in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture The video in this article introduces the beautiful scenery of Kanazawa castle. There is so much to see at Kanazawa Castle Park. Kenrokuen is known as one of the three greatest gardens of Japan, and is a place where you can enjoy the view of a traditional Japanese garden. You can also collect a stamp from Kanazawa castle if you have a stamp book. It's a great place for history buffs as well! 【Official Website】Kanazawa castle and Kenrokuen - Ishikawa http://www.pref.ishikawa.jp/siro-niwa/english/top.html 【Tripadvisor】Kanazawa castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298115-d324909-Reviews-Kanazawa_Castle-Kanazawa_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 5:56
Cherry blossoms in full bloom in winter at Hirosaki Park, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture? Video of the "Winter Blooming Cherry Blossoms Light-up" with beautiful shimmering pink. Seasonal light-up information is also introduced.
Festivals & Events Nature Travel- 338 plays
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Hirosaki Park, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture "Winter Blooming Sakura Light-up" Video Introduction This video, titled "【4K】2022 Hirosaki Park 'Sakura Illumination Blooming in Winter'" (2022年 弘前公園「冬に咲くさくらライトアップ」【4K】 2022 Hirosaki Park 'Sakura Illumination Blooming in Winter), was uploaded by "TheEAGLEBOM." Did you know that you can see cherry blossoms blooming in the snow? We hope you'll enjoy these winter cherry blossoms filmed at night at Hirosaki Park, located in Hirosaki, Aomori, in Japan's Tohoku region. Snow piles up on the cherry blossoms, which are imbued with a light pink hue. It truly looks as though these cherry blossoms are actually in full bloom. The snow gathering on the river's surface is reminiscent of cherry blossoms floating on the surface of the water, and stretches out like a carpet of petals. Keep thoughts of spring in your mind as you enjoy this supremely breathtaking scenery, dyed in a heart-warming pink. [Video] 2:39 – Snow Floating on the Water Like Cherry Blossoms Hirosaki Park and Its Popular Winter Cherry Blossom Illumination Photo:The winter cherry blossoms illumination at Hirosaki Park What exactly are these season-defying winter cherry blossoms? Well, in reality, this winter cherry blossom illumination makes use of the fact that snow accumulated on the branches of cherry trees makes it look like the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. This illumination event takes place during winter at Hirosaki Park, in Hirosaki, Aomori. The inspiration for the event came from a single photo taken by a member of the regional development team. The photo caused a stir on social media, with commenters unable to tell whether it was taken in spring or winter. The event carries with it the feelings of Hirosaki citizens who long to see the warming views of cherry blossoms in the cold of winter. Illuminated in pink in the moat surrounding Hirosaki Park, the subtle coloring almost makes it look as if the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and help onlookers to forget about the cold weather. To see the cherry blossoms, you'll need to arrive the same day the snow settles on the branches. The best days to see the cherry blossoms are on days when it snows heavily and it's not too cold or windy. [Video] 0:53 – What Inspired the Illuminations? What are the duration and hours of the Winter 2023-2024 "Winter Blooming Sakura Light-up"? Photo:Weeping cherry blossoms of snow at Hirosaki Park Winter 2023 will be held as follows.I hope you have a heartwarming time with your lover, family, and loved ones. The recommended time to visit the cherry blossom light-up in winter is from late December to mid-February. [Period] December 1, 2023 - February 29, 2024 *The lights may be turned off from December 1st to 7th due to equipment adjustment. [Lighting time] Sunset to 21:00 *Extended from December 22nd to January 3rd, and from February 9th to 14th until 23:00 [Parking] Hirosaki City Tourist Hall/Underground Parking Lot (24 hours in and out) 2-1 Shimo-Shirogane-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (Otemon/Hirosaki City Hall Headquarters Soba) *Parking is free for one hour [Parking] Hirosaki City Tourist Hall/Underground Parking Lot (24 hours in and out) 2-1 Shimo-Shirogane-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (Otemon, near Hirosaki City Hall headquarters building) *1 hour free parking Hirosaki City Hall (7:00~21:30) 1-1 Kamishiroganmachi, Hirosaki City (Otemon soba) *1 hour free parking *Please note that you cannot leave the warehouse after 21:30 just before lighting up ends Outair Motoko-cho (24-hour entry and exit allowed) 2 Motoko-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (near the main building of Hirosaki City Hall, Otemon) Springtime at Hirosaki Park – Spectacular Cherry Blossom Illuminations! Photo:Hirosaki Park cherry blossom illumination, Aomori Prefecture From the end of April and throughout Golden Week (a period of around one week at the end of April/beginning of May containing a number of Japanese national holidays), Hirosaki Park hosts the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival" (弘前さくらまつり, hirosaki sakura matsuri), timed to coincide with the cherry blossom season. This cherry blossoms festival at Hirosaki Castle has been touted by some as the best in Japan. The rooftop of Hirosaki City Hall - usually inaccessible to the public - is opened up, and the festival receives over 2 million visitors each year. While the location of the "cherry blossoms heart" popular on Japanese social media is sadly not in the public domain, we hear that there will be heart shaped tree stumps placed to lead you in the right direction. Be sure to keep an eye out for it as you explore the park! What's more, during the cherry blossoms festival there's a special train linking Hirosaki to other famous cherry blossoms spots around Japan's northern Tohoku region. Why not take a ride and go on a tour to view the cherry blossoms? [Cherry blossoms Festival Opening Dates] Late March–Early May (Generally held to coincide with the blooming of the cherry blossoms) [Hours] Special nighttime lighting (illuminations): Sundown – 8:30 p.m. ※Subject to change depending on cherry blossom blooming conditions. The Colorful Autumn Illuminations of Hirosaki Park Are a Must-See as Well! Photo:Hirosaki Park's autumn illumination In the fall, the autumn leaves that have for so long added a touch of color to Hirosaki Castle, the symbol of this ancient Japanese city, are brightly illuminated. The elegant lights, which are as beautiful as any other seasonal light up, are sure to impress. While enjoying the various events and stalls, visitors can catch a glimpse of Hirosaki's history by viewing the old castle in its colorful autumn attire and the autumn leaves adorning the castle walls. [Hirosaki Castle Chrysanthemum and Autumn Leaves Festival Dates] Late October–Early November [Hours] Sundown – 8:00 p.m. And as the 1000 Japanese maples and 2600 cherry blossom trees take on the colors of fall, make sure you don't forget to check out the giant 300-year-old ginkgo tree, "Neagari Icho" (lit. lifted-root ginkgo, so named for its exposed roots). Hirosaki Park Illuminations: Roundup With illumination events in each season, Hirosaki Park, located at Hirosaki Castle, a symbol of the historical Japanese city, adds a layer of excitement to the beauty of its bountiful nature. This place deserves a spot in any travel itinerary, no matter the season, as it's one of the most popular places to visit in Japan's Tohoku region. Take your family, friends, or loved one with you, and breathe in the history in this vast park! ◆Hirosaki Park◆ 【Address】1 Shimoshirogane-cho, Hirosaki, Aomori 【Admission Fee (for paid areas)】 [Hirosaki Castle center/northern section] Adults: ¥320 | Children: ¥100 [Hirosaki Castle Botanical Garden] Adults: ¥320 | Children: ¥100 [Discount bundle tickets for the above areas] Adults: ¥520 | Children: ¥160 【Hours】Please check the official website for opening times for paid areas. 【Access】 On foot from Hirosaki Station (弘前駅, hirosaki-eki): Around 30 minutes Taxi from Hirosaki Station: Around 10 minutes From Hirosaki Station by bus: 4 minutes on foot when disembarking from the City Hall (市役所前, shiyakushomae) 【TripAdvisor】Hirosaki Park -
Video article 5:12
Japan Day Is a Popular Event Where You Can Enjoy Japanese Culture in the United States! Take This Chance to Grab Some Authentic Japanese Food and Enjoy Performances by Japanese Artists at New York’s Central Park!
Festivals & Events- 67 plays
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Introducing Japan Day 2018! This video, titled "Japan Day 2018, the Largest Festival in New York City!" (NY最大規模のお祭り!Japan Day2018), was created by "FCI NY." Japan Day is a yearly event held in Central Park in New York, with the goal of improving US-Japan cultural ties. The event shown in the video is Japan Day 2018, which was held on Mothers’ Day, the 13th of May. With many Japanophiles as well as festival fans present, the event was a bustling affair. What Was Featured at Japan Day 2018? Source :YouTube screenshot The attraction of Japan Day lies in its many events. The Japanese taiko drumming stage performance was a highlight of the event, with many visitors enjoying a taste of Japanese culture. There are also other interesting events that took place in the activity and charity tents. Some of these include charity activities for ultrasound screening, as shown at 2:00 in the video. The food corner has a great selection of delicious Japanese food. In particular, many tourists lined up at the gyoza (pot stickers) and okonomiyaki food tents shown at 2:29in the video. Other events, such as a mini-marathon in the Bandshell Area, were very exciting as well. The Japanese Guests Who Participated in Japan Day 2018 Source :YouTube screenshot Japan Day 2018 also featured a number of popular Japanese entertainers. The charity ambassador for the event was former NHK announcer Junko Kubo. At 3:20 in the video, singer-songwriter Kana Uemura can be seen performing her hit song "The World’s Best Meal" (世界一ごはん, sekai-ichi gohan) and "The God of the Toilet" (トイレの神様, toire no kamisama), and at 4:07 in the video, Yumi Yoshimura and Ami Onuki from Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi took the stage as well. Entertainers such as Peace’s Ayabe Yuji were also present at the event. Overview of Japan Day 2018 Source :YouTube screenshot Japan Day is a popular event for people to enjoy Japanese culture in the U.S. The video introduces Japan Day 2018, including interviews with visitors to the event, so be sure to check it out. If you're interested in Japanese culture or cuisine, definitely join in the fun at the next Japan Day event! -
Video article 5:02
Yamashiro: Mountain Castles of the Popular Warriors, Oda Nobunaga and Ranmaru Mori of Japan's Warring States Period
Art & Architecture- 127 plays
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Introducing the Treasures of Gifu: Higashi Mino's Mountain Castle Ruins The video titled "The Treasures of Gifu: “Higashi Mino's Mountain Castle ruins"(岐阜の宝もの「ひがしみのの山城」) was created by "G-Men, Gifu's Handsome Civil Servants." This video introduces the history of different mountain castle ruins in the Gifu area. Gifu prefecture in Japan's Tokai region, officially deemed some of its attractions, that are appreciated all over Japan, the "Treasures of Gifu." In 2017, the Iwamura Castle Ruins and Iwamura Castle Town, as well as the Naegi Castle Ruins, Mino Kaneyama Castle Ruins, and Higashi Mino Castle Ruins, were added to the list of the "Treasures of Gifu." This video and article will take a close look at these castle ruins. If you watch the video very carefully, you'll feel like you're actually visiting these castle ruins and can learn more about the history of Japan. A Look at the Iwamura Castle Ruins Source of photo :YouTube screenshot The places you see in the video from 0:32 are the Iwamura Castle Ruins and Iwamura Castle Town, located in Ena City. Lady Otsuya (おつやの方,Otsuya no Kata), Nobunaga's aunt, was the castellan of Iwamura castle. Iwamura castle was built in the Kamakura period and it has been selected as one of the Top 100 castles in Japan, as well as one of Japan's Top 3 Mountain Castles. What's amazing about these castle ruins is that the castle itself has 17 original wells, six-layered walls, and a fabulous view of the Taiko Yagura (Drum tower). Iwamura castle town has 400 years of history involving merchants and old houses. Also stop by the Iwamura History museum, the Katsukawa House, and Toyasa if you are in the area. You can check out the CG (Computer Graphic) of Iwamura castle at 1:25. The Naegi Castle Ruins Source of photo :YouTube screenshot From 1:54 in the video, Nakatsugawa's Naegi Castle ruins is introduced. Being on top of a 432 meter hill and across from the Kiso-gawa river by mountain castle bridge, Naegi castle has one of the best views in Gifu. You can see the 360 degree panoramic view of Kiso-gawa river and other natural views from the observatory. This castle was constructed in 1526, when Toyama governed the Naegi area from the Warring States Period through the Edo Period. Naegi castle is also one of Top 100 castles in Japan and has a deep history. It has many attractive features, such as a stone wall made of natural gigantic rocks, a castle tower, as well as a large watchtower. You can see stone walls piled up and it looks as though the walls are holding the rocks up. If you're interested in the history of Nakatsugawa or the legend of Naegi castle, be sure to stop by the Naegi Toyama Historical Museum. You can also check out the CG video of Naegi castle at 2:43 in the video. The Mino Kaneyama Castle Ruins Source of photo :YouTube screenshot The Mino Kaneyama castle ruins are introduced in the video at 3:14. The ruins have interesting features, such as cornerstones and broken stone walls. Kaneyama castle is located on top of Mt. Kojo. It's 276 meters (~905 ft.) tall with the best view of Kaneyama in Kani. It was also selected as one of the top 100 castles in Japan and was constructed in 1537. You can also see the remaining cornerstones used for the building. Something interesting to note about Mino Kaneyama Castle is its battering ram. Destroying a castle was the condition of an armistice during Sengoku period. One of the most famous warriors, Mori Ranmaru, grew up in Kaneyama and became the lord of the castle when he was 18. Unfortunately, only two months after becoming lord of the castle, he perished with Oda Nobunaga during the Honnoji Incident. As Kaneyama is Ranmaru Mori’s hometown, there is a place called "Ranmaru Furusato no Mori" where you can see the beautiful view of a canyon. As Kani City, Gifu is the birthplace of Mitsuhide Akechi, there are several fun events related to Japanese history, such as a stamp collecting event and a Sengoku Period treasure hunting event that take place there. The Treasures of Gifu: Mino Higashi's Mountain Castle Ruins Source of photo :YouTube screenshot In the video "The Treasures of Gifu: Mino Higashi's Mountain Castle ruins], viewers are introduced to several popular castle ruins deemed the "Treasures of Gifu." As Japan's Tokai region was one of the most important areas in Japanese history, there are several important castles and castle ruins. Most of the castle ruins are located on top of hills and surrounded by nature, making them the perfect spots for Instagrammers. If you are interested in Japanese history, please come visit Japan and see these popular castles. 【Official Website】Gifu Prefecture Official Website https://www.pref.gifu.lg.jp/foreign-languages/English/ -
Video article 3:19
Chidorigafuchi's “Cherry Blossom Festival in Chiyoda” is a cherry blossom viewing spot in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward that attracts 1.3 million visitors! The beautiful cherry blossoms illuminated by lights are a spectacular spot to visit at least once!
Travel- 318 plays
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Tokyo's Famous Cherry Blossom Spot, Chidorigafuchi If you're wondering where you can enjoy the beauty of Japan's 4 seasons, then look no further than Chidorigafuchi! When people think about visiting Tokyo, they probably think of gourmet food, shopping, and theme parks. But they're missing out, because while Tokyo may be the big city, there's still plenty of nature to be seen there. This video was created by “Japan Explorers.” It introduces cherry blossom viewing at night in Chidorigafuchi, Tokyo. The video is called “Chidorigafuchi Cherry Blossom [8k](千鳥ヶ淵の夜桜 ライトアップ Chidorigafuchi Cherry Blossom [8K]).” This article provides historical information about Chidorigafuchi, located in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward, as well as information on the lit up cherry blossoms during the "Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival." It also explains the history of the cherry blossoms. The video demonstrates the beauty of the cherry blossoms as they light up under the night sky with high resolution 8K quality. It's amazing that you can find such a beautiful place in the middle of Tokyo. Please enjoy article and be sure to follow along with the video showcasing beautiful cherry blossoms. Chidorigafuchi, a famous sightseeing spot in Tokyo Photo:Cherry blossoms at the Imperial Palace, Chidorigafuchi Chidorigafuchi in Chiyoda, Tokyo is a moat northwest of the Imperial Palace. There is an event called the “Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival” where the cherry blossoms are lit up at night in the spring. We recommend taking a look at the breathtaking cherry blossoms reflecting off the surface of the water. Chidorigafuchi is a moat made after the opening of Edo in 1603. The moat was constructed as an expansion of the former Edo Castle. To create it, they blocked the river using earthen bridges at Hanzomon gate and Tayasumon gate. It used to be connected to the moat bordering Daikancho street, but it was reclaimed for road construction in 1900, and it became a separate moat. Hanzo moat is next to Chidorigafuchi park. There is a boat dock in the Chidorigafuchi green way, and you can enjoy the view of cherry blossoms from the boat. We recommend taking a boat ride to avoid the crowds. The nearest stations are Hanzomon station and Kudange subway station. It is only a 5-minute walk from both stations. There are no parking spots near Chidorigafuchi green way, so we recommend taking public transportation to Chidorigafuchi. Most poeple probably think of Tokyo tower and Tokyo Sky Tree when they think of tourist spots in Tokyo, but Chidorigafuchi is an amazing place for sightseeing. There's also Nippon Budokan and the British Embassy in the area as well. What is the best time and place to see cherry blossoms at Chidorigafuchi? Photo:Cherry blossoms lit up in Chidorigafuchi Yasukuni-dori Street and Chidorigabuchi are known as the most popular cherry blossom spots in Tokyo, attracting about 1.3 million visitors from home and abroad every year. Cherry blossoms in Chidorigabuchi are at their best from late March to early April.You can see beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom in white and pink, and by the time they are past their full bloom, the "zero cherry blossoms" that have fallen on the water surface create another tasteful scene. On the Chidorigabuchi Green Road in spring, where 260 cherry trees bloom beautifully, you will be able to see plenty of cherry blossoms that you can see. There are about 330 cherry trees on the Kitanomaru side of the park and about 260 Someiyoshino and Yamazakura cherry trees along the Chidorigafuchi Greenway avenue. All these cherry blossoms turn the area around the moat pink. The Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival is held every year according to the bloom conditions. The night light up as “Chiyoda Cherry Blossom” entertains you with the fantastic view of cherry blossoms. Parties and securing spaces is banned at Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival. There are also no street markets and the number of bathrooms is limited. We recommend viewing the beautiful, illuminated cherry blossoms from the Chidorigafuchi greenway in the spring. In the video at 0:42, you can see an amazing view of the cherry blossoms lit up. It's truly a sight unlike any other. Be sure to take some pictures to commemorate your trip and to post on Instagram! Information about the cherry blossoms in Chidorigafuchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo. The best time to see cherry blossoms is from late March to early April. The types of cherry blossoms are Someiyoshino, Oshima-zakura, and Shidare-zakura. The Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival is held based on the bloom forecast, so be sure to check the official website if you're planning to come to the festival. Summary of Cherry Blossoms at Chidorigafuchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo ©r_abe01 Modifying Be sure to check out the video if you're curious about the cherry blossoms in Chidorigafuchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo. As you can see in the video, Chidorigafuchi's cherry blossoms are quite the spectacle. Enjoy the beautiful night light up of the cherry blossoms at Chidorigafuchi. If you want to relax in an oasis in the city or enjoy the Japanese springtime tradition of hanami, this is the place to be! Be sure to watch the video to see the beautiful cherry blossoms! -
Video article 2:26
Cute Capybaras Enjoying Hot Springs With Fruit on Their Heads at Izu Shaboten Zoo!
Living Things Things to Do Travel- 3.36K plays
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Video introduction of the original capybara open-air bath at Izu Shaboten Zoological Park in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture. This video, titled "Capybara with mandarin orange on head in the open-air bath☆みかんを頭にのせるカピバラ 伊豆シャボテン動物公園【元祖カピバラの露天風呂】," was released by "HIRO@sea." The video shows capybaras enjoying a relaxing soak in an open-air bath. The capybaras can be found at the Izu Shaboten Zoo, in Futo, Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture in Japan's Tokai Region. Just like humans, the capybara enjoy a warm bath. The water is filled with yuzu, a type of citrus fruit. You can see the capybara with a yuzu on its head at 1:46 in the video! In this article, we'll introduce the Izu Shaboten Zoo and its open-air capybara bath. The Izu Shaboten Zoo Photo:Izu Shaboten Zoo The Izu Shaboten Zoo is a theme park in Futo, Ito City, Shizuoka. The Zoo is known for animals and cacti. The zoo was opened around 60 years ago, in October of 1959. The 200,000-square-meter park, which opened around 60 years ago in October 1959, has a greenhouse with cacti and succulents from all over the world. There's also kangaroos, capybaras, anteaters, squirrel monkeys, red pandas, chimpanzees, ponies, wild birds, the ever-popular motionless bobwhite stork, and a variety of other animals. The zoo is home to around 800 animals and birds, including flamingos, peacocks, and fennec foxes. The cacti are divided into five sections: the South American Pavilion, the African Pavilion, the Madagascar Pavilion, the Mexico Pavilion, and the Forest Cactus Pavilion. There are edible cacti available for tasting as well. In 2016, the official Japanese name of the zoo was changed from the former "Izu Shaboten Park" (伊豆シャボテン公園) to the current "Izu Shaboten Zoological Park" (伊豆シャボテン動物公園). A little to the east of Izu Shaboten Zoo, there's Izu Granpal Park, Izu Kogen Tabi no Eki Granpal Port, New York Lamp Museum & Flower Garden, and the Izu Oceanic Park Diving Center as part of the Izu Shaboten Zoological Park Group. Izu Shaboten Animal Park also has life-size replicas of a sculpture of ancient American civilization, and the entire Izu Shaboten Zoological Park Group has a wide range of attractions, from animals and plants to artifacts, park golf, the "Ship-shaped 3D Maze KAiZOKU," "Zip Line 風KAZE," "Water Balloons," and more. There's also "Wan Wan Park," a dog run where you can enjoy taking your dog, and the "Izu Kogen Grand Illumination," a hands-on style illumination. Nearby, the official hotels "Izu Shaboten Village" and "Izu Shaboten Village GLAMPING" can be found. You can fully enjoy your Izu Shaboten experience with an overnight stay at either one of these locations. The Open Air Capybara Bath Photo:Open-air capybara bath Firstly, what exactly are capybaras? Capybaras are members of the caviidae family of rodents, native to South America. They can be found from Panama to the northeast of Argentina. They are large (106-134 centimeters in length), have a gentle nature and are known to be very friendly towards humans. They tend to be found in groups of 10 to 20. A group of capybaras can be seen soaking in the bath together from 0:07 in the video. The open-air capybara bath shown in the video has been a tradition of the Izu Shaboten Zoo since 1982. At that time, the zookeepers were washing the exhibit with warm water when the capybaras began to soak in the puddles. Thereafter, the zookeepers came up with the idea of preparing warm baths for the capybaras. Now, the capybara bath has become a winter tradition. Nowadays, many zoos in Japan have introduced their own capybara baths, but the originator is none other than the Izu Shaboten Zoo. The zoo even has a capybara mascot known as "Capyba." Summary of the Izu Shaboten Zoo Source :【Official Website】Izu Shaboten Zoo Due to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, to uphold social distancing rules, capybara and red panda plush toys are placed between seats at the zoo as well as the restaurant "Forest Animal Restaurant GIBBONTEI." The adorable image of the plush toys seated in the restaurant has generated buzz online, and has even been shown on the news. The plush toy and calendar can be purchased at the gift shop within the zoo. Many goods are also available on the official online shop "IZU SHABOTEN HONPO," so do take a look! Take a moment to relax and check out this heartwarming video. ◆Izu Shaboten Zoo Facilities Overview◆ 【Address】1317-13 Tomido, Itou City, Shizuoka Prefecture 【Access】From JR Atami Station, get off at JR Ito Station on the Ito Line, and take the Tokai Bus for Shaboten Zoo (~35 minutes). 【Admission Fee】Adults: 2,400 yen Elementary School Students: 1,200 yen Children (over the age of 4): 400 yen Discounts for groups, seniors, and persons with disabilities, as well as coupon deals, are also available. 【Hours】9:00-17:00 【Closures】None 【Avg. Time Spent Here】2+ Hours 【Parking】400 regular spaces, 500 yen|Buses: 18 spaces, 1,000 yen 【Official Website】Izu Shaboten Zoo https://izushaboten.com/lang/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Izu Shaboten Zoo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298123-d1196864-Reviews-Izu_Shaboten_Zoo-Ito_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:09
Otaru Tenguyama in Otaru City, Hokkaido! Video introduction of the ropeway, view from the observatory, shrine, and other attractions! How to enjoy and Otaru night view spots too!
Travel Nature Food & Drink- 225 plays
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Mt. Tengu in Otaru, Hokkaido: Video Introduction This video, titled "Otaru Tenguyama (Mt. Tengu) - Enjoy a Spectacular View of the Sky|Official PR Video" (札幌から一番近い 天空の絶景を存分に楽しめる小樽天狗山 -Mt.TENGU-|公式PR動画), was uploaded by Otaru Tenguyama Ropeway. The video introduces various things to do on Otaru Tenguyama (Mt. Tengu), including a ropeway, beautiful views from the observation deck, a shrine and cafeteria at the top of Tenguyama, and more. There's no shortage of fun things to do on Mt. Tengu. What is Otaru Tenguyama? Photo:The view from Otaru Tenguyama, Hokkaido Otaru Tenguyama, aka Mt. Tengu, is a 532.4-meter-tall mountain located in Otaru, Hokkaido. It is a symbolic mountain of Otaru and overlooks the city of Otaru and the Sea of Japan. Otaru Tenguyama is approximately 15 minutes from the Otaru IC by car, and 17 minutes by bus from JR Otaru Station. You can also drive to the top of Mt. Tengu, but we recommend taking the ropeway if it's your first time visiting the mountain; the 30-seat ropeway takes roughly 4 minutes to reach the top, and offers a spectacular view of Otaru Bay, Ishikari Bay, and even the Shakotan Peninsula on a clear day. In the winter, you can enjoy skiing at a ski resort where two lifts are in operation. In the warmer months, there are zip lines, hot air balloon rides, mountain climbing/hiking, slides, and camping facilities that are popular during summer vacation. Otaru Tenguyama is an appealing tourist attraction that can be enjoyed all year round. Otaru Tenguyama (Mt. Tengu) – Observation Deck, Shrine, and Gorgeous Night Views Photo:Tenguu Terrace, Otaru Tenguyama, Hokkaido Here, we'll take a look at some things to do on Otaru Tenguyama. ・Observation Deck Otaru Tenguyama has five observation decks with different views. Tenguu Terrace, located at the Tengu Cherry Blossom Observatory, offers an unobstructed view from a wooden deck with no railing. Some visitors take pictures with their takeout drinks they ordered from the nearby TENGUU Café! [Video] 0:19 - Tenguu Terrace ・Mt. Tengu Shrine Mt. Tengu Shrine, located at the top of Mt. Tengu in Otaru, Hokkaido, is dedicated to the deity Sarutahiko. Located near the shrine is a large tengu, which is said to ward off evil and make wishes come true when its long nose is stroked. [Video] 0:37 - Mt. Tengu Shrine ・Night Views Otaru Tenguyama is also known for having one of the three best night views in Hokkaido. In addition to the Tenguu Terrace observation deck, the Manten Stage offers a night view of the highway and a starry sky. [Video] 1:55 - The Night View from Otaru Tenguyama Photo:Chipmunk Park, Otaru Tenguyama, Hokkaido ・Chipmunk Park Chipmunk Park is a park where you can see cute chipmunks up close and feed them. (The park is open from late May to mid-October.) [Video] 0:33 - Cute Squirrels at Chipmunk Park Winter at Otaru Tenguyama – Skiing & Fireworks One of the best things to do during winter at Otaru Tengu is enjoy some winter sports on the ski slopes, which offer a spectacular view of the area. Skiing while enjoying the view below is a great way to unwind and have some fun. Otaru Yuki Hanabi (Otaru Snow Fireworks) is a fireworks display held at the ski resort in December, and is a popular annual event. The 2022 Otaru Snow Fireworks was held on December 17, but the schedule for 2023 has yet to be determined. Please check the Otaru Yuki Hanabi official website for information regarding the 2023 event. Otaru Tenguyama – One of the Top 3 Nights Views of Hokkaido + Nearby Night Views Photo:The night view from Mt. Hakodate, Hokkaido Otaru Tenguyama is one of the top 3 night views of Hokkaido, along with Mt. Hakodate and Mt. Moiwa, but there are other lesser-known night view spots scattered around the area. Some recommended night view spots are the Asahi Observatory, which can be easily accessed via a 5-minute drive from Otaru Station; the Mount Kenashi View Point, a 30-minute drive from Otaru Station; and the illumination of the Otaru Canal, a famous tourist attraction in Otaru, Hokkaido. After enjoying the night view of Mt. Tengu, consider visiting one of these other locations. Other Things to Do in Otaru, Hokkaido Besides Otaru Tenguyama, there is a myriad of things to do in Otaru. Otaru Museum A museum offering a variety of activities with which to learn about the history and natural scenery of Otaru, Hokkaido. The museum is made up of two facilities: the main museum and the canal museum. The museums are located just 20 minutes apart and so its recommended that you visit both as there are also discounted tickets that can be used at both facilities. Hours: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm Admission Fee: General admission: 400 yen (winter 300 yen), high school students and senior citizens living in the area: 200 yen (winter 150 yen), Junior high school students and younger: free Otaru Aquarium Built in 1958, the Otaru Aquarium has a variety of exhibits, including penguins, dolphins, sea lions, etc. Children and adults alike can enjoy learning about the various marine life at the aquarium and even watch the impressive dolphin shows. The aquarium shop features a variety of cute stuffed animals and souvenirs to commemorate your trip. Hours: Mar. 18 - Oct.15 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (4:30 pm last admission) Oct. 16 - Nov. 26 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (3:30 pm last admission) Dec. 16 - Feb. 25 - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (3:30 pm last admission) Admission Fee: Adults: 1,800 yen, Children: 700 yen, Young children (Ages 3 and under): 350 yen Otaru Canal The Otaru Canal is a 1,140-meter-long canal running through the city of Otaru. Built in 1923, the Otaru Canal was used to transport cargo from offshore. The canal is lined with 63 atmospheric street lights, and the buildings that line the canal, once used as warehouses, have been transformed into restaurants and other facilities. It's a scenic location to explore the history of Otaru. What to Eat in Otaru? Otaru is home to tons of delicious foods to try. Because Otaru is a port town, it has some of the freshest seafood that money can buy. You can enjoy sampling various types of sushi, seafood bowls and more. Besides seafood, we recommend trying Otaru Ankake Yakisoba, a famous food from Otaru. The dish features fried noodles, lots of sauce, and a variety of vegetables from Otaru and is sold in restaurants all over Otaru. Summary of Otaru Tenguyama Otaru Tenguyama is full of attractions all year round. After seeing all the amazing attractions in the video, don't be surprised if you're itching to visit the area this summer! In addition to the video introduced here, the Otaru Tenguyama Ropeway YouTube channel also offers live footage from the ropeway's cameras. You can check out the current view from Mt. Tengu and even night views from the mountain. Otaru Tengu is located relatively close to Sapporo, so consider stopping by if you're traveling in Hokkaido! Otaru Tenguyama Ropeway Information 【Address】Tenguyama, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0012 【Operation Period】April 15 - November 5 【Hours】9:00 am - 9:00 pm 【Admission Fee】Adults: 1,600 yen, Children: 800 yen, Pets: 300 yen ※Discounts available for groups of 20 or more 【Parking】Available (Free) 【TripAdvisor】Otaru Tenguyama -
Video article 6:52
Video of Jozankei, a recommended sightseeing spot in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan! Enjoy the autumn leaves and the hot water of Jozankei Onsen!
Nature Travel- 78 plays
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Video introduction of Jozankei Autumn Foliage Spot in Sapporo, Hokkaido This video, titled "Hokkaido's Best Views – Autumn Leaves of Jozankei in 2021" (紅葉2021 定山渓 北海道 絶景), was uploaded by "GreenNova TV." Jozankei is located in Sapporo, Hokkaido, and is a popular, remote hot spring resort surrounded by rich valleys and deep forests. Jozankei's vivid autumn foliage is due to the rocky surfaces of the valley having large differences in temperature and the beautifully flowing river. Shikotsu-Toya National Park consists of five areas: the Lake Shikotsu area, Jozankei area, Lake Toya area, Mt. Yotei area, and the Noboribetsu area. In the Jozankei area, the area around Hoheikyo Dam is loved by many tourists traveling in Hokkaido as one of the best places to see autumn leaves. Be sure to check out this enchanting video that captures the autumn leaves at their best. Sapporo Kokusai Ski Resort's Autumn Festival! Enjoy a Spectacular View of Autumn Leaves on a Gondola! Photo:Autumn at Sapporo Kokusai Ski Resort Sapporo Kokusai Ski Resort is a ski resort located in Jozankei, Sapporo in Hokkaido. When the autumn leaves are in season, visitors can enjoy stunning colors created by Mother Nature from the foot of the mountain to the summit. The Autumn Festival is held every year when the autumn leaves are at their best, and the "Autumn Leaves Gondola" is a popular event utilizing a gondola. Viewing the autumn leaves while riding a gondola makes for an exciting experience, and the sweeping views of autumn leaves from the picturesque viewing platform at the top of the mountain are nothing short of amazing. There are also stalls serving delicious food and local specialties of Hokkaido, so be sure to enjoy the flavors of autumn to your heart's content! [Video] 0:30 - Sapporo Kokusai Ski Resort A Stunning View of Autumn Leaves From the Sapporo Lake Daiichi Observatory The contrast of the autumn leaves from the maples, cherries, and other trees seen from the Sapporo Lake Daiichi Observatory makes it a spectacular place to enjoy the autumn foliage. Usually, the leaves begin to change color in late September, and the best time to view them is from early to mid-October. In addition to the Sapporo Lake Daiichi Observatory, there are four other "Sapporo Lake Observatories" nearby. The first observatory is the best place to view Jozankei Dam, and is also popular among many photographers as an excellent spot to take landscape photos, photos of the autumn leaves, and even photos of the starry sky with little light pollution. [Video] 2:30 - Sapporo Lake Daiichi Observatory Jozankei Dam – Photogenic Autumn Leaves and Breathtaking Starry Skies Photo:Jozankei Dam The Jozankei Dam, along with the nearby Hoheikyo Dam, serves as a water reservoir for the citizens of Sapporo. The lake created by the dam is known as Lake Sapporo. Jozankei Dam is a great spot for viewing autumn leaves surrounded by mountains. The trees are laid out in layers like rice fields on a steep slope, and the colorful autumn leaves are sure to delight. During the daytime, many people visit the park below the dam and the Jozankei Dam Museum. And come nightfall, the star-filled sky and stunning nighttime views from the observatory attract many visitors. In addition, the Hoheikyo Dam, which has been selected as one of the Top 100 Water Source Forests and Top 100 Dammed Lakes, is a popular tourist attraction, where visitors can see water being discharged from the dam. If you're lucky, you can even see a rainbow. Be sure to check discharge times before visiting. [Video] 3:20 - Jozankei Dam Shigure Bridge – A Place for Picturesque Photography! Shigure Bridge, located in Jozankei, Sapporo, is a bridge over the Shirai River, a branch of the Toyohira River, on the way from Jozankei Onsen to Jozankei Dam. The picturesque scenery of the flowing mountain stream and deep red autumn leaves makes for awesome photos on Instagram, and visitors can also enjoy a spectacular view of the autumn leaves in the valley from atop the bridge. Be sure to snap some photos of your own. [Video] 4:10 - Shigure Bridge JOZANKEI NATURE LUMINARIE – An Exciting Event of Illuminated Autumn Leaves at Futami Park Photo:JOZANKEI NATURE LUMINARIE, Futami Park, Jozankei JOZANKEI NATURE LUMINARIE, a light-up event held every year from Jozankei's Futami Park to the Futami Tsuribashi Suspension Bridge area, utilizes the natural beauty of the area. The event is usually held from June to mid-October. The nature trail "Futami Jozan-no-michi" (a course from Futami Park to Futami Tsuribashi Suspension Bridge, Kappabuchi Pool, and Akaiwa no Kan) is a popular sightseeing route along the Toyohira River, and is a walking path where visitors can feel the grandeur of nature. The walking trail is the stage for a light-up performance featuring illuminations and projection mapping to create a unique glow. The smell of the trees, the murmuring of the river, and the chirping of the insects combine to create a magical experience. JOZANKEI NATURE LUMINARIE is an admission-free event, but in recent years, it has become a limited event for Jozankei Onsen guests. If you are planning a trip to Jozankei, consider planning it in combination with a stay at a hot spring inn. [Video] 4:33 - Futami Park Summary of Autumn Sightseeing in Jozankei Jozankei has been designated as a national park and is famous for its autumn leaves. One of the reasons for its popularity is that it can be visited in less than an hour from the Sapporo city center. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, visitors can enjoy Mother Nature just by strolling through Jozankei Onsen, and enjoy the brilliant autumn leaves of fall. When the autumn leaves are in season and the walking trails in Jozankei are crowded, we recommend trying the convenient Jozankei Onsen one-day bus tours. You can stay at a nice hotel, enjoy open-air baths and delicious food, visit Jozankei Shrine to calm your mind, and, last but not least, enjoy the splendid autumn leaves. We hope this helps you make some exciting travel plans so you can enjoy an awesome time in Hokkaido the next time you visit! -
Video article 2:55
If You're Visiting Nara Prefecture, Then You Don’t Want to Miss Out on the City of Tenri! This City, Full of Rich History, Was Home to the Royal Family Approximately 1,300 Years Ago!
Local PR Travel- 133 plays
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About Tenri, Nara Prefecture This video, titled "Tenri Tourism PR (Introducing Attractions in Tenri)" (天理市観光PR(天理市の魅力紹介)), was made by Tenri City Hall. It introduces tourist information for Tenri, Nara Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai Region (関西地方, Kansai-chiho). About 1,300 years ago, Nara Prefecture was the capital of Japan. The temples, landscape, and culture that have withstood the test of time are still present day, and they invite you to experience the atmosphere of the old days. Tenri is located in the middle of Asuka・Fujiwara-kyo (飛鳥・藤原京,Asuka Fujiwara-kyo) and Heijo-kyo (平城京, Heijo-kyo), both former capitals, and the home of the imperial family at the time. It was a place of irreplaceable significance for Japanese politics and culture at the time. This video shows the attractions of Tenri packed into a 3 minute long video. Be sure to follow along as you read the article! Recommended Sightseeing Locations in Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The oldest road in Japan, Yamanobe street (山辺の道, Yamanobe-no-michi), where you can hike while indulging in the beautiful scenery of Nara Basin (奈良盆地, Nara Bonchi), is a historical sightseeing spot, the origins of which can be traced all the way back to the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan). In the comfortable fall climate especially, many tourists visit Yamanobe street to witness the breathtaking landscape. In addition, there are fascinating historic sites within the city, such as Nishiyama Kofun (西山古墳), Yamato Tenjinyama Kofun (大和天神山古墳), and the Mausoleum of Emperor Keikō (渋谷向山古墳, Shibutani Mukai-yama Kofun). Walk through the refreshing sightseeing route and wallow in the beautiful, natural landscape. Yamanobe street and the kofun group are introduced at 1:16 in the video with the narration that helps you feel the origins of Japan. If you are now interested kofun, try Kurozuka Burial Mound Pavilion (天理市立黒塚古墳展示館), which is the guidance facility for Kurozuka Kofun (黒塚古墳), designated a historic landmark by the government. Walk Around the Temples and Shrines of Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Isonokami Shrine (石上神宮, Isonokami-jingu), said to be one of the oldest shrines in Japan, is a site we highly recommend visiting. You'll also want to visit other little-known tourist spots such as Himuro Shrine (氷室神社, Himuro-jinja) and Zenpuku Temple (善福寺, Zenpuku-ji). There are many cute deer around the temples and shrines where you can enjoy the natural scenery, so be sure to enjoy walking around. These temple and shrine are introduced at 0:28 in the video. There are many other temples and shrines to visit in Tenri, including Chogaku Temple (長岳寺, Chogaku-ji) and Yamato Shrine (大和神社, Yamato-jinja). Dining in Tenri, Nara Prefecture Nakanishi Peanuts, located in Tenri, is a famous peanut shop where many customers visit from faraway. Furthermore, there are many places in Tenri where you can enjoy delicious eel cuisine. Don't forget to try Tenri Ramen, a local specialty of Tenri, when sightseeing. Refreshing portions of shaved ice are served at the lively Ice Dedication Festival (献氷祭, Kenpyo-sai), held annually on May 1st, as Himuro Shine in Tenri worships a god of ice. Enjoy eating delicious shaved ice, perfect for your Instagram, at this beautiful, out-of-the-way destination. Summary of Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Tenri, Nara Prefecture, with a population of 65,466 people (as of 1 July 2019), is easily accessed, being only an hour away from Osaka and Kyoto. The name "Tenri" is derived from the religious organization Tenrikyo, as the city is the largest religious city in Japan with Tenri Church Headquarters (天理教教会本部, Tenrikyo Kyokai-honbu) located in the city center, making it the only city in 21st century Japan to be named after a religious organization. There are many facilities and buildings related to Tenrikyo within Tenri, such as Tenri University. As introduced in the video, there are countless appealing sightseeing sites in Tenri, Nara Prefecture. Nara Prefecture is popular as a tourist destination where you can experience the history and culture of Japan. Be sure to watch the video and indulge in the attractions that Tenri has to offer. If you're planning on enjoying sightseeing in Nara Prefecture, don't miss out on visiting some of the other tourist attractions in Tenri after visiting famous places like Todai-ji Temple (東大寺, Todai-ji) and Nara Park (奈良公園, Nara-koen). You can rest easy at night thanks to the numerous hotels and ryokan located around Tenri. 【Official Website】Tenri, Nara Prefecture City Hall Homepage http://www.city.tenri.nara.jp/ -
Video article 4:27
A walking tour of the night view of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture! Watch the video of the beautiful, jewel-like scene of Minato Mirai, Red Brick Warehouse, and Yamashita Park!
Travel Art & Architecture- 106 plays
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Night View of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture (Minato Mirai, Red Brick Warehouse, Yamashita Park) Video Introduction This video, titled "Japan Walk 5K Yokohama Night Views and Christmas Lights|Minato Mirai 21|Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse|Sightseeing in Yamashita Park|Illuminations" (横浜夜景 Japan Walk 5K Yokohama Night View and Christmas Lights みなとみらい21 赤レンガ倉庫 山下公園の観光 イルミネーション), was uploaded by "Japan Videography." Yokohama, one of the most popular places in Kanagawa Prefecture, is an urban port city with an international atmosphere, and is home to a collection of picturesque spots that offer beautiful views, especially along the sea. This video was shot after parking at Yamashita Park and strolling through the nightscapes of Yokohama on foot. This is a model course for exploring the views of Yokohama, a popular activity among tourists! Minato Mirai, Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, and Yamashita Park are all places you don't want to miss. It's also good way to prepare for a drive or a walking date in Yokohama! Be sure to check it out! Recommended Night View Spots in Yokohama Photo:Left - Yokohama Landmark Tower, Right - The large Ferris wheel at Yokohama Cosmo World So, without further ado, let's take a look at some of Yokohama's spectacular nightscapes and their highlights. ●Minato Mirai – Yokohama Landmark Tower Yokohama Landmark Tower, the symbol of Minato Mirai, is the tallest building in eastern Japan with 70 floors above ground. The Sky Garden observation deck on the 69th floor offers a panoramic view of the city and the Minato Mirai area, making it a great place to enjoy stunning nighttime views and take some great photos. Also, be sure to make use of the free admission service to the observation deck if it's your birthday. [Video] 2:42 - Minato Mirai ●Minato Mirai – Yokohama Cosmoworld Yokohama Cosmoworld is an amusement park located in Minato Mirai, Yokohama. Despite being an amusement park in the center of Yokohama City, it's very spacious and has a wide range of attractions. At night, the park's facilities are lit up with dazzling lights, creating an even more exciting atmosphere. The most impressive attraction is Cosmo Clock 21, the world's largest Ferris wheel with a clock, which is 112.5 meters tall and seats up to 480 people, glowing with colorful lights. Enjoy the contrast between the shining facilities and the buildings, at this unique amusement park surrounded by a cluster of buildings. [Video] 3:03 - The Giant Ferris Wheel Cosmo Clock 21 Photo:A nightview of Rinko Park, Kanagawa Prefecture ●Minato Mirai – Rinko Park Rinko Park is a park located at the tip of Minato Mirai where visitors can enjoy superb night views. With lush greenery and a view of the ocean, it's a popular spot for enjoying a walk in Yokohama. In addition to being easily accessible by train, the park is also conveniently accessible by car through the Rinko Park parking lot, which can accommodate 100 cars, and the large Minato Mirai public parking lot. The night view from the park is illuminated by the lights of both the offices and hotel buildings, as well as the lights of the high-rise condominiums where people live. It's such a wonderful place where the countless lights warm the heart. ●Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse The Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse is a brick warehouse built in the Meiji Period (1868 - 1912) that was converted into a commercial facility. At night, the warehouse is illuminated with an orange glow, creating a fantastic atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy a romantic view of Yokohama Bay Bridge and Minato Mirai, as well as a spectacular view of the port of Yokohama. [Video] 2:19 - Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse ●Yamashita Park Yamashita Park has long been a popular date spot in Yokohama. Known for its roses, the park has many attractions, including the grand staircase and a grassy field. From Yamashita Park at night, the red brick warehouse and other buildings can be seen, and the gorgeous night view of Yokohama reflected in the sea is such a romantic scene that you'll want to gaze at it forever. Yokohama – Exciting Attractions and Cruises with Beautiful Night Views! Photo:Yokohama Port night cruise ship Cruises are another popular activity in Yokohama. Yokohama actually has different varieties of courses as well. Discover the breathtaking night views of Yokohama on a unique cruise! ●Illumination Cruise The Illumination Cruise is a cruise where a guide with extensive knowledge of Yokohama takes you to the best places to see night views and the best spots for viewing the nightscapes of Yokohama. The Sea Bus takes you from the East Exit of Yokohama Station (Yokohama Bay Quarter) for a tour of night views in Yokohama. The cruise is full of highlights, such as the skyscrapers of Minato Mirai, the giant Ferris wheel, the illuminated Red Brick Warehouse, Yokohama Marine Tower, and Kishamichi Promenade from the boat. Consider a romantic nighttime cruise in Yokohama for a Christmas date! ●Factory Night View Cruise The Factory Night View Cruise offers a unique night view of Yokohama, with numerous tanks and smoke stacks glowing in the dark. As you continue onward, a fantastic world of steel frames glimmers beautifully in the night. You can enjoy an artistic illumination of factories from the top of a ship while savoring the sea breeze and the smell of flames. Summary of Night View Spots in Yokohama From atmospheric historical buildings to futuristic structures, Yokohama is a city full of things to see and do. There are also many restaurants and hotels where you can dine while enjoying the night views. Yokohama is a stylish sightseeing spot ideal for dates or for making memories with family and friends. In the colder months, be prepared for the frigid sea breeze and keep warm while enjoying the night views of Yokohama. 【TripAdvisor】Yokohama City -
Video article 2:30
Tokai City in Aichi Prefecture Is Full of Exciting Festivals and Events! Packed With Events You'll Want to Attend at Least Once, This Is a Place to Put on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Festivals & Events- 71 plays
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Introducing Tokai in Aichi Prefecture This is a PR video titled “Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Promotional Footage - From 1969 to the Future” (愛知県東海市シティプロモーション映像 「1969年→未来へ」), produced by tokaicityofficial. Tokai is named in the hope that the city would represent the Tokai region. This short two-and-a-half-minute video is a speedy introduction of the attractive views, events, and tourist destinations in Tokai. Starting with the footage of old Tokai, scenes of the bustling city in the present day will give you the impression of a “Safe, Futuristic City that Connects People with Dreams” (the city’s slogan), and the footage makes one feel as if the city will continue to develop into the future. Sightseeing in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Photo:Shurakuen Buddha Tokai in Aichi Prefecture has many iron works from long ago, and developed as the “City of Steel.” In 1969, the present Tokai was born as the result of a merger between the towns of Ueno and Yokosuka. A large Buddha is perched on the scenic hill overlooking Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, as if it's watching over the city. The Shurakuen Buddha in Shurakuen Park, with a height of 18.79 meters (about 62 feet), that watches over Tokai, is bigger than the Buddhas in both Nara and Kamakura. Be sure to add this landmark to your itinerary when you visit Tokai. The Buddha statue is shown at 0:42 in the video. Even just from watching the video you can feel the scale of the statue. Tourists can also visit hidden gems, such as Observation Hill in Oike Park to enjoy the scenic beauty, as well as the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater. The Summer Festivals of Tokai, Aichi Prefecture One of the most popular summer events in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture is the Tokai Fireworks Festival. The popular firework festival, which represents Tokai, is held in the city at Oike Park. It provides a spectacular view for visitors. Experience the spectacular fireworks of the Tokai Fireworks Festival in the footage at 1:23 in the video. Tokai also has a unique festival called the "Silent Bon Festival" where locals dance to music played in their earphones, as not to annoy people living in the surrounding area. Event Information for Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Ota Festival and Owari Yokosuka Festival are known as the two largest float festivals in the city. Beside these, the city is filled with a festive atmosphere during tourist events such as the pop culture event ANIMAN, the Ryukyu Festival for introducing attractions of Okinawa City (one of Tokai’s sister cities), and the Tokai Autumn Festival. The Ota River area has events including the Nippon Domannaka Festival and the Ota River Hot Summer Garden during summer, and the Winter Illumination at Ota River during winter. The event venues are lined with stalls where tourists can purchase local food and souvenirs. The Tokai Half Marathon organized in December also gathers attentions from both locals and tourists. Check out the video to see footage of these events and festivals! Summary of Tokai, Aichi Prefecture The video has a lot of amazing things to see. So many traditional Japanese festivals and events are organized in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture! Enjoy the scenic beauty, as well as the events/festivals in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, through the video. Tokai, Aichi Prefecture truly is a fascinating tourist destination! When you make a trip to the city, be sure to join in the festive events. It'll be an experience you won't forget! 【Official Website】Tokai, Aichi Prefecture city official website http://www.city.tokai.aichi.jp/ -
Video article 3:27
Hakodate, Hokkaido Is an Attractive Tourist City Full of Delicious Seafood and Historical Buildings! Take a Trip to a City Full of Smiling Faces From Around the World!
Local PR Travel Food & Drink- 77 plays
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北海道函館市の魅力を紹介動画の見どころ こちらの動画は「極東電視台 -Far Eastern TV-」が公開した「北海道PR「世界中の笑顔が溢れる街 函館」」です。 北海道の南部、渡島半島に位置する都市「北海道函館市」。 この街は、北海道と本州を結ぶ結節点として発展してきた町で、2016年に北海道新幹線が開通されて以降、年間で500万人もの観光客が訪れる観光都市である。 「ブランド総合研究所」が発表した「地域ブランド調査2018」においては、魅力度第1位に選ばれており、日本国内のみならず海外でも有名な都市となりつつある。 そんな北海道函館市は、観光スポットや美味しい料理が数多くある。 この動画では、北海道函館市の観光地やグルメ情報を余すことなく紹介しているほか、海外からの観光客が函館市を楽しんでいる姿や、優しい地元の方の笑顔などを収めた魅力的な動画だ。 北海道函館市といえば海鮮料理!人気の美味しいグルメとは 北海道函館市は、全国でも海鮮料理が美味しい街として知られている。 特に「函館朝市」は絶品の海鮮料理が食べられるグルメスポットとして人気だ。 海鮮料理の中でもおすすめのメニューは、ウニやカニ、旬のネタをふんだんに使った「海鮮丼」だ。 また、「一花亭たびじ」の「活イカの踊り丼」は、海外の観光客にも人気であり、新鮮なイカを一匹まるごと刺身で食べることが出来る。 その他にも函館市には「函館ラーメン」やご当地ハンバーガーの「ラッキーピエロ」など様々な美味しいグルメがある。 函館市のグルメは動画の0:22から紹介されている。 北海道函館市の珍しい星型要塞の城「五稜郭」 北海道函館市の歴史的な建造物といえば「五稜郭(ごりょうかく)」だ。 五稜郭は、江戸時代末期に建設された城であり、真上から見ると綺麗な星形の堀があることが特徴的だ。 五稜郭のような大型の星型要塞は日本では非常に珍しい。 五稜郭跡を含む「五稜郭公園」の中(堀の中)には、春夏は5時~19時まで秋冬は5時~18時まで入る事ができるので、観光する際には五稜郭公園で日本の文化を感じてもらいたい。 また五稜郭のすぐ近くに建てられている「五稜郭タワー」の展望台からは、五稜郭を上から見ることができ、綺麗な星型の全容をご覧になることが出来る。 五稜郭タワーは、動画の2:23から紹介されている。 北海道函館市のロマンチックな夜景は夜のデートスポットにぴったり 北海道函館市の夜景は、「日本三大夜景」に数えられる景色であり、かつては「世界三大夜景」にも選ばれた。 北海道函館市の夜景を見るためには、「函館山」をロープウェイで登り、「函館山展望台」に行く必要がある。 函館山展望台から見下ろす函館市の夜景は、まさに絶景。 函館山展望台は、夜のデートスポットとして人気であり、ロマンチックな雰囲気を楽しむことが出来る。 函館市の夜景は、動画の2:16から紹介されている。 また、函館山は夜景だけでなく、秋になると一面がオレンジ色に染まり、紅葉が綺麗な穴場にもなる。 北海道函館市の魅力紹介まとめ 北海道函館市の魅力的な観光地やグルメ情報を紹介した。 動画では記事では紹介しきれなかった函館市の魅力がたくさん紹介されている。 北海道函館市は、函館空港が市街地の近くにあることや北海道新幹線の開通により、非常にアクセスしやすい観光地になっている。 北海道旅行の際にはぜひ函館市に訪れてみてはいかがだろうか。 素晴らしい観光地と暖かい人々があなたを迎え入れてくれるだろう。 -
Video article 14:29
New information on "Mononoke no Sato" and "Witches' Valley" at Ghibli Park in Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture! The long-awaited theme park for Ghibli fans will finally open in Aichi Prefecture in the fall of 2022!
News Things to Do Travel- 171 plays
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Ghibli Park "Mononoke no Sato" and "Witches' Valley" in Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture Video Introduction This video, titled "[Ghibli] Latest Information "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches" – An Interview with Director Goro Miyazaki! A Perfect Recreation of Whisper of the Heart's Antique Shop?!" (【ジブリ】新情報「もののけの里」「魔女の谷」を宮崎吾朗監督に直撃! 「耳をすませば」の地球屋をプロの仕事で完全再現!?), was uploaded by "CHUKYO TV NEWS" (中京テレビNEWS). The theme park "Ghibli Park," scheduled to open on November 1, 2022, is drawing a lot of attention right now. The latest information on the Mononoke Village and Valley of Witches areas within the park is presented in the form of an interview with director Goro Miyazaki, the son of Hayao Miyazaki. Information on Ghibli Park - Opening Dates, Location, Etc. Photo:An aerial view of Aichi Earth Expo Memorial Park in Aichi, Japan, taken via drone Ghibli Park is a park that recreates the world of Studio Ghibli. The park is located in Aichi Expo Memorial Park in Nagakute, Aichi, in Japan's Tokai Region. There are no big attractions or rides at the park, and it's a place where visitors can explore forests and paths while feeling the wind on their skin and discovering hidden secrets. The fact that the park is built together with the forest shows how much importance is placed on the Ghibli worldview. Ghibli Park is divided into five areas, which will be opened sequentially by completion date. The first phase of the park will open on November 1, 2022 and will include the "Hill of Youth," "Dondoko Forest," where Satsuki and Mei's house from "My Neighbor Totoro" is located, and "Ghibli's Grand Warehouse," which will house various exhibits of Studio Ghibli works. The second phase is scheduled to open in the fall of 2023 with "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches." Check out the official website for detailed opening dates and a map of the park. Mononoke Village – Scheduled to Launch in 2023 Source :YouTube screenshot The Mononoke Village area is scheduled to open approximately one year after the November 2022 opening. In Mononoke Village, visitors will be able to see facilities that appeared in the movie "Princess Mononoke" as well as objects made based on the characters in the movie. During the interview, director Goro Miyazaki says that objects (playground equipment) will be made in the likeness of the demons/cursed gods in Princess Mononoke, and that they will also be climbable. In addition, visitors can enjoy a hands-on learning experience at "Irontown," where iron is extracted from iron sand, and a charcoal-making hut is also under construction. Valley of Witches – Scheduled to Launch in 2024 Source :YouTube screenshot Following Mononoke Village, Valley of Witches is scheduled to open. It has been announced that the Okino residence where Kiki, the main character in the movie "Kiki's Delivery Service," was born and raised will be constructed, and the room where Kiki packed her bags will be faithfully reproduced as well. The "Gütiokipänjä Bakery," where Kiki and her black cat Jiji lived, will have a store as well as an attic. According to an interview with director Goro Miyazaki, the "Gütiokipänjä Bakery" will actually sell bread baked in a stone oven. The opening of Valley of the Witches is surely something to look forward to! The 'Hill of Youth' – A Faithful Recreation of the Antique Shop Featured in 'Whisper of the Heart' Source :YouTube screenshot The "Hill of Youth" will open prior to "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches." There, the antique shop from the movie Whisper of the Heart will be recreated. The shop is built by Tatsuya Yamada, an architect specializing in wooden structures, and Takeshi Nakamura, a carpenter, who reviewed the work dozens of times, paying close attention to the smallest details. One example of the attention to detail was shared in the interview as well. It's mentioned that, in order to reproduce every detail, they asked an abacus craftsman to decorate a part of the balcony railing fence for the antique shop. This shows the attention to detail that went into recreating the structure to immerse visitors in the world of Ghibli. Now that you have this knowledge, you can be sure to look for small details like this when visiting! [Video] 8:00 - Interview with Yamada and Nakamura Admission Fees, Tickets, and Free Areas at Ghibli Park Ghibli Park requires a reservation for each area with specific dates and times. Please check the official Ghibli Park website for up-to-date admission fees and pricing for each area. Tickets are scheduled to go on sale in August, and will be available for purchase through Boo-Woo Tickets (Boo-Wooチケット) and other means. In addition, Ghibli Park will also have a free area with playground equipment inspired by "The Cat Returns." This is great information for those who live nearby with young children or those planning on visiting the area with kids. 【Official Website】Ghibli Park https://ghibli-park.jp/en/ 【TripAdvisor】Aichi Expo Memorial Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121224-d1309786-Reviews-Expo_2005_Aichi_Commemorative_Park-Nagakute_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:40
The Nikko-Nasu Area - Shrines, Hot Springs, and More at These Travel Destinations in Tochigi, Japan
Local PR Travel Nature- 28 plays
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Nikko-Nasu, Tochigi: Video Introduction This video, titled "[Summer] Tochigi Japan in 8K - Nikko, Nasu / Tochigi" ([Summer]Tochigi Japan in 8K - 日光・那須/栃木), was uploaded by "Genuine Encounters Tochigi" (本物の出会い栃木). It's a promotional video that introduces Nikko and Nasu in Tochigi Prefecture in Japan's Kanto region. Please take a look at the beautiful footage of Nikko and Nasu, which is filled with the charms of the area. The Nikko-Nasu Area The Nikko-Nasu area is located in the northern part of Tochigi Prefecture and is a tourist destination blessed with abundant natural beauty, including plateaus and mountains. There are many wonderful sightseeing spots in Japan, and Nikko and Nasu are among the most attractive tourist destinations in Japan. There are hot springs all over the area as well, so staying at a hot spring hotel is highly recommended. Families with children can also enjoy the area's theme parks and places for interacting with animals. Kinugawa Onsen, Kegon Falls, and Other Popular Sightseeing Spots in Nikko, Tochigi Photo:Akechidaira Ropeway, Nikko, Tochigi The video begins by showing a magnificent verdant green landscape. This is Nikko's Akechidaira Observatory. This is followed by the beautiful Kegon Falls. Nikko has many waterfalls, among which Kegon Falls is the most famous. In the video, you can see an aerial view of Kegon Falls and Ryuokyo Gorge. The road with a series of sharp curves is called 'Irohazaka.' The road itself has a total of 48 curves, making it quite scenic when viewed from above. [Video] 0:10 - Kegon Falls [Video] 0:14 - Irohazaka [Video] 1:28 - Ryuokyo Gorge Kinugawa Onsen is the most famous hot spring in Nikko. It is a clear, colorless, tasteless, odorless, alkaline simple hot spring that is gentle on the skin and safe for everyone from children to the elderly. At Kinuko no Yu, you can also enjoy a footbath. [Video] 0:35 - Kinugawa Onsen/Kinuko no Yu Nikko Toshogu Shrine, a Historical Tourist Attraction in Tochigi, Japan Photo:Nikko Toshogu Shrine, a World Heritage Site in Tochigi Prefecture Nikko Toshogu Shrine is a World Heritage Site home to numerous National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties. Built in 1617, the shrine is dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first Shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The five-story pagoda, unusual to find at a shrine, is decorated on all four sides with animals of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkey sculpture is also famous. Among other things, the representative power spot, Yomeimon Gate, also called "Nipporimon," is a must-see for its intricate carvings, which one could look at all day long and not get tired of it. [Video] 1:17 - Nikko Toshogu Shrine Nasu Highland, the Killing Stone, Nasu Highland Park, and Other Sightseeing Spots in Nasu, Tochigi Photo:A farm and blue skies in the Nasu Highlands In the video, tourist spots in Nasu are shown one after another, including Nasu Highland, the Killing Stone, and Shika no Yu, the oldest hot spring in Tochigi. In addition, there are many family-friendly spots in Nasu, such as Nasu Highland Park, a leisure land surrounded by nature, Nasu Animal Kingdom, where you can enjoy interacting with animals, and Nasu World Monkey Park. Nasu Highland is also beautiful. At Nasu Heisei no Mori Forest, viewing the beautiful autumn leaves makes for a relaxing stroll. Going down to the foot of the mountain, you can also visit Sessho-seki (the Killing Stone) and Nasu Onsen Shrine. Yuba, Nasu Wagyu, and Other Local Delicacies One of the most enjoyable parts of traveling is tasting the local cuisine. We recommend trying Jingo-yaki from Nasu, yuba and soba noodles from Nikko, and Nasu Wagyu beef steaks grilled over a powerful flame! Check them out in the video. [Video] 1:00 - Jingo-yaki (Miyajima Tsuribori-en (みやじま釣堀園)) [Video] 2:13 - Nasu Wagyu Beef (Teppan Steak Kiku (鉄板ステーキ きく)) [Video] 3:39 - Yuba Cuisine (Nikko Yubamaki Zen (日光湯波巻き 全)) Lake Chuzenji and Mt. Chausu – Two Places with Enchantingly Beautiful Scenery Photo:Autumn leaves at Lake Chuzenji, Nikko National Park, Tochigi The video moves from Nasu Highland and the mysterious skyline of Senjogahara to Lake Chuzenji. Located at the entrance to Oku-Nikko, Lake Chuzenji is a lake located inside Nikko National Park. Riding the Nasu Ropeway, the majestic scenery of Nasu unfolds below you, and since the ropeway takes you up to the 8th station, Mt. Chausu is a great place for families to enjoy hiking. Mashiko Ware – A Unique Pottery With a Rustic Feel Mashiko Ware has been produced in Tochigi Prefecture since the Edo period (1603-1867). It's characterized by its rustic appearance and has many fans. The video shows a craftsman spinning a potter's wheel. Dokutsu Sake Brewery, Kita Onsen Ryokan, Nasu Shrine... Nikko & Nasu, 2 Historical Towns Dokutsu Sake Brewery (Shimazaki Sake Brewery) uses a former wartime factory as a sake brewery. The inside of Dokutsu is kept out of the light and the temperature is as low as 10 degrees Celsius, making it suitable for storing local sake and wine. In the Nikko and Nasu areas, there are many other places of historical interest, such as Kita Onsen Ryokan, where you can bathe with tengu masks, Nasu Shrine, Oya History Museum, and Ashio Copper Mine. Tochigi is also known as a town of historical storehouses. Nikko and Nasu Promotional Video Summary Photo:Kinugawa Onsen While it's easy to visit on a day trip after a drive, we recommend staying overnight in the Nikko and Nasu areas, which offer plenty to see and do. In Kinugawa Onsen, there are many tasteful inns such as Kaniyu (加仁湯), Sanraku (山楽), Nanaeyae (七重八重), and Wakatake no Sho (若竹の庄). For the best deals, you can also look for hotels where with coupons. There is a rusk shop in Nasu that has good reviews, so consider stopping by if you're looking for souvenirs. In addition to standard tourist attractions such as Kegon Falls, Momijidani Suspension Bridge, and Senjogahara, British Embassy Villa Memorial Park and Italian Embassy Villa Memorial Park are great for photography! Be sure to visit them. Nikko and Nasu are home to magnificent and beautiful natural landscapes that seem to go on forever. We hope that people around the world will discover the charm of the Nikko and Nasu areas. 【TripAdvisor】Nasu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121057-Nasu_machi_Nasu_gun_Tochigi_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 0:30
Chofu - A City Full of Tourist Attractions - Experience Fireworks, Cherry Blossoms, Rose Gardens and More at a Town in Tokyo Where Japan's Four Seasons Shine!
Travel Things to Do Festivals & Events Nature Local PR- 38 plays
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Introducing a beautiful video packed with the charms of Chofu City, Tokyo. This video, titled "「Feel Short Ver.」The Promotion Video of Chofu City, Tokyo" (「Feel short ver.」東京都調布市のプロモーション映像 The promotion video of Chofu City, Tokyo), was uploaded by "Chofu City Video Library - ChofuCity" (調布市動画ライブラリーChofuCity). Chofu is conveniently located about 15 minutes by train from Shinjuku, a popular shopping and entertainment district, yet it is known as a city rich in nature. There are many spots where visitors can enjoy natural beauty, such as rows of cherry blossom trees, autumn foliage, and rose gardens. This promotional video is packed with popular attractions and photo spots in Chofu. Chofu - Rows of Cherry Trees, Dazzling Fireworks, and Many More Attractive Events Photo:Cherry blossoms along the Nogawa River, Chofu, Tokyo Chofu has beautiful seasonal scenery and popular events that attract many visitors from both inside and outside the city. Along both banks of the Nogawa River, which runs from the northwest to the southeast of the city, there is a bicycle path where visitors can see beautiful rows of cherry trees in spring; although cancelled from 2020 to 2022, there is an annual one-night-only event where the cherry trees are lit up at night, creating a magical scene. The city is also known as "Eiga no Machi Chofu" (映画のまち調布, 'Chofu, the City of Movies'), as there are two major film studios and more than 40 film production companies gathered in Chofu. The Chofu City Fireworks Festival held on the banks of the Tama River is a popular summer event. [Video] 0:12 - Chofu City Fireworks Festival Autumn Leaves and a Daruma Market at Jindaiji Temple. Enjoy Sightseeing Around Chofu Photo:Cherry blossoms at Jindaiji Temple, Chofu, Tokyo The "Yakuyoke Ganzan Daishi Festival" (厄除元三大師大祭) is the biggest event at Jindaiji Temple, and is held on March 3 and 4 every year. [Video] 0:12 - Scenes from the Yakuyoke Ganzan Daishi Festival The Jindaiji Temple Daruma Doll Market, held in conjunction with the Daishi Festival, is one of the three major daruma markets in Japan. About 300 Daruma stores, with dolls of all sizes, are displayed in various locations. The Jindaiji Summer Evening Party (深大寺夕涼みの会, Jindaiji Yusuzumi no Kai ) is a summer event where visitors can stroll around Jindaiji Temple in yukata (light cotton kimono), play traditional games, experience zazen (zen meditation), and enjoy a variety of stalls (canceled in 2020 and 2021). [Video] 0:09 - Jindaiji Summer Evening Party The famous "Jindaiji Soba" is a popular food in this area with 400-years of history. It's said that the name "Jindaiji Soba" originated when soba noodles made from the rich spring water were served at the temple, and many soba restaurants line the streets around the temple. In the fall, beautiful autumn leaves can be seen at Jindaiji Temple and the adjacent Jindai Botanical Gardens, and many people come to enjoy the autumn foliage in Tokyo. [Video] 0:16 - Autumn Foliage at Jindai Botanical Gardens Enjoy the Beauty of Nature at Jindai Botanical Gardens and Saneatsu Park Photo:A rose garden at Jindai Botanical Gardens, Chofu, Tokyo The Rose Garden at the Jindai Botanical Gardens was awarded the World Rose Convention's "Award of Garden Excellence" in 2009. The best time to see the roses is in spring and fall. It is one of the largest botanical parks in Tokyo, covering an area of about 480,000m2. The spacious park is home to 100,000 plants of approximately 4,800 species, allowing visitors to enjoy a variety of plants, trees, and flowers throughout Japan's four seasons. [Video] 0:06 - The Rose Garden at Jindai Botanical Gardens Saneatsu Park is a park on the site of Saneatsu Mushanokoji's house. The 5,000m2 park is filled with lush greenery, and carp and wild birds can be viewed in the pond. [Video] 0:24 - Saneatsu Park In addition, there's Fudatenjin Shrine, which has the oldest koma-inu (guardian lion-dogs) in Chofu and a 500-year-old sacred tree, and Kokuryo Shrine, which has a large 400~500-year-old wisteria tree. The area offers picturesque views of nature for visitors to enjoy. Unique Spots for Tours and Hands-on Experiences At the Chofu Aerospace Center, where JAXA's research and development facilities are located, visitors can tour exhibition rooms in the three zones: aviation, space, and fundamental technology, and experience a simulated flight in a futuristic spaceplane. Also, at Mayo Terrace, a Kewpie Mayonnaise facility where visitors can enjoy learning about various information and topics related to mayonnaise, and even try making mayonnaise by hand. There are also a variety of sports-related facilities in the area. The Musashino Forest Sport Plaza, adjacent to Tokyo Stadium, has a gymnasium that can accommodate up to 10,000 people. Top-level competitions, concerts, and other events are held here. Summary of the Attractions of Chofu, a City Where You Can Also Meet the Characters From GeGeGe no Kitaro Photo:Kitaro Teahouse, Jindaiji Temple, Chofu, Tokyo Shigeru Mizuki, the creator of "GeGeGe no Kitaro" is an honorary citizen of Chofu. Kitaro's characters can be seen throughout the city and are popular among instagrammers. Kitaro Square, located between Chofu Station and Nishi-Chofu Station, and the Tenjin-dori shopping street near Chofu Station, known as Kitaro Road, are also lined with monuments of the various characters. In addition, visitors can enjoy the world of "GeGeGe no Kitaro" at the Kitaro Teahouse in front of the Jindaiji Temple gate, where there is a cafe and store. Chofu is only a 15-minute train ride from Shinjuku, and despite its proximity to the city center, it's rich in nature, making it a comfortable place to live. The city offers a wide variety of sightseeing attractions and unique facilities where you can casually stop by to enjoy the seasonal expressions, tasteful temples and shrines, and characters of GeGeGe no Kitaro that can be seen throughout the city. The beauty of Chofu, including its atmospheric scenery, events, and various other attractions, can be viewed in this short video. Be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Chofu, Tokyo - City Hall Website https://www.city.chofu.tokyo.jp/ 【TripAdvisor】Chofu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1060905-Chofu_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html