【Snow-covered Miya Forest】
Over the course of a few days, the depth of the snow increased in the Miya Forest.
While assisting the tree education project promoter, I took a short walk in the Miya Forest.
I walk, drenched in snow, burying my feet in boots.
If I were alone, I would only look at my feet.
When I looked up after being called out, I found a bud of flowers and leaves.
It has sprouted and is waiting for the long winter to pass.
A gaping hole in the trunk.
I wonder if anyone lives there, or if they did.
I was told that the reason why the Todo pine tree is cracking is because of the "freeze".
The water in the tree freezes and expands, causing the trunk to crack.
It is said that when a crack appears in the trunk, a clear sound reverberates throughout the forest.
Walk next to the deer's footprints
Pick up fruits and flowers that fall on the snow.
The snow-covered towns seen from a slightly higher place was also my favorite view.
#Nishiokoppe Village #Hokkaido #Winter #Snow #Snow
#Miyanomori #Kiiku #Kobushi #Yachidamo #Todomatsu #Shika
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