On Tuesday, January 7, 2025, the annual "Atami Fire Department Opening Ceremony" will be held in at the Shinsui Park Event Plaza.
This Annual event aims to raise the morale of firefighters, Open to the public to citizens the entire firefighting capabilities of Atami Fire Department, deepen awareness and trust in firefighting activities, and raise interest in fire prevention philosophy.
At the ceremony at Shinsui Park, following the ceremonial speeches, announcements, and instructions, awards and a performance of "Fire Beware Song and Fire Prevention Oath" by the Juvenile Fire Fighting Club, after the ceremony, the venue will be moved to a viewing parade on Ginza Street, and water will be released at the Moon Terrace.
10:00~Ceremony: Shinsui Park Event Plaza (Nagisa Towns)
(After the ceremony)
Viewing Parade: Ginza Street (Ginza Towns)
Simultaneous water release: Shinsui Park Moon Terrace (Nagisa Towns)
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