Lots of ✨ things to see
📍 Nishi-Izu, Shishihama
About 1 hour 🚙 by car from the shop in Hiratsuka
Shishihama in Shizuoka Prefecture is a popular diving spot packed with many things to see! 🐟
What, that Roman "mouth of truth" is also here?! 😆🇮🇹
You can 📸 also enjoy it as a photo Spot
From deep to shallow, you can 😁 enjoy it at various points
Perfect for those of you who are looking for a "close and interesting sea"!
Would you like to make new discoveries at Shishihama? ✨
🛟 Requests are now being accepted!
We will ✋ propose a diving plan according to your wishes.
Interested parties, please feel free to contact us!
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