Video article 1:47
Meet the Craftsman That Has Been Crafting Intricate Bunraku Puppet Heads for 40 Years! This Interview With an Awa Deko Ningyo Puppet Maker Will Make You Fall in Love With Ningyo Joruri!
Traditional Crafts- 349 plays
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Yoichiro Amari - 40 Years a Puppet Craftsman This video, titled "Making Puppet Ningyo Joruri and Bunraku Puppet Heads for 40 Years|nippon.com" (人形浄瑠璃、文楽の人形の首(デコ)を作り続けて40年 | nippon.com), was released by "nippon.com." This video is an interview with Amari Yoichiro, an Awa Deko craftsman who is known by the name "Ningyo Yo" (Yoichiro). In the interview, he talks about interesting stories and how the heads are made. Bunraku, also known as Ningyo Joruri, is a form of traditional theater Japanese puppet. "Bunraku" has been registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, and Ningyo Joruri has received a lot of attention. Let's take a look at the interview with "Ningyo Yo," an Awa Deko craftsman who inherited the traditional performing art, Ningyo Joruri. After watching this video, you'll surely be captivated by Ningyo Joruri. Keeping Ningyo Joruri Alive Source :YouTube screenshot Ningyo Yo (Yoichiro Amari), interviewed in the video, was born in Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku in 1945. In 1974, he entered Ningyo Tsuneo and honed his skills as a specialist in making Ningyo Joruri. In 1984, he was certified as an Awa Deko Ningyo Production Preservation Society (master), and in 2006, he was recognized as a Tokushima Prefecture Outstanding Technician "Master Craftsman of Awa" by Tokushima Prefecture In 2007, he was appointed as the Awa Deko Ningyo Writers Association (Vice Chairman), and is currently active as the Awa Ningyo Joruri Promotion Association (Director). The technique of making cleverly designed dolls based on photographs and other information is highly regarded, and he receives requests to make and restore dolls from all over Japan. In the video, you can see the contraptions that give the dolls their detailed expressions at 0:14. What Is Ningyo Joruri and When Did It Start? Source :YouTube screenshot Ningyo Joruri is a play in which the music from gidayu-bushi is performed together with shamisen and puppets. The stories are presented in a fun way with narrative and other elements. Ningyo Joruri started at the end of the Azuchi-Momoyama period more than 400 years ago and developed in the early Edo period. Later, Gidayu Takemoto, a native of Awaji Island, founded the Bunraku Theater in Osaka's Dotonbori district, where the theatre's form was developed and it spread around Osaka as "Bunraku." Among the many performances, "Sonezaki Shinju" (The Love Suicides at Sonezaki), which depicts the hearts of men and women by Chikamatsu Monzaemon, is one of the most representative performances. The skillful manipulation of the puppets using wigs, props, swords, fans, umbrellas, etc. has been accepted by the common people and is loved by many even today. In 1955, it was designated an Important Intangible Cultural Property of Japan, and in 2008, it was registered as an Intangible World Heritage under "Bunraku," and its name has spread throughout the world. Ningyo Joruri Introduction Summary Source :YouTube screenshot In this article we introduced Ningyo Joruri. The puppet theatre, which started as a form of entertainment, has attracted a lot of attention worldwide in modern times. It has also attracted many people in places such as Kyoto, as a Shinto ritual. There is also a Kabuki performance from Ningyo Joruri. We hope this video has sparked your interest in the history and culture of Ningyo Joruri. At the National Bunraku Theater and the National Theater of Japan, it's easy for beginners to puppet theatre to watch as there are earphone guides to help you understand. Why not enjoy some traditional Japanese puppet theatre and make your experience in Japan even more memorable? -
Video article 4:25
This Is the Epitome of Craftsmanship! Enjoy the Charm of Tokyo's Quintessential Traditional Japanese Craft, "Edo Kimekomi Dolls"!
Traditional Crafts- 86 plays
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江戸の文化の象徴としての江戸木目込人形を動画で存分に堪能! こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「江戸木目込人形」EDO KIMEKOMI NINGYO Kimekomi Dolls/伝統工芸 青山スクエア traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 日本独自の伝統工芸で、まさに江戸の文化の象徴ともいえるのが動画で紹介されている「江戸木目込人形」。 日本の職人ならではの文字通り「きめ細かい」丹念な作業で造り上げられる見事な人形です。 日本の、歴史ある芸術品の制作工程がこの動画で紹介されています。 「原型づくり→かま詰め→木地ごしらえ→筋彫り→木目込み→面相描き→仕上げ」という江戸木目込人形の作業手順動画は必見ですよ。 手造りの伝統的技法で職人の魂が込められた人形 江戸木目込人形とは、日本の江戸時代にその制作技法が確立された和服を着た木製の木目込手造り人形です。 和紙を筆頭に、日本の伝統工芸は日本にしかない技術が職人に代々受け継がれてきた伝統的技法があり、江戸で確立した木目込み人形もその代表格の文化財。 江戸木目込人形には、ひな人形・五月人形・親王飾り・招き猫などの種類があり、その小さな人形に日本伝統の文化の粋が凝縮されています。 全ての工程が熟練の職人による手仕事で、しかも特殊な技法によって作られるのが江戸木目込人形の特徴。 そして、その作り方そのものに、日本の伝統工芸と手造りの文化を大切にする職人の魂が込められているといってもよいでしょう。 江戸木目込人形の老舗としては、塚田工房・一秀・柿沼人形などの工房が有名で、塚田工房には施設内に江戸木目込人形の博物館が併設されており、人形の実物だけでなく、材料や原料の見学と共に制作を体験するができるのが嬉しいですね。 外国人も感激!日本伝統の美しい芸術品 江戸木目込人形の別称は賀茂人形または賀茂川人形。 起源は江戸時代初期の元文4年(1739年)に京都の上賀茂神社に奉納された人形といわれています。 京都から始まった人形造りの伝統文化が江戸に伝わり、今ではすっかり華やかな江戸の文化を象徴する人形として親しまれているのです。 全てが手造りの作品なので大量に生産することができず、それゆえに希少な日本文化を伝承した美術品として、あるいは日本にしかない美しい芸術品として、さらには匠の技を示す逸品として、近年外国人観光客からの人気も急激に高まっています。 ギフトにプレゼントに最適!小さな人形に込められた日本文化の紹介まとめ 日本の伝統工芸と日本独自の文化が詰まった可愛らしい小さな人形に込められた江戸木目込人形は、誰もが思わず笑顔になる伝統的工の芸美術品です。 誕生日のギフトに、記念日のプレゼントに、そして観光のお土産にとこれほど喜ばれる商品も少ないでしょう。 動画をご覧になり、江戸木目込人形の魅力にじっくりと触れてください。 -
Video article 6:41
Exploring the World of Ningyo Joruri - Traditional Japanese Puppet Theater. Discover the Amazing Process of Creating These Priceless Works of Art Made by Skilled Puppeteers!
Traditional Crafts Traditional Culture- 287 plays
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Traditional Japanese Performing Arts - Ningyo Joruri This video, titled "Tokushima's Wooden Ningyo Joruri Puppets|Footprints of the Puppets "AWA DEKO" (人形浄瑠璃を支える徳島の木偶 Footprints of the Puppets “AWA DEKO”), was uploaded by Joruri Kaido (浄瑠璃街道). It introduces Ningyo Joruri, a traditional Japanese culture. Ningyo Joruri is a type of puppet theater in which a story is performed by three puppeteers, a tayu (joruri narrator), and a shamisen player. In this article, we'll introduce the puppets behind Ningyo Joruri, a traditional Japanese performing art. The History of Ningyo Joruri, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot Awa Ningyo Joruri is a traditional Japanese art form that has been handed down in Tokushima Prefecture for centuries. Ningyo Joruri, which originated in Osaka in the Edo Period (1603-1868) as a form of mass entertainment, is a composite art form in which the tayu, shamisen, and the puppets work together to create a wonderful story. In addition to being enjoyed as a form of mass entertainment, Ningyo Joruri is often performed with the same high artistic quality as bunraku, and performed as a Shinto ritual. The Artisans Behind Ningyo Joruri Puppets Source :YouTube screenshot The puppets used in Ningyo Joruri are called "deko," and most of the heads of deko are hand made by puppeteers in Awa. The construction of the wooden figurines is so elaborate that referring to them any differently would be to disrespect the craftsmanship of the artisans. Awa Deko are a larger variety of puppets used in Ningyo Joruri, so paulownia wood is used as a material to make them lighter. The puppets are designed to manipulate facial expressions and gestures through mechanisms inside their heads, and the craftsman's elaborate techniques are indispensable in creating each masterpiece. You can see how Yoichiro Amari, an Awa Ningyo Joruri Craftsman, creates the puppets at 1:04 in the video. The face is carefully carved out of paulownia wood with a carving knife, cut in two in front of the ears as seen at 2:02, and then mechanisms to control the eyes, mouth, and eyebrows are placed inside the hollowed-out head. Learn More About Ningyo Joruri, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot In Tokushima Prefecture, there's "Matsushige-cho Rekishi Minzoku Shiryokan, Ningyo Joruri Shibai Shiryokan," a museum where visitors can learn about the history and culture of Japan’s Ningyo Joruri. At the museum, visitors can learn about the types of puppets, the materials used to make them, how they're made, the techniques used by the artisans, and the steps to completing one. The Tokushima Prefectural Awa Jurobe Yashiki Puppet Theater and Museum (徳島県立阿波十郎兵衛屋敷), where you can see Ningyo Joruri performances up close, is also a great place to visit. If you're looking to experience traditional Japanese culture, we highly recommend stopping by and checking out a performance. Summary of Ningyo Joruri, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot The artisans who make the elaborate wooden puppets are essential to Ningyo Joruri, a traditional art form loved by many. We hope you enjoyed learning about the amazing culture of Ningyo Joruri, a traditional Japanese performing art that has been loved through the ages. -
Video article 2:47
Karakuri Puppets With Delicate Movements: Traditional Japanese Technology, Realistic Movements, and All Done Without Electricity!
Traditional Culture- 600 plays
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Traditional Japanese Technology - About the Karakuri Puppet intro video The video “Karakuri puppet – 4K Ultra HD,” created by TokyoStreetView – Japan The Beautiful, introduces two traditional Japanese wind-up puppets: "Yumihiki Doji" (弓曳童子), the puppet of a boy drawing a bow, and "Mojigaki Ningyo" (文字書き人形), the calligraphy puppet. In this three-minute video, you can see how these famous puppets work, so we highly recommend watching the video if you're interested in the following two questions: ・How do traditional Japanese Karakuri puppets move? ・What is the history and culture of traditional Japanese Karakuri puppets? This article focuses on the traditional Japanese technology “Karakuri” puppets, which is said to be the origin of robot creation. To begin with, please take a look at the video to see delicate and intricate movements of the puppets. About the Puppets "Yumihiki Doji" and "Mojigaki Ningyo" Source of Photo :YouTube screenshot The two puppets "Yumihiki Doji" and "Mojigaki Ningyo" are representative examples of Japanese wind-up puppets, as well as the famous puppet “Ocha Hakobi Ningyo (お茶運び人形),” the teacup carrying puppet. The first puppet "Yumihiki Doji," which you can see at 0:05 of this video, grabs four arrows firmly and shoots them at its target. The puppet aims at the target carefully, sometimes raising its face and even changing its own facial expressions. From 1:52 you can see another mechanized puppet “Mojigaki Ningyo,” holding ink brushes in its mouth and hand and writing letters on paper in the other hand. You'll be amazed when it starts writing two different letters at the same time! About Karakuri Puppets- Traditional Japanese Technology Photo:A Karakuri Puppet on a Parade Float Karakuri wind-up puppets have a long history; dating all the way back to the Heian period(794-1185). Back then, hand-puppeteered Karakuri puppets were mostly used for entertainment during rituals or at theaters. It is said that this kind of wind-up puppet was developed further in the Edo period(1603-1868). Wind-up puppets were a kind of pop culture back then; they were used as toys to play in tatami rooms or placed on festival floats. Today you can see these puppets at traditional Japanese puppet shows such as Ningyo Joruri (人形浄瑠璃), Takayama Festival (高山祭り, Takayama Matsuri) in Gifu prefecture, Karakuri Ningyoshibai Hall in Gunma prefecture, Takeda Marionette Theater (竹田人形座, Takeda Ningyo-Za) in Nagano prefecture, and many more. There is a book called "Karakuri Zui" (機匠図彙), showing structures and mechanical drawings of Karakuri wind-up puppets. It includes how to make nine different kinds of puppets. The best puppet creators in the Edo period are said to be Oumi Takeda and the “Karakuri Master”(からくり儀右衛門, Karakuri Giemon) Hisashige Tanaka. Currently Tanaka's works are preserved at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo. Today Mr. Tamaya Shobei IX, the professional Karakuri puppet craftsman, restores, repairs, produces and sells puppets. Karakuri wind-up puppets are powered by wood, springs, and threads, and therefore don’t require electricity. The technology of traditional Karakuri puppets is highly valued, as it is said to have had a profound impact on western technology Overview of Karakuri Puppets Source of Photo :YouTube screenshot In the video "Karakuri puppet – 4K Ultra HD," you see the two automatic wind-up puppets: "Yumibiki Doji" and "Mojigaki Ningyo." The movements of both puppetss is quite interesting; It's as if the puppets are changing their own facial expressions. Also, don’t overlook the tiny puppet below Yumibiki Doji turning a lever! In addition to the two puppets in this video, there are various other kinds of Karakuri wind-up puppets: magician puppets, spirit buying puppets, airplane operating puppets, and more. If you are interested in traditional Japanese technology, please look into some of these other puppets as well! -
Video article 4:35
Discover the Charm of the Elaborate and Realistic Hakata Dolls of Fukuoka Prefecture That Have Been Passed Down Through the Ages in Japan! The Beautiful Traditional Crafts Made by These Artisans Make Great Souvenirs!
Traditional Crafts- 148 plays
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日本の伝統工芸品「博多人形」をご紹介! 日本の文化遺産であり伝統工芸品の一つである博多人形について、伝統工芸士の武吉國明さんが出演されている『手技TEWAZA「博多人形」Hakata doll』の動画を元に、時代や文化について紹介をさせていただきます。 博多人形とは? 博多人形とは、日本伝統工芸品の一つで、粘土で作られた人形を指します。 起源は17世紀の初めに黒田長政が福岡城を築いた際、焼き物についての技法を学んだ職人が献上をしたことにはじまります。 文化的価値も高く、17世紀から現代まで日本の歴史と一緒に受け継がれてきた伝統工芸品の一つである博多人形は、まさに日本の文化遺産の一つです。 博多人形の製造工程は【構想→原型→乾燥→型とり→生地づくり→焼成→彩色→面相】となっており、詳しい作業風景は動画で見ることが出来るので、ぜひご覧下さい。 全てが手作業で作られている博多人形 商品として売り出されている博多人形は、その精巧な作りから分かるように、全ての工程が博多人形師の手作業によって行われています。 動画上で「博多人形は美人でなければならなく、美しさや品、そして色気が必要」ということを語られており、その品や色気は、職人達の手作業だからこそ込められる気持ちによって出ているのではないでしょうか。 文化によって姿や形、製法が少し変わってしまうことはあっても、手作業なことだけは変わらないことにこそ、博多人形の伝統工芸品としての良さがあります。 博多人形の種類 日本の伝統工芸品である博多人形には、時代や文化の流れに沿って様々な種類が作られています。 それぞれジャンルに分けられており、以下に紹介をさせていただきます。 ・能もの ・歌舞伎もの ・美人もの ・武者もの ・縁起もの ・童もの ・節句もの(雛人形) ・道釈もの ・玩具(おはじきや箱庭道具) ・千支もの になります。 日本の時代と共に形を変えて受け継がれてきた伝統工芸品、それが博多人形です。 伝統工芸品「博多人形」まとめ 動画を元に、ここまで伝統工芸品である博多人形の歴史や文化について紹介をさせていただきました。 古き良き文化として日本に伝わるお土産としても大人気な博多人形ですが、今では後継者も少なくなっており、もしかしたら近い未来に見られなくなる可能性があります。 伝統工芸を、日本の昔ながらの文化を絶やさない為にも、興味が出たら博多人形作りを体験してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 5:36
Awaji Ningyo Joruri - A Traditional Japanese Performing Art of Hyogo Prefecture Loved Both in Japan and Abroad! Introducing the History and Highlights of Awaji Ningyo Joruri!
Traditional Culture- 162 plays
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An Introduction to Awaji Ningyo Joruri for Beginners! The video this time is called "What is Awaji Ningyo Joruri?" (淡路人形浄瑠璃って何やろ?). This is an introductory video on the traditional Japanese performing art, Ningyo Joruri (Awaji Puppet Theatre). Ningyo Joruri is a traditional Japanese performing art made for the masses. Be sure to follow along with the video that explains Awaji Ningyo Joruri in detail, and experience the fascinating culture unique to Japan! Awaji Ningyo Joruri - A Traditional Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot Puppet shows have been performed on Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture for approximately 500 years, around the Warring States period of Japan. Awaji Ningyo Joruri was originally performed as a Shinto ritual in honor of Ebisu in Nishinomiya. Ningyo Joruri, also called Bunraku, is a theatrical art culture, and the story is performed by a gidayu (a joruri narrator), shamisen music, and 3 puppeteers, as seen at 3:08 in the video. The three puppeteers bring the puppets to life with their fluid movements. Unlike many other Japanese performing arts, Awaji Ningyo Joruri also has many female puppeteers. The Charms of Awaji Ningyo Joruri Source :YouTube screenshot The Awaji Puppet Theater is a cultural facility where you can watch Awaji Ningyo Joruri shows. Awaji Island is a historical spot that is associated with "Kuniumi," Japan's creation myth, and the Awaji Puppet Theater has a performance called Ebisu Mai (Ebisu Dance) that is associated with this myth. Awaji Ningyo Joruri has a unique way of producing a dynamic traditional art form that incorporates quick changes and the use of large props, creating a performance that keeps the crowd glued to their seats. In recent years, Awaji Ningyo Joruri has been attracting attention outside of Japan as well. Awaji Ningyo Joruri Theater is making efforts to further promote traditional Japanese performing arts, including overseas tours. Summary of Awaji Ningyo Joruri Source :YouTube screenshot Awaji Ningyo Joruri is a traditional art form unique to Japan, and is something we highly recommend viewing if you have the chance. The video introduces the charms and characteristics of Awaji Ningyo Joruri, so if you still haven't yet, be sure to check it out. When you go to Awaji Island, a place famous for the whirlpools in the Naruto Strait, be sure to stop by the Awaji Puppet Theater, and the Minamiawajishi Awajiningyojoruri Museum! 【Official Website】Awaji Puppet Theater: Homepage https://awajiningyoza.com/other/en/ -
Video article 1:57
“Licca chan” is having her 50 year anniversary party! Even after 50 years the ever-lasting adoration for this dress-up doll has yet to fade!
Modern Culture Festivals & Events- 104 plays
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Introducing dress-up doll “Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party” This news footage, produced by “KyodoNews”, titled “Licca chan’s 50th anniversary event. Invitations from a 25 year old limited-edition product(リカちゃん50周年で式典 25年前の限定品に招待状)”, is about the dress-up doll “Licca chan” who was manufactured in 1967 and “Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party” held to commemorate her 50th anniversary. In 2017, Licca chan’s 50th anniversary parties were held in Tokyo and in Osaka. The video showcases a few of the scenes from the party held in Osaka. In this article, we will be introducing what attracts people to the Licca chan doll that has continued to be loved for a long time, as well as Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party. Before we begin, check out the footage of the lively party, celebrating Licca chan’s 50th anniversary! What is “Licca chan”? Source : This article's video The dress-up doll “Licca chan” was first sold by the company Takara Tomy in 1967, as a blonde 22cm tall toy doll that girls could enjoy playing “pretend” or “dressing up” with. The Licca chan doll sold over 60 million units, and while it was loved by the generation that played with it, it also came to be loved by subsequent generations, making it a long selling product with a rich history. In the present day, Licca chan has expanded from the field of toy dolls and is now a commercial character for companies as well. Source : This article's video Licca chan was given a character profile such as family structure and age at the time of her release, and it is thought that her popularity came from the fact that her clothes and figure changed according to the lastest trends and fashion, thus always making her relevant icon. Licca chan’s full name is Licca Kayama, her birthday is on May 3rd, and she is a 5th grader. Her family consists of her fashion designer mother, her French musician father, younger twin sisters, and younger triplet sisters. She also has grandparents and friends as well, and is known to have had many boyfriends, such as Sho and Wataru, over the years. Other than the main Licca chan doll, there are many variations and associated products, such as family member dolls, dresses, houses, accessories, pet shops, and storage cases that are sold as well. In the past, pregnant Licca chan dolls have also been sold. These Licca chan doll products can be bought at the Licca chan store “Licca chan's Little Castle-Shop”, Toys R Us, or the online seller Amazon. About Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party Source :YouTube screenshot Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party commemorated the 50th anniversary of the dress-up doll “Licca chan” from when she was first released, and the events were held in Tokyo and Osaka. There was an invitation to this party inside the limited edition “2017 Premium Licca chan” that was sold in 1992, commemorating her 25th anniversary. And the party was held with limited attendants who RSVPed to the event. It is because of this, that there is the subheading “The promise of Licca chan and me” under the official party title. 370 fans who bought the porcelain Premium Licca chan doll, which was enclosed in a wooden case that came with a music box function (2500 limited editions were sold, and this doll can be seen from 1:30 of the footage), attended the party. It was a very lively event with quizzes being held, untold stories from the development team, and a reenactment of Licca chan’s voice on the telephone. The attendees of the party brought along their favorite Licca chan dolls, which can be seen from 0:10 in the video. In an interview with one of the female attendees, as seen from 0:33 in the video, she tells how she named her daughter “Licca”. The quiz held at the party can be seen from 1:13 in the video, and the “History of Licca chan” over 40 generations is also displayed. Licca chan's 50th anniversary summary Source :YouTube screenshot The video, “Licca chan’s 50th anniversary event invitations from a limited-edition product 25 years ago”, shows scenes from Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party. It also shows us an exhibition commemorating Licca chan’s 50th anniversary, "50 years since the birth of Licca chan”, which had a nationwide tour, and the renewal of Licca chan’s Castle. The release of a Licca chan doll giftset was one of the many 50th anniversary products sold to commemorate this special occasion as well. Women of all ages can appreciate the popularity of Licca chan, who gives glittering hope to all. Be sure to watch the video so you can see all of the scenes we talked about in this article. 【Official Website】LICCA KAYAMA OFFICIAL|Licca Official Information Site|Takara Tomy https://www.takaratomy.co.jp/english/products/licca/index.html -
Video article 17:15
Karakuri Hono, One of Japan's Traditional Performing Arts, Can Be Enjoyed at the Takayama Festival in Takayama, Gifu Prefecture!
Festivals & Events- 56 plays
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日本が世界へと誇る伝統芸能の一つ『布袋台からくり奉納』 布袋台からくり奉納は、江戸時代から日本に伝わる伝統芸能の一つで、岐阜県高山市の飛騨高山にて毎年開催される『高山祭』で行われます。 曳山とも呼ばれている屋台から出てきた「からくり」を熟練の綱方が操る様子はまるで生きているかのよう。 まずは動画で、布袋台からくり奉納がどのようなものかご覧になってください。 高山祭って何? 布袋台からくり奉納で良く知られる高山祭とは、岐阜県高山市にて春に行われる『山王祭』と、秋に行われる『八幡祭』の2つのことを指した総称です。 まず、春の高山祭である山王祭では3台の屋台が、からくり奉納を行う屋台として曳き揃えられます。 神輿を始め獅子舞や闘鶏楽(とうけいらく)等、大行列で町を巡ります。 秋の八幡祭は、今回紹介した布袋台からくり奉納の『布袋台』がからくり奉納を行う屋台として曳き揃えられます。 春と同じく、闘鶏楽や裃姿(かみしもすがた)の大行列で町を巡ります。 高山祭の魅力は、昼に行われる布袋台からくり奉納始めだけではなく、夜の高山祭にもあります。 100個にもなる提灯を揺らしながら町を巡る様は非常に風情があり、からくり奉納を見に来た方は、ぜひ堪能して欲しい日本の和の景色です。 高山祭と布袋台からくり奉納の観光のススメ 高山祭の開催地周辺には『白川郷』と呼ばれる世界遺産にも数えられている日本屈指の観光スポットが存在します。 伝統芸能を堪能した後は、世界遺産の伝統家屋へというのも乙なものでしょう。 高山祭と白川郷の二つを回るツアーが多くあり、お得に伝統芸能と世界遺産を巡ることもできます。 当日は混雑が予想されますので、駐車場の心配などをしなくて済むツアー観光も検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? 布袋台からくり奉納と高山祭の紹介まとめ 今回紹介させて頂いている動画で見ることが出来る布袋台からくり奉納を始めとしたからくり奉納と屋台の数々、そして獅子舞や闘鶏楽等の伝統芸能。 まさに日本の『和』を余すことなく堪能することが出来る祭りとなっています。 毎年、春の山王祭と秋の八幡祭の二回行われていて、それぞれ違った良さがあります。 この記事を見て高山祭に興味を持った方は、お好きな方へ足を運んで見てはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 4:00
Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko - Experience Hino, Shiga, Decorated With Adorable Hina Dolls! Introducing the Hinamatsuri Event Held in a Town That Will Transport You Back to Japan’s Showa Period!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 135 plays
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Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko in Hino, Shiga This video, titled "Good Sign Vol.14 "Hino" Hinamatsuri Travelogue" (Good Sign 第14回放送「日野」ひな祭り紀行), was uploaded by "Good Sign." It introduces Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko, a Hinamatsuri event in Hino, Shiga, located in Japan's Kansai region. Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko is an annual event held from early February to early March, from Okubo in southeastern Shiga, to the shopping arcade and merchant residences of Murai and Nishioji. The cityscape of Hino has a nostalgic atmosphere reminiscent of Japan's Showa Period. Hina dolls are displayed along the streets and in merchant houses. There are also special viewing windows called "sajiki-mado" (桟敷窓) with which you can enjoy dolls that are on display. This can be seen from 1:00 in the video. Check out the video to see what kind of event "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" is. Hinamatsuri - A Traditional Japanese Event Photo:Hinamatsuri Hinamatsuri is an event celebrated on March 3rd, traditionally known as "Momo no Sekku" (the Peach Festival) to wish for the healthy growth of girls by decorating hina dolls with peach-blossoms, serving hina-arare (sweet rice cakes), and Japanese sweets, and preparing food such as chirashizushi, a type of bright and colorful sushi. Hina dolls generally consist of a male and female doll (Dairibina, 内裏雛), three or five court ladies (Kanjo, 官女), five musicians (gonin bayashi, 五人囃子), two ministers (Daijin, 大臣), and the protectors (Shicho, 仕丁). The history of Hinamatsuri dates back to before the Edo period (1603-1868). Nowadays, Hinamatsuri is a popular event for girls, where hina dolls are decorated and chirashizushi, sweets, and cakes are prepared. Also, during the event, children sing “Ureshii Hinamatsuri” (Happy Hinamatsuri), which can be seen at the end of the video. What is "Hino Hinamatsuri Travel Guide"? "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" started in 2008 with the aim of making Hino livelier, says Minoru Nakata, the organizer of the event, shown at 1:12 in the video. In the past, hina dolls were brought back by merchants of Hino for their daughters when they went out on business. Hino was a plain town where women and children generally stayed in the home. Now, there are more than 150 places, including the Omi Hino Merchant Museum (近江日野商人館), Omi Hino Merchant Furusato Hall (近江日野商人ふるさと館), Hino Machikado Kanno (日野まちかど感応館), and Umamioka Watamuki Shrine (馬見岡綿向神社), as well as merchant houses with sajiki windows, private homes, and store counters decorated with hina dolls, attracting tourists to Hino. Take the bus bound for Kitabataguchi (北畑口) from JR Omihachiman Station (JR近江八幡駅) or Omi Railway Hino Station (近江鉄道日野駅), and get off at Okubo Nishi (大窪西) or the Mukaimachi (向町) bus stop. There is also a parking for those driving. You can also enjoy specialties, such as Omi Hino Beef, pickled vegetables from Hino, and Hino Udon. What are the dates and highlights of the "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" 2024? The 2024 Hino Doll Festival Kikyuki will be held from February 11th to March 10th.The highlights include a number of historical dolls that can be seen from the pier window, as well as a word of the dolls displayed on the bamboo tube, and hina mikuji.It might be interesting to look at the dolls decorated with tasteful streets from a rickshaw. A handwritten picture map showing the highlights of each of the West and East venues can be found on the website of Hino Hinamatsuri Kikyuki executive committee caretaker Takashi Nakata, so please make sure to prepare it before going out. Summary of Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko, a Hinamatsuri Event in Hino, Shiga In this article, we introduced "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" along with the video "Good Sign Vol.14 "Hino" Hinamatsuri Travelogue." You can get a good idea of what Hino looks like during the event. In addition to old hina dolls, cute origami dolls made by kindergarteners can also be seen in the video. If you're headed over to Shiga Prefecture, consider dropping by "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko"! -
Video article 1:00
The Katsuura Big Hinamatsuri in Katsuura City, Chiba Prefecture, is a spectacular event with a large number of dolls lined up on the stone steps of a stylish shrine!
Traditional Culture- 110 plays
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A Video of Katsuura Big Hinamatsuri! This video, titled "かつうらビッグひな祭り 4K Katsura Big Hinamatsuri," was uploaded by "MOVIE JAPAN." It introduces Katsuura Big Hinamatsuri, an event held at Tomisaki Shrine in Katsuura City, Chiba Prefecture, in Japan’s Kanto Region. The many hina decorations on the stone steps of the shrine during Katsuura Big Hinamatsuri is truly a sight to behold. Most hina dolls are displayed on three to five tiers, but Katsuura Big Hinamatsuri at Tomisaki Shrine, shown in the video, has approximately 1,800 hina dolls displayed on 60 stone tiers. You can see this from 0:06 in the video. In Katsuura City, Chiba Prefecture, during Katsuura Big Hinamatsuri, hina dolls are displayed at various spots, including around Kazusa-Okitsu Station and Katsuura Marine Park. What is the Japanese traditional culture "Hinamatsuri"? Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival) is held on March 3rd every year to pray for the healthy growth of girls. In houses where there are girls, they decorate the hina-dan with hina dolls, and celebrate their growth by eating chirashi-zushi, drinking the non-alcoholic shiro-zake ("white sake"), cake, and hina-arare, a type of rice cracker. Some families also have fun folding hina dolls with origami and singing songs. During Hina Matsuri various dolls decorate the hina-dan. These include imperial dolls representing the emperor and empress, courtesan dolls, musician dolls, dolls of warriors, and even servants. What are the dates and highlights of the "Katsuura Big Hinamatsuri"? The "Katsuura Big Doll Festival" will be held from February 23rd to March 3rd in 2024.The main venue is around Cape Tonomimisaki Shrine, where the highlights are approximately 1,800 hina dolls displayed on 60 stone steps.It's displayed on the panel on rainy days, so please check the weather forecast before going out. During the period, events such as stamp rallies around Katsuura and Oyado, where there is a chance to win luxury prizes, as well as free bus "Open Top Bus" services around Katsuura and Oyado are scheduled.The website will keep you up to date. Check out the Big Hinamatsuri in Katsuura, Tokushima! The video shows Katsuura Big Hinamatsuri in Katsuura, Chiba. However, the Big Hinamatsuri Executive Committee of Katsuura, Tokushima and the NPO Awa Katsuura Idobata Juku also hold a similar event. At the Big Hinamatsuri in Tokushima, a pyramid-shaped hina-dan, measuring roughly 7 meters tall, can be seen on display during the event. More than 20,000 hina dolls are displayed at the event, and these dolls are donated from all over Japan. Donations of hina dolls are subject to a memorial service fee. Katsuura Hinamatsuri-go, Katsuura Hinamatsuri Hiking, the Katsuura Shopping Street Pedestrian Paradise Parade, and other events also take place during the event period. Summary of the Katsuura Big Hinamatsuri Introduction Video In this article, we introduced a video of the dynamic Katsuura Big Hinamatsuri. The hina-dan made on the stone steps of the shrine is a spectacular sight that is great for taking Instagram photos! There are many other large scale Hina Matsuri festivals in Japan as well, such as the "100-tier hinadan," so be sure to check them out during your visit to Japan. 【TripAdvisor】Katsuura Big Hinamatsuri https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021249-d10019630-Reviews-or10-Katsuura_Big_Hina_Doll_Festival-Katsuura_Chiba_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 4:59
Fukuoka Prefecture's Local Idols Introduce the Charms of Yanagawa City! You Don't Want to Miss This Video Full of Fascinating Sights and Adorable Dancing!
Local PR Travel- 48 plays
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九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市をご当地アイドルが紹介! こちらの動画は「柳川フィルムコミッション」が公開した「【柳川市観光PRビデオ】SAGEMON GIRLS さげもんガールズ」です。 福岡県はおいしい食べ物や人気観光がいっぱいの魅力ある日本のおすすめの観光地。 そんな福岡県でグルメや観光も楽しめるエリアを探している人はいませんか? 今回は福岡県の柳川市を紹介したいと思います。 こちら記事では、福岡県の柳川市の人気スポットや、おすすめグルメなどを動画と共に紹介したいと思います。 福岡県柳川市のご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」の可愛いダンスも堪能ください 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地のひとつ柳川市は、福岡県の南部、筑後地方の南西部に位置します。 筑後地方の主要都市のひとつで、さまざまな魅力のある都市です。 柳川の川下り体験や相撲、有明海でとれた柳川産のりやうなぎ料理など、観光やグルメで楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 福岡県柳川市は福岡の天神駅から西鉄電車で約50分で行くことができるので、福岡で観光する際にはぜひ立ち寄ってみてください。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめスポット 人気観光地の福岡県の柳川市には、おすすめの観光スポットがたくさんあります。 まず、歴史が好きな人やパワースポットに行きたい人におすすめなのが三柱神社と日吉神社。 ともに由緒正しい神社で参拝すれば気が引き締まります。 長命寺や沖端水天宮も福岡県柳川市の有名な歴史スポットです。 柳川藩主立花邸御花も歴史を体感できる国指定名勝。 庭園が当時のままに残り、美しい景観を楽しめる名所です。 ほっと一息つきたい場合には、「からたち文人の足湯」がおすすめ。 足湯エリアには柳川ゆかりの文人たちの写真などが飾られており、歴史が好きな人も楽しめます。 ゆっくり足湯に浸かりながら、写真を眺めれば心癒される時間になるでしょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめグルメ 日本の観光地である福岡の柳川市にはおすすめのグルメもあります。 うなぎは食べログで高評価のお店が多く、柳川市に訪れたときには必ず食べておきたい日本料理。 うなぎ料理の他にも、柳川産味噌や米せんべいなどが有名。 美味しいグルメを楽しんで最高の旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市紹介まとめ こちらの動画は福岡県柳川市の人気ご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」のかわいい踊りと一緒に、柳川市のおすすめの観光スポットが紹介されています。 観光スポットとおいしいグルメがたのしめる福岡県の柳川市。 気になる方はぜひ観光に訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:19
A complete introduction to Japan's first skyscraper hotel, Keio Plaza Hotel, located in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo! Make your Tokyo sightseeing a memorable experience in the best space that welcomes you with hospitality!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 270 plays
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Video Introduction of Keio Plaza Hotel in Shinjuku, Tokyo "Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo released a promotional video titled "Keio Plaza Hotel Official Video" (京王プラザホテル オフィシャル動画). The hotel is highly rated on various hotel rating sites. JR Shinjuku Station, which is now the busiest station in Japan, and the Nishi-Shinjuku area, are home to some of the world's best hotels. However, the area wasn't fully urbanized when Keio Plaza Hotel was completed in 1971. The Keio Plaza Hotel was the first modern, high-rise hotel to be built in Japan. Its 170-meter tall tower attracted a million visitors within 6 months of completion. You can see the original landscape around the building in the video. The video tells the history of Keio Plaza Hotel which has devoted itself to providing the best service for guests, and its history as a venue for more than 1,200 international conferences. The Hospitality Services Praised by International Guests Source :YouTube screenshot Having a great location, the hotel has received many international guests in recent years and thus provides a wide variety of Japanese-style services to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay catering to all guests from over 100 countries. The Japanese foods and beverages served at the hotel are highly rated by international guests. The hotel offers some Japanese-style rooms, rare for a city hotel, and offers an authentic tea ceremony experience. The kimono rental service, as well as the art exhibitions in the modern interior space, forges a fusion of modernity and tradition, which makes for a hot topic of discussion on Instagram. It also holds some unique events such as a Hinamatsuri (Japanese traditional doll festival for girls) exhibition displayed in the lobby (from 1:03) to offer experiences unique to Japan. The number of rooms in the Main and South Towers totals 1428. Various types of rooms are provided, such as: the "Club Lounge," "Premier Grand," "Premier Grand Suite," "Plaza Luxe," "Deluxe," "Superior," "Standard," Universal Design Room," and the "Four Bedded Room." Keio Plaza Hotel - Dining Information Source :YouTube screenshot Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo has a large collection of in-house restaurants and bars including ones specialized in Japanese foods and beverages on the 1st-3rd floor and 7th floor of the Main Tower, and the second floor of the South Tower is dedicated to French and Italian restaurants. Perched on the top floor of the Main Tower is the Aurora Sky Lounge. A large variety of foods are offered to cater to all tastes and budgets. This is introduced at 1:20 in the video. Keio Plaza Hotel offers the food and beverage units listed below. All of them are open also to walk-in guests. Buffet "Super Buffet Glass Court" French & Italian "Duo Fourcettes" All Day Dining "Jurin" Teppan Yaki "Yamanami" Japanese Cuisine "Kagari" Kaiseki Cuisine "Soujyuan" Tempura "Shun" Chinese Dining "Nan-en" Korean Dining "Gokokutei" Sushi "Kyubey" Soba "Fumotoya" Main Bar "Brilliant" Lobby Lounge "Cocktail and Tea Lounge" Art Lounge "Duet" Japanese Sake Bar "Amanogawa" Sky Lounge "Aurora" Karaoke "Karaoke 47" Food Boutique "Poppins" Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo - Facilities & Services Information Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video from 2:08, Keio Plaza Hotel also serves as a venue where international travelers meet the local art scene. The art exhibitions in the lobby display artworks such as paintings, sculptures, ceramic art or textiles of well-known artists as well as young emerging artists from Japan. The hotel also provides various facilities. The facilities and services include: Reflexology, a beauty salon, a kimono fitting service, and a photo studio. This makes it an ideal venue for wedding receptions. A variety of health facilities are also provided, such as the fitness room and outdoor pool for a complete wellness experience. These facilities are provided to respond to the every need of guests. Access to Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo The hotel is conveniently located, being just a 10-minute walk from Shinjuku Station on the JR and private railway lines and is directly connected to Exit B1 of Tocho-mae Station on the Toei Subway Oedo Line. For those who are flying in, there are limousine buses from Haneda Airport and Narita Airport that go directly to the hotel. If you come by car, there is a paid parking lot with a maximum capacity of 509 vehicles. As its location allows guests to get around easily, Keio Plaza Hotel is by far the best place to stay in Tokyo. Keio Plaza Hotel also operates hotels in Sapporo, Hachioji, Tama and Kyoto. You can book your room or inquire about room fees on their official website or on other travel sites. The Surrounding Area of Keio Plaza Hotel Nishi-shinjuku district features a variety of sightseeing spots and shopping areas including "Metropolitan Governors Office Observation Deck," "Odakyu Department Store," "Keio Department Store" "Yodobashi Camera," "Seiji Togo Memorial Sompo Nipponkoa Museum of Art," "Shinjuku Chuo Park," "The conran shop" and "Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery." There are also a plenty of attractions in a walking distance, such as: "Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden," "Hanazono Shrine," "Kabuki-cho District," "Robot Restaurant," "Shinjiku Southern Terrace," "Godzilla Head," "Fire Museum," "Shinjuku Golden Gai," "Omoide Yokocho," "Shinjuku Expressway Bus Terminal Pedestrians Square," "Suica Penguin Square," "Shinokubo Korean Town," or "Anahachimangu Shrine." Summary of Keio Plaza Hotel Photo:Nishi Shinjuku-Skyscrapers Keio Plaza Hotel is a hotel chain operating hotels in Nishi-shinjuku, Sapporo, Hachioji, Tama and Kyoto. It also provides some unique accommodation plans. Keio Plaza Hotel Tama, for example, has a hotel plan that includes an admission ticket to the onsen facility "Gokurakuyu," located in the vicinity. Shinjuku is a popular area in Tokyo that features many attractions. The sweeping view of Tokyo from the sky lounge is sure to look great on Instagram. It's location also makes it very convenient for guests. The underground passage, directly connected to the metro station, allows you to stay dry on rainy days. Enjoy the video introducing the charms of Keio Plaza Hotel, which is, in itself, a tourist attraction. 【Address】2-2-1 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo (Zip 160-8330) 【Access】By Train - 10 minutes from JR Shinjuku 【Parking】Yes. 509 parking spaces 【Telephone No】 (+81) 03-3344-0111 【Official Website】Keio Plaza Hotel https://www.keioplaza.com/ 【Tripadvisor】 Keio Plaza Hotel https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g14133673-d304305-Reviews-Keio_Plaza_Hotel_Tokyo-Nishishinjuku_Shinjuku_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:01
Matsuyama - Home to Dogo Onsen, Matsuyama Castle, and Other Hidden Gems. If You’re Headed to Ehime Prefecture, You Can’t Afford to Miss out on These Remarkable Travel Destinations!
Local PR Travel- 191 plays
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An introduction to sightseeing in Matsuyama city, Ehime prefecture The video(松山市魅力発信映像 観光名所・施設) was created by "Ii, kagen. Matsuyama" (いい、加減。まつやま). It is a promotional video that introduces popular sightseeing spots in Matsuyama city, Ehime prefecture in Japan's Shikoku region (四国地方, Shikoku chihou). Matsuyama city is home to what is thought to be the oldest hot spring in Japan- "Dogo Onsen." The city is dotted with many other sightseeing destinations as well; such as Matsuyama castle which is famous as a cherry blossom viewing spot in the spring. In this article and video we would like to introduce you to some popular travel destinations and famous tourist attractions in Matsuyama. We will also talk about the various sightseeing spots introduced in the video via aerial photography. Matsuyama's beautiful scenery can be enjoyed not only during the daytime, but also at night when the city is lit up. What kind of sightseeing spots does Matsuyama have? Photo:Matsuyama city Matsuyama city is located in the northern Shikoku area, in Ehime prefecture. This region has a warm climate with very little rain, making it a very comfortable place to live. The population (based on data from January 2019) is roughly 514,900. If you’re travelling by plane, the nearest airport is Matsuyama airport (松山空港, Matsuyamakuukou). If you’re travelling by boat, the nearest port is Matsuyama Tourist Port (松山観光港, Matsuyama kankoukou) and if travelling by train, the city is easily accessible through JR Matsuyama station (松山駅, Matsuyamaeki). The tourist spots are all within close proximity to one another making it a convenient and popular city to travel around by public transport. Dogo Onsen- The sightseeing location that represents what Matsuyama is all about Photo:Dogo Onsen One of the symbols of Matsuyama city "Dogo Onsen", thought to be the oldest hot spring in Japan, is featured in the opening scenes of the video. Famous figures such as Natsume Souseki and Masaoka Shiki are known to have visited this hot spring. The unique and picturesque wooden three-story building has been renovated multiple times and as one of the first public bathhouses in Japan is an important cultural asset. If you take a day trip to Matsuyama we highly recommend you give it a visit! More sightseeing in Matsuyama - The history and culture of Matsuyama Photo:Bocchan Karakuri Clock 12 seconds into the video you can see the Bocchan Karakuri Clock (坊っちゃんカラクリ時計, Bocchan karakuridokei), a character from the famous Natsume Souseki novel Bocchan comes out from inside the clock accompanied by music once every hour. Right next to the clock is an area where you can relax and soak your feet in warm water directly from the Dogo Onsen hot springs. Another popular way to enjoy sightseeing around Dogo Onsen Station (道後温泉駅, Dougo onsen eki) is by rickshaw. Why not take a ride on the adorable Bocchan Ressha, a restored steam train that departs from Dogo Onsen Station? You can see this in the video at 0:17. Currently on display at Sakanouenokumo Museum are Meiji period exhibits like the Ryotaro Shiba (遼太郎司馬)and Masaoka Shiki exhibits. The undressed concrete building, designed by famous Japanese architect Tadao Ando, is a piece of art in itself. At 0:36 in the video you can take a look at the stunning Ehime Martial Arts Stadium (愛媛県武道館, Ehimeken budoukan), a beautiful wooden structure built from Ehime's locally grown timber. This magnificent building is as grand as the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo. You can enjoy a variety of amusements at Matsuyama Central Park (松山中央公園, Matsuyama chuuoukouen) which houses Botchan Stadium (坊っちゃんスタジアム, Botchan sutajiamu), a tennis court, a pool and a large sporting area. The Matsuyama Shiki Memorial Museum (松山市立子規記念博物館, Matsuyamashiritsu shikikinen hakubutsukan) tells the story of famous haiku poet Masaoka Shiki and contains many other historic pieces of Matsuyama's literature as well. Matsuyama Castle Ninomaru Historic Site (松山城二之丸史跡庭園,Matsuyamajou ninomaru shisekikouen), which is also referred to as “Lovers Sanctuary”(恋人の聖地, Koibito no seichi), is a garden designed to recreate that of the Matsuyama feudal lord's residence and is popular with couples. It is also popular as a pre-wedding photography spot. Finally, from 0:53, they introduce Matsuyama Castle, a sightseeing spot you can't afford to miss on your trip to Ehime prefecture. As one of only 12 castles in Japan built before the Edo period (in 1603), this castle and castle tower are a must-see for history buffs and castle fans alike. There is also a brilliant view from the castle tower which overlooks the city out onto the Seto Inland Sea (瀬戸内海, Setonaikai), and the castle is also a popular cherry blossom viewing spot in the spring. Matsuyama sightseeing introduction summed up You can see all of the sightseeing destinations mentioned in this article in the video "Matsuyama city sightseeing spots and attractions." From hot springs and historic landmarks to cultural facilities such as museums and exhibitions, please use our video as inspiration for your next trip to Matsuyama! We hope after watching our video you are eager to visit! 【Official Website】Matsuyama City Hall https://www.city.matsuyama.ehime.jp/multilingual.html 【Official Website】Matsuyama tourist information site https://en.matsuyama-sightseeing.com/ -
Video article 9:51
Higashi-Izu Town, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, is a sightseeing spot with many attractions for adults and children alike! The star-filled night sky was so spectacular that it seemed as if time had stopped!
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 57 plays
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Charming Videos of Higashi-Izu Town, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture This article is all about the introductory video "Higashi-Izu Town - Seaside and Mountains in the Sky - Long Version"(東伊豆町 ~満点の海山空~ ロングVer.), filmed by “higashiizu.” If you're going on a trip, it's good to visit a place where there are plenty of attractions for the whole family to enjoy. If you fancy a bit of splurge, why not stay at some luxurious hotels or ryokan (Japanese-style inns) where you can enjoy delicious gourmet cuisine. If you're up for it, we recommend the town of Higashi-Izu in Shizuoka Prefecture, where you can enjoy leisure facilities and spectacular scenery. You'll see a lot of popular tourist spots introduced in this video, that both Japanese and foreign visitors can enjoy! Follow along with the video to see the beauty of Higashi-Izu Town in Shizuoka Prefecture! Something for Everyone to Enjoy Higashi-Izu boasts a wide range of touristic attractions for all generations to enjoy. Source :YouTube screenshot At the beginning of the video, you can see Hina dolls lined up on the steps of a shrine. Hina dolls are Japanese dolls, only displayed on “Hina Matsuri” (Doll’s Festival), that is a traditional annual event to pray for the healthy growth of girls. The Hina Doll decorations on the steps of Susanoo-Jinja Shrine are a sight to behold and will definitely look good on Instagram! There are a total of 118 steps decorated with Hina dolls! Atagawa Tropical & Alligator Garden is shown next. It is located close to the station, being only a 1-minute walk from Izu Atagawa Station off the Izu Kyuko Line. With water lilies, fruit trees and other natural spots, this is a theme park that adults can enjoy as well. During Golden Week and other holidays, events where you can interact with giraffes and other animals are held. Thanks to a warm climate, Higashi-Izu in Shizuoka Prefecture produces a wide range of fresh fruits such as Mikan (mandarin oranges) and strawberries. Some fruit farms welcome visitors with mikan-picking and strawberry-picking experiences when they're in season Have a picking contest with your family and then see who can eat the most! Enjoy Spectacular Views of Nature All Throughout the Day! Source :YouTube screenshot Inatori Hosono Kogen is a must-visit place in Higashi-Izu. It is shown in the video from 2:44 “Inatori Hosono Kogen” offers visitors a magnificent panoramic view of nature during daytime and a breathtaking star-filled night sky in the evening. It truly feels as though time has stopped. The video does a pretty good job at showing what it's like, but as one might expect of something so beautiful, it pales in comparison to the real thing. Just looking up at the bright stars in the sky is enough to have you feeling refreshed. You will be surprised and pleased to find that such an amazing place exists in Higashi-Izu. Even during the day, the landscape is vast and expansive, and you can feel the amazement and excitement from this video as it shows wind turbines spinning atop the hills with silver grasses fluttering in the wind. You'll discover more and more about the beautiful town each time you watch the video. Atagawa Ishihiki Dokan: A Well-Known Festival in Higashi-Izu Source :YouTube screenshot Higashi-Izu holds the famous “Atagawa Ishihiki Dokan Festival,” which is another must-see attraction. It is shown in the video from 5:03. The festival is held on the Atagawa Kaigan Dori street and its notable procession, Oishi-hiki (a procession pulling a sacred stone), starts from the Atagawa Yamato-kan hotel. The Atagawa Yamato-kan hotel is easily accessible from Izu Atagawa Onsen Station, at just 8 minutes on foot. What makes the festival special is the unique performance of strong men all pulling one big, heavy, square-shaped stone. If you want to see powerful performances and magnificent fireworks, this is definitely the place to visit. Another must-see feature is “Kashima Odori,” a dancing event held at Kashima shrine! It is a good opportunity for you to experience traditional Japanese culture. More Places to See in Higashi-Izu! Source :Kitagawa Onsen Tourism Association There's still more touristic attractions to visit in Higashi-Izu! Being nominated as one of Japan's "Top 100 Moon Views," "Izu Kitagawa Onsen Moon Road" is also famous as a sacred place with spiritual energy and it's said that visitors may receive divine favor in the form of romantic luck, marriage fortune, and being blessed with children. You can also visit the popular "Kurone Iwa-buro," a stone bath where you can enjoy the beautiful ocean scenery from an open-air spa. An Onsen Ryokan (Japanese inn with hot spring facilities) is a good option for you to experience Iwa-buro. At Higashi-Izu onsen, "Tsuruya Kisshotei" and "Bousui" are two places we recommend staying at. The local cuisine is also something you don't want o pass up when you're in Higashi-Izu. If you're looking for fresh seafood, look no further than "Minato no Asaichi Market," a morning market held at the Higashi-Izu Town Office Parking Lot. You can also enjoy gourmet food such as the delicious, fatty "Inadori Kinmei" (A type of fish). If you're a golfer, then Inatori Golf Club is one of the best options for you, as it provides visitors with the Higashi-Izu cross country course. Playing golf while looking out over the natural landscape of the town of Higashi-Izu is an exhilarating experience. Summary of Higashi-Izu This article may have introduced a lot of fascinating places in Higashi-Izu, but there's still more. There are plenty more charms the city has left to offer. If you're interested, be sure to investigate more about what the city has to offer! The town entertains both Japanese and foreign visitors alike with its beautiful landscape and myriad of sightseeing destinations. You're always welcome to visit the charming town, Higashi-Izu, in Shizuoka! 【Official Website】Izu Animal Kingdom http://www.izu-kamori.jp/izu-biopark/en/ -
Video article 6:48
Inuyama Castle, a national treasure in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture, is one of only five national treasures in Japan! Climbing the castle tower, you will feel like a lord! We propose a trip to immerse yourself in Japanese history!
History Travel- 167 plays
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Video Introduction, History and Origin of Inuyama Castle, a National Treasure in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture The video "The National Treasure Inuyama Castle" (国宝犬山城 National Treasure Inuyama Castle) was produced by "SouthernValleyDiary." The national treasure Inuyama Castle was constructed in 1537 during the Muromachi Period (1336-1573), and it uses a structure implemented in some of Japan’s oldest castle towers. It was built in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture in Japan's Tokai region. It is popularly known as Hakutei Castle and not only can you see the castle town, but you also get a view of the majestic Mt. Igiyama and the entire Inuyama region from the castle tower built on the banks of the Kiso River. Photo:Aichi prefecture / Inuyama Castle It was Oda Nobunaga's uncle, Oda Nobuyasu, who built the national treasure Inuyama Castle. Later, in 1617, during the Edo Period (1603-1868), improvements were made to the castle towers by Naruse Masashige and it became what we know it as today. Naruse remained as the castle lord until the end of the Edo Period. Due to the establishment of prefectures in place of feudal domains, everything other than the castle tower was demolished. The castle suffered through some natural disasters such as earthquakes, however, through reconstruction, it was designated as a national treasure in the 10th year of the Showa period (1935). Also, due to revisions in the National Treasure regulations in the 1952, the castle was once again designated as a national treasure. Although it was once famous as a privately-owned castle, it is presently owned by the Inuyama Castle Hakutei Bunko foundation. The castle tower has a 3-tier exterior, including 4 interior floors, and 2 basement floors. Recently, the Shachihoko (an imaginary creature with a carp body and a tiger head) roof ornament was repaired and the castle's symbol was resurrected. Inuyama Castle, One of the Few Existing Castle Towers Designated as a National Treasure Source :YouTube screenshot Of the 200 castles that you can see in Japan, there are only 12 castle towers that exist from before the Edo period and that are still standing to this day. They are called the 12 Existing Castle Towers and the national treasure Inuyama Castle is one of them. Also, the 5 castle towers in Japan designated a national treasure are called the 5 National Treasure Castles and they consist of Himeji Castle, Matsumoto Castle, Hikone Castle, Matsue Castle, and of course, Inuyama Castle. The revered national treasure Inuyama Castle can be seen from 3:39 in the video. The treasured castle tower, the connecting smaller watch tower built on the stone wall, and the interior of the castle tower can be seen in the footage as well. Inuyama Castle and Places to Visit Nearby Source :YouTube screenshot On the eastern side of Inuyama Castle's castle tower, there was once a giant cedar tree. Unfortunately the tree is now dead, but it is revered as the sacred tree "Osugi-sama." The Inuyama Castle ruins are also designated as a national historic site. Some popular locations to visit near the castle are the gourmet restaurants and cafes that retain the traditional machiya (townhouse) ambience. Inuyama Castle Town can be seen from the beginning of the footage, and old, irreplaceable townhouses can be seen here as well. There are many restaurants selling soba/udon, ice cream, and gohei mochi (a type of sticky rice cake), so you will be able to enjoy seeing the sights while munching on a snack and walking around. Also, the building that once housed a famous kimono merchant, the Former Isobe Family Residence, still exists in its original state and is open to the public. The footage of the Former Isobe Family Residence can be seen from 0:18 in the video. Source :Youtube screenshot Near Inuyama Castle is the Inuyama City Museum of Cultural History, along with the Karakuri Museum, and the Castle and Town Museum. There you will be able to experience the rich history of Inuyama Castle. From 1:28 in the video, the display of the Karakuri dolls that were once used during the Inuyama Festival can be seen at the Karakuri Museum. At the Inuyama Cultural History Museum seen from 1:56, the castle town and Yama floats from the Inuyama Festival are shown, as well as a detailed diorama of Inuyama Castle, and the shachihoko. It's a 15-minute walk from Meitetsu Inuyama station and admission is only ¥100, so we definitely recommend visiting if you're going to the castle. A famous shortcut to Inuyama Castle is Sanko Inari Shrine which can be seen from 2:49 in the video. If you go through the numerous red Torii gates, you'll be overwhelmed by the sacred atmosphere. The heart shaped Ema (wishing plaques) are perfect for wishing for matchmaking and harmonious marriages, so this is a spot you should stop by if you're looking for love! There's a parking lot here as well, so if you plan on going by car, we recommend checking out the details of the parking lot. Summary of Inuyama Castle Source :YouTube screenshot What did you think? Out of the many castles Japan can be proud of, there are only 5 designated as national treasures, and the national treasure Inuyama Castle is definitely worth the visit. Experience firsthand, the castles that Japan proudly presents to the world! ◆National Treasure Inuyama Castle|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】65-2 Inuyama Kita Koken, Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture 484-0082 【Access】About 15 minutes on foot the Meitetsu Inuyama Yuen Station 【Admission Fee】Adults ¥550、Elementary and junior high school students ¥110 (※As of April 2020) 【Hours】9:00~17:00 【Closures】End of the year 【Parking】Parking lots in the vicinity (Fee required) 【Telephone】0568-61-1711 【Tripadvisor】Inuyama Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g325580-d320121-Reviews- Inuyama_Castle-Inuyama_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:41
5 Recommended Tourist Spots in Tokushima! Awa Odori, History, Nature, Gourmet Food, Tradition, and so Much More Awaits You!
Local PR Travel- 114 plays
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Five of Tokushima Prefecture's Most Attractive Tourist Spots This video, titled "Undiscovered Tokushima, The Real Tokushima ~ Full ~," was released by "The City of Water / Tokushima City Tourism Channel" (水都・徳島市観光チャンネル). Awa Odori is a famous attraction in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, located in Japan's Shikoku region, but there are many other attractive sightseeing spots in Tokushima Prefecture as well. This time, we'll introduce 5 recommended activities to enjoy in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture. [Tokushima Recommendation #1] Traditional Performing Arts, Historical Heritages, and Other Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 0:45 in the video, Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, has a traditional culture called Awa Ningyo Joruri (a type of traditional puppet theatre), which is a nationally designated Important Intangible Cultural Property. In addition, Awa Aizome (indigo dyeing), seen from 0:39, is one of Tokushima's traditional industries. At the Aizome Craft Center (藍染工芸館, Aizome Kougeikan), you can experience aizome dyeing classes and buy craftwork that give you a sense of history and culture, as souvenirs. In addition, Tokushima is dotted with many historical heritage sites, such as ancient tombs, temples, and shrines. A valuable excavation site can be seen at Awashima Historic Park. It's a recommended sightseeing route for taking walks in Tokushima while feeling the history and culture. [Tokushima Recommendation #2] Shikoku Henro, a Temple Pilgrimage Photo:Ryozenji Temple, Tokushima Prefecture Shikoku Henro is a traditional pilgrimage in Japan. The first of the 88 temples in Shikoku, which were founded by Kobo Daishi, is Ryozenji Temple, located in Tokushima Prefecture. There are 22 pilgrimage sites in Tokushima Prefecture. The pilgrimage route also has shukuba (lodging), so if you're looking to complete the pilgrimage on foot consider staying at these. You can see images of the pilgrimage from 0:17 in the video. [Tokushima Recommendation #3] Activities To Enjoy With Children Photo:Bentenyama, Tokushima Prefecture Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, is also known as the city of water. Every July, there are lots of activities that you can enjoy with your children, such as the Tokushima Hyotanjima Water City Festival (徳島ひょうたん島水都祭り, Tokushima Hyotanjima Suito Matsuri) and the Hyotanjima Cruise! The model of Hyokkori Hyoutanjima, a puppet show on NHK, was Hyoutanjima in Tokushima City. And there's another recommended activity that you can enjoy with your children! That is, climbing the mountain, Bentenyama, which is famous as the smallest mountain in Japan. Adults can reach the summit in 1 minute! If you climb the stairs, there is a shrine that enshrines Benzaiten, so why not enjoy a casual mountain climb with your kids and bring along some lunch to enjoy as well? The Tokushima Zoo, where you can experience feeding animals, is also a little-known tourist spot. [Tokushima Recommendation #4] Local Gourmet Food in Tokushima Photo:Gourmet Food in Tokushima Prefecture Tokushima is full of finger-licking-good gourmet spots! The one we recommend most is the local okonomiyaki "Mametentama," which can only be eaten in Tokushima. This is sweetly stewed Kintoki beans made into tempura (Kakiage in Tokyo style) and then made into okonomiyaki. The okonomiyaki sauce and sweet beans are a perfect match and are totally addictive. If you get tired of walking, you can always take a break and try Tokushima's famous Taki-no-yakimochi, at a cafe in Mt. Bizan. Taki-no-yakimochi is a local dessert that uses the famous water from Kinryosui Spring on Mt. Bizan, which was loved by successive generations of Tokushima feudal lords. Matcha goes great with the slightly sweet mochi. If you're hungry, try Tokushima's specialty, Niku-dama ramen, and replenish your stamina! You can see the popular gourmet foods of Tokushima prefecture from 1:21 in the video. [Tokushima Recommendation #5] The Beautiful Natural Scenery of Mt. Bizan and Awa Odori Source :YouTube screenshot You can see the whole view of the cityscape of Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture from Mt. Bizan. Also, you can climb to the mountaintop from the 5th floor of the Awa Odori Hall (阿波おどり会館, Awaodori Kaikan) by ropeway; and during this, you can enjoy traveling through the air while enjoying a spectacular view of Mt. Bizan and the sea. Awa Odori is a must-see for anyone sightseeing in Tokushima. Awa Odori has a male dance and a female dance, and the dance is performed by an organization called "Ren" (連). Every August, the city of Tokushima comes to life with many locals and tourists attending the event. You can see the scenes of Awa Odori from 1:51 in the video. Summary of the Attractions of Tokushima Prefecture Photo:Yoshino River, Tokushima Prefecture In this article we introduced 5 exciting activities to enjoy in Tokushima Prefecture, but what do you think? The Yoshino River crosses through Tokushima, the city of water, and the sea of Tokushima is a mecca for surfing in Japan's Chugoku and Shikoku regions. In Japanese mythology, Shikoku is said to have been the first Island created in the Japanese archipelago, and it is a historically valuable place. Be sure to visit Tokushima Prefecture, a place of mythology, water, culture and history! When the Awa Odori Festival is held, reservations for hotels and inns will be limited, so we recommend making reservations early. 【Official Website】Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.tokushima.tokushima.jp/smph/ -
Video article 3:53
Awaji Island: Amazing Scenery, Historic Buildings, Traditional Japanese Culture and More in Hyogo Prefecture! An In-Depth Look at the Island Famous for Some of the World's Largest Whirlpools!
Local PR Travel- 114 plays
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Hyogo Prefecture's Beautiful Awaji Island! Check out the video "Awaji Island, Sightseeing Promotional Video #1" (淡路島 観光プロモーションビデオ #1). It was made by the Awaji Island Tourist Association. Awaji Island (淡路島 Awajishima) in Hyogo Prefecture in Japan's Kansai Region, is an island connecting Kobe City in Hyogo Prefecture and Naruto in Tokushima Prefecture in Japan's Shikoku Region. It is the largest island in the Setouchi Inland Sea (瀬戸内海 Setonaikai). The island, with a population of 130,000, the largest in the Seto Inland Sea, is overflowing with nature. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge on the Hyogo Prefecture side and Great Naruto Bridge on the Tokushima Prefecture side are popular tourist destinations with easy access. You can enjoy a refreshing drive over the sea by using these bridges. This video shows tourist attractions, nature, and the traditional culture of Awaji Island in just under 4 minutes. The History of Awaji Island Photo:Izanagi Shrine Approach Hyogo Prefecture's Awaji Island is described in the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) as a special island, being the first piece of land created by the gods. The Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) also mentions the island in a creation myth where the God Izanagi and Goddess Izanami create the island. Izanagi Shrine, located on Awaji Island, is said to be the oldest shrine in Japan, and it is a very popular tourist destination. It's considered a power spot, and many people believe that they receive energy from the shrine due to the leftover energy from the creation of Japan. As well as Izanagi Shrine, there are other historical sightseeing spots on Awaji Island, such as Honpukuji Temple and the Sumoto Castle Ruins. You can see these places at 1:50 in the video. History and Nature on Awaji Island Photo:Naruto Strait If you're looking for a nature-filled seaside destination, you'll want to see Eshima Island (絵島 Eshima), with its beautiful rocky surface, and the majestic Kamitategami Rock created by mother nature. They're shown at 1:41 in the video. We also recommend Awaji Hanasajiki Park and the Island’s campsites, where you can see superb views of the natural landscape. While you're at it, experience a traditional Awaji Puppet Joruri performance. This can be seen at 2:23 in the video. When it comes to Awaji Island, you can't leave the island without seeing the whirpools! The sea between Tokushima and the island has a very fast current. This causes the whirlpools seen at 0:53 in the video. We recommend that you shop for souvenirs at Roadside Station Uzushio (道の駅うずしお, ichinoeki Uzushio) and go out to see the whirlpools on one of the whirlpool cruise ships. Dining at Awaji Island Source :YouTube screenshot Awaji Island, rich in nature, is a place where you can enjoy both the bounty of the land and of the sea! After sightseeing, stay at an Onsen hot spring inn by the sea and try some seafood dishes such as Tiger Pufferfish and Awaji Beef. There are Japanese dishes that can only be found on Awaji Island as well. Some hot springs and cuisine on Hyogo's Awaji Island are shown at 2:45 in the video. Summary of Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture The video is packed with superb views of Awaji Island’s natural scenery. It's also full of tourist attractions, including historical buildings, traditional Japanese culture, hot springs, and delicious food! You'll never forget your trip to Awaji Island! If you're planning on heading to Awaji Island, don't forget what you learned in this video! 【Official website】Awaji City Hall Hyogo Prefecture Website https://www.city.awaji.lg.jp/ https://www.city.awaji.lg.jp/ 【Official Website】Awaji Island Tourist Guide・Awaji Navi -Check out the information on sightseeing, traveling, accommodations, Onsen hot springs, dining and local events in Awaji Island! https://www.awajishima-kanko.jp/en/ -
Video article 5:00
Fukuoka’s Must-See Tourist Destinations. Historical Structures, Traditional Culture, Local Cuisine and More– A Complete Video Guide to Fukuoka!
Local PR Travel- 122 plays
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Fukuoka: Where sightseeing, Japanese culture, the outdoors, and Japanese cuisine all come together The video “Hyperlapse Fukuoka City, Japan 4k (Ultra HD) - 福岡 Full ver.” is a promotional video created by the city of Fukuoka. It introduces sightseeing locations, Japanese cuisine such as street food, Japanese culture though festivals, and more, all in one of Japan’s most popular sightseeing destinations- Fukuoka, in Japan's Kyushu region. Fukuoka is said to be a gateway to Asia, as it's a popular sightseeing destination welcoming many visitors to Japan. This video introduces more than 20 famous sightseeing areas and places of cultural interest in Fukuoka. 5 impressive minutes of breathtaking views shown through time lapses and aerial shots taken by drones. We guarantee you'll find a spot you want to visit. Sightseeing in Fukuoka- Recommendations and information about commercial facilities Photo:Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome and hotel From 0:05 in the video, the symbol of Fukuoka, the Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome (福岡ヤフオク!ドーム, Fukuoka yafuoku domu) is shown. This is Japan’s first stadium built with a retractable roof, making it usable no matter the weather. This is also the home stadium of the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks. At 3:23, we can hear the crowd cheering from inside the stadium. Fukuoka Tower (福岡タワー, Fukuoka tawa) is an exquisite 234-meter-tall tower equipped with 8000 pieces of half mirrors reflecting the sky and the city. From the viewing platform, you can enjoy a 360-degree view of Fukuoka, which was chosen as one of Japan’s “Top 100 night views”. The ACROS Fukuoka, reminiscent of a park, as well as the Canal City Hakata, built around a meandering canal to create a unique space, are entertainment complexes. These famous structures of Fukuoka Prefecture can be seen at 0:19 in the video. Access to Fukuoka’s recommended sightseeing areas Hakata Station (博多駅, Hakata-eki) is conveniently located about 5 minutes away from Fukuoka Airport (福岡空港, Fukuoka kuko) by subway. outside of that, Kyushu (九州, Kyushu), Kagoshima (鹿児島, Kagoshima), and Honshu (本州, Honshu), are accessible through the JR bullet train (JR新幹線, JR shinkansen). Besides public transportation such as the trains or buses from Hakata Station, renting a car and driving through the city’s highways is also a convenient way to travel in the city. Sightseeing in Fukuoka- history, culture, nature, and our recommendations Photo:The five-story pagoda at Tochoji Temple From 1:11 of the video, Ohori Park (大濠公園, Ohori koen) is introduced. This is a healing location right in the center of Fukuoka City and home to the five-story pagoda of Tochoji Temple (東長寺, Tochoji) as well as the Buddha of Fukuoka, so it's definitely worth seeing. The Fukuoka Buddha is 16.1 meters (52.8 ft) tall, making it the largest wooden Buddha in all of Japan. Next, the Fukuoka City Museum (福岡市博物館, Fukuoka-shi hakubutsukan) located in Momochihama (百道浜, Momochihama) is a cultural facility that introduces the lifestyle of Fukuokans as well as the history of Fukuoka itself. The well-known National Treasure, the “King of Na gold seal” (金印, Kin-in) is also on permanent display. In addition, the Jotenji Temple (承天寺, Jotenji) near Hakata Station boasts an exquisite stone garden. Umi-no-Nakamichi (海の中道, Umi no nakamichi) and Nokonoshima Island (能古島, Nokonoshima) are also brimming with nature. These can be seen from 1:26 in the video. From 2:10 in the video, craftsmen can be seen producing Hakata-ori textiles (博多織, Hakata-ori) and Hakata dolls (博多人形, Hakata-ningyo). The Hakozaki Shrine (筥崎宮, Hakozakigu), with a main worship hall recognized as an Important Cultural Property of Japan is shown, as well as two of the three main festivals of Kyushu. The first is the Tamaseseri Festival (玉取祭・玉せせり, Tamatori・Tamaseseri), where participants compete to get their hands on a lucky ball. Also shown is the Hakata Gion Yamakasa festival (博多祇園山笠, Hakata gion yamakasa), which is recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage. Fukuokan cuisine Around Tenjin Station (天神駅, Tenjin-eki) and Nakasu (中洲, Nakasu) are more than 100 food stands where you can enjoy a great variety of Japanese cuisine such as Hakata ramen (博多ラーメン, Hakata ramen). Fresh sushi and motsunabe (もつ鍋, Motsunabe) are also popular. These popular Fukuokan foods are introduced at 3:03 in the video. A trip isn't complete without tasting food made from the very best local ingredients! Traveling in Fukuoka - Summary Photo:Fukuokan street food As shown in the video, Fukuoka is an area where you can thoroughly enjoy Japan’s culture, sightseeing, and cuisine. There are many more charming areas in the video that we couldn't get around to in this article, so if you haven't checked it out yet, we recommend giving it a look. You're sure to be charmed by what Fukuoka has to offer! 【Official Website】Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka City Municipal Office Homepage https://www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/english/index.html