Video article 4:21
Miyazaki's Nichinan City Is Full of Fascinating Places to Visit! Explore the Highlights of Nichinan City, From the Beautiful Coastline to the Historical Buildings!
Local PR- 69 plays
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宮崎県日南市エリアの魅力紹介動画の見どころ こちらの記事は宮崎県日南市の「日南市観光PR動画」を紹介します。 古き良き日本を味わえる宮崎県日南市。 四季折々の綺麗な景色を堪能出来るということで、外国の方も数多く観光されています。 今回は、そんな宮崎県日南市について、動画と共に紹介いたします。 かわいいご当地ゆるキャラの『にちなんじゃ様』も登場するので是非ご覧になってください! 宮崎県日南市の名所案内①「日向灘鵜戸神宮」 「日向灘鵜戸神宮」は動画0:07より紹介されています。 宮崎県日南市にある神社で、日向灘に面している断崖の中腹の岩窟内に本殿があり、そこへ降りて行って参拝をするという、日本の神社でも珍しい『下り宮』することで有名です。 宮崎県日南市の名所案内②「サンメッセ日南」 「サンメッセ日南」は動画0:13より紹介されています。 世界でも唯一とされている7体のモアイ像が並べられている非常に珍しい場所です。 最近ではインスタ映えの地としても有名なので、ぜひ宮崎県日南市に寄った際には記念写真でもいかがでしょうか? 宮崎県日南市の名所案内③「飫肥城」 「飫肥城」は動画0:17より紹介をされています。 江戸時代に飫肥藩の藩庁として繁栄をしたことで有名な宮崎県日南市飫肥に建てられている日本の城です。 日本の歴史に興味がある方におすすめの観光スポットです。 宮崎県日南市の名所案内④「堀川運河と油津港」 「堀川運河と油津港」は動画0:22より紹介されています。 日本で大人気のドラマ『男はつらいよ寅次郎の青春』が撮影された場所として有名です。 昔ながらの日本らしさを残す風景は、一見の価値ありです。 宮崎県日南市の名所案内⑤「猪八重渓谷」 「猪八重渓谷」は動画0:55より紹介されています。 世界中にある約1800種類のコケの中の約250種類が存在していると言われる渓谷で、森林浴効果のある「森林セラピー基地」の認定を受けている土地でもあります。 宮崎県日南市観光は見るだけじゃない! 自然を多く残す宮崎県日南市では、歴史的な建造物を見るだけでなく、様々なアクティビティやグルメを堪能することが出来ます。 海ではシーカヤックというマリンアクティビティを楽しめる他、時期によっては実際にサーフィンをすることも出来ます。 乗り物では観光列車『海幸山幸』という列車があり、ゆったりとした空間を堪能しつつ、外を見れば自然の絶景を堪能することが出来る、まさに一石二鳥な乗り物です。 次にグルメですが、自然溢れる日南市ではそれにちなんだ料理が愛されています。 中でもカツオ炙り重やチキン南蛮、辛麺に厚焼卵などは特におすすめです! この他にも、1月~3月はきんかん、6月~8月はマンゴーと、時期によって様々な果物を堪能することも、魅力の一つでしょう。 宮崎県日南市の紹介動画まとめ 昔ながらの日本らしい風景をたっぷり残している宮崎県日南市について、紹介をさせて頂きましたが、いかがだったでしょうか。 今回ここまでで紹介させて頂いた他にも、広島東洋カープ関連グッズを多く販売している油津商店街、綺麗な海を外から堪能出来る日南海岸と、中から堪能することが出来る水中観光船、春は沢山の桜で溢れる花立公園、秋は綺麗で迫力のある坂元棚田もおすすめの場所です。 紹介しきれないくらい自然と気候、そして歴史に魅力のある宮崎県日南市、ぜひ訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 9:41
Yubara Onsen in Maniwa, Okayama Is a Tourist Spot With a Variety of Seasonal Attractions! The Different Faces of Nature Will Create Lifelong Memories!
Local PR Travel- 46 plays
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四季を通じて自然豊かな温泉の郷「湯原温泉」について こちらの動画は「真庭市公式チャンネル」が公開した「湯原温泉」です。 湯原温泉は岡山県にある自然豊かな温泉郷です。 昔から自噴する温泉が数多く存在し、湯治客や観光客で賑わってきました。 また古墳時代より「たたら製鉄」が盛んだったエリアで、金山(製鉄後のくず鉄を積んでできた山)や史跡がそこかしこに残っています。 人気アニメ「もののけ姫」にもたたら場が登場し、そのモデルが湯原温泉郷だったと言われており、聖地巡礼の場としても旅行客の人気を集めています。 岡山県湯原温泉郷のイベント情報 湯原温泉では夏の季節はイベント満載ですが何と言っても「はんざき祭り」が一番の目玉です。 このお祭りは日本の特別天然記念物に指定されているオオサンショウウオ(岡山の方言ではんざき)にちなんだお祭りで、「はんざき山車(はんざきねぶた)」が湯原温泉郷を練り歩きます。 華やかな道中ばやしが鳴り響き盆踊りも開催! また美甘夏まつりで行われる花火大会は中国山地の山々に音が反響するので海辺の花火大会よりも迫力満点でとても人気のあるイベントです。 さらに秋には紅葉、冬は雪見風呂や冬至のゆず湯、雪景色の中のキャンドルファンタジー、正月明けのしし祭り、6月の砂湯が人気の露天風呂の日など、湯原温泉では一年を通じてさまざまなイベントを楽しむことができます。 岡山県湯原温泉郷のグルメ情報 清流と山間の自然あふれる湯原温泉では毎年1月になると伝統的な「しし祭り」が開かれ多くの人がご当地グルメのイノシシ料理を楽しみます。 そして清流釣りの本場としても人気のスポットなので、ヤマメやイワナ、マスなどの川魚料理が多くの観光客に愛されています。 ホテルや旅館では本格的な山の幸をふんだんに使った郷土料理をお楽しみいただけますよ。 岡山県湯原温泉郷周辺の観光スポット情報 はんざきセンターはオオサンショウウオに関する資料や湯山温泉郷との文化・歴史的なつながりを示す資料を展示している隠れた観光名所です。 また「はんざき祭り」のルートには「はんざき大明神」の祠があり、ここもおすすめの穴場景観地。 ご祭祀のオオサンショウウオがとても可愛いと評判なのです。 湯原温泉郷旅行では絶対に外せないインスタ映えポイントとしておすすめ。 さらに、絶景好きな方やダムマニアにとって欠かせない景勝地が「湯原ダム」です。 湯原ダムは昭和23年に岡山県が立案し昭和30年に完成した歴史あるダムです。 今でも湯原温泉郷の大切な水源として、また電力供給源として活躍しています。 スポーツ好きな方は湯原温泉トライアスロン大会がおすすめ! そしてとっておきの観光スポットをもう一つ!温泉街の中央に位置する温泉薬師堂をご紹介。 温泉薬師堂は無くしたものが返ってくるお薬師様として信仰を集め、すぐ近くから温泉がこんこんと湧き出ているので手湯足湯が無料で楽しめるんです。 湯原温泉郷紹介まとめ 湯原温泉郷へのアクセスは米子自動車道湯原ICより約3キロ、JR岡山駅またはJR中国勝山駅から路線バスを乗り継いで湯原温泉バス停のご利用が便利です。 湯原温泉郷に旅行するなら日帰り温泉が楽しめる湯元温泉館にも足をお運びくださいね。 -
Video article 3:37
Spend a Relaxing Time in Kamakura, Kanagawa. One of the Most Popular Tourist Spots in the Kanto Region, Kamakura Has Natural Landscapes, History, Culture, and Food to Give You a Satisfying Trip!
Local PR- 23 plays
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神奈川県鎌倉市のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「鎌倉市公式チャンネル」が公開した「鎌倉市プロモーション動画」です。 こちらの動画は神奈川県鎌倉市のイメージを掴むのにうってつけの動画です。 日本の文化や神奈川県鎌倉市の街並みを知るのにチェックしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 動画の0:26より江ノ電、0:34よりサーフィンを楽しんでいる人、1:27より鎌倉市の恵まれた気候により育まれた野菜の数々とたくさんの名物や文化についてご覧になることができます。 他にも動画の1:48でご覧になれる人力車もポイント。 日本の文化を楽しむためにも神奈川県を観光する際は人力車に一度乗って観光するのも良いかもしれません。 神奈川県鎌倉市とは 鎌倉市は神奈川県にある市で日本有数の観光地の1つ。 1252年に造立が開始された高徳院にある鎌倉大仏や、神奈川県鎌倉市の象徴とも言われている鶴岡八幡宮など魅力的な観光スポットが数多く存在します。 神奈川県を訪れるなら鎌倉市は選択肢に入れておきたいところです。 神奈川県鎌倉市を観光する際のポイント 神奈川県鎌倉市を訪れる際、いくつかポイントが存在します。 是非参考にしていただけると幸いです。 鎌倉市を楽しむポイントは ・インスタ映えする景色を撮る ・鎌倉ハイキングコース ・鎌倉小町通り の計3つが挙げられます。 ・神奈川県鎌倉市でインスタ映えする景色を撮る 神奈川県鎌倉市にはインスタ映えする絶景が数多く存在します。 報国寺(竹寺)と呼ばれる寺の竹林や、人気漫画バスケットボール漫画「スラムダンク」の聖地として知られている鎌倉高校駅前の踏み切りなどが挙げられます。 ・鎌倉ハイキングコース 神奈川県鎌倉市には天園ハイキングコースや祇園山ハイキングコースといったハイキングコースがあります。 神奈川県鎌倉市で自然に触れたい方は観光プランに入れることをおすすめします。 ・鎌倉小町通り 鎌倉小町通りは土産物屋や飲食店が多く並んでおり、グルメを楽しみたい方ならチェックしたい場所。 魅力的な雑貨もあるので、お土産を購入してはいかがでしょうか? 大仏やアジサイと神奈川県鎌倉市の文化をモチーフにした商品がいくつも発売されています。 神奈川県鎌倉市紹介まとめ 日本にはさまざまな文化が根付いており、神奈川県をはじめ日本各地を訪れた際は各地の文化や歴史などに触れてください。 今回の動画は神奈川県鎌倉市の文化や街並みをイメージするのにうってつけです。 神奈川県鎌倉市周辺のエリアに興味がある方は一度ご覧ください。 -
Video article 9:26
Enjoy Japanese Gourmet Food At "Kano Shoujuan" in Otsu, Shiga! Experience the Traditional Japanese Atmosphere With a Japanese Sweets-Making and Tea Ceremony Experience!
Travel Food & Drink Things to Do- 59 plays
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Kashojuan Longevity Village, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato Tea Ceremony - Shiga - 叶匠寿庵 寿長生の郷," was released by "Tokyo Street View --Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the popular tourist attraction Kanou Shoujuan (叶匠寿庵) in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. Kano Shoujuan is the perfect place to visit for those looking to try the finest tea and sweets that Japan has to offer. Visit Kanou Shoujuan for spectacular views of Japan and to experience traditional Japanese culture. Kano Shoujuan - A Japanese Sweets Shop That Has Been Loved In Japan For Many Years Source :YouTube screenshot Kanou Shoujuan is a famous Japanese sweets shop with stores in department stores across Japan. Its head office is located in the suburbs of the Otsu area, south of Lake Biwa. Camellias, cherry blossoms, and hydrangeas can be found blooming around Sunai no Sato, and trees such as oaks and chestnut trees are also grown to create a beautiful view. In the plum grove on the grounds of Kanou Shoujuan, a plum festival is held in the spring when the weather is nice, and a plum picking event is held in the early summer when the plums bear fruit. You can see the exterior of Kano Shoujuan from 0:37 in the video. Beautiful Japanese Sweets Made in a Traditional Japanese Building Source :YouTube screenshot The building "Omukae-dokoro" on the grounds of Kanou Shoujuan is a quaint-looking Japanese building with a hearth inside to help visitors feel the traditional culture of Japan. The Japanese confectionery workshop "Santokuen" is characterized by a traditional Sukiya-zukuri style architecture. Many beautiful Japanese sweets are produced in a natural environment surrounded by beautiful gardens. Kanou Shoujuan - Experience Traditional Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot At Kanou Shoujuan you can experience the joy of making Japanese sweets and papermaking, through which you can feel the traditional culture of Japan. In the tea room "Seikankyo," you can also experience traditional Japanese tea ceremony, one aspect of Japanese culture that dates back nearly a thousand years. This can be seen from 3:21 in the video. There are also limited time experience-based events, so we recommend checking out any information regarding these before deciding on your trip. Gourmet Spots in Sunai no Sato! Photo:kaiseki cuisine After enjoying a walk and experiences at "Kano Shoujuan," we recommend trying the beautiful, delicious kaiseki cuisine. At the restaurant "Sanju-tei," you can enjoy a blissful time with a meal that incorporates the seasonal flavors of Omi. We also recommend visiting "Irori Sabo" and trying the superb shaved ice, made with natural ice. Summary of Sunai no Sato Source :YouTube screenshot Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato is a hidden tourist destination where you can enjoy traditional culture in a quaint atmosphere. If you're looking to go sightseeing, consider dropping by Kano Shoujuan・Sunai no Sato to enjoy the beautiful scenery of ancient Japan. 【Tripadvisor】 Sunai no Sato https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298202-d1653996-Reviews-Sunainosato-Otsu_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:10
This Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Is a Natural Miracle Created by Nature. The Beautiful Scenery of This Popular Sightseeing Spot Fascinates All Who See It!
Nature- 158 plays
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A Look at the Beautiful Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido This video, titled "[Superb View / Drone Film] Blue Pond Biei, Hokkaido [4K]" (【絶景/空撮】青い池 北海道美瑛町《4K》 "Blue Pond" Hokkaido), was released by "Noriyuki Ichikawa 《4K Drone Film》." When you hear the name Hokkaido, you probably think of gourmet food like miso ramen and seafood, or perhaps you know of the historical and cultural landmarks, such as Goryokaku or the Brick Warehouses in Otaru. However, if there's one thing we shouldn't forget, it's that Hokkaido is one of the most magnificent natural areas of Japan. One such place in Hokkaido, Biei, has the wonderous "Blue Pond" ("Aoi-Ike" in Japanese) that can be seen in the video. It's as popular as the lavender field in Biei, Furano (富良野). In this article, we'll introduce the Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido. Be sure to follow along with the video to see the beautiful natural landscapes of Hokkaido! The Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Photo:The Blue Pond The "Blue Pond" is a famous tourist attraction located in Shirogane (白金), Biei, Kamikawa District (上川郡), Hokkaido. Its official name is "Shirogane Blue Pond." As the name suggests, the surface of the pond is a brilliant blue. By nature, the pond does not appear blue, but there is a reason for its color. In the vicinity of Blue Pond, there's the "Shirahige Falls" in the Shirogane Hot Springs area." Shirahige Falls has groundwater welling up from the inside of the cliffs and this water contains aluminum components. When the falls merge with Biei River (美瑛川), colloidal particles that are invisible to the naked eye are created and scatter the rays of sun evenly. The particles tend to scatter short-wavelength blue light, which makes the pond appear blue. In addition, the sulfur and lime components in the Shirogane Hot Spring water flowing from the side of the waterfall also complement the scattering of light, making the stones and rocks on the riverbed appear white. It enhances the blue color of the pond and creates a spectacular view like nothing you've seen before. The Conditions for Seeing the Beautiful Blue Pond Photo:Shirokane Aoi Pond in Biei, Hokkaido A visit to the "Shirogane Blue Pond" does not necessarily mean that you will see the Blue Pond. The keys to seeing the Blue Pond are "weather" and "time of day". It is not recommended to go on rainy days, as the water will increase and the colors become lighter and murky afterwards. That being said, you should check the weather before visiting Shirogane Blue Pond. A good time to visit is in the afternoon. 12:00 - 1:00 PM is generally the best time to visit. The angle of the sun is also an important factor. The angle of the sun will determine whether the colloid glow blue or not. Access To Biei, Hokkaido's Blue Pond Photo:Shirogane Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Shirogane Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido is a 25-minute bus ride from Biei Station. Take the Tohoku Bus bound for Shirogane Onsen and get off at the "Shirogane Blue Pond Entrance" (白金青い池入口, Shirogane Aoi-ike Iriguchi. If you go via the JR line, it's recommended that you take the JR and drive or use the bus to get to Aoi Pond, as it's far from the nearest station. Parking lots are available for those who come by car. There are various sightseeing destinations around Blue Pond in Biei Town, Hokkaido that are popular as well; "Tokachidake Observatory," "Seidai Park," "Chiyoda no Oka Observation Deck," "Sanai no Oka Observatory Park," "Shinei no Oka Observation Park," and "Shikisai-no-oka Hill." Be sure to check these out as well if you have the chance. Summary of Shirogane Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Photo:An illumination at Shirogane Blue Pond in Hokkaido The blue pond in Biei, Hokkaido is a mysterious pond created by nature, and the stunning sight created by the blue pond and the four seasons of Hokkaido is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who see it. The Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido is also lit up during the winter months. During this time, you can enjoy the white snow coupled with the blue water, as well as the stars that fill the night sky. It'll make for some amazing Instagram pictures as well! Come and see the fantastical, world-renowned Blue Pond with your own eyes and appreciate the splendor of nature. 【Official Website】Shirogane Blue Pond: Biei Tourism Association https://www.biei-hokkaido.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Shirogane Blue Pond https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120350-d1815328-Reviews-Shirogane_Blue_Pond-Biei_cho_Kamikawa_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 2:28
Enjoy the magnificent nature at the Chokaisan-Tobishima Geopark in Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture! Don't miss this video if you want to enjoy the beauty of Shirataki Falls in Mototaki subterranean water!
Nature- 113 plays
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Chokaisan-Tobishima Geopark, Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled “[4K UHD ] Mt. Chokai/Tobishima Geopark: Fresh Greenery and Mototaki Falls (Shot on GH5 With Gimbal)” ([ 4K UHD ]鳥海山・飛島ジオパーク: 新緑の元滝伏流水 Moto-taki Waterfall ( shot on GH5 with Gimbal)), was released by “AQUA Geo Graphic.” Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark is the name of Akita Fuji (秋田富士), Dewa Fuji (出羽富士), and Shonai Fuji (庄内富士), which have been selected as some of the 100 Famous Mountains and 100 Famous Geographical Features of Japan. Furthermore, it is also the name of the "Mysterious Island Tobishima" and "Chokai National Park," which is located about 30 km west of Mt. Chokai, and was recognized as a Japan Geopark in 2016. Nowadays it's called Mt. Chokai, but in ancient times it was known as "Torimiyama" and you could see a 360-degree view of the horizon from the top. Due to volcanic eruptions and other volcanic activities, this view is no longer visible and it is now called Mt. Chokai. The overall theme is "The cycle of water and life created by the Japan Sea and the plateau," and the sub-theme is "Nature and life created by warm currents, active volcanoes, and spring water." In this article, we'll introduce the "Mototaki Underflow," an ethereal waterfall flowing down a rock face at the foot of Mt. Chokai in the Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark area. What Exactly is a “Geopark”? Photo:Mototaki Underflow, Akita Prefecture The word "geopark" (“ジオパーク” jiopaaku in Japanese) is a combination of the words “geo” and “park.” It was selected for the purpose of learning about the natural environment and ecosystems that spread across the land, as well as the culture and industries that people have created. At present, there are 43 areas selected as Japan Geoparks, and 9 of them are also recognized as UNESCO Global Geoparks. As they are sometimes called "大地の公園" (Daichi no Kouen, lit. "Earth Parks") in Japanese, they are famous for the various scenery they offer throughout the year, and are especially popular during the fall with the autumn leaves change to beautiful shades of red and yellow. There is also a sake brewery in the area that uses clean spring water, so if you like sake, be sure to take a tour of the brewery. The Mototaki Underflow Located at the Foot of Mt. Chokai Photo:Mototaki Underflow, Akita Prefecture The Mototaki Underflow is located at Mt. Chokai in Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture. Although it is called "Mototaki" (元滝, lit. "source waterfall"), the original source of the subterranean waterfall is currently closed to traffic, and the Mototaki Underflow is located about 200 meters downstream. As you can see from 0:42 in the video, the waterfall is relatively small, only 5 meters tall and about 30 meters wide, yet 50,000 tons of water flow from it each day. The fantastic scenery created by the moss and the subterranean stream flowing out of the gaps in the green rocks is fascinating, and surely allows for some beautiful photos to share on Instagram. Recommended Sightseeing Destinations Around the Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark Area Photo:Scenery from Hokotate Observatory, Akita Prefecture 1. Mt. Chokai Omonoimi Shrine/Fukura Kuchinomiya (Chokaisan Omonoimi Jinja Fukura Kuchinomiya) An old shrine, said to be the oldest shrine in the Shonai region, with origins dating back to 1963. It sits on the summit of Mt. Chokai, and there are two satomiya (shrines built in a village for the convenience of worshippers) called "Kuchinomiya" (口ノ宮, lit. "entrance shrines") at the foot of the mountain, one at Fukuura and the other at Warabioka. 2. The Shirai Rice Fields and Weirs This farmland was developed in 1800 based on the concept of rice fields for the Han-School of Shonai Chido-kan by Yadayu Shirai, the county representative of the Shonai domain. There are many innovative ways to heat and utilize the cool spring water of Mt. Chokai, and you can see the fruits of the wisdom of the area's ancestors here. It's a 10-minute drive east from Yuza Station. 3. Hokotate Observatory Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark is also famous for its mountain climbing, and the Hokotate Observatory is a popular tourist spot where you can enjoy the magnificent view of Mt. Chokai. The observatory is located at the fifth station of the mountain, which can be reached by car, so it's possible to stop by during your drive, and there are a number of mountain lodges on the way to the summit, so you can take breaks as you go. When climbing the mountain, we recommend asking for a mountain guide or participate in a geotour so that you can learn more about Mt. Chokai. 4. Chokai Blue Line Chokai Blue Line is a mountainous road that rises from zero to 1,100 meters above sea level, and during the fall, amongst the autumn foliage, it offers a spectacular view worthy of any bucket list. Summary of Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark Photo:Mototaki Underflow, Akita Prefecture Mt. Chokai and Tobishima Geopark has become a nature-rich spot called "緑のダム" (The Green Dam) due to the planting of beech trees by the townspeople to preserve water quality and purify the water source. In addition to sightseeing, be sure to try some gourmet foods like delicious Akita Iwagaki Oysters, which contain many minerals from the spring water! 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Chokai https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298237-d1397297-Reviews-Mt_Chokai-Tohoku.html -
Video article 5:12
Discover the charm of Rengeoin and Sanjusangendo, one of Japan's most famous tourist attractions, in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture! The expressive and powerful Buddhist statues are solemn and mysterious!
Art & Architecture Travel- 249 plays
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Rengeoin (Sanjusangendo), a famous sightseeing spot in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Kyoto Rengeoin Sanjusangendo and Buddhist statues" (京都 蓮華王院(三十三間堂)と仏像), was released by "Four Seasons Kyoto." It shows "Sanjusangendo," the main hall of Rengeoin Temple, a popular tourist spot in Japan, and national treasures housed in Kyoto's Rengeoin Temple, including the many Buddhist Statues it keeps in a solemn atmosphere. In this article, we'll introduce the charms of the Buddhist temple "Sanjusangendo" in Higashiyama, Kyoto alongside the video. You'll be drawn to the magnificence of the building and the expressions of the Buddhist statues, and you'll surely want to see the real thing after watching the video. A Closer Look at Sanjusangendo, A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyoto Photo:Sanjusangendo, Kyoto Rengeoin is located in Higashiyama, Kyoto, one of Japan's leading tourist areas. The main hall "Sanjusangendo" was built at the Imperial Palace of Emperor Shirakawa after he became Japan's 77th emperor. The building was destroyed by fire once and rebuilt in 1266. There are many national treasures and Important Cultural Properties in Rengeoin. The video shows the Important Cultural Property "Minami-daimon" that can be seen from 0:13 in the video. The national treasure "Sanjusangendo," is the longest wooden building in the world with 33 pillars in the temple and measuring approximately 120m from north to south. "Taiko-Bei," an Important Cultural Property built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi together with "Minami-daimon," are introduced from 2:11 in the video. At Rengeoin, an event called "Omato Taikai," named after "Toshiya" in the Edo period (1603-1868) is held at the "Toshiya Range" in mid-January. In particular, the competition in which adults who have just come of age wear furisode (long-sleeved kimono) and other formal attire and shoot at large targets is popular among tourists as a traditional event in Kyoto. The Buddhist Statues at Sanjusangendo, A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyoto Source :YouTube screenshot An introduction to the Buddhist statues in Sanjusangendo, the main hall of Rengeoin Temple, can be seen from 3:03 in the video. You are not allowed to take pictures inside the main hall, so this video is a great way to see close up images of the statues. The video first introduces the famous Japanese national treasure, "Sentai Senju Kannon Ryuzo," the standing statues of the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy." Looking closely at each one, you'll find that each face is different, and it's said that there will always be one with a face that resembles the person you wish to see most. Enshrined in the center of the hall is the National Treasure, a seated statue of the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy. The national treasures "Fujinzo," "Raijinzo," and "Kannon Nijyuhachibushuzo" are enshrined in front of the Sentai Kannon statue, creating a solemn atmosphere. Summary of Sanjusangendo, One of the Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot This video introduces some of the highlights of the popular tourist spot in Japan and Buddhist statues deemed national treasures. Access to Sanjusangendo is ~10 minutes by bus from Kyoto Station, and about a 7-minute walk from the nearby "Shichijo Station" on the Keihan Main Line. Admission to the temple is 600 yen for the general public, 400 yen for high school and junior high school students, and 300 yen for children, and parking is available for up to 50 cars. In this article, we introduced the charms of Rengeoin/Sanjusangendo, popular sightseeing destination in Japan. Consider visiting Sanjusangendo, a temple lined with historic buildings, amazing Buddhist statues deemed national treasures, and a beautiful Japanese garden. ◆Rengeoin Temple/Sanjusangendo◆ 【Address】〒605-0941 657 Sanjusangendomawari, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto 【Access】Transportation access is approximately 10 minutes from Kyoto Station by bus, or a 7 minute walk from the closest train station "Shichijo Station" on the Keihan Main Line 【Hours】8:30 - 17:00 (9:00 - 16:00 from November 16 to March) 【Admission Fee】General: ¥600, Junior High/High School Students: ¥400, Children: ¥300 【Parking】Available: 50 spaces 【Tripadvisor】Sanjusangendo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d321411-Reviews-Sanjusangendo_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:26
The Samurai Spirit Remains in Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki! There Are So Many Spots in Japan Where the Spirit of Japan's Warriors and Samurai Still Lives On!
Local PR- 50 plays
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福島・栃木・茨城の観光「ダイヤモンド・ルート」の紹介動画 こちらの動画は「Diamond Route Japan」が公開した「【4K】SAMURAI Spirits : Diamond Route Japan 2019 - Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki |」です。 動画の舞台である福島・栃木・茨城は、武士の精神が今も息づく地域です。 こちらの動画では侍や武士といったモチーフだけではなく、日本芸能も登場しています。 現代においても国内外問わず熱中させてくれる侍と武士、そして日本芸能。 日本芸能、そして舞台芸術を融合させた「剣伎衆かむゐ」 動画で演舞しているのは、パフォーマンス集団「剣伎衆(けんぎしゅう)かむゐ」。 武道など日本文化とダンスパフォーマンスを融合させた演技が特徴です。 武士と侍の精神 戦国時代に活躍した侍。 そして侍といえば武士道、というのが海外から見た日本のイメージです。 「道」とは宇宙や物事の道理・本質を表す言葉が起源です。 転じて、道という概念は日本古来の信仰である神道へと変化し、武士道などさまざまな形へ変化させていきました。 戦国時代に始まったこの精神は現代の武道や日本芸能にも浸透しています。 日本芸能として残る能 また、代々世襲制で継承している日本芸能もあります。 戦国時代に開花した能です。 こうした日本芸能は、文化の発展に寄与した人物が人間国宝として数えられます。 福島・栃木・茨城の観光「ダイヤモンド・ルート」紹介まとめ 福島・栃木・茨城は、武士道精神が今もなお強く残る地域です。 日本の伝統、そして和の心を知りたい方は是非、福島・栃木・茨城へ足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:03
Take a Trip to Miyazaki and Enjoy the Tropical Atmosphere! From Udo Shrine and Takachiho Gorge to Popular Local Gourmet Food, Miyazaki Prefecture Is Full of Attractions!
Travel- 93 plays
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Sightseeing in Miyazaki Prefecture This video, titled "Miyazaki, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 宮崎," was released by "gawauemon." Miyazaki offers a wide range of attractions, from the beautiful nature of Aoshima and the Nichinan coast, to traditional culture and arts and crafts. More About Miyazaki Prefecture Miyazaki is located in the southern part of Kyushu. Miyazaki was once known as Hyuga Province, and the culture that took root in that time is still being passed down to the present day through the traditional arts. In addition to the many tourist attractions, there are many delicious gourmet dishes to be found in Miyazaki that are worth mentioning. On top of Miyazaki's famous sirloin steak and locally raised charcoal-grilled chicken, the pride of the area of Miyazaki, recently the popularity of spicy B-grade noodles and onigiri wrapped in meat has been on the rise. In particular, chicken nanban has become so popular that it has been elevated to the status of "luxury street food." Tourist Attractions That Miyazaki Prefecture Is Proud Of Takachiho Gorge is one of the tourist attractions that Miyazaki Prefecture is proud of. Takachiho Gorge is designated as a national place of scenic beauty and a natural monument, and Manai Falls (Manai Big Falls) has been selected as one of the 100 most beautiful waterfalls in Japan. Traditional Performing Arts That Miyazaki Is Proud Of There are traditional performing arts that have been handed down from ancient times in Miyazaki. One of them is the Takachiho Yokagura, which involves Shinto dancing at night. Every year from the end of November to February of the following year, kagura dances are performed to give thanks for the autumn harvest and to pray for a good harvest the following year. Summary of Miyazaki Prefecture You can feel the charm of the tropical Miyazaki Prefecture at its best when visiting in the summer. We hope this article and video have inspired you to come visit Miyazaki for yourself and see what the prefecture has to offer! -
Video article 2:02
The Diamond Route - A Tour of Historical Sites and Natural Scenery in Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima Prefectures. Introducing the Best Sightseeing Routes to Discover the Charms of Japan!
Travel- 42 plays
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The Diamond Route of Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima Prefectures! This video, titled "【4K】Digest : Diamond Route Japan 2019 - Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki |" was published by Diamond Route Japan. While the "Golden Route" is a popular route for sightseeing in Japan, the "Diamond Route," which travels through the tourist areas of Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima prefectures, has become a hot topic of conversation as a way to experience the profound aspects of Japanese culture. By touring around Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima prefectures, you can experience Japan's history, culture, natural scenery, food, and outdoor sports in luxury. In this article, we'll introduce a video full of recommendations and attractions of the Diamond Route! Open Your Mind to the Ways of the Samurai Amidst the Diamond Route's Historical Landmarks and Spectacular Natural Scenery The video introduces historical sites and tourist attractions in each prefecture, along with traditional Japanese kendo, iaido, and the Japanese culture of Noh theatre, as areas where the spirit of Japanese Bushido is still very much alive. From Fukushima Prefecture, we have Aizu-Wakamatsu Castle, commonly known as Tsuruga-jo, Aizu Butokuden, the Aizu nohgaku do theater, and Okawa-so in Aizu Ashinomaki Onsen, located in Aizu-Wakamatsu city. In Ibaraki Prefecture, there's Kashima Jingu Shrine and Oarai Isosaki Shrine in Kashima City, and the Oya History Museum in Utsunomiya City. In Tochigi Prefecture, you'll see Butokuden at the Tochigi City Kendojo (kendo hall), Butokuden at Nikko Tosho-gu Shrine, Taiyuin at Rinnoji Temple in Nikko, and Uramino Falls in the upper reaches of the Arasawa River. Each of these sacred and majestic sightseeing areas, combined with traditional culture, such as kendo and iaido, and traditional performing arts such as Noh and shamisen, will leave you speechless. A Collaboration of Soccer, Nature, and Temples and Shrines on the Diamond Route! The video also shows the unique challenge of visiting tourist spots in Fukushima, Ibaraki, and Tochigi prefectures while juggling a soccer ball. The performance is by the freestyle soccer team, CUBE (球舞). In Fukushima Prefecture, there's Ouchi-juku in Minami-Aizu, Tsuruga-jo, and the Aizu Railway in Aizu-Wakamatsu, the Abukuma Caves in Tamura, and J-Village, a soccer training center in Futaba. In Ibaraki Prefecture, tourist attractions include the Oarai Isosaki Shrine and the Ushiku Buddha. In Tochigi Prefecture, you can visit the Oya History Museum in Utsunomiya City, Kura no Machi and the Uzumagawa River in Tochigi, the Kanmangafuchi Abyss in Nikko City, Edo Village in Nikko, and Taiyuin at Nikko Rinnoji Temple. Historical temples, shrines, natural scenery, and other tourist attractions are stylishly collaborated with sports. Eat up All the Delicious Food in Fukushima, Ibaraki, and Tochigi Prefectures! In the video, world-renowned Japanese chef Nobu Matsuhisa can be seen cooking gourmet food made from the bounty of Japan's beautiful mountains and rivers. The setting is the town of Shimogo in Fukushima Prefecture. Trout from the Kiyotaki Trout Farm (清滝養鱒場) in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture and mushrooms grown in the great outdoors of Shimogo Town, Tochigi Prefecture are used to create delicious dishes. As the term "local production for local consumption" is used in Japan, each area has a wealth of delicious gourmet food. Fukushima, Ibaraki and, Tochigi prefectures, all rich in natural landscapes, offer many delicious foods thanks to the blessings of the rivers and mountains. Summary of the Diamond Route of Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima Prefectures The Diamond Route of Fukushima, Tochigi and Ibaraki prefectures, where you can experience Japanese history and culture, is becoming a popular sightseeing route in Japan. We invite you to watch the video and find your next travel destination! -
Video article 3:03
Kazazuzuya, a hot spring inn in Niigata Prefecture's Shinbata City, is an absolute must-see if you are visiting Niigata for sightseeing. Enjoy the hot spring baths, which are popular among women for their beautiful skin, and local gourmet food!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 86 plays
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Video introduction of "Kazazuzuya," a hot spring inn in Niigata Prefecture's Shinbata City ここでは、「エリアワン|風鈴屋PV」という動画についてご紹介をさせて頂きます。 風鈴屋とは、新潟県月岡温泉にある情緒溢れる外観と日本ならではのおもてなしが魅力とされている旅館です。 新潟県に観光に来た際にはぜひ泊まって欲しい人気旅館となっています。 動画では、月岡温泉風鈴屋について詳しくご覧になれますので、観光を検討する前にぜひご覧下さい。 月岡温泉・風鈴屋の魅力について! 月岡温泉・美(うつくし)の湯「風鈴屋」は、新潟県新発田市にあり、『月岡ニューホテル冠月』が旅館へとなった際に改名され風鈴屋となりました。 お部屋は人数に合わせた和室・洋室の二つが用意されており好みに合わせることができます。 客室備品も充実しているので、快適な一日を送ることが出来るでしょう。 更に、部屋からの眺めは、四季によって様々な顔を見せてくれるインスタ映え必至の日本庭園。 そして足湯や日本酒バーは、風鈴屋を語る上では外せない観光施設となっています。 美の湯と称されている通り美肌効果の高い大浴場と露天風呂があり、観光で歩き回って疲れた体を癒しながら、美しさに磨きをかけることが出来る素晴らしい旅館となっています。 温泉を楽しんだ後はグルメ! 大浴場と露天風呂を十分に堪能して浴衣に身を包んだ後は、やはり食事でしょう。 夕食は、料理長が新潟の自然の恵みと新鮮な山海の旬の味覚をふんだんに盛り込んだ日本食・和食をふるまってくれます。 おすすめは月岡温泉・風鈴屋自慢の『鈴の膳』で、地元である新潟県原産の新鮮な野菜や海鮮を使用した、食の面からも新潟をとことん楽しめるコースとなっています。 他にも、飲み放題プランや日本のブランド牛である「あがの姫牛」を堪能出来るプランもあり、個人に合わせて充実した食事が出来ることでしょう。 月岡温泉風鈴屋の魅力紹介まとめ 日本の四季とグルメを堪能することが出来る旅館『月岡温泉・風鈴屋』。 日本の風情溢れる月岡温泉風鈴屋へいらしてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 7:51
Spend the Holidays in a Resort Atmosphere With the Crystal Clear Waters of Iheya Island, Okinawa! The Beautiful Blue Sea Is Called "Iheya Blue"!
Nature- 177 plays
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Iheya Island, a Remote Island of Okinawa This video, titled "Beautiful Beach of Iheya Island! OKINAWA, JAPAN" (伊平屋島(沖縄離島)の絶景ビーチ前篇!OKINAWA,JAPAN), was uploaded by "K Japan Traveler." It shows spectacular views of Iheya Island (伊平屋島, Iheyajima), Noho Island (野甫島, Nohojima), and Izena Island (伊是名島, Izenajima), which are in northern Okinawa. As you can see in the video, Iheya Island has a beautiful cobalt blue ocean that you would never expect to find in Japan. A Look at Iheya Island Photo:Brown sugar, Okinawa Iheya Island is a long, narrow island located approximately 41 km north of the main island of Motobu, with a population of about 1,400 people including those on Noho Island. The island has specialties, such as dried fish, hitokuchi brown sugar, Terushi Rice, and Kachiwari brown sugar. There's also Kitase Rock, Yahe Rock, and a skerry called Erabu Rock around Iheya Island. "Torazu Rock" is a landmark of the island. You should visit Koshino Hiramatsu, Nento Hiramatsu and Mt. Kuba too. Things To Do on Iheya Island Photo:The ocean at Sugahama, Okinawa We recommend going sightseeing via rental car. The clear beaches, such as Kumaya Coast, Yonezaki Beach, Shioshitahama, and Kubayama Beach are the best place for sea bathing and fishing. From 0:37 in the video, you can see Kouri Island and Kouri Bridge, and from 1:40 in the video, you can see Noho Bridge, Noho Port, and a beautiful view. For sightseeing, there's Kumaya Cave, Iheya Tower, the Iheyason Board of Education History Ethnic Museum, Kubayama Light House, and Kami Ashagi. You can enjoy activities like the salt cruise at the World Salt Exploration Museum. For snorkeling to see coral reefs, book with Diving service North Island or Diving Shop JIN. Access to Iheya Island Photo:The ocean at Iheya Island, Okinawa Unfortunately, it's somewhat difficult to reach Iheya Island. You have to go from Naha Airport, on the main island of Okinawa, to Nakijin, and then take a ferry for 80 minutes. Because of that, there are not so many tourists, which means you can enjoy the natural scenery all to yourself! As you can see from 1:17 in the video, you can enjoy "Iheya Blue," a clear, blue sea, different from the main island of Okinawa. There are several hotels and restaurants on the island, so you can stay overnight as well as take a day trip, and there are buses running around the island, so as long as you check the bus schedules it's not so bad. Summary of Iheya Island Photo:The ocean at Iheya Island, Okinawa Iheya Island has beautiful beaches where you can feel the refreshing sea breeze. Check out the time schedule for the ferry, as well as prices and information about tides when you visit the amazing resort, Iheya Island! 【Tripadvisor】Iheya Island https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121620-d1373491-Reviews-Iheyajima_Island-Iheya_son_Shimajiri_gun_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 3:13
Shimogamo-jinja Shrine in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, has many attractions, including the famous Tadasunomori forest, which is a power spot! Enjoy the solemn atmosphere of the shrine grounds in this video!
Art & Architecture- 109 plays
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Video introduction of highlights of Shimogamo-jinja Shrine in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "Kyoto Shimogamo Shrine Kyoto Japan" (京都・下鴨神社 Kyoto Japan), was released by "Kyoto 4K Video KYOTO VIDEOS" (京都・下鴨神社 Kyoto Japan). It showcases the beautiful scenery of Shimogamo Shrine, a World Heritage Site in Kyoto. The majestic atmosphere of the grounds is great for taking Instagram pictures! The historic Shimogamo Shrine has been selected as a World Heritage Site under "Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto" by UNESCO. A Closer Look at Kyoto's Shimogamo Shrine Photo:Romon Gate, Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto Formally known as Kamo-mioya Shrine, Shimogamo Shrine is located in Kyoto City's Sakyo Ward. Kamo-betsurai Shrine (Kamigamo Shrine) and Shimogamo Shrine are ancient shrines that originate from the deity that descended upon Mt. Mikage during the reign of Emperor Jimmu. There is a record detailing the repair of the tamagaki (a fence surrounding a shrine) in 148 BC, and it is believed that it was built sometime during this period. Tamayori-hime is enshrined in the eastern hall, and Kamotake-tsunumi is enshrined in the western hall. Highlights of Kyoto's Shimogamo Shrine Photo:Sazare-Ishi at Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto Tadasu no Mori, the shrine's forest, offers a gorgeous view of nature during late spring/early summer and the autumn foliage is breathtaking during the fall. Near the tower gate, there are landmarks, such as Aioi-sha Shrine and "Sazare-Ishi" which can be seen from 0:38 in the video. Be sure to take a look at the red bridge over the Mitarashi River near the main hall, as well as the Korin plum blossoms, and Koto Shrine, where the 12 animals of the zodiac are enshrined. It's also said that Shimogamo Shrine brings good luck in relationships and marriage. If you're looking for souvenirs, be sure to check out the amulets, shuin stamps, and ema (small wooden plaques on which Shinto worshippers write their prayers or wishes), and don't forget to draw a fortune slip! Fun and Exciting Events Held at Kyoto's Shimogamo Shrine! Photo:The Aoi Matsuri at Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto When it comes to events at Shimogamo Shrine, the Aoi Matsuri (Aoi Matsuri) in May is by far the most popular and well known festival. The Aoi Matsuri is one of the three major festivals of Kyoto, with an elegant procession that recreates the customs of the imperial court and makes its way from the Kyoto Imperial Palace to Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine. During the festival, a yabusame (horseback archery) ritual is also held in Tadasu-no-Mori. Mitarashi-sha (Inouesha), shown from 2:22 in the video, is said to be the birthplace of Mitarashi dango, and an event called the Mitarashi Festival is held in the summer. Also, there are times when a light festival by teamlab, is held on the grounds of the shrine and in Tadasu-no-Mori. There are also a variety of other events, such as Kemari Hajime and Hina Nagashi. Summary of Kyoto's Shimogamo Shrine Photo:Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto Shimogamo Shrine, with its quaint atmosphere, is one of the most popular spots in Kyoto and is ideal for those traveling alone. If you're lucky, you may even get the chance to see a wedding ceremony on the shrine grounds. If you're going on a sightseeing trip around Kyoto, be sure to stop by Shimogamo Shrine! ◆Shimogamo Shrine|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】59 Shimogamo Izumikawa-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture 【Access】A 12-minute walk from Keihan Demachiyanagi Station, take the City Bus from Kyoto Station and it's a short walk from the Tadasu-no-Mori-mae/Shimogamo-jinjya-mae bus stops. 【Hours】6:30 - 17:00 【Admission fee】Free 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】075-781-0010 【Official Website】Shimogamo Shrine|Kamo-mioya Shrine https://www.shimogamo-jinja.or.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Shimogamo Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d1198391-Reviews-Shimogamo_Jinja-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:54
Enjoy Nature, Culture, Food, Temples and Shrines, and the Near Future in Ibaraki Prefecture. This Is One Tourist Destination To Throw on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Travel- 95 plays
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A Myriad of Wonderful Sightseeing Spots in Ibaraki This video, "Ibaraki: Ever-Changing Beauty [4K Japan Cinematic]" was created by "Tokyo Creative Travel." There are many attractive sightseeing spots in Ibaraki Prefecture, including shrines and temples known as power spots, futuristic landmarks known as "towns close to space," and spots where you can experience the beauty of nature to the fullest. This article will introduce popular sightseeing spots in Ibaraki Prefecture alongside the video. Temples and Shrines in Ibaraki! Photo:Ushiku Daibutsu As you can see from 0:05 in the video, the Ushiku Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Ushiku), located in Ushiku, Ibaraki, is 120 meters tall. It is three times taller than the Statue of Liberty. Also, it's big enough to place the Great Buddha of Nara in its hand and is even recognized by Guinness Book of World Records. Arai Isomae Shrine, located on the Oarai Coast in Ibaraki, shown at 0:22 in the video, is a historical landmark known for "Kamiiso-no-Torii," a torii gate standing on a rocky reef. Kashima Shrine, the headquarters of Kashima Shrines throughout Japan, is also a popular sacred site. Tips when Traveling to Tsukuba, Ibaraki Photo:JAXA Tsukuba Space Center in Tsukuba, Ibaraki The city of Tsukuba in Ibaraki Prefecture, where the JAXA Tsukuba Space Center is located, is called "the closest town to space in Japan." Mt. Tsukuba in Hokutan, Tsukuba, is a popular spot for hiking and mountain climbing. The most advanced robots come and go around the University of Tsukuba, and as of 2019, the town of Tsukuba is the only place in Japan where Segways are allowed to be driven on public roads. There are a Segway tours that you can take on public roads as well, so consider checking these out. They can be seen from 1:21 in the video. Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Ibaraki Photo:Ibaraki Prefecture, National Hitachi Seaside Park Fukuroda Falls is ranked as the third most beautiful waterfall in Japan after Nachi Falls and Kegon Falls. If you're looking to relax, be sure to stop by Fukuroda Onsen and enjoy the hot springs. Hitachi Seaside Park is a popular, photogenic sightseeing spot where you can see gorgeous, blue nemophila during early summer. Kasumigaura Bay, the second largest lake in Japan, is another tourist destination we highly recommend visiting. We also recommend seeing the Ryujin Suspension Bridge, the longest bridge in Honshu, and Hananuki Gorge, where you can enjoy the beautiful autumn foliage in the fall. Ibaraki Prefecture is also known as a city of food. During your visit to Ibaraki, be sure to try monkfish dishes (あんこう料理), the Mito Chashu (Char Siu) Burger (水戸ちゃあしゅうバーガー), Kasama Inari Sushi (笠間いなり寿司), Hamaguri Meshi (はまぐりめし), Tsukuba Udon (つくばうどん), Soboro Natto (そぼろ納豆), and Sanpin Tako Meshi (三浜たこめし). Summary of Ibaraki Prefecture Photo:Ibaraki Prefecture, Hananuki Valley As you can see in the video, there are many places in Ibaraki where you can enjoy beautiful scenery. After a long day of sightseeing in Ibaraki Prefecture, nothing beats enjoying the local delicacies, and Ibaraki has them in spades. Visit Ibaraki, a prefecture full of charm! -
Video article 5:22
Shirahage Shrine, Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, on the shores of Lake Biwa, is a mysterious and popular tourist attraction! The vermilion Otorii (Grand Gate) on Lake Biwa is an Instagram-worthy spot!
Travel Art & Architecture- 119 plays
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Video introduction of “Shirahage Shrine” in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "Shirahige Shrine - Shiga - 白鬚神社 - 4K Ultra HD," introduces the beautiful scenery of Shirahige Shrine, a tourist attraction located on the shores of Lake Biwa in northern Shiga prefecture. Shirahige Shrine is a beautiful shrine that is also popular as a power spot. If you're headed out on a sightseeing trip to Shiga prefecture's Lake Biwa, be sure to visit Shirahige Shrine! The vermilion torii gate floating on the lake is a mysterious and beautiful sight. The History of Shirahige Shrine, a Power Spot in Shiga Prefecture Photo:The torii gate of Shirahige Shrine, Shiga Prefecture Shirahige Shrine, located on the shores of Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture, is a historical shrine that is considered to be the main shrine of all Shirahige Shrines throughout the country. Shirahige Shrine is said to have been built some 1900 years ago, around the time of Emperor Suinin, the 11th emperor of Japan, and is believed to be the oldest shrine in Omi, Shiga Prefecture. Originally, there is a theory that god Hira who dwelt in the Hira Mountains of Shiga Prefecture was enshrined here as a deity. It is believed that Shirahige Shrine blesses people with longevity, and after the Kamakura Period (1185-1333), the Ashikaga shogun often visited the shrine and it was widely revered by warlords. Check Out the Sights at Shirahige Shrine on the Shores of Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture! Photo:The torii gate of Shirahige Shrine, Shiga Prefecture The charm of Shirahige Shrine is of course the superb view of the vermilion Shirahige Shrine Torii that stands in Lake Biwa. When traffic on Lake Biwa thrived, the Shirahige Shrine Torii is said to have served as a place of worship. The large torii gate of Shirahige Shrine has a strong power that protects Lake Biwa, Japan's largest lake. If you go to Shirahige Shrine for sightseeing, don't forget to receive a shuin stamp as well! In the precincts of Shirahige Shrine, there's a monument to Murasaki Shikibu, famous for "The Tale of Genji," and Matsuo Basho, who composed many waka poems in Omi. We highly recommend checking this out if you have the chance. Sightseeing Around Shiragane Shrine, Near the Famous Lake Biwa! Source :YouTube screenshot At the far end of the premises of Shirahige Shrine is a small hut called Iwato Shrine. This shrine can be seen from 4:09 in the video. In addition, there are several ancient tombs scattered deep in the mountains behind the shrine. When the weather is nice, take a hike along the trail to enjoy the natural scenery and visit the historical tombs. After sightseeing, we recommend stopping by Shirahige Shokudo (白ひげ食堂) or Shirahige Soba (白ひげ蕎麦) in the surrounding area to enjoy the unique, hole-in-the-wall gourmet food of Shiga Prefecture. Summary of Shiga Prefecture's Shiragane Shrine Photo:The torii gate of Shirahige Shrine, Shiga Prefecture The majestic, vermillion torii gate of Shirahage Shrine that stands in the dignified Lake Biwa is, as you can see at 0:08 in the video, a beauty that can hardly be described in words. In recent years, the mystical Shirahige Shrine Torii standing in Lake Biwa, has become a popular place for taking Instagram photos. Be sure to visit Shirahige Shrine by Lake Biwa, one of the most popular power spots in Shiga Prefecture! ◆Shirahige Shrine|General Information◆ 【Address】215 Ukawa, Takashima, Shiga 【Access】Approximately 3 km from JR Omi Takashima Station 【Telephone】0740-36-1555 【Tripadvisor】Shirahige Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023578-d1529714-Reviews-Shirahige_Shrine-Takashima_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:36
Japan's Traditional Terraced Rice Fields. A Look at the Beautiful Terraced Paddies of Hiratsuka, Chiba!
Nature- 323 plays
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Kamogawa Oyama Senmaida" in Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture, a one-day trip from Tokyo, video introduction This video, titled "Chiba Hiratsuka terraced rice field - 棚田 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Have you ever seen a terraced rice field? Many people think that you have to go to Niigata or other places in Japan's Tohoku region to see terraced rice fields. The video introduces the beautiful terraced rice fields of Kamogawa, Chiba a place easily accessible from Tokyo. Let's take a look at some of Japan's beautiful landscapes in the video! The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields Photo:The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, Chiba Prefecture The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, featured in the video, is famous for being the closest terraced rice field to Tokyo. The area is 3.2 hectares, with more than 375 paddies extending across the hillside. Even today, many rice paddies are used for farming and this scenery can be said to be a classic Japanese landscape. Light-up event “Tanada no Akari” in Oyama Senmaida In addition to rice production, a viewing spot and observation floor are created, and the “Akari in the Terraced Rice Paddies” lighting event using 10,000 LED candles is usually held from late October to January each year. The 2024 event will be held from October 26 to January 13, 2025, from approximately 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Admission is free. The beautiful scene of a sunrise created between the paddies at 0:31 is something that not even a high-quality video can do justice to. The Terraced Rice Fields Found All Over Japan Photo:Rice fields and mountains in rural Japan Many of Japan’s rice fields are built on an inclination. This has the advantage of allowing for easy water control and improved rice production. One drawback, however, is that these are stair-stepped on steep slopes with land that is difficult to drain due to narrow cultivation units, and there are many places with no successors. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has designated 100 of the 134 terraced rice fields across Japan as the "Top 100 Terraced Rice Fields of Japan" in order to maintain the terraced rice fields and stimulate tourism in those areas. Although the word "terraced rice paddies" is used to describe the fields, the shape and characteristics of each paddy differs from place to place, so traveling across Japan to explore the different scenery of each area can make for a fun road trip! Many of these places have reputations for their Instagrammable and photogenic scenery as well. Famous Places to visit on Chiba Prefecture's Boso Peninsula Photo:Walruses at Kamogawa Sea World, Chiba Prefecture The Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture, is home to the Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields. It can be easily accessed from Tokyo by JR limited express trains, express buses, and the Tokyo Bay Aqualine. On Boso Peninsula, many tourists visit Kamogawa Sea World, Mother Farm, and go swimming during the summer. In addition to the Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, Boso Peninsula has many other sightseeing spots that make it an excellent travel destination. Summary of the Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields Photo:Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, Chiba Prefecture We hope the beautiful scenery of the rice fields in the video provided a relaxing atmosphere. There are many terraced rice fields that can be found across Japan, so be sure to do some research before your trip to find one that you can visit! If you live in Japan you can also use the “owner system” to become the owner of a beautiful rice field and grow your own rice! 【Tripadvisor】The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1021271-d1944760-r554882939-Oyama_Rice_Terraces-Kamogawa_Chiba_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:30
Beautiful terraced rice fields leading to the Sea of Japan! The spectacular view of Shiromai Senmaida in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, on the Noto Peninsula is a representative sightseeing spot of Okunoto, designated as a national cultural asset and place of scenic beauty!
Nature Travel- 301 plays
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Video introduction of "Shiromai Senmaida" in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture This video, “Ishikawa Shiroyone Senmaida - 白米千枚田 - 4K Ultra HD”, was created by “TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful.” It shows the exquisite view of the Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces dyed in brilliant shades of green. The rice terraces are located in Wajima City (輪島市, Wajima-shi), of Ishikawa Prefecture. The Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces are located in Shiroyone, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture in the Hokuriku region (北陸地方, Hokuriku chiho) of Japan. The view of the rice terraces changes with the seasons, making it a popular sightseeing area. In this article, we'll introduce the history and appeal of the Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces, as well as information for visitors. The rice terraces are considered the epitome of Japanese agriculture, as well as the definitive landscape of Japan. Enjoy exploring the rice terraces shown in the article. Be sure to follow along with the video as well! The Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces Photo:Ishikawa Shiroyone Senmaida The Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces can be found on Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture. The rice terraces are said to have been created nearly 400 years ago. There are around 1,004 paddy fields arranged on the steep slopes, each about 20 squares meters in size and in a variety of shapes. The view of the rice terraces descending into the Sea of Japan can be seen at 0:05 in the video. The Shiroyane Senmaida Rice Terraces are designated not only as a national "Place of Scenic Beauty," but also as one of "Japan's Top 100 Terraced Rice Paddies." In addition, the rice terraces are also a "Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System," known as "Noto's Satoyama and Satoumi." As farming machinery is too large for the paddy fields, the traditional hand-farming method "Nawashiroda" (苗代田) is used. The paddy fields all belong to certain owners who are in charge of their maintenance. Every year, the Shiroyone Senmaida Planting and Harvesting Event is held, with the owners and volunteers working together to plant and harvest rice by hand. Photo:Ishikawa Shiroyone Senmaida As you can see in the video, you can enjoy the summer view of the refreshingly green rice terraces. However, the rice terraces change with the seasons, making it a gorgeous view all throughout the year. In the spring, water soaks the paddy fields for rice planting, causing the terraces to sparkle and reflect the blue sky. In autumn, the rice has grown and the terraces turn a beautiful golden-yellow. During the peak rice-harvesting season, there are even wedding ceremonies held at the rice terraces. In winter, the sight of snow covering the rice terraces is absolutely beautiful, and you can also enjoy the illumination along Aze Street, "Aze no Kirameki" (あぜのきらめき, Aze-no-kirameki). The official mascot "Senren-chan" occasionally participates in events as well. The Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces can be accessed through public transport. The rice terraces are a 5-minute walk from the Shiroyone Senmaida bus station, which is 2 and a half hours by bus from Kanazawa station (金沢駅, Kanazawa-eki) in Ishikawa Prefecture. For visitors travelling by personal or rental car, there is a parking area available at the roadside station "Senmaida Pocket Park." The address is- Ishikawa Prefecture, Wajima City, Shiroyanecho 99-5 (石川県輪島市白米町99-5, Ishikawa-ken Wajima-shi Shiroyane-cho 99-5). Summary of Ishikawa Prefecture’s Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces Photo:Aze no Kirameki illumination In this video, “Ishikawa Shiroyone Senmaida - 白米千枚田 - 4K Ultra HD,” you can enjoy the beautiful view of the rice terraces. The sight of the rice terraces and the sea, dyed red by the setting sun, is breathtaking. Furthermore, at the roadside station “Senmaida Pocket Park,” onigiri made from rice harvested at the rice terraces, as well as various related souvenirs, are also available. In Noto Peninsula, there are many other sightseeing areas such as the Kamogaura Promenade (鴨ヶ浦遊歩道, Kamogaura yuhodo), Makaki no Sato Seiho (間垣の里 西保, Aidagaki-no-sato seiho), Elephant Nose Lookout (ゾウゾウ鼻展望台, Zozo-hana tenboudai), Oketaki Falls (桶滝, Oketaki), as well as Nametaki Falls (男女滝, Nametaki). Of course, you can enjoy fresh seafood as well. If you happen to be visiting Kanazawa City, besides the nearby attractions, why not try making a trip to Noto Peninsula as well? It'll definitely be a trip to remember! 【Tripadvisor】Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g1021242-d1384989-Reviews-Shiroyone_Semmaida-Wajima_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 6:22
Wakayama Prefecture - A Heavenly World Surrounded by Mystical Healing Power Spots. Go On a Spectacular Sightseeing Trip to the World Heritage Site of Koyasan, A Sacred Site of Japanese Buddhism With 1,200 Years of History!
Travel- 84 plays
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Koyasan - A World Heritage Site in Wakayama Prefecture This video, titled "[4K]高野山 KOYASAN temple JAPAN (World heritage)高野山観光 voyage viaggio KOYASAN Goma fire ritual 密教 世界遺産," was released by "Discover Nippon." It's a promotional video of Koyasan, a world heritage site in Wakayama prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. Koyasan is an ascetic school for Shingon Esoteric Buddhism that was opened by Kobo Daishi Kukai in Wakayama prefecture approximately 1,200 years ago. Explore the charms of Koyasan a power spot in Wakayama prefecture said to bring good fortune. Koyasan - A Sightseeing Destination in Wakayama Prefecture With 1,200 Years of History Photo:Kongobuji Temple, Koyasan The area around Koyasan in Wakayama Prefecture is a famous place revered as a sacred place for Japanese Buddhism along with Hieizan Enryakuji Temple located in Shiga, Kyoto. Kobo Daishi, the founder of the Shingon sect, built Koyasan in Wakayama in 816, more than 1,200 years ago. Kongobuji Temple, the head temple of the Koyasan Shingon sect, is a historic religious city with more than 100 temples. You can see Kongobuji Temple illuminated by lights after sunset at 5:57 in the video. In 2015, a commemorative service celebrating the 1200th anniversary of the founding of Koyasan was held. Sightseeing On Koyasan Photo:Danjo Temple There are many scenic tourist spots in the Koyasan area surrounded by nature. At the entrance to Koyasan, there is a bright, red-painted gate called Daimon Gate. Danjo Garan, located just beyond Daimon Gate, is the main hall where the main Buddhist services of Koyasan are held. On the approach to the inner temple, there are graves of famous Sengoku warlords, such as Nobunaga Oda, Takeda Shingen, the father and son graves of Takeda Katsuyori, Akechi Mitsuhide, Ishida Mitsunari, and the Toyotomi clan. An Enjoyable Sightseeing Trip to Koyasan Photo:Kongobuji Temple, Koyasan We highly recommend visiting the temples and taking in the beautiful scenery. You can find beautiful views at the temples during spring when the cherry blossoms are in bloom, and in the fall when the autumn leaves have changed to brilliant shades of red and orange. The weather is good in both spring and autumn, so you can enjoy sightseeing around all of the lesser-known spots of Koyasan as well. The precincts are quite large, so we recommend sightseeing by car if possible. Many people visit the temples of Koyasan and receive shuin stamps to commemorate their visit. Be sure to purchase popular souvenirs, such as the incense of Koyasan Daishido (高野山大師堂) and Mirokuishi steamed buns from Kasakuni (みろく石本舗かさ國). Summary of Koyasan, a Sacred Place For Buddhism in Wakayama Prefecture Photo:The Lotus Pond at Danjo Garan, Koyasan Koyasan, which was an ascetic school of Buddhism with a long history, has several shukubo (temple lodgings). You can always book a hotel in Wakayama prefecture for sightseeing on Koyasan, but if you want to try the invaluable experience of staying at a temple, we definitely recommend staying at a shukubo. ◆Koyasan Overview Information ◆ 【Address】Kongobuji Temple|132 Koyasan, Koya, Ito District, Wakayama 648-0294 【Access】 ・Train:Nankai Koya Line: Get off at Gokurakubashi Station, take the Nankai Koyasan Cable and walk from Koyasan Station. ・Car:About 2 hours from central Osaka. Nearest highway exits: Wakayama IC (和歌山IC) on the Hanwa Expressway (阪和自動車道) and Habikino IC (羽曳野IC) on the Minami-Hanna Expressway (南阪奈道路) 【Admission Fee】Kongobuji Temple|General:¥500, Elementary School Students:¥200 (※As of December 2019) 【Hours】Kongobuji Temple|8:30 - 17:00 【Closures】No Holidays 【Parking】There are many parking lots nearby, however, it can be very busy on the weekends so please keep this in mind. 【Telephone】Kongobuji Temple|0736-56-2011 【Official Website】Koyasan Shingon Sect Sohonzan Kongobuji Temple https://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Koyasan https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d1028543-Reviews-Mt_Koya-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 13:39
The Awa Odori Dance Festival - One of Japan's Most Popular and Lively Festivals! The More Than 400 Year Old Festival Boasts a Whopping 1 Million Visitors and More Than 100,000 Dancers!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 344 plays
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The Popular Awa Odori Dance Festival of Tokushima This video, titled "AWA ODORI - IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI - Festival (Awa Odori Dance Festival/Tokushima)" (AWA ODORI - IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI - 祭 (阿波踊り/徳島)), was uploaded by ANA Global Channel. It introduces the Awa Odori Dance Festival of Tokushima. Among the various festivals held in Japan throughout the year, Tokushima's Awa Odori Dance Festival is one of the most famous and popular festivals among Japanese people. In this article, we'll introduce the origins and history of the Awa Odori Dance Festival, as well as some nearby tourist attractions! The History of the Awa Odori Dance Festival Photo:Taiko drums at Awa Odori, Tokushima Prefecture The Awa Odori Dance Festival is a festival with a history dating back more than 400 years in Tokushima, which was once referred to as Awa Province. The festival's history dates back to the Edo Period (1603-1868) when indigo merchants in the Awa Province enjoyed the entertainment of geisha. After the Meiji Period (1868-1912), the content of the dance became gradually more refined. If you want to learn more about the history of the Awa Odori Dance Festival, we recommend visiting Awaodori Kaikan, a museum in the center of Tokushima City. More About the Awa Odori Dance Festival Photo:Awa Odori, Tokushima Prefecture Bon dances and festivals are held in many parts of Japan during the Obon season. The Awa Odori Dance Festival in Tokushima is one of the bon festival events, and is called "Awa no Bon Odori." It is held from August 12th to 15th every year. The scale of the event is so large that it is considered one of the three major Bon Dances in Japan and one of the three major festivals of Shikoku (the smallest of Japan’s major islands). More than 100,000 dancers participate in the Awa Odori Dance Festival, and over a million visitors come to the festival each year. From just the sheer number of visitors, it's easy to understand that it's a popular festival that represents Japanese culture. Feel the Heat of the Awa Odori Dance Festival! Photo:Awa Odori, Tokushima Prefecture As you can see at 8:26 in the video, the music of Tokushima's Awa Odori uses traditional Japanese instruments, such as drums, gongs, flutes, and shamisen. The people who join the dance wear kimono or yukata, braided hats, geta (wooden clogs) and carry lanterns. There are two types of dances, men's dance and women's dance, be sure to watch both as they're quite different. At the end of the festival, more than 1,000 people dance in unison, and the streets are filled with music and cheering. If you want to experience the power of the festival with a good view, we recommend purchasing bleacher seats, like the ones shown in the video. By joining the "Niwaka-ren" dance group on the day of the festival, you can have a blast dancing at the festival! This can be seen at 11:18 in the video. Summary of Tokushima's Awa Odori Dance Festival Photo:Awa Odori, Tokushima Prefecture The Awa Odori Dance Festival is a traditional festival that shows us the beauty of Japan through traditional performing arts. There's a saying in Japanese that goes “Odoru aho ni miru aho, onaji aho nara odoranya son son” (踊る阿呆にみる阿呆、同じ阿呆なら踊らにゃ損々), which roughly translates to "If the dancer is a fool, so too then is the spectator, so why not everybody dance?!" Joining in the Awa Odori Dance Festival will make for an unforgettable experience! 【Tripadvisor】Awa Odori https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298236-d10019439-Reviews-Awa_Odori-Tokushima_Tokushima_Prefecture_Shikoku.html -
Video article 3:49
Discover More Than 5 Million Spider Lilies at the "Red Spider Lily Festival" at Kinchakuda in Hidaka, Saitama, One of the Largest Blooming Areas in Japan! The Sea of Red Will Take Your Breath Away
Nature Festivals & Events- 110 plays
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Introduction of video clips to enjoy the "Manjushage Festival" in Hidaka City, Saitama Prefecture This video, titled "[4k] Lycoris (red spider lily) at Kinchakuda, Saitama|Red Spider Lily Festival (Higanbana) Japan Flower garden" ([4k]巾着田の曼珠沙華(彼岸花)埼玉、Lycoris(red spider lily) in Kinchakuda 曼珠沙華まつり ヒガンバナJapan Flower garden), was released by "Discover Nippon." The video introduces the "Red Spider Lily Festival" (曼珠沙華まつり, Manju-shage Matsuri) held in Hidaka, Saitama, when red spider lilies are in bloom. The Red Spider Lily Festival, held every year from mid-September to early October at Kinchakuda Manjushage Park in Hidaka, Saitama, is an event to admire the beautifully blooming spider lilies in Kinchakuda Manjushage Park. In this article, we'll introduce tourist information, such as transportation access and the best time to see the Red Spider Lily Festival. From 0:46 in the video, you can see the greatest display of red spider lilies in Japan. The sight of so many beautiful spider lilies blooming in one location is truly breathtaking. Kinchakuda, A Famous Sightseeing Location for Flowers in Saitama Prefecture Photo:Red spider lilies at Kinchakuda, Saitama Prefecture Kinchakuda, located in Hidaka, Saitama, in Japan's Kanto region, is a flat land spanning roughly 54 acres, the equivalent of about 4.7 Tokyo Domes. The Komagawa River also crosses through this area. Kinchakuda is also popular as a tourist destination where visitors can observe rape blossoms in spring and spider lilies and cosmos in autumn. The red spider lilies of Kinchakuda creates one of the largest blooming areas in Japan with approximately 5 million flowers, and around 300,000 visitors when the flowers are in bloom. Access to Kinchakuda Manjushage Park are, if coming by train, about a 15-minute walk from Koma Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line. There is a paid parking lot available as well, but the surrounding roads can be quite crowded when the spider lilies are in bloom, so we highly recommend visiting the park by train. The Red Spider Lily Festival of Hidaka, Saitama, One of the Largest Red Spider Lily Displays in Japan Photo:Red spider lilies at Kinchakuda, Saitama Prefecture The “Manjushage Festival” is usually held from around mid-September to early October, although the period varies depending on the blooming conditions. In 2024, the festival will be held from September 18 to October 2. During the festival, local gourmet foods and specialty products will be sold, and a chestnut festival will be held with events such as catching chestnuts. Admission to the venue, Kinchida Manjushage Park, is 500 yen. The scenery of higanbana blooming all around as far as the eye can see is introduced at 0:27 in the video. The largest cluster of higanbana in Japan awaits you. Summary of the Red Spider Lily Festival at Kinchakuda in Hidaka, Saitama Photo:Red spider lilies at Kinchakuda, Saitama Prefecture This video introduces the best spider lily blooming area in Japan. The images in the video are incredibly beautiful, so please enjoy the scenery of Kinchakuda, a famous place of flowers in Japan. In this article, we introduced tourist information, including transportation access and dates for the Red Spider Lily Festival of Saitama Prefecture. We hope this article has you interested in seeing the beautiful natural scenery of Saitama! 【Tripadvisor】Kinchakuda Manjushage Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021408-d1367853-Reviews-Kinchakuda_Manjushage_Park-Hidaka_Saitama_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:03
Spend the Finest Moments at Yakushima's Popular Hotel, Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima. A Celebrity Resort Hotel Surrounded by Nature in Kagoshima Prefecture!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 122 plays
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Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima "Official" sankara hotel & spa YAKUSHIMA Promotion Movie(【公式】sankara hotel & spa YAKUSHIMA Promotion Movie), produced by "Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima," is a video introducing luxury hotels in Yakushima, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This luxurious resort in the auberge (french inn) style is a hotel where you can have a wonderful time while enjoying the nature of Yakushima. "Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima" is popular on review and comparison sites for both hotels and inns because it offers some of the best hospitality service out there. This article and video showcase the appeal of Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima, a luxury hotel in Japan. Please watch the video and experience sightseeing in Yakushima. About Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima Source :YouTube screenshot Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima, is a luxury hotel in Japan. It is an accommodation facility with delicious food, hot springs, spas, massages and more. It is a very popular hotel so if you're planning on staying there, it is better to make reservations early. Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima is located in Yakushima, Kumage, Kagoshima in Kyushu, where you can enjoy the beauty of nature. The moss carpet, beautiful sea, and the blue sky that lay close to a giant tree with a strong presence, attracts visitors from all over with their beauty. The inside of the hotel is introduced from 0:12 in the video. Drinks can be enjoyed by the pool, so you'll know you're at a resort as soon as you put on your swimsuit. Source :YouTube screenshot It has a good reputation, with its authentic French cuisine, its personal butler service, and the spa "sankara sauna" featuring organic herbs that can be seen from 0:43 of the video. It has become quite a hot topic on the internet. The rooms are equipped with the highest quality amenities, and there are several different types of rooms: The Sankara Suite Room, Sankara Junior Suite, Sankara Villa Suite, Sandra Villa, and rooms with wooden decks overlooking the sea. There are no Japanese-style rooms as all rooms are Western-style. There is also a spacious pool and a library lounge where you can read books and unwind in a relaxing atmosphere. Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima has a wide selection amenities as well. This is a private resort hotel that you should definitely use when traveling to Yakushima, and there are many picturesque locations as well. Dining at Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima, a luxury hotel in Japan, has a restaurant with delicious gourmet cuisine. The Hotel is quite particular about local produce being used in their cuisine, and they offer French cuisine with specialties that can only be eaten at Yakushima. Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima has two restaurants: Ayana, where you can enjoy casual French cuisine, and Okas, where you can enjoy a full French course. You can enjoy wonderful food that makes use of the blessings of the land of Yakushima. Things to Do Near the Japanese Luxury Hotel "Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima" ©Kagoshima Prefecture Modifying There are various sightseeing spots around the Yakushima luxury hotel Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima. Yakusugi is a must-visit when visiting Yakushima. "Jomon cedar" "Wilson Stump" "Daiosugi" "Kokemusu forest" "Princess Mononoke forest" "Taikoiwa" "Nanahon cedar" "Miyanouradake" "Yakusugi land" "Cuguri cedar" "Oko Falls" "Shiratani Unsuikyo," "Yakujinja,” "Yakushima Environmental Culture Village Center,” and "Yakushima Lighthouse,” are all great sightseeing locations. Please enjoy their magnificent views. You can use Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima as a base to enjoy activities such as trekking, which is fairly popular due to Yakushima's lush natural surroundings. There are many spots in Yakushima where you can enjoy day-trip hot springs, such as "Hirauchi Kaichu Onsen,” "Jomon no Yado manten,” "Yudomari Onsen,” "Onoaida Onsen,” "Yunoko no Yu,” and "Yakushima Onsen JR Hotel Yakushima.” Please heal the tiredness of your trip slowly in a large public bath or open-air bath. Summary of Japan's Luxury Hotel "Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima" Source :YouTube screenshot Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima is a wonderful hotel where you can feel the spirit of Japanese hospitality in a french setting. Access is about 40 minutes from Yakushima Airport and there is a free shuttle bus. Enjoy a healing experience with the full facilities of Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima and the surrounding nature introduced in the video. Be sure to check travel sites and the official website, as room fees for hotel reservations vary depending on the season, room, plan, and tour. ◆ Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima|Facility Overview ◆ 【Address】 553, Haginoue, Mugifuji, Yakushima-cho, Kumage-gun, Kagoshima 891-4402, Japan 【Access】 About 40 minutes from Yakushima Airport. There is a free shuttle bus. 【Parking】 Available 【Phone number】 0997-47-3488 【Official Website】Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima | Resort Hotel Luxury Hotel https://www.sankarahotel-spa.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Sankara hotel & spa Yakushima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1121600-d1604431-Reviews-Sankara_Hotel_Spa_Yakushima-Yakushima_cho_Kumage_gun_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 3:34
Spend a Blissful Time in Atera Valley in Nagano Prefecture's Kiso District, a Place of Fresh, Greenery! The Murmuring of the River, Full of Negative Ions, Will Soothe Your Soul!
Nature- 137 plays
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長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「haruyuki onoue」が公開した「新緑とエメラルドグリーンの阿寺渓谷・4K」です。 長野県木曽郡大桑村には現代日本で失われつつある雄大な景色・自然が楽しめる地があります。 こちらの動画で紹介する阿寺渓谷です。 こちらの記事では阿寺渓谷の魅力からその周辺情報に至るまでチェックしておくべき情報をまとめました。 長野県木曽郡大桑村の阿寺渓谷とは 阿寺渓谷は厳密に言うと、長野県と岐阜県にまたがっている阿寺山地を源流とし それを皮切りに支流の阿寺川は長野県が誇る一級河川の木曽川に流れ着くまでのほぼ全域を指します。 源流から木曽川に流れ着く過程で吉報の滝や犬帰りの淵などの名所・絶景スポットが点在しています。 またこの流域には学術面から文化的な一面を覗かせており、日本でもココ一帯だけにしか存在しないような希少種の生物や植物があるのです。 全長約20kmの阿寺渓谷のうち管理区間が約2/3となっています。 管理区間のうち阿寺渓谷入口からキャンプ場までをウォーキングで景色を見ながら散策することが一般的となっています。 さらに釣りの名所として阿寺渓谷は知られています。 阿寺渓谷へのアクセスおよび周辺情報 マイカーで向かう場合は阿寺渓谷入口付近に駐車場があります。 阿寺渓谷入口からすでにヒノキや岩などが見え、そこからでも雄大な自然を感じ取ることができます。 特に夏季は観光客が増加するシーズンですので、交通規制がかかってしまい不便な思いをしてしまうかもしれません。 鉄道を利用する人はJR野尻駅で降りて、そこからシャトルバスを利用しましょう。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」の楽しみ方 阿寺渓谷と言えばやっぱりエメラルドグリーンの清流とその周りにある新緑のヒノキ美林でしょう。 川のせせらぎと水しぶきがマイナスイオンを与え、癒されますね。 さすが長野県の信州が誇る人気スポット! さらに上流へ行くと『美顔水』という湧き水が流れていてそこで顔を洗うと色白美人になると噂されているので、それを求めてやってくる人もいます。 また自然を満喫する目的と合わせハイキングにもなります。 気候が変わる秋に訪れるとエメラルドグリーンの清流はそのままに周りの美林が紅葉へ姿を変えているので、夏とは違う景色が楽しめます。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介まとめ 長野県が全国に誇る新緑とエメラルドグリーンが特徴的な阿寺渓谷について紹介しました。 長野県に訪れるなら阿寺渓谷は外せません! 美しい絶景を写真に収めてあなたの歴史の1ページに! -
Video article 3:36
Feel the arrival of spring with the red and white plum blossoms reflected on the lakeside at the Roukaku Plum Garden in Shinshu-Shinmachi, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, and enjoy the Japanese spring with the fragrance of the flowers in full bloom on the 1,000 plum trees!
Nature- 128 plays
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長野県信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」について こちらの動画は「haruyuki onoue」が公開した「信州新町のろうかく梅園2019・4K」です。 こちらの動画では長野県信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」をご紹介します。 4Kで撮影された「ろうかく梅園」の梅の花の映像は非常に美しいのでぜひ御覧ください。 「ろうかく湖」は信州新町の犀川の中に作られた人工の湖です。 その「ろうかく湖」に架かる橋を渡ると長野県が誇る名所信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」が見えます。 4ヘクタールの梅園では竜峡小梅という品種の梅を生産しています。 満開の梅は紅白のコントラストが絶景です。 更に、夏には花火大会が行われるなど四季折々のイベントが行われています。 楼閣梅園の梅の見頃 信州新町「ろうかく梅園」の開花状況は長野市のホームページにて確認できます。 例年の見頃は3月下旬から4月頃上旬になります。 また、長野県には同様に伊那梅園という梅園もあり、こちらは2万坪に38種類もの梅が7,000本が植えられ、「ろうかく梅園」と並んでお花見の名所となっています。 こちらの梅園は標高850mの高地にあり、平地にある梅よりも遅い開花時期で鑑賞することができます。 梅肉エキスなどの梅に関するお土産も販売しています。 6月〜7月には梅の実を収穫する体験も行っているので様々な時期に訪れても楽しめます。 信州新町「ろうかく梅園」でジンギスカンを食べよう! 4月の初旬には「ろうかく梅園花祭り」が行われます。 花まつりの中で人気のグルメが信州新町名物のジンギスカンです。 焼肉や農産物・特産品なども販売されるのでお花見に合わせてこれらを楽しむのもおすすめです。 「ろうかく梅園」の花まつり期間中ではジンギスカンセットも販売されており、ござ・ガス・コンロ・鉄板などを貸し出ししているので手ぶらでジンギスカンを堪能しながら梅の景色を楽しむことができます。 信州新町は古くから羊の飼育をしており、そのためジンギスカン料理も有名になりました。 信州新町のジンギスカンはあらかじめお肉を漬け込んでおくのが特徴で、お店ごとに異なる味付けを比べてみるのも楽しいかもしれません。 「ろうかく梅園」へのアクセス 「ろうかく梅園」へのアクセスは長野方面から国道19号で信州新町川中島バス営業所先を左折して1分の場所にあります。 無料駐車場があるのでそちらを利用しましょう。 長野ICからは車で40分、新幹線では北陸新幹線長野駅からバスで45分、その後徒歩で10分ほど。 また周辺には善光寺や戸隠神社奥社などの歴史ある穴場スポットもありますよ。 長野県信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」紹介まとめ 長野県信州新町のろうかく梅園は全国にある梅の景勝地でもランキング上位の観光地です。 温暖な気候の春のはじまりに紅白それぞれの特徴を備えた梅とジンギスカンを楽しんでください! -
Video article 3:34
Fuji Cemetery in Oyama-cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, at the foot of Mt. Fuji, the rows of 1,000 cherry trees in full bloom are breathtaking! The pink cherry blossom tunnel that covers the entire area is too beautiful for words!
Nature- 363 plays
- YouTube
Fuji Cemetery, Oyama-cho, Suntou-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture: Video Introduction of Cherry Blossoms in Full Blossom This video "Aerial Photography - One Thousand Cherry Trees(空撮 満開の千本桜)" created by "FUJISAN DRONE BASE" contains footage of the popular sightseeing spot "Fuji Cemetery" (富士霊園) taken via drone photography. As you can see throughout the video, there is a main street which passes through the cemetery that is situated near Mt. Fuji. 1,000 Yoshino cherry trees (ソメイヨシノ) are planted along the roadside which, in spring, blossom to create magnificent scenery. Throughout this three-and-a-half-minute long video, you can enjoy the spectacular view of the cherry trees in full bloom. This spot has even been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan! Fuji Reien Park Cemetery" with beautiful 1,000 cherry trees, when are the cherry blossoms at their best? Photo:Fuji Cemetery with cherry blossoms in full bloom The 1,000 cherry trees of Fuji Cemetery are a famous cherry blossom viewing spot in the town of Oyama in Shizuoka prefecture (静岡県小山町), located in the Tokai region (東海地方) of Japan. The Yoshino cherry trees in full bloom cover the main street creating a tunnel-like effect. It's hard to put into words just how beautiful the view is! You can take a look at this tunnel-like effect from 2:27 in the video. The cherry blossoms at Fuji Reien Park Cemetery are usually at their best around mid-April. When the cherry blossoms are falling, petals are scattered as a cherry blossom snowstorm, creating a fleeting beauty. There are many other flowers planted across the vast grounds of the cemetery which you can enjoy throughout the year as the seasons change. There's a platform in Fuji Cemetery where you can get a great view of the 1,000 Yoshino cherry trees. This is a great place to take amazing photos that you can share on Instagram! At 1:04 in the video, there's a stunning shot of snow-covered Mt. Fuji with cherry blossom in the foreground. Tips to Enjoy Cherry Blossom Viewing in the Area Surrounding Mt. Fuji Photo:Arakurayama Sengen Park Speaking of Japanese cherry blossoms, Somayoshino is famous, but various kinds of cherry blossoms, including double cherry blossoms and unique cherry blossoms, bloom in Japan. The scenic spots where you can see the remaining snow of Mt. Fuji and cherry blossoms are "Ryuganbuchi" in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture, "Shinkurayama Asama Park" in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture, and "Northern Bank of Lake Kawaguchi" where you can see Lake Kawaguchi, cherry blossoms and Mt. Fuji Cherry Blossom Alley is famous. Let's check the cherry blossom forecast of all over the country in early spring and enjoy cherry blossom viewing for the best time. Summary of the 1,000 Cherry Trees of Fuji Cemetery Photo:Cherry Blossoms at Fuji Cemetery During summer, many tourists travel to Shizuoka prefecture to climb Mt. Fuji, but there are many other sightseeing spots in the area for you to enjoy throughout the year. The beginning of spring is the perfect time to enjoy the cherry blossoms at Fuji Cemetery! There are several other famous cherry blossom viewing sites in the area with cherry trees such as the Yoshino cherry, Weeping cherry (枝垂れ桜), and Mountain cherry (山桜). Why not head over to the Mt. Fuji area of Shizuoka prefecture this spring and take a tour of the various cherry blossom viewing spots? ◆Fuji Cemetery General Information◆ 【Address】888ー2 Omika, Oyama, Sunto District, Shizuoka 410-1308 【Access】20 minutes by bus from JR Gotemba Line Suruga-Oyama station (JR御殿場線駿河小山駅) 【Admission Fee】Free 【Hours】9am - 4.30pm 【Closures】 Open year round 【Parking】Available (temporary parking area) 【Telephone】 0550-78-0311 【Tripadvisor】Fuji Cemetery https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1121213-d3586539-r315214344-Fuji_Reien_Cemetry-Oyama_cho_Sunto_gun_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html