Video article 8:30
Enjoy the Flavors of the Japan Sea in Winter at Yuzuki, a Ryotei in Ayabe, Kyoto. Check Out the Amazing Skills of the Chefs as the Cook Delicious Crab Dishes!
Food & Drink- 29 plays
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山陰の松葉カニ・ズワイガニを使った絶品料理紹介動画について こちらの動画は「綾部の料亭ゆう月」が公開した「冬の日本海の味覚。山陰の松葉カニ ズワイガニを堪能できる鍋料理と会席料理|綾部の料亭ゆう月」です。 冬の味覚、山陰の松葉カニ、ズワイガニをふんだんに使用した会席料理「蟹ずくし会席」を動画でご紹介します。 舞鶴漁港より届く新鮮な海鮮は日本のみならず、海外から来られた方にも人気です。 京都、綾部の料亭ゆう月の日本料理を堪能してください。 前菜 < APPETIZER > 山陰産のカニの身と菜の花を黄身酢で和えた小鉢に、カニの身を龍飛昆布で巻いた龍飛巻きの他、菊花かぶらに黒豆松葉つくりなど細かな仕事が光る、日本の伝統「和食」ならではの会席料理の前菜です。 煮物椀 < SOUP > 椀には焼き豆腐、山陰産カニ爪の揚げしんじょう、水菜など盛りつけし澄まし汁を注いだ上品な椀です。 見た目にも綺麗な会席料理の優しい一品です。 御造里 < SASHIMI > 山陰の生きた松葉カニの足を切り取り、殻をむいて身を氷水に浸け仕込みます。 帆立の貝柱や真鯛の昆布締めなど、板前の技によって鮮やかに彩られた御造りは絶品で、「ゆう月」の会席料理には欠かせない一品です。 焼き物 < ASSORTED GRILLED FISH > カニの殻を食べやすく削ぎ炙り焼きにします。 半分にしたすだちとちり酢はお好みでどうぞ。 食べ応えのある山陰のズワイガニをたっぷりと堪能できます。 蒸し物 < STEAMED DISHES > 海老芋の饅頭を油で揚げます。 出汁に葛粉を加えてとろみをつけ、さらに透明感が出るまで煮詰めたら、カニと菜の花、菊の花びらを加え色鮮やかな餡を、先ほど揚げた海老芋の饅頭にゆっくりと注いで完成です。 赤、白、黄、緑と食材の色が作り出す景色は、海外の方にも目に美しく映るでしょう。 油物 < TEMPURA > 山陰で採れたカニを天ぷら用に剥きます。 添え野菜とカニを薄い衣で揚げたら、手早く盛りつけ完成です。 日本の伝統料理「天ぷら」は会席料理にはなくてはならない存在です。 酢乃物 < PICKLED DISH > 残りの松葉カニを蒸しあげ、冷めたら竹の容器に盛りつけます。土佐酢に付けて召し上がり下さい。 会席料理ならではの上品な酢の物です。 御飯・留椀 < GOHAN&MISOSOP > カニの殻と出汁で炊いたご飯に、蒸した松葉カニの味噌と身を混ぜ合わせた炊き込みご飯と、八丁味噌の味噌汁、これが山陰ならではの食材を使用した蟹ずくしの「会席料理」です。 水菓子 < DESSERT > 黒豆を挟んだ和三盆のロールケーキの横に、季節の果物が柑橘ジュレで包まれて清涼感のある水菓子へと衣替えします。山陰ゆう月で行う会席料理のラストはこれで決まりです。 山陰の松葉カニ・ズワイガニを使った絶品料理紹介まとめ ゆう月の「蟹ずくし会席」は、山陰地方で育った新鮮な海鮮を贅沢に使用しています。 日本海でとれた新鮮な魚介類をたっぷりと堪能してください。 -
Video article 25:23
Discover the Secrets of a Japanese Restaurant That Has Been Awarded Three Stars by the Michelin Guide for 13 Consecutive Years! A Look Inside the Mind of the Master Chef Leading the Japanese Culinary Industry!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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This video, titled "#29_Hiroyuki Kanda" (#29_神田裕行(かんだ)), was released by "Palais De Z - The Future of Deliciousness" (パレ・ド・Z〜おいしさの未来〜). In this video, Chef Hiroyuki Kanda of the Japanese restaurant "Kanda" in Nishi-Azabu shares his passion for cooking. Kanda trained in Paris when he was young, and after further honing his skills at Aoyagi in his hometown of Tokushima, Kanda went independent at the age of 40. The food served at "Kanda" is a combination of visual beauty and inner depth. The food prepared by the top chef is truly exquisite. At 11:46 in the video, he personally travels to Minami Uonuma in Niigata Prefecture to harvest the finest varieties of rice. This master Japanese chef has a strong dedication to creating the finest dishes. -
Video article 3:27
At Tokamachi Akashi Chijimi, They Make Kimonos and Yukata That Will Keep You Cool in the Summer Months. With Both High Quality Designs and the Highest Levels of Comfort, These Kimono from Niigata Prefecture Are Something to Be Admired!
Traditional Crafts- 62 plays
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十日町明石ちぢみ紹介動画について こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「十日町明石ちぢみ」Tokamachi Akashi Chijimi Weaving/伝統工芸青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 動画で紹介されている十日町明石ちぢみは新潟県十日町市の伝統工芸文化の一つで、八丁撚糸機という特別な機械を使用して1mに4000回もの撚り(より)をかけます。 十日町明石ちぢみの特徴として、織物の表面に「しぼ」と呼ばれる凹凸があり、それによって夏でも涼しく着心地のいい素材の着物になっています。 十日町明石ちぢみの制作工程 製作の工程は以下の5手順になっています。 1, 設計 2, 染色 3, 手延べ 4, 絣巻 5, 製織 十日町明石ちぢみが伝統工芸文化と言われる特徴としては、やはり絣巻の工程で使われる八丁撚糸機です。 絣巻(かすりいと)とは、万力を使って縦絣模様をあわせながら巻き取る技法です。 この工程をスムーズにすすめるためにしっかりとした糊付けが必要ですが、手技によって行われ、職人でなければできない匠の技があります。 ここにも十日町明石ちぢみが日本の伝統工芸文化とよばれる所以があるといえます。 製織においても手作業のよる技法が多く含まれています。 平ゴムとくびりによってほぐしをおこなった経糸を柄合わせをしながら巻き取ります。 その後、湯もみをすると細い糸にかけられた強い撚りによって織物の表面が凸凹になります。これが伝統工芸文化である十日町明石ちぢみ独特の着心地を生みます。 十日町明石ちぢみの爽やかなデザインにも職人の技法がふんだんに使われており、その一つとして摺り込みという技法が挙げられます。 これは絣糸を染める技法で染料をヘラで部分的に摺り込むというものです。 何度も揉みながら繰り返し摺り込みを行い、十日町明石ちぢみ独特のデザインを生んでいます。 夏に合わせた明るいコーディネートがしやすいことや季節に合わせて着物を着ることができるので、伝統工芸文化である着物自体をもっと身近に感じてほしいという十日町明石ちぢみ職人の思いを感じます。 十日町明石ちぢみの歴史 日本で伝統工芸文化の十日町明石ちぢみが生まれたのは400年前、播州明石だったと言われています。 その後、新潟の越後縮問屋の州崎栄助に、西陣織りの業者によって研究されていた十日町明石ちぢみを西陣織りより湿度の高い十日町市で開発することが進められました。 そうして多くの過程を踏み、八丁撚糸機を利用することで伝統工芸としての十日町明石ちぢみは文化的な産業になりました。 伝統工芸文化としての課題は、十日町明石ちぢみを受け継ぐ人材は非常に少なく、多様なニーズに答えるデザインが求められています。 十日町明石ちぢみ紹介まとめ 最高級の強撚糸に伝統工芸の撚糸技術、さらには文化を受け継ぐ職人たちの様々な技法を経て最高級の着心地と最高級のデザインが生み出されています。 この素晴らしい日本の伝統工芸文化を後世へと伝えていくために、夏を涼む着物「十日町明石ちぢみ」を体験してみてください。 -
Video article 17:39
More Than Just the Tottori Sand Dunes! Enjoy Nature, Food, and Culture in a Land of Myths and Popular Anime!
Local PR Travel- 68 plays
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人気観光スポット鳥取県の魅力を伝える動画の見どころ こちらの動画は「とっとり動画ちゃんねる」が公開した「The Choice of Tottori」です。 あなたは鳥取の観光に対してどれほどの関心があるでしょうか。 今回の動画は鳥取県の魅力を伝える動画になっています。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の豊かな自然 動画の0:47で、鳥取の情報を伝えてくれるのは鳥取観光大使の松本若菜さんです。 鳥取鳥取へのアクセスは以外と近く、羽田空港からは1時間15分でアクセスできます。 1:19から松本若菜さんが紹介するのは、鳥取県の自然観光です。 穏やかな気候の多い鳥取の自然を6つご紹介します。 1) 山陰海岸ジオパーク 浦富海岸では遊覧船やカヌーなどのアクティビティが楽しめます。 2) 鳥取砂丘 日本でも屈指の名所である鳥取砂丘に自然に作られる風紋は圧巻の景色です。 また、砂の美術館も併設され、砂の制作による様々な展示が行われています。 3) 白兎海岸 日本神話「因幡の白兎」がモチーフとされ、周辺には白兎神社も併設されています。 4) 大山 登山やハイキングだけでなくスキーも楽しめ、秋の紅葉は大山の妖艶な一面を見せてくれます。 5) とっとり花回廊 日本最大級のフラワーパークで四季を通して様々な草花をご覧になることができます。 6) 智頭町 鳥取の観光で穴場で、総面積の9割が山林で、森を散策する「森林セラピー」も体験できます。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の絶品グルメ 5:59からは鳥取観光で楽しみなご当地グルメのご紹介です。 鳥取の夏は新鮮なクロマグロが楽しめます。 さらに岩ガキは生でいただける非常におすすめの魚介です。 白イカも楽しめます。 地元でしか楽しめないものとしてモサエビも挙げられます。 なにより有名な冬の鳥取のご当地グルメが松葉ガニです。 二十世紀梨も鳥取を有名にしているものです。 甘みのある味わいをぜひ現地でお楽しみください。 さらに鳥取和牛もブランドを確立しています。 しゃぶしゃぶ発祥地と言われる鳥取で、郷土料理の鳥取和牛しゃぶしゃぶをお楽しみください。 人気観光スポット鳥取県で楽しむ癒しの温泉 9:18からは温泉の様子を動画で紹介しています。 鳥取には日本の中でも個性豊かな温泉が10箇所以上あります。 中でも三朝温泉の河原風呂や海水浴場を擁する皆生温泉、はわい温泉などです。 皆生温泉ではトライアスロンのイベントが行われていることでも有名です。 岩井温泉では湯かむり唄という風習もあります。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の知られざる歴史と文化 動画の12:07からは、鳥取県の大山にある大神山神社奥宮の社殿と断崖に建てられた三徳山三佛寺が紹介されています。 特に三佛寺は日本国宝の投入堂があります。 この景勝地は日本の国宝で最も危険なものとも言われており、断崖からの景観は絶景です。 鳥取の歴史文化では白壁土蔵群・赤瓦の町並みエリアが有名です。 浴衣の女性が歩く景色が白壁に非常に映えます。 また、伝統芸能と民芸品を集めた鳥取民藝美術館には多くの民芸品が展示されています。 漫画家の水木しげる先生、青山剛昌先生、谷口ジロー先生なども鳥取の出身で、日本有数の漫画王国とも言われています。 水木しげるロードには妖怪の銅像が並ぶ新たな観光スポットとして有名になりました。 人気観光スポット鳥取県紹介まとめ 動画を通じて鳥取の魅力をたっぷり紹介しました。 今回の動画を参考に鳥取旅行のプランやルートを考えて、素敵な観光をお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:41
Dive Into Some Old-Fashioned Ramen Made at Wakaba at Tsukiji's Outer Market! The Chinese Noodles Tasted at This Long-Established Restaurant in Tokyo's Kitchen Are a Special Treat for Anyone!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "「若葉」築地場外市場 中華そば / WAKABA Japan Tsukiji Outer Market Ramen," was released by "TomTomJp01." This video introduces the ramen restaurant "WAKABA" in Tsukiji's outer market. In Tsukiji, where many ramen shops are located, WAKABA stands tall, serving traditional Chinese soba. The noodles are characterized by their ultra thin and curly shape, and when combined with the chicken broth, the flavor of the noodles is truly exquisite, making it a favorite among tourists. In this video, you can see the whole process Chinese soba being made at WAKABA, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 9:42
Hopeken, the Original Back-Fat Tonkotsu Ramen! What's the Secret to the Popularity of This 24-Hour Ramen Shop That Has Been Visited by So Many Celebrities?
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "Sendagaya [Hopeken] Guest: Karin Ito (Nogizaka 46) Founded in 1960! the Original Tokyo Back Fat and Tonkotsu Ramen Shop [Ramen Walker TV Episode #200]" (千駄ヶ谷「ホープ軒」ゲスト:伊藤かりん(乃木坂46)1960年に創業!元祖・東京背脂豚骨ラーメンの名店【ラーメンWalkerTV #200】), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces Hopeiken, the original back fat and pork bone ramen restaurant. This ramen shop has been in business for 30 years and is the pioneer of the popular back-fat tonkotsu ramen. In addition to being a ramen shop that uses back fat, the shop is also open 24 hours a day, which is unusual for a ramen shop. Even in these days when it is difficult to open a shop, they are still open 24 hours a day! In this video, you can see the ramen at Hopeken, so if you're interested in ramen, check it out! -
Video article 9:45
Sobahouse Konjikihototogisu in Shinjuku Is a Popular Restaurant That Was Inducted Into the Grand Prix Hall of Fame of a Popular Ramen Periodical! A Look at the Ultimate Bowl of Ramen!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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This video, titled "Shinjuku Gyoenmae "Sobahouse Konjikihototogisu" Inducted Into the Ramen Walker Grand Prix Hall of Fame! [Ramen Walker TV #219] the Ultimate Bowl of Ramen That Has Been Awarded a Star in World Famous Guidebooks!" (新宿御苑前『SOBA HOUSE 金色不如帰』ラーメンWalkerグランプリ殿堂入り店!世界的ガイドブックでも星を獲得した究極の一杯【ラーメンWalkerTV #219】), was released by "ramenwalker." "Sobahouse Konjikihototogisu" in Shinjuku is a popular ramen shop that attracts many ramen fans. Among them, their popular "Shio Soba" (salt soba) is known as the ultimate bowl of ramen that wins the hearts of visitors. The secret to the delicious ramen is the white truffle oil used in the soup. Of course, the noodles are handmade in the shop and the toppings are made from a variety of original ingredients. If you want to enjoy some of the most delicious ramen in Japan, visit Sobahouse Konjikihototogisu in Shinjuku! -
Video article 9:39
If You Want to Taste the Iekei Ramen That Is Gaining a Lot of Attention in Japan These Days, We Recommend "Oyamaya" in Musashi-Sakai, Tokyo. The Origins and Characteristics of the Delicious Noodle Dish!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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This video, titled "#136 'Ramen Oyamaya Main Shop' The Famous Iekei Ramen With Beaten Eggs! [Ramen Walker tv2]" (#136「ラーメン大山家 本店」家系+とき卵のコダワリ名物ラーメン!【ラーメンWalkerTV2】), was released by "ramenwalker." One genre of ramen that is particularly popular in Japan is called "Iekei" ramen. Iekei ramen is a pork and soy sauce based ramen that originated in Yokohama and is characterized by its use of thick, straight noodles. Many Iekei ramen shops, which originated from Yoshimuraya, have the kanji character for "house" (家, Ie) in their names. Iekei ramen can be seasoned with ginger and garlic to keep you coming back for more. Oyamaya, introduced in the video, is a popular ramen shop located in Musashi-Sakai, Tokyo. The excellent ramen is accompanied by a beaten egg and Andean highland pork chashu, which is simply amazing and just melts in your mouth, making it a very satisfying dish. -
Video article 8:47
Delicious Nigiri Sushi at the Popular Sushi Restaurant "Hakkoku" in Ginza. Come See What This Reservation-Only Sushi Restaurant Is All About!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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Hakkoku - A Sushi Restaurant in Tokyo's Famous Ginza District This video shows the sushi of "Hakkoku" in Ginza, Tokyo. Hakkoku is an Edo-mae style sushi restaurant where the rice is made with red vinegar. The course begins with hand-rolled sushi, where you are handed a rare part of the base of the head of the tuna, called "tossaki," followed by seasonal Edo-mae sushi dishes. The restaurant has a private counter room, which is rare in Ginza, and can be used for treating customers of one's company. The restaurant is typically fully booked and it's hard to get a reservation for it, so be sure to check out the video to see their expert skills. ◆Hakkoku Store Information◆ 【Address】Hakkoku - 3F, 6-7-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 【Access】199 meters from Ginza Station off the Ginza and Hibiya subway lines 【Avg. Cost】¥30000+ 【Hours】17:00-22:00 (Last entry) 【Closures】Sundays, Holidays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-6280-6555 【Yelp】Hakkoku (はっこく) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E3%81%AF%E3%81%A3%E3%81%93%E3%81%8F-%E4%B8%AD%E5%A4%AE%E5%8C%BA?osq=hakkoku -
Video article 21:18
Nodaya Style Eel Skewering - An Artisanal Technique Handed Down by "Nodaya," the Leading Eel Restaurant of Japan
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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Nodaya This video shows the Nodaya style unagi (eel) skewers of Nodaya . Nodaya is a famous restaurant with a long history, established in 1953. Its parent organization, "Nodaya Higashi-Seiki," was established in 1868 (the first year of the Meiji Period). Nodaya has handed down traditional techniques for cooking eel and river fish since the Edo period, and has trained many chefs as the best eel and fish specialty restaurant in Japan's Kanto region. From 1:29, there's an explanation of Nodaya's unagi skewers, and from 4:57, they show the actual skewering process There are various types of skewering methods for the same eel, depending on the size of the eel and the dish, and you'll find that they are made with masterful techniques. Be sure to check out the historic skills of this master eel chef! -
Video article 4:23
Enjoy the beautiful autumn leaves of the Toyohirakyo Dam, a sightseeing spot in Sapporo, Hokkaido, in this video! Competition of autumn leaves and water discharge from the dam protecting Lake Jozan
Travel Nature- 110 plays
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Autumn Leaves at the Hoheikyo Dam in Sapporo, Hokkaido: Video Introduction This video, titled "A Place to View the Autumn Leaves|Hoheikyo Dam|Jozankei, Sapporo, Hokkaido|4K" (紅葉スポット 豊平峡ダム 北海道札幌市定山渓 Hoheikyo Dam 4K), was uploaded by "M Channel." There are many prominent tourist attractions in Sapporo, Hokkaido, but one famous for its autumn leaves is the Hoheikyo Dam, located on Lake Jozan. This video features the beautiful colors of nature at Hoheikyo Dam in autumn. Be sure to check it out to see the breathtaking autumn leaves of Hokkaido, Japan! Characteristics and Attractions of the Hoheikyo Dam, Where Lake Jozan Is Located Photo:Hoheikyo Dam, Sapporo, Hokkaido Hoheikyo Dam, located in Shikotsu-Toya National Park, is a 102.5-meter-tall arched concrete dam that has been selected as one of the Top 100 Water Resources and Top 100 Dammed Lakes in Japan. Since general vehicles are not allowed to enter, hybrid electric buses operate from the entrance of the dam to Hoheikyo Park. [Video] 0:33 - Hybrid Electric Buses at Hoheikyo Dam The observation deck is a viewpoint that offers breathtaking scenery and spectacular views throughout Japan's four seasons. If the weather is good, you can see a rainbow form in the water released from the dam. The dam discharge times are as follows. [June - Oct.] Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM [June, Sept., Oct.] Weekdays: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM [July, Aug.] Weekdays: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Hours may vary by season, so please check the website of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in advance. [Video] 2:33 - Water Being Discharged from Hoheikyo Dam When to See the Autumn Leaves at the Hoheikyo Dam Photo:Late autumn at Hoheikyo Dam, Sapporo, Hokkaido The leaves at Hoheikyo Dam usually begin to change color in late September, and the best time to view the autumn foliage is from early to mid-October. However, during peak season, the surrounding roads become congested, parking lots fill up, and one-hour waits become very common. Some places have time limits, so it is recommended to visit first thing in the morning when the autumn leaves are in season. [Video] 1:14 - Autumn Leaves at Hoheikyo Dam A Hoheikyo Onsen Specialty! Delicious Indian Curry! At Hoheikyo Onsen, a 13-minute drive from Hoheikyo Dam, there are day-trip hot springs and campgrounds, as well as canoeing experiences and barbecue facilities. One of the must-try foods at Hoheikyo Onsen is Indian curry. It has a nice texture and delicious flavor! The Indian curry, made with carefully selected naan, dozens of spices, and onions, is a superb dish that once eaten is unforgettable, and many repeat customers come back for more. There are five levels of spiciness to choose from, so you can select the spiciness that suits you best. If you're a fan of spicy foods, maybe try the hottest level? It takes about 80 minutes to reach Hoheikyo Onsen from the Sapporo Station bus terminal, and a free shuttle bus is available from Makomanai Subway Station, making it easily accessible. If you visit Hoheikyo Dam for sightseeing, definitely sit down for some lunch in the area! Summary of Sightseeing at the Hoheikyo Dam Photo:The observation deck at Hoheikyo Dam, Sapporo, Hokkaido Hoheikyo Dam is not only famous for its colorful autumn leaves, but also for the picturesque reflections that can be seen on the lake. They're super photogenic and look great on Instagram as well. The water being discharged from the dam also makes for great photos as well. In addition, there's a free lift car to the rest house, which takes you to the lookout point in just a minute! That being said, it's not that far, so you can go there on foot as well. There's also a well-maintained promenade and a viewing platform, making it possible to enjoy the scenery with a nice hike. Autumn here is spectacular, but consider visiting in other seasons as well! 【TripAdvisor】Hoheikyo Dam https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298560-d14802021-Reviews-Houheikyou_Dam-Sapporo_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 2:44
Yuni Garden in Yuni Town, Hokkaido is famous for its kochia! Aerial video of the best time to visit and seasonal flower attractions.
Nature Travel- 118 plays
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Hokkaido Yuni Town "Yuni Garden" Video Introduction Photo:Kochia at Yuni Garden, Yuni, Yubari, Hokkaido This video, titled "Yuni Garden 'Kochia' 2021" (2021 ゆにガーデン「コキア」), was uploaded by "Yuni Garden Official Channel" (ゆにガーデン公式チャンネル). In the video, you can see approximately 32,000 kochia (summer cypress) plants dyed in their autumn colors at Yuni Garden, an English-style garden in Yuni, Hokkaido, in Northern Japan. Enjoy the aerial video showing the neat fields of kochia, and other gardens in the area. Yuni Garden Facility Information Photo:Kochia at Yuni Garden, Yuni, Yubari, Hokkaido Yuni Garden, located in Yuni, Hokkaido, is an English-style garden with a vast area of approximately 34.5 acres. The garden is home to a rose garden, fragrance garden, and other themed gardens, and the 32,000 kochia plants make it one of the most numerous kochia spots in Hokkaido! It takes about one hour to walk around the park, and visitors can enjoy the scenery in every season! [Video] 0:58 - The English-style Yuni Garden The Best Season to Visit Yuni Garden Photo:Kochia at Yuni Garden, Yuni, Yubari, Hokkaido At Yuni Garden, visitors can enjoy many types of flowers, but the main attraction is the kochia (summer cypress). The Kochia Hill is home to 32,000 kochia plants. Kochia is an annual plant with a lovely, fluffy appearance. What makes kochia such a nice plant is that it changes with the seasons. The best time to see the kochia at Yuni Garden is from August to October: from early August to early September, the kochia is fresh and green, and from mid-September, the leaves begin to turn from green to a vivid red. Both the green and red kochia are very photogenic, and are sure to be a hit on Instagram! [Video] 2:05 - The Colorful Kochia at Yuni Garden Chery Blossoms and Other Seasonal Flowers at Yuni Garden Photo:Roses at Yuni Garden, Yuni, Yubari, Hokkaido In addition to kochia, a variety of other flowers can be enjoyed at Yuni Garden. Here are some of the flowers that can be enjoyed during the different seasons at Yuni Garden. ● Spring (late April to May) In late April, the glory of the snow flowers, which herald the arrival of spring, begin to bloom, followed by a variety of cherry blossoms in early May. In the White Garden, visitors can enjoy cherry blossoms and wood anemone. Additionally, guests can enjoy peach blossoms, crab apples, rape blossoms, and tulips decorating the flower beds. ● Summer (June to August) From June, Moroccan toadflax spreads over the hills, and lupinu, peonies, and other early summer flowers brightly decorate the garden. In the Rose Garden, roses are in full bloom and the air is filled with their sweet fragrance. In early July, approximately 400 hydrangeas begin to bloom in "Hydrangea Alley," and in late July, scarlet sage and lilies are in full bloom. ● Autumn (September to October) In September, autumn roses, cosmos, Japanese anemone, Thunberg's bushclover, meadow saffron, and rose of Sharon can be seen. The leaves on the maple trees also change to brilliant colors during this time. The blooming conditions can vary from year to year due to climatic conditions and other factors. The official website is constantly updated with the blooming conditions, so be sure to check out the current blooming conditions before visiting! Enjoy Lunch at a Restaurant or Café at Yuni Garden Photo:Yuni Garden, Yuni, Yubari, Hokkaido Yuni Garden is also home to restaurants and cafes with which you can enjoy the local flavors of Yuni and its gardens. The restaurant "Chive" is a buffet restaurant where you can enjoy a healthy buffet. It has approximately 40 dishes using plenty of colorful vegetables, and has good reviews. Enjoy tea time on the open terrace of the cafeteria "Basil" while taking in the natural surroundings! The ice cream here is especially popular. "Jingisukan House" is a hands-on farm where you can enjoy fresh lamb Jingisukan. Keep in mind that it requires a reservation of at least 10 people. Enjoy a lunch of fresh vegetables in the nature-filled Yuni Garden! Things to Do Near Yuni Garden Photo:Yuni, Hokkaido Yuni, the town where Yuni Garden is located, is a relatively small town with not a lot to do, but there are definitely some things to check out if you're looking to get off the beaten path and explore some lesser-known areas of Japan. Kitanaganuma Ski Area During the winter months, Kitanaganuma Ski Area is a small ski resort that opens where locals gather to enjoy some light skiing together with friends and family. The ski resort has 3 lifts: the first lift being an alpine course, the second being the main skiing hill, and the third lift being a family course. There is also a sledding area for kids. At the lodge, you can take a break and enjoy some curry, beef bowls, or some noodle dishes like ramen, udon, and soba. Hours: 9:00 am - 8:30 pm (winter only) ※Ski season starts around the end of December. Pricing (1-day Pass): Adults: 1,800 yen, Children: 900 yen Laugh Tale Campground (由仁町見立の沢キャンプ場 LAUGH TALE) Laugh Tale is a new campground that opened in 2022. It's not the largest campground, but if you're just looking to get out and enjoy some time outdoors during the summer months, it's definitely not a bad option. You can throw up a tent and enjoy camping with friends, family, or even solo, and the campground also has firewood available for campfires. There is also a barbecue corner that can be rented out for 3 hours, and a dog run available for those coming with dogs. Hours: The campground opens around early May and ends in late October. Pricing: [Campground] Junior high school students and older: 500 yen, Elementary school students and younger: Free [Barbecue Area] 450 yen per person. Comes with a barbecue and chairs ※Charcoal sold separately (350 yen/1 kg) Yuni Garden is approximately 50 minutes east of Sapporo by car and 1.5 hours by train, making it a nice place for a day trip if you're in or around Sapporo. Summary of Yuni Garden, Hokkaido Photo:Kochia at Yuni Garden, Yuni, Yubari, Hokkaido Kochia changes with the seasons, with green and red kochia able to be seen in various seasons. Elaborate events such as live music, painting exhibitions, and orienteering are also held at Yuni Garden from time to time. In addition, the 1st and 11th are "Doggy Day," and guests can enjoy a walk through the gardens with their dogs. Yuni Garden is approximately 50 minutes from Sapporo by car, and 35 minutes from New Chitose Airport by car! Please visit Yuni Garden, where you can enjoy a different floral landscape each time you visit. 【Official Website】Yuni Garden, Yuni, Hokkaido 【TripAdvisor】Yuni Garden -
Video article 32:21
The "Akagawa Fireworks Display" in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture, is a highly acclaimed fireworks display by fireworks fans, and you can enjoy the "most impressive fireworks display in Japan" with its powerful fusion of music in the video!
Festivals & Events Travel- 399 plays
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Video introduction of the 30th "Aka River Fireworks Display 2023" in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture This time, we would like to introduce the movie "The 30th Aka River Fireworks Festival 2023 "Hikari, and Beyond" -Thanks to the past and the future-" produced by AQUA Geo Graphic. The 30th Aka River Fireworks Festival 2023 "Hikari and Beyond" - Thanks for the past and for the future - 5 programs from the opening fireworks to the closing fireworks (Pana S5 + BRAW)" (感動日本一 ! 第30回 赤川花火記念大会 2023「ひかり、その先へ」~これまでの感謝とこれからの未来へ~ オープニング花火からエンディング花火まで全5プログラム (Pana S5 + BRAW))produced by "AQUA Geo Graphic". In the video, you can see the "Aka River Fireworks Festival" in 2023, a program from opening to closing by five smoke stores. The most impressive fireworks in Japan! Please enjoy the beautiful 32-minute video of the fireworks of the "Akagawa Fireworks Festival". What are the features of the Yamagata "Aka River Fireworks Festival"? Photo:Akagawa Fireworks Festival The "Akagawa Fireworks Festival" held on the banks of the Akagawa River in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture, is one of the most famous fireworks festivals in Yamagata. About 12,000 fireworks are shot off, and about 350,000 people visit the festival every year. The Aka River Fireworks Festival, held on the 700-meter wide riverbed, is a national design fireworks competition in which selected pyrotechnicians compete to shoot off their best fireworks. There are two categories of fireworks, the "design fireworks" category and the "split fireworks" category, and the fireworks launched with an impact sound are truly spectacular. Every year, a large-scale program is incorporated, attracting viewers with its dramatic presentation. The spectacular fireworks show fused with music and the musical starmine, which is shot over a width of approximately 700 meters, is a powerful spectacle. The theme for 2023 was "Hikari, to the future - Thanks for all that has been done and for the future to come," with programs such as the special program "Ultra Seven" and the future fireworks "Fly to the Future". The theme for the 2024 event is "New Flowers: Weaving Inspiration and Hope for the Future. The contents of the program have not yet been announced at this time, but we are sure that you will be able to see a wonderful and memorable fireworks show. When is the Yamagata Prefecture "Aka River Fireworks Display 2024"? What are the paid seats? The "Akagawa Fireworks Festival" will be held for the 31st time. The schedule for 2024 is as follows. The 31st Akagawa Fireworks Festival Fireworks Display Date: Saturday, August 17, 2024 Place: Akagawa riverside (Mikawa Bridge - Haguro Bridge), Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture All spectator seats, including free seats, are reserved seats. Free local-only "tournament support seats," which are limited to citizens of Tsuruoka and Mikawacho, have been available for lottery applications since May. General sales of paid spectator seats will begin at 10:00 a.m. on July 1, 2024. Various types of seats will be available, including sajiki seats (for four people), pipe chair seats (for four people), two-person chair seats (for two people), and leisure seat seats (for four people). In addition, "Repeater Sales" tickets will be available in June. Repeaters are encouraged to check the official website for details. Recommended Summer Tourist Spots in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture Photo:Akagawa If you are visiting Tsuruoka City in Yamagata Prefecture in the summer, why not climb Mt. Gassan, where you can enjoy the beautiful mountain greenery? Gassan, which rises 1,984 meters above sea level, is one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan, and can be reached by bus to the eighth station. It takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes to reach the summit from the eighth station of Mt. In addition to the Gassan Midagahara Marshland, where alpine flora such as Mizubashou and Nikkoukisuge can be seen, there is Gassan Shrine, where the guardian deity "Tsukuyominomikoto" is enshrined, at the summit of the mountain. Visitors will be able to fully enjoy the wonderful nature and views. For those who prefer indoor activities, the Tsuruoka Kamo Municipal Aquarium is recommended. Fish, seals, and sea turtles can be seen here, but the main attraction is jellyfish. About 80 different species of jellyfish can be seen here at any given time. In a 5-meter-diameter tank called the "Jellyfish Dream Theater," about 10,000 water jellyfish float fantastically in the water. Many visitors have commented that they were healed by the sight of the fluffy jellyfish floating in the water. Summary Photo:Akagawa Fireworks Festival It is the most popular fireworks festival in Japan! There are tours from major travel companies as well, so if you want to visit from afar, you should book a hotel and plan your schedule in advance. We hope this video has you interested in the amazing Akagawa Fireworks Festival! On the day of the fireworks display, food stalls (night stalls) and street vendors line the streets, which are crowded with people dressed in yukata (light cotton kimono) and other clothing of their choice. The outline of the 2024 Aka River Fireworks Festival is as follows. For more details, please check the official website. ◆Outline of the 2024 Aka River Fireworks Festival◆ [Schedule] August 17, 2024 (Saturday) *No postponement in case of inclement weather [Location]Akagawa Riverside, Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture [Fees]Paid spectator seats are available. [Access]There is a 30-minute walk from Tsuruoka Station on the Hetsuetsu Main Line. Please use public transportation as traffic regulations will be enforced and parking lots in the surrounding area will be full. [Organized by]Akagawa Fireworks Festival Executive Committee [Notes.]For more information, please visit the official website. 【Tripadvisor】Akagawa Fireworks Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023682-d10019651-Reviews-Akagawa_Fireworks-Tsuruoka_Yamagata_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 4:39
Don't miss this video full of highlights of the "Fire Festival of Yoshida," one of the three most bizarre festivals in Japan! A brave festival held in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture, at the foot of Mt.
Festivals & Events- 313 plays
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Video introduction of "Fire Festival in Yoshida" in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture, one of the three most bizarre festivals in Japan This video, “日本三奇祭 吉田の火祭り(鎮火祭・すすき祭り) The Yoshida Fire Festival,” was created by “FUJISAN DRONE BASE - 富士山ドローンベース.” The video introduces one of Japan’s historic summer festivals. The video begins with a powerful image of two portable shrines being carried through the streets, followed by an aerial view of a row of large torches lit by fire. Please enjoy this 4 minutes and 40 seconds video, which is packed with highlights. What are the three most bizarre festivals in Japan? When is the "Fire Festival of Yoshida" held? What is the wish behind it? Although there are various theories, the three most famous festivals in Japan are generally referred to as "Japan's three most unusual festivals": the Omihashira Festival in Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture; the Namahage Shibatoe Festival in Oga City, Akita Prefecture; and the Yoshida no Himatsuri Festival in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture. The official name of the "Fire Festival of Yoshida" is the "Chinmoku Matsuri," and it is held jointly at the Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine and the Suwa Shrine. Fuji. The festival is usually held on August 26 and 27, so in 2024, it will be held on August 26 (Monday) and 27 (Tuesday). The festival is intended to pray for the safety of climbers of Mt. Fuji and to quell the eruption of Mt. What kind of festival is the "Fire Festival of Yoshida"? What is its history? Source :YouTube screenshot The festival is known as one of Japan’s Three Strangest Festivals, as well as one of the top ten fire festivals in Japan. Every year, the festival attracts up to 200,000 visitors. Yoshida's Fire Festival, a historic festival that has been held for more than 400 years, is designated as a nationally important intangible cultural asset. Originally, the "Fire Festival in Yoshida" was a festival of Suwa Shrine, not Sengen Shrine, and according to historical records, it originated from a bonfire at the annual festival (July 22) of Suwa Myojin in Kamiyoshida Village. Later, as Fuji worship flourished, Suwa Shrine was absorbed into Sengen Shrine and became a regent shrine. There are various legends about the origin of the fire festival. One legend tells of a white snake god descending from above with a portable shrine, and another tells of a myth that Kibana Kaiyahime, the deity of Sengen Shrine, gave birth to three children in a fire-burning maternity house in order to prove her identity. What are the highlights of the "Fire Festival in Yoshida," such as the lighting of the big torches? Source :YouTube screenshot Every year, on the 26th of August, Suwa Shrine carries out a procession with two mikoshi shrines. More than 100 sponsors and members of Mt. Fuji's religious associations participate in this ritual. The two mikoshi shrines are paraded through the worshippers who hold branches from the sacred Sakaki Evergreen. Finally, the procession ends at Asama Shrine. The festival can be seen from 0:43 in the video. Of the two mikoshi shrines, one created in the likeness of Mt. Fuji can be seen from 1:00 in the video. The "torch lighting," in which as many as 100 large torches, each about 3 meters high, are lit, is the highlight of the festival. From 1:54 of the video, you can see the torches being lit. When the torches are lit, a fantastic scene unfolds, as if the entire city has been transformed into a sea of fire. The Yoshida Fire Festival is accessible by bus or train, and temporary parking lots are also prepared during the festival, making it possible to visit by car. Traffic can get quite congested on festival days, so be sure to sure to account for drive time when visiting the festival by car. Summary of "Yoshida's Fire Festival," one of the three most bizarre festivals in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot Mt. Fuji is dearly beloved as the number-one mountain in Japan. This love can also be seen through the large number of visitors to the festival held at the foot of the mountain. If you still haven't yet, be sure to check out the video and immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of this traditional, soul-stirring, and energetic festival of Japan! 【Official Website】Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine 【Tripadvisor】The Yoshida Fire Festival -
Video article 3:50
This Endless Pink Cherry Blossom Tunnel Will Leave You Breathless! Introducing Attractions and Useful Information About the Popular Tourist Spot "Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path" in Kitakata, Fukushima Prefecture!
Travel- 677 plays
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Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path in Fukushima Prefecture! This video, titled "[4K Video] 2017 Kitakata Weeping Cherry Blossom Tree Path Kitakata-shi, Fukushima" (【4K映像】2017喜多方しだれ桜並木), is a movie showing the beautiful weeping cherry blossoms at a promenade in Fukushima, in full bloom. The Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path ranks #1 for "Famous Cherry Blossom Viewing Spots That Japanese People Want to Visit the Most," #1 for "Most Popular Cherry Blossom Viewing Spot in the Tohoku region"(東北地方, Tohokuchiho), is "The Cherry Blossom Viewing Spot in the Tohoku Region That People Want to Visit the Most," and is a breathtaking sight that should definitely be on your bucket list. What is "Kitakata Shidare-zakura Namiki" in Fukushima Prefecture? When is the best time to see them? Photo:A woman enjoying a row of cherry blossom trees The Japanese National Railways Nicchu Line used to pass through Kitakata, Fukushima Prefecture in the Tohoku region, but is now discontinued. The ruins of the Japanese National Railway's Nicchu Line, which was abandoned in 1984 was subsequently transformed into the "Nicchu Railway Line Memorial Cycling Pedestrians' Path" (日中線記念自転車歩行者道, Nitchusenkinenjitenshahokoshado). More than 1,000 cherry blossom trees are planted along the 3-kilometer promenade! In spring, beautiful cherry trees are in full bloom, and you can enjoy the sight of a tunnel of cherry blossoms as shown in the video. The best time to visit "Kitakata Shidare-zakura Namiki" is from mid to late April. Highlights of the "Kitakata Shidare-zakura Namiki" and the 2024 "Kitakata Cherry Blossom Festival Source :YouTube screenshot Every year in Kitakata, a project called "Hospitality with Flowers Kitakata" is held, and street stalls pop up along the promenade in the tourism season. You can see this at 0:43 in the video. It is wonderful to visit not only during the cherry blossom season, but also during the blizzard of cherry blossoms just before they fall. The "Kitakata Cherry Blossom Festival" will be held from April 7 to 26, 2024, when the weeping cherry trees are at their best, and there will be various events such as a walking event and a market featuring local products, in addition to the illumination of the cherry blossoms at night. There is also a steam locomotive midway through the promenade, as you can see from 2:00 in the video. This steam locomotive used to run on the Nicchu Line. The contrast between the pink weeping cherry blossoms and the black steam locomotive is perfect, so be sure to get a photo for your Instagram. Because the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path in Fukushima is a promenade, it cannot be used for parties. Summary of the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path in Fukushima Photo:Yoshino cherry trees・Nicchu Line steam locomotive There are many places in Japan where you can view cherry blossoms, such as weeping cherry blossoms or Yoshino cherry blossoms, burst into bloom. Among them, the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path is a place that will have you thinking "I'm glad I came here." Be sure to check the bloom forecast on the news or bloom forecast websites and visit the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom! ◆Fukushima Prefecture Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path|General Information◆ 【Address】Jioshikirihigashi, Kitakata, Fukushima: Jisuwa,etc. 【Blooming Period】The middle to the end of April 【Night Cherry Blossom Lighting】 Cherry blossoms are lit up at night.For details, please visit the Kitakata Cherry Blossom Festival website. 【Access】A five-minute walk off the Banetsusai Line from Kitakata Station 【Parking】Available: Kitakata Commercial High School Ruins Temporary Tourism Parking Spot, etc. (Free) 【Bathrooms】Inside Kitakata Plaza, etc. 【Official Website】Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path – Kitakata Tourism and Local Products Association http://www.kitakata-kanko.jp/category/detail.php?id=104 -
Video article 3:32
Osaka Mint's "Cherry Blossom Passage" is a springtime tradition in Osaka. Cherry blossoms at the Mint Bureau! Introducing the best time to see and highlights of the cherry blossoms.
Nature Travel- 59 plays
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Sakura no Toorinuke – The Cherry Blossom Passage at Japan Mint in 2022: Video Introduction This video, titled "Cherry Blossom Passage at the Japan Mint Bureau in 2022 (Filmed in April, 2022)"|(【おうちで通り抜け】令和4年造幣局「桜の通り抜け」(2022年4月撮影)), was uploaded by "Japan Mint." In April 2022, the Japan Mint Bureau in Osaka "Sakura no Toorinuke," an annual cherry blossom viewing event, for the first time in 3 years. This video was created so that those who could not come to the event could still enjoy the cherry blossoms. Enjoy this video showing the lovely cherry blossoms at the Japan Mint Bureau in Osaka! A Brief Introduction to Osaka, Japan Osaka, located in central Japan, is known for its delicious street food and exciting nightlife culture, as well as famous tourist attractions like Dotonbori, Shinsekai, and Universal Studios Japan. Being located 2.5 hours south of Tokyo via bullet train, the weather is also generally a bit warmer than Tokyo's. Many people often ask whether Tokyo or Osaka is better to visit, but it really depends on what you're looking for. Osaka is considered to have nicer people and fun nightlife activities, such as clubbing and bar hopping, and while Tokyo still has this, the culture is not as rich. Tokyo tends to be on the sharper side of things and offers a wide range of tourist attractions due to its sheer size. How the Japan Mint Bureau Become a Famous Cherry Blossom Spot in Osaka Photo:Japan Mint Bureau, Osaka Sakura no Toorinuke, a passage of cherry blossoms at the Japan Mint Bureau in Osaka, is a popular cherry blossom viewing spot that attracts many visitors every year. In April 2019, more than 580,000 people visited the event in one week! The area where the Japan Mint Bureau is now located has long been known as a scenic spot for cherry blossoms in Osaka. During the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.), cherry trees were collected and grown at the storehouse mansion of the Todo Clan, a samurai clan that ruled under the Tokugawa Shogunate. In the Meiji Period (1868-1912), those cherry trees were transplanted at the Japan Mint Bureau in Osaka. In 1883, the cherry blossoms, which could only be viewed by employees of the Japan Mint Bureau, were opened to the public for a few days during peak bloom at the behest of the then Mint Bureau Director. The event came to be known as Sakura no Toorinuke (桜の通り抜け, lit 'Cherry Blossom Passage'). The cherry blossom viewing area is limited to one week in mid-April, and visitors can view the cherry blossoms on a 560-meter-long one-way path along the riverside from the South Gate to the North Gate on the Japan Mint Bureau's premises. Hanami (cherry blossom viewing) along the Japan Mint Bureau's "Cherry Blossom Passage" has become a springtime tradition in Osaka. Japan Mint Bureau Cherry Blossoms in 2023. Illumination Events and Other Cherry Blossom Information Photo:Cherry blossoms at the Japan Mint Bureau, Osaka As of 2023, the Osaka Mint has 339 cherry trees of 140 species. Most of them are satozakura (East Asian Cherries) cultivated for ornamental purposes, and are most beautiful later into the cherry blossom season. Among the 140 varieties of cherry trees, there are rare varieties such as Benitemari, Otemari, and Kotemari, which bloom in dense clusters like temari, and Yoroizakura, which has white flowers. New varieties are added every year as well. [Video] 1:19 - Gyosho, a New Variety Added in 2022 [Video] 2:15 - Iyokiku, a New Variety Added in 2022 Every year, the Japan Mint Bureau in Osaka picks one species of flower and crowns it the "Flower of the Year." Be sure to keep an eye out for it when you visit! [Video] 0:21 - Fukurokuju (福禄寿), the 2022 Flower of the Year Every year, the cherry blossom passage at the Japan Mint Bureau in Osaka is lit up at sunset with paper lanterns and gas lamps giving it a relaxing atmosphere. Information for the 2023 illumination event has yet to be announced, so be sure to check the Japan Mint Bureau official website before visiting. [Video] 2:51 - The Cherry Blossom Light Up When is the best time to visit the Osaka Mint "Cherry Blossom Passage" in 2024? How to apply? Photo:Sakura no Toorinuke, Japan Mint Bureau, Osaka The best time to view the cherry blossoms at the Japan Mint Bureau in Osaka is from early to mid-April. The Sakura no Toorinuke cherry blossom passage is held for one week only during this period when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The blooming of the cherry blossoms is predicted based on past blooms, as well as weather and temperature. The date and time of the event is announced around mid-March each year based on the cherry blossom forecast. Following 2022, advance application was required for 2023. Advance applications must be made via the Internet, through the dedicated Cherry Blossom Passage application website. In 2024, advance application via the Internet will also be required (first-come-first-served basis). The event will be held for one week from early to mid-April. As soon as the date is determined, it will be announced on the Mint's official website. The application period is scheduled to begin around mid-March, so please check back. Pick Up a Coin Set or Medal to Commemorate Your Trip to the Japan Mint Bureau Cherry Blossom Passage Coin sets and souvenir medals produced by the Japan Mint Bureau in Osaka are also available for purchase. The coin set consists of six unused coins, ranging from 1 yen to 500 yen, manufactured in the same year, and a nameplate with the year of manufacture. Proof coinage sets, in which the coins' surfaces are finished with a special technique to create a mirror-like finish, are also available. The nameplate of the 2022 proof currency set and the commemorative medal (gold, silver, and copper) for cherry blossom passing through were designed with the "Flower of the Year" Fukurokuju.On the front of the nameplate of the currency set, the letters "Cherry Blossom Pass Through" and illustrations of cherry blossoms, and on the back, the year of manufacture and the Tora of the Oriental zodiac are written.The cover case was designed by Fukurokuju, the flower of the year. 2023 is the design of Shogetsu, the flower of the year.It depicts a beautiful fairy who lives through the moon against the backdrop of a checkered pattern. I'm looking forward to seeing what the design will be like in 2024!Let's wait for the official announcement of the design and purchase method. Tourist Attractions Near the Japan Mint Bureau in Osaka In addition to being a great spot for viewing cherry blossoms, the Japan Mint Bureau is also very conveniently located. Osaka Tenmangu Shrine is a 10-minute walk from the Japan Mint Bureau, and Osaka Castle can be reached in under 30 minutes by foot or by bus. Located just down the road from the Mint Bureau is the Mint Museum, where visitors can learn about the production of Japanese coinage, which is also free of charge. If you're looking for things to do in Osaka in spring, definitely consider adding the Japan Mint Bureau to your itinerary. Spring in Japan Spring in Japan means cherry blossoms, and in Japan, the cherry blossoms are appreciated with "Hanami," the Japanese word for "cherry blossom viewing." Whether it be cherry blossom parties with friends or simply enjoying them on their own, spring in Japan almost completely revolves around the cherry blossoms and their bloom season. It's not uncommon to see people enjoying picnics outside at parks with cherry blossoms and there are often festivals and other events held to celebrate their arrival each spring as well. If you're in Japan during spring, be sure to participate in these events for yourself and experience a significant part of Japanese culture! Summary of Cherry Blossoms at Osaka Mint Bureau Photo:Sakura no Toorinuke, Japan Mint Bureau, Osaka The Cherry Blossom Passage at the Japan Mint Bureau in Osaka is a springtime tradition in Osaka that is looked forward to by many people, including both local residents and tourists. Every year, new varieties of cherry blossoms are introduced and the design of the souvenir coin set is updated, making the cherry blossom passage an exciting event. The voluminous double-flowered cherry blossoms are great for taking Instagram photos as well! Check out all of the amazing cherry blossoms at the Japan Mint Bureau in Osaka! [Official Website] Japan Mint Sakura no Toorinuke, Osaka [TripAdvisor] Japan Mint Sakura no Toorinuke, Osaka -
Video article 5:25
Hinamatsuri & Other Things to Do in Futami, Mie in Spring! Video of the Traditional Japanese Festival + More
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 68 plays
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Video Introduction of “Ohinasama Tour in Futami” in Ise City, Mie Prefecture This video, titled "Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival) in Futami, Ise, Mie" (Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival) ひな祭り「おひなさまめぐり in 二見」三重県伊勢市), was uploaded by "Discover Nippon." What Is Hinamatsuri + A Brief Introduction to Mie Prefecture Hinamatsuri, also known as Girls' Day, is a traditional Japanese event/festival to celebrate the health and happiness of girls that takes place on March 3rd each year in Japan. The festivals generally feature dolls (called 'hina') dressed up in kimono, along with decorations, such as peach and cherry blossoms. During Hinamatsuri, the dolls are placed on a platform called a "Hina-dan," which generally features 7 tiers of dolls and a red cloth covering. The dolls used in Hinamatsuri can often be quite expensive, but they are more commonly handed down from the grandparents of the child as heirlooms when the baby is born. Common foods eaten during Hinamatsuri include different types of sushi, amazake (a type of sake with little or no alcohol content), mochi, etc. Mie Prefecture is located in southern Honshu, Japan's main island. It shares borders with Kyoto, Nara, Wakayama, Gifu, Shiga, and Aichi Prefectures, as well as the sea, allowing for it to have a thriving fishing industry. Mie is home to a number of attractions, including various shrines, the most famous of which is Ise Grand Shrine. Each year in Futami, Mie, where Futamiura, a National Site of Scenic Beauty famous for Meoto-iwa (夫婦岩, lit. "Wedded Rocks"), a pair of sacred rocks said to represent a married couple, is located, a Hinamatsuri festival is held. Approximately 1,500 hina dolls are displayed at Hinjitsukan, a historic building that once served as lodging for distinguished guests. Enjoy the historic, museum-like building and the various Hina dolls displayed there in the video. How Hinamatsuri is Celebrated in Futami, Mie Photo:Hina dolls The Hinamatsuri festival is held annually for about a month from February to March in the Futamiura area centering on the Meoto-iwa. The first Hinamatsuri festival in Futami was held by local volunteers in order to revitalize tourism in the area, which had been experiencing a decline due to aging facilities and changes in transportation. During the event period, visitors can see Hinamatsuri decorations everywhere, including public facilities, inns, restaurants, souvenir stores, and even in the yards of ordinary houses. There are many elaborate exhibits and plenty of things to see! The Hinamatsuri festival in Futami also offers workshops and events for visitors to enjoy Hinamatsuri and has become a spring tradition that many people participate in. What are the dates and highlights of the 2024 Ohinasama Meguri in Futami? The 20th Ohinasama Meguri in Futami was held from February 4 to March 5 in 2023, and will be held from February 4 to March 10 in 2024 in Futami-machi, Ise City, Mie Prefecture, in the Futamiura area. Since the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.), Futamiura has been visited by many people as a place to purify oneself before visiting Ise Grand Shrine. During the event, Hina dolls will be displayed at the traditional Japanese-style inns along the Meoto-iwa approach to the inns. At the Futami Lifelong Learning Center (二見生涯学習センター, Futami Shogai Gakushu Senta), visitors can enjoy all sorts of popular Hinamatsuri decorations. You can enjoy the creative display in collaboration with Hinjitsukan. There are approximately 1500 priceless Edo period hina doll decorations and creative hina dolls on display at Hinjitsukan! The hina dolls depicting nobles sitting in the palace are really something else. [Video] 1:11 - Splendid Hina Doll Decorations Next, we'll take a look at Hinjitsukan, one of the exhibition halls during the Hinamatsuri festival of Futami, Mie. Unique Events at Hinjitsukan, a Guest House Turned Museum Photo:Hinjitsukan in Futami, Mie During the 20th Hinamatsuri festival in Futami, special exhibitions, workshops, and events are planned to take place at Hinjitsukan, an Important Cultural Property of Japan. The interior of the museum has a historic atmosphere, with gorgeous dolls from the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.) to the Showa period (1926-1989 A.D.) displayed in various places. There are also a number of dolls and decorations with unique designs. Visitors can take their time to appreciate the unique hina dolls here. [Video] 2:22 - Unique Hina Doll Displays The theme for 2023 was "Nostalgic School Trips," and the theme for 2024 will be "Futami no Shinji" (the Shinto rituals of Futami), with exhibits depicting the "Mogari Shinji," "vegetable and fruit cultivation at Jingu Gyoen," and "hard salt production at Goshiohama and Goshioyakijo" with hina dolls. There are also workshops offering a pearl hina doll-making experience that both children and adults alike can enjoy. On weekends, there will be various events, such as gospel concerts, erhu (Chinese violin), koto, and shakuhachi (bamboo flute) performances, rakugo (comedic Japanese storytelling), magic shows, and more. Kimono Rental Experiences and Discounts for Wearing Them! Guests who visit Hinjitsukan while wearing kimono on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays during the Hinamatsuri festival will be admitted free of charge! On days with free admission for those wearing kimono, there will be a matcha (powdered green tea) ceremony as well, and you can enjoy tea while viewing the strolling garden. [Video] 0:22 - Hinjitsukan, an Important Cultural Property of Japan Summary of Hinamtasuri in Futami, Mie Photo:The Meoto-iwa at Futami Okitama Shrine The Hinamatsuri festival of Futami, Mie started as a way to revitalize the community of Futami, and is now a springtime tradition and event enjoyed by many people in Futamiura. If you come to Mie, Japan for sightseeing during the spring, we definitely recommend coming by and enjoying a kimono rental experience while enjoying the attractions in the area. From JR Futamiura Station to the Meoto-iwa and Futami Okitama Shrine, it's about 10-15 minutes walking. This is a great chance to experience Japanese culture and traditions and see unique hina doll decorations you won't find in other parts of Japan. There's also a stamp rally that visitors can complete to receive a commemorative gift, providing another enjoyable way to tour the area. There are also restaurants serving special foods unique to Hinamatsuri that are only available during the festival. Enjoy Hinamatsuri in Mie, Japan with a sightseeing trip to Futamiura! ◆Hinjitsukan◆ 【Address】566-2 Futamicho Chaya, Ise, Mie 519-0609 【Hours】9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 【Closures】Tuesdays (If Tuesday is a national holiday, closed the following day) 【Admission Fee】Adults: 310 yen, Children (elementary, junior high, high school): 150 yen ※During the Hinamatsuri festival: Adults: 400 yen, children: 200 yen 【Parking】None 【Access】Nearest station: An approximately 12-minute walk from Futamiura Station via the JR Sangu Line 【TripAdvisor】Hinjitsukan -
Video article 3:04
1,001 standing statues of the Thousand-Armed Kannon at Sanjusangendo, Kyoto, Japan! Enjoy this rare video of a camera sneaking into one of Kyoto's most popular tourist spots!
Art & Architecture- 169 plays
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Video introduction of Sanjusangendo, a popular sightseeing spot in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "Sanjusangendo, Kyoto in 4K - Japan As It Truly Is" (Sanjusangendo, Kyoto in 4K - 三十三間堂 京都 - Japan As It Truly Is), was uploaded by "The Japan FAQ." It Introduces Sanjusangendo, a popular tourist destination in Kyoto, located in Japan's Kansai Region. Sanjusangendo is a historical tourist attraction that many students in Kyoto visit on field trips. The temple is a National Treasure and an Important Cultural Property, and is also known for its many annual events. This article will introduce highlights of and tourist information about Sanjusangendo. Sightseeing Information for Sanjusangendo, a Popular Sightseeing Destination in Kyoto Photo:The east gate at Sanjusangendo, Higashiyama, Kyoto Sanjusangendo is a Buddhist temple belonging to the Tendai sect of Buddhism, and is located in Sanjusangendo-Mawaramachi, in Higashiyama, Kyoto. It is located in the Higashiyama Shichijo area of Kyoto and is surrounded by many historical tourist attractions, including Hokoji Temple, Toyokuni Shrine, and the Kyoto National Museum. Regarding transportation, Sanjusangendo is conveniently located approximately 10 minutes by bus from JR Kyoto Station. There is also a parking lot available for those coming by car. There is an admission fee to enter the temple, and the average time required to visit and tour the temple is about 45 minutes. That being said, there are many attractions to see at Sanjusangendo, so we recommend setting aside adequate time to view everything the temple has to offer. History and Highlights of Sanjusangendo Photo:The Japanese garden at Sanjusangendo, Kyoto The video begins at the gate of Sanjusangendo and starts by introducing the Japanese garden located on the temple grounds. There are hydrangeas in bloom in the beautiful, well-maintained garden, which was designed as a strolling garden with a lovely pond located at its center by professional Japanese garden landscapers. Shown at 1:33 in the video is the main hall of Rengeo-in (Sanjusangendo), which has been designated as a National Treasure. The main hall is 120 meters long from north to south and has 33 spaces between the pillars, which is why it is called Sanjusangendo (三十三間堂, roughly "The Hall of 33 Intervals," because there are 33 intervals between the building's support columns). Sanjusangendo was built by Emperor Go-Shirakawa in the late Heian Period, but was destroyed by fire and the current building was rebuilt in 1266 during the Kamakura Period. In order to make Sanjusangendo resistant to earthquakes and fires, various seismic isolation methods have been employed, such as connecting the pillars with two beams. From 2:26 in the video, the inner hall of Sanjusangendo is introduced. There are a total of 1,001 statues of Kannon, Fujin and Raijin, the gods of wind and thunder respectively, as well as 28 Buddhist statues enshrined in the hall. The standing statues of the thousand-armed Kannon (Goddess of Mercy), designated as National Treasures are lined up in a row and are a sight to behold. It is said that among the statues there is always a Buddhist statue with a face that looks like you, or one that resembles the face of the person you wish to meet. Be sure to take your time looking… Then, shown at 2:37, you can see the 3-meter-tall seated statue of the Thousand-armed Kannon, also designated as a national treasure. The statue has 42 hands, representing the "thousand arms," but because it is difficult to sculpt such a statue 42 arms are sculpted instead, 2 of which form the Mudra of Veneration while the remaining 40 represent the 25 Buddhist worlds. Other attractions include Taikobei and Nandaimon Gate, which were donated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Annual Events at Sanjusangendo Photo:Omato Taikai, Sanjusangendo The most well-known events held at Sanjusangendo are "Yanagi no Okaji," a ritual involving holy water, and "Omato Taikai," a coming-of-age archery competition, both of which are associated with "Toshiya." Both of these events are held on Sundays around January 15th, and are always crowded with people. During "Omato Taikai," approximately 2,000 fresh adults loose arrows at a distance of 120 meters in the main hall. "Yanagi no Okaji" is a ritual of praying to the goddess of mercy with a toothpick and pouring water over worshippers to remove various illnesses, and is said to be particularly effective in preventing headaches. "Shunto-e" a spring festival held every year on March 3, is also a popular event, with flower exhibitions and performances, and peach charms for women. Summary of Sanjusangendo, One of Kyoto's Foremost Tourist Attractions This video, titled "Sanjusangendo, Kyoto in 4K - Japan As It Truly Is," introduces Sanjusangendo (Rengeo-in), a Buddhist Temple and one of Kyoto's leading sightseeing destinations. Sanjusangendo is also known to ward off incurable diseases, be sure to enjoy it in its entirety. We hope you enjoyed this article introducing the history of and access to Sanjusangendo. If you're planning to visit temples around Kyoto, we highly recommend adding Sanjusangendo to your list! 【TripAdvisor】Sanjusangendo (Rengeo-in) https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d321411-Reviews-Sanjusangendo_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 6:36
Introducing the best time to visit and highlights of the Keisei Rose Garden in Yachiyo City, Chiba Prefecture, along with a 4K video of roses in full bloom. Enjoy roses to your heart's content.
Nature Travel- 114 plays
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Video introduction of "Keisei Rose Garden" in Yachiyo City, Chiba Prefecture This video, titled "4k Most Beautiful Rose Garden in the World Keisei Rose Garden"(4k Most Beautiful Rose Garden in the World 京成バラ園 ローズガーデン) was uploaded by "Discover Nippon." This 4K video introduces the Keisei Rose Garden, one of the best rose theme parks in Japan with 10,000 roses of 1,600 varieties in bloom. The fragrant interior of the garden shows a variety of expressions each time you visit, with different atmospheres depending on the blooming conditions and weather conditions, even for the same rose variety. Roses floating in the light, roses swaying in the wind, roses spreading far and wide like rippling waves, and roses whose fragrance seems to be wafting through the air. Please take your time and enjoy the video. Roses in Japanese Culture Roses are a popular flower in Japan, with places like the Keisei Rose Garden creating their own varieties of roses. The Japanese word for rose is "bara" (バラ), and in the Japanese language of flowers, roses mean "beauty" and "love," but different colors of roses have different meanings as well. For example, white roses mean "purity," while yellow roses mean "friendship" and "devotion." Keisei Rose Garden Entrance Fees, When to Visit, and Time Required Photo:Keisei Rose Garden, Yachiyo, Chiba Next, we'll take a look at the best time to see the roses at the Keisei Rose Garden, as well as the required time peruse the garden and admission fees. ●When Are the Roses at Their Best? There are two types of roses in the Keisei Rose Garden: spring roses and autumn roses. The best time to see the spring roses is from mid-May to early June, and the best time to see the autumn roses is from mid-October to early November. The best time to see the roses may vary depending on the weather, so please check the website or social media for information before visiting. [Video] 0:09 - Colorful Roses Blooming in May ●How Long Does It Take to Tour Keisei Rose Garden It takes at least one hour to see all the roses blooming in the 30,000-square-meter garden. On an average year, when the roses are in full bloom, the park is often crowded, and it's not uncommon for it to take up to 2 hours to tour the garden. If you get caught up looking at the roses and want to take pictures, it may take longer than expected. Please allow plenty of time for your visit. ●Admission Fees Ticket prices vary depending on the blooming season. [General Admission] April 21 to June 30: Adults (high school students and older): 1,500 yen October 1 - November 30: Adults (high school students and older) 1,200 yen Other periods: Adults (high school students and older) 500 yen ※Junior high school students and younger are free of charge (but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian). ●A maximum of 5 children may accompany one adult. Children cannot enter the park alone. For educational visits, please inquire and confirm separately. ●Discount rates are available by presenting the smartphone application "Mirairo ID." Discounts are available only in May, June, October, and November. Discounts cannot be combined with other discounts or discounts based on blooming conditions. ●Annual Passport: 4,000 yen 1,000-yen discount for Tomonokai members. Membership cards must be presented. Yachiyo Citizens Discount: 500-yen discount. Proof of address must be presented. Discounts cannot be combined. Highlights and Photo Spots at the Keisei Rose Garden Photo:Keisei Rose Garden, Yachiyo, Chiba The Keisei Rose Garden in Yachiyo, Chiba, is one of the best rose theme parks in Japan. Visitors can enjoy spring roses and autumn roses, but the peak season throughout the year is spring. There are many attractions and photo spots throughout the garden. Here are some of the best areas. ●The Rose Path From the Rose Arches This is an impressive pathway where visitors can pass under countless roses while enjoying a view of the entire rose garden. ●Word of the Roses of Versailles The terrace offers a panoramic view of the area where all six types of the famous "Rose of Versailles" are covered. ●Formal-Style Garden This is a formal, French-style garden. Screens, poles, arches, and pergolas are used to create a three-dimensional appearance for the 80 varieties of roses blooming in the rose garden. ●Rose Gazebo The Rose Gazebo is recognized as a sacred place for lovers! This is a gazebo made of marble donated by designer Yumi Katsura. Weddings can also be held here. ●Merry-go-round "Brilliant Tree" (700 yen per person): The first attraction in the Keisei Rose Garden, this merry-go-round can accommodate three people. Visitors can enjoy a fantastic experience surrounded by the scent of roses wafting from diffusers and bubbles floating magically in the air. ●Strawberry Hunt in the Land of Oz The "Strawberry Hunt in Oz" takes place in the backyard of the rose garden, which is normally off-limits to visitors. This strawberry picking facility opened in 2022, and here, visitors can enjoy a one-of-a-kind strawberry picking experience in a photogenic space. ●Installation of Light and Roses The 2023 event has not yet been announced, but the 2021 event was a collaboration between "Nippon Akari-Haku" and the art group "Mirror Bowler," and was well received. Must-See Roses at the Keisei Rose Garden! Photo:Keisei Rose Garden, Yachiyo, Chiba It is honestly difficult to recommend or choose the most popular roses among the 1,600 varieties and 10,000 plants, and so we will focus on highly popular roses and popular roses sold online. ●Manyo This is a new variety born at the Keiyo Rose Garden. It has an orange color, which is rare among roses. They gradually change from apricot to orange when they begin blooming, which is another of their unique aspects. ●Gaku no Yume This rose is popular for its vivid strawberry red and white coloring, with more than 10 buds per cluster. It has a mild fragrance and 25-35 petals. ●Pearl earrings The name "Pearl Earring" comes from its elegant and friendly appearance. It produces large, fragrant white flowers and has a sweet citrus scent. New seedlings are also available for purchase at the garden. There are still countless other roses that we can't introduce here. When you visit the garden, be sure to keep an eye out for all of the different varieties. [Video] 5:20 - Close-Up of a Beautiful, Glossy Rose How to Get to the Keisei Rose Garden Photo:Yachiyo-Midorigaoka Station, Toyo Rapid Railway Line If you choose to use public transportation, there are two ways to get to the Keisei Rose Garden: by walking from the nearest station, Yachiyo Midorigaoka Station, or by transferring to a bus. The following is an introduction to each of these methods. [Public Transportation/Train → Walking] Toyo Rapid Transit: A 15-minute walk from Yachiyo Midorigaoka Station. [Public Transportation/Train → Bus] Take the Toyo Bus bound for Yachiyo Medical Center (八千代医療センター, Yachiyo Iryo Senta) or Yachiyo-Chuo Station, and get off at the "Keisei Rose Garden" (approximately 5 minutes by bus). If you take the Keisei Line, get off at Yachiyodai Station and take a bus. [Public Transportation/Train→Bus] Get off at the west exit of Yachiyodai Station on the Keisei Line and then take the Toyo Bus No. 1 bound for Yachiyo Medical Center via Yachiyo Midorigaoka Station or Yachiyo Chuo Station, and get off at Keisei Rose Garden (approximately 30 minutes by bus). ※Bus travel time may vary due to crowding during the rose blooming season. Summary of Keisei Rose Garden The Keisei Rose Garden attracts many visitors. In addition to the Anniversary Garden, the Grand Arch, the Artemis Garden, and other gorgeous rose courses, this theme park has a variety of faces, including a popular rose store, restaurant, and garden center. At the garden restaurant, a chef with a passion for natural ingredients serves lunch using organic herb vegetables picked in the morning. The original ice cream, a specialty of the Keisei Rose Garden, can only be found here. The Keisei Rose Garden is, for the most part, wheelchair accessible as well. That being said, there are some places that are not accessible by wheelchair, so be sure to check out the garden map on the official website for more info. The Keisei Rose Garden is a place you'll want to visit again and again! Experience the fragrance and beauty of roses with all your senses! ◆Keisei Rose Garden◆ 【Address】755 Owada-shinden, Yachiyo-shi, Chiba 【Hours】December~March 10 10:00~16:00 March 11 - mid-April 10:00-17:00 【Admission to the Rose Garden (April 22-June 30) 】 Adults (high school students and older): 1,500 yen, Junior high school students and younger: free ※Please check the official website for details. 【TripAdvisor】Keisei Rose Garden -
Video article 10:28
Things to Do in Noboribetsu, Hokkaido! Enjoy Noboribetsu Onsen, 'Hell Valley,' the Nature of Noboribetsu, Theme Parks, and Many More Attractions!
Local PR Travel- 120 plays
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Hokkaido Noboribetsu City Tourism PR Video Introduction This video, titled "Noboribetsu City Sightseeing PR Video" (登別市観光PR動画), was uploaded by "[Official] General Incorporated Association|Noboribetsu International Tourism and Convention Association" (【公式】一般社団法人 登別国際観光コンベンション協会). This video introduces things to do in Noboribetsu, Hokkaido. You can see the magnificent nature of Noboribetsu, popular tourist attractions in Noboribetsu, and events in which many people participate. Enjoy the beautiful, 10-minute video of Noboribetsu! An Introduction to Noboribetsu and Its Connection to Oni Photo:Oni Hanabi fireworks at Jigokudani (Hell Valley), Noboribetsu, Hokkaido Noboribetsu is located in the Iburi subprefecture of southwestern Hokkaido and is known for its natural hot springs. Facing the Pacific Ocean to the south, it's a tourist city with rich natural surroundings that sits at the heart of Shikotsu-Toya National Park, a mountainous area with continuous volcanic activity. Noboribetsu is located approximately 1hr 30m from Sapporo by train. Statues of oni (Japanese ogre demons) and spiked clubs are scattered throughout Noboribetsu. Since it's said that oni protect the medicinal hot springs in Jigokudani, oni have become the symbol of Noboribetsu. During the "Oni Hanabi" (鬼花火, 'Demon Fireworks') event held in Jigokudani (Hell Valley), oni beat drums and shoot handheld fireworks to drive away people's misfortune! At Noboribetsu Jigoku Matsuri, red and blue oni accompanied by the Great Demon King Enma perform the "Oni Odori" dance to liven up the festival. [Video] 6:00 - Oni Hanabi Fireworks, Noboribetsu Jigoku Matsuri Recommended Things to Do in Noboribetsu, Hokkaido Photo:Noboribetsu Onsen, Hokkaido Here are some popular tourist spots and recommended things to do when sightseeing in Noboribetsu. Noboribetsu Onsen Noboribetsu Onsen is one of the most famous hot springs in Japan, with nine different types of spring water, making it one of the most unique hot springs in the world. Jigokudani (Hell Valley) Noboribetsu Onsen is the largest hot springs in Japan. The steam spewing from the crater created by the eruptive activity of Mt. Hiyori and the boiling spring water are reminiscent of a "hell where demons dwell." Jigokudani can be reached in about 15 minutes by bus from Noboribetsu Station. [Video] 0:43 - Hell Valley Karurusu Onsen A small hot spring village located 8 km from Noboribetsu Onsen. It has been used as a medicinal hot spring since ancient times, and is designated as a National Health Onsen Resort. Oyunuma River Natural Footbath The Oyunuma River, a river of hot spring water flowing out of Oyunuma Pond, spews out 130°C sulfur spring water, and visitors can enjoy a natural footbath here. [Video] 2:03 - Natural Footbath Photo:Lake Kuttara, Hokkaido Lake Kuttara Lake Kuttara is a caldera lake measuring approximately 2.5 kilometers in diameter. There is no river leading to the lake, and its beauty is something of mystery. Noboribetsu Marine Park Nixe The aquarium "Nixe Castle" inside the park has a fantastic display of some 400 species of sea creatures. There are also penguin parades and dolphin and sea lion shows that are popular with guests. [Video] 4:28 - Noboribetsu Marine Park Nixe Noboribetsu Date Jidaimura A cultural park that recreates the streets of Edo-period Japan (1603-1868 A.D.). Visitors can experience the culture of the Edo period with ninja shows and oiran (traditional Japanese courtesan) shows, and also enjoy dressing up in historical costumes. [Video] 5:00 - Noboribetsu Date Jidaimura Photo:Noboribetsu Bear Park, Hokkaido Noboribetsu Bear Park Noboribetsu Bear Park is a zoo where approximately 140 bears are kept. Visitors can observe the bears from up close. The feeding experience and cute bear shows are also popular amongst guests. Enmado Karakuri is performed six times a day at Enmado, a shrine dedicated to the Great Demon King Enma located on the Gokuraku-dori shopping street. During the "Hell Sentence," in which Enma passes judgment on people, the gentle face of Enma turns angry and his complexion turns red. Sengen Park Geyser At Sengen Park, located in the center of Noboribetsu Onsen, you can see a geyser that shoots up eight meters into the air every three hours or so. Noboribetsu has a ton of things to see and do. The Noboribetsu International Tourism and Convention Association recommends model courses for visitors who want to explore the area efficiently based on the length of their stay, with 30, 60, 120, and 180-minute courses, etc. Enjoy Canyoning in Summer + Skiing & Other Activities in Winter in Noboribetsu! Photo:Canyoning Noboribetsu is home to deep green forests, majestic mountains, and beautiful clear streams. Because of this, there are a variety of outdoor activities to enjoy in Noboribetsu. In the summer, river trekking and canyoning allow visitors to physically enjoy the great outdoors while immersing themselves in nature! You can also observe endangered plants and wild birds in the Kiushito Wetlands. [Video] 2:33 - Canyoning Winter in Noboribetsu brings a world of silvery white snow. Throw on some snowshoes and go out for a walk in the snow, see the unique ice trees, or enjoy skiing at the ski resort! Where to Eat & Where to Buy Souvenirs in Noboribetsu City, Hokkaido Photo:Seafood being grilled If you visit Noboribetsu, Hokkaido, we recommend trying the fresh seafood from Noboribetsu Fishing Port. At Onsen Ichiba (温泉市場), you can enjoy the seasonal seafood flavors, including sashimi and charbroiled fish. Be sure to check out the rich soft-serve ice cream made from Noboribetsu milk at the Noboribetsu Dairy Farm or at one of the cafes in town. If you're wondering where to buy souvenirs in Noboribetsu, we recommend cheese and pudding made with Noboribetsu milk from Noboribetsu Dairy Farm, "Wakasaimo" (わかさいも), a famous confectionery from the Iburi subprefecture of Hokkaido, and "Oni Densetsu," a beer brewed locally in Noboribetsu. Hotels and Ryokan in Noboribetsu Photo:Noboribetsu Onsen, Noboribetsu, Hokkaido There's no shortage of hotels and hot spring inns in Noboribetsu. Unfortunately, the onsen ryokan (hot spring inns) can end up costing a decent chunk of change to stay at. If you're simply looking to enjoy the area and aren't interested in spending extra for the hot spring inn experience, we recommend staying at a hotel. That being said, if you don't mind spending a bit more to get the full experience, we highly recommend staying at a hot spring inn. Here are our 3 recommendations for lodging in Noboribetsu: Takimotokan A large inn with both Japanese- and Western-style rooms. The history of the inn dates back nearly 150 years, and it's equipped with a wide range of facilities, including swimming pools, hot springs, shops, bars, karaoke, and more. Oyado Kiyomizuya A hot spring inn that serves traditional Japanese cuisine and features Japanese-style rooms with tatami flooring. The public baths are open 24-hours a day, split into two time slots for men and women. Noboribetsu Grand Hotel This hotel in Noboribetsu features Japanese-style room with tatami floors, standard Western-style rooms, and semi-western-style rooms with both Japanese and western influences. The hotel offers buffet-style dining, but visitors can also enjoy full-course meals from the comfort of their own rooms. All of these inns and hotels are within walking distance to popular attractions like Jigokudani as well, making them great choices for places to stay. Noboribetsu, Hokkaido Sightseeing Summary Noboribetsu offers a host of things to do if you're planning on sightseeing in the area. You can enjoy the spectacular seasonal scenery and appreciate the magnificent nature unique to the area. Enjoy the magnificent nature and delicious local flavors by staying at Noboribetsu Onsen, and enjoy sightseeing in Noboribetsu, Hokkaido to your heart's content! 【Official Website】Noboribetsu, Hokkaido|City Hall Website 【TripAdvisor】Noboribetsu, Hokkaido -
Video article 2:14
Tekone Sushi - A Local Specialty of Mie Prefecture! This Historic Dish, With Its Rich Seafood Flavors, Is Something You've Got to Try!
Food & Drink- 60 plays
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Tekone Sushi - A Local Dish Representing Mie Prefecture's Ise-Shima Region This video, titled "How to make "Tekone Sushi" - Traditional Japanese Cooking with Hazuki Kajiyama" (「手こね寿司」の作り方 | 梶山葉月の伝えていきたい日本の郷土料理), was uploaded by "Recipe Book TV" (レシピブックTV). It introduces how to make tekone sushi. Tekone sushi is a local dish that originated in the Ise-Shima region of Mie Prefecture. Nowadays, along with Ise udon stores, it is one of the two most popular foods in Ise-Shima. In this article, we'll will introduce a recipe and how to make delicious tekone sushi. We'll also take a look at Japanese food culture a bit! The video shows you how to make tekone sushi, with step-by-step instructions on how to make it. Be sure to check out the video to see the tasty dish you'll be able to whip up! Simple Tekone Sushi - How to Make the Local Dish of Ise-Shima, Mie! Photo:Skipjack tuna fillet Tekone sushi is characterized by the fact that it is, simply put, sushi that you don't hold. Originally, it was made by placing fish fillets on top of sushi rice, but nowadays, the most common way to serve it is to sprinkle chopped seaweed over the top. Due to its simplicity and how easy it is to make, it has become a popular standard dish in daily life. In the recipe presented in the video, the savory vegetables, including shiso, Japanese ginger, and welsh onions, are first cut and soaked in water. Then, while the odor is being removed, you slice the tuna into small strips. As you can see from 0:33 in the video, red meat fish is used, but you can use any fish you like and still get a delicious dish. For the sauce, mix soy sauce, mirin, and sake in a ratio of 2:1:1, and then marinate the sashimi in the sauce. As shown at 1:21 in the video, the sushi rice is made at the same time. The key is to not only add vinegar, but also sugar and salt. Once the sushi rice is done, top it with the shiso leaves, fish, and the rest of the vegetables in that order, and you're done! It's a very simple recipe. Easy and Delicious! Learn the Origins and History of Tekone Sushi! Photo:Tekone sushi From here, let's deepen our knowledge of the origins and history of tekone sushi! The exact origins of tekone sushi aren't clear, but one theory is that a fisherman from Shima invented tekone sushi. During his busy days fishing for skipjack tuna, he would quickly slice up one of the fish he caught and make it into a bowl like this. It is a quick and easy way to eat skipjack tuna, and it's also rich in nutrients such as vitamin D, B vitamins, and iron, as well as EPA and DHA, which help to thin the blood. It was like an all-purpose, nutritious fast food that could be eaten on the fly. However, rice has been scarce in the Shima region since ancient times, and bonito was also caught in the surrounding seas, so there is a theory that the dish was eaten to celebrate a big catch, and was preserved as a celebratory dish. In any case, because of its deep history and the fact that it is loved by many people, it was selected as one of the Top 100 Local Dishes of Rural Areas by Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, and can be considered one of Japan's representative regional specialties. Summary of Tekone Sushi, a Local Specialty of Ise-Shima, Mie As shown in the video, tekone sushi is delicious and easy to make. The unique, hand-made sushi is different from the normal sushi most people are used to and is one of the most important local dishes in Japan, which is why it's important to pass on recipes to future generations. You can visit Ise-Shima and try it there or use this video/article to make some at home. Try one of Japan's famous local specialties! -
Video article 3:17
Plum Blossoms at Osaka Castle Park – When to Visit, and More
Nature Travel- 56 plays
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Video article 9:35
The Great Cherry Blossom Buddha at Tsubosakadera! Beautiful Drone Footage of the Cherry Blossoms the Famous Temple in Nara!
Travel Art & Architecture Nature- 128 plays
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Tsubosakadera Temple's 'Great Cherry Blossom Buddha': Video Introduction This video, titled "[Cherry Blossoms via Drone in 4K] The Great Cherry Blossom Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple, Nara (Long Ver. )|Cherry Blossom Drone Project" ([桜ドローン撮影4K] 奈良県壺阪寺の大仏桜 Tsubosaka-dera Temple, Nara (Long Ver. )|桜ドローンプロジェクト). was uploaded by "DRONE ENTERTAINMENT - Sakura Drone Project." This video shows beautiful images of the cherry blossoms in full bloom and the Great Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple taken from the sky during Japan's cherry blossom season. In the video you can see the cherry blossoms from the perspective of the Great Buddha, which can only be achieved with drone photography. The illuminated scenery of the temple grounds at night is different from that of the daytime, and it is a fantastic view. Take your time to watch the beautiful scenery in the video. Nara, Home to Some of the Most Famous Temples in Japan Nara, Japan is home to approximately 1,800 temples, some of which, such as Todaiji Temple, the largest temple in Nara, are the most famous in Japan. It's even home to the Nanto Shichi Daiji (Seven Great Temples of Nara), or the Seven Great Temples of the Southern Capital. The Seven Great Temples of Nara are: Daianji Temple, Gangoji Temple, Horyuji Temple, Kofukuji Temple, Saidaiji Temple, Todaiji Temple, and Yakushiji Temple. The vast number of temples and other tourist attractions, coupled with the long history of Nara, make it a destination in Japan that's definitely worth visiting. What is Tsubosakadera Temple? Photo:The Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple, Nara Prefecture Tsubosakadera Temple, famous for the Great Cherry Blossom Buddha, is a Shingon sect temple located in Takatori, Nara, in Japan's Kansai Region. Although it's known by the names "Great Cherry Blossom Buddha" and "Tsubosakadera Temple," its official name is Minami Hokkeji Temple. The temple was founded in 703 by Benki Shonin, a Buddhist priest. The temple's name is said to have originated when Benki Shonin, a monk of Gankoji Temple who was undergoing ascetic training, enshrined the Goddess of Kannon in a crystal vase in a hermitage on a hill. The main deity of the temple is the eleven-faced, thousand-armed Kannon (Avalokitesvara), and since it is believed to be protect against eye diseases, visitors from all over Japan come to Tsubosakadera Temple to pray for protection. The temple is also famous for its hina dolls, which are arranged in the shape of a mandala, a sacred symbol in Buddhism. Approximately 3,000 dolls are displayed around the eleven-faced thousand-armed Kannon. In the inner sanctuary of Tsubosakadera Temple, there is also a stone structure called Go-Hyakku Rakan (Five Hundred Arhats) featuring many Buddhist statues. Some things that make the temple unique are its solar power generation system, which is not something you'd find at other temples in Japan, as well as several large Budda statues on the temple grounds that were carved in, and imported from, India. When do the Cherry Blossoms Bloom at Tsubosakadera Temple? Photo:The Great Cherry Blossom Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple, Nara Prefecture Tsubosakadera Temple is one of the most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan, and is known for its giant Buddha statue surrounded by cherry blossoms. Among the large stone Buddha statues, the most eye-catching is the Tsubosaka Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Tsubosakadera), located in the center of the temple. The statue stands a staggering 10 meters (~33 feet) tall atop a 5-meter-tall platform. During the cherry blossom season, many people come to visit the temple and take Instagram photos with the cherry blossoms and the Buddha. [Video] 1:36 - The Great Buddha Surrounded by Cherry Blossoms Cherry blossoms at Tsubosaka-ji usually bloom from late March to early April; in 2024, the expected bloom date in Nara Prefecture is around March 25 and the expected full bloom date is April 1, a little earlier than usual. According to the SNS of Tsubosaka-ji Temple, in 2023, the trees were almost in full bloom on March 25. Please check back around that time before heading out. Light-up viewing is scheduled from March 23 to April 3, 2024 (tentative), so you can enjoy the pagodas and the Great Buddha on the temple grounds, as well as the illuminated cherry blossoms. [Video] 3:35 - Tsubosakadera Temple Illuminated at Night Tourist Attractions Near Tsubosakadera Temple Photo:Nara Park, Nara Prefecture There are various tourist attractions and sightseeing spots near Tsubosakadera Temple. You can also visit places where you can learn about Japanese history, such as the ruins of Takatori Castle, which is designated as a National Historic site, and the Kitora Tomb (Kitora Burial Mound). For lunch, we recommend Hana Yamato (花大和), a tea house serving Yakuzen cuisine (medicinal, herbal cuisine based on traditional Chinese medicine), or Oku Asuka Sarara (奥明日香さらら), where you can enjoy local cuisine from Nara. Between sightseeing, you can also take a break at Nokonoko Café (のこのこカフェ). If you're looking to visit major tourist attractions in Nara Prefecture, such as Mt. Yoshino and Nara Park, from Tsubosakadera Temple, we recommend staying overnight and taking your time to enjoy Nara. Summary of the Great Cherry Blossom Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple Did you enjoy the beautiful views of cherry blossoms at and the Great Buddha at Tsubosakadera Temple in spring? Known for its Great Cherry Blossom Buddha, Tsubosakadera Temple in Nara Prefecture attracts many tourists from all over Japan for hanami (cherry blossom viewing), as well as those who visit the temple on their pilgrimage to the 33 sacred sites in the western part of Japan. You can also pick up original souvenirs at the temple that you won't find anywhere else, such as the shuin stamp book embroidered with the Great Buddha and cherry blossoms. Tsubosakadera Temple is easily accessible from Nara City, and outside of special monthly events, requires no reservations, making it a great place to visit during any trip to Nara. If you're looking for things to do in Nara, be sure to check it out! ◆Tsubosakadera Temple◆ 【Address】3 Tsubosaka, Takatori-cho, Takaichi-gun, Nara 635-0102, Japan 【Access】 By Car: Drive southeast from the Katsuragi IC on Minami Hanna Road (approx. 30 min. by car) By train: From Kintetsu Osaka Abenobashi, get off at Tsubosaka-yama bound for Yoshino (about 40 minutes via express train), then take a bus or cab. 【Telephone】0744-52-2016 【Hours】8:30 a.m. - 3:00 pm 【Admission Fee】Adults (18 years and older) 600 yen, children 100 yen, young children (5 years and younger) free of charge (as of 2/2/2023). 300 yen for the disabled upon presentation of a disability certificate. 【Parking】Available (Please check the official website for details.) 【TripAdvisor】Tsubosakadera Temple -
Video article 4:23
Video of “SENDAI Pageant of Light” in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture! Recommended sightseeing spots in Miyazaki in winter in December that will bring a smile to everyone's face.
Festivals & Events Travel- 79 plays
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Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture “SENDAI Pageant of Starlight” Video Introduction This video, titled "SENDAI Pageant of Starlight Introductory Video" (SENDAI光のページェント紹介動画), was uploaded by "SENDAI Pageant of Starlight" (SENDAI光のページェント). This video, released in 2020, introduces the SENDAI Pageant of Starlight and Starlight Fantasy: The Story of Santa's Forest held in Sendai, Miyagi, in Japan's Tohoku region. SENDAI Pageant of Starlight is a winter festival held at the main venue on Jozenji Street (定禅寺通, Jozen-ji Dori) in Sendai. It features fantastic, gentle illuminations and the smiling faces the festival's participants. The subtitles explain the festival and introduce the city of Sendai, the largest city in Japan's Tohoku region. There is also an English version, so be sure to check it out as well. ※The English version can be found in the video description. [Video] 0:10 - Explanation About SENDAI Pageant of Starlight SENDAI Pageant of Starlight – The History and Meaning of the Winter Festival Photo:SENDAI Pageant of Starlight, Sendai, Miyagi Here we'll introduce the SENDAI Pageant of Starlight, which has become a winter tradition in Sendai, Miyagi, the largest city in Japan's Tohoku region. The SENDAI Pageant of Starlight began in 1986, when citizens of Sendai volunteered to decorate the trees lining Jozen-ji Street and Aoba Street (青葉通, Aoba Dori) with lights in the hope of making the City of Trees the "City of Light." At the time, approximately 300,000 lights were used to illuminate 44 zelkova trees on Jozenji Street and 114 zelkovas on Aoba Street. The festival organizers opted to use the English word "pageant." However, the word "pageant" does not have the meaning of "illumination." Thus, the event was named "Pageant of Starlight" as opposed to "Illumination of Starlight" because it was named with the hope of bringing smiles to the faces of children who have been moved by the sight of something so beautiful. SENDAI Pageant of Starlight, which will be held for its 37th year in 2022, is supported by citizen donations and corporate sponsorships. In addition to donation boxes placed throughout the city, volunteers collect donations on the streets, and crowdfunding has helped this winter festival continue for more than 30 years. SENDAI Pageant of Starlight 2022 – Festival Dates, Venue Information, and Lighting Hours Photo:Jozen-ji Street during SENDAI Pageant of Starlight The 2022 SENDAI Pageant of Starlight will feature 125 zelkovas lit up along Jozen-ji Street in the center of Sendai with approximately 470,000 LED lights! Below is a brief description of where the festival will take place and what time the lights will start at. 【Event Period】For 17 days, from Friday, December 9 to Sunday, December 25 【Event Location】Jozenji Street in Sendai, Miyagi (from Sendai Mitsukoshi to Jozenji Garden Hills Wedding Hall) 【Lighting Hours】Monday - Friday: 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. / Saturday and Sunday: 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. The theme for the 2022 festival is "Look up, Keep SMILE!" The SENDAI Pageant of Starlight is held with the hopes that everyone who comes to SENDAI Pageant of Starlight and looks up at the warm lights spreading across the night sky will be able to smile. We hope for the same! Don't miss the Starlight Wink event, in which all the lights are turned off and then simultaneously turned on again! The Main Attraction at SENDAI Pageant of Starlight – The Story of Santa's Forest Source :YouTube screenshot Starlight Fantasy "The Story of Santa's Forest," is the most popular attraction of the SENDAI Pageant of Starlight. Citizens and marching bands dressed up as Santa Claus and his reindeer parade down the illuminated Jozen-ji Street to the sound of music. Many spectators come to enjoy the winter night in Sendai. Unfortunately, the event is canceled in 2022 due to the global pandemic. [Video] 1:21 - Starlight Fantasy: The Story of Santa's Forest Summary of SENDAI Pageant of Starlight The Sendai Pageant of Starlight, a winter tradition in Sendai, Miyagi, will be held in conjunction with the SENDAI Pageant of Starlight at Kotodai Park on the east side of Jozen-ji Street. Although the 2022 event will be held on a reduced scale, a large number of visitors are still expected to participate in the festival. Please enjoy the warmth of the winter illumination event in Sendai, which is filled with the wishes of the people. In order to ensure that everyone has a good time, it is important to be mindful of others and take precautions to avoid spreading infectious diseases. ◆SENDAI Pageant of Starlight◆ 【Access】 ・Car Drive towards the Prefectural Government Office and City Hall via Nishi Road from the Sendai-Miyagi IC on the Tohoku Expressway. ・Public Transportation From JR Sendai Station's West Exit, take the Namboku Subway Line toward Izumi-Chuo Station, get off at [Kotodai Koen Station], and walk for 1 minute.