Festivals & Events
Video article 2:58
Huge Lions, Sea Breams, and Armor Parade Through the Streets of Karatsu Kunchi in Saga Prefecture! You've Never Seen a Festival Like This! Learn About Japanese Culture Through Traditional Festivals!
Festivals & Events- 66 plays
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佐賀県を代表する秋季例大祭『唐津くんち』を堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの「唐津くんち[Hi-res/4K SAGA]」は、日本の佐賀県唐津市の唐津神社によって行われている秋季例大祭「唐津くんち』を紹介した動画となっています。 唐津神社で行われる唐津くんちの曳山行事は、平成27年にはユネスコ無形文化遺産にも指定された、日本が世界へと誇る伝統文化です。 この記事では、そんな日本の伝統文化である唐津くんちについて紹介していきます。 唐津くんちってどんな祭り? 唐津くんちは、11月2日,3日,4日の計三日間行われる秋季例大祭です。 乾漆によって作られた大きな曳山を、笛や鐘、太鼓の三ッ囃子で奏でられる囃子と掛け声とともに、唐津市内にある旧城下町を巡行します。 『くんち』は漢字で表すと『供日』で、これは収穫感謝の意が込められているという意味だそうです。 唐津くんちの三日間について! 佐賀県で行われる唐津くんちは三日間行われますが、それぞれ日によって催しも違うので、観光の際には注意が必要です。 2日に行われるのは宵山、3日に行われるのはお旅所神幸、そして4日に行われるのは町廻りと呼ばれています。 曳山を筆頭に、囃子や曳子と共に、夜の街に綺麗な音や掛け声を響かせながら巡行します。 曳山って何?どんなのがあるの? 曳山は制作期間3~6年は必要なほどの巨大な乾漆造で、世界最大級とされています。 一番曳山の『赤獅子』を筆頭に、六番曳山である『鳳凰丸』や最後の十四番曳山である『七宝丸』、今は消失してしまった十五番曳山の『黒獅子』等があります。 現存する曳山14台は全て佐賀県の重要有形民俗文化財に指定されています。 唐津くんちについてまとめ 日本が世界へと誇れる伝統文化、唐津くんちについてご紹介をさせて頂きました。 ぜひ大迫力の唐津くんちを佐賀県でご覧になってみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 2:06
A Beautiful Performance of Fire! Don't Miss the "Tezutsu Hanabi" Fireworks That Originated in Aichi Prefecture! This Powerful Festival Is a Sight to Behold!
Festivals & Events- 44 plays
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日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」とは? こちらで紹介する動画は「Armadas」が公開した「Tezutsu Fireworks in 8K」です。 日本の伝統的な夏祭りといえば花火大会ですが、中でもユニークなのが愛知県豊橋が発祥と言われる「天筒花火」です。 この花火大会は1メートルほどの竹筒に火薬を詰め、それを人が抱えながら火柱を高く吹き上げる「吹き上げ式」。 担ぎ手が持つ竹筒から勢い良く火柱が上がり、その後、衝撃音と共に手筒の底が抜けるという仕組みです。 担ぎ手たちの美しい所作と大迫力の火柱との共演がこちらの動画でご覧になれます。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」歴史について 現在日本で吹き上げ式の天筒花火が盛んに行なわれているのは愛知県の豊橋市がある東三河地方と静岡県の遠州地方の西部です。 この吹き上げ式の花火大会の歴史には諸説ありますが、もっとも有力なものは江戸時代に鉄砲が伝来し、1613年に徳川家康が江戸城内で花火を見物した際に天筒花火が披露されたことが発祥ではないかという説です。 徳川の砲術隊が三河岡崎にこの技術を持ち帰り、三河と遠州で天筒花火大会が盛んに開かれるようになったとされています。 愛知県豊橋市の吉田神社に残る江戸時代よりも古い文献の「三河国古老伝」にもそれらしき記述があり、何れにしても豊橋が発祥の地と見てよいと思います。 豊橋や遠州以外では岐阜県の飛騨高山、関東でも千葉県館林市や群馬県など日本各地で手筒花をご覧になることができます。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」の特徴 一般的な日本の打ち上げ花火では花火師が火玉を作って打ち上げますが、天筒花火の作り方は資格を取った地元の男衆が竹を伐採するところから、最後の火薬を詰め込むところまでの全作業を行います。 天筒花火に点火すると轟音とともにオレンジ色の火柱が立ち上り、担ぎ手は仁王立ち打ち上げます。最後には「はね」と呼ばれる仕掛けで衝撃音と共に天筒花火の底が爆発して幕を閉じます。 全国の天筒花火大会まつりのイベント開催情報 2019年8月〜9月には、以下の手筒花火大会が開催されました。 ・2019年8月15日:第14回越前市サマーフェスティバル花火大会(福井県) ・2019年8月22日:伊東温泉箸祭り花火大会(静岡県) ・2019年8月24日:美並夏祭り花火大会(岐阜県) ・2019年8月24日:第32回豊川手筒祭り(愛知県) ・2019年9月14日、15日:第24回炎の祭典〜炎の舞〜(愛知県) ・2019年9月15日:田原祭り・五町合同花火大会(愛知県) など。 花火大会会場は混雑し、道路は一部交通規制が敷かれる場合があるので、自動車で向かう場合は駐車場の場所や周辺エリアのホテル情報などを前もってネットでご確認ください。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」紹介のまとめ 日本の夏祭りといえば花火に浴衣に屋台と楽しみが満載ですね。 今回は愛知県豊橋市が発祥と言われている夏祭り「天筒花火」について紹介しました。 日本全国各地で天筒花火のお祭りを楽しむことができるので、穴場や名所、人気のスポットを調べて、楽しんではいかがでしょうか? 9月まで楽しめるお祭りなので旅行目的としてもおすすめです。 豊橋で行われた天筒花火の勇壮な祭りの模様はこちらの8Kの美麗な動画でご覧になれるのでお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:48
Enjoy Hachinohe Sansha Taisai in Hachinohe, Aomori, a Festival Full of Japanese Culture! Lion Dances, Musical Accompaniment, Japanese Drums, and Gorgeous Floats!
Festivals & Events- 43 plays
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青森の八戸三社大祭をご紹介! 日本の夏でにぎやかなお祭りを体験して、夏の思い出をつくりたいという方はいませんか? そのような方々に今回は、国の重要無形民俗文化財にも選ばれている青森の八戸三社大祭を「八戸市観光化Hachinohe City Tourism Section」 が制作する「【公式PV】 "The Japanese Traditional Arts" 八戸三社大祭【Long ver.】」という動画をもとに説明していきます! 日本の有名な山車行事である八戸三社大祭は毎年大賑わい! 日本の有名な山車まつりである八戸三社大祭は、にぎやかなお祭りを体験したい人にはおすすめのお祭りです。 様々な郷土芸能や山車行事の迫力は国内のお祭りの中でも随一で、大きな盛り上がりを見せています。 青森の八戸三社大祭は、ユネスコ無形文化遺産としても指定されている伝統と歴史があるお祭りです。 神社行列や、さまざまな郷土芸能、豪華絢爛な山車といった日本の文化が凝縮されていて盛大なお祭りの中でも和の心を感じることができるでしょう。 八戸三社大祭は、五穀豊穣への祈りが込められており、神話や歌舞伎を題材にした山車でその祈りを表現しています。 日程は、7月31日の前夜祭から8月4日の後夜祭までです。 ぜひ参加してみてはいかがでしょうか? 日本の八戸三社大祭「山車行事」の魅力 青森の八戸三社大祭の山車は、その大きさと迫力で目にした人々を圧倒します。 華やかな装飾で細かい部分までこだわりぬいた山車は、地元の人の情熱が込められています。 豊かな装飾と職人の情熱が込められた豪華絢爛の山車が、お祭りの参加している人々の気持ちを高め、お祭りを盛り上げるのです。 八戸三社大祭ご覧になるときは、ぜひ山車に注目するとよいでしょう。 青森の八戸三社大祭でさまざまな郷土芸能を楽しもう! 青森の八戸三社大祭はさまざまな郷土芸能を楽しむことができます。 航海安全の信仰として伝承されてきた「虎舞」、黒い装束の獅子舞の「法霊神楽」、笹の葉を持って踊る「笹の葉踊り」、馬の模型をつけた「駒踊」など、さまざまな郷土芸能が参加者を楽しませてくれます。 その土地ならではの郷土芸能で、エキゾチックな雰囲気も味わえることも八戸三社大祭の大きな魅力なのです。 青森の山車まつりである八戸三社大祭のまとめ おがみ神社、長者山新羅神社、神明宮の三社合同のお祭りである八戸三社大祭。 勇壮さの中で郷土芸能が融合した、このお祭りはよい夏の思い出になることでしょう。 ぜひ青森県に訪れて参加してみてください! -
Video article 3:56
Enjoy Tori no Ichi, a Festival in Asakusa, Tokyo to Pray for Good Business! Food, Traditional Crafts, Goshuin Stamps, Traditional Dances... Don't Miss This Video Packed With the Sights and Sounds of Tori no Ichi!
Festivals & Events- 47 plays
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東京・浅草のお祭り「酉の市」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「EDO POP TOKYO 【江戸ポップ東京】」が公開した「2018年 浅草 酉の市 楽しみ方紹介します♪ 鷲神社 / 長國寺 御朱印も!Asakusa Torino-ichi Festival」です。 お祭り大国日本。 その日本を代表する都市が東京。 東京と言えば大都会をイメージする人が多いかもしれませんが、実はお祭りが盛んな都市。 今回は東京でも屈指のお祭りシティ浅草・酉の市を約4分の動画で紹介しちゃいます! 東京・浅草「酉の市」 東京浅草のお祭りと言えば浅草神社で5月に行われる三社祭りが有名ですが、浅草のお祭りはそれだけではありません。 今回は浅草を代表する神社、鷲神社と長國寺で行われた酉の市へ潜入した動画を紹介いたします。 酉の市は日本代表インスタスポット!? まずは鷲神社。 参拝の列に並ぶと御社殿の提灯の数がすごい。 露店や屋台、お囃子もあり、インスタ映え必至です! 鷲神社はお賽銭からの二礼二拍手一礼、長國寺はお賽銭からの鈴→合唱→一礼です。 長國寺では参拝者の邪気を払って、幸運をもたらす鷲舞ひ(おおとりまい)もあり、見逃せません。 酉の市の由縁と歴史、起源 酉の市の歴史を知れば、日本のお祭りをますます好きになります。 酉の市の起源は日本武尊(ヤマトタケル)が武具の熊手をかけて勝ち戦を祝った日が11月であったことと言われています。 鷲神社は天照大御神に由縁があります。 酉の市の開催時期は毎年11月の酉の日です。 酉の日というのは、干支の中の酉=12日に1回ということになります。 東京・浅草のお祭り「酉の市」紹介まとめ 日本、そして東京のお祭り・酉の市。 いかがでしたでしょうか。 一度は訪れてみたい下町情緒あふれる江戸っ子の町・浅草には切山椒のお餅、屋台には老舗のベビーカステラ屋さんなどのローカルグルメも楽しめます。 東京・浅草のお祭り「酉の市」に参加して運気を上げていきましょう! -
Video article 3:00
What kind of New Year's event is the “Yasaka Shrine Otsuka Pilgrimage” held on New Year's Eve in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture? Virtual experience of Kyoto's winter traditions with video!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 206 plays
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Video introduction of “Yasaka Shrine's Okera Pilgrimage” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "Yasaka Shrine "Okera Mairi" (December 31, 2021, Higashiyama, Kyoto)" (八坂神社「おけら詣り」(2021年12月31日 京都市東山区)), was uploaded by "Kyoto Shimbun" (京都新聞). The video introduces Okera Mairi, a New Year's Eve ritual performed by priests on a night with light snowfall. Be sure to check it out as you read along. Highlights, History, and Facts About Yasaka Shrine Photo:Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto Yasaka Shrine is called "Gion-san" ("san" being an honorific title attached to names in Japanese to show respect) by the people of Kyoto. Yasaka Shrine is the head shrine of all 2,300 shrines following the Gion faith in Japan. The shrine's deity is Susanoo no Mikoto, who is believed to be a god who purifies all manner of misfortune. Yasaka Shrine is home to many Important Cultural Properties, including the main shrine, which is also a National Treasure, and is one of the most popular sightseeing spots in Kyoto's Higashiyama district. The shrine is also famous for its beauty and is known as a power spot for love. The shrine also has a power spot for beauty called "Utsukushi-gozensha." The "biyou-sui" (美容水, "beauty water") next to the torii gate is also popular. Maiko and geiko from Gion, a temple town, as well as people in the beauty and hairdressing industry, and many women from all over the country visit this shrine with prayers of beauty. It's said a few drops on the skin is said to promote both beautiful skin and a beautiful, and it's so popular that visitors come regardless of the season. Yasaka Shrine is also said to be the largest power spot for love in Kyoto because Kushinadahime (Kushinadahime no Mikoto), a god of love, is enshrined together with Susanoo no Mikoto, the god of the shrine, and they are regarded as a god couple that gets along very well. The shrine is thought to grant good fortune. Okera Mairi – Event Hours and the Meaning Behind the Event Source :YouTube screenshot The Okera Mairi (おけら詣り) event of Yasaka Shrine, held on the night of December 31st (New Year's Eve), is a custom to welcome the New Year and is unique to Kyoto. Starting at 4:00 a.m. on the 28th, the rhizomes of atractylodes (朮, Okera in Japanese), which are believed to ward off bad luck, are placed in a lantern to make an "okera fire." At 7:00 p.m. on the 31st, the fire is transferred from the okera lanterns in the main shrine to the okera lanterns hanging in the precincts by the priests after the New Year's Eve ceremony. Be sure to watch the video to see what this looks like. [Video] 0:44 - Priests Solemnly Proceeding Through the Precincts of the Shrine as Snow Falls Atractylodes (Okera) is believed to ward off evil spirits and protect people from illness and misfortune because of its strong and distinctive smell. After the kitchounawa (lucky ropes) are lit using the fire from the okera lanterns, the ropes are whirled around to keep the fire burning until it is brought back home. [Video] 2:01 - Shrine Goers Lighting Their Lucky Ropes In the past, the okera fires were lit in front of the shrine and used as fuel for cooking New Year's food. Later, as lifestyles changed, it became common to display the rope in one's kitchen after the fire had gone out as a good-luck charm to pray for good health throughout the year. Other Events at Yasaka Shrine Photo:Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto Yasaka Shrine, which usually attracts one million worshippers on the three days of the New Year, has other New Year's events in addition to the okera-mairi. The first ritual of the New Year, the Okera Festival will be held in the main hall of the shrine starting at 5:00 a.m. on January 1. In this ritual to pray for a safe and peaceful new year, dried atractylodes roots and special sticks are mixed together. After the sacred okera fires are lit, they are thrown down from the main shrine onto the stone pavement of the shrine grounds to purify it of pestilence and evil spirits. On January 3, from 9:00 a.m., the heads of the Kongo and Kanze schools of noh will perform a New Year's noh performance, a noh and shimai dance performance, followed at 1:00 p.m. by Karuta Hajime-shiki, a ceremony to start the New Year with a traditional card game called "Karuta." It's a great way to experience the New Year in Japan. Summary of Okera Mairi at Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto Yasaka Shrine is one of the most popular and crowded spots in Kyoto during the year-end and New Year holidays. Following the Okera Mairi on the night of New Year's Eve, Yasaka Shrine is filled with the excitement of people visiting the shrine for Hatsumode. During the Hatsumode period, many food stalls are set up on the shrine grounds and around the outer garden, creating a festival-like atmosphere. If you plan to visit the shrine to see the New Year rituals and festivities, we recommend that you allow plenty of time for your visit, as the shrine can be quite crowded. 【Official Website】Yasaka Shrine 【TripAdvisor】Yasaka Shrine -
Video article 14:26
Feel the History of Japan in Kyoto Jidai Matsuri. One of the Three Major Festivals in Kyoto, This Historical Parade Attracts More Than 61,000 People!
Festivals & Events- 53 plays
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秋の京都観光で、京都時代祭は外せない! こちらの動画は「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Festival: Jidai Matsuri [4K]」です。 京都時代祭は京都三大祭りのひとつに数えられ、秋の京都に欠かせない行事です。 この動画では京都時代祭の行列風景を英語の字幕解説付きで紹介していますので、観光前の情報収集にも最適です。 京都時代祭の時代風俗行列では時代を彩った武士や庶民たちが現代に息を吹き返します! 動画を見終わった後は、幕末の志士が活躍する明治維新、衣装が艶やかな平安時代に迷い込んだような気分になることでしょう。 京都時代祭は京都三大祭りのひとつ! 京都時代祭は葵祭や祇園祭に比べると歴史は浅いものの、京都三大祭りのひとつで、京都市民が主体のお祭です。 京都時代祭を運営しているのは、平安講社です。 平安講社は、平安神宮の維持と祭の挙行の維持のために平安神宮創建時にできた組織です。 現在では担当学区制で各時代を受け持ち、時代ごとの行列の人員や衣装の管理を行なっています。 京都時代祭の見どころは、時代風俗行列! 京都時代祭のメインは、各時代のスタイルに扮して練り歩く時代風俗行列です。 都大路を可憐優美に進む行列に参加するのは、総勢約2,000名の市民です。 桂小五郎など日本人なら誰でも知っている歴史的な著名人に扮し、馬や牛車に乗って次々に通っていきます。 そのほか町衆や市井で活躍した女性達も行列に参列し、京都時代祭を盛り上げます。 なかでも動画の7:24より紹介されている、京の町衆の風流踊りを再現した「室町洛中風俗列」は見逃せません。 風流傘を中心に、囃子方、踊り手で構成されています。 また、動画の2:34より紹介されている「徳川城使上洛列」は大きな掛け声でひときわにぎやかです。 時代風俗行列の魅力は、それぞれ特徴ある時代の風俗を示しているところです。 礼束や髪型、化粧、着付けは厳密な時代考証に基づいたものです。 そのため衣装や鎧、祭具には京都の伝統工芸の技術のすべてが傾注されていると言えるでしょう。 京都時代祭を楽しむなら有料観覧席がおすすめ 京都三大祭りのひとつである京都時代祭は、海外観光客も多く沿道を埋めつくします。 京都御所と御池通、平安神宮道には有料観覧席が設置されています。 交通規制が敷かれるほどの人が訪れるため、落ち着いて観覧するなら有料観覧席の予約がおすすめ。 山国隊の笛や太鼓の音色を先頭に約2kmにわたる行列は、平安時代から明治維新まで千余年の風俗を忠実に再現し、歴史の厚みを感じます。 京都時代祭は日本の歴史の縮図とも言うことができるでしょう。 京都時代祭の様子は十二十二でも! 時代祭に合わせて京都観光に来ることができない場合にも、京都時代祭を楽しむ場所があります。 それが時代祭館「十二十二(トニトニ)」です。 平安京遷都の日であり、京都時代祭の催行日でもある十月二十二日に因んで名付けられました。 京都市左京区岡崎にあり、平安神宮から徒歩1分とアクセスも抜群。 平安神宮周辺を観光する際は「十二十二」をコースに加えると良いでしょう。 「十二十二」では、館内スクリーンで時代風俗行列をテーマにした映像を鑑賞できるなど365日いつでも京都時代祭を疑似体験することができます。 京都時代祭の紹介まとめ 京都へのご旅行予定の方も予定が決まっていない方も、京都時代祭の時代風俗行列を堪能できるこちらの動画をご覧ください。 この記事では京都時代祭の目玉である圧巻の祭列の様子、観覧スポットを紹介しました。 ぜひ一度は、京都時代祭においでやす~。 -
Video article 9:36
Tokyo Bon Odori Festival 2024! Participate in a popular event where you can enjoy the Japanese summer atmosphere
Festivals & Events- 32 plays
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東京の夏を盛り上げる夏祭りと縁日・納涼祭で行われる盆踊り 東京の夏を盛り上げる夏祭りと縁日・納涼祭で行われる盆踊り この記事では、東京の夏祭りや納涼祭について「[4K]盆踊りTokyo summer Bon dance 東京の夏 東京観光 Bon odori 夏祭り風物詩 Tokyo tourism」という動画を元に、紹介していきます。 日本の夏の風物詩といえば、射的やたこ焼き、焼きそば等の数多くの屋台が立ち並ぶ夏祭りでしょう。 ここではそんな東京で主に縁日にて行われる夏祭り・納涼祭にスポットを当てて紹介します。 東京で行われる盆踊りのある夏祭り・納涼祭紹介! 東京都内の代表的な夏祭りに浅草の「とうろう流し」があります。 東京の浅草にて縁日に行われる、亡くなった方の魂を弔うためのお祭りとなっています。 夏のお盆の時期の日が沈む頃、東京浅草の隅田川でとうろうの流れる様子や、盆踊りを楽しむことができます。 六本木ヒルズ盆踊り 東京の六本木ヒルズにて縁日に行われる夏祭りで、昔ながらの祭りとは違い、現代に寄った雰囲気の夏祭りというのが特徴となっています。 恒例とされている『六本人音頭』を始めとして、多様な盆踊りと迫力のある和太鼓を楽しめるお囃子を一度に楽しむことが出来ます。 日比谷公園丸の内音頭大盆踊り大会 毎年、夏の縁日にて行われる夏祭りで、盆踊りの定番曲としても知られている『東京音頭』の振り付けをアレンジした『丸の内音頭』が定番とされています。 大噴水を中心として、大きな踊りの輪はまさに圧巻の一言に尽きます。 東京都内でも最大規模の盆踊りとなっているので、ぜひ参加することをおすすめします。 花園神社盆踊り 東京の中心、新宿に位置する花園神社にて縁日に行われる夏祭りです。 浴衣姿の人達とスーツ姿の人達が入り乱れての盆踊りと、やぐらにて行われる『新宿太鼓会』は、独特な風情を感じさせる不思議なものとなっています。 築地本願寺納涼盆踊り大会 東京で行われている納涼祭の中でも、三大盆踊りの一つと数えられている納涼祭です。 築地にて行われるこの納涼祭は、盆踊りを楽しむもよし、築地ならではの屋台を楽しむもよしと、様々なニーズに答えてくれるイベントとなっています。 江戸川花火大会 東京の縁日にて行われる花火大会としては屈指の規模であり、打ち上げ数は国内最大の1万4000発で知られています。 屋形船に乗りながら花火を楽しむことが出来るのが魅力の一つであり、インスタ映えのする催しとなっています。 東京都の夏祭りと盆踊りの紹介まとめ 縁日にて東京で開催されている多くの夏祭り・納涼祭について、紹介をさせて頂きました。 皆さんも童心に帰って楽しみに来られてはいかがですか? -
Video article 13:03
The Most Dangerous Fire Festival in Japan - "Toba no Himatsuri" in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture - Men jump into the blazing fire? A thrilling video of the strangest festival in the world!
Festivals & Events- 174 plays
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Video introduction of "Toba Fire Festival" in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture This video, titled "Japan's Most Dangerous Fire Festival – The Toba Fire Festival" (日本一危険な火祭り 鳥羽の火祭り), was released by "AichiTanken." The Toba Fire Festival is a historic festival which is still held to this day at Toba Shinmeisha shrine (鳥羽神明社) in Nishio city (西尾市) in the southern area of Aichi Prefecture (愛知県), located in Japan's Tokai region (東海地方). The official name of the festival is "Toba Daikagaribi" (鳥羽大篝火, ~The Bonfire of Toba). The Toba fire festival, which is thought to have originated approximately 1,200 years ago, has been designated an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan. What Kind of Event Is The Toba Fire Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot During the Toba festival, area representatives called "Fukuji" (福地) and "Kanji" (乾地) set fire to a gigantic torch called a "Suzumi" (すずみ) which, by the nature of the flames, predicts the following years fortune with regards to weather, harvests, and so on. The representatives of each area, called "Shinotoko" (神男), must be at least 25 years of age and before the festival begins must live in a shrine, refrain from eating and drinking, and cleanse their bodies with water in a purification ritual. Also, on the day of the festival, the Shinotoko must jump into the sea naked as part of said purification ritual. The Shinotoko from the previous year help prepare the current year's Shinotoko during this purification process and teach them how to use the "Yusuribo," a 4-5 meter stick used to hold up the suzumi. The Toba Festival starts with the Shinotoko setting fire to the 5 meter tall, 2 ton "Suzumi." After that, the Shinotoko and helpers race to retrieve the "Shinboku" (神木) and "Juninawa" (十二縄) from inside the Suzumi and present them at the shrine. As you can see in the video, the men, who are dressed in hoods, continually pull down the burning grass to get to the Shinboku and Juninawa. From 1:23 in the video, you can see the men climb the Suzumi as flaming grass falls down around them. The men are often called "Neko" (ネコ) which translates to "cat" in English, because of their clothing and the way in which they jump down from the ladders. It is said that if there is a lot of smoke in the Toba Fire Festival, there will be more rain that year, and if the sound of the bamboo crackling is loud, there will be more thunder. It is also believed that eating with chopsticks made of the bamboo used in this ceremony will prevent dental problems. Recommended Spots in Nishio, Aichi Photo:Sakushima Island Other highlights of Nishio city include Kira Hot Spring (吉良温泉) and the Nishio City Salt Farm Experience (西尾市塩田体験館). The island "Sakushima" (佐久島) is also a popular spot for enjoying contemporary art. If you're planning a trip to Nishio city, we also recommend trying some of the popular local sweets made with Matcha. Summary of the Toba Fire Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Toba Fire Festival has been featured in the local Aichi news outlet "KATCH" (キャッチ), as well as other websites and tourist information brochures. For those interested in traditional Japanese festivals, we highly recommend taking another look at the video of the Toba Fire Festival! On the day of the festival, many food stands and special viewing areas are set up as well, so be sure to head over to Nishio and enjoy the awesome Toba Fire Festival! ◆Toba Fire Festival – Tobashinmeisha Shrine – Event Information◆ 【Address】444-0704, Aichi prefecture, Nishio city, Tobacho (鳥羽町), Nishibasama (西迫) 89 【Access】10-minute walk from Mikawatoba station (三河鳥羽駅, mikawatobaeki) on the Meitetsu Gamagori Line (名鉄蒲郡線, meitetsugamagoorisen) 【Parking】 Available (approximately 400 spaces at Furusato Park (ふるさと公園), the fish market, etc.) 【Telephone】0563-62-2852 【Tripadvisor】 Toba Shinmeisha Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1019652-d2005852-Reviews-Toba_Shinmeisha_Temple-Nishio_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:47
Beautiful Fireworks That Look Like Peacock Feathers at the Kihoku Lantern Festival! Watch Some of the Most Amazing Fireworks!
Festivals & Events- 45 plays
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This video is titled "07/24/2016|Kihoku Lantern Festival|Lantern Festival~Peacock Fireworks" (2016.07.24 きほく燈籠祭 「燈籠大仕掛 ~ 彩雲孔雀」). It was released by FIREWORKSVIEWERS. This video introduces the Kihoku Lantern Festival held in Mie Prefecture. The Kihoku Lantern Festival, held on a Saturday in late July every year in Kihoku in southern Mie Prefecture, has become a popular summer event for both children and adults. Huge lanterns over 10 meters tall and beautiful fireworks that look like a peacock spreading its wings are the main attractions of the festival, and it is also called the "Sea Nebuta," referencing the Nebuta Festival in Aomori. This video shows the fireworks at the Kihoku Lantern Festival in 2016, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 7:03
The Hanezu Odori Is a Dance Based on the Love Story of One of the World's Three Most Beautiful Women, Ono No Komachi. Enjoy the Graceful and Beautiful Dance While Learning About Japanese History!
Festivals & Events- 54 plays
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京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の動画について 「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Festival: Young Japanese Girls Dancing at Zuishin-in Temple (Hanezu Odori)」では、小野小町の恋物語を題材にした「はねず踊り」を紹介しています。 京都府京都市山科区にある随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の優雅な舞の映像や、「はねず踊り」の歴史を解説されている、とても興味深い内容となっています。 こちら記事では、京都の随心院で開催される小野小町を題材にした「はねず踊り」の魅力や歴史を動画と共に紹介します。 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」とは? 京都府京都市山科区の随心院で開催される日本の「はねず踊り」は、小野小町と深草少将との恋物語(百夜通い)を題材にした踊りです。 毎年3月の最終日曜日に開催されています。 三味線や太鼓などの日本の伝統楽器を使ったゆったりした音楽に合わせて、「はねず踊り」を踊ります。 着物の衣装で踊る姿はとても美しく、見るものを魅了します。 ほかにも、今様という平安時代の身分が高い人が踊る舞もありますよ。 日本の「はねず踊り」の題材になっている小野小町には、さまざまな伝説があります。 世界三大美人と言えば、クレオパトラ、楊貴妃、小野小町です。 日本の小野小町は美人で頭が良かったと言われており、深草少将に求愛されていました。 日本の「はねず踊り」の前日には奉納舞が行われます。 随心院の仏様に踊りを奉納する儀式です。 また、随心院では毎年「ミス小野小町コンテスト」が開催され、3人が選ばれます。 選ばれた3人は、「はねず踊り」を始め、随心院のイベントのお手伝いをします。 京都の随心院の見どころは美しい梅園です。 梅の木が約230本植えられており、薄紅色の奇麗な花はとても美しいです。 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の情報 京都の随心院で開催される日本の「はねず踊り」は、2018年は約1,800人の方々が訪れました。 「京都市営地下鉄小野駅」から徒歩5分で駐車場も完備されているので、交通アクセスは良好です。 真言宗善通寺派の随心院の本尊は、如意輪観音です。 木造阿弥陀如来坐像や木造金剛薩埵坐像といった日本の重要文化財もご覧になることができます。 また、小野小町のイラストが入った御朱印を貰うことができます。 京都の随心院には「はねず踊り」以外にも、見どころがたくさんあるので気になる方は観光してみてください! 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の紹介記事のまとめ 小野小町の恋物語を題材にした京都の「はねず踊り」。 優雅な美しい舞を楽しむのはもちろん、京都の随心院の境内も魅力たっぷりとお楽しみください。 -
Video article 19:42
After Being Canceled, the Narita Fireworks Festival Was Miraculously Able to Be Held! There's Something About the Harmony of the Music and Fireworks That's Indescribable!
Festivals & Events- 53 plays
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This video, titled " [6K to 4K] 無数の花火に囲まれる感動体験! 令和元年 成田花火大会 Narita Fireworks Festival 2019 (shot on BMPCC6K)," was released by AQUA Geo Graphic. This video shows the Narita Fireworks Festival, which had to be cancelled due to a typhoon, but was able to be held with the help of a lot of people. The Narita Fireworks Festival, which is held in October every year, was temporarily cancelled in 2019 due to a typhoon, but after a month's postponement, the event was able to be held safely. The wide variety of beautiful fireworks that are set off to music is a beautiful sight that is sure to impress! This video shows you the beautiful fireworks at the Narita Fireworks Festival in 4K. -
Video article 6:03
An Amazing Display of Hundreds of Beautiful Fireworks! You Can't Help but Be Moved by the Show!
Festivals & Events- 64 plays
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This video was released by AQUA Geo Graphic. It's titled "[4K] Massive Fireworks! The 69th Annual Tsuruga Lantern Float and Fireworks Festival 2018|Tsuruga Fireworks Display (shot on Samsung NX1)". This video introduces the 69th Annual Tsuruga Lantern Float and Fireworks Festival, which has massive fireworks displays! The Tsuruga Lantern Float and Fireworks Festival is a fireworks festival held on August 16 every year at Matsubara Beach in Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture, and is considered to be one of the major events among the citizens. It is one of the largest fireworks festivals in Japan, with more than 10,000 fireworks, which are a spectacular sight. If you can watch the many fireworks being shot off with a loved one, it's sure to create memories that will last a lifetime. Be sure to check out the amazing fireworks display in the video! -
Video article 7:51
The Gion Festival Is One of the Three Major Festivals in Japan! The Spectacular, Month-Long Festival Is Full of Highlights and Is Very Popular With Tourists!
Festivals & Events- 38 plays
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This video, titled "Gion Matsuri: Yasaka Shrine Events (Omukae chochin/Hanagasa junko/Kankousai)," was released by "Discover Kyoto." The Gion Festival in Kyoto has a strong image of a breathtaking parade of floats, but don't miss the events introduced in the video, such as the welcoming lanterns, the Hanagasa Festival, and more. The Gion Festival is a long-running festival that begins on July 1 and continues all the way 'til July 31st, when the Nagoshi-no-Harai ceremony is held. Rituals and events are held almost every day on the grounds of Yasaka Shrine, where the Gion Festival is held, and in the Kawaramachi and Karasuma areas, which are crowded with tourists. Summer in Kyoto is hot, so be sure to take precautions against the heat while touring the city in July! -
Video article 8:17
The Katakai Fireworks Festival - The Most Famous Fireworks Display in Japan! The Fireworks Are So Overwhelmingly Powerful That They Shake the Ground!
Festivals & Events- 51 plays
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This video, titled "[6K to 4K] 日本一正三尺玉+世界一正四尺玉 2019 片貝まつり花火大会 - World's largest 48" firework shell - (shot on BMPCC6K)," was released by AQUA Geo Graphic. This video introduces the Katakai Fireworks Festival held every year in Katakai, Ojiya City, Niigata Prefecture. The Katakai Festival held in Niigata Prefecture over two days is characterized by fireworks that explode with a diameter of 120 cm, weigh 420 kg and launch to an altitude of 800 meters. Their overwhelming impact, which is not an exaggeration to say they are the most powerful fireworks in Japan, is not only visually impressive, but also the sound it makes shakes the ground. In this video, you can't feel the fireworks in person, but you can at least see their beauty! Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 24:56
Blue Impulse's Impressive Acrobatics Are Sure to Impress! Japan's Aerobatic Team, Which Draws Loud Cheers From the Crowd, Is a World-Class Entertainment of Japan!
Festivals & Events- 37 plays
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国内外問わず注目を集めている日本のブルーインパルス ブルーインパルスとは、日本の航空自衛隊に所属をしている曲技飛行隊(アクロバット飛行チーム)を指す愛称です。 統率の取れた飛行機が織りなすアクロバット飛行の数々は、人々の目を惹きつけ、今では日本でも屈指のイベントとして人気を集めています。 今回紹介をさせて頂いている動画は、日本の入間基地で行われた『入間基地航空祭』でのブルーインパルスの演技です。 ブルーインパルスの主なプログラム 動画の5:00のアクロバットはダイヤモンド・テイクオフと呼ばれるもので、ダイヤモンドの形のまま4機の飛行機が離陸をします。 そして、動画の9:08は、レインフォールと呼ばれるもので、垂直に降下した5機の飛行機がそれぞれの方向へと開花するアクロバット飛行となります。 次に、動画の13:10からご覧になれるのがフォー・シップ・インバートと呼ばれる、4機の飛行機全機が180度回転してからの、背面飛行を行う飛行です。 そして13:38からはブルーインパルスから出されているスモークによって空に描かれる絵の数々を見ることができます。 空に描かれる大きなハートとスターは、それだけでロマンがあります。 最後は、動画の22:12でご覧になれる、2機の飛行機がすれすれで交差する、スリル満点のタッククロスとなっています。 入間基地航空祭とブルーインパルスまとめ 入間基地航空祭ではブルーインパルス以外にも、多くの展示機を見ることが出来ます。 基本的には11月3日、日本では文化の日となっているので、多くの人が参加しやすい日取りとなっています。 航空ショーでは、オープニングフライトでの曲技飛行は勿論のこと、降下展示での落下傘降下も見ごたえがあるものとなっており、一度見れば思い出になること間違い無しでしょう。 日本のみならず、世界でも高い評価を受けているブルーインパルスの展示飛行を見ることが出来る機会の一つである入間基地航空祭。 ブルーインパルスに興味を持たれた方は、ぜひ展示飛行のスケジュールを確認して、足を運んで見てはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 7:47
Make Unforgettable Memories of Summer With Sansa Odori in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture! The City Is Filled With Smiling Faces and Elegant Sounds That Bring Morioka to Life!
Festivals & Events- 47 plays
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日本の人気の祭り「岩手県盛岡市のさんさ踊り」の動画について 「TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful」が公開した「Morioka Sansa Odori - Iwate - さんさ踊り- 4K Ultra HD」では、日本の歴史ある祭り「岩手県盛岡市のさんさ踊り」を紹介している動画です。 東北五大夏祭りと言われている盛岡の「さんさ踊り」は、「サッコラチョイワヤッセ」など掛け声に特徴がある賑やかなお祭り。 日本の文化が好きな人や、イベント好きには必見の祭りですよ! こちらの記事では、日本の伝統的なお祭りである「岩手県盛岡市のさんさ踊り」の魅力を動画と共に紹介していきます。 日本の人気の祭り「岩手県盛岡のさんさ踊り」とは? 日本の伝統的な祭りである「さんさ踊り」は、山形県盛岡市で毎年8月に開催されているとても人気のあるお祭り。 世界一の和太鼓の数の祭りとしてギネスにも記録されており、和太鼓の大パレードを目当てに多くの観光客が訪れます。 毎年、「さんさ祭り」が開催される4日間の合計で100万人を超える観客数を記録しています。 岩手県盛岡市のさんさ踊りの由来は、三ツ石伝説にあります。 昔、岩手には村人に問題を引き起こしている鬼がいました。 困っていた村人は三ツ石神社の神様に鬼の退治をお願いし、鬼が退散。 村人が鬼を退散させた喜びで「さんささんさ」と踊ったのが「さんさ踊り」の始まりと言われています。 ギネス世界記録を持っている岩手県盛岡市の「さんさ踊り」。 歴史あるこのお祭りをじっくり味わいたい人は有料観覧席も設置されているので、公式ホームページをチェックしてみましょう! 日本の人気の祭り「岩手県盛岡市のさんさ踊り」の魅力 日本の歴史ある祭りの「さんさ踊り」は、合計1万人以上の参加者によって開催されるとても賑やかな祭りです。 踊り手や太鼓、唄、笛奏者の集団が日本らしい情緒のあるお祭りを作り上げています。 「さんさ踊り」の華である「ミスさんさ踊り」、誰でも自由に参加できる「伝統さんさ輪踊り」、さまざまな催しがある「前夜祭」、サブ会場で開催される「伝統さんさ踊り競演会」など注目ポイントがもりだくさん。 日本の人気の祭り「岩手県盛岡市のさんさ踊り」の記事のまとめ 東北五大夏祭りと言われている岩手県盛岡市の「さんさ踊り」。 日本らしい踊りや音を楽しめる素晴らしいお祭りに是非参加してみましょう! -
Video article 3:15
Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine, Now a World Cultural Heritage Site! A Look at the Beautiful Traditional Dance, "Kawaguchi Chigo no Mai"!
Festivals & Events- 58 plays
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This video, titled "[4K] "Chigo No Mai" in Yamanashi, Fuji-Kawaguchiko| The Elegant Dance of Girls Who Tell of the Faith of Mt. Fuji| nippon.com" (【4K】富士山信仰を伝える少女たちの優美な舞:山梨・富士河口湖町「河口の稚児の舞」| nippon.com), was released by "nippon.com." "Kawaguchi Chigo no Mai" is a dance performed at Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine in Yamanashi Prefecture. During the regular festival on April 25th and the festival on July 28th, elementary school girls who will train at monasteries perform "Gohei no Mai," "Ougi no Mai," "Tsurugi no Mai," and "Miyameguri" in dedication to the shrine. The dances are beautiful and stylized in the style of Kagura and performed in front of the followers of Fujikou (an Edo-period Shinto sect dedicated to the worship of Mt. Fuji). Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine was built to suppress the eruption of Mt. Fuji in the late 9th century. In 2013, Mt. Fuji was inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List as one of the constituent properties of "Mount Fuji - Object of Faith and Source of Art." -
Video article 11:46
Aomori Nebuta Festival, Aomori City, Aomori PrefectureWhat is Haneto? The video shows the thoughts of the makers of Nebuta and how they make them! Enthusiastic summer festival with huge beautiful lanterns and rasselers' voices
Festivals & Events- 113 plays
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Video introduction of "Aomori Nebuta Festival" in Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture This is a video titled "AOMORI NEBUTA MATSURI - IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI - Festival (Nebuta Matsuri / Aomori)"(AOMORI NEBUTA MATSURI - IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI - 祭 (ねぶた祭り/青森)) released by ANA Global Channel. The Aomori Nebuta Matsuri is one of Japan's largest summer festivals, held every August in Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture, and is one of the "three major festivals in Tohoku" and "three major Nebuta festivals. The Aomori Nebuta Festival attracts both Japanese and foreign tourists, with the number of visitors reaching more than 2 million every year. The video features interviews with the craftsmen who make the giant lanterns that are the highlight of the festival, as well as with the haneto, the dancers of the festival, and shows the excitement of the Nebuta Festival. When is the Aomori Nebuta Festival 2024? What is the schedule? The Aomori Nebuta Festival is held every year from August 2 to 7, regardless of the day of the week. Aomori Nebuta Festival 2024 Dates: August 2 (Fri.) - 7 (Wed.), 2024 *August 1 is the eve of the festival. August 1, 18:00 - 21:00, eve of the festival August 2, 18:45- Children's Nebuta and Large Nebuta Operation August 4-6, 18:45 - Large Nebuta float operation August 7, 13:00- Large Nebuta operation 19:15- Aomori Fireworks Display and Nebuta Sea Operation Each nebuta will be judged, and the winning entries will be announced on August 6. What is the design and size of the "Nebuta" of the Aomori Nebuta Festival? The best part of the Aomori Nebuta Festival is the parade of giant lanterns (Nebuta) through the streets. The size of the Nebuta is limited to 9 meters wide, 5 meters high, and 7 meters deep, including the cart. They can weigh as much as 4 tons. Nebuta are made by craftsmen called "nebuta-shi," and there are many groups in Japan that produce them. Basically, a nebuta has a base made of square timbers and wire, to which light bulbs and fluorescent lights are attached, and then the paper is pasted and colored. Many of the designs are based on Japanese mythology, and a different design is created each year. 【Video】0:34〜 Interview with Nebuta master and Nebuta production site What is Haneto of Aomori Nebuta Festival? Rules and how to participate Photo:Nebuta, Aomori, Japan At the Aomori Nebuta Festival, the call of "rassera" can be heard along with the sound of drums. The call is made by the dancers, called haneto. The lively call of "rassera" can be heard everywhere in the video. It is said that the word "yipparasse" was originally "give a lot (of alcohol and candles)," which became "yipparasse," and "rasserah" remained. To participate in Haneto, there is no need to pre-register or register on the day of the event, and all you have to do is to wear Haneto costumes and go to the Haneto meeting place. However, since it is not possible to join the event in the middle of the day, please be careful not to be late for the meeting time. Please check the official website for detailed rules, such as the prohibition of going backwards and bringing whistles. Haneto costumes are commercially available for about 1,000 yen, and there are rental stores in the vicinity that will also dress you in a Haneto costume. In the video, he talks passionately about haneto, saying, "It doesn't matter if you are good or bad at it, just get as emotional as you want and just get excited. 【Video】 6:48 - Interview with Haneto Master Why not participate in the Aomori Nebuta Festival as a haneto and not just watch? What is the history, origin and origin of the Aomori Nebuta Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot The origin of the Aomori Nebuta Festival is not known for certain, but it is believed to be a combination of the Tanabata Festival introduced from China in the Nara period (710-794) and the customs of Tsugaru, Aomori Prefecture. With the spread of paper, bamboo, and candles, it is believed that the Nebuta became what it is today. The Tanabata Festival is an event in which people place their own impurities in lanterns on the night of Tanabata and float them into the river or the sea. On the last night of the current Aomori Nebuta Festival, the lanterns are carried out to the sea. This custom is derived from the custom of floating lanterns down rivers and into the sea. The word "Nebuta Matsuri" comes from the event "Nemuri Nagashi," and the word "Nebuta" is derived from "Nemuri," which means "sleep" in Japanese. 【Video】9:35 - Nebuta Festival Nighttime Operation and Fireworks Display Aomori Nebuta Festival Summary Source :YouTube screenshot The Aomori Nebuta Festival is registered as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset of Japan and is a traditional event that Japanese people should protect. The Nebuta House Wa Rasse in Aomori City is a sightseeing facility where visitors can learn about the history of the Nebuta Festival. The Nebuta Museum and Nebuta Hall exhibit Nebuta parts and other items, so if you visit Aomori outside of the festival period, why not pay a visit? The Aomori Nebuta Festival is one of the largest summer festivals in Japan. Feel the summer of Aomori with your own five senses. 【Official Website】Aomori Nebuta Festival Official Website https://www.nebuta.jp/ 【Trip Advisor】Aomori Nebuta Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298241-d8820146-Reviews-Aomori_Nebuta_Festival-Aomori_Aomori_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 1:06
Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers – An Annual Event to Celebrate Children's Day! Check Out the Video to See the Awesome Sight!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 172 plays
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Tokyo Tower's 333 Koinobori: Video Introduction This video, titled "Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers" (東京タワー 333匹のこいのぼり), was uploaded by "Tokyo Tower Official Channel." Koinobori, or carp streamers, are a springtime tradition in Japan. They are displayed all over the country to wish for the healthy growth of children, just like the strong and sturdy carp of legend. Carp streamers (鯉のぼり, koinobori) used to be hung outside of houses with children, but in recent years, due to changes in housing conditions, fewer and fewer people decorate their homes with them. Tokyo Tower, located in Minato, Tokyo in Japan's Kanto region, also holds an annual spring event called "333 Carp Streamers" to celebrate Children's Day. In honor of Tokyo Tower's 333-meter height, 333 colorful carp streamers and a giant 6-meter-long "Sanmanobori" (Pacific Saury streamer) are flown in front of the main entrance on the first floor of Tokyo Tower, colorfully decorating the foot of the tower. The spectacle of so many carp streamers blowing in the wind and swimming in the sky at once is a sight to behold. [Video] 0:13 - Tokyo Tower and 333 Carp Streamers Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers – The History of the Event and the Reason For the Large Pacific Saury Streamer Photo:Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers, a spring event at Tokyo Tower Tokyo Tower, a well-known symbol of Tokyo, is a former Japanese radio tower that was opened in December of 1958. At 333 meters tall, it was the world's tallest freestanding steel tower, surpassing the 312-meter Eiffel Tower in Paris. In 2011, Tokyo Tower handed over its role as a radio tower to Tokyo Sky Tree, but it continues to be loved as a symbol of Tokyo for its design and nostalgia. Located in Minato, the heart of Tokyo, Tokyo Tower's observation deck offers a panoramic view of the city of Tokyo. Various events and light ups are held throughout the year, making it a great tourist attraction for families and even couples. The Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers is an annual spring event at Tokyo Tower that began in 2009. During the event, 333 brightly colored carp streamers and giant sanmanobori (Pacific Saury streamer) are displayed at the foot of the tower to symbolize the tower's 333-meter height. The sanmanobori were first displayed in April 2011 as a symbol of support for those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, who had forged friendships with one another through the Sanriku Ofunato Tokyo Tower Sanma Festival. Since then, the 6-meter-long pacific saury streamer from Ofunato, Iwate, has been displayed every year as a symbol to encourage the recovery of the area. If you visit Tokyo Tower for the event, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the large pacific saury swimming with the carp streamers. [Video] 0:30 - The Pacific Saury Streamer Highlights of Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers Light-Up Event! Photo:Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers lit up Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers is a popular event for its photogenic views. Families and camera enthusiasts visit from all over to take pictures of Tokyo Tower together with the carp streamers during spring. Tokyo Tower is also illuminated at night. The tower under the blue sky is beautiful enough, but when it's lit up at night, it's simply marvelous! During Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers festival every year, the carp streamers are also lit up fantastically with Tokyo Tower. The composition of Tokyo Tower and carp streamers from below makes for some incredible photos. It's also great for visitors who come during the late afternoon. How long will the "333 Carp Streamers" be held in 2024? Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers event is usually held from early April to early May, In 2023, the "333 Carp Streamers" took place from March 24 to May 7; in 2024, it will be held from March 20 to May 6. Taking photos of your kids with the carp streamers at Tokyo Tower is a great way to celebrate Children's Day on May 5! Other Events at Tokyo Tower Photo:Tokyo Tower's outer staircase Tokyo Tower hosts a number of exciting events like Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers. One event in particular is the "Open-air Outdoor Stairs Walk," which is a great way to enjoy Tokyo Tower to the fullest. Normally limited to Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, Tokyo Tower's famous 600-step staircase, which rises 150 meters into the sky, is open to the public every day during the event. 600 steps may sound daunting, but it takes an adult about 12 to 13 minutes to climb the stairs, and a child can complete the climb in about 15 minutes. There are also quizzes from the Noppon Brothers (the Tokyo Tower mascots) displayed along the climb, and there's even a Noppon Approved Stair Climbing Certificate waiting for you at the end, which cannot be purchased regularly. Ascending Tokyo Tower on your own, step by step, while enjoying the pleasant breeze and a view of Tokyo, is a unique and precious experience that you can't experience anywhere else! The tower is also brilliant when illuminated at night. The Open-air Outdoor Stairs Walk event has been extended due to its popularity, so be sure to check it out. How to Get to Tokyo Tower, Plus Admission Fees & Hours There are a number of ways to get to Tokyo Tower. Here, we'll introduce a few. A 5-minute walk from Akabanebashi Station via the Metropolitan Subway Oeda Line. A 15-minute walk from Hamamatsucho Station via JR lines. A 1-minute walk from the Tokyo Tower Bus Stop via Tokyu Bus from Tokyo Station (Approximately 30 minutes). This is likely the simplest way to get to Tokyo Tower if you're at Tokyo Station. Hours: Main Deck (150m) 9:00 am - 10:30 pm (Last admission 10:00 pm) Top Deck Tour (150m & 250m) 9:00 pm - 10:15 pm (Last Tour 9:30 pm - 9:45 pm) Admission Fees: Adults (Main Deck): 1,200 yen, Adults (Top Deck Tour): 2,800 yen (Online), 3,000 yen (Ticket counter) High school students (Main Deck): 1,000 yen, High school students (Top Deck Tour): 2,600 yen (Online), 2,800 yen (Ticket counter) Junior high school students (Main Deck): 700 yen, Junior high school students (Top Deck Tour): 1,800 yen (Online), 2,000 yen (Ticket counter) Children (Main Deck): 500 yen, Children (Top Deck Tour): 1,200 yen (Online), 1,400 yen (Ticket counter) Be sure to check out the official website for more details. Summary of Tokyo Tower's Koinobori Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers is a well-known springtime tradition. The collaboration of Tokyo Tower and the carp streamers is a must-see and can only be seen during spring. Consider a visit to Tokyo Tower this spring to see 333 colorful carp streamers and one giant 6-meter-long pacific saury streamer swimming powerfully in the heart of Tokyo! 【Official Website】Tokyo Tower 【TripAdvisor】Tokyo Tower -
Video article 5:47
At the Bamboo Cutting Ceremony at Kuramadera Temple in Kyoto, monks cut down large green bamboos that resemble snakes! This is a historic and dynamic event with a history of over 1,000 years!
Festivals & Events- 243 plays
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Video introduction of the bamboo cutting ceremony at Kuramadera Temple, Kyoto, Japan This video, titled "Kyoto Festival Bamboo Cutting Ritual at Kurama-dera (Takekirie)," was created by "Discover Kyoto." The video shows Takekiri Eshiki, a bamboo-cutting ritual at Kurama-dera Temple in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. The bamboo-cutting ritual has been carried out at Kurama-dera Temple for over 1,000 years, making it one of the oldest rituals in Kyoto. The monks dress in armor donned by the warrior monks of old, and energetically hack away at the thick bamboo stalks. You can hear the cheers from visitors to the temple as the monks perform the ritual. A Closer Look at Kurama-Dera's Bamboo-Cutting Ritual Source :YouTube screenshot The bamboo-cutting ritual is known in Japanese as "Takekiri Eshiki" (竹伐り会式). The ritual originates from a legend that Buen Shonin, a monk from the early Heian Period, was training on Mt. Kurama when a massive snake appeared. Through the power of Buddhism, the monk successfully defeated the snake. During the ritual, 4-meter-long and 10-centimeter-thick green bamboo is likened to the snake from the legend, and two groups of monks wield machete-like blades and compete to slice the bamboo in the shortest amount of time. The event also holds significance in that it expresses an appreciation for water, acts as a prayer to exorcise evil, and promotes triumph of truth. It is a soul-stirring and exciting tradition indeed. More About Kurama-Dera's Bamboo Cutting Ritual Source :YouTube screenshot The event kicks off with a performance by the children, as they dances in front of the main shrine building. Following this, the bamboo-cutting ritual is held by the monks. The Kurama monks are divided into the Omi (近江座, omiza) of Shiga Prefecture and the Tamba (丹波座, tamba-za) of Kyoto and Hyogo Prefectures. The monks who win the race to slice the bamboo pole, crowned the shoubu-giri (勝負伐り), finish the ritual by letting out a quick victory cry while running towards the head temple. It is said that between the Omi and the Tamba (Tanba), the winning region will be blessed with a bountiful harvest. From 4:16 in the video, you can see the monks hacking away at the bamboo stalks. Other Popular Sightseeing Destinations in Kyoto! Photo:A woman with a Japanese umbrella walking through Kifune Shrine If you're visiting Mt. Kurama, definitely take the chance to stop by Kifune Shrine (貴船神社, kifune jinja). After enjoying the beautiful natural scenery at Kifune Shrine, where the deity of water is enshrined, we recommend trying the dining experience over the riverbed! In addition, the views of Kurama-dera Temple and Kifune Shrine during the fall foliage season are also exceptional. There are many other scenic spots in Kyoto, such as Kiyomizu-dera Temple (清水寺, kiyomizu-dera) and Arashiyama (嵐山), so consider dropping by these as well if you get the chance. Summary of Kurama-Dera Temple's Bamboo-Cutting Ritual Photo:Kurama-dera Temple, Kyoto The bamboo-cutting ritual of Kurama-Dera Temple is a magnificent event with a history of more than 1,000 years. If you want to fully experience Kyoto in early summer, head out to the verdant Mt. Kurama and experience Kurama-Dera Temple's bamboo-cutting ritual! ◆Kurama-Dera Temple◆ 【Address】1074 Kurama Honmachi, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture 【Access】Walk from the Kurama Station on the Eizan Electric Railway (叡山電車鞍馬駅) 【Admission Fee】Admission to the temple is free, but entrance to the Reihoden Museum costs 200 yen, and contribution to the protection and upkeep of the mountain is 300 yen. 【Tripadvisor】Kurama-dera Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d3444654-Reviews-Kurama_dera-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 1:18
The Nagashi Hina (floating Girls' Festival), a Shinto ritual at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, is also a highlight of the elegant Heian costume! Learn about the history of Nagashi Hina, as well as other Nagashi Hina festivals around Japan!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Life & Business- 94 plays
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Video introduction of “Nagashi Hina” at Shimogamo-jinja Shrine in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "[Past Video] Kyoto Nagashibina at Shimogamo Shrine (Filmed in Sakyo, Kyoto, March 3, 2017)" (【過去動画】下鴨神社「京の流しびな」(2017年3月3日撮影 京都市左京区)), was uploaded by "Kyoto Shimbun" (京都新聞). About Hinamatsuri & Shimogamo Shrine Hinamatsuri, also known as Girl's Day, is an annual event in Japan to pray for the healthy growth of girls. It's a seasonal festival/event in which special dolls called "hina" are decorated with cherry blossoms, oranges, peach blossoms, and other decorations. The History of Hinamatsuri dates back approximately 1,000 years to Japan's Heian Period, and references to hina dolls can even be found in famous Japanese texts, such as the Tale of Genji. In the past mainly paper dolls would have been used, and while they are still used for some ceremonies, eventually the more luxurious dolls we see today became the norm for celebrations. Kyoto is home to an endless number of historical shrines and temples and Shimogamo Shrine is no exception. Shimogamo Shrine is a famous shrine and UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. It's a must-visit tourist attraction in Kyoto and there are many different restaurants and cafes serving traditional sweets in the area around it. Nagashibina (Floating Hina Doll Festival), is a Hinamatsuri Festival that's held every year on March 3 at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto. In early spring, when the weather is still cold, the tranquil air above the Mitarashi River and the buds on the plum trees remind us of the arrival of spring. This Hinamatsuri festival features hina dolls dressed in Junihitoe, a unique twelve-layered kimono worn during the Heian period by noble women, and a variety of other dolls wearing kimono and crowns. There are even town mascots participating in the event. Check out the video of the Hinamatsuri Festival at Shimogamo Shrine to see the unique Nagashibina event where hina dolls made of Japanese paper are placed on woven straw vessels and sent floating down the Mitarashi River. The History of Nagashibina, the Roots of Hinamatsuri Photo: Nagashibina at Shimogamo Shrine (Kamo Mioya Shrine), Kyoto Shimogamo Shrine is A World Heritage Site in Kyoto, Japan and is formally known as Kamo Mioya Shrine. The Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival, held every March, is a traditional event that is said to be the origin of Hinamatsuri. According to the history of the festival, it originated from "Joshi no Sekku," one of the five seasonal festivals of Japan, which was introduced from China. March 3 falls on the second of the five festivals, "Joshi no Sekku." On this day, there was a Chinese custom of purifying the body by the waterside and holding a banquet to drive away misfortune. It's believed that these ancient Chinese Sekku events mixed with the Japanese beliefs of misogiharai (purification via water ablutions) and the custom of praying for good health by floating purified dolls (hitogata) down the river, resulting in the modern Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival we have today. The "hitogata" are also said to be the origins of modern Hina Dolls. The story of purifying the human form and putting it on a boat and floating it into the sea in Suma is mentioned in "The Tale of Genji" an epic written in the mid-Heian period (794-1185 A.D.) that's widely considered the first novel ever written. When to See the Hinamatsuri Event at Shimogamo Shrine Photo:A Nagashibina doll at Shimogamo Shrine (Kamo Mioya Shrine), Kyoto Here we'll introduce the Nagashibina Hinamatsuri Festival held at Shimogamo Shrine. The hina dolls dressed in Heian period costumes, are chosen by couples from the general public who are planning to get married. [Video] 0:25 - Hina Dolls Being Chosen by the Public The event is usually held on March 3rd, but please check the official website for details. The Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival takes place along the Mitarashi River, which flows in front of the Mitarashi Shrine (御手洗社, Mitarashi-sha) and Inoue Shrine (井上社, Inoue-sha), which are located at the end of the shrine's precincts. Hina dolls made of Japanese paper are placed in straw vessels and floated down the river to pray for the health and safety of the children. The highlight of the festival is the junihitoe, a 12-layered kimono worn during the Heian period, as well as seeing the hina dolls portrayed in human form. Seeing the festival being held will give you a sense of the historical atmosphere typical of the ancient capital of Kyoto. The festival is free of charge, and the Nagashibina dolls used for the Hinamatsuri festival are available for a fee (small: 500 yen, large: 1,000 yen). [Video] 1:02 - Hina Dolls Floating Down the River On the day of the Hinamatsuri event, amazake (a sweet, low-alcohol or non-alcohol type of sake) will be served, which is a welcome treat during the colder months of the year. Other Nagashibina Hinamatsuri Events Across Japan Photo:Nagashibina Hinamatsuri In addition to Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto, there are many Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festivals and events held throughout Japan. Below is a list of some of them: ●Hina Nagashi at Awashima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture The Hinamatsuri event at Awashima Shrine is known as Hina Nagashi, and features three small white wooden boats that are used to carry the dolls, with wishes written on them, out to sea after a purification ceremony by a shrine priest. The festival is usually held on March 3. ●Edo Nagashibina, Tokyo Edo Nagashibina is held to pass on traditional events to children and to wish for their bright futures. Please check the official website for more details. ●Yose Nagashibina, Yose, Tottori The Yose Nagashibina Hinamatsuri event is held on March 3 of the lunar calendar to pray for good health and safety, and was designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Tottori Prefecture in 1985. ●Hina Nagashi at Akama Shrine, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi The Hina Nagashi event at Akama Shrine is held every March to comfort the spirits of Emperor Antoku and the Heike clansmen who died in the Battle of Dan-no-Ura at an early age. Summary of Hinamatsuri at Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto Regardless of the time period or region, Nagashibina is always a time to wish for good health and a bright future for children. The dolls are modeled after purification dolls from various parts of Japan to purify themselves by allowing their impurities to be washed away in the water. This event is held in March, when the aroma of the Japanese plum blossoms is in the air. The Shinto rituals and customs in each region have changed little by little, but the concept behind them has remained unchanged since ancient times. Experience Hinamatsuri and Japanese culture while enjoying tourism and spring in Kyoto! 【Official Website】Shimogamo Shrine|Kamo Mioya Shrine 【TripAdvisor】Shimogamo Shrine -
Video article 4:30
Enjoy the Gorgeous Floats and Beautiful Fireworks at the Chichibu Night Festival in Chichibu, Saitama! The More Than 300 Year Old Festival, Which Has Been Registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Site, Is One of the Three Major Hikiyama Festivals of Japan
Festivals & Events- 29 plays
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埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭り紹介動画について こちらの動画は「AQUA Geo Graphic」が公開した「[ 4K Ultra HD ]秩父夜祭り 2016 Chichibu Night Festival ‘Chichibu Yomatsuri’ (3-axis gimbal stabilizer)」です。 日本らしい景観が楽しめるお祭りを探している方はいませんか? そのような方に、迫力のある花火や美しい山車を楽しめる秩父夜祭りを紹介したいと思います。 豪華な屋台(山車)や花火を楽しめる埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭りとは ユネスコ無形文化遺産に登録されている埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭りは、提灯をともした綺麗な屋台曳き回しと、壮大な花火を楽しめるお祭りです。 国指定重要無形民俗文化財に登録されている京都の祇園祭と飛騨の高山祭とともに、日本三大曳山祭や日本三大美祭と呼ばれています。 秩父夜祭りは埼玉県秩父市にある秩父神社の例大祭。 秩父の神様に感謝の意味を込めてお祭りが行われます。 夜になると屋台(山車)の提灯と花火の幻想的な景色を楽しめる、素晴らしいお祭りです。 豪華な屋台(山車)や花火を楽しめる埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭りの歴史 豪華絢爛な屋台と笠鉾が特徴の秩父夜祭りは、江戸時代に秩父地方の特産物であった絹の大市が発展した祭りと言われています。 江戸時代の寛文年間には秩父夜祭りが開催されていた記録が残っています。 現在は、毎年12月2日と3日のスケジュールで開催され、とても人気のあるお祭りになっています。 豪華な屋台や花火を楽しめる埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭りの魅力を紹介 豪華な屋台や花火を楽しめる秩父夜祭りは、日本の祭りを楽しみたい方にピッタリの祭りです。 埼玉県秩父市の秩父夜祭りは、夜になると屋台に乗っている提灯が美しく灯され、見入ってしまう光景が広がります。 豪華な花火も打ち上げられるので色とりどりの景色を楽しむことができます。 秩父夜祭り紹介まとめ 日本らしいお祭りを楽しみたい方にぴったりの秩父夜祭り。 気になった方はぜひ訪れてみてください! -
Video article 6:07
One of the largest in Japan! Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture “Nabana-no-sato Illumination” video is like a different world! Enjoy a romantic Christmas with the art of interweaving lights!
Festivals & Events Travel- 73 plays
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Video introduction of “Nabana-no-sato Illumination” in Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture This video, titled "Nabana no Sato Flower Park and Amazing Winter Illumination Displays, Kuwana City, Mie," was uploaded by "Nagashima Resort Official Channel" (ナガシマリゾート 公式チャンネル). Nabana no Sato Illumination is an illumination event with a different theme each year, as well as a winter tradition in Mie Prefecture. The video shows the 2019-2020 event with the theme "Cherry Blossoms." The themed area is one of the largest in Japan, and the colorful production using the world's most advanced programming technology is utterly spectacular. In addition, "Hana-Kairo" (華回廊, lit 'Flower Corridor'), a 200-meter-long tunnel of light, envelops visitors in a fantastic atmosphere and is a must-see attraction at the event. Be sure to check out the beautiful lights of Nabana no Sato Illumination as you read along! Nabana no Sato Illumination – Highlights, Event Period, & Other Useful Information Photo:Nabana no Sato Illumination, Kuwana, Mie Nabana no Sato Illumination is held at Nabana no Sato, a theme park of flowers and food. It's just one of the facilities of Nagashima Resort in Kuwana, Mie, in Japan's Tokai Region. There are various facilities around the park as well, the most famous of which are the Jumbo Seawater Pool and Nagashima Spa Land. Nabana no Sato Illumination is about a 20-minute bus ride from Nagashima Spa Land. Nabana no Sato Illumination is usually held from late October to the end of May, with beautiful seasonal scenery, such as weeping plum blossoms and cherry blossoms illuminated in the spring and autumn leaves illuminated in the fall. The area also offers different views at different times of the day, with beautiful flowers during the day and light art at night. With Nagashima Resort facilities in the vicinity, this is a popular tourist attraction in Mie that offers plenty of ways to enjoy yourself. Nabana no Sato Illumination – Event Dates for the Winter Illumination Event Photo:A sea of clouds at Nabana no Sato Illumination, Kuwana, Mie Nabana no Sato Illumination is held every year with a different theme. After watching the stunning video you're sure to want to visit yourself! So, you may be wondering "What's this year's theme?" "What time is the park open 'til?" "How long does it take to see everything?", etc. etc. We'll answer all of those questions below! Nabana-no-sato Illumination 2023-2024 Theme: "Golden Pyramid Period: October 21, 2023 - June 2, 2024 Special date-specific tickets are required for the illumination from 15:00 to 23:00 on December 23 to 25. Illumination hours: Varies according to the time of sunset. From fall to winter, it will be from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and from spring to summer, it will be from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. For details, please see the official website. Time required: approximately 2 hours Admission fee: 2,500 yen (adults and children) Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Nabana no Sato Illumination features seven spots where visitors can view elaborate works of light art. The highlight of the illuminations is the Tunnel of Light, which was selected as a bucket-list location. LED light bulbs in the shape of flowers create a fantastical atmosphere, making it a popular spot for taking photos. Nabana no Sato Illumination – Perfect for a Romantic Christmas Date! Get Your Exclusive Tickets! Photo:Nabana no Sato Illumination 2020, Kuwana, Mie During the event period, from December 23 to 25, a special Christmas event will be held, requiring a special ticket for admission. The tickets are designated for a specific day, from 15:00 to 23:00. On the same day, visitors can enter the Begonia Garden at no extra charge on the day of the event, where a special Christmas production will be presented. Illumination tickets can be purchased in advance at convenience stores. Also, check out the special plans that include transportation to and from the illumination if you stay at an official hotel. Enjoy a romantic Christmas date with your special someone with the fantastical Nabana no Sato Illumination! It's sure to be a memorable time! Summary of Nabana no Sato Illumination Nabana no Sato Illumination is a nationally renowned illumination event and a popular tourist attraction. As a result, various tours are organized and many tourists visit the area. Nagashima Resort is easily accessible by public transportation and has various facilities in the surrounding area, so whether it be flowers or illuminations, there are attractions for everyone to enjoy! The resort is particularly popular among families and couples. After a day of fun, you can relax and unwind at a hotel or hot spring. Nabana no Sato Illumination, which can be enjoyed almost all year round, attracts many people each year. Experience the overwhelming twinkling lights at one of the largest illumination events in Japan! It's sure to make your travels in Mie memorable! ◆Nabana no Sato◆ 【Address】〒511-1144 Mie, Kuwana, Nagashimacho Komae, 漆畑270 【Telephone】0594-41-0787 (9:00 AM - 9:00 PM) 【Parking】Free parking available 【Hours/Access】Please check the official website 【TripAdvisor】Nabana no Sato -
Video article 4:45
A 1,200-Year-Old Event to Welcome Spring at Todaiji Temple! See Sparks Flying at This Traditional Event at the Most Famous Temple in Nara, Japan!
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Omizutori, a Unique Event at Todaiji Temple: Video Introduction This video, titled "'Omizutori' at Todaiji Temple's Nigatsudo Hall, an Ancient Ceremony That Has Continued for More Than 1,200 Years" (東大寺二月堂「お水取り」 1200年以上続く不退の行法), was uploaded by "KYODO NEWS." Omizutori (water-drawing ceremony) is held at Todaiji Temple's Nigatsudo Hall for two weeks from March 1 to 14 every year. This video introduces the traditional ceremony from the first day to the last day. On the final day, when the "Kagotaimatsu" (large torches made with pine) are lit, the temple is crowded with tourists and people wishing for good health and good fortune. Be sure to check out the videos to see what it's like. The History and Meaning Behind the Unique Event at Todaiji Temple, Nara Photo:Todaiji Temple, Nara Todaiji Temple is a temple in Nara, Japan famous for the "Great Buddha of Nara" and its principal image is the Vairocana Buddha. It was built in the Nara Period (710-794 A.D.) at the request of Emperor Shomu. Omizutori, a traditional event to herald the coming of spring, is held at Todaiji Temple every year. It's said that this event was first held in 752 by Jichu, a high disciple of Roben, and has a history of more than 1,200 years. Originally, in February of the lunar calendar, "Shunie," a ceremony of repentance for more than two weeks, was held. "Omizutori," a widely known ceremony in Japan, is a part of this ceremony. During Shunie, 6 repentance sessions called "Rokuji no Gyoho" are performed from noon to midnight. During the six repentance sessions, beautiful shomyo (Buddhist chanting) is performed. The six repentance sessions are: "Nichu" (midday), "Nichimotsu" (dusk), "Shoya" (late evening), "Hanya" (midnight), "Goya" (after midnight), and "Jinjo" (dawn). The name "Omizutori" is derived from the transportation of okozui (scented water used for purification) from the manor of the Wakasa well. The water drawn is from a well in a building to which only parade performers are allowed. It is believed that drinking the okozui will cure all illnesses. The official name of "Omizutori" is "Juichi-men Kekka." During the ceremony, priests who have purified their bodies and souls chant the name of the Buddha in front of the eleven-faced Kannon (Goddess of Mercy), repenting for their sins and praying for peace and tranquility under heaven. In recent years, many events have had to be canceled due to the Corona pandemic, but the Shunie and Omizutori ceremonies have never been canceled, even when various natural disasters and epidemics have occurred. Highlights of the Event at Todaiji Temple, Nara Photo:Omizutori at Todaiji Temple, Nara The famous scene of Todaiji Temple's Omizutori is the spectacular sight of torch sparks dancing from the stage of Nigatsudo. The torch sparks, called "o-taimatsu," are known to bring blessings of good health and good fortune, and every year many tourists visit Todaiji's Nigatsudo Hall to see them. It's said that if you take home cinders from the burnt torches, wrap them in a piece calligraphy paper and tie it with mizuhiki (a decorative Japanese cord) to decorate your entrance or kitchen, you will be blessed with good luck that will ward off misfortune and evil. [Video] 0:53 - Monks Led by a Large Torch Enter Nigatsudo One After Another There are 10 torches lit each night during the procession, but on the night of March 12th, the largest basket torch appears, bringing the total to 11. The sight of these torches, 8 meters long and weighing about 70 kg each, leading the procession with fiery sparks amidst the solemn sound of bells is a sight to behold. [Video] 1:40 - The Large Basket Torches After the date changes to dawn on the 13th, the Omizutori, from which the festival takes its name, begins. The ceremony is extremely sacred, so the inside of the Omizutori itself is kept secret. [Video] 2:10 - Torchlight and Monks Heading for the Omizutori What is the schedule of the 2024 Omizutori Shunikai and the time of the torches? Photo:The Omizutori stage, Nigatsudo, Todaiji Temple, Nara The following are the plans for the 2024 Mizutori and Shujikai. [Date] March 1-14th, 2024 [Matsumitsu time] During the period / from 19:00 ※ However, from 19:30 on the 12th and 18:30 on the 14th During the festival, the hall will be decorated with artificial "camellia" flowers made by the parade performers to delight the eyes of visitors. It's recommended that you check schedules and event times in advance. How to Get to Todaiji Temple to See the Events Although admission to Todaiji Temple's Nigatsudo Hall, where the "Omizutori" ceremony is held, is free of charge, the crowds usually increase with each passing day. It's said that the first half of the week from March 1st, when the "Omizutori" ceremony begins, excluding weekends, is the best time to visit the hall. The crowds peak on the 12th, when the dynamic "Kagotaimatsu" can be seen burning, and the area around Nara Park, located near Todaiji Temple, is so crowded that police are dispatched to guide tourists. Therefore, public transportation is recommended to access Nigatsudo. The nearest station is Kintetsu Nara Station. If you're driving, please use toll parking lots in the area, as there is no parking at Todaiji Temple. Summary of Omizutori, a Unique Event at Todaiji Temple Omizutori is a unique ceremony held at Todaiji Temple's Nigatsudo Hall. On March 15th, after the full performance of the ceremony, there's an event held for small children in which the hats worn by the monks who perform in the ceremony, is placed on the child's head to pray for his or her healthy growth. This marks the end of the traditional "Omizutori" ceremony at Todaiji Temple. Although this event heralds the beginning of spring, Nara in early March can be quite cold, so be sure to dress warm when visiting. There are a variety of tours available for families, friends, or solo travelers as well. Planning a spring trip to Nara will be tons of fun! Witness the sparks of the giant torches and experience 1,200 years of history at a famous temple in Nara, Japan! [Official Website] Todaiji Temple [Tripadvisor] Nigatsudo, Todaiji Temple