Dylan Gibson

Mar. 8, 2021

Awesome! The samurai residences of Kakunodate were awesome when I went there. The cherry blossoms were really amazing as well. Along the river and all along the houses. I remember I talked to one of the local shopkeepers here for a minute and it was really nice. There's supposed to be castle ruins somewhere near the town as well but I didn't get a chance to see them. This is a great place to visit in the spring for anyone curious. I highly recommend checking it out. Be careful of the big green spiders though, lol. I think they're probably harmless but they are quite surprising...

Mar. 8, 2021
The cherry blossom kominka samurai residence and cherry blossoms in Kakunodate, Iwate Prefecture remind me of the good old days.
I want to take a walk in kimono.