Mar. 17, 2024
[Image1]【🇺🇸国務省外国語習得難易度ランキンク】「最も習得が難しい言語」として選ばれたのが🇯🇵語ですが、外国人がに興味を抱く理由として「ことばの美しさ」#Kangi #Calligraphy漢字一つで様々な意
[Image2]【🇺🇸国務省外国語習得難易度ランキンク】「最も習得が難しい言語」として選ばれたのが🇯🇵語ですが、外国人がに興味を抱く理由として「ことばの美しさ」#Kangi #Calligraphy漢字一つで様々な意
[Image3]【🇺🇸国務省外国語習得難易度ランキンク】「最も習得が難しい言語」として選ばれたのが🇯🇵語ですが、外国人がに興味を抱く理由として「ことばの美しさ」#Kangi #Calligraphy漢字一つで様々な意


#Kangi #Calligraphy
🇺🇸 was selected as the "most difficult
language to learn" by the State Department's Rankings of Difficulty in Learning Foreign Languages.

🇯🇵 was chosen as the most difficult language to learn, but foreigners are interested in Japanese because of the "beauty of the language.

The Japanese language is a challenging language to explore, with words that have various meanings with a single kanji, predicates that can only be expressed in Japanese, and so on! Calligraphy.