Feb. 2, 2024
[Image1]How to visit shrines and temples/神社参拝の作法Samurai were born with a sense of honor. Honor was the highe
[Image2]How to visit shrines and temples/神社参拝の作法Samurai were born with a sense of honor. Honor was the highe
[Image3]How to visit shrines and temples/神社参拝の作法Samurai were born with a sense of honor. Honor was the highe
[Image4]How to visit shrines and temples/神社参拝の作法Samurai were born with a sense of honor. Honor was the highe
[Image5]How to visit shrines and temples/神社参拝の作法Samurai were born with a sense of honor. Honor was the highe

How to visit shrines and temples/神社参拝の作法

Samurai were born with a sense of honor. Honor was the highest good. The goal that a young man who wanted to become a samurai had to pursue was not wealth or knowledge, but honor.
Honor was a goal to be pursued "within oneself," without regard to profit or loss. Therefore, "honor" that is concerned with public reputation is not real honor.

侍は生まれながらにして「名誉」を自覚していた。 「名誉」は最高の善であった。 侍を目指す若者が追求しなければならない目標は、富や知識ではなく、名誉であった。
「名誉」は損得勘定なく、“自らのなかで”追い求め続ける目標なのだ。 ゆえに世間の評判を気にするような「名誉」は本当の名誉ではない。