Abhi Sen

May. 28, 2024
[Image1]Narai-juku, located on the old Nakasendo road, is the longest post town in Japan, stretching about 1

Narai-juku, located on the old Nakasendo road, is the longest post town in Japan, stretching about 1 km along the Narai River. This historic site features the Chinjin Shrine at the top of Torii Pass on its Kyoto end. Once a bustling hub for travelers, Narai-juku was known as "Narai Senken" Narai's Thousand Houses and was the busiest stop on the Kisoji road. The town still preserves architectural marvels from the Edo period, such as the eaves lights of the inns and the thousand latticed windows, reflecting the timeless grandeur of the area.