"Tokachi Toteppo Kobo" ✨🚃
It is 🥐☕️ a popular café with a café and shop
You can enjoy a café-limited menu that uses plenty of ingredients from Tokachi and Hokkaido. 🍓🍰🌸
This time, we had a fragrant croissant, strawberry milk made from 100% strawberries from Tokachi, and a signature product drinking chi!
All of them were very tasty! 😋
The menu is still abundant, so I will definitely ✨ revisit it
I hope you will go there as well!💓
[Business hours] CAFE 10:00-17:00Lo. 16:30/SHOP 10:00-18:00
[Regular holiday] Not opens For details, please visit the Home page of Tokachi Toteppo Kobo
位於Tokachi地區 帶廣市的「Tokachi toteppo 工房」 ✨🚃
有分別為外帶蛋糕甜點區和內用咖啡區 🥐☕️
甜品、drink品皆使用Tokachi地區、北海道產的料理製作,每季也會推出Seasonal的當季菜單 🍓🍰🌸
這次點了可頌麵包、100%Tokachi產草莓的草莓牛奶、店裡的招牌起司蛋糕奶古! 每一樣都非常有特且好吃 😋
大家有到帶廣市觀光時,別錯過當季的限定甜點,推薦一定要去走喔! ✨
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