Doll memorial service Nagano Prefecture Suwa City Hot Spring Temple Rinzai sect Myoshinji sect
On March 17, 2014, I went to a Hot Spring Temple. It is about a 10-minute walk from Kamisuwa Station. This temple offers Traditional Japanese straw raincoat dolls and stuffed animals. It's like a funeral for Traditional Japanese straw raincoat dolls and stuffed animals. At the Hot Spring Temple, a memorial service for dolls is held every March.
In Japan, there is a Boys' Day May 5 and a Girls' Day March 3. Most grandparents give dolls as gifts for their grandchildren to pray for the growth and health of their children. It is a traditional doll original to Japan. That's why many Japanese families have Japanese dolls.
I think dolls also have a soul like animism. So, if your child has a doll, the child will play with the doll. Adult, I think we move away from dolls. Most Japanese people don't simply throw away the dolls that have watched their children grow up. Because the doll spent time with the child. Most Japanese people think that dolls have souls. That's why we make a memorial service for the dolls.
On this day, more than 1,000 dolls were gathered. The priest recited sutras on dolls and stuffed animals for about 30 minutes. The priest gave thanks to the doll with cleansing salt. We prayed with the same feeling.
It was a very, very strange experience. I've never seen so many dolls and stuffed animals. However, it is a very hearty Buddhist offering for the doll. I feel that I was able to feel the Buddhist sentiment a little. That's why I love Japan!!
Hot Spring Temple is also famous as a famous place for autumn leaves. If you want to see the beautiful autumn leaves, please come and see the autumn leaves at the Hot Spring Temple.
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