Video article 6:38
Mishakaike Pond, Full Of Fresh Greenery and Nature! The Locals Have Loved This Beautiful View for Years, and It Doesn't Leave You With Any Feelings Other Than Excitement!
Nature- 177 plays
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This video, titled "Fresh Greenery at Mishakaike Pond "'A Place I Want to Visit Before I Die! Scenery of Japan" Okutateshina|Japan's Mishakaike Pond in Summer|Downconvert 4K Video to 2K|Natural Landscape Photography" (新緑の御射鹿池「死ぬまでに行きたい!日本の絶景」奥蓼科 Japan Mishaka pond of summer Downconvert 4k shot video by 2k 自然風景映像), was released by "Yatsugatake21_4K_Japan." This video introduces Mishakaike Pond, which was the motif of the famous Japanese painter Kaii Higashiyama's work. Mishakaike Pond in Chino City, Nagano Prefecture was actually created at the beginning of the Showa Period (1926-1989) as an agricultural reservoir, and has now been selected as one of Japan's Top 100 Ponds by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The beautiful scenery, which can be called a true mystery of nature, is unforgettable, and it is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan that you should be on your bucket list. Please enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mishakaike Pond in the video. -
Video article 3:22
Discover the Charms of Asago, Hyogo, Where Takeda Castle, the Castle in the Sky, Looms Above the City. The City Is Filled With So Many Sights, You'll Fall in Love With It!
Local PR Travel- 55 plays
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兵庫県・朝来市の魅力を濃縮した観光動画を紹介 こちらの動画は「あさご市ポータルサイト「あさぶら」」が公開した「Asago City, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 朝来市」です。 兵庫県朝来市は京阪エリアから山陰に至る交通の要衝でもあります。 兵庫県朝来市は竹田城だけではなく、歴史と自然が培った魅力が詰まった観光の穴場。 そんな兵庫県朝来市の観光名所を紹介していきます。 兵庫県・朝来市のおすすめ歴史スポット 兵庫県朝来市の観光名所といえば何といっても竹田城が有名。 日本100名城に入る山城の城郭で、2018年の日本の城検索ランキングで第2位にも入りました。 気候条件により発生した雲海に浮いているように見えるその景色から「日本のマチュピチュ」「天空の城」と称えられます。 また、虎が伏しているかのように見える外観から、別名・虎臥城(とらふすじょう)とも。最短ルートで最寄りの駐車場からおよそ20分。 登山に慣れている人であれば、金梨山から登って、竹田城の全貌を収めた絶景を眺めるのもアリでしょう。 兵庫県朝来市の銀山開発の歴史 竹田城と深いかかわりがあるのが、生野銀山です。 城主である太田氏が七代にわたり守り続け、明治に入ると実業家・五代友厚が近代化に尽力しました。 大正時代には生野銀山から当時の駅までを結ぶトロッコ道も敷設されました。 トロッコ道には生野平城の石垣が利用され、鉱山町の景観が現在も残り観光スポットとなっています。 兵庫県朝来市の大自然の中で堪能するアウトドア 兵庫県朝来市には、岩が滝登りをしている魚のように見えることから、魚ヶ滝と呼ばれる景勝地があります。 観光やアウトドアレジャーを堪能したら、温泉で疲れた体を癒すのもおすすめ。 兵庫県・朝来市の自然が育む絶品グルメ 兵庫県といえば但馬牛が人気。 江戸時代から冬の栄養源として栽培されてきた岩津ねぎも特産品です。 朝来市は醤油や日本酒の醸造所としても栄えました。 旧木村酒造場は古民家ホテルEN(えん)として再利用されています。 観光に一生に一度は訪れてみたい兵庫県朝来市紹介まとめ 兵庫県朝来市は観光したい歴史と文化が詰まった場所です。 たっぷりと魅力の詰まった兵庫県朝来市へ是非足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:16
Enjoy a Luxurious Sightseeing Experience Surrounded by Nature in Otaki Village, Kiso County, Nagano Prefecture! Feel the Grandeur of Nature and Rid Yourself of Fatigue
Local PR Travel- 44 plays
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長野県木曽郡王滝村エリアの絶景が堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「outakimura」が公開した「2016王滝村観光プロモーションビデオ」です。 こちらは、長野県木曽郡王滝村の自然の景色を堪能出来る動画となっています。 長野県木曽郡王滝村エリアは絶景が溢れるスポットで、インスタ映えもすることから、老若男女問わず観光を楽しむことが出来ます。 こちらの記事では、日本の自然の美しさが溢れる長野県木曽郡王滝村の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 動画で紹介されている長野県木曽郡王滝村ってどんなところ? 長野県木曽郡王滝村は日本の長野県南西部、西側が岐阜県に接しており、動画の0:20で紹介されている御嶽山の麓に位置しています。 かつては林業が盛んな地域で知られており、特に「木曽ヒノキ」は日本の三大美林にも数えられていました。 長野県木曽郡王滝村は、動画の0:38で紹介をされている里宮神社を始めとした、八海山神社等の6社殿からなる王滝御嶽神社もあり、日本の歴史と文化的にも深い関わりのある由緒正しいスポットとなっています。 長野県木曽郡王滝村周辺のおすすめ観光スポット! ①里宮神社 自然と共存した素晴らしい建物で、神社としてのご利益も良く、他にも5つの神社があることから、日本の歴史が好きな人にはたまらない場所となっています。 ②清滝・新滝 里宮神社から御嶽山へ向かう道のりの途中で見ることが出来る有名な絶景スポットです。 清滝は高さ約30mの滝で、御嶽山を信望している行者達が精進潔斎するスポットで、往時から信者が滝行を行った滝と知られています。 新滝は、滝の裏側に小さな岩祠があることで有名で、そこから見る景色は「裏見滝」と呼ばれ、観光スポットとして有名です。 気候によって様々な顔を見せ、特に冬は他の季節とは全く違った絶景を作り出すので、日本の四季と自然を余すことなく堪能することが出来ます。 ③御岳湖・自然湖 御岳湖は、貯水量が名古屋ドーム55杯分を誇る巨大な愛知用水のダムとして1961年に誕生し、現在に至るまで王滝村の人々の生活を守ってきました。 日本ならではの四季折々の美しい景色が魅力のスポットとしても知られています。 自然湖は、1984年に起こった長野県西部地震によってせき止められた王滝川によって生まれた天然の湖です。 どちらもカヌーで堪能することが出来ます。 長野県木曽郡王滝村の観光の紹介まとめ 長野県木曽郡王滝村は多くの自然を残している素晴らしい日本の観光スポットとして知られているので、まずはこちらの動画で堪能してみて下さい。 日本の自然をたっぷり堪能して、温泉で疲れを癒した後はキャンプ場で自然を堪能しながらゆっくり過ごす、そんな贅沢な休日長野県木曽郡王滝村で過ごしてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 6:34
Unkai Terrace - Experience a Sea of Clouds Flowing Like the Ocean! Powerful Views You Won't Find in Everyday Life. It's Truly a Sight to Behold!
Nature- 74 plays
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This video, titled "[Hoshino Resort Tomamu] Unkai Terrace - Sea of clouds flowing into the sea of clouds (Unkai Terrace)" (【星野リゾート トマム】雲海テラス 流れ込む雲海<絶景> Unkai Terrace), was released by Hoshino Resort Tomamu (official). This video introduces Unkai Terrace at the luxury resort "Hoshino Resort Tomamu" in Hokkaido. Unkai Terrace is a superb spot at the Hoshino Resort Tomamu in Hokkaido where you can see the sea of clouds from above, and the overwhelming view of the grandeur of nature is nothing short of breathtaking. The probability of seeing the sea of clouds itself is low, but it is a view that makes you want to see it at least once in person. This video shows the actual view of the sea of clouds from Unkai Terrace, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 5:08
Akiyoshidai and Akiyoshido Cave, Two of the Most Beautiful Spots In... Is This Actually Japan?! Be Amazed by the Mystery and Grandeur of Japan's Nature!
Nature- 117 plays
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This video was shot by "STARstreamer YOSUKE" and is titled "[Best View in Yamaguchi Prefecture] Akiyoshidai Benten Pond in Akiyoshidai 4K." This video introduces Akiyoshidai, one of the largest karst plateaus in Japan, and Akiyoshido Cave, one of the largest natural limestone caves in Japan, located underneath the plateau. Both Akiyoshidai and Akiyoshido Cave have been designated as Special Natural Monuments since 1964. The mystique and grandeur of nature and the complete change between scenery above ground and below ground is truly impressive, making it a place to throw on your bucket list. This video shows actual footage of Akiyoshidai and Akiyoshido Cave, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 3:36
Akiu Onsen Is One of the Most Famous Hot Springs in Miyagi Prefecture! You'll Be Treated to a Luxurious Meal and a Soothing Bath in the Japaneseque Building!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 44 plays
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宮城県を代表する名湯秋保温泉紹介動画について こちらの動画は「せんだいTube」が公開した「秋保温泉(秋保ブランディング動画)」です。 温泉で観光の疲れを癒したいと考えていませんか? 日本各地に魅力的な温泉が存在しており、旅館に泊まって温泉を思い切り堪能するのも日本での楽しみ方の1つ。 今回は仙台にある秋保温泉(あきうおんせん)について取り上げた動画を紹介します。 日本観光の前に一度チェックしていただきたいです。 宮城県を代表する名湯秋保温泉とは? 秋保温泉は宮城県仙台市の有名な温泉。 鳴子温泉と飯坂温泉と並んで奥州三名湯として数えられただけでなく、有馬温泉や道後温泉と並んで日本三名湯に数えられたこともあります。 神経痛やリューマチ、創傷に皮膚病、貧血、婦人病に効能があります。 また、ガラス工房や天文台などの観光スポットが盛りだくさん。 その他にも秋保のインスタ映えする大自然を楽しむのも良いでしょう。 宮城県を代表する名湯秋保温泉紹介まとめ 宮城県仙台市は戦国武将の伊達政宗で有名な伊達家が治めていた場所として有名です。 秋保温泉を訪れた際は日本の歴史について触れてみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 1:10
Spectacular Views for Only Two Weeks of the Year! A Dragon's Eye on the Surface of the Lake in Kagami-Numa, Akita Prefecture
Nature- 40 plays
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This video, titled "A Dragon's Eye That Appears at Hachimantai in Early Summer: Akita-Iwate Border [nippon.com]" (初夏の八幡平に現れる「ドラゴンアイ」:秋田・岩手県境 | nippon.com), was released by "nippon.com" Hachimantai, which lies near the border of Akita and Iwate prefectures, is a mountain range in the northern part of the Ou Mountains dotted with rolling lakes and swamps at 1,600 meters above sea level. One of the lakes, Kagami-numa in Senboku City, Akita Prefecture, is called "Hachimantai Dragon Eye" because the snow on the surface of the lake melts into a doughnut shape, making it look like the eye of a dragon. The dragon's eye is only visible for two weeks, and heavy equipment is required to climb the mountain during the snowy season. Seeing a scene like the one in this video is extremely rare, so it's a must-see! -
Video article 2:16
Kofu City, Where the Warlord Takeda Shingen Is Still Well Known and Loved by the Local People! Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of Its Founding!
Local PR- 38 plays
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This video, titled "PR Video for the 500th Anniversary of Kofu's Founding "Furin Kazan" (こうふ開府500年観光PR動画『風林火山』), was released by "kofu-shingen." In 2019, Kofu City, in Yamanashi Prefecture, celebrated its 500th anniversary since its founding. The video introduces the sights and sounds of Kofu City, named after the Japanese idiom "Furin Kazan" (風林火山, "as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and immovable as the mountain") which was a favorite of the warlord Takeda Shingen. The movie shows Gomi Shoyu, which has been in business for more than 150 years, Koshu Daruma, which is characterized by the carved face of Takeda Shingen, Kai Zenkoji Temple, which is associated with Shingen, and Takeda Shrine. The video also features Houtou, a local cuisine of Yamanashi, the professional soccer club, Ventforet Kofu, and the Daijingu Festival of Kofu. -
Video article 5:00
Kisarazu, Chiba - Famous for 'Kisarazu Cat's Eye' and the Rock Band 'Kishidan'! Be Captivated by the Town Where Life and Nature Coexist as One!
Local PR- 149 plays
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What Kind of Tourist Spot Is Kisarazu, Chiba Prefecture? This video, titled "[Kisarazu PR Video] A City for the Future|English-Subtitled Version" (【木更津市PR動画】未来につながるまち 英字幕ver), was released by "Kisarazu Promo Channel" (きさらづプロモチャンネル). Kisarazu is known as the holy lands of the famous TV drama "Kisarazu Cat's Eye." It's also here in Kisarazu that the popular artist group "Kishidan" was formed. In this article, we'll introduce the charm of Kisarazu, a port city in Chiba prefecture, alongside the video. Recommended Tourist Spots in Kisarazu, Chiba Photo:Nakanoshima Bridge Nakanoshima Bridge in Kisarazu, Chiba prefecture, shown at 1:52 in the video, is the highest pedestrian bridge in Japan at 27 meters tall and 236 meters long. From the top of the crimson red bridge, you can see a magnificent view of the sea and Mt. Fuji in the distance, earning it the nickname "Lover's Sanctuary." Kisarazu's Egawa Beach is a hidden tourist spot where you can enjoy digging for clams in the early summer. If you want to enjoy activities in the outdoors, be sure to visit the sea in Kisarazu. Mitsui Outlet Park Kisarazu, where you can enjoy shopping, is another popular spot. Festivals in Kisarazu, Chiba Photo:Chiba Prefecture, Kisarazu Port Festival Fireworks Festival In Kisarazu, Chiba there are many festivals held throughout the year where you can experience Japanese culture. One that is especially famous is the event "Yassai Mossai" which is held on August 14th and 15th every year, which can be seen from 1:59 in the video. "Yassai Mossai," which is held as one of Kisarazu Port's festivals, is a historic festival where the people of the city dance and parade down the main street. The Kisarazu Port Festival Fireworks Festival is also held on the 15th, and the roadside where you can enjoy local gourmet food is crowded with people who come to see the awesome display. In addition, there's the annual festival of Yatsurugi Hachiman Shrine held in July, in which mikoshi (portable shrines) are carried around, as well as Nakajima Bontentate held in January, so be sure to visit them. Access To Kisarazu, Chiba Photo:Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo Bay Aqua Line The appeal of Kisarazu is that it only takes about 15 minutes to reach Kawasaki using the Tokyo Bay Aqua Line. There are also buses to and from Tokyo from Chiba Station via the Aqua Kaneda Bus Terminal. We also recommend the Umihotaru Parking Area for sightseeing around Kisarazu. The Ken-o Expressway also gives you easy access to Narita Airport. If you're going by car, stop by Roadside Station Kisarazu Umakuta-no-sato for sightseeing. Summary of the Easily Accessible Kisarazu, Chiba Photo:Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo Bay Aqua Line As you can see from the video we introduced, Kisarazu, Chiba is considered a tourist destination with excellent access. Be sure to stop by the many tourist spots and have a wonderful time! 【Official Website】Kisarazu Chiba Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.kisarazu.lg.jp/about/foreignlanguage.html -
Video article 4:00
Superb 4K video of beautiful rice fields in Aizu City, Fukushima Prefecture! The scenery of golden rice ears dyed by the setting sun is soothing.
Nature- 283 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction of rural landscape of Aizu City, Fukushima Prefecture To us Japanese, our staple food is rice. And where there is rice, there are rice paddies! You'll be completely absorbed by the view of the rice paddies during the autumn season that the 4K video “Japan Rice Paddies in autumn afternoon-views of rice paddies before the autumn sunset 4K (Ultra HD)(Japan Rice Paddies in autumn afternoon - 田んぼの風景・秋の夕暮れ前 4K (Ultra HD))” has to offer. The place where they shot the footage is the paddy field area in Aizu of the Fukushima prefecture, in the rice-producing district of Japan's Tohoku region. From the beginning of the video, you can see the Japanese pampas grass around the rice paddy, and from 1:19, the ears of rice slowly being colored into a golden hue can be seen as well. The singing of the insects combined with the melody of the nearby river also relaxes the mind and makes you feel at peace. These kind of rural landscapes aren't uncommon in Japan either. The most Instagrammable, breathtaking sights to behold are the “Senmaida” and the “Tanada”, which are rice paddies or rice terraces that are cut into the steep mountain slope in a stair-like shape. This miraculous scenery is the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors. How Much Do You Know About Japan’s Paddy Fields? Photo:Rural landscape The scenery of Japan’s rice paddies is said to be the absolute perfection of inner peace and relaxation. However, how much do you know about Japan's rice paddies? The scientific name for Japanese rice is "Japonica rice" and as you've probably guessed, it originates from Japan. In the history of paddy field cultivation, Indica rice was cultivated in Southeast Asia. However, this rice is different from Japonica rice. The rice eaten in the present day, which has a special characteristic that makes it suitable for the Japanese climate, has a long history of agriculture in Japan. Photo:Rural landscape So, we will now introduce some basic knowledge about the rice paddies of Japan. First of all, the map symbol of a rice paddy is 2 lines. This symbolizes the “Aze” (the furrow between the paddy fields). The rice paddy is thought to be part of an idyllic scenery of nature. However, it is a man-made agricultural land formation, and the furrows are man-made paths between each rice paddy so people can work on the fields. Between the furrow and the rice paddy, there are waterways that help manage water. Paddy fields are measured in units called “Tan” and 1 Tan is about 991.74 square meters big. Rice Paddies and the Divine Photo: White rice Shinto is an original religion of Japan and deifies nature. The highest object of worship is the Emperor. Every year in November, there is The Niiname Festival(新嘗祭,Niiname-sai), held in the Imperial palace, in which the emperor prays for a bountiful harvest in the coming year. During this time, grains that are harvested from a lucky direction as designated through divination, will be eaten by both the Emperor and Empress. As you can see, for Japan, planting rice is not just an act of agriculture; it has significant cultural relevance as well, and rice was also used to pay annual tribute (presently known as taxes) in the past. Therefore, rice paddies were an important infrastructure that have supported the very heart of Japan since ancient times. How to Make Paddy Fields Photo:Rice planting Rice cultivation is in autumn. Depending on the region, however, usually the preparation of rice beds and seedlings start around March. There are many things that need to be done to prepare for rice planting as well: repairs on furrows, spreading of fertilizer, plowing and irrigating the fields ( to prevent damage from weeds or water leakage), filling the paddies with water, and then finally planting the rice seedlings. Come summertime, weed killers and pesticides are used to manage the growth of the rice, and in autumn the rice is harvested, some made into seedlings again, and the rest is threshed and put on a rice rack to dry. Referred to as "tilling", this act involves creating hills and soil beds in the rice field, as well as creating ice-field furrows and dams. In the modern day, much of the work is mechanized, however, in the past this was all done by hand. Summary of Japan’s rice paddies Photo:Rice paddy in Summer A rice paddy and a regular farm field are very different in terms of plowing, and grains other than rice are made in regular fields but not in rice paddies. That just goes to show how special of a crop rice is to the Japanese people. Also, because rice paddies are abundant with water, many living creatures gather near them, such as the aquatic stink bug, the diving beetle, the pond snail, and sparrows. Sometimes damage to crops does occur, however, there is a very rich ecosystem within the paddy fields. Recently, the aging of the rice farmers has led to many rice fields being fallowed. The original scenery of Japan, “Sunset on the rice paddies” is an incredible view that we want to preserve for future generations. -
Video article 3:47
The Caldera of Mt. Aso: A Magnificent Landscape Created by Nature. The Natural Wonderland, Full of Mysterious Scenery, Is Said to Have Been Created by the Gods!
Nature- 353 plays
- YouTube
The Caldera of Mt. Aso This PR video, titled "The Heritage of Tomorrow- God, Nature, and Man," is produced by “N.a” to promote Mt. Aso in Kumamoto Prefecture. The beautiful landscape of Kyushu, including Mt. Aso, can be seen throughout this video. Mt. Aso has a caldera produced by an ancient volcanic eruption, and the people have lived their lives here believing in the power of the gods and nature. A Caldera is a large circular depression in a volcano created from the body of the volcano collapsing. You can see a view of the caldera, billowing with volcanic smoke, in the video at 1:54. The Beautiful Scenery of Mt. Aso Photo:Aso Panorama Line Aso Shrine, known as the Ichinomiya of Higo province (肥後国 : Higono Kuni), and located at the foot of Mt. Aso, is a historic location, considered to be the number one shrine in Higo province. Its origins trace back to mountain and volcano worship in the Jomon period. Legend has it that the god of the shrine, Takeiwatatsumi no Mikoto, once kicked out water from the mountain in order to build a rice field around Mt. Aso. The area around Aso Caldera is designated as a Aso UNESCO Global Geopark. It's a beautiful location where you can learn about the natural landscape. At Aso UNESCO Global Geopark, focused on active caldera, you can see large clouds of smoke climbing high up into the sky. You can also enjoy a view of Aso Geopark in this video. Tourist Spots in the Mt. Aso Area! ©阿蘇市 Modifying Daikanbo (大観峰: Daikanbo) is the highest peak at Aso Kitagairin Zan (阿蘇北外輪山:Aso Kitagairin Zan) in Aso city阿蘇市 : Aso-shi). From the Daikanbo observantory, you can enjoy a spectacular view of the "Five Mountains of Aso" (阿蘇五岳: Aso Gogaku). The Aso Milk Road leading to Daikanbo is great for sightseeing. There's a parking lot and it can be easily accessed, so we definitely recommend checking it out if you have the chance. Some other hidden gems where you can explore the natural scenery of Mt. Aso include Shirakawa Suigen and Kusasenrigahama. Relax in the Hot Springs and Feel the Blessings of Nature! Photo:Kurokawa Hot Springs There are a lot of hot spring facilities around Mt. Aso due to the many volcanoes in the area. One that we recommend visiting is Kurokawa Hot Springs. We especially recommend Aso Farm Land, created with the idea of promoting health. You can enjoy delicious local cuisine and natural hot springs to heal your body after exploring Mt. Aso. Summary of Mt. Aso There are many sightseeing spots where you can experience the beautiful landscape of Mt. Aso. In the video, you can enjoy beautiful views of Mt. Aso with calm music playing in the background. Enjoy the mysterious scenery of Mt. Aso, famous as a land created by the gods. There are many volcanoes in Japan besides Mt. Aso. People have lived in reverence for them since ancient times. We hope to see you at Mt. Aso to enjoy the relaxing hot springs, beautiful scenery, and the spiritual shrines! 【Tripadvisor】Asosan (Takadake) https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298212-d320703-Reviews-Mt_Aso-Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 8:09
Hakone Shrine in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture is one of the leading power spots in the Kanto region! Introducing the highlights of the popular tourist spots in the area where many people come to seek good fortune!
Art & Architecture- 189 plays
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Video introduction of "Hakone Shrine" in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture This video, titled “Hakone Shrine” (箱根神社), was uploaded by k_sada. It introduces Hakone Shrine, located on the shore of Lake Ashinoko in Hakone, Kanagawa. Hakone Shrine is a popular power spot that can be easily accessed from Japan’s Kanto region. The video covers every corner of Hakone shrine and is a must-see for anyone traveling to Hakone. Be sure to check it out and maybe a little luck will rub off on you as well! A Look at the Charms of Hakone Shrine Photo:Hakone Shrine's main shrine approach, Kanagawa Prefecture Hakone Shrine is famous as one of the most powerful power spots in Japan's Kanto region, and is said to improve one's luck for success, as well as bless people with economic fortune, wish fulfillment, success in marriage, love, and health. The main approach to the shrine, the fifth torii gate, Shinmon gate, the kagura hall, and the ceremony hall, all of which can be seen from 0:20 in the video, are also places we recommend stopping by when visiting Hakone Shrine. Popular spots that you won't want to pass up are Anzu-sugi (a cedar tree to pray for safe childbirth), Soga Shrine, the fourth torii gate, the Kagura Repository, the lake-bottom tree, the Ebisu Shrine, and the torii of peace. The History of Hakone Shrine and When It Was Built Photo:Ryujinsui at Kuzuryu Shrine, Kanagawa Prefecture Hakone Shrine has a long history, and it is even mentioned in books from the Kamakura Period (~1185-1333 AD). Many warlords have visited and worshipped in Hakone. In particular, Minamoto no Yoritomo is said to have worshipped at Hakone Shrine. It was burned down once by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but the shrine’s main building was rebuilt by Tokugawa Ieyasu. A new shrine, which can be seen at 3:03 in the video, was built at Kuzuryu Shrine and many people still come to visit it today. Popular Tourist Spots Near Hakone Shrine Photo:A sightseeing ship on Lake Ashinoko, Kanagawa Prefecture In addition to the shrines, Hakone has many other tourist spots in the neighborhood. From Shinjuku, the Odakyu Line runs to Hakone-Yumoto, and the Odakyu Romancecar is a very popular train. It takes about 85 minutes to reach Hakone-Yumoto from Shinjuku. On weekends, many people enjoy the sightseeing boats on Lake Ashinoko and the hot springs where you can relax. In addition to the tourist attractions, we also recommend visiting festivals, such as the Hakone Shrine Setsubun Festival and the Kosui Festival. Hakone Shrine, Hakone Motomiya Shrine, and Kuzuryu Shrine are known as Hakone Sanja Mairi (箱根三社参り, Hakone Three Shrine Visit), and many people visit all three shrines. We also recommend picking up a shuin stamp and buying omamori charms for good luck and for souvenirs. Hakone, with its high elevation, has many viewpoints from which you can see Suruga Bay, the Izu Peninsula, Sagami Bay, and the Shonan coast when the weather is favorable. Summary of Hakone Shrine Photo:Hakone Shrine's torii gate This video introduced Hakone Shrine in Hakone, Kanagawa. Hakone Shrine is easily accessible thanks to its parking lot and good transportation. A leisurely walk around Hakone Shrine will help you relax and get your daily exercise in. Of course, don't forget to take pictures of the beautiful scenery, as Hakone Shrine is quite Instagram-worthy! 【Tripadvisor】Hakone Shrine / Kuzuryu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298171-d319902-Reviews-Hakone_Shrine_Kuzuryu_Shrine_Singu-Hakone_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefect.html -
Video article 7:34
The beautiful historical scene of “Kamegai-juku” in Maibara City, Shiga Prefecture, is a sight to behold! Enjoy a moment of healing with the quiet murmur of the famous stream.
Travel- 67 plays
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This video, titled "JG 4K 滋賀 醒ヶ井宿の名水とバイカモ Shiga,Samegai fountain and flowers in the water," was released by "JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC." This video introduces the attractions of Shiga, like the famous Samegai-juku and the Baikamo flowers in the area. The 61st station on the Nakasendo is famous for its "clean water" which became the origin of its name. Baikamo is a plant that grows on the bottom of rivers at a water temperature of about 14 degrees, and is famous for its small white flowers that resemble plum blossoms. In this video, you can see Samegai-juku and the Baikamo in high resolution. -
Video article 5:10
The contrast between cherry blossoms and rape blossoms at Gongendo Tsutsumi in Satte City, Saitama Prefecture was too beautiful! The pink tunnel of 1 kilometer-long senbonzakura cherry blossoms is a spectacular sight!
Travel- 423 plays
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Cherry Blossoms, Rape Blossoms, and Blue Skies at Gongendo Park in Beautiful 8k! This video, titled "8K - Gongendo Park - Saitama - 権現堂堤," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." The video shows the contrast between the pink of the cherry blossoms and the yellow of the rape blossoms in 8K video. With the addition of the clear blue skies, you can enjoy a beautiful tri-color cherry blossom viewing experience! Gongendo Park, located in Satte, Saitama Prefecture (埼玉県幸手市, Saitama-ken Satte-shi) in Japan's Kanto region, is one of the most popular and Instagram-worthy cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan's Kanto region. According to documents from the late Edo Period (~1750-1860 A.D.), the name of Gongendo Park comes from the fact that there were three "Gongen" in the village. Located within Gongendo Park in Uchigouma, Satte, Saitama Prefecture, a field of rape blossoms spreads out beneath a 1km long embankment of blooming cherry blossoms. The Satte Cherry Blossom Festival at Gongendo Park, Satte, Saitama Prefecture - One of the Best Cherry Blossom Viewing Spots in Japan’s Kanto Region! Photo:Gongendo Park, Saitama Prefecture At Gonjendo Tsutsumi in Kote City, Saitama Prefecture, Kote Sakura Festival is usually held during the cherry blossom season from late March to early April.The schedule for 2024 is from March 20 to April 7. You can view the cherry blossoms in full bloom from the beginning of the video. During the Satte Cherry Blossom Festival, there are around 100 booths, as well as marathon races, haiku contests, and many other fun events. The rows of cherry blossoms and Sotono Bridge over the Nakagawa River are lit up beautifully at night. As a famous place for all-day cherry blossom viewing, it attracts local, domestic, and even foreign tourists. The scenery of the cherry blossom tunnel made up of approximately 1,000 Someiyoshino cherry trees, coupled with the field of rape blossoms is highly regarded, and has been selected as one of the "Top 100 Hometown Prides of Saitama for the 21st Century." The prefectural park where Gongendo Park is located has a large parking lot, so if you're planning on coming by car you can rest assured there will more than likely be parking available. During the Satte Cherry Blossom Festival, there is a fee for parking, so coming via public transportation is also fine. If you don't like crowds and want to enjoy the cherry blossoms at your own pace, we recommend checking out the Nakagawa Miyuki Observation Live Cameras. Information on bloom conditions is also available on the Gongendo Park official website, so be sure to check it out. There's More Than Cherry Blossoms! Gongendo Park Is a Famous Place in Satte, Saitama Prefecture, with Flowers That Bloom All Year Round! Photo:Hydrangeas Gongendo Park is famous for its cherry blossoms, but it's like a completely new wonderland of flowers in every season. After the cherry blossom and rape blossom seasons introduced in the video, the hydrangeas are quick to follow! Around 15,000 hydrangeas of 100 different varieties bring life to Gongendo Park, making them the main attraction during the rainy season. On the last day of the Satte Hydrangea Festival, pruned hydrangeas are given away to visitors as gifts. In the fall, millions of red spider lilies begin to bloom. The "Red Spider Lily Festival" is also held here. In 2014, there were around 1 million red spider lilies, but now there are approximately 5 million! In winter, there's a Daffodil Festival at Gongendo Park as well. In 2020 there were sunflowers planted in the rape blossom fields and it became a widely talked about event. Gongendo Park is also very popular with the media! In 2007, Gongendo Park won the Flower Tourism Award in the "Flower Tourism Development Awards" (花の観光地づくり大賞, Hana no kankouchi-zukuri Taisho) sponsored by the Japan Tourism Association. The Secrets of Gongendo Park in Satte City, Saitama Prefecture! A Tidbit on Gongendo’s Hidden Gem! Photo:Goats at Gongendo Park, Saitama Prefecture Flowers are not the only attraction of Gongendo Park. Gongendo Park was developed to be a "recreational center and a place to enjoy playing in water," and is made up of four different zones. In addition to the Satte Gongendo Cherry Blossom Embankment (幸手権現堂堤) (Park No. 4), which is famous for its cherry blossoms and beautiful waterfront, there's also the Multipurpose Athletic Grounds (多目的運動広場) (Park No. 1) with a full range of playground equipment, and Gongendo Park (権現堂公園) (Park No. 3), which is a popular place for relaxation and enjoying a beautiful field of grass and nature. There's also a goat pen somewhere in these three parks, so keep your eyes peeled for it! After relaxing with the playful goats, we recommend taking a break at "Toge-no-Chaya," a teahouse located in the center of the Gongendo Park. Their homemade bread is a hit! Gongendo Park Is Full of Attractions, but as You Might Expect, the Cherry Blossoms Are the Main Event! Summary of Gongendo Park Photo:Cherry blossoms at Gongendo Park, Saitama Prefecture Gongendo Park shows a different face in each season, with each having its own unique charm. All of the flowers at Gongendo Park are beautiful, but the contrast between the cherry blossoms and rape blossoms is truly something else. In the Meiji Period (1868-1912 A.D.), there were around 3,000 cherry trees in the area, but during the war years they were cut down to be used for fuel. Enjoy the peace of spring as you view the beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom in the video! 【Tripadvisor】Gongendo Cherry Blossom Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021406-d1722859-Reviews-Gongendo_Sakura_Tsutsumi-Satte_Saitama_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:47
Arashiyama Is One of the Most Beautiful Spots in Kyoto, and a Place to Experience the Natural Beauty of Japan. Take a Trip to the "Arashiyama Bamboo Forest," a 400-Meter-Long Natural Bamboo Forest, to Soothe Your Body and Mind!
Nature Travel- 370 plays
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The Arashiyama Bamboo Forest in Arashiyama, Kyoto! This video is titled "Arashiyama Bamboo Forest|the Voices of the Wind and Fresh Greenery Dancing Towards the Heavens|Kyoto・Arashiyama. (Arashiyama Bamboo Forest Kyoto Japan) Sagano|Healing Landscape, Healing, a Sketch of Sounds #16 / Ryuju." It introduces the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest in Sagano (嵯峨野, Sagano), Arashiyama, in Kyoto City (京都市, Kyoto-Shi), Kyoto (京都府,Kyoto-Fu), in the Kansai region (関西地方, Kansai-Chiho) of Japan. The Arashiyama Bamboo Forest is a path from Okochi Sanso Villa in Sagano (嵯峨野, Sagano), in the Ukyo-Ward (右京区, Ukyo-Ku) of Kyoto, to Nonomiya Shrine. As you can see from 0:18 in the video, the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest is roughly 400 meters long, and this refined site is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Arashiyama, Kyoto. You can see the fresh greenery of the bamboo forest, along with soothing music. It's also called "Bamboo Grove." Togetsukyo-Bridge and Katsura River (桂川, Katsura-Gawa) are also within walking distance of the forest. Events at the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest Photo:Kyoto・Arashiyama Hanatouro Every winter at the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, a special night-time illumination event called "Kyoto Arashiyama Hanatouro" is held. Here, you can enjoy a beautiful night view of the Bamboo Forest lit up at night. For access to the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, we recommend the route from Tenryuji Temple to the North Gate where Nomiya Shrine is located. Since there is no parking, we recommend going by train. The Sagano Romantic Train Photo:Sagano Romantic Train The Sagano Romantic Train is a sightseeing train in Arashiyama, which was reconstructed from a defunct railroad and was reborn as a new tourist attraction in the area. It runs along the Hozu River (保津川, Hozu-Gawa) from "Torokko Kameoka Station," which is close to Umahori Station on the JR West San'in Main Line, to "Torokko Saga Station via Torokko Arashiyama Station where the bamboo forest is located. The train operates from 9:00 A.M. Check the official Sagano Scenic Railway website for a detailed schedule. Dining in Arashiyama, Kyoto Photo:Arashiyama, Kyoto・Croquette There are many restaurants and places to grab lunch in Arashiyama. We'll introduce a few below. The most popular and classic food are the croquettes from Nakamuraya Shop. The croquettes from Shop Arashiyama Tanaka are also reasonably priced and we recommend them as well. Yuba-suki croquettes are also available at Yoshiya Arashiyama Honten. You won't be able to find them anywhere else. Saga Tofu Ine is a restaurant offering tofu dishes, yuba soup, and yuba donuts. As for dessert, Shinpachi Chaya sells authentic gelato, which won third place in the Gelato World Tour. Besides these, there are a number of delicious treats perfect for your Instagram, and as gifts. For example, the upside-down soft serve ice cream from Kyozuan! Sightseeing in the Arashiyama Area Photo:Rickshaw In addition to the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, there are many more sightseeing spots in Arashiyama as well. The most famous is Arashiyama Onsen (Hot spring). There is also a footbath near Arashiyama Station, so you can soak your legs and feet in a shallow hot spring bath to rid yourself of the fatigue from your travels. Another activity you can enjoy in Arashiyama is dressing up as a maiko in kimono and going sightseeing! You can dress up as a maiko for 2 hours and experience what Arashiyama was like in the Heian Period (794-1185 AD). The rickshawsin Arashiyama can also take you around the surrounding area, to places such as Togetsukyo-Bridge and Okochi Sanso Villa. The god of marriage and childbirth is enshrined at Nomiya Shrine, and there is also a power spot called Okameishi (Turtle Rock). It is said that if you rub this turtle-shaped stone while praying, your wish will be granted within a year. We also recommend checking out other tourist sites, such as the Kimono Forest, Daikakuji Temple, the "Rinsen Style Garden" (a strolling garden incorporating ponds and hills), Jojakkoji Temple, and Hozugawa River Boat Ride. Summary of the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove Photo:Arashiyama, Kyoto・Bamboo Grove Did you enjoy reading about the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove and other surround points of interest? Aside from the beautiful scenery of the bamboo grove, there are many other sightseeing spots in Arashiyama. Be sure to bring a map when you come and visit the beautiful bamboo groves of Kyoto and experience the history of Japan! 【Tripadvisor】Arashiyama Bamboo Forest https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g298564-d1497822-Reviews-Bamboo_Forest_Street-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:34
Peace Memorial Park: A Place Where People From All Over the World Come to Pray for Peace in Hiroshima. The Tragedy of the Atomic Bomb, Which Must Never Be Repeated Again, Will Be Passed on to Future Generations Through This Memorial
Travel Art & Architecture- 128 plays
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Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park This video, titled "Peace Memorial Park," created by "Hiroshima Regional Sightseeing Information Website Hirotabi: Make a Trip to Hiroshima!," introduces "Peace Memorial Park" (平和記念公園) in Nakajima Town (中島町, Nakajimacho), Naka Ward (中区, Nakaku), Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture (広島県, Hiroshimaken) in the Chugoku Region (中国地方, Chugokuchiho) of Japan. Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima Prefecture was made near the hypocenter of the atomic bomb explosion to console the spirits of those who died in the bombing and to pray for eternal world peace. Many visitors, not just from Japan, but from all over the world, come to visit Peace Memorial Park, whose construction finished in 1955 (Showa 30), 10 years after the atomic bomb was dropped. It has become a place to remind ourselves of the terror of the atomic bomb and the importance of peace. This article will introduce information about recommended spots to visit within Peace Memorial Park, as well as famous sites near Peace Memorial Park, tourist information about those nearby sites, and how to best enjoy your trip. The video shows the entire view of Peace Memorial Park, the Atomic Bomb Dome (原爆ドーム, Genbakudomu), and the monument. Seeing people silently praying, is enough to compel you to grieve for those lost in the tragedy and pray for world peace. A Look at Peace Memorial Park Photo:Peace Memorial Park Peace Memorial Park is a city park located on the delta where the two rivers of Hiroshima city diverge. It is 122,100 square meters in size and was completed in August 1955. It has no entrance fee, is open year round, and is truly a park that represents Japan. You can see the entire view of the Peace Memorial Park from 0:06 in the video. The park is home to 35 cenotaphs and memorials, as well as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (広島平和記念資料館, Hiroshimakinenshiryokan), the Hiroshima National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims (国立広島原爆死没者追悼平和祈念館, Kokuritsuhiroshimagenbakushibotsushatsuitoheiwakinenkan) and the International Conference Center Hiroshima (広島国際会議場, Hiroshimakokusaikaigijo). You can access the Peace Memorial Park by taking a 20-minute train ride from JR Hiroshima Station (JR広島駅, JR Hiroshimaeki) to Atomic Bomb Dome Station (原爆ドーム前駅,Genbakudomumaeeki) on the Hiroshima Electric Railway (Streetcar). There is no parking lot at the park, so we recommend using public transport such as a train or bus when you visit. The Peace Memorial Photo:Atomic Bomb Dome Peace Memorial Park is one of Japan’s most famous tourist destinations, chosen as one of the "Top 100 City Parks in Japan" and the "Top 100 Historical Parks in Japan." The Atomic Bomb Dome, which conveys the terror of the atomic bomb, was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. The Atomic Bomb Dome used to be the Hiroshima Prefectural Products Exhibition Hall (広島県物産陳列館, Hiroshimakenbussanchinretukan) built in 1915, but was destroyed by the atomic bomb in World War 2. The blast came from right above the building, and so the walls were left standing, and still remain to this day. The Atomic Bomb Dome that can be viewed from the cenotaph for the atomic bomb victims, is a sight that you won't forget. You can view the Atomic Bomb Dome at 0:15 in the video. The Children’s Peace Monument (原爆の子の像,Genbakunokonozo), a bronze statue of a little girl lifting up an origami crane, consoles the spirits of those who lost their lives in the atomic bomb, and calls for peace. There are origami crane booths around the statue, where strings of a thousand origami cranes from all over Japan are laid. You can observe the Statue of Prayer (祈りの像, Inorinozo), a monument built on the 15th anniversary of the end of the war, and the Phoenix Trees Exposed to the Atomic Bomb (被ばくしたアオギリ,Hibakushitaaogiri), which sprouted the following year despite half of its trunk being burned by the atomic bomb from 0:47 in the video. The sound of the Peace Bell (平和の鐘,Heiwanokane), which is rung as a prayer for peace, has been chosen as one of the "100 Soundscapes of Japan." Also, if you can have the tourism volunteer guide show you around the model course inside the park, you can learn in depth about the history and famous areas of the park, making it a popular choice for tourists. You can also take part in the Lantern Float (とうろう流し, Toronagashi) held on the river next to the Atomic Bomb Dome on August 6th. You can feel the emotions of countless people come together as one, as the prayers for peace are reflected on the river. The Lantern Float can be observed from 2:17 in the video. Tourist Spots and Delicious Food Around Peace Memorial Park ©Michio_Matsuoka Modifying A recommended tourist spot near Peace Memorial Park is Itsukushima Shrine (厳島神社, Itsukushimajinja), a World Heritage Site and also one of the most prominent tourist attractions in Hiroshima and Japan. The shinden-zukuri style building (a style of architecture used for nobles’ residences during the Heian period) on the sea is popular as a beautiful, instagrammable tourist attraction. After visiting some tourist attractions, enjoy some local Hiroshima dishes! There are many Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki restaurants near Peace Memorial Park. Summary of Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima City This video, Peace Memorial Park, gives a view of Peace Memorial Park and people praying for peace and for the souls of those who lost their lives in the bombing. You may have seen Peace Memorial Park on television, but it looks completely different once you’re actually standing there. Visiting Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, which was renovated in April 2019, to look at the exhibits of atomic-bomb-related materials and artifacts, and remembering the people who were lost on that day, is a life-changing experience. We hope this article and video inspired you to visit Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima Prefecture. ◆Hiroshima City Peace Memorial Park◆ 【Address】〒730-0811 1-1 Nakajima Town, Naka Ward, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture 【Access】About 20 minutes by bus from JR Hiroshima Station. 【Admission fee】None 【Hours】All day (24 hours) 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】082-504-2390 【Official Homepage】Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum http://hpmmuseum.jp/?lang=eng 【Tripadvisor】Hiroshima City Peace Memorial Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298561-d1165220-Reviews-Hiroshima_Peace_Memorial_Park-Hiroshima_Hiroshima_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 4:40
The Kawachi Wisteria Garden - One of the Most Popular Tourist Attractions in the World, This Garden Is Decorated With an Overwhelming Amount of Wisteria! Passing Through the Long Wisteria Tunnel Is Sure To Leave You Feeling Refreshed!
Nature- 96 plays
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This video is called "Kawachi Wisteria Garden [8KHDR]" by "Japan Explorers." This video introduces the Kawachi Wisteria Garden, which was selected as one of the 31 most beautiful places in Japan by the American CNN. The Kawauchi Wisteria Garden, a tourist attraction that Fukuoka Prefecture is proud of, is decorated with wisteria, and its beauty is recognized by the world. The wisteria trellises and the 110-meter-long wisteria tunnel, as well as the colored leaves in November and December, make this a place with countless breathtaking views. In this video, you can see a lot of beautiful wisteria at the Kawachi Wisteria Garden. Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 3:35
Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture, Called the "Aegean Sea of Japan," Is Just Like a Painting! Introducing the Charms and Activities of Shirasaki Coast!
Nature- 133 plays
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Introducing Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture! This video, titled "Shirasaki Coast (Wakayama) A Beautiful Scenic Location Called the Aegean Sea of Japan" (白崎海岸(和歌山)日本のエーゲ海と称される絶景スポット), was released by "K Japan Traveler." Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture, which has a magnificent view on Instagram, was selected as one of the Top 100 Beaches of Japan, and in 2009, it was also selected as one of the Top 100 Landscapes of the Yomiuri Shimbun. Many tourists visit the beach throughout the year, where the contrast between the blue of the sea and sky and the pure white of limestone and sandy beaches is attractive. The History and Highlights of Shirasaki Coast Photo:Shirasaki Coast, Wakayama Prefecture Shirasaki Coast is the sea of the Shirasaki Coast Prefectural Natural Park in Yura, Hidaka District, Wakayama Prefecture, and, as you can see at 0:33 in the video, is characterized by the white limestone surrounding it. Geologically, limestone is said to have come from the Permian Period in the latter half of the Paleozoic Era, more than 200 million years ago. From spring to summer, a large group of black-tailed gulls fly to Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture, which is rich in nature, as you can see from 3:03 in the video. The marine park is also known for its daffodils. Things To Do at Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Shirasaki Coast, Wakayama Prefecture We recommend enjoying swimming, fishing, and Shirasaki cruise activities around Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture. There are also diving spots and diving pools nearby. From Shirasaki Manyo Park, we recommend enjoying the view of the strange rocks "Tatego" and "Oobae," which are the symbols of Shirasaki Coast. Also, stop by Koukokuji Temple, the Shellfish Exhibition Hall, the Park Center, Shirasaki Marine Park Observatory, and Totsui Limestone Cave. Dining and Lodging at Shirasaki Coast Photo:The Starry Skies of Shirasaki Marine Park, Wakayama Prefecture Around Shirasaki Coast, there are many restaurants and cafes where you can eat seafood dishes such as Shirasu-don on a low budget as well as the famous Shirasaki curry. In addition, there's Roadside Station Shirasaki Ocean Park where you can buy souvenirs, and hotels that are ideal for accommodation, so plan your trip carefully! Summary of Wakayama Prefecture's Shirasaki Coast As you can see in the video, the charm of Shirasaki Coast is that you can enjoy the spectacular blue and white scenery. When the sun sets, you can see a soothing view that you won't find during the day. Be sure to check out the business information and regular holidays for the Shirasaki Marine Park campsite and the surrounding facilities before visiting for sightseeing. ◆ Introduction to Shirasaki Coast ◆ 【Address】Take a bus from JR Kii-Yura Station and get off at Shirasaki Nishi, and walk 1.5 km. 【Parking】Free Parking Available 【Tripadvisor】Shirasaki Marine Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121347-d1385202-Reviews-Shirasaki_Ocean_Park-Yura_cho_Hidaka_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:34
Amazing Aerial Footage of Tokyo and Yokohama! Enjoy the Nightscapes of these Cities in Beautiful 8K!
Travel- 658 plays
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Beautiful Night Views of Tokyo and Yokohama! This video, titled "Japan Night Aerials in 8K," was produced by Armadas. This video was made using aerial footage of Tokyo Tower, Rainbow Bridge, Tokyo Sky Tree, and other beautiful views of the nightscapes of Tokyo and Yokohama. The aerial views of the Tokyo and Yokohama nightscapes from a helicopter are absolutely stunning. Highlights of Tokyo and Yokohama's Nightscapes The centers of Japan, including places like Shinjuku and Yokohama, are usually overcrowded with people and things, but what you see in this video are simply beautiful views of each city without all of the crowds. The beauty of Japan lies not only in the mountains and rivers, but also in the urban landscapes. Especially in Tokyo and Yokohama, there are many people, which leads to more buildings being built and more people gathering and lighting up the area. These dazzling lights and buildings create wonderful nightscapes. Nowadays, Tokyo's population has surpassed 9 million, and the crowds in the city are becoming more and more stressful by the day. Yokohama is just as overpopulated as Tokyo, but the night view of Tokyo and Yokohama shows no sign of such internal deterioration. You can even feel the frustration and stress of daily life melting into the nighttime scenery of Tokyo and Yokohama, which can only be experienced through aerial photography. One of the ways to enjoy this film is to compare Yokohama and Tokyo. This too is only possible thanks to aerial photography... Try to compare the intensity of the light and the number of buildings. You're sure to find something about Tokyo and Yokohama that you never noticed before. Summary of the Beautiful Aerial Footage of Tokyo and Yokohama This video gives beautiful aerial views of Tokyo and Yokohama. We highly recommend checking it out. You'll see another side of Tokyo and Yokohama that you won't find walking through the city during the day. -
Video article 3:06
Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture Is Famous for Its Spectacular View of the Beautiful Seto Inland Sea, Where Much of Japan's Traditional Culture Remains. Introducing the Fascinating Festivals That Are Rooted in the History and Daily Life of the Area!
Local PR- 62 plays
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広島県三原市の魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では、「【広島県三原市 観光PR動画】「浮城は知っとる -祭り- 編」Full Version」という4K動画を紹介します。 伝統的な祭りが多く開催される瀬戸内の城下町『広島県三原市』について紹介しているこの動画。 中でも代表的な三原やっさ祭りは必見です! 伝統あふれる三原市の魅力を動画と共に楽しんでください。 三原市で行われている日本の伝統的な祭りについて まずは冒頭でもお話しした三原市で行われている、伝統的な三原の4大祭りについて紹介をしていきます。 三原の4大祭りその1「三原やっさ祭り」 毛利元就の三男としても有名な戦国武将『小早川隆景』が三原城を築いたことを祝う為に行われたのが起源のお祭りで、動画では0:17で紹介されています。 地元の踊り手達による盆踊りとは違う三原市の伝統文化『やっさ踊り』と共に、三味線、笛、御囃子を奏でながらJR三原駅前を練り歩きます。 やっさ祭りは毎年8月に三日間かけて行われ、最終日には『やっさ花火フェスタ』も開催されます。 ぜひ観光の際は合わせてみてはいかがでしょうか。 三原の4大祭りその2「神明祭(しんめいさい)」 1:55で紹介されている神明祭は、室町時代から始まったとされます。 伊勢神宮をまつる三原市伝統のお祭りです。 500店以上の露店が並び、活気あふれる神明祭。 その中でも特筆すべきは巨大だるまです。 三原神明市では別名だるま市とも呼ばれるほど、だるま文化が根付いていて、神明祭では巨大なだるまを見ることが出来ます。 三原の4大祭りその3「三原浮城まつり」 浮城とも呼ばれる三原城をテーマとしたイベントで、早川甲冑部隊の旧城下練り歩きや和太鼓演奏は、感動の一言。 日本文化の象徴でもある甲冑に身を包んだ男達が練り歩く『甲冑武者行列』は圧巻です! 動画1:35でも見ることが出来ますが、ぜひ一度間近で見て頂きたい日本の伝統的なお祭りの一つです。 三原の4大祭りその4「三原さつき祭り」 市花である『さつきの花』をテーマとして開催されるお祭りで、さつきの花が咲き誇っている宮浦公園や三原市芸術文化センターポポロを会場としています。 子供も楽しめるような出店や展示、そして体験コーナーがあり、ステージではやっさ太鼓やフラダンスなど大人が楽しめる催しももりだくさん。 是非ご家族で楽しんでほしいお祭りです。 広島県三原市の魅力紹介まとめ 島々が織りなす多島美の美しさが名高い瀬戸内の城下町、広島県三原市について紹介をさせて頂きました。 上記の4大祭りの他にも、久井稲荷神社で開催される『御福開祭・はだか祭り』に三原園で行われる『もみじ祭り』等、多くのお祭りが存在します。 春夏秋冬、日本の四季折々で祭りを楽しむことが出来る広島県三原市を訪ねてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 2:16
Feel the Culture of Japan at Hoshi Onsen in Gunma Prefecture, Where Once You Soak in the Hot Springs, Your Fatigue Will Be Wiped Away. Discover the Hot Spring Inn Hidden From Sight...
Travel- 101 plays
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日本を代表する秘湯『法師温泉』をご紹介! こちらの「法師温泉 Japanese Secret Hot Spring」という動画では、群馬県の秘湯「法師温泉」がある長寿館を紹介しています。 法師温泉を始めとした趣のある風景が魅力とされている長寿館は、観光スポットとしても日本においても屈指のものとされています。 ここでは、動画でも堪能出来る日本が誇る法師温泉と長寿館について、詳しく紹介をさせて頂きます。 法師温泉の歴史と効能 群馬県利根郡みなかみ町にある法師温泉、詳しい開湯(かいとう)時期は明らかとはされていませんが、おおよそ1200年前とされており、長寿館自体の開業は明治8年となっています。 主な効能は胃腸病、火傷、動脈硬化、そして神経痛や筋肉痛などです。 露天風呂でもあることから、様々な気候を楽しみながら身体を癒すことが出来ます。 文化財としての「長寿館」 長寿館に宿泊すれば、温泉に囲炉裏、群馬の地産地消グルメがふんだんに盛り込まれた懐石料理と、充実した一日を過ごせること間違いなしです。 勿論日帰り入浴も出来ますが、景色や食事を楽しみつつ、ゆっくりと宿泊するのが良いでしょう。 また長寿館は日本の『国登録有形文化財』とされている程の貴重な建物です。 そして長寿館のある群馬県利根郡みなかみ町は『国民保護温泉地』ともされています。 法師温泉長寿館の観光紹介まとめ 「法師温泉 Japanese Secret Hot Spring」では、日本の群馬県が誇るおすすめの観光スポット、法師温泉長寿館の趣のある風景を堪能することが出来ます。 興味を持たれた方は、日ごろの疲れを長寿館で癒されてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 2:41
Is This Really Japan?! Enjoy the Natural Scenery of Iriomote Island in Okinawa Prefecture! Canoeing Down Majestic Rivers, Trekking Through Magnificent Jungles, and Seeing Inspiring Views, There's No End to the Fun!
Nature- 54 plays
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めくるめく自然を楽しむことが出来る西表島アドベンチャーツアー紹介動画について こちら「西表島アドベンチャーツアー」は、日本の南西部に浮かぶ離島、天然記念物のイリオモテヤマネコが生息していることで有名な西表島の自然をたっぷり堪能することが出来るツアー紹介動画です。 面積の90%以上がマングローブ林のジャングルであり、日本でも屈指の自然豊かでインスタ映えのする場所として知られる西表島。 そこで行われるアドベンチャーツアーは楽しめること間違いなしです! そんな西表島で行われるアドベンチャーツアーどんなものなのか紹介いたします。 西表島アドベンチャーツアーで体験できること一覧! 西表島アドベンチャーツアーでは、普段日本で過ごしていたら味わえないような体験をすることが出来ます。 日本でも珍しいマングローブを堪能することが出来るカヤックやカヌー、川に飛び込んで流れと共に渓谷を下るキャニオニング、沢道をゆっくり歩いて自然の絶景を堪能するサワートレッキング、沖縄No.1の水落を誇るピナイサーラの滝壺をメインとした滝廻り、ジャングル奥底にあるケイビング(洞窟探検)などです。 バリエーションにとんだアクティビティの中からぜひお好みのツアーを楽しんでみてください。 今回、動画全体を通して紹介されているマングローブカヤック&ピナイサーラの滝トレッキングコースは特におすすめですよ。 西表島にある自然溢れる観光名所の紹介 西表島アドベンチャーツアーにて見ることが出来る、日本でも珍しい自然溢れる観光スポットを紹介させて頂きます。 まずはピナイサーラの滝です。 沖縄では珍しいとされる大きい落差が有名な細い滝で、落差に関しては沖縄県で最も大きいとされています。 日本の重要湿地500の一つに選定されているヒナイ川の中程に位置しており、自然の美しさと雄大さ溢れるその場所は、インスタ映え間違い無いでしょう。 続いて紹介するのはマングローブ林です。 熱帯や亜熱帯の海水が干潮や満潮を繰り返す特殊な環境でしか見ることの出来ない日マングローブを、西表島アドベンチャーツアーで見ることが出来ます。 自然が織りなす美しい景色、それを横目にカヤックで進んでいくのは、日常では味わえない体験になることでしょう。 西表島アドベンチャーツアーの紹介まとめ 本州とはまた違った自然が溢れる西表島の姿は、とても新鮮な光景ではないでしょうか。 西表島をよりよく知るためには、やはりガイド付きのアドベンチャーツアーに参加するのがおすすめでしょう。 西表島の大自然に興味を持たれた方はぜひ検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 5:17
Three Popular Sightseeing Spots in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture! The Powerful Koan Gorge, Kawaragae Jigoku, One of the Three Most Sacred Places in Japan, and Akinomiya, a Popular Hot Spring Resort!
Travel- 57 plays
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秋田・湯沢の「小安峡・川原毛地獄・秋ノ宮」の動画について 「JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC」が公開した「JG 4K HDR 秋田 湯沢の地熱地域 小安峡/河原毛地獄/秋ノ宮 Yuzawa Geothermal Area,Akita」は、秋田県湯沢市の地熱地帯を紹介している動画です。 峡谷の中で迫力ある大噴湯を見られる小安峡。 灰白色の溶岩に覆われた川原毛地獄。 秘湯と一緒に紅葉を堪能できる秋ノ宮。 それぞれで美しい景色を楽しめる魅力あるスポットです。 こちらの記事では、秋田県湯沢市の小安峡・川原毛地獄・秋ノ宮の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 秋田県湯沢市の地熱地域にある小安峡とは? 秋田県湯沢市にある小安峡は、雄物川支流、皆瀬川上流にある峡谷です。 小安峡では迫力ある大噴湯を見ることができ、人気の観光スポットになっています。 98℃にもなる蒸気が噴出する光景は必見ですよ。 こちらの動画の0:17より見ることができます。 また小安峡は紅葉の名所としても知られており、その景観を目当てにたくさんの観光客が訪れます。 交通アクセスも湯沢駅前からバスが出ており、宿泊場所も充実しています。 「日本秘湯を守る宿」のひとつに選ばれている阿部旅館や囲炉裏で食事を楽しめる多郎兵衛は、昔ながらの雰囲気を味わえる素晴らしい旅館です。 家族や恋人との旅行にぜひ利用してください。 レストランなどグルメを楽しめる施設も充実。 ランチに名物の稲庭うどんやソフトクリームを食べて楽しい観光にしてください。 秋田県湯沢市の地熱地域にある川原毛地獄とは? 秋田県湯沢市にある川原毛地獄は、灰白色が特徴の噴気地帯です。 標高は約800mで草木が生えない灰色の山肌があたり一面に広がっています。 いたるところから蒸気が吹き出し、硫黄臭の匂いが漂っています。 川原毛地獄を観光する際に、必ず訪れたいスポットが大湯滝。 滝そのものが温泉という珍しい温泉滝です。 滝壺や渓流が天然の露天風呂になっており、水着を着用して入浴できます。 駐車場から遊歩道で徒歩20分ほどの場所にあります。 また、地元の人が大切にしている行事「川原毛地蔵祭」もおすすめ。 秋田県湯沢市の地熱地域にある秋ノ宮とは? 秋田県最古の温泉地として知られる秋ノ宮。 とても落ち着いた雰囲気のあるスポットで多くの観光客に愛されています。 栗駒山のふもとにある役内川のほとりの景色は、とても美しく目を奪われますよ。 秋ノ宮温泉郷の「湯ノ又温泉」「鷹の湯温泉」「稲住温泉」はどれも泉質のいい名湯。 日帰りで温泉を楽しむのもよし、旅館に宿泊してゆったりつかるのもよし。 秋ノ宮温泉郷で体をしっかり癒し充実した旅行にしてください。 秋田・湯沢の「小安峡・川原毛地獄・秋ノ宮」紹介記事のまとめ 秋田県湯沢市の小安峡・川原毛地獄・秋ノ宮の魅力をたっぷりと紹介しました。 美しい景色を楽しめるインスタ映えスポットや温泉を楽しめます。 -
Video article 1:36
Here's a List of the Most Popular Places to Visit in Tokyo! Tokyo Is Full of Fascinating Places to Visit That Attract People From All Over the World!
Travel- 102 plays
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東京の人気観光スポット紹介動画について こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「IS JAPAN COOL? TOKYO」ロングバージョン」です。 日本の首都である東京には、さまざまな人気観光スポットがあります。 日本の歴史や伝統を感じられるスポット、東京の絶景を楽しめるスポット、絶品グルメを楽しめるエリアなど盛りだくさん。 こちらの記事では、東京の中で特におすすめのスポットを紹介し、東京の魅力を知ってもらいたいと思います。 この動画を見れば、「東京を観光したいな」と思うはず! 東京を観光するときに人気のエリアを紹介 東京を観光するときにおすすめのエリアといえば浅草でしょう。 浅草は日本らしい景色や伝統的な文化が楽しめる人気の観光地。 浅草寺の美しいお寺を見学したり、浅草演芸ホールで落語を体験するなど日本の文化を楽しむことができます。 浅草では屋形船に乗ることをおすすめします。隅田川から見る景観を楽しみましょう! 東京を観光するときに欠かせないエリアは新宿もあげられます。 新宿はグルメや都会の景色を楽しめる東京の中心地。 昔の日本らしい雰囲気の思い出横丁にはたくさんの外国人の観光客が訪れます。 さらに、都庁の展望室からもご覧になれる絶景や、ヒルトン東京、京王プラザホテルといった高級ホテルがあるのも魅力です。 また、新宿の周辺には新宿御苑や花園神社といった美しい景勝地も存在します。 東京を観光で歴史を感じることができるスポットを紹介 東京で日本の歴史を感じることができるおすすめスポットを二つ紹介します。 一つ目は、築地です。 築地の周辺には築地本願寺や浜離宮恩賜庭園といった日本らしい景観や歴史が楽しめるスポットがあります。 築地市場は日本の台所と呼ばれ、長年栄えてきましたが2018年に東京都中央卸売市場が豊洲に移転しました。 ただ、移転後も築地市場の場外ではおいしいグルメを求めて国内外から観光客で盛り上がっています。 二つ目は、明治神宮です。 明治神宮は明治天皇をおまつりする歴史ある神社で、パワースポットとしても知られています。 能や狂言を観覧できるイベントも開催しています。 東京を観光するときにおすすめの癒しスポットを紹介 東京を観光するときにおすすめの癒しスポットはたくさんあります! 東京の景色を楽しみたいという方は東京タワーや東京スカイツリー、六本木ヒルズ森タワーがおすすめ。 天気のいい日には都会の絶景が楽しめるでしょう。 ゆっくり体を癒やしたいという人はお台場にある大江戸温泉物語で温泉に浸かるのがおすすめ。 大江戸温泉物語にいくときは、お台場の実物大ガンダムをご覧になるのもいいですよ。 東京の魅力がたくさん詰まった動画紹介まとめ ANA Global Channelが制作した東京の観光地のプロモーション動画には東京の魅力がたくさん詰まっているのでおすすめ。 是非皆さんも東京観光をお楽しみください。