Video article 2:00
Japan's AI (Artificial Intelligence) Technology Gives New Hope to an Aging Society! a Better Future for the World Is Being Created With Japan's Cutting-Edge Technology!
Life & Business- 43 plays
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Japan’s Cutting-Edge AI Technologies Contribute to an Aging Society This video is titled "A New Aging Society Led by Japanese Technology" (日本のテクノロジーが導く新しい高齢化社会). It introduces Japan's response to an aging society using cutting-edge technology. It was released by the“Foreign Ministry / MOFA”. Currently, Japan is said to be one of the most aging societies in the world. However, an aging society is not an issue unique to Japan, but a problem growing worldwide. Living a long, healthy life and increasing opportunities to participate in society is a very important theme when faced with an aging society. In this article, we'll introduce some cutting-edge technologies in Japan that the public and private sectors are developing together. NEC the WISE: An AI Technology Adapting to an Aging Society Source :YouTube screenshot The AI technology shown in the video at 0:32 is called “NEC the WISE.” In the video, NEC Director Fellow Katsumi Emura says “the problem is not the aging society itself, but how to adapt to an aging society, so that people can live long, healthy, fulfilling lives.” In light of the global trend toward an aging society, NEC is focused on developing and providing solutions that can be used to predict and prevent various diseases. That's what the AI technology, “NEC the WISE,” is all about. If we can prevent people from getting sick as they get older, it means that people will still be able to participate in society in good health as they age. In today's society where we are told that we have 100 years to live, "retirement in our 60s" is too early. If it becomes the norm for people to remain healthy and active past 60, we will no longer be able to call it an "aging society." HAL Lumbar Support: An AI Technology That Addresses the Declining Birthrate and Aging Population Source :YouTube screenshot With Japan's declining birthrate and aging population, the age of caregivers, whose job it is to care for the sick and elderly, is increasing every year. The "HAL Lumber Support" project, which can be seen at 1:02 in the video, is a project to introduce nursing care robots to reduce the physical burden on caregivers in the nursing care industry. The video introduces AI technology that places an assistive robot suit on a caregiver's waist and receives biopotential signals emitted by the brain and transmits them to the power-assist suit to reduce the strain on the back and lower body. This is an AI technology that can be applied patient side as well. In addition, because HAL is an artificial intelligence (AI) equipped support robot, repeated use of the robot helps it learn how neurotransmission works and can assist in walking more efficiently. It's not just a robot that moves according to commands, it's an autonomous machine that learns on its own, meaning that the cyborg robots you see in science fiction movies are already a reality. These mechanized technologies are collectively referred to as Hybrid Assistive Limb” (HAL). Summary of Japan's Cutting-Edge AI Technology and Measures for an Aging Society As seen at the end of the video from 1:30, Japan’s cutting-edge technology “HAL” is already being applied to medical technology in Malaysia. It is believed that increased social participation opportunities for the elderly with the help of autonomous robots will increase the well-being of society. It'll be interesting to see what Japan, the superpower of robots, has to offer in the future. 【Official Website】Cutting-Edge AI Technologies – NEC the WISE - : Solution/ Service | NEC https://www.nec.com/ -
Video article 1:30
The Sanjo Buddhist Altar Is a Traditional Craft of Niigata Prefecture That Has Been Handed Down in Niigata Since the Edo Period. The Decorative Fittings Handmade by Artisans Are Simply Amazing
Traditional Crafts- 132 plays
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「三条仏壇」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「匠の手|新潟県伝統的工芸品16品目」が公開した「【三条仏壇】匠の手【五十嵐 考宏】」です。 およそ1分半の動画で、手打ち金具師の手により三条仏壇の飾り金具が作られる様子が映し出されています。 三条仏壇とはどのような仏壇なのでしょうか? 日本文化として世界に誇る、匠の手から生み出される伝統工芸「三条仏壇」についてご覧ください。 「仏都三条」新潟県三条地域の歴史 新潟県のほぼ中央に位置する三条地方。 ここは「仏都三条」と呼ばれるほど仏教文化が栄えた土地です。 その起源は、江戸時代中期には北陸随一とまで言われるほどの堂宇伽藍をもつ東別院が立てられたことに由来します。 大規模な寺院建立に際して、京都から仏師や宮大工、木工職人などさまざまな職人が招かれ、三条の職人も事業に参加しました。 こうして三条の地に浄土真宗が広まり、仏壇や仏具の生産が盛んに。 信濃川の水運にも恵まれ、原料輸送にも事欠かなかったことも大きな要因です。 地の利と、歴史、そして匠の技に裏打ちされ、正統的な宮殿造りと格調高い本漆塗りの金箔押し、そして飾り金具などの細工に定評があることから、三条仏壇は経済産業大臣より伝統的工芸品に指定されました。 三条仏壇の特徴 三条仏壇の作り方は複雑で、その特徴は以下の4点に集約されます。 ・木地は釘を一切使わないほぞ組による組み立て式で作られていること ・「枡組」や「肘木組」を使った本格的な宮殿造り ・数十種類のタガネを使い、飾り金具師の手打ち技法によって加工された手打ち金具 ・塗立(ぬりたて)、梨子地塗(なしじぬり)、木目出し塗といった塗装技術 動画では、飾り金具師の手仕事の工程が0:09よりご覧になれます。 金物町としての伝統工芸都市・新潟県三条市 新潟県の三条地域は、江戸時代から金属加工に特化した金物町としても有名で、その技術が仏壇にも余すところなく伝えられています。 芸術品、美術品の域にまで達した三条仏壇を生産する新潟県三条市は、ドラマ「下町ロケット」の舞台としても有名です。 金属加工産業が江戸時代から発達し、金物職人の技術は世界が認めるほど。 三条仏壇と同じく伝統工芸として、一枚の銅板だけを材料にして茶器や急須を作り出す燕槌起銅器があります。 新潟県三条市は江戸時代以来の伝統文化を今も受け継ぐ街なのですね。 伝統工芸を後世に引き継ぐための後進育成や文化継承にも力を入れており、日常的に金物文化の体験教室が開かれています。 三条仏壇紹介まとめ 新潟県三条市では街をあげてこの技術をもとにさまざまな商品を開発しています。 とくに調理器具やカトラリー、銀食器は有名で、三条の職人の技法を集めたおすすめの作品や伝統工芸品がたくさんあります。 自宅用に、また友人・知人へのプレゼントにもうってつけ。 お土産として手頃な値段の商品もあるので、新潟県三条市を訪れた際は、仏教文化が盛んな土地柄であることや、金物町としての伝統工芸品があることを思い出し、ぜひお土産屋さんを覗いてみてくださいね。 -
Video article 18:05
This Long-Established Candy Store Has Been Located in "Candy Alley" in Kawagoe, Saitama, for 100 Years. How to Make the "Kumiame Sakura Stick" by Tamariki Seika
Food & Drink- 80 plays
- YouTube
This Long-Established Candy Store Has Been Located in "Candy Alley" in Kawagoe, Saitama, for 100 Years. How to Make the "Kumiame Sakura Stick" by Tamariki Seika This video shows the making of candy at "Tamariki Seika" in Kawagoe, Saitama. Tamariki Seika has been making handmade candies for over 100 years. The shop is located in "Candy Alley" (Kashiya Yokocho) a popular tourist spot in Saitama Prefecture, and offers a wide variety of kumiame candy. Kumiame is a type of rolled candy that when cut shows a picture or face, such as Kintaro Ame. In the video, they make "Flower Kumiame Sakura." The candy which was as big as a log, was stretched and stretched, and at the end, a cherry blossom pattern can be seen in the cut section. Be sure to check out the video to see the 100 year old techniques in action! ◆Tamariki Seika Store Information◆ 【Address】350-0062 Saitama, Kawagoe, Motomachi, 2 Chome−7−7 【Access】A 15-minute walk from Hon-Kawagoe Station 【Avg. Price】¥200+ 【Hours】10:00-17:00 【Closures】Mondays 【Phone】049-222-1386 【Tabelog】Tamariki Seika https://tabelog.com/en/saitama/A1103/A110303/11005857/ -
Video article 6:03
This Food Is Gorgeous! A Vegetable Carver Teaches You How to Cut Cucumbers for Decorations. Chinese Bellflower and Pine Trees
Food & Drink- 28 plays
- YouTube
Carving Vegetables into Chinese Bellflower and Pine Trees In this video, Oki, a sushi chef and vegetable sculptor based in Osaka, teaches us how to cut cucumbers for decoration. The two things he teaches us are balloon flower (Chinese bellflower) and pine trees." The Chinese bellflower (桔梗, "Kikyo" in Japanese) is shaped like a flower petal and can be topped with a variety of ingredients for a party or for entertaining guests. The pine trees look gorgeous, so they go great with platters and sashimi. Be sure to check out the awesome decorative cutting in the video! -
Video article 8:16
AIDAprima, a state-of-the-art cruise ship built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Take a look at the latest technology born in Poland!
Transportation- 24 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "AIDAprima Cruise Ship Construction & Christening in 4K by MK timelapse," was released by MK timelapse GmbH. The construction of Nagasaki's new flagship, AIDAprima, took place during the Hafengeburtstag birthday celebration in Hamburg on May 7, 2016. The cruise ship ordered by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries was named AIDAprima on the Elbe River in Poland. The ship is said to be the largest ever built in Japan and is based on the Mitsubishi Air Lubrication System (MALS), which reduces fuel consumption by using air bubbles to reduce drag. -
Video article 11:24
The Dashi-Maki Burger at Nishiki Hirano Inside Kyoto's Nishiki Market Is a Must-Try! Watch the Chef Nailing It as He Uses 5 Pans at Once!
Food & Drink- 66 plays
- YouTube
Nishiki Market - The Kitchen of Kyoto! Introducing Nishiki Hirano's Fluffy Dashi-Maki Tamago Burger This video shows how they make dashi-maki tamago burgers at Nishiki Hirano in Nishiki Market. In the video, the artisan uses five frying pans to make dashi-maki tamago, and from 9:00 onwards, you can see the fluffy eggs being cooked to perfection. The dashi-maki tamago burgers that these turn into are simply amazing. You can try one at Nishiki Market, the "Kitchen of Kyoto," so if you're in Kyoto, be sure to stop by. ◆Nishiki Hirano Store Information◆ 【Address】489-1 Nakauoyacho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8125 【Access】A 6-minute walk from Hankyu Karasuma Station / 329 meters from Karasuma Station 【Cost】¥398+ 【Hours】Restaurant 8:30-16:30 (L.O. 16:15) / Selling of side dishes 10:00-18:00 【Closures】Irregular 【Parking】None 【Phone】050-5596-2754 【Official Homepage】Nishiki Hirano - Kyoto Nishiki Market's Side Dish Speciality Shop https://nishiki-hirano.com/ 【Tabelog】Nishiki Hirano https://tabelog.com/en/kyoto/A2601/A260201/26007725/ -
Video article 2:56
Sumi-Nagashi Is a Traditional Craft of Fukui Prefecture Where No Two Patterns Are Identical. How Are the Beautiful Designs Made?
Traditional Crafts- 35 plays
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伝統工芸「墨流し」とは? IKIDANE NIPPONが制作した「Incredible Craftsmanship: Sumi Nagashi」は日本の文化である伝統工芸の一つの「墨流し」についてのプロモーション動画です。 この記事では、和の文化を支えている伝統工芸「墨流し」の歴史や文化、魅力について説明をしていきます。 墨流しの歴史はおおよそ800年以上! 墨流しの歴史は、約800年前の平安時代からとされています。 手漉き和紙に墨や絵の具を用いて染料等で模様を描いていくのです。 波紋と筆、そして扇子によって浮かび上がる模様はその時、その時で全く違うものになります。 この技法で生まれる模様は再現性のない、唯一無二のものとなるため、非常に種類に富んでいて、特別感のある仕上がりとなります。 日本の文化として世界的にも人気の理由となっています。 現在では、この匠の技とも言える墨流しをすることが出来る職人の方は、日本でも片手で数えるほどしか居ないそうです。 越前和紙の生産地であり墨流しを体験出来る福井県! 数少ない墨流しの職人の中でも代表的な人物が無形文化財の技術保持者に認定された福田忠雄さんです。 福井県には、何とその伝統工芸士の福田忠雄さんから実際に手ほどきを受けながら墨流しを体験出来ます。 申し込みはインターネットからでも可能ですので、ぜひ申し込んでみてはいかがでしょうか? 波紋によって染められ、彩られる世界が出来上がる様子は、非常に実りのある体験となること請け合いでしょう。 伝統工芸「墨流し」の歴史と文化のまとめ 日本が世界へと誇れる文化としても名高い墨流し。 福井県に足を運べば、作業風景から体験までを実際に誰でも可能です。 ぜひ福井県へ墨流し体験に足を運んで見てはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 2:44
Discover the Beauty of "Edo Kaijo," a Japanese Sake Made in Tokyo's Minato Ward! Witness the Free and Challenging Brewing Techniques That Cannot Be Replicated!
Food & Drink- 27 plays
- YouTube
The Approach to Sake Brewing at Tokyo Port Brewery, a Free and Challenging Brewery in Tokyo's Minato Ward This video is a short documentary by Yoshimi Terasawa, who, in 2011, revived a brewery that had gone out of business in 1911. It has attracted attention for its free and challenging sake brewing, taking advantage of a once-lost tradition. Edo Kaijo is a sake made in Tokyo's Minato Ward. Be sure to give it a try. 【Official Homepage】Tokyo Port Brewery http://tokyoportbrewery.wkmty.com/ -
Video article 7:31
A Master Bonsai Artist's Technique to Share the Appeal of Bonsai With the World! A Look at the Performance Leaving Italians in Awe!
Traditional Culture- 45 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Kunio Kobayashi Bonsai demonstration," was released by Bonsai Empire (盆栽エンパイア). In this video, you can see the performance of Kunio Kobayashi, a bonsai master, at a bonsai event in Italy. Mr. Kunio Kobayashi has built a bonsai museum in Japan and has been promoting bonsai around the world. The video shows him impressing the people of Italy with his techniques. -
Video article 10:54
Eat Freshly Cut and Freshly Cooked Unaju! A Look at the Delicious Unaju of Unazen, Near Tokyo Sky Tree in Azumabashi, Tokyo!
Food & Drink- 24 plays
- YouTube
The Unaju of Unazen in Azumabashi This video shows the eel dishes of Unazen. Unazen has been open for more than 30 years in Azumabashi, near Tokyo Sky Tree, and has been run by a husband and wife team. There is often a line of people waiting to enter the restaurant. Unazen's unaju is made to order, so you can get freshly cooked eel that was live until your order was placed. Enjoy experiencing freshly cut and freshly cooked eel! ◆Unazen Store Information◆ 【Address】東京都墨田区吾妻橋3-6-18 【Access】A 7-minute walk from Asakusa Station off the Tobu Isesaki Line and Tokyo Metro Ginza Line / A 1-minute walk from Honjo-Azumabashi Station off the Toei Asakusa Line (exit A4) 【Avg. Cost】¥3600+ 【Hours】Tuesday - Friday 11:00-18:00 / Saturday - Sunday 11:00-16:00, or until sold out 【Closures】Mondays. If Monday is a public holiday then the following day is also closed. 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3624-0475 【Tabelog】Unazen (鰻禅) https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1312/A131203/13058979/ -
Video article 9:23
Flashy Memorial Pained Jets Take to the Skies at the Nyutabaru Air Base Air Festival! The Flashy, Kabuki-Printed Color Scheme Is a Crowd-Pleaser!
Transportation Festivals & Events- 32 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[HD] C-1 ド派手な記念塗装機 新田原基地航空祭 2018 / JASDF Nyutabaru Air Festa 2018 - C-1 Demo Flight," was released by "j-sky on YouTube." The C-1 transport aircraft is the first domestically produced post-war military transport aircraft deployed by the JASDF. Japan's defeat in the war sealed off the technology for developing aviation, but the ban was finally lifted in the 1970's and the first jet-powered transport aircraft made its debut. The C-1 features a loading system that allows the vehicle to be loaded quickly and, with metal rods on the floor, it can transport up to 36 patients at a time. The aircraft has been dispatched to many disasters and is a reassuring tool in the event of a recent spate of disasters and epidemics. Check out the awesome kabuki paint job in the video! -
Video article 6:25
Have you ever seen an emergency launch (scramble launch) of the Air Self-Defense Force? We were very excited to see the rare footage shown at the Hyakuri Air Base Air Festival in Omitama, Ibaraki Prefecture!
Transportation- 53 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "スクランブル発進!/JASDF F-4EJ(mod) Scramble Demo.," was released by "Deckay_F." This is a demo video of the F-4EJ scramble takeoff. On cue, a JASDF pilot runs up to the aircraft and prepares it for takeoff with quick movements. The F4 Phantom has been in use around the world for decades and is a familiar aircraft among aviation fans. Scrambling is the act of quickly mobilizing military aircrafts to intercept immediate threats. The Japanese Air Self-Defense Force is constantly training to keep Japan's skies safe. -
Video article 37:28
The Inkan – A Crucial Item for All of the Important Events in Your Life, and an Essential Part of Japanese Culture. In This Article, We'll Hear From the Inkan Craftsmen Who Skillfully Carve the Complicated Designs for Inkan!
Traditional Crafts- 74 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Inkan Carving This video, titled "「TOKYO匠の技」技能継承動画「印章彫刻熟練技能編」," was created by "東京都 Tokyo Metropolitan Government." There are many "craftsmen" in all sorts of fields in Japan. Inkan makers, too, are known as craftsmen. The inkans carved by these craftsmen, using skills that were passed down to them and refined over the years, are truly works of art. This article will introduce the craft of carving inkan alongside the video. What Is Inkan Carving? Source :YouTube screenshot Inkan carving is the art of making the inkan used by companies and people every day in Japan. Inkan craftsmen are known as "insho chokoku ginoshi" (印章彫刻技能士), which roughly translates to "Seal Carving Technician." There is a Grade 1 and Grade 2 ranking for this titled. The certification exam is held once a year. Applicants are required to pass both an academic and practical examination before they are officially certified. In order to make a living as a craftsman, it's necessary to continuously accumulate knowledge about inkan. Although machine carving is now the norm, hand-carved inkan are still bought and sold today. In the video, the Grade 1-ranked Seal Carving Technician Tomonari Sanada (眞田智成) shows us how an inkan is made. If you’re interested in Japan’s inkan culture, definitely check out the video. Below is an overview of the video. Introduction of the carving tools and materials used for the inkan ↓ The process of creating an inkan ↓ Making a seal with the newly-crafted inkan This process can be viewed from 1:03 in the video. Through this nearly 40 minute video, you'll gain an appreciation for the skills of the inkan craftsmen. Summary of Inkan Carving Source :YouTube screenshot The world of inkan carving has many unseen depths and layers, and a high level of skill is required of the craftsmen. This video is a great introduction to the world of inkan carving. When visiting Japan, besides enjoying the gorgeous scenery and tasting delicious food such as sushi, why not experience Japanese culture and traditional crafts as well? Besides inkan, there are many other traditional crafts in Japan, giving you plenty of things to discover. In addition, hanko and inkan are popular souvenirs for foreigners as well. These are easily available through online stores, so consider checking them out! -
Video article 3:14
The Most Beautiful Garnishes! Cutting Bamboo Into Pine Tree and Shrimp Decorations!
Food & Drink- 24 plays
- YouTube
A Single Bamboo Branch Turned Into Various Garnishes This video teaches you how to cut pine tree and shrimp decorations using bamboo leaves. There are several types of bamboo cutting, such as the ken-zasa, which is placed vertically between dishes, the shiki-zasa, which is placed underneath the food, kesho-zasa, which is placed on top of the food, and the kazari-mono, which is larger than those used for food. Check out the video to learn the steps for cutting pine tree and shrimp decorations from a single bamboo leaf! It's a great way to entertain guests when they come over, or to add a touch of class to your dishes on New Year's, etc. -
Video article 8:50
The knife handling without wasting even a moment! 50 years of experience in eel processing. What is the eel stacked in a bowl at Kiyomura, an eel restaurant in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture?
Food & Drink- 33 plays
- YouTube
The Eel Restaurant "Kiyomura" in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture This Video Shows the Chefs at the Eel Shop "Kiyomura" Making Unaju With Live Eel! The best thing about Kiyomura's unaju is that it's extremely cost effective. Unaju is usually priced at around 3,000 yen, but at Kiyomura you can get it for as little as 1,800 yen! In the video, you can see the live eel being flayed and skewered in one fell swoop. Be sure to check it out! ◆Kiyomura Store Information◆ 【Address】4-14-5 Mabuchi, Suruga, Shizuoka, Shizuoka 【Access】An 18-minute walk from Shizuoka Station, or 10 minutes by bus from Shizuoka Station 【Avg cost.】¥1800+ 【Hours】11:00-21:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】Available 【Phone】054-287-5045 【Tabelog】Kiyomura https://tabelog.com/en/shizuoka/A2201/A220101/22017921/ -
Video article 1:42
Meijiza, the Oldest Theater in Tokyo, Has Had Its Front Curtain Beautifully Renovated! the Digitally Powered Drapes, Created in Collaboration With the Digital Art Group "TeamLab," Are Truly a Sight to Behold!
Modern Culture Traditional Culture News- 23 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Unveiling of the New 145th Anniversary Drapes|A Collaboration Between Meijiza and TeamLab" (145周年新緞帳を披露 明治座、チームラボとコラボ), was released by "KyodoNews." Meijiza, introduced in this video, is a theater located in Chuo City, Tokyo, and is the longest established theater in Tokyo. To celebrate Meijiza's 145th anniversary, they held a preview of their new drapes in April 2019, in collaboration with digital art collective TeamLab. The drapes are 7 meters long and 20 meters wide, and projections of the streets of Nihonbashi and the activities of its people are shown through projection mapping. -
Video article 10:31
Tatami - An Indispensable Part of Japanese Style Rooms. Two Tatami Craftsmen Talk About Their Passion and Commitment To the Traditional Product That Has Been Handed Down in Japan Since Ancient Times
Traditional Crafts- 68 plays
- YouTube
Introducing the Tatami Craftsmen of Matsuya Tatami Shop! This video, titled "Nippon Handicraft Encyclopedia - Matsuya Tatami Shop" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 松屋畳店), was released by "Nippon Handicraft Encyclopedia" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑). The video shows the craftsmen of Matsuya Tatami Shop, a long-established tatami store with a long history dating back to the Genroku Period, reupholstering tatami mats. The craftsmen that are introduced in the video are Tomoki Okawa, an 11th generation craftsman of Matsuya Tatami Shop in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, and his father, Masao Okawa, the 10th generation craftsman of the establishment. You can see Tomoki Okawa from 0:54 and Masao Okawa from 2:15 in the video. What Are Japan's Tatami Mats? Photo:The main material of tatami, Igusa The tatami mat is a traditional flooring in Japan and its main material is rush which is grown by farmers. Tatami craftsmen knit together domestic, high-quality rush grass using methods that have been handed down since ancient times, and after laying it on a board, sew on the edges. The size of Japanese tatami mats is fixed, and the tatami mats created by the craftsmen fit perfectly on the floor of Japanese-style rooms like puzzle pieces. Among those with skills like the craftsmen of Matsuya Tatami Shop introduced in the video, some craftsmen are qualified as First-Class Tatami Technicians. If you want to change out your Japanese tatami mats, it's best to leave the whole process of tatami mat construction to craftsmanship professionals, such as Matsuya Tatami Shop introduced in the video. A Look at the Effects and Benefits of Japanese Tatami Mats Source :YouTube screenshot The effects and benefits of Japanese tatami mats include antibacterial properties, air purification, heat insulation, and humidity management. The fact that tatami, which is cool in summer and warm in winter, has been used since ancient times is a testament to the wisdom of the Japanese people. Also, the Japanese tatami mat has moderate elasticity and so it can be expected to absorb sounds or vibrations. Furthermore, Japanese tatami mats are made from naturally derived ingredients, so it also provides a soothing effect similar to the outdoors. Another good thing about tatami mats is that if you're careful when cleaning them and take proper care of them, they can be used for a long time. Get Acquainted With Japanese Tatami Source :YouTube screenshot For those who don't have a Japanese-style room, we recommend trying some handicrafts made out of tatami to get an idea of what it's like. Japanese tatami accessories, such as tatami book covers and card cases seen at 9:41 of the video, are sold on the internet for reasonable prices. Summary of Matsuya Tatami Shop Source :YouTube screenshot The video showcases the allure of traditional Japanese tatami while introducing Matsuya Tatami Shop. Many years have passed since the prosperous days of traditional Japanese tatami culture, and in recent years, the number of houses without Japanese-style rooms is increasing. That being said, recently, Japanese-style rooms with tatami mats are being re-evaluated. If you're planning on building a house, consider using tatami mats that have a wide range of benefits! -
Video article 3:31
A Close Look At the Master Craftsmanship of Japan's Temple & Shrine Carpenters! Discover the Amazing Traditional Japanese Technique of Building Without Using Nails
Art & Architecture Traditional Culture- 1.03K plays
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Japan's Temple & Shrine Carpenters This video, titled "In Japan, Repairing Buildings Without a Single Nail," was uploaded by "Great Big Story." It introduces a traditional Japanese temple and shrine carpenter, called "Miyadaiku" (宮大工) in Japanese, from Kamakura (鎌倉). Japanese temple and shrine carpenters specialize in temples and shrines and construct/repair traditional buildings. Some of the craftsmen work on the construction and repair of historical buildings, such as Japan's national treasures and world heritage sites. Japan's temple and shrine carpenters must possess a high-level of skill and knowledge to repair traditional buildings. A building repaired by Japan's Miyadaiku carpenters allows the beautiful architecture of Japan to remain the work of art that it is. This article covers some of the amazing traditional techniques of Japan's temple and shrine carpenters and their journey to becoming full-fledged craftsmen. Kigumi - A Traditional Carpentry Technique Used by Japan's Miyadaiku Carpenters Photo:Kigumi, traditional Japanese architecture Some wooden architecture in Japan, including temples and shrines, is built by assembling wooden materials together as though it were one large 3d puzzle. This method is called the "Kigumi" method, meaning "wooden framework." This impressive craftsmanship can be seen from 0:21 in the video. The traditional skill of framing and jointing wood, characterized by very precise cutting and coupling of wood, requires countless hours of training and experience as a Miyadaiku carpenter. Traditional Japanese architecture is made possible thanks to the high-quality craftsmanship of Japan's temple and shrine carpenters. The Long Road to Becoming a Miyadaiku Carpenter Photo:A wooden shrine, traditional Japanese architecture Acquiring the skills of a Miyadaiku carpenter requires on-the-job training, so the first step is to become an apprentice at a workshop or construction firm and learn the repair processes and traditional methods used by observing the skills of a master Miyadaiku carpenter up close. The history of Miyadaiku carpenters dates back more than a thousand years. In the past, Japan's temple and shrine carpenters were referred to as "Wataridaiku," and they lived in areas with many shrines and temples, working from one location to the next. Miyadaiku carpenters also repair historic World Heritage buildings and prominent national treasures, such as the one's you'd find in Kyoto. Thus, Miyadaiku carpenters are required to have advanced knowledge in various fields, not just architecture, but religious studies as well. Summary of Japan's Traditional Miyadaiku Carpenters Photo:A wooden temple being built Miya-Daiku carpenters have been repairing Japan's temples and shrines since ancient times with their advanced skills that can be used to construct wooden buildings without the use of nails. This traditional Japanese culture is handed down from one generation of craftsmen to the next. It's no secret that all of Japan's beautiful temples and shrines look like the amazing works of art they art thanks to the amazing craftsmanship of Japan's Miyadaiku carpenters. -
Video article 6:41
Enjoy Watching How the Traditional Sweet "Dragon's Beard Candy," a Popular Delicacy in China and Korea, Is Made in This Amazing Demonstration Video! The Delicate Sweets Created by the Cheery Professional in This Video Are Simply Amazing!
Food & Drink Shopping- 1.89K plays
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About the Demonstrational "Dragon Beard's Candy" Video This video features footage of a professional making traditional dragon beard's candy by hand at a food stall in the Shin-Okubo area of Shinjuku, Tokyo (東京都新宿の新大久保). The delicate sweets, which are known for being difficult to make, are a traditional sweet in Korea which are also known by the name Kkul-tarae (クルタレ) or Ronshutan (ロンシュータン). In this video, you can see the techniques used to make dragon's beard candy and learn more about the history and characteristics of this traditional sweet. We hope you enjoy the video! What Is Dragon's Beard Candy? Source :YouTube screenshot Dragon's beard candy is a traditional sweet which has been eaten in countries such as China, Korea and Taiwan for hundreds of years. Its popularity has spread to other foreign countries, such as the US, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada and Hong Kong. Dragon beard's candy originated in China over 2,000 years ago, when the delicate treat was originally prepared for the emperor; however, it eventually came to be eaten by ordinary citizens and has been loved to this day. The main ingredient used to make dragon beard's candy is maltose syrup, known as "mugi mizuame" in Japanese. Cornstarch is also an essential ingredient. It's made by stretching a hard piece of candy over and over again to create a candy with a light and crunchy texture. The mildly sweet Dragon's beard candy is often given as a gift (lucky charm) in Seoul, Korea. Watch the Amazing Skills of This Professional Dragon Beard's Candy Maker in Shin-Okubo! Source :YouTube screenshot Each piece of dragon's beard candy is carefully handmade by craftsmen. As can be seen in the video, the street vendor first prepares the maltose syrup candy. He creates a hole in the hard candy and proceeds to stretch the candy using this hole. You can take a look at the stretching process throughout the video. The vendor then stretches the candy over and over while continually covering it in cornstarch until the threads of the candy reach the thickness of what is thought to resemble a dragon's beard. Only highly skilled professionals can make the candy incredibly thin without it breaking or snapping. A single piece of candy is stretched into an amazing 16,384 strands. From 4:26 in the video, the street vendor explains that this is the perfect number of strands to create the most pleasant melt-in-your-mouth texture. At 2:20 in the video, he begins to fold the candy to create the 16,384 strands, which he completes in roughly 35-40 seconds. The highlight of the video has to be when the professional dragon's beard maker shows off the finished product to the customers, at which point it looks beautifully smooth like threads of silk. Many customers are amazed by the look of the finished product! You can take a look at this in the video at 4:18. If you get a chance to see it up close, be sure to take a video of your own and share it with your friends! Source :YouTube screenshot After stretching out the candy, crushed peanuts, almonds, sesame seeds, or coconut can be added as a filling. One piece of candy costs approximately a few hundred yen (a couple bucks (USD)). There are very few people who know how to make the candy as the skills required are so difficult to master. Summary of Dragon Beard Candy There are food stalls in Shin-Okubo and Yokohama's Chinatown (横浜中華街, yokohamachuukagai) where you can watch dragon beard's candy being made right before your eyes. You can also buy dragon beard's candy online, sometimes sold under the name "Dragon Candy." For those interested in tasting and experiencing the delicate texture of dragon beard's candy, we highly recommended purchasing some and trying them out for yourself! Watching how the amazing dragon beard candy is made is guaranteed to pique your curiosity! Be sure to check it out in the video! -
Video article 4:24
Kyo Sashimono - A Traditional Craft in Kyoto That Has Been Passed Down Since the Heian Period. A Rare Glimpse Into the Making of a Craft That Makes for a Great Souvenir!
Traditional Crafts- 148 plays
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伝統工芸「京指物」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「京指物」kyo-sahimono joinery/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 多くの観光客が訪れる京都には京指物と呼ばれる伝統工芸があります。 京都観光を楽しむ方は是非チェックしてください。 京指物とは一体どのように作られるのか 1つの京指物ができるまでにいくつもの制作工程があります。 動画をご覧になれば素材選びから完成までのイメージを掴めるのではないでしょうか。 まずは素材となる木を乾燥させ、荒木取と呼ばれる木の余分な部分を切り落とす工程が行われます。 続いてに木を矯正・荒削りして状態を整えたら仕口ホゾ接ぎと呼ばれる工程に移ります。 微調整しながら組み立てていくのがポイントです。 加工された部分に接着剤を塗って接合した後、平鉋(ひらがんな)で滑らかさや丸みを出す仕上削りが行われます。 その後、表面を研磨する仕上加工と呼ばれる工程で木の特長を引き出します。 最後は文様などを付ける加飾加工を行えば京指物のできあがりです。 気になる京指物の作品 京指物は茶道具をはじめ、桐箱や米櫃、調味料入れ、おちょこなどがあります。 通販サイトでは、いろいろな京指物が販売されているので、きっとお気に入りの作品が見つかるでしょう。 京指物紹介まとめ 京都は多くの観光客で賑わっており、日本の伝統工芸や歴史などを勉強するなら一度は訪れたい場所です。 今回紹介した動画をきっかけに日本の伝統工芸や京都について興味を持ってもらえれば幸いです。 -
Video article 10:03
Magical Techniques Brings These Graters Back to Life! A Look at One Craftsman in Tokyo Making Used Graters Look Like New!
Life & Business- 209 plays
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Restoring Old Graters to their Former Glory This video, titled "The Fascinating Repairmen. #009 'Graters'" was uploaded by "Togepi1125." It shows a Japanese craftsman repairing graters. You can see the graters made from an ancient Japanese copper plate in the video. Copper graters have been used since the Edo period (1603-1868). It's said that a copper grater is an item that can last a lifetime if properly taken care, but it can also become damaged if used continuously. A grater repairman is an expert who uses manual techniques to repair tools in a workplace filled with many machines. Making Worn-Out Graters Look Like New - Techniques of a Grater Repairman Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces Takashi Teshigawara, the repairman at Kosuge, a hardware workshop in Tokyo, from 0:38. He has over 56 years of experience as a craftsman, and his skillful techniques can make damaged copper graters shine like new. Although the teeth on the surface of the grater are called eyes, repairing a grater is called re-toothing. Copper is a material that is easily affected by oxidation and other factors, so the edges of eyes become damaged over time. A skilled repairman can repair the damaged eyes using all kinds of techniques. The Repair Process of Graters Source :YouTube screenshot First, boil the old rusty grater, polish it properly, getting rid of stains left behind by radishes, ginger, wasabi, and any other vegetables. This process can be seen from 3:06 in the video. Next, the copper part of the grater is tapped with a hammer and roasted over fire to polish its surface. At last, a chisel is used to clean and sharpen the eyes of the grater. It takes a lot of time to clean and sharpen the flattened grater eyes. Through these techniques even the most worn-out graters will look like new. The finished grater can be seen from 7:37 in the video. Summary of Japan's Grater Repairmen Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, many Japanese tools have been repeatedly repaired by craftsman and used for many years. There are many artisans with expert skills who can repair various types of tools to the point that they look brand new. Check out the video to see the amazing work of one craftsman doing just that. -
Video article 13:16
Bingata - Traditional Resist Dyeing of Okinawa, Japan, Used to Make Kimono With Breathtaking Designs and Colorful Patterns
Traditional Crafts- 199 plays
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Bingata - A Traditional Japanese Craft This video, titled "BINGATA – Az okinawai textilfestés," was created by "Teodora Vegh." It introduces Rei Ishida (石田麗), who currently makes Bingata in a workshop in Oita Prefecture (大分県). Bingata is a traditional dyeing technique representative of Okinawa, and is sometimes referred to as "Ryukyu Somemono" (琉球染物). This dyeing technique is used to create beautiful clothing items and accessories which are available for purchase. Check out the video to learn more about the history of this traditional craft and how Bingata products are made! The History of Bingata, A Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot The Bingata dyeing technique has been used in Okinawa since the 13th century. It's said that this technique was developed to create kimono for the royal family at the time. The kanji characters for "Bingata," which until then was simply written in hiragana, were chosen during the Showa period (1926 AD - 1989 AD). Since the Second World War, Bingata workshops have opened up all over Japan and items are now produced as works of art. How Bingata is Made Source :YouTube screenshot The craftsmen must first design and create a stencil that will be used to apply a motif to the fabric. The stencil is cut out carefully by hand. This process can be seen at 0:40 in the video. Once the stencil is made, a paste is applied on top of the stencil (1:38 in the video) followed by paint to apply color to the material. The brushes used to dye the fabric are often made from human hair. Other dyeing methods such as Tsutsugaki (筒描き) and Aizome (藍染) are often used, as well as the traditional Bingata dyeing technique. After applying color, the fabric is then steamed and soaked in water to remove the paste. The Bingata dyeing process shown in the video is as follows: 1. Design 2. Stencil carving (0:39~) 3. Paste application (1:44~) 4. "Gobiki" (2:36~) 5. Color application (3:05~) 6. "Sumitori" (4:03~) 7. Steaming 8. Soaking 9. Nori paste application 10. Dyeing 11. Steaming 12. Soaking 13. Sewing 14. Finish Purchasing Bingata Dyed Goods Source :YouTube screenshot Bingata fabric is used to create many items such as furoshiki (風呂敷), tapestries, accessories, kimono, yukata, furisode (long-sleeved kimono) and hanhaba obi (half-width obi/kimono sash). The bright, bold coloring of Bingata dyed goods is typical of Okinawa. Bingata items can be purchased in workshops and gift shops around Okinawa and Kyushu. In recent years, the number of Bingata items being sold online has been increasing making it even easier to find and purchase the patterns that suit you best. Summary of Bingata, A Traditional Craft of Okinawa Source :YouTube screenshot Making beautiful Bingata dyed goods like those introduced in the video involves a series of complicated processes. Clothing and accessories made from Bingata dyed fabric make great Japanese souvenirs! Have fun searching for your favorite Bingata goods! -
Video article 6:36
A Look Inside the World of an Embroiderer Who Revives Memories With His Craftsmanship. A Traditional Japanese Craft Where the Craftsman's Heart and Soul Goes Into Every Single Stitch!
Traditional Crafts- 173 plays
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Japan's Traditional Embroidery Restoration This video, titled "Nippon Teshigoto Zukan x Wakoh-sha" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 和光舎), was released by "Nippon Teshigoto Zukan" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑). It introduces the embroidery restoration workshop "Wakoh-sha" in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. Wakoh-sha is a company specializing in the cleaning of robes worn by monks in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. After cleaning these robes for a while, they also began to restore the embroidery of "uchishiki," patterned cloth laid on a table or Buddhist altar. This video introduces the work of an embroiderer who specializes in embroidery restoration, a craft rarely seen by the general public. A Closer Look at the Traditional Embroider Restoration of Wakoh-sha Source :YouTube screenshot The uchishiki, a cloth used at Buddhist temples and in Shinto rituals, is what is being restored in the video. Embroiderers carefully cut out the embroidery that was beautifully applied more than 100 years ago, transfer it to a new cloth, and restore the frayed embroidery to its original form, playing an important role in allowing it to be passed down to the present generation. You can see the frayed embroidery before and after repair at 1:55 in the video. Nihon Shishu (日本刺繍), a traditional Japanese craft that restores embroidery, embroiders patterns such as flowers and birds on silk using silk thread, gold thread, and silver thread, and is a historical decorative technique that is also used for decorating kimono and obi. This type of embroidery restoration involves re-stitching gold thread or stitching new thread. This video shows how the embroidery artisans use traditional Nihon Shishu techniques, such as Sagara-nui and Matsuri-nui, without using adhesives, in order to "connect the beauty of the past to the present. The Embroidery Artisan Supporting Traditional Japanese Crafts Source :YouTube screenshot Hisamitsu Imamura, an embroiderer introduced in the video, is still moved by traditional Japanese embroidery, despite being 80 years of age and is trying to improve his techniques. He also focuses on training young embroiderers so that they may inherit Japan's traditional embroidery techniques. The embroiderers who work in the workshop, both experienced artisans and beginners, learn while feeling the beauty of Japanese embroidery, and by repairing it, they find reward in being able to preserve the past. Summary of Japan's Traditional Embroidery Restoration Source :YouTube screenshot No two embroidery restorations are the same; each piece is a once-in-a-lifetime work whose composition changes depending on the condition of the embroidery and the damage the fabric has sustained. As you can see at the end of the video, the delicate work of the embroidery artisans, who put their hearts and souls into each and every stitch, are connecting the beauty of the past to the present. -
Video article 13:11
Sword Polishing Is a Highly Difficult Type of Craftsmanship for Maintaining Japanese Swords. A Look at the Uncompromising Techniques That Go Into Restoring Japan's Historical Swords
Traditional Crafts- 603 plays
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A Look at the Polishing Techniques Used for Japanese Swords This video, titled "日本刀の研磨 手入れ 本阿弥流 Polishing katana Japanese sword," was released by " JAPAN STUDY 日本研究." Craftsmen who polish swords for a living are called "togishi" (研師) in Japanese. Among these craftsmen, the Hon'ami school shown in the video is a professional sword polishing school that has been around since the Nanboku-cho Period (1336-1392 A.D.). At 12:21 in the video, a stunning view of "Kanamori Masamune," a famous dagger, is introduced. The History and Techniques of Japanese Sword Polishing Source :YouTube screenshot Sword polishing has a long history in Japan and was already being practiced when chokuto (直刀, Japanese straight swords) were still being used. The Hon'ami family, who served Ashikaga Takauji during the Nanboku-cho Period, later established sword polishing and sword appraisal methods. When a sharpener receives a request for sword polishing, he first observes the sword for about a week to visualize the precise polishing. The sword polishing process incorporates a unique technical system. When polishing a sword, it is polished under the assumption that it will be used to cut down enemies, but it is also important to sharpen it in a way that brings out the beauty of the sword, so that the base metal and the hamon (刃文, blade pattern) can be seen clearly. The Sword Polishing Techniques in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot The person introduced at 1:00 in the video is Koshu Hon'ami, a living national treasure of the Hon'ami family. He uses whetstones to carefully polish Japanese swords. There are several types of sword polishers, including Binsuido, Kaiseido, Nagurado, Koma-Nagurado, Uchigumorihado, and Uchigumorijido. The sword is finely polished after being given a rough polish, and then adjusted through finishing polishes. A whetstone called "Narutaki" (鳴滝) is used to polish the surface of the blade, and various secret techniques are used when polishing the swords. There are many different polishes performed when polishing Japanese swords and many of these can be seen in the video. Sharpening the tip of the sword is called “narume” (ナルメ). It's important to finish the narume polishing carefully while protecting the blade of the sword. Summary of Japan’s Sword Polishing Techniques Source :YouTube screenshot Today, there are approximately 50 sword polishing professionals in Japan. There is no set qualification system for sword polishing, but in order to become a swordsmith or a sharpener, one must work under a master or attend a class to acquire advanced skills. Many people around the world are fascinated by Japan's unique swords. In order to maintain the brilliance of the swords, the skills of the sword polishers shown in this video are essential.