Video article 2:53
A Panoramic View of the Beautiful Natural Scenery of Kagoshima! Be Sure to Throw This on Your Itinerary for Your Next Vacation!
Local PR Travel- 52 plays
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A Bird's Eye View of Kagoshima This video, titled "Drone Footage of Amazing Islands in Kagoshima, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 鹿児島" gives an aerial view of Kagoshima's islands, taken by drone. It was released by "egawauemon." Are you looking for beautiful your next summer getaway? If so, then you came to the right place. In this article, we'll introduce tourist information and travel tips for those traveling to the islands of Kagoshima Prefecture! This video shows aerial views of the remote islands in Kagoshima prefecture, which are overflowing with natural beauty. There are six remote islands introduced in this video: Yakushima, Yoronjima, Tanegashima, Koshikijima, Kakeromajima, and Amami Oshima. The Best Remote Islands to Enjoy Water Sports! If you're looking to enjoy water sports and activities on a remote island in Kagoshima Prefecture, we recommend Yoronjima and Kakeromajima. Yoronjima is an island full of flowers and coral reefs. It has Terasaki Beach, which became famous as a location featured in the movie "Glasses" (めがね), and Yurigahama Beach, a pure white sandy beach that appears only during low tide. The sea is crystal clear, and in the summer months it's crowded with water sports enthusiasts. The main tourist attraction on Kakeromajima is the 300-year-old Indian coral tree trees that line the street near the beach. The bright red flowers on these trees bloom from May to June. There is also the beautiful beach Surihama, which is called the White Village. Water sports are very popular here. It's a small island, about 20 minutes by ferry from Amami Oshima, and the main spots on the island can be visited on a day trip. The Best Remote Islands to Enjoy the Ocean, Mountains and Villages! If you want to enjoy the beauty of the sea, mountains, and countryside of Kagoshima Prefecture, we recommend Koshikijima and Amami Oshima. There are many viewing points, such as a coastline with bizarre rock structures and the ruins of a village from the Edo period. We recommend going for a drive while looking out at the breathtaking scenery. Koshikijima is located just 50 minutes from Sendai Harbor (川内港) by high speed boat, and it's easily accessible from Kagoshima City, so a day trip to the island is possible. Amami Oshima is famous for its beautiful blue waters. The subtropical oceanic climate has led to the emergence of virgin forests, which are home to rare plant and animal species. The island is home to a wealth of rare flora and fauna, and you can even go on a canoeing adventure through a mangrove forest! Special Experience on Kagoshima's Islands If you're looking for a unique experience you wont find anywhere else, then we recommend Yakushima and Tanegashima. Yakushima was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1993, and trekking is very popular here. You can feel the mystical power of Yakushima by walking along popular routes, such as Shiratani Unsui Gorge. Yakushima also has hot springs, and the Hirauchi Kaichu Natural Onsen (hot springs), which emerge from the sea for just two hours before and after low tide, are a tourist attraction not to be missed! Tanegashima is famous as the birthplace of guns in Japan. A visit to Tanegashima Space Center, which sits at the forefront of space research and development, is another experience you don't want to overlook. Once You've Had Your Fill of the Remote Islands, It's Time to Grab a Bite to Eat! After visiting the islands of Kagoshima, you'll want to try some of the delicious food and go sightseeing in the area. There's delicious Berkshire pork, Japanese black (a Japanese cattle breed), and Shochu (Japanese liquor)! In the city center, you can buy souvenirs and enjoy delicious gourmet food, including Kagoshima ramen, satsuma-age (fried fish cakes), and kibinago (Silver-stripe round herring). Kagoshima was the birthplace of Saigo Takamori, and it is also home to many famous samurai residences and more. Take a trip to the area and learn about the history of Kagoshima! Summary of Kagoshima's Remote Islands This video, "Drone Footage of Amazing Islands in Kagoshima, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - Kagoshima," shows the beautiful scenery of the remote islands of Kagoshima. For those looking to enjoy the natural beauty of Kagoshima's remote islands, be sure to check out the video! -
Video article 6:15
Learn About the Nature and Profound Traditions of Aira City in Kagoshima Prefecture. Introducing the Beauty of Aira City With Stunning Aerial Footage!
Local PR Travel- 102 plays
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九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「姶良市公式youtubeチャンネル」が公開した「姶良市PR動画「AIRA CITY」(full version)」です。 今回は鹿児島県の姶良市(あいらし)を紹介します。 こちら記事では、日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市の情報や、おすすめの穴場スポットなどを紹介します。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地の姶良市は、鹿児島県の中央に位置する町です。 自然、歴史、文化、特産品、温泉とさまざま観光資源がある魅力のある観光地で、鹿児島を旅行する際にはぜひ寄りたいエリア。 活火山である桜島の景勝を楽しんだり、緑豊かな山々に癒されたりと自然が好きな方にとくにおすすめの場所です。 鹿児島県姶良市で自然、伝統文化を思う存分体験し、心に残る旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の景勝エリア 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市には、自然の美しい景観を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 まず、おすすめの観光スポットは龍門滝。 龍門滝は「日本の滝百選」にも選ばれた日本を代表する滝。 46メートルの高さから流れ落ちる滝はとても雄大で、見るものを圧倒させる力があります。 続いてのおすすめが、美しいアーチが特徴の金山橋です。 金山橋は明治12年頃に築かれた歴史ある石橋。 近くにある板井手の滝とのコントラストが美しく、インスタ映えのおすすめの撮影スポットでもあります。 他にも、網掛川や錦江湾、重富海水浴場、布引の滝、龍門司坂など鹿児島県姶良市には絶景を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の伝統文化 九州のおすすめの観光地、鹿児島県姶良市は、伝統工芸が盛んな観光地でもあります。 300年以上の歴史がある伝統工芸の龍門司焼は、薩摩を代表する焼き物として有名。 帖佐人形は、鹿児島県姶良市に残る伝統工芸で鹿児島県の伝統的工芸品にも選ばれています。 他にも、和紙漉きが楽しめるなど、鹿児島県姶良市の魅力的な伝統文化を体験できるスポットがあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の紹介まとめ こちらの動画は鹿児島県姶良市のおすすめの観光地を美しい映像でご覧になることができます。 美しい自然や歴史のある伝統文化を楽しめる鹿児島県姶良市。 九州観光の際には、鹿児島姶良市に是非、足をお運びください! -
Video article 1:42
Enjoy the Relaxing Sand Hot Springs of Ibusuki, Kagoshima. Relax and Unwind With the Rich Natural Environment and Delicious Food of Kyushu!
Local PR Travel- 54 plays
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自然の景色や温泉を楽しめる「鹿児島県指宿市」のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「指宿市観光課」が公開した「鹿児島県指宿市観光PR動画 Ibusuki Tourism Promotion Movie」です。 「日本の温泉で体をリフレッシュしたい!」 「気持ちのいい温泉がある場所に旅行したいな」 このように、良質な温泉地を観光したい方におすすめの動画です。 温泉を中心に鹿児島県指宿市(いぶすき)の観光スポットを紹介しています。 世界でも珍しい砂むし温泉など、興味深いスポットお楽しみください。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県指宿市の情報 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県指宿市は、温泉が好きな西郷隆盛がたびたび訪れていた場所として有名。 温泉以外にも景色の綺麗なスポットやおいしいグルメもあり、疲れを癒やしたいときにおすすめの場所です。 指宿市を訪れる際には、九州旅客鉄道が運行している特急列車の「指宿の玉手箱」に乗るのがおすすめ。 薩摩半島に伝わる竜宮伝説をテーマにした列車で、白黒の大胆な配色が特徴です。 乗り心地のいいソファーシートに座ることができるので、快適な旅になるでしょう。 指宿の玉手箱で、鹿児島の美しい景色を鑑賞しながら行く旅は最高です! 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市は温泉がおすすめ! 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市は、さまざまな温泉スポットがあります。 たまて箱温泉は指宿市に観光する際には必ず寄りたい場所。 海の見える露天風呂は鹿児島の雄大な景色を楽しむことができます。 薩摩富士と呼ばれている開聞岳の景勝を眺めながら、温泉にゆったり浸かる。 とてもぜいたくな時間を過ごせますよ。 また、珍しい砂蒸し風呂も「山川砂むし温泉 砂湯里」で体験できます。 体中の血行がよくなりデトックス効果が抜群です。 動画でも指宿市の温泉を紹介しているので、ぜひご覧ください! 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市の景勝エリア 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市には、すばらしい景観を楽しめる場所がたくさんあります。 JR日本最南端の駅として知られる西大山駅は、鹿児島の雄大な景色をご覧になることができます。 西大山駅の正面には開聞岳がそびえ立っており、絶好のインスタ映えスポット。 指宿市には他にも、縁結びの島として有名な知林ヶ島や、竜宮伝説発祥の地の長崎鼻、フラワーパークかごしま、池田湖、魚見岳など景色を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 日本の観光地である「鹿児島県指宿市」の紹介記事のまとめ 自然と温泉を楽しめる鹿児島県指宿市。 心身を癒やす観光地として指宿市を訪れるのはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 10:47
Follow the Daily Lives of Four People Who Quietly and Earnestly Engage in Work That Can Only Be Done in Tarumi, Kagoshima. Enjoying the Unchanging Scenery of Japan and Getting in Touch With the Lives of the Locals; That's Is the Kind of Sightseeing You Can Experience Here
Local PR- 62 plays
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A Promotional Video on Tarumizu, Kagoshima This video, titled "Tarumi, Kagoshima Prefecture Promotional Video (Winter Full Version / Japanese) 【BLESSING WINTER 4K LIFE IN TARUMIZU】," was uploaded by "Secretary and Public Relations Section, Planning and Policy Division, Tarumi City" (垂水市企画政策課秘書広報係). It's a promotional video for Tarumizu, located in northwest Osumi Peninsula. There is no tourist information in this video, just beautiful 4K imagery of Sakurajima and Kinko Bay shot via drone and made into a time-lapse. It also follows the daily lives of four people working in Tarumizu. Tarumizu in Kagoshima is located about an hours drive from Kagoshima City via the Tarumizu Ferry on Kagoshima Bay. It has a mild climate and rich nature and is a place where you can see the original landscapes of Japan. The Four People Living and Working in Tarumizu Source :YouTube screenshot Shuichi Murota introduced at 0:44 in the video, is a Japanese black beef breeder. Kentaro Yagi brews sake. He brews the traditional Kame-pot-brewed shochu "Yachiyo-den" during the cold winter. He uses fresh sweet potatoes to make them, 70% of the sweet potatoes are grown by him. He's introduced from 1:54 in the video. Shiho Murota, a painter, has revived the beautiful and intricate Satsuma buttons, which were said to be a lost art. She is introduced from 2:28 in the video. Last but not least, in the beautiful winter, at the foot of Sakurajima's sea, we see Shigeto Shinohara, an aquaculture specialist who uses Kagoshima tea and shochu grounds as food to cultivate the Tarumi City Fishery Cooperative's brand of kanpachi, "Umi no Ohkan." He is introduced from 3:17 in the video. Each of the four people talks about their commitment and love for their work, as well as their goals for the future. Beautiful Winter Scenery of Japan and Tourist Spot Information for Tarumizu, Kagoshima Photo:The Sea of Kagoshima In Kagoshima, there's Kagoshima Bay, also known as Kinko Bay, located between the Satsuma and Osumi Peninsulas. Kinko Bay, which is shown many times in the video, is a beautiful bay near Sakurajima and has been selected as one of the Top 100 Sceneries of Japan. Roadside Station Tarumizuhamabira, where you can view the beautiful Kinko Bay, was opened in November 2018. There are stores that sell local agricultural products as well as restaurants, so it's very popular among tourists. There are unusually shaped granites and large boulders at Sarugajo Valley and you can enjoy the clear flow of water here as well. There are also cottages and revitalization facilities that can be used during the winter at Sarugajo Valley Forest Path Tarumizu (猿ヶ城渓谷 森の道たるみず). In summer, many tourists come to enjoy activities such as camping, canyoning along clear streams, and shower climbing. The hot spring cottage, Enoshima Hot Spring, reminiscent of Japan's Showa era (1926 - 1989), was established 70 years ago and will warm up your body during the cold winter. The hot water from the shower and faucet is also hot spring water straight from the source. The view of Enoshima with Sakurajima as a background quite beautiful as well. Summary of Tarumizu, Kagoshima Source :YouTube screenshot Other popular sightseeing spots in Tarumizu, Kagoshima include "Takatoge Tsutsujigaoka" located at an elevation of 550 meters, where azaleas bloom in spring, and "Tarumizu Thousand Ginkgo Garden" (垂水千本イチョウ園) where approximately 1,200 ginkgo trees change color in fall. Also, in the summer, you can enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Kinko Bay and swimming at Masakari Beach, located on the border between Kanoya and Tarumizu. Enjoy the unchanging scenery of Japan and experience the lives of the locals in Tarumizu! 【Official Website】Tarumizu City, Kagoshima Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.tarumizu.lg.jp/hisho/foreign-language.html 【Tripadvisor】 Tarumizu City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1022930-Tarumizu_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:58
The City of Ibusuki in Kagoshima Prefecture Is Famous for Its Unique and Relaxing Sand Baths! Ibusuki Onsen, a Place With More Than 300 Years of History, Is the Perfect Spot To Refresh Both Your Body and Mind!
Travel- 208 plays
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Video Introduction: Sand Baths at the Popular Ibusuki Hot Spring Resort in Kagoshima Prefecture This video "Ibusuki city sand bath hot spring" (指宿の砂むし温泉, ibusukinosunamushionsen) was created by Don Don Kagoshima Channel and introduces the sand baths at Ibusuki Hot Spring resort which is located in the eastern part of Ibusuki city, Kagoshima prefecture. Normally, when visiting a hot spring one bathes in the hot water, however as shown in this video at a sand bath you are instead buried in the warm sand. Many popular hotels and luxury ryokan are situated around the Ibusuki Hot Spring area and several are also equipped with their own private outdoor hot springs called "rotenburo". The sand bath area which faces the sea offers picturesque views which attracts tourists year after year. More About the Ibusuki Sand Baths Introduced in the Video Photo:Sand steam baths Sand baths such as those featured in the video taken at the Fushimi coast (伏見海岸, fushimikaigan) have been around for over 300 years in Japan and are a famous type of hot spring. According to Professor Tanaka, a medical professor at Kagoshima University, bathing in the sand baths can increase your heart rate, increase the rate of waste product emission from the body and improve oxygen consumption which can help you feel refreshed. If you are interested in experiencing an Ibusuki sand bath, we highly recommend visiting Sayuri (砂湯里), Tamatebako Onsen (たまて箱温泉), Hakusuikan (白水館) or Saraku (砂楽). Other hot springs such as Ginsho (吟松) and Shusuien (秀水園) are also located in Kagoshima prefecture. There are many reasonable price plans for those wish to visit the hot springs on a day trip. How to Take a Sand Bath Photo:Sand steam baths As you can see from 0:51 in the video, after changing into a yukata and wrapping a towel around your head you are then buried in the warm sand at the beach. The sand is fairly hot at around 50 to 55℃ so in as little as 5 to 10 minutes you will be drenched in sweat. After taking the sand bath, make sure to thoroughly wash off any sand and then take a dip in a regular hot spring to refresh. It is perfectly acceptable for women to take a sand bath without removing their make up and children can enjoy the sand baths too! What Are the Benefits of Taking a Sand Bath at Ibusuki Hot Spring? Photo:The effects of hot springs Ibusuki sand baths, which are also called Japanese saunas, have many health benefits for the human body because of the sodium chloride springs. These include relief from nerve pain, rheumatoid arthitis, lower back pain, stuff shoulders, knee joint pain, improvement of symptoms from stroke induced paralysis, bone fractures, sensitivity to cold, menopause, stiff joints, asthma, eczema, diabetes, menstrual cramps, infertility, anemia, constipation and also obesity. On top of all the health benefits, sand baths are also thought to be great for the skin and can be used as a beauty treatment. Ibusuki Hot Spring Sand Bath Video Summary Source :YouTube screenshot Another hot spring which is gaining popularity is Kirishima Hot Spring in Kagoshima prefecture. If you are planning an overnight stay, make sure to enjoy not only the hot springs but also the delicious seafood dishes on offer. We highly recommend checking business hours and access information online prior to booking your stay at Ibusuki Hot Spring. Sand baths at Ibusuki Hot Spring are gaining popularity not only with Japanese tourists but also tourist visiting from abroad. It is definitely an experience worth trying! 【Official Website】Healthy Land | Rotenburo/Outdoor hot spring "Tamatebako Onsen", Sand bath "Sayuri", Restaurant "Chinetsu no Sato" (地熱の里) http://ppp.seika-spc.co.jp/healthy-en/ 【Tripadvisor】Tamatebako Onsen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298210-d1155070-Reviews-Healthy_Land_Tamatebako_Onsen-Ibusuki_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 6:01
Kagoshima's Okinoerabujima Has Emerald Green Waters That Are Out of This World! Water Sports in the Outdoors and a Historic Culture Awaits You!
Local PR Travel- 91 plays
- YouTube
鹿児島の沖永良部島(おきのえらぶじま)の観光動画について こちらの動画は「GHIKLI」が公開した「沖永良部島PR(奄美の隠れ観光スポット!)Okinoerabu island」です。 エメラルドグリーンの美しい海や、独自の景観を楽しめる鍾乳洞など、沖永良部島の自然の豊かさが伝わってくる動画です。 こちらの記事では、日本の綺麗な海を楽しめる鹿児島の沖永良部島の絶景スポットや周辺情報を動画と共に紹介します。 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島の沖永良部島とは? 鹿児島の沖永良部島は、奄美群島の南西部に位置する美しい海が特徴の島で、沖縄のような雰囲気があります。 スキューバダイビングやフィッシングなどのアクティビティを求め、人気が急増中の観光スポットです。 雄大な自然に恵まれた沖永良部島は、西郷隆盛ゆかりの地としても知られており、大河ドラマ「西郷どん」の撮影地としても使われました。 美しい景観を楽しみたい方、アクティビティを満喫したい方、歴史を感じられるスポットを見たい方、さまざまな方が楽しめる観光地となっています。 沖永良部島へのアクセス方法は、鹿児島空港や那覇空港から飛行機で行くのが一番早くおすすめ。 南国のような景色を楽しめる鹿児島の沖永良部島の海 日本で人気上昇中の観光地である沖永良部島の海では、南国のような雰囲気のある美しい景色を楽しめます。 島の北側にあるワンジョビーチは、沖永良部島でもっとも人気のビーチです。 ワンジョビーチの穏やかな波を綺麗な砂浜のビーチで眺めているだけで、とても癒やされるはず。 海の透明度が高く、インスタ映えスポットでもあります。 映画のロケ地にもなったことがある半崎は、沖永良部島の美しい海を一望できる場所。 緑豊かなエリアでもあり、自然を満喫できます。 ウミガメなども鑑賞できる美しい海で、沖永良部島の景色を堪能しましょう。 日本の観光スポットである鹿児島の沖永良部島の人気エリア 日本のおすすめ観光地の沖永良部島は、海以外にも楽しめる場所がたくさんあります! 沖永良部島に旅行する際に、ぜひ体験したいのがケイビングです。 沖永良部島にはフーチャ(潮吹き洞窟)や大蛇洞、銀水洞といった洞窟や鍾乳洞がたくさんあるので、洞窟探索をしてみましょう。 迫力のある鍾乳石など自然の景勝を楽しめますよ。 他にも沖永良部島には、自然を満喫できる名所の笠石海浜公園や奄美群島国立公園、ソテツジャングル。 歴史好きな人には西郷南洲記念館や和泊町歴史民俗資料館といったスポットもあります。 日本の観光スポット「鹿児島の沖永良部島」紹介記事のまとめ 南国のような自然を満喫できる鹿児島の沖永良部島。 日本で美しい海を堪能したいならおすすめの観光スポットです。 -
Video article 8:07
Kirishima Jingu Shrine - A Popular Power Spot in Kirishima, Kagoshima With a Sacred Atmosphere. This Nature-Rich Shrine Is Known as the "Nikko of the West" for Its Gorgeous Shrine Architecture!
Art & Architecture- 154 plays
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Introducing Kirishima Jingu Shrine! This video, titled "(4K)DJI OSMO PRO Kirishima City, Kagoshime Prefecture 〜Kirishima shrine〜" (【4K】DJI OSMO PRO 鹿児島県霧島市「霧島神宮〜Kirishima shrine〜), was created by Studio Kama. It's an introductory video of the popular tourist spot Kirishima Shrine located in Kirishima (霧島市), Kagoshima, in Japan's Kyushu (九州) region. As you can see in the video, Kirishima Shrine's main building is surrounded by nature and is the perfect place to enjoy the beautiful colors of the fall foliage. Throughout this 8-minute long video, you can take a look at the grounds of Kirishima Shrine in 4K while listening to the accompanying background music. Be sure to follow along with the video to experience how it feels to take a trip to Kirishima Shrine! More About Kirishima Shrine and Its History Photo:Kirishima Shrine, Kagoshima Prefecture Kirishima Shrine is located in Kagoshima Prefecture and was founded in 540 AD making it an extremely historical and important shrine in Japan. It was initially built during Emperor Kinmei's (欽明天皇) reign in the sixth century by a monk named Keiin (慶胤) on Setoo Hill (背門丘), between Mount Takachiho (高千穂峰) and Hinotokomine (火常峰), and was later moved to its current location. From 1:36 in the video, you can take a look at the many buildings of Kirishima Shrine, including the main shrine building, which has been designated an Important Cultural Property. The shrine building, which enshrines six deities, is not to be missed! The shrine is covered inside and out in a luxurious vermillion lacquer coating and is often referred to as the "Nikko of the West" or "Nishi no Nikko" (西の日光) in Japanese. Recommended Spots Around Kirishima Shrine Photo:Kirishima Shrine's Large Torii Gate, Kagoshima Prefecture Highlights of Kirishima Shrine include the sacred cedar tree, the wall painting "Nijushikozu" (二十四考図), the dragon pillars of the hall of offerings, and the giant torii gates. The famous "Sazare Stone" (さざれ石), which is mentioned in Japan's National Anthem "Kimigayo," the poem "Shinseikourinnohi" (神聖降臨の碑), which is engraved into a stone monument, and the sacred tree "Ogatamanoki" (招霊木), are another three spots you don't want to miss out on! If you climb the 80-step stone staircase from the vermillion-colored bridge to the observation deck, you can catch a stunning view of Kagoshima Bay (鹿児島湾), Sakurajima (桜島), Kagoshima City (鹿児島市) and Mt. Kaimon (開門岳). It's a great spot to take pictures to share with your friends on Instagram! Other Reasons To Visit Kirishima Shrine Photo:Kirishima Shrine, Kagoshima Prefecture It has now been more than 300 years since Kirishima Shrine was rebuilt by order of Yoshitaka Shimazu (島津吉貴公). Many people visit Kirishima Shrine these days seeking good luck, family happiness, prosperity of descendants, and success in their careers. Kirishima Shrine is also believed to be a power spot and worshipped as the god of good luck and separation. There are people who claim to have experienced strange phenomena here and there are even mysterious legends surrounding the area called "The Seven Wonders of Kirishima" (霧島七不思議伝説) in Japanese. At the shrine, you can receive a special seal stamp called a "shuin" as well as purchase items like good luck charms, known as "o-mamori," as well as spiritual crystals and bracelets. Kirishima Shrine Summary ©katsuyoshi-imagama Modifying Kirishima Shrine is a sacred shrine in Kagoshima prefecture nestled in nature and is gaining popularity year after year as a spiritual power spot in Japan. As you can see from 2:16 and 5:19 in the video, Kirishima Shrine is also a famous spot to enjoy the beautiful autumn foilage. There are many hot springs, hotels, and restaurants in the area surrounding Kirishima Shrine where you can enjoy lunch or simply relax after a day of sightseeing. If you have some time to spare, consider visiting some of the other popular tourist spots in the area, such as the Kirishima Open Air Museum (鹿児島県霧島アートの森), Maruo Falls (丸尾滝), or Kirishima Plateau's Mahorobanosato (霧島高原まほろばの里). ◆Kirishima Shrine|General Information◆ 【Address】 Kagoshima Prefecture, Kirishima City, Kirishima Taguchi 2608-5 【Access】10 minutes by bus from JR Kirishima Jingu station (JR霧島神宮駅) 【Hours】Open 24 hours a day 【Admission Fee】Free of charge 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0995-57-0001 【Tripadvisor】Kirishima Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022935-d1384906-Reviews-Kirishima_Shrine-Kirishima_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 19:15
The Grandeur of Nature on Tokunoshima in the Amami Islands! Kagoshima Prefecture's World-Class Tourist Attractions Are a Tropical Paradise That Should Be on Your List of Places to See!
Local PR- 73 plays
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鹿児島県奄美市エリアの絶景をご紹介! こちらの「徳之島観光「島たび」(ロングバージョン)」は、鹿児島県の南に位置する奄美群島の一つである徳之島の絶景が堪能出来る動画となっています。 雄大な自然の景色が特徴の徳之島。 日本の自然を思う存分に堪能できる絶景観光スポットとなっています。 また、日本の歴史や文化を知ることが出来る建造物も数多くあり、島唄、美味しいご当地グルメ等、見どころが目白押しです。 今回はそんな日本の鹿児島県奄美群島の一つである徳之島について、詳しく紹介をしていきます。 徳之島には珍しい動植物が沢山! 奄美群島の中でも二番目に大きいとされる徳之島は、『東洋のガラパゴス』と言われるほどに数多くの貴重な動植物を有しています。 森の中には、徳之島固有種でもあるアマミノクロウサギが、海には最大の野生動物とされるザトウクジラや日本一と言えるくらい多くのウミガメが生息していたりと、本州では中々お目にかかれないような動物が多く生息しており、中には絶滅危惧種の生物もいます。 鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の観光名所! 奄美群島・徳之島周辺の観光スポットは、いずれも自然が織りなす美しい絶景が魅力。 インスタ映えする景色には事欠きません。 現在の天皇陛下が皇太子時代に訪れたことが由来で、動画2:48に紹介されている畦プリンスビーチ、動画4:25で紹介されている樹齢300年以上のソテツで構成された金見崎ソテツトンネル、動画5:03で紹介されている釣りやダイビングの地として有名なトンバラ岩、徳之島の魅力溢れる断崖絶壁の地である犬の門蓋など、多くの観光スポットが存在します。 特に動画6:23で紹介をされているメガネ岩や動画14:13で紹介されている樹齢300年にもなるガジュマルは、その特徴的な見た目からインスタ映えスポットとして注目を集めています。 見るだけでは終わらない鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の魅力! 日本でも屈指の観光名所である鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島ですが、勿論見るだけでは終わりません。 まずは動画10:55で紹介されている島レストラン「ヤドゥリ」で徳之島のご当地グルメに舌鼓を打つのも悪く無いでしょう。 その後は、夜行貝のペンダントを実際に作ることが出来る「夜行貝ブルーシェル」で伝統工芸を、三味線教室で伝統文化を体験するのもおすすめです。 これらの他にも、時期によってはトライアスロンやサーフィン等のマリンスポーツ、キャンプも楽しむことが出来るので、鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島を余すところなく堪能しましょう。 鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の魅力紹介まとめ 貴重な動植物を多く残す、鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島について紹介をさせて頂きました。 綺麗な自然ならではの景色と生物、そして全国でも希少な闘牛など、動画でたっぷりと堪能出来るので、ぜひご覧下さい。 見るだけでなく体験もして楽しむことが出来る鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島。 ぜひ動画とこの記事を参考に、観光を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 4:00
Here's What You Need To Do To Enjoy Kirishima Hot Springs in Kirishima City, Kagoshima Prefecture! Learn Bathing Etiquette for the Hot Spring Which Boasts 300 Years of History!
Local PR Travel- 129 plays
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The Sightseeing Video for Kirishima Hot Springs! This video, titled "霧島温泉 PR動画 【THE MANNER IN KIRISHIMA HOT SPRINGS】," was created by "Kirishima Hot Springs Inn Association" (霧島温泉旅館協会). The video introduces Kirishima Onsen (hot springs) in Kagoshima Prefecture, in Japan's Kyushu region. As there are many volcanoes in Kyushu, there are, of course, many famous hot springs resorts. Oita Prefecture is the most well-known area for hot springs, but in fact, there are also many popular hot springs resorts in the neighboring Kagoshima Prefecture. These include Kirishima Onsen, Kirishima Jingu Onsen, Anraku Onsen (安楽温泉郷), Myoken Onsen, and Hinatayama Onsen (日当山温泉郷). In particular, Kirishima Onsen is known as one of Japan's top hot springs resorts. Kirishima Onsen Is a Very Lovely Place! Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, you can enjoy a playful introduction of the proper etiquette for entering the hot springs. Before entering the hot springs you must rinse your body. After leaving the hot springs, put on a kimono or yukata. In the video, "Basic Etiquette 1" from 0:57 shows you how to soak in the hot springs, while "Basic Etiquette 2" from 2:18 shows you how to voice your pleasure for maximum effect. After thoroughly relaxing in the communal bath or open-air bath, enjoy an exquisite traditional Japanese meal. If you wish to stay overnight at Kirishima Onsen, be sure to choose a lodging option with high-quality spring water. There are also hot springs which cater to visitors on day trips. If you make good use of the day-trip facilities, you can enjoy a casual trip to enjoy bathing and Japanese cuisine. Must-See Tourist Attractions Around Kirishima Onsen Photo:Mt. Takachiho, Kagoshima Prefecture If you're planning on spending more than a day in the Kirishima Hot Springs area, you should definitely check out nearby sightseeing spots as well. For example, Kirishima Shrine (霧島神宮, kirishima jingu) and Wake Shrine (和気神社, wake jinja) are the jewels of sightseeing in Kagoshima Prefecture. In addition, on Mt. Takachiho (高千穂峰, takachiho no mine) and at Maruo Falls (丸尾滝, maruo taki), you can experience the beautiful natural scenery of the area and take some amazing Instagram photos as well. The Kirishima Open Air Museum (霧島アートの森, kirishima ato no mori) and Shiobitashi Onsen Ryoma Park (塩浸温泉龍馬公園) are two hidden gems in Kirishima. Blueberry-picking at Kirishima Shinwa no Sato Park (霧島神話の里公園, kirishima shinwa no sato koen) is sure to be a fun experience as well. Summary of Kirishima Onsen Source :YouTube screenshot This video is a tongue-in-cheek production. The main character is a non-Japanese man experiencing the hot springs, and various other people enjoying themselves in the waters are featured as well. Kirishima Onsen in Kagoshima Prefecture is exceptional even amongst the many popular hot springs areas of Japan. It's a perfect sightseeing destination for those looking for some well deserved rest and relaxation. Why not book an accommodation and head out now? Kirishima Hot Springs is just 30 minutes from Kagoshima Airport by car. Soaking in the hot springs while gazing out at the beautiful scenery is an experience sure to soothe both your mind and body. -
Video article 1:49
The Dynamic Eruption of Shinmoedake on Mt. Kirishima. The Invaluable Footage of this Volcanic Eruption in Kagoshima Prefecture Shows the Fury of Nature That Stretches Far Beyond the Human Imagination
Nature- 241 plays
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The Eruption of Shinmoedake, Mt. Kirishima Before we begin, please watch the video "The moment of a volcanic eruption! Shinmoedake “Spouting Volcanic Bombs” Kirishima Mountain Range(火山噴火の瞬間!新燃岳「噴出す火山弾」霧島連山)". This is a video of the powerful eruption of Shinmoedake, Mt. Kirishima in Kagoshima Prefecture(鹿児島県,Kagoshimaken). You can feel the fury of nature that stretches far beyond the human imagination by watching the video of the dynamic eruption. We will introduce Shinmoedake, Mt. Kirishima through the video with this article, so be sure to follow along. What Kind of Place Is Shinmoedake? Photo:Kirishima Geopark Kirishima Mountain Range is a group of volcanoes that stretches from Miyazaki Prefecture (宮崎県,Miyazakiken) to Kagoshima Prefecture in Southern Kyushu (南九州,Minami-kyushu). Shinmoedake, which is introduced in the video, is 1,421 meters above sea and is located almost halfway between Karakunidake (韓国岳,Karakunidake), the highest mountain in Mt. Kirishima, and the sacred Mount Takachiho (高千穂峰,Takachihonomine) in the east. The area surrounding the peak of Shinmoedake consists of craters and calderas, which are hollows in the ground created by volcanic activity, and it stretches over Kirishima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, while the area surrounding the ridge line stretches over Kobayashi City (小林市,Kobayashishi), Miyazaki Prefecture. As you can see in the video, volcanic activity still continues actively in Shinmoedake. The History of Volcanic Activity in Shinmoedake Photo:Shinmoedake The history of Shinmoedake’s volcanic activity is thought to stretch back about 150,000 years. Shinmoedake is a volcano that has violent eruptions called "Plinian eruptions," which produce enormous amounts of volcanic products and energy, and it has been responsible for massive disasters such as the Kyoho Eruption and the Bunsei Eruption in the Edo period (1603-1868), as well as the Showa Eruption of 1959. From existing research, we know that the volcanic eruption during the Showa period was caused by an explosion of water vapor, not magma. The Current State of Shinmoedake Source :YouTube screenshot Shinmoedake’s volcanic alert level is currently level 3 out of 5, and the damage from the falling ash is also immense. Mountaineering on the volcano is also restricted, so the effect on tourism is quite large as well. There are also volcanoes other than Shinmoedake in Kyushu such as Sakurajima (桜島,Sakurajima) and volcanic eruption alerts come frequently, so it is important to check the newest information as often as possible. This video is of Shinmoedake, Mt. Kirishima in January 2011. You can see bright red lava bursting out and rocks flying through the sky from 0:15. You can also see lightning called “volcanic thunder” flash across the rising pitch-black ashes from 1:03. Summary of the Video on Shinmoedake's Volcanic Eruption This video of the volcanic eruption that we introduced is barely 2 minutes long, yet it is a powerful piece of footage that conveys the fury of nature. The volcanic alert level of Shinmoedake, Mt. Kirishima is still extremely high and its activities are being observed carefully. If you are ever to travel close to Mt. Kirishima in Kagoshima, be careful and be prepared! 【Tripadvisor】Shinmoedake https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022935-d1384894-Reviews-Mt_Shinmoe-Kirishima_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 3:30
A Luxurious Holiday at Minami Kirishima Hot Spring’s “Tenkunomori." A Private Resort Overlooking the Kirishima Mountain Range in Kagoshima Prefecture, With Only 5 Villas in 150 Sq. Acres.
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 172 plays
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Introducing the Private Villas of "Tenkunomori" "“Tenku_no_Mori” YADO-PV/JAPAN : 宿PV_天空の森02" is a video produced by private-onsen JAPAN to advertise Minami Kirishima Hot Spring's "Tenkunomori," in Kagoshima Prefecture. "Tenkunomori" of Minami Kirishima Hot spring in Kagoshima Prefecture is a luxury villa (hotel) in Minami-Kirishima Onsen, Kagoshima Prefecture, popular on hotel and inn review and comparison websites. The video introduces the rooms and views of this completely private villa with a spectacular view of the Kirishima mountain range, home to some of the most famous mountains in Kagoshima, one of Japan's "One Hundred Famous Mountains" and listed in the "Top One Hundred Views of Japan." Feel the warm embrace of nature with these breathtaking views. Sit back and enjoy the beautiful Japanese scenery. Tenkunomori Source :YouTube screenshot Tenkunomori is located in Kagoshima Prefecture at the southern end of Kyushu. There are only 5 villas on its 150 Sq. acres. This luxurious resort facility provides a high class reception. As you can see in the video, it's an untouched gem in a vast sea of nature. The attraction of this place is that while it is only a 15-minute drive from Kagoshima Airport, you can still immerse yourself in nature. The five onsite villas, Tenku, Akane sasu oka, Keirin no ame, Hanachiru sato, and Tsubabe no su, are equipped with an open-air hot spring bath and showers that flow 100% directly from the Minami Kirishima Hot Spring source, all on an unobstructed, spacious wooden deck. Visitors are promised a stay in a private space where they will not notice the presence of any other villas. In Tsubame no su, one of the villas for day-trip stays, shown in the video from 0:35, you can enjoy strolling in the woods and eating delicious food. The video also introduces Hanachiru sato, another day-trip villa, at 0:49. Please note that there is no large shared bathing area due to the privacy of the villas. From 1:23, one of villas for overnight stays, Akane sasu oka, is introduced. All facilities are made of wood from the forest of this resort’s premises and are characterized by their spaciousness. The wooden deck is an extraordinary space where you can take off your yukata and spend the evening, free of the burden of clothes, enjoying the starry sky. 1:49). You can also enjoy activities such as picnics, river rafting, and helicopter rides. Every villa comes complete with various amenities as well. Dining at Tenkunomori Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from the video (0:26), almost all ingredients used at Tenkunomori are organically grown. You can enjoy locally raised Satsuma chicken, sweetfish, and Okuma beef. Experience a stay that will refresh your body and mind. Summary of Minami Kirishima Hot spring's Tenkunomori in Kagoshima Prefecture As you can see from this video, Tenkunomori is a great place to relax and leave the worries of your day to day routine behind. The stunning views from the villa are certainly Instagram-worthy, but we suggest turning off your phone and spending your time savoring the amazing scenery. You can also enjoy a concert while bathing your feet in the Ishizaka river stream, or enjoying beauty salon treatments. Here in Kirishima, there are many tourists spots for you to visit: “Kirishima Jingu,” “ Kirishima Hot spring village,” “Shiroyama Observation Deck,” “ Kirishima Art Forest,” “Kirishima Kogen Mahoroba no Sato,” “Maruo Fall,” “Takashihonomine” and “Kirishima Hot Spring Ichiba”. If you want to forget about your daily life and enjoy beautiful views in Japan, be sure to check out the video and get a feel for the true beauty of Tenkunomori. The cheapest plan is from 150,000 yen (~$1,400 USD) per person, per night at Tenkunomori. Tenkunomori is very popular among VIPs around the world, so booking a reservation at this facility is quite difficult. If you're interested in visiting after watching the video, be sure to check out online travel sites as well as the official web site. 【Official Website】TENKU - TENKU NO MORI - Resort in Kagoshima, Japan https://tenku-jp.com/en/ ◆Introduction of Tenkunomori " of Minami Kirishima Hot spring in Kagoshima Prefecture◆ 【Address】3389 Kurakota, Kakushima-cho, Kirishima-shi, Kagoshima 899-6507, Japan 【Access】About 15 minutes from Kagoshima Airport by car 【Parking】Avaialble 【Telephone】0995-76-0777 【Tripadvisor】Tenkunomori https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1022935-d2391004-Reviews-Tenku_no_Mori-Kirishima_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 2:03
Spend the Finest Moments at Yakushima's Popular Hotel, Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima. A Celebrity Resort Hotel Surrounded by Nature in Kagoshima Prefecture!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 128 plays
- YouTube
Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima "Official" sankara hotel & spa YAKUSHIMA Promotion Movie(【公式】sankara hotel & spa YAKUSHIMA Promotion Movie), produced by "Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima," is a video introducing luxury hotels in Yakushima, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This luxurious resort in the auberge (french inn) style is a hotel where you can have a wonderful time while enjoying the nature of Yakushima. "Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima" is popular on review and comparison sites for both hotels and inns because it offers some of the best hospitality service out there. This article and video showcase the appeal of Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima, a luxury hotel in Japan. Please watch the video and experience sightseeing in Yakushima. About Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima Source :YouTube screenshot Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima, is a luxury hotel in Japan. It is an accommodation facility with delicious food, hot springs, spas, massages and more. It is a very popular hotel so if you're planning on staying there, it is better to make reservations early. Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima is located in Yakushima, Kumage, Kagoshima in Kyushu, where you can enjoy the beauty of nature. The moss carpet, beautiful sea, and the blue sky that lay close to a giant tree with a strong presence, attracts visitors from all over with their beauty. The inside of the hotel is introduced from 0:12 in the video. Drinks can be enjoyed by the pool, so you'll know you're at a resort as soon as you put on your swimsuit. Source :YouTube screenshot It has a good reputation, with its authentic French cuisine, its personal butler service, and the spa "sankara sauna" featuring organic herbs that can be seen from 0:43 of the video. It has become quite a hot topic on the internet. The rooms are equipped with the highest quality amenities, and there are several different types of rooms: The Sankara Suite Room, Sankara Junior Suite, Sankara Villa Suite, Sandra Villa, and rooms with wooden decks overlooking the sea. There are no Japanese-style rooms as all rooms are Western-style. There is also a spacious pool and a library lounge where you can read books and unwind in a relaxing atmosphere. Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima has a wide selection amenities as well. This is a private resort hotel that you should definitely use when traveling to Yakushima, and there are many picturesque locations as well. Dining at Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima, a luxury hotel in Japan, has a restaurant with delicious gourmet cuisine. The Hotel is quite particular about local produce being used in their cuisine, and they offer French cuisine with specialties that can only be eaten at Yakushima. Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima has two restaurants: Ayana, where you can enjoy casual French cuisine, and Okas, where you can enjoy a full French course. You can enjoy wonderful food that makes use of the blessings of the land of Yakushima. Things to Do Near the Japanese Luxury Hotel "Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima" ©Kagoshima Prefecture Modifying There are various sightseeing spots around the Yakushima luxury hotel Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima. Yakusugi is a must-visit when visiting Yakushima. "Jomon cedar" "Wilson Stump" "Daiosugi" "Kokemusu forest" "Princess Mononoke forest" "Taikoiwa" "Nanahon cedar" "Miyanouradake" "Yakusugi land" "Cuguri cedar" "Oko Falls" "Shiratani Unsuikyo," "Yakujinja,” "Yakushima Environmental Culture Village Center,” and "Yakushima Lighthouse,” are all great sightseeing locations. Please enjoy their magnificent views. You can use Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima as a base to enjoy activities such as trekking, which is fairly popular due to Yakushima's lush natural surroundings. There are many spots in Yakushima where you can enjoy day-trip hot springs, such as "Hirauchi Kaichu Onsen,” "Jomon no Yado manten,” "Yudomari Onsen,” "Onoaida Onsen,” "Yunoko no Yu,” and "Yakushima Onsen JR Hotel Yakushima.” Please heal the tiredness of your trip slowly in a large public bath or open-air bath. Summary of Japan's Luxury Hotel "Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima" Source :YouTube screenshot Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima is a wonderful hotel where you can feel the spirit of Japanese hospitality in a french setting. Access is about 40 minutes from Yakushima Airport and there is a free shuttle bus. Enjoy a healing experience with the full facilities of Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima and the surrounding nature introduced in the video. Be sure to check travel sites and the official website, as room fees for hotel reservations vary depending on the season, room, plan, and tour. ◆ Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima|Facility Overview ◆ 【Address】 553, Haginoue, Mugifuji, Yakushima-cho, Kumage-gun, Kagoshima 891-4402, Japan 【Access】 About 40 minutes from Yakushima Airport. There is a free shuttle bus. 【Parking】 Available 【Phone number】 0997-47-3488 【Official Website】Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima | Resort Hotel Luxury Hotel https://www.sankarahotel-spa.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Sankara hotel & spa Yakushima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1121600-d1604431-Reviews-Sankara_Hotel_Spa_Yakushima-Yakushima_cho_Kumage_gun_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 6:00
A 70-Million-Year-Old Fossil Discovered on Kagoshima Prefecture’s Kamikoshiki Island. Introducing Koshiki Island- Now Famously Referred to as "Fossil Island.” Find out What Kind of Dinosaurs Existed in Japan!
History- 248 plays
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Dinosaur Fossils Discovered on Koshiki Island We would like to introduce the video "Dinosaur fossil discovered on the coast of Koshiki Island! The Nippon Foundation Umitonihon PROJECT in Kagoshima 2018 #09(甑島の海辺で恐竜の化石発見! 日本財団 海と日本PROJECT in 鹿児島 2018 #09)". The National Museum of Nature and Science (国立科学博物館, kokuritsukagakuhakubutsukan) and Sendai city, Kagoshima prefecture in the Japan's Kyushu region, announced the discovery of a 70 cm long dinosaur fossil on Koshiki Island. At 0:54 in the video you can see the surprised yet delighted reaction of Miyake Yuka, a staff member at the Koshiki Museum on Shimokoshiki Island (下甑島, shimokoshikishima). Exactly what kind of fossil did they find? Koshiki Island, a Sightseeing Spot Steeped in History Koshiki Island is comprised of a chain of islands in the East China sea that lay to the west of Satsumasendai city in Kagoshima prefecture. It is a place abundant with nature and outstanding towering cliffs that rise 200 meters above the ocean floor. Kamikoshiki Island, Nakakoshiki Island (中甑島, nakakoshikishima) and Shimokoshiki Island make up the Koshiki Archipelago (甑列島, koshikirettou), a place steeped in ancient history which was formed from several uninhabited islands. The cliff shown at the opening of the video is composed of stratum that was formed from the Cretaceous period to the Paleogene period. The oldest stratum on the island dates back 80 million years. More About the Dinosaur Fossil Found on Koshiki Island Koshiki Island is attracting a lot of attention as dinosaur fossils are being discovered one after another. The joint research team from Satsumasendai city and Kumamoto University (熊本大学, kumamotodaigaku) discovered the 70 cm long dinosaur fossil in 2016, and it is the largest fossil found to date. You can see the fossil and an interview with Komatsu Toshifumi (assistant professor of the cutting edge science research department at Kumamoto University) from 1:20 in the video. You can also hear the surprised reactions of the other research team members. About the Dinosaur Research From 3:36 in the video, you can hear more about the fossil of an herbivorous dinosaur from the Ceratopsidae family (the first in Japan and third in Asia to be discovered) that was found in 2012. The ribs and teeth from a carnivorous dinosaur, part of the root of a tooth from a ceratopsian dinosaur, ammonites and other reptile fossils have also been discovered here. You can also take a look at how fossil cleaning is performed from 3:58 in the video. You can see how excited the staff member is to have the opportunity to clean such a large fossil. A year and a half after being discovered, it had become clearer what kind of dinosaur fossil they had found. The fossil dates back 70 million years and is from the femur of an herbivorous dinosaur of the Hadrosauridae family. The dinosaur is estimated to have been over 10 meters tall. You can see an artist's reconstruction of the dinosaur from 5:07 in the video. Dinosaur Fossils on Koshiki Island: Summary It is estimated that this fossil was from a dinosaur that lived close to the time of the extinction of the dinosaurs. It is thought that this fossil will become a useful resource to help us learn more about the extinction of the dinosaurs. There are still many mysteries surrounding the extinction of the dinosaurs. The continued work performed by researchers around the world is sure to uncover more information on these dinosaur fossils. In Koshiki museum's preparation room, not only can you see this ancient dinosaur fossil up close, but you also have chance to take part in many events such as a dinosaur fossil excavation tour. We highly recommend a visit to Koshiki museum to any dinosaur fans! 【Official Website】Koshiki Island Tourist Bureau's official website https://satsumasendai.gr.jp/koshiki-sight-seeing/ -
Video article 3:31
The Kagoshima Amami Islands - The Mecca of Scuba Diving! Discover the Bright Blue Waters and Rich Nature Unique to Japan! If You Like Experience-Based Activities, You're in for a Treat!
Things to Do Travel- 93 plays
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Scuba Diving in the Bright Blue Waters of the Amami Islands, a Look at the Scuba Diving Mecca of Japan This video, titled "Tokunoshima, Amami Islands Scuba Diving in 3 Minutes" (奄美群島 徳之島 ダイビング動画3分), was uploaded by "kamuivision." It introduces scuba diving around Tokunoshima in Japan's Amami Islands. This article will introduce scuba diving in the Amami Islands alongside the video. The video will introduce actual underwater footage of the Amami Islands, including various footage of the marine life found in the area. From schools of fish and jawfish to whales and cuttlefish the Amami Islands are full of marine life, so be sure to check out the video as you read on! Scuba Diving in the Amami Islands! Explore the Geography and Charm of the Fascinating Tourist Destination! Photo:Cape Kanami Observation Deck, Tokunoshima, Amami Islands In 2019, before the Corona pandemic, scuba diving was becoming more and more attractive in Japan, mainly due to the 2019 Marine Diving Fair, a massively successful event that took place in Tokyo. The city of Amami, located in the Amami Islands just halfway between Kagoshima and Okinawa, is classified as a remote island and is part of Amami Oshima. Scuba diving is the backbone of the city's tourism industry and is incredibly popular, especially among those traveling to the Amami Islands from outside of Japan. The main cities of Kagoshima's Amami Islands include Tokunoshima, Isen, and Amagi. Amagi, one of the hubs in the Amami Islands, is a relatively large town with hotels, an airport, stores, and other tourist facilities, making it easily accessible to large numbers of travelers. It's a small town with a population of around 6,000, but it closely resembles a resort area and is supported by tourists visiting on tours. It has a subtropical climate, which is a rarity in Japan, and is relatively warm all year round due to its karst topography. The island is home to many rare flora and fauna, including the habu, a variety of venomous pit viper, and is rich in natural heritage. Photo:A coral table at Amami Oshima During summer, the best season to experience scuba diving in the blue waters, the area is very popular. In addition to scuba diving, you can also dive from the islands' dive sites and even enjoy snorkeling experiences as well. As shown in the video, the Amami Islands are a unique and wonderful place where you can see sea turtles, stingrays, manta rays, coral reefs, and other marine life in the beautiful, clear blue waters. In the video, you can see sea turtles at 0:57, stingrays at 1:57, manta rays at 2:25, and whales of remarkable size at 2:41. All of the fish swim gracefully and magnificently in the ocean, delighting the viewer, and visitors to the islands, with their beauty. Learn More About the Nature of the Amami Islands! Photo:Innojofuta on Tokunoshima The Amami Islands are extremely attractive for their various natural heritages. The nature has been carefully preserved via the "Happa Green Product." On Tokunoshima, the heart of the Amami Islands, there is a place where you can watch a bullfight called "Tokunoshima Nakusami Kan" (Tokunoshima Bullfighting Hall). Looking out to the sea, visitors will be overwhelmed by the natural heritages, such as Boma Heart (母間ハート), a heart-shaped hole in a rock, Innojofuta (犬の門蓋), with its sloping stone walls that form arches, and the Mushiroze (ムシロ瀬), a beautiful granite coastline, and other natural heritages found in nature. Unbuki Underground Seawater Cave, a natural sea inside the land, is another attraction for those feeling adventurous to explore. Tomori Beach in the northern part of Amami Oshima is also unique. The coral cluster "Daibutsu Sango" (大仏サンゴ) is the largest leaf coral cluster in Japan and is said to be an underwater miracle. If you go to the southern part of Amami Oshima, you'll find a jungle-like virgin mangrove forest. A canoe ride through the primeval forest makes you feel like you're in a theme park and is an experience you'll never forget. Summary of the Fascinating Nature of the Amami Islands, a Place of Scuba Diving and Endless Adventure! As you can see in the video, there are many notable natural features and fascinating spots in the Amami Islands. Scuba diving is a recommended activity where you can feel the beauty of the Amami Islands through your own skin. Be sure to check out the video to get a better idea of what you can expect to experience when scuba diving! Consider a visit to the Amami Islands, a tropical location in Kagoshima! 【TripAdvisor】Amami Oshima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g14769233-Amami_Oshima_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:45
Tanegashima Island: Where Guns Were First Introduced to Japan! Enjoy Sightseeing at Historical Locations on the Island Located in Kagoshima Prefecture!
History- 113 plays
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Introducing Tanegashima Island, Kagoshima! This video, produced by Yomiuri Shimbun Online, is titled "Visiting History Books|Teppoki|Kagoshima|Tanegashima Island." Tanegashima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture in Japan's Kyushu region (九州地方, Kyushu Chiho), introduced in this video, is known as the place where firearms were first introduced to Japan. The beginning of the video shows an aerial view of the beautiful Tanegashima Kadokura Cape, taken by drone. Enjoy the rich natural scenery and the history of firearms in Japan! Firearms on Tanegashima Island Photo:Armored warriors holding matchlock guns Tanegashima Island, Kagoshima is a spot known for being where firearms where introduced to Japan. The Portuguese, who came ashore Tanegashima Island in 1543, shared firearms, as well as manufacturing and shooting techniques. At 0:27 in the video, we see a monument that commemorates the introduction of firearms to Tanegashima Island, Kagoshima. The guns that were introduced to Tanegashima are large-barreled firearms called matchlock guns, and are also called "Tanegashima-Ju" (Tanegashima rifles). In 1549, around the same time as the introduction of the guns, Christianity was introduced to Japan by European missionaries. Where to See the History of Firearms on Tanegashima Source :YouTube screenshot Near the Tanegashima Development Center (Firearms Museum), introduced at 0:41 in the video, there is a statue of Tokitaka Tanegashima, the owner of the island who was said to be the first man who fired the firearms. Tokitaka Tanegashima is also known for achieving the domestic production of matchlock guns. Yaita Kinbei Kiyosada, shown at 1:17 in the video, is said to have duplicated the matchlocks and developed the screws necessary for firing the firearm. This made it possible to mass-produce firearms, and during the Warring States Period many warlords could get firearms at low prices. Visit Tanegashima Island! Photo:Kagoshima Prefecture・Tanegashima Island Caves In addition to the spots related to firearms, there are many more sightseeing spots on Tanegashima Island. These include places like the Tanegashima Space Center, and Akaogijo Culture Traditional Museum Gessotei. Be sure to check out the surrounding natural scenery at places like Kishigasaki Lighthouse, Urada Beach, Madate-no-Iwaya Cave, Chikura-no-Iwaya Cave, and the Banyan Tree Arch. In addition, the firearms festival is held every year in Tanegashima Island, and it attracts many tourists. Summary of Tanegashima Island, Kagoshima Photo:Kagoshima Prefecture・Tanegashima Island As shown in the video, Tanegashima Island is a very attractive spot, rich with natural scenery. We invite you to explore the sights of Tanegashima and discover the deep history of firearms. If you want to know more about firearms and the introduction of Christianity, we recommend visiting the Goto Islands (五島列島, Goto-Rettō) in Nagasaki Prefecture (長崎県, Nagasaki-Ken) as well. 【Official Website】Learn while playing on an Island in the South TANEGASHIMA | The Tanegashima Tourism Association http://tanekan.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:08
The Thousands of Years Old Wilson Stump on Kagoshima Prefecture's Yakushima Island Is One of Japan's Most Famous Power Spots, and Also a World Natural Heritage Site! Journey Inside the Stump That Once Towered Over the Island!
Local PR Travel Nature- 233 plays
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Yakushima, Kagoshima- A Popular Tourist Destination This video, titled "YAKUSHIMA WONDERLAND"(【HD】屋久島ワンダーランド _ YAKUSHIMA WONDERLAND), was created by “happydayztag,” and it introduces you to the beautiful scenery of Yakushima. The video shows you scenes of an ancient Jomon Cedar standing in a mystic forest, sea turtles, and other wildlife living in Yakushima. Enjoy the dynamic nature view of Yakushima! Yakushima is an island located at the southernmost tip of Kyushu island. The island contains more than 90% forest. Yakushima is designated as a National Natural Monument, Special Natural Monument, as well as the first place to become a designated UNESCO World Heritage site. In 2012, Yakushima park was registered as a national park. Yakushima is a subtropical forest that contains waterfalls, a clear ocean, a moss covered forest, local wildlife, ancient Jomon cedars, and more. It's a place that many Japanese and international visitors long to visit. Sightseeing at Yakushima, Kagoshima Photo:Wilson’s Stump Yakushima island has a lot of rain throughout the year. The video contains footage of mystic cedars in the fog, the blue ocean and water falls in Yakushima. If you'd like to enjoy the nature of Yakushima, we recommend hiking or trekking. Yakushima's trekking tour is quite popular. In the middle of the old railway line that connects the logging village to the coastal village, sits Wilson’s Stump, the remains of a giant cedar tree that toppled over roughly 400 years ago. If you look up inside Wilson’s Stump, you can see a heart shape, making it a very popular place for taking photos. You can also see the heart of Wilson's Stump at 0:57. Photo:Jomon Cedar The ancient Jomon Cedar is the the symbol of Yakushima. It is estimated to be around 2170 to 2700 years old and is the largest cedar in Yakushima. The trip to visit the Jomon cedar takes about 5 hours of hiking. Seeing the mystic cedar after the long hike is a truly rewarding experience. You can see the dynamic view of the Jomon cedar at 1:07 in the video. Trails are available and well maintained for hikers. Mt. Nagatadake and Mt. Miyanoura, the highest peak on Yakushima, are two more popular spots and are both made of granite. You can check out this beautiful view at 1:55. Other Tourist Spots in Yakushima, Kagoshima ©Kagoshima prefecture Modifying Another must-see sight in Yakushima is Shiratani Unsuikyo, a fantastic mossy forest filled with water that glistens and is said to have been the inspiration for the famous Japanese animated film, Princess Mononoke. The water overflowing from the mountains creates magnificent waterfalls, such as the Okonotaki and Senpiro Falls, which flow out to the sea. You can see this at 0:25 in the video. A short hike around Yakusugi Land is an ideal route as you can see the spectacular road into the interior of the island. Yaku Shrine is a masterpiece swallowed by nature. Yakushima lighthouse is located at the westernmost tip of Yakushima. "Hirauchi Onsen" is available only for 2 hours between high tide and low tide, but we definitely recommend checking it out if you have the chance. The Yakushima Environmental Culture Village Center is a museum you can visit to learn more about the history and nature of Yakushima. In early summer, sea turtles come to the beaches in Yakushima to lay eggs. You might be able to see local deer and monkeys on the Seibu Rindo Forest Path as well. The dense forests of Yakushima cover 95.5% of the island. There are wild Yakuzaru monkeys as well as Yakushika deer, and the chances of seeing them are high. You'll see these natural animals throughout the video too, so be sure to check it out! Summary of Yakushima, Kagoshima Photo:Fried flying fish There are 2 ways to access to Yakushima: either by a plane or by ship. Direct flights are available from Osaka (Itami), Fukuoka, and Kagoshima. There are many hotels, ryokan, onsen facilities, pensions, and guest houses are available. If you plan to visit the Jomon cedar, you'll need to stay at least one night at Yakushima. Try some fresh seafood dishes at Yakushima, such as deep fried flying fish and mackerels. As you can see in the video, there's a lot of natural scenery left in Kagoshima prefecture. Be sure to check out the video to see how fascinating Yakushima is! Are you packing your bags yet? 【Official Website】Yakushima, Kagoshima Town http://www.town.yakushima.kagoshima.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Yakushima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g3211144-Yakushima_Yakushima_cho_Kumage_gun_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 4:07
The Pristine Sandy White Beaches and Emerald Green Waters of Yoron Island in Kagoshima Prefecture... Beautiful Natural Scenery, History, Culture, and Local Food Come Together to Create Something Amazing!
Travel- 79 plays
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美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Yoron Island Japan」が公開した「Yoron Island Japan in 8K HDR - 与論島」です。 突如出現する、幻の白い浜。 南国のどこかを想像させるハイビスカスは、潮風に揺らされ、大自然のなかで鮮やかに咲き誇ります。 8K動画でご覧になれるのは、鹿児島県にある「与論島」。 日本にいることを忘れてしまうほどの景観を持つ、日本でも有数の癒しスポットです。 与論島ってどんな観光スポット? 与論島とは、奄美諸島最南端にある、自然豊かな島です。 亜熱帯気候で、ダイビングや海水浴などの海のレジャーが盛んです。 サンゴ礁が隆起してできた与論島は砂浜が白く、条件が揃ったときのみ現れる「百合ヶ浜」は、日本内外の観光客に人気があります。 サンゴは他にも、コーラルウェイとういう白い一本道を作り、地下では景勝地の赤崎鍾乳洞を作り上げました。 豊かな自然には多くの生き物たちが暮らし、トゥイシ海岸はウミガメの産卵地にもなっています。 与論島は、特産物のもずくの他、マンゴー、伊勢エビなどグルメも充実。 茶花漁港の魚市場では、伊勢エビを筆頭に、南国の新鮮な魚介類をご覧になることができます。 自然の恵みを思う存分堪能しましょう。 日本でも珍しい文化を持つ与論島 与論島は沖縄県に近いため、琉球と薩摩の文化が融合され、日本のなかでも独自の文化が発展しました。 かつて琉球国王に仕えた武術の達人、按司根津栄(アジニッチェー)を祀る按司根津栄神社は、沖縄との文化交流の歴史を裏打ちします。 また、与論島の伝統芸能である「与論十五夜踊り」は、琉球と薩摩の文化の特色があり、国の重要無形民俗文化財に指定されています。 観光名所である「与論民族村」では、芭蕉布織りの体験を通して、与論島の暮らしや文化に触れることができます。 与論島には、海岸ごとに異なった魅力がある 与論島の海岸は、ひとつひとつに異なった景色があり、楽しみ方もそれぞれです。 例えば、与論島最大のビーチである大金久海岸は、キャンプ場を併設。家族や連れや団体客で賑わうビーチです。 潮干狩りができる前浜海岸からは、沖縄本島を望むことができます。 プライベート感を味わいたいなら寺埼海岸や宇勝海岸へ。 さざなみに自然と心癒される、旅行の穴場です。 カップルにおすすめなのは兼母海岸。 周辺のホテルのプリシアリゾートでは、マジックアワーとともにバーベキューを楽しむことができます。 イチャジキ浜も訪れてみましょう。 満点の星空が絶景で、ここは日本ではない、楽園のようです。 美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介まとめ 与論島には、竜宮岩、ビーチリングなどのインスタ映えスポットも多数点在! 豊かな自然と文化、日本が誇るリゾートの情報は、この動画でチェックです! -
Video article 3:42
Oshima Tsumugi Is a High-Class Silk Pongee That Originated in Amami Oshima, Kagoshima. The Craftsmen of This Beautiful Traditional Craft, Which Is Called the Queen of Kimono, Are Very Particular About Their Work
Traditional Crafts- 25 plays
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奄美大島の伝統工芸品「本場大島紬」をご紹介! 奄美大島を生産地とする伝統工芸品の一つである本場大島紬について「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した『手技TEWAZA「本場大島紬」Honba Oshima Tsumugi Weaving』という動画を元に、「本場大島紬」の文化や歴史を紹介させていただきます。 本場大島紬って何? 本場大島紬とは、鹿児島県の奄美大島を発祥の地とする日本の伝統工芸品の一つである絹織物のことを指します。 日本の伝統衣装である着物の中の代表的存在で「着物の女王」とも呼ばれています。 高級絹織物とされていることから、本場大島紬を着ているだけで、知っている人には一目置かれる逸品です。 本場大島紬の始まりは7世紀頃で、文化的にも歴史的にも非常に古くから受け継がれてきています。 奄美大島には国外との交流の文化が数多く存在しますが、本場大島紬もルーツがインドにて生まれた"絣(かすり)織り"であることから、この国外の交流文化の賜物と言えます。 本場大島紬の染色方法"泥染め" 本場大島紬の製造工程で何よりも特徴的な点として挙げられるのは、染色の方法として泥染めをしていることでしょう。 この泥染めという染色方法ですが、絹糸の蚕白質の上にあるシャリンバイに含まれているタンニン酸色素と泥に含まれている鉄分が化学結合することにより、深い光沢のある味わい深い黒色を出すことが出来ます。 この自然由来の味わいが伝統工芸品たる所以であり、古くから受け継がれるべき文化だと言えます。 泥染めがどのように行われているかは動画で実際にご覧になれます。 本場大島紬のまとめ 文化的にも深い歴史を持つ伝統工芸品の本場大島紬は、今もなお奄美大島を中心に受け継がれてきています。 日本の文化とも言える伝統工芸ですが、やはり時代の流れと共に後継者が減っているのが現状です。 特殊な製造工程、細かい作業を全て手作業で行うことが主な理由とされています。 この日本の文化である伝統工芸品の一つが無くなってしまわないよう、鹿児島県としても本場大島紬織物協同組合や本場大島紬の里等の活動を盛んにされているので、今回の動画を見て興味を持った方は、ぜひ鹿児島に足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 6:01
The Shibushi Summer Soba Festival in Shibushi, Kagoshima, Celebrates the Earliest Buckwheat Harvest in Japan! At This Tasty Festival, People Eat Fresh Soba Noodles and Pray That They May Live Long and Thin!
Travel Food & Drink Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 40 plays
- YouTube
Introducing the Shibushi Summer Soba Festival in Shibushi, Kagoshima This video, titled "【Shibushi Summer Soba Festival】Shibushi City【Official】" (【志布志の夏越しそばまつり】志布志市 【公式】), was uploaded by "Yasuda Movie Laboratory" (安田映像研究所). It introduces the Shibushi Summer Soba Festival of Yamamiya Shrine via a PR video with drone footage. In Shibushi, Kagoshima, located in the Kyushu region of southern Japan, the city takes advantage of its mild climate to grow "Haru no Ibuki," a variety of buckwheat that is sown in late March and harvested in late May or early June. Haru no Ibuki flowers can be seen at 1:22 in the video. The Shibushi Summer Soba Festival is an event where freshly harvested soba noodles are served. This article introduces tourist information for the Shibushi Summer Soba Festival. Be sure to check out the video to see the Shibushi Summer Soba Festival being held on the precincts of Yamamiya Shrine. What Kind of Event is the Shibushi Summer Soba Festival? Photo:The thatched ring used in the purification ceremony The Shibushi Summer Soba Festival in Shibushi, Kagoshima, is held on June 30 at Yamamiya Shrine, home to the National Natural Monument "Shibushi no Okusu" (The Great Camphor of Shibushi). Starting with a purification ceremony in which visitors pass through a "thatched ring" to pray for good health in the precincts of the shrine where the giant camphor, estimated to be 1,300 years old, stands, 1,000 servings of fresh soba, a special aromatic dish made with nihachi soba flour (8 parts buckwheat, 2 parts wheat flour), is served. In addition to soba, visitors can also enjoy conger eel tempura caught in Shibushi Bay as well as fresh green tea. Legend has it that the giant camphor tree, shown at 1:43 in the video, was planted by Emperor Tenchi (Emperor Tenji). Chinowa kuguri, a summer ritual that involves walking through a loop of cogon grass, can be seen at 2:51. The summer buckwheat harvest in Shibushi is the earliest in Japan, and the Shibushi Summer Soba Festival is held to celebrate the opening of the harvest. About the Shibushi Summer Soba Festival in Shibushi, Kagoshima Photo:Soba Summer soba in Shibushi is made with natural underground water rich in minerals that has passed through Shirasu-Daichi, a pyroclastic plateau originating from the Kirishima Mountains. The spring-sown soba has a unique flavor and is served with a sweet katsuoboshi (skipjack)-flavored dipping sauce. The summer soba of Shibushi has been produced since 2010 as part of Shibushi's community development efforts by growers who wish for good health and longevity. Fresh soba is available at nearby restaurants from the day of the Shibushi Summer Soba Festival and is also sold online. Tourist Information for Shibushi Summer Soba Festival 「To get to Yamamiya Shrine, the site of the Shibushi Summer Soba Festival, it's a 10-minute drive from JR Shibushi Station or a 20-minute drive from the Soo Yagoro Interchange. Parking is also available. Nearby are tourist attractions such as Daguri Cape Beach, Osaki Fureai no Sato Park, and Kuni no Matsubara Camping Ground, making it possible for visitors to travel while staying in touch with nature. Summary of the Shibushi Summer Soba Festival of Shibushi, Kagoshima The above video, titled "【Shibushi Summer Soba Festival】Shibushi City【Official】" introduces the Shibushi Summer Soba Festival. Enjoy traditional Japanese festivals and pray for good health by eating delicious soba noodles! -
Video article 2:48
The Beautiful Ogawa Falls in Kagoshima Prefecture's Kimotsuki District. The Emerald Green, Crystal Clear Waters Are Truly Captivating! So Beautiful It Was Even Used for One of NHK's Long Running Dramas!
Travel Nature- 313 plays
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More About the Dynamic Ogawa Falls of Kagoshima Prefecture This video, titled "(4K) Drone Aerial Photography "Ogawa Falls" Minami Osumi (南大隅町, minamioosumimachi), Kimotsuki district (肝属郡, kimotsukigun), Kagoshima prefecture" filmed by drone, was created by Studio Kama. Ogawa Falls is a beautiful waterfall located in south-eastern Kagoshima prefecture in an area called Nejime on the Osumi peninsula. It's approximately 60 meters wide with a drop of 46 meters. If you're looking to enjoy sightseeing in Japan, we highly recommend the beautiful, dynamic scenery of Ogawa Falls. In this video you can take a look at the picturesque scenery of the crystal clear river and the flowing waterfall. You're sure to be captivated by its beauty. Ogawa Falls Was the Filming Location for a Famous Japanese Drama! Photo:Ogawa Falls Ogawa Falls is a beautiful waterfall in Minami Osumi, Kimotsuki district in Kagoshima prefecture. The opening scenes for the Japanese drama "Segodon," released in 2018, were shot at Ogawa Falls, leading to a huge increase in popularity. Ogawa Falls was also used as a filming location for the 2019 movie "Kingdom." Many fans have been known known to visit Kagoshima to see these film locations as well as many visitors on pilgrimages. Enjoy Hiking to Ogawa Falls The walk from the tourist parking area to Ogawa Falls is approximately 1200 meters. You can access the parking area by bus or car and then enjoy walking the invigorating trekking route to Ogawa Falls that takes past mountain streams and is surrounded by nature. If you plan to go to Ogawa Falls for sightseeing, we recommend stopping by Aqua Base Café, which can be found just before arriving at the trekking route parking area. Why not buy a drink and enjoy the much talked about scenery from the café, overlooking the basin of the waterfall. It's the perfect spot to take photos to share on Instagram! You can take a look at the area surrounding the waterfall at 0:59 in the video. More of the Amazing Features of Ogawa Falls Source :YouTube screenshot There are many tourists who visit the dynamic Ogawa Falls to experience the healing effects of the negative ions. Here you can enjoy your time relaxing whilst looking out onto the emerald green waters of the waterfall basin and sparkling waters of the waterfall. The highlight of this video has to be in the second half of the video at 02:11, where you can catch a beautiful panoramic view of Ogawa Falls. We highly recommend stopping by the observation deck found upstream of Ogawa Falls. There generally tends to be less people here making it a relaxing spot to enjoy the scenery of the waterfall and towering gorge. Summary of Kagoshima Prefecture's Ogawa Falls The beautiful and fascinating Ogawa Falls is gaining popularity as a tourist destination in Kagoshima prefecture. The scenery of the emerald green waters of the waterfall basin seen in this video, is a sight you're sure not to forget. Be sure to take a look at the wonderful scenery in the video! We highly recommend a trip to Ogawa Falls in Kagoshima prefecture to anyone who wants to make the most of their trip to Japan! ◆Ogawa waterfall◆ 【Address】Nejime Kawakita 12222, Minami Osumi, Kagoshima prefecture 【Access】Around a 1 hour 45 minute drive from Kagoshima airport (鹿児島空港, kagoshimakuukou) 【Admission Fee】Free of charge 【Hours】No entry during evening hours 【Closures】None 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】0994-24-3115 (Minami Osumi Town Hall Tourist Section) 【Tripadvisor】Ogawa Falls https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121596-d4564546-Reviews-Ogawano_Taki_Falls-Minamiosumi_cho_Kimotsuki_gun_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu.html 【Tripadvisor】Minami Osumi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121596-Minamiosumi_cho_Kimotsuki_gun_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 10:52
The Dynamic "Pole and Line" Skipjack Tuna Fishing and Lively Festivals of Makurazaki, Kagoshima! A Look at Popular Sightseeing Spots in Makurazaki, a Port Town in Kagoshima Prefecture, Where You Can Enjoy the Natural Beauty of the Sea!
Local PR- 136 plays
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Enjoy sightseeing in Makurazaki, Kagoshima This video, titled "Makurazaki City PR Video [TRADITIONAL JAPAN MAKURAZAKI CITY] Sightseeing PV" (枕崎市PR映像 「TRADITIONAL JAPAN MAKURAZAKI CITY」観光 PV) was uploaded by "Official YouTube Channel of Makurazaki." Makurazaki, Kagoshima in Kyushu is known for its fishing and agriculture. There are many famous sightseeing locations where you can enjoy beautiful views and many popular, lively events in Makurazaki, Kagoshima. Check out the video to enjoy attractive sightseeing spots in Makurazaki, Kagoshima! The Specialty of Makurazaki, Kagoshima - Skipjack Tuna! Photo:Skipjack tuna The area around Makurazaki, Kagoshima is a thriving agricultural and seafood processing region. In particular taking the large large pole and line fishing boats out from the port town into the seas is a local specialty of the region. You can buy fresh skipjack tuna at popular sightseeing spots like the Makurazaki Fish Center and Makurazaki Katsu Public Corporation that process and sell skipjack tuna. From 3:47, you can see how the skipjack tuna is caught. Also, from 5:27, you can see how premium dried bonito flakes are manufactured at the dried bonito factory in Makurazaki, Kagoshima. Dining Recommendation in Makurazaki, Kagoshima Photo:Sliced tuna We highly recommend trying the fresh skipjack tuna dishes if you're visiting Makurazaki, Kagoshima. Ramen with skipjack flavored broth is another popular dish. Chicken nanban with Berkshire pork is also a specialty of the area. Satsuma Peninsula in Kagoshima is famous for its sweet potatoes. The sweet potato is used for Japanese food and the shochu "Satsuma Shiranami." In addition, it's also famous for tea and chrysanthemums. Sightseeing in Makurazaki, Kagoshima Photo:Kagoshima Prefecture, Tategami Iwa Show in the video at 3:31 is Tategami Rock, a large rock in the sea of Makurazaki. It's a beautiful spot for viewing the sunset. Hinokami Park is a hidden sightseeing spot where you can enjoy camping. You should also stop at the historic site of the former sea surveillance office where the sea was guarded, and Meiji Gura where shochu is produced. We recommend staying at the hotel at Makurazaki Nagisa Onsen after sightseeing. Lively Events in Makurazaki Source :YouTube screenshot From 1:36, you can see "Kibarankai," a festival held every August in Makurazaki, Kagoshima. At the festival, you can enjoy dynamic drum performances and the largest fireworks display in Japan's Kyushu region. The Makurazaki Yosakoi Festival held in July is another event we recommend checking out. More than 500 dancers from all over Kyushu participate in this festival, making it a very lively and exciting event. Summary of Makurazaki Source :YouTube screenshot There are many attractions in Makurazaki, Kagoshima, including dynamic festivals, beautiful sightseeing spots, and delicious food. Sometimes the weather can be rough in Kagoshima, so be sure to check the forecast before your visit. 【Official Website】Kagoshima City Hall Homepage https://www.city.makurazaki.lg.jp/ -
Video article 3:05
Amami Oshima, in Kagoshima Prefecture, Has a Beautiful Underwater World Where Daily Fatigue Is Washed Away. Enjoy Scuba Diving in the Beautiful Tropical Sea That Will Have You Wondering if You're Still in Japan!
Things to Do- 130 plays
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Introducing the Underwater World of Amami Oshima! This time, we'll introduce the video "[ 4K Ultra HD ] 奄美の海中世界 Underwater World in Amami Islands (Shot on RED EPIC)" with which you can enjoy the beautiful underwater scenery of Amami Oshima in the Amami Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture. The video was released by "AQUA Geo Graphic." The approximately 3-minute long video is packed with beautiful images of underwater coral reefs and the tropical fish of Amami Oshima, a subtropical climate. Amami Oshima in Kagoshima Prefecture Photo:A village in Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture Amami Oshima, introduced in the video, is the main island of the Amami Islands located at the southern tip of Kagoshima Prefecture. There is also Amami Oshima Airport in Amami Oshima, and there are also flights from Kagoshima as well as Tokyo and Osaka. Skymark Airlines, LCC peaches, and JAL offer flights, and in recent years it has become popular as a remote island that can be visited easily. Car rental is convenient for traveling from the airport! For those who are not confident in driving or don't have a license to do so, we recommend visiting on a tour. Staying in Naze, Amami City, in the center of the island, is great as it allows you to be right in the middle of everything the island has to offer. For those who want to enjoy a private space, we recommend staying at a resort hotel that is a little more tucked away. Diving in Amami Oshima! Photo:Amami oshima The Amami Islands consist of eight inhabited islands: Kikaijima, Kakeromajima, Kakejima, Yoroshima, Tokunoshima, Okinoerabujima, and Yoronshima, and Amami Oshima which is the largest of these. Since it is located in the middle of Okinawa Island, which is about 380 km south of Kagoshima, the waters are incredibly clear and are called "Amami Blue." You can also see coral reefs and colorful tropical fish in the sea around here. It's also possible to encounter groups of clownfish, moray eels, and sea turtles like in the popular Disney movie "Finding Nemo." Many coral reefs inhabit the sea of Amami Oshima, and you can also see coral, such as "Hama coral" and "branch coral" up close. You can see the beautiful coral reefs from 1:39 in the video. In addition to diving, you can also enjoy several experience-based activities, such as whale watching and snorkeling in the sea of Amami Oshima! Attractions and Sightseeing on Amami Oshima! Photo:Exploring mangroves by canoe The charm of Amami Oshima is the beautiful sea, but that's not all it has to offer. On the island of Amami Oshima, Kinsakubaru Forest and the Amami Mangrove Forest are famous. The two of these make up the Amami Gunto National Park, a place abundant with nature. It is also home to animals so rich in character that it is called the Galapagos of the Orient, and if you're lucky, you'll be able to see the nationally protected species of the island, such as the "Amami rabbit," "Lidith's jay," and the "White-backed woodpecker" or Kagoshima prefecture's protected species, the "Amami Oshima Frog." In addition, "Ayamaru Misaki", "Tomori Beach" and "Mt. Yuwan" on the island are also great places to visit. Summary of Amami Oshima in Kagoshima Prefecture Photo:Amami Oshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture In this article we introduced a video showing diving on Amami Oshima. Hopefully this article and video have sparked your interest in the popular Island. Amami Oshima is a place where you can enjoy gourmet food as well as scuba diving. If you still haven't yet, be sure to check out the video to see the beautiful scenery of Amami Oshima! 【Official Website】Amami Oshima Tourist Guide|Operated by the Amami Oshima Tourism and Products Federation | Relax in Amami https://www.amami-tourism.org/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Amami Oshima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g14769233-Amami_Oshima_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 5:41
Explore Shinonome No Sato, One of the Largest Hydrangea Gardens in Japan, via Video! Go for a Leisurely Stroll and Enjoy the 4 Seasons of Japan at This Garden in Kagoshima!
Nature Travel- 50 plays
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Hydrangeas at Shinonome no Sato: Video Introduction This video, titled "Hydrangeas at Shinonome no Sato (Izumi, Kagoshima) [4K]"(紫陽花(アジサイ) 東雲の里(鹿児島県出水市) 【4K】) was uploaded by "Doronpi." Shinonome no Sato was created by taking advantage of the rolling hills of the mountain. This video shows what it's like to take a stroll through the garden while viewing the different varieites of hydrangeas. The video also features bird's eye views, so you can see what Shinonome no Sato is like from the skies, with hydrangeas extending as far as the eye can see. It's a beautiful scene that can only be seen during the rainy season in Japan. You can really feel the radiance of the hydrangeas as the flow in the sunlight in this 4K video. Be sure to take your time to viewing the hydrangeas Shinonome no Sato in the video, before reading along. A Beautiful Hydrangea Garden Made From Scratch: An Introduction to Shinonome no Sato Photo:Shinonome no Sato, Izumi, Kagoshima Shinonome no Sato is a garden located in Izumi, Kagoshima, in Japan's Kyushu region. The owner of the garden cleared a desolate mountainside, and opened the garden in 1995. The garden is a large area of about 40,000 tsubo (~32.5 acres) that takes advantage of the rolling hills of the mountain, and is planted with hydrangeas and other flowers and trees that reflect the four seasons of Japan. The Hydrangea Festival held in June attracts many tourists each year. The hydrangea blooming on both sides of the promenade are highly praised for being within arms' length. The owner of the garden is also a potter and there is a corner in the park where he exhibits his ceramic works. The works can be purchased as well, so if you're looking for a new coffee cup or souvenirs, you're sure to find something among his one-of-a-kind works. Hydrangea Bloom Periods and the Best Time to Visit Shinonome no Sato Photo:Hydrangeas at Shinonome no Sato, Izumi, Kagoshima The Hydrangea Festival at Shinonome no Sato is generally held from early June to coincide with the blooming of the hydrangeas. The festival features 100,000 hydrangeas of 160 varieties, making it one of the most populated hydrangea spots in Japan. This is a rare event where visitors can see many different varieties of hydrangeas blooming in a variety of colors all at once. Usually, admission to Shinonome no Sato is free, but during the Hydrangea Festival and Autumn Leaves Festival, there's a 500 yen admission fee for junior high school students and older (free for elementary school students and younger). Shinonome no Sato is well known for its hydrangeas and spacious grounds that allow visitors can stroll around at their leisure. Enjoy Tasty Soba Noodles at Shinonome no Sato Within the spacious grounds of Shinonome no Sato is Nama Soba Kusanoi, a soba restaurant selling delicious, handmade soba noodles. The owner is very particular about the seeds used to make the soba, making it a popular place to eat. Dishes made by the owner owner of Shinonome no Sato, are decorated with seasonal flowers and plants. It's well known for its tasteful appearance highlighting the seasons as well as its flavor. A café menu including cake sets is also available, making it a great place to take a break after a stroll through the garden. The architecture, which is in the style of a traditional Japanese residence, is carefully decorated and furnished to provide a relaxing atmosphere. Eating delicious soba and viewing the beautiful hydrangeas makes it a place that will stimulate all five of your senses. Experience the 4 Seasons of Japan at Shinonome no Sato Photo:Weeping cherry blossoms In addition to the hydrangeas in June, Shinonome no Sato also features a variety of seasonal views: in April, there's colorful weeping cherry blossoms, and in November, guests can enjoy the beauty of autumn as the leaves change color. A visit to Shinonome no Sato is a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and recharge in nature. Things to Do Near Shinonome no Sato Shinonome no Sato is located 25 minutes from the city of Izumi by car. Because of this, there isn't much to do in the immediate area surrounding the hydrangea garden. That being said, if you make your way back to Izumi, there are a few places we recommend checking out. Izumi-Fumoto Samurai Residences & the Izumi Historical Museum The samurai residences in Izumi were built some 400 years ago and today the area remains one of the largest samurai villages in Japan. Visitors to the Izumi-Fumoto Samurai Residences can enjoy learning about the history of the area and the Satsuma Domain, while seeing samurai armor and weapons and learning how people lived back then. There is also an ox carriage tour that takes you on a 25-minute-long tour of the area. Located right next to the Izumi-Fumoto Samurai Residences, the Izumi Historical Museum features a variety of exhibits with which to learn about the history of Izumi and the Satsuma Domain, including exhibits on traditional Japanese archery practiced by samurai, and the historical significance of Izumi. Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Last entry 4:30 pm) Admission Fee: High school students and older: 510 yen (460 yen) Elementary and junior high school students: 300 yen (260 yen) ※Brackets indicate prices for groups of 20 or more. Izumi Crane Museum and Park As the largest crane migration grounds in Japan, each year Izumi sees more than 10,000 cranes between October and December, which migrate there all the way from Serbia. At the museum, visitors can learn about different varieties of cranes and see what they look like in their natural habitats. Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Last entry 4:30 pm). Closed: Every Monday from April to October (or the following day if Monday is a national holiday) Admission Fee: Adults: 330 yen (260 yen), University and High school students: 220 yen (170 yen), Middle and elementary school students: 110 yen (80 yen) ※Brackets indicate prices for groups of 20 or more. Summary of Shinonome no Sato Known for its hydrangeas, Shinonome no Sato is highly rated on Google Maps reviews as a place to enjoy beautiful scenery and food. It's a healing spot where seasonal flowers and plants gently greet visitors. The expansive grounds are perfect for those looking to take a leisurely stroll and forget about the passage of time. If you've got the time, drop by to enjoy the flowers, the delicious food, and handmade ceramics! ◆Shinonome no Sato◆ 【Address】2881 Kami-Okawauchi, Izumi City, Kagoshima Prefecture 【Admission】Junior high school students and older: 500 yen, Elementary school students and younger: free ※Admission is free outside of the Hydrangea Festival and Autumn Leaves Festival event periods 【Hours】9:30 am - 4:30 pm 【Access】From Fukuoka: Minami-Kyushu Expressway Tsunaki IC→National Route 3→National Route 447→Shinonome no Sato From the Kyushu Longitudinal Expressway→Kurino IC→Route 267→Route 447→Shinonome no Sato 【Parking】Available 【Official Website】Welcome to the Website of Shinonome no Sato|Izumi City 【TripAdvisor】Shinonome no Sato -
Video article 7:23
Amami Oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture Is a Surfing Utopia! Water So Clear You Can Even See Coral Reefs on the Ocean Floor!
Sports- 1.05K plays
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The Beautiful Views of Amami Oshima, Kagoshima This video, titled "Short Surf Trip to Amami Oshima," was created by "Hiroo Shimo." This video is perfect for people who love surfing, as it shows viewers a beautiful view of Amami Oshima, including beautiful aerial footage taken by drone. Amami Oshima has a warm climate year around with great waves. With these conditions, Amami Oshima is known as a surfing utopia. The Pro Surfing World Championship was also held here. This article will talk about tourist information as well as surfing spots in Amami Oshima. In the video you can see surfing and the beautiful, crystal clear waters of Amami Oshima. Hopefully you're up for some travelling because this video will have you raring to go! Surfing at Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Amami Oshima coast As Amami Oshima is warm year around, and the water is also warm, it's the perfect place for surfing. There are several surfing spots in Amami Oshima where both beginners and pros can hit the waves. Take a look at the video at 3:06 to see the beautiful blue waters and the coral reefs underneath the ocean, in this aerial video. Also check out 3:25 to see a beautiful sunset with two palm trees. This video will make you feel like you're actually on a tropical island. Wet suits and surfboards are available for rent at surf schools, so there's no need to worry about being unprepared. Some surf spots are used mainly by locals and we don't recommend them for beginners. If you're new to surfing, we recommend enrolling in a surf school and getting lessons and advice from an instructor. Surf Spots in Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Surfing There's a chance you'll see sea turtles in Amami Oshima as well. Advanced surfers try to get good waves on days when typhoons are passing. As Amami Oshima is an island, surf spots are divided into two areas: the East China Sea side and the Pacific Ocean side. The main surf spots are as follows: ・Tebiro ・Gamou ・Hatohama ・Ayamaro ・Gusuku ・Ohama ・Bira ・Imaizai ・Yagijima ・Kohama ・Toen ・Katoku ・Tomori Beach Marine Activities at Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Exploring mangroves As Amami Oshima has such clear waters, to the point that you can see the coral reefs on the ocean floor, there are other marine activities you can enjoy as well. Swimming in the ocean, snorkeling, canoeing, SUP(Stand up Paddle boarding), and diving, are all popular marine activities in Amami Oshima. There are also schools and rental companies to rent equipment, so you can enjoy the beautiful ocean without having to worry about bringing much. Sightseeing Around Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Mangroves at Amami Oshima Access to Amami Oshima is about 2.5 hours from Tokyo and 2 hours from Kansai by plane. There's more to see in Amami Oshima than just the sea as well. There's the Tanaka Isson Art Museum, where visitors can learn about the history and culture of Amami, as well as Amami Park, the Kuroshio-no-Mori Mangrove Park where visitors can explore the virgin mangrove forest by canoe, and the Mangrove Forest National Park. You can also visit Kakeroma Island by boat to enjoy more natural scenery. Camping is available at Ohama Seaside Park and if you want to admire the scenery, we recommend Ayamaru cape, and Honohoshi shore. Enjoy the beautiful ocean and outstanding natural views on your visit to Amami Oshima. Summary of Amami Oshima, Kagoshima The video "Short Surf Trip to Amami Oshima," shows people enjoying surfing in the beautiful ocean. This article talked about surf spots, information about marine activities, and tourist spots in Amami Oshima. We hope you enjoyed the article and look forward to seeing you at Amami Oshima! 【Official Website】Amami City Official Website https://www.city.amami.lg.jp/english/index.html