Video article 0:44
A Bizarrely Designed Building in the Middle of Ginza! The Design That Makes Everyone Stop and Look up Was Inspired by Traditional Japanese Crafts
Art & Architecture- 26 plays
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This video, titled "A Unique Building in Ginza: Based on the Theme of 'Sukashibori' (16/06/15)" (銀座にユニークなビル出現・・・「透かし彫り」がテーマ(16/06/15)), was released by "ANNnewsCH." The Ginza Place building, which opened in 2016 at the Ginza 4-Chome intersection, has 11 floors above ground and two basement levels, and is based on a traditional craft called "Sukashibori" (openwork/pierced work/fretwork) that involves creating patterns on thin sheets of wood. It contains a Sony showroom, an event space, restaurants, and many other areas, and as a "landmark for creating the Ginza of tomorrow," it serves as a base for contributing to the creation of a district in Ginza that communicates new values and a future for the world from Japan. The architect in charge of the exterior design was Klein Dytham Architecture, an internationally acclaimed firm with a deep knowledge of Japan. -
Video article 1:55
Cleaning Is a Part of Everyday Life at Schools in Japan. Let's Take a Look at the Commonplace Routine That Seems to Surprise Those Living Outside of Japan.
Life & Business- 691 plays
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Japanese Elementary School Students Cleaning Did you enjoy cleaning when you were a kid? Maybe not, but there are actually quite a few people in Japan who remember cleaning time in elementary school quite fondly. This video, “Japanese Students Clean Classrooms To Learn Life Skills” was created by “AJ+”. As you can see in the video, it is a natural thing for elementary school students in Japan to clean their classrooms themselves! This is a custom that people overseas are surprised at. The reason being that, in many cases, schools overseas hire janitors for cleaning. Let’s take a look at the introductory video of cleaning time for elementary school students. A nostalgic scene for Japanese people, and a maybe something new for those overseas. At Elementary Schools in Japan, It's Normal for Students to Clean Source :YouTube screenshot The joy of schools in Japan, and probably most schools around the world, is lunch time! You can see this at 0:29 in the video! When students in Japan finish eating, however, they clean up the used dishes by themselves after eating delicious meals. You can see cleaning time at 0:47, after lunch has ended. In Japan, students clean starting from elementary school. They clean classrooms and hallways all by themselves. At schools overseas, usually janitors do the cleaning, but in Japan, as seen in the video, it's a a part of everyday life for students to clean their schools by themselves. Children divide up their cleaning activities, diligently wiping down windows, mopping floors, sweeping, and getting rid of garbage. In Japan, cleaning is essentially another part of studying, and this is happens everyday. Japan's Cleaning Culture Source :YouTube screenshot At schools in Japan, students learn things that can be put to practical use. On such thing is cleaning. Students learn how to use cleaning utensils at school so they can put it into practice at home and in the future. Schools are not just a place to study, but also a place where students can bond and learn how to work as a team. Elementary school students in Japan learn these things from their everyday cleaning routine as well. Overseas Reactions Source :YouTube screenshot When foreigners watch this video, their reactions are noticeably different than those of the Japanese, to whom this is commonplace. In overseas countries, most people think “cleaning = labor,” and therefore think that cleaning activities are jobs for workers. There are also many people who understand the idea behind it, and the reason for keeping things clean. What Do the Teachers Think? Source :YouTube screenshot In the video, you can also see an interview of an elementary school teacher at 0:59. “Cleaning is something you have to be able to do for yourself later in life, so it's a custom that's likely to continue into the future,” she says. Summary of Cleaning at Japan's Elementary Schools Today we introduced a video about Japan’s everyday education. Many people might be surprised by this. However, for the Japanese, this is just a part of everyday life. So what do you think? Is it a good custom? And before answering, is your room clean? -
Video article 2:47
Karakuri Puppets With Delicate Movements: Traditional Japanese Technology, Realistic Movements, and All Done Without Electricity!
Traditional Culture- 566 plays
- YouTube
Traditional Japanese Technology - About the Karakuri Puppet intro video The video “Karakuri puppet – 4K Ultra HD,” created by TokyoStreetView – Japan The Beautiful, introduces two traditional Japanese wind-up puppets: "Yumihiki Doji" (弓曳童子), the puppet of a boy drawing a bow, and "Mojigaki Ningyo" (文字書き人形), the calligraphy puppet. In this three-minute video, you can see how these famous puppets work, so we highly recommend watching the video if you're interested in the following two questions: ・How do traditional Japanese Karakuri puppets move? ・What is the history and culture of traditional Japanese Karakuri puppets? This article focuses on the traditional Japanese technology “Karakuri” puppets, which is said to be the origin of robot creation. To begin with, please take a look at the video to see delicate and intricate movements of the puppets. About the Puppets "Yumihiki Doji" and "Mojigaki Ningyo" Source of Photo :YouTube screenshot The two puppets "Yumihiki Doji" and "Mojigaki Ningyo" are representative examples of Japanese wind-up puppets, as well as the famous puppet “Ocha Hakobi Ningyo (お茶運び人形),” the teacup carrying puppet. The first puppet "Yumihiki Doji," which you can see at 0:05 of this video, grabs four arrows firmly and shoots them at its target. The puppet aims at the target carefully, sometimes raising its face and even changing its own facial expressions. From 1:52 you can see another mechanized puppet “Mojigaki Ningyo,” holding ink brushes in its mouth and hand and writing letters on paper in the other hand. You'll be amazed when it starts writing two different letters at the same time! About Karakuri Puppets- Traditional Japanese Technology Photo:A Karakuri Puppet on a Parade Float Karakuri wind-up puppets have a long history; dating all the way back to the Heian period(794-1185). Back then, hand-puppeteered Karakuri puppets were mostly used for entertainment during rituals or at theaters. It is said that this kind of wind-up puppet was developed further in the Edo period(1603-1868). Wind-up puppets were a kind of pop culture back then; they were used as toys to play in tatami rooms or placed on festival floats. Today you can see these puppets at traditional Japanese puppet shows such as Ningyo Joruri (人形浄瑠璃), Takayama Festival (高山祭り, Takayama Matsuri) in Gifu prefecture, Karakuri Ningyoshibai Hall in Gunma prefecture, Takeda Marionette Theater (竹田人形座, Takeda Ningyo-Za) in Nagano prefecture, and many more. There is a book called "Karakuri Zui" (機匠図彙), showing structures and mechanical drawings of Karakuri wind-up puppets. It includes how to make nine different kinds of puppets. The best puppet creators in the Edo period are said to be Oumi Takeda and the “Karakuri Master”(からくり儀右衛門, Karakuri Giemon) Hisashige Tanaka. Currently Tanaka's works are preserved at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo. Today Mr. Tamaya Shobei IX, the professional Karakuri puppet craftsman, restores, repairs, produces and sells puppets. Karakuri wind-up puppets are powered by wood, springs, and threads, and therefore don’t require electricity. The technology of traditional Karakuri puppets is highly valued, as it is said to have had a profound impact on western technology Overview of Karakuri Puppets Source of Photo :YouTube screenshot In the video "Karakuri puppet – 4K Ultra HD," you see the two automatic wind-up puppets: "Yumibiki Doji" and "Mojigaki Ningyo." The movements of both puppetss is quite interesting; It's as if the puppets are changing their own facial expressions. Also, don’t overlook the tiny puppet below Yumibiki Doji turning a lever! In addition to the two puppets in this video, there are various other kinds of Karakuri wind-up puppets: magician puppets, spirit buying puppets, airplane operating puppets, and more. If you are interested in traditional Japanese technology, please look into some of these other puppets as well! -
Video article 5:36
A Close Look at the Raden Craftsmen Who Preserve the Traditional Japanese Craft of Takaoka, Toyama Prefecture. Made of Brightly Colored Seashells, They're Truly Works of Art!
Traditional Crafts- 91 plays
- YouTube
日本の伝統工芸螺鈿職人紹介動画 こちらの動画は「ニッポン手仕事図鑑」が公開した「螺鈿職人になる旅 / 武蔵川工房」です。 螺とは螺旋状の殻をもつ貝のことを指し、鈿とは金属や貝による飾りのことを指します。 アワビやヤコウガイ(夜光貝)シロチョウガイ(白蝶貝)クロチョウガイ(黒蝶貝)カワシンジュガイ(青貝)などの材料で幾何学模様を刻むという点で、螺鈿(らでん)は蒔絵や卵殻などとは異なります。 貝の厚さは0.4~1㎜で花鳥風月のデザインを刻むという点でも日本の伝統工芸らしさが際立ちます。 日本有数の伝統工芸螺鈿職人として最も有名な方が、動画で紹介されている武蔵川工房の親方である武蔵川剛嗣さんです。 螺鈿職人を育てた高岡漆器という日本の伝統 日本の伝統工芸である螺鈿職人を育てた歴史背景には、高岡漆器という日本の伝統工芸があります。 高岡漆器の特徴は町人文化のなかで日用品へ職人たちが技術を磨くため漆を塗り、それぞれの技法を乗せたという起源があります。 それらの匠の技として、象嵌という技法が挙げられます。 これは一つの材料に異質の原料をはめ込む種類の作り方で作られた美術品や工芸品を言います。 明治時代になると石瀬松次郎が青貝螺鈿加飾という伝統工芸漆器を始め、青貝塗という日本伝統文化を広めました。 やがて伝統工芸として螺鈿師という立場が確立され、武蔵川工房の武蔵川さんは国指定の伝統的工芸品の認定者となります。 螺鈿は光の加減によって様々な色に映るため、武蔵川工房では暑さを0.1mmまで削り加飾を行います。 高岡漆器独自のこの工程を踏むのが武蔵川工房様の特徴でもあります。 貝の輝きをいかに引き出し、コントロールできるかが伝統工芸を作る螺鈿職人の腕の見せ所であるとも言えます。 現代に活きる日本の伝統文化・螺鈿 現代においても螺鈿職人は様々な工夫を凝らして螺鈿の文化を進化させています。 ペーパーウェイトや帯留め、髪飾りや箸、時計やガラスに細工された螺鈿の作品は見ているだけでも楽しいものばかりです。 武蔵川工房でも皿や飾箱、茶器などへの螺鈿装飾を行ったものが多く制作されています。 動画では2:24よりご覧になることができます。 スマートフォンケースやスマートフォンリングといった現代の生活に即した螺鈿作品を作る螺鈿職人もいます。 日本の伝統文化螺鈿職人紹介まとめ 螺鈿職人は日本には数多くいますが、高岡漆器の歴史を組む武蔵川工房の螺鈿作品は他に類を見ない美しさを持っています。 ぜひ日本の富山県へ訪れた際には螺鈿にも触れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 4:53
Satake Glass in Osaka Is a Workshop in Japan That Has Been in Business Since Before World War II. The Glass Beads Made From Glass Rods Are a Traditional Craft Filled With the Skills of Master Craftsman
Traditional Crafts- 166 plays
- YouTube
大阪の「佐竹ガラス」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「ニッポン手仕事図鑑」が公開した「ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 佐竹ガラス」です。 日本には数多くの伝統工芸が存在します。 作品1つ1つに職人が長年培ってきた技術や苦労が詰まっています。 日本観光をする際は芸術品や伝統文化などに触れてみるのも楽しみ方の1つです。 今回は大阪府和泉市で日本の伝統工芸を守り続けている佐竹ガラスについて紹介します。 大阪の「佐竹ガラス」紹介動画の内容 「ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 佐竹ガラス」は大阪府和泉市にある佐竹ガラスの佐竹保彦氏へのインタビュー動画。 大阪府和泉市は人造真珠が作られていたことでも有名で、佐竹ガラスも人造真珠の製造に関わっていたことが佐竹保彦氏の口から語られます。 佐竹ガラスの職人が1本の棒を使ってガラスワークを行うシーンは動画の見どころの1つ。 2001年4月に主屋などが登録有形文化財に登録されました。 魅力的なガラス工芸の数々 佐竹ガラスは多くの種類の伝統工芸品を世に送り出しています。 色鮮やかなガラスロッドを筆頭に大阪府和泉市信太山のガラス職人が考案したホタル玉やとんぼ玉、ガラスビーズといったものが挙げられます。 大阪の「佐竹ガラス」紹介まとめ 何十年という時代の中で数多くのガラスロッドやアクセサリーパーツなどを作っている佐竹ガラス。 皆さんが思っている以上に日本の伝統工芸や美術品の世界は奥が深いです。 これを機に日本伝統の文化や歴史などを勉強してはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 8:24
A Ramen Shop Owner Teaches You How to Make Old-Fashioned Chinese Noodles Easily at Home! Simple Tasting but Super Authentic Ramen Noodles to Leave You Full and Satisfied!
Food & Drink- 28 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "How to Make Simple Chinese Soba at Home." (家で簡単にできる【中華そば】の作り方。), was released by "Ramen ROTAS" (ラーメンろたす). This ramen can be made with ingredients that are easily available at supermarkets and you don't need special tools. It only takes about an hour to make it. The video explains how to make the soup, chashu sauce (ramen sauce), seasoning oil, and chashu pork, from start to finish, in an easy-to-understand manner. Watch the video to learn how to make old-fashioned ramen at home! -
Video article 10:27
Japan’s Traditional Form of Entertainment, Kabuki, Now Popular Even in Las Vegas! The Traditional Performing Art That Has Been Loved in Japan Since Long Ago Now Captures the Hearts of Foreigners as Well!
Traditional Culture- 191 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Japan’s kabuki production “Shi-Shi-O”! This video, “Wonder Kabuki Spectacle『獅子王SHI-SHI-O』in Las Vegas,” depicts scenes from the 2016 Las Vegas performance of Japan’s kabuki production “Shi-Shi-O.” Following the success of the 2015 performance of “Koitsugami”(鯉つかみ, Koitsugami), less than a year later, the next performance “Shi-Shi-O” was revealed. The performance, combined with a fountain show, was magnificent sight, capturing the hearts of the audience at the MGM Grand. What Is Kabuki? Source :YouTube screenshot Kabuki is a type of traditional Japanese theatre, long-beloved by the commoners of the country. Kabuki’s roots trace all the way back to Kyoto during the Warring States Period (1467-1615), originating from a dance form created by Izumo no Okuni. At the time, this form of dance was known as “katamuki (傾き)”, with the performers being known as “katamuki-mono (傾き者).” Women’s kabuki, young boy’s kabuki, men’s kabuki and more – the types of kabuki increased as the years passed. The performers’ roles camed to be labeled as male characters (男型, otokogata), female characters (女形, onnagata), and protagonists (立役, tachiyaku). The traditional art of kabuki is now registered as an Important Intangible Cultural Property. Modern kabuki performances incorporate dynamic stage effects, featuring water, fire, acrobatics, quick character changes and more. These effects draw loud cheers from the audience. The Story of “Shi-Shi-O” Source :YouTube screenshot The story of “Shi-Shi-O” is derived from the Japanese legend “Stone Bridge” (石橋, Ishibashi). “Shi-Shi-O” tells the story of the offspring of the lion that appeared in the original legend. The story is set at Mount Seiryo, Tenjiku (天竺清涼山, Tenjiku Seiryo-zan). Shi-Shi-O, the lion king serving the deity Monju (文殊菩薩, Monju bosatsu), devises a monster extermination trial for his offspring. His offspring change into human forms to carry out their trial and retrieve their treasure. The performance incorporates special effects such as the wire action seen at 2:48 in the video, as well as dynamic acting bristling with energy. From 9:00, you can see the standing ovation and excited reactions of the audience at the end of the performance. The Actors Who Appeared in “Shi-Shi-O” Source :YouTube screenshot Some of Japan’s most famous kabuki actors appear in Shi-Shi-O. For example, Ichikawa Somegoro (市川染五郎), interviewed at 9:36 in the video, as well as Nakamura Karoku (中村歌六), Ichikawa Komazo (市川高麗蔵), Nakamura Kasho (中村歌昇), Otani Tomoemon (大谷廣太郎), Nakamura Yonekichi (中村米吉), and Nakamura Hayato (中村隼人). “Shi-Shi-O,” the product of numerous rehearsals and brought to life by these popular kabuki actors, is truly a spectacular sight. Other than “Shi-Shi-O,” in recent years, many kabuki actors have taken part in novel performances both in Japan and overseas. In recent years, the show “Nausica,” based on the Ghibli film, as well as a kabuki show based on the hugely popular manga and anime “One Piece,” have garnered much attention. Summary of the Overseas Performance of Shi-Shi-O Photo:Kabuki-za Theater In Japan, there are many famous kabuki actors; the most famous being Ichikawa Ebizo (市川海老蔵). If you visit theaters such as Kabuki-za (歌舞伎座, Kabuki-za), you can view these awe-inspiring kabuki performances in person. If you're interested in watching a Kabuki performance after reading this article, be sure to check out prices and locations for your visit to Japan or Vegas! Ticket prices are surprisingly reasonable, and even those watching kabuki for the first time are sure to enjoy their experience. 【Official Website】Kabuki Official Website https://www.kabukiweb.net/ -
Video article 26:05
All Eyes on Kawasaki Heavy Industries' Manufacturing Robot! What Is This Technologically Advanced, Industrial Robot Used For?
Life & Business- 24 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Learning Sunday] Robots by Kawasaki Heavy Industries|July 30, 2017 Broadcast" (【モノ知りサンデー】2017年7月30日放送「ロボット」川崎重工業), was released by "Sun Television" (サンテレビ). It introduces the Kawasaki Museum, a corporate museum of Kawasaki Heavy Industries in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, and the robots inside the manufacturing plant. The museum displays motorcycles, bullet trains, and manufacturing robots. High-tech robots are used by equipment manufacturers both in Japan and abroad, including in medical and nursing care settings. The manufacturing process of robots is divided into various processes, with detailed work being done by skilled employees and robots making robots. Watch the video to see how the robots are made! -
Video article 1:21
Learn How to Order at Marugame Seimen, an Easy to Use Self-Service Udon Shop, and See What It's Like Inside!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Marugame Seimen|Sanuki-Style Ordering" (丸亀製麺 讃岐式注文方法), was released by "Marugame Seimen" (丸亀製麺). This video shows how to order at Marugame Seimen. The ordering process is cafeteria style, so you order udon first. After that, you follow the flow to the tempura and omusubi (onigiri) corner, and finally pay for your food. Be sure to check out the video to see how it all works! -
Video article 7:17
Why Does a Japanese Sauna Help You Get Fit? Learn About the Activities of the Japan Association of Sauna, Which Investigates the Effects of Sauna on the Body, and How to Use a Sauna Effectively!
Life & Business- 24 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "The Benefits of Saunas|The World's First Study Begins" (サウナで「ととのう」ワケ 世界初の研究始まる), was released by "HTB News" (HTBニュース). Most hot springs and public baths in Japan are equipped with a sauna. Many people go to hot springs and public baths to enjoy sauna. The people introduced in the video are members of the Japan Association of Sauna, which was established to study sauna. They go into the sauna after tests to examine brain activity and see how it changes. Sauna has blood circulation-boosting properties, and it is said that by relaxing in them, your body will be readjusted. Spend some quality time in a Japanese sauna, which is both comfortable and good for you. Sometimes you just need to sweat it out! -
Video article 1:05
The World of the Popular Anime "Evangelion" Has Been Recreated at Hakone Kowakien Yunessun. The Hot Red Water, a Motif in the Movie, Is a Must-See for Fans!
Travel- 96 plays
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This video, released by "ANNnewsCH," is titled "Evangelion Bath in Hakone, Kanagawa (01/10/2020)" (神奈川・箱根町 “エヴァンゲリオン風呂”登場(20/01/10)). In the video, Hakone Kowakien Yunessun in Kanagawa Prefecture and the anime 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' are introduced in collaboration. This facility was made to celebrate the release of "Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time." Fans will be delighted to know that there are many things to see and do here, including a hot spring based on a motif from the movie and a menu based on a collaboration with the main characters. It's co-hosted with the Odakyu Group, and there's also a special bus running for the event! -
Video article 9:43
The Scabbards That Hold Japanese Swords Are Made by Skilled Japanese Craftsmen! A Look at the Handiwork of Japanese Scabbard Makers, Who Drew Attention at a Traditional Craft Demonstration at Yasukuni Shrine
Traditional Crafts- 57 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Jan. 2, 2020|Yasukuni Shrine|Scabbard Maker|Mizuno Miyuki|Plain Scabbards!" (2020年1月2日「靖国神社」鞘師「水野美行」白鞘実演!), was released by "Kimunao News" (きむなおニュース). In January of 2020, demonstrations by sword sharpeners, scabbard makers and engravers were held at Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo. Scabbard makers are traditional craftsmen who make scabbards, the cases used to store swords. The scabbard is made from materials such as magnolia, which is split once, the insides are hollowed out, and then the two scabbards are laminated together. The appearance of the scabbard varies according to the design of the sword, from simple scabbards to decorated scabbards. In the video clip, scabbard maker Mizuno Miyuki shows how he creates beautiful-looking scabbards. -
Video article 1:53
A box that needs to be solved 72 times to open. What is the mechanism of the secret box made of Hakone's traditional marquetry?
Traditional Crafts- 29 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Japanese puzzle box 72steps with secret compartment Koyosegi 秘密箱72+1回仕掛け 小寄木," was released by "hakonemaruyama." It is thought that the first Japanese puzzle box was made in Hakone at the end of the 19th century. Yosegi-zaiku, a traditional Hakone technique, is used to decorate the box, which needs to be solved to open it. In this video, the box has 72 different mechanism that must be solved in order to open it. The parquet should have been pulled outward at first, but around the 50th mechanism, there's a pushing motion making it difficult for the viewer to understand what's happening at first glance. There was supposedly 72 mechanisms to be solved to open it, but there's one extra at the end! -
Video article 8:55
The Role of School Lunches in Japan. It Isn't Just Lunch, but an Important Time to Learn About Food and Nutrition!
Life & Business- 111 plays
- YouTube
This video, "School Lunch in Japan - It's Not Just About Eating!," was released by "CafCu Media." In the video, they visit an elementary school with 682 students in grade 6 in Saitama Prefecture. It begins with the children going to school, shows how meals are prepared at the food service center, introduces the utensils used to eat the meals, and shows how the meals are prepared, eaten, and cleaned up. School lunch in Japan is not just a time to eat lunch, but also an important time to learn through "food." The children say "Itadakimasu" before eating, and "gochisosama" when finished, which are phrases to thank the person who made the meal, as well as those who grew the ingredients. Students prepare their own food and clean up after themselves. Japanese people learn the importance of food and the proper way to eat from an early age through school lunches. -
Video article 19:32
Even Don Konishi Recognizes Kiryu Yokoburi Embroidery! The Skills of the Master Embroiderer, Who Was the First to Receive the Medal With a Yellow Ribbon in Embroidery, Are to Be Passed on to the Youth of a New Age!
Traditional Crafts- 25 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "#097 Kiryu horizontal embroidery artisan Hiroshi Higa|Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (#097 桐生横振り刺繍職人 比嘉 寛志 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム), was released by "Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (明日への扉 by アットホーム). This is a unique Japanese embroidery technique called "yokoburi" embroidery, which uses a "yokoburi sewing machine" with a needle that moves horizontally. Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, which developed into one of Japan's leading embroidery production areas after the importation of the yokoburi sewing machine in the Taisho period. This technique is called "Kiryu Yokoburi." The video shows a young man who emigrated from Okinawa Prefecture, impressed by the embroidery on a jacket. His name is Higa Hiroshi. He studied under Kiyomi Osawa, the first recipient of the Medal with a Yellow Ribbon, and learned the delicate world of embroidery. In the video, fashion designer Don Konishi, who highly approves of Mr. Osawa, also makes an appearance. The art he creates on the sewing machine is a must-see! -
Video article 9:54
The Nostalgic, Limited Express, Blue Sleeper Train! Nostalgic Footage From 1950's Japan!
Transportation- 32 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Railway|Special Express Sleeper|Blue Train|Movie Source|1975" (鉄道 寝台特急 ブルートレイン 映像資料昭和50年代2), was released by "That's Travel & Transportation" (That's旅行・交通). The Blue Train is a sleeper train that ceased service in 2015. The name "Blue Train" is a nickname and refers to the blue coach sleeper expresses that run at night. There was a time when the blue body of the train, which stood out in the twilight of night, had a unique atmosphere that was different from that of daytime trains and was admired by many children. Nowadays, you can't actually see the Blue Train in action, but there are facilities across Japan that preserve and display the Blue Train, and some of them are used as lodging. If you want to see the blue train in action, check out the video! -
Video article 15:28
Even a Dented Car Can Be Beautifully Restored With These Amazing Sheet Metal Skills! A Look at Shizuoka Prefecture's Sheet Metal Repair Technology!
Life & Business- 25 plays
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This video, titled "Professional sheet metal skills that repair dents like they never happened! A Look at Shizuoka Prefecture's Sheet Metal Repair Technology! Car Factory Hakamada (Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture)" (プロの鈑金技術で事故車にならずに凹みを修復! 自動車修理鈑金技術を見学 カーファクトリーハカマダ(静岡県浜松市)), was released by "Momo Channel! [A Wireless Outdoorsy Youtuber With a Car]" (ももチャンネル! 【無線と車でアウトドアなYouTuber】). This video takes you on a tour of Car Factory Hakamada in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, to see how they repair cars. They show a car with big scratches and dents on the side from when it hit a wall. If the scratched and dented parts were to be replaced, the car would be considered to have been in an accident, so they decided to repair the car using sheet metal repair techniques! If possible, you want to restore the car to a clean state without it having "been in an accident," because if the car is in an accident, the resale value is often significantly lower. Cars that are scratched and dented are restored as if they were new thanks to the brilliant skills of these sheet metal masters! -
Video article 4:28
Hundreds of Years of Techniques Passed Down From One Generation to the Next, All the Way to the Modern Era...
History- 34 plays
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This video, titled "Ninja - Useful Techniques for Modern Times" (忍者〜現代に役立つ技〜), was released by "JVT Channel" (JVTチャンネル). Learning the running and breathing techniques of a ninja is something most people don't get to try! In this program, Kawakami Jinichi, who is said to be one of the last inheritors of ninja techniques, and Yuji Yamada, who is a professor at Mie University, discuss ninja in an easy-to-understand way. It is also important to understand how ninja accumulated their knowledge and skills, and how they are used in modern society, such as the ninja breathing technique adopted by some companies at 4:00 in the video. Also, at 0:49, ninja tools displayed in the Iga School of Ninja Museum are shown, so if you like ninja, we recommend checking this video out! -
Video article 16:41
A Must for Any Fashionable Lady! Ask for a Graduated Bob for a Perfectly Defined Style!
Life & Business- 22 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Graduated Bob," was released by "lesson cut." The long angled bob is one of the most popular bob styles for short hairstyles. The first step in the cutting process is to cut the back inner portion in an upside down v shape, making sure both sides are the same length. Then cut the sides at a slant, angling down towards the front of the body. It's a lot easier to understand by watching than by reading, so be sure to check out the video if you want to see how it's done! -
Video article 29:52
The History of the Kimono as Seen Through Show. Enjoy the Changing Colors and Styles of the Kimono Through the Ages. The Dressing Performance Is Also a Must-See!
Traditional Culture- 214 plays
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This video, titled "[Must-See!] Looking Back on 150 Years of Kimono History From the Meiji, Taisho, Showa and Heisei Periods! the Kimono Styles of Each Period!" (【必見】明治・大正・昭和・平成と150年の着物史を振り返り!各時代ごとの着物スタイル), was released by "Omomuki Tsushin" (趣通信). The video shows the Tokyo Kimono Show that took place in May 2019. The show introduces the different styles of kimono over the course of 150 years. They also have a performance that involves putting a kimono on! -
Video article 3:03
A Beautiful Kimono Show Inspired by the Colors of the World. Don't Miss the Detailed Designs of the Fabric and Obis!
Traditional Culture- 25 plays
- YouTube
This is video, titled "A Kimono Show Inspired by the Countries of the World," was produced by Jiji Press (時事通信トレンドニュース). In this video, you can see a kimono show inspired by the colors of countries from around the world. The attention to detail is narrated and you can also learn about the design, fabrics, and obis. Check out the amazing kimono shown in the video. They're different from your everyday kimono! -
Video article 5:32
Introducing the Music Video for the Popular Game Touken Ranbu by Touken Danshi Team Bakumatsu! Enjoy Songs and Powerful Sword Fights!
Modern Culture- 22 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Touken Danshi team Bakumatsu with Tomoegata Naginata 'Battle Cry' Full MV," was released by PRIME CAST. In this video, you can see the music video of the 6th single by Touken Danshi team Bakumatsu with Tomoegata Naginata. Touken Danshi is a general term for the characters in the popular smartphone game Touken Ranbu. Touken Ranbu is a game in which players train male characters who personify famous Japanese swords. Due to the popularity of the game, it has been made into musical, and the swordsmen singing in the video are the actors who play the role of the swordsmen in the musical. The musical "Touken Ranbu" has had CDs released by Touken Danshi from related eras. This video features "Battle Cry," which shows swordsmen from the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate. -
Video article 10:54
Make the Sword of Erdrick From Dragon Quest With Materials You Can Pick up at Any 100 Yen Store in Japan! Tips, and How to Make Your Own!
Modern Culture- 29 plays
- YouTube
This video was released by "GyakuYoga - the weapon and armor maker GyakuYoga Props" (ギャクヨガ-武器防具作る人 GyakuYoga Props). The video is titled "ENG_SUB [Dragon Quest XI]Sword of Light Tutorial (Sword of Roto) - How make cosplay sword." In this video, cosplayer GyakuYoga shows you how to make a sword by hand from the popular game Dragon Quest. Dragon Quest is an RPG game that was released in 1986 and has had several installments. Erdrick's (known as "roto" in Japan) sword, which is made in this video, is one of the weapons that Erdrick, the hero of Dragon Quest, is equipped with. Most of the materials for making the sword can be purchased at a hundred yen shop. It's hard to believe that this sword was created on such a low budget. The sword looks heavy at first glance, but it only weighs 260 grams and has an iron core inside to make it stronger. The second half of the video shows how to make the scabbard as well! -
Video article 1:42
The Awards Ceremony for Tanaka Kane - Named the Oldest Person in the World at 116 Years by the Guinness World Records. Her Vigor-Filled Declaration of Will Bring Warmth to Your Heart!
News- 43 plays
- YouTube
Japan: One of the World’s Leading Countries When It Comes to Longevity Japan is famous world-wide for its longevity. In this video, the woman introduced is 116-year-old Tanaka Kane, the current record-holder for the world’s oldest living person. She hails from Kyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka City. In March 2019, Tanaka Kane was recognized as the world’s oldest living person by the Guinness World Records. On Respect for the Aged Day (September 21st), the governor of Fukuoka Prefecture, Ogawa Hiroshi (小川洋, Ogawa Hiroshi), presented her with well-wishes and an award. This scene was captured in the video “「力をみんなに」と田中カ子さん 世界最高齢の116歳祝われ”, which we'll be introducing in this article. What's the Secret Behind Tanaka Kane’s Lasting Vigor? Source :YouTube screenshot Currently, Tanaka Kane is living in a senior citizens’ home. She was born in 1903 (year 36 of the Meiji era), as the seventh of nine siblings. As seen from 0:45 in the video, even now, she is filled with vigor and energetically answers questions from the media. When asked what she would like to do or challenge from now on, Tanaka Kane’s reply was, “I want to provide strength to everyone”. She would like to share the vigor and energy which has accompanied her this far, and live each day with gratefulness in her heart. Tanaka Kane's Bout With Cancer Source :YouTube screenshot Although she is the world’s oldest living person now, when she was younger (in her forties), she suffered from pancreatic cancer, and again from colorectal cancer when she was 103 years old. Cancer is the number-one medical cause of death in Japan. Though she had to go through painful treatments, she managed to overcome her illness and become the oldest living person in the world today. This woman who wants to provide the people around her with energy and joy is more than a match for the younger generation. For all illnesses, not only cancer, the most important thing is early detection and early treatment. Summary of Tanaka Kane's Award Ceremony Japan, famed for its longevity, has had many residents recognized as the oldest living person in the world by the Guinness World Records. The resident who achieved this record in 2019 is Tanaka Kane.