Video article 2:32
If You Are Looking to Go Skiing or Snowboarding in Niigata Prefecture, the Yuzawa Kogen Ski Resort Is the Place to Go!
Things to Do- 19 plays
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This video, titled "2017 Yuzawa Kogen Ski Resort Promotional Video" (2017 湯沢高原スキー場プロモーション動画), was produced by "YuzawaKogen Ropeway Info." Yuzawa Kogen Ski Resort is located in the Yuzawa area of Minami Uonuma, Niigata Prefecture, which is known as a heavy snow area. It consists of three slopes, the Yuzawa Kogen slope, the Nunaba slope, and the Nunaba family slope, and it's great for people of all levels as you can skii at your level. The Yuzawa Kogen slope, located at a high altitude, is a challenging course with a maximum slope of 28 degrees and is loved by skiers and snowboarders of intermediate level and above. There are many relaxing inns and hot springs in the Yuzawa Kogen area, so we recommend booking a stay and taking your time to enjoy skiing. -
Video article 0:59
Ogita Yasunaga - The First Japanese Person to Reach the South Pole Alone Without Receiving Any Supplies!
News Celebrities- 43 plays
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Japanese Adventurer Ogita Yasunaga! This video, titled "'The Earth is Huge!' Mr. Ogita, who walked to the South Pole" (「地球って大きいな」歩いて南極点に立った荻田さん), was created by "ANNnewsCH." It's a news broadcast about Japanese adventurer, Ogita Yasunaga, who reached the South Pole solo, with no resupply aid. He walked 1,130 kilometers across the Antarctic continent by himself, being the first Japanese person to best the journey without aid. After achieving the feat, he says in the interview "The earth is huge." This can be seen at 0:10 in the video. About Ogita Yasunaga Source :YouTube screenshot Japanese adventurer Ogita Yasunaga is from Hokkaido, Japan. He has walked the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, and Hokkaido alone. From 2000 to 2019, he went to the North Pole a whopping 16 times! In April 2019, he traveled 600 kilometres in the Arctic Circle with young travelers. He is noted as Japan's only Arctic adventurer and gives various lectures and talk events. In 2000, he participated in "Adventure Walk aiming for North Magnetic Poles," a 700 km walk from Resolute to the North Pole. In 2003, he walked to Victoria Island in the Canadian Arctic Circle, and in 2004, he went on a dog sledding trip in Greenland. In 2011, he received the Faust A.G. Award for Adventurer of the Year and in 2017, he received the Naomi Uemura Adventure Award. He appeared in "Crazy Journey" on TBS, "News Watch 9" from NHK and WOWOW's "Nonfiction W." When he appeared in Crazy Journey, Matsumoto Hitoshi, the host of the show, was amazed by his feats and the episode was well received by audiences. The DVD is available on Amazon, so check it out if you're interested! The First Japanese Person to Reach the South Pole Unassisted Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, he was the first Japanese person to reach the South Pole unassisted. He left the coast of Antarctica in November 2017 and pulled a 100 kg sled loaded with food and other supplies, and skied roughly 1,130 km in 50 days. He reached the South Pole as planned, despite being faced with difficult conditions, including strong headwinds and snowfall. You can see Ogita Yasunaga posing with his fist in the air after reaching the South Pole at 0:17 in the video. During the Journey, his daily diet was 1 kg of food/day, roughly 5000 kilocalories. He had oatmeal for breakfast, biscuits, nuts, and chocolate bars for lunch and instant rice for dinner. He was able to survive and complete his journey by eating foods high in calories. At the end of the video he introduces his next goal. To make it to the North Pole unassisted! Summary of Ogita Yasunaga Photo:Base in Antarctica The video introduces Ogita Yasunaga the Japanese adventurer who reached the South Pole completely unassisted. His achievement was widely covered by the media. If you want to learn more about the awesome Japanese adventurer Ogita Yasunaga, be sure to check out his official website and Instagram! 【Official Website】Ogita Yasunaga https://www.ogita-exp.com/english/ -
Video article 1:34
Ontake 2240 - This Ski Resort in Minami Shinshu Has Amazing, Powdery Snow Due to Its High Elevation! Enjoy the Exhilarating Experience of Skiing the Slopes at 2,240 Meters Above Sea Level!
Things to Do- 23 plays
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This video, titled "[Official] Ontake 2240 Ski Resort PV" (【公式】Ontake2240スキー場 PV [おんたけ2240]), was released by "Ontake 2240 Old Account" (Ontake 2240 旧アカウント). Ontake 2240 is a ski resort located in Otaki, Kiso, Nagano Prefecture, on the slopes of Mt. Ontake. Ontake is famous for its eruption in 2014, but the eruptive activity has calmed down now, so you should definitely check it out! Ontake ski resort offers long runs from 2240 meters above sea level to 7,000 meters at peak altitude. Because of the high altitude, the snow quality in the Ontake area is good and the amount of snow is perfect. Enjoy the exhilarating experience of skiing down one of the biggest slopes in Minami Shinshu. -
Video article 1:11
The E5 Series Passing Through Koriyama Station in a Flurry of Snow. Smooth 60 fps Version
Transportation- 132 plays
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This video is titled "E5 Series Hayabusa Cutting Through the Snow at Koriyama Station - 60 fps Version" (雪をも切り裂く郡山駅でのE5系はやぶさ通過 60fpsバージョン). It was released by "YUSETSUMAN TRAIN VIDEOS." This is a video of the E5 Hayabusa cutting through snow at Koriyama station. The Tohoku Shinkansen E5 Series Hayabusa is a 10-car shinkansen that went into service in March 2011. It attracted nationwide attention when it debuted with the highest domestic operating speed of 300 km/h and introduced the industry's first Grand Class train. This is a 60fps video that is made up of twice as many still images per second, so even the snowflakes look smooth. -
Video article 13:42
Feel the Charm of Japan's Four Seasons in Inawashiro, Fukushima! Eat, Play, Learn... You'll Be Amazed at the Beautiful Scenes That Fukushima Has to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 39 plays
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福島県猪苗代湖はどんなところ? こちらの動画は「公式チャンネル猪苗代町」が公開した「猪苗代観光プロモーションビデオ」です。 猪苗代湖は東北地方の南端を占める福島県のほぼ中央に位置し、日本では4番目の広さを誇る湖です。 夏は湖水浴や釣りや遊覧船観光・ボート遊びなど自然の中のマリンスポーツ、花火大会などで多くの旅行客を魅了する人気観光エリアです。 また猪苗代湖周辺には磐梯山や源泉が湧く温泉ホテルも多く、1年を通じて観光が楽しめます。 今回はそんな福島県猪苗代湖の絶景スポットを動画と共にお楽しみください。 福島県猪苗代湖へのアクセスとイベント情報 猪苗代湖周辺には日本の自然豊かな磐梯山があり様々なイベントが楽しめます。 6月に山開きするとキャンプや7月には磐梯まつりが開催され、冬はスキーなどのウィンタースポーツを楽しむことができます。 夏になると湖畔のキャンプや釣り、ボート、遊覧船観光などのアクティビティ、花火大会や自然を楽しみながら走るハーフマラソンなどのイベントが目白押しです。 福島県猪苗代湖へのアクセスはJR猪苗代湖駅からバスで約15分。自動車は磐越自動車道猪苗代磐越高原ICより約3分です。 日本有数の自然豊かな観光地福島県猪苗代湖周辺の花鳥風月 猪苗代湖観光では日本でも珍しい白鳥を始めとした貴重な野鳥の生態を観察することもできます。 湖畔のカフェやキャンプ場でもさまざまな野鳥や桜、紅葉などを楽しむことができますが、アクアマリンいなわしろカワセミ水族館ではカワセミを始めとした猪苗代湖周辺の生態系の資料を閲覧することができる穴場スポットです。 湖畔の自然の中をゆっくりと観光ウォーキングするのなら湘南エリアトレッキングルートがおすすめです。 猪苗代湖の名前の由来と歴史文化 猪苗代湖の名前の由来には諸説ありますが、稲作と深い関係があることは確かなようです。 磐梯山は活火山で大規模な噴火によって猪苗代湖が現出したとされています。 そして今から約1万2000年前頃にはすでに湖畔に先住民が住んでいた痕跡があり、磐梯山の厳しい自然や気候は日本の先住民に豊かな実りをもたらせていたことでしょう。 猪苗代湖は観光だけではなく学術的にも重要なエリアなのです。 科学者野口英世のふるさと 日本が誇る世界的な医学博士の一人が野口英世です。 彼は明治9年に猪苗代町で生まれました。小さい頃は清作と名付けられ、農家の跡取りとして大事に育てられましたが、重度のやけどを負い手が不自由になり医師の道を志します。 その後黄熱病をはじめとする数々の病原体を発見し、その功績を記録した野口英世記念館は日本の医学の歴史にとっても重要な資料館です。 日本の自然が満喫できる観光情報 猪苗代湖はインスタ映えする自然景勝地の宝庫です。 ・磐梯山 ・天鏡閣 ・南ヶ丘牧場 ・西久保彼岸獅子(舞の奉納は毎年春の彼岸頃) ・達沢不動滝 ・福島県迎賓館 ・中津川渓谷 ・世界のガラス館 などの代表的な人気スポットがあります。 猪苗代湖で満喫するグルメ情報 猪苗代湖を有する福島県はグルメの聖地でもあります。 福島産の名産品といえばお米、桃などの農作物、そば、そして日本酒です。 道の駅やカフェ、ホテルのレストラン、猪苗代駅周辺の居酒屋などでは美味しい福島の海と山の幸を堪能することができます。 福島観光のおすすめ景観地猪苗代湖の魅力紹介まとめ 福島県は東北と首都圏を結ぶ重要な地域です。 その福島県のほぼ中央に位置する猪苗代湖は一年を通じて四季折々の自然豊かな景色、そして美味しいグルメとイベントで多くの観光客を魅了します。 そんな風光明媚な猪苗代湖の魅力を高画質な動画でも御覧ください。 -
Video article 1:54
Braving the Snow With Gusto! A Wedge Plow Clearing Snow on the Soya Main Line
Transportation- 73 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "A Powerful Snowplow on the Soya Main Line [DE15]" (豪快に排雪する宗谷本線ラッセル【DE15】), was released by "m6s24hst." This video shows a wedge plow clearing snow on the Soya Main Line in January 2010. It was snowing continuously and the whole area turned to white. Watching the wedge plow blowing away the snow in such weather conditions is an exhilarating sight. The trains have wedge plows attached to the front of them, and they cut through the snow like butter, blowing it to the sides of the track. In Japanese, these are called "russels," which comes from the name of their developer, J.H. Russell. These wedge plows are essential during winter in Japan. -
Video article 1:04
The Sayama Ski Resort Is So Accessible You Can Stop by on Your Way Home From Work! Enjoy Winter Activities at a Popular Ski Resort Less Than an Hour From the City Center!
Things to Do- 17 plays
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This video, titled "Sayama Ski Resort|Guide to the Slopes" (狭山スキー場 ゲレンデ案内), was released by "西武鉄道公式チャンネルー SEIBU RAILWAY Official Channelー." For those looking to enjoy skiing in the suburbs of Tokyo, try out the Sayama Ski Resort in Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture. Sayama is a great place to ski, even if it's artificial snow, because it's made by snowmaking machines! It also has a roof, so you can ski even on bad days, and you won't have to worry about being exposed to ultraviolet rays! The Sayama Ski Resort is an easily accessible ski area, about 40 minutes by train from Ikebukuro and a three-minute walk from Seibukyujo-Mae Station. Because of its easy access, some people stop by on their way home from work! -
Video article 1:03
Come Visit Kutchan, Hokkaido and Enjoy the Beauty of Its Vast Wilds. Spend Some Quality Time in the Luxury Ryokan "Zaborin," and Relax in the Private Hot Springs Fit for a King
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 105 plays
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Kutchan, Hokkaido's "Zaborin" The video this time is a promotional video for the Hotel/Hot Springs ryokan "Zaborin," created by "Teiku Hiko HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR" (北海道 倶知安町 坐忘林 | Hokkaido Kutchan ZABORIN). In this article, we'll introduce you to the 100% pure hot springs in the great outdoors of Hokkaido, and the attracting "Zaborin" where you can spend a most relaxing and quiet time. "Zaborin" has many good reviews on different websites, such as hotel/ryokan websites and price comparison sites. In the video, it briefly explains the facilities of the ryokan as well as the rooms and hot springs. Enjoy the quaint space of the hot springs in Kutchan, a popular tourist spot with bountiful nature. The Zaborin Hot Springs in Kutchan, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot Zaborin is a luxury ryokan located in the popular tourist spot, Kutchan, Hokkaido. It takes about 2 hours by car from New Chitose Airport. It was designed by a British couple who loved Japan and were fascinated by the nature of Niseko. It is a must-see ryokan if you're interested in Japanese modernity. Enjoy the view of Mt. Yoteizan, the outstanding nature of Hokkaido, and its native Japanese white birch trees. All 15 rooms contain a private 100% pure hot spring, with both inside and open-air baths. Please refer to the video at 0:35. This pure hot spring gushes out into the property of Zaborin. The hot springs contains sodium, hydrogen carbonate, and chloride which helps to maintain beautiful skin and health. Other ailments these hot springs treat are neuralgia, soreness, joint pain, stiff shoulders, motor paralysis, stiff joints, bruises, sprains, fatigue, chronic digestive diseases, hemorrhoids, cold sensitivity, cuts, burns, chronic skin disease, and more. Please note that Zaborin does not have a large community bath. Amenities are provided in the room, so there's no need to bring your own. Wouldn't you like to wake up early in the morning, take a fresh bath in the hot springs, and see the sun rise from Mt. Muine? Rooms at Kutchan, Hokkaido's Zaborin Source :Zaborin Official Website Hotel Zaborin offers western-style rooms, Japanese-style rooms, and suite rooms as well. All of the rooms are very spacious as well, and come with a living room attached to them. During the winter, time seems to freeze, as the outside world is covered with snow. You can try some winter sports at "Niseko Mountain Resort Grand HIRAFU," "Niseko HANAZONO Resort," "White Isle Niseko," and "Asahigaoka Ski Resort. Or you could stay in your room all day and enjoy the view in the hot springs. We're not here to judge you... Gourmet Dining at Zaborin Source : Zaborin Official Website Try a Japanese traditional course-meal with plenty of Hokkaido seasonal grace at Zaborin. You can also try the different kinds of fresh local food at the restaurant inside the ryokan. You can also enjoy duck and deer game dishes depending on the season. In the morning, they serve creative cuisine using fresh Hokkaidan ingredients. They have a counter bar where you can enjoy the view of Mt. Yoteizan while warming up with some spirits as well. Tourist Spots Around Zaborin Photo:Shirogane Blue Pond There are several tourist spots near Zaborin Kutchan, Hokkaido. Other tourist spots you can try when you visit Zaborin are, - The private garden "Mishima’s Shibazakura Garden" with Mt. Yoteizan in the backdrop - "Hangetsuko Nature Park," a quiet lake at the base of Mt. Yoteizan - "Kagaminuma," where you can enjoy trekking - "The Shu Ogawara Museum of art " containing art from the local artist Shu Ogawara - "Kuchan Hudokan" which displays unique exhibits - "NOASC" where you can experience rafting Summary of Kutchan, Hokkaido's Zaborin Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, Zaborin offers a relaxing atmosphere with luxurious private hot springs. At Zaborin, there are Irori fireplaces, "Cha no Za," where you can have tea, a library, a smoking area, a massage room, foot bath, a boutique store where they sell popular butter cases, and lockers for skiing and golfing. If you're thinking about going to Japan to enjoy its hidden gems and secret getaways in its beautiful outdoors, don't overlook Zaborin. Be sure to watch the video and see just how fascinating it is. Be sure to check the official homepage and travel websites for tour pricing, plans, and rooms. Prices often vary by season. ◆Zaborin◆ 【Address】76-4 Hanazono, Kutchan, Abuta district, Hokkaido 044-0084 【Access】2 hours by car from Shin Chitose Airport 【Parking】Available 【Telephone No】0136-23-0003 【Official Website】Ryokan Zaborin | Hokkaido https://zaborin.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Zaborin https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1025639-d7745400-Reviews-Zaborin-Kutchan_cho_Abuta_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 5:52
Enjoy the Pure White Snowy Landscape at the Traditional "Yokote Snow Festival" in Yokote, Akita Prefecture! Experience Warm Rice Cakes in a Giant Igloo and a Fantastical Silver World!
Festivals & Events- 124 plays
- YouTube
秋田県で行われる横手かまくら雪まつり こちらの動画は「Discover Nippon」が公開した「[4K]Snow scene Winter Japan 秋田県•横手かまくら祭り Yokote Kamakura Festival 秋田観光 雪まつり JAPAN 雪景色 日本の冬」です。 横手かまくらとは秋田県で毎年2月に開催される伝統の「横手の雪まつり」で作られる大きなかまくらのことです。 この祭りの特徴は、「はいってたんせ」と、高さ3mにもなる「かまくら」の中へと招く子どもたちに手を引かれ、甘酒やお餅などをごちそうになり、凍える冬の寒さを忘れるひとときを過ごすことができます。 秋田県の横手かまくらの歴史と伝統文化 秋田県横手市の横手かまくら祭りには450年もの歴史があります。 江戸時代には鎌倉大明神を祀り、門松を立てお神酒を奉り、しめ縄を燃やすことで無病息災を祈念していました。 商人の間では、小正月行事祭りとして水神様を祀り、繁栄祈願をしました。 今でも伝統としてかまくらの内部の神棚にはろうそくと水神様が祀られている様子が動画の1:33からご覧になることができます。 また、日本のかまくらの歴史や伝統文化について学習するには、秋田県の横手駅から徒歩10分の横手市ふれあいセンターかまくら館がおすすめです。 横手のかまくらが伝統として継承されてきた歴史を展示しているので、イベントをより深く楽しむことができます。 ここでは四季に関係なく、秋田に降った雪で作られたかまくらが展示されています。 横手かまくら体験以外にも多くのイベントが開催 横手かまくら祭りの100基のかまくらの中でろうそくが灯されている景色は幻想的かつインスタ映え間違いなしです。 また、秋田県横手市にはかまくらをモチーフにしたものがたくさんあり、地域の情報を報道するFMかまくらや、秋の横手を自転車で走るかまくらライドといったイベントまであります。 横手かまくらが伝統として地域に根付いている証拠でしょう。 秋田の日本伝統的祭り「横手かまくらの雪まつり」紹介まとめ 今回の動画は秋田の横手かまくらに関する日本伝統の雪祭りについて紹介しました。 日本の雪まつりの中でも歴史と伝統文化のある横手かまくら祭りをぜひ体験してみてください! -
Video article 1:58
If You Want to Ski on Some Powdery, Natural Snow, Hakuba Cortina Ski Resort Is the Place to Go! Check Out All 16 Courses They Have to Offer!
Things to Do- 25 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled Hakuba Cortina Ski Resort PV" (白馬コルチナスキー場PV), was released by HAKUBACORTINA. The Hakuba area in Nagano Prefecture is especially popular among winter sports fans in Japan. The Hakuba Cortina ski resort introduced in the video is characterized by its 100% natural powdery snow, and many skiers visit it because of the good quality of the snow. From beginner ski slopes to the more advanced ones where you can enjoy the spectacular views at 1,400 meters above sea level, you can choose from a total of 16 different slopes. Hakuba Cortina Ski Resort has childcare facilities and a snow play park for families to visit as well. -
Video article 2:09
A Powerful Landing Scene of a Famous Aircraft Responsible for the Success of JAL. The Majestic Sight of a Jumbo Jet Plane Landing With a Splash of Snow Is a Sight to Behold!
Transportation- 25 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Reverse thrust on taxi way? JAL 747 Memorial #003 : 747-446D [JA8083] at CTS/RJCC : Landing," was released by "j-sky on YouTube." It's cool seeing the large aircraft land and go down the runway, but how does an airplane land and stop in the first place? After the aircraft lands it glides for a while, then slows down and comes to a stop. When an aircraft moves on the ground under its own power, it is called taxiing. In order for an aircraft to stop successfully, they choose a runway with a headwind or a system of reverse thrusters that directly thrust upward at an angle. So many different things go into the safe landing of an airplane. -
Video article 4:26
Oniyarai ritual” at Ishimizu Hachiman Shrine, Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture, to drive away demons! Setsubun is a traditional Japanese festival in which beans are thrown to ogres to drive away evil spirits.
Festivals & Events- 137 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction of the Setsubun event “Oniyarai ritual” at Ishimizu Hachimangu Shrine in Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture "Kyoto Festival: Spring Ogre Purification (Oni Yarai Shinji) [4K]" uploaded by "Discover Kyoto," introduces the "Oni Banishing Ritual" which is held every year at Iwashimizu Hachimangu in Kyoto. Iwashimizu Hachimangu, located in southwest Kyoto (Yawata, Kyoto), a popular sightseeing spot in Japan, is a historical shrine with many highlights. There are ten buildings there, including the grounds of the shrine and the main shrine which have been designated National Treasures, and many National Cultural Properties. It is also one of three great Hachimangu Shrines in Japan. You are able to feel Japan, by just walking around the shrine. This article introduces the Oni Banishing Ritual "Oni Yarai Shinji," a type of Setsubun held every year on the Sunday before February 3rd at Iwashimizu Hachimangu, as well as sightseeing and general Setsubun information. As you can see from 2:24 in the video, beans are thrown at oni while people shout "Oni yaro." After the oni are driven out of the shrine they run away. Finally, fukumame (good luck beans) are thrown into the crowd signifying that the shrine has been cleansed. The video will make you want to perform some oni exorcisms of your own! What's the Event Like? Source :YouTube screenshot The origins of Setsubun derive from "Tsuinashiki," an event to drive off evil spirits on New Year's Eve and at the change of seasons to drive away evil spirits. The common chant you'll hear among onlookers is "Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi!," (Demons out, fortune in!) while throwing the beans. It's also good luck to eat as many beans as your age. In some areas, it's also common to hang a sardine with its head skewered on a holly branch on your doorstep as a charm and to eat ehomaki while facing the "lucky direction" without speaking. The "Oni Banishing Ritual" is held every year on Sunday before February 3rd at Iwashimizu Hachiman in Kyoto, from 1pm and 2pm. A priest who exorcises evil enters and shoots in all directions with a bow made of peach branches. Next, he uses a sword made of peach branches to strike in all directions, saying "oni yaro!" This can be seen from 0:58 in the video. From there, the standard Japanese red and blue oni with clubs come and shout to scare children. The priest and others stand in front of the main building as the oni try to rush forward, but the beans are thrown at them and they're sent tumbling down the slope over and over again. Eventually, the oni give up and run away. Afterwards, beans in small packages are given to the visitors. You can see the event taking place starting from 1:30 in the video. Sightseeing Information Photo:A priestess holding a Kagura bell To get to the shrine, take the Keihan Line from Kyoto Station, ride about 30 minutes and get off at Iwashimizu Hachimangu Station. From there, transfer to the Otokoyama Cable Car and get off at Hachimangu-sanjo Station at the top of Otokoyama and walk for 5 minutes. You can also walk instead of using the cable car. There are parking areas as well. Summary The video “Kyoto Festival: Spring Oni Purification (Oni Yarai Shinji) [4K]” introduces the "Oni Banishing Ritual" event during Setsubun, held at Iwashimizu Hachimangu. You can learn about Setsubun rituals and beliefs in the video, so be sure to check it out. 【Tripadvisor】Iwashimizu Hachimangu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023398-d1901742-Reviews-Iwashimizu_Hachimangu-Yawata_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:33
Admire the Red-Crowned Crane, a Protected Species in Japan, as It Elegantly Dances Atop the Powdery White Snow! Its Mysterious Dance Is a Truly Breathtaking Sight!
Living Things- 331 plays
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Beautiful Japanese scenery! The Dance of the Red-crowned Crane! The mysterious and beautiful dance of the red-crowned crane is popular both inside and outside of Japan. In this video, titled "タンチョウの舞い Japanese Crane Dance ( Shot on RED EPIC High-speed )," we would like to introduce to you the courtship dance of the red-crowned crane. The red-crowned crane is a member of the Cruiformes order, Gruidae family of birds, and is known as a migratory bird; however, there are some non-migratory red-crowned cranes in Japan that can be found in the east of Hokkaido all year round. The elegant looks and majestic appearance of the red-crowned crane as it spreads its wings, make it a very popular bird. A fully-grown adult's wing span can reach over 2 meters, and they are the largest wild bird in Japan). The crane is probably the most well-known example of origami and the crane can also be seen in many other Japanese designs. The most famous of which are the 1000 yen note and the Japan Airlines logo. The red-crowned crane's dance can often be seen in winter as this is the start of the mating season. From 00:36 in the video, you can see a pair of red-crowned cranes dance while matching their calls. It’s a beautiful and magical sight. They way in which they spread their wings and jump around each other is very mysterious. Please enjoy the rare and precious footage. Where Are the Largest Breeding Grounds in Japan? Photo:Red-crowned crane courtship dance The ecology of the red-crowned crane is still shrouded in mystery. However, it is known that there are red-crowned cranes inhabiting both the north-eastern area of Eurasia and also the Kushiro wetlands (釧路湿原, kushiroshitsugen) of Hokkaido. They are omnivorous, feeding on mainly insects, fish, and seaweed found in freshwater. Due to these feeding preferences, they can often be found inhabiting wetland marshes, lakes and rivers. When winter comes around, mating couples are formed and families gather to pass the winter together. The majority of red-crowned cranes choose to spend the winter in China or the Korean Peninsula although it has been confirmed by the Wild Bird Society of Japan and the Ministry of the Environment that some do remain in Japan for the winter. The nonmigratory red-crowned cranes endemic to Japan are known to have a different sounding call to the introduced species. Until they were rediscovered in the Kushiro wetlands in 1924, it was thought that this endemic species had become extinct. In 1967, the red-crowned crane was designated a protected species in Japan and to this day the dance of the red-crowned crane remains the highlight of winter sightseeing in Hokkaido. Red-crowned Crane Facts Photo:Parent and child cranes The average height of the red-crowned crane is 102-147 cm and they can weigh anywhere from 4 kg to over 10 kg. They are covered in white feathers, with black feathers covering the area surrounding the eyes down to their neck and also the tips of their wings. The top of their head has no feathers and instead exposes a bright red patch of skin which is their distinguishing feature. During the breeding season their territory can cover an area of 1-7 square kilometers. They build nests mostly in marshy grasslands, by the waterside or shallows in order to lay their eggs and bring up their offspring there. The Japanese name for the red-crowned crane, "Tanchouzuru," comes from the word "Tan" which means red and refers to the red patch of exposed skin on the top of their head. According to Japanese literature, they were mentioned as far back as 1133 in the "Shijoshuu" and often appear in Japanese fairytales and folklore. Although the red-crowned crane has inhabited Japan for hundreds of years, there is still little information on things such as their average lifespan, the difference in appearance between males and females, and why the cranes that inhabit Japan are nonmigratory. Summary of the Red-crowned Crane Photo:Red-crowned crane・Courtship dance Currently, local governments in Hokkaido are fighting to protect the red-crowned crane with activities such as actively feed them during harsh times, such as in the middle of winter. Thanks to their efforts, the numbers of red-crowned cranes in Japan is steadily increasing. It's said that the Japanese species of red-crowned crane can be distinguished from the Siberian species that was introduced to Japan by differences in the sound of their calls. You can enjoy listening to their beautiful call and seeing their dance from 00:36 in the video. -
Video article 17:09
Adorable Japanese macaque monkeys soaking in a hot spring with a face full of contentment! The large number of monkeys sheltering from the cold in the hot springs of Jigokudani Yaen-koen in Shimotakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture, is a must-see for animal lovers who are healed just by looking at the monkeys!
Living Things Travel- 506 plays
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Introduction of sightseeing video of "Jigokudani Yaen-koen" in Shimotakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "SNOW MONKEY JAPAN|Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park|Monkeys in Hot Springs," introduces the tourist spot in Nagano prefecture (長野県, Nagano ken) in Koushinetsu region (甲信越地方, Koushinetsu chihou ) of Japan. The monkeys at Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park bathe in the hot springs to fend off the cold in the winter. Enjoy watching the lovely monkeys chilling out in the cold winter weather! What is Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park? Source :YouTube screenshot Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park is a popular destination for both domestic and foreign travelers. It's called "Snow Monkey Mountain" in English. The park can be enjoyed in every season, and in the fall, the leaves change to beautiful shades of red and yellow, creating a completely different atmosphere than that of the snowscapes of winter. The video shows how to get to Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park by taking the Nagano Electric Railway's Snow Monkey Limited Express (長野電鉄特急スノーモンキー, Nagano Dentetsu Tokkyu Snow Monkey) connecting Nagano station and Yudanaka station, at 0:27 in the video. It takes about 15 minutes to get to the Kanbayashi hot spring (上林温泉, Kanbayashi Onsen) parking area by bus, and about 30 minutes to get to Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park by foot. We recommend stopping at Yokoyugawa Valley (横湯川渓谷, Yokoyugawa Keikoku) on the way. You need to buy a ticket to enter when you arrive at Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park. This is shown at 3:36 in the video. Source :YouTube screenshot At Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park, you can enjoy watching a bunch of monkeys playing around. When they get cold, they hop in the hot springs for a bit to warm up. Unfortunately, if it's hot out, the monkeys won't be getting in the hot springs too frequently. That being said, we recommend visiting on colder days so you can see the adorable sight of them bathing. There are live cameras you can check out before visiting to see what the weather is like as well. Monkeys Bathing at Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park Photo:Snow monkey You can watch monkeys taking a bath in the video at 4:38. A troop of monkeys bathe in the springs, surrounded by white snow. The monkeys enjoy their bath time much like people, and you can even see a mother and her child taking a bath together at 5:06. One monkey can be seen relaxing with its eyes closed at 6:30 in the video. Although there are many tourists around, the monkeys pay no mind and go on enjoying themselves. Sightseeing Around Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park The bus tour, which goes around Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park, is great for people who enjoy lively sightseeing trips. We also recommend stopping by Jigokudani Hot Spring Inn (地獄谷温泉後楽館, Jigokudani Onsen Korakukan) and Jigokudani Fountain (地獄谷噴泉, Jigokudani Funsen) as well. Shiga Plateau (志賀高原, Shiga Kougen) is another popular tourist spot in Nagano prefecture. There are cafés where you can eat lunch, cool hotels, and an art museum that you can enjoy here. Summary of Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park Photo:Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park Entrance Unfortunately the only way to get to Jidokudani Snow Monkey Park is to walk the promenade from the parking area to the park itself. It takes about 30 minutes, so we highly recommend wearing comfortable clothing. There are some rules that you need to follow as not to scare the monkeys, so be sure to check those out as well. There are many places to stay near Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park, so if you're planning on staying over night you'll have no trouble finding a place to stay. Are you ready to see some cute monkeys in person? ◆Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park◆ 【Address】6845 Yamanouchi-machi Shimotakai-gun Nagano Japan 381-0401 【Access】~30 minutes by car from the Shinshu-Nakano Interchange, or ~15 minutes by bus or taxi from Yudanaka Station on the Nagano Electric Railway limited express line. ~30 minutes on foot from the Kanbayashi hot spring parking area 【Hours】Summer 8:30-17:00 Winter 9:00-16:00 【Admission fee】Adults 500 JPY, children 250 JPY (Coupons available) 【Closures】No regular holidays 【Telephone】0269-33-4379 【Stay time】2 hours 【Official Website】Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park http://en.jigokudani-yaenkoen.co.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1117904-d324924-Reviews-Jigokudani_Snow_Monkey_Park -
Video article 2:40
Ishiuchi Maruyama Ski Resort, With Nearly 4,000 Meters of Slopes, Is One of the Largest Ski Resorts in the Kanto Area. Is It True That the Dynamic Ski Area Also Hosts a Fireworks Event in the Snow?!
Things to Do- 20 plays
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This video, titled "Ishiuchi Maruyama Ski Resort / SPECIAL MOVIE" (石打丸山スキー場 / SPECIAL MOVIE), was released by "gelanding+.tube." If you're looking to enjoy a dynamic skiing and snowboarding experience, then Ishiuchi Maruyama Ski Resort in Minami Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture is the place to go! The appeal of this ski resort is that it's easily accessible, being just 5 minutes from the interchange. A series of thirteen lifts lead up to the mountainside with a 664-meter difference in elevation, and a longest total slope length of 4,000 meters! The Ishiuchi Maruyama Ski Resort also hosts the Snow Carnival as well. Take part in exciting events, such as fireworks and raffles! -
Video article 1:39
Hoshino Resort Tomamu “Ice Church” in Yufutsu-gun, Hokkaido is only available in winter! The best wedding ceremony that everyone will envy at the mysterious and beautiful church!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Art & Architecture- 206 plays
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Hoshino Resort Tomamu “Ice Church” in Yufutsu-gun, Hokkaido, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "氷の教会 (ICE CHAPEL)" was produced by "Hoshino Resorts Tomamu (Official)." It introduces the beautiful ice chapel at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu. A chapel made of ice sounds probably sounds like something you'd find in a fairy tale, but this chapel is very real. The ice chapel,introduced in the video, can be found at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu in Hokkaido. The dreamy chapel, utilizing Hokkaido’s harsh climate, is gaining popularity among couples looking to have a unique wedding. Enjoy the beauty of the chapel shown in the video. About Hoshino Resorts Tomamu's Ice Chapel Source :YouTube screenshot The ice chapel at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu is available for just one month when Hokkaido is blanketed in pure white snow and the temperature drops to -30 degrees celsius (~-22 Fahrenheit). The ice chapel has a distinct, dome-shaped exterior. You can see the exterior at 1:19 in the video. As shown in the introduction at1:07 the aisle, altar, crosses, and even the candles are all made of ice and snow. The chapel is illuminated by a beautiful light called "ice blue," creating a magical atmosphere. Having a wedding, said to be one of the most important days of one's life, at this beautiful chapel, will make for an unforgettable experience. What to Do at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Source :【Official Homepage】Hoshino Resorts Tomamu The ice chapel is located in the Ice Village, which appears only in winter at Hokkaido Hoshino Resorts Tomamu. In addition to the Ice Village, there is an ice hotel, an ice sweets shop, an ice slide, an ice bath, an ice bar, an ice atelier, and an ice general store. In winter, you can also enjoy a dog sledding experience at Hokkaido Hoshino Resorts Tomamu. Passing through the Ice Village's mysterious ice gates will take you to another world. Facilities at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Photo:Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Hoshino Resorts Tomamu, built in the great outdoors of Hokkaido, has many attractive buildings besides the ice chapelshown in the video. "The Tower," which is the hotel in the central area, is a lodging facility where you can stay the night. There are also numerous restaurants, hot springs, and activity facilities on site. The water chapel, designed by the world-renowned architect Tadao Ando, is another facility used for weddings and has a very romantic atmosphere. Summary of Hoshino Resorts Tomamu's Ice Chapel Source :YouTube screenshot This video shows scenes of magical weddings held at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu's ice chapel. The bride's winter-themed wedding dress is also very beautiful. If you're thinking of having a resort wedding at the ice chapel, be sure to visit the website and look into what they have to offer. ◆Hoshino Resorts Tomamu|Ice Village, Facility Overview◆ 【Address】Naka-Tomamu Shimukappu Yufutsu Hokkaido 〒079-2204 【Access】5 minutes from Doto Expressway Tomamu I.C. 【2020 Open Period】January 20th -February 14th 2020 【Hours】17:45〜、19:45〜、21:45〜、About 10 minutes per session 【Parking】Available 【Telephone Number】0167-58-1111 【Official Website】ICE VILLAGE|Hoshino Resorts Tomamu【Official】 https://www.snowtomamu.jp/special/icevillage/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Hoshino Resorts Tomamu https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1120868-d1384236-r562576645-Hoshino_Resort_Tomamu-Shimukappu_mura_Yufutsu_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 3:11
Ani Ski Resort in Kita-Akita City Is Attractive for Its Powdery Snow and Ease With Which You Can Ski! Enjoy Skiing Between the Ice Monsters of Mt. Moriyoshi, One of Japan's Three Major Ice-Covered Mountains!
Things to Do- 30 plays
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This video, titled " Mt. Moriyoshi , AKITA, JAPAN (Ani Ski Resort)" (Mt.Moriyoshi ,AKITA,JAPAN(阿仁スキー場)), was released by "akitavision." Ani Ski Resort, located on Mt. Moriyoshi in Kita-Akita City, is a popular ski area where you can experience high quality powder snow. On Mt. Moriyoshi, you can see one of Japan's three most beautiful ice tree locations. The ice trees of Mt. Moriyoshi, also called "Ice Monsters," are a fascinating sight. Enjoy an incredible experience skiing through the ice-covered trees created by mother nature. Mt. Moriyoshi has gondolas in operation during summer, mountain climbing, and autumn foliage sightseeing as well, so it's a great place to visit outside of ski season. -
Video article 3:10
Enjoy the Beauty of Mt. Fuji to the Fullest at the Yamanakako Fuji Snow Festival!
Things to Do- 29 plays
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This video, released by "Takahiro Maruyama" (丸山高弘), is titled "Lake Yamanakako Fuji Snow Festival - Bonfires and Glamping - Lake Yamanakako 3 minute trip - Color" (山中湖富士山雪まつり 焚き火とグランピング - 山中湖3分間トリップ -カラー-). The video shows the Lake Yamanakako Fuji Snow Festival. If you want to try glamping in Japan, or are interested in the event, be sure to check it out! At only 3 minutes long, it's great if you only have a few minutes to spare! The appeal of the video is that you can enjoy the flickering bonfires and a beautiful view of Mt. Fuji. Watching the video, you'll feel just like you're at a campground. Of course, you can also go and check it out for yourself! This is the perfect video for those who want to enjoy the great outdoors of Japan. -
Video article 2:06
Yezo Sika Deer: Learn About the Magnificent Deer of Hokkaido's Snowy Notsuke Peninsula! All About Yezo Sika Deer and Their Problem as a Disruptive Species
Living Things Nature- 1.03K plays
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Wild Yezo Sika Deer on the Notsuke Peninsula! In this video “Yezo Sika Deer on the Notsuke Peninsula(野付半島のエゾシカ)”, created by Shinji Kawamura, you can watch the wild Yezo sika deer, living in herds in the snow of the Notsuke Peninsula (野付半島, Notsuke Hanto), Hokkaido. The Yezo sika deer, which belong to the Cervidae family, is one of many subspecies of the sika deer (the Japanese deer), mainly living in the grasslands of Hokkaido. Its body is bigger than that of the Japanese deer; It is approximately 1.5 meters long and 1.1 meters high. As you can see in this video, the Yezo sika deer has large antlers, which are shed between April and May every year. Yezo sika deer are herbivorous animals, and they have unique high-pitched calls. The wild Yezo sika deer shown in this video are from herds living on the Notsuke Peninsula, Hokkaido. The Notsuke Peninsula is the biggest sand peninsula/sand spit in Japan; It is approximately 26 kilometers long, and located between Shiretoko Peninsula (知床半島, Shiretoko Hanto) and Nemuro Peninsula (根室半島, Nemuro Hanto). Many wild birds, animals, and insects live there. In December, when the grass dies, herds of Yezo sika deer move to their winter homes,- forests with more coniferous trees and less accumulated snow. From 0:55 in the video, you can see the Yezo sika deer living in herds in the snow. The Population of Wild Yezo Sika Deer Photo:Yezo Sika Deer The population of the Yezo sika deer once decreased dramatically due to hunting and deforestation in the early Meiji Period around 1868. However, after implementing measures to prohibit overhunting, the population has been increasing. Each deer eats a large amount of grass every day, so currently there are some problems regarding the damage of crops and forests, and the destruction of the environment. In addition, as its population has increased, more Yezo sika deer have been appearing in urban areas, which leads to problems of disruptive animals. From 1:33 in the video, you can hear sounds of cars driving in the background near a herd of Yezo sika deer. From the video, you can see that the Yezo sika deer lives very closely to humans. The "Yezo Deer Association" was founded in order to maintain a symbiotic relationship with the Yezo sika deer. Currently people take some measures to control the population of the Yezo sika deer, such as controlled hunting. The captured Yezo sika deer are used in venison dishes, for leather-working, deer fur products, antler products, and so on. Wild game meat dishes are very expensive in Europe, and venison is said to be healthy and has a unique flavor, so venison dishes are very popular. Venison is heated thoroughly and cooked into roasted meat or steak to avoid zoonotic diseases and food intoxication. Where to See the Wild Yezo Sika Deer Photo:Yezo Sika Deer on the Notsuke Peninsula The Notsuke Peninsula is an area where many wild animals have lived for a long time, even since the era of the Ainu (the native tribes of Hokkaido). It has multiple national forests and the Nationally Designated Special Wildlife Reserve. On the Notsuke Peninsula Nature Center, a hub for sightseeing, you can learn about the natural surroundings and the history of the Notsuke Peninsula. It also provides a wide range of tours, so you can join one of them and go around the Notsuke Peninsula. (The tours are a paid attraction and you must book ahead of time). We cannot guarantee that you can always see the Yezo sika deer as they are wild, but even if you cannot see the deer during the tour, you can still enjoy the wild of Hokkaido to your hearts content. Overview of the Yezo Sika Deer Introductory Video Source :YouTube screenshot The video we introduced this time showed Yezo sika deer living in herds in Hokkaido's wilderness. The video has many fun facts about the Yezo sika deer, such as characteristics of its antlers, the white furs of their hips, and its general habits, so be sure to take a look if you haven't yet! If you're looking to enjoy Japan's wilderness, look no further than Hokkaido! 【Official Website】Notsuke Peninsula Nature Center Hokkaido Betsukai http://notsuke.jp/ 【Official Website】Yezo Deer Association http://yezodeer.org/ -
Video article 7:26
Japan's Most Beautiful Snow-Covered Scenery and Popular Tourist Spots That'll Look Great on Your Instagram! The Country, Dyed in a Beautiful White, Shows a Different Face Than Most Are Used To
Travel- 220 plays
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The Beautiful Snowscapes of Japan This video, titled "4K Beautiful snow scene in Japan 日本の雪景色 TOP14名所 winter scenery snowscapes snow light tourism trip," was produced by Discover Nippon. Japan is a country where you can enjoy the nature of all four seasons. The Japanese archipelago has a unique vertical topography, which means that in winter, the temperature in Hokkaido, located in the north of the country, can drop below 10 degrees Celsius, while in the subtropical region of Okinawa, it's possible to wear a t-shirt year round. In this article, we'll introduce you to some of the most beautiful snowscapes of winter in Japan alongside a beautiful 4K video! Sightseeing in Tokyo on a Snowy Day When people think of snow in Japan, they generally think of the snowy landscapes of Tohoku and Hokkaido; however, several times a year, snow falls in the capital city of Tokyo as well. The snow brings the city to a halt, making the Imperial Palace and Sensoji Temple, with its low traffic (both human and vehicle), a tasteful, hidden tourist destination. Tokyo's snowy scenery, which can only be seen once or twice a year, is a rare sight. However, transportation is tremendously impeded, so please be cautious when collecting information on traffic and weather forecasts. Places to See Japan's Representative Snowscapes If you're looking for beautiful snowscapes in Japan, then we've got just the list for you: ・Akita Prefecture:Igloos ・Gifu Prefecture:Shirakawa, The Northern Alps ・Hokkaido:Otaru Canal, Sapporo Snow Festival ・Yamagata Prefecture:Ginzan Onsen, The Ice Trees of Zao ・Ishikawa Prefecture:Kenroku-en covered in snow Even if you're not in the Tohoku region, you can still enjoy the spectacular snowscapes of the mountains, and even in the Tohoku region, there's not so much snow on the Pacific side. We recommend the hot springs in the mountains and onsen areas on the Sea of Japan side. Active Snowfall Scenery and Sights to Enjoy There are also plenty of places to enjoy winter sports in Japan. Japan is a popular destination for winter sports, having hosted two Winter Olympics to date. Many of the ski resorts where you can snowboard are located near hot spring resorts, so you can relax after a long day of skiing/snowboarding with delicious food and hot springs. If You're Traveling the Snowscapes of Japan, Hot Spring Tourism Is the Way to Go! Here's a list of hot spring resorts with snowy landscapes and winter sports: ・Nagano Prefecture has a great view of the Northern Alps and popular hot springs and ski resorts such as Hakuba. ・Niigata Prefecture is famous for its snow, hot springs and delicious seafood. ・Hokkaido is a paradise of hot springs, where many foreign tourists come to enjoy the large scale resort hotels with ski slopes. After skiing and snowboarding, you can replenish your stamina with Ghengis Khan (Jingisukan), a Japanese lamb dish. ・After skiing, you can enjoy playing in the snow in an igloo and relaxing in hot springs in Akita Prefecture. Kiritanpo hot pot is the specialty in this area! All of these are great places to visit, so find which one suits you best! Hokkaido and Nagano Prefecture are the host cities of the Winter Olympics, so it's safe to say that they're the Meccas of winter sports in Japan. Sightseeing at Temples and Shrines Where You Can Enjoy the Majestic Snowy Scenery Here are some temples and shrines we recommend checking out: ・Yamadera (Yamagata Prefecture): Yamadera, also known in children's songs, is a famous temple located in Yamagata Prefecture. ・Chuson-ji Temple (Iwate Prefecture): Chuson-ji is a World Heritage Site! The beauty of Konjikido with a snowy landscape is unbeatable. ・Iwakiyama Shrine (Aomori Prefecture): Iwakiyama Shrine, located on Mt. Iwaki, which is often mentioned in songs, is an Important Cultural Property of Japan and is the setting for Sansho the Bailiff. ・Towada Shrine (Aomori, Japan): A historical shrine with a lake with a beautiful emerald green surface. The contrast between the snowy winter landscape and the lake is like a beautiful painting. Summary of the Snowscapes of Japan Winters in snowy countries can be hard in terms of climate, but the beautiful, ink-painting-like world created by the snow that covers Japan's beautiful natural landscape is well worth seeing. Enjoy Japan's snowy landscape in the beautiful 4K video. -
Video article 3:25
Frost Tipped Trees and Winter Scenery in the Wild North; Tsubetsu, Hokkaido Is Like a Fantasy World. 110% Fun in the Harsh but Beautiful Winter Wonderland!
Local PR Travel- 394 plays
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Tourist Information for the Winter Months in Tsubetsu, Hokkaido The tourism promotional video produced by the Tsubetsu's tourism board, "Welcome to Winter in Tsubetsu!"(いらっしゃい津別!冬(津別町観光PRビデオ)), captures the beauty of the wild winter wonderland at its best. Tsubetsu is adjacent to Akan Mashu National Park located in the east inland of Hokkaido prefecture. Tsubetsu Outlook is a popular viewpoint overlooking Kussharo Lake during the summer months, but the road leading to the outlook is closed in winter. However, there are some unique attractions in Tsubetsu during the winter. Displayed in the video is a fantastic snow-covered world of minus 20 degree weather with frost-covered trees and wild animals - The harsh beauty of the Wild North. How to Enjoy Tsubetsu's Magnificent Winter Wonderland Source :YouTube screenshot Tsubetsu is an hour drive from Memanbetsu Airport in Abashiri, and the city has no local train. About 80% of its total municipal area is covered by forest, surrounding tourists with the vast landscape as soon as they arrive. You may be wondering if there's anything to see there other than the silvery white plains during the bitter winter, but that same landscape is what makes the visit so worth your time! The trees in the forest are covered with ice, and when the weather is nice they sparkle, creating a fantastic scene of glittering lights. Popular winter activities in Tsubetsu include ice skating at the Tsubetsu Elementary School grounds or smelt fishing at Chimikeppu Lake. You can see smelt fishing at 1:30 in the video. Catching and cooking your very own smelt is a great way to enjoy the cold weather. The subtitle that appears at 1:42 says how "The mountain has become an amusement park," and that's exactly what we see! This amusement park offers a wide range of enjoyable experiences, such as eating fresh snow with condensed milk poured on it. Dining in Tsubetsu Source :YouTube screenshot After spending some time in the magnificent snowscape, viewers are taken to Michi no Eki Aioi (Roadside Station Aioi) that sells healthy snacks using local vegetables. This can be seen at 2:02 in the video. We recommend Kumayaki; it's a snack you can't find anywhere else. Kumayaki is a type of Japanese confection with bear-shaped patties (Kuma means bear in Japanese) and a sweet red bean filling using local flour and locally grown adzuki beans. There are four types of bear-shaped dorayaki (similar to Kumayaki) made of Hokkaido wheat and azuki beans, which are popular in Japan. Local gourmet delicacies such as Tsubetsu Wagyu steak, a brand of beef from Tsubetsu, Hokkaido, which is said to be a rare Japanese wagyu beef, and extra-large kakiage soba noodles made with local vegetables are also worth trying. And there is of course the renowned local dish of Hokkaido, Genghis Khan (a Japanese BBQ mutton dish), which is served at some restaurants in Tsubetsu. Tourist Information for Tsubetsu Source :YouTube screenshot Lamp no Yado Mori Tsubetsu Hotel is a hotel that features an outdoor hot spring bath where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the snow. In summer, tourists come from all over Japan to tour the spectacular sea of clouds from Tsubetsu Pass to Lake Kussharo. "Non-no no Mori Nature Center" is a rare park in Japan that has been scientifically recognized as a "forest therapy base" for its healing properties. The forest therapy guided tour or a walk on the hiking trail through the snow-covered forest will help you get reacquainted with nature. Summary of Tsubetsu, Hokkaido The natural beauty of Tsubetsu instills wanderlust in those who see it. You get a sense that even in this harsh winter wonderland you can enjoy a fantastic experience in the great outdoors. The harshness is exactly what makes it so beautiful. Many festivals and events are lined up in Tsubetsu all throughout the year, such as the ceremony to open the Tsubetsu pass, the "Primrose Festival," "Tsubetsu Summer Festival," the "Tsubetsu Tanabata Festival" in July, the "Bon Dance Festival" in mid-August, and the "Tsubetsu Local Festival." We recommended visiting Tsubetsu to see the events. The detailed information of events and festivals is published on the city's official website. The specialties of Tsubetsu include the traditional wooden crafts and Japanese black beef "Ryu-sui Gyu," which make great souvenirs. I bet this video already has you packing your bags, doesn't it? 【Official Website】Tsubetsu Tourism Association http://www.tsubetsu.net/english/index.html -
Video article 2:30
Yuki Sarashi Is a Technique Used to Produce Echigo Jofu and Can Only Be Seen in the Winter Season in Niigata Prefecture. Echigo Jofu Is a Symbol of Japanese Style, and Is Used to Decorate Kimono Beautifully.
Traditional Culture- 70 plays
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雪さらしとは? 「【4K】越後上布の雪さらし(南魚沼市塩沢地区)」は、麻織物を作る工程で大事な雪さらしについて紹介をしている動画です。 雪さらしとは、雪の紫外線反射を利用して漂白をする、越後上布において重要な工程の一つです。 この工程は江戸時代から行われており、その工程が取り入れられている越後上布は日本が誇る伝統工芸品です。 自然の力に頼ることで、人工的にするよりも綺麗に漂白することができます。 その鮮やかな仕上がりから、越後上布では無くてはならない工程となっています。 この雪さらしは毎年2月下旬から4月上旬までの良く晴れた日の新潟県南魚沼市で行われており、一つの布に対して雪さらしは約1週間程度行われます。 雪さらしを必要とする伝統工芸品について 越後上布の重要な工程である雪さらしですが、他の工芸品にもこの工程は受け継がれています。 一つ目は小千谷縮で、麻織物の最高峰ともされている立派な日本が誇る織物です。 苧麻(ラミー)を素材として使用しており、ユネスコ世界無形文化遺産登録されていることから、世界的にも有名な日本の伝統工芸品の一つとされています。 二つ目は塩沢紬で、越後上布無くして塩沢紬は作られなかったほど、縁の深い織物となっています。 塩沢紬も伝統工芸品として日本に登録されています。 雪さらしの歴史と織物についてのまとめ 日本が誇る伝統工芸品の一つ越後上布、その工程において重要とされている雪さらしについて、ご紹介させて頂きました。 日本の歴史においても深く繋がりがあり、和の象徴でもある着物にも使用されていることから、その重要性が分かるのでは無いでしょうか。 動画でも雪さらしの雄大さを堪能することが出来ますが、新潟県にある塩沢織物研修センターに行くことで、実際に雪さらしを見学することも出来ます。 2月から4月にかけて日本に、そして新潟県に足を運ぶ機会がありましたら、ぜひ見学を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 3:06
Video showing how to enjoy “Hoshino Resort Tomamu” in Yufutsu-gun, Hokkaido, Japan! Activities in the vast grounds can be enjoyed by both children and adults!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Things to Do Travel- 152 plays
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Hoshino Resort Tomamu, Yufutsu-gun, Hokkaido, Japan Activity Video Introduction This video, titled "Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Activities," was created by "LHK VISIONWORKS JAPAN." It introduces the appeal of Hoshino Resorts Tomamu in the Hokkaido area. Hoshino Resorts Tomamu is located about 90 minutes from Shin Chitose Airport, in Shimukappu Village. It's gaining popularity as a resort facility where you can spend a relaxing time in luxury. Let's take a look at how you can enjoy the snowy landscape of Hokkaido's Hoshino Resorts Tomamu. In the video, we'll introduce activities that can be enjoyed in the snow and activities at the facilities of Hoshino Resorts Tomamu! After watching the video we have no doubt you'll be putting this on your itinerary for your next visit to Japan! Enjoy the Snowy Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Source:YouTube screenshot Hokkaido, one of the snowiest areas in Japan, is a great place to enjoy winter activities. Hoshino Resorts Tomamu offers cross-country skiing, snowmobile riding, kids' snowmobiles, snow inter-tubing, snow striding, dog sledding, banana boating, ice fishing, day snow camping / night snow camping with tents in the snow, snowshoe downhilling, and more. There's endless fun to be had at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu! There are also limited time events and tours, such as the snowmobile tour, snow buggy tour, a horse riding experience, smelt fishing experience, cross-country skiing experience, and more! There's a ton of activities that can only be enjoyed here! Even small children can enjoy the snowy landscape of Hokkaido through activities such as the snowy field sleigh park and building snowmen. There is also a ski school, so even beginners can try their hand at winter sports. You don't need to worry about bringing your own skis either, as there are plenty of rentals available. These activities can be seen from the start of the video until 1:24. The scenes of both children and adults alike enjoying the beautiful winter wonderland in Hokkaido is truly heartwarming. Hokkaido's Ice Hotel At Hoshino Resorts RISONARE Tomamu, an integrated resort of Hoshino Resorts Tomamu in winter, the Ice Village is available for a limited time. The ice hotel is where the ceilings, floors, and furniture are all made of ice! There is also an open-air ice bath, an ice chapel, and an ice bar counter, so there's plenty of ways for you to enjoy your time. You can see this at 2:30 in the video. Take a moment to admire the fantastic atmosphere. The Gondolas at Hoshino Resort Tomamu! ©Akiko_Kubosawa Modifying You can enjoy the natural snowscape of the magnificent Hidaka Mountains from the terrace that can be accessed by gondola. There's a limited time illumination event as well, so be sure to check it out if you get the chance. You might not feel like getting up early on your vacation, but we recommend waking up early during the summer and riding a gondola to the Sea of Clouds (Unkai Terrace), a terrace located above the clouds. If the weather permits it, you'll get a superb view of the clouds, spanning as far as the eye can see. From the gondola, you can sometimes see a herd of Hokkaido sika deer as well. It's quite a unique experience that you won't find anywhere else in Japan. Enjoying Your Stay at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Source:YouTube screenshot Hoshino Resorts Tomamu's largest heated indoor swimming pool, Minamina Beach, is one of Japan's most popular spots where you can enjoy summer fun in the middle of winter. You can also enjoy the playground with equipment such as the "Cyber Wheel," as well as paddle boarding and various water activities. The indoor facilities are introduced starting at 1:25. It's a truly luxurious facility where you can enjoy a tropical atmosphere after playing in the snow. Hoshino Resorts Tomamu has a variety of gourmet options, including buffet dining and authentic Italian restaurants, so you won't have to worry about eating out during your stay. We also recommend enjoying the view from "Tomamu the Tower." Summary of Hoshino Resorts Tomamu With a land area the size of approximately 213 Tokyo Domes (~2,500 acres), Hoshino Resorts Tomamu offers many unique experiences. The video also shows many visitors playing at the Hoshino Resort Tomamu, all smiling and enjoying themselves. If you're looking to have the trip of your life in Hokkaido, look no further than Hoshino Resorts Tomamu! ◆Hoshino Resort Tomamu◆ 【Address】〒079-2204 Naka-Tomamu, Shimukappu Village, Yufutsu, Hokkaido 【Access】There is a shuttle bus from Sekishou Line Tomamu Station to each facility 【Admission Fee】It varies depending on the facility used. If you want more information, please check official website. 【Gours】 It varies depending on the facility used. If you want more information, please check official website. 【Closures】Closures vary by facility. Please check the official website for more details. 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】0167-58-111 【Official website】Hoshino Resort Tomam https://www.snowtomamu.jp/summer/en/ -
Video article 7:04
Visit Scenic Spots in Toyama Prefecture on the Tateyama Line Train in Winter! The Age-Old Traditions and Beautiful Silver World Will Be Etched in Your Memory for a Lifetime!
Travel- 68 plays
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富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線エリアの魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では「富山地方鉄道 冬の立山線PR映像 (ロング版)」という動画を中心に、冬の立山線エリアの魅力を紹介します。 冬の時期に旅行をするなら、日本ならではの自然と気候をたっぷりと堪能が出来る観光スポットがいいですよね。 ここでは、日本の冬にぜひおすすめしたい観光スポットである富山地方鉄道、冬の立山線について詳しく紹介をしていきます。 景色を堪能出来るだけでなく、富山の地産地消のグルメでお腹も満たされる素晴らしい観光スポットである立山線について、少しでも知って頂ければ幸いです。 富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線おすすめ観光名所! 富山地方鉄道観光のスタートは、動画0:33でも紹介されている『電鉄富山駅』から。 そこで名物でもある『アルプスエキスプレス』という電車に乗って、立山線の道のりに広がる雪で彩られた路線と幻想的な景色を堪能しましょう。 途中には、動画1:12で紹介をされている日本の伝統工芸として有名な和紙製造をされている『川原製作所』や動画1:29で紹介されている漆器製造をされている『荻野漆工房』があり、どちらも日本の歴史と文化に興味がある方にはおすすめです。 そして更に進んでいくと、動画2:29で紹介をされている『陶農館』があります。 ここでは実際に伝統工芸品の陶芸体験や園芸教室が開催されているので、ぜひ参加してみてくださいね。 そして、動画3:00で紹介されている富山地方鉄道立山線の名物で選奨土木遺産にも認定されている『千垣橋梁』を通ります。 そして動画3:35の立山駅に着いたら、富山地方鉄道立山線での旅は終了となります。 富山地方鉄道立山線を堪能した後はここ! 鉄道での旅も終了したことで、ご当地グルメを味わいところ。 ですが、まずは長い旅の疲れを癒す為にも、動画4:39で紹介をされている立山吉峰温泉ゆーランドへ寄ることをおすすめします。 サウナやハーブ湯等の4種類のお風呂が楽しめ、身も心も温まるはずです。 その後は、動画4:50でも紹介をされているグリーンパーク吉峰にて、立山の旬の素材をふんだんに活かした『立山育ち御膳』を。 もしくは『立山芦峅ふるさと交流館』にて日本の古き良きお食事を頂きましょう。 日本ならではの四季によって彩られた景色を堪能し、温泉で疲れを癒してご当地グルメに舌鼓を打つ、これこそ観光の醍醐味と言えるでしょう。 富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線の魅力紹介まとめ 立山線、そして立山駅周辺のおすすめ観光スポットについて紹介をさせて頂きましたが、いかがだったでしょうか。 インスタ映えのする景色や絶景は勿論のこと、食事や温泉、伝統文化の体験など楽しみが盛りだくさん。 ぜひ今回紹介させて頂いた記事と動画がきっかけとなって、富山県への観光を検討してくれる方が少しでも居て下されば、幸いです。