Video article 19:26
The First Japanese Professional Parkour Athlete Nailing It With His Awesome Skills! A Look at the New Sport Expected to Join the Olympics in 2020!
Celebrities Sports- 30 plays
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This video, titled "Story of ZEN, Japanese professional Parkour athlete - His adventure in LA - | ATHLETICO JAPAN #2," was released by "GQ JAPAN." Parkour, as you can see in this video, is a new sport that involves running, jumping, and climbing over obstacles in the city. It's expected to become an official sport at the 2024 Olympics in Paris. ZEN, featured in the video, became the first Japanese professional parkour athlete at the age of 19 and became the first Asian to win the All American Championship in 2015. Watch as ZEN, the parkour guru, talks about the appeal of parkour! -
Video article 15:21
Meet the Girls Aiming to Be Japanese Idols! Get an Inside Look at the Lessons of These Girls as They Pursue Their Dreams!
Modern Culture Entertainment & Music- 29 plays
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This video, titled "Meet the Girls Aiming to Be Japanese Idols Part 1 [Japan in Motion 2019 #20]," was released by Japan in Motion. In the first half of the video, three girls - a Japanese girl, Russian girl, and an Italian girl - talk about Japanese idols at an idol store in Akihabara. The three girls also visit a prestigious school in Hiroshima Prefecture that has produced many popular Japanese idols. Actor's School Hiroshima has produced many members of world famous idol groups, such as members of Perfume, BABYMETAL, Morning Musume, AKB48, Nogizaka48, STU48, and =LOVE. The three even got to experience a lesson with their students! -
Video article 1:57
A Collaboration of Traditional Japanese Ink Painting and the Latest Video Technology! This Is the Coolest Video You'll Ever See!
Modern Culture Art & Architecture- 78 plays
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This video, released by "oricon," is titled "A Cool Collaboration of Ink Painting and Video! This Collab Between Sumi-e and the Latest Video Technology Is a Must-See!" (墨絵と映像のコラボがカッコいい!墨絵と最新の映像技術を駆使した驚きの演出は必見!). This video is a project to support the "Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe," a horse race. Up-and-coming sumi-e artist Yu-ki Nishimoto's powerful works in Tokyo Yurakucho are collaborated with the latest video technology. Discover a wonderful fusion of Japanese traditions and technology. -
Video article 5:12
The highlight of the "Ogaki Matsuri no Tsugyo (Ogaki Festival)" in Ogaki City, Gifu Prefecture, is the "Tsugyo Jugyo (festival)"! The spectacular children's dance and elaborate karakuri dolls are a must-see! Watch a video of the festival that has continued since the Edo period!
Festivals & Events- 128 plays
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Video introduction of "Ogaki Festival's Tentative Events" in Ogaki City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "[Full Version] Ogaki Festival [Main Ver.]" (【完全版】大垣祭の軕(ヤマ)行事【メインVer.】), shows the Ogaki Festival in Gifu prefecture. The Ogaki Festival is a traditional Japanese festival held in Ogaki, Gifu in May each year. In this article, we'll go over the history and characteristics of the festival in detail! ・What are the dates and location of the "Ogaki Festival Ceremony" in 2024? The "Ogaki Festival Dori Event" is held on the Saturday and Sunday immediately before May 15 every year. 2024 will be held over two days, May 11 and 12. It will be held at Ogaki Hachiman Shrine in Nishiogai-cho, Ogaki City, Gifu Prefecture, and other locations throughout the city. What Kind of Festival is the Ogaki Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot The Ogaki Festival is said to be one of the few festivals of its kind in Japan because of the presence of tamen, which are given to the feudal lords of Ogaki, as well as yama, which are used by the townspeople. The tamen, which have unique features, such as a tamen with a puppet carousel and a tamen with children's dancing, parade through the castle town in the spring. Let's take a look back at the history of the Ogaki Festival, now a representative festival of Gifu Prefecture. The Ogaki Festival is a historic castle town festival that is said to have started around 1648 in the Edo Period. Several floats were lost due to earthquakes during the Meiji Period (1868-1912) and World War II. The nine surviving floats and accessories have been designated as Important Tangible Folk Cultural Properties of Gifu Prefecture. In 2015, the festival was designated as an Important Intangible Cultural Property of Japan, and in 2016, the Ogaki Festival was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage as one of the yama (山), hoko (鉾), and yatai (屋台) float festivals of Japan. Ogaki is the place where Matsuo Basho wrote his last haiku for "The Narrow Road to the Deep North." In spring, Ogaki holds the "Basho Festival" in honor of the great poet. How many yama (portable shrines) are paraded in the "Ogaki Festival Parade"? What are the highlights and features? Source :YouTube screenshot There are a total of 13 tents for the Ogaki Festival. Here are the characteristics of each. The three tamen, which were given by the lord of the Ogaki domain, are "Kagura tamen", "Daikoku tamen", and "Ebisu tamen", which lead the procession. The two most spectacular children's dance troupes are "Tamanoi-dama" and "Shochiku-dama". The children dancing in white makeup and gorgeous kimonos are a must-see. The following "karakuri tugs" can be seen changing their appearance quickly. The "Aioi Tento," with its fascinating "masked costume" that changes its face in an instant, the "Hotei Tento," in which a man stands on his head and opens a fan with one hand, the "Sugawara Tento," in which characters are written with a brush, the "Catfish Mountain," where an old man tries to catch a catfish, the "Sakaki Mountain," where mother goddess Amaterasu takes sakaki and bell, the "Urashima Taro," who opens a ball-shaped box, the "Atago Tento," where pigeons appear from the box Atago," in which a pigeon appears from a box, and "Shojo" in which a man sticks his head into a pot of sake. We hope you will enjoy the highlight scenes of each of these unique puppet caricatures. On the day of the parade, 13 dolls will parade through Ogaki City. The decoration of each teddy is also a highlight of the festival, which is made with traditional craft techniques such as metalwork, lacquerwork, and sculpture from the Mino region. What are the "Tengaku", "Hongaku", and "Yomiya" of the Ogaki Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot The first day of the Ogaki Festival's ttegaku procession with traditional Japanese performing arts is called "tengaku" and the second day is called "honraku". The route of the parade changes on each day. The "Yomiya" is held on the night of both days, and the "Yamamawashi," in which the lanterns of each tamen are lit and the tamen are rotated from side to side, is a different sight from the daytime. During the festival, each float plays lively music with gongs and drums, karakuri dolls perform tricks, and there's music played by the hayashi bands. The karakuri dolls can be seen at 2:05 in the video. On the day of the festival, many food stalls line the streets, so you can enjoy eating different types of Japanese food cart snacks! Summary of the Ogaki Festival Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video, the Ogaki Festival is an elegant yet powerful festival in the Mino region of Gifu prefecture. Throw on a yukata and head over to Ogaki in early summer to see this beautiful, traditional Japanese festival! 【Official Website】Ogaki Festival Executive Committee https://www.ogakikanko.jp/event/ogakimaturi/english/ -
Video article 1:56
【Easy Japanese】What Is Setsubun? An Introduction to the Bean-Throwing Tradition of Japan + 3 Recommended Setsubun Festivals in Japan!(【やさしい日本語】節分とは?日本の豆をまく伝統の紹介と日本のおすすめ節分会3選!)
Traditional Culture Modern Culture Festivals & Events- 238 plays
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Setsubun, a Japanese Tradition: Video Introduction 日本にほんの伝統でんとうである節分せつぶんの動画どうが紹介しょうかい This video, titled "Setsubun Trivia - Why Soybeans? What Are the Meanings of Mamemaki and Ehomaki?" (節分の豆知識 ~なぜ大豆?豆まき・恵方巻の意味とは?~), was uploaded by "Tokai Voices Channel" (東海ヴォイスちゃんねる). 今回こんかいは、『東海とうかいヴォイスちゃんねる』さん制作せいさくの『節分せつぶんの豆知識まめちしき ~なぜ大豆だいず?豆まめまき・恵方巻えほうまきの意味いみとは?~』という動画どうがを紹介しょうかいします。 What is Setsubun? The Meaning of the Japanese Tradition 節分せつぶんって何なに?日本にほんの伝統でんとう行事ぎょうじの意味いみ Photo:A calendar showing February(写真しゃしん:2月にがつのカレンダーかれんだー) Setsubun is a Japanese tradition to celebrate the changing of the seasons. 節分せつぶんとは、季節きせつの移うつり変かわりを祝いわう日本にほんの伝統でんとう行事ぎょうじです。 The word Setsubun (節分) means "division of the seasons." 節分せつぶんという言葉ことばは、「季節きせつの分わかれ目め」という意味いみがあります。 In modern Japan, Setsubun is often held on February 3rd, the day before "Risshun" (立春), or the first day of spring. 現代げんだいの日本にほんでは、節分せつぶんは「立春りっしゅん」の前日ぜんじつである2月3日にがつみっかに行おこなわれることが多おおいです。 The History of Setsubun 節分せつぶんの歴史れきし The history of Setsubun goes back more than a thousand years. 節分せつぶんの歴史れきしは1000年せんねん以上いじょう前まえにさかのぼります。 As Setsubun means "division of the seasons," it wasn't always just once a year. 「季節きせつの分わかれ目め」という意味いみの節分せつぶんは、昔むかしは年とし1回いっかいではなく、 Setsubun used to take place between the changing of each of Japan's four seasons. それぞれの季節きせつの分わかれ目めに行おこなわれていました。 Furthermore, the western calendar only started being used relatively recently in Japan, and Setsubun was actually held on different days in the past. さらに、日本にほんで西暦せいれきが使つかわれるようになったのは比較的ひかくてき最近さいきんのことなので、昔むかしは節分せつぶんが別べつの日ひに行おこなわれていました。 The day before the first day of spring is called Setsubun, and in the past, Setsubun had the same meaning as New Year's Eve today, as it marked the transition to a new year. 立春りっしゅんの前日ぜんじつを節分せつぶんと言いい、昔むかしは新あたらしい年としに変かわる境目さかいめとしていたため、節分せつぶんは現代げんだいの大晦日おおみそかと同おなじ意味いみを持もっていました。 Setsubun – Bean Throwing & Oni 節分せつぶんの豆まめまき・鬼おに Photo:A family enjoying mamemaki(写真しゃしん:節分せつぶん:の豆まめまきをする家族かぞく) In the past, people believed that illnesses and disasters at the change of seasons were brought in by demons (oni), so events began to be held to ward off evil spirits. 昔むかしの人ひとは、季節きせつの変かわり目めの病気びょうきや災害さいがいは鬼おにが呼よび込こむと思おもっていたため、魔除まよけけの行事ぎょうじが行おこなわれるようになりました。 Starting from the Muromachi Period, people began to perform "mamemaki," which involved throwing soybeans to banish demons. 大豆だいずを投なげて鬼おにを追おい払はらう「豆まめまき」が行おこなわれるようになったのは室町時代むろまちじだいからです。 The reason why beans were used is because the word bean (豆, mame) and "Extermination of evil" (魔滅, mame) are pronounced the same in Japanese, and soybeans were thought to have spiritual power. 豆まめを使つかうのは、「豆まめ」と「魔滅まめ」(魔まを滅めっする)が同おなじ発音はつおんであることと、大豆だいずには霊力れいりょくがあると考かんがえられていたためです。 Mamemaki (bean-throwing) is held to drive away oni (demons/evil spirits) and to pray that the new year will be free from illness and disasters and bring good fortune. 鬼おに(邪気じゃき)を退治たいじして、新あたらしい年としを病気びょうきや災害さいがいがなく福ふくを呼よび込こむようにと願ねがいを込こめて、豆まめまきを行おこないます。 Mamemaki is done with roasted beans, which are said to ward off evil spirits. 豆まめまきをするときは、邪気じゃきを払はらうといわれる炒いった豆まめを使つかいます。 [Video] 0:09 - Soybeans and Mamemaki 【動画どうが】0:09~ 大豆だいず・豆まめまき Foods Eaten During Setsubun 節分せつぶんに食たべるもの Photo:Ehomaki and soybeans for Setsubun(写真しゃしん:節分せつぶんの恵方巻えほうまきと大豆だいず) There are 2 common foods eaten during Setsubun that are said to bring good luck. 節分せつぶんには、福ふくを呼よび込こむと言いわれる食たべ物ものが2つあります。 The first is the same soybeans used for mamemaki. 1つ目めは豆まめまきに使つかわれる大豆だいずです。 It's said that if you eat your age + 1 in soybeans you will avoid sickness and stay in good health. 自分じぶんの数かぞえ年どし(実年齢じつねんれい+たす1個いっこ)と同おなじ数かずの大豆だいずを食たべると、病気びょうきにならず、健康けんこうに過すごせると言いわれています。 Be sure to use the leftover beans you didn't throw. まかなかった豆まめを食たべましょうね。 The second food is ehomaki. 2つ目めの食たべ物ものは恵方巻えほうまきです。 Ehomaki is a thick sushi roll filled with a variety of tasty ingredients. 恵方巻えほうまきとはさまざまなおいしい具ぐが入はいった太ふとい巻まき寿司ずしのこと。 When eating ehomaki, one is supposed to face in this year's lucky direction and sit quietly until they've finished eating. 恵方巻えほうまきを食たべるときは、その年としの恵方えほうを向むいて、食たべ終おわるまでは話はなさず静しずかに食たべます。 The "lucky direction" is said to be where the god of good luck resides, and this changes every year. 恵方えほうというのは歳徳神としとくじんがいる方向ほうこうですが、年としによって方角ほうがくは変かわります。 Additionally, ehomaki is supposed to be eaten whole and not cut. また、恵方巻えほうまきは切きらずに丸まるごと食たべるのが基本きほん。 Not cutting the ehomaki symbolizes "not severing ties" and is said to bring good luck. 恵方巻えほうまきを切きらないことは「縁えんを切きらない」という意味いみで、運うんを呼よび込こむと言いわれています。 When making ehomaki, it's common to use 7 ingredients to symbolize the "seven lucky gods" from Japanese mythology. 恵方巻えほうまきを作つくるときには、日本神話にほんしんわに登場とうじょうする「七福神しちふくじん」を表あらわす7つの具材ぐざいを使つかうのが一般的いっぱんてきです。 The reason a sushi roll was chosen was to "wrap the good luck inside." 巻まき寿司ずしが選えらばれたのは、「福ふくを巻まき込こむ」ためです。 [Video] 0:55 - Soybeans and Ehomaki on Setsubun 【動画どうが】0:55~ 節分せつぶんの大豆だいずと恵方巻えほうまき [Video] 1:12 - Lucky Directions and Ehomaki Ingredients 【動画どうが】1:12~ 恵方えほうと恵方巻えほうまきの具材ぐざい Setsubun 2024 – 3 Recommended Setsubun Festivals in Japan 2024年にせんにじゅうよねんの節分せつぶん 日本にほんのおすすめ節分せつぶんイベント3選さんせん Photo:Hozomon Gate and a 5-story pagoda, Sensoji Temple(写真しゃしん:浅草浅草寺宝蔵門あさくさせんそうじほうぞうもんと五重塔ごじゅうのとう) Sensoji Temple - Tokyo 浅草寺せんそうじ 東京都とうきょうと Sensoji Temple was the first temple in Edo (Present-day Tokyo) to hold Setsubun celebrations on a large scale. 浅草寺せんそうじは、江戸えど(現在げんざいの東京とうきょう)で初はじめて大型おおがたな節分せつぶんの行事ぎょうじを行おこなったお寺てらです。 Today, the main event consists of a mamemaki event where the chief priests scatter beans from atop a stage. 現在げんざいの主おもな行事ぎょうじは、住職じゅうしょくが舞台ぶたいの上うえからの豆まめまきです。 At Sensoji Temple, rather than "Oni wa Soto, Fuku wa Uchi" (鬼は外福は内, Demons out luck in), they chant "Senju Banzai Fuku wa Uchi" (千秋万歳福は内), which roughly means "Luck for forever and a thousand years!" 浅草寺せんそうじでは、「鬼おには外そと、福ふくは内うち」ではなく、「千秋万歳せんしゅうばんぜい福ふくは内うち」と言いいます。 In addition to the mamemaki event, there is also "Shichi Fukujin no Mai" (七福神の舞, Dance of the Seven Lucky Gods), and mamemaki performed by entertainers associated with Asakusa. 豆まめまきのほか、「七福神しちふくじんの舞まい」もあって、浅草あさくさに関係かんけいがある芸能人げいのうじんによる豆まめまきも行おこなわれます。 【Event Period】Feb. 3 【開催かいさい時期じき】2月3日にがつみっか Yasaka Shrine - Kyoto 八坂神社やさかじんじゃ 京都府きょうとふ The Setsubun event at Yasaka Shrine features dance performances and mamemaki by Maiko (apprenctice geisha) from the hanamachi districts of Kyoto. 八坂神社やさかじんじゃの節分せつぶん会えでは、京都きょうとの花街はなまちの舞妓まいこさんによる舞踊ぶようや豆まめまきが行おこなわれます。 Also, if you buy fukumame (lucky beans), a fukubiki (lottery ticket) with no empty lot is included, and you can participate in a drawing. また、福豆ふくまめを買かうと、空からくじなしの福引ふくびきがついていて、抽選会ちゅうせんかいに参加さんかできます。 Prizes include TVs and other luxury prizes, as well as daily necessities. 景品けいひんは、テレビなどの豪華賞品ごうかしょうひんや日用品にちようひんなど。 【Event Period】Feb. 2 - Feb. 3 【開催かいさい時期じき】2月2日にがつふつか〜2月3日にがつみっか Sumiyoshi Taisha - Osaka 住吉大社すみよしたいしゃ 大阪府おおさかふ At Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, a ceremony called Tsuina Hoshashiki is held by the members of Ogasawara-ryu, a school of archery and horseback archery. 住吉大社すみよしたいしゃでは、礼法れいほう・弓術きゅうじゅつ・馬術ばじゅつの流派りゅうはである「弓馬きゅうば術じゅつ礼法れいほう小笠原おがさわら教場きょうじょう一門いちもん」の方々かたがたによって「追儺ついな歩射式ほしゃしき」が行おこなわれます。 Tsuina is a ceremony to drive away evil spirits. 追儺ついなとは悪鬼あっきを追おい払はらう儀式ぎしき。 "Houshashiki," in which the archer draws his bow on a large target made to look like an oni, is performed in front of a large audience. 鬼おにに見立みたてた大おおきい的てきに弓ゆみを打うつ「歩射式ほしゃしき」は多おおくの観客かんきゃくの前まえで行おこなわれます。 In addition, zenzai (oshiruko) will be served by staff of an unlucky year and other related people. また、節分せつぶんは悪鬼あっきを追おい払はらう日ひということで、厄年やくどしのスタッフや関係者かんけいしゃにぜんざい(おしるこ)が振ふる舞まわれます。 【Event Period】Feb. 3 【開催かいさい時期じき】2月3日にがつみっか ※Event dates and times current as of January 15, 2024. ※イベント開催かいさい日時にちじは2024年にせんにじゅうよねん1月15日いちがつにじゅうごにち時点じてんのものです。 Please check the official websites for up-to-date information. 最新情報さいしんじょうほうは各かく公式こうしきサイトにてご確認かくにんください。 Summary of Setsubun, a Traditional Japanese Event 日本にほんの伝統でんとう行事ぎょうじである「節分せつぶん」のまとめ That concludes our introduction to Setsubun, a traditional Japanese event. 以上いじょう、日本にほんの伝統でんとう行事ぎょうじである「節分せつぶん」についてご紹介しょうかいしました。 If you're in Japan for Setsubun, we recommend visiting one of the exciting events that happen across the country. 節分せつぶんに日本にほんにいる人ひとは、日本にほん各地かくちで開催かいさいされる節分せつぶん会えに参加さんかすることをおすすめします。 For those not in Japan, you can still have fun with mamemaki and making and eating ehomaki! 日本にほんにいない人ひとは、豆まめまきしたり、恵方巻えほうまきを作つくって食たべたりすることで楽たのしめます! When eating the ehomaki, be sure to sit quietly and face the lucky direction for the year! 恵方巻えほうまきを食たべるときは、その年としの恵方えほうを向むいて静しずかに食たべましょう! This year's lucky direction is slightly east of east-northeast! 今年ことしの恵方えほうは、東北東とうほくとうのやや東ひがしだそうです! h2 ruby { font-weight: bold; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { font-size: 2.4rem !important; } .caption-text { font-size: 2rem !important; } -
Video article 2:05
A Wedding at Namba Yasaka Shrine, the Iconic Shrine Shaped Like a Lion's Head! Experience a Traditional Japanese Wedding in the Heart of Osaka, Japan!
Traditional Culture Travel Life & Business- 39 plays
- YouTube
Namba Yasaka Shrine Wedding Ceremony: Video Introduction This video, titled "Shrine Wedding at Namba Yasaka Shrine (難波八阪神社で神社結婚式)," was uploaded by "Namba Yasaka Shrine" (難波八阪神社). Namba Yasaka Shrine is located in the Naniwa Ward of downtown Osaka, in Japan's Kansai region. This video was filmed to advertise a traditional Japanese Wedding at a Shinto shrine, at Namba Yasaka Shrine. This shrine is incredibly popular on Japanese Instagram because of its unique Shishiden, a stage shaped like the head of a lion, and the Main Hall, with its beautiful architecture and solemn green and white coloring. Before reading any further, check out the video to see what a traditional Japanese Shinto wedding is like at the shrine. What Are Traditional Japanese Weddings Like? A traditional Japanese wedding, called a "Shinzenshiki" (神前式, lit. 'Ceremony before the gods'), is a wedding ceremony that takes places at a temple or shrine. During the wedding, the groom wears a black, 5-crested haori hakama (montsuki haori hakama), the most formal attire there is. Women on the other hand, wear a white kimono called a "Shiromuku," along with a special white cotton headdress. The wedding itself has several stages, including a purification ritual, a ritual drinking of sake, an exchange of rings, etc. The ceremony itself last around 20-40 minutes, but including preparations etc., the event will last several hours. Information About Namba Yasaka Shrine Photo:Namba Yasaka Shrine, Naniwa, Osaka Namba Yasaka Shrine's enshrined deities are: Susanoo, Kushinadahime, Yahashiramiko. Because Susanoo's divine virtues are divine virtues are to ward off bad luck, ward off pestilence, prosperous business, agriculture and fertility, you can see offerings from well-known companies in the precincts of the shrine. Kushiinadahime is known for her virtues of matchmaking, harmonious marriage, and easy childbirth. A wedding blessed by her is likely to bring you long-lasting happiness! Yahashiramiko are the eight gods born to Susanoo and Kushinadahime. Namba Yasaka Shrine's shuin stamp (shrine seal) is featured in the Shishiden, which is a symbol of this shrine. Even foreign tourists can tell that the stamp is from Namba Yasaka Shrine at a glance. On the cover of the original goshuin-cho (a book to collect shuin stamps), there is a lion's face and the shrine crest. The History of Namba Yasaka Shrine Photo:The Shishiden at Namba Yasaka Shrine, Naniwa, Osaka The present main shrine of Namba Yasaka Shrine was rebuilt in 1974, but it is said that the shrine was built more than 1,600 years ago, to worship Gozu Tenno, a god that is said to have appeared in order to subdue a plague that was spreading in the area. [Video] 0:17 - The Main Hall Colored White and Green Namba Yasaka Shrine is also known as Namba Shimonomiya, and has long been a familiar place for people born in the Namba area as a protector. In 1974, when the main shrine was rebuilt, the Shishiden was designed in the shape of a lion to ward off evil. The Shishiden enshrines the spirit of Susanoo. Shaped like a large lion's head, the Shishiden is powerful looking structure and a popular spot on Japanese social media. It's said to swallow evil spirits with its large mouth, and many people visit the shrine to pray for academic prosperity, business fortune, and victory. The Shishiden also serves as a stage, where Kagura (Shinto music and dance) and Shishimai (lion dances) are performed during special events. [Video] 0:15 - The Shishiden of Namba Yasaka Shrine Festivals at Namba Yasaka Shrine Here are two major festivals held at Namba Yasaka Shrine: ●Summer Festival The Summer Festival is held every year on July 13 and 14. During the festival, numerous portable shrines and taiko drums are paraded through the streets, and the boat procession, which was revived in 2001 for the first time in some 230 years, makes a lively parade along the Dotonbori River. On both days, folk dances and lion dances are held on the stage of the Shishiden, and there's also mochi-maki (the scattering of rice cakes to participants) and other events that attract a large number of people. ●Tsunahiki Shinji Tsunahiki Shinji is a Shinto tug-of-war ritual held on the third Sunday of January each year. It's designated as an Intangible Cultural Property of Osaka. Based on the legend of Susanoo defeating Yamata no Orochi, a legendary eight-headed serpent, and protecting the people, this ritual is to pray for people's happiness by playing tug-of-war with a large rope that is made to look like an eight-headed serpent. The 20-meter long rope is made of thin ropes strung together by local volunteers. How to Get to Namba Yasaka Shrine + Parking Information, Etc. Photo:Namba Station, Osaka Here's how to get to Namba Yasaka Shrine in Naniwa, Osaka. ●By Train ・ Take the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line or Yotsubashi Line to [Namba Station] ・ Take the Kintetsu Railway or Nankai Electric Railway to [Namba Station] ・ Take the JR Yamatoji Line to [Namba Station] After arriving at Namba Station, exit the subway from Exit 32, which is near the south gate of Osaka Metro Yotsubashi Line. After exiting, take a right and then turn right again at the intersection named "Motomachi 3-chome Kita" (元町3丁目北). There, you'll see the south gate of Namba Yasaka Shrine. It's about a 6-minute walk. ・ Take the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line or Yotsubashi Line and get off at [Daikoku-cho Station] After reaching the ground level from Exit 2, proceed to the left and turn left at the "Motomachi 3-chome Kita" intersection to reach the South Gate of Namba Yasaka Shrine. It's about a 7-minute walk. ●By Car Just west of the "Motomachi 3-chome Kita" intersection on Route 26. Parking is available on the right after entering the south gate torii. There are ample coin parking lots in the vicinity. Things to Do Near Namba Yasaka Shrine Namba Yasaka Shrine is located in the heart of Osaka, meaning it's close to pretty much every tourist attractions in the area. Below is a list of 3 nearby places you should consider checking out: Dotonbori Running east to west through the center of Osaka, this canal was completed in 1615. Soon after, theaters were set up on the south bank and the area became an entertainment district. Today there are not nearly as many theaters, and the area is known for its food culture. It has a myriad of places to eat and drink while exploring the area. It's a 15-minute walk from Namba Yasaka Shrine. Shinsekai Located 20 minutes southeast of Namba Yasaka Shrine, this is a retro area with many different eateries and attractions, such as target shooting and arcades. It's also home to the famous Tsutenkaku Tower. Nipponbashi Denden Town Nipponbashi Denden Town is the Akihabara of Osaka. The area features shops selling everything from anime goods and manga to second hand goods and electronics. There are also a number of themed cafes in the area, such as maid cafes. Being just a 15-minute walk from Namba Yasaka Shrine, it's definitely a cool place to throw on your list. This is just a few of the places you can find near Namba Yasaka Shrine, but there are many more that are relatively close, such as Osaka Castle and Sumiyoshi Taisha. Be sure to do your research before visiting! Summary of Namba Yasaka Shrine Namba Yasaka Shrine is located in Minami, Osaka and is easily accessible, attracting many domestic and international tourists. It's famous as a power spot for taking photos, and is also known for being visited by the members of Kanjani Eight (a Japanese idol group) on a TV program. The historic Namba Yasaka Shrine can be used for wedding ceremonies, as well as general shrine visits and special occasions such as Shichi-Go-San. Be sure to take your camera or have your smart phone handy to take some pictures with the shrine when you visit! ◆Namba Yasaka Shrine◆ 【Address】2-9-19, Motomachi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 【Access】 By train: 6 minutes' walk from Namba Station of Osaka Midosuji Line and Yotsubashi Line / 7 minutes' walk from Daikokucho Station of Osaka Metro Midosuji Line and Yotsubashi Line / About 6 minutes' walk from Namba Station of Nankai Electric Railway 【Parking】Available 【TripAdvisor】Namba Yasaka Shrine -
Video article 3:21
The video shows the power of the Shirane Kite Festival held in Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture! The rules and how to enjoy the 300-year-old historical and heroic battle are also explained!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 86 plays
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Video Introduction of "Shirane Kite Battle" in Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture This video, titled "Shirane Kite Battle 2022, June 5, 2022|Giant Kites Dancing in the Sky|Otaka group vs. Kenshin group, Yakusha group vs. Isshin Tasuke group|Japanese Shirone Giant Kite Battle" (空に舞う大凧を撮ってきた・白根大凧合戦2022・令和4年6月5日 大高組VS謙信組 役者組VS一心太助組), was uploaded by "pikineko【photographer】." The Shirone Giant Kite Battle is held every year in early June in Shirone, Niigata and in Nishi-shirone, Niigata, in Japan's Koshin'etsu Region. Thirteen groups of kites, divided into Eastern and Western forces, crash their kites into one another and compete for victory or defeat in this heroic festival. It's a popular event for taking photos. The video shows the competition between the East Army's Otaka and Yakusha groups and the West Army's Kenshin and Isshin Tasuke groups. The sight of these giant kites fighting in the air is very exciting to watch. Be sure to check out the video before reading along to see how the history and tradition of the Shirone Giant Kite Battle has been passed down from generation to generation. A Brief Introduction to Kites in Japan Kites, called "tako" (凧) in Japanese, are said to have been introduced to Japan by the Heian Period (794 - 1185). They are made by affixing Japanese paper to a bamboo frame, and often come in a rectangular shape, although some regions of Japan have hexagonal kites, etc. Japanese kites are often decorated with traditional imagery, such as samurai. In the past, kites were incredibly popular in Japan, to the point that they were a common cause of damage to residences. Even today, they can be enjoyed at a wide variety of Japanese festivals and other events. Why Is the Shirone Giant Kite Battle Held? A Look at the History of the Event Photo:Shirone Giant Kite Battle The Shirone Giant Kite Battle, held in Shirone, Niigata, is a tradition with 300 years of history. It's a well-known festival that signals the arrival of early summer in Niigata. The origin of the Shirone Giant Kite Battle dates back to the middle-Edo period (1603-1868 AD). It began when people on the Shirone side of the Nakanokuchi River flew kites to celebrate the completion of the Nakanokuchi River embankment repair work. However, the kites fell on the Nishishirone side, the other side of the river, resulting in damage to some fields. People on the Nishishirone side, angered by this, began to fly their own kites in an attempt to knock down the kites of the Shirone side. This story is said to be how the event started. Like festivals in other parts of Japan, the Shirone Giant Kite Battle is also symbolic in nature. Kites are flown high to celebrate the birth children and to wish that prayers for a bountiful harvest will reach the heavens. Shirone Giant Kite Battle Rules and How Winners Are Decided Photo:A giant kite The Shirone Giant Kite Battle is divided into six groups from the east (Shirone side) and seven groups from the west (Nishishirone side) across the Nakanokuchi River. The kites are flown from both banks, and pitted against each other until the other kite's rope is broken. The kite that remains standing is the winner. The kites used in the Shirone Kite Battle are as large as 44 square meters (~470 square feet) and weigh a whopping 50 kg (110 lbs.). The Eastern side flies their kite low in the sky, while the Western side crosses the rope of their kite over the Eastern side's kite and slams it headlong into the river water. They continue fighting like this until one of the ropes is broken. If the rope is broken, the winner is awarded with one point. If the rope is not broken within the set time limit, the match is a draw, and both sides receive half a point. If the kites separate from each other before a rope is broken, the match is deemed "nakiwakare" (泣き別れ, A tearful parting) and there is no winner. These are the basic rules for scoring and determining winners and losers in the kite battle, but in reality, several kites may become tangled up together, as several pairs fly their kites at the same time. Since the method of determining winners and losers changes depending on the situation, spectators are kept on the edge of their seats as they await the outcome of the battle. The ranking of each pair is determined by their performance during the festival, which in turn determines the winning side. Shirone Giant Kite Battle 2023 Schedule and Attractions to See During the Festival Photo:Fireworks The Shirone Giant Kite Battle, which was shortened in duration in recent years, was held normally in 2022, but because the other events were canceled, many tourists were not able to enjoy the festival to the fullest. Luckily, it was been announced that the 2023 festival will be held for five days from June 1 to 5, with the previously canceled children's kite competition on May 31 and the citywide parade on June 1. In addition, a fireworks display is expected to be held as well, which will be a major event that will liven up the kite battle. In previous years, the event was held on Saturday during the festival period, and in case of rain, it is held on the following Sunday. Shirone Kite Museum: Learn More About the Exciting Shirone Giant Kite Battle The Shirone Kite Museum in Minami, Niigata, is one of the world's largest kite museums, where visitors can learn about kites and kite battles. You're sure to be captivated by the museum's collection of rare kites from all across Japan and around the world on display here. A full-size kite, like the ones used in kite battle, greets visitors at the entrance! You can also see the materials used to make the kites in the exhibition area. Inside the museum, visitors can experience what it's like to watch a kite battle through pictures and videos on the walls. If you can't make it to the actual event, we recommend checking this out. Visitors can also participate in a kite-making experience, after which, they'll have their very own kite that they can try flying in the wind tunnel laboratory. It's a great way to commemorate a trip to the area and will make you feel like a kid again. Incidentally, it's a great experience for kids as well. If the weather is nice, you can also fly your kite outside. Furthermore, at the souvenir corner, you can buy a kite with your desired design and name on it, which is popular as a gift. A temporary parking lot is available during the Shirone Giant Kite Battle, and free shuttle buses run from the parking lot to the venue. How to Get to the Shirone Giant Kite Battle Venue The Shirone Giant Kite Battle is located somewhat far from Niigata, but the easiest way to reach the event venue if you're coming from Niigata Station is via bus. There are buses scheduled on both weekends and weekdays that you can take to Shirone. You can opt to get off at at the Go no Machi (五の町) bus stop which takes you within a couple minutes' walk of the event venue (~1 hr. 15 minutes), or take a bus to the Shirone Kite Museum, enjoy a tour of the museum, and then take a free shuttle bus to the event venue from there (~1 hr. 30 mins). Either route with cost you 660 yen. Summary of the Shirone Giant Kite Battle The giant kites soar through the sky and engage in an exciting battle. It's a must-see event and allows visitors to experience a rich aspect of Japanese culture. The battle will be even more lively this year, as food stalls, etc. are back as of 2022. If you love festivals and want to see giant kites made with Niigata's traditional kite-making techniques, or if the sight of a kite battle gets your blood pumping, be sure to plan a trip to Niigata in June. Watching the powerful Shirone Giant Kite Battle is sure to be an unforgettable experience! -
Video article 4:24
Saikyo-ji - A Temple of Beautiful Gardens and Warlords
Travel Traditional Culture Art & Architecture Nature- 96 plays
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Saikyo-ji Temple – A Heritage Site of Otsu, Shiga Founded in Japan's Asuka Period! This video, titled "[4K] Japanese Garden SAIKYO-JI / SHIGA" ([4K] 日本庭園 西教寺 / 滋賀 Japanese Garden SAIKYO-JI / SHIGA), was uploaded by "Yurara Sarara," a channel that introduces temples, Japanese gardens, and sightseeing/travel destinations in Kyoto to promote Japanese culture to people are the world. The video introduces Saikyo-ji, a temple in Otsu, Shiga. Saikyo-ji Temple, located in Otsu, Shiga, is the head temple of the Tendai Shinsei sect of Buddhism, and is one of the temples in Otsu, Shiga, founded by Prince Shotoku in the Asuka Period (around 592-710 AD). The temple has a long history and is said to have been established as a temple associated with Mt. Hiei in the Heian and Kamakura periods. The the main hall, which is made entirely of zelkova, was donated by the Kishu Tokugawa family, and has gorgeous decorations from the early Edo period (~1603 to ~1700 AD). The main hall of Saikyo-ji Temple has also been designated as an Important Cultural Property. A Closer Look at the Breathtaking Precincts of Saikyo-ji Temple! Photo:Saikyo-ji Temple, Otsu, Shiga Saikyo-ji Temple was burned down by the famous warlord Oda Nobunaga in 1571, but was rebuilt by Akechi Mitsuhide. The present precincts of Saikyo-ji Temple consist of six branch temples on either side of the approach to the temple. After passing through the gate in front of the temple, historically used by imperial envoys, you'll see the hall of the founder of the sect on the left, and the main hall at the back of the precincts. The main hall and the guest hall are located in the center of the temple. The temple can be seen in detail from 1:00in the video. Feel the Healing Power of the Japanese Gardens at Saikyo-ji Temple Photo:Saikyo-ji Temple, Otsu, Shiga The gardens at Saikyo-ji Temple were designed by Kobori Enshu. There are four gardens at Saikyo-ji Temple: one located on the south side of the kuri (the kitchen of the temple), one on the west side of the Kyakuden (reception hall), one on the south side of the Shoin (study), and one on the north side of the Shoin. The Karesansui (dry landscape garden) in "Daihonbo Garden" on the south side of the kuri retains the atmosphere of a traditional tea garden. Also, on the west side of the Kyakuden, is Kyakuden Garden. The pond and fountain in Kyakuden Garden represent Lake Biwa. Furthermore, the natural slope created by the mountain behind Saikyo-ji Temple is well utilized to create a three-dimensional view. There are also azalea and satsuki azalea trimmings there, which give an indescribable three-dimensional feeling. To the north and south of the Shoin are Shoin Garden and Ura-shoin Garden. Shoin Garden, which can be seen at 3:23, was created during the Meiji Period (1868-1912 A.D.) by a group of stonemasons called "Ano-ushu. For this reason, it is also known as the Ano-ushu Garden. In addition, the Ura-shoin Garden provides a beautiful landscape where visitors can feel the ancient history of Japan. Saikyo-ji Temple - Area Information, Events, and Seasonal Attractions Photo:Wind chimes at Saikyoj-ji Temple, Otsu, Shiga In the summer, Saikyo-ji Temple holds an event with more than 700 glass wind chimes on display, creating beautiful sounds with the summer breeze. The purpose of wind chimes is to ward off evil spirits and ward off the heat by making noise. In the Edo period (1603-1868), these wind chimes were called "Kaze-taku," but they came to be called "Fu-rin" to make them more familiar with the common people. The appearance of the temple changes with the seasons, and in autumn, visitors can enjoy the illuminated autumn leaves. Recently, many tourists come to Saikyo-ji Temple for its three types of shuin stamps. In addition, Saikyo-ji Temple has a special shuin stamp to commemorate the broadcast of NHK's historical drama "Kirin ga Kuru" in 2020. The temple also has a special shuin stamp book finished in a simple yet beautiful indigo color, for just 1,250 yen. Furthermore, there is a youth hostel attached to the precincts of Saikyo-ji Temple, where visitors can also experience the vegetarian cuisine eaten by the monks in the dining room. Saikyo-ji Temple - Access and Information for Visitors to the Temple in Otsu, Shiga Saikyo-ji Temple is a roughly 25-minute walk from Sakamoto-hieizanguchi Station. If you take the bus, it takes about 4 minutes to get there. By car, it takes about 10 minutes from the Shimosakamoto Interchange. Although it's a bit of a walk to the main hall, there's free parking available. The entrance fee is a reasonable 500 yen. Summary of Saikyo-ji Temple in Otsu, Shiga Photo:Saikyoj-ji Temple, Otsu, Shiga Being burned down by Oda Nobunaga, rebuilt by Akechi Mitsuhide, and having four beautiful gardens built on the temple grounds by Kobori Enshu, Saikyo-ji Temple has a long history. Enjoy the beauty of the divine Saikyo-ji Temple and its four sophisticated gardens in this 4.5-minute video. 【Official Website】Saikyo-ji Temple http://saikyoji.org/publics/index/19/ 【Tripadvisor】Saikyo-ji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298202-d1424442-Reviews-Saikyoji_Temple-Otsu_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:44
Become a Ninja at "Oshino Ninobi-no-Sato" in Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture! Enjoy an authentic ninja experience at this popular theme park!
History- 100 plays
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Video introduction of "Oshino Shinobi-no-Sato" in Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi This video, titled "Wonderful Japan! ~Girls Road Trip~ #70 Ninja Theme Park Oshino Shinobi no Sato " (なかなか日本!~高速道路女子旅~ #70 忍者のテーマパーク 忍野 しのびの里), was uploaded by "TV Kanagawa tvk3ch " (テレビ神奈川 tvk3ch). To get to Oshino Shinobi no Sato, a theme park where adults and children of all ages can experience the feeling of being a Japanese ninja, take the Tomei Expressway's Gotemba Interchange and get off at the Yamanakako Interchange via the Higashi-Fujigoko Toll Road, a roughly 6-minute drive, or take the Chuo Expressway's Kawaguchiko Interchange, which takes about 11 minutes. Now that you know how to get there, enjoy Oshino Shinobi no Sato a theme park where you can change into ninja costumes and experience what it's like to be a ninja! The video shows the two women visiting Oshino Shinobi no Sato transforming into ninja outfits at 1:03. The Different Experiences Offered at Oshino Shinobi No Sato Photo:Shuriken and a Japanese sword At Oshino Shinobi no Sato, you can experience the following: ・Shuriken Dojo (video ~1:50) This is a game where you hit the target with a shuriken in the Shuriken Dojo. If you succeed in hitting the target, you can win a prize. ・Karakuri-yashiki (Ninja Trick House) (video ~1:30) Karakuri-yashiki is a mansion with a maze of karakuri (mechanisms), such as hidden doors, hidden paths, and many other ninja secrets. ・The Way of Ninjutsu (Athletic) Ninja Training The Way of Ninjutsu" is an athletic game where visitors can experience ninja training. It consists of 12 activities that allow you to develop the skills necessary to become a ninja. Oshino Shinobi No Sato also offers a kids' ninja training experience so visitors with children can enjoy the ninja experience together. Watch the Powerful Ninjas at the Ninja Show! You can experience the awesomeness of ninja by watching a powerful performance in a full-scale ninja show. This can be seen from 1:20 in the video. Enjoy More Than Just the Ninja Experiences! Explore Oshino Shinobi no Sato to the Fullest! Source :YouTube screenshot There are many more things to see and do at Oshino Shinobi no Sato besides the ninja experience. ・Japanese Garden Mt. Fuji and seasonal flowers and trees in the background make it a place where you can relax. It's also a great place for photography. ・Footbath With a View of Mt. Fuji You can enjoy a relaxing footbath while looking out over the Japanese garden. The "Ninja Black Dango" (dumplings) and "Ninja Ice Cream" at "Fujimi Tea House," which can be seen from 2:34 in the video, are popular sweets that you can relax and take a break with. At the restaurant "Setsugetsu Fuka," visitors can enjoy soba noodles and tofu made with the famous water of Oshino. At the souvenir corner, you can find a variety of products, including original ninja goods, local specialties of Yamanashi Prefecture, and traditional crafts. Prices, Address, and Nearby Attractions of Oshino Shinobi no Sato Photo:Mt. Fuji and Oshino Hakkai, Yamanashi Prefecture Oshino Shinobi no Sato: Prices 1,000 yen to 1,800 yen, with paid attractions ranging from 500 yen to 1,000 yen. Discount coupons for Oshino Shinobi no Sato are also available, so you may want to check them out. Oshino Shinobi no Sato: Address 2845 Shibokusa, Oshino, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi 401-0511 Oshino Shinobi no Sato: Nearby Sightseeing Spots Oshino Shinobi no Sato is located at the foot of Mt. Fuji, and the popular travel destination "Oshino Hakkai" can be found nearby. You can also enjoy fish at the freshwater aquarium in the water and forest theme park, Sakana Park (さかな公園). If you're feeling tired from your trip, consider relaxing in the hot springs at Oshino Onsen and heal your body and soul while surrounded by nature. Other Things to Know About Oshino Shinobi no Sato (Q&A) Photo:A dog Q. Can I bring my dog or other pets with me to Oshino Shinobi no Sato? A. You can bring your pet with you as long as you use a pet cart. Q. When is Oshino Shinobi no Sato busiest? A. Around noon. If you go in the morning or in the evening, you will be able to go around the park quite comfortably. Oshino Shinobi no Sato can be enjoyed in about two hours. Summary of Oshino Shinobi no Sato This concludes the introduction of Oshino Shinobi no Sato. Oshino Shinobi no Sato is highly rated on blogs and in reviews. Oshino Shinobi no Sato is a popular theme park that has been used as a filming location for movies and TV dramas as well. Experience what it's like to be a ninja at Oshino Shinobi no Sato. 【Official Website】Oshino Shinobi no Sato https://www.oshinoninja.com/ 【TripAdvisor】Oshino Shinobi no Sato https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1165978-d8800169-Reviews-Oshino_Shinobi_no_Sato-Oshino_mura_Minamitsuru_gun_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshinet.html -
Video article 1:33
Ichigaya, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, with its easy access to transportation and fulfilling neighborhood environment, is full of attractions that attract people! Go to popular spots in Tokyo that you must not miss when enjoying the history of the city!
Local PR- 104 plays
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Video introduction of "Popular Spots around Ichigaya Station" in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo This article features a video by "Tokyo Promotion Channel," titled "Tokyo Ichigaya Promotion." Ichigaya Station, as seen in the video, is a station of the East Japan Railway Company (JR East), Tokyo Metro, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Transportation (Toei Subway) in the Chiyoda (千代田区, Chiyoda-Ku) and Shinjuku wards (新宿区, Shinjuku-Ku) of Tokyo. The station name "Ichigaya" can be spelled in a variety of ways in Kanji. The JR East and Tokyo Metro stations spell Ichigaya "市ケ谷" (with a big "ケ" (ga)) but Toei Subway station spells it "市ヶ谷" (with a small "ヶ"). Both are pronounced the same. It is located in Gobancho (五番町, Goban-Cho), Chiyoda for JR East, Ichigaya-Tamachi (市谷田町, Ichigaya-Tamachi) 1-chome, Shinjuku for Tokyo Metro, and Kudan-Minami (九段南, Kudan-Minami) 4-chome, Chiyoda for Toei Subway. In this article, we'll introduce Ichigaya Station and its surrounding tourist spots. Popular Sightseeing Locations Around Ichigaya Station Photo:Akasaka Akasaka-Rikyu, a state guesthouse in Ichigaya, Tokyo In the Ichigaya area around Ichigaya Station, the north side is a historic high-end residential district, while the south side is lined with universities, schools, and offices that attract many young people. Ichigaya is bounded by and around Yasukuni-dori, Gaien-higashi-dori, Okubo-dori and Ushigome-chuo-dori (Ichigaya, Akebonobashi, Ushigome-yanagicho and Ushigome-kagurazaka railroad stations) and corresponds to the northern part of the section of Yasukuni-dori from Gaien-higashi-dori to Gaien-nishi-dori. In Ichigaya, there are many popular facilities and sightseeing spots for people of all ages. These include Akasaka Palace, the Ministry of Defense, the Ground Self-Defense Force Ichigaya Base, the Tokyo District Court, Sotobori Park, the Shinjuku Historical Museum, Sainenji Temple, Oiwa Inari Tamiya Shrine, Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan, the Tokyo Toy Museum, and Fire Museum Tokyo. Other Sightseeing Spots Around Ichigaya Station Photo:Chidorigafuchi in Ichigaya, Tokyo ・Chidorigafuchi [0:22~] Chidorigafuchi is a moat that was created by blocking off the Tsubonesawa River, (局沢川, Tsubonesawa-Gawa) with earthen bridges at Hanzomon Gate and Tayasumon Gate during the expansion of Edo Castle after the opening of Edo. The moat is located on the northwest side of the Imperial Palace and is famous as one of the best flower viewing spots in Tokyo as it is full of beautiful cherry blossoms in spring. ・Fukuju Shrine [0:33~] Fukuju Shrine is a small shrine built by an Edo period bannerman in a corner surrounded by offices and houses. Although the deity, origin, and the year of its founding aren't known, it's still a popular spot in the community. ・Takatoro (Jotomyo-dai) Stone Lantern [0:42~] Takatoro (Jotomyo-dai) was built in 1871 along Yasukuni-dori in Chiyoda, Tokyo. At the time of its construction, it served as a lighthouse as it was very close to the sea. To the people of Tokyo at the time of its construction, it was a tower to show the power of the newly formed government of the Emperor, and is now sometimes called New Edo Tower. ・Nihon Ki-in [1:05~] Nihon Ki-in is located in Gobancho, Chiyoda, Tokyo, in front of Ichigaya Station. It's the headquarters of the Japanese Go community, and is a place where the traditional culture of Go has been inherited and cultivated since ancients times, and is a place where many professionals are trained. Summary of Ichigaya, a Popular Spot in Tokyo Photo:Ichigaya Station, Tokyo Ichigaya has long been famous as a high-end residential area. Because of its convenience, it's always full of people who wish to live there. Ichigaya Station is home to many prominent buildings in Japan and offers easy access to major cities in Tokyo. Ichigaya is a safe and appealing place to be, so be sure to explore the area when visiting Tokyo! 【Official Website】Chiyoda, Tokyo Official Website https://www.city.chiyoda.lg.jp/ -
Video article 1:06
The Tanenashi Persimmon – A Japanese Superfood to Help Combat Fall Fatigue! Learn About the Delicious Fruit From Wakayama That's Full of Vitamins and Nutrients!
Life & Business Food & Drink- 63 plays
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The Tanenashi Persimmons of Wakayama, Japan: Video Introduction This video, titled "Preventing Fall Fatigue! Wakayama's Tanenashi Persimmon! The First Persimmon Recognized as a Japanese Superfood!" (秋バテ対策に!柿史上初のジャパニーズスーパーフード『和歌山のたねなし柿』とは?), was uploaded by "News TV." The persimmon, an ancient Japanese fruit, has long been a favorite of the Japanese people. Persimmons are said to have originated in East Asia, including China and Japan, and were introduced to the West from Japan, hence the scientific name "kaki," the Japanese word for persimmon. Experts have also noticed that the persimmon is great for combating fall fatigue! Highly nutritious, the persimmon is thought to be beneficial for beauty and health, and in particular, Wakayama's tanenashi persimmon has been certified as a Japanese Superfood. Check out this video to broaden your knowledge of persimmons! What is Fall Fatigue? Symptoms and Causes Photo:A woman feeling unwell The term fall fatigue refers to the feeling of sluggishness and inability to recover from fatigue despite the gradual easing of the summer heat and gradual improvement in overall comfort. The main symptoms are loss of appetite, fatigue, lack of sleep, stiff shoulders, and rough skin. It's said to be caused by a disturbance in the autonomic nervous system due to the repetitive changes in temperature from late summer to early autumn, including changes in outside temperatures and temperature changes between warm days and cold nights. [Video] 0:29 - What is Fall fatigue? Persimmons – The Best Medicine For Fall Fatigue Photo:Persimmons Persimmons are so rich in nutrients that there's even a Japanese proverb that goes "When the persimmons change color, the doctors turn blue." This is alluding to the fact that once persimmons are in season, doctors are no longer necessary because people stop getting sick thanks to eating them. The simple sugars contained in persimmons are quickly absorbed and easily converted into energy, and help the body recover from fall fatigue. [Video] 0:34 - Persimmons Are Effective for Recovering From Fall Fatigue Persimmons also contain high levels of vitamin C, vitamin A, and polyphenols. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, a protein that makes up the body's skin, and is the source of persimmon's beauty benefits. It also has antioxidant properties, is effective in preventing arteriosclerosis and aging, and boosts the immune system. Vitamin A helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes, strengthens resistance, and has anti-aging effects. In addition, polyphenols called "persimmon tannins" play such an important role in beauty and health that they can be expected to thin the blood, lower blood pressure, reduce increases in blood sugar levels, and rejuvenate blood vessels. In addition to tannins, catechins and flavonoids also have detoxifying and antibacterial effects, improve sensitivity to cold, and eliminate prolonged fatigue and sluggishness. Persimmon Season in Japan & Popular Varieties Photo:Persimmons on display at a supermarket In general, persimmons are said to be in season from fall to winter, around September to December in Japan. Some persimmons grown in plastic greenhouses are available at markets from summer (July-August), but major stores in Japan start selling them around mid-September, when outdoor-grown persimmons begin to be harvested. In October, shipments from major production areas increase, and distribution peaks from October to November. There are early and late harvest varieties, so you can expect to find persimmons in many supermarkets in Japan until roughly December. The three most popular persimmon varieties in Japan are, first, the popular fuyu persimmon known for its perfect sweetness, which is the most popular and top-produced persimmon in Japan. Harvesting of fuyu persimmons begins around November in most production areas. While the distribution of persimmons as a whole is highest from October to November, the fuyu persimmon season is slightly later, from November to December. Also known as the "king of persimmons," the fuyu persimmon reaches peak flavor in late fall and winter, when the weather starts getting chilly. The second most popular persimmon in Japan is the Hira tanenashi persimmon. This persimmon is characterized by its lack of seeds. Harvesting begins around mid-October in Japan, and the best time to eat them is from late October to early December. The third variety is the Tonewase persimmon from Nara Prefecture, which is closely associated with persimmons, as exemplified by the haiku As I bite into a persimmon A bell rings Horyuji Temple - Masaoka Shiki ※Horyuji being a famous temple in Nara prefecture It is a mildly sweet variety, and is recommended to be shipped after removing the astringency with alcohol, etc., as it's not a sweet persimmon, but an astringent persimmon. A Delicious Way to Enjoy Persimmon, a Fruit Synonymous With Autumn in Japan Photo:Cutting persimmons Persimmons can be eaten as sweet persimmons or dried persimmons, and there are a variety of different ways to eat them. Persimmons have a strong image of being eaten as a dessert in Japan, but we would like to introduce a recipe for preparing persimmons in a dish to enjoy the flavors of autumn. You can enjoy persimmons as a snack or side dish. ■Stir-Fried Persimmon and Pork [Ingredients] Pear - 1 Pork belly - 250g Japanese mustard spinach - 1/2 a bag Sesame oil - 1 tbsp. Cooking sake - 2 tbsp. Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. Sliced cayenne pepper - A pinch [How to Make] 1. Peel and cut persimmons into small pieces. 2. Wash the komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach) lightly and cut into 3 cm strips. 3. Cut the pork belly into bite-size pieces. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan, add pork belly and fry. When the meat browns, add komatsuna and sauté lightly. 4. When the komatsuna becomes soft, add the cut persimmon and seasonings and stir-fry. When the seasonings are well mixed, serve on a plate. Summary of Tanenashi Persimmons, the Japanese Super Food Persimmons are full of nutrients and have great potential for beauty and health. When checking the efficacy of its ingredients, it was even deemed a superfood! You'll probably want to try some delicious persimmons after reading this article. Have a healthy and splendid autumn with the power of this ancient Japanese fruit! -
Video article 6:01
Video introduction of "Toda", a candy shop in Fukaya City, Saitama Prefecture! The retro Showa-era atmosphere brings back memories of those days!
Shopping- 395 plays
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Video Introduction of "Toda" Candy Store in Fukaya City, Saitama Prefecture This video, titled "[Japan's Old-Time Dagashiya] A Look at Toda in Fukaya, Saitama" (【昔ながらの駄菓子屋さん】埼玉県深谷市 の 「とうだ」ってどんな所?), was released by "Donna tokoro? TV" (どんな所?TV). "Dagashiya" are something that many of those who were born in Showa era Japan are familiar with. Dagashi are inexpensive snacks made and sold for children. They're essentially the equivalent of penny candy in the U.S. Each product is small and sold in small portions, many of them costing only 5 to 30 yen each. This makes it possible for children to buy them with their allowances. Many of the snacks come with extras or winning "lottery" tickets, and if you ever experienced this kind of candy culture as a kid you know how much fun it was. In this article, we take you inside Japan's "Dagashiya," the once popular hangouts for children. Be sure to follow along with the video as it explores "Toda," a Showa retro dagashiya in Fukaya (深谷市, Fukaya-Shi), Saitama (埼玉県, Saitama-Ken), in Japan's Kanto Region (関東地方, Kanto-Chiho). The History of Japan's Dagashi Photo:Dagashiya Do you know where the name "dagashi" comes from? It's actually a term that refers to all sorts of sweets made with unrefined brown sugar. Since refined white sugar and granulated sugar were expensive raw materials back in the day, it's said that making dagashi started as an attempt to reduce the cost of materials as much as possible and to make snacks using unrefined brown sugar that common people and children could eat with a sense of security. Because of this, dagashi became very popular among children, and it's said that during the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.), many candy shops specializing in dagashi were established in various towns. Variations on the term "dagashi" also increased, and it became common to refer to inexpensive sweets for children as dagashi, in addition to sweets made with brown sugar. These are the roots of today's dagashiya shops. Let's take a look at some traditional dagashi. ・Sendai-dagashi Nowadays, it's considered a high-class Japanese sweet, but in the Edo period, it was a popular snack for the common people. Misopan (Miso bread) and karumera-yaki are typical Sendai sweets. ・Kokusen, Kankan-bo A typical roasted grain candy made from soybeans, sesame, and soybean flour. ・Kuro-bo A chunky textured, bread-like pastry made from flour, brown sugar, and eggs. ・Fu-chan A kind of fugashi (dried wheat gluten coated with sugar made from sugarcane). ・Karume-yaki Today, it's less common to see them at food stalls at festivals, but they're a type of dagashi with nice crunchy texture. Karumera-yaki from Sendai is the same thing. Photo:Konpeito ・Konpeito A very venerable confectionary that even the Imperial family has a custom of distributing during celebrations. As white sugar became more affordable, dagashiya stores began to carry it as well. ・Tirol Choco A prominent product that's still popular in dagashiya today. ・Umai-bo Considered an ace-class dagashi. ・Yotchan-Ika (Seasoned Squid) An excellent snack for drinks. ・Kyabetsu-Taro A popular snack that is now sold in convenience stores as part of a renewed boom in dagashi. There are a lot more popular dagashi, such as ・POTATO FRY ・Fruit-Mochi ・Tara-Tara-Shitenja-neyo (Fish paste chips) The Dagashi Sold at Toda, a Dagashiya in Fukaya, Saitama. Photo:Dagashiya The dagashi store in Fukaya, Saitama, shown in the video, has been run by one woman by herself since its opening. The appearance of the store is that of a dagashiya that was a familiar place for children to hang out during Showa era Japan. The store's name paint is now faded, and the red tent curtain on the roof, a symbol of a dagashiya, has also faded, but the entrance is lined with many gacha-pon machines, and the store is filled with nostalgic snacks, ice candies, toys, and stationery. The world may change but this sweets shop keeps on doing what it always has - selling candy. The video shows some of the most popular dagashi items that have been loved by children throughout the years. For those in their 40s and older, these items are a reminder of the good old days! They include Kamayaki Santaro, super ball lottery, medaka-chan game, candies, Maburu-gum, bubble gum, "Cola ball" (Coke Jell-O), yogurt, Choco-bat-Ace (home run bar), "lotteries" (if you win, you get snacks or toys), and more! However, the times have changed, now Reiwa era. However, the times have changed, and the wrapping paper of the candy is now printed with characters such as Fukka-chan, a mascot character, or characters from popular TV anime, clearly reflecting the current times. "Toda" is still a popular dagashi store where adult customers visit with their children. Summary of Japan's Dagashiya, the Once Popular Hangouts for Kids Photo:Kawagoe Candy Alley, Saitama Prefecture From the end of the Showa period to the Heisei period, the dagashi industry temporarily declined, and the number of dagashiya stores decreased drastically. Instead of dagashiya stores however, mass merchandisers (such as Niki's Confectionery, Kobe Bussan, etc.) that sell assorted dagashi in large quantities have become popular on retro shopping streets such as Ameyoko in Ueno. This has sparked a revival in dagashi. Besides these stores, self-service all-you-can-eat Dagashi-Bars or Dagashiya-Bar are also becoming popular. In these bars, you can enjoy a wide variety of delicious snacks, such as okaki (rice crackers) and surume-ika (squid), which go great together with drinks. In Kawagoe (川越市, Kawagoe-Shi), Saitama, there's "Dagashiya Yokocho" (Candy Alley) lined with dagashi manufacturers and wholesalers, making it a highly popular tourist spot in Saitama. The popularity of dagashi is still strong online, and there are even dagashi stores that specialize in online shopping! Consider experiencing the nostalgia of Showa Japan with the delicious dagashi of Japan's good-old days! -
Video article 11:36
Making Delicious Shaved Ice With Fresh Fruit. Frozen Treats and ASMR to Cool Off and Relax This Summer
Food & Drink Life & Business- 52 plays
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ASMR Shaved Ice Made With Fresh Fruit: Video Introduction This video, titled "Variety of Shaved Ice! Watermelon, Peach, Melon, Pineapple," was uploaded by "Chocolate Cacao." In this video, you'll learn how to make delicious shaved ice using fresh fruit. The video also features some relaxing ASMR! The sounds of cutting and crushing fruits, shaving flavored ice, etc. are a treat for the ears, making this video perfect for ASMR enthusiasts. Be sure to check out the video as you follow along with this article. How to Make Shaved Ice With Fresh Fruit and Chocolate Milk! Source :YouTube screenshot Here are the delicious fresh fruit shaved ice recipes shown in the video. ●Watermelon Shaved Ice ・Cut off the ends of a sliced watermelon so that it can be used as a bowl (to be frozen later). ・Hollow out the inside, remove the seeds, and freeze in the container for shaved ice. ・Serve in the frozen container. [Video] 0:43 - How to Make Shaved Ice With Fresh Watermelon In the video, cocoa is added to the finished watermelon shaved ice. It is an unexpected combination, but apparently it goes well together. ●Melon Shaved Ice ・Cut the melon in half, remove the seeds, and mash the melon while hollowing out the inside with a spoon. ・The melon rind is also used as a bowl, so freeze the melon and its contents separately. ・Place the shaved melon ice in the frozen bowl. [Video] 2:29 - How to Make Shaved Ice With Fresh Melon The cocoa doesn't seem to go well with the melon as much as with the watermelon, but the melon shaved ice itself seems to be very delicious. ●Peach Shaved Ice ・Cut the peaches in half, remove seeds, and peel. ・Cut the peaches into pieces so that they can be easily packed in the containers, mash them in a bowl, and freeze them in the containers. ・When frozen shave and serve in a glass bowl. [Video] 1:47 - How to Shaved Ice With Fresh Peaches Cocoa doesn't go well with peach shaved ice, as you might imagine. It seems to be best with no chocolate. ●Pineapple Shaved Ice ・The pineapples shaved ice also uses the rind as a bowl, so remove the leaves, avoid the core, and hollow out the inside. ・Cut off the core and freeze the contents and container separately. ・Place the frozen contents in the pineapple bowl. [Video] 3:09 - How to Make Shaved Ice With Fresh Pineapple In the video they recommend no cocoa for this one either. The coolness of the pineapple is delicious and great for cooling off in the summer heat. ●Chocolate Shaved Ice [Ingredients] Milk: 100 ml Granulated sugar: 12g Cocoa powder: 6g Couverture chocolate (70% cocoa content): 30g Fresh cream (45% fat): 30 ml ・Chop the couverture chocolate. ・Mix the milk with the granulated sugar and cocoa powder over low heat. ・Add the chopped couverture and mix well. ・Turn off the heat, stir in the cream, remove from heat and freeze. ・Shave the frozen chocolate with a shaved ice machine and serve. [Video] 4:01 - How to Make Shaved Ice With Frozen Chocolate Fluffy Shaved Ice With a DOSHISHA Shaved Ice Machine In Japan, this kind of shaved ice, with its fluffy yet crunchy texture is the most common type you'll find. Pearl Life's shaved ice machine used in the video can make frozen fruit shaved ice with the same texture. The latest model from Doushisha, which sells a number of electric shaved ice machines, can reproduce the fluffy, crunchy texture as well as a thicker texture, making it possible to enjoy shaved ice just like you'd get at a restaurant. Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka: 3 Places to Enjoy Delicious Shaved Ice Made With Fresh Fruit! Not many stores offer shaved ice using fresh fruit. Here we'll introduce some of the most delicious and Instagrammable shaved ice stores that use fresh fruit. [Tokyo] ・Cochill Juice - (Kameido) This shaved ice is made from with whole Shizuoka BENI-HOPPE strawberries, produced by a fruit juice specialty store. This fresh fruit shaved ice is seasonal, so it's definitely worth trying during the summer months. [Kyoto] Yukinoshita (雪ノ下) (Kyoto Headquarters) (Nakagyo, Kyoto) This shaved ice made from fresh fruit is made by a store famous for its pancakes. Please note that reservations are required to enter the store. [Osaka] Kakigoran (かきごおらん) (Kita, Osaka City) Kakigoran offers shaved ice made from fresh fruits without using any water. You can enjoy luxurious shaved ice made with popular fruits. Summary of Shaved Ice With Fresh Fruit Did you enjoy the tasty-looking shaved ice and soothing ASMR? Shaved ice is a popular sweet treat in the hot summer months in Japan and is easy to make at home. Nowadays, you can even use a store-bought shaved ice machine to enjoy shaved ice like it's served at a restaurant. Frozen fruit shaved ice using fresh fruit from convenience stores in Japan is easy to make. By topping the fluffy, crunchy ice with syrup, ice cream, chocolate, and other toppings, you can enjoy your own original shaved ice treat. You can make it even more stylish by using the fruit rinds as a bowl. Try making some delicious and stylish shaved ice this summer and enjoy the sunny weather! -
Video article 4:22
Sanuki Kagari Temari - A Traditional Handicraft of Takamatsu, Kagawa. Enjoy an Inside Look At How the Beautiful Patterns Are Made!
Traditional Culture Traditional Crafts- 219 plays
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Sanuki Kagari Temari! This time, we'll be taking a look at the video "Sanuki Kagari Temari" (讃岐かがり手まり) released by "Japan Video Topics," that introduces Sanuki Kagari Temari. Sanuki Kagari Temari is a traditional handicraft that has been made in Takamatsu, Kagawa, in Japan's Shikoku region (四国地方, Shikoku-Chiho), for many years. With its elegant patterns, Sanuki Kagari Temari has been popular as a trinket for women and children. The beautiful patterns of cherry blossoms, maple trees, and cute animals are something you'll never get tired of looking at. Nowadays, they are also popular as decorative goods. Sanuki Kagari Temari has been popular among common people since the mid-Edo period (around 1700-1800 A.D.) as a fun activity to enjoy on New Year's Day, and has been handed down to the present day over a long period of time. How Sanuki Kagari Temari is Made Source :YouTube screenshot You can see how Sanuki Kagari Temari are made from 0:53 in the video. The cores of Sanuki Kagari Temari are made of rice husks. They are then wrapped completely with cotton thread to shape them into beautiful balls. When making Sanuki Kagari Temari, a dividing line is drawn with thread to serve as a guiding line for drawing patterns. The guiding lines for drawing detailed patterns are all wrapped by hand. This process can be seen from 1:08 in the video. The next step is to make the pattern by hand using marking pins. As the craft maker puts the thread together, a beautiful geometric pattern is created on the ball. The cotton threads used to sew the Sanuki Kagari Temari are dyed with natural plant dyes, a process called "Kusaki-Zome." There are around 140 different colors that can be used to color the cloth. Try Your Hand at Making Sanuki Kagari Temari! Source :YouTube screenshot If you want to experience making Sanuki Kagari Temari, check out the website of the "SANUKI KAGARI TEMARI Preservation Association." The website offers an online shopping section where you can buy handicraft kits that help you experience Sanuki Kagari Temari easily. Why not buy a set and enjoy making your own colorful Sanuki Kagari Temari? There are also workshops in Kagawa Prefecture where you can learn how to make and play with Sanuki Kagari Temari. Summary of Sanuki Kagari Temari, a Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we introduced Sanuki Kagari Temari, a traditional craft of Kagawa Prefecture. This video was made for those who are interested in Japanese culture, life, and customs. Sanuki Kagari Temari is the perfect souvenir to commemorate your trip to Kagawa Prefecture. You can buy Sanuki Kagari Temari products online as well, so if the video has you interested, be sure to check out their online store. 【Official Website】 SANUKI KAGARI TEMARI http://www.eiko-temari.jp/ -
Video article 4:35
Enjoy Japanese Kimono Culture With "Yuki Tsumugi," a Traditional Japanese Craft! The Beautifully Designed and Supremely Comfortable Kimonos, Made by Hand With Time and Care, Are Truly Luxurious!
Traditional Crafts- 175 plays
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What is Yuki Tsumugi? This video was created by "Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square." It's titled "TEWAZA Yuki Tsugumi Textile" (手技TEWAZA「結城紬」Yuki Tsumugi Textile), and it introduces how the traditional Kimono "Yuki Tsumugi" is made. Yuki Tsumugi kimono are known as a high-quality Japanese textile. It is mainly produced in the Kanto region, in places like Ibaraki Prefecture and Tochigi Prefecture. This high quality textile is made of pure silk, a fabric loved by customers due to its softness and how light it is. There are many different designs as well, from simple plain designs, to elegant patterns requiring an incredibly skilled artisan. Being made from natural materials, Yuki Tsumugi kimono are incredibly comfortable and keep you warm even during the colder months of the year. This video shows viewers how Yuki Tsumugi kimono are made. The skilled techniques of the craftsman are also shown in the video; be sure to follow along! The Traditional Craft, Yuki Tsumugi: History Source :YouTube screenshot The origin of Yuki Tsumugi kimono dates back more than 1,300 years. By the Nara period (710-794), Yuki Tsumugi kimono were already being given as gifts to the imperial court as a specialty of the Hitachi Province (current day Ibaraki). Some of the original Yuki Tsumugi kimono are still safely kept at the Shosoin Repository in Nara. In the Muromachi (1336-1573) and Edo Periods (1603-1868), the tradition of Yuki Tsumugi was protected, cultivated and passed on as tradition by the Yuki family. Yuki Tsumugi was also registered as an Important Intangible Cultural Property in 1956 and as a traditional craft in 1977. The Traditional Craft, Yuki Tsumugi: How It's Made Source :YouTube screenshot In Ibaraki and Tochigi prefectures, the home of Yuki Tsumugi kimono, silk has been used for hand woven textiles since ancient times. 1. Silk Floss Making (0:30) 2. Hand-spinning (1:27) Hand-spun yarns are spun from a material called true cotton, which is made by gently boiling silkworm cocoons. This is what is so special about Yuki Tsumugi. In the video at 0:53, one of the Yuki Tsumugi craftsmen explains that a single layer of kimono is made using 2200 cocoons, and the total length of the silk yarn is 30 km (nearly 10,000 ft). 3. Tying yarn to make patterns (1:53) The part tied with a thread will remain undyed and will be left as a pattern. 4. Dyeing yarns by beating (2:35) Beating the silk in this way allows the dye to sink into the fabric more deeply. 5. Hand weaving (3:12) The crucial component here is waist strength, as this will determine the texture of the final product. The threads are woven tens of thousands of times to create beautiful patterns. Purchasing the high quality Yuki Tsumugi Yuki Tsumugi kimono and obi have a quality unlike any other textile and are very popular items. Not only brand new Yuki Tsumugi, but also used Yuki Tsumugi kimono can be quite expensive. An official Yuki Tsumugi kimono comes with a certification stamp with a design of a woman hand spinning using silk cocoons. If you're not sure whether you're buying the correct item, check the certificate stamp and you'll know whether it's a luxury Yuki Tsumugi kimono or not. The Traditional Craft, Yuki Tsumugi: Summary Photo:A Woman in Kimono In Japan, the beautiful culture of kimono has been around since ancient times. What you see in the video is one of the most expensive and popular kimono, Yuki Tsumugi. It's very rare to see actual footage of how Yuki Tsumugi kimono are made. If you're interested in learning more about kimono, be sure to visit Japan and try on a high quality Yuki Tsumugi kimono! 【Official Website】Honba Yuki Tsumugi, Okujun Co.,Ltd. http://www.okujun.co.jp/english/ 【Official Website】Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/ -
Video article 6:30
Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai - A Tofu Specialty Store in Minato, Tokyo. Enjoy Delicious Food and a Beautiful Japanese Garden in the Middle of the City!
Food & Drink- 49 plays
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Video introduction of "Tokyo Shiba Tofu Restaurant Kai", a tofu specialty restaurant in Minato-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "[Japanese Cuisine] Tofuya Ukai (【和食】とうふ屋うかい Touhuya Ukai), was released by "美味しんブログ Delicious blog." Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai, shown in the video, is a tofu specialty store with a marvelous garden in Tokyo Tower located in Tokyo's Minato Ward. It's rare to find a tofu specialty store; however, their charm is their delicious food and gardens and also the surrounding scenery unique to the city. The Japanese dishes pair well with sake, and it's a place that we highly recommend checking out if you have the chance. Now, let's take a look at Tofuya Ukai! The Tofuya Ukai Monthly Course Shown in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot The video shows the monthly course at Tofuya Ukai, so we'll be introducing it to you here. ① Appetizer The 1st item on the course, which can be seen from 2:27 in the video, is abalone and somen (thin noodles), a Japanese lantern filled with bayberry, seared pressed sushi, and shrimp karasumi. It's a luxurious menu from the get-go! ② Specialty Age-Dengaku The 2nd item on the course, seen from 3:03 in the video, is the famous age-dengaku, a type of deep fried tofu. It can be enjoyed even more by eating it with the finely cut white leeks that come with it. ③ Minced Shrimp Dumplings The 3rd item on the course, which can be seen from 3:26 in the video is a minced shrimp dumpling. Don't let its appearance deceive you as this dish is bursting with flavor. Source :YouTube screenshot ④ Kamo Eggplant with Sesame Sauce The 4th item on the course, seen from 3:35 in the video, is Kamo eggplant with sesame sauce. The eggplant with sesame sauce has a simple appearance but is made from carefully selected ingredients and has a powerful taste that makes it not the least bit inferior to other dishes. ⑤ Specialty Tosui Tofu The 5th item on the course, seen from 4:09 in the video, is the famous specialty Tosui Tofu. Once you try this tofu, you'll never be satisfied with any other tofu. ⑥ Special Selection Charcoal Grilled Wagyu Beef The 6th item on the course, seen from 4:17 in the video, is the special selection charcoal grilled wagyu beef that has been luxuriously grilled over charcoal. The delicious charcoal grilled wagyu beef pairs unexpectedly well with wasabi. ⑦ Ayu Rice The 7th item on the course, seen from 5:17 in the video, is, ayu rice, in which ayu (sweetfish) has been expertly cooked in rice. The set of simple but delicious ayu rice and miso soup warms and heals the body from the core. ⑧ Fig The 8th item on the course, seen from 5:38 in the video, is the dessert item, fig. You can eat one after the other, with the figs having a strong sweet taste. This monthly course is ¥14,200 including tax. Summary of Tofuya Ukai Photo:Teppanyaki meat In this article we introduced "Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai." Not only can you enjoy course meals at this tofu specialty restaurant, but you can also buy souvenirs as well. Be sure to check them out when you visit if you're looking for gifts for friends and family. Many of the items have a rustic Japanese atmosphere about them. The kaiseki cuisine centered on the tofu of the well-known restaurant Tofuya Ukai is packed with flavors that represent the spirit of Washoku. The menu is also quite extensive, and all seats are non-smoking with private rooms available for reservation. That being said, you can feel at ease even when coming with children. In addition to the Tokyo Shiba branch introduced in the video, "Tofuya Ukai" also includes Kawasaki's "Tofuya Ukai Saginuma Branch" and Tokyo Hachioji's "Tofuya Ukai Owada Branch." The Ukai Group includes Ukai Toriyama, Ukai Chikutei, Ginza kappou ukai, “Roppongi kappou ukai, Roppongi Ukai-tei, Hachioji Ukai-tei, Ginza Ukai-tei, Omotesando Ukai-tei, Yokahama Ukai-tei, Azamino Ukai-tei, Grill Ukai Marunouchi Branch, and Le Poulet Brasserie Ukai, with many restaurants being operated in the outskirts of Tokyo. Consider checking these out as well Tofuya Ukai offers hospitality in all its forms, from the food, to the Sukiya-style architecture that retains a chic Edo feel, to the garden that changes its appearance in each of Japan's beautiful four seasons. If you're thinking of traveling to Tokyo, consider making reservations! ◆Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai|Restaurant Overview◆ 【Address】4-4-13 Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 【Directions】 A 5-minute walk from the Akabanebashi Exit of Toei Oedo Line Akabanebashi Station A 9-minute walk from the #1 Exit of Tokyo Metro Hibiya line Kamiyacho Station A 7-minute walk from the A4 Exit of Toei Mita Line Shiba Koen Station A 20-minute walk from the North Exit of JR Hamamatsucho Station 【Hours】 Weekdays 11:45 - 15:00, 17:00 - 19:30 Saturday・Sunday・Holidays 11:00 - 19:30 【Telephone】03-3436-1028 【Official Website】Tokyo・Shiba Koen Tofu Kaiseki Cuisine "Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai" https://www.ukai.co.jp/english/shiba/ 【Yelp】Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E6%9D%B1%E4%BA%AC-%E8%8A%9D-%E3%81%A8%E3%81%86%E3%81%B5%E5%B1%8B%E3%81%86%E3%81%8B%E3%81%84-%E6%B8%AF%E5%8C%BA?osq=Tofuya+Ukai -
Video article 3:00
The Internationally Recognized, Two Michelin-Starred Temple in Tsuruoka, Yamagata – Churenji Temple, Built by Koubou Daishi/Kukai, Is a Sacred Spot Dedicated to "Sokushinbutsu," aka Living Buddhas!
Art & Architecture- 374 plays
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What is the Michelin-starred "Shigenji Temple" in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture? This is a video titled "Michelin Churenji" produced by yamagatakoho to promote Churenji Temple. Michelin Green Guide is a guidebook which introduces various tourist spots in Japan. Michelin is also well-known for its "star ranking" system. Source :YouTube screenshot This article introduces Churenji Temple in Yamagata, Japan. The old temple was built by Kukai. The premises are filled with many attractive spots and the temple serves as a popular tourist destination. Having a two-star rating on Michelin Green Guide, Churenji Temple is a must-visit spot if you're taking a trip to Yamagata. Enjoy the video showcasing the attractions of Churenji Temple recommended by Michelin. Instagrammable Spots at Churenji Temple, Yamagata Source :YouTube screenshot Churenji Temple in Yamagata was founded by Kukai in 825 AD and his apprentice Shinzen constructed Gongendo in 835 AD. The surrounding area has a lot of shrines and temples such as Dainichibou, Enryuji Temple (円立寺, Enryuji), and Kaikouji Temple (海向寺, Kaijouji), and there are many instagrammable places on the premises, such as the Shimekake Cherry Blossoms, and Waniguchi, Japan's largest metal Buddhist altar. Check out the video at 0:27 to see some of these locations. The elegant Mt. Yudono is filled with a rich natural landscape throughout all seasons and is the tourist spot that represents Yamagata. Many people gather here to collect the sacred red stamps and pray. Attractions at Churenji Temple in Yamagata – Sokushinbutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Churenji Temple in Mt. Yudono has many attractions. Rated two stars in the Michelin Green Guide, Sokushinbutsu is a must-see. Sokushinbutsu (living buddhas) refers to Buddhist priests mummified alive after 3,000 days of fasting. Churenji Temple is dedicated to Tetsumonkai Shonin who was mummified at the age of 62. In addition, six immortalized Buddha statues of former Shurenji priests are enshrined in Yamagata Prefecture, including Tetsuryukai Shonin in Nangakuji Temple (南岳寺, Nangakuji). This is one of the highest numbers in Japan, and the amulets that contain the blessings of the sokushinbutsu are very popular due to being blessed with spiritual power. Sokushinbutsu in Churenji Temple appears in the video at 1:38. Recommended Attractions at Churenji Temple, Yamagata – The Painted Ceiling Source :YouTube screenshot The ceiling of the main temple at Churenji is covered with paintings by notable artists, old and new, famous and unknown. The most renowned ones include "Hiten No Zu" (a drawing of heavenly beings in the skies) painted by Sekisai Murai, "Tenku No Tobira" (Heaven's Gate) and a drawing of dragons by an unknown artist. This is shown in the video at 0:39, and the paintings spread all over the ceiling are a masterpiece. You can see the impressive painting of dragons at 1:25. Summary of Churenji Temple in Yamagata The ancient Japanese temple has another face as the temple where the story of Gassan, a novel written by an Akutagawa-Prize winner Atsushi Mori, takes places. The novel was made into a film and awarded the grand prix at the Salerno International Film Festival. Thanks to the achievement, Churenji Temple and the Mt. Yudono area garnered international attention as tourist spots. You can see a huge rock with “Gassan” carved on it in the video at 0:18. This article introduces the amazing Churenji Temple which represents Japan and is also recognized by Michelin. You can also see the attractions mentioned in the article in the video. Please enjoy the attractive locations, full of Japanese history. Mt. Yudono Churenji Temple Information 【Address】92-1, Ooaminakadai, Tsuruoka City, Yamagata 997-0531 【Public transportation】45 minutes from Uetsu Main Line Tsuruoka Station by bus 【Entrance fee】Adult: 500 yen, under age 15: 400 yen, under age 12: 300 yen (*as of December 2019) 【Opening hour】May-October: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. November-April: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 【Regular holiday】Open throughout the year 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】(+81) 0235-54-6536 【Tripadvisor】Churenji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1023682-d1397255-r205050717-Churenji_Temple-Tsuruoka_Yamagata_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 1:40
The Popular Gourmet Restaurants in Miyazaki Prefecture Are Full of Superb Food That Will Make Even the Most Discerning Foodies Rejoice! Enjoy the Asmr Video, a New Attempt to Introduce the Cooking Process With a Focus on the Sounds of Cooking!
Local PR- 35 plays
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宮崎県の人気グルメをASMR動画で楽しむ こちらの動画は「miyazakiken allmiyazaki」が公開した「【ASMR】Sound of hinata food / 日本のひなた宮崎県 食PR動画」です。 日本の和食グルメや郷土料理、B級グルメを目当てに来日する観光客が近年増えています。 そんな中、国内でも豊富な和食やご当地グルメを味わえる宮崎県が話題になりつつあります。 こちらの動画では、宮崎県の誇るグルメの音にスポットを当て、野菜や魚、肉などの食材を調理する際に出る音をASMR映像で紹介しています。 調理の他にも、日本酒の瓶を開ける音や野菜をちぎる音は、聞いていてとても楽しいものとなっています。 食材の調理風景を目ではなく、音として楽しませるのは画期的で新しいですね。 今回はグルメも唸る、音で楽しめる宮崎県の和食をはじめとした料理の数々をご紹介します。 宮崎県の人気グルメ「チキン南蛮」 チキン南蛮は、宮崎県の名産グルメです。 甘いタレをかけた唐揚げと卵を使ったタルタルソースを主な材料とした料理で、宮崎県が発祥と言われています。 その独特な味と見た目から、国内の様々な定食屋や家庭で調理されており、和食と呼ぶに相応しい存在になっています。 宮崎県に訪れた際には、発祥の味を1度は味わってみたいですね! 宮崎県の人気グルメ「宮崎牛」 松坂牛や近江牛といったご当地の和牛があることは広く知られていますが、宮崎牛もその一角を担っています。 日本和食格付協会で4等級以上の品質を保つ牛肉にのみ、この名称は付けられています。 そのため食材としての品質は国内最高峰。 調理方法は主にステーキ。 素材の味をそのまま楽しめる食べ方がおすすめです。 どんなグルメも唸らせる宮崎牛は、宮崎県に訪れた際に必ず食べたい一品ですね。 宮崎県の人気グルメ「肉巻きおにぎり」 肉巻きおにぎりは宮崎県のB級グルメの1つです。 その名の通り、海苔の代わりに肉を材料に使用したおにぎりで、肉の脂とごはんの甘みが非常にマッチしています。 そのレシピの簡単さから、宮崎県内の様々なレストランや食堂で味わうことが可能。 価格もリーズナブルです。 宮崎牛を使用した極上の和食、B級グルメとも言える人気の肉巻きおにぎりを、一度食べてみたいものですね。 宮崎県の人気グルメ「きんかん、日向夏、マンゴー」 宮崎県はその気候を生かした熱帯系フルーツの産地としても知られています。 中でもマンゴーは有名で、太陽のタマゴの愛称で贈与品としての人気が高く、様々な用途で利用されています。 きんかんや日向夏も様々な料理や材料に使用した加工品が親しまれており、ジュースや和食として古くから親しまれてきたお菓子はお土産品として人気が高いです。 とれたては栄養価も高く嬉しいですね。 宮崎県に訪れた際は、これらの品質の高いフルーツを味わってみたいですね。 宮崎県の人気グルメ紹介まとめ 今回は宮崎県のグルメや和食についてまとめました。 チキン南蛮や宮崎牛、マンゴーと数え始めたらきりがない様々な和食や郷土料理を味わうことができる宮崎県に、グルメ旅行してみるのもいいですね! -
Video article 1:01
Roppongi Art Night – A One-Night Art Extravaganza! Experience a Festival of Art in the Heart of Tokyo!
Travel Traditional Culture Modern Culture Festivals & Events Traditional Crafts Art & Architecture- 17 plays
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Roppongi Art Night Video Introduction This video, titled "Roppongi Art Night|Spin-off Project_Message Video 'Right Now, Can Art Revitalize the City?'" (六本木アートナイト スピンオフ・プロジェクト_メッセージ映像「いま、アートで街を元気にできる?」), was uploaded by "Roppongi Art Night - Digital [RAN TV]" (六本木アートナイト・デジタル【RAN TV】). The video contains a powerful message with the theme, "Right Now, Can Art Revitalize the City?" Be sure to check it out. Roppongi Art Night - An Art Festival in the City of Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In March 2009, Tokyo's leading art festival began with the launch of Roppongi Art Night. Roppongi Art Night was held with the aim of proposing a new lifestyle of enjoying new art in daily life and creating a pioneering model for urban development in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The festival has been gaining popularity year after year as a one-night-only art festival that allows visitors to experience the extraordinary by arranging a variety of artworks, not only contemporary art, but also design and music, throughout Roppongi, where various commercial and cultural facilities are concentrated. Roppongi Art Night 2021 Canceled Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic Photo:People wearing masks Roppongi Art Night has been held since 2009, but due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, Roppongi Art Night 2021, which was scheduled to take place in the fall of 2021, was postponed to March 18, 2022. However, unable to escape the effects of the pandemic, the Roppongi Art Night Executive Committee decided to outright cancel the festival, and many users on Twitter expressed their disappointment and sadness at the announcement. In response, an online event called the "Inclusive Art Program" was held to encourage people to share the enjoyment of art despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and many art fans participated and had a great time at the events. Have an Amazing Time at Roppongi Art Night! Source :YouTube screenshot The charm of Roppongi Art Night is that visitors can enjoy art outside of art museums. The entire town of Roppongi is the stage. The main attraction of Roppongi Art Night is that everyone is welcome to participate in the event, including those who are invited to submit video works and other artworks. In past Roppongi Art Night events, furoshiki was the main theme, and furoshiki designed by Yayoi Kusama and Takeshi Kitano were shown to the public. In addition, although it was canceled, Roppongi Art Night 2021 was a collaborative project with Doraemon. There was also a program in which participants could enjoy guided tours by volunteers. Rather than a typical commentary on artworks, the program focused on a dialogue with the participants to convey the charm of Roppongi as a town. It was a fascinating program that offers each participant a unique experience. In addition, Roppongi Art Night also featured a program in which visitors could enjoy the gorgeous aroma and taste of Suntory's "Hibiki" whiskey while viewing exhibits and stories related to the whiskey. Roppongi Art Night is an event where the entire town of Roppongi becomes a stage for enjoying art. Summary of Roppongi Art Night Roppongi Art Night is a one-night event where the town of Roppongi is filled with all kinds of art. You can really feel the energy and vitality from the video! When Roppongi Art Night, one of Japan's premier art festivals, is held, consider picking up a guidebook and visiting one of the Instagram-worthy art spaces? Whether you're alone, going as a couple, with family, or participating in a guided tour or event, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Buses will be in operation during the festival, allowing visitors to enjoy the art throughout the night. Special tickets are also available, so be sure to come out and enjoy this art festival in Roppongi to the fullest! 【TripAdvisor】Roppongi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g14129735-Roppongi_Minato_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 29:15
How to Set Up a Tarp - A Definitive Guide for Solo Campers! Works for Square, Rectangle, and Hexagon Tarps Too!
Things to Do- 27 plays
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Tarps - An Essential Piece of Camping Gear In Japan, the Corona pandemic has made it difficult for many people to gather in places with large groups of people. As such, camping has been growing in popularity as a leisure activity that can be enjoyed by families, and an increasing number of people have started camping. Tents are important when camping, but another piece of equipment that's incredibly important is the tarp. In this article, we've chosen a video in which an advanced camper introduces how to set up a tarp. Video Introduction Photo:A tarp This video, titled "The Definitive Guide to Setting Up a Tarp - All the Techniques and Tips for a Perfect Setup! After This, You've Got No Excuses!" (【決定版】完璧なタープを張るテクニックとコツを余すことなく大紹介!これで張れない訳がない!), was uploaded by "" (チキューギ.). It's a detailed guide on how to set up a tarp. This channel has published various videos on tarp setup in addition to this video, but this video is a culmination of all them. The video shows how to set up a tarp without fail, even as a solo camper! If you're planning on setting a tarp up for camping any other outdoor activities, be sure to check out this video before you do it! General Information About Tarps Photo:A tarp A tarp is a large sheet of waterproof or water-resistant material without a floor that protects against the sun and rain when outdoors. The material they're made of varies, but it's generally a heavy polycotton or a light polyester. There are many different types of tarps: ・Hexagon tarps - Hexagonal tarps with two poles ・Square tarps and rectangular tarps for large groups or families ・Wing tarps - Which are almost square in shape ・One-touch tarps - Freestanding and easy to set up ・Screen tarps with mesh panels and many more. Tarp sizes range from approximately 2m to over 6m, with the type and size adjusted to the number of people and situations in which they will be used. How to Set Up a Hexagon Tarp With 2 Poles Photo:A woman hammering stakes The video explains how to set up a 2-pole hexagon tarp. However, the method can also be used for a basic 2-pole tarp, rectangle tarps, or even square tarps, so be sure to check it out. First, fold the tarp in half, place it down with the sun facing you, and drive a marker stake into the ground where the tarp's eyelet is. Place the poles in a straight line from the folded line of the fabric and place a marker stake at the end of the pole. [Video] 1:43 - Laying the tarp down [Video] 3:03 - Positioning the poles [Video] 3:32 - Marker stake Next, lay the pole down so that it is perpendicular to the marker stake you just put down. Drive another stake into the ground 2/3 of the way up the pole, at an angle such that they create a 30-degree angle between the ground and the stake, and a 90-degree angle between the stake and the guy lines. By doing this, not only is the angle determined, but also the distance the poles are from the stakes, making the tarp more wind resistant. Thread the top of the pole through the eyelet of the tarp, followed by your guy lines. Connect the guy lines to the stakes while leaving some slack, then set the poles up and tighten the guy lines. After that, tie the sub ropes in the four remaining eyelets, making sure they're tight. The video also shows how to tie sub ropes, including how to tie the Eskimo Bowline, the Bowline, the Slip Knot, and the Cow Hitch using sub ropes at four different locations. [Video] 15:37 - Tying knots for your sub-ropes Tips for Avoiding a Saggy Tarp Here's a tip for when your tarp is a bit loose after setting it up. Move the base of the poles towards the center of the tarp slightly. This creates more tension on the guy lines. Pulling the guy lines tight will remove wrinkles and creating a nice, clean-looking shelter. [Video] 22:15 - Tips for more tension Choosing the Right Camping Gear Photo:Steel stakes for securing a tent when camping Polyester can be used without the methods shown here, but polycotton and cotton tarps are heavy and can be easily affected by wind and other factors if the angle and position of the tarp isn't correct. Also, because tarps can be heavy, it's important to choose the one that's right for you when purchasing any equipment. Having said that, ropes should be 5mm or longer, and sturdy stakes, preferably 3cm or thicker, are also recommended. Safe in the Rain and Wind! Summary of How to Set Up a Tarp The video explains how to put up a tarp in an easy-to-understand manner with a variety of tips and tricks. It's a great video that can help even beginners put up a tarp beautifully and without failure. If you can put up a tarp properly, you can enjoy peace of mind even when it rains or there are strong winds. If you're a beginner who is just learning to put up a tarp, or you've managed to do it before but aren't quite confident in your skills, be sure to check out this video, as it's packed with tips from an advanced camper. -
Video article 6:58
Make a World Class Bento With This Recipe Video! This Bento Is Full of Delicious Ingredients and Nutrition!
Food & Drink- 56 plays
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独自の日本食グルメ「お弁当」紹介動画 こちらの動画は「cook kafemaru」が公開した「Japanese Bento Lunch Box 秋だもん。色とりどり~うちのお弁当♪」です。 日本食文化のひとつともいえる「お弁当」 日本人は自分用に、あるいは家族のために職場や学校にお弁当を作って持っていくのが当たり前の光景となっています。 それもそのはず、お弁当の歴史は古く、「お弁当」という言葉自体は安土桃山時代には生まれています。 実はこのお弁当、海外では「Bento」と翻訳され、辞書にも載っているほど認知された日本食の文化なのです。 というのも、海外のランチはパンにハムやチーズを挟んだお手軽サンドが一般的。 そのため、日本食の基本である焼く・煮る・炒める・揚げる・蒸すという5つの方法で新鮮な食材を調理したお弁当は珍しいのです。 さらに、お弁当箱は海外では「Bento Box」と呼ばれ、お土産として人気の雑貨となっています。 海外ではサンドイッチをプラスチックなどのボックスにつめて職場や学校にもって行きますが、凝ったデザインはそうそうないのです。 そのため、日本のお弁当箱の色とりどりのデザインや豊富な形は珍しいようですね。 なかには、ご飯やおかずを入れる本体に加えて、スープを入れて保温できるタイプのお弁当箱もあります。 外食産業も発達している日本において、これほどお弁当が定着し、発展しているのも珍しいのではないでしょうか。 なかには低価格・早い仕出しをうたうお弁当専門店もあります。 お弁当はもはや日本の代表的なグルメのひとつと言っても過言ではないのです。 詰め方にも工夫がいるお弁当 おかずの詰め方にも工夫がいります。 ご飯とおかずを隙間無く詰めないと通勤・通学しているときに傾いて中身が潰れますし、汁気が多いとお弁当箱から染み出て鞄の中身が濡れてしまうからです。 こうして海外と比較してみると、日本のお弁当はおかずの詰め方にも結構気をつかうのですね。 製法にも時短の工夫を 海外では食事を作るにも効率を重視するためか、材料も簡単な調理で済ませることも多いですが、日本では朝早く起きてキッチンで仕込みをする方も少なくありません。 特にお弁当持参の学校に行く子供さんがいる家庭では、お母さんは毎朝大忙しです。 とはいえ、毎朝最初からおかずを作るのも大変なので、さまざまな時短製法が編み出されることも。 おかずを作り置きしたり、冷凍食品でチンしたり、いろんなアイデアがあります。 最近ではおかず用の冷凍食品もラインナップが増えてきました。 また、メニューをどうするかも悩みの種です。そんなときはブログサイトのレシピやクックパッドを参考におかずを作ります。 お弁当の人気断トツのメニューはから揚げ お弁当グルメといえば、から揚げや玉子焼き、しょうが焼きが人気です。 一方で、凝った人のなかには、キャラ弁を作る方もいます。 作ったキャラ弁は毎朝写真にとってレシピと一緒にブログに載せる人も。 また、お弁当は家で作るだけではありません。 お弁当屋さんで買うこともありますし、ごはん持参のうえお惣菜屋さんで野菜やおかずを袋に詰めてもらうこともできます。 色々なメニューを楽しむことができるのでお惣菜グルメを楽しむのもいいですね。 日本のグルメ「お弁当」紹介まとめ 皆さん様々な工夫をしてお昼のグルメタイムを楽しんでいます。 もはや日本料理の職人技ともいっていいのではないでしょうか。 動画では、美味しそうなおかずの作り方が紹介されています。 おかずがひとつ、またひとつとできあがる様子は見ていて飽きませんよ。 たまにはお弁当グルメで日本食に舌鼓を打ちましょう! -
Video article 10:50
Showcasing the Brilliant Knife Work of the Chef! A Sushi Chef Creates a Masterpiece of Tuna, the Epitome of Japanese Cuisine, With Masterful Craftsmanship!
Food & Drink- 156 plays
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板前の華麗な包丁さばきをご覧になれる動画について こちらの動画は「寿司マスターToshi」が公開した「寿司職人によるマグロの仕込みから握りまで〜How To Make Tuna Sushi〜」です。 日本人に親しみが深い、寿司。 マグロやブリといった新鮮な魚介類や海鮮食材を材料として使用して作られる握り寿司は、和食の代表格です。 近年では海外でも人気が高まっており、現地のスーパーでも見かけることが多くなってきました。 そんな寿司は職人がマグロを捌く処理部分から仕込みをしていることをご存知でしょうか? 今回は職人が仕込みから行う和食・海鮮料理の代表格、マグロの握り寿司について紹介いたします。 職人が1から仕込みを担当、マグロの寿司 寿司に使用されるマグロを始めとした寿司ネタ。 釣り上げられたマグロは解体され、板前さんのところに運ばれてきます。 そして部位ごとに捌くことに。 その手際は素晴らしいもので、動画でもご覧になれます。 熟練の職人技で磨き上げられた包丁捌きで大トロ、中トロ、赤身と捌くその姿はまさに職人。 ネタは部位ごとに切り分けられ、様々な料理へと使用されて行きます。 その手際の良さは和食・日本料理の魅力を再確認させてくれるほどです。 寿司以外にもたくさん!和食に欠かせないマグロ 寿司以外にもマグロを食材として調理された和食料理はたくさんあります。 代表的な握り寿司から、マグロや旬のネタの刺身を芸術作品のように見立てたお造り、マグロを保存が効くように加工し漬けたマグロ漬け丼など、どれも製法に工夫が見られるものばかり。 数え始めたらキリがありません。 日本料理にはマグロを始めとした、新鮮な魚介類や食材を使用した海鮮料理が多く存在しています。 海に囲まれた日本ならではの食文化で、和食と呼ぶに相応しいです。 寿司職人や日本料理のプロが仕込みから行う、マグロを使用した和食。 どの和食も日本を訪れた際に、必ず食べたい一品です。 板前の華麗な包丁さばき動画紹介まとめ 今回は和食の代表格、寿司をはじめとしたマグロ料理について紹介しました。 マグロの刺身やお造りなどの和食料理の数々は、日本料理の代表といっても過言ではありませんね。 板前さんによる職人技が光る仕込みの様子を見たいという方は、是非この動画をチェックしてみましょう! -
Video article 6:05
Three Essential Rope Knots for Camping and the Outdoors! Two Half-Hitches, Taut-Line Hitch, and the Bowline Knot; Easy Knots for Beginner Campers and Outdoor Enthusiasts!
Things to Do- 116 plays
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Must-Know Knots for Campers Japan's camping boom has led to an increase in the number of people who have just started camping or are looking to get into camping. In this article, we'll introduce three useful knots for beginner campers, so anyone new to camping can familiarize them with knots, which are essential for setting up tents and tarps and a variety of other tasks. Video Introduction This video, titled "[Super Convenient] 3 Useful Rope Knots for Camping [Two Half-Hitches, Taut-Line Hitch, Bowline Knot]" (【超便利】キャンプで役立つロープの結び方3選【ツーハーフヒッチ・自在結び・もやい結び】), was uploaded by "MotoCamp" (MotoCamp【モトキャンプ】). Useful Knots for Camping and Other Outdoor Activities and How to Tie Them Photo:A knot Knots are incredibly useful for camping and outdoor activities. They can be used to secure tents to stakes or even hang a tarp. Furthermore, ropes are also very useful for hanging small camping equipment and drying dishes. However, if you just have a rope and don't actually learn how to tie knots, the rope is nothing more than a piece of rope. Therefore, learning how to tie knots is an important component of a comfortable camping trip or outdoor experience. Unfortunately, learning how to tie knots can be a bit challenging for beginners. Therefore, in this article, we'll introduce three practical knots that even beginners can learn. They're useful for camping and outdoor activities, so take this opportunity to learn them! How to Tie a Two-Half Hitch Source :YouTube screenshot The first knot we'll learn is the "Two-Half Hitch." [Video] 0:20 - Two Half Hitch This knot has three features: ・It's easy to tie ・It's relatively tight ・Useful for setting up tarps Now, let's take a look at how to tie it. Be sure to follow along with the video to see an actual demonstration of how each knot is tied. 1. Take the short end of the rope and pass it under the long end and then pull the short end through the loop it creates. 2. Do the exact same thing directly below the first loop and then pull the short end of the rope upwards towards to first knot to tighten it. 3. Pull the long end of the rope tight and you're done! The rope will now be securely fastened to the post. It's easy to untie this knot, so be sure to try it a few times to make sure you've got the hang of it. How to Tie a Taut-Line Hitch Source :YouTube screenshot The second knot we'll talk about is the "Taut-Line Hitch." [Video] 1:24 - Taut-Line Hitch The features of this knot are as follows: ・The length of the rope can be easily adjusted. ・Convenient for securing stakes when setting up a tent. Now let's take a look at how you tie a Taut-Line Hitch. 1. Once again, take the short end of the rope and pass it under the long end and then pull the short end through the loop it creates. 2. Again, just like the Two-Half Hitch, do the same thing below the first knot, except this time create some distance between the first and second knots. 3. Then, pass the shorter rope through the loop created between the two knots once more. 4. Tie another knot below the second knot. Finally, tighten the rope and you're done. The rope doesn't wiggle when pulled, but the length can be adjusted by holding above the knot and pulling. How to Tie a Bowline Knot Source :YouTube screenshot The final knot we'll go over is the "Bowline Knot." [Video] 3:59 - Bowline Knot The perks of this knot are: ・It's tight ・Convenient for securing ropes It takes some practice, but it is one of the most important and basic knots, and is essential for enjoying outdoor activities and camping. With that out of the way, let's learn how to tie a Bowline Knot. 1. Make a loop with the longer rope. 2. Below that loop, pinch the rope together and pass it through the loop you just made from the top. 3. Pass the end of the shorter rope through the loop sticking out of the other loop from underneath. 4. Pull the short long end away from the short end to form a knot. This secures the knot and completes the Bowline Knot, which will not budge in the slightest. This knot is also called the "King of Knots." Because of its strength, this knot is frequently used not only for camping and outdoor activities, but also for mountain climbing, loading trucks, and even on construction sites. If you're employed in a field that uses knots, the Bowline Knot can be incredibly useful. Summary of Essential Knots for Beginner-Level Outdoor Enthusiasts Photo:Guy lines There are many more knots than this. If you're serious about camping, mountain climbing, or any other outdoor activities, learning how to tie knots is important. If you can learn how to tie knots, you'll be able to set up tarps, tents, and hammocks using trees and rocks even in places where the ground is too hard for stakes. Knots can also be used to secure yourself to something in the event of a natural disaster, or to carry an injured or sick person to safety. Finally, here are a few more important knots you can look up. ・The Figure-Eight Knot: A knot that won't come undone even if it's caught on something. ・The Clove Hitch: A knot that acts as a stopper when your rope is not long enough. ・The Butterfly Knot (Butterfly Loop): Convenient and practical for hanging something or for drying clothes. ・The Trucker's Hitch: which can be more strongly secured by tying a double knot. All of these knots are useful for camping and outdoor activities. If you try to learn too many at once, it may be difficult to remember how to tie them. We recommend by starting with the three knots shown in the video so that you can use them immediately in camping and outdoor situations. They may come in handy in unexpected situations! -
Video article 5:04
Seijun Nishihata - Professional Plant Hunter and CEO of the Sora Botanical Garden Project
Celebrities Life & Business Nature- 124 plays
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Plant Hunter Seijun Nishihata If you're curious about what kind of unusual jobs exist around the world, especially in Japan, then this video is just right for you. Many people enjoy learning about unusual professions because of our interest in the unknown. We often find it inspiring to hear about people in unusual professions that are far removed from our norm. This video introduces plant hunting, an occupation that you may not have heard about before. This article will also talk about the famous plant hunter, Seijun Nishihata, and the beauty of plant hunting. Be sure to follow along with the video! Plant Hunting - Searching for Plants Across the Globe Source :YouTube screenshot Plant hunting is an unusual job that involves exploring and collecting valuable plants from around the world. In 18th century England, many products were made from plants, and they played an important role in the country's economy. This led adventurers and explorers that traveled the world in search of precious plants. The people who sought these plants, including ornamental plants and other rare plants requested by aristocrats and royalty, were known as "plant hunters." Although an unfamiliar occupation in Japan, it has quite a long history. Japanese Plant Hunter, Seijun Nishihata Seijun Nishihata is one of the most famous and accomplished plant hunters in Japan. Seijun is also the CEO of the Japanese horticultural studio, Sora Botanical Garden, where you can purchase garden plants. In the video, you can see Seijun answering questions in an interview about plant hunting and talking about his passion towards plants. Seijun hopes to bring a smile to everyone's faces through plants. Throughout his career, he has hunted a variety of plants and has brought smiles to the faces of many. He especially made many people smile at a Christmas event in Kobe. In particular, his project to bring the world's largest Christmas tree to Kobe drew a lot of attention. Be sure to check out the video to see what kind of person he is. What Plant Hunting Is All About Source :YouTube screenshot The beauty of plant hunting comes from the adventurous spirit to seek rare plants even though the environment can sometimes be very tough. In the video, you can see the passion of Seijun when he seeks plants. The appeal of plant hunting lies in the adventurous spirit of searching for rare plants, such as insectivorous plants and other rare plants, in a harsh environment that sometimes can prove to be quite a difficult task. You can feel the passion of Seijun through the video. Summary of Japanese Plant Hunter, Seijun Nishihata This video, created by "SUPER CEO," introduces Seijun Nishihata, the CEO of Sora Botanical Garden, and an honest man passionate about his job. If you are interested in learning more about Seijun after reading this article, be sure to check out the video! 【Official Website】Sora Botanical Garden https://from-sora.com/en/