Festivals & Events
Video article 3:00
Feel Like a Samurai at the Hino Shinsengumi Festival in Hino City, Tokyo, the Birthplace of Hijikata Toshizo! Dress up in Heroic Costumes and Enjoy the History of Japan!
Festivals & Events- 46 plays
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新選組の歴史に縁のある日野市で行われる「ひの新選組祭り」 こちらの動画は「日野市 観光Hino city , Tokyo」が公開した「Hino Shinsengumi Festival - A celebration of Japan's last samurai ひの新選組まつり・外国人パレード隊<3分版>」です。 日本の歴史で新選組は幅広い層に支持されており、大河歴史ドラマでも近藤勇や沖田総司などの幕末の志士たちが活躍するシーンがいくつもご覧になれます。 その新選組の一員である土方歳三が生まれたのがこの日本の東京都日野市で、近藤や沖田が剣術を学んだ道場もこの日野市にあったとされています。 新選組と日野市の関わりとは 新選組とは江戸時代末期に活躍した武装組織であり、警備隊のように活躍をした日本の歴史上で有名な組織です。 その組織で副長を努めた土方歳三はここ日野で生まれたことより、日野市では新選組に関する町おこしを行っていました。 東京都日野市は都心から電車で30分ほどの場所で、豊かな自然に囲まれ、新選組ゆかりの名所やスポットが多く点在しています。 「ひの新選組祭り」の内容とは 東京都日野市で行われる「ひの新選組まつり」は20年以上の歴史があり、毎年5月中旬に開催されます。 動画の0:29から紹介されている新選組隊士パレードが「ひの新選組祭り」のメインイベントになり、当日は多くの観光客が訪れます。 また前日には、隊士コンテストが行われます。 こちらは新選組の各隊長を目指して演技を行うコンテストです。 隊長ともなれば、乗馬をして行列に参加することができるので、ぜひ隊長を目指してみてはいかがでしょうか。 「ひの新選組祭り」を楽しむ! 「ひの新選組祭り」に合わせて歴史体験アクティビティ「新選組チャンバラ合戦」というイベントも行われています。 こちらは子供も参加でき、衣装につけたボールをチャンバラで切り合うゲームを楽しめます。 会場は日本で150年の歴史がある日野宿で子どもたちの学び舎となってきた場所です。 日野八坂神社では時期に合わせて多くの種類の御朱印が用意されており、「ひの新選組まつり」の際にはイベント限定の御朱印をいただくことができるので、ぜひ手に入れてみたいですね! 「ひの新選組祭り」の当日にはさまざまなイベントが催されていますが、「ひの新選組祭り」の当日は非常に混雑が予想されます 「ひの新選組祭り」紹介まとめ 東京都の中で少し地味な印象のある日野市ですが、新選組縁の地として国内外から多くの観光客が訪れています。 日本の歴史に触れられる日野市のイベント「ひの新選組祭り」で新選組への思いをはせてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 10:36
The Nagahama Hikiyama Festival in Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture Has Ties to Hideyoshi Toyotomi Hideyoshi, One of Japan's Most Famous Warlords. The Young Kabuki Actors Are Quite Impressive for Their Age!
Festivals & Events- 76 plays
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日本文化を伝える長浜曳山まつりとは こちらの動画は「TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful」が公開した「Nagahama Hikiyama Festival - Shiga - 長浜曳山まつり」です。 今回ご紹介する動画では、日本の滋賀県長浜市で行われる長浜曳山まつりをご覧になれます。 長浜曳山まつりは長浜八幡宮の祭礼として日本文化を伝える歴史的なお祭りです。 祭礼中の行事として有名なものが日本三大山車祭としてあげられる曳山巡行です。 さらに子どもたちが歌舞伎の化粧を行う子ども歌舞伎も話題になっています。 日本三大山車祭りの一つ長浜曳山まつり 日本には三代山車祭りという3つの有名な山車祭りがあり、岐阜県高山市の高山祭京都府京都市の祇園祭、そして滋賀県長浜のこちらの動画で紹介されている長浜曳山まつりです。 どの山車祭りも国の重要無形民俗文化財に登録されており、日本の祭り文化に大きな影響を与え続けていることは間違いありません。 日本の文化を後世に伝える子ども歌舞伎 長浜曳山まつりで執り行われる行事が、子ども歌舞伎です。 曳山の上で子どもたちが歌舞伎の化粧をし、演技を行います。 その様子は動画の中で4:01秒から紹介されています。 滋賀県で行われる長浜曳山まつりの歴史 長浜曳山まつりの歴史は1574年に日本の戦国武将であった豊臣秀吉が長浜城を築城した際に、城下町で開催されていた曳山祭で曳山を作り始めたのが始まりとされています。 以後、長浜市では伝統文化・伝統芸能として曳山まつりが発展し、江戸時代の中期には今のような狂言を行っていたという記録が残されています。 長浜曳山まつりは、その後も長浜市の人々の間で受け継がれていき、昭和54年には重要無形民俗文化財の指定を受けました。 さらに昭和60年には祭りで使用する曳山とその曳山を保存する山蔵が滋賀県の有形民俗文化財として認定され、平成28年には日本各地の山・鉾・屋台行事の一つとしてユネスコ無形文化遺産にも登録されました。 滋賀県で行われる長浜曳山まつりの子ども歌舞伎 長浜曳山まつりの目玉は歌舞伎役者となった子どもが舞台屋台の上で狂言を演じる子ども歌舞伎です。 日本では歌舞伎と狂言は区別されますが、長浜市では5歳から12歳までの男子によって演じられます。 歌舞伎と変わらず男役と女役があり、勇ましく男役を演じる子や、つややかに振る舞う女役の子の狂言が上演されます。 また、この子ども歌舞伎を支える三役として、三味線・太夫・振付は不可欠な存在です。 現在では三役修行塾の塾生がその役目を努めていますが、かつては湖北地域で義太夫などが盛んに行われていて曳山の三役を努めていました。 日本文化を感じる長浜曳山まつり紹介まとめ 滋賀県の長浜市で歌舞伎に気軽に触れられる行事とあって多くの観光客が訪問する長浜曳山まつり紹介動画をぜひご覧になってください! 長浜曳山まつりは毎年4月中旬ごろに行われます。 -
Video article 10:47
Don't Miss the 350 Year Old Abare Festival in Noto, Ishikawa Prefecture! Watch as They Throw the Mikoshi Into the River!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 300 plays
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石川県能登に伝わる日本の伝統「あばれ祭り」とは? こちらの動画は「和倉温泉 多田屋 WAKURAONSEN TADAYA」が公開した石川県能登町宇出津に伝わる、「あばれ祭り」を紹介した「あばれ祭 - のとつづり」です。 あばれ祭りは350年以上の歴史がある日本の伝統行事で、無形民族文化財にも指定されています。 このお祭りは、キリコ祭りの先陣を切って行われる勇壮な祭りで、2日間に亘っておこなわれます。 1日目は約40基のキリコ山車が大松明(おおたいまつ)の火の粉を浴びながら無病息災を祈願し、御囃子や掛け声、太鼓に合わせて街を練り歩きます。 2日目には宮神輿が登場し、いやさか広場にキリコと神輿が集結しクライマックスを迎えます。 あばれ祭りという名前は宮神輿を水中や炎の中に投げ込んだり、地面に叩きつけるなどの過激なしきたりから由来しています。 祭りの期間は花火やライブ、屋台なども出て、能登の街はあばれ祭り一色になります。 石川県能登地方に伝わるキリコお祭りとイベント情報 あばれ祭りはキリコ祭りのオープニングを飾る祭りです。 キリコとは巨大な灯篭を模した山車のことで、キリコ吉祥文字と言われる地区ごとの願いや祈りを込めた文字を記し、御囃子や太鼓で祭囃子を鳴らしながら能登の街を練り歩きます。 キリコ祭りは石川県能登地方の住民にとって最も重要な夏祭りと言われていて、毎年祭りの時期には帰省し祭りに参加するしきたりなのだそうです。 特に宮神輿は一年を通じて石川県能登地方の祭りに参加し、貢献した担ぎ手だけが持つことを許されている特別な神輿です。 あばれ神輿の歴史と日本神話のつながり 江戸時代にかけて石川県周辺の能登地方は日本海に面した海上交通の要所でした。 加賀百万石と称された金沢を有し人の往来が絶えない豊かな地域でしたが、降水量が多くたびたび疫病の流行に悩まされていました。 そこで本格的に疫病が流行る前にキリコに魔を封じ、炎で清めたのがキリコ祭りの始まりと言われています。 昔から八坂神社では無病息災の祈祷が行われてきたのですが、肝心の宮神輿にまで悪鬼が取り付いてしまったので、神輿を乱舞させ地面に叩きつけ病魔ごと葬ったというのが神輿の扱いに関する由来です。 八坂神社の御祭祀、素戔嗚命(スサノオのミコト)は神仏習合により牛頭天王と同一格となり、京都八坂神社の祇園社信仰と結びつき、全国に広がりました。 素戔嗚命はヤマタノオロチを退治したことでも有名な日本神話を代表する神様で仏教では薬師如来が同格です。 このため、無病息災、悪鬼退散などのご利益があると言われています。 石川県能登に伝わる日本の伝統「あばれ祭り」のまとめ 石川県能登に伝わる日本の伝統奇祭「あばれ祭り」は1997年に「能登のキリコ祭り」として国から「無形民俗文化財」に指定され、その後2015年に文化庁から日本遺産の最初の18件の1つに選ばれました。 動画では2016年に行われた迫力ある祭りの模様を紹介しています。 来年はあなたも浴衣や、はっぴで石川県能登の「あばれ祭り」に足を運んでみませんか? 日程やイベント情報、当日の駐車場情報は「能登町観光ガイド」でご確認ください。 -
Video article 2:06
A Beautiful Performance of Fire! Don't Miss the "Tezutsu Hanabi" Fireworks That Originated in Aichi Prefecture! This Powerful Festival Is a Sight to Behold!
Festivals & Events- 46 plays
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日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」とは? こちらで紹介する動画は「Armadas」が公開した「Tezutsu Fireworks in 8K」です。 日本の伝統的な夏祭りといえば花火大会ですが、中でもユニークなのが愛知県豊橋が発祥と言われる「天筒花火」です。 この花火大会は1メートルほどの竹筒に火薬を詰め、それを人が抱えながら火柱を高く吹き上げる「吹き上げ式」。 担ぎ手が持つ竹筒から勢い良く火柱が上がり、その後、衝撃音と共に手筒の底が抜けるという仕組みです。 担ぎ手たちの美しい所作と大迫力の火柱との共演がこちらの動画でご覧になれます。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」歴史について 現在日本で吹き上げ式の天筒花火が盛んに行なわれているのは愛知県の豊橋市がある東三河地方と静岡県の遠州地方の西部です。 この吹き上げ式の花火大会の歴史には諸説ありますが、もっとも有力なものは江戸時代に鉄砲が伝来し、1613年に徳川家康が江戸城内で花火を見物した際に天筒花火が披露されたことが発祥ではないかという説です。 徳川の砲術隊が三河岡崎にこの技術を持ち帰り、三河と遠州で天筒花火大会が盛んに開かれるようになったとされています。 愛知県豊橋市の吉田神社に残る江戸時代よりも古い文献の「三河国古老伝」にもそれらしき記述があり、何れにしても豊橋が発祥の地と見てよいと思います。 豊橋や遠州以外では岐阜県の飛騨高山、関東でも千葉県館林市や群馬県など日本各地で手筒花をご覧になることができます。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」の特徴 一般的な日本の打ち上げ花火では花火師が火玉を作って打ち上げますが、天筒花火の作り方は資格を取った地元の男衆が竹を伐採するところから、最後の火薬を詰め込むところまでの全作業を行います。 天筒花火に点火すると轟音とともにオレンジ色の火柱が立ち上り、担ぎ手は仁王立ち打ち上げます。最後には「はね」と呼ばれる仕掛けで衝撃音と共に天筒花火の底が爆発して幕を閉じます。 全国の天筒花火大会まつりのイベント開催情報 2019年8月〜9月には、以下の手筒花火大会が開催されました。 ・2019年8月15日:第14回越前市サマーフェスティバル花火大会(福井県) ・2019年8月22日:伊東温泉箸祭り花火大会(静岡県) ・2019年8月24日:美並夏祭り花火大会(岐阜県) ・2019年8月24日:第32回豊川手筒祭り(愛知県) ・2019年9月14日、15日:第24回炎の祭典〜炎の舞〜(愛知県) ・2019年9月15日:田原祭り・五町合同花火大会(愛知県) など。 花火大会会場は混雑し、道路は一部交通規制が敷かれる場合があるので、自動車で向かう場合は駐車場の場所や周辺エリアのホテル情報などを前もってネットでご確認ください。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」紹介のまとめ 日本の夏祭りといえば花火に浴衣に屋台と楽しみが満載ですね。 今回は愛知県豊橋市が発祥と言われている夏祭り「天筒花火」について紹介しました。 日本全国各地で天筒花火のお祭りを楽しむことができるので、穴場や名所、人気のスポットを調べて、楽しんではいかがでしょうか? 9月まで楽しめるお祭りなので旅行目的としてもおすすめです。 豊橋で行われた天筒花火の勇壮な祭りの模様はこちらの8Kの美麗な動画でご覧になれるのでお楽しみください。 -
Video article 8:15
Mt. Takao in Hachioji, Tokyo, Which Boasts the World's Largest Number of Climbers, Is the Site of Hiwatari Matsuri, a Ritual in Which Flames Rise Into the Heavens and Ascetic Monks Cross Over Hot Coals!
Festivals & Events- 104 plays
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世界一登山者の多い高尾山とは こちらの動画は「TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful」が公開した「Mount Takao Hiwatari-Sai Fire-Walking Matsuri - Tokyo - 火渡り祭り高尾 - 4K Ultra HD」です。 高尾山は日本の東京都八王子にある山で、ハイキングも楽しめる日本でも有数の登山スポットです。 関東近辺からの交通アクセスがよく、連日多くの方が訪れます。 高尾山には天狗がいるという伝説があり、災厄を無くす・開運・福を呼ぶ・民衆の救済などの多くのご利益をもたらしてきたとされています。 この高尾山に鎮座するのが薬王院です。 日本の火渡り祭り 日本国内のいくつもの寺院では、こちらの薬王院のような火渡り祭りが行われています。 これは御護摩と呼ばれ、不浄なものを祓うため素足で燃える火の上を歩くという儀式として日本では古くより行われています。 動画で紹介されている東京都八王子市にある高尾山薬王院で毎年3月に行われる火渡り祭りは東京都屈指の大祈祷法要です。 八王子高尾山麓の自動車祈祷殿広場にて火渡り祭りが行われます。 高尾山の火渡り祭りは一般参加者も多数訪れ、当日はかなりの混雑となります。 東京都八王子市高尾山の薬王院で行われる火渡り祭りには、国土安穏・復興祈願・世界平和・息災延命・災厄消除・交通安全・身上安全の祈念が込められ、柴燈大護摩供御壇木の奉納により多くの功徳を得られるとされています。 高尾山薬王院の中には多くの授与品があります。「撫で木」または「なで木」という氏名を書いた御札を火渡り祭りの御護摩木として奉納することで願いを成就するとしています。 さらに、身体の不調がある箇所をなでることで病気を治るとされています。 火渡り祭りの火で加持された御浄塩は不浄を清めるとして盛り塩などとして使用できます。 山伏が火の周りをご加持して歩く梵天札や渡火証なども火渡り祭りを行う上で授与されるものとして用意されています。 高尾山の火渡り祭りの式次第 東京都八王子市高尾山の薬王院で行われる火渡り祭りの式次第は以下の通りです。 1) 阿字門、2)大導師招待、3)火切加持、4)床堅、5)神斧、6)寶剣、7)法弓、8)願分、9)閼伽・点火、10)散華・梵天祓い、11)湯加持、12)火生三昧表白、13)清浄払い、14)火生三昧、15)御信徒火渡りとなっています。 高尾山の薬王院で行われる火渡り祭り紹介まとめ 東京都八王子市高尾山の薬王院では他にも、自動車祈祷広場において交通安全祈願の儀式が行われています。 また月齢写経会や不動尊から八十八箇所をめぐる大師巡礼などのイベントも行っています。 火渡り祭り当日は多くの露天や屋台も出店していて、見学をするだけでも伝統儀式の雰囲気を味わうことができます! 動画を通じてその魅力に触れてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 7:23
Beautiful Music and Marching! A Spectacular Performance That Will Captivate All Who See It!
Festivals & Events- 21 plays
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This video, titled "Kyoto Tachibana High School Marching Band|Make Magic! Who Cares About the Award, Look at That Performance! Kyoto Tachibana SHS Band|the 31st Kyoto Marching Contest|2018 (GOLD/Gold Award)" (京都橘高校吹奏楽部 Make Magic! 「賞より素敵なShowがある!」Kyoto Tachibana SHS Band 第31回 京都府マーチングコンテスト 2018 (GOLD/金賞)), was released by "voldnuit." The Kyoto Tachibana High School Symphonic Band is a powerhouse school known for its high level performances and dance skills. It has made spectacular achievements in the fields of brass band and marching. Their skills are such that they have represented Asia in the world's largest parade, the "Rose Parade" held in California, USA. The choreography and dances are a proactive part of the club, with students taking an active role in providing input. The team won gold in the 2018 marching contest. The dances are a sight to behold as they play their instruments and never miss a beat. The performance is a must-see and will make your heart skip a beat! -
Video article 7:03
The Hanezu Odori Is a Dance Based on the Love Story of One of the World's Three Most Beautiful Women, Ono No Komachi. Enjoy the Graceful and Beautiful Dance While Learning About Japanese History!
Festivals & Events- 61 plays
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京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の動画について 「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Festival: Young Japanese Girls Dancing at Zuishin-in Temple (Hanezu Odori)」では、小野小町の恋物語を題材にした「はねず踊り」を紹介しています。 京都府京都市山科区にある随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の優雅な舞の映像や、「はねず踊り」の歴史を解説されている、とても興味深い内容となっています。 こちら記事では、京都の随心院で開催される小野小町を題材にした「はねず踊り」の魅力や歴史を動画と共に紹介します。 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」とは? 京都府京都市山科区の随心院で開催される日本の「はねず踊り」は、小野小町と深草少将との恋物語(百夜通い)を題材にした踊りです。 毎年3月の最終日曜日に開催されています。 三味線や太鼓などの日本の伝統楽器を使ったゆったりした音楽に合わせて、「はねず踊り」を踊ります。 着物の衣装で踊る姿はとても美しく、見るものを魅了します。 ほかにも、今様という平安時代の身分が高い人が踊る舞もありますよ。 日本の「はねず踊り」の題材になっている小野小町には、さまざまな伝説があります。 世界三大美人と言えば、クレオパトラ、楊貴妃、小野小町です。 日本の小野小町は美人で頭が良かったと言われており、深草少将に求愛されていました。 日本の「はねず踊り」の前日には奉納舞が行われます。 随心院の仏様に踊りを奉納する儀式です。 また、随心院では毎年「ミス小野小町コンテスト」が開催され、3人が選ばれます。 選ばれた3人は、「はねず踊り」を始め、随心院のイベントのお手伝いをします。 京都の随心院の見どころは美しい梅園です。 梅の木が約230本植えられており、薄紅色の奇麗な花はとても美しいです。 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の情報 京都の随心院で開催される日本の「はねず踊り」は、2018年は約1,800人の方々が訪れました。 「京都市営地下鉄小野駅」から徒歩5分で駐車場も完備されているので、交通アクセスは良好です。 真言宗善通寺派の随心院の本尊は、如意輪観音です。 木造阿弥陀如来坐像や木造金剛薩埵坐像といった日本の重要文化財もご覧になることができます。 また、小野小町のイラストが入った御朱印を貰うことができます。 京都の随心院には「はねず踊り」以外にも、見どころがたくさんあるので気になる方は観光してみてください! 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の紹介記事のまとめ 小野小町の恋物語を題材にした京都の「はねず踊り」。 優雅な美しい舞を楽しむのはもちろん、京都の随心院の境内も魅力たっぷりとお楽しみください。 -
Video article 2:01
Owara Kaze No Bon - An Elegant Dance With More Than 300 Years of History. Yatsuo, Toyama's Traditional Performing Art, Which Has Fascinated People for Centuries, Will Captivate You!
Festivals & Events- 103 plays
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日本の祭り「富山県八尾町【おわら風の盆】」の動画について 「富山市広報課」が公開した「【おわら風の盆】富山市八尾町」は、富山県八尾町で開催されている日本の夏祭り「おわら風の盆」を紹介している動画です。 おわら風の盆は、300年もの歴史のある日本伝統の祭り。 その優雅で美しい舞にきっと魅了されると思いますよ。 こちらの記事では、富山県八尾町で開催されるおわら風の盆の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の祭り「富山県八尾町【おわら風の盆】」とは? 毎年夏に開催されるおわら風の盆は、昔ながらの家並みが続く越中八尾で行われる民謡行事。 日本らしい雅な踊りや唄、楽器演奏は多くの人々を魅了し、愛されています。 おわら風の盆の起源は江戸時代の元録だと記録に残っています。 町外に流出した大事な文書を取り戻した喜びに、三日三晩踊っていたことが由来と言われています。 また、おわら風の盆を題材にした映画や小説も生まれています。 おわら風の盆のすこし悲しい歌詞はいろいろな分野に影響を与えています。 おわら風の盆の日程(スケジュール)は、8月20日から30日までが前夜祭。 その後に9月1・2・3日で本祭です。 魅力あふれる日本の伝統的なイベントを心置きなく楽しみましょう! 日本の祭り「富山県八尾町【おわら風の盆】」の魅力 富山県八尾町で開催されるおわら風の盆は、その幻想的で特徴のある踊り方が見物客を魅了しています。 艶やかで優雅な女踊り、迫力ある男踊り、それぞれの踊り手が三味線、胡弓などの日本らしい音楽に合わせて踊ります。 大勢の踊り手が練り歩くおわら風の盆。 夏のひとときを美しい日本の祭りを見て楽しむのはいかがでしょうか? 富山県八尾町の周辺情報など 富山県の八尾町で行われるおわら風の盆。 おわら風の盆を目当てに旅行する人に、アクセスや宿泊地の情報を紹介します。 交通アクセスは、「富山駅」から「越中八尾駅」まで電車か、「富山駅」から「八尾」間の定期バスを利用するのがおすすめ。 自動車で来訪する場合は、旧八尾町中心部には観光客用の駐車スペースがほとんどないため、駐車場の場所を確認しておく必要があります。 また、お祭りの期間は交通規制があるので注意。 宿泊場所は八尾地域の中心部にはビジネスホテルや旅館が数軒しかなく、注意が必要。 おわら風の盆を目当ての旅行客は富山市周辺のホテルや旅館に宿泊している人が多いようです。 日本の祭り「富山県八尾町【おわら風の盆】」の記事のまとめ 「富山市広報課」が公開した「【おわら風の盆】富山市八尾町」は、日本の歴史あるお祭りを紹介している動画です。 おわら風の盆の魅力を知ることができる興味深い映像ですよ! おわら風の盆は日本らしさを体験できる素晴らしい祭り。 稽古を積んだ踊り手の幻想的なステージを思う存分楽しみましょう! -
Video article 2:05
Enjoy the Fantastic Light Art at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto's Sakyo Ward! The Light Festival at Tadasu-no-Mori Forest Is an Event That Combines Digital Art and History!
Festivals & Events- 38 plays
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京都の下鴨神社で開催される糺の森の光の祭の動画について 「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Event: Light Festival at Shimogamo Shrine (Tadasu no Mori) [4K]」は、京都の下鴨神社で開催されているライトアップイベント「糺の森(ただすのもり)の光の祭」を紹介している動画です。 幻想的なデジタルアートの世界を見られる動画なので、芸術や美術が好きな人は必見。 インスタ映えする日本のライトアップイベントを歴史ある下鴨神社で堪能しましょう! こちらの記事では、日本の下鴨神社で開催されるライトアップイベント「糺の森の光の祭り」の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 京都の下鴨神社で開催される糺の森の光の祭とは? 京都の「糺の森の光の祭 Art by teamLab」とは、世界遺産に登録されている下鴨神社の糺の森で行われる幻想的なライトアップイベントです。 デジタルアート集団・チームラボが「自然が自然のままアートになる」というプロジェクトで行っています。 この京都の下鴨神社で開催されるライトアップイベントは、糺の森をアート空間に変えていきます。 下鴨神社の参道や楼門内の景色が、光の色の変化によってさまざまな表情に変わっていきます。 下鴨神社は正式には賀茂御祖神社(かもみおやじんじゃ)と言い、勝利の神、導きの神として信仰があります。 また、縁結びにご利益があり、多くの人が参拝に訪れる日本伝統の神社です。 糺の森の光の祭の芸術作品のような景色を思う存分堪能しましょう! 京都の下鴨神社で開催される糺の森の光の祭の情報 京都の下鴨神社で開催されるライトアップイベント「糺の森の光の祭」のチケットは、ローソンやミニストップの各店舗で購入できます。 開催中は会場でも購入できますが、とても混雑するのでコンビニで購入することをおすすめします。 交通アクセスは、京阪「出町柳駅」より徒歩12分です。 「京都駅」「河原町駅」「北大路駅」より市バスも運行しています。 車の場合、駐車場はないのでご注意ください。 所要時間はゆったり鑑賞する場合、約1時間から1時間半くらいになるでしょう。 日本を代表するライトアップイベントの糺の森の光の祭の幻想的な景観に感動してください。 京都の下鴨神社で開催される糺の森の光の祭の記事のまとめ 「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Event: Light Festival at Shimogamo Shrine (Tadasu no Mori) [4K]」は、京都の下鴨神社で開催されているライトアップイベント「糺の森の光の祭」の幻想的な景色を見られる魅力ある動画です。 日本の下鴨神社のアート空間に酔いしれましょう。 京都の美しい日本の景色がデジタルアートによってさらに美しくなり、幻想的な景観を楽しみますよ。 -
Video article 7:51
This Is What the Kyoto Tachibana High School Marching Band Is All About! Don't Miss the Marching That Brings Smiles to the Faces of the International Crowd at Disneyland!
Festivals & Events- 38 plays
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This video, titled "Kyoto Tachibana SHS Band - Disneyland Anaheim 2017 京都橘高校吹奏楽部," was released by "慶次郎前田." The Kyoto Tachibana High School Marching Band is a strong school that ranks high in the marching competition every year. The Tachibana High School Marching Band, which is known for its technical and dancing skills, performed at Disneyland in 2017. This Disneyland is not the one in Japan either, but rather the Disneyland in Anaheim, USA. The strength of Tachibana High School is supported by the initiative of the club members, and the dance, which is the highlight of the performance, was composed by the students' suggestions. Their energetic performance amazes the international audience at Disneyland! -
Video article 3:15
Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine, Now a World Cultural Heritage Site! A Look at the Beautiful Traditional Dance, "Kawaguchi Chigo no Mai"!
Festivals & Events- 64 plays
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This video, titled "[4K] "Chigo No Mai" in Yamanashi, Fuji-Kawaguchiko| The Elegant Dance of Girls Who Tell of the Faith of Mt. Fuji| nippon.com" (【4K】富士山信仰を伝える少女たちの優美な舞:山梨・富士河口湖町「河口の稚児の舞」| nippon.com), was released by "nippon.com." "Kawaguchi Chigo no Mai" is a dance performed at Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine in Yamanashi Prefecture. During the regular festival on April 25th and the festival on July 28th, elementary school girls who will train at monasteries perform "Gohei no Mai," "Ougi no Mai," "Tsurugi no Mai," and "Miyameguri" in dedication to the shrine. The dances are beautiful and stylized in the style of Kagura and performed in front of the followers of Fujikou (an Edo-period Shinto sect dedicated to the worship of Mt. Fuji). Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine was built to suppress the eruption of Mt. Fuji in the late 9th century. In 2013, Mt. Fuji was inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List as one of the constituent properties of "Mount Fuji - Object of Faith and Source of Art." -
Video article 5:36
The Most Popular Sake in Each Category! SAKE COMPETITION 2014, Japan's Largest Sake-Drinking Event!
Festivals & Events Food & Drink- 19 plays
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SAKE COMPETITION 2014, Japan's Largest Sake-Drinking Event This video was shot at SAKE COMPETITION 2014, Japan's largest sake-making event. At the event, the award ceremony and tasting of the award-winning breweries in each category is held, with guest presenter Hidetoshi Nakata, actor Yoshihiko Hakamada, TV personality Amie Izawa and other celebrities sharing their passion for sake. The following sake breweries won first place in each category. 【Free Style Under 5000 Division】 Sumikawa Shuzo [Toyobijin Daiginjo Jipangu] 【Free Style Division】 Matsuzaki Shuzo [Hirotogawa Daiginjo] 【Junmai Division】 Miyaizumi [Sharaku Junmai] 【Junmai Ginjo Division】 Miyaizumi [Sharaku Junmai Ginjo Bizen-Omachi」 【Junmai Daiginjo Division】 Miyagi Sake [Yamawa Junmai Daiginjo] Be sure to check out the video to see the winners being chosen! -
Video article 7:51
The Gion Festival Is One of the Three Major Festivals in Japan! The Spectacular, Month-Long Festival Is Full of Highlights and Is Very Popular With Tourists!
Festivals & Events- 44 plays
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This video, titled "Gion Matsuri: Yasaka Shrine Events (Omukae chochin/Hanagasa junko/Kankousai)," was released by "Discover Kyoto." The Gion Festival in Kyoto has a strong image of a breathtaking parade of floats, but don't miss the events introduced in the video, such as the welcoming lanterns, the Hanagasa Festival, and more. The Gion Festival is a long-running festival that begins on July 1 and continues all the way 'til July 31st, when the Nagoshi-no-Harai ceremony is held. Rituals and events are held almost every day on the grounds of Yasaka Shrine, where the Gion Festival is held, and in the Kawaramachi and Karasuma areas, which are crowded with tourists. Summer in Kyoto is hot, so be sure to take precautions against the heat while touring the city in July! -
Video article 19:42
After Being Canceled, the Narita Fireworks Festival Was Miraculously Able to Be Held! There's Something About the Harmony of the Music and Fireworks That's Indescribable!
Festivals & Events- 61 plays
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This video, titled " [6K to 4K] 無数の花火に囲まれる感動体験! 令和元年 成田花火大会 Narita Fireworks Festival 2019 (shot on BMPCC6K)," was released by AQUA Geo Graphic. This video shows the Narita Fireworks Festival, which had to be cancelled due to a typhoon, but was able to be held with the help of a lot of people. The Narita Fireworks Festival, which is held in October every year, was temporarily cancelled in 2019 due to a typhoon, but after a month's postponement, the event was able to be held safely. The wide variety of beautiful fireworks that are set off to music is a beautiful sight that is sure to impress! This video shows you the beautiful fireworks at the Narita Fireworks Festival in 4K. -
Video article 8:17
The Katakai Fireworks Festival - The Most Famous Fireworks Display in Japan! The Fireworks Are So Overwhelmingly Powerful That They Shake the Ground!
Festivals & Events- 61 plays
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This video, titled "[6K to 4K] 日本一正三尺玉+世界一正四尺玉 2019 片貝まつり花火大会 - World's largest 48" firework shell - (shot on BMPCC6K)," was released by AQUA Geo Graphic. This video introduces the Katakai Fireworks Festival held every year in Katakai, Ojiya City, Niigata Prefecture. The Katakai Festival held in Niigata Prefecture over two days is characterized by fireworks that explode with a diameter of 120 cm, weigh 420 kg and launch to an altitude of 800 meters. Their overwhelming impact, which is not an exaggeration to say they are the most powerful fireworks in Japan, is not only visually impressive, but also the sound it makes shakes the ground. In this video, you can't feel the fireworks in person, but you can at least see their beauty! Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 18:16
The Kamakura Fireworks Festival Is an Unparalleled Attraction! Rediscover the Beauty of Fireworks With This Simple, Historic Display!
Festivals & Events- 25 plays
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This video, titled "令和元年 第71回鎌倉花火大会 2019 ハイライト - Kamakura Fireworks Festival 2019 - (Shot on BMPCC4K)," was released by AQUA Geo Graphic. The video shows the 71st annual Kamakura Fireworks Festival held in Kamakura. The Kamakura Fireworks Festival has a long history dating back to 1948, and while there have been times when the festival has been cancelled due to weather or disasters, it has been held regularly all the way to 2019. The fireworks launched from the boat are famous for their beautiful fan-shape that overlap above the sea. They are beautiful and powerful like large flowers in the night sky. In this video, you can see the 71st Kamakura Fireworks Festival filmed from the Kamakura Alps! Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 4:47
Beautiful Fireworks That Look Like Peacock Feathers at the Kihoku Lantern Festival! Watch Some of the Most Amazing Fireworks!
Festivals & Events- 49 plays
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This video is titled "07/24/2016|Kihoku Lantern Festival|Lantern Festival~Peacock Fireworks" (2016.07.24 きほく燈籠祭 「燈籠大仕掛 ~ 彩雲孔雀」). It was released by FIREWORKSVIEWERS. This video introduces the Kihoku Lantern Festival held in Mie Prefecture. The Kihoku Lantern Festival, held on a Saturday in late July every year in Kihoku in southern Mie Prefecture, has become a popular summer event for both children and adults. Huge lanterns over 10 meters tall and beautiful fireworks that look like a peacock spreading its wings are the main attractions of the festival, and it is also called the "Sea Nebuta," referencing the Nebuta Festival in Aomori. This video shows the fireworks at the Kihoku Lantern Festival in 2016, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 6:03
An Amazing Display of Hundreds of Beautiful Fireworks! You Can't Help but Be Moved by the Show!
Festivals & Events- 79 plays
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This video was released by AQUA Geo Graphic. It's titled "[4K] Massive Fireworks! The 69th Annual Tsuruga Lantern Float and Fireworks Festival 2018|Tsuruga Fireworks Display (shot on Samsung NX1)". This video introduces the 69th Annual Tsuruga Lantern Float and Fireworks Festival, which has massive fireworks displays! The Tsuruga Lantern Float and Fireworks Festival is a fireworks festival held on August 16 every year at Matsubara Beach in Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture, and is considered to be one of the major events among the citizens. It is one of the largest fireworks festivals in Japan, with more than 10,000 fireworks, which are a spectacular sight. If you can watch the many fireworks being shot off with a loved one, it's sure to create memories that will last a lifetime. Be sure to check out the amazing fireworks display in the video! -
Video article 1:01
The Cherry Blossom Blizzard at Ueno Park - One of the Most Famous Hanami Spots in Tokyo! The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in Taito City Boasts Approximately 1,200 Cherry Trees in Full Bloom!
Travel Festivals & Events- 388 plays
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Cherry Blossom Blizzard at Ueno Park! This video is titled "Beautiful Japanese scenery,Cherry blossoms blizzard in Ueno Park." It introduces the cherry blossom blizzard at Ueno Park in Taito, Tokyo. It's produced by sandabee. In this video, we see the cherry trees standing in rows at Ueno Park along Sakura Dori, a street famous for the statue of Saigo Takamori, in full bloom. The cherry blossom petals fall like a snowstorm, dyeing the surrounding area pink. The beautiful video of Japan in the spring is filled with the applause and cheers of many tourists. It's a must-see! Photo:Ueno Station Ueno Park is one of the most popular hanami sites in Japan and is just a two-minute walk from Ueno Station on foot. The park has a long history and was designated the first public park in Japan in 1873. Officially called "Ueno Onshi Park," Ueno Park has many popular attractions including Tokyo National Museum, Ueno Zoo, where pandas attract many tourists, The National Museum of Western Art, which was designated a World Heritage Site for its Le Corbusier architecture, and more. The park is popular among people for its historical, cultural, artistic, and natural views. The verdant park has around 1,200 cherry trees and many people visit every spring, when the cherry blossoms come into bloom. Recently, the park has attracted increasing numbers of overseas tourists as well. Ueno Park's cherry blossom viewing season and event "Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival" dates and attractions ©r_abe01 Modifying Since about 40 species of both early and late blooming cherry trees, including Yoshino cherries, are planted in Ueno Park, you can enjoy hanami for around two months, from March until the end of April. The Annual Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival is organized when the Yoshino cherries are at their best and the park makes for one of the best hanami spots in Tokyo. The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival is usually held between late March and early April.The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in 2024 is scheduled from March 16th to April 7th. During the festival, you can enjoy the scenery of illuminated cherry blossoms at night, stage events, stalls, and sales of hanami bento are held, which is crowded with many people. Ueno Park is of course lined with many stalls and a large number of tourists enjoy hanami parties while sitting on picnic blankets. You can enjoy viewing the beautiful cherry blossoms while eating delicious food at a hanami party with friends! Information on the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival Photo:Shinobazu and Cherry Blossoms at Ueno Park The best place to see the cherry blossoms in Ueno Park is from the Sakura Dori (さくら通り, Sakura-dori) Street and the Shinobazu Pond boat ramp to the Ueno Park Open-Air Stage. You can also enjoy the wonderful view of cherry blossoms reflecting off the pond's surface while on a boat ride. During the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival, events including the antique market are also held. Beside the stalls, Ueno Park has many restaurants and cafes to enjoy delicious food while viewing cherry blossoms as well. As the area around Ueno Station has many restaurants where takeout options are available, you can spend a whole day here enjoying tourist spots in the area and the view of the cherry blossoms. Although Ueno Park has parking lots, they are often full by early morning during the cherry blossom season. That being said, the best way to visit the park is by public transportation. Summary of the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in Ueno Park is a festival in Japan's spring that everyone should visit at least once. Since Ueno Park is one of the most popular hanami spots, you may need to save a place to have a hanami party during the flowering season when many tourists are gathering. You don't need to worry about restrooms since there are plenty throughout the park. If you're lucky, you can see the instagrammable, mystic view of the surrounding landscape dyed pink by the falling cherry blossoms. Experience the beauty of Japan's cherry blossoms with the video! ◆Ueno Park◆ 【Address】3-chome Ikenohata, Taito-ku, Tokyo. 【Access】A two-minute walk from JR/Tokyo Metro Ginza Line/Hibiya Line Ueno Station, and a one-minute walk from Keisei Ueno Station on the Keisei Line 【Hours】5 a.m. – 11 p.m. 【Telephone】(+081) 03-3828-5644 -
Video article 6:47
Gagaku (traditional Japanese court music) performance during the Sakura Festival (Cherry Blossom Festival) at the Fujiyama Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine in Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture! Watch a video of the elegant Kagura "Hoei no Mai" (Dance of Prosperity)!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 346 plays
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Toyosaka no Mai (Toyosaka Dance)" at the Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival) Gagaku Concert! The video, titled "Toyosaka no Mai Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert 2018" (豊栄の舞 さくらまつり雅楽演奏会2018), was released by "YAKISOBA1BAN." It shows a performance of Gagaku, a traditional Japanese performing art. The performance featured in the video is "Toyosaka no Mai" at the 2018 Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, in Japan's Tokai region. The musical performance by the Ohito Gagaku Ensemble (大仁雅楽会) at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine's main shrine is very elegant. Gagaku and Other Traditional Japanese Cultures Photo:Noh Japan has a variety of traditional music and dance cultures, including the well known Noh and Kyogen. Some of the notable traditions are the dedication of Bugaku and Kagura (Shinto music) performed with an accompaniment of Gagaku music at traditional festivals held in various regions of Japan. Gagaku (traditional Japanese court music) and Kagura are traditional cultures that have been handed down in Japan since ancient times as traditional music of the court. For those who are interested in Japan's beautiful Gagaku and Bugaku performances, we recommend visiting shrines and temples during traditional Japanese events, such as Hatsumode (New Year's visit), Setsubun, Ouka-Sai (桜花祭, Cherry blossom Festival), Nodate (an open‐air tea ceremony), and more. Toyosaka no Mai, the Gagaku Performance Shown in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot Toyosaka no Mai, the performance shown in the video, is a very joyful performance held in the spring. Women wearing red and white clothing, holding a sakaki or a flower of each of the four seasons, perform a dance to the accompaniment of a sho (a Japanese free reed flute), Hichiriki (a double reed Japanese flute), gaku biwa, Koto and other instruments. Miko (the shrine maidens) who perform Toyosaka no Mai, as shown at 0:44 in the video, spend countless hours practicing and mastering the dance before the actual performance. Let's go to the Sakura Festival Gagaku concert at Mt. Fuji Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine! Photo:Yabusame Mt. Fuji Honmiya Asama Taisha ShrineThe cherry blossoms in are sacred trees.The cherry blossoms of Mt. Fuji Honmiya Asama Taisha are sacred trees.Since the god of the festival is "Konohana no Sakuyabishime," about 500 cherry blossoms in the precincts are considered sacred and celebratory events are held. The cherry blossom festival starts at 9 a.m. on April 1.The Gagaku Concert, in which the kagura "Toyoei Mai" is dedicated, will also be held in front of the shrine from 17:30 on the same day.In addition, Noh (Kyogen) is dedicated, so there are many things to see. Cherry blossom lighting is usually done from late March to early April, when cherry blossoms are at their best.The expected cherry blossom day in Shizuoka prefecture in 2024 is March 22nd, so it seems a little earlier than usual. Summary of "Toyosaka no Mai" at the Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert Source :YouTube screenshot Toyosaka no Mai is a traditional performance that has been handed down in Japan since ancient times. The fantastic Bugaku performance under the cherry blossoms at night is so beautiful that you'll never get tired of watching it. If you'd like to learn more about traditional Japanese performing arts, be sure to check out the video to see all of the intricacies of the performance! -
Video article 4:00
Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko - Experience Hino, Shiga, Decorated With Adorable Hina Dolls! Introducing the Hinamatsuri Event Held in a Town That Will Transport You Back to Japan’s Showa Period!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 136 plays
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Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko in Hino, Shiga This video, titled "Good Sign Vol.14 "Hino" Hinamatsuri Travelogue" (Good Sign 第14回放送「日野」ひな祭り紀行), was uploaded by "Good Sign." It introduces Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko, a Hinamatsuri event in Hino, Shiga, located in Japan's Kansai region. Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko is an annual event held from early February to early March, from Okubo in southeastern Shiga, to the shopping arcade and merchant residences of Murai and Nishioji. The cityscape of Hino has a nostalgic atmosphere reminiscent of Japan's Showa Period. Hina dolls are displayed along the streets and in merchant houses. There are also special viewing windows called "sajiki-mado" (桟敷窓) with which you can enjoy dolls that are on display. This can be seen from 1:00 in the video. Check out the video to see what kind of event "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" is. Hinamatsuri - A Traditional Japanese Event Photo:Hinamatsuri Hinamatsuri is an event celebrated on March 3rd, traditionally known as "Momo no Sekku" (the Peach Festival) to wish for the healthy growth of girls by decorating hina dolls with peach-blossoms, serving hina-arare (sweet rice cakes), and Japanese sweets, and preparing food such as chirashizushi, a type of bright and colorful sushi. Hina dolls generally consist of a male and female doll (Dairibina, 内裏雛), three or five court ladies (Kanjo, 官女), five musicians (gonin bayashi, 五人囃子), two ministers (Daijin, 大臣), and the protectors (Shicho, 仕丁). The history of Hinamatsuri dates back to before the Edo period (1603-1868). Nowadays, Hinamatsuri is a popular event for girls, where hina dolls are decorated and chirashizushi, sweets, and cakes are prepared. Also, during the event, children sing “Ureshii Hinamatsuri” (Happy Hinamatsuri), which can be seen at the end of the video. What is "Hino Hinamatsuri Travel Guide"? "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" started in 2008 with the aim of making Hino livelier, says Minoru Nakata, the organizer of the event, shown at 1:12 in the video. In the past, hina dolls were brought back by merchants of Hino for their daughters when they went out on business. Hino was a plain town where women and children generally stayed in the home. Now, there are more than 150 places, including the Omi Hino Merchant Museum (近江日野商人館), Omi Hino Merchant Furusato Hall (近江日野商人ふるさと館), Hino Machikado Kanno (日野まちかど感応館), and Umamioka Watamuki Shrine (馬見岡綿向神社), as well as merchant houses with sajiki windows, private homes, and store counters decorated with hina dolls, attracting tourists to Hino. Take the bus bound for Kitabataguchi (北畑口) from JR Omihachiman Station (JR近江八幡駅) or Omi Railway Hino Station (近江鉄道日野駅), and get off at Okubo Nishi (大窪西) or the Mukaimachi (向町) bus stop. There is also a parking for those driving. You can also enjoy specialties, such as Omi Hino Beef, pickled vegetables from Hino, and Hino Udon. What are the dates and highlights of the "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" 2024? The 2024 Hino Doll Festival Kikyuki will be held from February 11th to March 10th.The highlights include a number of historical dolls that can be seen from the pier window, as well as a word of the dolls displayed on the bamboo tube, and hina mikuji.It might be interesting to look at the dolls decorated with tasteful streets from a rickshaw. A handwritten picture map showing the highlights of each of the West and East venues can be found on the website of Hino Hinamatsuri Kikyuki executive committee caretaker Takashi Nakata, so please make sure to prepare it before going out. Summary of Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko, a Hinamatsuri Event in Hino, Shiga In this article, we introduced "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" along with the video "Good Sign Vol.14 "Hino" Hinamatsuri Travelogue." You can get a good idea of what Hino looks like during the event. In addition to old hina dolls, cute origami dolls made by kindergarteners can also be seen in the video. If you're headed over to Shiga Prefecture, consider dropping by "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko"! -
Video article 3:15
Kyuanji Temple – A Flower Temple in Osaka, Japan Famous for Its Hydrangeas. Learn the Best Time to Visit and What to See When Visiting
Nature Festivals & Events Travel- 193 plays
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The Hydrangeas of Kyuanji Temple, Ikeda, Osaka: Video Introduction This video, titled "Osaka Walk - Kyuanji Temple Hydrangea in the pond 4K HDR Japan," was uploaded by "Osaka BlackCat." In Japan, hydrangeas blooms in June, the rainy season. This video shows the beautiful floating hydrangeas at Kyuanji Temple—a temple on the Kansai Flower Temple pilgrimage—which can be seen each year in June. Please enjoy the photogenic sight of the colorful hydrangeas floating on the surface of the water, as well as the solemn beauty of the temple's rich natural setting. An Introduction to Kyuanji Temple, a Kansai Flower Temple Photo:Kyuanji Temple, Ikeda, Osaka Kansai Flower Temples refers to a group of 25 temples in Japan's Kansai region that are famous for their flowers. Kyuanji Temple in Ikeda, Osaka, is the 12th temple on the list of Kansai Flower Temples and is a member of the Koyasan Shingon sect of Buddhism. Surrounded by nature, the temple grounds cover an area of 20,000 tsubo (16 acres), where beautiful scenery, such as hydrangeas, cherry blossoms, autumn leaves, azaleas, and peonies can be seen throughout the year. Kyuanji Temple has a history of more than 1,200 years. In the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1598 A.D.), the temple was visited by the famous Japanese warlord and well-known hobbyist Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and has been loved by many visitors as a historic temple used for tsukimi (moon viewing) and tea ceremony. Shuin stamp collectors can pick up a special kirie shuin, available only during the rainy season. It features a hydrangea and the main deity of the temple, Kannon (the Goddess of Mercy). The artistic kirie shuin stamp is truly one-of-a-kind. In the fall, a shuin stamp with a design of autumn leaves is also available for a limited time, making it a must-visit spot for collectors. See the Photogenic Floating Hydrangeas in June! Photo:Hydrangeas at Kyuanji Temple, Ikeda, Osaka Kyuanji Temple has approximately 1,000 hydrangea plants of six different varieties planted on its grounds. The sight of the colorful purple, yellow, red, and blue hydrangeas floating on Gusokuike Pond is especially photogenic. The hydrangeas glistening in the sunlight are so beautiful that it's like paradise. [Video] 0:00 - Floating Hydrangeas The hydrangeas at Kyuanji Temple begin blooming in early June each year, and the Ajisai Ukabe "Floating Hyndragea" event is held in mid-June, when the early blooming hydrangeas can be seen floating on the pond. The hydrangeas at Kyuanji Temple can be enjoyed from mid-June to early July, an in 2022, they were at their best in late June. The blooming status is announced on the Kyuanji Temple Instagram (@kyuanji) from time to time. Be sure to check it out before visiting. Other Attractions at Kyuanji Temple Photo:Autumn leaves at Kyuanji Temple, Ikeda, Osaka Kyuanji Temple is decorated with a variety of flowers throughout the year, but its highlights are not limited to hydrangea and autumn leaves. The large tower gate is designated as a National Important Cultural Property. The roof of the gate has a unique appearance and is said to resemble a bird spreading its wings in preparation for flight. The Hall of the Reclining Buddha, a pagoda where the image of the reclining Buddha is enshrined, is decorated with relief sculptures of Buddha on the walls, creating a mysterious atmosphere. In the garden Koku-en, visitors can enjoy weeping cherry blossoms and other seasonal flowers. The entrance fee to Kyuanji Temple is 300 yen. [Video] 1:09 - Koku-en Garden How to Get to Kyuanji Temple in Ikeda, Osaka Since Kyuanji Temple is surrounded by nature, it is often thought to be in an inconvenient location in the mountains, but it's surprisingly accessible! From Ikeda Station, on the Hankyu Raolway, it's a 15-minute ride to the temple via Hankyu bus. If you're driving, the temple is located approximately 5 km (~15 mins) from Hankyu Ikeda Station. The temple has a free parking lot, but please note that during the hydrangea season, the free parking lot can fill up quickly. Things to Do Near Kyuanji Temple Kyuanji Temple is another temple located in a somewhat remote location. Because of this, you'll need to make your way back into the nearby city of Ikeda to find other things to do, but there's no shortage once you arrive. Here are a couple things to do nearby. Satsukiyama Zoo Satsukiyama Zoo is located approximately 20 minutes from Kyuanji Temple. The zoo is home to a variety of different animals, such as rabbits, wallabies, ponies, etc., and is a nice spot to see the cherry blossoms in Osaka in the spring. The zoo is also completely free to enter. Hours: 9:15 am - 4:45 pm. Shop hours are 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (Mon. - Fri.) and 10:00 am - 5:00 pm (Sat. & Sun.) Closed: Tuesdays Admission Fee: Free CUPNOODLES MUSEUM Located 25 minutes from Kyuanji Temple and 20 minutes by train or on foot from Satsukiyama Park, the CUPNOODLES MUSEUM shares the story of cup noodles and how they came to be, as well as the life of Momofuku Ando, the inventor of cup noodles. There are also workshops inside the museum where you can make chicken ramen or make your own unique cup noodles package. Admission to the museum is free. Hours: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm (Last entry 3:30 pm) Closed: Tuesdays and Year-end/New Years Holidays. ※If Tuesday is a National Holiday, the museum will be closed the following day. Admission Fee: Free There are many more things to do in the area, so we recommend doing your research before visiting so you can build the perfect itinerary! Summary of Hydrangeas at Kyuanji Temple Photo:Hydrangeas at Kyuanji Temple, Ikeda, Osaka We hope you enjoyed this introduction to the hydrangeas at Kyuanji Temple. In the video, it was a beautiful sunny day with the sun shining through the trees, but hydrangeas bloom during the rainy season. If you plan on visiting Kyuanji Temple to see them, don't forget to bring rain gear. Summer is just around the corner once the rainy season ends, so consider visiting Kyuanji Temple in June. You can take some wonderful photos during your visit and share the traditional Japanese aesthetics on Instagram! 【TripAdvisor】Kyuanji Temple -
Video article 2:59
Fuji Opening Ceremony (Mt. Fuji Oyamabiraki) in Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, is a Shinto ritual that marks the beginning of the climbing season! Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan, is a mystical ceremony in which mountain priests pray for the safety of the mountain!
Travel Festivals & Events Nature- 86 plays
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Fuji Opening Festival (Mt. Fuji Oyamabiraki)" in Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, celebrating the opening of Mt. This video, titled "Fujisan Kaizan climbing ceremony - Murayamasengen Shrine - Shizuoka 4K," was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." This video introduces the Mt. Fuji Opening Festival, which marks the beginning of the climbing season on Mt. Fuji. Fuji, Japan's tallest mountain, straddling Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures, has four climbing routes, but the mountain is closed during the winter months. Shown in the video is the annual Mt. Fuji Opening Ceremony held in July to pray for the safety of climbers and trail users, which marks the start of the climbing season. This video introduces the opening ceremony at Murayama Sengen Shrine in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, in Japan's Tokai region. Murayama Sengen Shrine, located at the entrance of the Murayama Trail, was once the site of Shugenja, or practitioners of Shugendo (mountain asceticism). Check out the video to see the mysterious entrance to the trail and the ritual burning held by the mountain priests. Murayama Sengen Shrine, Where the Mt. Fuji Opening Festival Is Held Photo:Murayama Sengen Shrine Murayama Sengen Shrine is located in Murayama, Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and is one of the many Sengen shrines in Japan. It is a base for climbing Mt. Fuji and was a sacred place for mountain asceticism on Mt. Fuji. The entrance to the Mt. Fuji Murayamaguchi Trail gives visitors a sense of the mystical atmosphere of Mt. Fuji. In addition, large cedar and a ginkgo trees, designated as natural treasures by Shizuoka Prefecture, stand solemnly in the precincts of the shrine. The precincts of Murayama Sengen Shrine can be seen at 0:29 in the video, where the torii gate is shown. More About the Mt. Fuji Opening Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Mt. Fuji Opening Festival is held at the Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine, the Gotemba New 5th Station Trailhead, and Murayama Sengen Shrine. Furthermore, Kaizan-zenyasai (The Eve of the Mountain Opening) is held the night before. Kaizan-zenyasai features a parade from Kanadorii Park to the Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine at the base of the Yoshidaguchi Trail, followed by a large Kagura performance (Shinto music and dance), and a variety of other Shinto rituals. After the declaration of the opening of Mt. Fuji during the festival at Mt. Fuji Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine, there will be a prayer performed by the head priest, a tamagushi offering, and a dedication of spring water that was drawn from the Mt. Fuji area. In addition, a Mt. Fuji opening ceremony, formal visit to the mountain, a declaration of the opening of the mountain, and various other rituals are held at Murayama Sengen Shrine. Fuji Hongu Sengen Taisha also features Tezutsu Hanabi (traditional Japanese fireworks) in the evening. A purification ceremony and other rituals can be seen at 1:34 in the video. The Mt. Fuji Opening Ceremony is followed by a departure ceremony for the mountain rescue team, the announcement and succession of the Miss Fuji contest, and the Mt. Fuji Kami Akari Lantern Contest (かみ灯りコンテスト) of lights made of Japanese paper made from Mitsumata are exhibited in the corridor. In addition, an otaue (rice planting festival) is held to express gratitude for the spring water of Mt. Fuji and pray for a bountiful harvest. The day after the Mt. Fuji Opening Festival, the Kusushi Shrine Opening Ceremony is held at the inner shrine on the summit of Mt. Fuji. Shuin stamps are awarded during the opening of Mt. Fuji as well. In August, before the closing of Mt. Fuji, the Kusushi Shrine Closing Festival is held at the inner sanctuary atop Mt. Fuji, marking the end of the events that take place when the mountain is open. Summary of the Mt. Fuji Opening Festival In this video "Fujisan Kaizan climbing ceremony - Murayamasengen Shrine - Shizuoka 4K," you can see beautiful 4K footage of the Mt. Fuji Opening Festival. Murayama Sengen Shrine is a 20-minute drive from Fujinomiya Station along the Tokai Railway's Minobu Line. Parking is available in the vicinity. Check out the video to get a taste of the sacred atmosphere of the shrine. 【Official Website】Mt. Fuji Kaizan-zenyasai - [Official] Fujiyoshida Tour Guide https://fujiyoshida.net/en/see-and-do/148 -
Video article 4:06
Walk Through Beautiful Tunnels of Illuminated Cherry Blossoms at Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park, the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots of Japan!
Travel Festivals & Events Nature- 433 plays
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Nighttime Cherry Blossom Viewing at Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park This video, titled "4K Japan's Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots|Ueno Park|Hirosaki Park|Takada Park|Famous Nighttime Cherry Blossom Locations|Sakura|Hanami|Cherry Blossom Evening" (4K 日本三大夜桜 上野公園 弘前公園 高田公園 Top3 Night cherry Blossom 夜桜の名所 sakura hanami 花見 Cherry blossom evening), was uploaded by "Discover Nippon." The video features plenty of beautiful 4K images showing the fantastic scenery of Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park, which are known as the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan. This article provides sightseeing information on the nighttime cherry blossom events in Ueno Park, Hirosaki Park, and Takada Park. First, be sure to check out the video to enjoy the fantastic views of the beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom. After seeing this you'll definitely want to visit these spots in person! Cherry Blossom Viewing at Tokyo's Ueno Park Photo:Cherry blossoms at night in Ueno Park, Taito, Tokyo Ueno Park, introduced at 0:19 in the video, is located in Taito, Tokyo, and is the first urban park in Japan, making it a place with a long history. Officially named "Ueno Onshi Park," Ueno Park has been selected as one of the "Top 100 Historical Parks in Japan" and is also home to Ueno Zoo, museums, and art galleries, and cafes such as Starbucks. The park has also been selected as one of "Japan's Top 100 Cherry Blossom Spots" and attracts a total of nearly 3.3 million visitors during the cherry blossom viewing season when all sorts of vendors and food stalls line its paths. In Ueno Park, there are approximately 800 cherry trees of 50 species, and visitors can enjoy cherry blossom viewing for around two full months. The most popular cherry blossom viewing spots are Sakura-dori (さくら通り), Shinobazu Pond (不忍池), and Kiyomizu Kannon-do Temple, an Important Cultural Property. The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in Ueno Park will be held from March 17 to April 9, 2024. During the festival, 800 "bonbori" (Japanese paper lamps) will be lit to create a fantastic illuminated scene. Ueno Park is just a two-minute walk from Ueno Station on all lines, and a one-minute walk from Keisei Ueno Station off the Keisei Main Line. Cherry Blossom Viewing at Aomori's Hirosaki Park Photo:Cherry blossoms at night at Hirosaki Park, Hirosaki, Aomori Hirosaki Park, located in Hirosaki, Aomori, is introduced at 3:02 in the video. The highlights of Hirosaki Park include Hirosaki Castle's castle tower and the three turrets, which have been designated as Important Cultural Properties by the government of Japan. Hirosaki Park has some 2,600 cherry trees of 52 varieties that bloom each year. The most famous cherry tree is the weeping weeping cherry, which was planted in 1914. The Hirosaki Sakura Festival, where you can enjoy cherry blossoms at night, is held from April 19th to May 5th, 2024. There is also a reservation-only "cherry blossom viewing party," which is popular because it allows visitors to enjoy Tsugaru's local cuisine while viewing the cherry blossoms. It's a 20-minute walk from JR Hirosaki Station, and there is a parking lot nearby. Cherry Blossom Viewing at Takada Park in Niigata Photo:Cherry blossoms at night at Takada Castle Site Park, Joetsu, Niigata At 5:19 in the video, Takada Park is introduced. As of April 1, 2020, the name of this park was changed to "Takada Castle Site Park" (高田城址公園). Takada Castle Site Park (Takada Park) in Joetsu, Niigata, is a large 124-acre park that includes the restored three-story turret of Takada Castle, the Municipal Museum (renovated into a Museum of History), and sports facilities. You can also check out live cameras of Takada Castle Site Park on the "Gurutto Shinetsu" (ぐるっと信越, ※Japanese only) website. In addition to cherry blossoms, the park is also famous for its beautiful lotus flowers. "Takada Castle Million-man Viewing Party" (高田城百万人観桜会) , where you can enjoy cherry blossoms at night, will be held from March 29th to April 14th, 2024.Various events will also be held, including fireworks to color the opening, stage events and photo contests. To get to Takada Castle Site Park, it is a 10-minute drive from Joetsu Myoko Station off the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line. A parking lot is available. Summary of the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots of Japan! This video introduces the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots of Japan. Enjoy the spectacular nighttime views of cherry blossoms lit up and glowing beautiful shades of pink. Be sure to check out these locations during the next cherry blossom season! 【Official Website】Ueno Park/Ueno Onshi Park Official Website - Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Bureau of Construction https://www.kensetsu.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/jimusho/toubuk/ueno/en_index.html 【Official Website】Hirosaki Park https://www.hirosakipark.jp/en/