Dylan Gibson

Dec. 21, 2020

This is a really fitting video for this time of year. It's already getting really cold and beautiful snowscapes are starting to pop up all over the place. It's pretty unfortunate that coronavirus has made everything so hectic around the world, as I would have really loved to go to the Sapporo Snow Festival this year. Unfortunately it was cancelled, which is probably for the best, but maybe I can go check it out next year. I'd love to head over to Akita to check out some of the igloos too, as that sounds really interesting and I don't know much about the area. This article has a ton of places that I'll be adding to my list of travel destinations for the future! Idk about the snowboarding though, it's been a few years since I last went and I don't think it'd be too good on my knees lol! I hear the slopes in Japan are great though, so who knows, I might give it another shot if I head out to Zao!

Japan's Most Beautiful Snow-Covered Scenery and Popular Tourist Spots That'll Look Great on Your Instagram! The Country, Dyed in a Beautiful White, Shows a Different Face Than Most Are Used To
