Feb. 24, 2025
[Image1]BushidoSamurai are born aware of their
[Image2]BushidoSamurai are born aware of their
[Image3]BushidoSamurai are born aware of their
[Image4]BushidoSamurai are born aware of their
[Image5]BushidoSamurai are born aware of their
[Image6]BushidoSamurai are born aware of their
[Image7]BushidoSamurai are born aware of their
[Image8]BushidoSamurai are born aware of their


Samurai are born aware of their "honor"
The goal of the aspiring samurai was not wealth or knowledge, but honor.

Honor is a goal to be pursued "within oneself," without regard to profit or loss. Therefore, "honor" that is concerned with public reputation is not real honor.

〜I have found that bushido means to die〜