Video article 10:18
The Autumn Leaves Reflected in the Water of Mishakaike Pond in Nagano Prefecture Are Out of This World! Watch the Video to See a Spectacular View of Japan That's Sure to Blow You Away!
Nature- 302 plays
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長野県茅野市・御射鹿池とは? こちらの動画は「Yatsugatake21_4K_Japan」が公開した「4K 絶景紅葉「晩秋の御射鹿池」癒し自然風景映像 G線上のアリア/ Japan Autumn Nature Relaxation Video / Air on the G String」だ。 御射鹿池は、長野県茅野市の蓼科高原・標高1,500メートルにあるため池だ。 大自然の中に突如として現れるこの池は、四季折々に美しく姿を変える観光地だ。 御射鹿池周辺の八ヶ岳中信高原国定公園は、長野県と山梨県にまたがる国立公園に指定されている。 この動画は、御射鹿池の秋の紅葉の様子を4K画質で撮影したものである。 楽曲「G線上のアリア」に共にご覧になれる美しい紅葉したカラマツ林は、時間を忘れる癒しの時間を過ごせる。 新緑に紅葉など!四季折々の絶景が魅力 長野県茅野市・御射鹿池は、日本画家である東山魁夷の作品「緑響く」のモチーフになっていることで知られている。 新緑の季節に天気が良ければ、東山魁夷が見た風景と同じ景色が観光できるかもしれない。 新緑の景観を見るハイキングは、御射鹿池の楽しみ方のひとつだ。 また、その他にも「死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景 日本編」で紹介されたり、農林水産省が選定する「ため池百選」に指定されたりと、観光地として人気が上がっている。 御射鹿池の最大の魅力は、紅葉の時期の景勝である。 例年10月中旬から下旬にかけて御射鹿池を含む蓼科高原エリアは紅葉の見頃を迎える。 インスタ映えスポットの隠れた名所なため、紅葉時期の撮影を狙って観光してみるのもよいだろう。 御射鹿池の歴史と背景 長野県茅野市・御射鹿池を含む蓼科高原は、冷害の影響が激しく農作物が育ちにくい気候である。 御射鹿池は、流れてくる冷たい水を農作物に使えるほどの水温にするため、作られた池だ。 一時的にため池で水を溜めることで適温まで水が温まる。 このような背景で作られた御射鹿池だが、その名の由来は、長野県にある諏訪大社の神事「御射山御狩神事」からきていると云われている。 長野県茅野市・御射鹿池の魅力まとめ 長野県茅野市・御射鹿池は、東京都心からでも電車やバスなどで3時間弱ほどで観光に行くことができる。 また日帰りの観光ツアーなども存在している。 御射鹿池を観光するおすすめの季節は紅葉の時期だ。 動画で撮影されている美しく紅葉した木々が御射鹿池の水面に映るさまを直接見る事ができる。 御射鹿池以外でも蓼科高原は紅葉が美しいので、車で回って観光してみるのもよいだろう。 -
Video article 16:00
Enjoy the Plateau of Shinshu in Nagawa, Located in the Center of Nagano Prefecture! Experiences and Excitement in a City Where Nature and History Are in Harmony!
Local PR Travel- 46 plays
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日本の人気観光地長野県長和町とは こちらで紹介する動画は「長和町公式チャンネル」が公開した「長和町観光PRビデオ」です。 長野県長和町は美ヶ原・霧ケ峰高原と接し、高原からの絶景だけでなく山岳部から平野部へと流れる二つの川が織りなす景観が必見の観光名所です。 四季折々の大自然が織りなすさまざまな景色を堪能することができるのですが、特に本沢渓谷や不動滝は紅葉の名所として毎年数多くの観光客が訪れます。 江戸時代には中山道の宿場町として栄えた長和町は古き良き日本の景勝が残る美しい里です。 信州の大自然の息吹を感じる美しい動画をお楽しみください。 長野県長和町の観光エリアとイベント情報 ・長久保宿歴史資料館一福処濱屋 ・和田宿歴史の道資料館「かわちや」(国指定史跡) ・和田宿資料館「大黒屋」(国指定史跡) ・和田宿本陣(国指定史跡) ・黒曜の水 など長野県長和町にはおすすめのインスタ映えスポットがいっぱい! 大自然が織りなす絶景と心癒す景観は動画でもお楽しみいただけます。 こんな自然豊かな長和町には体験型イベントも目白押し! ・中央分水嶺トレイル ・そば打ち体験 ・立岩和紙の里での紙すき体験 ・大山獅子祭り など季節ごとにいろいろなイベントがあなたを待っています。 日本一長寿と言われる長野県のご当地グルメ情報 長野県は日本一長寿の県としても知られています。 そんな長野県長和町のご当地グルメといえばそばにおやき、そして牧場で取れた新鮮な乳製品を使った料理やスイーツ、川魚や山菜などの山の幸です。 史跡やハイキングコースを巡ったら美味しい長和町ご当地グルメを堪能してください。 国道には道の駅もあり施設内のレストランは連日多くの観光客で賑わっています。 日本のかくれた景観地長野県長和町周辺のホテル・宿泊情報 風光明媚な観光地、また夏でも涼しい気候なので避暑地としても人気の高い長和町周辺にはペンションや民宿がたくさんあります。 長野県は日本でも有数の温泉地でもあるので、旅行の疲れを温泉でゆっくりと癒してくださいね。 長和町のホテルや宿泊施設情報は長和町観光協会の公式ホームページで確認できます。 日本の四季折々の豊かな景色が楽しめる長野県長和町へのアクセス 感動と体験の町、長和町へのアクセスは次の通りです。 -電車利用の場合- ・北陸新幹線上田駅下車→路線バス約50分「長和町(長久保宿)」 ・中央本線茅野駅→路線バス約45分「長和町(長久保宿)」 -車を利用する場合- ・上越自動車道(中部横断自動車道)佐久南ICより約40分 日本の人気観光地!体験と感動の長野県長和町についてのまとめ 長野県長和町の星糞峠周辺は邪馬台国や黒曜石の採掘場、鷹山遺跡など悠久の時を感じる原始のロマンや土器を展示している史跡公園があり、江戸時代には旧中山道の宿場町として栄えた歴史のあるエリアです。 さらに日本アルプスの自然豊かな景観は日本の原風景としていつまでも心に焼きつくことでしょう。 そんな魅力溢れる長和町の四季折々の風景と歴史文化の足跡を辿る旅を紹介する動画をお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:16
Enjoy a Luxurious Sightseeing Experience Surrounded by Nature in Otaki Village, Kiso County, Nagano Prefecture! Feel the Grandeur of Nature and Rid Yourself of Fatigue
Local PR Travel- 44 plays
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長野県木曽郡王滝村エリアの絶景が堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「outakimura」が公開した「2016王滝村観光プロモーションビデオ」です。 こちらは、長野県木曽郡王滝村の自然の景色を堪能出来る動画となっています。 長野県木曽郡王滝村エリアは絶景が溢れるスポットで、インスタ映えもすることから、老若男女問わず観光を楽しむことが出来ます。 こちらの記事では、日本の自然の美しさが溢れる長野県木曽郡王滝村の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 動画で紹介されている長野県木曽郡王滝村ってどんなところ? 長野県木曽郡王滝村は日本の長野県南西部、西側が岐阜県に接しており、動画の0:20で紹介されている御嶽山の麓に位置しています。 かつては林業が盛んな地域で知られており、特に「木曽ヒノキ」は日本の三大美林にも数えられていました。 長野県木曽郡王滝村は、動画の0:38で紹介をされている里宮神社を始めとした、八海山神社等の6社殿からなる王滝御嶽神社もあり、日本の歴史と文化的にも深い関わりのある由緒正しいスポットとなっています。 長野県木曽郡王滝村周辺のおすすめ観光スポット! ①里宮神社 自然と共存した素晴らしい建物で、神社としてのご利益も良く、他にも5つの神社があることから、日本の歴史が好きな人にはたまらない場所となっています。 ②清滝・新滝 里宮神社から御嶽山へ向かう道のりの途中で見ることが出来る有名な絶景スポットです。 清滝は高さ約30mの滝で、御嶽山を信望している行者達が精進潔斎するスポットで、往時から信者が滝行を行った滝と知られています。 新滝は、滝の裏側に小さな岩祠があることで有名で、そこから見る景色は「裏見滝」と呼ばれ、観光スポットとして有名です。 気候によって様々な顔を見せ、特に冬は他の季節とは全く違った絶景を作り出すので、日本の四季と自然を余すことなく堪能することが出来ます。 ③御岳湖・自然湖 御岳湖は、貯水量が名古屋ドーム55杯分を誇る巨大な愛知用水のダムとして1961年に誕生し、現在に至るまで王滝村の人々の生活を守ってきました。 日本ならではの四季折々の美しい景色が魅力のスポットとしても知られています。 自然湖は、1984年に起こった長野県西部地震によってせき止められた王滝川によって生まれた天然の湖です。 どちらもカヌーで堪能することが出来ます。 長野県木曽郡王滝村の観光の紹介まとめ 長野県木曽郡王滝村は多くの自然を残している素晴らしい日本の観光スポットとして知られているので、まずはこちらの動画で堪能してみて下さい。 日本の自然をたっぷり堪能して、温泉で疲れを癒した後はキャンプ場で自然を堪能しながらゆっくり過ごす、そんな贅沢な休日長野県木曽郡王滝村で過ごしてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:12
The City of Iida in Nagano Prefecture Retains the Original Landscape of a Japanese Mountain Village. The Town Is a Popular Tourist Spot Where You Can Catch a Glimpse of Japanese Culture
Local PR- 123 plays
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長野県飯田市を紹介したプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「飯田市HP公開動画」が公開した「懐かしい心のふるさと 遠山郷 飯田市プロモーション映像(長野県飯田市)」です。 日本の観光スポットと聞いて一体どこをイメージするでしょうか? 人気の観光スポットからインスタ映えする穴場スポットなど人それぞれです。 今回は動画と共に長野県飯田市を紹介します。 長野県飯田市の魅力がたっぷり詰まった動画の見どころ 長野県飯田市にある遠山郷(とおやまごう)で開催されているイベントをはじめ、名物料理、景観などを紹介した動画になっています。 動画内で紹介されている長野県飯田市の観光スポットは次になります。 ・霜月祭 ・サンマのそばだんご ・下栗の里 ・遠山ジンギス ・遠山温泉郷かぐらの湯 ・龍淵寺観音霊水 ・旧木沢小学校木造校舎 ・遠山森林鉄道 ・旧秋葉街道 遠山郷ってどんな場所? 遠山郷は長野県最南端の秘湯があることで知られており、山や渓谷に囲まれています。 動画内に登場した下栗の里は日本の里100選に選ばれているスポットです。 インスタ映えする景色を撮影したい方は一度訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか? 長野県飯田市・遠山郷のイベント 毎年10月の第4日曜日に峠の国盗り綱引き合戦が開催されます。 長野県飯田市と静岡県浜松市の商工会青年部が対戦し、勝った方が1m県境を相手方に移動できるというものです。 動画でも紹介されている霜月祭も遠山郷に行く際はチェックしたいイベント。 自然界の全てが生まれ清まることを願ったお祭りで、多くの方が参加しています。 長野県飯田市の観光スポット紹介まとめ 長野県飯田市には魅力的な観光スポットがたくさんあります。 こちらの動画をご覧になって長野県飯田市に興味を持たれた方は是非実際に足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 4:47
Kisumika" in Komagane City, Nagano Prefecture, is a luxurious hidden inn with a magnificent view of the Japanese Alps! If you want to enjoy an extraordinary luxury resort atmosphere in the midst of the great outdoors, go to this hotel!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 112 plays
- YouTube
Kisumika" Hidden Inn in the Central Alps Video Introduction This video titled "2019 Full ver” is a promotional video for the private getaway in the Chuo Alps- Tokisumika. Kiso range (木曽山脈:Kiso mountain range) in Nagano(長野県:Nagano prefecture), Hida mountain range, and Akashi mountain range are collectively called the Japan Alps. The Chuo Alps, located in the center of the Japan Alps, is a popular tourist spot where people can enjoy different sceneries from all 4 seasons. Tokisumika, in the Chuo Alps, is a popular accommodation on travel and review sites. If you want to escape from daily life and feel the beauty of Nagano Prefecture's Chuo Alps, be sure to watch the video and take in all of the gorgeous views. What Kind of Place Is Tokisumika Source :YouTube screenshot When you arrive at the lobby, you'll hear the beautiful singing of an erhu (a two-stringed Chinese violin). The recommended guest rooms are the scenic Garden View Twin and the Japanese Garden Semi Suite Twin. There are other luxurious rooms such as the Garden Corner Twin, Riverside Corner Twin, and Garden Semi Suite Twin, and all of the rooms are comfortable and attractive. It is also recommended that you relax in the guest room with a semi-open-air bath. Unfortunately, there is no large public bath, but every room has a semi-open air bath equipped with various amenities. How to Spend Your Time at Tokisumika Source :YouTube screenshot At the restaurant "Aoi," You can enjoy original kaiseki meals (traditional Japanese meal brought in courses) prepared with ingredients from the local mountains in the southern part of Shinshu. With carefully selected ingredients and a motto of hospitality, the Japanese cuisine, prepared with local ingredients, is truly exquisite. The Ayurveda Indian massage service inside the hotel is also a great way to relax. There is also a wedding plan at "Kisumi Ka," a hidden inn tucked away in the Central Alps Grove. If you have a wedding ceremony here, the amazing views are sure to make for an unforgettable experience. Summary of Tokisumika! ©Suganu0405 Modifying Tokisumika is a hotel that offers a magnificent view of the Japan Alps. If you're staying here, it's recommended that you take the Komagatake Ropeway and walk around the different tourist spots of the Chuo Alps, such as the instagrammable "Senjojiki Cirque," "Kozenji Temple,” "Komakusa Bridge," or the "Komagane Local Museum." You can enjoy one day hot spring facilities at "Komakusa no yu" as well. We recommend taking a walk around Komagane Kogen (駒ヶ根高原: Komagane Highlands) to enjoy the overflowing nature. Accommodation fees vary by season and room type. Please see the official web-site or travel web sites for prices. If you haven't yet, be sure to watch the video about Tokisumika to get a better idea of what it's like. ◆Information about Tokisumika◆ 【Address】4-172 Akaho Komagane-shi Nagano 【Access】3 minutes by car from Komagane IC in Chuodo. A free shuttle bus is available from JR Komagane station (Reservation required) 【Parking】Available (Free) 【Telephone Number】0265-95-2446 【Official Website】The Private Getaway Tokisumika https://www.tokisumika.com/ 【Tripadvisor】The Private Getaway Tokisumika https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1021315-d12687372-Reviews-Chuo_Alps_Mori_no_Kakureyado_Tokisumika-Komagane_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:12
Art that shines in the rain! Video highlights of the Karuizawa Umbrella Sky in Kitasaku County, Nagano Prefecture! Also, how to enjoy Harunire Terrace, where the whole area is buzzing with installations!
Travel Shopping Art & Architecture- 51 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction of Harunire Terrace "Karuizawa Umbrella Sky" in Kitasaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. This video, titled "Hoshino area of Karuizawa | Karuizawa Umbrella Sky 2019"(軽井沢星野エリア|軽井沢アンブレラスカイ2019), was uploaded by "Hoshino Resorts." This video shows the 2019 Karuizawa Umbrella Sky event, held every year during Japan's rainy season at Harunire Terrace in the Hoshino area of Karuizawa. The view of colorful umbrellas floating above the wooden deck connecting the different buildings in the area makes it a popular spot for Japanese Instagrammers. From June to early July, you can see many photos of the event on Instagram. This article provides easy-to-understand information about popular events. Be sure to check out the photogenic event in the video. What is Karuizawa Umbrella Sky? Photo:Karuizawa Umbrella Sky, Harunire Terrace Karuizawa Umbrella Sky is an event held in the Hoshino area of Karuizawa, operated by Hoshino Resorts in Karuizawa, Nagano, in Japan's Koshin'etsu region. 2023 will mark the 8th year the event is held. Here, we'll take a look at some things to see during the event. ●Umbrella Arcade The main attraction of the event is the "Umbrella Arcade" which features more than 100 colorful umbrellas floating above the deck of Harunire Terrace. Soap bubbles can be seen floating through the air three times a day, creating an exciting atmosphere for people of all ages. "Rainy Art," a pattern that appears on the wooden deck only on rainy days, and the reflection of umbrellas on the wet wooden deck are two more must-see attractions. [Video] 0:38 - Umbrellas Reflected on the Rainy Wooden Deck ●Bubbles and Umbrella Making Workshops (Held on Weekends) At the plaza next to "Hoshino Onsen Tombo no Yu" (Hoshino Onsen), bubble blowing workshops and umbrella making workshops are held for children to have fun with their parents. ●Exclusive Seasonal Beverages to Go With Japan's Rainy Season Drinks inspired by the colorful Karuizawa Umbrella Sky are also sold during the event. The Rainbow-colored Lemonade, a limited-quantity drink from Café Hungry Spot, is filled with colorful jelly and is the perfect drink for the event. Consider purchasing one and snapping some photos of the colorful drink with the lush greenery in the surrounding area. Karuizawa Umbrella Sky 2023: Event Schedule & Hours The 2023 Karuizawa Umbrella Sky event schedule is as follows: Event Period: June 2 - July 9 Hours: 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Illumination Hours: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm Bubbles: 10:00 am, 4:00 pm, 8:00 pm The event will be held at Harunire Terrace, a facility with a variety of restaurants and lifestyle stores in the Hoshino area of Karuizawa. The event is a great way to beat the blues brought on by Japan's rainy season, so definitely consider checking it out. Things to Do at Harunire Terrace at Karuizawa Hoshino Resorts Photo:Karuizawa Umbrella Sky at night Harunire Terrace was named after the more than 100 Harunire (Japanese elm) trees that used to grow in the area. There are restaurants, cafes, sweets, and lifestyle & relaxation stores, all connected via a wooden deck. You can see a video of Harunire Terrace after the sun sets in the video. [Video] 0:47 - Harunire Terrace at Night You can enjoy shopping or even just window shopping at the various shops in the area, all the while enjoying Karuizawa Umbrella Sky, or just relax and enjoy a meal or tea time at a café. Pets are welcome on the terrace as well, so it's not uncommon to see people with their dogs. Before visiting Harunire Terrace, we recommend checking to see if there are any events being held in the area when you're planning on visiting. Harunire Terrace hosts the Umbrella Sky during the rainy season in Japan (early June to mid-July), illuminations around Christmas, and Halloween-related events in autumn. In addition, there are many trendy shops and specialty stores to browse, so you might consider making a list of the shops you want to take a look at before visiting if you have limited time. Restaurants, Cafes, and Souvenir Shops at Harunire Terrace Photo:Chairs at Harunire Terrace, Karuizawa Harunire Terrace features 16 restaurants, cafes, and other eateries, as well as furniture and even souvenir shops. Sawamura is a bakery/restaurant that is popular on Japanese social media. They offer takeout, but many people sit in for lunch. The pasta lunch comes with delicious bread, and the juicy hamburgers are to die for! After grabbing some lunch, you can relax on the terrace and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee from Maruyama Coffee. There's also a bookstore attached to the restaurant, so you can relax while reading. Kawakamian is known for its delicious soba noodles as well as shrimp tempura, etc. If you visit the restaurant in the evening, consider indulging in some delicious sake with various dishes, such as grilled duck and their tasty pork tatsuta-age (a marinated, fried pork dish). MORIASOBI is a shop that sells furniture and sundries, but it also serves meals and is open for tea time. We recommend trying the hot chocolate here, a popular drink on Japanese Instagram, which is made with foamed milk and melted chocolate. Izumiya (和泉屋) is a great shop for souvenirs and is popular for its delicious Japanese- and Western-style confections. The cheesecake, called "Hanjuku Cake," has an irresistible soufflé-like texture. The shop also offers a lineup of cute products for sale. Other Things to Do in Karuizawa Here are a few places to check out in the Karuizawa area: Karuizawa Shiraito Falls From Nakakaruizawa Station, the closest station to Harunire Terrace, you can take a train to Karuizawa Station. From there, there are regularly schedules buses that will take you to the Shiraito no Taki Bus Stop (白糸の滝). It's an approximately 25-minute bus ride to the base of the trail, and then a 5-10-minute hike to the waterfall itself. Hours: Open 24 hours. ※Shops at the base of the trail: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (Some shops may be closed in the case of inclement weather) Admission Fee: Free Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza An outlet mall at Karuizawa Station with a number of shops, cafes, and restaurants selling everything from brand-name goods like Prada to snowboarding gear, such as Burton. The plaza features a large pond at its center making it feel like a Japanese strolling pond garden. Hours: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Admission Fee: 720 yen (bus fee) Tombo no Yu Located just up the road from Harunire Terrace, Tombo no Yu (Tonbo no Yu) is a hot spring that opened in 1915. It's a great place to relax after a long day of sightseeing. Be aware that there can be long lines to enter during holidays, such as Golden Week. Hours: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Admission Fee: Adults: 1,350 yen, Children (Ages 3 - Elementary school students): 800 yen Additionally, if you're looking to get some exercise and enjoy the weather on a sunny day, you can rent a bike from a bike rental shop and ride around the Karuizawa area exploring the scenery, visiting shops, etc. The bike rental shops in the area have guidebooks with biking routes of various lengths to help you navigate the area according to your schedule as well. Keep in mind that the bikes can be fully rented out during holiday seasons, so it's a good idea to make a reservation in advance. A Brief Introduction to Karuizawa Karuizawa, located in the mountains of south-eastern Nagano, inside Joshin'etsu Kogen National Park, sits at an elevation of 850 to 1,000 meters above sea level and is a popular summer resort in Japan. Karuizawa has long been popular as a vacation home for many famous and wealthy people because of its easy accessibility (approximately 1 hour from central Tokyo). Summary of Karuizawa Harunire Terrace, Umbrella Sky The Hoshino area of Karuizawa also offers accommodations and hot springs, so you can enjoy the upscale Karuizawa lifestyle in a relaxing setting surrounded by nature. Japan's rainy season has a tendency to make people feel gloomy, but Karuizawa's Harunire Terrace will welcome you with colorful umbrellas, lush greenery, and flowers. If you're feeling down this rainy season, consider visiting Harunire Terrace to cheer yourself up. You're sure to feel refreshed! [Official website] Harunire Terrace - The Hoshino Area of Karuizawa [TripAdvisor] Harunire Terrace -
Video article 1:55
Video of mountain climbing in the Hakuba mountain range of the Northern Alps, including the spectacular natural scenery, sea of clouds, and star-filled sky in Hakuba Village, Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture, which you should see at least once!
Local PR Nature- 520 plays
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Introduction of the official "Mountain Climbing in the Hakuba Mountain Range of the Northern Alps" video from Hakuba Village, Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. This official PR video of Hakuba village, titled “Hakuba village [Dramatic Nature Days – Mountain]"(白馬村公式ムービー【Dramatic Nature Days - Mountain】)” is a time-lapse video produced by the Hakuba tourist office. The Northern Alps' Hakuba Mountain Range is located in the middle of the Japanese archipelago. Its structure, which lies between the Japanese sea and the Pacific Ocean, creates dynamic scenery. This two minutes video features the beautiful views of the Hakuba mountain range and recommended tourist spots in Hakuba village. Events in Hakuba, Nagano Photo:Hakuba Village in the Spring Hakuba village in Nagano prefecture is a popular tourist spot in Japan. Tourists can enjoy various activities throughout the year, such as hot springs, mountain climbing, skiing, cycling, and camping. It is also famous as a summer resort where many tourists visit due to it's comfortable climate. The Northern Alps is a great location where people can enjoy various outdoor activities such as trekking and mountain climbing while seeing fabulous natural views including flowers, snow, wildlife, and more. The Northern Alps - The Mountaineer Mecca Photo:The Northern Alps The rugged mountains shown in the video are the Northern Alps. Hakuba Village is one of Japan's most famous mountaineering spots thanks to the Hakuba mountain range. The Japanese Alps and Mt. Fuji are two of the world's most sacred mountaineering destinations and attract many climbers every year, but the Hakuba mountain range has more than 17 of the most famous peaks. “Shirouma-dake,” “Shakushi-dake,” and “Yariga-dake” are well-known as “The Three Peaks of Hakuba.” Some of the peaks are: ・Goryu-dake (9,232 ft.) (~0:44) ・Karamatu-dake (8,845 ft.) (~0:49) ・Yariga-dake (9524 ft.) (~1:22) ・Shakushi-dake (9,225 ft.) (~1:26) ・Shirouma-dake (9,619 ft.) (~1:42) If you enjoy climbing, be sure to carry rain gear and a map, even if you're enjoying a beginner's trekking trail, as the weather in the mountains can change easily. In the Hakuba mountain range, you can see rare alpine flowers and animals that cannot be found in the plains. Taking a commemorative photo with the Hakuba mountain range in the background is a great way to remember your trip. Be sure to share it on Instagram! The Hot Springs of Hakuba Village Source :YouTube screenshot Hakuba village is very popular as a hot springs area. The most recommended spot is "Hakuba Yari Onsen" (白馬鑓温泉) in the middle of Yariga-dake. You can see this hot spring in this video at 0:33. The view of the rising sun and star sprinkled sky from the open air bath are remarkable! 100 people can stay at the Hakuba Yari Onsen lodge and about 15 people can stay in a tent. The Yari Onsen lodge is a great spot where visitors can enjoy both hot springs and nature. If you would like more information about other accommodations in Hakuba village as well as access information, please see the official website of Yariga Onsen or the Hakuba village tourist office's website. The Nagano Olympics in Hakuba Village Be sure to check out the following facilities used as competition venues during the Nagano Olympics: ・HAPPO ONE SNOW RESORT ・Hakuba Ski Slope ・Hakuba Cross Country Stadium "Snow Harp" Hakuba village is in a snowy area of Japan. Visitors can enjoy skiing or snow boarding in fresh powdery snow. You'll be amazed at the amazing snowscape that stretches as far as the eye can see. Summary of Hakuba Village Photo:Hakuba mountain and Oide Park in spring Hakuba village is a great tourist spot with fierce weather and rich natural surroundings. There are other attractive places that weren't shown in the video as well. For example, you can remnants of the Jomon period at Aoni in Hakuba village. Also there are other experienced based activities where you can feel the history and culture of Japan, such as making Tonbo dama (glass beads), watching fireflies, or making soba (Japanese noodles). You can enjoy the magnificent views of Hakuba mountain range in this video. The vast sea of clouds extending to the horizon (0:06) and the star sprinkled skies (1:08) will take your breath away. 【Official Website】Hakuba Village Official Tourist Website https://www.vill.hakuba.nagano.jp/english/ 【Official Website】Hakuba Village Office Official Website https://www.vill.hakuba.lg.jp/ -
Video article 6:19
Matsumoto Castle, a National Treasure, Is One of the Most Popular Sightseeing Spots in Nagano! The Interior of the Castle Tower Is an Amazing Sight, Filled With History!
Art & Architecture- 38 plays
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This video, titled "Matsumoto Castle (Castle Tower Interior)" (松本城(天守内部編)), was released by "ibukivideo." In this video, you can see the inside of Matsumoto Castle in Nagano Prefecture. The interior of Matsumoto Castle is constructed with many log pillars. The castle was designed for warfare and you can see the historical background of the castle all the way back to the Warring States period. Guns, armor and paintings from that time period are also displayed. Be sure to check it out in the video. -
Video article 6:23
Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort" in Kitasaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture is an exquisite space that attracts tourists from all over the world. Spend the most special day of your life with our popular wedding plans!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 141 plays
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Legrand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, Japan - Video Introduction This video created by Le Grand Karuizawa introduces Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort, and is titled "Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel and Resort, Promotional Video"(ルグラン軽井沢 ホテル&リゾート プロモーションムービー). Karuizawa-Cho, in Nagano prefecture, is one of the luxury mountain resorts in Japan, and located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. We are going to introduce “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort,” where you can experience the highest-quality customer service, located at the foot of Mount Asama in Nagano in the Koshinetsu region which is famous for its Onsen (hot springs). In this video, you will see the wedding hall, onsen, and rooms that will make your wedding day unforgettable. Enjoy the video of the place that will be the grounds for the happiest day of your life. What is “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Source :YouTube screenshot “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” is a luxury resort hotel located at the foot of Mount Asama (浅間山,Asama san) in Karuizawa-Cho, Nagano in Shinshu in Japan. Access is 15 minutes from Karuizawa JR station by car. They also provide a shuttle bus service between the station and the hotel. The affiliated hotel "Le Grand Kyu Karuizawa hotel" is located nearby. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Wedding Plans Source :YouTube screenshot The video mainly introduces wedding plans. A wedding is supposed to be the most special day of your life. In this video, the introduction of their wedding plan starts around 2:43. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” has a large premises for a wedding venue. With the chapel, the beautiful garden and terrace tables, they provide the most wonderful experience to everyone at the wedding ceremony. A lot of people may feel Karuizawa is a place for special occasions because it is known as a vacation region. This hotel has highly-rated reviews on its wedding plans compared to other hotels in the region, and a lot of its customers have had a great start to the next chapter in their life here. They regularly hold a bridal fair or event in Ginza Salon in Tokyo so that people can discuss or consult about the wedding plans without actually going to the site. It is also a part of the reason that it has such a good reputation. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort”: Rooms and the Extensive Onsen Area Source :YouTube screenshot “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” has three types of rooms. One in the main building furnished with European Antiques, one in the Villa Suite, and one in the highest-grade luxury "Yamanoue Suite" so customers can choose the room they would like to stay in. They also have multiple bathing facilities for customers to choose from depending on their mood that day. There's the large public bath "Komorebi" which is filled with natural Onsen water, a private bath, a Tembo-buro (a bath with a nice outside view), and Happu Onsen. Because Nagano prefecture is featured for its many onsen, you can enjoy a variety of luxurious onsen here. Happu Onsen is Hydrogen Carbonate Spring which is known as one of three "Hot Springs of Beauty"(the top three springs contain chemicals that benefit health and beauty) in Japan. Happu Onsen has positive effects on wounds and skin conditions. A day trip is also possible. Around 1:37 in the video, you can see the hotel rooms and around 1:02 the onsen are shown. Facilities of “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Source :YouTube screenshot On the hotel's large premises, there are swimming pools, gardens, a spa, and a gym as well. Spend your quality time however you would like. In the mountain area, there is a "Yamanoue sweet terrace/activity deck" located 1000 meters above sea level. In the main building, there is a classical style main entrance, a garden decorated with seasonal flowers, a boutique for gifts and "SPA LA VILLA" where you can enjoy a facial massage in a relaxing room. They also have rooms called "Prive.Lac," "Bell Foret," and "En Chante" for meeting and banquet purposes. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Restaurants and Bars Their French restaurant "Vaas" provides French gourmet with seasonal ingredients produced by Japan. There is also a Grilled restaurant called "Grill Mille "serving Grilled meals with ingredients produced by the Shinshu region, "Karuizawa French," and "ASAMA Café." Enjoy drinking at the bar "Rouge" and the "Poolside Bar" at night. A variety of different cuisines are also served for breakfast. Sightseeing Around “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Photo:Shiraito Falls There are many tourist spots in Karuizawa, in Nagano prefecture where “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” is located at. "Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza (軽井沢 プリンス ショッピングプラザ, Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza)" the mall with 240 stores, "Uchimura Kanzo Memorial Stone Church (石の教会 内村鑑三記念堂, Ishinokyoukai Uchimura Kanzo Kinendo)" stone & glass church, "Shiraito Falls (白糸の滝, Shiraito no Taki)" the waterfalls designated as a Japanese natural monument as well as a national scenic spot, "Hiroshi Senju Museum Karuizawa (軽井沢千住博美術館, Karuizawa Senju Hiroshi Bijutsukan)" which has a great ambiance, "Kumoba Pond (雲場池, Kumoba Ike)" also known as "Swan Lake (スワンレイク)", "Karuizawa Hoshino Area (軽井沢星野エリア, Karuizawa Hoshino Area)" which great writers and artists gathered and created their community in Taisho era, "Karuizawa Taliesin (軽井沢タリアセン, Karuizawa Tariasen)" a resort facility where there are many shops and leisure venues, "Old Usui Outlooks (旧碓氷峠見晴台, KyuUsuitouge Miharashidai)" near the top of the Usui, outlook park which is located at an altitude of 1200m, "Karuizawa Lake Garden (軽井沢レイクガーデン, Karuizawa Lake garden)" where there are 8 garden areas and one great lake in the garden, and "Old Karuizawa Ginza Street (旧軽井沢銀座道,Kyu Karuizawa Ginzado) " where several hundreds of tourists visit every year. If you're making a trip to “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” consider checking out some of these spots as well. Recap of “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” As shown in the video, “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” provides the best customer service experience (Omotenashi in Japanese) to its customers and that is one of the reasons it is so popular. We weren't able to show how the staff provides customer service and room service in this video but we're sure that you'll be satisfied with them as well. For more details about the hotel's facilities, room amenities and tourist spots nearby, be sure to visit their website. Accommodation fees differ by season, room, and plan. Please check the rates on their website or other hotel booking websites when you make a reservation. ◆About “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort”◆ 【Address】864-4 Hotchi, Karuizawa, Kitasaku, Nagano 389-0113 【Access】About 15 minutes from Karuizawa JR station by car 【Parking】Yes. Limited to 45 spots 【Phone】0267-48-0099 【Official Website】Karuizawa hotel / Le Grand Kyu Karuizawa https://www.legrand-karuizawa.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】"Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort" https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g325581-d10384974-Reviews-Le_Grand_Kyukaruizawa-Karuizawa_machi_Kitasaku_gun_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.htmlshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 0:47
The Hokusai Museum in Kamitakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture, features the beautiful ceiling paintings and powerful dragon paintings of the world-renowned Japanese ukiyoe artist Katsushika Hokusai, which are fascinating masterpieces by the artist!
Art & Architecture Celebrities- 22 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[4K] A Festival Float With a Dynamic Ceiling Painting by Katsushika Hokusai|Obuse, Nagano|The Hokusai Museum|nippon.com" (【4K】葛飾北斎の天井絵が躍動する祭屋台:長野・小布施「北斎館」| nippon.com), was released by "nippon.com." Obuse, a popular tourist town in Nagano Prefecture, houses the Hokusai Museum, which exhibits paintings by Katsushika Hokusai. Katsushika Hokusai was an ukiyo-e artist from the Edo Period, and at the age of 83, he visited Obuse in Shinshu to work on a painting. At the Hokusai Museum in Obuse, a work called the "Matsuri Yatai" (festival float) is on display, which is said to be the only three-dimensional object created by Hokusai. The dynamic dragons and phoenixes on the festival float are a sight to behold. Be sure to visit the Hokusai Museum in Obuse to see the dynamic painting by Katsushika Hokusai. -
Video article 2:49
Kozenji Temple, an Ancient Temple in the Scenic Kiso Area of Nagano Prefecture, Has a Garden Created by a Famous Gardener! Check Out the History of Kozenji, Its Gardens, and What to See in the Area!
Art & Architecture- 125 plays
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This video, titled "Kozen-ji Temple (Kiso Valley) - Nagano - 興禅寺 - 4K Ultra HD" was produced by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." The Kiso area of Nagano Prefecture is a popular tourist destination with plateaus full of nature. Kozenji Temple, shown in the video, is an ancient temple with hundreds of years of history in Kiso. The temple is said to have been founded by the Kiso clan and is home to the cemetery of the Kiso clan, including Kiso Yoshinaka (Minamoto no Yoshinaka), an important figure in Japanese history. There are four beautiful gardens in the precincts of Kozenji. Among them is Kanun-tei, a famous masterpiece by Mirei Shigemori, which has been designated as a National Monument. Kiso-Fukushima is also home to the scenic Tsumago-juku. It's a good idea to combine Kozenji Temple and Tsumago-juku with a trip to Nagano Prefecture! -
Video article 24:24
Rock Climbing on Mt. Oku-Hotaka! The Breathtaking View From the Peak of the Mountain in Nagano and Gifu Prefectures Will Change How You View the World!
Nature- 228 plays
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Introducing a round-trip mountain climbing video from Okuhotaka to Uma no Uma no Uta, spanning Nagano and Gifu Prefectures. This video, titled "Mt. Oku-Hotaka to Gendarmes|Route Change After a Rockslide|Video of a Detailed Round Trip of Uma no Se" (奥穂高からジャンダルム 滑落みて馬の背ピストンへ変更 馬の背詳細往復動画), was uploaded by "Biryu Jr." Mt. Oku-Hotaka Photo:The Hotaka mountain range from Mt. Norikura Mt. Oku-Hotaka is the main mountain of the Hotaka Mountain Range, which straddles Nagano and Gifu prefectures in the Hida Mountain Range of Chubu-Sangaku National Park in the southern part of Japan's Northern Alps. At 3,190 meters above sea level, it is the highest peak in the Northern Alps and the third highest in Japan after Mt. Fuji and Mt. Kita. Mt. Oku-Hotaka (奥穂高岳), Mt. Karasawa (涸沢岳), Kita-Hotaka (北穂高岳), Mae-Hotaka (前穂高岳), Nishi-Hotaka (西穂高岳), and Mt. Myojin (明神岳), are collectively referred to as Mt. Hotaka. It is said that the origin of the mountain's name comes from a legend that a god named Hotakami-no-Mikoto descended to the summit of Mt. Oku-Hotaka. Even today, the mountain is revered as a sacred mountain by local people, who visit and climb it to pray. The first person to summit Mt. Oku-Hotaka was surveyor Gunji Abe in 1906. With its challenging routes, powerful rocky ridges, and panoramic views from the ridge, Mt. Hotaka continues to attract many climbers to this day. The Geological Features of Mt. Oku-Hotaka Here, we'll take a look at the geological features of Mt. Oku-Hotaka ・Volcanic Terrain Mt. Hotaka, including Mt. Oku-Hotaka, is formed mainly of dacitic ignimbrite called "Hotaka andesite." This rock was formed by pyroclastic flows during an eruption approximately 1.75 million years ago, and was uplifted 2,000m over a period of 1 million years after a large-scale eruption. ・Glacial Landforms Many glacial landforms have been observed on Mount Hotaka. Glacial landforms are landforms created by glaciers that have accumulated soil, sand, rocks, etc., while carving away the land below. Mt. Oku-Hotaka – Uma no Se Photo:Uma no Se on Mt. Oku-Hotaka Mt. Okuhotaka, a famous mountain climbing spot, has a narrow ridge called "Uma no Se" (horse's back), which is steep and features cliffs on both sides. Because of how steep it is, it's also a dangerous place where falling accidents occur frequently. The slopes, which look like a combination of rubble, require extreme caution in order to prevent accidents. In the video, you can see how they decide not go to Gendarme (a rocky summit between Mt. Oku-Hotaka and Mt. Nishi-Hotaka), and instead decide to descend via Uma no Se. It's as realistic as if you were there yourself. The sound of the wind, the hands gripping the rocks, the shadows of climbers moving toward the spectacular views... the power of these scenes draws you in. [Video] 5:44 - Advancing Along Uma no Se Mt. Oku-Hotaka – Routes and Difficulties Here are the routes of Mt. Oku-Hotaka according to difficulty level: ・Kamikochi Course (上高地コース) - The recommended route for beginners Starting from Kamikochi Bus Center, the most common route is [Myojin (明神) - Tokusawa (徳沢) - Yoko (横尾) - Hontanibashi (本谷橋) - Karasawa (涸沢) - Mt. Hotaka Hut (穂高岳山荘, Hotakadake Sanso), Mt. Oku-Hotaka]. Your itinerary should be arranged according to your physical fitness. It is common to stay overnight during the climb. ・Kenkyakusha-Muke Course (健脚者向けコース) The rough route is [Shin Hotaka Onsen (新穂高温泉) - Shirade Hut Ruins (白出小屋跡) - Mt. Hotaka Hut (穂高岳山荘), Mt. Oku-Hotaka]. The trailhead is at Shin Hotaka Onsen. Since there are some points on the ascent where it's easy to make a mistake on the route, it's recommended that you be accompanied by an experienced climber. Furthermore, since route conditions change according to lingering snowfall, it's necessary to check trail conditions ahead of time. ・Advanced Climbing Course (熟練・上級者向けコース) The rough route is [Kamikochi Bus Terminal (上高地バスターミナル) - Yoko (横尾) - Yarisawa Lodge (槍沢ロッジ) - Kakusei Hutte (殺生ヒュッテ) - Yarigatake Hut (槍ヶ岳山荘) - Minamidake Hut (南岳小屋) - Kitahotaka Hut - Mt. Kitahotaka Hut (北穂高小屋) - Karasawa Hut (涸沢岳) - Mt. Hotaka Hut (穂高岳山荘)]. The ridge course from Yarigatake continues through rocky terrain with considerable height differences. Normally, three nights are required for this route, and extreme caution is needed as there are many steep sections. Summary of Mt. Oku-Hotaka Photo:Mt. Oku-Hotaka In this article. we introduced one of the three tallest peaks in Japan, Mt. Oku-Hotaka, and Uma no Se. Although there are dangers, such as slips and falling rocks, Mt. Oku-Hotaka is a thrilling mountaineering experience that features spectacular views of nature that attracts many climbers. Although the climb is not without its dangers, the view from the summit and the thrill of climbing over Uma no Se is said to be exceptional. If you wish to take on this challenge, please do your research and go fully prepared. That being said, if you're just here to enjoy some of the views, hopefully the video is enough for you. 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Oku-Hotaka https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298102-d7242442-Reviews-Mt_Okuhotaka-Chubu.html -
Video article 2:56
Togakushi Shrine in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, with a history of 2,000 years, is one of the most famous power spots in Nagano. We introduce all the highlights of Togakushi Shrine, including benefits, red seals, gourmet foods, and more!
Art & Architecture- 185 plays
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Togakushi Shrine" in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture Video Introduction This video, titled "Togakushi Jinja - Oku Sha" (戸隠神社・奥社 Togakushi Jinja - Oku Sha), was created by "sirousaghi." Togakushi Shrine (戸隠神社, Togakushi Jinja), located in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, has an upper shrine and a middle shrine at the foot of Mt. Togakushi (戸隠山,Togakushiyama), which is said to have taken its present form from "Amano-Iwato," when the gods still walked the earth. At the end of the 270 stone steps is a shrine with a history of more than 2000 years, made up of five shrines, including Hoko-sha, Kuzuryu-sha, Hinomiko-sha, and more. In the days of Shinbutsu-shugo, a mixture of Shinto and Buddhism, it was called Togakushiyama Kenkoji and was a sacred site for Shugendo, and was widely worshipped until the separation of Shinto and Buddhist beliefs. The upper shrine is dedicated to Ame-no-Tajikarao, who opened Amano-Iwato with his divine power. As the head shrine of Togakushi Shrine, the upper shrine is said to have the power to bring good luck, fulfill wishes, bring bountiful harvest, and bring victory in sports. The video starts from the Ikkan Ryuoshi, which can be seen at 0:43, and Zuishinmon Gate can be seen in the middle of the 2km long approach. This is followed by a line of around 150 Japanese cedar trees on the right and 130 on the left. Beyond that, there is Iizuna Shrine (飯縄社, Iizuna Jinja), which is shown from 1:39 in the video. In front of the upper shrine, there is Kuzuryu Shrine dedicated to Kuzuryu. The exact date is unknown, but it has been dedicated and worshipped as a Jinushigami since before Ame-no-Tajikarao was enshrined. The History of Togakushi Shrine Photo:Togakushi upper shrine shrine approach, Nagano Prefecture Togakushi Shrine is made up of five shrines around Mt. Togakushi, in northwestern Nagano. It is registered as a "Kokuhei Shosha" (a Shinto shrine that receives money from the national government or prefectural governments). There are many theories about the origin of the shrine, and one of them is that current upper shrine was built in 210 B.C., but Kuzuryu Shrine is said to be even older than the upper shrine. There is also a legend that Ame-no-Tajikarao was welcomed by Kuzuryu, the Jinushigami of the area. The name of Mt. Togakushi, which is also an object of worship of Togakushi Shrine, comes from the legend that Amaterasu-Ookami was angry with her brother Susano-o-Mikoto, who was hiding in Amano-Iwato, so, Ame-no-Tajikarao threw it with all his might, and a part of it flew away and became a mountain. There are two important cultural properties stored at Togakushi Shrine: the incomplete remains of "Hokekyo" volume 4 by Fujiwara no Sadanobu and |"Geshaku" which is one of the five ivory shaku existing in Japan. Access to Togakushi Shrine Photo:Togakushi upper shrine, Nagano Prefecture Access to Togakushi Shrine is as follows. 【Access via car】 If you're going via highway, get off at the Nagano Interchange or the Shinanomachi Interchange. We recommend getting off at the Shinanomachi Interchange. There is little traffic this way and getting to the shrine is easy. Take Route 18 towards downtown Nagano, turn right at the "Issa Memorial Museum Entrance" (一茶記念館入口) intersection, and pass through the foot of Mt. Kurohime (about 30 minutes). It's possible to drive to Togakushi Shrine, but you'll have to walk to the upper shrine, so please be aware that the parking lot can get quite crowded. 【Access via walking】 if you're coming on foot, you can take the train, bus, taxi, or use a car rental service. There is a local bus from JR Nagano Station to Togakushi Shrine, which takes about 70 minutes (Bus stop No.7 at Nagano Station). Sightseeing Information for Togakushi Shrine Photo:Zaru Soba There are a lot of sightseeing destinations around Togakushi Shrine: ・Togakushi Forest Botanical Garden ・Togakushi Folk Museum ・Togakushi Ninja Museum ・Ninja Trick Mansion ・Kagami Ike Pond ・Togakushi Campground ・Chibikko Ninja Village These are just a few famous sightseeing sites in Nagano. You can also enjoy specialties of Nagano, such as soba. Summary of Togakushi Shrine Photo:A row of cedar trees at upper Togakushi shrine, Nagano Prefecture While you can of course enjoy the history of Togakushi Shrine, it's also popular sightseeing spot for couples because of the two Japanese cedar trees, which are believed to bring good fortunate to couples. There's also "Togakushi Shrine Daidai Kagura," an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Nagano. Togakushi Shrine is also one of the most famous power spots in Nagano. You can visit to collect shuin or buy good luck charms as well. There are many other amazing sightseeing locations, so be sure to explore the area during your visit to Nagano! 【Tripadvisor】Togakushi Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298565-d1371708-Reviews-Togakushi_Shrine_Okusha-Nagano_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:37
Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort – The Finest Powder Snow for Skiing and Snowboarding in Nagano Prefecture! There Are Endless Ways To Have Fun Trekking, Climbing, Etc. in Hakuba Village, a Place Surrounded by the Great Outdoors!
Things to Do- 28 plays
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Introducing Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort This video, titled "Hakuba Happo-One Snow Resort PV 2019-2020" (白馬八方尾根スキー場PV2019-2020), was released by "HakubaHappo-one." The Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort, with its magnificent natural setting, is very popular for its superb powder snow. If you're looking to enjoy winter sports in Japan, you should definitely check out Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort. A Closer Look at Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort Source :YouTube screenshot The Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort is an international mountain resort located in Hakuba, Nagano, in Japan's Koshinetsu Region, and is one of the largest single ski resorts in Japan. The Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort is also known for being the venue for the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano Prefecture. From the top of the mountain, on a clear day, you can enjoy a magnificent view of Mt. Myoko, Mt. Asama, and the Yatsugatake Mountains of Japan's Northern Alps. At 0:07 in the video, you can also see the mountains tinted with a beautiful morning glow. The ski resort is fully equipped with gondolas and lifts, and offers a comfortable skiing and snowboarding experience on its famously powdery snow. A Skiing Experience at Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort Source :YouTube screenshot Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort offers a variety of courses, including the Sakka Slope, Olympic Course I, and the Riesen Grat Course. Choose the slope that best suits your level and enjoy skiing or snowboarding to your hearts content. Beginners can also try their hand at skiing at the Evergreen International Ski School. Events at Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort Source :YouTube screenshot At Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort, you can look forward to not only snow-related activities but also events. In particular, the torch run introduced at 2:16 in the video is incredibly dynamic. On December 31, there's a Kagami-biraki ceremony, a taiko drum performance, a raffle, and a fireworks display. During winter in the Hakuba area they also celebrate "dondoyaki," a traditional festival that involves a massive bonfire to herald the new year in Japan. There are also parasailing and trekking tours that can be enjoyed in any season, which can be seen at 2:40 in the video. Summary of Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort Source :YouTube screenshot In this article we introduced the popular Hakuba Happo One Snow Resort that was the venue for the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano. When visiting Hakuba Happo One Ski Resort, we recommend booking a hotel, planning equipment rentals and lift ticket purchases, and researching transportation access and event information well in advance. There are also popular hot springs and restaurants around the ski resort, so be sure to check them out as well. 【Official Website】HAKUBA HAPPO ONE SNOW RESORT https://www.happo-one.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】HAKUBA HAPPO ONE SKI RESORT https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120615-d1424752-Reviews-Hakuba_Happoone_Ski_Resort-Hakuba_mura_Kitaazumi_gun_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinets.html -
Video article 1:10
The Idojiri Ruins' Jomon Experience! Imagine Life in the Jomon Period Through an Aerial View of the Ruins of This Excavated Pit Dwelling in Nagano Prefecture's Suwa District!
History- 225 plays
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Video introduction of the "Idojiri Ruins" pit dwelling in Suwa-gun, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "Idojiri ruins・ Pit-house(井戸尻遺跡 竪穴式住居)," was created by "Solar Kanki." It was filmed via drone to give viewers a bird's eye view of a pit-house at the Idojiri ruins located in Fujimi, Suwa county, Nagano. In this video, you can see the historical Japanese landmark in high definition. The contrast of color in the thatched roof and the green of nature is very beautiful. It is a must-see video for those who love history and nature. In this article, we'll talk about the beauty of the Idojiri ruins' pit-house. What Is the Idojiri Ruins? Photo:Idojiri ruins The Idojiri ruins is located in Fujimi, Suwa county, Nagano in Japan's Koshinetsu region. They are the ruins of a settlement from the Edo period and it is a must-see spot for people who love history. It was registered as a national historic site in 1966. There is also a stone monument in the park from when it was designated as a historic site. Many archaeological sites were created due to the need for spring water from Yatsugatake, around Idojiri ruins. It had been said that people in the Jomon period (14000 BCE to 300 BCE) hunted and gathered. An archeologist from Suwa, Nagano protested the theory that people hunted and gathered in the Jomon era, and a study of Idojiri ruins as well as Jomon ruins in the central highland have led to a new theory that people in the Jomon era farmed. What Is a Pit House? Source :YouTube screenshot Construction of a pit house begins by excavating a pit in a circle or square. Add several poles to make the framework of the house, and finally, use soil and reeds to make the roof and walls. Seeing the quaint pit house video will make you feel at peace. Please take a look at the the video at 0:06 to see this. In Europe, pit house-like buildings started being built around the Mesolithic era. In the Neolithic era, pit houses had become common globally. In Japan, it has been said that pit houses started being built around the late Paleolithic era. Highlights of Idojiri Ruins' Pit Houses Source :【Official Website】Fujimi town The Idojiri Archaeological museum and Museum of Folklore, where several important cultural properties are exhibited, are located near Idojiri ruins. Approximately 2,000 unearthed goods of cultural properties are on dispaly. The pit houses were relocated from a residential site discovered in Idojiri ruins and fully had their appearances fully reproduced. You can look inside the pit house and see the ancient fireplace which was a must-have item back then. There are also houses, food, clothing, and earthen figures from the Jomon period that you can check out. It's fun to imagine what life was like in the Jomon period by watching these items. There used to be fun events such as bow and arrow making, as well as making goods of ancient times. Around the ruins is a great place surrounded by nature. Rice fields, lotus flowers, lilies and irises are all in the vicinity. It is a perfect place if you are looking for a view that is distinct to Japan. The view of the pit house in Idojiri ruins is surrounded by lots of beautiful trees and makes for a great Instagram location! Take a look at 0:06 to see the outstanding view. Overview of the Idojiri Ruins' Pit House Photo:A Water Wheel at Idojiri Ruins The video "Idojiri ruins・ Pit-house" created by "Soloar Kanki," has a bird’s eye view filmed by a drone. The beautiful scene of Idojiri ruins park will take your breath away with the peaceful view such as the rice field and a watermill. Be sure to check out the video if you're interested in the Idojiri ruins. ◆Overview of Idojiri ruins and Idojiri Archaeological Hall◆ 【Address】7053 Sakai Fujimi cho Suwa county, Nagano 【Access】15 minutes walk from Shinano Sakai Station on JR Chuo line 【Admission】300 yen for an adult and 150 yen for a child (As of April, 2020) 【Opening Hours】 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 【Closures】Mondays, a day after a national holiday and new year’s holiday 【Parking】40 regular parking spots are available 【Phone number】0266-64-2044 【Official Website】Idojiri Archaeological Hall https://userweb.alles.or.jp/fujimi/idojiri.html 【Tripadvisor】Idojiri ruins https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120579-d12572092-Reviews-Idojiri_Archeological_Site-Fujimi_machi_Suwa_gun_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_C.html -
Video article 1:58
If You Want to Ski on Some Powdery, Natural Snow, Hakuba Cortina Ski Resort Is the Place to Go! Check Out All 16 Courses They Have to Offer!
Things to Do- 25 plays
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This video, titled Hakuba Cortina Ski Resort PV" (白馬コルチナスキー場PV), was released by HAKUBACORTINA. The Hakuba area in Nagano Prefecture is especially popular among winter sports fans in Japan. The Hakuba Cortina ski resort introduced in the video is characterized by its 100% natural powdery snow, and many skiers visit it because of the good quality of the snow. From beginner ski slopes to the more advanced ones where you can enjoy the spectacular views at 1,400 meters above sea level, you can choose from a total of 16 different slopes. Hakuba Cortina Ski Resort has childcare facilities and a snow play park for families to visit as well. -
Video article 18:20
Admire the Breathtaking View of the Venus Line at Kirigamine Plateau in Early Summer in Nagano Prefecture From the Sky!
Travel Nature- 190 plays
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ドローンで撮影された絶景の長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインとは こちらの動画は「Yatsugatake21_4K_Japan」が公開した「4K 絶景ドローン「初夏のビーナスライン 霧ヶ峰高原」癒し空撮自然映像 Drone Japan Nature Relaxation Venus line」です。 長野県の霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインをドローンの空撮で捉えた映像になっています。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインとは、八ヶ岳中信高原国定公園 の高原地帯を走るツーリングにはもってこいのドライブルート。 全長76kmにも及び、蓼科高原・白樺湖・車山高原・霧ヶ峰高原・八島高原・美ヶ原高原といった森林地帯や高原地帯の四季を望むことのできる絶景スポットです。 平均の標高は1,400mで最高では1,920mにもなります。 野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインのおすすめルート 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの中でおすすめのルートは白樺高原から霧ヶ峰のルートです。 これは白樺湖から出発し、車山展望リフトで車山山頂へ。 こちらでは、天気が良ければ八ヶ岳連峰や富士山まで望むことができます。 また紅葉やニッコウキスゲなどの草花も楽しむことができます。 その先には霧ヶ峰富士見台があります。 こちらでは食事処やお土産屋などの売店も充実しています。 最後にはレストラン「チャップリン」でソースカツ丼やカツカレーを楽しめます。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインには人気のドライブインも 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの中心には人気のドライブインである霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインドライブイン霧の駅があります。 ここでは長野県の様々なお土産を買うことができ、駐車場のそばには八島湿原や三峰大展望台・霧ヶ峰自然保護センターもあります。 動画では3:31より美しい自然の景色を見ることができます。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインから諏訪湖へ 新日本三大夜景やサンセットをご覧になることのできる立石公園も霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの見どころです。 映画「君の名は。」のモデルになったと言われるスポットとしても有名です。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインでもお参りを 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインのなかには諏訪大社上社本宮・諏訪大社下社秋宮といった神社にも触れるができます。 諏訪大社上社本宮は国内最古の神社の一つで、八ヶ岳や諏訪平などを望むことができます。 また画家の岡本太郎さんが絶賛した万治の石仏という石像もあります。 こちらは諏訪大社下社春宮から徒歩5分ほどの場所にあるので、諏訪大社下社春宮のお参りを終えたら是非訪れてみましょう。 その他長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの旅行スポット 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインではこれら以外にも様々な施設に楽しむことができます。 国指定重要文化財である片倉館、県下最大級のガラスミュージアムであるSUWAガラスの里、400年の歴史がある高島城、無料で足湯につかれる湖畔公園足湯と豊富な温泉があります。 自然と観光を楽しめる長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスライン紹介まとめ 大自然の景色を楽しみながらドライブできる長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインをみなさまも楽しんでください! -
Video article 3:18
Hit the Slopes at Togari Onsen Snow Resort! Spectacular Scenery, Superb Hot Springs, and Snow Bikes in Japan's Shinshu Region!
Things to Do- 68 plays
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Togari Onsen Snow Resort This video, titled "Togari Onsen Snow Resort Promotional Video" (戸狩温泉スキー場プロモーションムービー), was uploaded by "戸狩温泉スキー場 Togari Onsen Snow Resort." It is a major winter leisure park where anyone, from beginners to advanced skiers, children to seniors, can enjoy themselves while enjoying the spectacular view of the Chikuma River below from the slopes. The video shows skiers and snowboarders racing down the three major slopes, "Pegasus," "Orion," and "Tondaira." Snow Strider Park - Enjoy Snow Biking at Togari Onsen Snow Resort! Photo:Snow bicycle Togari Onsen Snow Resort has a special slope called "Snow Strider Park" for snow bikes, which has become a popular winter activity in recent years. It's a new activity where you ride a fat bike downhill on a special 800-meter-long slope. While appreciating the spectacular view from above, you can enjoy an exciting bike ride on the wave, bank, and tree run courses. You can see and awesome view the snow bikes racing down the slopes at 0:38 and 2:10 in the video. It's said that snow bikes originated from snowy countries. During the cold winter months, the surface of the snow becomes so hard that it's possible to walk freely across it. The snow bike was made to ride on the hardened snow surface, and the bike further evolved into the fat bike, which can be rode on even soft powdery snow. Fat bikes are also available for rental, and you can take a lift up to the top of the slope, making them easy to enjoy. Toga Park, the Highlight of Togari Onsen Snow Resort – Kickers, Banks, and Boxes! Photo:Snowboarding One of the highlights Togari Onsen Snow Resort is Toga Park, a permanent course with kickers, banks, waves, and boxes that have been specifically designed for beginners and intermediate skiers and snowboarders. It’s a full-scale banked course that is even used in international competitions! At any time during the season, you can experience a powerful run on the 3D course that takes advantage of the natural terrain. Togari Onsen Snow Resort also has a permanent snowboard school and ski school taught by former professional snowboarders and skiers. The school is open to beginners as well as intermediate and advanced skiers who want to improve their skills. Delicious Food and Relaxing Hot Springs at Toga Source :YouTube screenshot When it comes to food at ski resort restaurants in Japan, many people think of the ramen and curry shown at 1:40 in the video! But if you've come to the foothills of the Kanda Mountain Range, spanning from Nagano to Niigata, we recommend taking advantage of the natural hot spring water and delicious local cuisine. Togari Onsen Snow Resort has two open-air hot spring baths, "Akatsuki-no-yu" and "Nozomi-no-yu," both of which are 100% free-flowing hot springs. The quality of the spring water is slightly alkaline, which is good for the skin, and is effective at relieving fatigue, and fighting neuralgia, and joint pain, making them ideal for relaxing after an exhilarating day of skiing or snowboarding! Please note, however, that Nozomi-no-yu is only open during the ski season. You can see the hot springs from 2:28 in the video. Furthermore, both Niigata and Nagano prefectures are treasure troves of food! We recommend sampling the delicious local cuisine and resting up in the hot springs. There are also stylish café bars near the slopes and restaurants in the rest areas, with French toast being a popular menu item. The Extensive Facilities at Togari Onsen Snow Resort Togari Onsen Snow Resort is a ski resort with a wide variety of courses, as the slopes leading to the two hot spring towns are connected via Tondaira Slope above. The total length of the slopes is 2,500 meters, making it a long course to enjoy. The largest slope is the Pegasus Slope located at Akatsuki-no-yu, and the central Gohon-matsu, Mimizuku, and Imoha courses can be accessed via the "Beetle 4" (1,037m) high-speed lift. There is also a children's slope and a kids' park for children, so families with small children can enjoy skiing and snowboarding without worry. During the winter season you can enjoy events, such as Igloo Hotel, the Togari Snow and Light Festival, and fireworks. Summary of Togari Onsen Snow Resort Photo:JR Iiyama Station, Nagano Prefecture To get to Togari Onsen Snow Resort in Iiyama City in northern Nagano Prefecture, take the Hokuriku Shinkansen from Iiyama Station to Togari Nozawa Onsen Station via the local line. If you're driving your own car, it's about 25 minutes from the Toyota/Iiyama IC on the Joetsu Expressway. There is a free daytime parking lot inside the facility as well. Be sure check Togari Onsen Snow Resort's official website for information on snow accumulation via live camera, accommodations, night skiing, lift ticket sales, and slope maps. You can find reviews and tour information from people who have actually visited Togari Onsen Snow Resort on various review sites as well, so be sure to take a look at them as well. Enjoy exciting winter activities at Togari Onsen Snow Resort! 【Official Website】Togari Onsen Snow Resort, Nagano, Winter https://togari.jp/winter/en/ 【TripAdvisor】Togari Onsen Snow Resort https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021317-d3681098-Reviews-Togari_Onsen_Ski_Resort-Iiyama_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:46
Ueda Castle: A Hot Topic After Being Featured in the Historical Drama "Sanadamaru"! If You Want to Learn More About Yukimura Sanada, a Famous Warlord in the Warring States Period, Don't Miss Out on This Historical Sightseeing Destination in Ueda, Nagano!
Art & Architecture- 206 plays
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Ueda Castle" in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, the subject of a popular historical drama Video Introduction This video, titled "[Aerial Footage] A Travelogue of Ueda Castle [Drone]" (【空撮】空撮上田城紀行 【ドローン】), was produced by "HEXaMedia." Ueda Castle, introduced in the video, is a castle that was built by Sanada Masayuki, the father of the famous warlord Sanada Yukimura. Currently, it is a proud historical tourist destination in Ueda city, Nagano prefecture, and is included in "Japan's Top 100 Castles" and is also a "Night View Heritage of Japan." The castle was constructed during the Tensho period (1573-1592) in the Warring States period (1467-1615). Ueda Castle is also famous for being an impregnable castle, having survived 2 fierce attacks by the Tokugawa Family. The depiction of the Tokugawa Family attacking the castle at the battle of Ueda Castle has been used for many TV dramas and movies. In recent years, it has become widely talked about as the stage of the first of the Ueda Battles in the NHK TV Taiga Drama "Sanadamaru." This time, we introduce a video showing beautiful aerial views of the Ueda Castle ruins, shot via drone. Present-Day Ueda Castle Photo:Nagano prefecture, Ueda Castle The present-day Ueda Castle ruins are a restoration that was done in 1994. It consists of a pillar stone on the right side of the inner citadel which was made by Sanada Masayuki, and a tower gate that was demolished in the Meiji era (1868-1912). It was also called Amagabuchi Castle due to the fact that it was located on the north side of the Ueda Basin and adjacent to Amagabuchi, a distributary of the Chikuma River. Surrounded by the Chikuma River in the south, the Amagabuchi distributary in the north, the Yadezawa River to the west, and the Hiruzawa River in the east; the Ueda Castle was a natural fortress that survived the fierce attacks of the Tokugawa army twice. However, during the reign of the 7th castle lord, Matsudaira Tadachika, the stone walls that were damaged by the flood of Kyoho were restored. As you can see from 1:59 in the video, the present-day ruins of the inner citadel of Ueda Castle have become Sanada Shrine and the old well that is there is called the Sanada well, which is said to have been a secret passage that led to the Taro Mountain Foothills located north of the castle. The History of Ueda Castle Photo:Nagano prefecture, Ueda Castle Ueda Castle, which was said to have been impregnable, was used by many castle lords even after the Sanada clan was placed under house arrest (a punishment of being confined in one room). After the Battle of Sekigahara, Sengoku Tadamasa became the lord of the castle. Originally, Ueda Castle was located in the province of Shinano, sandwiched between the eastern and western armies, and was designed and built to specialize in defense rather than as a base for attack. Traditionally, it was standard practice to build a castle tower on the roof of the inner citadel, but no such records of a castle tower at Ueda Castle exist. Ueda Castle reigned in the Shinano Province for approximately 300 years from the year it was built to the era of Tadafusa Matsudaira, the last lord of the castle, and the Ueda Castle Town is said to have prospered as a key transportation hub. Highlights of Ueda Castle Source :YouTube screenshot At present, Ueda Castle is without an inner citadel or castle tower; however, there are still a lot of places to see due to its unique structure. These include the Southern watchtower, Northern watchtower, and the Higashi Koguchi Watchtower Gate (0:24 in the video). In the spring, there's the Senbon Zakura Festival (Festival of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms) and in the fall, Ueda Castle Keyaki Tree Autumnal Color Festival is held. The Sanada Festival is held every year at the Ueda Castle castle-town. During this time, you can enjoy the illuminated Ueda Castle ruins. Also, at the Higashi Koguchi main gates, there's the Sanada stone, which is said to be a remnant of the Sanada Family. The West watchtower (0:34- of the video) was built by Sengoku Tadamasa in the Warring States period and it is the only historical building still around from the Edo period (1603-1868). ・Ishidoi This is a stone canal that leads from Ninomaru in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture to the track and field stadium at the site of the Hyakenbori Ruins. ・Sumiotoshi The unique shape of the sumiotoshi in the inner citadel was created by cutting off a corner of the earthen mound to ward off evil spirits with feng shui. ・Ueda City Museum A museum located in the Ueda Castle Ruins Park. Summary of Ueda Castle Photo:Ema of Ueda Castle Ruins Park Ueda Castle Site Park, the centerpiece of Ueda City's tourism, offers a variety of hospitality in addition to events to welcome visitors. The red seal of Sanada Shrine and the castle seal of Ueda Castle are great ways to remember your visit. For more information on parking, transportation, and event guides to the castle, please visit the Ueda Castle official website. Ueda Castle was once an unbeatable castle that not even the famous Tokugawa Ieyasu or Toyotomi Hideyoshi could conquer. Visit Ueda Castle and learn about the fierce warriors, such as Sanada Juyushi led by Yukimura, and the warrior Sanada Nobushige that was said to be the strongest in Japan! 【Tripadvisor】Ueda Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021326-d1412214-Reviews-Ueda_Castle-Ueda_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:34
Spend a Blissful Time in Atera Valley in Nagano Prefecture's Kiso District, a Place of Fresh, Greenery! The Murmuring of the River, Full of Negative Ions, Will Soothe Your Soul!
Nature- 141 plays
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長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「haruyuki onoue」が公開した「新緑とエメラルドグリーンの阿寺渓谷・4K」です。 長野県木曽郡大桑村には現代日本で失われつつある雄大な景色・自然が楽しめる地があります。 こちらの動画で紹介する阿寺渓谷です。 こちらの記事では阿寺渓谷の魅力からその周辺情報に至るまでチェックしておくべき情報をまとめました。 長野県木曽郡大桑村の阿寺渓谷とは 阿寺渓谷は厳密に言うと、長野県と岐阜県にまたがっている阿寺山地を源流とし それを皮切りに支流の阿寺川は長野県が誇る一級河川の木曽川に流れ着くまでのほぼ全域を指します。 源流から木曽川に流れ着く過程で吉報の滝や犬帰りの淵などの名所・絶景スポットが点在しています。 またこの流域には学術面から文化的な一面を覗かせており、日本でもココ一帯だけにしか存在しないような希少種の生物や植物があるのです。 全長約20kmの阿寺渓谷のうち管理区間が約2/3となっています。 管理区間のうち阿寺渓谷入口からキャンプ場までをウォーキングで景色を見ながら散策することが一般的となっています。 さらに釣りの名所として阿寺渓谷は知られています。 阿寺渓谷へのアクセスおよび周辺情報 マイカーで向かう場合は阿寺渓谷入口付近に駐車場があります。 阿寺渓谷入口からすでにヒノキや岩などが見え、そこからでも雄大な自然を感じ取ることができます。 特に夏季は観光客が増加するシーズンですので、交通規制がかかってしまい不便な思いをしてしまうかもしれません。 鉄道を利用する人はJR野尻駅で降りて、そこからシャトルバスを利用しましょう。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」の楽しみ方 阿寺渓谷と言えばやっぱりエメラルドグリーンの清流とその周りにある新緑のヒノキ美林でしょう。 川のせせらぎと水しぶきがマイナスイオンを与え、癒されますね。 さすが長野県の信州が誇る人気スポット! さらに上流へ行くと『美顔水』という湧き水が流れていてそこで顔を洗うと色白美人になると噂されているので、それを求めてやってくる人もいます。 また自然を満喫する目的と合わせハイキングにもなります。 気候が変わる秋に訪れるとエメラルドグリーンの清流はそのままに周りの美林が紅葉へ姿を変えているので、夏とは違う景色が楽しめます。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介まとめ 長野県が全国に誇る新緑とエメラルドグリーンが特徴的な阿寺渓谷について紹介しました。 長野県に訪れるなら阿寺渓谷は外せません! 美しい絶景を写真に収めてあなたの歴史の1ページに! -
Video article 9:03
Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture's Shimoina District Is a Spectacular Location Dyed in Shades of Pink! Feel the Arrival of Spring at This Paradise on Earth in Japan!
Nature- 233 plays
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Video introduction of "Hanamomo no Sato" in Shimoina-gun, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "JG☆☆☆4K 長野 花桃の里 Nagano,Peach Flowers at Hanamomo no Sato," was released by "JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC." It showcases Hanamomo no Sato, an attractive place for sightseeing due to its beautiful peach and cherry blossoms. In this article, we'll introduce Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture! What are the best times to see and highlights of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture, which can be enjoyed from the train window? Hanamomo no Sato has a drive course that you can enjoy through the window of a cart and is called "Hanamomo Kaido" (はなもも街道, lit. "Peach Blossom Highway").The best time to see Hanamomo no Sato, which is said to be Japan's best Momogen-go, is usually from mid-April to late April.The scenery woven with gradations of red, white, and pink flowers over about 40 kilometers is worth seeing. A "Flower Peach Festival" will also be held to coincide with the flowering.Please check the details of the blooming conditions and the flower peach festival as they are updated from time to time on the official website of Nisshin Onsen. Enjoy Hot Springs and the Charm of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture! On Hanamomo Kaido, there are two places to stay, Gessen and Hirugami Hot Springs, where you can take your time admiring the beautiful cherry blossoms in the surrounding area. There are hot spring accommodations where you can take a day bath in the hot spring village, which is also the venue of the "Hanamomo Festival" (花桃まつり, Peach Blossom Festival), so why don't you stop by after enjoying the flowers? In addition to Gohei-mochi, seasonal curry bun, wheat bun, thick shiitake mushrooms, and so on can be purchased at the roadside station "Hanamomo-no-sato" as well as lunch such as wild vegetable soba. There are also a variety of souvenirs you can purchase, such as goheimochi (rice cakes), so be sure to give them a try as well. Summary of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture In this article we introduced Hanamomo no Sato, one of the best places in Japan for viewing peach and cherry blossoms! Achi Village, known more commonly as "Hanamomo no Sato" (花桃の里, Peach Blossom Village) has one of the best nighttime views in Japan. There are also night tours available at Hanamomo no Sato, so be sure to take in the sights at night! -
Video article 1:34
Ontake 2240 - This Ski Resort in Minami Shinshu Has Amazing, Powdery Snow Due to Its High Elevation! Enjoy the Exhilarating Experience of Skiing the Slopes at 2,240 Meters Above Sea Level!
Things to Do- 28 plays
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This video, titled "[Official] Ontake 2240 Ski Resort PV" (【公式】Ontake2240スキー場 PV [おんたけ2240]), was released by "Ontake 2240 Old Account" (Ontake 2240 旧アカウント). Ontake 2240 is a ski resort located in Otaki, Kiso, Nagano Prefecture, on the slopes of Mt. Ontake. Ontake is famous for its eruption in 2014, but the eruptive activity has calmed down now, so you should definitely check it out! Ontake ski resort offers long runs from 2240 meters above sea level to 7,000 meters at peak altitude. Because of the high altitude, the snow quality in the Ontake area is good and the amount of snow is perfect. Enjoy the exhilarating experience of skiing down one of the biggest slopes in Minami Shinshu. -
Video article 4:21
Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture Is an Amazing Tourist Destination Overflowing With Nature! Kamikochi and Matsumoto Castle Are Just Two of the Must-See Destinations! A Look at the Culture, History, and Cuisine of Matsumoto City!
Local PR Travel Nature- 663 plays
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The Popular Tourist Destination, Matsumoto This video, titled “Matsumoto Area Sightseeing Excursion” (松本地域観光周遊プラン動画), is a promotional video for Matsumoto produced by the “Matsumoto Region Union” of Matsumoto City Office. The city of Matsumoto, the second largest city in Nagano Prefecture, in Japan's Koushin'etsu Region, is a former castle town surrounded by the Japanese Alps, with Japan's national treasure Matsumoto Castle at its center. Its population is 240,415 as of June, 2019. Since the city of Matsumoto was unaffected by the allied bombing in WW2, plenty of valuable landmarks and cultural properties still remain in and around the city today. Movies and TV shows are often set in the city; visiting Matsumoto is a must when traveling around Nagano Prefecture. There are quite a few famous tourist spots in Matsumoto that are also featured in the video. As well as the natural landscape, culture, history, cuisine, and so on. Which one caught your eye? Sightseeing and Instagrammable Locations Around Matsumoto Photo:Matsumoto Castle Matsumoto Castle, a national treasure, is undoubtedly the most instagrammable spot around Matsumoto. Matsumoto Castle's towers against a backdrop of nature are shown at 0:15 in the video. Of course, there's much more to see than just the castle; there are a myriad of hidden gems throughout the city where you can enjoy the seasonal scenery of Matsumoto as well. Places rich in nature such as Takabocchi Highlands, Sashikirikyo, and Lake Hijiri are famous for their beautiful scenery. For example, Kiritoshi, a road cut through the hilly terrain, leading to Zenko Temple. There's also the mountainous villages of Asahi, Yamagata, Omi, and Ikusaka that pass on the traditions of good old Japan. Kamikochi (0:29) is a popular resort in the Northern Japan Alps with two million visitors each year; it offers one of the most famous mountain views in the country. You can both go on a hike and try mountain climbing here as well. Kamikochi, a prominent mountain resort, has attracted many foreign visitors in recent years as hiking and mountain trails at the foot of Mt. Yakedake (burning mountain) have been well developed. Photo:Kappa Bridge The hiking trail through a virgin forest, starting from Kappa Bridge to Myojin Bridge around Myojin Pond, is another great way to see the natural scenery, and is very popular. The shiny emerald color of the rivers and ponds is incredibly beautiful. Walter Weston, an English missionary, introduced the Japanese Alps to the world for the first time in the early 1900’s. He is called the father of modern mountain climbing; Weston Monument, a relief to honor his memory, is situated on the gigantic rocks facing Mt. Kasumizawa and Mt. Roppyaku. The Weston Festival is held annually in June. In terms of lodging, there's Kamikochi Onsen Hotel, Kamikochi Imperial Hotel, and Kamikochi Taishoike Hotel. For reservations and pricing, please refer to the official website. These tourist hotspots are shown throughout the video, so be sure to check out what Matsumoto has to offer. The local horse race held in Takabocchi Higlands (1:10) is another popular event. Seeing the race horses running before your eyes is an exhilarating experience. If you go up north a bit, Chikuhoku Village (2:25) will welcome you with Shunara Buddha Stone Statues and Mount Kamurigi, also called Ubasuteyama after an old fable. There are many other tourist spots, such as Kiritoshi, in the area. You can also get a taste of art at the Matsumoto Museum of Art in downtown Matsumoto. The History of Matsumoto Photo:Narai-juku Matsumoto is now a part of central Nagano Prefecture, and one of the most famous places in the city is Kaichi School, the oldest elementary school in Japan. It's often featured in the media, and is registered as an important cultural and historical property. There are many other places to visit in Matsumoto, but if you're looking for a place to walk around, Narai-juku is the best place to visit. Narai, located in the middle of Nakasendo, flourished as a prominent post town. It was once referred to as "Narai of a Thousand Houses." It used be at the highest altitude among all the 11 towns of Kiso; the townscape is registered as an "Important Preservation District of Historic Buildings." Dining in Matsumoto Photo:A Watermill at Azumino Daio Wasabi Farm, Nagano Prefecture The area around Matsumoto is known for its deep mountainous villages and harsh weather, yet these very conditions make it possible for you to enjoy the rustic food of the mountains. The countless local products include Shiojiri Grand Wine, Azumino soba noodles, wasabi from Daio Wasabi Farm, Ikusakarat, premium branded grapes of Ikusaka village, and various highland vegetables which are grown utilizing the high altitude. In addittion, Karasawa Soba Village boasts seven soba restaurants on a single street. You should try Takana-meshi (rice), a leading local specialty of Nagano. Takana (mustard leaf) is very popular as a souvenir as well. Furthermore, the Shinshu Region, where Matsumoto is located, is the second largest apple producer in the country ranked second only after Aomori Prefecture. The smell of sweet apples fills the orchards of Misato in the fall. The video shows ripe apples at 1:48. There are 14 major streets in the downtown area around Matsumoto Station. Nakamachi and Nawate Street provide you with a plethora of cafes, sweets parlors, and ramen restaurants; you can pick any of them for lunch or enjoy several as you eat your way through the area. Summary of Matsumoto, Nagano There are numerous fun-filled sightseeing spots around the city where you can take in the magnificent scenery and sweeping views. We can’t cover all the attractions here, but the video, “Matsumoto Area Sightseeing Excursion,” shows everything you need to know about the beautiful city. Once you see the images yourself, you'll be packing your bags in no time! Come check out Matsumoto- It'll be an experience you won't soon forget! -
Video article 1:44
Norikura in Matsumoto City Has a Popular Ski Resort With More Than 20 Different Slopes! Check Out Norikura and Enjoy the Spectacular Natural Scenery!
Things to Do- 20 plays
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This video is titled "[Production Results] Norikura Ski Resort PR Video" (【制作実績】乗鞍スキー場 PR映像). It was released by "CLAYSYS Incorporated" (株式会社CLAYSYS). The Norikura Ski Resort in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture has over 20 vast routes. Enjoy skiing on the Kamoshika course where you can enjoy side country skiing, family courses, and more! Norikura is located at a high altitude of about 2000 meters, and on a clear day, you can enjoy a magnificent view of the central Alps. The Norikura area has some of the best hot springs with milky white water, perfect for relaxing after a long day of skiing!