Video article 3:04
Unnan City in Shimane Prefecture Is Full of History and Nature! A Legendary Place of Lore, Power Spots, and Nature.... You'll Fall in Love With This Place!
Local PR Travel- 38 plays
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日本の歴史と自然が詰まった「島根県雲南市」の動画について 「島根県雲南市公式YouTube」が公開した「雲南市観光PV」は、島根県雲南市の観光スポットを紹介している動画です。 日本の歴史文化を中心に、紅葉などの美しい自然や温泉など魅力的なスポットが充実している雲南市。 インスタ映え間違いなしの景色を撮影できる場所もたくさんあるので、SNSで発信したい人にもおすすめの旅行地ですよ。 こちらの記事では、日本の歴史や自然を楽しめる島根県雲南市の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の伝統的な歴史を感じられる「島根県雲南市」 島根県雲南市といえば、ヤマタノオロチ伝説が有名。 ヤマタノオロチ伝説とは、巨大な体をした大蛇(ヤマタノオロチ)が毎年人を食べに来ていたが、スサノオノミコトが酒で酔わせてからその大蛇をやっつけたという伝説です。 雲南市にはこのヤマタノオロチ伝説の伝承地となっているスポットが数多く存在します。 その中のひとつである須我神社は、スサノオノミコトとヤマタノオロチに食べられそうになっていたクシナダヒメが造ったとされている神社です。 由緒のある日本初之宮として、多くの人が参拝しています。 スサノオノミコトが詠んだ歌の歌碑も見ることができ、古事記や歴史が好きな人には必見のスポット。 また、本殿東にある奥宮は、人気のパワースポットになっており多くの人が参拝します。 こちらの動画の0:34より見ることができます。 八口神社には、印瀬の壺神と呼ばれるヤマタノオロチを退治したときに使われた「八塩折の酒」の壷が祀られています。 ヤマタノオロチが棲んでいたといわれている天が淵という場所も穴場の歴史スポットです。 こちらの動画の1:07より見ることができます。 「島根県雲南市」で自然を楽しめる絶景スポット 島根県雲南市には四季折々の自然を鑑賞できる場所もたくさんあります。 斐伊川堤防桜並木は、さくら名所百選に選ばれている日本の景勝スポット。 川沿いに全長2kmにわたり桜並木が続いており、美しい自然を見ることができます。 また日本棚が百選にも選ばれている山王寺棚田も必見。 古き良き日本の風景や自然を堪能できます。 紅葉時に絶景を見ることができる秋の八重滝も人気の観光エリアです。 ほかには、菅谷たたら高殿、鉄の歴史博物館、近代たたら操業といった文化を楽しめるスポットも充実しています。 日本の歴史と自然が詰まった「島根県雲南市」の記事のまとめ 「島根県雲南市公式YouTube」が公開した「雲南市観光PV」では、伝統的な日本の歴史や美しい自然を楽しめる島根県雲南市を紹介している動画です。 神秘的な雰囲気のある須我神社は古事記の物語を知っているとよりいっそう楽しめる場所になっていますよ。 田舎の風景や自然に癒やされたい人にもおすすめの場所です。 -
Video article 7:21
Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Is Steeped in History and Culture. Enjoy Kusatsu City as Introduced by Local Idols and Mascots!
Local PR Travel- 55 plays
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滋賀県草津市の魅力を満載した動画の見どころ こちらで紹介する動画は「滋賀県草津市役所」が公開した「草津ストーリー」です。 今回は「草津ストーリー」と題した7:21秒の動画をご紹介! 案内役は今滋賀県で売り出し中のご当地アイドル「フルーレット」と「草津市観光使節グッドウィルナー」です。 滋賀県草津市のご当地ゆるキャラのたび丸も出てくるのでちびっこも楽しめますよ。 みんなが楽しめる観光名所がいっぱいある草津! 動画の冒頭は草津のフルーレットと草津市公認マスコットキャラクターのたび丸君が滋賀県草津の魅力と観光名所を案内してくれます。 豊かな自然が残る景勝地、そして日本の歴史文化を今に伝える街、近畿圏住みやすさナンバーワンの街など様々な魅力溢れる草津にあなたも一度観光で訪れてみてはいかがでしょう? 草津の絶景ポイントでインスタ映えする記念写真を撮ろう! 日本最大級の本陣と言われる草津宿本陣は400年の歴史を持ち、当時の日用品や資料を見学することができます。 さらに江戸時代を再現した衣装体験ができるので、殿様や姫君気分の仮装でタイムスリップ!インスタ映えする記念写真を撮ることができますよ。 滋賀県草津で歴史文化を体験しよう 街道の宿場町として400年の歴史を持つ草津には伝統工芸を体験するイベントやお土産もいっぱい! お土産として有名な瓢箪専門店の加工品や銀峰工房、吾亦紅を使った草木染め工房ではオリジナルストール作りが体験できます。 滋賀県草津のグルメをご紹介! 草津はご当地グルメの宝庫!その一部をご紹介しましょう。 一つ目は近江草津産コシヒカリ「匠の夢」というブランド米!琵琶湖は淡水と海水が交わる湖。琵琶湖から引かれた水には豊富なミネラルが含まれ、伝統的な製法で栽培されたブランド米は甘みと歯ごたえが絶妙のおいしいお米です。 動画の5:30頃から登場する「草津市観光使節グッドウィルナー」が紹介するのは江戸城改築にも携わった太田道灌を先祖に持つ太田酒造という日本酒の酒蔵。 滋賀県産の原料にこだわった日本酒やワインを製造しています。 まだまだあるよ!滋賀県草津の穴場的おすすめ観光スポット 滋賀県草津の穴場的なおすすめ観光スポットはまだまだあります。 例えば東海道と中山道が通っていたことを示す道標や、1200年の歴史を持つ立木神社をはじめとした弁天池や印岐志呂神社、荻の玉川、宿場町裏路地など街のあちこちに歴史と文化、そして人々の信仰を感じる穴場スポットがたくさんあるのです。 これらのエリアは草津観光の散策ルートとしてもおすすめです。 滋賀県草津市の魅力紹介まとめ 滋賀県草津では宿場まつり、熱気球フライト、草津街あかりなどの人気イベントも行われます。 是非あなたもこの歴史ある滋賀県草津市に訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 10:47
Follow the Daily Lives of Four People Who Quietly and Earnestly Engage in Work That Can Only Be Done in Tarumi, Kagoshima. Enjoying the Unchanging Scenery of Japan and Getting in Touch With the Lives of the Locals; That's Is the Kind of Sightseeing You Can Experience Here
Local PR- 62 plays
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A Promotional Video on Tarumizu, Kagoshima This video, titled "Tarumi, Kagoshima Prefecture Promotional Video (Winter Full Version / Japanese) 【BLESSING WINTER 4K LIFE IN TARUMIZU】," was uploaded by "Secretary and Public Relations Section, Planning and Policy Division, Tarumi City" (垂水市企画政策課秘書広報係). It's a promotional video for Tarumizu, located in northwest Osumi Peninsula. There is no tourist information in this video, just beautiful 4K imagery of Sakurajima and Kinko Bay shot via drone and made into a time-lapse. It also follows the daily lives of four people working in Tarumizu. Tarumizu in Kagoshima is located about an hours drive from Kagoshima City via the Tarumizu Ferry on Kagoshima Bay. It has a mild climate and rich nature and is a place where you can see the original landscapes of Japan. The Four People Living and Working in Tarumizu Source :YouTube screenshot Shuichi Murota introduced at 0:44 in the video, is a Japanese black beef breeder. Kentaro Yagi brews sake. He brews the traditional Kame-pot-brewed shochu "Yachiyo-den" during the cold winter. He uses fresh sweet potatoes to make them, 70% of the sweet potatoes are grown by him. He's introduced from 1:54 in the video. Shiho Murota, a painter, has revived the beautiful and intricate Satsuma buttons, which were said to be a lost art. She is introduced from 2:28 in the video. Last but not least, in the beautiful winter, at the foot of Sakurajima's sea, we see Shigeto Shinohara, an aquaculture specialist who uses Kagoshima tea and shochu grounds as food to cultivate the Tarumi City Fishery Cooperative's brand of kanpachi, "Umi no Ohkan." He is introduced from 3:17 in the video. Each of the four people talks about their commitment and love for their work, as well as their goals for the future. Beautiful Winter Scenery of Japan and Tourist Spot Information for Tarumizu, Kagoshima Photo:The Sea of Kagoshima In Kagoshima, there's Kagoshima Bay, also known as Kinko Bay, located between the Satsuma and Osumi Peninsulas. Kinko Bay, which is shown many times in the video, is a beautiful bay near Sakurajima and has been selected as one of the Top 100 Sceneries of Japan. Roadside Station Tarumizuhamabira, where you can view the beautiful Kinko Bay, was opened in November 2018. There are stores that sell local agricultural products as well as restaurants, so it's very popular among tourists. There are unusually shaped granites and large boulders at Sarugajo Valley and you can enjoy the clear flow of water here as well. There are also cottages and revitalization facilities that can be used during the winter at Sarugajo Valley Forest Path Tarumizu (猿ヶ城渓谷 森の道たるみず). In summer, many tourists come to enjoy activities such as camping, canyoning along clear streams, and shower climbing. The hot spring cottage, Enoshima Hot Spring, reminiscent of Japan's Showa era (1926 - 1989), was established 70 years ago and will warm up your body during the cold winter. The hot water from the shower and faucet is also hot spring water straight from the source. The view of Enoshima with Sakurajima as a background quite beautiful as well. Summary of Tarumizu, Kagoshima Source :YouTube screenshot Other popular sightseeing spots in Tarumizu, Kagoshima include "Takatoge Tsutsujigaoka" located at an elevation of 550 meters, where azaleas bloom in spring, and "Tarumizu Thousand Ginkgo Garden" (垂水千本イチョウ園) where approximately 1,200 ginkgo trees change color in fall. Also, in the summer, you can enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Kinko Bay and swimming at Masakari Beach, located on the border between Kanoya and Tarumizu. Enjoy the unchanging scenery of Japan and experience the lives of the locals in Tarumizu! 【Official Website】Tarumizu City, Kagoshima Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.tarumizu.lg.jp/hisho/foreign-language.html 【Tripadvisor】 Tarumizu City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1022930-Tarumizu_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:24
Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine: The Origin of Japan’s Most Recent Era, "Reiwa." One of the Nation's Most Popular Spots for Academic Success Is a Charming Place Full of History in Dazaifu, Fukuoka!
Local PR Travel- 198 plays
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Dazaifu- An Attractive Tourist Destination in Fukuoka This video is titled “Dazaifu, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) – Dazaifu Autumn Winter.” It shows the scenery of Dazaifu, a popular tourist site in the Kyushu Hakata area, and was created by “egawauemon”. There are many sightseeing spots in the city of Dazaifu (太宰府市), Fukuoka in Japan's Kyushu region, including Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, where Sugawara no Michizane is honored as a deity. Visit fascinating landmarks such as the historic sites of the ancient city Dazaifu and famous shrines and temples. The video introduces sightseeing spots, gourmet cuisine, and festivals of Dazaifu with beautiful music in beautiful, 4K images. Enjoy the charm of Dazaifu! Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, the Most Popular Tourist Site in Fukuoka Photo:Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine As one of the most prominent tourist sites in Dazaifu, Fukuoka, you can't afford to miss Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. We'll introduce it in the video, so be sure to follow along! Many people look to visit the historical locations to receive their shuin stamps. Many students preparing for their entrance exams come to Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine as well. The shrine is referred to as Tenjin-san and is home to Michizane Sugawara, the god of academic achievement. After visiting the shrine, taste popular gourmet Umegae Mochi at the Umegae Mochiya restaurant on the approach to the temple. This is introduced at 1:08 in the video. We also recommend grabbing a coffee or having lunch at the Starbucks on the approach. It has a traditional design that you won't find outside of Japan. Access to Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine is about a 5-minute walk from Nishitetsu Dazaifu Station. There are many toll parking lots around Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, so if you're traveling by car there's no need to worry about parking. A Tourist Spot Where You Can Learn the History of Dazaifu Photo:Dazaifu Government Office Ruins There are many places in the Dazaifu area where you can learn about the history and culture of Dazaifu, such as the Kyushu National Museum and the Dazaifu Exhibition Hall. We also recommend checking out the Dazaifu Government Office ruins. The origin of the new Japanese era “Reiwa” is “Ume-no-hana no Uta” contained in Japan’s oldest songbook “Manyoshu.” The Umehana Banquet described in the preface to the song is said to be held in the vicinity of Sakamoto Hachimangu Shrine in Dazaifu, and has been popular with many tourists since the beginning of the new era. There is also a traditional Dazaifu craft called "Kiuso" that has been handed down from generation to generation in Dazaifu, that depicts a small bird perched in a tree. The thin feathers are carved out of the wood using a chisel. You can see this at 1:03 in the video. Also, the festival “Usokae / Onisube Shinji,” designated as an intangible ethnic cultural property, introduced at 1:32 in the video, is one of the three major fire festivals and is a popular festival that many tourists from Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine visit. Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Dazaifu, Fukuoka Photo:Kanzeon-ji Temple Around the city, there are also many of other famous hidden gems such as Homangu Kamado Shrine, Kaidan-in Temple, and the Ono Castle Ruins, one of the "Japan’s Top 100 Castles." At Kanzeon-ji Temple, which was opened by Emperor Tenchi, there is a 5-meter-tall Bodhisattva and the oldest hanging bell in Japan. The Dazaifu area has a lot to offer, so we recommend enjoying lunch or dinner at one of the city's gourmet spots, or staying at a hotel and spending a night or two exploring the city at your leisure. Summary of the Ancient City, Dazaifu As introduced in this video, Dazaifu has many tourist sites and gourmet spots besides Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. Be sure to check out the video and decide on a sightseeing route in Dazaifu beforehand to get the most out of your trip. Take a tour of Dazaifu and learn about the history of the ancient city, explore the tourist routes, and take a stroll through some of the best places to enjoy the natural beauty of the city. ◆Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine◆ 【Address】4-7-1 Saifu, Dazaifu, Fukuoka, 818-0117 【Access】5 minutes on foot from Nishitetsu Dazaifu Station 【Admission Fee】General 400 JPY (~$4 USD)(As of November, 2019) 【Hours】6:30~19:00 【Average time spent here】About an hour 【Parking】Available 【Tel】+81 92-922-8225 -
Video article 14:38
Aomori Nebuta Festival" Nebuta production video in Aomori Prefecture, Japan! The hot passion of the "Nebuta-makers" who carry on the traditional festival is inspiring!
Traditional Crafts- 102 plays
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Aomori Nebuta Festival" Nebuta Production Video Introduction This video, titled “#003 Kenta Tatsuta, Nebuta-shi|Door to Tomorrow by At Home” (#003 ねぶた師 立田 健太 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム), was released by “Door to Tomorrow by At Home” (明日への扉 by アットホーム). This video introduces the artisans who make the huge floats, "Nebuta," that parade through the city and are the main attraction at the famous Nebuta Festival in Aomori Prefecture. Since ancient times, the Tanabata Festival has been an annual event held in Japan to celebrate the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. The "Nebuta Festival" and "Neputa Festival" held in Aomori Prefecture have also been held as part of this Tanabata event. At this point you’re probably wondering what the differences between the Nebuta and Neputa Festivals are. The biggest difference is that the Nebuta Festival features three-dimensional, dynamic, human-shaped floats with samurai artwork on them, while the Neputa Festival features flat floats. Another difference is that the Nebuta Festival is held in Aomori City, while the Neputa Festival is held in the Tsugaru region, in places like Hirosaki. The artisans who create Nebuta are now considered specialists and are called “Nebuta-shi” (ねぶた師, “Nebuta Artist/Craftsman”) in Japanese. The History of the Nebuta Festival Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Today, the Nebuta festival is recognized as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property. The meaning of Nebuta/Neputa is "sleepy" and actually written using the same kanji (眠た). In the Edo Period, a festival called "Nemuri-nagashi" (眠り流し) was held in many places to lull people to sleep during the summer. The Nebuta Festival has the same origins as Sendai's Tanabata Festival, Akita's Kanto Festival, and Fukushima's Nemuri Nagashi. During the Edo period, Aomori Prefecture was divided into the Nanbu Domain and the Hirosaki Domain (Tsugaru domain). In the Nanbu Domain, the word "Nebutai" was used to describe sleepiness, and in Hirosaki, the word "Neputai" was used, which led to the distinction between the Nebuta and Neputa Festivals. How Nebuta Are Made Photo:How nebuta are made - pitching a tent, Aomori Prefecture Nebuta feature samurai paintings based on traditional Japanese myths and folk tales. They are characterized by the use of poetic justice to defeat demons and evil spirits at decisive moments. In the video, starting at 5:16, you can see how Nebuta are made by the young Nebuta craftsman "Kenta Tatsuta" who apprenticed himself to Nebuta master "Ryusei Uchiyama" at the age of 14. Here, we’ll give a brief introduction of the work of a Nebuta craftsman. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 1 - Materials and Rough Sketching The rough sketches are the blueprints for the Nebuta. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 2 - Pitching a Tent A tent is built for the production of Nebuta. The purpose of this is to prepare the details using wood, frame it using wire, color it, and then store the finished Nebuta. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 3 - Electrical Wiring Since the Nebuta Festival is a nighttime festival, light bulbs are installed inside the floats so that the samurai stand out against the night sky. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 4 – Kamihari (紙はり) Washi paper is pasted onto the completed framework. At this point, the whole picture becomes a little clearer. Source :YouTube screenshot ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 5 – Kakiwari (書割) The outline of the samurai is drawn on the paper pasted with ink. This is a very important process and has long been considered a task that only Nebuta craftsmen can perform. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 6 – Rokaki (ろう書き) A special material made of melted paraffin is used. Where paraffin is applied, the paper becomes translucent and bright. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 7 - Coloring The remaining paper is colored. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 8 – Daiage (台上げ) The completed Nebuta is placed on a platform with wheels. A large group of people (around 50) carefully take the work outside. At 8:00 in the video, you can see an incident where a mistake is made and the work has to be repaired. Training Nebuta Craftsman Successors Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Originally, the production of Nebuta was carried out by neighborhood associations and other such groups. However, the skilled workers in the neighborhood associations were so enthusiastic about making Nebuta that they neglected their own work. However, as the Nebuta Festival became a Japanese festival known on a global scale, and as Nebuta production techniques gradually became more sophisticated, the number of Nebuta craftsmen became fixed and professional Nebuta craftsmen were born. The Nebuta Festival is a festival where gallant Nebuta performances parade through the streets, jumping up and down to the musical accompaniment, but it's also a competition to determine the best Nebuta. Nebuta craftsmen who create outstanding Nebuta works are honored as "Masters." Summary of the Nebuta Festival – A Popular Event in Aomori Prefecture Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Being a Nebuta craftsman is not an easy job. Kenta Tatsuta, the Nebuta craftsman featured in the video, even struggles to make ends meet. It is a job that requires a passion for Nebuta. We want people to know that it's only with the help of the people behind the scenes, such as the Nebuta craftsmen, that the magnificent and gorgeous Nebuta Festival can be held. At the same time, the Nebuta Festival holds a beauty contest to select Miss Nebuta. The woman who wins the Miss Nebuta award will lead the Nebuta during the festival, adding to the festivities! -
Video article 6:15
Learn About the Nature and Profound Traditions of Aira City in Kagoshima Prefecture. Introducing the Beauty of Aira City With Stunning Aerial Footage!
Local PR Travel- 98 plays
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九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「姶良市公式youtubeチャンネル」が公開した「姶良市PR動画「AIRA CITY」(full version)」です。 今回は鹿児島県の姶良市(あいらし)を紹介します。 こちら記事では、日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市の情報や、おすすめの穴場スポットなどを紹介します。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地の姶良市は、鹿児島県の中央に位置する町です。 自然、歴史、文化、特産品、温泉とさまざま観光資源がある魅力のある観光地で、鹿児島を旅行する際にはぜひ寄りたいエリア。 活火山である桜島の景勝を楽しんだり、緑豊かな山々に癒されたりと自然が好きな方にとくにおすすめの場所です。 鹿児島県姶良市で自然、伝統文化を思う存分体験し、心に残る旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の景勝エリア 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市には、自然の美しい景観を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 まず、おすすめの観光スポットは龍門滝。 龍門滝は「日本の滝百選」にも選ばれた日本を代表する滝。 46メートルの高さから流れ落ちる滝はとても雄大で、見るものを圧倒させる力があります。 続いてのおすすめが、美しいアーチが特徴の金山橋です。 金山橋は明治12年頃に築かれた歴史ある石橋。 近くにある板井手の滝とのコントラストが美しく、インスタ映えのおすすめの撮影スポットでもあります。 他にも、網掛川や錦江湾、重富海水浴場、布引の滝、龍門司坂など鹿児島県姶良市には絶景を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の伝統文化 九州のおすすめの観光地、鹿児島県姶良市は、伝統工芸が盛んな観光地でもあります。 300年以上の歴史がある伝統工芸の龍門司焼は、薩摩を代表する焼き物として有名。 帖佐人形は、鹿児島県姶良市に残る伝統工芸で鹿児島県の伝統的工芸品にも選ばれています。 他にも、和紙漉きが楽しめるなど、鹿児島県姶良市の魅力的な伝統文化を体験できるスポットがあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の紹介まとめ こちらの動画は鹿児島県姶良市のおすすめの観光地を美しい映像でご覧になることができます。 美しい自然や歴史のある伝統文化を楽しめる鹿児島県姶良市。 九州観光の際には、鹿児島姶良市に是非、足をお運びください! -
Video article 4:57
The Tomioka Silk Mill, Registered as a World Heritage Site, Is an Important Location Known as a Place of Technological Innovation in Modern Japan. Introducing the Tomioka Silk Mill, a popular tourist Destination in Tomioka, Gunma Prefecture!
History Travel- 92 plays
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The Tomioka Silk Mill - A World Heritage Site! This video, titled "Japan's Tomioka Silk Mill registered as World Heritage Site" (明治時代に生糸産業革新 世界遺産の富岡製糸場), was uploaded by "KyodoNews." It introduces the Tomioka Silk Mill in Gunma, a World Heritage Site of Japan. In 2014, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee approved the "Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites" as a World Heritage Site. The Tomioka Silk Mill is a historically important place where technological innovation and a silk industry revolution were achieved in Japan during the Meiji Period (1868-1912). About the Tomioka Silk Mill Photo:Gunma Prefecture・Tomioka Silk Mill The Tomioka Silk Mill is known as the birthplace of modern industry. Formerly known as Hara Tomioka Silk Mill, Tomioka Silk Mill Co., Ltd., Katakura Tomioka Silk Mill, and Kataoka Industry Tomioka Silk Mill, the Tomioka Silk Mill has a long history of changing names. Businessman Eiichi Shibusawa was one of the founders of Tomioka Silk Mill. The "Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites," along with, Takayama-sha, the Tajima Residence, and the Arafune Cold Storage at 4:08 in the video, are all registered as a World Heritage Sites. In addition, the entire site of the Tomioka Silk Mill has been designated a national historic site, and the early buildings have been designated National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties. As can be seen at 0:35 in the video, the National Diet Library has a woodblock print depicting the factory at the time of its construction. During the Meiji Period, the construction of a factory that introduced foreign technology was major news in Japan. What to Do at the Tomioka Silk Mill Photo:Gunma Prefecture・East cocoon Hall The wooden-brick building of the Tomioka Silk Mill's raw silk factory is one of the largest instrumental silk mills in the world. The former nameplate of the Tomioka Mill hangs at the entrance of the building. The Inspector’s House is shown at 1:27 in the video and the east cocoon warehouse is shown at 1:45 in the video. The arch in the corridor of the east cocoon warehouse bears the engraving "明治5年" (Meiji 5, or 1872 on the Gregorian calendar) the year it was built. A replica of a reeling machine imported from France and an automatic reeling machine are preserved in the reel mill next to the east cocoon warehouse. From 3:17, you can see Bruna Museum and at 3:57, you can see west cocoon warehouse. Summary of the Tomioka Silk Mill Photo:Gunma Prefecture・Tomioka Silk Mill The video gives an easy-to-undertstand summary of the history of the Tomioka Silk Mill while also showing footage of the mill. If you're planning to go to the Tomioka Silk Mill or interested in World Heritage Sites of Japan, we recommend watching the video beforehand so you know what's in store for you. Near the Tomioka Silk Mill, you'll also find lunch spots where you can eat Gunma's specialty, Okkirikomi, and shops where you can buy silk souvenirs related to the Tomioka Silk Mill. ◆Information◆ 【Address】1-1 Tomioka, Tomioka, Gunma 【Access】Please visit the homepage for access information 【Hours】9 am to 5 pm 【Admission fee】1,000 yen for adults, 250 yen for high school and college students, 150 yen for junior high school and elementary school students 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】0274-67-0075 【Official Website】Tomioka Silk Mill http://www.tomioka-silk.jp.e.wv.hp.transer.com/tomioka-silk-mill/?_ga=2.87418712.1764734922.1592978453-1081752571.1591957850 【Tripadvisor】Tomioka Silk Mill https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021202-d1860844-Reviews-Tomioka_Silk_Mill-Tomioka_Gunma_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 13:11
Sword Polishing Is a Highly Difficult Type of Craftsmanship for Maintaining Japanese Swords. A Look at the Uncompromising Techniques That Go Into Restoring Japan's Historical Swords
Traditional Crafts- 594 plays
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A Look at the Polishing Techniques Used for Japanese Swords This video, titled "日本刀の研磨 手入れ 本阿弥流 Polishing katana Japanese sword," was released by " JAPAN STUDY 日本研究." Craftsmen who polish swords for a living are called "togishi" (研師) in Japanese. Among these craftsmen, the Hon'ami school shown in the video is a professional sword polishing school that has been around since the Nanboku-cho Period (1336-1392 A.D.). At 12:21 in the video, a stunning view of "Kanamori Masamune," a famous dagger, is introduced. The History and Techniques of Japanese Sword Polishing Source :YouTube screenshot Sword polishing has a long history in Japan and was already being practiced when chokuto (直刀, Japanese straight swords) were still being used. The Hon'ami family, who served Ashikaga Takauji during the Nanboku-cho Period, later established sword polishing and sword appraisal methods. When a sharpener receives a request for sword polishing, he first observes the sword for about a week to visualize the precise polishing. The sword polishing process incorporates a unique technical system. When polishing a sword, it is polished under the assumption that it will be used to cut down enemies, but it is also important to sharpen it in a way that brings out the beauty of the sword, so that the base metal and the hamon (刃文, blade pattern) can be seen clearly. The Sword Polishing Techniques in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot The person introduced at 1:00 in the video is Koshu Hon'ami, a living national treasure of the Hon'ami family. He uses whetstones to carefully polish Japanese swords. There are several types of sword polishers, including Binsuido, Kaiseido, Nagurado, Koma-Nagurado, Uchigumorihado, and Uchigumorijido. The sword is finely polished after being given a rough polish, and then adjusted through finishing polishes. A whetstone called "Narutaki" (鳴滝) is used to polish the surface of the blade, and various secret techniques are used when polishing the swords. There are many different polishes performed when polishing Japanese swords and many of these can be seen in the video. Sharpening the tip of the sword is called “narume” (ナルメ). It's important to finish the narume polishing carefully while protecting the blade of the sword. Summary of Japan’s Sword Polishing Techniques Source :YouTube screenshot Today, there are approximately 50 sword polishing professionals in Japan. There is no set qualification system for sword polishing, but in order to become a swordsmith or a sharpener, one must work under a master or attend a class to acquire advanced skills. Many people around the world are fascinated by Japan's unique swords. In order to maintain the brilliance of the swords, the skills of the sword polishers shown in this video are essential. -
Video article 13:42
Feel the Charm of Japan's Four Seasons in Inawashiro, Fukushima! Eat, Play, Learn... You'll Be Amazed at the Beautiful Scenes That Fukushima Has to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 44 plays
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福島県猪苗代湖はどんなところ? こちらの動画は「公式チャンネル猪苗代町」が公開した「猪苗代観光プロモーションビデオ」です。 猪苗代湖は東北地方の南端を占める福島県のほぼ中央に位置し、日本では4番目の広さを誇る湖です。 夏は湖水浴や釣りや遊覧船観光・ボート遊びなど自然の中のマリンスポーツ、花火大会などで多くの旅行客を魅了する人気観光エリアです。 また猪苗代湖周辺には磐梯山や源泉が湧く温泉ホテルも多く、1年を通じて観光が楽しめます。 今回はそんな福島県猪苗代湖の絶景スポットを動画と共にお楽しみください。 福島県猪苗代湖へのアクセスとイベント情報 猪苗代湖周辺には日本の自然豊かな磐梯山があり様々なイベントが楽しめます。 6月に山開きするとキャンプや7月には磐梯まつりが開催され、冬はスキーなどのウィンタースポーツを楽しむことができます。 夏になると湖畔のキャンプや釣り、ボート、遊覧船観光などのアクティビティ、花火大会や自然を楽しみながら走るハーフマラソンなどのイベントが目白押しです。 福島県猪苗代湖へのアクセスはJR猪苗代湖駅からバスで約15分。自動車は磐越自動車道猪苗代磐越高原ICより約3分です。 日本有数の自然豊かな観光地福島県猪苗代湖周辺の花鳥風月 猪苗代湖観光では日本でも珍しい白鳥を始めとした貴重な野鳥の生態を観察することもできます。 湖畔のカフェやキャンプ場でもさまざまな野鳥や桜、紅葉などを楽しむことができますが、アクアマリンいなわしろカワセミ水族館ではカワセミを始めとした猪苗代湖周辺の生態系の資料を閲覧することができる穴場スポットです。 湖畔の自然の中をゆっくりと観光ウォーキングするのなら湘南エリアトレッキングルートがおすすめです。 猪苗代湖の名前の由来と歴史文化 猪苗代湖の名前の由来には諸説ありますが、稲作と深い関係があることは確かなようです。 磐梯山は活火山で大規模な噴火によって猪苗代湖が現出したとされています。 そして今から約1万2000年前頃にはすでに湖畔に先住民が住んでいた痕跡があり、磐梯山の厳しい自然や気候は日本の先住民に豊かな実りをもたらせていたことでしょう。 猪苗代湖は観光だけではなく学術的にも重要なエリアなのです。 科学者野口英世のふるさと 日本が誇る世界的な医学博士の一人が野口英世です。 彼は明治9年に猪苗代町で生まれました。小さい頃は清作と名付けられ、農家の跡取りとして大事に育てられましたが、重度のやけどを負い手が不自由になり医師の道を志します。 その後黄熱病をはじめとする数々の病原体を発見し、その功績を記録した野口英世記念館は日本の医学の歴史にとっても重要な資料館です。 日本の自然が満喫できる観光情報 猪苗代湖はインスタ映えする自然景勝地の宝庫です。 ・磐梯山 ・天鏡閣 ・南ヶ丘牧場 ・西久保彼岸獅子(舞の奉納は毎年春の彼岸頃) ・達沢不動滝 ・福島県迎賓館 ・中津川渓谷 ・世界のガラス館 などの代表的な人気スポットがあります。 猪苗代湖で満喫するグルメ情報 猪苗代湖を有する福島県はグルメの聖地でもあります。 福島産の名産品といえばお米、桃などの農作物、そば、そして日本酒です。 道の駅やカフェ、ホテルのレストラン、猪苗代駅周辺の居酒屋などでは美味しい福島の海と山の幸を堪能することができます。 福島観光のおすすめ景観地猪苗代湖の魅力紹介まとめ 福島県は東北と首都圏を結ぶ重要な地域です。 その福島県のほぼ中央に位置する猪苗代湖は一年を通じて四季折々の自然豊かな景色、そして美味しいグルメとイベントで多くの観光客を魅了します。 そんな風光明媚な猪苗代湖の魅力を高画質な動画でも御覧ください。 -
Video article 4:35
Food! Culture! Traditional Art! Nature! Festivals! No Matter What You Want to Do, Fun Is in Season Year-Round in Kochi!
Local PR Travel- 90 plays
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Shikoku and Kochi Prefecture - Famous for Yosakoi, Bonito and Sakamoto Ryoma? Photo:Statue of Sakamoto Ryoma This video, titled "The blessing of nature - Four Seasons PV - VISIT KOHCHI JAPAN," made by VISIT KOCHI JAPAN, introduces various seasonal tourist spots in Kochi. Kochi is in the southern part of Japan's Shikoku region, and has a warm and comfortable climate all year long. Kochi is famous as the birth place of Sakamoto Ryoma. Ryoma is a historical figure of the Tosa Domain who stopped a war from breaking out in Japan, at the end of the Edo Period (1853 to 1868), nearly 100 years ago. In this video, you can check out different recommended tourist spots in Kochi for each season. Let us known which season you want to visit Kochi in! Kochi's Spring Tourist Locations Photo:Cherry blossoms at Kochi Castle From 0:31 in the video, you can check Kochi’s tourist spots that are best visited during spring. When you say "spring" in Japan, the first thing that comes to mind is no doubt, cherry blossoms! Japan's most glorious season is spring, the season in which people go on 'hanami' (cherry blossom viewing) events and enjoy picnics under the blooming cherry blossoms. Kochi also has cherry blossom spots around Kochi castle. Nakagoshi Family's weeping cherry blossom introduced at 0:41 is the most famous hanami spot. You'll definitely feel refreshed after being out in all the greenery Kochi's spring has to offer. On top of cherry blossoms, food during Kochi's spring is all about bonito (鰹, katsuo). Katsuo comes into season in spring and fall, and the spring variation is called Hatsu-Katsuo. The most common way of eating katsuo is searing surface. This is referred to as called tataki (seared or minced). Kochi T-shirt art, where 1000's of T-shirts are aligned, is also a must-see spot in the spring. You can see what it looks like from 0:55 in the video. The video also introduces the 'Shimanto river carp streamer' (四万十川こいのぼりの川渡し, Shimanto gawa koinobori no kawawatashi) flying in the blue sky and 'going down the river' on a small ship. Kochi's Summer Tourist Locations Starting at 1:51 is the introduction of Kochi's summer tourist locations. Because Kochi is situated on the coast, surfing is also possible. It is actually a hidden surf spot with few inlets and high waves, facing the Pacific Ocean. As introduced from 1:24, you can enjoy rafting and hiking as well. The beautiful rice fields of Yoshinobu / Oishi and the five-storied pagoda are also introduced in the video. One of Kochi's most popular summer events is the dance festival. Shown from 1:59 is the Yosakoi festival, Kochi's representative event that is held every year on the 10th of August. Hosting nearly 1 million people over 4 days, it is one of the 3 biggest festivals in Shikoku. Kochi's Fall Tourist Locations Photo:The autumn leaves of Nakatsu Valley Introduced from 2:13are Kochi's fall tourist locations. If you visit Japan in the fall, you can't miss the chance to see the autumn foliage. The video shows many beautiful locations for viewing the reddening of the leaves in Kochi. The spot we recommend most is Nakatsu valley (中津渓谷, Nakatsu Keikoku). You can enjoy the beautifully flowing river that traverses the the valley's windy ravines. On the weekends you can enjoy the autumn leaves, lit up at Monet's Garden Marmottan(モネの庭マルモッタン, Monet no niwa marmottan) in Kitagawa. Fall in Kochi wouldn't be complete without yuzu. Kochi is the number 1 producer of yuzu in all of Japan! There are various types of Yuzu souvenirs in Kochi, so don't forget to take a look at them. The dance festival "Yosakoi" isn't the only popular event in Kochi! There's the Yasuhara Tsunoyama festival (梼原津野山神祭り, Yasuhara Tsunoyama matsuri) and the Mounted archery 'Yabusame'(流鏑馬, Yabusame)event in Toyo village shown from 2:47 of the video that are also popular during the fall. Kochi's Winter Tourist Locations At 2:59 we're introduced to Kochi's recommended tourist spots during the winter months. Winter in Kochi is very warm compared to other areas so it's great for sightseeing. There is no snow in the Southern region but towards the northern end you begin to see a little. The place we recommend most is Shikoku karst. As you can see from the video, you can sight-see in a fantastic atmosphere thanks to the snow during winter. You're sure to have a wonderful trip in Kochi, tasting the fresh winter seafood from Hirome market, enjoying the Akiha festival(秋葉まつり, Akiha matsuri)in Yodokawa, and warming up in the Matsubakawa (松葉川温泉, Matsubakawa onsen) or Konoka hotsprings (木の香温泉, Konoka onsen). Other Tourist Spots in Kochi Photo:Image of the Shikoku pilgrimage There are so many more things to do or see in Kochi, that are not included in the video, so here's a list! Find your favorite spot. Shikoku henro (四国遍路, shikoku henro (pilgrimage)), Katsurahama (桂浜) , Katsurahama Aquarium (桂浜水族館, Katsutahama suizokukan) , Hirome Market (ひろめ市場, Hirome ichiba), Sunday market (日曜市, nichiyouichi), Anpanman Museum (アンパンマンミュージアム, Anpanman mu-jiamu), Niyodo River (仁淀川, Niyodo gawa), Muroto Cape (室戸岬.Muroto misaki), Wanpark Kochi (わんぱーくこうち, Wanpa-ku kochi), Ashizuri Cape(足摺岬, Ashizuri misaki), Ashizuri Cape Observatory (足摺岬展望台, Ashizuri misaki tenboudai), Ryugado Cave (龍河洞, Ryugado), Godai Mountain (五台山, Godaisan), Sameura Dam (早明浦ダム, Sameura Damu), Kashiwa Island (柏島, Kashiwajima ), Tengu Highlands (天狗高原, Tengu Kougen), Todoroki Waterfall (轟の滝, Todorokinotaki), Wakamiya Hachimangu Shrine (若宮八幡宮, Wakamiya Hachimangu), Dainichi Temple (大日寺, Dainichi ji), Kokubun Temple (国分寺, Kokubun ji), Harimaya Bridge (はりまや橋, Hariyama bashi), Makino Botanical Garden (牧野植物園, Makino shokubutsu en), Nishijima Horticulture Park (西島園芸団地, Nishijima engei danchi), Culture plaza Cul-port (かるぽーと, karupo-to), Yutorisuto Park Otoyo (ゆとりすとパークおおとよ, Yutorisuto pa-ku ootoyo), Sunahama Museum (砂浜美術館, Sunahama Museum)... and more! Kochi is full of touristic charm, with not only popular spots but also many hidden gems as well! A Brief Summary of Kochi's Seasonal Tourist Locations This time, we introduced recommended tourist spots in Kochi, in line with the video. Did you enjoy it? As you saw from the video, you can enjoy completely different atmospheres depending on which season you decide to visit during. There are many photogenic locations that are sure to fill your Instagram feed, and you can enjoy different kinds of traditional Japanese culture as well! Why not add Kochi to your itinerary next time you visit Japan? 【Official Website】Kochi Prefecture web page https://www.pref.kochi.lg.jp/ -
Video article 5:00
Fukuoka’s Must-See Tourist Destinations. Historical Structures, Traditional Culture, Local Cuisine and More– A Complete Video Guide to Fukuoka!
Local PR Travel- 114 plays
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Fukuoka: Where sightseeing, Japanese culture, the outdoors, and Japanese cuisine all come together The video “Hyperlapse Fukuoka City, Japan 4k (Ultra HD) - 福岡 Full ver.” is a promotional video created by the city of Fukuoka. It introduces sightseeing locations, Japanese cuisine such as street food, Japanese culture though festivals, and more, all in one of Japan’s most popular sightseeing destinations- Fukuoka, in Japan's Kyushu region. Fukuoka is said to be a gateway to Asia, as it's a popular sightseeing destination welcoming many visitors to Japan. This video introduces more than 20 famous sightseeing areas and places of cultural interest in Fukuoka. 5 impressive minutes of breathtaking views shown through time lapses and aerial shots taken by drones. We guarantee you'll find a spot you want to visit. Sightseeing in Fukuoka- Recommendations and information about commercial facilities Photo:Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome and hotel From 0:05 in the video, the symbol of Fukuoka, the Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome (福岡ヤフオク!ドーム, Fukuoka yafuoku domu) is shown. This is Japan’s first stadium built with a retractable roof, making it usable no matter the weather. This is also the home stadium of the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks. At 3:23, we can hear the crowd cheering from inside the stadium. Fukuoka Tower (福岡タワー, Fukuoka tawa) is an exquisite 234-meter-tall tower equipped with 8000 pieces of half mirrors reflecting the sky and the city. From the viewing platform, you can enjoy a 360-degree view of Fukuoka, which was chosen as one of Japan’s “Top 100 night views”. The ACROS Fukuoka, reminiscent of a park, as well as the Canal City Hakata, built around a meandering canal to create a unique space, are entertainment complexes. These famous structures of Fukuoka Prefecture can be seen at 0:19 in the video. Access to Fukuoka’s recommended sightseeing areas Hakata Station (博多駅, Hakata-eki) is conveniently located about 5 minutes away from Fukuoka Airport (福岡空港, Fukuoka kuko) by subway. outside of that, Kyushu (九州, Kyushu), Kagoshima (鹿児島, Kagoshima), and Honshu (本州, Honshu), are accessible through the JR bullet train (JR新幹線, JR shinkansen). Besides public transportation such as the trains or buses from Hakata Station, renting a car and driving through the city’s highways is also a convenient way to travel in the city. Sightseeing in Fukuoka- history, culture, nature, and our recommendations Photo:The five-story pagoda at Tochoji Temple From 1:11 of the video, Ohori Park (大濠公園, Ohori koen) is introduced. This is a healing location right in the center of Fukuoka City and home to the five-story pagoda of Tochoji Temple (東長寺, Tochoji) as well as the Buddha of Fukuoka, so it's definitely worth seeing. The Fukuoka Buddha is 16.1 meters (52.8 ft) tall, making it the largest wooden Buddha in all of Japan. Next, the Fukuoka City Museum (福岡市博物館, Fukuoka-shi hakubutsukan) located in Momochihama (百道浜, Momochihama) is a cultural facility that introduces the lifestyle of Fukuokans as well as the history of Fukuoka itself. The well-known National Treasure, the “King of Na gold seal” (金印, Kin-in) is also on permanent display. In addition, the Jotenji Temple (承天寺, Jotenji) near Hakata Station boasts an exquisite stone garden. Umi-no-Nakamichi (海の中道, Umi no nakamichi) and Nokonoshima Island (能古島, Nokonoshima) are also brimming with nature. These can be seen from 1:26 in the video. From 2:10 in the video, craftsmen can be seen producing Hakata-ori textiles (博多織, Hakata-ori) and Hakata dolls (博多人形, Hakata-ningyo). The Hakozaki Shrine (筥崎宮, Hakozakigu), with a main worship hall recognized as an Important Cultural Property of Japan is shown, as well as two of the three main festivals of Kyushu. The first is the Tamaseseri Festival (玉取祭・玉せせり, Tamatori・Tamaseseri), where participants compete to get their hands on a lucky ball. Also shown is the Hakata Gion Yamakasa festival (博多祇園山笠, Hakata gion yamakasa), which is recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage. Fukuokan cuisine Around Tenjin Station (天神駅, Tenjin-eki) and Nakasu (中洲, Nakasu) are more than 100 food stands where you can enjoy a great variety of Japanese cuisine such as Hakata ramen (博多ラーメン, Hakata ramen). Fresh sushi and motsunabe (もつ鍋, Motsunabe) are also popular. These popular Fukuokan foods are introduced at 3:03 in the video. A trip isn't complete without tasting food made from the very best local ingredients! Traveling in Fukuoka - Summary Photo:Fukuokan street food As shown in the video, Fukuoka is an area where you can thoroughly enjoy Japan’s culture, sightseeing, and cuisine. There are many more charming areas in the video that we couldn't get around to in this article, so if you haven't checked it out yet, we recommend giving it a look. You're sure to be charmed by what Fukuoka has to offer! 【Official Website】Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka City Municipal Office Homepage https://www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/english/index.html -
Video article 3:07
Sightseeing Destinations and Experiences to Enjoy in Itoman City, Okinawa! Enjoy Unique Cuisine and Traditional Crafts on Your Trip to Okinawa for an Experience Like No Other!
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 95 plays
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About Itoman, Okinawa This is a promotional video for Itoman city titled "Itoman City Tourism PR Video・Experience Compilation" (糸満市観光PRムービー_体験編(日本語版))." It's brought to you by Itoman city hall. We'd like to introduce experiences available in Itoman, a city located in southern Okinawa Island, a popular sightseeing destination in Japan. Itoman city hall has also created other videos highlighting popular restaurants, walking routes and cultural spots in and around Itoman city. Itoman is a city on Okinawa's main island, in the south west of Japan. Itoman city is easily accessible by car and takes around 30 minutes to get to from Naha airport (那覇空港, Nahakuukou), the main airport in Okinawa. Itoman city was the site of many battles during World War II, and therefore is well known for battle memorial sites such as Okinawa Peace Memorial Park (沖縄県平和祈念公園, Okinawaken heiwa kinen kouen) and Himeyuri Memorial Tower (ひめゆりの塔, Himeyurinotou). Itoman city is also famous as a fishing village, with many fishing traditions being passed down for generations. Itoman is an area dotted with sugar cane fields and beaches with beautiful views of the ocean. Charming villages covered with red tile roofed houses typical of Okinawa add to the beautiful scenery here. Popular Tourist Experiences in Itoman City Photo:Underwater In the opening scene of this video we're introduced to Ryukyu Glass Village's (琉球ガラス村, Ryuukyuu garasu mura) glass blowing experience. You can see this at 0:15 in the video. Ryukyu glassware is famous for it's characteristic air bubbles and thick, beautifully colored glass. Glass-blowing is a traditional Japanese craft by which you can create truly one of a kind glassware. At Ryukyu Glass Village you can also watch the craftsmen at work or purchase a variety of colorful glassware from the shop. Next, we'd like to introduce the glass boat tours. You can see these at 0:52 in the video. The glass boats have a glass floor which allows you to take a peek down at the sea floor below. You can enjoy looking at the beautiful Okinawan coral and tropical fish up close without the need to take part in a snorkeling or diving course. The next sightseeing experience we'd like to introduce is Hariko making. Hariko are traditional paper-mache dolls that you can decorate however you like. You can see them being made at 01:09 in the video. Have fun watching your cute, hand-painted Ucchiribukusa (traditional Okinawa doll) stand back up after knocking it over time and time again. The Shisa (lion dog) hariko is very typical of Okinawa. Okinawan traditional fishing boat/Sabani sail boat experiences are also very popular. Sabini are fishing boats used in the Tempuku Bare competition which is part of the biggest event held in Itoman city, the Itoman Hare. Tempuku Bare is a competition where as a team you attempt to flip over your overturned Sabani boat and row it to the finish line. It is used as a test of the village fishermens' boat skills, but don't worry, as a tourist you won't have to flip over any Sabani boats during your experience! Rowing your own Sabani with the cool wind brushing against your face is an exhilarating experience! You can see this at 2:15 in the video. Experience Making the Local Delicacies of Itoman Source :YouTube screenshot Taking part in the regional Japanese cuisine experience is sure to be one of the best memories of your trip to Okinawa. The area with highest consumption of tofu in Japan is thought to be Okinawa and there are many tofu shops in Itoman. You can see some of these shops being introduced at 1:43 in the video. If you take part in the Okinawa-style tofu (島豆腐, Shimadoufu) experience you will have the chance to make tofu the traditional way by grinding soy beans using a stone mortar. The taste of freshly made Okinawan tofu will bring a smile to your face! Summary of Itoman, Okinawa Itoman city is famous as a sightseeing destination in Japan. I'm sure after watching this video you'll be eager to try some of the experiences and food that Itoman city, Okinawa has to offer! If you're headed to Itoman, be sure to use this video as a guide! Taking part in the unique experiences here in Itoman is guaranteed to create memories you'll treasure for a lifetime. 【Official Website】Itoman city hall https://www.city.itoman.lg.jp/ -
Video article 4:04
Chasen: Introducing the Characteristics and History of the Takayama Tea Whisk – A 500-Year-Old Utensil Essential for Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony
Traditional Crafts History- 353 plays
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Takayama Tea Whisks This video was made by Japanese Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square, a shop dedicated to Japanese traditional crafts, to introduce the Takayama Tea Whisk. Photo:Chasen (Tea Whisk) In the unique culture of Japanese tea ceremony, tea whisks are used for making matcha tea. Takayama Tea Whisks are traditional instruments made of bamboo and individually hand-crafted by artisans. In this article we'll introduce the charms and manufacturing process of Takayama Tea Whisks. Be sure to follow along with the video. Takayama Tea Whisks and Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony Source :YouTube screenshot Japan has many traditional crafts with a long history. There is a wide variety of crafts including lacquerwares, ceramic wares, Buddhist altars, textiles, bamboo works, woodworks, Japanese paper, and many more. Tea ceremony utensils are traditional crafts that also have high cultural value as well. The tradition of tea drinking is said to have already started in the Heian period (794-1185 AD) in Japan. During the Kamakura period (1185 – 1333 AD), monk Eisai brought tea ceremony to Japan. As one of the most expensive tea whisks used for tea ceremony, the traditional Takayama Tea Whisk is made in Takayama in Ikoma City, Nara. The History and Cultural Value of Takayama Tea Whisks The production of Takayama Tea Whisks started around the middle of the Muromachi period (1336 – 1573 AD). The tea whisk was requested by Juko Murata, who started the tradition of Wabicha (a style of tea ceremony). Takayama Tamibe-no Jounyudo Souzetsu, the lord of Takayama’s son, accepted the request and made a special tea whisk for Murata. The tea whisk was presented to Emperor Gotsuchimikado and cherished by him. After the Edo period, the art of making Takayama Tea whisks had been handed down from artisans to only one of their children as a secret technique. In recent years however, the craftmanship has been passed down to 16 apprentices. The craft has been passed on as a handicraft of artisans in Takayama, Nara as well. The Characteristics and Manufacturing Process of Takayama Tea Whisks Source :YouTube screenshot Takayama Tea Whisks are made with many types of bamboo such as Henon bamboo, black bamboo and soot bamboo which is smoked in a hearth for many years. The edge of a bamboo pole is cracked into pieces, shaved thin, curled and fixed, then wrapped together to form a bamboo whisk. The painstakingly crafted Takayama Tea Whisks are truly works of art. Take a look at 0:29 in the video as it introduces the manufacturing process of Takayama Tea Whisks in detail. Summary of Takayama Tea Whisks The tradition of Japanese tea ceremony is also very popular outside Japan as it shows the Japanese spirit of Wabisabi. You can see that each tool made in the workshop is also a very profound traditional craft. We hope after reading this article and watching the video that we've sparked your interest in Takayama Tea Whisks. The maker of the video, Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square, sells a variety of products including Takayama Tea Whisks. If you want to experience traditional Japanese culture or tea ceremony culture, we highly recommend that you purchase a traditional Takayama Tea Whisk. 【Official Website】Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/ -
Video article 17:39
More Than Just the Tottori Sand Dunes! Enjoy Nature, Food, and Culture in a Land of Myths and Popular Anime!
Local PR Travel- 68 plays
- YouTube
人気観光スポット鳥取県の魅力を伝える動画の見どころ こちらの動画は「とっとり動画ちゃんねる」が公開した「The Choice of Tottori」です。 あなたは鳥取の観光に対してどれほどの関心があるでしょうか。 今回の動画は鳥取県の魅力を伝える動画になっています。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の豊かな自然 動画の0:47で、鳥取の情報を伝えてくれるのは鳥取観光大使の松本若菜さんです。 鳥取鳥取へのアクセスは以外と近く、羽田空港からは1時間15分でアクセスできます。 1:19から松本若菜さんが紹介するのは、鳥取県の自然観光です。 穏やかな気候の多い鳥取の自然を6つご紹介します。 1) 山陰海岸ジオパーク 浦富海岸では遊覧船やカヌーなどのアクティビティが楽しめます。 2) 鳥取砂丘 日本でも屈指の名所である鳥取砂丘に自然に作られる風紋は圧巻の景色です。 また、砂の美術館も併設され、砂の制作による様々な展示が行われています。 3) 白兎海岸 日本神話「因幡の白兎」がモチーフとされ、周辺には白兎神社も併設されています。 4) 大山 登山やハイキングだけでなくスキーも楽しめ、秋の紅葉は大山の妖艶な一面を見せてくれます。 5) とっとり花回廊 日本最大級のフラワーパークで四季を通して様々な草花をご覧になることができます。 6) 智頭町 鳥取の観光で穴場で、総面積の9割が山林で、森を散策する「森林セラピー」も体験できます。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の絶品グルメ 5:59からは鳥取観光で楽しみなご当地グルメのご紹介です。 鳥取の夏は新鮮なクロマグロが楽しめます。 さらに岩ガキは生でいただける非常におすすめの魚介です。 白イカも楽しめます。 地元でしか楽しめないものとしてモサエビも挙げられます。 なにより有名な冬の鳥取のご当地グルメが松葉ガニです。 二十世紀梨も鳥取を有名にしているものです。 甘みのある味わいをぜひ現地でお楽しみください。 さらに鳥取和牛もブランドを確立しています。 しゃぶしゃぶ発祥地と言われる鳥取で、郷土料理の鳥取和牛しゃぶしゃぶをお楽しみください。 人気観光スポット鳥取県で楽しむ癒しの温泉 9:18からは温泉の様子を動画で紹介しています。 鳥取には日本の中でも個性豊かな温泉が10箇所以上あります。 中でも三朝温泉の河原風呂や海水浴場を擁する皆生温泉、はわい温泉などです。 皆生温泉ではトライアスロンのイベントが行われていることでも有名です。 岩井温泉では湯かむり唄という風習もあります。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の知られざる歴史と文化 動画の12:07からは、鳥取県の大山にある大神山神社奥宮の社殿と断崖に建てられた三徳山三佛寺が紹介されています。 特に三佛寺は日本国宝の投入堂があります。 この景勝地は日本の国宝で最も危険なものとも言われており、断崖からの景観は絶景です。 鳥取の歴史文化では白壁土蔵群・赤瓦の町並みエリアが有名です。 浴衣の女性が歩く景色が白壁に非常に映えます。 また、伝統芸能と民芸品を集めた鳥取民藝美術館には多くの民芸品が展示されています。 漫画家の水木しげる先生、青山剛昌先生、谷口ジロー先生なども鳥取の出身で、日本有数の漫画王国とも言われています。 水木しげるロードには妖怪の銅像が並ぶ新たな観光スポットとして有名になりました。 人気観光スポット鳥取県紹介まとめ 動画を通じて鳥取の魅力をたっぷり紹介しました。 今回の動画を参考に鳥取旅行のプランやルートを考えて、素敵な観光をお楽しみください。 -
Video article 34:07
The Famous Nichirin Blade From the Popular Anime "Demon Slayer." Such High-Quality You Could Easily Mistake It for a Real Sword!
Modern Culture- 24 plays
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This video, titled "【日輪刀】Kyojuro Rengoku Nichirin Blade - Demon Slayer - YorozuKajiya: Sword making," was released by " よろず鍛冶屋-Yorozu Kajiya-." In this video, you can see the sword of Kyojuro Rengoku, the flame hashira from the popular anime/manga "Demon Slay "Kimetsu no Yaiba," being made. All parts of this Japanese sword are made with wood! Each part is carefully crafted by hand, and you don't have to be a fan of Demon Slayer to enjoy this video. The finished sword is so beautiful that it could be mistaken for the real thing! -
Video article 52:36
A close-up look at the world of Matsuba Crab, a colorful part of Japanese cuisine! You won't want to miss the beautiful techniques of this famous restaurant in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward!
Food & Drink- 89 plays
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Video Introduction of Ryugin Japanese Cuisine in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "Japanese Cuisine—RyuGin Matsuba Crab Conference Report" (日本料理 龍吟 松葉蟹学会発表), was uploaded by "TOKYOGASTRONOMY." It introduces food presented by RyuGin at the "2016 World Cuisine Academic Meeting in Hakodate" (世界料理学会 in HAKODATE 2016) in September 2016. RyuGin is a Japanese restaurant situated in Hibiya, Tokyo. The restaurant offers a range of Japanese cuisine prepared with carefully selected ingredients, not least among which is Matsuba crab. At around 52 minutes, the video is on the long side, but there are dazzling skills on display, and a number of dishes using Matsuba crab. First, watch the video, and enjoy an introduction to the flavors of winter in Japan and the charms of Matsuba crab. What is Matsuba Crab? Photo:Matsuba crab Matsuba crab refers to male snow crabs caught in the San'in region of Tottori, Japan. Female snow crabs are referred to as "Seko crab" or "Koppe" in Japan. Snow crabs caught in Kyoto prefecture are known as Tsuiyama or Taiza crab, and crabs caught in Fukui prefecture are referred to as Echizen crab. As you may have noticed, the crabs are referred to by different names depending on where they were caught and whether they're male or female. Snow crabs generally belong to the Xanthidae family of crabs, but in some regions snow crabs belonging to the Oregoniidae family in certain regions are also referred to a Matsuba crab. A snow crab can be identified by its ten clawed feet, its long, slender legs, and its shell, which is small compared to its body as a whole. The crabs can be caught in the Sea of Japan's western area, as well as the area from Toyama prefecture north. They're also found in parts of the Pacific Ocean, such as the Sea of Ohkotsk and off the coast of the Sanriku region of Japan. Tasty Crab Soup From the Shell of a Matsuba Crab The video also shows delicious crab soup. Charcoal-grilled crab legs are added to stock produced by boiling the discarded shell of a Matsuba crab. You can almost smell the crab's fragrance coming from your screen. [Video] 6:13 - Crab Soup Shitamachi Katsushika Edo Dome – Seko Crab Beautifully Arranged in a Dish Made From Its Shell Source :YouTube screenshot Next up is a dish called "Shitamachi Katsushika Edo Dome" (下町葛飾江戸ドーム). This dish brings out the deep flavor of the Matsuba crab's female counterpart, the seko crab. The way RyuGin arranges this crab, with special tin tableware is nothing short of art. The dish is then carried to customers on a dome and platter made using traditional Japanese crafts, such as Wajima-nuri (a type of lacquerware from Wajima, Ishikawa) and Edo Kiriko (a type of cut glass from Asakusa, Tokyo). [Video] 9:20 - Shitamachi Katsushika Edo Dome Itsukiboshi, a Super-Sized Matsuba Crab Next up is "Itsukiboshi" (五輝星). Among Matsuba crabs, these are some of the biggest. Their size is enough to be easily noticeable even via the medium of video. Arranged in its bowl, the crab sashimi is, in a word, beautiful. Served with crab miso ponzu (ponzu is a sauce made from vinegar and bitter orange), it's simply delicious. [Video] 15:13 - Itsukiboshi Enjoy Matsuba Crab Pincers to the Full with "Banshu-yaki" Source :YouTube screenshot This fried crab dish using only the pincers is known as "Banshu-yaki" (播州焼) at RyuGin. This aromatic fried crab has tones of yuzu (a citrus fruit grown in Japan), and is served with crab miso. "Banshu" (播州) is an old name for what is now Hyogo prefecture. Hyogo is known as the number one supplier of Japanese crab, and crab pincers are familiar to many as a Banshu specialty. [Video] 18:50 - Banshu-yaki, Using Only Crab Pincers The RyuGin Burger, a Decadent Hamburger Using Matsuba Crab Next is a slightly eccentric dish, called the "RyuGin Burger." Matsutake mushrooms take the place of the bread, and Matsuba crab is used for the patty. Have you ever heard of such a decadent burger? What makes this burger so special is the "an" (a thick starchy sauce) made using Matsuba crab stock, which really brings out the Matsuba crab's flavor. [Video] 22:03 - RyuGin Burger Matsu x Matsu Shabu – Emphasizing the Crab's Umami Flavors Moving on is a dish called "Matsu x Matsu Shabu." This shabu-shabu (a Japanese hotpot dish with thinly sliced meat and vegetables) dish makes use of stock from Matsuba crab and Matsutake mushrooms. The dish is full of special artisan touches, such as the use of a Matsuba crab's shell in place of the pot, and more. Once you start to pick up the scent of cooking Matsutake mushrooms, it's time to put the Matsuba crab into the pot. [Video] 26:13 - Japanese Crab Shabu-Shabu Wakamatsuba, the Irresistible Sweetness of Young Matsuba Crab Source :YouTube screenshot "Wakamatsuba" (若松葉) is the name for younger Matsuba-crabs, and when translated to English literally means "young Matsuba." These younger crabs have soft, edible shells. You can see the Wakamatsuba crab meat arranged gorgeously on its shell in the video. Shirasu – Stunning Deep Fried Wakamatsuba Crab Tempura "Shirasu" (白砂) refers to Wakamatsuba crab tempura (a type of deep frying technique using batter). Every single detail—not just the batter that envelops the Wakamatsuba crab, but the method and timing of the boiling and deep frying stages, and type of oil used—has been honed to a fine-art. [Video] 33:45 - Matsuba Crab Tempura The Matsuba crab and Matsutake mushroom tempura rice bowl is not to be missed, either! Anrakuyaki – Bringing Out the Irresistibly Rich Flavor of Crab Miso and Cheese Anrakuyaki (安楽焼) is a dish that combines the rich flavors of crab miso and caciocavallo cheese. The melted cheese is sure to get your tastebuds tingling. The flavor is improved even further with "uchiko" and "sotoko," the Seko crab's eggs. [Video] 38:43 - Japanese Crab and Cheese "Anrakuyaki" Matsuba Seiko – A Combination of the Crab's Umami Flavors and Matsutake Mushrooms Source :YouTube screenshot "Matsuba Seiko" (松葉聖子) is a rice dish with Seko crab and Matsutake mushrooms. You can enjoy every part of the Seko crab with this dish, along with the Matsutake mushrooms, which are cut into bite-size pieces. [Video] 44:53 - A Final Dish with Japanese Crab and Matsutake Mushrooms You can watch the Matsuba Seiko being prepared with all the ingredients in a single pot in the video. Notice the use of truffles to round the dish off. Summary of Japanese Restaurant RyuGin – A Wide Range of Luxurious Matsuba Crab Dishes Matsuba crab can be eaten in a variety of ways, including as sashimi, sukiyaki, char-grilled, and roasted in its shell. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that Matsuba crab is essential to any conversation about Japanese cuisine. Next time you visit Japan, be it for sightseeing or other reasons, why not try a dish made with Matsuba crab? If you plan to eat at "RyuGin," we recommend you book in advance. The Matsuba crab with Japanese-grown Matsutake costs around ¥100,000, (before tax), but prices can vary according to the market. These truly sumptuous dishes are a veritable art-form. If you've got a big budget, we recommend giving it a try. 【Official Website】Japanese Restaurant RyuGin 【TripAdvisor】Japanese Restaurant RyuGin -
Video article 13:01
Okayama Prefecture's Kurashiki City Is a Beautiful Japanese Tourist Spot With Traditional Streets and Waterways. Kurashiki City's Popular Character "Denim Ninja" Introduces Popular Sightseeing Spots in a Comedic Way!
Local PR Travel- 60 plays
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岡山県倉敷をデニム忍者が紹介! こちらの動画は「観光課倉敷市」が公開した「【English】DENIM NINJA in KURASHIKI - DENIM NINJA solves the 30 mysteries of Kurashiki!! (Long ver.)」です。 日本の観光地というと東京・京都・大阪が有名ですが、岡山県倉敷市も昔ながらの街並みがあることをご存知ですか? 岡山県倉敷市は美観地区を中心に屋敷に水路・川舟といった日本の昔ながらの風景が残っているのです。 また、日本で初めてデニムを生産した場所として名を知られています。 では動画でデニム忍者と一緒に倉敷の観光名所を巡っていきましょう! 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスが良く日本の観光ルートに入れやすい 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスは京都駅からおよそ1時間半・大阪より1時間です。 また、関西から四国や九州へ行く途中に位置していている倉敷。 日本を周遊するルートで訪れやすい観光地です。 岡山県倉敷の美観地区は川舟・屋敷が残っていて日本への観光に最適 倉敷市にある美観地区は日本でも昔ながらの街並みが残るとして有名。 川舟に乗れば数多くの屋敷や水路を楽しめます。 この美観地区ではなまこ壁の屋敷を見てみましょう。 壁の模様がなまこのように見えることが名前の由来。 また、大原美術館はヨーロッパの美術品を多数取り揃え、和と洋の昔ながらの町並みが堪能できます。 また、着物を着て観光することも可能。 着物という日本の伝統文化に触れて周辺を観光してみませんか? 日本のデニム発祥の地、港町児島を観光してみよう 岡山県南部に位置する倉敷市。 その中でも瀬戸内海に面した港町児島地区は「日本のデニム発祥の地」とされ、駅前にはジーンズストリートがあります。 また、本州の岡山県と四国の香川県のアクセスルートとなる瀬戸大橋があるのも倉敷。 瀬戸大橋の横にそびえる鷲羽山(わしゅうざん)からの景色は瀬戸内海の自然を楽しるおすすめの穴場スポットです。 日本一の◯◯!岡山県が誇る名物をデニム忍者が堪能♫ 果物王国の岡山県! マスカットをはじめとして桃の生産が有名です。 特にマスカットの生産量は日本一を誇る岡山県。 マスカットを使ったワインが人気でお土産にも最適です。 高級感があり日本料理をはじめとした和食にも合います。 みなさんもグルメな街・岡山県倉敷市を楽しんでみませんか。 岡山県倉敷市紹介まとめ 今回は岡山県倉敷市の観光動画を紹介いたしました。 動画をご覧になり岡山県倉敷市の観光名所が多いことに驚いたはずでしょう。 岡山県倉敷市は観光スポットが豊富です。 次は皆さんの足で倉敷を体感してみてくださいね。 -
Video article 2:14
Enjoy the Historical Townscape of Kurashiki, Okayama! From Popular Tourist Attractions to Hidden Gems, This Town Is Full of Beauty!
Local PR Travel- 115 plays
- Vimeo
Sightseeing in Kurashiki, Okayama The video this time is a PR video for Kurashiki, Okayama prefecture, titled "Kurashiki, Japan Promotional Video" (Kurashiki, Japan Promotional Video 岡山県倉敷市プロモーションビデオ), by "Sho Fujii." Okayama prefecture is classified as part of the Chugoku region of Japan and is also a part of the region that was referred to as "Kibi no kuni" in ancient Japan. In terms of the population ranking in Okayama prefecture, Kurashiki is the second largest city after Okayama. In this video, you'll see a woman traveling to famous tourist attractions in Kurashiki, Okayama . You'll definitely see something you like while watching this video! The woman was traveling alone at first, but met someone on her trip and they began to travel together. It even has a nice story for you to enjoy! Famous Tourist Spots in Kurashiki, Okayama Photo:Kurashiki's river boats and the Bikan Historical Area First, the tourist spot being shown at 0:07 in the video is "Kurashiki-kawa Funenagashi." A boatman wearing a happi will guide you downstream in a river boat called Tenryo Maru, along the Kurashiki River, which flows through "Kurashiki Bikan Chiku, where historical buildings with white walls and tiled roofs line the river. The townscape of the Kurashiki Bikan Chiku area was created during the Edo Shogunate era and it is one of the more popular sightseeing places in Kurashiki. If you take a walk in the Kurashiki Bikan Chiku, you'll find people wearing yukatas, a traditional Japanese aesthetic, tea making, rickshaw rides, traditional Japanese style lunches, souvenir shops, and more. There's plenty to do, so you'll definitely be able to enjoy the atmosphere of Japan. The Ohara Museum, which can be seen from 0:16 in the video, is a 15-minute walk from Kurashiki station, and it is the first private western art museum in Japan. The area around Kurashiki is an area in which many museums and archaeological museums are situated. Besides the Ohara Museum, there's the Igarashi Yumiko Museum and the Kurashiki Folk Art Museum. In Kurashiki, there's plenty of ways to experience Japanese history and culture. Achi Shrine, which is shown at 0:22, is known for having the oldest and largest Akebonofuji tree in Japan. The tree is said to be 500 years old. If you travel out of Kurashiki to Soja, you can also see the five-story pagoda of Bicchu Kokubunji Temple which can be seen from 0:51 in the video. Okayama prefecture is also the birthplace of the Japanese folk tale legend, Momotaro. Kinojouzan (Kinojou), which can be seen at 1:01 in the video, is a strange mountain castle, with a history shrouded in mystery. There's a legend that says that the demon that appeared in the Momotaro legend lived in this castle. Traditional Crafts of Kurashiki, Okayama Photo:Kojima Jeans Street - The birthplace of domestic denim - Kojima, Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture When traveling in Japan, going to the tourist spots is a given; however, we also recommend checking out the traditional crafts rooted in the region's history. At 1:05, you can see Okayama's Bizen swords, which are of the highest quality and quantity in Japan. Okayama is even called "The Sacred Land of Swords." It's also famous for finely woven floral patterns and geometric patterns woven into mats called Hana-goza. Shown at 1:51, is a "Rokuro" (pottery wheel). You can enjoy a pottery making experience here as well! Other traditional crafts of Kurashiki include, Kurashiki Hanpu (Kurashiki canvas), Kurashiki glasswork, and Kurashiki denim. There's also Kojima Jeans Street, where many jeans makers have their shops. Kurashiki is also famous for its masking tape, and there is a tour of a masking tape factory where you can tour the factory of "mt," a manufacturer of masking tape. The Local Cuisine of Kurashiki, Okayama Kurashiki is also famous for producing fruit and is called "The Kingdom of Fruit." Okayama is called "The City of the Fruit Parfait," and you can taste unique fruit parfaits at hotels, cafes, and other confectionery shops. You can also eat fresh seafood in Okayama prefecture, as it's next to the sea. Sawara is a sashimi especially popular among the locals. In addition, there's a lot of popular local cuisine, such as oysters, Hiruzen yakisoba, Tsuyama hormone udon, Nissei kakioko, and Okayama demi-glace katsudon! Other Appealing Tourist Spots Around Kurashiki, Okayama Photo:Kurashiki-kan There are still a ton of great sightseeing spots in Kurashiki that aren't shown in the video! Ivy Square is a tourist complex that includes a hotel and cultural facilities. It's a western-style wooden structure that was built in the Taisho era and was made using the exterior of a factory built in the Meiji era. It has since been reborn as the tourist information center "Kurashiki-kan." There's also Kurashiki Coffee’s "Kurashiki Teien," "Hayashi Genjuro Shoten," and "Kurashiki Roji Ichiba," all of which use old-fashioned warehouses and townhouses as they were built in the past. Kurashiki hall is also a retro-style building that blends into the townscape. If you want to see the sea, you can go to the port town of Shimotsui and stroll around Shimotsui or Tamashima, a retro town of Kurashiki from the Showa period. On a clear day, you can view the islands in the Seto Inland Sea and the Seto Ohashi Bridge from Washuzan in the Seto Inland Sea National Park, the first national park of Japan. It's a scenic location in the great outdoors, and a great place to take Instagram photos. The sea in Kurashiki is also developing as an industrial zone, and you can check out the Mizushima Industrial Zone in the Mizushima Waterfront DIstrict. As for the shopping areas, there's the Kurashiki Aeon Mall and Mitsui Outlet Park Kurashiki so you'll have no trouble find places to shop. You can also visit Kurashiki Civic Center, where music and drama events are held from time to time. Summary of Kurashiki, Okayama This article introduced many sightseeing spots in Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture. The solo traveler from overseas who was enjoying her solo trip in Kurashiki managed to befriend a Japanese woman who she met coincidentally at a guest house. They went sightseeing in Kurashiki together and enjoyed their trips in Kurashiki even more. Maybe you can make a friend on your journey as well! She enjoyed the summer festival (Kurashiki Tenryo Summer Festival/Kurashiki Haruyoi Akari) by wearing a yukata and going to the food stalls; however, this kind of sightseeing was most likely made possible by meeting a local. We hope that we've piqued your interest in visiting Kurashiki, Okayama. It's a great place to travel alone or with a friend! You can visit Kurashiki by plane, bullet train, overnight train or express bus from famous cities in Japan. Unfortunately, the heavy rains of 2018 caused extensive damage to Mabi-cho, Kurashiki, but the city has been gradually recovering since then. There are tourist spots such as the Bisha monten ritsu-zo and Kibiji temple in Mabi-cho, Kurashiki as well. Why not visit here and help support the victims? 【Official Website】Kurashiki, Okayama City Office Website https://www.city.kurashiki.okayama.jp/ 【Official Website】Kurashiki Tourism WEB | Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture Tourism・Travel Information・Introducing famous spots and recommended spots! https://kurashiki-tabi.j-server.com/LUCKKJH/ns/tl.cgi/https://www.kurashiki-tabi.jp/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XCHARSET=utf-8&XJSID=0 -
Video article 14:46
A Journey Through the Fascinating City of Himeji, Hyogo! Feel the History and Culture of Japan at the Historic "Himeji Castle," a World Heritage Site!
Local PR Travel- 182 plays
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An Introduction To Himeji, Hyogo This video, titled "Himeji Film Commission・Himeji City Promotion Video 2018" (姫路フィルムコミッション・姫路市内PR動画2018), was published by "himejifilmcomission". This video highlights the charms of Himeji, Hyogo. A popular tourist destination in Himeji, Hyogo, once called "Harima no Kuni," is Himeji Castle. The castle, famous as a World Heritage Site, can be seen at 0:58 in the video. There are many other fascinating destinations in the city that give you a taste of Japanese history and culture, so definitely check them out. Highlights of Himeji Castle, a major tourist destination in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture Photo:Himeji Castle after restoration Himeji Castle, also known as "Shirasagijo" (白鷺城, lit. "White Heron Castle") is characterized by its beautiful, brilliantly white citadel. Himeji Castle, which attracts attention as the pinnacle of historical castle architecture, was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1993. When you visit the historic Himeji Castle, be sure not to miss the Shachihoko displayed on the roofed passages. You can also see the Shachihokogawara (Shachihoko made of earthenware) at Shiromidai Park, shown at 3:13 in the video. The remains of the samurai residences of the Edo Period (A.D. 1603-1868) located on the west side of the castle have been transformed into the Japanese garden, Kokoen. During cherry blossom season, there are many cherry blossom festivals held and many people come to see the beautiful scenery. At a tea house, you can experience traditional Japanese tea ceremony and enjoy delicious traditional Japanese sweets. Highly Recommended Tourist Destinations in Himeji City, Hyogo Photo:Hyogo Prefecture, Himeji City Museum of Art Himeji Castle is not the only tourist site in Himeji! The Hyogo Prefectural Museum of History and the Himeji City Museum of Art, which can be viewed at 3:33 of the video, are two spots we highly recommend checking out. Some other places you don't want to overlook during your trip include Taiyo Park, which is home to replicas of world landmarks, and the Japan Toy Museum which holds a collection of more than 70,000 toys and dolls. It can be seen at 8:15 in the video. Himeji Central Park, a popular amusement facility for children, is another must-see destination. You can check it out at 7:43 in the video. Himeji Central Park also has a drive-thru safari, the only one in the Kansai region that you can enter with your own car! Crossing over to the islands of the Seto Inland Sea, you can also enjoy swimming, water sports, and even hot springs. There are also tourist sites, such as fishing spots and you can even hand-fish for sweetfish. We also recommend going sightseeing during events like the "Parade of Portable Shrines" during the Nada no Kenka Festival, and the Ceremony of Exorcise Evil at Engyoji Temple. These can be seen from 10:28 in the video. Popular Gourmet Food and Souvenirs in Himeji, Hyogo Photo:Hyogo Prefecture, Himeji Oden As mentioned at 11:37 in the video, Himeji, also known as a gourmet town, offers tons of delicious food, such as "Hinepon" (a type of roasted chicken), Himeji Oden, and Ekisoba. As a seaside town, it also offers fresh seafood, including mackerel and eel, as well as blue crab. You can also try other delicious gourmet foods, such as Himeji Wagyu beef and Japanese sake. We recommend "Himeji Hariko" and Myochin Hibashi Wind Chimes (明珍火箸風鈴, Myochin Hibashi Furin) if you're looking for souvenirs. Summary of Popular Tourist Destinations in Himeji City, Hyogo Photo:Himeji Castle What makes Himeji so appealing (besides all of the amazing sightseeing attractions) is that it has the Shinkansen (bullet train), making it easily accessible. Plan a beautiful trip to Himeji Castle, where you can experience a spectacular view from the heights and other fascinating sites in the area! 【Official Website】Himeji City, Hyogo. Himeji City Office, Official Website https://www.city.himeji.lg.jp/ -
Video article 1:30
Extend Your Journey to the Yamashiro Hotspring in Kaga and Enjoy the Beautiful Japanese Scenery! A Look at Recommended Spots, Food, and Ryokan in the Onsen Village!
Travel Things to Do- 130 plays
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About the PR Movie for Yamashiro Onsen in Kaga, Ishikawa "山代温泉 PRmovie 【short ver.】" made by the Yamashiro Onsen Tourist Association is a promotional video of popular tourist spots in Kaga city, Ishikawa prefecture. Yamashiro Onsen in Kaga is located in the Hokuriku region of Honshu. It is known as the only Onsen town in the region and referred to as "Ideyu no machi" (The Town of Onsen) with its 1300 years of history. It has been loved by a number of Japanese writers and artists, with a heart of hospitality times past. It's one of the most popular Onsen places on Japanese travel review & comparison sites. many of the charms of old Japan are captured in this one and a half minute video, so be sure to take a look! Attractive Spots Introduced in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot If you want to have a relaxing time, Rosanjin's Hut "Iroha" introduced from 0:24 is a highly recommended tourist spot. Other sightseeing places, such as the foot baths, Kutani Kamaato Museum and the steps of the Japanese alphabet to the Hattori Shrine are shown as well. The unique observatory of Sazaedo at 1:00 in the video is also a very attractive place to visit. Presented at 0:13 in the video is Sohachi's Roppo Yaki, which is great for having a snack while you walk or lunch as well. Kaga parfait presented at 0:47, with it's delectable sweets, is also something you don't want to miss. Onsen and Ryokan in the Area Photo:Yamashiro Onsen Soyu and Kosoyu introduced from 1:09 are Yamashiro's representative traditional Japanese public baths. Enjoy good old Japanese baths tiled with Kutaniyaki ceramics. In Yamashiro Onsen there are various select onsen ryokans such as Rurikoh, Yuzankaku, Housyoutei, Yamashitaya and Yoshidaya Sannoukaku. We also recommend lodging such as Araya Totoan, Yayunokuni Tensho, Tachibana Shikitei, Hatori, Beniya Mukayu, Morinosumika Resorts & Spa, Yukai Resort Saichoraku and Hoshino resorts. Of course there are places you can enjoy without staying the night at a hotel as well. The natural minerals in Yamashiro Onsen's spring water are: sodium, calcium, monosulfate, and chloride. The health benefits include: the easing of chronic pains, such as muscle pain, joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain, neuralgia, frozen shoulder, bruises, sprains. On top of that, it is also effective in easing muscle stiffness caused by motor paralysis, poor circulation, peripheral circulatory disturbance, intestinal disorders, mild cases of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, pulmonary emphysema, hemorrhoids, autonomic instability, sleep disorders, depression and aids in recovery from fatigue and promotes health. Things to do When Visiting Yamashiro Onsen There are a variety of things to do when staying at the Yamashiro Onsen. There is "Hazuchio Gakudo" which is a supporting institution for local communication, "Gallery PANNONICA" where unique exhibitions of all genres are held, "Izukuraya Buzangama" where you can see ceramic artworks, "Utsuwazo" where local Kutani ceramic artists' works and other great artworks of Yamanaka's lacquer ware are exhibited, and "Kamamoto Kutani Bitouen" where you can enjoy original ceramic wares. There are a lot of places where you can actually experience the traditional craft Kutaniyaki (A type of Japanese porcelain). If you have a chance to visit Yamashiro Onsen, why not give some of these places a visit as well. Summary of Yamashiro Onsen Photo:Onsen After staying at one of Japan's ryokan, visiting Yamashiro Onsen, spending a wonderful time in the large public baths and open-air baths, you may want to put on your yukata, relax and enjoy some private time exploring the Ryokan. If the weather is nice, you can have a nice time walking around the Onsen village just like in the video. Access is about 30 minutes by car from Komatsu Airport and the closest station is Kaga Onsen Station of Hokuriku-honsen, West Japan Railway. Spend time at Shiroyama Onsen, the popular Onsen area of Kanazawa and Kaga of Ishikawa prefecture will definitely make for an unforgettable experience. 【Official website】Yamashiro Onsen Tourist Organization Kanazawa & Kaga|27 minutes from Kanazawa station of Hokuriku Shinkansen http://www.yamashiro-spa.or.jp/foreign/en 【Tripadvisor】Yamashiro Onsen Kosouyu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g651648-d3782601-Reviews-Yamashiro_Onsen_Kosouyu-Kaga_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:59
Fukuoka Prefecture's Local Idols Introduce the Charms of Yanagawa City! You Don't Want to Miss This Video Full of Fascinating Sights and Adorable Dancing!
Local PR Travel- 43 plays
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九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市をご当地アイドルが紹介! こちらの動画は「柳川フィルムコミッション」が公開した「【柳川市観光PRビデオ】SAGEMON GIRLS さげもんガールズ」です。 福岡県はおいしい食べ物や人気観光がいっぱいの魅力ある日本のおすすめの観光地。 そんな福岡県でグルメや観光も楽しめるエリアを探している人はいませんか? 今回は福岡県の柳川市を紹介したいと思います。 こちら記事では、福岡県の柳川市の人気スポットや、おすすめグルメなどを動画と共に紹介したいと思います。 福岡県柳川市のご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」の可愛いダンスも堪能ください 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地のひとつ柳川市は、福岡県の南部、筑後地方の南西部に位置します。 筑後地方の主要都市のひとつで、さまざまな魅力のある都市です。 柳川の川下り体験や相撲、有明海でとれた柳川産のりやうなぎ料理など、観光やグルメで楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 福岡県柳川市は福岡の天神駅から西鉄電車で約50分で行くことができるので、福岡で観光する際にはぜひ立ち寄ってみてください。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめスポット 人気観光地の福岡県の柳川市には、おすすめの観光スポットがたくさんあります。 まず、歴史が好きな人やパワースポットに行きたい人におすすめなのが三柱神社と日吉神社。 ともに由緒正しい神社で参拝すれば気が引き締まります。 長命寺や沖端水天宮も福岡県柳川市の有名な歴史スポットです。 柳川藩主立花邸御花も歴史を体感できる国指定名勝。 庭園が当時のままに残り、美しい景観を楽しめる名所です。 ほっと一息つきたい場合には、「からたち文人の足湯」がおすすめ。 足湯エリアには柳川ゆかりの文人たちの写真などが飾られており、歴史が好きな人も楽しめます。 ゆっくり足湯に浸かりながら、写真を眺めれば心癒される時間になるでしょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめグルメ 日本の観光地である福岡の柳川市にはおすすめのグルメもあります。 うなぎは食べログで高評価のお店が多く、柳川市に訪れたときには必ず食べておきたい日本料理。 うなぎ料理の他にも、柳川産味噌や米せんべいなどが有名。 美味しいグルメを楽しんで最高の旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市紹介まとめ こちらの動画は福岡県柳川市の人気ご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」のかわいい踊りと一緒に、柳川市のおすすめの観光スポットが紹介されています。 観光スポットとおいしいグルメがたのしめる福岡県の柳川市。 気になる方はぜひ観光に訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:14
Aomori Is a Place Overflowing With Nature and Culture! Gourmet, Traditions, Festivals, You Name It. Aomori Has Plenty to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 30 plays
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青森県エリアのグルメと文化の紹介動画の見どころ こちらの動画は「AOMORI JAPAN」が公開した「Aomori Gourmet & Culture Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 青森」です。 青森県を観光する際に押さえておきたいグルメ、歴史や文化について簡潔に分かりやすく紹介されています。 こちらの記事では、動画で紹介されている青森県のグルメや歴史・文化を動画と共に紹介します。 青森県のグルメはこんなに沢山ある! 青森県は、皆さんご存じの林檎の名産地としても知られていますが、海に面していることから、日本食と深い繋がりのある海鮮系の料理が豊富なことでも有名です。 動画の0:10で紹介をされている『弘前中央青果』、動画の0:22で紹介されている『古川市場』はその象徴とも呼べる人気のグルメスポットです。 市場ではその場で料理をしてくれるところもあり、動画の0:36からご覧になれる人気の「のっけ丼」は、青森観光では絶対に外せない逸品です。 他にも、動画の0:45で紹介をされている煮干しで出汁を取った煮干しラーメン、青森県の豊かな自然で産まれた倉石牛、ほたてのしゃぶしゃぶ、大間のマグロに八戸えんぶり、イカの炭火焼や十和田バラ焼き等、青森観光の際には外せないグルメが多くあります。 日本酒も有名で、代表銘柄『玉垂』の中村亀吉酒造や代表銘柄『陸奥八仙』の八戸酒造はご存知の方も多いのでは無いでしょうか? 観光に訪れた際のお土産には、津軽路手焼きせんべいをおすすめします。 青森県で日本の文化を楽しむ! 青森県には日本的な文化が多くあり、グルメと共に、ぜひ足を運んでみたい観光名所が沢山あります。 代表的なのが『ワ・ラッセ』という青森市文化観光交流施設で、青森県の文化と深い繋がりのある「ねぶた祭り」について、体験をしながら学ぶことが出来ます。 その美しさから日本のみならず世界でも注目をされている津軽打刃物と日本の伝統工芸品である津軽塗、この青森の地方の名前がついている津軽三味線、他ではあまりご覧になることの無い津軽鉄道ストーブ列車等、古き良き日本の文化を堪能することが出来ます。 青森県の文化とグルメ紹介まとめ 日本の伝統文化や自然が残る、都会とは違った日本らしさを感じさせてくれる青森県は、気候も穏やかで観光スポットも多く、旅行には最適な人気観光地です。 グルメや文化、そして自然に溢れた美しい景色や絶景も魅力で、十和田湖や相坂川はインスタ映えするスポットでもあるので、ぜひ立ち寄って見て下さい。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事が青森県への観光をご検討する後押しとなれば幸いです。 -
Video article 4:15
There's More to Morioka Than Just Chilled Noodles and Wanko Soba! Lots to See and Do, and Some of Japan's Top Tourist Attractions in Iwate Prefecture!
Local PR Travel- 51 plays
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岩手県盛岡の観光地は魅力がたくさん こちらの動画は「webmorioka」が公開した「MORIOKA(long ver.)」です。 動画では日本の岩手県盛岡の観光スポットを様々な角度からご紹介しています。 盛岡観光で訪れるべき名所 岩手県盛岡には日本でも有数の名所が多く存在します。 石川啄木の出身地であることから「啄木詩の道」や、レンガ作りが美しい「岩手銀行赤レンガ館」、盛岡で最も古いレンガ作りの「旧石井県令邸」など多くの景勝地があります。 盛岡駅から20分ほどの場所には日本の天然記念物として指定された石割桜もあります。 樹齢は300年を超え、日本の樹木のなかでも最も有名なものの一つです。 また盛岡駅のそばにはマリオスという商業施設があり、展望室から岩手の景観を一望できる穴場のスポットです。 ホテルだけでなく、ショッピングや焼肉といったグルメもあるので、デートとしても便利でしょう。 盛岡駅からは観光地を循環するバスも定期的に運行しており、観光ルートをたどってくれるので、旅行の際には利用するのをおすすめします。 周辺には盛岡城址公園があります。 多くの自然が残り、春には桜が満開になります。 気候も穏やかなので花見には観光客が大勢訪れます。 盛岡の自然を満喫するために散策の際は多めに時間を確保しておきましょう。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市で楽しめるアクティビティ 日本の中で川下りのアクティビティが行える場所はいくつかありますが、盛岡でもボートを利用して川下りのアクティビティが楽しめます。 夏には800以上の装飾されたボートが競う大会も開催され、盛岡の一大イベントにもなっています。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市で楽しめる盛岡の行事 岩手の中で盛岡は様々な行事が行われています。 特に酒買地蔵尊例大祭の神輿は日本文化の一つとして一見の価値があるので動画の1:40の中でご覧ください。 インスタ映え間違いなしです。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市の文化を伝える施設 岩手県盛岡の文化を伝える施設としてもりおか町家物語館があります。 こちらでは日本の伝統工芸を広めるための工房などが敷設されており、南部鉄器を始めとした様々な岩手の伝統工芸にふれる事ができ、さまざまな情報が満載です。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡観光で楽しむご当地グルメ 日本のなかでも岩手エリアのご当地グルメは非常に有名です。 盛岡せんべいや「わんこそば」、盛岡冷麺など挙げればきりがありません。 特にわんこそばは日本のグルメの中でも特徴的なもので、少量のそばが入ったお椀を何十杯と食べていくエンターテインメント性に富んだ人気グルメです。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市の観光をもっと楽しむ 盛岡観光で訪れるイベントとして、盛岡競馬場での競馬観戦や、盛岡さんさ踊りなどもあります。 息のあった踊りは圧巻です。 8月に行われる盛岡さんさ踊りでは3000人の演奏者が同時に太鼓の演奏をして、世界一の記録となりました。 また、毎年夏のイベントとして盛岡市の花火も人気です。 1万発以上の花火が上がる景色は絶景です。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市紹介まとめ 盛岡には多くのパワースポットを持つ盛岡八幡宮や五百羅漢堂がある報恩寺など、歴史ある神社仏閣がたくさんあります。 日本の神様へお参りをして盛岡観光を安全に過ごせるように祈願しましょう。 グルメやイベントが盛りだくさんの盛岡の魅力をたくさん知ってください! -
Video article 6:46
Recharge Your Body and Mind at Kaga Onsen in Kaga, Ishikawa! Experience a Healing Trip to Enjoy Japanese Culture and Hot Springs!
Local PR Travel- 32 plays
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日本の文化と温泉を満喫できる「石川の加賀温泉郷」の動画について こちらの動画は「観光チャンネル石川県 加賀市 加賀温泉郷」が公開した「加賀百万石の温泉郷「石川県 加賀温泉郷」 / 「加賀ていねい」コンセプトムービー」です。 石川県加賀温泉郷で体験できる日本文化や温泉などの魅力が詰まった動画となっています。 加賀温泉郷は「加賀ていねい」の心で観光客の心を魅了し、癒やし続けています。 こちらの記事では、日本の文化や温泉を楽しめる石川県加賀温泉郷の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の文化と温泉を満喫できる石川の加賀温泉郷とは? 人気の観光名所である加賀温泉郷は北陸三県の真ん中にある温泉地です。 この地域は九谷焼きや茶道、漆器、祭り、日本料理といったさまざまな文化が詰まっている魅力ある町。 加賀温泉郷は、文人墨客たちに愛されていた街として有名。 文化や温泉で著名人たちの心を癒やしてきました。 今も人気の観光スポットとなっており、北陸新幹線が開通したことで観光客が増えています。 おもてなしの心で出迎えてくれる旅館や、おいしい和食、ご当地グルメなど、見どころはいっぱい。 癒しの旅として石川県の加賀温泉郷を観光するのはいかがでしょうか? 石川の観光エリアである加賀温泉郷の日本文化 石川の加賀温泉郷では、さまざまな日本文化を見ることができます。 歴史好きな方におすすめなのが、江沼神社の長流亭です。 重要文化財に選ばれているこの建造物はとても神聖な雰囲気のある場所。 周りは自然に囲まれており、インスタ映えするきれいな景色を楽しむことができます。 伝統芸能が好きな方には山中節を体験するのがおすすめ。 日本らしい民謡でゆったりした踊りが心を和ませてくれます。 また山中座では山中節の他に、山中温泉の総湯・菊の湯と山中漆器も体験できるぜいたくなスポットです。 他にも、山代大田楽や芸術を生み出した城下町の大聖寺でも日本の伝統文化を堪能できます。 石川の観光エリアである加賀温泉郷の温泉について 石川の観光スポットの加賀温泉郷は、小松市の粟津温泉、加賀市の片山津温泉、山中温泉、山代温泉の4つの温泉の名称として使われています。 4つの温泉には長い歴史があり、それぞれで特徴のある泉質を楽しめます。 温泉の温度も微妙に異なる4つの温泉の違いを楽しむ湯巡りをしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 石川の観光エリアである「加賀温泉郷」紹介記事のまとめ 心のこもった日本文化や温泉を堪能できる加賀温泉郷で、癒しの旅行を体験してみてはいかがでしょうか?