Festivals & Events
Video article 15:22
An in-Depth Look at the Nachi Fire Festival Designated a Cultural Asset by Wakayama Prefecture. The Flames Blazing From the Torches Are So Powerful That It Is Truly Worthy of Being Called One of Japan's Top 3 Fire Festivals!
Festivals & Events- 61 plays
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日本三大火祭りの那智の扇祭りを紹介 こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「NACHI-NO-OGI MATSURI - IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI - 祭 (那智の扇祭り/和歌山)」です。 こちらでは和歌山県東牟婁郡那智勝浦町の熊野那智大社で執り行われる、那智の扇祭りを紹介します。 和歌山県の無形文化財にも指定されている、那智の扇祭りの歴史や魅力について説明します。 日本三大火祭りでもある那智の扇祭りの動画共にお楽しみください。 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りについて 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りは、那智の神さまを清め、もとにいた場所に戻って貰うための神事です。 松明や扇神輿を使った御火行事や、笛や腰太鼓で演奏する日本芸能の那智田楽などさまざまな行事を行います。 歴史のある伝統文化の那智の扇祭りですが、那智の火祭と呼ばれる御火行事は、とても迫力がありインスタ映えする風景。 インパクトのある光景が楽しめる那智の扇祭りを、一度見学してみてはいかがでしょうか? 重要無形民俗文化財にも指定されている、那智田楽も必見! 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りの歴史 熊野那智大社にいる那智の神さまは、もともと那智の滝にてお祀りされていました。 その那智の神さまを今から1700年前に那智山の中腹にお遷ししました。 大松明を炎で燃やすのは、那智の神さまが遷られている扇神輿を清めるため。 日本の伝統文化の那智の扇祭りで、迫力のある光景だけでなく、歴史を学んでみてはいかがですか。 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りの魅力とは 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りは、一度は見ておくべきインパクトのある例大祭です。 大きな松明から炎が燃え盛り、乱舞する炎に目を奪われるでしょう。 また、那智田楽は笛や腰太鼓など日本伝統の楽器で演奏し、それに合わせて踊る日本らしい民俗芸能。心地よいリズムや伸びやかな踊りに心が癒やさます。 魅力たっぷりの那智の扇祭りで、迫力ある風景や癒やされる文化を楽しみましょう! 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭り紹介まとめ こちらの動画は、那智の扇祭りの歴史や魅力を紹介しており、那智の扇祭りの概要を知ることができます。 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りは、とてもインパクトのあるお祭りなので興味を持った方は是非お祭り会場へ足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 15:20
The Most Dangerous Festival in Japan? Osaka's Danjiri Festival Is Full of Unexpected Events and Accidents! Toppling Over Sideways, Crashing, Falling Over... It's a Thrilling Event You Won’t Want to Miss!
Festivals & Events- 7.29K plays
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Osaka's Danjiri Festival: The Most Dangerous Festival in Japan? This video [2019 Danjiri Festival's Accidents and Unexpected Events](令和元年 だんじり祭り 事故&ハプニング集) is a video summarizing events that took place during Osaka's traditional Danjiri Festival. During the Danjiri festival, Danjiri festival floats are pulled along the streets at amazing speeds. They fly past the front of people's homes at full speed grazing street lights and barely avoiding crashes but unfortunately accidents do occur from time to time. This video contains a collection of exciting footage from the Danjiri festival, including accidents and other shocking scenes. Please enjoy the thrilling footage! What Is the Danjiri Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot The Danjiri festival is a traditional religious festival held in Kishiwada, Osaka in the Kansai region of Japan. It dates back to the Edo period (1603–1868AD) and originates from the shrine lanterns of the time. There are several Danjiri festivals held in the central area of the Kinki region of Japan: Kishiwada Danjiri Festival, Haruki Danjiri Festival, Kobe Danjiri Festival and Sakai Danjiri Festival to name a few. The Danjiri Festival is held every year to pray for a good harvest and attracts many viewers keen to take a look at the exciting event. The wooden floats decorated with beautiful carvings are pulled around the town on ropes and considered by many to be works of art. Accidents Are Unavoidable During the Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot Accidents and unexpected events happen almost every year during Osaka's Danjiri festival. This video contains footage of the festival floats toppling over, crashing into lamp posts and other dangerous accidents due to the high speed they are being pulled around at. A method called "Yarimawashi" (やりまわし) used to help the floats turn right-angled street corners at high speed is one of the most thrilling and suspenseful moments of the festival. Accidents are particularly prone to happening on rainy days or during the darker hours of the evening. This can be seen at 2:57, 3:18, 6:23 and 8:14 in the video. Some years accidents are so dangerous that they have unfortunately resulted in death. Source :YouTube screenshot The highlight of this video has to be at 13:36 when one of the floats crashes into a street light which breaks and falls over. You can feel just how terrifying that must have been! Again at 14:50 you can see a float crash into a street curb and topple over. There are also many moments when the floats shake violently from side to side and come close to toppling over, occasionally actually falling over in front of spectators. Attending even as a spectator can put your life at risk! As you've probably noticed from the video at 5:45, 6:45, and 7:08, those pulling the floats cannot let go of the ropes even if they fall over and as a result end up being dragged along the street. The reason being, is that there is a danger of being trampled by the float if one let's go of the ropes, therefore there is a rule that one must hold onto the rope no matter what. Danjiri Festival Summary Source :YouTube screenshot We hope you enjoyed our video compilation of the thrilling events that take place during the Danjiri fesival. With serious accidents being a regular occurrence, it's safe to say that the Danjiri festival is one of the most dangerous festivals in Japan. Even so, every year many visitors come to watch and take part in the festival. There are many food stands and the large number of spectators make this is a very lively and exciting festival! ◆Kishiwada Danjiri Festival Introduction Summary◆ 【Event date】Every year in the middle of August 【Access】JR Kishiwada station (JR岸和田駅, JR Kishiwadaeki) or JR Haruki station (JR春木駅, JR Harukieki) 【Official Website】Kishiwada Danjiri Festival https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&sl=ja&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.kishiwada.osaka.jp%2Fsite%2Fdanjiri%2F 【Tripadvisor】Danjiri Festival (September festival) https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1023471-d10019374-r362673132-Danjiri_Matsuri_September-Kishiwada_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 14:26
Feel the History of Japan in Kyoto Jidai Matsuri. One of the Three Major Festivals in Kyoto, This Historical Parade Attracts More Than 61,000 People!
Festivals & Events- 57 plays
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秋の京都観光で、京都時代祭は外せない! こちらの動画は「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Festival: Jidai Matsuri [4K]」です。 京都時代祭は京都三大祭りのひとつに数えられ、秋の京都に欠かせない行事です。 この動画では京都時代祭の行列風景を英語の字幕解説付きで紹介していますので、観光前の情報収集にも最適です。 京都時代祭の時代風俗行列では時代を彩った武士や庶民たちが現代に息を吹き返します! 動画を見終わった後は、幕末の志士が活躍する明治維新、衣装が艶やかな平安時代に迷い込んだような気分になることでしょう。 京都時代祭は京都三大祭りのひとつ! 京都時代祭は葵祭や祇園祭に比べると歴史は浅いものの、京都三大祭りのひとつで、京都市民が主体のお祭です。 京都時代祭を運営しているのは、平安講社です。 平安講社は、平安神宮の維持と祭の挙行の維持のために平安神宮創建時にできた組織です。 現在では担当学区制で各時代を受け持ち、時代ごとの行列の人員や衣装の管理を行なっています。 京都時代祭の見どころは、時代風俗行列! 京都時代祭のメインは、各時代のスタイルに扮して練り歩く時代風俗行列です。 都大路を可憐優美に進む行列に参加するのは、総勢約2,000名の市民です。 桂小五郎など日本人なら誰でも知っている歴史的な著名人に扮し、馬や牛車に乗って次々に通っていきます。 そのほか町衆や市井で活躍した女性達も行列に参列し、京都時代祭を盛り上げます。 なかでも動画の7:24より紹介されている、京の町衆の風流踊りを再現した「室町洛中風俗列」は見逃せません。 風流傘を中心に、囃子方、踊り手で構成されています。 また、動画の2:34より紹介されている「徳川城使上洛列」は大きな掛け声でひときわにぎやかです。 時代風俗行列の魅力は、それぞれ特徴ある時代の風俗を示しているところです。 礼束や髪型、化粧、着付けは厳密な時代考証に基づいたものです。 そのため衣装や鎧、祭具には京都の伝統工芸の技術のすべてが傾注されていると言えるでしょう。 京都時代祭を楽しむなら有料観覧席がおすすめ 京都三大祭りのひとつである京都時代祭は、海外観光客も多く沿道を埋めつくします。 京都御所と御池通、平安神宮道には有料観覧席が設置されています。 交通規制が敷かれるほどの人が訪れるため、落ち着いて観覧するなら有料観覧席の予約がおすすめ。 山国隊の笛や太鼓の音色を先頭に約2kmにわたる行列は、平安時代から明治維新まで千余年の風俗を忠実に再現し、歴史の厚みを感じます。 京都時代祭は日本の歴史の縮図とも言うことができるでしょう。 京都時代祭の様子は十二十二でも! 時代祭に合わせて京都観光に来ることができない場合にも、京都時代祭を楽しむ場所があります。 それが時代祭館「十二十二(トニトニ)」です。 平安京遷都の日であり、京都時代祭の催行日でもある十月二十二日に因んで名付けられました。 京都市左京区岡崎にあり、平安神宮から徒歩1分とアクセスも抜群。 平安神宮周辺を観光する際は「十二十二」をコースに加えると良いでしょう。 「十二十二」では、館内スクリーンで時代風俗行列をテーマにした映像を鑑賞できるなど365日いつでも京都時代祭を疑似体験することができます。 京都時代祭の紹介まとめ 京都へのご旅行予定の方も予定が決まっていない方も、京都時代祭の時代風俗行列を堪能できるこちらの動画をご覧ください。 この記事では京都時代祭の目玉である圧巻の祭列の様子、観覧スポットを紹介しました。 ぜひ一度は、京都時代祭においでやす~。 -
Video article 2:43
Jonangu Shrine's Yutate Kagura Festival: The Solemn and Graceful Atmosphere of This Traditional Japanese Festival Was Even the Influence for the Famous Studio Ghibli Movie, "Spirited Away"!
Festivals & Events- 119 plays
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Jonangu Shrine’s Historical Ritual- Yutate Kagura This video is called "Kyoto Event Boiling Water Ritual at Jōnangū Shrine (Yutate Kagura)," and was made by Discover Kyoto. It introduces Kyoto Jonangu Shrine’s Yutate Kagura. Yutate Kagura also called Yu Kagura, is a traditional Japanese event that has been passed down for many generations. This video shows the Yutate Kagura event held at Kyoto’s Jonangu Shrine. Enjoy the historical event at Kyoto’s Jonangu Shrine, that has been passed down for many generations. What Is Jonangu Shrine? Photo:Jonangu Shrine Jonangu Shrine is located in the Fushimi Ward of Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. The shrine is said to answer prayers related to removing bad luck arising from ill-fated directions. It is a popular shrine within Kyoto's 5 Shrine Pilgrimage. The shrine was originally built to protect the nation and the new capital city when the capital was moved to Kyoto in the Heian Period. Many tourists visit here for Hatsumode (the first shrine visit of the year) and Setsubun. Many of the visitors visit the shrine to pray and receive a blessing from the chief priest as well as to obtain a red seal stamp or amulets. Within the shrine, there is a Japanese garden. The garden area is famous as a bloom location for plums, cherry blossoms, and camellia. In spring, the shrine holds the "Weeping Plums and Camellia Festival" (しだれ梅と椿まつり, Shidareume to Tsubaki Matsuri). Jonangu Shrine’s Yutate Kagura Ritual Source :YouTube screenshot Yutate Kagura, also called Shimotsuki Kagura, is a sacred event held throughout Japan. The event is held at shrines such as Shirahata Shrine in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa, Tarumi Shrine in Marugame City, Kagawa, Seimei Shrine in the Jokyo Ward of Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, and Kasuga Shrine in Buzen City, Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan's Kyushu region. It also inspired some of the story of director Miyazaki Hayao's popular anime film "Spirited Away." The Yutate Kagura event held in January every year at Kyoto’s Jonangu Shrine starts with the performance "Miko Mai." The dance is a purification ritual typically performed by 4 miko (shrine maidens), using fans and Kagura bells on the prayer stage. The performance is shown from 0:38 in the video. After the dance, a large pot of boiling water is prepared in the main building of Jonangu Shrine (1:06). The sacred boiling water is then splashed over the audience by Miko shrine maidens using a lucky bamboo branch called ‘Fukusasa.’ The water is said to remove ill spirits and protect you from illnesses and calamities. After the ritual, blessed bamboo leaves are given to the tourists. You can see this from 2:16 in the video. Summary of Jonangu Shrine’s Yutate Kagura Source :YouTube screenshot There are many historical festivals throughout the year in Kyoto, including Yutate Kagura shown in the video. The solemn Yutate Kagura is performed by Jonangu Shrine’s priests and Miko maidens, and it is a very interesting event where you can physically feel real Japanese culture and religion. If you're interested in seeing the traditional Japanese ritual Yutate Kagura, be sure to visit Jonangu Shrine in Kyoto. ◆Jonangu Shrine◆ 【Address】7 Nakajima Tobarikyu Town, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 【Access】Kintetsu:15 minutes walk from Takeda subway station 【Parking】Yes 【Hours】9:00-16:30 【Admission】Adults 600 yen(※as of December 2019) 【Telephone No.】075-623-0846 【Official Website】Jonangu Shrine | A Shrine in the south of Kyoto, where you can pray for protection from bad luck and traffic safety. The garden is famous for its flowers and fall colors. https://www.jonangu.com/english.html 【Tripadviser】Jonangu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d1380296-Reviews-Jonangu_Shrine-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:30
The Kyoto Yamashina Gishi Festival Feels Like a Trip Back in Time! The Traditional Japanese Atmosphere Created by the Parade Group Dressed as the 47 Ronin, Is an Event in Kyoto's Yamanashi Ward You Don’t Want to Miss!
Festivals & Events- 81 plays
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Kyoto Yamashina Gishi Matsuri - A Celebration of Japanese History This video, titled "Kyoto Festival: 47 Rōnin March (Gishi Matsuri) [4K]," was produced by "Discover Kyoto." Yamashina, located in the western area of Japan’s ancient capital Kyoto, is a small basin surrounded by rich natural scenery and mountains on three sides. Here, there is a festival related to Ako Roshi, or the 47 Ronin, famous from Chushingura. That festival is the Kyoto Yamashina Gishi Matsuri (festival), introduced in the video. Chushingura is well known among Japanese people. Although there are many places in Tokyo related to Chushingura, such as Edo Castle, Lord Kira's Residence, and Sengakuji Temple, there is a scene called Act 9: Yamashiro Kankyo no Ba (Yamashiro's Retreat) in "Kanadehon Chushingura," which is a script of Ningyo Joruri (a Japanese puppet show) and Kabuki, and the story’s setting is in Kyoto. This is the land where one of the key members of Chushingura, Oishi Kuranosuke, lived in hiding until he was killed, so there are many so there are many historical sites associated with the 47 Ronin. Because of this historical connection, "Yamashina Gishi Matsuri” is held on December 4 every year, where a procession of the samurai troops in their battle costumes parades through the town (video 1:12), and reenactments of Chushingura’s famous "Ninjo Matsu no Roka," "Seppuku," "Renbanjo Aratame," "Raid, "Oishi Ondo" (video 2:50-) as well as the "Genroku Hanami Dance" by women, liven up the festival. Enjoy the video of Kyoto's Yamashina Gishi Matsuri, which will have you feeling as though you've traveled back in time to the Edo period! The Parade Course of Kyoto's Yamashina Gishi Matsuri Source :YouTube screenshot In front of the main hall of Bishamon-do, there is a departure ceremony early in the morning that all members attend. This can be seen in the video at 0:55. The group, dressed as Oishi Kuranosuke and his loyalists, departs from Bishamon-do and walk through the area to Ako Oishi Shrine via the Kyoto City Tobu Culture Hall. Bishamon-do, where the 47 Ronin depart from, is a temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism that enshrines Bishamonten In fact, this Bishamon-do plays an important role in the Chushingura story. The treatment of the 47 Ronin after killing Kira Kozukenosuke was complicated and opinions were divided in the Bakufu (government). Troubled by this, Tokugawa Tunayoshi, the shogun at the time, asked Kōben-hosshinnō his opinions on the matter. Koben recognized the allegiance of 47 Ronin, but at the same time, told Tsunayoshi that giving death is also a mercy. They were ordered to commit seppuku (ritual suicide), and it is said that their bodies were buried in Sengakuji Temple in Tokyo. Therefore, with the advice from Koben, the warriors' were able to fulfill their duties, and Bishamon-do became the starting point of the Yamashina Gishi Matsuri parade. Incidentally, the present Bishamon-do was moved to the grounds of Anshoji Temple in 1665, after it was abolished during the Onin War. Access to Bishamondo, the starting point of Yamashina Gishi Matsuri, is a 20-minute walk from JR Yamashina Station. The History of the Yamashina Gishi Matsuri in Kyoto, and Access to the Area Photo:Kyoto・Bishamon-do Yamashina, Kyoto is a famous sightseeing place in Japan, with rich natural scenery and many historical locations. Yamashina Gishi Matsuri is an event related to Chushingura, but there are other famous places, such as Zuishinin where the female poet Ono no Komachi, who was active in Heian period (794-1185), lived, and the area is also the where the ancestors of Murasaki Shikibu lived. Arashiyama and Kiyomizudera Temple are famous places to view the autumn foliage in Kyoto They're also great for learning about the history of Japan, so be sure to check them out if you have the chance. It takes about 5 minutes to get to JR Yamashina Station from Kyoto Station. It's usually very crowded on the day of the event, and it is difficult to find a parking space, so we recommend using public transportation. Summary of Kyoto's Yamashina Gishi Matsuri Source :YouTube screenshot The Yamashina Gishi Matsuri Photo Contest is also held on the day of Yamashina Gishi Matsuri. Besides the 47 Ronin parade, there are many highlights such as Gomataki, which is introduced at 2:11 in the video. This traditional festival, which tells the story of Japan's historical romance, is something you don't want to miss! Enjoy the heroic ranks of the 47 Ronin, dressed for battle, in 4K! -
Video article 10:36
The Nagahama Hikiyama Festival in Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture Has Ties to Hideyoshi Toyotomi Hideyoshi, One of Japan's Most Famous Warlords. The Young Kabuki Actors Are Quite Impressive for Their Age!
Festivals & Events- 72 plays
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日本文化を伝える長浜曳山まつりとは こちらの動画は「TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful」が公開した「Nagahama Hikiyama Festival - Shiga - 長浜曳山まつり」です。 今回ご紹介する動画では、日本の滋賀県長浜市で行われる長浜曳山まつりをご覧になれます。 長浜曳山まつりは長浜八幡宮の祭礼として日本文化を伝える歴史的なお祭りです。 祭礼中の行事として有名なものが日本三大山車祭としてあげられる曳山巡行です。 さらに子どもたちが歌舞伎の化粧を行う子ども歌舞伎も話題になっています。 日本三大山車祭りの一つ長浜曳山まつり 日本には三代山車祭りという3つの有名な山車祭りがあり、岐阜県高山市の高山祭京都府京都市の祇園祭、そして滋賀県長浜のこちらの動画で紹介されている長浜曳山まつりです。 どの山車祭りも国の重要無形民俗文化財に登録されており、日本の祭り文化に大きな影響を与え続けていることは間違いありません。 日本の文化を後世に伝える子ども歌舞伎 長浜曳山まつりで執り行われる行事が、子ども歌舞伎です。 曳山の上で子どもたちが歌舞伎の化粧をし、演技を行います。 その様子は動画の中で4:01秒から紹介されています。 滋賀県で行われる長浜曳山まつりの歴史 長浜曳山まつりの歴史は1574年に日本の戦国武将であった豊臣秀吉が長浜城を築城した際に、城下町で開催されていた曳山祭で曳山を作り始めたのが始まりとされています。 以後、長浜市では伝統文化・伝統芸能として曳山まつりが発展し、江戸時代の中期には今のような狂言を行っていたという記録が残されています。 長浜曳山まつりは、その後も長浜市の人々の間で受け継がれていき、昭和54年には重要無形民俗文化財の指定を受けました。 さらに昭和60年には祭りで使用する曳山とその曳山を保存する山蔵が滋賀県の有形民俗文化財として認定され、平成28年には日本各地の山・鉾・屋台行事の一つとしてユネスコ無形文化遺産にも登録されました。 滋賀県で行われる長浜曳山まつりの子ども歌舞伎 長浜曳山まつりの目玉は歌舞伎役者となった子どもが舞台屋台の上で狂言を演じる子ども歌舞伎です。 日本では歌舞伎と狂言は区別されますが、長浜市では5歳から12歳までの男子によって演じられます。 歌舞伎と変わらず男役と女役があり、勇ましく男役を演じる子や、つややかに振る舞う女役の子の狂言が上演されます。 また、この子ども歌舞伎を支える三役として、三味線・太夫・振付は不可欠な存在です。 現在では三役修行塾の塾生がその役目を努めていますが、かつては湖北地域で義太夫などが盛んに行われていて曳山の三役を努めていました。 日本文化を感じる長浜曳山まつり紹介まとめ 滋賀県の長浜市で歌舞伎に気軽に触れられる行事とあって多くの観光客が訪問する長浜曳山まつり紹介動画をぜひご覧になってください! 長浜曳山まつりは毎年4月中旬ごろに行われます。 -
Video article 2:05
Enjoy the Fantastic Light Art at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto's Sakyo Ward! The Light Festival at Tadasu-no-Mori Forest Is an Event That Combines Digital Art and History!
Festivals & Events- 38 plays
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京都の下鴨神社で開催される糺の森の光の祭の動画について 「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Event: Light Festival at Shimogamo Shrine (Tadasu no Mori) [4K]」は、京都の下鴨神社で開催されているライトアップイベント「糺の森(ただすのもり)の光の祭」を紹介している動画です。 幻想的なデジタルアートの世界を見られる動画なので、芸術や美術が好きな人は必見。 インスタ映えする日本のライトアップイベントを歴史ある下鴨神社で堪能しましょう! こちらの記事では、日本の下鴨神社で開催されるライトアップイベント「糺の森の光の祭り」の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 京都の下鴨神社で開催される糺の森の光の祭とは? 京都の「糺の森の光の祭 Art by teamLab」とは、世界遺産に登録されている下鴨神社の糺の森で行われる幻想的なライトアップイベントです。 デジタルアート集団・チームラボが「自然が自然のままアートになる」というプロジェクトで行っています。 この京都の下鴨神社で開催されるライトアップイベントは、糺の森をアート空間に変えていきます。 下鴨神社の参道や楼門内の景色が、光の色の変化によってさまざまな表情に変わっていきます。 下鴨神社は正式には賀茂御祖神社(かもみおやじんじゃ)と言い、勝利の神、導きの神として信仰があります。 また、縁結びにご利益があり、多くの人が参拝に訪れる日本伝統の神社です。 糺の森の光の祭の芸術作品のような景色を思う存分堪能しましょう! 京都の下鴨神社で開催される糺の森の光の祭の情報 京都の下鴨神社で開催されるライトアップイベント「糺の森の光の祭」のチケットは、ローソンやミニストップの各店舗で購入できます。 開催中は会場でも購入できますが、とても混雑するのでコンビニで購入することをおすすめします。 交通アクセスは、京阪「出町柳駅」より徒歩12分です。 「京都駅」「河原町駅」「北大路駅」より市バスも運行しています。 車の場合、駐車場はないのでご注意ください。 所要時間はゆったり鑑賞する場合、約1時間から1時間半くらいになるでしょう。 日本を代表するライトアップイベントの糺の森の光の祭の幻想的な景観に感動してください。 京都の下鴨神社で開催される糺の森の光の祭の記事のまとめ 「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Event: Light Festival at Shimogamo Shrine (Tadasu no Mori) [4K]」は、京都の下鴨神社で開催されているライトアップイベント「糺の森の光の祭」の幻想的な景色を見られる魅力ある動画です。 日本の下鴨神社のアート空間に酔いしれましょう。 京都の美しい日本の景色がデジタルアートによってさらに美しくなり、幻想的な景観を楽しみますよ。 -
Video article 7:03
The Hanezu Odori Is a Dance Based on the Love Story of One of the World's Three Most Beautiful Women, Ono No Komachi. Enjoy the Graceful and Beautiful Dance While Learning About Japanese History!
Festivals & Events- 57 plays
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京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の動画について 「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Festival: Young Japanese Girls Dancing at Zuishin-in Temple (Hanezu Odori)」では、小野小町の恋物語を題材にした「はねず踊り」を紹介しています。 京都府京都市山科区にある随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の優雅な舞の映像や、「はねず踊り」の歴史を解説されている、とても興味深い内容となっています。 こちら記事では、京都の随心院で開催される小野小町を題材にした「はねず踊り」の魅力や歴史を動画と共に紹介します。 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」とは? 京都府京都市山科区の随心院で開催される日本の「はねず踊り」は、小野小町と深草少将との恋物語(百夜通い)を題材にした踊りです。 毎年3月の最終日曜日に開催されています。 三味線や太鼓などの日本の伝統楽器を使ったゆったりした音楽に合わせて、「はねず踊り」を踊ります。 着物の衣装で踊る姿はとても美しく、見るものを魅了します。 ほかにも、今様という平安時代の身分が高い人が踊る舞もありますよ。 日本の「はねず踊り」の題材になっている小野小町には、さまざまな伝説があります。 世界三大美人と言えば、クレオパトラ、楊貴妃、小野小町です。 日本の小野小町は美人で頭が良かったと言われており、深草少将に求愛されていました。 日本の「はねず踊り」の前日には奉納舞が行われます。 随心院の仏様に踊りを奉納する儀式です。 また、随心院では毎年「ミス小野小町コンテスト」が開催され、3人が選ばれます。 選ばれた3人は、「はねず踊り」を始め、随心院のイベントのお手伝いをします。 京都の随心院の見どころは美しい梅園です。 梅の木が約230本植えられており、薄紅色の奇麗な花はとても美しいです。 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の情報 京都の随心院で開催される日本の「はねず踊り」は、2018年は約1,800人の方々が訪れました。 「京都市営地下鉄小野駅」から徒歩5分で駐車場も完備されているので、交通アクセスは良好です。 真言宗善通寺派の随心院の本尊は、如意輪観音です。 木造阿弥陀如来坐像や木造金剛薩埵坐像といった日本の重要文化財もご覧になることができます。 また、小野小町のイラストが入った御朱印を貰うことができます。 京都の随心院には「はねず踊り」以外にも、見どころがたくさんあるので気になる方は観光してみてください! 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の紹介記事のまとめ 小野小町の恋物語を題材にした京都の「はねず踊り」。 優雅な美しい舞を楽しむのはもちろん、京都の随心院の境内も魅力たっぷりとお楽しみください。 -
Video article 2:54
Setsubun Matsuri” at Yoshida Shrine, Kyoto, Japan, Enjoy the video of the Tsuina Ceremony ‘Oniyarai’! Highlights of the festival!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 241 plays
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Video Introduction of “Setsubun Matsuri” at Yoshida Shrine in Kyoto This video, titled "Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival, Kyoto, 2016|Demon Exorcising Ritual (Oniyarai)" (京都 吉田神社 節分祭2016 追儺式(鬼やらい)), was uploaded by "Kyo-yumoto Hatoya Zuihokaku" (京湯元ハトヤ瑞鳳閣). Every year, a Setsubun Festival is held at Yoshida Shrine in Sakyo, Kyoto, in Japan's Kansai region. In this video, you can see the traditional event "Oniyarai," a ritual to drive away demons that has been passed down for many years. Three oni (demons), blue, red and yellow, rush into the shrine grounds, shouting and scaring the shrine-goers. This is followed by spear and shield-wielding officials valiantly driving away the demons. Children attending the festival sometimes even cry at the terrifying sight of the demons. The powerful performance with the demons is a must-see! [Video] 1:17 - The Vigorous Red Oni The History and Benefits of Yoshida Shrine, Kyoto Photo:A torii gate at Yoshida Shrine, Kyoto Yoshida Shrine, located in Sakyo, Kyoto, is famous for its traditional wedding ceremonies and for warding off bad luck. The shrine is located at the foot of Mt. Yoshida, right next to Kyoto University's Yoshida Campus, where beautiful autumn foliage can be seen in the fall. The history of Yoshida Shrine dates back to 859, when Fujiwara no Yamakage invited the four deities of Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara to serve as shrine deities. The four deities enshrined at the shrine are Takemikazuchi no Mikoto, Iwainushi no Mikoto, Amenokoyane no Mikoto, and Himegami, and are believed to ward off evil and bring good fortune. Various deities, including the god of cooking and the god of sweets, are enshrined in the shrine grounds, and many aspiring chefs and pastry chefs from all over Japan visit the shrine. The Setsubun Festival, a major event of faith and tradition in Kyoto since it began in the Muromachi Period (1336-1573 A.D.), attracts many tourists as well as locals. In this article, we'll introduce some of the highlights of Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival. Oniyarai, a Demon Exorcising Ritual at Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival Photo:Oniyarai The Tsuina Ceremony held every February 2nd at Yoshida Shrine is also called "Oniyarai." Setsubun is commonly associated with mamemaki (bean throwing), but at Yoshida Shrine, Oniyarai is the main attraction. In this ceremony, three oni (demons), red, blue, and yellow, are chased away by "Housoshi." The Housoshi, who wears a mask with four golden eyes, is a sorcerer with divine powers originating from China. Holding a shield and a halberd, he walks through the shrine to ward off evil spirits by striking the ground with the halberd and shouting loudly. Children who cry out loudly in fear of the oni are said to grow up healthy. Since actual oni are gentle, it is common to see them comforting children who cry. We recommend bringing a camera so you can take some awesome photos of the oni during the ceremony. [Video] 1:58 - Housoshi Driving Away the Oni When will Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival be held in 2024? Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival is scheduled to be held from February 2-4, 2024. The festival usually attracts around 500,000 visitors, and the shrine grounds are filled with crowds of people who come to pray for good luck and to receive the popular "fuku-mame," or lucky beans. The festival will feature 800 booths and food stands on the 2nd and 3rd, making it an exciting event. For three days from February 2nd to 4th, you can make a special visit to the Imperial Palace. Win Lucky Beans and Other Prizes at the Yoshida Shrine Lottery! The "Yaku-yoke Fukumame" (lucky beans to ward off bad luck) that come with lottery tickets are extremely popular each year. Those who purchasers the lucky beans are entered into a drawing for a chance to win a variety of prizes sponsored by a number of famous companies. The event has long been enjoyed by visitors to the shrine. Visitors are sure to be amazed by the luxurious prizes! The luck that comes with the lucky beans, which may bring you a car, electrical appliances, or other items, makes one's heart leap with excitement. Each bag of lucky beans is priced at 300 yen (~$2.30), and each bag comes with one raffle ticket. The lottery is usually held on February 4 at 1:00 p.m., and the winners will be announced simultaneously at the shrine grounds and on the website after February 5. The deadline for redeeming a lucky drawing is usually around February 20, so don't forget to redeem your prizes if you win! Summary of Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival Photo:Yoshida Shrine, Sakyo, Kyoto Yoshida Shrine has a temporary parking lot, but it is not available during the three days of the Setsubun Festival. There are several paid parking lots, but not many parking spaces are available, so you may have less trouble with congestion if you use public transportation. Please note that there will be extensive traffic restrictions in the surrounding area (from Yoshida Shrine to Higashi Ichijo Intersection (東一条交差点, Higashi Ichijo Kosaten)). Winter in Kyoto can be quite cold, so be sure to pack warm clothing for your visit. For those with small children, it's recommended that you visit the shrine during the daytime when there is less crowding. The three oni who are driven away during the Tsuina Ceremony walk around the shrine grounds and along the approach to the shrine during the daytime. It can be a bit scary, but you can only encounter the oni during the Setsubun Festival. It's sure to make for good memories. 【TripAdvisor】Yoshida Shrine -
Video article 4:26
Oniyarai ritual” at Ishimizu Hachiman Shrine, Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture, to drive away demons! Setsubun is a traditional Japanese festival in which beans are thrown to ogres to drive away evil spirits.
Festivals & Events- 139 plays
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Video introduction of the Setsubun event “Oniyarai ritual” at Ishimizu Hachimangu Shrine in Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture "Kyoto Festival: Spring Ogre Purification (Oni Yarai Shinji) [4K]" uploaded by "Discover Kyoto," introduces the "Oni Banishing Ritual" which is held every year at Iwashimizu Hachimangu in Kyoto. Iwashimizu Hachimangu, located in southwest Kyoto (Yawata, Kyoto), a popular sightseeing spot in Japan, is a historical shrine with many highlights. There are ten buildings there, including the grounds of the shrine and the main shrine which have been designated National Treasures, and many National Cultural Properties. It is also one of three great Hachimangu Shrines in Japan. You are able to feel Japan, by just walking around the shrine. This article introduces the Oni Banishing Ritual "Oni Yarai Shinji," a type of Setsubun held every year on the Sunday before February 3rd at Iwashimizu Hachimangu, as well as sightseeing and general Setsubun information. As you can see from 2:24 in the video, beans are thrown at oni while people shout "Oni yaro." After the oni are driven out of the shrine they run away. Finally, fukumame (good luck beans) are thrown into the crowd signifying that the shrine has been cleansed. The video will make you want to perform some oni exorcisms of your own! What's the Event Like? Source :YouTube screenshot The origins of Setsubun derive from "Tsuinashiki," an event to drive off evil spirits on New Year's Eve and at the change of seasons to drive away evil spirits. The common chant you'll hear among onlookers is "Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi!," (Demons out, fortune in!) while throwing the beans. It's also good luck to eat as many beans as your age. In some areas, it's also common to hang a sardine with its head skewered on a holly branch on your doorstep as a charm and to eat ehomaki while facing the "lucky direction" without speaking. The "Oni Banishing Ritual" is held every year on Sunday before February 3rd at Iwashimizu Hachiman in Kyoto, from 1pm and 2pm. A priest who exorcises evil enters and shoots in all directions with a bow made of peach branches. Next, he uses a sword made of peach branches to strike in all directions, saying "oni yaro!" This can be seen from 0:58 in the video. From there, the standard Japanese red and blue oni with clubs come and shout to scare children. The priest and others stand in front of the main building as the oni try to rush forward, but the beans are thrown at them and they're sent tumbling down the slope over and over again. Eventually, the oni give up and run away. Afterwards, beans in small packages are given to the visitors. You can see the event taking place starting from 1:30 in the video. Sightseeing Information Photo:A priestess holding a Kagura bell To get to the shrine, take the Keihan Line from Kyoto Station, ride about 30 minutes and get off at Iwashimizu Hachimangu Station. From there, transfer to the Otokoyama Cable Car and get off at Hachimangu-sanjo Station at the top of Otokoyama and walk for 5 minutes. You can also walk instead of using the cable car. There are parking areas as well. Summary The video “Kyoto Festival: Spring Oni Purification (Oni Yarai Shinji) [4K]” introduces the "Oni Banishing Ritual" event during Setsubun, held at Iwashimizu Hachimangu. You can learn about Setsubun rituals and beliefs in the video, so be sure to check it out. 【Tripadvisor】Iwashimizu Hachimangu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023398-d1901742-Reviews-Iwashimizu_Hachimangu-Yawata_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:22
Fire, Dancing Around a 60-Foot-Tall Tree in the Northern Area of Kyoto! Flaming Torches Thrown About! Check Out the Hirogawara Matsuage Traditional Fire Festival!
Festivals & Events- 208 plays
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Introducing Kyoto's Hirogawara Matsuage Fire Festival! ‘Kyoto Festival: Fire Ritual in Hirogawara Kyoto (Matsuage)’ is a video made by Discover Kyoto and it show a festival in Kyoto called Matsuage at Hirogawara, Sakyo District. There are many traditional fire festival events throughout Japan. One of the most famous fire festivals in Kyoto is the Gozan Fire Festival, where people send off the spirits of the dead during the Bon Festival. In Kyoto, there are other Matsuage festivals such as the Hanase Matsuage Fire Festival, Kuta Matsuage, and Kumogahatano Matsuage. Today we present to you- Hirogawara Matsuage, held on August 24th every year. You will enjoy the dancing fire in the sky and the spectacular display of a large tree falling with a loud crash. What is Hirogawara Matsuage? Photo:Torch Ceremony Hirogawara Matsuage was originally a fire ritual to commemorate the fire god Atago at Atago Shrine. It is said to have originated from a special praying ritual for good harvest and fire prevention in addition to ‘the sending-off of the spirit of one's ancestors. It is also called Matsuage Festival (Matsuage Matsuri), and the Matsuage Shinto Ceremony (Matsuage Shinji). Hirogawara Matsuage is organized by around 40 men from the preservation society. First, they light around 1,000 log torches standing in the ground. They then light the small bundles of wood attached to a rope, and proceed to hurl them up at the top of the 60 ft. tall Torogi Pine tree. The objective here is to light the torch at the top of this large tree. The arcs of torchlight flames flying through the darkness is magical. The dynamic display of the throwing of the burning torches is the highlight of this fire festival. You can see it from 0:38 in the video. Once the torch has been lit, and the tree is engulfed in flames, it is pulled down using pre-attached ropes. This is definitely one of the highlights of the video. You can see the large, flaming tree crashing to the ground causing shockwaves to ripple through the ground (1:11). The men then run into the flames, carrying large poles to stoke the flame even higher into the night sky. This ritual is called Tsukkomi. It is shown from 1:36 in the video. When and Where to See Hirogawara Matsuage Hirogawara Matsuage is held in the evening of August 24th every year. Please note that it takes about two hours to get to Demachiyanagi Station on the Eizan Electric Railway and Keihan Electric Railway by Kyoto Bus, and it is not possible to take a day trip from the festival site by bus. You can book a hotel close to the venue or visit the event by car and use the parking lot nearby. Kyoto Bus offers a sightseeing coach bus tour to for Hirogawara Matsuage. We recommend joining if you have the chance. Summary of Hirogawara Matsuage Source :YouTube screenshot This video covers the dynamic Hirogawara Matsuage, a summer tradition in Kyoto, in just 2 and a half minutes. We hope you enjoy it! If you'd like to see Hirogawara Matsuage, a traditional Japanese fire festival, please visit the Rakuhoku District of Kyoto using a Kyoto Bus tour. 【Official Website】Rakuhoku area | Kyoto Travel-Navi http://www.japan-travel-navi.jp/kyoto/en/category/spots/rakuhoku/ 【Tripadviser】Kyoto Gozan Fire Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820274-Reviews-Kyoto_Gozan_no_Okuribi-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:00
What kind of New Year's event is the “Yasaka Shrine Otsuka Pilgrimage” held on New Year's Eve in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture? Virtual experience of Kyoto's winter traditions with video!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 268 plays
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Video introduction of “Yasaka Shrine's Okera Pilgrimage” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "Yasaka Shrine "Okera Mairi" (December 31, 2021, Higashiyama, Kyoto)" (八坂神社「おけら詣り」(2021年12月31日 京都市東山区)), was uploaded by "Kyoto Shimbun" (京都新聞). The video introduces Okera Mairi, a New Year's Eve ritual performed by priests on a night with light snowfall. Be sure to check it out as you read along. Highlights, History, and Facts About Yasaka Shrine Photo:Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto Yasaka Shrine is called "Gion-san" ("san" being an honorific title attached to names in Japanese to show respect) by the people of Kyoto. Yasaka Shrine is the head shrine of all 2,300 shrines following the Gion faith in Japan. The shrine's deity is Susanoo no Mikoto, who is believed to be a god who purifies all manner of misfortune. Yasaka Shrine is home to many Important Cultural Properties, including the main shrine, which is also a National Treasure, and is one of the most popular sightseeing spots in Kyoto's Higashiyama district. The shrine is also famous for its beauty and is known as a power spot for love. The shrine also has a power spot for beauty called "Utsukushi-gozensha." The "biyou-sui" (美容水, "beauty water") next to the torii gate is also popular. Maiko and geiko from Gion, a temple town, as well as people in the beauty and hairdressing industry, and many women from all over the country visit this shrine with prayers of beauty. It's said a few drops on the skin is said to promote both beautiful skin and a beautiful, and it's so popular that visitors come regardless of the season. Yasaka Shrine is also said to be the largest power spot for love in Kyoto because Kushinadahime (Kushinadahime no Mikoto), a god of love, is enshrined together with Susanoo no Mikoto, the god of the shrine, and they are regarded as a god couple that gets along very well. The shrine is thought to grant good fortune. Okera Mairi – Event Hours and the Meaning Behind the Event Source :YouTube screenshot The Okera Mairi (おけら詣り) event of Yasaka Shrine, held on the night of December 31st (New Year's Eve), is a custom to welcome the New Year and is unique to Kyoto. Starting at 4:00 a.m. on the 28th, the rhizomes of atractylodes (朮, Okera in Japanese), which are believed to ward off bad luck, are placed in a lantern to make an "okera fire." At 7:00 p.m. on the 31st, the fire is transferred from the okera lanterns in the main shrine to the okera lanterns hanging in the precincts by the priests after the New Year's Eve ceremony. Be sure to watch the video to see what this looks like. [Video] 0:44 - Priests Solemnly Proceeding Through the Precincts of the Shrine as Snow Falls Atractylodes (Okera) is believed to ward off evil spirits and protect people from illness and misfortune because of its strong and distinctive smell. After the kitchounawa (lucky ropes) are lit using the fire from the okera lanterns, the ropes are whirled around to keep the fire burning until it is brought back home. [Video] 2:01 - Shrine Goers Lighting Their Lucky Ropes In the past, the okera fires were lit in front of the shrine and used as fuel for cooking New Year's food. Later, as lifestyles changed, it became common to display the rope in one's kitchen after the fire had gone out as a good-luck charm to pray for good health throughout the year. Other Events at Yasaka Shrine Photo:Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto Yasaka Shrine, which usually attracts one million worshippers on the three days of the New Year, has other New Year's events in addition to the okera-mairi. The first ritual of the New Year, the Okera Festival will be held in the main hall of the shrine starting at 5:00 a.m. on January 1. In this ritual to pray for a safe and peaceful new year, dried atractylodes roots and special sticks are mixed together. After the sacred okera fires are lit, they are thrown down from the main shrine onto the stone pavement of the shrine grounds to purify it of pestilence and evil spirits. On January 3, from 9:00 a.m., the heads of the Kongo and Kanze schools of noh will perform a New Year's noh performance, a noh and shimai dance performance, followed at 1:00 p.m. by Karuta Hajime-shiki, a ceremony to start the New Year with a traditional card game called "Karuta." It's a great way to experience the New Year in Japan. Summary of Okera Mairi at Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto Yasaka Shrine is one of the most popular and crowded spots in Kyoto during the year-end and New Year holidays. Following the Okera Mairi on the night of New Year's Eve, Yasaka Shrine is filled with the excitement of people visiting the shrine for Hatsumode. During the Hatsumode period, many food stalls are set up on the shrine grounds and around the outer garden, creating a festival-like atmosphere. If you plan to visit the shrine to see the New Year rituals and festivities, we recommend that you allow plenty of time for your visit, as the shrine can be quite crowded. 【Official Website】Yasaka Shrine 【TripAdvisor】Yasaka Shrine -
Video article 1:18
The Nagashi Hina (floating Girls' Festival), a Shinto ritual at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, is also a highlight of the elegant Heian costume! Learn about the history of Nagashi Hina, as well as other Nagashi Hina festivals around Japan!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Life & Business- 104 plays
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Video introduction of “Nagashi Hina” at Shimogamo-jinja Shrine in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "[Past Video] Kyoto Nagashibina at Shimogamo Shrine (Filmed in Sakyo, Kyoto, March 3, 2017)" (【過去動画】下鴨神社「京の流しびな」(2017年3月3日撮影 京都市左京区)), was uploaded by "Kyoto Shimbun" (京都新聞). About Hinamatsuri & Shimogamo Shrine Hinamatsuri, also known as Girl's Day, is an annual event in Japan to pray for the healthy growth of girls. It's a seasonal festival/event in which special dolls called "hina" are decorated with cherry blossoms, oranges, peach blossoms, and other decorations. The History of Hinamatsuri dates back approximately 1,000 years to Japan's Heian Period, and references to hina dolls can even be found in famous Japanese texts, such as the Tale of Genji. In the past mainly paper dolls would have been used, and while they are still used for some ceremonies, eventually the more luxurious dolls we see today became the norm for celebrations. Kyoto is home to an endless number of historical shrines and temples and Shimogamo Shrine is no exception. Shimogamo Shrine is a famous shrine and UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. It's a must-visit tourist attraction in Kyoto and there are many different restaurants and cafes serving traditional sweets in the area around it. Nagashibina (Floating Hina Doll Festival), is a Hinamatsuri Festival that's held every year on March 3 at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto. In early spring, when the weather is still cold, the tranquil air above the Mitarashi River and the buds on the plum trees remind us of the arrival of spring. This Hinamatsuri festival features hina dolls dressed in Junihitoe, a unique twelve-layered kimono worn during the Heian period by noble women, and a variety of other dolls wearing kimono and crowns. There are even town mascots participating in the event. Check out the video of the Hinamatsuri Festival at Shimogamo Shrine to see the unique Nagashibina event where hina dolls made of Japanese paper are placed on woven straw vessels and sent floating down the Mitarashi River. The History of Nagashibina, the Roots of Hinamatsuri Photo: Nagashibina at Shimogamo Shrine (Kamo Mioya Shrine), Kyoto Shimogamo Shrine is A World Heritage Site in Kyoto, Japan and is formally known as Kamo Mioya Shrine. The Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival, held every March, is a traditional event that is said to be the origin of Hinamatsuri. According to the history of the festival, it originated from "Joshi no Sekku," one of the five seasonal festivals of Japan, which was introduced from China. March 3 falls on the second of the five festivals, "Joshi no Sekku." On this day, there was a Chinese custom of purifying the body by the waterside and holding a banquet to drive away misfortune. It's believed that these ancient Chinese Sekku events mixed with the Japanese beliefs of misogiharai (purification via water ablutions) and the custom of praying for good health by floating purified dolls (hitogata) down the river, resulting in the modern Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival we have today. The "hitogata" are also said to be the origins of modern Hina Dolls. The story of purifying the human form and putting it on a boat and floating it into the sea in Suma is mentioned in "The Tale of Genji" an epic written in the mid-Heian period (794-1185 A.D.) that's widely considered the first novel ever written. When to See the Hinamatsuri Event at Shimogamo Shrine Photo:A Nagashibina doll at Shimogamo Shrine (Kamo Mioya Shrine), Kyoto Here we'll introduce the Nagashibina Hinamatsuri Festival held at Shimogamo Shrine. The hina dolls dressed in Heian period costumes, are chosen by couples from the general public who are planning to get married. [Video] 0:25 - Hina Dolls Being Chosen by the Public The event is usually held on March 3rd, but please check the official website for details. The Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival takes place along the Mitarashi River, which flows in front of the Mitarashi Shrine (御手洗社, Mitarashi-sha) and Inoue Shrine (井上社, Inoue-sha), which are located at the end of the shrine's precincts. Hina dolls made of Japanese paper are placed in straw vessels and floated down the river to pray for the health and safety of the children. The highlight of the festival is the junihitoe, a 12-layered kimono worn during the Heian period, as well as seeing the hina dolls portrayed in human form. Seeing the festival being held will give you a sense of the historical atmosphere typical of the ancient capital of Kyoto. The festival is free of charge, and the Nagashibina dolls used for the Hinamatsuri festival are available for a fee (small: 500 yen, large: 1,000 yen). [Video] 1:02 - Hina Dolls Floating Down the River On the day of the Hinamatsuri event, amazake (a sweet, low-alcohol or non-alcohol type of sake) will be served, which is a welcome treat during the colder months of the year. Other Nagashibina Hinamatsuri Events Across Japan Photo:Nagashibina Hinamatsuri In addition to Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto, there are many Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festivals and events held throughout Japan. Below is a list of some of them: ●Hina Nagashi at Awashima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture The Hinamatsuri event at Awashima Shrine is known as Hina Nagashi, and features three small white wooden boats that are used to carry the dolls, with wishes written on them, out to sea after a purification ceremony by a shrine priest. The festival is usually held on March 3. ●Edo Nagashibina, Tokyo Edo Nagashibina is held to pass on traditional events to children and to wish for their bright futures. Please check the official website for more details. ●Yose Nagashibina, Yose, Tottori The Yose Nagashibina Hinamatsuri event is held on March 3 of the lunar calendar to pray for good health and safety, and was designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Tottori Prefecture in 1985. ●Hina Nagashi at Akama Shrine, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi The Hina Nagashi event at Akama Shrine is held every March to comfort the spirits of Emperor Antoku and the Heike clansmen who died in the Battle of Dan-no-Ura at an early age. Summary of Hinamatsuri at Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto Regardless of the time period or region, Nagashibina is always a time to wish for good health and a bright future for children. The dolls are modeled after purification dolls from various parts of Japan to purify themselves by allowing their impurities to be washed away in the water. This event is held in March, when the aroma of the Japanese plum blossoms is in the air. The Shinto rituals and customs in each region have changed little by little, but the concept behind them has remained unchanged since ancient times. Experience Hinamatsuri and Japanese culture while enjoying tourism and spring in Kyoto! 【Official Website】Shimogamo Shrine|Kamo Mioya Shrine 【TripAdvisor】Shimogamo Shrine -
Video article 3:45
Wakakusa Yamayaki is a winter feature of Nara!A thorough explanation of everything from viewing spots to history!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 162 plays
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Wakakusa Yamayaki: Video Introduction This video, titled "'Yamayaki' Mountain Burning and Fireworks at a Traditional Winter Event on Mt. Wakakusa, Nara" (冬の風物詩・奈良の伝統行事『若草山焼き』:『Yamayaki』Mountain Burning and Fireworks at Mt.Wakakusa in Nara), was uploaded by "Nara Tourism Concierge JUN" (奈良観光コンシェルジュ JUN). Wakakusa Yamayaki is a traditional winter event held on Mt. Wakakusa in Nara city, Nara prefecture, as a requiem for the souls of the deceased that rest in Uguisuzuka Kofun (Uguisuzuka Tumulus), a keyhole-shaped burial mound located on the summit of Mt. Wakakusa. Today, the three major temples and shrines in Nara, Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Kofukuji Temple, and Todaiji Temple, unite to hold this event to repose the souls of our ancestors, to pray for protection of the entire Nara area from fire, and to wish for the peace of people all over the world. Wakakusa Yamayaki takes place on the fourth Saturday of January every year, and many tourists come to Nara to watch to see the both the event and the fireworks show. Amidst the solemn atmosphere, the night sky of the ancient capital of Nara is decorated with fireworks and roaring flames, and the sight of the mountains rising up in the darkness is truly divine. Be sure to check out the amazing footage in the video before reading along. [Video] 0:53 - Wakakusa Yamayaki [Video] 1:50 - Wakakusa Yamayaki [Video] 2:55 - Wakakusa Yamayaki Mt. Wakakusa Highlights and Characteristics Photo:A deer on Mt. Wakakusa, Nara Prefecture Mt. Wakakusa is a famous tourist spot and a symbol of Nara. It is a small, gently sloping mountain 342 meters above sea level with an expanse of grass called "Noshiba." The mountain is also referred to as "Uguisuyama" due to the presence of the large keyhole-shaped tumulus Uguisuzuka Kofun, and "Mikasayama" (三笠山, lit. "Mountain of three hats") because it looks like three kasa (straw hats) stacked on top of each other. The mountain is also home to many deer. The summit provides a panoramic view of Nara Park and the city of Nara, and the night view of Nara from the top of the mountain has been recognized as one of the Top 3 Night Views of New Japan because of its beauty. When the mountain is open to the public, visitors can enjoy a 30-minute climb to the summit. The mountain is home to cherry blossoms, autumn leaves, and mountain burnings, offering beautiful views in every season. Wakakusa Yamayaki, a fire festival that signals a visit from spring, is popular among Nara residents and tourists alike as a wintertime tradition in Nara.It is held on the fourth Saturday of January each year, with the 2024 event scheduled for January 27. The History and Significance of Wakakusa Yamayaki Photo:Uguisuzuka Kofun, Mt. Wakakusa Wakakusa Yamayaki originated as a festival to appease the spirits buried in Uguisuzuka Kofun at the top of Mt. Wakakusa. People in the past feared that ghosts buried in Uguisuzuka Kofun would appear, so they decided to burn the mountain to prevent ghosts from appearing. From there, superstition spread that bad things would happen if Mt. Wakakusa was not burned, and there have been many incidents of people passing by the mountain setting it on fire without permission. In December 1738, the Nara Magistrate's Office issued an ordinance banning arson on Mt. Wakakusa, but even still it continued, and nearby temples and shrines, including Todaiji Temple, a famous World Heritage site, were in danger of catching fire. As a result, toward the end of the Edo period (approx. 1853 to 1868 A.D.), Todaiji Temple, Kofukuji Temple, and the Nara Magistrate's Office, all of which are located near Mt. Wakakusa, began to cooperate in the burning of the mountain. Today, the Shinto and Buddhist traditions of Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Kofukuji Temple, and Todaiji Temple work together to conduct this traditional event, which is meant to repose and comfort the souls of the dead, prevent fires throughout Nara, and pray for the peace of people around the world. Where to See Wakakusa Yamayaki and Fireworks Photo:Wakakusa Yamayaki, Nara Prefecture One of the reasons why Wakakusa Yamayaki is so popular is that visitors can enjoy fireworks in winter. During Wakakusa Yamayaki, a large fireworks display is held with beautiful midwinter night sky. Once the fireworks start, the mountain is ignited simultaneously. Among the fireworks, there's Nara Prefecture's specialty "shakudama." This massive firework, with a one-foot diameter, measures 320 meters in diameter when it explodes, making it one of the most powerful fireworks in Nara Prefecture and heightening the anticipation for the Wakakusa Yamayaki fireworks display. [Video] 0:25 -Fireworks [Video] 1:22 - Fireworks [Video] 2:18 - Fireworks [Video] 3:01 - Fireworks Here, we'll introduce viewing spots where you can enjoy both the fireworks and the Wakakusa Yamayaki mountain burning. ●Daibutsuden Intersection (Ukigumo Enchi) At the Daibutsuden Intersection in front of Ukigumo Enchi (Ukigumo Park, 浮雲園地) and by the Daibutsuden Kasuga Taisha-mae Bus Information Center (大仏殿 春日大社前バス案内所, Daibutsuden Kasuga Taisha-mae Basu Annaijo), visitors can enjoy a nice view of Wakakusa Yamayaki. There's a bus stop and a parking lot as well, making this a popular spot for viewing the event. ●Kasugano Enchi Kasugano Enchi (Kasugano Park, 春日野園地) is a grassy open space located near the Daibutsuden Intersection. It's a spacious location where visitors can enjoy the fireworks and Wakakusa Yamayaki with an outstanding view. For details on traffic regulations, etc., please check the official website for the latest information before you go. Other viewing spots are as follows: ●Sarusawa Pond Sarusawa Pond (猿沢池, Sarusawa-ike) is a good spot to enjoy fireworks under the five-story pagoda of Kofukuji Temple. Although you have to climb up the hill to the five-story pagoda of Kofukuji to see the fireworks, you can take pictures of the five-story pagoda illuminated by the fireworks and the flames from Wakakusa Yamayaki. ●Rooftop of Nara Prefectural Office The rooftop of the Nara Prefectural Office Building (奈良県庁屋上, Nara Kencho Okujo) is open to the public on the day of Wakakusa Yamayaki. There is a lottery system in place to select viewers, so you need to apply in advance, but if you win, you can enjoy a relaxing view from the rooftop of the Nara Prefectural Office Building. ●Heijo Palace At Heijo Palace, visitors can enjoy a fantastic collaboration of Suzakumon Gate, fireworks, and the burning mountainside. The romantic view from here is recommended for dates. Wakakusa Yamayaki will be streamed live on YouTube, so if you're unable to make the event, consider watching it from the comfort of your own home! Summary of Wakakusa Yamayaki Photo:Wakakusa Yamayaki, Nara Prefecture The sight of the flames spreading over Mt. Wakakusa, a symbol of the ancient capital of Nara, is unforgettable. The night sky becomes colored by the flames from Wakakusa Yamayaki and the fireworks that are set off just before the event, and you'll be able to enjoy the divine sight of the mountain emerging in the darkness. Come to Nara this winter and experience a visit from spring with a trip to Wakakusa Yamayaki. ◆Mt. Wakakusa◆ 【Address】469 Zoshi-cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture 【Mountain Opening Period】The Third Saturday in March - Second Sunday in December 【Hours】9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Excluding temporary openings of the mountain) 【Admission Fee】Adults (Junior high school, high school, and college students) ¥150, Elementary school students ¥80 【Access】A 12-minute walk from the Daibutsuden Kasuga Taisha-mae bus stop by city loop bus from JR Nara Station or Kintetsu Nara Station. Car: Nara Okuyama Driveway's "Shin-Wakakusa Mountain Course" (新若草山コース, Shin-Wakakusa Yama Kosu) 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Wakakusa -
Video article 1:24
The Otaue Rice Planting Festival – A Summer Festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine in Osaka! Experience Japanese Culture at This Traditional Japanese Summer Event!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 75 plays
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The Otaue Rice Planting Festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine: Video Introduction This video, titled "Osaka Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine's Otaue Rice Planting Festival" (大阪・住吉大社「御田植」 3年ぶりに歌や踊りも披露), was uploaded by KYODO NEWS. The "Otaue Shinji (rice planting ritual)" is usually held on June 14 to pray for a bountiful harvest. It was suspended after the Corona disaster, but will be restored in 2022. The video shows how the "ueme" (rice planting maidens) receive the seedlings from the gods and how the farmers plant them in the paddy fields on the shrine grounds, as well as the samurai event and the dancing of the yaotome maidens. Be sure to check out the footage of the Otaue Festival held at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine in the video. The Otaue Rice Planting Festival of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine: History, Etc. Photo:The samurai procession during the Otaue Rice Planting Festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Osaka, Japan The history of the rice planting ritual held at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is long, dating back to the time when the legendary Empress Jingu was enshrined at the shrine, according to legends. It appears that the festival was held on a large scale as well, as there are records of performing arts such as sarugaku and dengaku being performed during the Kamakura period (circa 1185-1333 A.D.). Although the festival was in danger of being discontinued during the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912 A.D.), it has continued to survive to the present day and has been designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property by the government of Japan. It's also known as one of the three major rice planting festivals in Japan, along with the festivals held at Katori Jingu Shrine and Izawa no Miya Shrine. The rice planting festival of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine has many highlights. The first is the dance performed in the center of the rice field by the yaotome. Eight Yaotome dancers dance around an umbrella to the accompaniment of songs sung by the priests. [Video] 0:06 - Yaotome Dancing There is also a samurai procession, in which brave warriors in armor appear. It is said that the warriors prayed for the longevity of their military fortunes, and the highlight of the festival is the warriors showing off their military prowess. The event is also believed to be a prayer to ward off evil spirits. [Video] 0:18 - The Samurai Procession The children can also be seen performing the traditional rice planting dance and songs for the first time in three years, reviving one of the highlights of the festival. [Video] 1:09 - The Rice Planting Song and Dance Another highlight of the festival is the Sumiyoshi Odori dance, performed in unique costumes to the sound of tapping umbrella handles. Deities Worshipped at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine Photo:Hatsutatsu-mairi, a visit to four shrines, at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Osaka Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is said to have been established approximately 1,800 years ago. The shrine was originally built by Empress Jingu upon her safe return from the Silla (an ancient Korean kingdom) invasion. It is also known as the head shrine of the more than 2,300 Sumiyoshi shrines throughout Japan. The three deities of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine are Sokotsutsuno-o no Mikoto, Nakatsutsuno-o no Mikoto, and Uwatsutsuno-o no Mikoto. Amaterasu and Empress Jingu are also enshrined here as well. These gods were born when Izanagi no Mikoto cleansed the land. These deities are said to have been born when Izanagi no Mikoto performed misogi (A Shinto water purification ritual), and are said to protect against all kinds of misfortune by purifying the body and mind. Many Japanese shrines use dragons as motifs for their handbasins, but Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine uses rabbits. There is also a "nade-usagi" (petting rabbit) made of stone on the shrine grounds that can be stroked to pray for good health. The origin of this festival is said to be that Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine was founded on the first day of the first month of the year of the hare in the year of the "Kano-tou" (the year of the hare). In the year of the Rabbit, the shrine is especially crowded with people. Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine: A Power Spot in Osaka Photo:The light-heavy stone at Shumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Osaka Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is well-known by the people of Osaka and Japan's Kinki region. The shrine has been worshipped as the first shrine in the Settsu Province since ancient times, and is now regarded as one of the best power spots in Osaka. Power spots are places in Japan that are deemed sacred, and are said to be places where one can receive healing or blessings. Additionally, there are many good luck charms that can be purchased at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. One attraction at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is the "Omokaruseki" (light or heavy stone), which will tell you if your wishes will come true, and a rare maneki neko (beckoning cat) wearing a kamishimo (formal samurai attire). It's very photogenic and many people come visit to take Instagram photos here. The Sumiyoshi Festival: A Unique Summer Festival in Osaka Photo:The portable shrine washing ritual of the Sumiyoshi Festival, Osaka The Sumiyoshi Festival is the last of the three major festivals of Osaka. It's a summer festival of Osaka that is said to begin with the Aizen Festival and end with the Sumiyoshi Festival. It's held as an annual festival of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, and the portable shrine procession is held on the last day of the festival. ●Mikoshi Arai Shinji (washing of the portable shrine) Mikoshi Arai Shinji is a ceremony to purify the portable shrine by sprinkling seawater on it prior to the portable shrine procession on the last day of the Sumiyoshi Festival. In the early morning, a special boat is launched with the cooperation of the local fishermen to pump the seawater. ●Nagoshi no Harae Shinji (summer purification ceremony) After the purification ceremony, visitors to the shrine, together with shrine maidens and children, walk through a ring of cogon grass to cleanse themselves of the impurities of the past six months. This is a ceremony to pray for good health for the remaining six months of the year. ●Mikoshi Togyo (portable shrine procession) Mikoshi Togyo is a ceremony held on the last day of the Sumiyoshi Festival. The portable shrine carries the spirit of Sumiyoshi Ookami in a portable shrine and parades along the road to Shukuin Shrine in the city of Sakai. Weighing nearly 2 tons and measuring 11 meters long, the sight of the extremely large portable shrine crossing Sorihashi Bridge is a heroic sight. When it arrives at the Shukuin Shrine, a purification ceremony is held. Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine: Admission Fee, Hours, and How to Get There Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is located slightly south of central Osaka where major tourist attractions like Osaka Castle are located. The easiest way to get to Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is to take a train to Sumiyoshitoriimae Station. After arriving at the station, it's an approximately 3-minute walk to the shrine. From Osaka Station you can take the Osaka Loop Line to Tennoji Station, walk to Tennojiekimae Station (5 minutes) and then take the Hankaidenki-Uemachi Line (阪堺電気軌道上町線)—a streetcar—to Sumiyoshitoriimae Station (住吉鳥居前) (approximately 40 minutes). Admission Fee: Free Hours: 6:00 am - 5:00 pm (April to September), 6:30 am - 5:00 pm (October to March) ※The Souvenir shop is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Summary of Festivals at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine Various events and rituals are held at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. However, in the past few years, events and rituals have been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now that travel restrictions have been lifted, the Otaue Rice Planting Festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is now able to include worshippers and we can once again see the splendid dances of the shrine maidens and heroic appearance of the samurai procession. Sumiyoshi Taisha's rice planting festival is held to pray for a good harvest and to ward off epidemics. If you're in Osaka around this time of year, be sure to stop by and see the festival. You're sure to be fascinated by the solemnity and splendor of the ancient Shinto rituals! 【Official Website】Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine 【TripAdvisor】Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine -
Video article 3:06
A Christmas Event in Wakayama Marina City – Beautiful Illuminations and a Fantastic Atmosphere!
Festivals & Events Travel Things to Do- 62 plays
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Festa Luce 2022 – The Lighting Ceremony at Wakayama Marina City: Video Introduction This video, titled "Festa Luce in Wakayama Marina City 2022 Lighting Ceremony DIGEST" (フェスタ・ルーチェin和歌山マリーナシティ2022点灯式DIGEST), was uploaded by "festa luce." The video introduces the lighting ceremony and event venue for the illumination event "Festa Luce" held on November 3, 2022 at Wakayama Marina City. The venue is not only beautiful, but is host to a variety of illuminations, and there are plenty of attractions that families and couples can enjoy. Be sure to check out the video to see the venue and see the moment the lights at the illumination are turned on! [Video] 0:51 - Lights Being Turned On for the Illumination Wakayama Marina City – Information About the Venue Where the Illumination Is Held Photo:Wakayama Marina City Wakayama Marina City is an artificial island and city resort, that is located in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. It is conveniently located near an airport as well. It's a popular place for a night out in Japan's Kansai region, especially for those in Osaka. The area is home to Porto Europe, a European townscape, Kuroshio Market, a market popular among tourists, Kishu Kuroshio Onsen, a hot spring and spa, Wakayama Marina City Sea Fishing Park, as well as hotels and other attractions. Highlights of Festa Luce in Wakayama Marina City in 2023 Source :YouTube screenshot Festa Luce, in Wakayama Marina City, a festival of lights held for the first time in 2017, is a very popular event and attracts many visitors every year. During the event period, Wakayama Marina City will be gorgeously lit up with projection mapping and other illuminations. There are many things to see, such as the 16-meter-long Christmas tree towering over the fountain square and the illumination light parade of light and sound! The Castle Projection Mapping, which will be revived after four years, is a must-see. "In 2023, ""Festa Luche Gacha"" will be introduced, where you can make clattering with coins that you can receive with a dwarf admission ticket!"Please try not to forget the shiny goods without losing. There are also hands-on attractions, so visitors can enjoy more than just watching the illuminations. Parents and children, friends, and even couples can have a blast at this exciting event. [Video] 1:01 - A Photogenic Scene at the Illumination Event The illumination starts at 5:00 p.m. If you're sightseeing in the area, consider stopping by and enjoying the magical illuminations! Christmas Market and Sky Lantern, 2 Popular Attractions at Festa Luce A Christmas Market is also held on weekends in November and December. Visitors can enjoy all sorts of delicious food and shopping while watching the illuminations. Don't forget to grab yourself a warm drink while perusing Christmas goods! Events, such as music concerts and street performances, are also held on weekends and liven up the Christmas season. On November 18th, 25th and 9th, the Sky Lantern Festival will be held with 800 lanterns floating in the sky. The lanterns floating in the winter night sky at the European-style venue create a world of pure fantasy. Only 800 lanterns will be available for each date, so be sure to get your hands on one asap! The lanterns soar through the night sky lit up by the illuminations. Be sure to bring a camera, as this is an experience you won't want to forget! Summary of Festa Luce, an Illumination at Wakayama Marina City Photo:Festa Luce at Wakayama Marina City This video was an introduction to the highlights of the illumination lighting ceremony. Please check the following and the official website for information on admission fees, advance tickets, etc. If you have the chance, be sure to visit Wakayama Marina City this winter, where you can experience a magical Christmas event! ◆Festa Luchein Wakayama Marina City 2023◆ Period: November 3, 2023 - February 12, 2024 開催 However, January 1st is closed Saturday, Sunday and Holiday from January 9, 2024 to February 12, 2024 Opening hours: 17:00~21:00 (last admission 20:30) *Saturday of November and December 24 and 25 from 17:00 to 22:00 (last admission 21:30) Admission: Adults 1,800 yen (1,600 yen in advance) 1,000 yen for children (800 yen in advance) Attraction Night Pass: 1,800 yen for adults and children (1,600 yen in advance) 【TripAdvisor】Wakayama Marina City -
Video article 5:47
At the Bamboo Cutting Ceremony at Kuramadera Temple in Kyoto, monks cut down large green bamboos that resemble snakes! This is a historic and dynamic event with a history of over 1,000 years!
Festivals & Events- 245 plays
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Video introduction of the bamboo cutting ceremony at Kuramadera Temple, Kyoto, Japan This video, titled "Kyoto Festival Bamboo Cutting Ritual at Kurama-dera (Takekirie)," was created by "Discover Kyoto." The video shows Takekiri Eshiki, a bamboo-cutting ritual at Kurama-dera Temple in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. The bamboo-cutting ritual has been carried out at Kurama-dera Temple for over 1,000 years, making it one of the oldest rituals in Kyoto. The monks dress in armor donned by the warrior monks of old, and energetically hack away at the thick bamboo stalks. You can hear the cheers from visitors to the temple as the monks perform the ritual. A Closer Look at Kurama-Dera's Bamboo-Cutting Ritual Source :YouTube screenshot The bamboo-cutting ritual is known in Japanese as "Takekiri Eshiki" (竹伐り会式). The ritual originates from a legend that Buen Shonin, a monk from the early Heian Period, was training on Mt. Kurama when a massive snake appeared. Through the power of Buddhism, the monk successfully defeated the snake. During the ritual, 4-meter-long and 10-centimeter-thick green bamboo is likened to the snake from the legend, and two groups of monks wield machete-like blades and compete to slice the bamboo in the shortest amount of time. The event also holds significance in that it expresses an appreciation for water, acts as a prayer to exorcise evil, and promotes triumph of truth. It is a soul-stirring and exciting tradition indeed. More About Kurama-Dera's Bamboo Cutting Ritual Source :YouTube screenshot The event kicks off with a performance by the children, as they dances in front of the main shrine building. Following this, the bamboo-cutting ritual is held by the monks. The Kurama monks are divided into the Omi (近江座, omiza) of Shiga Prefecture and the Tamba (丹波座, tamba-za) of Kyoto and Hyogo Prefectures. The monks who win the race to slice the bamboo pole, crowned the shoubu-giri (勝負伐り), finish the ritual by letting out a quick victory cry while running towards the head temple. It is said that between the Omi and the Tamba (Tanba), the winning region will be blessed with a bountiful harvest. From 4:16 in the video, you can see the monks hacking away at the bamboo stalks. Other Popular Sightseeing Destinations in Kyoto! Photo:A woman with a Japanese umbrella walking through Kifune Shrine If you're visiting Mt. Kurama, definitely take the chance to stop by Kifune Shrine (貴船神社, kifune jinja). After enjoying the beautiful natural scenery at Kifune Shrine, where the deity of water is enshrined, we recommend trying the dining experience over the riverbed! In addition, the views of Kurama-dera Temple and Kifune Shrine during the fall foliage season are also exceptional. There are many other scenic spots in Kyoto, such as Kiyomizu-dera Temple (清水寺, kiyomizu-dera) and Arashiyama (嵐山), so consider dropping by these as well if you get the chance. Summary of Kurama-Dera Temple's Bamboo-Cutting Ritual Photo:Kurama-dera Temple, Kyoto The bamboo-cutting ritual of Kurama-Dera Temple is a magnificent event with a history of more than 1,000 years. If you want to fully experience Kyoto in early summer, head out to the verdant Mt. Kurama and experience Kurama-Dera Temple's bamboo-cutting ritual! ◆Kurama-Dera Temple◆ 【Address】1074 Kurama Honmachi, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture 【Access】Walk from the Kurama Station on the Eizan Electric Railway (叡山電車鞍馬駅) 【Admission Fee】Admission to the temple is free, but entrance to the Reihoden Museum costs 200 yen, and contribution to the protection and upkeep of the mountain is 300 yen. 【Tripadvisor】Kurama-dera Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d3444654-Reviews-Kurama_dera-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:29
The Aoi Festival - Enjoy the Sacred Ceremony Known as One of the Three Major Festivals of Kyoto! An Elegant, Yet Mysterious Atmosphere, as If You've Been Transported Back in Time, Spreads Throughout Kyoto in the Spring!
Festivals & Events History- 195 plays
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Introducing the Aoi Festival! This "Skyscape" produced video "[Kyoto / Aoi Matsuri 2017] EOS 5D Mark IV 4K Saiodai and Shimogamo Shrine / Headquarters Kyoto Aoi Matsuri Festival(【京都・葵祭2017】EOS 5D Mark IV 4K 斎王代と下鴨神社・社頭の儀 Kyoto Aoi Matsuri Festival), shows the Kyoto Aoi Festival which is held in the Kansai region in Kyoto during the fresh green season. The Aoi Festival consists of three ceremonies: the Miyagi ceremony (宮中の儀, Kyuchu no gi), Roadside ceremony (路頭の儀, Roto no gi), and the Shrine ceremony (社頭の儀, Shatōnogi). Unfortunately, the Miyagi ceremony is not currently being held. The video shows the sacred shrine ceremony in detail. Watch the videos to discover the mysterious and beautiful traditions of Japan. What Kind of Event Is the Aoi Festival Photo:The Tower Gate of Shimogamo Shrine The Aoi Festival is a festival of the World Cultural Heritage sites, Kamigamo Shrine (上賀茂神社, Kamigamo Jinja) (Kamobetsu Raijin Shrine) and Shimogamo Shrine (下鴨神社, Shimogamo Jinja) (Kamo Miso Shrine), and is also called the Kita Festival (北祭, Kita Matsuri) or Kamo Festival (賀茂祭, Kamo Matsuri). The two shrines have been worshipped in Japan since before the Heian period (794 AD to 1185 AD), as Kyoto's number one shrine. The Aoi Festival introduced in this video is counted as one of the three major festivals of Kyoto, along with the Gion Festival and the Festival of the Ages. In addition, the Kyoto Gozan bonfire is added to the three major festivals of Kyoto, causing them to sometimes be referred to as Kyoto's four major events. The Aoi Matsuri is one of the oldest festivals in Japan, and it is mentioned in the "Rivalry of the Carriages" in the Aoi chapter of The Tale of Genji (源氏物語, Genji Monogatari). Let's Check Out Japan's Aoi Festival! Photo:Aoi Festival The roadside ritual of the Aoi Festival is a Heian picture scroll procession that follows a route from the Kyoto Imperial Palace to Kamigamo Shrine. At 0:28 in the video, we see the Saiin of the Aoi Festival, dressed in the "Jūnihitoe," a twelve-layered ceremonial kimono. At the Aoi Festival, there is also a royal envoy and ladies wearing special kimono, and they will travel along the streets with horses and oxen. Participants in the Aoi Matsuri parade decorate their hair with wilder ginger from the Futaba-Aoi plant. After the ceremony in front of the shrine's main building, the procession is filmed in a line from Shimogamo Shrine to the main hall of Kamigamo Shrine. This can be seen at 2:16 in the video. What are the dates and highlights of the Aoi Matsuri? If you are going sightseeing in Kyoto for the Aoi Festival, I recommend May.Kamo horse racing ceremony on May 1st during Golden Week, andYabusameShinto ritual on May 3rd.On May 4th, many Shinto rituals will be held, such as "Saiyo Daigyokei no gi" to purify oneself in the Mitarai River in the precincts, and on May 5th, "Awari Shinto ritual to shoot arrows to ward off evil spirits." And the main event, "Roadside Ceremony," will be held on May 15th.The tour of about 500 people dressed in bright Heian costumes is worth seeing.It is scheduled to depart from Kyoto Imperial Palace at 10:30 on May 15th and arrive at Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine at around 15:30. If you want to see the Aoi Festival up close, you may want to use the paid seats. Around the pilgrimage route there are many famous restaurants such as Saruya, and Yoshinobu Tsuruya, so you can enjoy Kyoto's gourmet cuisine for lunch or buy some souvenirs. Summary of the Aoi Festival Photo: Kamigamo Shrine The video introduced here captures an elegant scene that's as if you've traveled back in time to the Heian period (794 AD to 1185 AD). The Aoi Festival is one of the most famous festivals in Japan, so be sure not to miss it! To get to Kamobetsurai Shrine (Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine), it takes 30 minutes from JR East Kyoto Station by Kyoto City Bus or by car, or a 20-minute walk from Kitaoji Station on the Karasuma Subway Line. There is a parking lot, but traffic is restricted during the Aoi Festival, so we recommend using a Kyoto city bus or train. You can enjoy Kamigamo Shrine not just during the Aoi Festival, but year round as well! Some recommended spots are: “Tachisuna” imitating Kamiyama in front of Nino Torii, “Jokē-en,” a beautiful garden, "Saio Sakura" named after the priestess of the Aoi Festival, "Shinmasha" where you can see the village Hakuba, The Hosono, Maiden (Hashido), Tamabashi, and Romon, all important cultural properties, the Ominata River, the Mitarai River, used for purifying the objects and people in rituals, the Kamiyama spring, Kataoka Shrine, Motomiya Shrine, Kifune Shrine, Kamoyamaguchi Shrine, Kamoyamaguchi Shrine, Shingu Shrine, the Katayama Lion Shrine, Ota Shrine, the wishing stone, the "Kamizen wedding ceremony" (wedding ceremony before the gods), and more. There are hotels and inns near Kamigamo Shrine, so we recommend an overnight stay. Be sure to visit Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine, which are also famous power spots. ◆Kamigamo Shrine Facility Overview◆ 【Address】 339 Kamigamo Motoyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto 603-8047, Japan 【Access】About 30 minutes by car from R East Kyoto Station 【Hours】5: 30-17: 00 【Closures】Open all year round 【Parking】Available (Charge) 【Telephone No】075-781-0011 【Entrance fee】 General admission free, 500 yen for special visits 【Official Website】Aoi Festival 2019 | Kyoto Sightseeing Information KYOTOdesign https://kyoto-design.jp/spot?no_cat=1&en_ver=1&mode_s=1&s= 【Official Website】Kamigamo Shrine (Kamo-wake-ikazuchi Shrine) https://www.kamigamojinja.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Aoi Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820145-Reviews-Aoi_Matsuri-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:22
What kind of event is the Raccudani Fudo Myoo's 300th Anniversary Festival at Raccudani Fudoin, Kyoto, Japan? It's like another Kiyomizu-no-Butai! A slightly mysterious temple full of raccoon dogs!
Festivals & Events History- 199 plays
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Video introduction of the Raccudani Fudo Myoo's 300th anniversary at “Raccudani Fudoin” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video is called ‘Kyoto Festival 300 Years of Tanukidani Fudō Myō’ō ‘. It is a promotional video by Discover Kyoto to promote the festival celebrating the 300 Year Anniversary of Kyoto's Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o. The festival celebrating the 300 Year Anniversary of Kyoto's Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o, was held in 2018 between May and November. Many worshipers turned up to pray at the special praying event in the stone cave, where Acala (the king of wisdom) is said to be enshrined. Access to Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple is 40 minutes from Kyoto South Interchange on Meishin Expressway by car, or 30 minutes from Kyoto East Interchange on Meishin Expressway. There is a free parking with a lot capacity of 150 cars. It takes around 50 minutes by local bus from JR East Kyoto Station. Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple is located halfway up Mt. Uryuu, behind Shisendo. Locals call it Tanukidanino Gofudosan. The 250 steps to the temple’s main building are decorated with raccoon dogs made of Shigaraki Pottery . They hold an autumn festival here every November. You can enjoy the beautiful colors of the red and yellow leaves. Please enjoy the introductory video of the Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o Festivals's 300th anniversary! What Is Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple? Photo:Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple The Fudo-in Temple is located in the heart of Ichijoji Temple, a popular tourist area in Kyoto, and is the headquarters of Shugendo, the Shingon Buddhist sect of Buddhism. It was originally built in 1718 by Mokjuki Shizen Tomonobu on the site where a stone statue of Acala was enshrined as a guardian against demons during the Heian Period (794~1185). Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple is famous as a temple where you can pray for traffic safety and to ward off bad luck, such as cancer. As shown from 1:13 in the video, Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple is built on the cliff edge. Its structure is similar to that of Kiyomizudera Temple. Musashi Miyamoto is said to have used the main building for training. Deep in the mountains, there is still a waterfall called Musashinotaki Falls. Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple was opened in 1718, and it celebrated its 300 year anniversary in 2018. The 300 Year Anniversary of Kyoto's Tanukidani Fudo Myo-O Festival Source :YouTube screenshot At the festival celebrating the 300 Year Anniversary of Kyoto's Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o, there were lectures on various topics by the priests and monks, as well as special ceremonies and prayers. Other events include Daihanyakyo Tendoku (the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra), and Kechienkanjo. The events shown from 2:39 also attracted many tourists. They are the Kanpaku Ogoma Memorial Service, the Fire Festival, Ominesan Nyubushugyo Training, and Sutra copying. In addition to the special nighttime worship, there is live painting and projection mapping, and they've also incorporated a modern twist to the production. At the festival celebrating the 300 Year Anniversary of Kyoto's Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o, there was a children’s activity in which you search for raccoon dogs. The visitors were also given commemoration stamp books and limited edition Senjafuda cards . Tanukidani Fudo Myo-O 300 Year Anniversary, Summary There are many temples with a long history in Kyoto where you can enjoy Japanese history and culture. The sacred mountain Tanukidani, shown in the video, is one of them. Many visitors came to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Tanukidani Fudo Myo-O. On your trip to Kyoto, why not take a stroll around the historic Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple? Be sure to check out the video to enjoy the charm of Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple. ◆Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple◆ 【Address】6 Ichijoji Matsubara-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City 〒606-8156 【Access】Approximately 50 minutes by local bus from JR East Kyoto Station 【Admission】500Yen(※as of November 2019) 【Hours】9:00~16:00 【Closures】Open everyday 【Average time spent here】Approximately 1 hour 【Parking】Yes(Free) 【Telephone No.】075-722-0025 【Official Website】300 Years Anniversary Festival of Kyoto Tanukidani Fudo Myo-o / Tanukidanisan Fudoin Temple http://www.tanukidani.com/300th/ -
Video article 3:54
The "Ako Lion Dance": A Dynamic, Traditional Japanese Lion Dance of Ako, Hyogo That Has Long Been Enjoyed in Japan; Watch the Lively Lion Dance Parade From the Roadside in This Video!
Festivals & Events History- 849 plays
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The Traditional Ako Lion Dance! This video, produced by "Ako Channel - The Official Video Channel of Ako City," is an official PR video titled, "Ako Lion Dance - Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society" (赤穂の獅子舞「新田西部獅子舞保存会」). There are various regional events and festivals in autumn every year in Ako, Hyogo in Japan's Kansai Region. The Ako Lion Dance, performed by the members of the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society (新田西部獅子舞保存会), is especially popular as it is vigorous and has a long history in the area. The Ako Lion Dance parades through the approaches to shrines and temples. Take in the traditional Japanese atmosphere through the video, which shows the lion dance, a traditional cultural event in Ako in the fall. Don't Miss the Dynamic Movement of the Ako Lion Dance! Source :YouTube screenshot The Autumn Festival of Hiyoshi Shrine in Nitta District is held annually in October in Ako City, Hyogo Prefecture. During this lively festival, the Ako Lion Dance, performed by the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society, parades throughout the city. The festival begins with the "welcome of the gods"(0:19). A mischievous wild lion is skillfully led by a Tengu, a sort of Japanese goblin often found in folk tales. At 0:41, after “the purification of the lion head and Tengu mask” takes place, it's time to leave for "Hanamai," which parades through the city of Ako (0:53). "Hanamai" continues to visit over 200 places while performing to the sound of the drum. The lion dance at Hiyoshi Shrine is performed by Western Nitta District and Nitta Village alternately each year. The one seen in the video is performed by Western Nitta District. The highlight of the festival is "dochu mai" (1:58); while the rituals are being performed at Hiyoshi Shrine, the lion dance troupe takes its time to move along the approach to the shrine. After the ritual is over, they run up to the worship hall and the dedication dance begins. The Ako Lion Dance is descended from Ako Hachiman Shrine in Ozaki Districtand is characterized by slow movements during "dochu mai" and intense movements during the dedication dance at the main shrine. The Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society performs a dance with a skit called "Niwaka."(2:55). So Much to See and Do at the Ako Autumn Festival! Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to the lion dance dedication by the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society, various events are held in Ako, such as an exorcism ritual and a children's mikoshi (portable shrine). The Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society is not the only performer of Ako Lion Dance. There are many other organizations, such as Kamihamaichi and the Kizu Lion Preservation Society, that performs the dance as well. The lion dance of the Kamihamaichi Lion Preservation Society, known for its Hanamai and group dances, and the lion dance of the Kizu Lion Dance Preservation Society, which prays for purification and a good harvest, are also worth seeing. During the Autumn Festival in Ako, there are many stalls along the streets of shrines and temples. One of the ways to enjoy Ako's Autumn Festival is to eat local Japanese food at the stalls. Summary of the Ako Lion Dance The Ako Lion Dance is an important traditional ritual, and the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society has long been honing their skills to preserve the culture. Succession of traditional culture is a significant theme of traditional Japanese festivals. Visit the Ako Autumn Festival and experience Japanese culture through vigorous lion dances! 【Official Website】Ako Tourism - FEEL AKO TIME https://ako-kankou.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:19
Enjoy the Gion Festival, one of the three major festivals in Japan, held in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture! Enjoy Japanese summer to the fullest with the elegant procession of “welcoming lanterns”!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 216 plays
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Video Introduction of “Welcoming Lanterns” at Gion Festival in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "Gion Matsuri Omukae Chochin Performance," was uploaded by Kyoto Fan. It introduces "Omukae Chochin," one of the events that takes place during Kyoto's Gion Matsuri (Gion Festival). Gion Matsuri is held each year at Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社, yasakajinja) in Kyoto and is one of the largest festivals in Japan. Omukae Chochin, which takes place on July 10th, is a lantern parade held to welcome the Gion Matsuri mikoshi (portable shrines). We hope you enjoy watching this exciting event which attracts a large number of tourists each year! Check Out Omukae Chochin! Source :YouTube screenshot Gion Matsuri is a festival that takes place at Yasaka Shrine (sometimes referred to as "Gionsha" (祇園社)) in Kyoto. Gion Matsuri is held throughout the month of July, however, Omukae Chochin, the event introduced in the video, is always held on July 10th. After Omukae Chochin and Mikoshi Togyo (a portable shrine parade) are held on July 10th, a large number of festival floats called "Yamaboko" (山鉾) are built for future parades. During the festival month, the Yamaboko float areas are filled with musicians dressed in kimono and yukata playing flutes and taiko drums to a performance called "Gionbayashi" (祇園囃子). This can be seen from 0:27 in the video. Popular Events Held After Omukae Chochin Photo:Gion Matsuri, Kyoto Prefecture During "Yoiyama" (宵山), held on July 15th and 16th, the streets are closed off to vehicles and instead filled with a large number of food stands called "yatai" (屋台). This is a great spot to take photos of the delicious local food! Gion Matsuri's main event, Yamaboko Junko (山鉾巡行, Yamaboko Parade), takes place on July 17th and 24th. There are many other events you can enjoy during Gion Matsuri, such as "Yoiyama" which features lively musical performances, and "Hanagasa Junko," which is performed by children. If you'd like to watch the spectacular Yamaboko Junko parade up close, we highly recommend booking seats in advance. Enjoy Summer Sightseeing In Kyoto! Photo:Gozan Okuribi, Kyoto Prefecture Even after Gion Matsuri has come to an end, there are still many more events to be enjoyed in Kyoto! Gozan no Okuribi (五山の送り火), a festival held during the Bon Festival (お盆, obon), attracts many tourists each year. If you're traveling to Kyoto during summer, we highly recommend dining along the riverside, a tradition called "Kamo River Noryo-Yuka" (鴨川納涼床, Kamogawa Nouryoyuka). There are also many other cultural properties you can enjoy in Kyoto city. Unfortunately there are no fireworks displays held in the city, but if you would like to see the summer fireworks, the nearest spots are the Uji River (宇治川, ujikawa) and Kameoka (亀岡). Summary of Kyoto's Gion Matsuri Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from the video, Gion Matsuri is an elegant yet powerful festival which is widely popular year after year. The festival is held throughout the entire month of July (from July 1st all the way through July 31st). If you'd like to see one of the largest festivals in Japan, we highly recommend visiting Kyoto during summer! 【Official Website】Gion Matsuri Overview – Yasaka Shrine http://www.yasaka-jinja.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Gion Matsuri https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820238-Reviews-Gion_Matsuri-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:45
The Spooky "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" of Tanabe, Wakayama. Enjoy the Ancient Japanese Festival Handed Down From Generation to Generation, With More Than 2,000 Years of History!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture History- 121 plays
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Taisha Reitaisai's Shinto Ritual: "Yunobori Shinji" This video, titled "Reitaisai Kumano Hongu Taisha -Official," shows aspects of "Yunobori Shinji," a shinto ritual that is part of the traditional "Reitaisai" rituals held at Kumano Hongu Grand Shrine, in Wakayama prefecture. "Kumano Hongu Taisha," a world heritage site in Wakayama prefecture, is one of three grand shrines configuring "Kumano Sanzan" along with "Kumano Nachi Taisha" and "Kumano Hayatama Taisha." Kumano Hongu Taisha was built more than 2050 years ago, and Yunobori Shinji, the largest annual shinto festival, has been designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Wakayama Prefecture. This video introduces the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" of Wakayama prefecture. If you ever wonder what kind of sacred rituals and events are held in the festival, take a look at the video and this article. Yunobori Shinji and Miyawatari Shinji - Two Shinto Rituals Source :YouTube screenshot The "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" is held for three days from April 13th to 15th every year. The festival starts with the events "Yunobori Shinji" and "Miyawatari Shinji." Starting at 0:07 in the video, it shows one aspect of the ritual where people invoke the spirit of the gods into children after they've purified themselves in the sacred water of Yunomine Onsen during "Yunobori Shinji." During the festival, the children are only allowed to put their feet on the ground while in the ritual so their fathers or brothers carry them on their shoulders and hike through 3.4 km of mountain trail called the "Kumano Kodo pilgrimage routes" to get to "Oyunohara." In the afternoon, there is the traditional performance by the children called the "Yasabaki Shinto Ritual" at Yunomine Ouji which is shown in the video around 0:44. After that, the children, a Kannushi (a person responsible for the maintenance of a Shinto shrine), and people with musical instruments line up and head to “Otabisho.” Rituals of the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" Source :YouTube screenshot The event called Funatama Taisai (船玉大祭) and the eve of the main festival are held at Kumano Hongu Taisha on April 14th. As shown in the video around 1:15, the most important event, the Hondensai (本殿祭), and the Togyo Festival (渡御祭) in which 400 people dressed in Heian style clothing for the performance participate in, are held on April 15th. A procession that recreates Kumano Gokou then heads to Oyunohara to perform sacred dances such as "Yamatomai" and "Mikomai." In the “Hondensai,” there is the "Togyosai" festival and the "Kangyo Sai" festival where you can see the Mikoshi (a portable shrine) with the flowers from "The deity of Kumanomusumi" (熊野牟須美神) (The god enshrined in Kumano Sanzan). It is said that the gods are pleased by the decorating of the Mikoshi with flowers and the swinging of the mikoshi. Starting at around 2:32, the video shows children praying for a good harvest. The festival is called "Ondasai" (御田祭, Ondasai). The video also shows the events "Gomadaki" (護摩焚き, Gomadaki) performed by monks, "Mochinage" (throwing rice cake), "Saitodaigoma" (採燈大護摩, saitodaigoma) and "Tamagushi Houten" (玉串奉奠, tamagushi Houten). which are also fun to see. Towards the end of the festival, when the sun starts to go down, people walk out of the Torii gate of "Ooyunohara" and make their way back to the shrine. After that, the last festival, "Kangyo-sai," is held (3:49). Summary of the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitai Festival" Photo:Kumano Hongu Taisha The video shows a lot about the traditional sacred festival at Kumano Hongu Taisha. Climb up the 158 stone steps and walk through the sacred gate, and you'll find Kumano Hongu Taisha. If you're looking to enjoy the atmosphere of Japan's shrines, Kumano Hongu Taisha is the perfect place to visit. Repair work was also undertaken in 2012 to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the shrine being transferred to its current location. There are many hotels and Ryokan (Japanese style inn) in Tanabe City in Wakayama, near Kumano Hongu Taisha. You can have a great time feasting on the local cuisine during your lunch break. You can also go shrine hopping with your Goshuin notebook when the weather is nice. ◆Kumano Hongu Taisha◆ 【Address】1110 Hongu, Hongu-sho, Tanabe-shi, Wakayama prefecture 【Access】140 minutes from Nanki-Shirahama Airport by bus 【Hours】6:00 – 17:00 【Parking】Available (Free) 【Phone】0735-42-0009 【Official Website】Kumano Hongu Taisha http://www.hongutaisha.jp/english/ -
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Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Spectacular Views of Japan's Kansai Region. From Night Views to Traditional Events, Discover the Best Photo Spots in Kansai!
Travel Festivals & Events Nature- 371 views
COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is always holding photo contests. This time, we have selected works depicting Japan's Kansai region from among the many photos submitted to past COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests, and will introduce some photography tips on timing, composition, etc. to help you take great photos with your smartphone! Be sure to try them out the next time you're sightseeing in Japan's Kansai region. COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Kansai in Past Photo Contests Shirahige Shrine at Sunset A Night View of Dotonbori in Minami, Osaka Mt. Wakakusa Yamayaki and Yakushiji Temple The Great Buddha Hall of Todaiji Temple Gozan Okuribi in Kyoto Sea Sparkles in Ine, Kyoto Himeji Castle and Cherry Blossoms The Takeda Castle Ruins Daimonzaka on the Kumano Kodo Hashigui-iwa Rocks - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Kansai in Past Photo Contests Among the many works that convey the charms of Japan, we have carefully selected photos of sightseeing spots in Japan's Kansai region. We will also introduce some highlights of each area, photography tips, and related video articles to check out. COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: たっかー Location: Shirahige Shrine (Takashima, Shiga) Highlights and Photography Tips for Shirahige Shrine, Lake Biwa Shirahige Shrine is a popular power spot in Japan and is the oldest shrine in Omi. There are many photogenic sights, including the main shrine, the shrine office, and other historical buildings, as well as Iwato Shrine located at the far end of the shrine grounds. But the best place for photos is the Great Torii Gate standing in Lake Biwa! You can capture various scenes of the torii as it stands against the rising sun and on the surface of the lake at sunset from the observatory on the shrine grounds. A Video Article About Shirahige Shrine, a Popular Tourist Attraction Video article 5:22 Shirahige Shrine - A Mysterious and Popular Location Where You Can Enjoy a Spectacular View of Lake Biwa! The Vermilion-Colored Torii Gate Is a Must-See! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: たっかー Location: Dotonbori (Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture) Highlights and Photography Tips for Dotonbori a downtown area in Osaka's Minami district Dotonbori is a well-known shopping district in Osaka's Minami district. Lined with theatres and restaurants, it has been crowded with people since Edo period Japan to the present day. Ebisu Bridge, which spans the Dotonbori River, is a great place to take photos. The huge billboard of "Glico" is proof that Osaka is a popular tourist attraction. The Kuidaore Taro doll and the giant three-dimensional billboards are photo spots that symbolize downtown Osaka. A Video Article About the Shinsekai and Tsutenkaku Areas of Osaka Video article 4:26 Be Enchanted by the Glittering Neon Lights of Osaka and the Night View of Tsutenkaku Lighting up the City of Osaka! Introducing Recommended Spots Around Tsutenkaku Tower, the Symbol of Osaka! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Shunkai_k Location: Lake Oike (Nara City, Nara Prefecture) Highlights and Photography Tips for Wakakusa Yamayaki Wakakusa Yamayaki, an event held every year on the fourth Saturday in January in Japan, is a traditional event in Nara. The flames spread across 81 acres of grassland on Mt. Wakakusa in Nara Park. The foot of Mt. Wakakusa, where visitors can see Mt. Wakakusa up close as it burns, as well as Ukigumo Enchi and Kasugano Enchi, which offer panoramic views of Mt. Wakakusa, are all popular sightseeing spots. From Oike in Nishinokyo, visitors can take photos of Yakushiji Temple and the Mt. Wakakusa fireworks. A Video Article About Yakushiji Temple, a Power Spot in Nara Prefecture Video article 6:57 Yakushiji Temple in Nara Prefecture - Registered as a World Heritage Site Under "Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara," the Temple Is Also Known as a Power Spot To Pray for Good Health! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Smartone Templeslope Location: The Great Buddha Hall of Todaiji Temple from Mt. Wakakusa (Nara City, Nara Prefecture) Highlights and Photography Tips for Nara Park, a Popular Tourist Attraction Nara Park is dotted with historical buildings such as Todaiji Temple, Shosoin Temple, Kofukuji Temple, and Kasuga Taisha Shrine in a rich natural setting. It is also a popular tourist attraction for cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. If you want to take pictures of autumn leaves and deer, we recommend Tobihino and Ukigumo Enchi in Nara Park. A Video Article About Tourist Attractions in Nara Prefecture Video article 3:45 Get a Taste of Japanese History in Nara Prefecture! Nara Prefecture Is Full of Places That You Don't Want to Miss When Traveling to the Kansai Region! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: tabokin Location: Hidari Daimonji seen from Mt. Yoshida (Sakyo, Kyoto) Photography Tips for Gozan no Okuribi, a Summer Event in Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi is a summer tradition in Kyoto. It's a Bon Festival event held every year on August 16 where fires are lit on five mountains surrounding the city of Kyoto. The characters "Daimonji" (大文字), "Myo/Ho" (妙・法), "Funagata" (船形), "Hidari Daimonji" (左大文字), and "Toriigata" (鳥居形) are lit in sequence from 8:00 p.m. onward. Mt. Yoshida, located on Mt. Okita and facing Daimonji, is lit by "Hidari Daimonji." 10 minutes up the mountain, there is a photo spot where you can get a full view of the Daimonji, which is highly recommended. A Video Article About Gozan no Okuribi, a Traditional Event in Kyoto Video article 1:01 Gozan no Okuribi – A Traditional Event to Send off the Spirits of the Deceased During the Obon Festival of Kyoto, Japan YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: しんご @shingo_camera Location: Ine (Yosa, Kyoto) The Sea Sparkles of Ine, Kyoto Every year from April to the end of May, there are days when Ine Bay in Kyoto, Japan glows a brilliant blue. The cause of this is noctiluca scintillans, aka sea sparkles. Unlike sea fireflies, sea sparkles emit blue light in response to physical stimuli. Therefore, whenever they are stimulated by waves, large numbers of sea sparkles begin to glow. During the day, when there's a red tide in the bay and a strong southward wind blows, there's a high probability of seeing sea sparkles. A Video Article About the Funaya of Ine, Kyoto Video article 3:45 The First Floor of the House Is a Dock?! The Historic Port Town of Funaya, Ine in Kyoto Is a Fishing Village Lined With Mysterious Houses! You won't Find Scenery Like This Anywhere Else! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: st situation Location: Himeji Castle (Himeji, Hyogo) Highlights and Photography Tips for Cherry Blossoms at Himeji Castle Himeji Castle, selected as one of the Top 100 Cherry Blossom Viewing Spots in Japan, is home to approximately 1,600 cherry trees, including Someiyoshino cherry trees and weeping cherry trees, which can be seen in full bloom in the spring. Sannomaru Square (三の丸広場, San no Maru Hiroba), Senhime Botan Garden (千姫ぼたん園, Sen Hime Botan-en), and Nishi no Maru Garden (西の丸庭園, Nishi no Maru Teien) are popular spots for taking photos of Himeji Castle and the cherry blossoms. The atmospheric composition of Himeji Castle, cherry blossoms, and a Japanese sightseeing boat in the inner moat of Himeji Castle with the red Shiromi Bridge in the background creates an incredibly photogenic shot. A Video Article About Cherry Blossoms at Himeji Castle in Hyogo Prefecture Video article 3:29 Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms of Hyogo Prefecture at Himeji Castle, Japan's First World Cultural Heritage Site! The Contrast Between the White Himeji Castle and the Pink Cherry Blossoms Will Leave You Speechless! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Nguyen Vu Location: The Takeda Castle Ruins from the Ritsuunkyo Observation Deck (Asago, Hyogo) Highlights and Photography Tips for the Takeda Castle Ruins The Takeda Castle Ruins, located on the summit of Mt. Kojo in Asago, Hyogo, are the site of a mountain castle whose stone walls are still almost completely intact, some 400 years after the castle was abandoned. On a clear autumn morning, the area around the castle is sometimes shrouded in thick fog, leaving the Takeda Castle Ruins at the top of the mountain. A good spot to photograph the Takeda Castle Ruins floating in a sea of clouds is the Ritsuunkyo Observation Deck (立雲峡, Ritsuunkyo), located halfway up Mt. Asago opposite the castle ruins. A Video Article About the Take Castle Ruins, the "Castle in the Sky" Video article 2:29 Behold the Mesmerizing Scenery of Takeda Castle, Hidden in a Sea of Clouds in Asago, Hyogo! Called the "Machu Picchu of Japan" and "Castle in the Sky," Takeda Castle Attracts Thousands of Tourists From All Over the World! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 女子高校生 Location: The Kumano Kodo (Higashimuro, Wakayama) Highlights and Photography Tips for Daimonzaka on the Kumano Kodo Daimonzaka, located on the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage trail, is the entrance to Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine and Nachi Falls, both of which were visited by people in ancient times. The "Meoto Sugi" (Lover Cedar Trees), estimated to be 800 years old, the stone pavement, the grove of centuries-old cedar trees, and the moss-covered stone steps are a must-see for photographers and travelers alike. Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine, one of the Kumano Sanzan (three great temples of the Kumano region), and Nachi Falls, one of the Top 3 Waterfalls in Japan, are also popular spots. A Video Article About the Kumano Kodo, a World Heritage Site Video article 2:35 The Beautiful Landscape of Kumano Kodo, A World Heritage Site in Wakayama Prefecture. This Historic Power Spot Is Full of Stone Steps and Sacred Waterfalls, Perfect for Your Instagram! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: いくみ Location: Hashigui-iwa Rocks (Higashimuro, Wakayama) Highlights and Photography Tips for Hashigui-iwa Rocks, a Popular Tourist Attraction The Hashigui-iwa Rocks are a group of uniquely-shaped rocks in the town of Kushimoto on the southern tip of Wakayama. It consists of more than 40 rock pillars of all shapes and sizes that form a straight line extending roughly 850 meters into the sea. The scenery has been selected as one of the Top 100 Sunrise Spots in Japan, so be sure to take photos of it at sunrise! The best spot to photograph it is from the parking lot of Roadside Station Kushimoto Hashigui-iwa (道の駅くしもと橋杭岩, Michi no Eki Kushimoto Hashigui-iwa). With silhouettes of rock pillars, the sky and the sea, it's possible to capture various appearances with creative use of exposure, composition, and white balance. A Video Article About the Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture Video article 3:35 Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture, Called the "Aegean Sea of Japan," Is Just Like a Painting! Introducing the Charms and Activities of Shirasaki Coast! YouTube Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that showcases the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Click here for more information about COOLJAPANVIDEOS Anyone can enter COOL JAPAN VIDEOS' photo contests! Below are some of the features of our contests. ・On top of single-lens reflex cameras and digital cameras, photos taken with smartphones and other devices can also be submitted. ・Each person can submit as many photos as they like during the contest period. ・Editing of images, such as cropping and color changes, is also allowed! Here you can find all of the past photo contest winners in one place. You can also see the prizes for each contest, as well as the locations where the photos were taken and the judges' critiques. Click here to see past photo contest winners Text only Photo Contest Results - COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Winning Photos - Discover the Charms of Japan! Current Photo Contest The following is information about the current photo contest. [Ongoing From March2024] The 22th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest Theme: Spring in Japan Submission period: March 1, 2024 12:00 AM – April 30, 2024 11:59 PM (JST) Prizes: ■Grand Prize: 30,000 yen Amazon gift card (1 Winner) ■Honorable Mentions: 10,000 yen Amazon gift card (5 Winners) Spring in Japan Photo Contest Landscape Photography Summary Did you enjoy these landscape photos from past photo contest entries? Some of these landscapes can only be seen in specific conditions. Japan is full of rich nature, historical locations, and seasonal events! Share your photos with the world and help showcase the beauty of Japan through COOL JAPAN VIDEOS! Related Articles Text only Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face! Text only Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Autumn in Japan Text only Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji Text only Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture! Text only Tohoku in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: Hot Springs, Festivals, Snowscapes, and More – 10 Beautiful Photos of Japan's Tohoku Region! Text only Kyoto in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Kyoto, the Ancient Capital of Japan, and Its Most Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Tokyo in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Featuring the Charms of Tokyo, the Capital of Japan + Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Capturing the Beauty of Winter in Japan. Snowy Landscapes, Glittering Illuminations + More! Text only Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Spectacular Views of Japan's Kansai Region. From Night Views to Traditional Events, Discover the Best Photo Spots in Kansai! Text only Cherry Blossoms in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Amazing Views of Cherry Blossoms, from Castles and Temples to Rows of Cherry Blossom! .separation_line { border-width: 0 0 8px; border-style: solid; border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,') 0 0 100% repeat; width: 216px; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 50px; } -
Video article 1:01
What is “Gozan-no-Okuribi” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture? Video showing the traditional event to send off the spirits of the dead during the Obon Festival! The meaning of Daimonjiyaki and viewing spots!
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Video introduction of “Gozan-no-Okuribi” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "Gozan no Okuribi 4K" (五山送り火 4K Gozan no Okuribi), was uploaded by "MOVIE JAPAN." The video begins with scenes of spectators at Gozan no Okuribi, part of the obon festival in Kyoto, on the banks of the Kamo River, and shows the different bonfires floating up into the summer night sky. What are "Gozan-no-Okuribi" and "Daimonji-yaki"? Meaning and History Photo:Gozan no Okuribi (Daimonji), Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi (Daimonji) is one of the four major festivals in Kyoto, along with Aoi Matsuri, Gion Matsuri, and Jidai Matsuri. The five mountains of Gozan no Okuribi, called 'Daimonji Yaki,' are all registered as Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Kyoto City. In Kyoto, the souls of one's ancestors are called "Oshorai-san." Gozan no Okuribi is an event held every year on the night of August 16 to send the spirits back to the realm of the dead after they have returned during the Obon Festival. During Gozan no Okuribi, visitors can offer a homa stick, a prayer stick used in a ritual burning to ask for blessings. It is said that if you write your name and the name of your illness on the homa stick and offer it, your illness will be cured. The homa sticks will then be carried by the preservation group to the fire beds at the top of the mountains, where they will be burned in bonfires. For a donation of 300 yen per homa stick, anyone can make an offering, not just local residents. ※Homa sticks are only accepted at specific locations at specific times. Please confirm the acceptance periods, etc., via the FAQ on the official website as they differ for each location. As for how long the Gozan no Okuribi has been held, there are actually few historical documents of the event, and almost no records remain. The oldest documented historical account is from Ozuki Tadatoshi (Tadatoshi Sukuneki), which records that in 1649 Ozuki Tadatoshi saw the Nishiyama Daimonji, Fune (boat), Higashiyama Daimonji, and Minami (South) bonfires. The locations for Gozan no Okuribi are as follows. Bonfires will be lit at different times. Nyoigatake (Mt. Daimonji) on Mt. Higashiyama 【Daimonji】8:00 PM... Nyoigatake (Mt. Daimonji) on Mt. Higashiyama 【Myoho】8:05 PM... 'Myo' (妙) West Mountain of Matsugasaki; 'Ho' (法) East Mountain of Matsugasaki 【Funagata】8:10 PM... Funeyama in Nishigamo 【Hidari Daimonji】8:15 PM... Okitayama (Mt. Daimonji) 【Toriigata】8:20 PM... Mt. Mandara in Saga-Toriimoto In the past, many other characters were lit as send-off fires. Where to See Gozan no Okuribi Photo:Kamigamo Misono Bridge, Kyoto Here are some viewing locations where each of the five bonfires can be seen clearly. Daimonji: Around Misono Bridge, Marutamachi Bridge, Mt. Funaoka, Matsugasaki Station, Takano Bridge Myoho: The area around Notre Dame Jogakuin/Mt. Funaoka/Matsugasaki Station/Shogunzuka Toriigata: Seiryouji Temple North (清涼寺北)/Hirosawa Pond (Matsuo Bridge) Hidari Daimonji: Mt. Funaoka/From Kinkakuji Temple to Saiin on Nishi Oji Street/Shogunzuka Funagata: Around Misono Bridge/Mt. Funaoka/Kitayama-dori/Northwest from Kitayama Bridge/Around Matsugasaki Station/Shogunzuka Gozan-no-Okuribi can be viewed from restaurants, such as those on the Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka (summertime decks with restaurants). Advance reservations are recommended for those who wish to view the bonfires while enjoying a meal in a relaxed atmosphere. Viewing the event and the bonfires in this way is sure to be an exceptional experience. If you're looking for some Instagram shots, you can also view the bonfire from higher places. From the observation deck of Kyoto Tower in front of Kyoto Station, you can enjoy Gozan no Okuribi along with a night view of Kyoto. A viewing event will be held for the first time at Kyoto Tower in 3 years. Tickets for this event will be sold in advance, so be sure to look up the information if you wish to attend. When is the Gozan no Okuribi (Bonfire on the Five Mountains) in 2024? Introduction of "Arashiyama Lantern Floating Ceremony" and "Hirosawa Pond Lantern Floating Ceremony Photo:Hirosawa Pond Toro Nagashi Lantern Float, Kyoto The Gozan Bonfire is held annually on August 16; in 2024, it will be held on Friday, August 16. On the same day, the "Lantern Floating Ceremony" is held to send the spirits of ancestors to the Pure Land in lanterns. Let us introduce you to the lantern floats held at Arashiyama and Hirosawa Pond. From both locations, you can also see the torii-shaped Gozan-no-Okuribi (bonfires). Arashiyama Lantern Festival Date: August 16, 19:00-21:00 Venue: Arashiyama Nakanoshima Park (Kyoto Prefectural Arashiyama Park) Access: Kyoto City Bus 28 "Arashiyama Koen Hirozawa Henshoji Temple Lantern Floating (Hirozawa Pond) Date/Time:August 16th, around 19:00 Place:Henshoji Temple Access: Kyoto City Bus 26 "Yamakoshi You can apply for the lanterns at Hirozawa Henshoji Temple using the application form on the official website or at the Henshoji Temple counter (1000 yen per lantern). In 2024, the festival will be broadcast live by KBS Kyoto. Summary of Gozan no Okuribi in Kyoto, Japan In the video, you can see tourists gazing up at the bonfires of Gozan no Okuribi. [Video] 0:45 - People Admiring the Bonfires of Gozan No Okuribi This short video contains the charms of Gozan no Okuribi, an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Kyoto. Unfortunately, the 2020 and 2021 festivities were greatly reduced due to the novel coronavirus, and although the bonfires were lit, the floating letters could not be viewed. 2022 is scheduled to be the first time in three years that the entire festival will be able to be viewed. Bus tours that include meals, lantern floating, and viewing of Gozan no Okuribi are also available. Consider joining one one if you're traveling to Kyoto in the summer! The bonfires of Gozan no Okuribi, a summer tradition, float silently in the night sky of Kyoto. Enjoy the end of summer by remembering your ancestors. 【Tripadvisor】Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820274-Reviews-Kyoto_Gozan_no_Okuribi-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html