Food & Drink
Video article 1:46
Ranked No. 1 in the Udon Category in Japan on Tabelog! A Look at the Wagyu Bukakke Udon of "Rakuraku," in Osaka!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
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The Wagyu Bukkaku Udon of Rakuraku! This video shows what dining at Raraku, an udon shop in Katano, Osaka, is like. Rakuraku has been ranked number one in Japan in the udon category by the Japanese food review site "Tabelog." People who love udon come from all over Japan to eat here, and even on weekdays, there are long lines of people. As you can see in the video, these udon noodles made with Wagyu beef are very popular. In addition, the boiling of the udon in a pressure cooker gives them a unique texture and elasticity. It's a very popular udon shop, so you should definitely check it out. 【Tabelog】Rakuraku https://tabelog.com/en/osaka/A2707/A270704/27011240/ -
Video article 10:34
You'll Never Get Tired of Watching This Popular Kyoto Sweet Being Made! London-ya, a Confectionery Shop That Sells London-Yaki at Shinkyogoku in Kyoto!
Food & Drink- 35 plays
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This video, titled "名物ロンドン焼き!作り方をじっくり眺めてみた!カステラ 京都グルメ The Amazing London-Yaki (Castelle) Machine at Kyoto Japan!," was released by "DELI BALI." London-Yaki is one of the most popular Kyoto gourmet dishes among both tourists and young locals alike. London-ya, featured in this video, is located near the entrance to Shinkyogoku, a popular shopping street for young people. The unique feature of London-ya is that you can watch from outside as the london-yaki (small castella filled with white bean paste) are made, one after another. You can watch as the batter is poured into the round molds and baked. On top of being a treat to watch, they're also a treat to eat, and they taste delicious! If you're in the Shinkyogoku area of Kyoto and want to enjoy window shopping and eating around, be sure to stop by London-ya! -
Video article 4:15
Beef "Shiogamayaki" With the Aroma of Cherry Blossoms Prepared by Gion Sasaki, a Three-Star Japanese Restaurant in the Michelin Guide.
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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Beef Shiogamayaki at Gion Sasaki This video introduces the amazing beef "shiogamayaki" (protein cooked in salt crust) at Gion Sasaki, at three-star restaurant in the Michelin Guide. Gion Sasaki opened in 1997 in Ponto-cho, Gion, and after moving once in Gion, opened its current location in 2006 in Gion, where many old establishments are still standing. The restaurant has been awarded three stars in the Michelin Guide. In Gion Sasaki's beef shiogamayaki, wagyu beef is first seasoned with salt and pepper, let to sit, and then wrapped in a cherry leaf. They use egg whites and salt to create a "salt kettle" around the beef and then place it in the pizza oven until it's completely browned. When you crack the salt kettle, you can smell the fragrance of cherry blossoms in the steam. Be sure to check out the video of the beef shiogamayaki with beautifully cooked wagyu beef and the aroma of cherry blossoms! ◆Gion Sasaki Store Information◆ 【Address】1F, 566-27 Komatsucho Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu 605-0811 【Access】A 10-minute walk from Keihan Gion-Shijo Station / A 12-minute walk from Shijo-Kawaramachi Station off the Hankyu Kyoto Line 【Price Range】¥30,000+ 【Hours】【Lunch】12:00- Simultaneous start【Dinner】18:30- 【Closures】Sundays・The 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month・Irregular 【Parking】None 【Phone】075-551-5000 【Official Website】Gion Sasaki http://gionsasaki.com/ 【Yelp】Gion Sasaki (祇園 さゝ木) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E7%A5%87%E5%9C%92-%E3%81%95%E3%82%9D%E6%9C%A8-%E4%BA%AC%E9%83%BD%E5%B8%82?osq=%E7%A5%87%E5%9C%92%E3%81%95%E3%81%95%E6%9C%A8 -
Video article 4:29
The Thick Soup at Menya Gokkei in Kyoto Is Just Too Good! This Unique Soup Is Something You Won't Find Anywhere Else!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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This video, titled "[Menya Gokkei] Chicken Daku! Super Thick, Viscous White Chicken Broth! A New Texture I've Never Had Before! [Kyoto] [ASMR/ramen/noodles] Noodle Channel Episode #110" (【麺屋 極鶏】鶏だく!超濃厚肉濁鶏白湯!今までに食べたことのない新食感です!! 【京都】【ASMR/ramen/noodles】 麺チャンネル 第110回), was released by "Noodle Channel" (麺チャンネル). This video introduces Menya Gokkei, a ramen shop famous for its rich flavor and unique texture. Menya Gokkei is famous for its viscous soup, and since so many people visit every day, it's not unusual that you have to wait in line. The other ingredients are carefully chosen so that the soup is just the right thickness, and the chashu and menma (bamboo shoots) are extremely thick. In this video, you can see a video of a visit to Menya Gokkei and try their popular "chicken daku." -
Video article 10:00
Mysterious shop Ponta open only in the middle of the night! What is the history and taste of this legendary street-side ramen?
Food & Drink- 18 plays
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This video, titled "伝説の屋台ラーメン 深夜限定グルメ 京都 ぽん太 日本拉麺 A Legendary Street Ramen in Kyoto Japan! Dramatic "Ponta"," was released by "DELI BALI." In this video, they introduce "Ramen Ponta" which is a street ramen that only a handful of people know about. Nowadays, there aren't many street truck ramen shops in Japan, but Ponta is still open from 9:30 PM to 2:30 AM. It is hard to go to this shop because it is late at night, but it tastes great and it's one of the best shops for after going to an Izakaya. Check out the delicious ramen from Ponta shown in the video! -
Video article 3:05
This Is How Fried Rice Is Cooked in Japan! Check Out the Amazing Skills of These Chefs as They Create Delicious Dishes!
Food & Drink- 45 plays
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This video, titled "Egg Fried Rice - Famous Restaurant Style in Japan" (ずっと見てられるチャーハン専門店の鍋振り 華麗な職人技!), was released by "Sushi Bomber TV The Frontline of Cooking" (Sushi Bomber TV クッキング最前線). In this video, the chefs can be seen cooking some delicious fried rice right before your eyes. Fried rice is a dish that is made by frying pre-cooked rice with various ingredients in oil in a pan. Once you try it, you'll realize it's not as hard as you thought, but the more you learn about it, the more you'll understand the depth of the process, and how much work can actually go into making a perfect batch of delicious fried rice. In this video, you can see how a professional cooks fried rice with incredible speed, so if you like cooking or just enjoy food, give it a watch! -
Video article 8:30
Enjoy the Flavors of the Japan Sea in Winter at Yuzuki, a Ryotei in Ayabe, Kyoto. Check Out the Amazing Skills of the Chefs as the Cook Delicious Crab Dishes!
Food & Drink- 31 plays
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山陰の松葉カニ・ズワイガニを使った絶品料理紹介動画について こちらの動画は「綾部の料亭ゆう月」が公開した「冬の日本海の味覚。山陰の松葉カニ ズワイガニを堪能できる鍋料理と会席料理|綾部の料亭ゆう月」です。 冬の味覚、山陰の松葉カニ、ズワイガニをふんだんに使用した会席料理「蟹ずくし会席」を動画でご紹介します。 舞鶴漁港より届く新鮮な海鮮は日本のみならず、海外から来られた方にも人気です。 京都、綾部の料亭ゆう月の日本料理を堪能してください。 前菜 < APPETIZER > 山陰産のカニの身と菜の花を黄身酢で和えた小鉢に、カニの身を龍飛昆布で巻いた龍飛巻きの他、菊花かぶらに黒豆松葉つくりなど細かな仕事が光る、日本の伝統「和食」ならではの会席料理の前菜です。 煮物椀 < SOUP > 椀には焼き豆腐、山陰産カニ爪の揚げしんじょう、水菜など盛りつけし澄まし汁を注いだ上品な椀です。 見た目にも綺麗な会席料理の優しい一品です。 御造里 < SASHIMI > 山陰の生きた松葉カニの足を切り取り、殻をむいて身を氷水に浸け仕込みます。 帆立の貝柱や真鯛の昆布締めなど、板前の技によって鮮やかに彩られた御造りは絶品で、「ゆう月」の会席料理には欠かせない一品です。 焼き物 < ASSORTED GRILLED FISH > カニの殻を食べやすく削ぎ炙り焼きにします。 半分にしたすだちとちり酢はお好みでどうぞ。 食べ応えのある山陰のズワイガニをたっぷりと堪能できます。 蒸し物 < STEAMED DISHES > 海老芋の饅頭を油で揚げます。 出汁に葛粉を加えてとろみをつけ、さらに透明感が出るまで煮詰めたら、カニと菜の花、菊の花びらを加え色鮮やかな餡を、先ほど揚げた海老芋の饅頭にゆっくりと注いで完成です。 赤、白、黄、緑と食材の色が作り出す景色は、海外の方にも目に美しく映るでしょう。 油物 < TEMPURA > 山陰で採れたカニを天ぷら用に剥きます。 添え野菜とカニを薄い衣で揚げたら、手早く盛りつけ完成です。 日本の伝統料理「天ぷら」は会席料理にはなくてはならない存在です。 酢乃物 < PICKLED DISH > 残りの松葉カニを蒸しあげ、冷めたら竹の容器に盛りつけます。土佐酢に付けて召し上がり下さい。 会席料理ならではの上品な酢の物です。 御飯・留椀 < GOHAN&MISOSOP > カニの殻と出汁で炊いたご飯に、蒸した松葉カニの味噌と身を混ぜ合わせた炊き込みご飯と、八丁味噌の味噌汁、これが山陰ならではの食材を使用した蟹ずくしの「会席料理」です。 水菓子 < DESSERT > 黒豆を挟んだ和三盆のロールケーキの横に、季節の果物が柑橘ジュレで包まれて清涼感のある水菓子へと衣替えします。山陰ゆう月で行う会席料理のラストはこれで決まりです。 山陰の松葉カニ・ズワイガニを使った絶品料理紹介まとめ ゆう月の「蟹ずくし会席」は、山陰地方で育った新鮮な海鮮を贅沢に使用しています。 日本海でとれた新鮮な魚介類をたっぷりと堪能してください。 -
Video article 1:19
The Monaka Ice Cream at Osaka's "Tsuriganeya" Is Too Good to Pass up! This Video Will Have You Craving Dessert!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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A Familiar Japanese Treat - How Monaka Ice Cream is Made! This video shows the making and tasting of monaka ice cream at Tsuriganeya. "Monaka ice" is ice cream sandwiched between the "buns" of a Japanese confectionery called "monaka." The buns are made from mochi and the dough is thin and crispy. In Japan, major ice cream manufacturers sell monaka ice cream and other ice cream products, which can be found at convenience stores. At the restaurant in this video, you can choose vanilla, strawberry, matcha, black sesame, or chocolate. They order vanilla in the video. Be sure to check out the monaka ice cream in the video! -
Video article 16:52
Ozeki, a Major Sake Brewer, Introduces the History of Sake and the Process of Making Sake! The Sake That Has Been Used to Quench the Thirst of the Japanese People Was Created by Our Ancestors Long Ago
Food & Drink- 25 plays
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Ozeki, a Major Sake Brewery. Learn About Its History and Sake Brewing! This video introduces the history of sake brewing, the origin of the company name, and the brewing of sake at Ozeki, one of the leading sake brewers in Japan. In the first year of Shotoku (1711), Ozeki's sake was brewed under the name of "Manryo." In those days, the famous Manryo sake was transported to Edo (now Tokyo) by ship, and the brewing industry in Osaka grew. In 1884, the name was changed from Manryo to Ozeki. The company name "Ozeki" represents the spirit of pioneering. It originates from the sumo world when "Ozeki" was the grand champion. In this video, you can learn more about sake brewing, from how to make rice to the techniques used by artisans, so be sure to check it out! 【Official Homepage】Ozeki https://www.ozeki.co.jp/english/ -
Video article 19:48
Takoyaki, Sweets, High-Speed Mochi Making... A Visual and Auditory Feast for the Eyes and Ears! Enjoy the Cooking Process of Japan's World-Class Cuisine!
Food & Drink- 57 plays
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Takoyaki, Sweets, High-Speed Rice Cake Making... Check Out the Amazing Artisanship in the Video! This video is a collection of artisanship from a variety of restaurants. Watching such skilled chefs creating amazing cuisine is something you never get tired of. You can watch the different shops using the timestamps below. Tsukiji - Gindaco: 0:08 Kyoto - Kyogoku Kaneyo: 3:50 Nara - Nakatanidou: 6:52 Osaka - Rikuro: 8:34 Kyoto - Tsurumusha: 11:22 Kyoto - Caffè Latte: 14:28 Kyoto - Gomaya Crepe-Do17:45 Unfortunately, Gomaya Crepe-do closed in 2019, but if you're in the Kansai region, be sure to stop by their shop there as well. 【Official Homepage】Tsukiji Gindaco Official Site https://www.gindaco.com/ 【Official Homepage】The Finest Eel in Japan, Kyogoku Kaneyo https://www.kyogokukaneyo.co.jp/ 【Official Homepage】Nakatanidou http://www.nakatanidou.jp/english/ 【Official Homepage】Osaka Confectioneries "Freshly Baked Cheesecakes," Rikuro Ojisan http://www.rikuro.co.jp/en/ 【Official Homepage】Ramen Tsurumusha https://www.tsurumusya.com/ 【Official Homepage】Caffè Latte http://caffe-llatte.com/index_e.php -
Video article 11:24
The Dashi-Maki Burger at Nishiki Hirano Inside Kyoto's Nishiki Market Is a Must-Try! Watch the Chef Nailing It as He Uses 5 Pans at Once!
Food & Drink- 64 plays
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Nishiki Market - The Kitchen of Kyoto! Introducing Nishiki Hirano's Fluffy Dashi-Maki Tamago Burger This video shows how they make dashi-maki tamago burgers at Nishiki Hirano in Nishiki Market. In the video, the artisan uses five frying pans to make dashi-maki tamago, and from 9:00 onwards, you can see the fluffy eggs being cooked to perfection. The dashi-maki tamago burgers that these turn into are simply amazing. You can try one at Nishiki Market, the "Kitchen of Kyoto," so if you're in Kyoto, be sure to stop by. ◆Nishiki Hirano Store Information◆ 【Address】489-1 Nakauoyacho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8125 【Access】A 6-minute walk from Hankyu Karasuma Station / 329 meters from Karasuma Station 【Cost】¥398+ 【Hours】Restaurant 8:30-16:30 (L.O. 16:15) / Selling of side dishes 10:00-18:00 【Closures】Irregular 【Parking】None 【Phone】050-5596-2754 【Official Homepage】Nishiki Hirano - Kyoto Nishiki Market's Side Dish Speciality Shop https://nishiki-hirano.com/ 【Tabelog】Nishiki Hirano https://tabelog.com/en/kyoto/A2601/A260201/26007725/ -
Video article 39:12
Drink All the Japanese Sake You Could Want! One Man Enjoys Japanese Sake While Meeting Locals Across Japan!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
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Beer, shochu, wine, sake, whiskey, cocktails... conquer the spirits of Japan! In this video, Jack Maxwell of the Discovery Channel introduces the alcohol of Japan, touching on the history and the people of the region. From 00:13, they're at Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, enjoying not wine or sake, but rather, a bath. From 02:32 they take a visit to the Tomozuna stable. From 03:44 they enjoy sake at Chanko Nabe Kai with the wrestlers of the Tomozuna Stable. From 06:25 they observe ice making at the warehouse of Chuoreito Industries. From 07:04 they enjoy cocktails made with ice from Chuoreito Industries at Bar High Five, run by the same company. At 12:39, Jack Maxwell, who has moved to the Kansai region, gets his portrait painted at a portrait shop. From 13:39 he experiences a Japanese drinking party with his friend Mark, toasting with shochu and beer. From 18:43 he visits the Konishi Sake Brewery. His first time experiencing hirezake. From 27:00 he experiences a traditional Japanese festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha in Osaka. At 33:49 he visits the Suntory Yamazaki Distillery and tries different whiskeys. In the video, there were many different types of alcohol, not only to drink, but also to enjoy taking a bath with, for use in Shinto ceremonies, as sacred wine, and enjoying fillet wine made from pufferfish fillet, which is poisonous. Be sure to check out the video to see all the different types of alcohol and interactions with the locals of Japan! -
Video article 3:13
Emotional hole-in-the-wall spot in Ponto-cho, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture is a hot topic! The charm of the hidden “back alley aquarium” and the surrounding area.
Travel Food & Drink- 257 plays
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Video Introduction of “Alley Aquarium” in Ponto-cho, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "The Back Alley Aquarium of Pontocho" (先斗町 路地裏水族館), was uploaded by "KETO room." The most famous aquarium in Kyoto is Kyoto Aquarium located in Umekoji Park in Shimogyo, Kyoto, but did you know that there's actually an aquarium tucked away in Pontocho, one of Kyoto's famous geisha districts? The name of the aquarium is Roji Suizokukan (路地水族館, lit. Alley Aquarium). In this article, we'll introduce the unique aquarium, a popular tourist attraction in Kyoto, along with the streets of Pontocho. Pontocho, a Geisha District of Kyoto and Home to the Back-Alley Aquarium Photo:Pontocho, Kyoto Pontocho is an entertainment district located in Nakagyo, Kyoto, famous as a historic "hanamachi" (a district where geisha live and work) that has existed since Japan's Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.) Along its 550-meter-long street, there are many long-established traditional Japanese restaurants, establishments where geisha offer entertainment to guests, and a wide variety of other restaurants. The name Pontocho (先斗町) is actually said to originate from the Portuguese word "ponto," meaning "bridge," and the Japanese word "cho," meaning "town." Despite "cho" meaning "town" in Japanese, Pontocho is not a town at all, but rather a long, narrow street along Kyoto's Kamo River. Pontocho is a 5-minute walk from Kawaramachi Station on the Hankyu Line, or a 3-minute walk from Gion-Shijo Station on the Keihan Line. If you take the Tozai Subway Line and get off at Keihan Sanjo Station, you can reach Pontocho in 5 minutes on foot. Highlights of the Alley Aquarium in Pontocho, Kyoto Photo:Oryzias The entrance to Pontocho is to your right, just after crossing Shijo Ohashi Bridge and passing a police box, but it's a narrow street, so it's easy to miss if you're not careful. In a corner of an alleyway in Pontocho is the Alley Aquarium, a unique spot in Kyoto where you can see goldfish, oryzias, and koi swimming leisurely in tanks and bowls of various sizes along an alleyway less than one meter wide. Because it's located in an alley, the aquarium can be viewed in the morning or at night without having to worry about business hours, which is another attraction of the back-alley aquarium. When the sun begins to set, the aquarium is lit up and becomes a photogenic space. The fantastic atmosphere is great for taking Instagram photos. Another great point is that admission is free. A donation box to help pay for food, which has an illustration of the aquarium's director, Rakko san (Mr. Sea Otter), is located at the entrance of the Alley Aquarium, so if you want to help out, feel free to drop him a donation. The Alley Aquarium grew in popularity after being posted on Japanese social media, and since then it has become a unique thing to do in Kyoto. The director's cute signboard can be seen in various spots throughout the Alley Aquarium. [Video] 0:53 - Donation Box [Video] 1:04 - Sea Otter Director's Cute Sign Pyon Pyoko Pyon – A Cute Trinket Shop in Pontocho For Souvenirs Photo:Goldfish The couple behind the alley aquarium is the owner and operator of Usagi no Atorie Pyon Pyoko Pyon. Pyon Pyoko Pyon is a store in an alley in Pontocho that sells rabbit-themed goods, and the store is filled with rabbit tableware, chopstick rests, and other trinkets. The mascots of the store are Usakichi and Chibikichi, two Shigaraki-ware bunnies dressed in seasonal costumes, which help visitors feel relaxed and at home. You can also check the store's information on Instagram @pontocho.usagiya. After enjoying the old-fashioned atmosphere and ambience of Pontocho and relaxing with the colorful fish swimming in the alley aquarium, be sure to stop by Pyon Pyoko Pyon to get some souvenirs of your travels to Kyoto. [Video] 0:58 - Goldfish Swimming in an Aquarium [Video] 2:32 - The Elegant Atmosphere of Pontocho The Best Restaurants in Pontocho Photo:Kamogawa Noryodoko, Kyoto Kamogawa Noryodoko, a row of kawadoko (elevated platforms that sit above a reiver) along the Kamogawa River, is a summer tradition in Kyoto. Although many of the kawadoko that line Kyoto's Kamogawa River are expensive, there are actually a number of restaurants where you can enjoy the kawadoko for a reasonable price. One such place is "mag," a relaxing café tucked away in an alley, that's popular for its cute latte art. It's the perfect place to take a breather. After savoring a delicious cup of coffee at "mag," located inside an alley between Kiyamachi and Pontocho, you can enjoy a casual kawadoko experience at Ponto-cho Robin. Although a more casual experience, the restaurant is reasonably priced and is a great way to experience the Kyoto summer tradition. While the number of terrace-type restaurants has been increasing in recent years, the traditional kawadoko style at Pontocho Robin, where you can relax and stretch your legs, has great reviews. The kawadoko lunch at Pontocho Robin is available until the end of September. [Video] 2:46 - Kamogawa River Kawadoko, a Summer Tradition in Kyoto Appearing at the end of the video is the popular Kyoto Sanjo Ohashi Starbucks Coffee, which also offers kawadoko seating. You can enjoy the starry skies from Kyoto and the sound of the river while relaxing at night here. [Video] 3:03 - Kyoto Sanjo Ohashi Starbucks Other popular restaurants in Pontocho are the izakaya Pontocho Sakaba, and the Michelin Guide restaurant Pontocho Masuda, but there are many more places to grab a bite to eat, so don't be afraid to look around. In 2023, Kyoto's kawadoko are scheduled to be set up from May to September. Be sure to check them out if you're visiting Kyoto! Things to Do Near Pontocho There are a number exciting things to do near Pontocho, but our personal recommendation is the stretch between Pontocho and Maruyama Park, as the area has many things to do, making it an efficient way to spend your time. Maruyama Park Maruyama Park is located 10-15 minutes from Pontocho and is home to the beautiful Yasaka Shrine, as well as Chionin Temple and Shorenin Temple, two temples with breathtaking gardens. The park is famous for its cherry blossoms during the spring, so if you're visiting when they're in bloom, definitely check them out. Additionally, the walk to Maruyama Park will take you across the famous Shijo Ohashi Bridge, and along Shijo Dori, a street full of restaurants, souvenir shops, and tons of other interesting places. Here, you'll also find Hanamikoji Street, another popular geisha district in Kyoto with historic buildings and an atmosphere that seems to have been frozen in time. Minamiza Kakubi Theatre Minamiza Kakubi Theatre, located just across Shijo Ohashi Bridge, between Pontocho and Maruyama Park, is the last of 7 kabuki theatres that once existed in Kyoto. The theatre dates back 400 years, and kabuki performances are still held at the theatre regularly. If you're interested in Japanese performing arts, or just want to see what a Japanese play is like, definitely check it out. The theatre does have English headsets available for non-Japanese audiences, but not for all performances, so be sure to check the official website for more information. Summary of the Alley Aquarium in Kyoto's Pontocho Located in Pontocho, the Alley Aquarium is a unique tourist attraction in Kyoto, tucked away in the elegant streets of the town. You can see a variety of colorful fish swimming in aquariums and pots of all sizes, and at night the aquarium is lit up, giving it a fantastic atmosphere. The couple behind the alley aquarium is the same couple who run the trinket shop Pyon Pyoko Pyon, and their cute rabbit-themed goods make great souvenirs. There are also a number of restaurants in Pontocho where you can enjoy kawadoko along the Kamo River. If you're traveling in Kyoto and looking for things to do, consider checking out the Alley Aquarium in Pontocho. It's also great for dates! For the latest information, be sure to check out the Alley Aquarium on Instagram @rakko_aqua_pontocho. 【TripAdvisor】Pontocho -
Video article 6:01
Kinosaki Onsen's 'Crab Kingdom' – Experience Mouthwatering Crab, Exciting Winter Events, and a Unique Contest in Hyogo Prefecture via Video!
Travel Food & Drink- 251 plays
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Kinosaki Onsen's Winter Event, 'Crab Kingdom': Video Introduction This video, titled "'Crab Kingdom' at Kinosaki Onsen in Winter" (冬の城崎温泉「かに王国」), was uploaded by "kinosakiTV." The video begins with beautiful scenes of Kinosaki in winter. Be sure to check it out. [Video] 0:13 - A Sea of Clouds at Mt. Kuruhi [Video] 0:20 - Morning Mist on the Maruyama River [Video] 3:00 - Kinosaki Literature Museum The town of Kinosaki, located in Toyooka, Hyogo in Japan's Kansai region, is known for its hot springs. At 1,300 years old, Kinosaki Onsen is a large hot spring resort town, and its streets retain a historical atmosphere from a bygone era. In February of 2013, Kinosaki Onsen was awarded two stars in the third edition of the Michelin Green Guide Japan, and was also ranked first in the Hot Springs General Election of 2016, in the Inbound category, sponsored by the Japan Tourism Agency and the Ministry of the Environment. Kinosaki Onsen is popular among both domestic and international travelers. Kinosaki Onsen's Crab Kingdom (かに王国, Kani Oukoku) will open in conjunction with the arrival of the snow crab season in the winter. At Crab Kingdom, visitors can feast on delicious snow crab, which is only available during the winter months, and also participate in some unique events. In this article, we'll introduce Kinosaki Onsen's Crab Kingdom that takes place during winter! Crab Season at Kinosaki Onsen Photo:Snow crab Winter is all about crab in Japan, and snow crabs caught in the Sea of Japan in the San'in region, where Kinosaki Onsen is located, are said to be the most delicious in Japan. Snow crab is officially called "Zuwai-gani" (ズワイガニ) in Japanese, but the name for snow crab is different depending on what region you visit, with those caught in the San'in region being called "Matsuba-gani" (松葉ガニ). Because snow crab in Kinosaki grows in a plankton-rich environment, it's highly regarded for its superior meat and kani miso. The crab is ranked and sorted by professionals, and depending on the rank, it can cost anywhere from several thousand yen to several tens of thousands of yen. Freshness is the most important factor for snow crab caught in Kinosaki. Furthermore there is also Beni-zuwai-gani, which is the same as regular snow crab , but has slightly less meat, but a sweeter taste. The season for snow crab, which is hard to find outside of season, opens on November 6 and runs until March 20. Be sure to try Matsuba-gani, a luxury food only available in Kinosaki Onsen, if you visit during winter! [Video] 0:29 - The Opening of the Matsuba-gani Crab Season Christmas and Other Winter Events at Crab Kingdom Source :YouTube screenshot During the crab season at Kinosaki Onsen, the area is referred to as 'Crab Kingdom.' One of the highlights of Crab Kingdom is its unique winter events. The Crab Kingdom Shouting Contest is held to celebrate the opening of the Crab Kingdom with the arrival of the snow crab season. Wearing a crab hat and happi, visitors shout "Kani-san, Arigato!" (カニさんありがとう!, Thank you, crabs!), followed by a message they wish to share, and compete to see who can yell it the loudest. This shouting contest is unique to Kinosaki and has become a winter tradition. The winners of the contest receive prizes, including things like free snow crab. [Video] 1:15 - The Crab Kingdom Shouting Contest On Christmas Eve on December 24th, the Crab Santa Christmas Event will be held in front of JR Kinosaki Onsen Station.Limited to the first 200 people!A numbered ticket will be distributed in advance.It is a lottery to win Matsuba crab and Tajima beef.There is a lot of excitement around the big roulette! Please join us! [Video] 1:59 - The Crab Santa Christmas Event Day Trips and Overnight Stays to Feast on Crab in Kinosaki! Photo:Steamed crab in an earthenware pot, Kinosaki Onsen ※Image is for reference only For those interested in visiting Kinosaki in winter, nothing beats hitting the relaxing hot springs and filling your belly with tasty snow crab. Here are some recommended hotels and plans that allow you to do just that! If you're looking to taste the famous snow crab of Kinosaki Onsen, we recommend Yamashiroya (山しろや). At this Japanese-style inn, you can enjoy fresh snow crab from November to March. The most popular plan is the "Manpuku Kani-suki Plan" (満腹かにすきプラン), which includes crab sukiyaki, grilled crab, sashimi made from locally caught fish, zosui rice with kani miso (crab brain), and fruit, allowing you to enjoy a full meal of seasonal snow crab. The soup stock used for the crab sukiyaki is a secret recipe made by simmering 13 different ingredients for 9 hours. If you just want to get your fill of crab, and aren't worried about the smaller details of the trip, Kawaguchiya Kinosaki Riverside Hotel is a popular hotel that offers an all-you-can-eat crab dinner at an affordable price, and is just an 8-minute walk from Kinosaki Onsen Station via the JR San'in Line. For those with limited time, we recommend the Full Course Day-trip Crab Lunch Plan at Kawaguchiya Honkan. Located in the center of Kinosaki Onsen, Kawaguchiya Honkan is popular for its traditional Japanese-style atmosphere, ideal for touring the outside hot springs, and its private open-air baths with a lovely atmosphere. At this inn, you can also enjoy day-trip crab lunches of sukiyaki and grilled crab at a restaurant with a sunken kotatsu to keep you warm. Enjoy an amazing time at Kinosaki Onsen with relaxing hot springs and delicious snow crab! Summary of Kinosaki Onsen's 'Crab Kingdom' Kinosaki Onsen is famous for its seven outdoor hot springs, which visitors can tour while wearing traditional Japanese yukata. In addition, Kinosaki Onsen is famous for its snow crab which can be enjoyed in the winter months. Also, if you take part in the unique shouting contest, you can have some fun while also relieving some stress! This winter, plan a trip to Kinosaki Onsen's Crab Kingdom for scrumptious crab dishes and relaxing hot springs. [Video] 4:29 - Outdoor Hot Spring Tour 【TripAdvisor】Kinosaki Onsen -
Video article 9:26
Enjoy Japanese Gourmet Food At "Kano Shoujuan" in Otsu, Shiga! Experience the Traditional Japanese Atmosphere With a Japanese Sweets-Making and Tea Ceremony Experience!
Travel Food & Drink Things to Do- 64 plays
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Kashojuan Longevity Village, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato Tea Ceremony - Shiga - 叶匠寿庵 寿長生の郷," was released by "Tokyo Street View --Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the popular tourist attraction Kanou Shoujuan (叶匠寿庵) in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. Kano Shoujuan is the perfect place to visit for those looking to try the finest tea and sweets that Japan has to offer. Visit Kanou Shoujuan for spectacular views of Japan and to experience traditional Japanese culture. Kano Shoujuan - A Japanese Sweets Shop That Has Been Loved In Japan For Many Years Source :YouTube screenshot Kanou Shoujuan is a famous Japanese sweets shop with stores in department stores across Japan. Its head office is located in the suburbs of the Otsu area, south of Lake Biwa. Camellias, cherry blossoms, and hydrangeas can be found blooming around Sunai no Sato, and trees such as oaks and chestnut trees are also grown to create a beautiful view. In the plum grove on the grounds of Kanou Shoujuan, a plum festival is held in the spring when the weather is nice, and a plum picking event is held in the early summer when the plums bear fruit. You can see the exterior of Kano Shoujuan from 0:37 in the video. Beautiful Japanese Sweets Made in a Traditional Japanese Building Source :YouTube screenshot The building "Omukae-dokoro" on the grounds of Kanou Shoujuan is a quaint-looking Japanese building with a hearth inside to help visitors feel the traditional culture of Japan. The Japanese confectionery workshop "Santokuen" is characterized by a traditional Sukiya-zukuri style architecture. Many beautiful Japanese sweets are produced in a natural environment surrounded by beautiful gardens. Kanou Shoujuan - Experience Traditional Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot At Kanou Shoujuan you can experience the joy of making Japanese sweets and papermaking, through which you can feel the traditional culture of Japan. In the tea room "Seikankyo," you can also experience traditional Japanese tea ceremony, one aspect of Japanese culture that dates back nearly a thousand years. This can be seen from 3:21 in the video. There are also limited time experience-based events, so we recommend checking out any information regarding these before deciding on your trip. Gourmet Spots in Sunai no Sato! Photo:kaiseki cuisine After enjoying a walk and experiences at "Kano Shoujuan," we recommend trying the beautiful, delicious kaiseki cuisine. At the restaurant "Sanju-tei," you can enjoy a blissful time with a meal that incorporates the seasonal flavors of Omi. We also recommend visiting "Irori Sabo" and trying the superb shaved ice, made with natural ice. Summary of Sunai no Sato Source :YouTube screenshot Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato is a hidden tourist destination where you can enjoy traditional culture in a quaint atmosphere. If you're looking to go sightseeing, consider dropping by Kano Shoujuan・Sunai no Sato to enjoy the beautiful scenery of ancient Japan. 【Tripadvisor】 Sunai no Sato https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298202-d1653996-Reviews-Sunainosato-Otsu_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 6:22
Koyado Enn, Kinosaki Onsen: With Its Amazing Service and Hospitality There's a Reason This Ryokan Is So Popular. Be Sure to Try the Delectable "Tanba-gyu" and Relax at Its Soothing Springs.
Hotel & Japanese Inn Food & Drink Travel- 140 plays
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A PR Video for Koyado Enn, Where You Can Enjoy the Kinosaki Hot Springs This video, titled "城崎温泉 但馬牛の宿 小宿 縁 Koyado Enn," produced by "First Tone Inc.," features the attractive points of "Koyado Enn" in Kinosaki Onsen in Hyogo. Koyado Enn is one of the most popular accommodations on travel comparison sites. This video clip includes various information of Kinosaki onsen such as food, hot springs, atmosphere of the town, and the hospitality of the Koyadoen staff, as well as interviews with guests who have stayed at Koyado Enn. If you see this video, you would probably think that you want stay there. Enjoy the sights of Kinosaki Onsen's "Koyado Enn." What Kind of Ryokan Is Koyado Enn? Source :YouTube screenshot It takes 3 minutes to reach Koyado Enn from Kinosaki Onsen Station by foot. This historical ryokan was renovated and reopened in 2013. A sophisticated atmosphere is created by a modern-style, plastered building. There are three types of guest rooms, including Japanese style, Western style, and Japanese-Western style guest rooms. All rooms provide a relaxing experience. There are various options available as well, such as stays without meals, breakfast packages, and the "Tanba-gyu" Dinner plan. Prices start from ¥7700 (~$72 USD). We recommend making a reservation as soon as possible due to the inn's popularity. There is also a business package that isn't offered at most Ryokan. Every guest room has various amenities. According to Seiji Taoka, one of the staff at Koyado Enn, Hyogo's Kinosaki was traditionally likened to a Ryokan (Japanese style inn). It's said that the station is an entrance, the streets are passages, the inn is the guest rooms and outdoor hot spring is a large public bath. Kinosaki consists of a culture centering on hot springs and is a very famous hot spring town where every visitor can feel the Japanese atmosphere. Kinosaki is also promoted as a "Yukata village" because tourists can walk around wearing them. Food Hunting at Koyado Enn Source :YouTube screenshot Guests at Koyado Enn can enjoy delicious Japanese foods including "Tanba-gyu." Koyado Enn has a restaurant, called "Tanba-gyu Irori Dining Mikuni," which specializes in Tanba-gyu and is famous for its high quality meat. All beef served in this restaurant is raised on the contracted farm. You can hear the real voices of guests who ate the delicious Tanba-gyu at Koyado Enn, in this video (1:57). The staff at Koyado Enn strive to maintain the title of Tanba-gyu as the second best food brand in Kinosaki. Second only to crab. Visitors can relax at the café & bar "3rd" on the first floor (4:07). This café/bar serves breakfast, including omelets and salad, as well as beverages like coffee, tea and wine. Kinosaki Onsen's Koyado Enn: Experience Japan Source :YouTube screenshot The most attractive point of Koyado Enn is the hot springs. There are two chartered baths for family such as "Tsukino-yu" and "Hoshino-yu." Every guest can relax in these baths. The minerals in the spring are are natrium, calcium and chloride. It is said that this spring is very effective against various diseases and symptoms Neuralgia rheumatism, gynecological disease, post-sickness recovery stress relief, motor dysfunction, joint pain, muscle pain, stiff shoulders, digestive trouble, neuralgia, bruises, cold sensitivity, etc. Also, we recommend going to the outdoor hot springs such as "Satono-yu," "Jizo-yu," "Yanagi-yu," "Ichino-yu," "Goshono-yu," "Mandarano-yu," and "Kono yu." Wearing a yukata and walking around a town is sure to be an enjoyable time. These outdoor hot springs are also available as one-day spots. Tourist Spots Around Koyado Enn Photo:Kinosaki onsen There are many sightseeing spots around Koyado Enn in Toyooka city, Hyogo. For example, "Kinosaki Onsen Ropeway," "Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork," "Kinosaki Marine World," "Uemura Satomi Boken-kan" are popular facilities. There are natural instagrammable sceneries including "Genbudo Park," "Takeno Coast," "Michi-no-Eki Kannabe Kogen," the "Sea of clouds of Cruhi-dake.” Also there are historical spots such as "Izushi Castle Town," "Town of Kinosaki Onsen," "Izushi Eirakukan." If you visit Koyado Enn, be sure to check out some of these popular spots. Summary of Koyado Enn This video titled "Kinosaki Onsen Koyado Enn" (城崎温泉 但馬牛の宿 小宿 縁 Koyado Enn), produced by "First Tone Inc." features the attractive points of "Koyado En" in Kinosaki onsen, Hyogo. Guests at the inn will experience the finest hospitality and services and can enjoy their time as they please. Enjoy spending a wonderful time at the popular ryokan! ◆Information for Koyado Enn◆ 【Address】219 Yushima Kinosaki-cho Toyooka shi Hyogo 669-6101 【Access】20 minutes from Tanba airport by bus 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0796-32-4870 【Official Website】Koyado Enn, Kinosaki onsen http://www.koyado.net/english// 【Tripadvisor】Koyado Enn https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1022822-d6530942-Reviews-Koyado_En-Toyooka_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 9:57
The 33 Best Things to Do in Osaka, Japan in 2023! Famous Tourist Attractions, Hidden Gems, and Unique Experiences, All in One Travel Guide!
Travel Things to Do Food & Drink- 70 plays
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■Table of Contents Osaka Tourist Attractions: Video Introduction The 28 Best Things to Do in Osaka - Dotonbori - Universal Studios Japan - Osaka Castle - Osaka Castle Park - Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan - Shinsaibashisuji Shopping Street - Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine - Shitennoji Temple - Kuromon Market - Tempozan Ferris Wheel - Osaka Museum of History - Tenjinbashi-suji Shopping Street - Osaka Museum of Housing and Living - Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum - Umeda Sky Building - Osaka Cupnoodles Museum - Spa World - Tsutenkaku & Shinsekai - Abeno Harukas - Osaka Station City - Namba Yasaka Shrine - Osaka Expo Park - Ohatsu Tenjin Shrine - Minoh Falls and Minoh Park - National Bunraku Theatre - Osaka Science Museum - Tenjin Matsuri (Tenjin Festival) - Den Den Town 5 Unique Experiences to Try in Osaka - Samurai and Ninja Experience - Ceramic Art Experience - Street Go-Kart Experience - Noh Experience - Tea Ceremony Experience The Minami Area of Osaka Summary of Things to Do in Osaka Osaka Tourist Attractions: Video Introduction This video, titled "[Osaka Travel Vlog] Osaka Travel - Popular Spots? & Delicious Food? #Day1" (【大阪 観光Vlog】大阪 旅行 人気スポット・グルメ?を満喫? #Day1), was uploaded by "Shindy Life." Osaka is one of Japan's largest cities, on par even with Tokyo. Osaka is also known as a town of warm-hearted people who cherish laughter and value the bonds they form with others. The video introduces some of the most popular spots in Osaka, including Sennichimae Shopping Street, Namba Grand Kagetsu, and Shinsekai, where the famous landmark, Tsutenkaku Tower, is located. Osaka is also known as the food capital of Japan, and is famous for its delicious cuisine. You can find tasty dishes at places like "JAPANESE TAVERN NAGAHAMA" (大衆酒場 ながはま) and "Yamazaki Gyoza" (餃子の山﨑) which also appear in the video. Before reading further, experience what it's like to travel to Osaka via the video. You're sure to want to visit Osaka after watching it! The 28 Best Things to Do in Osaka There are so many tourist attractions in Osaka that it's easy to be overwhelmed and not know where to go. Below, we've compiled a list of the 27 best things to do when touring Osaka. You're sure to find a place that's to your liking! We hope this list can help you enjoy your trip to Osaka! Photo:Dotonbori, Osaka Dotonbori Osaka is THE place to be if you're looking to experience the rich food culture of Japan. One of the most famous culinary spots in Osaka is Dotonbori. This street is line with famous restaurants such as "Kani Doraku," a restaurant known for its delicious seafood and the large crab that adorns the main entrance. Takohachi (たこ八) and Takoyaki Doraku Wanaka (たこ焼きたこ焼き道楽和 わなか) are two famous takoyaki restaurants offering "takosen," a popular snack made of takoyaki sandwiched between shrimp-flavored rice crackers! You can also enjoy pork buns from "551 Horai," a restaurant in Japan famous for its unique commercials. If you visit Dotonbori, don't forget to take a photo in front of the large Glico sign seen from Ebisu Bridge while enjoying the food. It's the most iconic photo spot in Osaka! Universal Studios Japan Universal Studios Japan is the most popular theme park in Japan's Kansai region. It features both Harry Potter- and Spiderman-themed areas, and visitors can enjoy rides based on Hollywood movies. The park is full of attractions with characters from popular movies and shows that both children and adults alike can enjoy. Tickets can be purchased from the official website, but some travel agencies also offer package plans that include tickets and a one-day pass to Hotel Universal Port, the official hotel of Universal Studios Japan. A Video Article Related to Universal Studios Japan Video article 1:03 The Beauty of Universal Studio Japan's Christmas Tree, Officially Recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records, Will Take Your Breath Away YouTube Osaka Castle Osaka Castle is a symbol of Osaka and attracts many tourists each year. It is also loved by the local people, and is known for having been built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a famous Japanese warlord. The castle tower has a heroic presence, and was reconstructed in 1931 with donations from the citizens of Osaka. Since its reconstruction, the castle has been used as a history museum, displaying a wealth of cultural assets related to the Sengoku Period (1467-1615 AD) and Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The observatory also offers a view of Osaka's modern skyscrapers. An admission fee of 600 yen is charged to visit the Osaka Castle Keep, which serves as a history museum. A Video Article Related to Osaka Castle Video article 3:35 Osaka Castle - Built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Second Great Unifier of Japan, in Osaka! Learn About the History of the Warring States Period Through Famous Swords and Armor! YouTube Osaka Castle Park Osaka Castle Park is an urban park with Osaka Castle at its center. With a view of the historical Osaka Castle Keep, Osaka Castle Park is a popular place for tourists and citizens of Osaka to relax and enjoy the flowers of Japan's four seasons. In the spring, visitors can enjoy the plum grove with 1,270 plum trees of some 100 varieties, the cherry blossoms of Nishinomaru Garden with approximately 300 cherry trees, and the colorful autumn leaves of the ginkgo trees in the fall. Other events, such as music concerts, are held at Osaka Castle Band Shell and Osaka-Jo Hall. A Video Article Related to Osaka Castle Video article 3:17 The Best Spots and Times to View the Plum Blossoms at Osaka Castle Park! Discover the Symbol of Osaka, Japan in Spring! YouTube Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan is a must-see tourist attraction for families sightseeing in Osaka. One of the world's largest aquariums, Kaiyukan reproduces the natural environment of the Pacific Ocean, with 30,000 plants and animals of 620 varieties on display. Of particular note is the giant tank, which is 9 meters deep and 34 meters long, reproducing the environment of the Pacific Ocean, where large stingrays, migratory fish, and the symbol of Kaiyukan, the whale shark, can be seen swimming at their leisure. Whale sharks can be seen only in four places in Japan, one of which is Kaiyukan. Shinsaibashisuji Shopping Street Shinsaibashisuji Shopping Street stretches 580 meters from north to south and is a leading attraction in Osaka's Minami district. It's lined with approximately 180 stores, including Daimaru, a Japanese department store chain, as well as clothing stores, and restaurants. The historic shopping street, which has existed since the Edo Period (1603-1868), is now a highly popular tourist attraction among both locals and foreign tourists alike. It's also a recommended spot for those looking to enjoy Osaka's rich food culture, including Osaka's famous takoyaki (fried balls of octopus), okonomiyaki (savory Japanese-style pancakes), and kushikatsu (deep-fried skewered pork cutlets). To get there, simply get off at Shinsaibashi Station from the subway. It's an arcade shopping street, so it's the perfect place to go even when the weather is bad. Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine Photo:Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Osaka Sumiyoshi Taisha is so popular that it's said to be synonymous with Hatsumode (the first temple or shrine visit of the New Year) in Osaka. The historical Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, which dates back to 211 AD, is full of interesting sights. Historically intriguing spots await you, such as Sorihashi Bridge, which is approximately 20m long, 3.6m tall, and 5.5m wide, the unusual torii gate with square pillars, and the four main shrines, which are designated as National Treasures. Shitennoji Temple Photo:Shitennoji Temple, Osaka Shitennoji Temple was built as the first state-sponsored temple of Japanese Buddhism. It's a popular spot because it was built by the famous Prince Shotoku. Lining the temple grounds are a number of beautiful vermilion-lacquered buildings reminiscent of the Asuka Period (circa 592-710 AD). Niomon Gate, the five-storied pagoda, Kondo Hall (the main temple hall), and Kodo Hall (the lecture hall) are stunningly beautiful. Many of them are designated as Important Cultural Properties or National Treasures, so they are recommended spots for history buffs as well. It's also said to bring good luck in academics, good health, and children rearing, so be sure to pay a visit! Kuromon Market Photo:Kuromon Market, Osaka The market is called Kuromon Market (黒門市場, lit. "Black Gate Market") because the gate of Enmyouji Temple–located near the market–was black. The 580-meter-long shopping street is lined with approximately 150 stores, and is a place where one can experience firsthand the lively atmosphere of Osaka. In addition to takoyaki and okonomiyaki, there is a wide variety of delicious food to be enjoyed, including seafood skewers, tuna croquettes and other snacks, as well as fresh juices, matcha ice cream, and other delicacies. If you want to enjoy Osaka, the street food capital of Japan, to the fullest, Kuromon Market is a must! Tempozan Ferris Wheel The Tempozan Giant Ferris Wheel, one of the world's largest Ferris wheels, is located in the Tempozan Harbor Village amusement complex, a 5-minute walk from Osakako Station on the Chuo Subway Line. The view from the Ferris wheel, which is 100 meters in diameter, is nothing short of spectacular. The 15-minute ride around the wheel offers an extraordinary view of not only the city of Osaka, but also Akashi Kaikyo Bridge. The Giant Ferris Wheel is illuminated at night and has been recognized as a Night View Heritage of Japan. Osaka Museum of History Photo:Osaka Museum of History, Osaka Located adjacent to Osaka Castle Park and Naniwa no Miya Palace Ruins, the Osaka Museum of History exhibits Osaka's 1,400-year history with full-scale reconstructed buildings and miniatures. Its distinguishing feature is its hands-on experiences by actually touching and experiencing the exhibits with your own hands. The museum offers a daily changing menu of hands-on activities, such as experiences that let participants wear clothes that a Nara period (710-794 AD) official would have worn, or experiencing the work of a money changer from the Edo Period. This is a recommended tourist attraction for visitors with children and those interested in learning about Osaka's history. Tenjinbashi-suji Shopping Street Did you know that Osaka has the longest shopping street in Japan? Tenjinbashi-suji Shopping Street stretches 2.6 kilometers from north to south and is lined with some 800 stores. It has become popular as a sightseeing spot where you can discover the daily lives and warmth of the people of Osaka. Nearby are Osaka Tenmangu Shrine and the headquarters of Kansai Television, and if you're lucky, you can even meet famous entertainers filming on location in the shopping arcade! If you walk slowly, Tenjinbashi-suji Shopping Street can take 3 to 4 hours to explore, making it a good choice for those who want to experience the essence of Osaka. Osaka Museum of Housing and Living Osaka Museum of Housing and Living, which recreates the streets of Osaka in the Edo period (1603-1868), is a place where visitors can feel as if they have stepped back in time to Edo Period Japan. It's the first museum in Japan to specialize in housing, history, and culture, and is a popular spot for tourists as it offers various cultural experiences, such as a matcha (powdered green tea) and kimono. The museum is also conveniently accessible as it is connected to the exit of the subway. Come and experience Osaka in the Edo period at the Osaka Museum of Housing and Living. Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum Kamigata Ukiyo-e depicts pictures of actors in kabuki plays that were performed in Dotonbori. This is the only museum in the world that permanently exhibits Kamigata Ukiyo-e. Kamigata Ukiyo-e is characterized by its depiction of people themselves, without glorifying them as in Edo Ukiyo-e. Perhaps the best part of Kamigata Ukiyo-e is that you can feel the friendly atmosphere of Osaka. Umeda Sky Building Photo:Umeda Sky Building, Osaka The Umeda Sky Building was described as a thrilling skyscraper in the U.K. and was selected as one of the Top 20 Architectural Buildings in the World. The two connected buildings are an ingeniously beautiful sight. The Umeda Sky Building houses restaurants, a movie theater, and an art museum, while the main feature is the Kuchu Teien Observatory, which is located 173 meters above ground and can be accessed from outside. The view from the top 40th floor is nothing short of spectacular. There is free access up to the 39th floor, where there is also a restaurant and bar lounge. It's well known for its beautiful views, especially at night. Osaka Cupnoodles Museum The Cupnoodles Museum is located in Ikeda, the birthplace of instant ramen. In addition to learning about the history of instant ramen and Momofuku Ando, the founder of Nissin Foods, visitors can make their own original chicken ramen and cup noodle, making the museum popular among families and ramen fans alike. The My CUPNOODLES Factory, where you can make your very own cup noodle, is especially popular. When sightseeing in Osaka, be sure to make a trip over to Ikeda. Spa World Spa World: The World's Greatest Hot Springs, is a hot spring theme park with hot spring bathhouses from around the world with different characteristics, as well as swimming pools and ganban'yoku (hot stone spas). It's a popular tourist attraction in Osaka. There are 17 types of baths from 12 countries and 6 types of bedrock baths with different effects, so you can enjoy the feeling like you're traveling to more countries than just Japan. The amusement pool, with its exciting slides, can be enjoyed all year round and is very popular with families. Tsutenkaku & Shinsekai If you want to experience the authentic atmosphere of Osaka, Shinsekai is the place to go. With its gaudy billboards, neon signs, and stores with retro appearances, it's a hugely popular spot among both domestic and international tourists. In addition to popular Osaka restaurants such as Daruma, the birthplace of kushikatsu (deep-fried skewered pork cutlets), you can also play target practice and games in the retro shopping alley Janjan Yokocho. The symbol of Osaka, Tsutenkaku Tower, is also home to Billiken, a charm doll that is said to bring happiness, so be sure to go see him! A Video Article Related to Tsutenkaku Tower and Shinsekai Video article 4:26 Be Enchanted by the Glittering Neon Lights of Osaka and the Night View of Tsutenkaku Lighting up the City of Osaka! Introducing Recommended Spots Around Tsutenkaku Tower, the Symbol of Osaka! YouTube Abeno Harukas Abeno Harukas is the tallest building in Japan at 300 meters above ground. The highlight of the building is the Harukas 300 observation deck on the 60th floor, which offers a panoramic view of the city of Osaka from 300 meters above ground. The view of Osaka from the glass-walled indoor corridor is like looking at a diorama. The view is so spectacular that you'll feel as if you're walking in the sky. For an even more thrilling experience, we recommend EDGE THE HARUKAS, where visitors can cross a glass deck at the top of the building with a safety harness. Osaka Station City Photo:Osaka Station, Osaka Osaka Station City, a commercial complex and station building located in Osaka Station, the gateway to Osaka, is another tourist attraction we recommend checking out. The complex is home to a variety of stores, with the latest fashions to delicious foods and entertainment. The shops offer everything from high quality brands to local food and souvenirs, making it a popular destination for foreign tourists. There is a wide variety of restaurants, including Japanese, Chinese, Italian, and French. In addition, there are eight plazas whose designs were supervised by renowned Japanese industrial designer Eiji Mitooka, that offer visitors a chance to take a break and relax. The outdoor Kaze-no-hiroba Plaza (Plaza of Wind), where visitors can enjoy the tasteful greenery, is another popular spot. Namba Yasaka Shrine Namba Yasaka Shrine is famous for its stage which is a temple inside the mouth of a giant lion. The stage was built as a symbol of the shrine with the idea that it should be something that would surprise the people of Osaka. The giant lion's head, standing 12m tall, 11m wide, and 10m deep, leaves a strong impression on those who see it. People come from all over Japan and abroad to see the lion's head. The shrine is believed to bring blessings for academic achievement, and is popular among athletes as it's said to bring luck in victory. A Video Article Related to Namba Yasaka Shrine Video article 2:05 A Wedding at Namba Yasaka Shrine, the Iconic Shrine Shaped Like a Lion's Head! Experience a Traditional Japanese Wedding in the Heart of Osaka, Japan! YouTube Osaka Expo Park Osaka Expo Park, located in Suita, was created to commemorate the success of Japan World Exposition, Osaka, 1970, or simply "Expo '70." The park is rich in nature and loved by many people, and includes a Japanese garden and a nature and culture garden. The 70-meter-tall Tower of the Sun, designed by artist Taro Okamoto, is a powerful sight when seen up close! The La-La-Port Expocity commercial complex, which is very popular among children, is also located here, making it a great place for families to visit on a sightseeing trip. A Video Article Related to the Tower of the Sun Video article 2:13 The "Tower of the Sun," Created by Japanese Artist Taro Okamoto at Expo '70, Is Open to the Public for the First Time in 48 Years! Feel the Vibrancy of This Restored Masterpiece! YouTube Ohatsu Tenjin Shrine Ohatsu Tenjin Shrine is located on Ohatsu Tenjin Dori Shopping Street, a 5-minute walk from Osaka Station, where nearly 100 restaurants line the street. Its official name is Tsuyu-no-Tenjinja, and it is also known as the birthplace of Sonezaki Shinju (The Love Suicides at Sonezaki), a joruri play written by Chikamatsu Monzaemon. Ohatsu Tenjin Shrine became famous as a shrine for matchmaking because of an actual love suicide incident that served as the model for The Love Suicides at Sonezaki. Heart-shaped ema (votive plaques) and shuin (temple/shrine seals) depicting Ohatsu and Tokubei, the two main characters in the play, are very popular. Minoh Falls and Minoh Park Photo:Minoh Falls at Minoh Park, Osaka Minoh Park, a quasi-national park located around Mt. Minoh, is home to numerous attractions. In addition to the Minoh Park Insectarium, the promenade leading to Minoh Great Falls is perfect for a stroll. The most popular of all is Minoh Falls, which has been selected as one of the Top 100 Waterfalls in Japan. The name Minoh Falls (箕 Mi, meaning "winnowing basket" and 面 noh, meaning "surface") comes from the fact that the water falling from the 33-meter drop resembles the shape of a winnowing basket. During autumn, when the leaves change color, Minoh Falls can be seen through the bright red maple trees, attracting many visitors. National Bunraku Theatre The National Bunraku Theatre, where you can watch Bunraku plays—a uniquely Japanese traditional performing art—is a 1-minute walk from Nihombashi Station. Bunraku, which is both highly artistic and popular, originated in Osaka. Famous bunraku plays include The Battles of Coxinga, created by Chikamatsu Monzaemon, and many more. Designated as a UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2008, visitors can enjoy Bunraku with an earphone device that allows them to listen to what's being said on stage and commentary on the story. If you've never experienced Bunraku before, this is the perfect opportunity to do so! A Video Article Related to Bunraku Video article 1:47 Meet the Craftsman That Has Been Crafting Intricate Bunraku Puppet Heads for 40 Years! This Interview With an Awa Deko Ningyo Puppet Maker Will Make You Fall in Love With Ningyo Joruri! YouTube Osaka Science Museum The theme of the Osaka Science Museum is space and energy, and with exhibits that focus on hands-on learning, children and adults alike can enjoy learning about science. In February 2022, the museum's planetarium was be renovated. It's a popular tourist spot where visitors can observe a starry sky as close to the real thing as possible on one of the world's largest domed screens. Tenjin Matsuri (Tenjin Festival) Photo:Fireworks at Tenjin Matsuri, Osaka Osaka's Tenjin Festival, held over a period of about a month from late June to July 25 each year, is known as one of the three major festivals in Japan. Particularly famous is the fireworks display held on July 25. Every year, as many as 1.2 to 1.3 million people come to the festival to enjoy the approximately 5,000 fireworks that are shot into the night sky. In 2022, because of the global pandemic, only a Shinto ritual was held, but in 2023, the restrictions on activities, put in place because of the coronavirus pandemic, will be relaxed and the festival will be held as usual. Den Den Town If you're looking for anime and manga goods, video games, and just electronics in general, the look no further than Nipponbashi Den Den Town! Den Den Town has been dubbed the "Akihabara of Osaka," and for good reason. You can find everything from maid cafes to retro games and anime figures in Den Den Town, and many people say that it's actually better than Akihabara. There's even a cosplay festival called Street Festa that takes place in Den Den Town every year in March! If you can't make it to Tokyo, or just want to experience Osaka's answer to Akihabara, definitely stop by! 5 Unique Experiences to Try in Osaka Up to this point, we have introduced some of the best sightseeing spots in Osaka. From here, we would like to introduce five unique experiences that you should consider checking out when traveling in Osaka. Samurai and Ninja Experience (Japan Tatedo Association) The "Samurai/Ninja Experience" allows visitors to experience sword fighting used in historical dramas. There are two courses available, a quick course and a regular course, and the staff will instruct you how to use a sword and how to stand in a fight, based on samurai culture. During the final event there are even sound effects, making you feel as if you were the hero of a movie! You can also have your video taken, so you can leave with a unique memory of your visit to Osaka. A Video Article Related to Ninja Video article 1:06 The World of Iga and Koka Ninja! What Is It About Ninja That Fascinates People Around the World? Enjoy Realistic Ninja Experiences in Mie and Shiga Prefectures, the Homes of Ninja! YouTube Ceramic Art Experience (Maishima Pottery Museum) The Maishima Pottery Museum offers a variety of handmade craft experiences. The pottery-making experience is particularly popular. The most popular experience is the "Electric Potter's Wheel Workshop," where you can make teacups and bowls for daily use. You can make as many pieces as you like within the allotted time! The hand-molding experience, in which you can make your own original pottery using a hand-cranked potter's wheel, is great for beginners and children. Adding a pottery-making experience onto your Osaka travel itinerary is a great way to add some flavor to your trip! Street Go-Kart Experience (Akiba Kart Osaka) Wearing a costume of your favorite character, you can tour the sights of Osaka in a go-kart. Overseas travelers will need a passport and an international driver's license. The view of Osaka from the go-carts is said to be exceptional! The attraction of this experience is that since you are dressed conspicuously, you will feel a bit like a celebrity as you are called out to and waved at by people. Noh Experience (Yamamoto Noh Theater) Yamamoto Noh Theater, located in Osaka's Chuo Ward, is a place where visitors can experience the history and traditions of Noh, which was registered as a UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2008. The tour begins with a lecture on Noh by a Kanze-school Noh performer, followed by an opportunity to try on the costumes used in Noh plays, and ends with a chance to put on a Noh mask and learn how to chant and perform Noh songs and gestures. Wearing authentic costumes of Noh, a traditional Japanese performing art, is sure to be an unforgettable experience! A Tea Ceremony Experience at MAIKOYA Photo:Tea ceremony MAIKOYA offers an opportunity to experience the tea ceremony perfected by Sen no Rikyu, a tea master from Sakai, Osaka. MAIKOYA is popular among beginners as they can enjoy tea ceremony in a more relaxed atmosphere, as they are taught about tea ceremony and its manners. You will be served matcha green tea and Japanese sweets in a real tea room while wearing a kimono. This experience of Japanese hospitality is very popular among both Japanese and foreign tourists alike. For those who are not comfortable with a full-fledged tea ceremony, this is a great way to experience a more relaxed tea ceremony and make it a memorable part of your trip. The Minami Area of Osaka Minami is one of two major downtown areas in Osaka (the second being Kita, around Osaka and Umeda Stations) and refers to Namba, Dotonbori, where the famous Glico billboard is located, and Sennichimae home to the giant crab sign of Kani Doraku. It's known for its abundance of street food, restaurants, and places like Amerika-mura where you can go shopping. If you're looking to explore the food culture of Osaka, some foods we recommend trying are Takoyaki, okonomiyaki, kushikatsu, yakitori, and ramen. Summary of Things to Do in Osaka Osaka is one of the five largest cities in Japan, and is full of warm-hearted people. It's a city overflowing with attractions, with not only sightseeing spots and delicious food, but also a variety of facilities offering hands-on activities. Additionally, Osaka is only a short distance from popular tourist destinations like Kyoto and Kobe. You can visit places, like Nankinmachi, the famous Kobe Chinatown, or see the historic tourist attractions of Kyoto in just a 30-minute train ride. 15 minutes if you take the shinkansen! We hope this travel guide will be a useful reference for you during your travels in Osaka. The interactions you have with the wonderful people of Osaka are sure to become a memorable chapter of your trip to Japan. 【TripAdvisor】Osaka