Video article 10:18
The Autumn Leaves Reflected in the Water of Mishakaike Pond in Nagano Prefecture Are Out of This World! Watch the Video to See a Spectacular View of Japan That's Sure to Blow You Away!
Nature- 302 plays
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長野県茅野市・御射鹿池とは? こちらの動画は「Yatsugatake21_4K_Japan」が公開した「4K 絶景紅葉「晩秋の御射鹿池」癒し自然風景映像 G線上のアリア/ Japan Autumn Nature Relaxation Video / Air on the G String」だ。 御射鹿池は、長野県茅野市の蓼科高原・標高1,500メートルにあるため池だ。 大自然の中に突如として現れるこの池は、四季折々に美しく姿を変える観光地だ。 御射鹿池周辺の八ヶ岳中信高原国定公園は、長野県と山梨県にまたがる国立公園に指定されている。 この動画は、御射鹿池の秋の紅葉の様子を4K画質で撮影したものである。 楽曲「G線上のアリア」に共にご覧になれる美しい紅葉したカラマツ林は、時間を忘れる癒しの時間を過ごせる。 新緑に紅葉など!四季折々の絶景が魅力 長野県茅野市・御射鹿池は、日本画家である東山魁夷の作品「緑響く」のモチーフになっていることで知られている。 新緑の季節に天気が良ければ、東山魁夷が見た風景と同じ景色が観光できるかもしれない。 新緑の景観を見るハイキングは、御射鹿池の楽しみ方のひとつだ。 また、その他にも「死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景 日本編」で紹介されたり、農林水産省が選定する「ため池百選」に指定されたりと、観光地として人気が上がっている。 御射鹿池の最大の魅力は、紅葉の時期の景勝である。 例年10月中旬から下旬にかけて御射鹿池を含む蓼科高原エリアは紅葉の見頃を迎える。 インスタ映えスポットの隠れた名所なため、紅葉時期の撮影を狙って観光してみるのもよいだろう。 御射鹿池の歴史と背景 長野県茅野市・御射鹿池を含む蓼科高原は、冷害の影響が激しく農作物が育ちにくい気候である。 御射鹿池は、流れてくる冷たい水を農作物に使えるほどの水温にするため、作られた池だ。 一時的にため池で水を溜めることで適温まで水が温まる。 このような背景で作られた御射鹿池だが、その名の由来は、長野県にある諏訪大社の神事「御射山御狩神事」からきていると云われている。 長野県茅野市・御射鹿池の魅力まとめ 長野県茅野市・御射鹿池は、東京都心からでも電車やバスなどで3時間弱ほどで観光に行くことができる。 また日帰りの観光ツアーなども存在している。 御射鹿池を観光するおすすめの季節は紅葉の時期だ。 動画で撮影されている美しく紅葉した木々が御射鹿池の水面に映るさまを直接見る事ができる。 御射鹿池以外でも蓼科高原は紅葉が美しいので、車で回って観光してみるのもよいだろう。 -
Video article 24:24
Rock Climbing on Mt. Oku-Hotaka! The Breathtaking View From the Peak of the Mountain in Nagano and Gifu Prefectures Will Change How You View the World!
Nature- 228 plays
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Introducing a round-trip mountain climbing video from Okuhotaka to Uma no Uma no Uta, spanning Nagano and Gifu Prefectures. This video, titled "Mt. Oku-Hotaka to Gendarmes|Route Change After a Rockslide|Video of a Detailed Round Trip of Uma no Se" (奥穂高からジャンダルム 滑落みて馬の背ピストンへ変更 馬の背詳細往復動画), was uploaded by "Biryu Jr." Mt. Oku-Hotaka Photo:The Hotaka mountain range from Mt. Norikura Mt. Oku-Hotaka is the main mountain of the Hotaka Mountain Range, which straddles Nagano and Gifu prefectures in the Hida Mountain Range of Chubu-Sangaku National Park in the southern part of Japan's Northern Alps. At 3,190 meters above sea level, it is the highest peak in the Northern Alps and the third highest in Japan after Mt. Fuji and Mt. Kita. Mt. Oku-Hotaka (奥穂高岳), Mt. Karasawa (涸沢岳), Kita-Hotaka (北穂高岳), Mae-Hotaka (前穂高岳), Nishi-Hotaka (西穂高岳), and Mt. Myojin (明神岳), are collectively referred to as Mt. Hotaka. It is said that the origin of the mountain's name comes from a legend that a god named Hotakami-no-Mikoto descended to the summit of Mt. Oku-Hotaka. Even today, the mountain is revered as a sacred mountain by local people, who visit and climb it to pray. The first person to summit Mt. Oku-Hotaka was surveyor Gunji Abe in 1906. With its challenging routes, powerful rocky ridges, and panoramic views from the ridge, Mt. Hotaka continues to attract many climbers to this day. The Geological Features of Mt. Oku-Hotaka Here, we'll take a look at the geological features of Mt. Oku-Hotaka ・Volcanic Terrain Mt. Hotaka, including Mt. Oku-Hotaka, is formed mainly of dacitic ignimbrite called "Hotaka andesite." This rock was formed by pyroclastic flows during an eruption approximately 1.75 million years ago, and was uplifted 2,000m over a period of 1 million years after a large-scale eruption. ・Glacial Landforms Many glacial landforms have been observed on Mount Hotaka. Glacial landforms are landforms created by glaciers that have accumulated soil, sand, rocks, etc., while carving away the land below. Mt. Oku-Hotaka – Uma no Se Photo:Uma no Se on Mt. Oku-Hotaka Mt. Okuhotaka, a famous mountain climbing spot, has a narrow ridge called "Uma no Se" (horse's back), which is steep and features cliffs on both sides. Because of how steep it is, it's also a dangerous place where falling accidents occur frequently. The slopes, which look like a combination of rubble, require extreme caution in order to prevent accidents. In the video, you can see how they decide not go to Gendarme (a rocky summit between Mt. Oku-Hotaka and Mt. Nishi-Hotaka), and instead decide to descend via Uma no Se. It's as realistic as if you were there yourself. The sound of the wind, the hands gripping the rocks, the shadows of climbers moving toward the spectacular views... the power of these scenes draws you in. [Video] 5:44 - Advancing Along Uma no Se Mt. Oku-Hotaka – Routes and Difficulties Here are the routes of Mt. Oku-Hotaka according to difficulty level: ・Kamikochi Course (上高地コース) - The recommended route for beginners Starting from Kamikochi Bus Center, the most common route is [Myojin (明神) - Tokusawa (徳沢) - Yoko (横尾) - Hontanibashi (本谷橋) - Karasawa (涸沢) - Mt. Hotaka Hut (穂高岳山荘, Hotakadake Sanso), Mt. Oku-Hotaka]. Your itinerary should be arranged according to your physical fitness. It is common to stay overnight during the climb. ・Kenkyakusha-Muke Course (健脚者向けコース) The rough route is [Shin Hotaka Onsen (新穂高温泉) - Shirade Hut Ruins (白出小屋跡) - Mt. Hotaka Hut (穂高岳山荘), Mt. Oku-Hotaka]. The trailhead is at Shin Hotaka Onsen. Since there are some points on the ascent where it's easy to make a mistake on the route, it's recommended that you be accompanied by an experienced climber. Furthermore, since route conditions change according to lingering snowfall, it's necessary to check trail conditions ahead of time. ・Advanced Climbing Course (熟練・上級者向けコース) The rough route is [Kamikochi Bus Terminal (上高地バスターミナル) - Yoko (横尾) - Yarisawa Lodge (槍沢ロッジ) - Kakusei Hutte (殺生ヒュッテ) - Yarigatake Hut (槍ヶ岳山荘) - Minamidake Hut (南岳小屋) - Kitahotaka Hut - Mt. Kitahotaka Hut (北穂高小屋) - Karasawa Hut (涸沢岳) - Mt. Hotaka Hut (穂高岳山荘)]. The ridge course from Yarigatake continues through rocky terrain with considerable height differences. Normally, three nights are required for this route, and extreme caution is needed as there are many steep sections. Summary of Mt. Oku-Hotaka Photo:Mt. Oku-Hotaka In this article. we introduced one of the three tallest peaks in Japan, Mt. Oku-Hotaka, and Uma no Se. Although there are dangers, such as slips and falling rocks, Mt. Oku-Hotaka is a thrilling mountaineering experience that features spectacular views of nature that attracts many climbers. Although the climb is not without its dangers, the view from the summit and the thrill of climbing over Uma no Se is said to be exceptional. If you wish to take on this challenge, please do your research and go fully prepared. That being said, if you're just here to enjoy some of the views, hopefully the video is enough for you. 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Oku-Hotaka https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298102-d7242442-Reviews-Mt_Okuhotaka-Chubu.html -
Video article 3:34
Spend a Blissful Time in Atera Valley in Nagano Prefecture's Kiso District, a Place of Fresh, Greenery! The Murmuring of the River, Full of Negative Ions, Will Soothe Your Soul!
Nature- 140 plays
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長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「haruyuki onoue」が公開した「新緑とエメラルドグリーンの阿寺渓谷・4K」です。 長野県木曽郡大桑村には現代日本で失われつつある雄大な景色・自然が楽しめる地があります。 こちらの動画で紹介する阿寺渓谷です。 こちらの記事では阿寺渓谷の魅力からその周辺情報に至るまでチェックしておくべき情報をまとめました。 長野県木曽郡大桑村の阿寺渓谷とは 阿寺渓谷は厳密に言うと、長野県と岐阜県にまたがっている阿寺山地を源流とし それを皮切りに支流の阿寺川は長野県が誇る一級河川の木曽川に流れ着くまでのほぼ全域を指します。 源流から木曽川に流れ着く過程で吉報の滝や犬帰りの淵などの名所・絶景スポットが点在しています。 またこの流域には学術面から文化的な一面を覗かせており、日本でもココ一帯だけにしか存在しないような希少種の生物や植物があるのです。 全長約20kmの阿寺渓谷のうち管理区間が約2/3となっています。 管理区間のうち阿寺渓谷入口からキャンプ場までをウォーキングで景色を見ながら散策することが一般的となっています。 さらに釣りの名所として阿寺渓谷は知られています。 阿寺渓谷へのアクセスおよび周辺情報 マイカーで向かう場合は阿寺渓谷入口付近に駐車場があります。 阿寺渓谷入口からすでにヒノキや岩などが見え、そこからでも雄大な自然を感じ取ることができます。 特に夏季は観光客が増加するシーズンですので、交通規制がかかってしまい不便な思いをしてしまうかもしれません。 鉄道を利用する人はJR野尻駅で降りて、そこからシャトルバスを利用しましょう。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」の楽しみ方 阿寺渓谷と言えばやっぱりエメラルドグリーンの清流とその周りにある新緑のヒノキ美林でしょう。 川のせせらぎと水しぶきがマイナスイオンを与え、癒されますね。 さすが長野県の信州が誇る人気スポット! さらに上流へ行くと『美顔水』という湧き水が流れていてそこで顔を洗うと色白美人になると噂されているので、それを求めてやってくる人もいます。 また自然を満喫する目的と合わせハイキングにもなります。 気候が変わる秋に訪れるとエメラルドグリーンの清流はそのままに周りの美林が紅葉へ姿を変えているので、夏とは違う景色が楽しめます。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介まとめ 長野県が全国に誇る新緑とエメラルドグリーンが特徴的な阿寺渓谷について紹介しました。 長野県に訪れるなら阿寺渓谷は外せません! 美しい絶景を写真に収めてあなたの歴史の1ページに! -
Video article 9:03
Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture's Shimoina District Is a Spectacular Location Dyed in Shades of Pink! Feel the Arrival of Spring at This Paradise on Earth in Japan!
Nature- 230 plays
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Video introduction of "Hanamomo no Sato" in Shimoina-gun, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "JG☆☆☆4K 長野 花桃の里 Nagano,Peach Flowers at Hanamomo no Sato," was released by "JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC." It showcases Hanamomo no Sato, an attractive place for sightseeing due to its beautiful peach and cherry blossoms. In this article, we'll introduce Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture! What are the best times to see and highlights of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture, which can be enjoyed from the train window? Hanamomo no Sato has a drive course that you can enjoy through the window of a cart and is called "Hanamomo Kaido" (はなもも街道, lit. "Peach Blossom Highway").The best time to see Hanamomo no Sato, which is said to be Japan's best Momogen-go, is usually from mid-April to late April.The scenery woven with gradations of red, white, and pink flowers over about 40 kilometers is worth seeing. A "Flower Peach Festival" will also be held to coincide with the flowering.Please check the details of the blooming conditions and the flower peach festival as they are updated from time to time on the official website of Nisshin Onsen. Enjoy Hot Springs and the Charm of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture! On Hanamomo Kaido, there are two places to stay, Gessen and Hirugami Hot Springs, where you can take your time admiring the beautiful cherry blossoms in the surrounding area. There are hot spring accommodations where you can take a day bath in the hot spring village, which is also the venue of the "Hanamomo Festival" (花桃まつり, Peach Blossom Festival), so why don't you stop by after enjoying the flowers? In addition to Gohei-mochi, seasonal curry bun, wheat bun, thick shiitake mushrooms, and so on can be purchased at the roadside station "Hanamomo-no-sato" as well as lunch such as wild vegetable soba. There are also a variety of souvenirs you can purchase, such as goheimochi (rice cakes), so be sure to give them a try as well. Summary of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture In this article we introduced Hanamomo no Sato, one of the best places in Japan for viewing peach and cherry blossoms! Achi Village, known more commonly as "Hanamomo no Sato" (花桃の里, Peach Blossom Village) has one of the best nighttime views in Japan. There are also night tours available at Hanamomo no Sato, so be sure to take in the sights at night! -
Video article 3:36
Feel the arrival of spring with the red and white plum blossoms reflected on the lakeside at the Roukaku Plum Garden in Shinshu-Shinmachi, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, and enjoy the Japanese spring with the fragrance of the flowers in full bloom on the 1,000 plum trees!
Nature- 134 plays
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長野県信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」について こちらの動画は「haruyuki onoue」が公開した「信州新町のろうかく梅園2019・4K」です。 こちらの動画では長野県信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」をご紹介します。 4Kで撮影された「ろうかく梅園」の梅の花の映像は非常に美しいのでぜひ御覧ください。 「ろうかく湖」は信州新町の犀川の中に作られた人工の湖です。 その「ろうかく湖」に架かる橋を渡ると長野県が誇る名所信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」が見えます。 4ヘクタールの梅園では竜峡小梅という品種の梅を生産しています。 満開の梅は紅白のコントラストが絶景です。 更に、夏には花火大会が行われるなど四季折々のイベントが行われています。 楼閣梅園の梅の見頃 信州新町「ろうかく梅園」の開花状況は長野市のホームページにて確認できます。 例年の見頃は3月下旬から4月頃上旬になります。 また、長野県には同様に伊那梅園という梅園もあり、こちらは2万坪に38種類もの梅が7,000本が植えられ、「ろうかく梅園」と並んでお花見の名所となっています。 こちらの梅園は標高850mの高地にあり、平地にある梅よりも遅い開花時期で鑑賞することができます。 梅肉エキスなどの梅に関するお土産も販売しています。 6月〜7月には梅の実を収穫する体験も行っているので様々な時期に訪れても楽しめます。 信州新町「ろうかく梅園」でジンギスカンを食べよう! 4月の初旬には「ろうかく梅園花祭り」が行われます。 花まつりの中で人気のグルメが信州新町名物のジンギスカンです。 焼肉や農産物・特産品なども販売されるのでお花見に合わせてこれらを楽しむのもおすすめです。 「ろうかく梅園」の花まつり期間中ではジンギスカンセットも販売されており、ござ・ガス・コンロ・鉄板などを貸し出ししているので手ぶらでジンギスカンを堪能しながら梅の景色を楽しむことができます。 信州新町は古くから羊の飼育をしており、そのためジンギスカン料理も有名になりました。 信州新町のジンギスカンはあらかじめお肉を漬け込んでおくのが特徴で、お店ごとに異なる味付けを比べてみるのも楽しいかもしれません。 「ろうかく梅園」へのアクセス 「ろうかく梅園」へのアクセスは長野方面から国道19号で信州新町川中島バス営業所先を左折して1分の場所にあります。 無料駐車場があるのでそちらを利用しましょう。 長野ICからは車で40分、新幹線では北陸新幹線長野駅からバスで45分、その後徒歩で10分ほど。 また周辺には善光寺や戸隠神社奥社などの歴史ある穴場スポットもありますよ。 長野県信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」紹介まとめ 長野県信州新町のろうかく梅園は全国にある梅の景勝地でもランキング上位の観光地です。 温暖な気候の春のはじまりに紅白それぞれの特徴を備えた梅とジンギスカンを楽しんでください! -
Video article 2:15
Virgin Forests and Autumn Leaves at Shirakoma Pond, Nagano
Nature Travel- 239 plays
- YouTube
Autumn Leaves at Shirakoma Pond, Nagano, Japan: Video Introduction Photo:Autumn leaves at Shirakoma Pond, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "[4K] Mysteriously Spectacular Views|Autumn Leaves at Shirakoma Pond - (shot on BMPCC6K)" ([4K] 神秘の絶景 天空の湖 白駒池の紅葉 - Autumn Leaves at Shirakoma Pond - (shot on BMPCC6K)), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Shirakoma Pond in Nagano Prefecture is known for its beautiful autumn foliage. The reflection of the colorful trees on the surface of the lake is so beautiful you'd only expect to see it in a painting. Shirakoma Pond is blessed with abundant nature, and is a popular location for hiking as well. The pond is a popular tourist spot that attracts many visitors throughout the year because of its wonderful scenery that changes with the seasons, especially during autumn. Enjoy the beautiful contrast of between the green, yellow, and fiery red autumn leaves reflected on the mirror-like surface of the lake in this 2-minute long 4K video. Where is Shirakoma Pond? Location of the Pond in Nagano Famous for Its Autumn Leaves Photo:Shirakoma Pond from Takami-ishi, Nagano Prefecture Shirakoma Pond is located in the eastern part of Nagano Prefecture, on the border between the towns of Koumi and Sakuho. Located on the Yachiho Highland (Yachiho Kogen) at an elevation of 2,115m (~6,900 ft), Shirakoma Pond is the highest and largest natural lake in Japan. The pond is also known for its extremely high transparency, allowing visitors to see as deep as 5.8 meters below the surface. Shirakoma Pond is easily accessible despite its location on the Yachiho Highland. With a well-maintained promenade, it's becoming a popular tourist attraction. When to See Autumn Leaves at Shirakoma Pond – Best Season and Photo Spots Photo:Autumn leaves at Shirakoma Pond, Nagano Prefecture The area surrounding Shirakoma Pond is known as one of Japan's three largest virgin forests, and during autumn, when the leaves change color, the virgin forest, filled with azaleas, birch trees, and maples, changes color to brilliant shades of red and yellow. Every year, the area is crowded with tourists who come to view the autumn foliage. If you're planning to visit Shirakoma Pond, autumn is definitely the best season to come so you can see the beauty of the autumn leaves. In the high elevation areas of Japan's Chubu region, the best time to view the autumn leaves is from late September at the earliest, and from early October on an average year. Since the forecast for autumn leaves at elevations above 2,000m is said to be largely unchanged, the best time to view the autumn foliage at Shirakoma Pond in 2023 is expected to be from late September to mid-October. During autumn, when the leaves are in season, Shirakoma Pond is crowded tourists. If you're looking to take photos, there are two great spots in front of the mountain lodges "Shirakoma-so" (白駒荘) and "Seitai-so" (青苔荘) that overlook the lakeside area. The two lodges, situated on opposite sides of Shirakoma Pond, are well known for their sunrises and sunsets which can be photographed together with the pond in the foreground. Hiking at Shirakoma Pond! Photo:The moss forest around Shirakoma Pond, Nagano Prefecture There are several hiking trails around Shirakoma Pond that can be enjoyed even by beginner hikers. We recommend the route from Shirakoma Pond (白駒池) to Takami-ishi (高見石), which has a minimal elevation change and can be easily hiked. The hike takes about 2 hours and departs from the Shirakoma Pond parking lot. The hike proceeds along a trail on which hikers can admire the beautiful mosses growing in the area. Once you reach a fork in the road, head toward Takami-ishi Lodge (高見石小屋). After hiking up behind Takami-ishi Lodge, you'll arrive at Takami-ishi. From Takami-ishi, you can enjoy a spectacular view of Japan's Northern and Central Alps and Shirakoma Pond. After admiring the view, descend from Takami-ishi toward Shirakoma Pond. Follow the boardwalk circling the mystical Shirakoma Pond before returning to the parking lot to end the hike. Although the trail around Shirakoma Pond is well maintained, it becomes slippery when it rains. When visiting Takami-ishi, a series of rock formations, in particular, extreme care should be taken to avoid injury or accidents. Please be prepared to wear comfortable walking shoes and clothes that are easy to move in, and check the weather before you go out. Additionally, because the area around Shirakoma Pond is mountainous, temperatures can vary greatly. Please bring warm clothes to adjust for the temperature changes. After enjoying hiking in the magnificent nature of Nagano, we recommend taking a breather at one of the hot spring resorts in the area. The Shirakoma Pond area is dotted with facilities where you can enjoy hot springs and take in the beautiful scenery. It's a great way to relax after a nice day of hiking. Camping at Shirakoma Pond Photo:The tent campsite at Takami-ishi Lodge, Nagano Prefecture In addition to hiking and viewing the autumn leaves at Shirakoma Pond, there are also a few locations where you can enjoy camping. Seitai-so Seitai-so, the mountain lodge mentioned earlier, has a tent site located right next to it where you can set up a tent right by the lake. The tent site is available year-round and you can even enjoy a beautiful starry sky with a view of the pond frozen over in the winter. Keep in mind that the tent site is reservation only and all garbage must be taken with you when you leave. Lodge Hours: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm. ※Hours may vary by season. Fee: The tent site is free of charge. General lodging starts at 5,500 yen/person for adults. Takami-ishi Another campsite is the Takami-ishi Tent Site, located beside Takami-ishi Lodge. Unlike the tent site at Seitai-so, Takami-ishi does not accept reservations, and is open to campers on a first-come, first-served basis. Additionally, the owners of the lodge provide commentary about the stars at night on the terrace, and invite guests to join them to listen. While not located directly next to Shirakoma Pond, it's only about 10 minutes from the pond by car. Lodge Hours: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Fee: Tent site: 600 yen/person. General lodging starts at 5,500 yen/ person. Both of the above facilities also having standard accommodations as well, so if you want to stay the night and enjoy the starry skies and autumn leaves, but don't want to stay in a tent, you can always book a room in the lodges. Parking and Crowding at Shirakoma Pond During the Autumn Foliage Season Photo:Autumn leaves at Shirakoma Pond, Nagano Prefecture To get to Shirakoma Pond, it's best to use the parking lot on Route 299. It takes about 15 minutes to reach the pond on foot from the parking lot. That being said, because it's a famous spot for viewing the autumn leaves, more than 180,000 people visit Shirakoma Pond during the autumn foliage season, and the parking lot becomes incredibly crowded, especially on weekends. At the same time, many cars are entering and exiting the parking lot, resulting in heavy traffic congestion on the surrounding roads. The most crowded hours at Shirakoma Pond are between 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on weekdays, and 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on weekends and holidays. If you visit Shirakoma Pond to see the autumn leaves on a weekday, it may be better to go between 6:00 am and 9:00 am. On weekends and holidays, it might be smoother to go between 6:00 am and 8:00 am. However, in the past, there have been some reports that the parking lots were full as early as 9:00 am, so be sure to check the real-time parking conditions when visiting. For real-time information on congestion around Shirakoma Pond, you'll have the most luck using Twitter. Look up "白駒池" (Shirakoma Pond) in the Twitter search box to check the latest tweets. It's also recommended that you check live cameras installed at the Shirakoma Pond parking lot. Access the official website of the Shirakoma Pond toll parking lot to view the live camera, which is updated every 5 minutes. This is useful for checking the status of the parking lot and the weather in real time. Although it is convenient to drive to Shirakoma Pond during the fall foliage season, you may want to consider using public transportation if you're trying to avoid crowds and traffic jams. Summary of Autumn Leaves at Shirakoma Pond Photo:Autumn leaves at Shirakoma Pond, Nagano Prefecture Shirakoma Pond, located in Nagano Prefecture and famous for its autumn foliage, is the highest natural lake in Japan at 2,115 meters above sea level. During the fall foliage season, the azaleas and birch trees change color beautifully, creating a picturesque landscape. The Shirakoma Pond area is also famous for its "moss forest," which is home to 485 species of moss. The best time to see the mosses is from mid-June to the end of July, after Japan's rainy season, and visitors can enjoy the moss forest until early November every year. We invite you to experience the mysterious beauty of Shirakoma Pond as expressed in the video. 【TripAdvisor】Shirakoma Pond -
Video article 5:38
Taste the great outdoors at Kamikochi in the Japanese Alps, a spectacular sightseeing spot in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, Shinshu! Surrounded by greenery full of negative ions, spend a healing time.
Nature- 121 plays
- YouTube
Introduction of "Japan Alps Kamikochi" sightseeing video in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "LEAP | Kamikochi (上高地) - Japan - UHD 4K," was released by Jonathan Teo. It shows an aerial view of Kamikochi, a tourist resort area overflowing with natural beauty in Nagano Prefecture. Kamikochi, located in Matsumoto City in western Shinshu, is a scenic, mountainous area situated at an elevation of approximately 1,500 meters above sea level. The entire area makes up Chubu Sangaku National Park (中部山岳国立公園), and is a base for climbing the Hotaka Mountain Range (穂高連峰) and Mt. Yari (槍ヶ岳). If you want to enjoy the beautiful scenery, plan a trip to Kamikochi and explore the mountain route! Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Kamikochi Photo:Kamikochi, Nagano Prefecture After the opening of the mountain, many tourists flock to Kamikochi, which has a series of peaks that are coveted by alpinists, for the purpose of mountain climbing. When climbing in Kamikochi, be sure to get your fill of the unique mountain scenery. Kappa Bridge (河童橋), the symbol of Kamikochi, is a popular spot where you can enjoy a great view. Be sure to also check out Taisho Pond, Myojin Pond, and Tashiro Pond, which are known for their natural beauty. At 0:53 in the video, you can see the Azusa River glowing a cobalt blue. Key Points to Remember When Visiting Kamikochi Photo:Kamikochi, Nagano Prefecture Kamikochi is a fun mountain for both beginners and advanced climbers. If you're looking for a casual hike, consider planning a day trip. The climate in the mountains can change easily, so be sure to suitable clothing when climbing in the Kamikochi area. Also, be sure to bring maps, drinks, and emergency food in your luggage just in case. Inns and Souvenir Shops at Kamikochi in Shinshu, Nagano Photo:A hot spring at an inn There are a number of hot spring inns and tourist hotels in the area around Kamikochi. After a day of hiking, we recommend staying at an accommodation with a hot spring to relax and rejuvenate. There are also many tourist attractions nearby, including restaurants serving local gourmet food and souvenir shops. Summary of Kamikochi, Located in Shinshu, Nagano Photo:The scenery of Kamikochi, Nagano Prefecture There are many scenic spots like the ones shown in this article's video, in Kamikochi. Walking around while enjoying the unique mountain scenery is sure to leave you feeling refreshed. To protect the environment around Kamikochi, personal vehicles are prohibited in and around the area. Park your car at the parking lot in Sawatari before Kamikochi and use the shuttle bus to get there. 【Official Website】Kamikochi Official Website|Area Introduction https://www.kamikochi.or.jp/learn/spots 【Tripadvisor】Kamikochi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g12830931-Kamikochi_Matsumoto_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:16
I felt my heart being absorbed by the mysterious and beautiful scenery of the autumn leaves video of Norikura Kogen in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, a popular tourist destination, in the beautiful brocaded autumn!
Nature Travel- 134 plays
- YouTube
Norikura Kogen" in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, Autumn Foliage Video Introduction This video, titled "Autumn Colors in Japan|Autumn at Norikura Kogen" (日本の紅葉 Autumn Colors in Japan 乗鞍高原の秋), was uploaded by "beaphoto1. The video introduces the spiritual and ephemeral autumn scenery of Norikura Kogen (Norikura Highlands), a place visited by large numbers of people every year for its legendary autumnal colors. The beauty on display is such that you'll forget all about time for the entirety of the 1-minute video. We're sure that when you're done watching you'll be itching to visit Norikura Kogen! Where is Norikura Kogen? Basic Tips for Sightseers Photo:Autumn leaves at Norikura Kogen, Nagano Prefecture Located in Matsumoto, Nagano in Japan's Koshin'etsu region, and on the eastern side of the Northern Alps' southernmost area, the Norikura Kogen highlands are a popular sightseeing spot, and are lively in all seasons, with visitors making the trip for a variety of reasons. In the summer, you can escape the heat while camping or stay at one of the bed and breakfasts in the area. As summer gives way to fall, mountain climbing becomes a popular pastime, and in the winter, skiing and other winter sports can be enjoyed here. Also, the hot springs bursting forth from several locations in the area can be enjoyed no matter the season. Furthermore, if you're looking to get your fill of the great outdoors, no trip to Japan's Northern Alps would be complete without a visit to Norikura Kogen Holiday Village (休暇村乗鞍高原, Kyuka-mura Norikura Kogen). Situated 1600m above sea-level, it's perfect for stargazing and early morning walks, and there are even activities for enjoying nature with fellow travelers that anyone can participate in at their leisure. The views of the night sky here are truly unforgettable. Take your time and enjoy the boundless nature of Japan's Northern Alps at Norikura Kogen Holiday Village! When Is the Best Time to See the Autumn Foliage at Norikura Kogen? Photo:Ichinose Park, Norikura Kogen Autumn means autumn leaves, and the best time to see those at Norikura Kogen is from mid-late October. During this period, sightseers converge on the area for a glimpse of Norikura Kogen's autumn foliage. At one of the most famous spots, Ichinose Park (一の瀬園地, Ichinose-enchi), the reflection of Mt. Norikura (乗鞍岳, Norikura-dake) on the water's surface contrasts with the autumn leaves to create a spiritual atmosphere. [Video] 0:10 - Autumn Leaves and the Reflection of Mt. Norikura Even the more indoorsy people will find themselves enjoying hiking around Ichinose Park. Take a leisurely walk and admire the white birch forests, Zengoro Falls, Organ Bridge (オルガン橋, orugan-bashi) which spans the mountain stream, and the seasonal flowers that can be found in the area. The giant maple tree shown in the video is popular with photographers as a superb photo spot, so don't forget your camera! [Video] 0:31 - Giant Maple Tree Norikura Skyline/Echo Line aka Paradise in the Sky Photo:Norikura Skyline, Korikura Kogen You'll feel like you're coasting through the sky at Norikura Skyline/Echo Line. The word "Skyline" makes it sound like somewhere you'd go by car, but since this is a place to enjoy nature as well as gorgeous views while gliding through the sky, personal vehicles are prohibited in order to protect the environment and prevent traffic. If you're planning to visit by car, you'll need to switch to a bus at some point. For further details, check the Hida-Norikura Tourism Association's (飛騨乗鞍観光協会, Hida Norikura kanko kyokai) home page. Summary of Sightseeing at Norikura Kogen Norikura Kogen is brimming with fantastical views, including autumn leaves and giant maples, and has come to be known as a Paradise in the Sky. It's great for instagrammers and photographers alike, too. Why don't you add Norikura Highland to the candidate sites when you travel to Nagano? Norikura Kogen is also rife with facilities, including day-trip hot spring facilities, but there's so much to see and do that we encourage you to stay the night and take your time enjoying the superb views. So let go of some of that stress and charge your batteries with the help of Mother Nature. [TripAdvisor] Norikura Kogen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298118-d1372942-Reviews-Norikura_Kogen-Matsumoto_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:42
The wild dance of a swarm of 5,000 fireflies at Matsuo Gorge in Kamiina-gun, Nagano Prefecture! The miraculous and spectacular view created by nature fascinates all who see it!
Nature- 2.41K plays
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Video introduction of 5,000 fireflies at Matsuo Gorge, Kamiina-gun, Nagano, Japan This is a 4K sightseeing video of fireflies frolicking in nature in the Matsuo Gorge in Tatsuno, Nagano, in Japan's Koshinetsu Region. With the gradual loss of nature in recent years, the number of places where you can see natural fireflies has been decreasing. In this video, you can watch a swarm of fireflies lighting up the Matsuo Gorge, located in a town in the mountains. Enjoy the light of the fireflies as they light up your screen in 4K quality. Tatsuno, a Firefly Haven Surrounded by Nature Source :YouTube screenshot Tatsuno, located in the Kamiina District of Nagano Prefecture, is a mountain town that retains the atmosphere of good old Japan. Tatsuno is known as the "firefly town," and in the early summer, you can observe a group of natural fireflies around Matsuo Gorge. Tatsuno Hotarudoyo Park, adjacent to Matsuo Gorge, is also home to many fireflies, creating beautiful natural scenery. When can fireflies be seen at Matsuo Gorge? Fireflies in Matsuo Gorge can usually be seen from the end of May to early June. The number of fireflies then gradually increases, reaching its peak in mid-June. A popular event called the "Shinshu Tatsuno Firefly Festival" is held during the peak viewing period. In the evening hours, food stalls are lined up in front of the station, and events are also held. It’s considered proper etiquette for onlookers to be quiet when watching the fireflies. Enjoy a wonderful sightseeing trip to see the fantastic fireflies! If you go to Matsuo Gorge for sightseeing by car, you can use the parking lot at the Tatsuno Hotarudoyo Park. You can also park your car in front of Tatsuno Station and use the "park and ride." Be sure to check out the event schedule and parking information before going sightseeing. Matsuo Gorge Is Overflowing With Nature Photo:Tatsuno Hotarudoyo Park Matsuo Gorge was designated a prefectural natural monument in the Taisho Period (1912-1926 AD). The fireflies of Matsuo Gorge are nurtured by the clear waters of the Tenryu River that flows from Lake Suwa. The number of fireflies in Matsuo Gorge can reach 10,000 or more on a good year. We recommend watching the fireflies dance across the riverside from the Matsuo Gorge observation deck. Firefly Village Tatsuno has been selected as one of Japan's "Top 100 Villages of Natural life" (ふるさといきものの里100選, Furusato Ikimono-no-Sato) Summary of Fireflies at Matsuo Gorge, Nagano The Matsuo Gorge is one of the best places in Japan to see fireflies in the Shinshu area. No matter who you are, the amazing scene created by these beautiful creatures is something that everyone should see at least once in their life. Check out Matsuo Gorge, a little-known tourist spot where the original scenery of Japan still remains. When is Matsuo Gorge "Shinshu Tatsuno Firefly Festival" 2024? What time is recommended? The 76th Shinshu Tatsuno Firefly Festival will be held for nine days from June 8 to 16, 2024. Fireflies usually stop flying around 9 p.m., so the best time to view them is between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. on a hot and humid day. In addition, a day with no wind and no moonlight is especially good. ◆ Matsuo Gorge (Tatsuno Hotarudoyo Park) Introduction of Overview Information ◆ 【Address】〒399-0400 1006-1 Kamihiraide, Tatsuno machi, Kamiina-gun, Nagano Prefecture 【Access】A 15-minute walk from Tatsuno Station on the JR Chuo Main Line 【Admission fee】500 yen as a contribution for firefly conservation and education. 【Hours】24 hour 【Parking】Available. Approx. 700 cars ¥300 - ¥1000 (regular car) 【Phone number】 0266-41-025 【Official website】Sightseeing Tatsuno https://www.town.tatsuno.lg.jp/gyosei/soshiki/sangyoshinkoka/kankosite/1/1/1209.html -
Video article 3:45
Enjoy the spring season at Chikumagawa River Park in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, where 600 double-flowered cherry trees bloom! The colorful pink, yellow, and red flowers blooming all over the park will surely captivate you.
Nature- 148 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Chikumagawa Fureai Park, Where Double-Flowered Cherry Trees and Peaches Are in Full Bloom - 4K Footage" (八重桜や花桃が咲き誇る千曲川河川公園・4K撮影), was released by "haruyuki onoue." Chikumagawa Fureai Park in Obuse, Nagano Prefecture is a popular spot where beautiful flowers bloom in spring. Due to the high altitude of Nagano Prefecture, the temperature is cooler, and the blossoming of the double-flowered cherry trees takes place from late April to around Golden Week (the first week of May). At this time of year, the bright pink peaches and the eye-catching yellow rape blossoms also bloom, creating a spectacular view. The many petals of the double-flowered cherry trees and peaches are gorgeous and make for great Instagram photos. Many visitors come to Chikumagawa Fureai Park to enjoy the late spring. -
Video article 3:04
Cherry blossoms in full bloom covering the entire area are truly spectacular! Rokudo no Tsutsumi" in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture, was a hidden cherry blossom viewing spot that I wanted to visit at least once!
Nature- 1.56K plays
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Cherry blossom video introduction of "Rokudo no Tsutsumi" in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "[ 4K UltraHD ] 六道堤の桜 - Cherry Blossoms at Rokudo Bank - (shot on Samsung NX1)," was created by "AQUA Geo Graphic." This three-minute video captures a stunning view of the sea of cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank Normally, when thinking of the Koshinetsu region or the Nanshin region of Nagano Prefecture (甲信越地方・長野県南信地方, koshinetsu chiho・nagano-ken nanshin chiho), the area best known for cherry blossoms would be Takato Castle Ruins Park (高遠城址公園, takato joshi koen). This park is one of the three great cherry blossom spots in Japan, known for having "the best cherry blossoms under the heavens." However, another special spot, known only to locals, exists in Ina City (伊那市, ina-shi). Enjoy the beautiful cherry blossom viewing spots of Nagano Prefecture in the video. Rokudo Bank, Nagano Prefecture Photo:Cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank Rokudo Bank is just 10 minutes from Takato Castle Park by car. Though a hidden spot, it's known to have cherry blossoms every bit as beautiful as those in the main park. The snow-tipped peaks of the Kiso Mountains can be seen from 0:36 to 1:55 in the video. Because Ina City in Nagano Prefecture is at a high elevation and surrounded by mountains, the cherry blossom season tends to be a bit late, but cherry blossoms are usually at their best from early to mid-April. The Cherry Blossoms of Rokudo Bank Photo:Cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank The reservoir is surrounded by approximately 120 takato-okuhigan cherry trees. The sight of the sea of cherry blossoms in full bloom stretching as far as the eye can see is nothing short of breathtaking. On days when the weather is nice, the cherry blossoms are reflected on the surfaces of the water, creating a dream-like scenery. Definitely take some pictures to post on your Instagram! You can see this beautiful scenery in the video as well. As seen at the beginning of the video, there is a little island of red pines in the middle of the reservoir. This adds to the Japan-esque scenery. You can also see two cute ducks swimming peacefully through the cherry blossoms at 1:23 in the video. In addition to the full bloom period, another great time to visit is when the cherry blossoms began to scatter with the wind as the season begins to end. Summary of Rokudo Bank Photo:Cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank In this article, we introduced Nagano prefecture’s hidden gem- the cherry blossoms of Rokudo Bank. This place is loved dearly by locals for its beautiful scenery. Of course, the historical Takato Castle Park is known for its stunning cherry blossoms as well. If you have the chance to visit Ina City in Nagano Prefecture, we definitely recommend checking out the blooming forecast before going. ◆Rokudo Bank◆ 【Address】Misuzu, Ina City, Nagano Prefecture 【Access】A 15-minute drive from Ina-Kita Station on the Central Japan Railway Iida Line 【Parking】Available(Free・5 Spaces) 【Official Homepage】Ina City Tourism Association -
Video article 0:53
Mt. Norikura: At an Altitude of Nearly 10,000 Feet, Boasting 60-Foot-Tall Snow Walls and Autumnal Leaves, Its a Great Place to Enjoy Nature in Every Season in Nagano and Gifu Prefectures!
Nature Travel- 205 plays
- Vimeo
Norikura-dake" in Nagano and Gifu Prefectures, Introduction of mountain climbing video This video, titled “Mt. Norikura in one minute” (乗鞍岳登山を一分でまとめてみました。), was created by “odenkuuuuuuun.” It introduces Mt. Norikura, a part of the Hida Mountains, or Northern Alps. Mt. Norikura is one of "Japan’s Top 100 Famous Mountains," and stretches through Nagano Prefecture’s Matsumoto City to Gifu Prefecture’s Takayama City. The video summarizes "odenkuuuuuuun's" climb of Mt. Norikura in September. Although the video is only 54 seconds long, it’s brimming with the allure of Mt. Norikura. Matsumoto Prefecture・Gifu Prefecture’s Mt. Norikura Photo:Summit of Mt. Norikura Mt. Norikura is a complex volcano encompassing 7 lakes and 8 plains. The highest of its 23 peaks is Kengamine Peak, at a height of 10,000 feet. The mountain was chosen as one of "Japan’s Top 100 Famous Mountains," and its popularity extends to foreign visitors as well. Its most recent eruption is said to be the Mt. Ebisu eruption over 2000 years ago. The mountain lies in the Hida Mountains. At the top of the mountain is the Norikura Shrine (乗鞍神宮, Norikura jingu), which has been a place of worship since long ago. This can be seen from 0:47 in the video. In the Shinshu Province, the mountain is also known as “Asahidake,” due to it being the first mountain touched by the light of the morning sun. (朝日, Asahi "Morning sun," 岳, dake "Mountain/Peak"). The starting point of the trail is Tatami-daira, which is 8,800 feet above sea level, and it takes about 1.5 hours to reach the summit, depending on which trail you take, making it an easy climb even for beginners. However, at an altitude of 10,000 feet, the weather can be quite unpredictable, and the temperature is low year round, so you'll need to wear warm clothes. Mt. Norikura’s popular trekking courses include the route from Tatamidaira to Kodamadake to Kengamine (approximately one and a half hours), and the route from the Norikura Kogen highlands to the peak of Mt. Norikura (approximately five hours and forty minutes). There are hiking courses available as well. Behind Tatamidaira is a national park where alpine flora and fauna are blooming, and visitors can enjoy the beautiful sight of the flower gardens while strolling around the lake or through the promenade. Autumn at Mt. Norikura provides stunning views of autumn leaves. The peak viewing period is from mid-September to early October. During the summer season, July to September, buses begin operating early in the morning, enabling visitors to be able to enjoy the sunrise from the 10,000 ft. tall mountain peak. It's great for taking pictures. Be sure to post them on your Instagram! On Mt. Norikura, there are a few mountain huts, so climbs with overnight stays are also possible. Many of these huts are fully-equipped with facilities such as baths, so visitors can feel as if they're resting at a hotel or ryokan. For the sake of nature preservation, access to Mt. Norikura by personal vehicles is limited, so you will need to use a tourist bus, shuttle bus, or taxi to get there. As the entrance of private cars is prohibited, of course, the usage of the Tsurugaike Parking Lot is not permitted. Visitors can head to Mt. Norikura from the Honokidaira Bus Terminal or the Hirayu Onsen Bus Terminal. The bus terminals can be found at Hirayu Onsen of the Okuhida Onsen Village. Roads leading to Mt. Norikura include the Norikura Skyline (乗鞍スカイライン, Norikura sukairain) from Gifu Prefecture, as well as the Norikura Eco Line from Nagano Prefecture. Travelling on road bikes or bicycles is also possible. Cycling events are held as well, such as the “Mountain Cycling in Norikura,” and the “Norikura Skyline・Cycling Hill Climb. Sightseeing Around Mt. Norikura Photo:Mt. Norikura Snow Wall Norikura Kogen highland’s Norikura Skyline is open from mid-May to mid-June, visitors can view the snow wall "Yuki no Kairo" (雪の回廊, yuki no kairo) as well. At its highest, the snow wall can reach up to 60 feet, towering over the Norikura Skyline. Visitors can even walk amongst this magnificent sight. As seen from 0:17, snow remains on Mt. Norikura even in September, and summer skiing, where visitors climb the mountain on their own and ski at the peak, is also possible. Of course, in winter, ski resorts are opened as well, and visitors can enjoy winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. Mt. Norikura also boasts the 50-meter “Sanbon Falls (三本滝, Sanbon-daki), which is counted among "Japan’s top 100 waterfalls." It has been a place of worship since olden times, and it is said that ascetics come to practice discipline at this waterfall. The “Starry Sky Observation Event” at Tatamidaira is also popular. Visitors can gaze up at the night sky full of stars while listening to the guide’s explanation of the sights. Summary of Mt. Norikura What'd you think of this article about Mt. Norikura? From the video, you can see the mountain from the view of a mountain climber, but you don't need to be a mountain climber to enjoy the natural beauty of Mt. Norikura. Although only 54 seconds long, the video is full of the sights and sounds of Mt. Norikura, so definitely check it out! 【Official Website】Mt. Norikura, Norikura Skyline Official Site https://norikuradake.jp/en.html 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Norikura https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298102-d2318270-Reviews-Mt_Norikura-Chubu.html -
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Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji
Nature Travel- 840 views
COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is always holding photo contests. This time, we have selected photos that capture the majestic Mt. Fuji, located on the border of Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures. We'll also introduce the locations where the photos were taken, so be sure to enjoy each one so you don't miss out on some useful information! COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Mt. Fuji in Past Photo Contests The Aftermath of the Hoei Eruption Swans at Lake Yamanaka The Tea Fields of Obuchi Sasaba Fujiyoshida Oshino Hakkai Aka-Fuji The Daikanzan Observatory Kawaguchi Asama Shrine The Fumotoppara Campground The Takabocchi Highlands - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Mt. Fuji in Past Photo Contests Let's take a look at some of the wonderful photos taken of Mt. Fuji from the many fantastic works that convey the beauty of Japan. COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 01ktk15 Location: Mizugatsuka Park (Susono, Shizuoka) A Place Where You Can Photograph the Aftermath of the Hoei Eruption Fuji's flanks were blown away by the Hoei Eruption in 1707 during the Edo period (1603-1868 AD), forming the bowl-shaped Hoei Crater. At Mizugatsuka Park, you can photograph the crater in its entirety as it changes from season to season. The crater is located along the Fuji Skyline, near the second station of Mt. Fuji at an elevation of 1,450 meters. You can capture powerful compositions that include the beauty of Mt. Fuji, while reminding you that it's still a mighty volcano. An Article About Mt. Fuji Video article 4:21 Fuji - Japan's Largest Tourist Attraction and the Pride of the Country. Its Mysterious Beauty Fascinates All Who See It YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: タケタロ Location: Lake Yamanaka (Minamitsuru, Yamanashi) When to See Swans at Lake Yamanaka Swans can usually be seen at Lake Yamanaka around December and fly back north around March or April. Some species of swans are don't migrate, and instead lay eggs and raise their young in the grassy knolls along the shores of Lake Yamanaka in spring. Mt. Fuji is located to the southwest of Lake Yamanaka. If you're looking to capture the majestic Mt. Fuji with beautiful swans and snowy winter scenery in one photograph, the northern shore of Lake Yamanaka is your best bet. A Sightseeing Article About Lake Yamanaka Video article 1:53 Go Sightseeing at Lake Yamanaka, Nestled at the Foot of the Sacred Mt. Fuji! The Yamanakako Area, Surrounded by Nature, Is One of the Top Sightseeing Destinations in Japan! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: phantastic420 Location: Obuchi Sasaba (Fuji, Shizuoka) The Tea Fields of Obuchi Sasaba Obuchi Sasaba in the Obuchi district of Fuji City is a photo spot where you can capture Mt. Fuji over vast tea fields with no power lines or buildings to obstruct your view. Many photographers come to capture the verdant tea fields with the towering Mt. Fuji in the backdrop. Located about 10 minutes by car from the Tomei-Fuji and Shin-Tomei Shin-Fuji interchanges, the best time to visit is when the tea leaves are sprouting, particularly from mid-April to mid-May. An Article About Tea Fields and Mt. Fuji Video article 2:09 Obuchi Sasaba - Beautiful Tea Fields and Mt. Fuji in Shizuoka, Japan! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Yuto Yamada Location: Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Fujiyoshida, a Town With an Amazing View of Mt. Fuji Fujiyoshida, in Yamanashi prefecture, is the closest town to Mt. Fuji and features spectacular views of the mountain. In particular, at Arakurayama Sengen Park, it's possible to capture Mt. Fuji, cherry blossoms, and the 5-story Chureito Pagoda in one frame. Fuji, cherry blossoms, and the five-story pagoda in the frame. On top of the cherry blossoms in spring, visitors can enjoy the depth and splendor of each season here, including the fresh greenery of summer, the autumn foliage in fall, and the splendid snow landscapes in winter, all of which are sure to delight. An Article on Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine in Fujiyoshida Video article 3:16 Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine - Learn About One of Japan's Most Famous Power Spots, Located in Yamanashi Prefecture, Where the Sacred Mt. Fuji Resides, and Information About Popular Amulets and Shuin Stamps for Tourists! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Nguyen Vu Location: Oshino Hakkai (Minamitsuru, Yamanashi) The Beautiful Oshino Hakkai Oshino Hakkai is a sacred spring located at the foot of the natural monument, Mt. Fuji, and is considered a power spot. The pure spring water from Mt. Fuji, a sacred mountain, is said to hold sacred power. This photo conveys the atmosphere and purity of Oshino Hakkai. If you visit Oshino Hakkai, be sure to take a picture, as it will be treasured for a lifetime. An Article on Oshino Hakkai Video article 4:22 Oshino Hakkai - Breathtaking Scenery at the Foot of Mt. Fuji! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Phúc Jindo Location: Oshino, Yamanashi Photographing the Auspicious Aka-Fuji Aka-Fuji (Red Fuji) has long been a symbol of good luck for warding off evil spirits and bringing prosperity to business. It is a sight that photographers all over Japan hope to see. However, the conditions for photographing Aka-Fuji are very specific. Aka-Fuji can only be seen from the eastern side of the mountain from late summer to early autumn, just after sunrise, and on a clear day after rain. If you're a photographer and up for a challenge, we definitely recommend trying to capture this beautiful sight. An Article About Narusawa, Yamanashi, Located at the Foot of Mt. Fuji Video article 2:40 Introducing “Narusawa, Yamanashi,” Home to the Tallest Mountain in Japan. Behold the Jaw Droppingly Beautiful Scenery of Mt. Fuji. YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 01ktk15 Location: Daikanzan Observatory (Ashigarashita, Kanagawa) A Breathtaking View From the Daikanzan Observatory The name "Daikanzan" (lit. "Large Viewing Mountain") comes from the artist Yokoyama Taikan, who liked to paint Mt. Fuji from the Sky Lounge at the summit of the 1,011-meter-tall mountain. The spectacular view makes for an excellent photo and will take up a special place in your heart. It's especially popular in winter when the air is crisp and clear. Mt. Fuji and Lake Ashinoko covered with snow is guaranteed to result in a dignified work of art. An Article on the Best Places to View Mt. Fuji Video article 7:32 The Graceful Sight of the World-Famous Mount Fuji Can Be Enjoyed From All Over Japan. This Article Will Help You Find a Spot to View Mt. Fuji That’s Just Right for You! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Phúc Jindo Location: Kawaguchi Asama Shrine (Minamitsuru, Yamanashi) Kawaguchi Asama Shrine – A Torii in the Sky Kawaguchi Asama Shrine was built to worship Mt. Fuji's god, Sengen-O-no-kami, in order to quell a major volcanic eruption of Mt. Fuji. The torii gate is located approximately 30 minutes on foot from the shrine grounds, and the view of Mt. Fuji is beautiful beyond words. It's also called the "Torii in the Sky," and is a recommended spot known for being especially picturesque. An Article on Kawaguchi Chigo no Mai at Kawaguchi Asama Shrine Video article 3:15 Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine, Now a World Cultural Heritage Site! A Look at the Beautiful Traditional Dance, "Kawaguchi Chigo no Mai"! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: mioka Location: Fumotoppara Campground (Fujinomiya, Shizuoka) Mt Fuji From the Fumotoppara Campground The best part about the Fumotoppara Campground is that you can see Mt. Fuji in its entirety from the summit to the base. It is truly a picturesque view. Located in Fujinomiya, the Asagiri Plateau, known for its foggy appearance, is also in the vicinity. At the Fumotoppara Campground, a place loved by campers, you can experience the outdoors with a magnificent view of Mt. Fuji. An Article on the Yamanakako Fuji Snow Festival Video article 3:10 Enjoy the Beauty of Mt. Fuji to the Fullest at the Yamanakako Fuji Snow Festival! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: HKP Location: Takabocchi Highlands (Shiojiri, Nagano) Mt. Fuji From the Takabocchi Highlands From the summit of the mountain, which offers a 360-degree view of the Takabocchi Highlands, Lake Suwa, the lights of the city by the lake, and the sea of clouds all add to the main attraction of Mt. Fuji. The area is especially spectacular from autumn, when the air is clear and the night views are spectacular, to the time when the access road is closed for the winter. It's hard to take a better picture than Mt. Fuji and a sea of clouds, early in the morning, before the sun rises and when the sky is tinted orange. An Article on the Mt. Fuji World Heritage Centre Video article 2:32 The Mt. Fuji World Heritage Centre Is a New-Age Museum That Fuses Digital and Analog! The Museum, Located in Fujikawaguchiko, Yamanashi, Is Full of Facilities That Convey the Beauty of the World Heritage Site Mt. Fuji! YouTube Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that showcases the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Click here for more information about COOLJAPANVIDEOS Anyone can enter COOL JAPAN VIDEOS' photo contests! Below are some of the features of our contests. ・On top of single-lens reflex cameras and digital cameras, photos taken with smartphones and other devices can also be submitted. ・Each person can submit as many photos as they like during the contest period. ・Editing of images, such as cropping and color changes, is also allowed! Here you can find all of the past photo contest winners in one place. You can also see the prizes for each contest, as well as the locations where the photos were taken and the judges' critiques. Click here to see past photo contest winners Text only Photo Contest Results - COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Winning Photos - Discover the Charms of Japan! Current Photo Contest The following is information about the current photo contest. [Ongoing From November 2023] The 20th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest Theme: The Beauty of Japan Submission period: November 1, 2023 0:00 AM – December 31 2023 11:59 PM(JST) Prizes: ■Grand Prize: 30,000 yen Amazon gift card (1 Winner) ■Honorable Mentions: 10,000 yen Amazon gift card (5 Winners) The Beauty of Japan Photo Contest Landscape Photography Summary Did you enjoy these landscape photos from past photo contest entries? Some of these landscapes can only be seen in specific conditions. Japan is full of rich nature, historical locations, and seasonal events! Share your photos with the world and help showcase the beauty of Japan through COOL JAPAN VIDEOS! Related Articles Text only Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face! Text only Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Autumn in Japan Text only Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji Text only Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture! Text only Tohoku in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: Hot Springs, Festivals, Snowscapes, and More – 10 Beautiful Photos of Japan's Tohoku Region! Text only Kyoto in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Kyoto, the Ancient Capital of Japan, and Its Most Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Tokyo in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Featuring the Charms of Tokyo, the Capital of Japan + Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Capturing the Beauty of Winter in Japan. Snowy Landscapes, Glittering Illuminations + More! Text only Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Spectacular Views of Japan's Kansai Region. From Night Views to Traditional Events, Discover the Best Photo Spots in Kansai! Text only Cherry Blossoms in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Amazing Views of Cherry Blossoms, from Castles and Temples to Rows of Cherry Blossom! .separation_line { border-width: 0 0 8px; border-style: solid; border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,') 0 0 100% repeat; width: 216px; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 50px; } -
Video article 1:55
Video of mountain climbing in the Hakuba mountain range of the Northern Alps, including the spectacular natural scenery, sea of clouds, and star-filled sky in Hakuba Village, Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture, which you should see at least once!
Local PR Nature- 519 plays
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Introduction of the official "Mountain Climbing in the Hakuba Mountain Range of the Northern Alps" video from Hakuba Village, Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. This official PR video of Hakuba village, titled “Hakuba village [Dramatic Nature Days – Mountain]"(白馬村公式ムービー【Dramatic Nature Days - Mountain】)” is a time-lapse video produced by the Hakuba tourist office. The Northern Alps' Hakuba Mountain Range is located in the middle of the Japanese archipelago. Its structure, which lies between the Japanese sea and the Pacific Ocean, creates dynamic scenery. This two minutes video features the beautiful views of the Hakuba mountain range and recommended tourist spots in Hakuba village. Events in Hakuba, Nagano Photo:Hakuba Village in the Spring Hakuba village in Nagano prefecture is a popular tourist spot in Japan. Tourists can enjoy various activities throughout the year, such as hot springs, mountain climbing, skiing, cycling, and camping. It is also famous as a summer resort where many tourists visit due to it's comfortable climate. The Northern Alps is a great location where people can enjoy various outdoor activities such as trekking and mountain climbing while seeing fabulous natural views including flowers, snow, wildlife, and more. The Northern Alps - The Mountaineer Mecca Photo:The Northern Alps The rugged mountains shown in the video are the Northern Alps. Hakuba Village is one of Japan's most famous mountaineering spots thanks to the Hakuba mountain range. The Japanese Alps and Mt. Fuji are two of the world's most sacred mountaineering destinations and attract many climbers every year, but the Hakuba mountain range has more than 17 of the most famous peaks. “Shirouma-dake,” “Shakushi-dake,” and “Yariga-dake” are well-known as “The Three Peaks of Hakuba.” Some of the peaks are: ・Goryu-dake (9,232 ft.) (~0:44) ・Karamatu-dake (8,845 ft.) (~0:49) ・Yariga-dake (9524 ft.) (~1:22) ・Shakushi-dake (9,225 ft.) (~1:26) ・Shirouma-dake (9,619 ft.) (~1:42) If you enjoy climbing, be sure to carry rain gear and a map, even if you're enjoying a beginner's trekking trail, as the weather in the mountains can change easily. In the Hakuba mountain range, you can see rare alpine flowers and animals that cannot be found in the plains. Taking a commemorative photo with the Hakuba mountain range in the background is a great way to remember your trip. Be sure to share it on Instagram! The Hot Springs of Hakuba Village Source :YouTube screenshot Hakuba village is very popular as a hot springs area. The most recommended spot is "Hakuba Yari Onsen" (白馬鑓温泉) in the middle of Yariga-dake. You can see this hot spring in this video at 0:33. The view of the rising sun and star sprinkled sky from the open air bath are remarkable! 100 people can stay at the Hakuba Yari Onsen lodge and about 15 people can stay in a tent. The Yari Onsen lodge is a great spot where visitors can enjoy both hot springs and nature. If you would like more information about other accommodations in Hakuba village as well as access information, please see the official website of Yariga Onsen or the Hakuba village tourist office's website. The Nagano Olympics in Hakuba Village Be sure to check out the following facilities used as competition venues during the Nagano Olympics: ・HAPPO ONE SNOW RESORT ・Hakuba Ski Slope ・Hakuba Cross Country Stadium "Snow Harp" Hakuba village is in a snowy area of Japan. Visitors can enjoy skiing or snow boarding in fresh powdery snow. You'll be amazed at the amazing snowscape that stretches as far as the eye can see. Summary of Hakuba Village Photo:Hakuba mountain and Oide Park in spring Hakuba village is a great tourist spot with fierce weather and rich natural surroundings. There are other attractive places that weren't shown in the video as well. For example, you can remnants of the Jomon period at Aoni in Hakuba village. Also there are other experienced based activities where you can feel the history and culture of Japan, such as making Tonbo dama (glass beads), watching fireflies, or making soba (Japanese noodles). You can enjoy the magnificent views of Hakuba mountain range in this video. The vast sea of clouds extending to the horizon (0:06) and the star sprinkled skies (1:08) will take your breath away. 【Official Website】Hakuba Village Official Tourist Website https://www.vill.hakuba.nagano.jp/english/ 【Official Website】Hakuba Village Office Official Website https://www.vill.hakuba.lg.jp/ -
Video article 18:20
Admire the Breathtaking View of the Venus Line at Kirigamine Plateau in Early Summer in Nagano Prefecture From the Sky!
Travel Nature- 188 plays
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ドローンで撮影された絶景の長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインとは こちらの動画は「Yatsugatake21_4K_Japan」が公開した「4K 絶景ドローン「初夏のビーナスライン 霧ヶ峰高原」癒し空撮自然映像 Drone Japan Nature Relaxation Venus line」です。 長野県の霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインをドローンの空撮で捉えた映像になっています。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインとは、八ヶ岳中信高原国定公園 の高原地帯を走るツーリングにはもってこいのドライブルート。 全長76kmにも及び、蓼科高原・白樺湖・車山高原・霧ヶ峰高原・八島高原・美ヶ原高原といった森林地帯や高原地帯の四季を望むことのできる絶景スポットです。 平均の標高は1,400mで最高では1,920mにもなります。 野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインのおすすめルート 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの中でおすすめのルートは白樺高原から霧ヶ峰のルートです。 これは白樺湖から出発し、車山展望リフトで車山山頂へ。 こちらでは、天気が良ければ八ヶ岳連峰や富士山まで望むことができます。 また紅葉やニッコウキスゲなどの草花も楽しむことができます。 その先には霧ヶ峰富士見台があります。 こちらでは食事処やお土産屋などの売店も充実しています。 最後にはレストラン「チャップリン」でソースカツ丼やカツカレーを楽しめます。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインには人気のドライブインも 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの中心には人気のドライブインである霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインドライブイン霧の駅があります。 ここでは長野県の様々なお土産を買うことができ、駐車場のそばには八島湿原や三峰大展望台・霧ヶ峰自然保護センターもあります。 動画では3:31より美しい自然の景色を見ることができます。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインから諏訪湖へ 新日本三大夜景やサンセットをご覧になることのできる立石公園も霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの見どころです。 映画「君の名は。」のモデルになったと言われるスポットとしても有名です。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインでもお参りを 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインのなかには諏訪大社上社本宮・諏訪大社下社秋宮といった神社にも触れるができます。 諏訪大社上社本宮は国内最古の神社の一つで、八ヶ岳や諏訪平などを望むことができます。 また画家の岡本太郎さんが絶賛した万治の石仏という石像もあります。 こちらは諏訪大社下社春宮から徒歩5分ほどの場所にあるので、諏訪大社下社春宮のお参りを終えたら是非訪れてみましょう。 その他長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの旅行スポット 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインではこれら以外にも様々な施設に楽しむことができます。 国指定重要文化財である片倉館、県下最大級のガラスミュージアムであるSUWAガラスの里、400年の歴史がある高島城、無料で足湯につかれる湖畔公園足湯と豊富な温泉があります。 自然と観光を楽しめる長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスライン紹介まとめ 大自然の景色を楽しみながらドライブできる長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインをみなさまも楽しんでください! -
Video article 3:12
Chamomile in full bloom enjoyed from the treehouse at Chamitsure no Sato in Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture! Surrounded by flowers, why not experience what it is like to be in a fairy tale world?
Travel Nature- 45 plays
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Video introduction of "Chamitsure no Sato" in Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "[4K] A Tree House & Chamomile Flower Garden in Fairy-Tale-Like Place. Kamitsure No Sato (Nagano Prefecture)" ([4K] おとぎの国のツリーハウス&カモミールのお花畑。カミツレの里(長野県) Fantasy Tree House in Fairyland,Kamitsure-no-sato,NAGANO.), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." The video features scenery of the likes you'd find in a fairy tale, with a treehouse surrounded by beautiful German chamomiles in full bloom. Be sure to check it out. Kamitsure no Sato – A Tourist Attraction in Nagano Prefecture Photo:A field of chamomile Kamitsure no Sato is located in Ikeda, Kitaazumi, Nagano, in Japan's Koshin-etsu Region and is a popular sightseeing spot in Nagano Prefecture. Kamitsure is chamomile in Japanese. Kamitsure no Sato is a tourist attraction rich in nature, with a factory that grows chamomile and manufactures and sells products using said chamomile, as well as a lodging facility, Yasuesou. When the chamomile is in full bloom, the area is filled with the sweet and gentle scent of the flowers. Standing amidst the chamomile garden is a treehouse, a popular sightseeing spot in Kamitsure no Sato. The charm of the treehouse at Kamitsure is that anyone can freely use it. The chamomile fields in full bloom can be viewed from the treehouse as well. The treehouse, which looks like something out of a fairy tale, is great for taking Instagram photos as well. Events at Kamitsure no Sato Various events are also held at Kamitsure no Sato. The "Nature Experience Class" has been held for 16 years, ever since pediatric and dental doctors brought their children with allergies and atopic dermatitis to Kamitsure no Sato. In addition, there's a chamomile harvesting event in early June each year. One of the major events is the "Ikedamachi Hirotsu Kamitsure Matsuri" (いけだまちひろつカミツレ花まつり), a festival held in early June when the chamomiles are in full bloom. The festival includes a walk through chamomile fields, a chamomile harvesting experience, and sales of products manufactured at Kamitsure no Sato. Bloom Dates and the Language of Flowers for Chamomiles in Japanese Culture Chamomile is a type of herb native to the Mediterranean region. It is also known for its harvested flowers and leaves, which are dried and used to make tea and traditional medicines. The flowering season for chamomile is from May to September in Japan. The flowers have small, white petals and a sweet fragrance. According to the language of flowers, the chamomile is associated with the birthdays February 14, March 14, and November 3. The meaning of the chamomile is "perseverance in adversity" and "strength in adversity." Yasuesou Bio Hotel and the Tree House at Kamitsure no Sato Source :YouTube screenshot Kamitsure no Sato has an accommodation facility, Yasuesou, attached to it. This inn offers the aroma and warmth of wood made from local Shinshu timber. Certified by Bio Hotels Japan, guests can enjoy meals made with organic vegetables at Yasuesou. In addition, for lunch during your stay, you can enjoy a boxed lunch with pesticide-free rice and seasonal ingredients. Yasuesou pays extra attention to not just the food, but the bathing facilities as well. "Hanamitsu Koi no Yu" is a bath that uses water from Japan's Northern Alps, which is boiled in a wood-chip boiler, and chamomile extract, extracted through a special process, is added to the water. In addition, visitors can freely use special skin care and hair care items containing chamomile extract. Furthermore, the guest rooms are named after trees used as building materials at Yasuesou, for example, "Sugi" (Cedar) and "Hinoki" (Cypress). Bedding is made of organic cotton and down, and even the detergent used for laundry is carefully selected to create a comfortable environment for guests. Summary of Kamitsure no Sato in Nagano, Japan Azumino, where Kamitsure no Sato is located, is home to many other tourist attractions as well. A two-minute drive from Yasuesou is a 250-year-old tree called Nanairo O-kaede (七色大カエデ). This large tree shows its seven beautiful colors every year from October to early November. Its fresh greenery can also be enjoyed during spring and summer, and it has become a symbol of the town of Ikeda, where Kamitsure no Sato is located. The beauty of the Northern Alps from Azumino is nothing short of breathtaking, attracting the eyes of many tourists. The sweet scent of chamomile and the fairy-tale-like world of the treehouse are just two of the many attractions that visitors can experience. When sightseeing in Nagano, consider stopping by Kamitsure no Sato, a place where you can experience the gentleness of nature! -
Video article 3:05
An Encounter With the Specially Protected Rock Ptarmigan While Mountain Climbing! A Look at the Ecology of the Endangered Species and Where You Can Find It!
Living Things Nature- 478 plays
- YouTube
The Rock Ptarmigan - An Endangered Species This video, titled "Endangered Species|Rock Ptarmigan|A Precious Encounter Whilst Mountain Climbing|Special Edition (4k)" (絶滅危惧種 雷鳥 登山で出会った貴重なニホンライチョウ動画 特集 【4K】), was created by "Yamacchi channel" (やまっちchannel). It contains footage of the rock ptarmigan, a protected species in Japan, as well as the Crested ibis and Red-crowned crane. Due to the effects of global warming, the number of rock ptarmigan in Japan has dwindled to around 1,500 and it is now recognized as an endangered species. This video contains a compilation of footage of the adorable rock ptarmigan, which was spotted whilst mountain climbing. In this article, we'll introduce the rock ptarmigan, an endangered species! More About the Rock Ptarmigan, an Endangered Species Photo:Tateyama ptarmigan Said to have survived the ice age, the rock ptarmigan is now an endangered species belonging to the order Galliformes, family Phasianidae and genus Lagopus (キジ目キジ科ライチョウ属, kijimokukijikaraichouzoku). The subspecies of rock ptarmigan which inhabits Japan is a very adorable and friendly bird, making it a favorite among mountain climbers. It has a characteristic call that sounds similar to that of a frog. From 0:14 in the video you can see the rock ptarmigan at Mt. Senjo (仙丈ヶ岳, senjogatake), and at Mt. Tsubakuro (燕岳, tsubakurodake) from 1:38, Mt. Chogatake (蝶ヶ岳, chougatake) from 2:09, and Mt. Jonen (常念岳, jounendake) at 2:04. Rock ptarmigan chicks average 6 cm in height. A fully grown adult rock ptarmigan measures 37 cm in height and weighs approximately 400-600g. They lay their eggs in early summer from the beginning to the middle of June. The color of their feathers also changes depending on the season. In summer, their feathers are a dark brown color, and in winter they change to a snowy white. Furthermore, the rock ptarmigan is a symbol of Toyama Prefecture (富山県 toyamaken), Nagano Prefecture (長野県, naganoken) and Gifu Prefecture (岐阜県, gifuken). Photo:Northern Alps The rock ptarmigan lives in a harsh environment at an altitude of 2,400 m. In the warmer summer months they live in the alpine zone, moving to the subalpine zone in the cooler winter months. In 1980, there were an estimated 3,000-4,000 rock ptarmigans living in Japan. However that number has dropped to around 1,500. The effects of global warming are considered to have been the direct cause of this decrease in numbers. It is thought that the decrease in creeping pine (ハイマツ, haimatsu) numbers, a main food source for the rock ptarmigan, due to global warming is one of the main causes of the decline in rock ptarmigan numbers. Several measures are being taken in order to conserve the rock ptarmigan, such as protecting the species from predators and breeding in zoos. Incidentally, rock ptarmigans have been kept in Ueno zoo (上野動物園, uenodoubutsuen) since 2019. The Habitat of the Endangered Rock Ptarmigan Photo:Tateyama mountain range and a ptarmigan There are 6 genera and 17 species of rock ptarmigan found across the world. They can be found in North America, the coast of the Arctic Ocean in Eurasia, Europe, and the alpine zone in Asia. In Japan, they inhabit the central area of Honshu (Japan's main island) (本州中部地方, honshuuchuubuchihou). In this video, you can see footage of the rock ptarmigan spotted whilst climbing Mt. Senjo, Mt. Chogatake, Mt. Tsubakuro and Mt. Jonen. Snacks shaped like rock ptarmigan are sold in Nagano prefecture, the home of the Northern Alps. A similar bird, the Hazel grouse (エゾライチョウ, ezoraichou), of the genus Tetrastes (エゾライチョウ属, ezoraichouzoku), inhabits Hokkaido (北海道), Japan's northernmost Island. Summary of the Endangered Rock Ptarmigan Source :YouTube screenshot This video "Endangered Species|Rock Ptarmigan|a Precious Encounter Whilst Mountain Climbing|Special Edition (4k)," created by "Yamacchi channel" (やまっちchannel), contains footage of the rock ptarmigan, an endangered species. We highly recommend the video to animal lovers as it has footage of the rock ptarmigan from different places all over Japan! This video of the adorable rock ptarmigan is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face! -
Video article 4:21
Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture Is an Amazing Tourist Destination Overflowing With Nature! Kamikochi and Matsumoto Castle Are Just Two of the Must-See Destinations! A Look at the Culture, History, and Cuisine of Matsumoto City!
Local PR Travel Nature- 662 plays
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The Popular Tourist Destination, Matsumoto This video, titled “Matsumoto Area Sightseeing Excursion” (松本地域観光周遊プラン動画), is a promotional video for Matsumoto produced by the “Matsumoto Region Union” of Matsumoto City Office. The city of Matsumoto, the second largest city in Nagano Prefecture, in Japan's Koushin'etsu Region, is a former castle town surrounded by the Japanese Alps, with Japan's national treasure Matsumoto Castle at its center. Its population is 240,415 as of June, 2019. Since the city of Matsumoto was unaffected by the allied bombing in WW2, plenty of valuable landmarks and cultural properties still remain in and around the city today. Movies and TV shows are often set in the city; visiting Matsumoto is a must when traveling around Nagano Prefecture. There are quite a few famous tourist spots in Matsumoto that are also featured in the video. As well as the natural landscape, culture, history, cuisine, and so on. Which one caught your eye? Sightseeing and Instagrammable Locations Around Matsumoto Photo:Matsumoto Castle Matsumoto Castle, a national treasure, is undoubtedly the most instagrammable spot around Matsumoto. Matsumoto Castle's towers against a backdrop of nature are shown at 0:15 in the video. Of course, there's much more to see than just the castle; there are a myriad of hidden gems throughout the city where you can enjoy the seasonal scenery of Matsumoto as well. Places rich in nature such as Takabocchi Highlands, Sashikirikyo, and Lake Hijiri are famous for their beautiful scenery. For example, Kiritoshi, a road cut through the hilly terrain, leading to Zenko Temple. There's also the mountainous villages of Asahi, Yamagata, Omi, and Ikusaka that pass on the traditions of good old Japan. Kamikochi (0:29) is a popular resort in the Northern Japan Alps with two million visitors each year; it offers one of the most famous mountain views in the country. You can both go on a hike and try mountain climbing here as well. Kamikochi, a prominent mountain resort, has attracted many foreign visitors in recent years as hiking and mountain trails at the foot of Mt. Yakedake (burning mountain) have been well developed. Photo:Kappa Bridge The hiking trail through a virgin forest, starting from Kappa Bridge to Myojin Bridge around Myojin Pond, is another great way to see the natural scenery, and is very popular. The shiny emerald color of the rivers and ponds is incredibly beautiful. Walter Weston, an English missionary, introduced the Japanese Alps to the world for the first time in the early 1900’s. He is called the father of modern mountain climbing; Weston Monument, a relief to honor his memory, is situated on the gigantic rocks facing Mt. Kasumizawa and Mt. Roppyaku. The Weston Festival is held annually in June. In terms of lodging, there's Kamikochi Onsen Hotel, Kamikochi Imperial Hotel, and Kamikochi Taishoike Hotel. For reservations and pricing, please refer to the official website. These tourist hotspots are shown throughout the video, so be sure to check out what Matsumoto has to offer. The local horse race held in Takabocchi Higlands (1:10) is another popular event. Seeing the race horses running before your eyes is an exhilarating experience. If you go up north a bit, Chikuhoku Village (2:25) will welcome you with Shunara Buddha Stone Statues and Mount Kamurigi, also called Ubasuteyama after an old fable. There are many other tourist spots, such as Kiritoshi, in the area. You can also get a taste of art at the Matsumoto Museum of Art in downtown Matsumoto. The History of Matsumoto Photo:Narai-juku Matsumoto is now a part of central Nagano Prefecture, and one of the most famous places in the city is Kaichi School, the oldest elementary school in Japan. It's often featured in the media, and is registered as an important cultural and historical property. There are many other places to visit in Matsumoto, but if you're looking for a place to walk around, Narai-juku is the best place to visit. Narai, located in the middle of Nakasendo, flourished as a prominent post town. It was once referred to as "Narai of a Thousand Houses." It used be at the highest altitude among all the 11 towns of Kiso; the townscape is registered as an "Important Preservation District of Historic Buildings." Dining in Matsumoto Photo:A Watermill at Azumino Daio Wasabi Farm, Nagano Prefecture The area around Matsumoto is known for its deep mountainous villages and harsh weather, yet these very conditions make it possible for you to enjoy the rustic food of the mountains. The countless local products include Shiojiri Grand Wine, Azumino soba noodles, wasabi from Daio Wasabi Farm, Ikusakarat, premium branded grapes of Ikusaka village, and various highland vegetables which are grown utilizing the high altitude. In addittion, Karasawa Soba Village boasts seven soba restaurants on a single street. You should try Takana-meshi (rice), a leading local specialty of Nagano. Takana (mustard leaf) is very popular as a souvenir as well. Furthermore, the Shinshu Region, where Matsumoto is located, is the second largest apple producer in the country ranked second only after Aomori Prefecture. The smell of sweet apples fills the orchards of Misato in the fall. The video shows ripe apples at 1:48. There are 14 major streets in the downtown area around Matsumoto Station. Nakamachi and Nawate Street provide you with a plethora of cafes, sweets parlors, and ramen restaurants; you can pick any of them for lunch or enjoy several as you eat your way through the area. Summary of Matsumoto, Nagano There are numerous fun-filled sightseeing spots around the city where you can take in the magnificent scenery and sweeping views. We can’t cover all the attractions here, but the video, “Matsumoto Area Sightseeing Excursion,” shows everything you need to know about the beautiful city. Once you see the images yourself, you'll be packing your bags in no time! Come check out Matsumoto- It'll be an experience you won't soon forget! -
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Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Capturing the Beauty of Winter in Japan. Snowy Landscapes, Glittering Illuminations + More!
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COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is always holding photo contests. This time, we have selected winter-related works from among the many photos submitted to past COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests. From spectacular landscapes created by natural phenomena like snow and ice, to twinkling light art created by human hands, we hope you enjoy the wide variety of works introduced here. COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Winter in Past Photo Contests Daikanyama Observatory Ainokura Gassho-zukuri Village Kamakura Igloo Village Kurokawa Onsen's 'Yu Akari' Illumination Nakamise Shopping Street in Asakusa Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Lake Onneto, Hokkaido Jigokudani Monkey Park The JR Johana Line A Snow-covered Gujo Hachiman Castle - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Winter in Past Photo Contests We have selected wonderful photos of winter in Japan from among the many wonderful entries that convey the charms of Japan. We'll also introduce some popular photo spots as well! COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 01ktk15 Location: Daikanyama Observatory (Ashigarashimo, Shinagawa) Highlights of Daikanyama, a Popular Tourist Attraction Daikanyama was named after the artist Yokoyama Taikan, who was fond of painting Mt. Fuji. It's located at the end of the Hakone Turnpike, and is an automobile-only road. The summit of the 1,011-meter-high mountain is perfect for photographing Mt. Fuji and Lake Ashi. If the weather is nice, you can also see Hatsushima and Oshima, the Miura Peninsula, and the Boso Peninsula. A Video Article About Narusawa Village, Yamanashi at the foot of Mt. Fuji Video article 2:40 Introducing “Narusawa, Yamanashi,” Home to the Tallest Mountain in Japan. Behold the Jaw Droppingly Beautiful Scenery of Mt. Fuji YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: DAIGO Location: Ainokura Gassho-zukuri Village (Toyama Prefecture) Highlights of Gokayama, a Popular Tourist Attraction Gokayama in Nanto, Toyama, is registered as a World Heritage Site. To raise awareness of fire prevention for Cultural Properties, Gokayama also hosts an illumiantion event. Suganuma Gassho-zukuri Village will be open from sunset to 8:00 pm on Friday, January 26, 2024. The original Japanese landscape "Ainokura Gassho-zukuri Village" floating on a snowy field will be on view from sunset to 9:00 pm on February 23rd (Friday) and 24th (Saturday), 2024. Enjoy the spectacular view of the World Heritage Site under the falling snow. A Video Article About the World Heritage Sites Shirakawa-go and Gokayama in Gifu and Toyama Prefectures Video article 9:24 Shirakawa-Go in Gifu Prefecture and Gokayama in Toyama Prefecture: 2 UNESCO World Heritage Sites Featuring Superb Views of Gassho-Zukuri Farmhouses. These Fantastic Snowy Landscapes are Some of Japan's Most Insta-Worthy Spots! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: mihyaru Location: Kamakura Igloo Village (Iiyama, Nagano) Highlights of Kamakura Igloo Village, a Popular Tourist Attraction in Nagano Prefecture Iiyama, Nagano, is home to more than 20 large Igloos on a field of pure white snow. Snow covers the area for roughly four months of the year, and photographers from all over Japan gather here eagerly in the cold winter air awaiting their chance to capture the snowy scenery of one of the heaviest snowfall areas in Japan. Every year on a weekend in early February, fireworks are set off, illuminating the fields of white snow and igloos, creating a fantastical atmosphere. A Video Article About the Yokote Snow Festival in Yokote, Akita Video article 5:52 Enjoy the Pure White Snowy Landscape at the Traditional "Yokote Snow Festival" in Yokote, Akita Prefecture! Experience Warm Rice Cakes in a Giant Igloo and a Fantastical Silver World! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 野崎 晴美 Location: Kurokawa Onsen's 'Yu Akari' Illumination (Aso, Kumamoto) Highlights of Kurokawa Onsen, a Popular Tourist Attraction in Aso, Kumamoto Kurokawa Onsen's midwinter event, Yu Akari, lights up the hot spring resort. Approximately 300 spherical lanterns called "Mari-toro," as well as 2-meter-tall "Tsutsu-toro" lanterns are arranged to blend in with the natural townscape and are lit from sunset until 10 p.m. The lanterns are truly enchanting. Be sure to bring a camera, as this magical scene is something you'll want to treasure forever! A Video Article About the Yu Akari Illumination at Kurokawa Onsen Video article 3:01 Yu Akari – Experience the Stunning Winter Illumination at Kurokawa Onsen via Video! Discover the Fantastical Atmosphere That Warmly Embraces Visitors, and the Passion of the People of Kurokawa! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Lily0321 Location: Nakamise Shopping Street in Asakusa (Taito, Tokyo) The Charms of Nakamise Shopping Street, a Popular Tourist Attraction Nakamise Shopping Street is located on the main approach to Sensoji Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo. The street is approximately 250 meters long, stretching from Kaminarimon Gate to Hozomon Gate, and both sides of the shopping street are lined with approximately a variety of shops selling all sorts of traditional Japanese goods and trinkets. Being one of the oldest shopping streets in Japan, it's popular for its delicious eateries and souvenir shops selling traditional Japanese goods. Nakamise Shopping Street is always lively, especially during the year-end and New Year's holidays. It is a place where you'll encounter many smiling faces, whether they're from people expressing gratitude for the past year or excitedly looking forward to the next one. A Video Article About Sanja Matsuri in Asakusa, Tokyo Video article 17:46 Sanja Matsuri in Asakusa, Tokyo - One of the Three Main Festivals in Japan! Don’t Miss One of the Best Japanese Festivals With More Than 100 Portable Shrines and 1.5 Million Visitors in Tokyo! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Abhi Sen Location: Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse (Yokohama, Kanagawa) Highlights of the Illumination Event at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, which has been used as a warehouse for approximately 80 years since the early 1900s, is a tourist attraction that was re-purposed as a commercial facility in 2002. The building is illuminated at night, and the clever use of shading to preserve the color and texture of the bricks makes it a great place for taking photos. The building itself is of course beautiful, but the view of the Yokohama Bay Bridge and Osanbashi Bridge from Akarenga Park (赤レンガパーク) in the back of the building is also worth seeing. Various events are held at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, with the Christmas Market held in winter being especially popular. The 10-meter-tall Christmas tree, beautiful illuminations, tasty food, and exciting shopping opportunities, make this an enjoyable experience. A Video Article About Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse's Christmas Market Video article 8:35