大坪 邦仁

Oct. 18, 2020
[Image1]「The large ginkgo of Shakado」Location: Shakado, Saita, Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture*~The Great Gin

「The large ginkgo of Shakado」
Location: Shakado, Saita, Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture

~The Great Gingko of Shakado~
The Great Gingko of Shakado in the Saita of Mitoyo City is a large ginkgo tree that was designated as a preserved tree in Kagawa on March 11 1980 Showa 55. It is a large ginkgo tree with a height of 32 m and a trunk gyrus of 3.4 m. It is said to be a male plant, and the ginkgo fruit does not form.
Shakado was built in 1656 and has a Amitabha Buddha as its main shrine.

~ The Great Ginkgo in Shakado ~
The large ginkgo of Shakado in Saita -cho, Mitoyo-shi is a large ginkgo designated as a conserved tree in Kagawa on March 11, 1980. The tree height is 32m and the trunk height is 3.4m. It is said to be a male stock and does not produce ginkgo fruit.
Shakado is built in 1656 and has Amida Nyorai as the principal. Other history is unknown

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