【Miyazaki Prefecture Gokase Towns Traditional Performing Arts】Murono Yoi Kagura
The Murono Yoi Kagura of Sankasho Shrine is said to have been transmitted from the Mulberry Uchi Shrine Kagura and Furutono Shrine Kagura of the Iwato Kagura lineage during the Meiji period. The dance of the sake strainer has become a merry dance of a peasant couple.
In the mid-Meiji period, in order to dedication Kagura to the festival of Mt. Mt. Konpira in the center of the Murono and Akaya districts, Mr. Suke, the first Kaimin of the Murono district, Tradition Kagura was handed down from Furutono, and it continues to this day.
After a Period hiatus, they were reunited and the request of Kagura Dedication for the penetration ceremony of the Tsubana Tunnel in 1972 Showa 47.
Murono Yoi Kagura's schedule... 2nd Saturday of December
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