Video article 1:48
A land of dreams and magic! Enjoy the whole day at Tokyo Disneyland Hotel in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture! Spend a moment at the Disney-inspired hotel and make it a memory you will cherish for a lifetime!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Things to Do- 70 plays
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東京ディズニーランド公式ホテル こちらで紹介する動画は「東京ディズニーリゾート公式/TokyoDisneyResortOfficial」が公開した「【公式】東京ディズニーランドホテル イメージ動画 | ディズニーホテル/DisneyHotels」です。 日本の観光地の中でも人気抜群なのが東京ディズニーランドです。 JR舞浜駅から降りれば、目の前は東京ディズニーランドと東京ディズニーシーがある東京ディズニーリゾートと呼ばれる人気の観光名所。 東京ディズニーランドはアジア初のディズニーランド! それが日本に上陸したのは1983年のこと。 以来年間入場者数は毎年1,600万人を超える日本屈指の観光スポットとなりました。 そして東京ディズニーリゾートには魅力溢れる3つのディズニーホテルがあるんですよ。 動画では壮大なシャンデリアがお迎えしてくれるアトリウムロビーを有する東京ディズニーランドホテルをメインに紹介していますので、ヴィクトリア朝時代のデザインをイメージしたファンタジー溢れる夢のホテルの模様をお楽しみください。 日本の観光ホテルの中でもハイクラス!ヴィクトリア朝様式の東京ディズニーランドホテル 画像引用 :YouTube screenshot 東京ディズニーランドホテルはモノレールの「東京ディズニーランドステーション」で下車した目の前がホテルのエントランスです。 ホテル内はディズニー映画の雰囲気そのまま再現! 中でも豪華なアトリウムロビーを持つエントランスは圧巻です。 東京ディズニーランドホテル内にはいたるところにミッキーマウスやミニーなどおなじみのキャラクターの隠れモチーフがちりばめられているので、隠れミッキーマウスを探すのもお楽しみの一つです。 東京ディズニーランドホテルの詳細(宿泊プランや料金、イベント情報など)は東京ディズニーリゾートの公式サイトでもご確認いただけます。 東京ディズニーシーの園内にあるホテルミラコスタ! 画像引用 :YouTube screenshot 東京ディズニーランドの隣にあるディズニーシーの園内にある豪華なホテルミラコスタ! 日本では東京ディズニーランドホテルに次いで2つめのディズニーランドとしてオープンした観光ホテルです。 お部屋からは園内の港が見えるデッキがあり、そこから景色を眺めていると、まるでディズニー映画のキャラクターになったよう! こんなインスタ映えするポイントが客室にあるって最高ですね。 レストランの料理も豪華でここが日本であることを忘れてしまいそうな魅力溢れるホテルです。 記念日にはスペシャルなルームサービスなどいかがでしょうか? ファンタジーと冒険につつまれたバリュータイプの東京ディズニーセレブレーションホテル 画像引用 :YouTube screenshot 新浦安エリアにあり、シンプルなサービススタイルで手軽にリゾート気分が満喫できる穴場的な名所が東京ディズニーセレブレーションホテルです。 アクセスは東京ディズニーランドと東京ディズニーシーから無料シャトルバスで約20分。 JR新浦安駅から徒歩約10分です。 東京ディズニーランドホテルやホテルミラコスタに比べるとお値段も手頃なのでディズニーランドアンバサダーもおすすめ! そして日本に観光旅行で訪れる海外の方も多く宿泊している人気のホテルなのです。 東京観光するのなら絶対に外せない東京ディズニーランド公式の3つのホテル紹介まとめ 東京ディズニーランドは首都圏観光の目玉の一つ。 毎年1,600万人以上が訪れる日本有数の観光地です。 東京ディズニーランドホテルの贅沢な空間をこの動画でお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:47
Enjoy a luxurious moment with a view of Matsushima, one of the three most scenic spots in Japan, from the open-air bath at the "Matsushima Ichinobo" resort hot spring hotel in Matsushima-cho, Miyagi Prefecture.
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 57 plays
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松島の絶景を満喫できる「松島一の坊」紹介動画 こちらの動画は「【公式】松島温泉湯元松島一の坊」が公開した「【公式】松島一の坊ロングムービー」です。 日本三景のひとつである宮城県松島のリゾートホテル・松島一の坊を紹介しています。 宮城県松島町にある松島一の坊は、夫婦の記念日・家族での旅行・気軽な女子旅などに合わせた豊富なプラン、最寄りの松嶋駅からの無料送迎バス、見所満載の館内施設など、おもてなしの魅力が詰まったリゾート温泉施設。 くつろぎの和室や和ツインのほか、ワンランク上の旅を楽しめるリゾートツインや半露天風呂付の温泉を満喫できるお部屋もご用意されています。 宮城県松島町にある「松島一の坊」の温泉 展望露天風呂「八百八島」「五大観」からは宮城県が誇る松島を一望でき、特に日の出を眺めながらの入浴がおすすめ。 アルカリ性泉質の松島温泉は、美肌や冷え性改善の効能があります。 日帰り温泉としての利用も可能で、気軽にリゾートを体験できます。 宮城県松島町にある「松島一の坊」でいただく食事 1:02から紹介している松島一の坊のレストラン「料理長厨房ビュッフェ青海波」では、目の前で調理の様子を見ることができるライブ感あるビュッフェを提供。 主に宮城県内の地産地消の食材を利用し、前菜やメインディッシュ、スイーツまでを、ワインセラーに保管された豊富な種類のワインと共にいただけます。 温泉やディナーの後は毎日開催されている無料イベント「月夜のラウンジコンサート」で、動画2:24のような夜のリゾートタイムを楽しんでくださいね。 宮城県松島町にある「松島一の坊」のアクティビティとリラクゼーション 宮城県松島湾を借景とした水上庭園、併設された藤田喬平ガラス美術館、夏季限定のガーデンプール、ショッピングを楽しめるガラスミュージアムショップやセレクトショップ「海の色」などの豊富なアクティビティも魅力の宮城県・松島一の坊。 また、松島一の坊は庭がSPAになっており、温泉の大浴場、岩塩岩盤浴、サウナ、マッサージエステ(もみほぐし処、あしもみ屋)など、リラクゼーションを満喫できます。 宮城県松島町にある「松島一の坊」紹介動画まとめ 国内屈指の絶景を眺めながらくつろぎのリゾートタイムを過ごせる宮城県・松島一の坊。 内湯や露天風呂などの温泉、スパやアクティビティなど、大事な人との思い出に残る過ごし方ができるホテルです。 オールインクルーシブアクティビティを満喫できる宮城県・松島一の坊にぜひ足を運んでみてくださいね。 -
Video article 2:29
The Former Daijoin Temple Garden - Take a Stroll in the Beautiful Garden Near Nara Hotel... Highlights of the Scenic Garden, Loved by Court Nobles and Shoguns Since Japan's Heian Period!
Living Things- 61 plays
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Introducing the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, a Beautiful Garden in the Ancient Capital of Nara! This video, titled "[4K] Japanese Garden DAIJO-IN NARA" ([4K] 日本庭園 旧大乗院庭園 / 奈良 Japanese Garden DAIJO-IN NARA), was uploaded by "Yurara Sarara," a channel focused on Japanese culture. The Former Daijoin Temple Garden is a beautiful Japanese garden located next to Nara Hotel and has been designated as a Place of Scenic Beauty by the government of Japan. Enjoy the beauty of the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, which was praised as one of the most beautiful gardens in the southern capital, in this 2.5 minute-long, 4K video. The Former Daijoin Temple Garden - Learn the History of the Beautiful Garden! Photo:The Former Daijoin Temple Garden, Nara City, Nara Prefecture Located in the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, Daijoin is a temple with a long history, founded in 1087, the first year of Kanji, and flourished from the Heian period (794-1185 AD) to the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). It was famous as one of the sub-temples of Kofukuji Temple, but it was destroyed by fire in the Siege of Nara by the Taira clan in 1180, and moved to its present location. The Former Daijoin Temple Garden was devastated by a peasant uprising in the Muromachi Period (1336-1573 AD), but was remodeled by Zen'ami, a gardener famous for creating the garden of Ginkakuji Temple (The Silver Pavilion). The temple was abandoned due to the abolition of Buddhism in the early Meiji period (1868-1912), but Nara Hotel was built on the site, and now it has become a tourist known as "The Former Daijoin Temple Garden." Highlights of the Former Daijoin Temple Garden! Photo:The Former Daijoin Temple Garden in autumn, Nara City, Nara Prefecture The Former Daijoin Temple Garden is a garden featuring a path around a pond, with small east and west ponds at its center. In addition to the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, there are other gardens of in this style, including the Katsura Imperial Villa in Kyoto and Kenroku-en in Kanazawa. The Former Daijoin Temple Garden is a wonderful place to visit at any time of the year, from the deep green of spring to the changing leaves of autumn, but it's even more beautiful when visiting during seasonal events. In September, the Former Daijoin Temple Garden is open to the public at night for the "Full Moon Festival" (観月の夕べ). Visitors can enjoy a collaboration of the mid-autumn moon and the beauty of the Former Daijoin Temple Garden. At the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, there is a historical museum that displays a model of the original Daijoin Temple, as well as the Daijoin Garden Cultural Hall, which has meeting rooms and a tea ceremony room for various events. In addition, the earthen wall outside the building incorporates the design of of ancient structures, allowing visitors to enjoy the culture of not only the garden, but also the exterior of the building. Access to the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, a Tourist Attraction in Nara Prefecture To get to the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, take an 8-minute bus bound for Tenri or Shimoyama from JR Nara Station or Kintetsu Nara Station, get off at the "Nara Hotel" bus stop, and walk for 1 minute, or get off at the "Fukuchiin" (福智院町) bus stop, and walk for 1 minute. If you're visiting via car, be sure to use the nearby "Naramachi Center" parking lot. Summary of the Famous Former Daijoin Temple Garden in Nara, Japan Photo:Nara Hotel At the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, visitors can enjoy strolling through the garden while viewing the autumn leaves and the mid-autumn moon in autumn, as well as cherry blossoms in spring. Located in the ancient capital of Nara, the Former Daijoin Temple Garden is located next to Nara Hotel, which has a history of more than 100 years, so we definitely recommend staying there as an overnight when sightseeing in Nara. Come and see the beauty of the Former Daijoin Temple Garden with your own eyes! 【Official Website】The Former Daijoin Temple Garden, a Place of Scenic Beauty https://www.narahotel.co.jp/eng/ 【TripAdvisor】The Former Daijoin Temple Garden https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298198-d2049192-Reviews-Meisho_Daijoin_Garden-Nara_Nara_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 1:39
Hoshino Resort Tomamu “Ice Church” in Yufutsu-gun, Hokkaido is only available in winter! The best wedding ceremony that everyone will envy at the mysterious and beautiful church!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Art & Architecture- 220 plays
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Hoshino Resort Tomamu “Ice Church” in Yufutsu-gun, Hokkaido, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "氷の教会 (ICE CHAPEL)" was produced by "Hoshino Resorts Tomamu (Official)." It introduces the beautiful ice chapel at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu. A chapel made of ice sounds probably sounds like something you'd find in a fairy tale, but this chapel is very real. The ice chapel,introduced in the video, can be found at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu in Hokkaido. The dreamy chapel, utilizing Hokkaido’s harsh climate, is gaining popularity among couples looking to have a unique wedding. Enjoy the beauty of the chapel shown in the video. About Hoshino Resorts Tomamu's Ice Chapel Source :YouTube screenshot The ice chapel at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu is available for just one month when Hokkaido is blanketed in pure white snow and the temperature drops to -30 degrees celsius (~-22 Fahrenheit). The ice chapel has a distinct, dome-shaped exterior. You can see the exterior at 1:19 in the video. As shown in the introduction at1:07 the aisle, altar, crosses, and even the candles are all made of ice and snow. The chapel is illuminated by a beautiful light called "ice blue," creating a magical atmosphere. Having a wedding, said to be one of the most important days of one's life, at this beautiful chapel, will make for an unforgettable experience. What to Do at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Source :【Official Homepage】Hoshino Resorts Tomamu The ice chapel is located in the Ice Village, which appears only in winter at Hokkaido Hoshino Resorts Tomamu. In addition to the Ice Village, there is an ice hotel, an ice sweets shop, an ice slide, an ice bath, an ice bar, an ice atelier, and an ice general store. In winter, you can also enjoy a dog sledding experience at Hokkaido Hoshino Resorts Tomamu. Passing through the Ice Village's mysterious ice gates will take you to another world. Facilities at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Photo:Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Hoshino Resorts Tomamu, built in the great outdoors of Hokkaido, has many attractive buildings besides the ice chapelshown in the video. "The Tower," which is the hotel in the central area, is a lodging facility where you can stay the night. There are also numerous restaurants, hot springs, and activity facilities on site. The water chapel, designed by the world-renowned architect Tadao Ando, is another facility used for weddings and has a very romantic atmosphere. Summary of Hoshino Resorts Tomamu's Ice Chapel Source :YouTube screenshot This video shows scenes of magical weddings held at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu's ice chapel. The bride's winter-themed wedding dress is also very beautiful. If you're thinking of having a resort wedding at the ice chapel, be sure to visit the website and look into what they have to offer. ◆Hoshino Resorts Tomamu|Ice Village, Facility Overview◆ 【Address】Naka-Tomamu Shimukappu Yufutsu Hokkaido 〒079-2204 【Access】5 minutes from Doto Expressway Tomamu I.C. 【2020 Open Period】January 20th -February 14th 2020 【Hours】17:45〜、19:45〜、21:45〜、About 10 minutes per session 【Parking】Available 【Telephone Number】0167-58-1111 【Official Website】ICE VILLAGE|Hoshino Resorts Tomamu【Official】 https://www.snowtomamu.jp/special/icevillage/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Hoshino Resorts Tomamu https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1120868-d1384236-r562576645-Hoshino_Resort_Tomamu-Shimukappu_mura_Yufutsu_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 1:25
A New Symbol is Born in Shinjuku, Tokyo! Enjoy deep Shinjuku at Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, a flamboyant entertainment complex!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Things to Do Travel- 52 plays
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Tokyu Kabukicho Tower" in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Video Introduction Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku This video, titled "Tokyu Kabukicho Tower: A Hotel and Entertainment Complex Aimed at International Tourists" (【東急歌舞伎町タワー】インバウンド需要狙い ホテルとエンタメの複合施設), was uploaded by "NTV News24" (日テレNEWS). The video introduces the entertainment facilities of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, which opened in April 2023. The video is full of exciting images, such as the flashy food hall Shinjuku Kabukicho Hall, where guests can enjoy sampling cuisine from different regions of Japan, and the movie theater, where every seat is a premium seat. [Video] 0:48 - All Premium Seats [Video] 0:57 - The Flashy Food Hall What is Tokyu Kabukicho Tower in Shinjuku, Tokyo Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku On April 14, 2023, an entertainment complex tower that allows visitors to play, watch, eat, and stay opened in Kabukicho in Shinjuku, Tokyo. The 225-meter-tall skyscraper complex stands majestically on the former site of the sadly closed Shinjuku Milano-za Theater. Its name is Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. The exterior of the tower is extremely stylish, and the skyscraper, designed in the image of a fountain, has a strong presence in Shinjuku's Kabukicho district. The concept of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is to "pursue your passions." Admission to Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is free, and anyone can enter. The tower houses restaurants, cafes, an evolutionary food court in the style of an alleyway you'd find in Tokyo, live music clubs, cinemas, theaters, and accommodations, offering a variety of experiences within a single building. In addition, reflecting the diversifying society, gender-less restrooms have been introduced on the 2nd floor. The revolutionary restrooms, which can be used by both men and women, have been quite the controversy on social media. Experience Japanese Festival Culture and Delicious Food on the 2nd Floor at Shinjuku Kabuki Hall Photo:Shinjuku Kabuki Hall, Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku Shinjuku Kabuki Hall is a flashy food hall with a Japanese festival theme. Located on the 2nd floor of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, the interior combines the glitz and glamour of Kabukicho with authentic alley-way-style areas that Tokyo is known for. Delicious foods from all over Japan and cuisine from the neighboring country of Korea can be enjoyed here as well. Hours for Shinjuku Kabuki Hall are from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day. Events are held every night on the stage set up inside the food hall, adding to the festive nighttime atmosphere of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. [Shop Information for the Food Hall] ●Hokkaido Food Festival (北海道食祭) Visitors can enjoy local delicacies of Hokkaido, such as ramen, zangi (a special type of fried chicken), Tokachi pork bowls, Muroran yakitori (pork and onions skewers), and various seafood products. ●Tohoku Food Festival (東北食祭) A restaurant where you can try beef tongue from Sendai, a major city in Japan's Tohoku region, Morioka reimen (cold noodles), Hinai Jidori chicken characterized by its firm texture and umami flavor, and Fukushima enban gyoza (disc dumplings) beautifully arranged in the shape of a frying pan. ●Kanto Food Festival (関東食祭) Kanto Food Festival is popular for its sushi platters and Edo tempura rice bowls, which allow visitors to enjoy Edomae techniques, motsuyaki (grilled beef offal) from Shibaura, Sano ramen from Tochigi, and Tochigi gyoza (dumplings). ●Yokohama Chinese Food Festival (横浜中華食祭) A restaurant where you can enjoy popular dishes from Yokohama Chinatown in a casual atmosphere. ●Chubu Food Festival (中部食祭) Here, visitors can enjoy dishes such as Nagoya's classic miso pork cutlet and chicken wings, dishes made with Japanese glass shrimp, the jewels of Toyama Bay, and Hanton Rice from Kanazawa, which has become a popular tourist destination since the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen bullet train. ●Kinki Food Festival (近畿食祭) Visitors can enjoy "B-class gourmet" foods such as Osaka's okonomiyaki and kushikatsu, as well as Kyoto's udon noodles and obanzai (traditional Kyoto-style cuisine), famous for their elegant soup stock. The lineup also includes first-class Japanese beef dishes, such as Kobe Beef and Omi Beef! ●Chugoku-Shikoku Food Festival (中四国食祭) This restaurant focuses on fresh ingredients sent from the regions that produce them, such as bonito (dried skipjack tuna flakes) shipped directly from the remote Okinoshima island in Kochi, oysters shipped directly from Hiroshima, and noodles from a long-established Sanuki Udon noodle store in Kagawa that attracts large crowds of customers. ●Kyushu-Okinawa Food Festival (九州沖縄食祭) A restaurant where you can try Hakata's yakitori ramen, torikawa (chicken skin) skewers, and tetsunabe gyoza (a special type of dumpling). You can also try chicken dishes made with Miyazaki jidori chicken, goya chanpuru (Okinawan bitter gourd stir-fry), rafute, and more. Enjoy a combination of foods together with shochu and awamori. ●Korean Food Festival (韓国食祭) From Korean dishes like cheese dakgalbi, sundubu, and samgyeopsal, which are very popular in Japan, to sweets from Korean food stalls, you can enjoy a wide variety of Korean food here. ●KABUKI CAFÉ A casual Italian restaurant that can be enjoyed as a café or a bar. The Arts at Tokyu Kabukicho Tower! Theater, Cinema, a Live Music Club and More! Source :YouTube screenshot No matter how rewarding the tourist attraction or wonderful the live performance is, if your accommodations are far away or if you have to travel by crowded train, you won't be able to enjoy it as much as you'd like... With that said, we recommend utilizing the accommodations inside Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. Tokyu Kabukicho Tower has two hotels opening on May 19, 2023. They are "BELLUSTAR TOKYO, A Pan Pacific Hotel," a facility that offers one of the most luxurious lodging experiences in Japan, and "HOTEL GROOVE SHINJUKU, A PARKROYAL Hotel," which features pop-style guest rooms with art and music inspired by Shinjuku. After a long day of fun at Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, an entertainment complex tower, you can return to your hotel room at the press of a button! You're sure to have an enjoyable time if you do so! Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is also connected to airports via a direct limousine bus service. If you're looking for a base to explore tourist attractions around Tokyo, this is it! Tokyu Kabukicho Tower: An Entertainment Facility & Hotel in Shinjuku, Tokyo Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower at night, Shinjuku Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, an entertainment complex and tower, combines a state-of-the-art theater, movie theater, and a live music hall. Located on the 6th, 7th, and 8th floors of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, THEATER MILANO-Za has been opened, taking the name of Shinjuku Milano-za, a beloved movie theater that was open in Shinjuku for 58 years, as a live entertainment theater. It offers a top-notch stage for artists, not only for plays, but also for seated live music performances and visual events. 109 Cinemas Premium is located on the 9th and 10th floors. The viewers-only lounge, which can be used one hour before a movie starts, has a relaxing atmosphere and is decorated with artwork inspired by Shinjuku's Kabukicho district. All seats are premium seats, and the design of the sound system was overseen by Ryuichi Sakamoto. Zepp Shinjyuku (TOKYO), located in the basement of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower from B1F to B4F, can accommodate 1,500 people standing, making it one of the largest live music halls in Shinjuku. Equipped with the latest video equipment, it offers a special live performance experience in a luxury venue where music and video are fused together. Tokyu Kabukicho Tower Floor Guide Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku Tokyu Kabukicho Tower has 48 floors above ground and 5 floors below ground for a total of 53 floors. Of the 53 floors, 45 floors are accessible by the public. Below is a floor guide for Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. BELLUSTAR TOKYO, A Pan Pacific Hotel (39-47F) A luxury hotel at the top of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower with a panoramic view of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. The hotel has 97 rooms and 5 penthouse suites where you can enjoy an unforgettable stay. Floors 45-47 feature a bar and restaurant that can be used by all visitors to the hotel. HOTEL GROOVE SHINJUKU, A PARKROYAL Hotel (18-38F) A hotel with a view of Tokyo with fancy furnishings and unique art installations. The hotel has 538 rooms that come in a variety of styles. From suites, to rooms with tatami flooring, and rooms designed by artists, there's something for everyone here. JAM 17 DINING & BAR (17F) JAM 17 DINING & BAR features an Italian restaurant with an open kitchen and fresh vegetables from Japan's Kanto region. The restaurant also features a rooftop terrace where you can enjoy dinner with friends or a romantic night out with your special someone. The bar is a great place to relax after enjoying other facilities in the tower, and features guest bartenders, original cocktails, and a tasteful ambience. 109 Cinemas Premium (9-10F) A movie theater with completely premium seating inside Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. THEATER MILANO-Za (6-8F) Carrying on the name of the former Shinjuku Milano-za, this theater is used for plays, live performances, etc., and seats up to 907 guests in relatively spacious seating. EXSTION (5F) EXSTION is a members-only wellness club located inside of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower with a relaxing atmosphere. It features a lounge, sauna, gym, pool, restaurant, art gallery, and other facilities. THE TOKYO MATRIX (4F) A real-life dungeon based on the story of Sword Art Online. Players will have to use sword skills, and critical thinking to solve puzzles and collect items for a chance to face off against Kirito and Asuna. namco TOKYO (3F) Namco TOKYO is an arcade located inside of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. The arcade features 250 gachapon machines, a variety of games, as well as food and drinks with which to enjoy a break between fun. Shinjuku Kabuki Hall (2F) Shinjuku Kabuki Hall is a café inside of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower with 10 restaurants all offering a different style of cuisine from somewhere in Japan, and even with Korean food. Tourist Information Center (1F) The first floor is where you can get father tourist information if you're visiting the area, but also houses a Starbucks, a burger and taco restaurants, and a variety of other facilities. Zepp Shinjuku/ZEROTOKYO (B1-B4) The basement floors are home to Zepp Shinjuku, a live music hall with state-of-the-art video equipment for live performances that can accommodate up to 1,500 guests, and ZEROTOKYO, a club where you can enjoy music, DJs, scenography, and all kinds of awesome performances. Summary of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, a Flashy New Tourist Attraction in Shinjuku Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is a new type of entertainment complex that is raising the bar for quality entertainment in Japan. You can experience the Japanese spirit of hospitality, which is to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable, together with endless entertainment and state-of-the-art facilities. 【Official Website】TOKYU KABUKICHO TOWER -
Video article 3:12
Chamomile in full bloom enjoyed from the treehouse at Chamitsure no Sato in Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture! Surrounded by flowers, why not experience what it is like to be in a fairy tale world?
Travel Nature- 45 plays
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Video introduction of "Chamitsure no Sato" in Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "[4K] A Tree House & Chamomile Flower Garden in Fairy-Tale-Like Place. Kamitsure No Sato (Nagano Prefecture)" ([4K] おとぎの国のツリーハウス&カモミールのお花畑。カミツレの里(長野県) Fantasy Tree House in Fairyland,Kamitsure-no-sato,NAGANO.), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." The video features scenery of the likes you'd find in a fairy tale, with a treehouse surrounded by beautiful German chamomiles in full bloom. Be sure to check it out. Kamitsure no Sato – A Tourist Attraction in Nagano Prefecture Photo:A field of chamomile Kamitsure no Sato is located in Ikeda, Kitaazumi, Nagano, in Japan's Koshin-etsu Region and is a popular sightseeing spot in Nagano Prefecture. Kamitsure is chamomile in Japanese. Kamitsure no Sato is a tourist attraction rich in nature, with a factory that grows chamomile and manufactures and sells products using said chamomile, as well as a lodging facility, Yasuesou. When the chamomile is in full bloom, the area is filled with the sweet and gentle scent of the flowers. Standing amidst the chamomile garden is a treehouse, a popular sightseeing spot in Kamitsure no Sato. The charm of the treehouse at Kamitsure is that anyone can freely use it. The chamomile fields in full bloom can be viewed from the treehouse as well. The treehouse, which looks like something out of a fairy tale, is great for taking Instagram photos as well. Events at Kamitsure no Sato Various events are also held at Kamitsure no Sato. The "Nature Experience Class" has been held for 16 years, ever since pediatric and dental doctors brought their children with allergies and atopic dermatitis to Kamitsure no Sato. In addition, there's a chamomile harvesting event in early June each year. One of the major events is the "Ikedamachi Hirotsu Kamitsure Matsuri" (いけだまちひろつカミツレ花まつり), a festival held in early June when the chamomiles are in full bloom. The festival includes a walk through chamomile fields, a chamomile harvesting experience, and sales of products manufactured at Kamitsure no Sato. Bloom Dates and the Language of Flowers for Chamomiles in Japanese Culture Chamomile is a type of herb native to the Mediterranean region. It is also known for its harvested flowers and leaves, which are dried and used to make tea and traditional medicines. The flowering season for chamomile is from May to September in Japan. The flowers have small, white petals and a sweet fragrance. According to the language of flowers, the chamomile is associated with the birthdays February 14, March 14, and November 3. The meaning of the chamomile is "perseverance in adversity" and "strength in adversity." Yasuesou Bio Hotel and the Tree House at Kamitsure no Sato Source :YouTube screenshot Kamitsure no Sato has an accommodation facility, Yasuesou, attached to it. This inn offers the aroma and warmth of wood made from local Shinshu timber. Certified by Bio Hotels Japan, guests can enjoy meals made with organic vegetables at Yasuesou. In addition, for lunch during your stay, you can enjoy a boxed lunch with pesticide-free rice and seasonal ingredients. Yasuesou pays extra attention to not just the food, but the bathing facilities as well. "Hanamitsu Koi no Yu" is a bath that uses water from Japan's Northern Alps, which is boiled in a wood-chip boiler, and chamomile extract, extracted through a special process, is added to the water. In addition, visitors can freely use special skin care and hair care items containing chamomile extract. Furthermore, the guest rooms are named after trees used as building materials at Yasuesou, for example, "Sugi" (Cedar) and "Hinoki" (Cypress). Bedding is made of organic cotton and down, and even the detergent used for laundry is carefully selected to create a comfortable environment for guests. Summary of Kamitsure no Sato in Nagano, Japan Azumino, where Kamitsure no Sato is located, is home to many other tourist attractions as well. A two-minute drive from Yasuesou is a 250-year-old tree called Nanairo O-kaede (七色大カエデ). This large tree shows its seven beautiful colors every year from October to early November. Its fresh greenery can also be enjoyed during spring and summer, and it has become a symbol of the town of Ikeda, where Kamitsure no Sato is located. The beauty of the Northern Alps from Azumino is nothing short of breathtaking, attracting the eyes of many tourists. The sweet scent of chamomile and the fairy-tale-like world of the treehouse are just two of the many attractions that visitors can experience. When sightseeing in Nagano, consider stopping by Kamitsure no Sato, a place where you can experience the gentleness of nature! -
Video article 4:06
The Life of Sakamoto Ryoma, a Samurai of the Late Edo Period! Introducing Precious Artifacts That Reveal Information on the History and Activity of This Famous Samurai!
History- 139 plays
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Introducing the Sakamoto Ryoma Exhibition! In this article we introduce the video "Sakamoto Ryoma assassination recreation = 70 artifacts open to the public for the first time, including letters and the gun of Hitokiri Izou!(暗殺の様子再現、坂本龍馬展=初公開の手紙など70点披露、人斬り以蔵の拳銃も)" created by Jiji Press Ltd. (時事通信トレンドニュース). This video contains footage of the exhibition "From the Tosa Domain! Sakamoto Ryoma Exhibition" which was held in Meguro city, Tokyo in 2017. Bakumatsu fans can enjoy looking at a variety of Sakamoto Ryoma's items such as his favorite sword and letters. Who is Sakamoto Ryoma? Source :YouTube screenshot Sakamoto Ryoma was a samurai of the Tosa Clan active towards the end of the Edo Shogunate (1853-1869). He was born January 3rd, 1836, and his real name was Sakamoto Naonari. After leaving the Tosa clan, he became a Shishi, and formed a teacher-student relationship with Katsu Kaishu, eventually forming the Kameyama Company, later called “Kaientai.” A few famous examples of Sakamoto Ryoma's life include the Teradaya Incident, where he narrowly escaped death, and his role in uniting the Satsuma and Choshu domains, referred to as the Satcho Alliance. His life has been portrayed in a variety of TV dramas such as the popular "Ryomaden." "Jin" is another popular historical drama based on Japan's Bakumatsu period, and Sakamoto Ryoma plays a major role throughout the story. More About the Exhibition "From the Tosa Domain! Sakamoto Ryoma Exhibition" Source :YouTube screenshot The exhibition featured in this video was held in Tokyo, as the Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum (坂本龍馬記念館, sakamotoryouma kinenkan) was undergoing reconstruction at the time in 2017. Articles such as Sakamoto Ryoma's wakizashi (short sword), and a letter addressed to Shojiro Goto of the Tosa Domain, were on exhibition at the Hyakudankaidan hotel, which is listed as a Tangible Cultural Asset of Tokyo. You can also see the obi worn by Sakamoto Ryoma's older sister and the gun used by Hitokiri Izou (real name Izou Okada). Other popular exhibits include Sakamoto Ryoma's glass collodion photograph, the letter "nebutonotegami," a letter addressed to his older sister, a chart of the Battle of Shimonoseki, the Satcho Alliance endorsement, and a chronological table of events. You can see these exhibits in the video from 0:14. You Can Also See the Recreation of the Assassination of Sakamoto Ryoma in This Video! From 2:47 in the video, we're shown "Saraba, Ryoma," where we can learn more about the details surrounding the assassination of Sakamoto Ryoma. The Hokushin Itto-Ryu Genbu Dojo, that carries on the Hokushin Itto-Ryu style that Sakamoto Ryoma mastered, helped direct the powerful assassination scene. You can experience the assassination of Sakamoto Ryoma, Nakaoka Shintaro and Tokichi Yamada, by the Kyoto Mimawarigumi in silhouette and sound. Sakamoto Ryoma Introductory Video Summary Source :YouTube screenshot We hope you enjoyed learning more about the famous samurai Sakamoto Ryoma. You can currently see the artifacts featured in this video at the Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum in Kochi prefecture. The Bakumatsu period was one of the most dramatic time periods in Japanese history! Be sure to watch the video in detail to learn more about the fascinating samurai Sakamoto Ryoma! 【Official Website】Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum https://ryoma-kinenkan.jp/country/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum, Kochi Prefecture https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298234-d1818581-Reviews-The_Sakamoto_Ryoma_Memorial_Museum-Kochi_Kochi_Prefecture_Shikoku.html -
Video article 8:52
A Close Look at Mori Hikari's Life in Paris! The Daily Routine and Favorite Places of the Cute Japanese Model!
Celebrities Entertainment & Music- 360 plays
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Japanese Model, Mori Hikari This video was created by the fashion magazine "VOGUE JAPAN." It's titled "Fashion week in Paris, with Mori Hikari|Hotel Routine|My Routine|VOGUE JAPAN." In this video, we'll go over Mori Hikari's routine and her unadorned face when she arrives in Paris to participate in Men's Fashion Week. Mori Hikari is a talented model and the younger sister of Mori Izumi. She is active outside of Japan and her grandmother is the world-renown fashion designer, Hanae Mori. She is the youngest of five siblings. Mori Hikari, has a carefree smile and a short hairstyle, is 175 cm tall and has excellent style. After working as a reader model for the fashion magazine Hanachu, she appeared in commercials for various magazines and Shiseido, and also appears on TV as a celebrity, which allows her to go beyond the modeling world. Also known as a celebrity, in 2011 she attended Debutante Bar, a gathering of young upper-class daughters full of talent and potential. In this article, we'll go over how Mori Hikari spends time at her favorite hotel in Paris. Mori Hikari's Stay in Paris Source :YouTube screenshot The video starts with Mori Hikari entering the hotel. The first thing she does in the room, as you can see at 0:31 in the video, is take out her clothes from her suitcase and hang it in the closet. Mori says in the video that, during fashion week, she brings lots of clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. because she doesn't want to wear the same outfits. Source :YouTube screenshot Next, she arranges her makeup kits neatly in the bathroom. Then it's time for a relaxing soak in the bathtub. After taking a bath, she puts on the bathrobe prepared by the hotel, with her name sewn on it, changes into her pajamas, and goes to bed. You can see Mori Hikari's bathroom routine at 1:40 in the video. The next morning, she wakes up refreshed and looking cute! After checking her Instagram and e-mail, she reads for a bit and then gets dressed. You can see this part of her routine at 3:06 in the video. Mori Hikari's Favorite Spot in Paris Source :YouTube screenshot One of Mori Hikari's favorite places to go during her stay in Paris is a Parisian restaurant where she gets breakfast. She always orders organic coconut and dragon fruit, and says that it feels good to eat healthy and she can try different foods while she travels. Her next favorite spot is a bookstore. Here, she buys photo books that are hard to find in Japan and cookbooks that she's interested in. Even Her Private Clothes Are Stylish! Source :YouTube screenshot During Fashion Week in Paris, Mori Hikari says that she tries out new outfits that she wouldn't normally be able to wear in Japan and tries to coordinate her outfits in a playful way. In the video, she wears bright blue pants that coordinate with her outfit. Summary of Japanese Model, Mori Hikari The video "Fashion week in Paris, with Mori Hikari|Hotel Routine|My Routine|VOGUE JAPAN," is full of Mori Hikari’s smiling face. If you're interested in Mori Hikari and her warm aura, be sure to check out the video! 【Official Website】Mori Hikari | Image Models http://www.image-tokyo.co.jp/models/hikari-mori/ -
Video article 3:03
The Nasu Highlands: Enjoy an Unforgettable Winter in Tochigi Prefecture. Winter Activities, Tourist Attractions, Hot Springs, and a Chance to Experience the Local Wildlife! What More Could You Ask For?
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 321 plays
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Nasu Highlands, Tochigi Prefecture This video, titled "Renewal! Nasu Highlands in Tochigi Prefecture. Best Spots to Visit (Winter Version)" (【リニューアル】「栃木県那須観光」おすすめの見所をご紹介!【冬編】), shows winter in the Nasu area of Tochigi Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto region. It's produced by the "Nasu Town Tourism Association." There are sightseeing spots that thrive as a summer resort that can also be enjoyed as a unique winter experience. In this article, we'll introduce you to some of the best sightseeing spots on Nasu Highlands in winter, where you can enjoy the changing of the seasons in Japan. The video, which starts with a dip at the Nasu Hot Springs (那須温泉, Nasu Onsen), is filled with information on nature, activities, gourmet food, hot springs, and more, all in the Nasu area of Tochigi prefecture in just 3 minutes. Recommended Sightseeing Destinations on the Nasu Highlands Photo:Snow shoes and bags Snowshoe Tours, that start from Komaru Mountain Observation Park (小丸山展望園地, Komaruyamatenbouenchi) and go to the Nasu Hot Spring Family Ski Resort, are a popular activity during winter on the Nasu Highlands. The snowshoe tours that take you through the pure white landscape of the Nasu Highlands are introduced at 1:04 in the video. Another great place to visit is the Nasu Stained Glass Museum, where you can see the Nasu Garden Outlet illuminations. This is shown at 2:22 in the video, and we definitely recommend checking it out. You can take the Nasu ropeway to the top of the mountain to see a beautiful view of the surrounding area. There are several campsites on the Nasu Highlands that are open year round, so if you're looking to stay in the great outdoors, here's your chance. Winter Destinations for the Whole Family on the Nasu Highlands of Tochigi Prefecture Photo:Capybara in the hot springs Nasu has many sightseeing spots where you can interact with cute animals even during winter. Nasu Safari Park, Nasu Alpaca Ranch, and Senbonmatsu Dairy Farm are places where you can interact with farm animals and they are very popular with both adults and children alike. The Nasu Alpaca Farm is introduced at 0:31 in the video. We also recommend Nasu Animal Kingdom's Capybara Hot Spring, where you can enjoy the hot springs of Nasu. Be sure to take some pictures of the cute critters and post them on Instagram! Also, don’t forget to check out the popular amusement park, Nasu Highland Park. Relaxing Destinations During Winter at Nasu Highlands Source :YouTube screenshot Nasu has many Japanese-style hot springs, such as Daimaru Onsen, Ashino Onsen, and Nasu Onsen Kanoyu. If you stay at the resort Hotel Sun Valley Nasu, you can enjoy the buffet and hot springs to your hearts content. There are many one-day hot springs and footbaths at the hot spring inns and hotels, so you can enjoy finding your favorite! The hot springs can be seen at 1:34 in the video. After taking a dip in the hot springs, why not try cold soba noodles, a winter delicacy in Nasu. We also recommend enjoying lunch at the Nasu Highlands Service Area to purchase some refreshing Nasu Kogen Beer. Summary of Winter on the Nasu Highlands The Nasu Highlands are at a high altitude, and the weather can be rough in winter. However, on the snowy Nasu Highlands, there are many special experiences that you can't experience any other time of the year. Enjoy a trip to the beautiful winter wonderland known as the Nasu Highlands! 【Tripadvisor】Nasu Highlands https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121057-d1311756-Reviews-Nasu_Highlands-Nasu_machi_Nasu_gun_Tochigi_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 4:56
Enjoy Glass, Music Boxes and Freshly Caught Seafood in Otaru, Hokkaido! We Bring You the Charms of Some of Hokkaido's Most Beautiful Places!
Local PR Travel- 32 plays
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グルメ・自然・歴史が凝縮した街「北海道小樽市」 こちらの動画は「小樽観光協会Otaru Tourism Association」が公開した「北海道小樽・観光プロモーションムービー」です。 北海道小樽市は札幌市に隣接した日本海の玄関口として栄え、北海道内でも歴史のある都市として観光客を魅了しています。 小樽運河や旧日本郵船などはその名残の名所として人気で、日本国内でも価値のある歴史的スポット。 今回紹介するのはそんな小樽市の自然や文化などの魅力が詰まった動画です。 レトロな歴史的建造物の立ち並ぶ小樽市 動画の冒頭は、日本を代表する歌人・石川啄木が北海道小樽市について詠んだ歌から始まります。 0:05からは、日本の重要文化財に指定されている旧日本郵船・小樽支店、昭和9年に建てられた小樽駅、小樽市指定歴史的建造物指定の小樽市役所、旧小樽倉庫を利用した運河プラザ(小樽市観光物産プラザ)などの風情を感じる歴史的建造物を紹介。 小樽市観光では必ず立ち寄りたい、日本を代表するおすすめスポットです。 北海道小樽市に泊まる 動画の0:41から紹介しているのは、小樽市内のホテルや旅館。 温泉が自慢の「おたる 宏楽園」や高級感あふれる「ホテルノルド小樽」では日本ならではのおもてなしを受けられ、観光の疲れが癒されます。 北海道小樽市で楽しむ 動画の1:01からは家族で楽しめる小樽市内の観光スポットを紹介。 小樽市総合博物館には、蒸気機関車「しづか号」をはじめとする北海道を代表する鉄道車両が展示されています。 他にも、北海道ならではの生物を見られる「おたる水族館」やその近くのガラス工房「キム・グラス・デザイン」、吹きガラス体験ができる「小樽 il PONTE」では小樽観光の想い出が作れるはずです。 北海道小樽市で買う 動画の2:21から紹介しているのは小樽市内のお土産です。 人気の小樽土産であるオルゴールを購入するのは「小樽オルゴール堂」「オルゴール堂海鳴楼」がおすすめ! 「ビブレ・サビ・プレス・ミーユ」ではかわいらしい雑貨を、「小樽市漁業協同組合 地方卸売市場」や「小樽三角市場」では新鮮な魚介類を購入することができますよ。 北海道小樽市で食べる 3:07からは小樽市内のグルメスポットを紹介。 「小樽三角市場」「日本橋本店」では北海道の獲れたて海鮮を食べられ、「蕎麦屋・藪半」「中華食堂・龍鳳」は小樽市民にも愛される名店です。 小樽市の夜を楽しむなら「小樽ビール・小樽倉庫No.1」「炉ばた屋・鶴吉」「おたる屋台村レンガ横丁」で地元の方と一緒にお酒を楽しみましょう。 また来たくなる街・北海道小樽市紹介まとめ 動画のラストを飾るのは、小樽市の美しい景観が凝縮されたようなカフェ「北一ホール」の美しいガラスランプ。 ほかにも、小樽市には動画では紹介しきれなかった観光スポットがまだまだあります。 小樽旅行で人気ルートの小樽運河クルーズや小樽天狗山ロープウェイ、絶景スポットの祝津パノラマ展望台、日本国内で人気の小樽洋菓子舗ルタオ本店などの魅力があふれています。 日本有数の人気の観光地・小樽市に、ぜひ足を運んでみてくださいね。 -
Video article 2:08
Haneda Airport Garden" at Haneda Airport in Ota-ku, Tokyo, is full of stores where you can experience Japanese culture! The commercial complex, which is also popular for its luxurious hot spring baths, is finally fully open for business!
News Travel Shopping- 74 plays
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Haneda Airport Garden, Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "[Haneda Airport Garden] Fully Opened and Ready Promote Japanese Culture" (【羽田エアポートガーデン】全面開業 日本文化を発信), was uploaded by "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" (日本経済新聞). Haneda Airport Garden, a commercial complex directly connected to Haneda Airport's international flights and Terminal 3 had its grand opening on January 31, 2023. Stores with noren curtains and other elements of Japanese culture line the aisles. Haneda Sando is store designed to resemble the approach to a Shinto shrine, with stores on both sides of the aisle, which gives visitors a fun experience similar to that of a typical Japanese shrine festival. The Handa Airport Garden was created with the hope that visitors to Japan can experience Japan from the moment they step off the plane. Be sure to check out the video of Haneda Airport Garden as you read along. What is Haneda Airport Garden? Photo:Haneda Airport, Terminal 3 The Haneda Airport Garden, by Sumitomo Realty & Development, was originally scheduled to open in April 2020, following an increase in the number of international flights, but was postponed due to the impact of the novel coronavirus. The full opening of the new building has been planned in anticipation of a recovery in tourism to Japan. Directly connected to Haneda Airport Terminal 3, Haneda Airport Garden boasts 12 floors and a total area of 43,000 square meters. The first floor features restaurants, a food court, and other establishments for food and drinks, while the second floor is lined with shops selling local specialties, souvenirs, and sundries, making it a large-scale facility with approximately 70 tenants. In addition, there's a bus terminal on the first floor, which serves as a direct connection between tourist attractions and Haneda Airport, while the second through twelfth floors include a hotel and hot spring facilities. Haneda Airport Garden is a new commercial complex being called the "new face" of Japan. Haneda Airport Garden – Hours, Recommended Souvenir Shops, and Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot Here we'll introduce the stores featured in the video as wel las their business hours. ●Hakuchikudo, a Fan Specialty Shop in Kyoto Hakuchikudo is a store with more than 300 years of history, founded in 1718. The store is popular for making beautiful and fashionable traditional Kyo-sen (Kyoto-style folding fans) created by techniques passed down from one generation to the next. [Video] 0:28 - Hakuchikudo ●Kurazukuri Honpo, a Shop Selling Traditional Japanese Sweets Established in Kawagoe in 1887, this Japanese confectionery store values "ingredients" and "technique" and sells exquisite wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) that are made with the care and passion of its craftsmen. The "Fukuzo" (福蔵, homemade red bean paste wrapped in baked rice cake skin) and "Beniaka kun" (べにあかくん, a biscuit made with butter, whipped cream, and Japanese sweet potatoes) are especially popular. [Video] 0:38 - Kurazukuri Honpo ●Yamakoshi Honpo, a Shop Selling Local Specialties From Niigata, Japan This shop sells local specialties from Nagaoka, Niigata. You can purchase special types of rice, processed rice products, miso, sake, and more. [Video] 1:02 - Yamakoshi Honpo ●Rokkakukan Sakurado is a shop specializing in cosmetic brushes. Visitors can purchase cosmetic brushes and miscellaneous cosmetic goods only available at Haneda Airport Garden here, as well as products from Chikuhodo, a famous cosmetic brush manufacturer in Kumano, Japan. [Video] 1:12 - Rokkakukan Sakurado From Kyoto ●Hakuchikudo and Kurazukuri Honpo are located in the "Japan Promenade" area, while Yamakoshi Honpo and Rokkakukan Sakurado are located in the "Haneda Sando" area. Both shops are making their first appearance in Tokyo. Business hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Recommended Restaurants at Haneda Airport Garden + Business Hours Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to shopping, visitors to the Haneda Airport Garden can also enjoy a variety of dining experiences. ●OEDO FOOD HALL Food Court (大江戸フードホール) (Hours - 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) The interior design is a modern interpretation of Edo-period Japan, and the walls are decorated with ukiyoe-style paintings, a type of woodblock print painting popular at the time. The food court serves a wide variety of dishes, including steak cooked on lava rock, juwari soba noodles made from 100% buckwheat flour, and tekkaju, a dish that uses natural tuna directly shipped from Misaki Port. The restaurant also features ingredients from Tokyo and neighboring prefectures. ●The Izakaya Umaiyo Sakana Umaiyo Sakana (うまいよ魚旨いよ魚) (Hours - 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) A wide variety of fish dishes can be enjoyed here, and customers can enjoy 27 kinds of sake carefully selected from all over Japan. The interior design, reminiscent of a shrine, is also worth noting. ●Hanayama Udon (五代目 花山うどん) (Lunch Hours - 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Dinner Hours 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) The popular "Hishikawa Udon" here has a chewy texture that could be mistaken for rice cakes, with their signature large noodles. Heijoen, a Japanese BBQ Restaurant (Hours 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) Heijoen is a restaurant where patrons can enjoy Japan's world-famous Wagyu beef. The menu includes delicious platters and Kobe Beef Tokusen Gozen, a set meal that includes an assortment of the finest cuts of Kobe beef, and the restaurant is proud of the high quality of its beef, which is mainly Kobe Beef. Haneda Airport Garden – Hotels & Natural Hot Springs Source :YouTube screenshot The Haneda Airport Garden is home to Villa Fontaine, the largest hotel directly connected to an airport, with a total of 1,717 guest rooms. Villa Fontaine is divided into two types: Villa Fontaine Premier Haneda Airport and Villa Fontaine Grand Haneda Airport. Villa Fontaine Premier has parking available for one car per room (reservation required), and is recommended for those who not only want to use the airport, but also those purely interested in staying at the hotel. The hot spring facility "Izumi Tenku no Yu" located on the 12th floor of the hotel is drawing a lot of attention as a hot spring where you can enjoy airplane spotting and views of Mt. Fuji. There are four areas to enjoy, from relaxing hot springs to bedrock baths and saunas. Non-hotel guests can also use the facilities by paying a fee, and it's open 24 hours a day! Summary of Haneda Airport Garden Haneda Airport is aiming to become the new gateway to Japan. Haneda Airport Garden, which has just fully opened at Haneda Airport, is a commercial complex where visitors can fully enjoy Japanese culture. It's a great place for both Japanese citizens and foreign visitors to Japan alike to enjoy the delicious dining experiences, shopping, saunas, and more. The interior design is also really photogenic for any instagrammers looking for a new place to check out! Discover the new face of Japan at Haneda Airport Garden! 【Official Website】Haneda Airport Garden 【TripAdvisor】Tokyo International Airport, Haneda Airport -
Video article 0:00
Hyogo Prefecture’s Takarazuka City Is Full of Entertainment! Check Out the Classic Takarazuka Grand Theater, the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum and Other Little-Known Spots!
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 178 plays
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Takarazuka Is a World Famous Entertainment City! The Takarazuka International Tourism Association created the video “A Video to Guide Tourism in Takarazuka.” The video introduces attractive sightseeing places around Takarazuka, Hyogo, in Japan's Kansai region. This article will introduce recommended sightseeing places in the city of entertainment. Be sure to follow along with the video! Entertainment Spots in Takarazuka! Photo:Takarazuka Grand Theater The most famous sightseeing location in Takarazuka is Takarazuka Revue. The performance at the Takarazuka Grand Theatre is a high quality show that we recommend seeing at least once. This is one of the few all-female troupes in the world, and their well-honed performances, which have been performed for over 100 years, are a must-see. Fans of the Takarazuka School of Music won't want to miss the Sumire Museum, where you can see photos of the Takarazuka School of Music, exhibits of teaching materials used in classes, actual classroom scenes and extracurricular activities that are not usually available to the public. We also recommend stopping by Horai Bridge, which spans the Muko River (武庫川, Mukogawa) and is known as a view point for the Takarazuka Grand Theater. Source :YouTube screenshot Osamu Tezuka, a pioneer of Japanese manga and anime, was born in Takarazuka, and the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum is located there in his honor. It has an entrance reminiscent to that of the palace from Princess Knight. Enjoy the world of Japanese manga here! Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Takarazuka Photo:Kiyoshikojin Seichoji There are historical shrines and temples, such as, Kiyoshikojin Seichoji, Nakayamadera, Hachiman Shrine (波豆八幡神社, Hachimanjinjya), Iwashizu Shrine (伊和志津神社 Iwashizujinjya), and Mefu Shrine (売布神社, Mefujinjya). Be sure to check out theKitsugidayu Stele Monument as well. There are also places where you can enjoy golfing and horse racing. Tourist Attractions to Enjoy the Natural Scenery There's a hiking trail at Takedao Haisenjiki's Mukogawa valley as well, and it gets quite busy during fall. After hiking, bathing at Takedao Hot Springs (武田尾温泉, Takedaoonsen) is a great way to relax and unwind. Photo:Hananomichi Takarazuka is called the "City of Gardening," and there's a beautiful dahlia garden called Aiaipark, where you can buy gardening tools, and the well-kept-secret Hana no Michi where you can enjoy seasonal flowers. We also recommend strawberry picking at Ai-farm and buying local vegetables at Nishitani Community Center Fureai Yume Plaza. Sightseeing in Takarazuka Staying at the luxury Takarazuka Washington Hotel or Takarazuka Hotel where you can enjoy Taisho Roman, is a great idea for lodging. Relaxing at Nature Spa Takarazuka and Hotel Wakamizu and enjoying the pure hot springs while dining on Japanese cuisine will make for an experience you won't soon forget. We recommend the local specialty tansan-senbei as a souvenir. Summary of Takarazuka As you can see from the video, Takarazuka is easily accessed from Osaka and Kobe. There are a lot of entertainment and natural tourist attractions in the area as well. There's more information about Takarazuka in the video, so be sure to check it out to learn about the attractions of Takarazuka! Visit popular tourist attractions in Takarazuka! 【Official Website】Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture City Hall Website http://www.city.takarazuka.hyogo.jp.e.pc.hp.transer.com/ -
Video article 13:40
From the Historic Wakayama Castle to the Beautiful View of the Sea, Wakayama City Is Home to a Number of Popular Sightseeing Spots! Before You Go Sightseeing in Wakayama, Check Out What You Should Visit With This Video!
Local PR- 37 plays
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Sightseeing in Wakayama! This video, titled "Wakayama Sightseeing PR Video," was uploaded by "Wakayama City Official Channel." It compiles the recommended sightseeing spots of Wakayama into one video. As you can see in the video, cherry blossoms can be enjoyed in spring, sunflowers at Shiki-no-sato Park (Food Hunter Park) can be enjoyed in summer, and autumn leaves can be enjoyed at Momijidani Teien Garden in the fall. There are other sightseeing spots in Wakayama as well, and it's definitely a place worth checking out. Highlights of Wakayama Castle Photo:Wakayama Castle Wakayama used to be the domain of the Kishu Tokugawa family, one of the three great families of the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). Wakayama Castle, the former residence of the Kishu Tokugawa family, measuring 555,000 koku (~125 acres), has many attractions, such as Ohashi Corridor and the castle town. It is designated as a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and a Special Historic Site. You can also try on armor at Wakayama Castle, which is shown from 1:10 in the video. Historic Sightseeing Locations in Wakayama Photo:Itakiso Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture Itakiso Shrine and Tamatsushima Shrine, shown at 5:10 in the video, are places where you can feel the long history of Wakayama, and Kimiidera Temple, where a large statue of the Bodhisattva Kannon (eleven-faced Kannon) is enshrined, are must-visit places. At Awashima Shrine, shown from 9:12 in the video, you can see "Hina Nagashi," and event held every spring in which dolls are floated down the river to pray for good health. We also recommend checking out Furobashi Bridge, Sandankyo Bridge, Kankaikaku, Bandoko Garden and Yosuien as well. From observatory in Kada, you can see Tomogashima. (Jinoshima, Kajima, Okinoshima and Torajima) At Tomogashima, the former fortress shown from 11:59 in the video, there are ruins of the second weapon battery, the first weapon battery observation station, and the third weapon battery. Also, be sure to check out Tomogashima Lighthouse and Kosukematsu Coast for some beautiful views. Popular Spots and Delicious Food in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Wakayama Prefecture, Marina City Porto Europe Wakayama Marina City, shown from 3:37, is one of the best places in Wakayama to visit with children. The city features attractions that resemble a European port town. Kinokuni Fruit Village and the Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama are great places for families and couples to visit. You can stay around Kishu Kuroshio Onsen (hot spring) and at Marina City Hotel. We highly recommend trying some Wakayama Ramen, which can be seen from 1:47 in the video. You can also enjoy various types of seafood dishes, including sushi, and seafood bowls, and even enjoy some seaside BBQ. At Kuroshio Market, be sure to keep an eye out for the tuna cutting show and red sea bream ippon-zuri (pole and line fishing), which is shown at 9:34 in the video. Summary of Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Awashima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture As you can see in the video, there are many scenic spots to visit in Wakayama. Be sure to visit the Tourism Association in Wakayama for advice before visiting popular or out-of-the-way sightseeing spots in Wakayama. 【Official Website】Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture City Hall Website http://www.city.wakayama.wakayama.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298204-Wakayama_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki-Vacations.html -
Video article 13:01
Okayama Prefecture's Kurashiki City Is a Beautiful Japanese Tourist Spot With Traditional Streets and Waterways. Kurashiki City's Popular Character "Denim Ninja" Introduces Popular Sightseeing Spots in a Comedic Way!
Local PR Travel- 62 plays
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岡山県倉敷をデニム忍者が紹介! こちらの動画は「観光課倉敷市」が公開した「【English】DENIM NINJA in KURASHIKI - DENIM NINJA solves the 30 mysteries of Kurashiki!! (Long ver.)」です。 日本の観光地というと東京・京都・大阪が有名ですが、岡山県倉敷市も昔ながらの街並みがあることをご存知ですか? 岡山県倉敷市は美観地区を中心に屋敷に水路・川舟といった日本の昔ながらの風景が残っているのです。 また、日本で初めてデニムを生産した場所として名を知られています。 では動画でデニム忍者と一緒に倉敷の観光名所を巡っていきましょう! 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスが良く日本の観光ルートに入れやすい 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスは京都駅からおよそ1時間半・大阪より1時間です。 また、関西から四国や九州へ行く途中に位置していている倉敷。 日本を周遊するルートで訪れやすい観光地です。 岡山県倉敷の美観地区は川舟・屋敷が残っていて日本への観光に最適 倉敷市にある美観地区は日本でも昔ながらの街並みが残るとして有名。 川舟に乗れば数多くの屋敷や水路を楽しめます。 この美観地区ではなまこ壁の屋敷を見てみましょう。 壁の模様がなまこのように見えることが名前の由来。 また、大原美術館はヨーロッパの美術品を多数取り揃え、和と洋の昔ながらの町並みが堪能できます。 また、着物を着て観光することも可能。 着物という日本の伝統文化に触れて周辺を観光してみませんか? 日本のデニム発祥の地、港町児島を観光してみよう 岡山県南部に位置する倉敷市。 その中でも瀬戸内海に面した港町児島地区は「日本のデニム発祥の地」とされ、駅前にはジーンズストリートがあります。 また、本州の岡山県と四国の香川県のアクセスルートとなる瀬戸大橋があるのも倉敷。 瀬戸大橋の横にそびえる鷲羽山(わしゅうざん)からの景色は瀬戸内海の自然を楽しるおすすめの穴場スポットです。 日本一の◯◯!岡山県が誇る名物をデニム忍者が堪能♫ 果物王国の岡山県! マスカットをはじめとして桃の生産が有名です。 特にマスカットの生産量は日本一を誇る岡山県。 マスカットを使ったワインが人気でお土産にも最適です。 高級感があり日本料理をはじめとした和食にも合います。 みなさんもグルメな街・岡山県倉敷市を楽しんでみませんか。 岡山県倉敷市紹介まとめ 今回は岡山県倉敷市の観光動画を紹介いたしました。 動画をご覧になり岡山県倉敷市の観光名所が多いことに驚いたはずでしょう。 岡山県倉敷市は観光スポットが豊富です。 次は皆さんの足で倉敷を体感してみてくださいね。 -
Video article 3:30
Hokkaido - Endlessly Sweeping Horizons and Magnificent Scenery! Set off on a Trip to Hokkaido's Scenic Locations to Enjoy Spectacular Views of Japan's Natural Landscape!
Travel- 201 plays
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The Vast Sceneries of Hokkaido This video, titled "Hokkaido , Japan / 4K UHD," was produced by SL Film Studio. Hokkaido is a popular tourist destination for visitors to Japan, and there are many things to see and do there. In this article, we'll show you some of the best places to visit in Hokkaido, alongside the video! Recommended Destinations in Hokkaido The Sapporo Clock Tower is one of Hokkaido's most popular tourist attractions, and Odori Park is the site of major festivities in Hokkaido. The Okurayama Observation Deck was the site of the 1972 Winter Olympics in Sapporo. Shiroi Koibito cookies are a famous souvenir found in the area. Asahikawa has unique tourist attractions, such as Asahikawa Ramen Village. Asahiyama Zoo is another famous location in Hokkaido. The zoo features behavioral exhibits that show the animals in their natural state. When we think of Hokkaido's wildlife, bears and foxes are the first things that come to mind. If you want to learn more about the ecology of foxes, there's Kitakitsune Farm (Fox Farm), which is famous for its wooden bear carvings and traditional crafts. Historical Sightseeing Locations in Hokkaido Otaru Port, where the Otaru Canal is located, is the gateway of pioneers in Hokkaido. Along the walkway, you'll see gas lamps and stone warehouses that retain remnants of days long passed. Goryokaku in Hakodate is an essential part of Hokkaido's history, and is one of the top tourist attractions in Hokkaido. It's based on early modern European castle technology. Abashiri Prison is an inseparable part of the eastern Hokkaido area's history. Despite its name, the Abashiri Prison has an impressive modern interior with a touch of Western architecture. Hokkaido's Spectacular Natural Scenery and Winter Leisure If you visit Hakodate in Hokkaido, you can take the Mt. Hakodate Ropeway to enjoy the beautiful night view. Cape Soya, the northernmost cape in Japan, and Lake Akan, introduced at 1:49 in the video, are also worth a visit. Ainu Kotan in Kushiro City, Hokkaido, is a tourist attraction that conveys the traditional culture of the Ainu people. Lake Mashu, on the other hand, is a popular scenic spot famous for being the clearest lake in Japan. Shirogane Blue Pond and the famous Shirahige Waterfall in the Shirogane Onsen area, can be seen at 1:25 in the video. The clear blue water is a natural wonder and great for taking Instagram pics! There are also hot springs in Noboribetsu and Toyako (Toya Lake). From 2:52 in the video, you can see a cruise on Lake Toya. In addition to the rich natural scenery, you can also enjoy skiing and other leisure activities. Kiroro Resort, which takes its name from the Ainu language, is a famous hotel resort in the area. Enjoy the Gourmet Cuisine of the Cold Climate Hokkaido is full of delicious food. Representative dishes include the lamb dish Genghis Khan (Jingisukan), ramen, seafood dishes with crab, soup curry, and pork bowls. Other typical Hokkaido delicacies include "chanchan yaki," a dish made with grilled fish such as salmon, and vegetables and seasoned with miso, Ishikari Nabe, a hot pot dish with salmon as the main ingredient, and Zangi, which is similar to fried chicken. Summary of Hokkaido - An Easy-To-Visit Tourist Destination Thanks to the Diversified Transportation With the diversification of transportation, including airplanes and the shinkansen (bullet train), you can enjoy your trip to Hokkaido through a variety of means. There are 14 airports in Hokkaido, and rental cars are also available. The weather from November to March can be colder than in the middle of winter on the mainland, so you'll want to be prepared for the elements. Check out the video to enjoy the magnificent scenery of Hokkaido! -
Video article 3:23
Shiga Otsu City Sightseeing! Full of installations with a sense of Japanese tradition! Video introduction to the nature and cityscape of ancient times!
Travel Nature Things to Do- 59 plays
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Video introduction of sightseeing in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture This video shows a man traveling from Otsu, Shiga to Kyoto, while touring historic temples, enjoying natural scenery, and interacting with locals on an atmospheric shopping street. Otsu is home to Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater lake in Japan, and Biwako Valley, a resort complex that offers panoramic views of Lake Biwa from 1,100-meters in the air. It's a treasure trove of tourist attractions, with everything from nature to photogenic townscapes that capture the long history of the area, and can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. Enryakuji and Other Famous Temples Around Otsu, Shiga Photo:Enryakuji Temple, Mt. Hiei, Shiga Prefecture Besides Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei (Mt. Hiezan), the Lake Biwa area is dotted with many famous and historic temples. In addition to Enryakuji Temple, we recommend visiting Omi Shrine (近江神宮, Omi Jingu), Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine, and other power spots as well. [Video] 0:14 - Walking the Nyoi Kodo to Miidera Temple ●Enryakuji Temple Enryakuji Temple is the head temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism with a history dating back more than 1,200 years. It's said that monks and warrior monks have been coming here to study since ancient times, and the temple has produced famous monks, including as Honen and Shinran. It's a recommended power spot where visitors can experience a moment of clarity and confidence. ●Miidera Temple One of the most famous of Shiga Prefecture's ancient temples. It's also known for its beautiful cherry blossoms in spring. Climbing the stone steps, there's an observatory from which you can view the majestic Lake Biwa. The spacious temple grounds are home to many national treasures and stone walls using a unique type of masonry. Many of Japan's most notable cultural assets can be found here. ●Saikyoji Temple The head temple of the Tendai Shinmori Sect of Buddhism, which has more than 450 branch temples throughout Japan. It's said to have been founded by Prince Shotoku. The main hall of the temple is sublime, and the Kyakuden (reception hall), which was built from the remains of Fushimi Castle, has many attractions, including fusuma paintings of by the Kano school, a famous school of painting prominent in 15th century Japan. Akechi Mitsuhide, who contributed to the restoration of Saikyoji Temple after it suffered damage during the Siege of Mt. Hiei in 1571, is enshrined at Saikyoji Temple, along with the tombs of his relatives. Photo:Omi Shrine, Shiga Prefecture ●Omi Shrine Omi Shrine is dedicated to Emperor Tenchi, who is said to be the founder of the Hyakunin Isshu Karuta, an ancient card game involving classical Japanese poetry, and attracts many visitors each year. The shrine is said to bring prosperity to business, ward off bad luck, ensure safe childbirth, bring academic success, protect one's family, cure illnesses, and protect against traffic accidents, among other blessings. Surrounded by greenery, the main approach to the shrine is a soothing space. ●Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine Located at the foot of Mt. Hiei, this is the head shrine of the Hiyoshi, Hie, and Sanno shrines, of which more than 3,800 exist in Japan. Since the shrine was located in an unlucky direction from the capital during the Heian period (794-1185), it's known for its blessings to ward off bad luck and evil spirits. A monkey named Masaru is said to be a messenger of the gods at the shrine, and symbolizes protection against evil, and charms and amulets with Masaru are also sold at the shrine. Immerse Yourself in the Ancient History and Culture of Otsu After touring famous ancient temples, you can experience the culture passed down to the common people of Otsu. Otsu-e, an art form popular among commoners during the Edo period (1603-1867), has a unique design that many visitors find attractive. You can also try your hand at painting clay bells resembling oni (Japanese ogre demons). Also, be sure to visit the Otsu Festival Float Exhibition Center, an exhibition hall themed on the Otsu Festival, one of the three major festivals in the area. In Otsu Hyakucho, visitors can enjoy a tour of traditional shops where they can buy a wide variety of souvenirs. Along the way, you can find the famous Miidera Chikara Mochi rice cakes. A map of Otsu Hyakucho is also available, so you can enjoy exploring the town without a guide. That being said, you can also take advantage of the guided tours of Otsu Hyakucho. It is a unique opportunity to experience the unique culture of Otsu. [Video] 0:48 - Sightseeing Around Otsu Hyakucho A Model Course for Sightseeing in Otsu Photo:Miidera Temple, Shiga Prefecture If you want to enjoy Otsu to the fullest, we recommend taking a tour of the temples and shrines to experience the history of Otsu. You can also visit Miidera Temple, which appears in the video. [Video] 0:38 - Miidera Temple There's also a course specifically for female photographers, which includes Saikyoji Temple, where participants can stroll around photogenic temples, and more. [Video] 2:04 - Saikyoji Temple If you're looking to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the area, check out Mt. Hiei and enjoy a sanctuary in the sky where the entire mountain is considered part of the temple. Shuttle buses are available to take visitors around the mountain. Travelers can also collect shuin stamps from the different temples, up to a dozen of them. There are also courses related to famous historical figures, such as Akechi Mitsuhide. Be sure to check them out! Sushi, Confectioneries, and More – Experience the Cuisine of Otsu! Photo:Funa-zushi, a specialty of Shiga Prefecture Funa-zushi is one of the most popular dishes in Otsu. Sakamoto-ya is a long-established shop that sells funa-zushi, and is designated as a Tangible Cultural Property of Japan. Sakamotoya's funa-zushi is made with a rare species of wild carp from Lake Biwa, and local Omi rice. We hope you will enjoy this traditional Japanese food made with a time-tested family recipe. [Video] 0:53 - Ganso Sakamotoya In Otsu, there's also Yaoyo, a shop that sells pickled vegetables under the Imperial Household Agency's warrant. This store was established in 1850 and has been around since the Edo period. In addition to its pickled vegetables, the shop also sells its specialty Nagarazuke, which are Omi turnips pickled in sake lees, for just a few hundred yen per bunch. You can also buy in bulk for souvenirs. [Video] 1:03 - Yaoyo If you're a fan of traditional Japanese sweets, consider dropping by Kano Shojuan Sunai no Sato (叶匠寿庵 寿長生の郷). On the expansive garden-like grounds, there is an atmospheric traditional Japanese-style teahouse, a restaurant, and a confectionery shop as well. Enjoy the delicate sweets made from carefully selected ingredients and the greenery outside the window. Experience the seasons and indulge your senses in a relaxing environment. [Video] 1:34 - Kano Shojuan Sunai no Sato Hirasansou offers Yamanobe Ryori, a type of cuisine that uses seasonal ingredients foraged from the nearby mountains of Otsu. Visitors can enjoy wild vegetables in spring, sweetfish in summer, matsutake mushrooms in autumn, and wild boar and bear in winter. The restaurant utilizes a wide variety of delicious ingredients nurtured in Japan's Shiga region. [Video] 1:46 - Hirasansou Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho – A Traditional Japanese Townhouse Turned Hotel While you're in Otsu, use this opportunity to stay at a hotel with a different kind of atmosphere. Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho is located inside of a shopping arcade. This is an accommodation facility with a new concept that opened in August 2018. Guest rooms are scattered along the shopping street and the Old Tokaido Road, with a total of 13 rooms consisting of 5 suite-type rooms and 8 hotel-type guest rooms. The townhouses, which are more than 100 years old, have been fully renovated. All rooms are equipped with bathrooms and toilets, famous designer furniture, and top-quality bedding, allowing guests to experience a luxury space that cannot be found in ordinary hotels or ryokan. [Video] 1:18 - Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho Summary of Sightseeing in Otsu, Shiga Photo:The view of Otsu from Miidera Temple, Shiga Prefecture In addition to Lake Biwa, Otsu, Shiga is a hidden treasure trove of wonderful sightseeing spots that have yet to be fully recognized. Otsu is a town where time seems to have stood still, as it still retains the atmosphere of a Japan from a bygone era. There are plenty of natural recreational activities for children as well as adults, as well as photogenic tours for women, and even stylish date plans. We hope you get the chance to experience Otsu, a place with unique history and traditions, unlike the neighboring city of Kyoto. 【TripAdvisor】Otsu, Shiga https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298202-Otsu_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki-Vacations.html -
Video article 5:30
Minato, Tokyo: History, Culture, Nature, and Shopping, All in One Place. Learn All There Is to Know About This Beautiful City.
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Minato City’s Tourist Locations! The video "【Minato City World Promotion Video】be touched~ Have a moving experience (Japanese/ Long Version/ 5 minutes) ver. 1"(【港区ワールドプロモーション映像】be touched ~心動かされる体験を~(日本語/ロングバーション/5分)ver.1), produced by the Minato ward office, films people giving high fives in various tourist spots throughout Minato city, Tokyo. Minato city, which is one of the most popular areas in Tokyo, has a lot of sightseeing spots and attractions. In the video, we will be introducing all of our recommended sightseeing spots around Minato city. If you watch the video, you're sure to find something that catches your eye! Touring Around Minato City Photo:Shiodome Italian Town Minato city in Tokyo, faces the Tokyo bay, and its residents’ income is ranked number 1 in Japan. It has some of the most affluent residential neighborhoods in Japan, such as Minami-Aoyama, Shirokanedai, Azabu, Roppongi, Akasaka, Mita, and Takanawa. Many high-rise apartments continue to be built here, and it is known as a high class, celebrity area. Roppongi is very popular among foreign tourists for its many restaurants and being one of the famous nightlife areas of Tokyo. However, if you go down an alley, you'll see the old downtown atmosphere, one of the reasons Minato city is so popular. A Look at the Tourist Spots Introduced in the Video Photo:Ginkgo Trees at Jingu Gaien As you can see in the video from 0:26, we start with Zojoji Temple and Shiba Park, then North Aoyama / South Aoyama area of Omotesando, and finally, the Chichibunomiya Rugby Stadium that was crowded with fans during the Rugby World Cup. Here we can see the rows of Jingu Gaien ginkgo trees turning yellow in the autumn. The interactions at Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum, jazz clubs, the Embassy of Afghanistan in Azabudai, and the Higashimachi Elementary School can also be seen in the video. It's an attractive spot where you can feel the history and nature of Japan in the midst of a big city. Around 0:59 in the video, you can see the Azabujuban, taiyaki shop Naniwaya Sohonten, the oden restaurant Fukushimaya, the soba restaurant Sarashina Horii, and the dried goods store Mamegen Honten. From there, we see the kimono art store Sunaga, the Akasaka Hikawa Shrine which becomes very lively during traditional festivals, and the Reception Hall of Akasaka Palace. Following this, we see Suntory Hall, a conclave of music, and Akasaka Sacas, where you can enjoy restaurants serving delicious lunches and cafes. From 1:35 you can see the beautiful Japanese gardens of Hinokicho Park, and the very Instagrammable Tokyo Midtown and Roppongi Hills are always popular with young people dressed up in costumes on Halloween. The beautifully illuminated night view of Roppongi Keyaki Zaka Way is another great spot we recommend. You can also pick up some souvenirs at one of the popular shopping spots. The very popular hotel, Grand Hyatt, comes into view at 2:09, and attractive places such as the National Art Center of Tokyo, the magnificent Tokyo Tower, Atago Shrine, Toranomon Hills, Andaz Tokyo, and Caretta Shiodome are also introduced in the video. On top of that, there's Shimbashi SL Square, the shamisen maker "Ishimuraya," and the long-established Edo hyougu (scroll mountings) artisan, Yuyama Shunpodo. As is introduced from 2:18, there are many great restaurants in which you can enjoy cuisine from all over the world. There's Chinese cuisine, Sushi, Japanese cuisine, Daily Japanese cuisine, Italian cuisine, Indian curry, and more. Try to find your favorite restaurant! After Keio University, which is one of the Tokyo's "Big 6 Universities," you can see the Australian embassy, and the popular communal bathhouse, Manzaiyu. Tourist spots such as the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum and the Matsuoka Museum are a couple of hidden gems. The camera moves from National Museum of Nature and Science to Meiji Gakuin University in Shirokanedai, then a very busy Sengakuji during a religious festival, the daifuku confectionary shop Matsushimaya, then continues on to Maxell Aqua Park in Shinagawa. In addition, you can see people high fiving each other at Konan Ryokusui Park, Shibaura Canal, the Kyu-Shiba-rikyu Gardens, Takeshiba Pier, and the Odaiba Marine Park. Summary Minato City's Tourist Spots Photo:The Fantastic illumination of Keyakizaka Street and Tokyo Tower All of the appealing tourist spots of Minato city have been condensed into this 5 and a half minute video. Be sure to check out each of the tourist routes and events that appear in the video; and go on a trip to find your favorite out of all the great places we have introduced! 【Official Website】Minato Ward, Tokyo City Office Homepage https://www.city.minato.tokyo.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Minato-ku https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1066451-Minato_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html