Video article 1:30
The Sanjo Buddhist Altar Is a Traditional Craft of Niigata Prefecture That Has Been Handed Down in Niigata Since the Edo Period. The Decorative Fittings Handmade by Artisans Are Simply Amazing
Traditional Crafts- 132 plays
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「三条仏壇」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「匠の手|新潟県伝統的工芸品16品目」が公開した「【三条仏壇】匠の手【五十嵐 考宏】」です。 およそ1分半の動画で、手打ち金具師の手により三条仏壇の飾り金具が作られる様子が映し出されています。 三条仏壇とはどのような仏壇なのでしょうか? 日本文化として世界に誇る、匠の手から生み出される伝統工芸「三条仏壇」についてご覧ください。 「仏都三条」新潟県三条地域の歴史 新潟県のほぼ中央に位置する三条地方。 ここは「仏都三条」と呼ばれるほど仏教文化が栄えた土地です。 その起源は、江戸時代中期には北陸随一とまで言われるほどの堂宇伽藍をもつ東別院が立てられたことに由来します。 大規模な寺院建立に際して、京都から仏師や宮大工、木工職人などさまざまな職人が招かれ、三条の職人も事業に参加しました。 こうして三条の地に浄土真宗が広まり、仏壇や仏具の生産が盛んに。 信濃川の水運にも恵まれ、原料輸送にも事欠かなかったことも大きな要因です。 地の利と、歴史、そして匠の技に裏打ちされ、正統的な宮殿造りと格調高い本漆塗りの金箔押し、そして飾り金具などの細工に定評があることから、三条仏壇は経済産業大臣より伝統的工芸品に指定されました。 三条仏壇の特徴 三条仏壇の作り方は複雑で、その特徴は以下の4点に集約されます。 ・木地は釘を一切使わないほぞ組による組み立て式で作られていること ・「枡組」や「肘木組」を使った本格的な宮殿造り ・数十種類のタガネを使い、飾り金具師の手打ち技法によって加工された手打ち金具 ・塗立(ぬりたて)、梨子地塗(なしじぬり)、木目出し塗といった塗装技術 動画では、飾り金具師の手仕事の工程が0:09よりご覧になれます。 金物町としての伝統工芸都市・新潟県三条市 新潟県の三条地域は、江戸時代から金属加工に特化した金物町としても有名で、その技術が仏壇にも余すところなく伝えられています。 芸術品、美術品の域にまで達した三条仏壇を生産する新潟県三条市は、ドラマ「下町ロケット」の舞台としても有名です。 金属加工産業が江戸時代から発達し、金物職人の技術は世界が認めるほど。 三条仏壇と同じく伝統工芸として、一枚の銅板だけを材料にして茶器や急須を作り出す燕槌起銅器があります。 新潟県三条市は江戸時代以来の伝統文化を今も受け継ぐ街なのですね。 伝統工芸を後世に引き継ぐための後進育成や文化継承にも力を入れており、日常的に金物文化の体験教室が開かれています。 三条仏壇紹介まとめ 新潟県三条市では街をあげてこの技術をもとにさまざまな商品を開発しています。 とくに調理器具やカトラリー、銀食器は有名で、三条の職人の技法を集めたおすすめの作品や伝統工芸品がたくさんあります。 自宅用に、また友人・知人へのプレゼントにもうってつけ。 お土産として手頃な値段の商品もあるので、新潟県三条市を訪れた際は、仏教文化が盛んな土地柄であることや、金物町としての伝統工芸品があることを思い出し、ぜひお土産屋さんを覗いてみてくださいね。 -
Video article 4:16
Ise Katagami, a Traditional Craft of Suzuka, Mie Prefecture With a History of More Than 1,000 Years, Is Highly Regarded Around the World for Its Use in Yukata and Kimono
Traditional Crafts- 57 plays
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伝統工芸品「伊勢形紙」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「伊勢形紙」Ise-katagami Paper Stencil/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 伊勢形紙(いせかたがみ)は、型染めに用いられる型紙です。 古くから伊勢(三重県鈴鹿市)で作られ、現在でも流通している90%以上の伊勢形紙はこの地域で生産されています。 伊勢形紙は1955年に、文化財保護法に基づき工芸技術としての重要無形文化財に指定され、6名の職人が重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝)として認定されました。 1983年には通産省の伝統的工芸品の指定も受けています。 日本の伝統工芸品である伊勢形紙とは 伊勢形紙は、柿渋で張り合わせて補強した美濃和紙を台紙にし、文様や図柄を彫刻刀で丹念に彫り抜いたものです。 職人が彫刻刀による手彫りで図柄を彫り抜いて作りあげる独特の風合いが魅力です。 千有余年の歴史を誇る伊勢形紙は、古くから友禅や小紋、浴衣など着物の文様の型染めに用いられてきました。 図柄の芸術性が再評価され、現在は着物の染色のみならず生活に密着した日用品などにも使用されるようになっています。 例えば襖・障子などの室内装飾やLED照明にも応用されるなど伊勢形紙の新しい取り組みに注目が集まっています。 さらに団扇、扇子、しおりなどの和小物は連日多くの外国人観光客がお土産品として買い求めています。 日本の伝統工芸品である伊勢形紙の制作工程 繊細で美しい文様で世界的に高く評価されている伊勢形紙ですが、型紙を作るには高度な技法と根気が必要です。 動画でご覧になれる制作工程を簡単に説明すると、まず最初は型地紙づくりです。 美濃和紙を柿渋でベニヤ状に張り合わせ、天日乾燥と室枯らし(燻烟)を繰り返します。 ここまで延べ40日ほどかけて作られます。 出来上がった紙を選別後、2、3カ月~1年間、寸法を安定させるために寝かせます。 出来上がった伊勢形紙は染型紙として用いられ、細かい刃先の彫刻刀で精巧微細な図柄を彫っていきます。 色や素材の使い方しだいで、職人の技法とデザインセンスが光る作品が生まれるのです。 日本の伝統工芸品である伊勢形紙紹介まとめ 残念なことに着物の需要の減少によって伊勢形紙業者は縮小傾向にあり、技術保存会などが用意された型紙に彫っていく1日体験コースや、本格的な伊勢形紙の技術が学べる弟子入りコースなど優れた技術を後世に伝えようと様々な工夫をしています。 その反面、手仕事から生まれる美しい模様の伊勢形紙は日本文化の象徴、また伝統工芸品として外国人旅行客に好まれています。 伊勢形紙はこれからも美術伝統工芸品として高く評価され、人々を魅了し続けることでしょう。 -
Video article 4:19
Tsubame-Tsuiki Copperware - A Traditional Craft From Niigata Prefecture That's Been Passed Down for More Than 200 Years! Watch as a Plain Iron Plate Becomes a Beautiful Teapot Through Masterful Craftsmanship!
Traditional Crafts- 121 plays
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新潟県燕市が誇る伝統工芸「燕鎚起銅器」 こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「燕鎚起銅器」tsubame hand-hammered copperware/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 新潟県燕市に200年以上伝わるモノ作りの文化があります。 それがこの動画で紹介されている無形文化財にも指定された燕鎚起銅器(つばめついきどうき)です。 燕鎚起銅器とは、一枚の平らな銅版を槌(つち)で打ち起こし、やかんや急須など立体の成型物にする技術のこと。 槌で打たれた表面は五角形や六角形に似た面を構成し、えもいわれぬ独特な味わいを醸し出します。 注ぎ口の部分まで打ち起こすことができるのが燕鎚起銅器の特徴であり、高度な技術の証でもあるのです。 鎚起技術で作られた伝統工芸品は、年月が経過するにつれて色合いが馴染み、落ち着いた雰囲気になります。 新潟県燕市はこの燕鎚起銅器の唯一の生産地として有名なのです。 この地では燕鎚起銅器は親から子、さらに孫へと伝えられる伝統工芸であり、鎚起銅器の技術が脈々と受け継がる文化でもあります。 創業は文化2年!職人が技術を守り続ける玉川堂 この燕鎚起銅器を製造する店でも老舗にあたるのが、燕市にある玉川堂(ぎょくせんどう)。 創業なんと1816年。和暦では文化2年のことです。 もともとこの地では江戸時代初期から和釘を作っていました。 やがて和釘産業に続き、藩が銅細工の産業を奨励。 弥彦山の銅山開発を背景に、仙台から来た渡り職人が伝えたのが鎚起技術でした。 この技術を代々継承しているのが玉川堂です。 玉川堂の工芸品には、江戸時代から受け継がれてきた職人の業を見ることができるのです。 燕三条はモノ作りの町として有名 玉川堂がある燕市は、燕鎚起銅器の歴史を基盤に発展した日本屈指の金属加工生産地でもあります。 とくに燕三条はモノ作りの町としてのブランドでも有名で、後継者の育成にも力をいれており、金属加工工場の多くで若者の姿が多く見られます。 モノ作りの町を推進する燕市は鎚起銅器の技術を体験できるイベントも開催しています。 燕市観光協会では鎚起銅器の技術を体験できる小皿づくり教室を毎年開催しているので、興味のある人はぜひ200年以上も受け継がれる職人の技巧を追体験してみましょう。 また、燕鎚起銅器は取扱店舗での販売のほか、通販でも入手できますよ。 伝統工芸というと敷居の高い値段を想像してしまいますが、お手軽な価格で販売されている工芸品もあるので、気になる方はお店を覗いてみてはいかがでしょうか。 新潟県燕市が誇る伝統工芸「燕鎚起銅器」 こちらの動画では、一枚の銅版が徐々に湯沸の形へと変貌を遂げる鎚起技術が撮影されています。 その卓越した職人技をぜひご覧ください! -
Video article 5:28
Kijoka Bashofu - Cloth Made From the Japanese Banana Plant. Learn About the Fascinating Traditional Okinawan Craft With Hundreds of Years of History
Traditional Crafts- 151 plays
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Bashofu - A Traditional Craft of Okinawa This video, titled "手技TEWAZA「喜如嘉の芭蕉布」Kijoka Banana fiber Cloth/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square," was released by Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama. Bashofu is a cloth woven from the fiber of the Japanese banana plant. Most of Bashofu is made in Okinawa Prefecture and the Amami Islands, and in particular, the Kijoka area of Ogimi Village in Okinawa Prefecture is a major production area referred to as "Bashofu no Sato" (lit. "The Village of Bashofu"). The History of Okinawa's Bashofu The origin of Bashofu is not 100% clear, but it is known that it was already being made with advanced technology in Ryukyu by the 16th century. The royalty and warriors of the Ryukyu Kingdom used to wear lavish costumes. Their wives were said to have worn beautiful Bashofu garments. Throughout its long history, Bashofu has continued to be made in Okinawa as we know it today. The handmade bashofu of Kijoka is especially beautiful and the detail of the artisans is absolutely astonishing. Purchasing Traditional Handmade Bashofu It takes a long time to produce traditional Bashofu, so only about 119,000 sq. meters of it are produced each year. However, in order to spread the beautiful texture of Bashofu, efforts are being made to pass on techniques and train successors. Kijoka's Bashofu, known as Okinawa's traditional fabric, is sold as a variety of traditional handicrafts on the island. In addition to traditional kimonos and obis, modern shirts, bags, key chains, tapestries, and other accessories are also available. In addition to buying a kimono, you can also make your own custom-made item using scraps of kimono fabric. Summary of Kijoka-Bashofu As you can see in the video, Okinawa's Kijoka-Bashofu is a beautiful and delicate traditional craft. At the Bashofu Museum in Ogimi Village, you can learn more about the traditional skills and techniques of the artisans who weave Bashofu. When you visit Kijoka, be sure to visit the Bashofu Museum to learn more about one of Okinawa's industries, the traditional Japanese craft of Bashofu! -
Video article 3:15
Edo Woodblock Printing Was Created by Katsushika Hokusai and Others Who Had a Great Influence on the Art of the World. The Works Created With This Tradition Have Attracted People From All Over the World!
Traditional Crafts- 62 plays
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江戸木版画紹介動画について こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「江戸木版画」EDO MOKUHANGA Woodblock Prints/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 日本を代表する伝統工芸品の一つがこの動画で紹介されている「江戸木版画」です。 浮世絵は直接布や紙に筆で描かれる事もありますが、有名な作品には木版画が多いのです。 代表的な江戸木版画の作家は葛飾北斎、喜多川歌麿、歌川広重、東洲斎写楽など、いずれも世界の芸術や文化に多大なる影響を与えた偉大な日本のアーティストたちです。 江戸木版画とは 江戸木版画は400年以上の歴史をもつ伝統工芸です。 そしてその名の通り「江戸」で発展した技法です。 江戸時代といえば日本の歴史の中で最も天下泰平が長かった時代と言われています。 平和な世の中で文化や芸術が大きく花開きました。 江戸の町では人気の歌舞伎役者や芝居小屋の役者さんのポスターやブロマイドは飛ぶように売れていたと伝えられています。 そう、このブロマイドやポスターというのが江戸木版画で刷られた浮世絵です。 まだ印刷技術が未発達だった時代に木版画は絵や本を大量生産できる革新的な印刷方法でした。 これは文化的な革命といっても過言ではありません。 このように江戸木版画は江戸時代の重要な産業の一つだったのです。 江戸木版画の歴史 写楽や北斎は当時から絶大な人気のあった絵師ですが、版画浮世絵というのは彼らが一人で作成したわけではありません。 江戸木版画は分業制で、絵師が描いた下絵を元に彫師が木の板に掘り、摺師が一枚の版画絵に仕上げていくのが特徴です。 ともすれば絵師の名前だけが有名になりがちですが、作品の出来を左右するのは彫師と摺師(すりし)の腕だと言われています。 指定された色やパーツごとに彫師が彫刻刀や短刀などの道具で版木を作り、摺師はそれを何度もすり上げてあの繊細な細工が施された芸術作品が生み出されるのです。 江戸木版画紹介まとめ 江戸木版画という文化は日本の伝統工芸の一つですが、現在でもその流れは途切れていません。 こちらの動画で紹介した「高橋工房」さんでは伝統工芸士に指定された絵師、彫師、摺師が後継者の育成を行っています。 また、常設しているギャラリーでは日本が世界に誇る伝統工芸、江戸木版画の魅力をあますところなく体験することができます。 さらに、高橋工房さんでは名所江戸百景や富嶽三十六景など誰もが知るあの名画の復刻版の販売を行っています。 動画にも登場してきた熟練の彫師さんが丹精込めて掘った版木(素材は山桜)を使い、人間国宝の手によって漉かれた和紙へ摺師が魂を込めて刷った最高級の浮世絵名画の数々を、その目と手で実感してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 4:01
Tsugaru-Nuri - A Traditional Lacquerware Produced in the Tsugaru Region of Aomori Prefecture. How's It Made, and What About It Makes Food Taste Better?
Traditional Crafts- 108 plays
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伝統漆器「津軽塗」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「津軽塗」Tsugaru Lacquerware/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 青森県には津軽塗と呼ばれる伝統工芸があります。 今回は日本で昔から伝わる伝統工芸のひとつ、津軽塗の魅力を紹介します。 津軽塗って何? 津軽塗は青森県に伝わる伝統工芸のひとつ。 弘前市を中心に多くの工芸品が作られています。 1646年に津軽塗が作られるようになったと言われ、お椀やお箸、茶筒にお盆と種類は豊富。 津軽塗の制作には4つの技法が用いられ、それぞれ模様が異なります。 ・唐塗 ・紋紗塗 ・七々子塗 ・錦塗 津軽塗を購入・体験するには 青森県弘前市にある小林漆器は津軽塗の販売店として知られています。 店内にはさまざまな作品が販売されており、青森県を訪れた際は一度訪れてみると良いかもしれません。 日本の伝統工芸や文化を実際に触れてみたい方におすすめしたいのが津軽塗の体験。 一例に挙げられるのが青森県黒石市にある津軽伝承工芸館。 職人が塗り込んだお箸やストラップなどを研いで完成させる工程を体験できます。 日本の文化に興味のある方や青森県に観光する予定がある方はチェックすることをおすすめします。 津軽塗紹介まとめ 日本に古くから伝わる伝統工芸を紹介させていただきました。 この動画を機に日本の伝統工芸や文化に触れてみたい、日本での観光で青森県を訪れてみたいと感じて頂けたら幸いです。 -
Video article 16:06
The video of Ehime Prefecture's Niihama Drum Festival is overwhelming! Why is it called a dangerous fight festival? Introduce the schedule, history, and highlights
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 395 plays
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四国三大祭として知られる愛媛の新居浜太鼓祭り紹介 こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「NIIHAMA TAIKO MATSURI - IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI - 祭 (新居浜太鼓祭り/愛媛)」です。 愛媛県新居浜市で開催される新居浜太鼓祭りを紹介します。 日本三大喧嘩祭りとして知られる新居浜太鼓祭りとは? 愛媛県新居浜市の新居浜太鼓祭りは、秋の豊作を祝った神事です。 豪華絢爛で迫力のある日本の祭りで、県内外からたくさんの観光客が訪れます。 特徴的なのは、なんといっても巨大な神輿でしょう。 太鼓台と呼ばれる神輿を山車(だし)に積み、総勢150人余りの男性によって担がれます。 山車の長さは12メートルもあり、重さも3トンとかなり重い太鼓台を持ち上げる姿は圧巻の光景。 太鼓台の飾りも絢爛豪華で、金糸で刺繍された飾り幕など美しい神輿です。 2019年には、東京ドームで新居浜太鼓祭りが行われ、注目されました。 日本三大喧嘩祭りとして知られる新居浜太鼓祭りの歴史 愛媛の新居浜太鼓祭りの起源は、はっきりとわかっていません。 地域の伝承によると、太鼓台は秋の豊作を感謝して神さまに奉納しており、その起源は鎌倉時代や平安時代までさかのぼります。 江戸時代後期の文禄年間になると、太鼓台の記録が残っており、当時は太鼓台ではなく神輿太鼓と記載されています。 四国三大祭として知られる愛媛の新居浜太鼓祭りの魅力 愛媛県新居浜市の新居浜太鼓祭りの魅力は、太鼓台ごとに競い合う「かきくらべ」にあります。 重さ3トンもある太鼓台を必死で持ち上げて競う姿は大迫力。 太鼓台を高く担ぎ上げる「さしあげ」や、神輿を地面に降ろさずにどれくらい耐えられるかなどで競い合います。 とても白熱する祭りなので、喧嘩(鉢合わせ)が起こることもあり、それを楽しみに見物にくる観光客もいるそう。 とにかく熱く、男らしさが魅力の愛媛県新居浜市の新居浜太鼓祭りは一見の価値あり。 四国三大祭として知られる愛媛の新居浜太鼓祭り紹介まとめ エネルギッシュでパワーをもらえる日本の新居浜太鼓祭り。 興味をもった方はぜひ動画をご覧ください! -
Video article 3:55
A True Samurai of Our Time! Watch as He Sets a New Guiness World Record!
Traditional Culture- 34 plays
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ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画紹介 こちらの動画は「ギネス世界記録 公式チャンネル」が公開した「尋常じゃない動き!武道家の達人が、刀でイグサを切りまくる【ギネス世界記録】」です。 日本伝統の文化は今も尚さまざまな形で根付いています。 武道家としての道を究めた人の持つ技術は神業と呼ばれることもあります。 今回は日本刀でイグサをひたすら斬る動画を紹介します。 ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画とは 動画で紹介されている日本を代表する居合術家の町井勲(マチイイサオ)が日本刀を用いてひたすら猛スピードでイグサを斬る動画です。 実際の居合術の様子だけでなく、町井勲のインタビューとギネス世界記録を樹立した瞬間が収められています。 世界記録を保持している武道家はどれほどすごいのか知りたい方にうってつけの動画です。 町井勲が達成したギネス世界記録は日本刀を用いた1分間速斬りの最多数。動画内の記録は87太刀です。 町井勲とはどのような人物なのか 町井勲は修心流居合術兵法創始者。 平成のサムライと呼ばれ、6つのギネス世界記録を達成したことでも有名です。 2005年に居合術道場「修心館」を開設しています。 また『最強のすすめ ~日本刀が教えてくれた日本人の生き方~』という著書をはじめ、修心流居合術兵法の初歩に関するDVDを発売するなど日本伝統の居合術を広めるために精力的に活動していることでも有名。 町井勲が樹立したその他の世界記録 町井勲は1分間速斬りの最多数の他に樹立したギネス世界記録は ・据斬 ・3分間速斬り ・最速テニスボール居合斬り ・6ミリBB弾居合斬り ・千本斬り の5つになります。 日本刀1本で世界記録をいくつも達成する神業は想像以上の努力と才能が必要です。 ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画紹介まとめ 日本伝統の文化の1つである侍や居合術。 今回紹介した動画は世界記録を達成した日本の武道家の凄技が収められています。 この記事を通して日本伝統の文化や歴史などを学びたい、触れてみたいと感じていただけたら幸いです。 -
Video article 4:14
Enjoy Kabuki, a traditional Japanese performing art, at Kashimo Meiji-za, a playhouse in Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture! Enjoy its profound world in a playhouse with 130 years of history!
Traditional Culture- 158 plays
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What is Kamimo Meijiza, a playhouse in Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture? This video, produced by "N.a.," is titled "[Beautiful Japan] GIFU The Meijiza Playhouse,Tono." It introduces the Kashimo Meijiza, a performing arts theater in Gifu Prefecture. Gifu Prefecture's Kashimo Meijiza is a historical theater built in 1894. In the old days, Kabuki was performed by local amateur actors, and many theaters were built where these performances took root. This video shows actual Kabuki performances at Kashimo Meijiza. Relax and enjoy the traditional Japanese performing arts! Kabuki - A Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot Kabuki is an ancient form of taishu engeki (大衆演劇). The word "kabuki" (歌舞伎) comes from the word "傾く" (Kabuku), which long ago meant "to perform kabuki." Kabuki began as a dance performance started by Izumo no Okuni in Kyoto, and gradually spread throughout the country. Today, the traditional performing art Kabuki is designated as an Important Intangible Cultural Property of Japan. At one point, people were so absorbed in the plays that the Shogunate issued a ban on them. Other traditional performing arts of Japanese origin include Kyogen and Noh theatre. Kashimo Meijiza, shown in the video, works with the Toza Theater in Shirakawa, Gifu Prefecture, and holds a variety of events to give visitors a casual introduction to the traditional arts, such as exhibitions of amateur kabuki equipment. Famous Kabuki Actors Performing at Kashimo Meijiza! Source :YouTube screenshot Opened in 1894, Kashimo Meijiza was a popular event venue for a variety of performances, including traditional kabuki theater, plays, and dances. Since the mid 1990's, it has hosted performances by famous actors such as Nakamura Kanzaburo and Nakamura Shichinosuke. In the video, you can see how the venue is set up to welcome the audience at 1:06, performers putting on their makeup and wigs before going on stage at 1:22, and an actual performance at 1:45. Summary of Kashimo Meijiza, a Traditional Performing Arts Theater Source :YouTube screenshot You can watch kabuki performances on TV, but watching a kabuki performance from a seat in a kabuki theater is a special experience. If you'd like to see a kabuki performance in person, check out the performance information for Gifu's Kashimo Meijiza and plan a sightseeing trip in the area when one is taking place! The unadulterated spirit that can be found in traditional kabuki and kabuki theaters is truly something to behold. If you'd like to see a kabuki performance in person, check out the performance information for Gifu's Kashimo Meijiza and go sightseeing in the area! ◆Kashimo Meijiza|General Information◆ 【Address】4793-2 Kashimo, Nakatsugawa, Gifu 508-0421 【Access】50 minutes by car from the Nakatsugawa Interchange on the Chuo Expressway, or from JR Nakatsugawa Station, take the Kita-Ena Kotsu Bus and get off at Manga (万賀). 【Parking】Available 【Official Website】Kashimo Meijiza http://meijiza.jp/english.html 【Tripadvisor】Kashimo Meijiza https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1015944-d12194397-Reviews-Kashimo_Meijiza_Theater-Nakatsugawa_Gifu_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 7:03
The Hanezu Odori Is a Dance Based on the Love Story of One of the World's Three Most Beautiful Women, Ono No Komachi. Enjoy the Graceful and Beautiful Dance While Learning About Japanese History!
Festivals & Events- 59 plays
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京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の動画について 「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Festival: Young Japanese Girls Dancing at Zuishin-in Temple (Hanezu Odori)」では、小野小町の恋物語を題材にした「はねず踊り」を紹介しています。 京都府京都市山科区にある随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の優雅な舞の映像や、「はねず踊り」の歴史を解説されている、とても興味深い内容となっています。 こちら記事では、京都の随心院で開催される小野小町を題材にした「はねず踊り」の魅力や歴史を動画と共に紹介します。 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」とは? 京都府京都市山科区の随心院で開催される日本の「はねず踊り」は、小野小町と深草少将との恋物語(百夜通い)を題材にした踊りです。 毎年3月の最終日曜日に開催されています。 三味線や太鼓などの日本の伝統楽器を使ったゆったりした音楽に合わせて、「はねず踊り」を踊ります。 着物の衣装で踊る姿はとても美しく、見るものを魅了します。 ほかにも、今様という平安時代の身分が高い人が踊る舞もありますよ。 日本の「はねず踊り」の題材になっている小野小町には、さまざまな伝説があります。 世界三大美人と言えば、クレオパトラ、楊貴妃、小野小町です。 日本の小野小町は美人で頭が良かったと言われており、深草少将に求愛されていました。 日本の「はねず踊り」の前日には奉納舞が行われます。 随心院の仏様に踊りを奉納する儀式です。 また、随心院では毎年「ミス小野小町コンテスト」が開催され、3人が選ばれます。 選ばれた3人は、「はねず踊り」を始め、随心院のイベントのお手伝いをします。 京都の随心院の見どころは美しい梅園です。 梅の木が約230本植えられており、薄紅色の奇麗な花はとても美しいです。 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の情報 京都の随心院で開催される日本の「はねず踊り」は、2018年は約1,800人の方々が訪れました。 「京都市営地下鉄小野駅」から徒歩5分で駐車場も完備されているので、交通アクセスは良好です。 真言宗善通寺派の随心院の本尊は、如意輪観音です。 木造阿弥陀如来坐像や木造金剛薩埵坐像といった日本の重要文化財もご覧になることができます。 また、小野小町のイラストが入った御朱印を貰うことができます。 京都の随心院には「はねず踊り」以外にも、見どころがたくさんあるので気になる方は観光してみてください! 京都の随心院で開催される「はねず踊り」の紹介記事のまとめ 小野小町の恋物語を題材にした京都の「はねず踊り」。 優雅な美しい舞を楽しむのはもちろん、京都の随心院の境内も魅力たっぷりとお楽しみください。 -
Video article 4:42
For Those Looking to Make Great Sushi at Home! A Brightly Colored Seaweed Roll Recipe!
Food & Drink- 58 plays
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This video, titled "[Recipe] Japanese Traditional Sushi "Ehomaki" #8," was released by "Gucci Fufuu's 'What Are We Eating Today?'" (ぐっち夫婦の今日なにたべよう?). This is a recipe for a variety of seaweed rolls with a mix of ingredients including tuna, salmon, and eggs. It's under 5 minutes long, so if you're feeling like making sushi at home, you should definitely give this video a try! It features Japanese and English notes to make each step of the process easier to understand. The preparation process is also easy to understand. It also shows how to serve it at 4:20, so if you're learning how to serve food, consider checking it out! -
Video article 2:27
How the World's Thinnest Paper, "Tengu Joshi," Is Made. The Traditional Japanese Craft Used in the National Library and Other Libraries, Is a Work of Art Made by Many Artisans
Traditional Crafts- 278 plays
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The World of Japanese Paper Is Deeper Than You Think This video, titled "Making the Thinnest Sheet of Paper in the World," was released by "Great Big Story." Introducing the characteristics, history, and production process of Tengu Joshi paper, a traditional craft of Kochi prefecture. English subtitles is also included for English-speakers. Japanese paper is a traditional culture of Japan. The process of making a single sheet of paper is filled with various considerations, from the selection of raw materials to the manufacturing process. Tengu Joshi paper made in Kochi prefecture is one of many Japanese papers. We hope that you'll take this video and article as an opportunity to learn about Japanese culture. A Closer Look at Japanese Paper Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see at 0:45 in the video, many people are involved in the making of Tengu Joshi paper. In this video, Mr. Hiroyoshi Chinzai, the president of Hidaka Washi Yugen Co., Ltd, explains about Tengu Joshi. In the video, he says he has a sense of responsibility for manufacturing and is challenging things that no one has before. What is Tengu Joshi Paper? Source :YouTube screenshot Tengu Joshi paper is a special Japanese paper made by Hidaka Washi Co., Ltd. in Kochi Prefecture. The diameter of the raw material, mulberry fiber, is 0.002 mm. It is the thinnest Japanese paper in the world. Tengu Joshi paper weighs 1.6 grams per square meter. A sheet of this amazing paper, at about half the size of a tatami mat, is lighter than two one-yen coins. The Roots of Tengu Joshi Paper Source :YouTube screenshot The knowledge required for the production of Tengu Joshi paper has been passed down from generation to generation, and continues to this day. It is said that the roots of Tengu Joshi paper is not based in Tosa, but in "Usumino" produced in Mino (present-day Gifu prefecture) around the 17th century. Tengu Joshi paper was created in the middle of the Meiji era (1868-1912). At that time, Kochi Prefecture had the production capacity to export wrapping paper, coffee filter paper, typewriter paper to Europe and the United States. In response to the need for rolled products, Hidaka Washi Co., Ltd. began to focus on mechanization and OEM production. The Process of Making Tengu Joshi Paper Source :YouTube screenshot First, "kozo," a type of hybrid mulberry, is purchased from farmers. The mulberry is then boiled to break it into fine fibers. The crushed mulberry is then mixed with water and kneaded to make a sheet. The resulting paper, made up of long fibers is highly transparent, strong, and supple. What is Tengu Joshi Paper Used For? Photo:Tokyo National Museum You might be wondering where Tengu Joshi paper is used. As it turns out, Tengu Joshi paper is used in various places. The National Archives of Japan, the Tokyo National Museum, and the British Museum are just a few examples. The paper is used to repair and protect deteriorated exhibits. The uses of Tengu Joshi Paper are expanding not only in Japan, but also overseas in places such as the United Kingdom. One could say that the paper is a technology recognized around the world. According to Mr. Chinzai Hiroshi, inquiries come from all over the world asking for Japanese paper that to restore exhibits, etc. In order to meet these needs, Tengu Joshi paper has been filled with innovations, such as using only natural fibers and dyeing the paper in colors suited to the object to be restored, during the raw material stage. Tengu Joshi Paper and Other Information Hidaka Washi Co., Ltd. doesn't just produce Tengujo paper either. They also provide thorough aftercare after delivery. One of the reasons why the world trusts them is that they carefully explain how to use their products. Tengu Joshi paper is also sold online, so if you're interested in getting some, considering checking it out. Tengu Joshi Paper Introduction Summary Source :YouTube screenshot Hidaka Washi Co., Ltd., founded in 1949, thoroughly selects the raw materials when making Tengu Joshi Paper. The completed Tengu Joshi paper is useful for national libraries and museums. In fact, you've probably seen it before and just didn't know. As you can see in the video, the world of Japanese paper is deeper than you'd guess. It will be interesting to see what kind of activities Hidaka Washi Co., Ltd., a company that specializes in the production of Japanese paper, will do in the future. 【Official Website】Hidaka Washi Co., Ltd. https://www.hidakawashi.com/ -
Video article 5:05
Wreck Diving Down to the Wreck of the Shirahama Shipwreck in Wakayama. The Ship Sitting at the Bottom of the Sea Home to a Variety of Marine Life
Things to Do- 24 plays
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This video, titled "WreckDiving~Shirahama Shipwreck~ -Spring 2020-" (WreckDiving~白浜沈船~ -2020春-), was released by published by "Pro Diver Cati's Sea Channel" (プロダイバーCatiの海チャンネル). The artifacts sunk to the sea become the perfect home for sea creatures. The Shirahama Shipwreck is one of them, and a variety of fish have come to live there. In the town of Shirahama, Wakayama, a 31-meter long ship sank at a depth of 18 meters. The Shirahama Shipwreck was originally intended as a wreck point, and the ship was artificially sunk. The video shows what the wreck looks like. Around the wreck, you can find scorpionfish, cardinalfish, white sea slugs, red Lionfish, flounders, groupers, moray, and a great variety of creatures living around the shipwreck. -
Video article 2:51
Nodahama Is a Popular Diving Spot on Izu Oshima Island! The Arches Made of Lava Rock Look Like an Underwater Ruin!
Things to Do- 28 plays
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This video is titled " [ 4K Ultra HD ] 伊豆大島(1) 野田浜アーチ Nodahama-Beach,Izu-Oshima Island,TOKYO. (Shot on RED EPIC)." It was released by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Izu's Oshima Island has been recognized as a Japanese Geopark. Among the many beaches of Izu Oshima Island, Nodahama, located in the northwest, is a particularly unique dive site. Because Izu Oshima is a volcanic island, lava flowing into the sea formed undersea arches, making it one of the few geo-sites in the world. The breathtaking formations attract a wide variety of marine life and many schools of fish can be observed here. The video shows the arches made by the lava flowing from Nodahama and the schools of fish that gather there. Enjoy the scenery of the ocean floor, which looks like the remains of an ancient civilization sunk into the sea! -
Video article 7:46
The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum - Enjoy the Beauty of Bonsai and Listen to the Stories of the Museum Staff as They Talk About Bonsai!
Traditional Culture- 74 plays
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This video is titled "1000 Year Old Japanese Bonsai Tree Adventure ★ ONLY in JAPAN." It was released by "WAO RYU!ONLY in JAPAN." The video introduces the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum has more than 1000 bonsai trees on display. At 2:00 in the video, you can see an interview with a staff member of the museum as well. Be sure to check out the beautiful bonsai featured in the video! -
Video article 3:56
Lake Ozenuma Summer Hiking! Trek Through the Beautiful Daylilies of Lake Ozenuma, a Famous Place for Flowers at Oze National Park in Fukushima, Japan!
Nature Travel- 64 plays
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The Daylilies of the Oe wetlands at Lake Ozenuma: Video Introduction This video, titled "Lake Ozenuma in Summer and Hiking Through the Daylilies of Oe Marsh|Daylilies at Lake Ozenuma|A Famous Place for Flowers" (夏の尾瀬沼とニッコウキスゲの大江湿原ハイキング 尾瀬沼のカンゾウ 花の名所 花見頃), was uploaded by "Discover Nippon." Daylilies are a common seasonal flower during summer in Japan, and Oe Marsh is famous for its spectacular view of the flowers. [Video] 0:21 - Oe Marsh The video shows the yellow daylilies swaying in the summer breeze and the beautiful scenery of various highland plants surrounding the marshland and Lake Ozenuma. Be sure to enjoy the beautiful video showing the lush greenery and brilliantly blooming flowers in this 4-minute video. [Video] 0:28 - Highland Plants [Video] 2:07 - Daylilies Oe Marsh – A Popular Attraction at Oze National Park Photo:Daylilies at Oe Marsh Oze National Park is a famous landmark in Japan and is home to Oe Marsh, an attraction known for its beautiful flowers. Oe Marsh lies around the Oe River near the village of Hinoemata, Fukushima and is known for the beautiful daylilies that bloom there. If you go down river, you'll find Lake Ozenuma, which is surrounded by a promenade for visitors to enjoy a relaxing stroll around it. It's an especially popular attraction during the summer months. What Are Daylilies? Facts and Interesting Information About the Famous Flower of Oze National Park Photo:Daylilies The daylilies of Oze National Park are characterized by their dark orange-yellow petals, of which it has six. The best time to see the daylilies at Oze National Park is from late June to August, as they grow at high elevations in the mountains, where temperatures can vary greatly. In Japanese, the daylilies at Oze National Park are called Nikkokisuge (ニッコウキスゲ, 'Nikko Daylilies'), which comes from the fact that there are many colonies of them that can be found growing in Nikko, Tochigi. Other than Oe Marsh, these daylilies can be found at Senjogahara Marshland and in the Kirifuri Highlands of Nikko, Tochigi, where the name originated, as well as in Nagano Prefecture, which is home to the Kirigamine Highlands and Kurumayama Highlands, where the flowers can be found growing in colonies. What makes the flowers so special is the vivid color of their petals. The flower is known to bloom in the morning and close in the evening, and it's almost as if it puts all of its energy into blooming to show you its brilliant beauty. Other Flowers to See at Oe Marsh, a Famous Spot for Flowers in Oze National Park! Photo:Daylilies at Oe Marsh Oe Marsh in Fukushima Prefecture is one of the most famous flower viewing spots in Oze National Park. Oe Marshland is famous for its flowers in summer, but there's a lot more to see than daylilies. Here we'll introduce the best time to view the different flowers around the Oe River from spring to summer, together with the meanings of each flower in Japanese culture. Daylilies A short-lived flower that blooms in the morning and withers in the evening. The bright color of the flower is its distinguishing feature. Best time to see it: Mid-July to late July Language of Flowers: Something new each day Photo:Skunk cabbage Skunk Cabbage At first glance, skunk cabbage looks like a large white flower, but the white part is actually not a petal, but rather a type of leaf called a bract. The white leaves have a strong presence, and the stick-like part of the leaf is surrounded by a flower that looks like an ear. It's popular for its dignified appearance. Best time to see it: Mid-May to early June Language of Flowers: Beautiful memories Photo:Cottongrass at Lake Ozenuma Hare's-Tail Cottongrass In June, small yellow petals bloom from this flower, and by the end of June, they turn into fluffy, white, round heads. The lovely cotton grass blooms all over Oze National Park. Best time to see it: Late June to mid-July Language of Flowers: Wavering thoughts ※The above information is based on the usual flower viewing times for Oze National Park as a whole. The blooming time and best time to see the flowers may vary with the climate of a given year and the altitude of the area the flower is growing, so please view this information only as a reference, not as a guarantee. Let's Go Hiking in Oze – Lake Ozenuma to Oe Marsh: A Walking Course Recommendation for Enjoying the Splendid Scenery of Oze National Park Photo:Lake Ozenuma hiking trails Oze National Park, which boasts a vast area, has a number of hiking courses, some of which are quite advanced and will require an overnight stay at a mountain lodge. We recommend a one-day course that begins at Numayama Pass on the Fukushima Prefecture side of the mountain, passes through Oe Marsh, and returns to Numayama Pass after stopping at Lake Ozenuma. It's a 4.35-mile hike, and the wooden boardwalk is well maintained, making it ideal for hiking beginners and those who want to enjoy a casual hike to see the views in Oze National Park. Oze National Park Day Trip Hiking Course Numayama Pass → Oe Marsh → Lake Ozenuma → Oe Marsh → Numayama Pass Near Lake Ozenuma, there is a famous photo spot as well as the Ozenuma Visitor Center where you can get information about the nature of Lake Ozenuma and Oze National Park by experts on the area. How to Get to Oze National Park From Tokyo How you decide to travel to Oze National Park will depend on which hiking course you plan on using. For the hiking course we listed above, the best way to reach Numayama Pass is as follows. Take the train from Tokyo Station to Aizukogen-Ozeguchi Station (210 mins), then take a bus to Numayama Pass (120 mins). This route will take about 6 hours in total and there will be a couple transfers depending on the line you use. Most trains will take you to Kitasenju Station and from there will be a straight shot to Aizukogen-Ozeguchi Station via the Tobu Line's Limited Express Revaty. Oze National Park From Tokyo Station Tokyo Station → Aizukogen-Ozeguchi Station → Numayama Pass ※The bus from Aizukogen-Ozeguchi Station to Numayama Pass is not in operation from November to March. ※Oike to Numayama Pass is closed from November to mid-May. If you're hiking at a trail starting at Hatomachi Pass or Oshimizu, you can use one of the two following routes. Take the shinkansen from Tokyo station to Jomo Kogen Station (60 mins), and from there take a bus to Togura (戸倉) (120 mins), and from Togura, take a bus to Hatomachi Pass (25 mins). Tokyo Station → Kogen Station → Togura → Hatomachi Pass ※The bus from Togura to Hatomachi Pass is not in operation from November to April. Take the shinkansen from Tokyo station to Jomo Kogen Station (60 mins), and from there take a bus to Togura (戸倉) (120 mins), and from Togura, take a bus to Oshimizu (20 mins). Tokyo Station → Kogen Station → Togura → Oshimizu ※The bus from Togura to Oshimizu is not in operation from November to April. Summary of Summer at Lake Ozenuma and Oe Marsh Currently, there are more than 900 species of alpine plants that inhabit Oze National Park, making it a very unique place to visit in Japan. In order to protect the scenery of Oze National Park, we ask that you please do not leave trash behind or step foot into the wetland area. In the summer, vast mountains and lovely flowers await you in Oze National Park. Whether you're a serious climber or visiting for a casual nature walk, be sure to stop visit! 【TripAdvisor】Oe Marsh -
Video article 8:37
Shiba Inu is a dignified and unique breed of dog!Learn about the types, personalities and characteristics through videos!
Living Things- 125 plays
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Shiba Inu - The Only Small Dog Among Japanese Dogs Photo:A Shiba Inu standing in a rice field This video, titled "No.7 Shiba inu ❤️ TOP100 Cute Dog Breeds Video," was uploaded by "I want a dog! A dog channel for beginners." This video introduces the cute Shiba Inu, including everything from their personality to how much exercise they need, as well as things to know before owning one. Be sure to check it out as you read along. The History of the Shiba Inu, a Dog Native to Japan Photo:A Mino Shiba Inu Of the six types of dogs native to Japan (Japanese dogs), the Shiba Inu is the only small Japanese dog. It's said that the origins of the Shiba Inu may originate from the "Jomon Inu," which is said to have coexisted with humans as early as the Jomon Period (710-794). The Shiba Inu has been kept as a hunting dog for small animals and birds in various parts of Honshu (mainland Japan) since ancient times. It's said that 80% of all Japanese dogs kept in Japan are Shiba Inu. There are several types of Shiba Inu, including the San'in Shiba Inu, Shinshu Shiba Inu, and Mino Shiba Inu, but the Shinshu Shiba Inu lineage currently accounts for the majority. Unfortunately, there is only a small number of Shiba Inu, and some breeds are in danger of extinction. The Shiba Inu was also in danger of extinction due to crossbreeding with Western dogs at the end of the Taisho Period (1912-1926), food shortages during World War II, and distemper (a viral disease found in domestic animals), but thanks to the efforts of people wishing to preserve the breed, breeding improved and the Shiba Inu is still around today. In recent years, research has shown that the Shiba Inu is the closest dog breed to the wolf. [Video] 2:23 - The History of the Shiba Inu [Video] 2:53 - The Shiba Inu - The Closest Dog Breed to a Wolf? The 2 Kinds of Shiba Inu Faces - Fox Face and Raccoon Face Photo:A fox face Shiba Inu There are two main types of Shiba Inu faces: The fox face, and the raccoon face. The fox face is characterized by a long, stern face, a long muzzle (the part around the dog's mouth), and a shallow forehead. This type is similar to the ancestral dogs of the Jomon period. The raccoon face is characterized by a round face, short muzzle, and a round nose and eyes, more modern characteristics. It can be difficult to tell which face a Shibu Inu has when they are puppies, so you'll need to check the pedigree with the breeder. [Video] 0:53 - Shiba Inu Face Types The 4 Different Coat Colors of Shiba Inu Photo:A black-coated Shiba Inu In addition to their different face types, Shiba Inu have 4 different coat colors: These are red, black, sesame, and white. ●Red (Brown) The red coat accounts for 80% of all Shiba Inu, and when most people think of a Shiba Inu, they tend to picture this coat color. ●Black The black coat covers the entire body of the Shiba Inu, with the chest and belly often being white. The black color is also characterized by the eyebrow-like spots above the eyes. The color makes their bodies look tighter, giving them a dignified appearance in spite of their small size. ●White White is the rarest color of Shiba Inu. Some dogs are born with a red coat, but it gradually changes to white. Because of its rarity, until recently it was not uncommon for a pedigree to be issued for a white Shiba, but there have been some cases where the color has been recognized at exhibitions. ●Sesame This coat color is a mixture of red, black, and white, and is classified as sesame, red sesame, or black sesame according to the ratio of these colors. As they develop, the ratio of the coat color changes, and you can enjoy watching your Shiba Inu grow. Besides red (brown), other coat colors are quite uncommon. [Video] 1:40 - Shiba Inu Coat Colors Shiba Inu Size, Weight, and Other Characteristics + The Unique Mame-Shiba Photo:A Shiba Inu's tail The Shiba Inu's outward appearance is characterized by its dense, stiff short hair and curly tail. It's said that there are nine different types of tails, so be sure to pay attention to the shape of the tail as well as the face and coat color. The average life span of a Shiba Inu is 15.1 years. It's a long-lived breed among small dogs. The average height of a Shiba Inu is 39.5 cm (15.5 in) for males and 36.5 cm (~14.5 in) for females, and the average weight is 10 kg (22 lbs) for males and 8 kg (~17.5 lbs) for females. The "Mame Shiba," which has become popular in Japan in recent years, is smaller than the standard Shiba, with an average large height of 28 cm to 34 cm (11-13.5 in) and an average weight of around 5 kg (11 lbs). The even smaller "Ko-Mame Shiba" is about 24 cm long (~9.5 in) and weighs about 2 kg (~4.5 lbs), so even as an adult it looks like a puppy and is popular for its adorable appearance. Neither the Mame Shiba nor the Ko-Mame Shiba are recognized as official breeds, but rather, are considered to be small Shiba Inu. Their personalities and how they are cared for are the same as that of regular Shiba Inu, but because of their smaller size, they are said to be a little more pampered than their regular Shiba Inu counterparts. [Video] 3:23 - How Big is a Shiba Inu? Things to Know Before Caring for a Shiba Inu Photo:A sleeping Shiba Inu Before committing to raising a Shiba Inu, it's important to first learn about their personalities. Shiba Inu are said to be smart and loyal, and tend to be affectionate to no one but their owners. They are also stubborn and cautious, so socialization training is important. Shiba Inu should be trained to avoid barking and biting when they are puppies. By way of gender comparison, females are more docile than males. To develop a sociable personality, it's important to expose them to other dogs and people outside the family from a young age, and to familiarize them with various places. Additionally, because Shiba Inu are very territorial and susceptible to stress, it's important to give them their space. If you keep your dog indoors, you should prepare an enclosure for it, and if you keep it outside, you should provide a kennel. If you keep your dog outside, place the kennel on soil, not concrete, to avoid heat stroke. [Video] 4:15 - How to Take Care of a Shiba Inu How Much Exercise Does a Shiba Inu Need? Photo:A Shiba Inu walking The Shiba Inu was originally a hunting dog, and as such, is a very athletic breed. For an adult dog, it's sometimes said that the ideal exercise distance is equal to the dog's body weight (e.g. 10 kg = 10 km), but if you continue to exercise your dog every day, long distances may be difficult for both you and your dog to keep up. A good starting point is to exercise the dog for 30 minutes, twice a day, every day. Sinec every dog varies, if your dog seems to be under stress due to lack of exercise, then you should be sure to take it on more walks, and give it more opportunities for exercise. [Video] 5:16 - How Much Exercise Does a Shiba Inu Need? How Much Does it Cost to Own a Shiba Inu Photo:A Shiba Inu If you wish to own a Shiba Inu, you can adopt a rescue, or purchase one from a pet store. According to the American Kennel Club, the average price for a Shiba Inu tends to be around $2,000-$4,000. The price can also vary depending on the color of the coat. Common diseases that Shiba Inu are prone to include skin diseases (atopic dermatitis)" and food allergies, as well as dementia, patellar luxation, cataracts, and otitis externa (inflammation of the external ear canal). although it can be difficult because of the large amount of hair that falls out, because Shiba Inu are especially prone to skin diseases, it's important to keep their bodies clean and brush them carefully when they are shedding. Compared to many other breeds, the Shiba Inu is said to be relatively disease-free. However, you should not let your guard down, so be on the lookout for changes on a daily basis. [Video] 2:10 - Where to Get a Shiba Inu [Video] 5:57 - Diseases Shiba Inu Are Prone To Summary of the Shiba Inu Photo:A sleeping Shiba Inu If you're thinking about caring for a Shiba Inu, it's important to understand its personality, socialize it properly, and provide it with an appropriate environment. [Video] 6:56 - Shiba Inu Review ・Shiba Inu have a history of being hunting dogs, so you should not think of them as pets. ・Shiba Inu are known to bite, so it's important to train them after adopting one. ・Shiba Inu shed a lot of fur and are prone to skin diseases, so be sure to keep them clean and brush them frequently when they are shedding. ・Shiba Inu need a lot of exercise, so they should be walked daily. Be careful not to overwork them. ・Japanese dogs are prone to dementia. Shiba Inu are smart and loyal to their owners. It's important to understand their characteristics and traits so that you can live together with them for a long time. -
Video article 1:03
JR Kyushu Rail Pass – An Affordable Way to Travel in Japan!
Transportation Travel- 104 plays
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JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS: Video Introduction Photo:JR Kyushu, Tsubame 800 Series Shinkansen This video, titled [4K] JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS (Northern Kyushu ver.), was uploaded by JR KYUSHU WORLD. The JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS is a rail pass that allows you to ride not only regular and rapid trains operated by JR Kyushu, but also limited express trains, sightseeing trains, and even the Kyushu Shinkansen. The JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS is an unlimited train pass for the Kyushu area, and there are three types of passes to choose from. The passes are available to foreign tourists with passports issued outside of Japan. Check out the promotional video to get an idea of what a train trip in Kyushu is like. JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS: Prices and Types Photo:JR Kyushu, Limited Express 'Aso Boy!' Here we'll introduce JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS prices and types. There are three types of passes, which cover the following areas: Northern Kyushu, Southern Kyushu, and all of Kyushu. Fees for each area vary according to how many days you plan to use the pass. Be sure to choose the one that fits your itinerary. ●JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS: 3-Day Pass ・All Kyushu - Adults: 17,000 yen (~$121 USD), Children: 8,500 yen (~$61 USD) ・Northern Kyushu - Adults: 10,000 yen (~$71 USD), Children: 5,000 yen (~$36 USD) ・Southern Kyushu - Adult: 8,000 yen (~$57 USD), Children: 4,000 yen (~$29 USD) ●JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS: 5-Day Pass ・All Kyushu - Adults: 18,500 yen (~$132 USD), Children: 9,250 yen (~$66 USD) ・Northern Kyushu - Adults: 14,000 yen (~$100 USD), Children: 7,000 yen (~$50 USD) ●JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS: 7-Day Pass ・All Kyushu - Adults: 20,000 yen (~$143 USD), Children: 10,000 yen (~$72 USD) The above information is current as of February 2023. Please check the JR Kyushu official website for up-to-date information. ※Please keep in mind that passes must be used consecutively, meaning you cannot use the pass on one day, skip the next day, and then continue using it for 2 more days (in the case of a 3-day pass). As an example, a 3-day pass that starts on February 1 can be used on February 1, 2, & 3. ※Please note that you must meet the following conditions to be eligible for the pass: 1. You must hold a passport issued by a country other than Japan. 2. You must reside outside of Japan and must be visiting Japan on a temporary visitor visa. The Best Places to Visit in Kyushu to Make the Most of Your JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS Photo:Glover Garden, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Here is a brief introduction of the best routes for traveling in Kyushu. ●Northern Kyushu Area This route takes visitors around Nagasaki, Hita in Oita Prefecture, and the hot spring resorts of Beppu, using Fukuoka and Hakata as a hub. Highlights include the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, Glover Garden, onsen (hot springs), and the Jigokudani Meguri (Beppu Onsen hot spring tour). You can enjoy sampling the local cuisine with dishes such as chanpon (champon) and Hita Yakisoba. ●Southern Kyushu Area This route takes visitors around Obi, Aoshima, and Miyazaki, using Kagoshima as a hub. Visitors can experience Satsuma Kiriko (cut glass), Obiten (Obi-style tempura), the hot springs of Ibusuki Onsen, Oni no Sentaku Ita (the Devil's Washboard, a beautiful beach in Miyazaki), Aoshima Shrine, Obi Castle Ruins, Takachiho Gorge and a variety of other tourist attractions. ●All Kyushu Using Hakata as a base, this route takes visitors to Mt. Aso in Kumamoto, Ibusuki and Kirishima Onsen in Kagoshima, and Beppu Onsen in Oita, where they can enjoy the Jigokudani Meguri (Beppu Onsen hot spring tour), Lake Kinrin, and enjoy touring around in horse-drawn carriages, before returning to Hakata where visitors can enjoy shopping and entertainment at Canal City, among various other activities. You can also enjoy the local flavors at the various food stalls in Hakata. [Video] 0:26 - Yufuin Station Other Tickets and Rail Passes for Traveling in Kyushu on a Budget Photo:JR Kyushu Series 787 Limited Express Train So far, we've introduced the JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS, a rail pass useable by foreign residents visiting Japan. However, JR Kyushu also offers a variety of other railroad passes and discount tickets for residents of Japan as well. KYUSHU NET KIPPU, KYUSHU NET HAYATOKU7, and KYUSHU NET HAYATOKU3 are discount tickets sold exclusively online. KYUSHU NET KIPPU is a convenient ticket for using the Kyushu Shinkansen and limited express trains, and can be changed as many times as necessary as long as the change is made before receiving the ticket and before the train departs. KYUSHU NET HAYATOKU7 and KYUSHU NET HAYATOKU3 are special tickets with a limited number of seats that offer discounts for reservations made 7 and 3 days in advance, respectively. Additionally, JR Kyushu offers the Gurutto Kyushu Kippu (ぐるっと九州きっぷ) rail pass, which allows unlimited rides on non-reserved ordinary and rapid trains on all JR Kyushu lines for three consecutive days. In addition, there is also the Nimai Kippu (2枚きっぷ), which allows you to ride on limited express trains and reserved seats of ordinary trains at a discounted price, although the stations you can travel to and from are limited. JR Kyushu offers a wide variety of special train passes and tickets, so you can choose the one that best fits your travel itinerary. If you're traveling by train, you can also enjoy train travel not only in Kyushu but also further away by combining them with the Seishun 18 Ticket. Summary of the JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS Photo:A 415 series train, JR Kyushu The JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS allows you to visit the most popular attractions in Kyushu for an affordable price. If you're traveling on a budget, be sure to make use of the pass as you enjoy the nature and culture of Kyushu, as well as its delicious food, all while saving money. If you're a resident of Japan, be sure to make sure of the other discount tickets available, and tell your friends visiting from outside of Japan to pick up the JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS! 【Official Website】JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS 【Official Website】Kyushu Railway Company -
Video article 6:32
Yabusame (horseback archery) ritual at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, one of the three major Yabusame events in Japan! Ancient Japanese archery and horseback archery
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 142 plays
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Video introduction of "Yabusame (horseback archery) ritual" at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture Photo:Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kamakura This video, titled "Yabusame Horseback Archery 20 Shots|Kamakura 2019" (鎌倉 鶴岡八幡宮 流鏑馬 20連発 Yabusame Horseback Archery 20 shots Kamakura 2019), was uploaded by "keity." Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is located in Kamakura, Kanagawa. Yabusame (traditional Japanese horseback Archery) is a Shinto ritual of the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine Festival in which archers dressed in traditional hunting attire shoot at targets while controlling their aim from horseback. The video begins with the yabusame ritual and shows the archers shooting arrows called "kabura-ya" which whistle when loosed. Accurately shooting the arrows from horseback at high speed requires the archer be incredibly skilled. Check out the video to see the awesome footage of the archers performing on horseback. The History of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine Photo:The stone steps leading up to the main shrine of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kamakura The history of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine dates back to 1063, when Minamoto no Yoriyoshi, the ancestor of Minamoto no Yoritomo, who founded the Kamakura shogunate, moved Ishimizu Hachimangu Shrine from Kyoto. Yoriyoshi was a devout worshipper of Ishimizu Hachimangu Shrine and enshrined the Shinto deity Hachiman as the Minamoto Clan deity near Yuhigahama beach in Kamakura. Later, Minamoto no Yoritomo returned the shrine to its present location on Kyoto and laid the foundations for Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. In 1180, Minamoto no Yoritomo established the first samurai government, the Kamakura Shogunate, in Kamakura, and in the same year, he moved the Hachimangu Shrine, which was associated with his ancestors, to its present location. The shrine was revered as the guardian deity of the Shogunate, Kamakura, and the eastern provinces of Japan. Additionally, the shrine hosted, and continues to host, a number of festivals that were important to the shogunate, including life release ceremonies, yabusame, sumo wrestling, and bugaku (traditional Japanese court music and dance), all of which have been handed down to the present day. One of the most famous historical events at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is the assassination of Minamoto no Sanetomo, which happened on the large stairway leading up to the shrine. When you visit the shrine, you can climb up the very same stairs the assassination took place on. What is Yabusame? The History of Japan's Traditional Archery Photo:Yabusame Yabusame, the ancient Japanese art of horseback archery, has a long history, dating back to the 6th century during the reign of Emperor Kinmei. It's said to have started as a ritual in which three targets were shot from horseback at Usa Jingu Shrine in Oita Prefecture in honor of Empress Jingu and Emperor Ojin. Yabusame (流鏑馬) means "to ride a horse while shooting arrows." Yabusame at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is a traditional event with more than 800 years of history. It's said that it started when Minamoto no Yoritomo performed yabusame in 1187 at a life release at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine to pray for peace and prosperity in Japan. Encouraged by Yoritomo, Yabusame was an essential Shinto ritual for warriors to improve their skills and to show the quality and hardiness of warriors in the Kamakura period. There are two schools of yabusame. Minamoto no Tsunemoto, the founder of the Seiwa Genji branch of the Minamoto clan, handed down the tradition to Minamoto no Yoshimitsu, and from there it was passed on to the Takeda and Ogasawara clans. As a result, there are two schools of yabusame: the Takeda School and the Ogasawara School. Yabusame archery performed at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is of the Ogasawara style. Yabusame is performed at Shinto rituals and festivals all over Japan, and you can enjoy seeing the differences between the two schools by going to events in other areas. The Top 3 Yabusame Events in Japan Photo:Yabusame at Shimogamo Shrine Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Oita Prefecture, Nyakuichioji Shrine in Nagano Prefecture, and Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto Prefecture are collectively considered to host the three best Yabusame events in Japan. Here, we'll explain a bit about yabusame at Nyakuichioji Shrine and Shimogamo Shrine. ●Yabusame at Nyakuichioji Shrine, Nagano Prefecture The Yabusame ritual at Nyakuichioji Shrine is held during the annual festival. What makes this ritual unique is that the archers are children. They put on makeup and wear traditional archer attire, parade through the town, and perform yabusame at the shrine to celebrate a good harvest. ●Yabusame at Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto Prefecture The yabusame ritual at Shimogamo Shrine is held as a precursor to Kyoto's famous Aoi Matsuri. Shimogamo Shrine has the longest history of yabusame rituals among the three shrines, dating back to circa 457 according to the Nihon Shoki. What makes this event unique is that while the other two are performed in warrior costumes, the yabusame ceremony at Shimogamo Shrine is performed in traditional court noble attire. Highlights of the Yabusame Ritual at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine Photo:Yabusame at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine The highlight of yabusame at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is the garbs worn by the archers. They wear traditional hunting costumes worn by samurai during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and wear unique hats called "ayaigasa," which are made of rush woven into twill and covered with cloth. They wear jackets called "hitatare" and carry a sword at their waist, which gives them a dignified appearance. One of the highlights of the yabusame is the distinctive yell of the archer as he runs his horse. When the archer shoots an arrow while running his horse, he shouts "in, yo, i." This represents the Japanese words for "yin, yang, and arrow," and is attributed to Onmyodo, or "The Way of Yin and Yang," which was incorporated into the teachings of the samurai during the Kamakura period. Nagakiyo Ogasawara, the founder of the Ogasawara School of yabusame, was also a samurai in the Kamakura period. Even more than the shouts though, is the sound the arrow makes when it strikes its target. Be sure to check out the video to see the skill that samurai warriors would have used on the battlefield when fighting for their lives. Schedule and Location Information for the 2024 Yabusame Event at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine Photo:The main shrine of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kamakura The yabusame ritual at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is usually held on the same day as the annual festival on September 16 and during a festival in October. That being said, the 2022 event was cancelled due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Currently, no information regarding the schedule for the 2023 yabusame event has been announced on the shrine's website. However, since there are no longer any restrictions on activities, there is a strong possibility that the event will be held this year, so we're optimistic that the event will be held this year. After leaving the entrance of the shrine office of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, a ritual will be held at the lower worship hall, followed by a small parade welcoming the archers and their horses. After that, the archers, dressed in magnificent traditional hunting attire, will perform the yabusame ritual. Summary of Yabusame at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine Photo:The main shrine of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kamakura Yabusame, performed as a ritual event during Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine's annual festival, is a rare opportunity to see magnificent costumes, traditional Japanese martial arts, and splendid horsemanship and archery. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine offers blessings for luck in victory, work, and success in life, as well as for easy childbirth and marriage, so consider having a quick prayer if you visit the shrine for the yabusame ritual. Also, be sure to see the portable shrine procession at the Shinkosai Festival held after the regular festival, and the dance performed by miko (shrine maidens) wearing traditional garbs. Yabusame events are a great opportunity to see the skills of warriors that have been handed down since the Kamakura period. We hope you will be able to witness this spectacular ritual that has been handed down for hundreds of years. 【Official Website】Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine 【TripAdvisor】Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine -
Video article 7:56
The Osu Shopping District – A Massive Shopping Complex Packed With Approximately 1,200 Stores, in Nagoya, Aichi! Introducing the Shopping District Full of Attractions, From Historical Stores to Subcultures!
Shopping- 479 plays
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Video introduction of "Osu Shopping Street" in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, where 1,200 stores are gathered. This video, titled "Osu Shopping District - Nagoya - Aichi - 4K Ultra HD" (Osu Shopping district - Nagoya - Aichi - 大須商店 - 4K Ultra HD), was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView-Japan The Beautiful." Located in the center of Nagoya, Aichi, in Japan's Tokai region, the Osu Shopping District flourished roughly 400 years ago during Japan's Edo Period (1603-1868 A.D.) as the gateway to Osu Kannon, a Buddhist temple in in Nagoya belonging to the Shingon Sect of Buddhism. Today, the Osu Shopping District is home to stores selling anime/manga, maid cafes, and stores selling computers and other electronics, and it has even come to be called the sacred ground of Nagoya's otaku culture and subcultures. Be sure to watch the video as you read along to experience the atmosphere of the Osu Shopping District! The video is about 8 minutes long, and you can see the cameraman walking around the Osu Shopping District. It'll make you feel like you're actually strolling the streets of Osu! Highlights of the Osu Shopping District! Photo:Niomon Street, Osu Shopping District, Nagoya The Osu Shopping District is a shopping center with a number of streets intersecting in an area of about 700 meters east to west and 500 meters north to south. There are many shopping streets in the Osu Shopping District, each with its own unique characteristics. Niomon Street (仁王門通り, Niomon Dori) and Higashi Niomon Street (東仁王門通り, Higashi Niomon Dori), located on the southernmost side of the Osu Shopping District, are lined with a variety of restaurants. You can see the Higashi Niomon Street shopping district from 1:45 in the video. There are also many restaurants that serve exotic cuisines, such as Brazilian and Taiwanese, giving the street a unique "hodgepodge" feel. Osu Kannon Street (大須観音通り, Osu Kannon Dori) and Banshoji Street (万松寺通り, Banshoji Dori), which run through the center of the shopping district, are the main streets of the Osu Shopping District. There are many restaurants as well as the Osu Engeijo (大須演芸場, a performing arts theater), live music venues, and second-hand clothing stores, and the area is crowded with many shoppers. Akamon Street (赤門通り, Akamon Dori), located on the north side of the Osu Shopping District, is densely packed with computer stores and electronics stores, giving it an atmosphere similar to Akihabara. The charm of the Osu Shopping District is the "hodgepodge" atmosphere that visitors feel when shopping there. While there are restaurants and eateries where you can eat and drink, there are also pachinko parlors and small game centers, making it a place loved by tourists and locals alike. The Osu Shopping District Has Tons of Events! Photo:A lively festival on Higashi Niomon Street, Nagoya The Osu Shopping District is a great place to enjoy unique stores, but it also hosts a variety of events. In particular, the World Cosplay Summit, which has been held since 2003, is an internationally popular event. Cosplayers from all over the world compete in qualifying rounds representing their respective countries, all heading to the Osu Shopping District for this global event. In addition, various events are held on each street of the Osu Shopping District. On the 18th and 28th of every month, the "Osu Kannon Antique Market" is held. Similarly, on the 28th of every month, "Akamon 28 Festival" is held on Akamon Street, and "Daikoin Myoo-san Ennichi Fair" is held at Daikoin Temple (大光院). Also, in winter, the "Fureai Plaza" in the Osu shopping district and Shintenchi Street (新天地通り, Shintenchi Dori) are decorated with illuminations to welcome shoppers. Summary of the Osu Shopping District The Osu Shopping District, loved not only by tourists but also by locals, is now also a venue for world-famous events. The Osu Shopping District is lined with stores of various types, where you can enjoy gourmet lunches and strolls, entertainment, such as street performances, and anime and manga stores that promote otaku culture. It's truly an amazing shopping area worth a visit. There are also stores selling Korean goods and vintage clothes, shops selling hitsumabushi (a local specialty of Nagoya), shaved ice, Mont Blanc and other sweets, and old stores with a long history, souvenir shops, and shrines and temples, such as Banshoji Temple, making it a place where everyone from children to adults can have fun. The Osu Shopping District is also accessible by car, but there is no parking available, so you'll have to use the payed parking lots around the area if coming via car. Make some unforgettable memories at Osu Shopping District, a shopping center located in the center of Nagoya! 【Official Website】Osu Shopping District Official English Website http://inbound.nagoya-osu.com/en/ 【TripAdvisor】Osu Shopping District https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134979-d2007506-Reviews-Osu_Shopping_Street-Osu_Naka_Nagoya_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 5:07
A hidden spot with a spectacular view! 4K video of “Kinzo-ji Temple” in Kyoto, Japan! Don't miss the beauty of this mountain temple known for its autumn foliage!
Travel Art & Architecture Nature- 52 plays
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Autumn Foliage Video Introduction of “Kinzo-ji Temple” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "[4K] Concept of OKU, KONZO-JI Temple of Kyoto" ([4K] Concept of OKU, KONZO-JI Temple of Kyoto ”奥” 金蔵寺 京都の寺), was uploaded by "Yurara Sarara," a channel that introduces Japanese culture through video. It introduces Konzoji Temple located in Oshioyama, Kyoto. Kyoto's Konzoji Temple, shown in the video, was built during Japan's Nara period (710-794 AD) as a temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism. Later, it was destroyed by fire during the Onin War, but was rebuilt by Keishoin, the mother of the 5th Tokugawa shogun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, during the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). Enjoy the beautiful appearance of the temple in this short, 4K video. Konzoji – A Mountain Temple Full of Beauty Photo:Beautiful greenery at Konzoji Temple, Kyoto Konzoji Temple is located in the Rakusai area of Kyoto, on the hillside of Mt. Oshio, a mountain with an elevation of 642m. During the Heian period (794-1185 AD), it was called "Iwakura of the West" and is said to have been revered by people. One of the best places to visit in Konzoji Temple is the 12-meter-tall "San no Taki" (産の滝), a waterfall that can be seen at 1:13 in the video. The name "San no Taki" (産の滝: lit. "waterfall of birth") comes from the fact that Mukojin, the deity of Muko Shrine, was born near this waterfall. The next thing to see at Konzoji Temple is the many halls on the temple grounds. The main hall of Konzoji Temple was reconstructed during the Edo period (1603-1868) by Keishoin and houses the eleven-faced thousand-armed Kannon statue, the principal deity of the temple. The Kaizando Hall is a magnificent hall made of all-cypress and enshrines successive generations of priests including Zen Master Takatoyo, the founder of Konzoji Temple. Behind the main hall of Konzoji Temple, there's the Atago Gongen Hall, which enshrines Atago Gongen, and houses a statue of the Jogun Jizo (勝軍地蔵), a jizo said to be able to defeat an army. The statue of the Jogun Jizo is enshrined in this hall, which is open only during the Buddhist memorial service held on April 23 every year. Furthermore, Konzoji Temple has an observatory, and if you head east from Shimonogawa Benzaiten (下の川弁財天, a small shrine), you can enjoy an observatory with a panoramic view of Kyoto City. We recommend checking out the view when visiting the temple. Konzoji Temple - A Hidden Gem for Enjoying Autumn Leaves! Photo:Autumn leaves at Konzoji Temple, Kyoto Konzoji Temple is rarely visited by people, and the people you do see there are usually those who enjoy hiking. However, in early summer, there is a lot of greenery and it is a very pleasant spot to take a leisurely tour of the temple grounds. Konzoji is also known for the beauty of the green maple leaves, and it is the perfect place to experience the nature of Japan. Konzoji Temple also takes on a new appearance during the autumn months. The beautiful autumn colors that can be seen here have turned the temple into a hidden gem for viewing the breathtaking foliage of the season. Because it's located on the mountainside, the temperature varies greatly between morning and evening, and it's a great place to enjoy the spectacular autumn leaves. In particular, the path from Nio-mon Gate to the main hall is surrounded by autumn leaves creating a sort of tunnel of foliage, and is famous locally for its eye-catching beauty. Konzoji Temple is a tourist spot where you can enjoy beautiful greenery in the summer and orange and red autumn leaves in the fall. There is a parking lot you can use when accessing Konzoji Temple via car, but please note that there are some steep roads. When coming by bus, it's about an hour on foot as the nearest bus stop is quite far. That being said, if you're looking to get some hiking or exercise in, or just want to explore something new, this is definitely a place to check out. Summary of Kyoto's Beautiful Konzoji Temple As introduced in this article, Konzoji Temple is a place where you can enjoy the beautiful nature of Japan. In addition, many Shigaraki ware tanuki (raccoon dogs) figures can be found in the area, and the figure of a tanuki enjoying sake is becoming popular as an Instagram icon. The quaint appearance of the halls standing amongst the green maples expresses the beauty of Japan. In autumn, these trees turn breathtaking shades of red and orange, and visitors can enjoy the natural beauty created by the autumn leaves. Consider visiting Konzoji Temple, a place where you can enjoy the beauty of Japan in each of the four seasons! 【Tripadvisor】Konzoji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d1386185-Reviews-Konzoji_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 6:05
Wakayama Castle - Experience History, Hospitality, and Culture
Travel Art & Architecture History- 62 plays
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Wakayama Castle - One of the Top 100 Japanese Castles This video, titled "[Wakayama - Japan's Top 100 Castles] Residence of the Kishu Tokugawa Family" (【和歌山/日本100名城】紀州和歌山城/紀州徳川家五十五万石の居城 - Wakayama Castle in WAKAYAMA, JAPAN -), was uploaded by "Channel WASABI," a channel that introduces beautiful scenery and famous travel destinations. The video introduces Wakayama Castle, located in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai Region. The history of Wakayama Castle dates back to 1619 when Tokugawa Yorinobu, the tenth son of Tokugawa Ieyasu, entered Wakayama Castle and established the Kishu Tokugawa family. The castle later became the residence of the Kishu Tokugawa family of the Kishu domain (present day Wakayama and southern Mie), one of the three Tokugawa families. In this video, you can enjoy the charm of Wakayama Castle and its long history. The Charm of the Wakayama Castle's Keep Structure! Photo:Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture Wakayama Castle is one of the rare castles in Japan that has what is called a "coalition type" castle tower that features a main keep, a smaller, secondary keep, and turrets lining its walls. In addition to Wakayama Castle, Himeji Castle and Matsuyama Castle are the only other surviving castle towers built in this style. You can see the castle tower at 2:37 in the video. Wakayama Castle was used for a long time as the residence of the Kishu Tokugawa family of former Kishu domain, but the castle tower and other buildings were destroyed by fire during the Wakayama Air Raid in 1945. After the war, the castle was rebuilt with a series of towers and other structures, and is now selected as one of the Top 100 Castles in Japan. Furthermore, from the Wakayama Castle tower on top of Mt. Torafusu, you can enjoy a 360-degree view of Wakayama City. The powerful earthen mounds and stone walls, and the majestic castle tower are a must-see. Nishinomaru Garden and Okaguchi Gate - Scenic Spots and Important Cultural Properties! Photo:Nishinomaru Garden, Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture Wakayama Castle's Nishinomaru Garden was created as a place for the feudal lords to enjoy the elegance of the past. In Nishinomaru Garden, you can see the historical scenery and feel the history of Wakayama Castle. The Nishinomaru site is also a large open space where you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing in spring. There is also an Important Cultural Property called Okaguchi Gate at Wakayama Castle. Originally, the large and small keeps were designated as Important Cultural Properties, but they were destroyed by fire in the 1945 Wakayama Air Raid. Today, only Okaguchi Gate remains as an Important Cultural Property. Relaxing in Wakayama Castle's Tea Room In Wakayama, the castle keep is called "Otenshu" or "Otensu." There are Otenshu teahouses around Wakayama Castle, where staff dressed as lords and princesses or as samurai offer hospitality to visitors. Enjoy an Exciting Time at Wakayama Castle! Photo:Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture It's one thing to immerse yourself in the historical sites and enjoy the atmosphere at Wakayama Castle. However, Wakayama Castle offers a variety of entertainment for all types of people to enjoy. From around late March to early April, the castle tower is lit up and many people come to see the beautifully illuminated Wakayama Castle. Then, there's "Omotenashi Ninja," another popular event. The Omotenashi Ninja lurk inside Wakayama Castle Park and guide tourists around and even take pictures for them. Visitors can also enjoy a costume experience by dressing up in historical clothing. Wakayama Castle - Entrance Fees and Access Photo:Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture The admission fee to the Wakayama Castle tower is 410 yen for adults and 200 yen for children (elementary and junior high school students), making it a great place for families to visit. Wakayama Castle is a 10-minute walk from Nankai Wakayama Station. It also about 15 minutes from the Wakayama Interchange on the Hanwa Expressway by car. There are many parking lots in the area, so you can enjoy Wakayama Castle in a relaxed atmosphere. Furthermore, there is space around the area to enjoy lunch or have a picnic in the park, making it an all-day destination. Furthermore, there is space around the area to enjoy lunch or have a picnic in the park, making it an all-day destination. The guidebook introducing the Kii area includes a map of the area, as well as the Kii Mirokuji San Castle Ruins, Ohashi Roka, and the Wakayama History Museum. In addition, there's Wakayama Castle Park Zoo and Wakayama Castle Hall, which are designed to keep even small children entertained. Summary of Wakayama Castle, One of Japan's Top 100 Castles Wakayama Castle is the symbol of Wakayama City in Wakayama Prefecture. Wakayama Castle has grown bigger and bigger since 1619 when Tokugawa Yorinobu became the lord of the castle. It has also become one of the most famous castles in Japan due to its rare "coalition type" castle tower. Experience the history of Wakayama and the grandeur of Wakayama Castle in this 6-minute video! 【TripAdvisor】Wakayama Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298204-d1385117-Reviews-Wakayama_Castle-Wakayama_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:56
Hanitsu Shrine - See the Beautiful Pure White Torii Gate Surrounded by Snowy Scenery! From Cherry Blossoms in the Spring to Autumn Leaves in the Fall, This Popular Tourist Spot in Fukushima Is Full of Attractions!
Travel- 64 plays
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Introducing Hanitsu Shrine in the Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture! This video, titled "Hanitsu Jinja – Fukushima – Hanitsu Shrine 8K" (Hanitsu Jinja - Fukushima - 土津神社 - 8K), was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." It introduces Hanitsu Shrine in Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima, in Japan's Kyushu Region. In the video, you can see the dignified appearance of the mysterious pure white torii gate as it stands in the snowy landscape. Hanitsu Shrine is not only famous for its snowy scenery during winter, but also for its beautiful autumn leaves in the fall. During the autumn foliage season from late October to late November, the shrine is illuminated at night and an autumn leaf festival is held. During the festival, dumpling shops and other stalls are set up in the precincts of the shrine. The fantastic scenery of the colorful maple leaves and other foliage is fantastic! Hanitsu Shrine is also known for its flowers. In spring, cherry trees donated by the town of Takato in Shinshu, and someiyoshino cherries can be seen in full bloom. From late April to early May, when the cherry blossoms are at their best, the shrine is crowded with people enjoying cherry blossom viewing. The cherry blossoms in spring, the colored leaves in autumn, and the pure white torii gate are all beautiful sights throughout the year, making Hanitsu Shrine an Instagrammable destination for many tourists. The History of Hanitsu Shrine and Its Deities Photo:Spring at Hanitsu Shrine, Inowashira, Fukushima Hanitsu Shrine is a historic shrine in the Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture. The shrine was founded in 1675. When the Aizu clan was defeated in the Boshin War, Hanitsu Shrine was set on fire at the order of Takahashi Gondayu, the lord of Inawashiro Castle, and it burned down, but it was later rebuilt. Hoshina Masayuki, the first lord of the Aizu domain, is enshrined as the deity of Hanitsu Shrine. Hoshina Masayuki is known as the kami of children's success and is believed to be blessed with good fortune, good harvest, and traffic safety. About 500 meters north of the main shrine, there is an inner shrine where the grave of Hoshina Masayuki is located. This tomb has been designated as a historic site by the government of Japan. In addition, the sword "Mei Yoshifusa" owned by Hanitsu Shrine is designated as an Important Cultural Property. There are also silk paintings and monuments, the inner sanctuary, swords and more that have been designated as Cultural Properties of Fukushima Prefecture. In the precincts of Hanitsu Shrine, visitors can buy good luck charms, Japanese mythical fortunes, Akabeko talismans, and shuin stamps, and from 0:50 in the video, you can see the fortunes tied up in the precincts. Summary of Hanitsu Shrine in the Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture Photo:Autumn at Hanitsu Shrine, Inowashira, Fukushima This article introduced Hanitsu Shrine located in Inawashiro in the Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture. In the video, you can see the beautiful shrine grounds covered with snow, giving off a tranquil and spiritual atmosphere. The video also conveys the beauty of the uniquely Japanese wabi sabi landscape. The shrine in winter, as shown in the video, is wonderful, but the illuminated autumn foliage and spring cherry blossoms are also a must-see. If you're interested in Hanitsu Shrine, which is also a popular power spot, be sure to check it out! ◆Hanitsu Shrine – Access and General Information◆ 【Address】Aza Mineyama 1, Inawashiro-machi, Yama-gun, Fukushima Pref. 【Hours】:Mon. – Sun. 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 【Telephone】0242-62-2160 【Access】10 minutes by taxi from Inawashiro Station on the JR Banetsu West Line Access by car is a 10-minute drive from the Ban-Etsu Expressway's Inawashiro Bandai Kogen IC towards the Inawashiro Ski Resort. 【Parking】There is a free parking lot in the south of the precincts 【Fees (Offerings)】Formal prayers from 5,000 yen, individual prayers from 5,000 yen, shuin stamps from 300 yen 【Pets】Dogs and other pets are allowed at the shrine, but please be aware that they are not allowed to "mark their territory" or disturb worshippers to the shrine. 【TripAdvisor】Hanitsu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120997-d5970665-Reviews-Hanitsu_Shrine-Inawashiro_machi_Yama_gun_Fukushima_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 4:34
Japan's spectacular scenery astonishes the world! Fuji, Yoshino cherry trees, and a five-story pagoda in Niikurayama Sengen Park in Yoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture are as beautiful as any in the world!
Travel Art & Architecture History- 173 plays
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Chureito - The Five-story Pagoda at Arakurayama Sengen Park in Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi This video, titled "The Cherry Blossoms of Chureito Pagoda - Yamanashi - Chureito - 4K Ultra HD" (The Cherry Blossoms of Chureito Pagoda - Yamanashi - 忠霊塔 - 4K Ultra HD), was released by "Tokyo Street View --Japan The Beautiful." Mt. Fuji, cherry blossoms, and shrines and temples are just some of the things that come to mind when one imagines Japan. This video, shot in 4K Ultra HD, is brimming with the beauty of Japan! The atmosphere and beauty will have you feeling like you're visiting Arakurayama Sengen Park's Chureito Pagoda to go see Mt. Fuji and the surrounding cherry blossoms yourself! Not only is it beautiful, but the Yoshino cherries and Chureito Pagoda also have a melancholy history, and we'll explain that as well... The video starts with a breathtaking view of Chureito, the five-storied pagoda with a beautiful vermilion coating, but what lies here is a cenotaph that honors and enshrines the remains of those who perished in previous wars. There are approximately 650 yoshino cherries planted around Chureito Pagoda in Arakurayama Sengen Park. The cherry blossom is a beautiful flower that symbolizes not only Japan, but also war. In other words, the Chureito Pagoda and the yoshino cherries are meant to be memorials and flowers for the spirits of the dead. The official name of Chureito Pagoda is "Fujiyoshida Cenotaph Monument," which means that it is not a general shrine or temple, but a memorial Pagoda owned by the city. (Chureito Pagoda is, however, erected on the premises of Arakura Fuji Sengen Shrine) A Sightseeing Spot Representing Yamanashi Prefecture Photo:Arakurayama Sengen Park Chureito in Arakurayama Sengen Park, located in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture, is a tourist destination that represents Yamanashi Prefecture and is visited by many tourists every year. Just by watching the video, it isn't hard to understand why. It's a culmination of the beautiful scenery that symbolizes Japan, condensed into one location. Also, when climbing the 398 steps leading to the observation deck of Arakurayama Sengen Park, you'll find "the place where Mt. Fuji looks most beautiful." Selected as one of the "One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji" and featured on the cover of the 4th edition of "Michelin Green Guide Japan," it is one of the most famous places to see beautiful scenery, both in Japan and overseas. It has become explosively popular in the last few years, especially with visitors from Thailand. It has been worshiped as a sacred place, and many Thai people have come to Japan to see this scenery with their own eyes. On the grounds of Arakurayama Sengen Park and on the grounds of Arakura Fuji Sengen Shrine, there are promenades surrounded by tree, including cherry blossoms, pine trees, cypresses, and zelkovas, as well as hiking trails with small pavilions. Many tourists come to enjoy the autumn leaves here in the fall. During the cherry blossom festival, events are held on stages, there are booths featuring delicious local cuisine, and the Arakurayama Sengen Park area is shrouded in a gorgeous atmosphere. In order to enjoy the night views of the cherry blossoms and Chureito Pagoda, live cameras are installed in the area so guests visiting via the internet can enjoy them as well. Also, winter is expected to be quite crowded with worshippers coming to celebrate hatsuhinode, the first sunrise of the year, so it's best to check visiting information online before heading out to the shrine. Summary of Arakurayama Sengen Park Photo:Arakurayama Sengen Park Shimizu Port in Shizuoka Prefecture is also famous for its view of Mt. Fuji, but the best place to enjoy the traditional Japanese beauty of cherry blossoms and a vermillion-colored pagoda along with Mt. Fuji is, without a doubt, Arakurayama Sengen Park and Chureito Pagoda. Information on transportation access to Arakurayama Sengen Park and free parking (up to 96 standard vehicles) can be found on the official Fujiyoshida City Tourism Guide website. The road to the free parking lot may be closed, especially during winter, so be sure to check the information on the website before visiting. 【Official Website】Arakurayama Sengen Park・Chureito Pagoda – Fujiyoshida City Tourism Guide https://fujiyoshida.net/en/see-and-do/12 【TripAdvisor】Chureito Pagoda https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g739128-d15113628-Reviews-Churei_Tower-Gotemba_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html