Video article 2:00
Asahikawa Is One of Hokkaido's Most Popular Tourist Destinations. Nature, Gourmet Food, Stunning Winter Views, and the Charm of the Asahiyama Zoo Will Steal Your Heart!
Local PR Travel- 122 plays
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グルメと景色を楽しめる「北海道旭川」のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「旭川市役所」が公開した「旭川地域観光プロモーション動画(Tourism Promotion Video Asahikawa Hokkaido)」です。 北海道旭川で観光する予定のある方におすすめの動画です。 旭川の美しい景観を楽しめるスポットや絶品グルメなどが紹介されています。 こちらの記事では、日本の人気の観光地である北海道旭川の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川の情報 観光名所がたくさんある北海道旭川市は、自然が豊かな北海道の中心的な都市です。 北国の綺麗な景色や絶品料理を求め、国内外から多くの観光客が訪れます。 雪がたくさん降る町の旭川は、樹氷や川霧といった厳しい寒さの中でしか見ることができない景勝を眺められます。 また、北国の雄大な景色の中で滑ることのできるスキーもぜひ体験したいアクティビティ。 動物たちのありのままの生態を見ることができる旭山動物園は、旭川市に訪れた際には必ず行きたい名所。 海外からの来園者も増えています。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川のおすすめのグルメ 旭川市はラーメン、ジンギスカン、焼き鳥などおいしい食べ物が充実しています。 旭川のグルメと言えば旭川ラーメンと言われるほど、旭川市にはラーメン屋がたくさんあります。 旭川ラーメンの特徴は濃厚なスープの醤油ラーメンで、豚骨・鶏ガラと魚介のWスープを使っています。 冬の北国で食べる熱々のラーメンは絶品で体の芯から温まります。 ジンギスカンも旭川を観光するなら食べておきたい一品。 たっぷりの野菜と一緒に食べスタミナをつけましょう。 他にも、焼鳥や日本酒も旭川グルメで有名ですよ。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川の景勝エリア 日本の観光地である北海道旭川は、絶景を楽しめるスポットも充実しています。 まずおすすめなのが、旭川の町並みを一望できる嵐山展望台です。 自然が豊かな旭川公園の中にある展望台で、石狩川や大雪山などの美しい景勝をご覧になることができます。 夜になると旭川の街あかりがとても綺麗に見えるので、カップルで行くのがおすすめ。 美しい景色を楽しみ、心に残る旅行にしましょう。 旭川の自然の景色を楽しめるスポットは、他にもアクティビティ上野ファーム、旭岳、黒岳、就実の丘などがあります。 日本の観光地である「北海道旭川」紹介記事のまとめ こちらの動画では旭川の自然やグルメなどさまざまな魅力が紹介されています。 旭川に旅行する予定のある方は必見ですよ。 日本の人気の観光地である旭川。 北国の綺麗な景色と美味しい料理を楽しみ、満足いく旅になるはずですよ。 -
Video article 2:55
If You're Visiting Nara Prefecture, Then You Don’t Want to Miss Out on the City of Tenri! This City, Full of Rich History, Was Home to the Royal Family Approximately 1,300 Years Ago!
Local PR Travel- 139 plays
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About Tenri, Nara Prefecture This video, titled "Tenri Tourism PR (Introducing Attractions in Tenri)" (天理市観光PR(天理市の魅力紹介)), was made by Tenri City Hall. It introduces tourist information for Tenri, Nara Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai Region (関西地方, Kansai-chiho). About 1,300 years ago, Nara Prefecture was the capital of Japan. The temples, landscape, and culture that have withstood the test of time are still present day, and they invite you to experience the atmosphere of the old days. Tenri is located in the middle of Asuka・Fujiwara-kyo (飛鳥・藤原京,Asuka Fujiwara-kyo) and Heijo-kyo (平城京, Heijo-kyo), both former capitals, and the home of the imperial family at the time. It was a place of irreplaceable significance for Japanese politics and culture at the time. This video shows the attractions of Tenri packed into a 3 minute long video. Be sure to follow along as you read the article! Recommended Sightseeing Locations in Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The oldest road in Japan, Yamanobe street (山辺の道, Yamanobe-no-michi), where you can hike while indulging in the beautiful scenery of Nara Basin (奈良盆地, Nara Bonchi), is a historical sightseeing spot, the origins of which can be traced all the way back to the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan). In the comfortable fall climate especially, many tourists visit Yamanobe street to witness the breathtaking landscape. In addition, there are fascinating historic sites within the city, such as Nishiyama Kofun (西山古墳), Yamato Tenjinyama Kofun (大和天神山古墳), and the Mausoleum of Emperor Keikō (渋谷向山古墳, Shibutani Mukai-yama Kofun). Walk through the refreshing sightseeing route and wallow in the beautiful, natural landscape. Yamanobe street and the kofun group are introduced at 1:16 in the video with the narration that helps you feel the origins of Japan. If you are now interested kofun, try Kurozuka Burial Mound Pavilion (天理市立黒塚古墳展示館), which is the guidance facility for Kurozuka Kofun (黒塚古墳), designated a historic landmark by the government. Walk Around the Temples and Shrines of Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Isonokami Shrine (石上神宮, Isonokami-jingu), said to be one of the oldest shrines in Japan, is a site we highly recommend visiting. You'll also want to visit other little-known tourist spots such as Himuro Shrine (氷室神社, Himuro-jinja) and Zenpuku Temple (善福寺, Zenpuku-ji). There are many cute deer around the temples and shrines where you can enjoy the natural scenery, so be sure to enjoy walking around. These temple and shrine are introduced at 0:28 in the video. There are many other temples and shrines to visit in Tenri, including Chogaku Temple (長岳寺, Chogaku-ji) and Yamato Shrine (大和神社, Yamato-jinja). Dining in Tenri, Nara Prefecture Nakanishi Peanuts, located in Tenri, is a famous peanut shop where many customers visit from faraway. Furthermore, there are many places in Tenri where you can enjoy delicious eel cuisine. Don't forget to try Tenri Ramen, a local specialty of Tenri, when sightseeing. Refreshing portions of shaved ice are served at the lively Ice Dedication Festival (献氷祭, Kenpyo-sai), held annually on May 1st, as Himuro Shine in Tenri worships a god of ice. Enjoy eating delicious shaved ice, perfect for your Instagram, at this beautiful, out-of-the-way destination. Summary of Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Tenri, Nara Prefecture, with a population of 65,466 people (as of 1 July 2019), is easily accessed, being only an hour away from Osaka and Kyoto. The name "Tenri" is derived from the religious organization Tenrikyo, as the city is the largest religious city in Japan with Tenri Church Headquarters (天理教教会本部, Tenrikyo Kyokai-honbu) located in the city center, making it the only city in 21st century Japan to be named after a religious organization. There are many facilities and buildings related to Tenrikyo within Tenri, such as Tenri University. As introduced in the video, there are countless appealing sightseeing sites in Tenri, Nara Prefecture. Nara Prefecture is popular as a tourist destination where you can experience the history and culture of Japan. Be sure to watch the video and indulge in the attractions that Tenri has to offer. If you're planning on enjoying sightseeing in Nara Prefecture, don't miss out on visiting some of the other tourist attractions in Tenri after visiting famous places like Todai-ji Temple (東大寺, Todai-ji) and Nara Park (奈良公園, Nara-koen). You can rest easy at night thanks to the numerous hotels and ryokan located around Tenri. 【Official Website】Tenri, Nara Prefecture City Hall Homepage http://www.city.tenri.nara.jp/ -
Video article 3:59
From Cultural Experiences to Delicious Food, Oita Prefecture’s Kunisaki City Is Full of Things to Do!
Local PR Travel Art & Architecture- 287 plays
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A Look at Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture If you're interested in Japanese culture and looking to find some cultural experiences during your visit to Japan, then look no further! "Kunisaki City, Oita Sightseeing PR Video【Kunisaki Way】" (大分県国東市観光PR動画【Kunisaki Way】), made by Kunisaki City Tourism Office, is packed with the charm of Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture. Experience ascetic practices, Japanese cuisine, and traditional crafts. This is where you can have various Japanese cultural experience. This city is a great place for foreign visitors interested in Japan, or those who just want to learn more about Japan. Enjoy the culture, traditions and nature of Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture in this video. Traditional Japanese Culture in Kunisaki City Photo:Futagoji Temple in Kunisaki When we say traditional Japanese culture, you're probably thinking of tea ceremony, ikebana and Haiku. However, Buddhism is also an important part of Japanese culture. Kunisaki City has many temples where you can try out zazen. Meditating while performing homa in a quiet mountain village will take you on a spiritual journey to discover what lies within. As you carry on with your busy daily life, do you sometimes feel like your mind is clouded or tired? If, like most people, you do, then we highly recommend trying meditation at a historic temple in Kunisaki City. Popular training Dojos include Senpukuji Temple, Rurikoji Temple, Monjusenji Temple, and Futagoji Temple. Meditation practice at Senpukuji Temple is shown from 0:33 in the video. It could become the highlight of your trip to Japan. Enjoy Delicious Japanese Cuisine in Kunisaki City Photo:Seki mackerel Kunisaki City faces the Seto Inland Sea and offers plenty of fresh seafood. Fish from Bungo Channel are fresh and lean thanks to the warm water of the Pacific Ocean and nutritious water of the Seto Inland Sea. Yellowtail and mackerel, as well as brand name fish like horse mackerel and Largehead hairtail, are delicious. Sashimi made from horse mackerel and yellowtail from Bungo Channel is to die for. Sakurao pork from Kunisaki City is also quite popular. The pigs here are raised in a stress-free environment, making their meat extremely tender. We recommend trying pork cutlets made from them. The video shows delicious foods from Kunisaki City at 1:25. Why not go to Kunisaki City and try some of the delicious local cuisine? Traditional Japanese Crafts and Art Are Also Big in Kunisaki City! Source :YouTube screenshot You can try out traditional Japanese culture and art in Kunisaki City as well. A place called Toinryo in Kunisaki City is a community center where people engaged in handicrafts and art activities meet. It is also an art exhibition venue, where you can see various artistic creations. The Shichitoi plant is also produced in Kunisaki. Shichitoi plants have 350 years of history and are used in tough Ryuku Tatami. The cardboard crafts are also beautiful. You wouldn’t guess that they are made of cardboard just by looking at them. If you're interested, check out the video from 2:13. Summary of Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecure Kunisaki City is a great place to experience Japanese culture. The Kebesu Festival, a fire festival in Kunisaki, Kunimi Furusato Exhibition Hall and Imibetsu Shrine are all great ways to experience Japanese history and culture. If you're curious, be sure to do some sightseeing! In addition to introducing Japanese culture, the video also introduces some spectacular areas and events where you can admire the natural landscape of Kunisaki City. The video shows a lot more than what we could get around to in this article, so be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Oita Prefecture Kunisaki City Hall Website https://www.city.kunisaki.oita.jp/ 【Tripadviser】Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Tourism-g1023446-Kunisaki_Oita_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:18
Reihoku, Kumamoto- Where Christianity Was Introduced to Japan More Than 450 Years Ago. Introducing Tourist Spots, Gourmet Food, and the Nature of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto!
Local PR Travel Nature- 74 plays
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Reihoku, Amakusa, Kyushu This video is a promotional video for Reihoku, Amakusa in Kumamoto, Kyushu titled "reihoku," created by "Reihoku Town Hall." The video introduces the many attractive places and magnificent nature of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto. Reihoku is the perfect place to visit if you like the ocean. Check out Tomioka castle and Tomioka visiter center if you're looking for a tasteful sightseeing tour. The video shows the many different tourist spots dotted around Reihoku. Let's take a look! Amakusa, Kumamoto - A UNESCO World Heritage Site Photo:Sakizu Church The Amakusa area in Kumamoto, Kyushu was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2018. The World Heritage Site "Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region" is where you can feel the history and culture of Japanese Christianity. It has been about 450 years since Christianity was introduced to Japan. Visit the different churches and experience Japan's culture of Christianity. At 1:39 in the video, you can see a statue of the Virgin Mary on a cliff. It's very beautiful even if you don't follow Christianity. Ocean Views in Reihoku, Kumamoto Photo:Yatsushiro Sea You can go on a cruise where you can see dolphins from Tomioka port. You'll be fascinated to see all the different beautiful ocean views that the cruise offers. There are other popular spots such as Tomioka beach, Shikizaki cape, and Oppai rock (Lit. "Breast Rock") in Amakusa ocean. We recommend the Reihoku steam ship for sightseeing. It's only a 45-minute ride between Amakusa and Nagasaki. Try the popular tour of Reihoku Thermal Power Plant that takes place on the day the power plant was opened. Check the video at 1:05 to see the rock cruising. There are so many photo locations for Instagram! Gourmet Food in Reihoku, Amakusa Photo:Nagasaki chanpon noodles Fresh sea food is a must in Reihoku, Amakusa. Try the freshly caught fish and oysters from Reihoku! Amakusa area is also famous for cabbage. At 2:42 in the video, all of the gourmet foods are introduced. Which one are you thinking about trying? Nagasaki chanpon noodles are another must-eat food since Amakusa is close to Nagasaki. Fill your belly with all the delicious Amakusa cuisine. The Cultivation of pearls is also famous in Amakusa. You can even purchase them as souvenirs! Summary of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto As you can see in the video, Reihoku is a small, yet beautiful town surrounded by beautiful nature. If you're planning to visit Amakusa, try to reserve a hotel next to the ocean. It'll be an unforgettable trip. 【Official Website】Reihoku town office in Amakusa, Kumamoto https://reihoku-kumamoto.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto Tourist https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g1121557-Activities-Reihoku_machi_Amakusa_gun_Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 2:52
Experience the great outdoors in Kiso-cho, Kiso-gun, Nagano Prefecture! Refresh your mind and body with canoeing and mountain yoga in the forests of Shinshu, a green-filled region in Nagano Prefecture!
Local PR Things to Do Travel- 74 plays
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Video introduction of activities in Kiso Town, Kiso County, Nagano Prefecture If you're interested in enjoying fun activities in Nagano prefecture, we highly recommend you check out this video! This video, titled "Tons of Fun in Nagano Prefecture! Kiso Edition" (信州でアクティビティを楽しもう!~木曽 編~), created by "Shinshu Furusato Wari Channel" (信州ふるさと割チャンネル), introduces various activities in the Kiso area. Kiso in Nagano prefecture is gaining popularity as a spot to enjoy various outdoor activities, such as canoeing at the beautiful, yet not-well known, Ontake lake (御岳湖), or taking part in a yoga classes at Mt. Ontake (御嶽山). There's plenty of fun activities for you to try in Kiso, all packed into this short 3 minute long video! Make sure you get the most out of your trip to Nagano prefecture by trying out some of the activities featured in this video! Activities to Try Out at Mt. Ontake Source :YouTube screenshot Kiso is a beautiful town in Nagano prefecture, surrounded by nature and situated at the foot of Mt. Ontake. Mt. Ontake is popular among mountain climbers, and thanks to the Ontake Ropeway (御岳ロープウェイ) beginners can also enjoy the scenery from the top of the mountain. It's the perfect spot to take photos. Don't forget to share them on your Instagram! You can take a look at the scenery from 1:51 in the video. There are several mountain retreats situated halfway up the mountain for those who wish to stay overnight. There are many fun tours and activities to take part in as well, including lunch and yoga on the mountain. For those who wish to be one with nature, we highly recommend taking part in one of the outdoor yoga classes. At 2:21 in the video, you can see students practicing yoga on top of Mt. Ontake under the beautiful blue sky. It provides a great opportunity to refresh both your body and mind. Lake Activities in Kiso, Nagano Source :YouTube screenshot At the foot of Mt. Ontake lies Ontake lake and Lake Shizenko (自然湖). In the village of Otaki (王滝), you can take part in the "Ontake Adventure Shizenko Nature Canoe Tour" (おんたけアドベンチャー自然湖ネイチャーカヌーツアー), and at Ontake lake you can try out "Ontake Lake Canoe Touring" (おんたけ湖カヌーツーリング). Even if you're a complete beginner, you can still take part in the canoe tours as there will be instructors to guide you along the way. Canoeing amidst the beautiful scenery of Nagano prefecture is an experience that you can't afford to miss! You can take a look at the canoe tours from 0:13 in the video. As you can tell from the video, the view of Kiso from the canoe is really something special! There are many tours and activities to enjoy in the beautiful town of Kiso! Summary of Kiso, Nagano The town of Kiso suffered a lot of damage due to the eruption of Mt. Ontake in 2014. However the town is recovering and the number of tourists is increasing every year. There are now many facilities where you can enjoy activities such as those featured in this video. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out the video and take a look at the beautiful scenery Kiso has to offer. After watching the video, you're sure to want to take a trip to Kiso and experience it all for yourself! -
Video article 3:00
The Town of Wassamu, Hokkaido Is a Place Where You Can Enjoy All Four Seasons of Japan! Check Out the Attractions of Wassamu Town in Hokkaido, a Place You Won't Want to Miss!
Travel Local PR- 71 plays
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北海道和寒町エリアの魅力紹介動画の見所 こちらの動画は「わっさむ 食と観光の魅力発信/北海道和寒町役場」が公開した「「総集編」 北海道和寒町[和寒町観光PV]」です。 自然の多く残る北海道和寒町は、冬にはウィンタースポーツが盛んな地域で、多くの日本人のスキー選手を輩出している歴史があることでも有名です。 今回はそんな北海道和寒町について、動画と共にこちらの記事で紹介していきます。 北海道和寒町はウィンタースポーツとアウトドアが盛ん! 日本の北に位置し、気候的にかなり冷え込む北海道和寒町はウィンタースポーツ盛んで、スノーモービルやスキー、クロスカントリーやスノボー楽しむことが出来ます。 動画の0:20から北海道和寒町で楽しめるウィンタースポーツの様子をご覧になることができます。 雪原でのウィンタースポーツの印象がある北海道ですが、夏は綺麗な緑溢れる自然の良い景色を堪能することができ、アウトドアイベントも盛んに行われているので、夏の観光もおすすめです。 三笠山自然公園キャンプ場や南丘森林公園、三笠山自然公園はどれも自然いっぱいで日本でも屈指の絶景を堪能出来る人気の観光名所で、その様子は動画でもご覧になれるので、お楽しみください。 北海道の楽しみは冬だけじゃない!北海道和寒町の秋の祭り! 実は北海道はかぼちゃの作付け日本一で、秋にはかぼちゃをメインとした祭りの「パンプキンフェスティバル」が開催され、沢山のかぼちゃがハロウィン仕様にデザインされ飾られたり、実際に食したりすることができます。 『熱気球搭乗体験』『南瓜ランタン彫り体験』等も楽しめるので、北海道和寒町へ観光する際には、紅葉も綺麗な秋の時期に予定を合わせてみてはいかがでしょうか? 北海道和寒町の魅力紹介まとめ 春夏秋冬、日本の四季の良さを遺憾なく堪能出来る観光スポットとして、まさに万人におすすめが出来る北海道和寒町の良さ、ぜひ動画でご覧下さい。 北海道と言えば、日本でも屈指のグルメが多くある地域としても有名で、ジンギスカンや冬キャベツの元祖とも言われている越冬キャベツ等も観光の際には外せませんね。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事が、北海道和寒町への観光をご検討する際の手助けとなれば、幸いです。 -
Video article 3:03
Takaharu - A Town Steeped in Myth and Legend. Enjoy a Trip to See the Natural Surroundings of the Town in Miyazaki Prefecture, While Learning About the History and Culture of the Area!
Local PR- 158 plays
- YouTube
The Beautiful Town of Takaharu, in Miyazaki Prefecture This promotional video titled "Takaharu" (高原町), was created by Miyazaki Prefecture’s Town and Village Association in order to promote various festivals, cultural experiences, tourist attractions and the natural scenery found in Takaharu, a town in south-west Miyazaki prefecture. You can reach Takaharu in about 1 hour by car from either Kagoshima or Miyazaki airport. It's a town nestled in the middle of the Kirishima mountain range (霧島連峰, kirishimarenpou), surrounded by nature. In 2006, Takaharu joined the official list of the most beautiful villages in Japan. It is also home to the Kirishima National Park (霧島錦江湾国立公園, kirishima kinkouwan kokuritsukouen), the first national park in Japan, and Kirishima Geopark, which is a popular destination for tourists. This short video introduces recommended cultural and sightseeing spots in Takaharu. We hope you enjoy it! About the Japan Hasshouchi Festival (Festival of the Birthplace of Japan) Source :YouTube screenshot The Japan Hasshouchi festival (日本発祥地祭り, Nihonhasshouchi matsuri), held in February, tells the story of the descent to Earth by the grandson of the sun goddess, as told in the oldest writings in Japan- the Kojiki (古事記, Records of Ancient Matters) and the Nihon Shoki (日本書紀, Chronicles of Japan). During the festival there is a long procession from Sano Shrine (狭野神社, sanojinja) to Ojibaru Park (皇子原公園, ojibarukouen), presentations of traditional performing arts, such as Sano kagura and Haraigawa kagura (dances dedicated to the Shinto gods, registered as Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties), and also a barbecue festival to take part in. In the evenings, the fire festival is held, giving a sense of the mysterious and mythical world of the Shinto gods. At 0:08 in the video, you can see some of the ancient traditions that have been passed down through the ages. The fireworks in the summer night sky are a beautiful sight. Takaharu's Traditional Performing Arts: Sano Kagura and Haraigawa Kagura Source :YouTube screenshot Sano Kagura is a Shinto ritual held every year on the first Saturday in December, mainly by visitors to the shrine. It is a traditional dance performed with a real sword, and has been designated an Important Intangible Cultural Asset of Japan. It attracts many visitors each year. It can be seen from 0:30 in the video. It's one of the most popular festivals held in Takaharu, Miyazaki prefecture. Haraigawa Kagura is another traditional dance performed using real swords. It's held every year on the second Saturday in December. During the intermission there's an opportunity for children to practice dancing with the swords which is always a crowd pleaser. Similarly to Sano Kagura, Haraigawa Kagura is also on the list of Important Intangible Cultural Assets of Japan. Enjoy the Beautiful Rural Landscape of Takaharu Photo:Rhododendrons Mt. Kirishima is a mountain range in Takaharu where you can find the beautiful Mt. Takachiho (高千穂峰, takachihonomine). The reflection of the mountain on the nearby rice paddies creates some magnificent scenery. In Ojibaru Park there is a fish pond where you can catch rainbow trout, ride go-karts, and lodging as well, making it a wonderful place to enjoy nature. You can see this at 1:36 in the video. You can also take part in a soba noodle making experience using water from the Haraigawa river. Mt. Takachiho, which has been selected as one of Japan's top 100 mountains, is covered in Rhododendrons from spring to the beginning of summer . The purplish red carpet of flowers that covers the mountain has made it a very popular tourist destination. There are two paths to climb the mountain, and once you reach the top you'll find a famous spear called "Amenisakahoko," which is said to have pierced the ground upon Ninigi no Mikoto's (grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu) descent to Earth. Here you can feel the divine presence of the Shinto gods. From 2:19 in the video, you can see the beautiful scenery of the Kirishima mountains. Summary of Takaharu, Miyazaki Prefecture As you can see from the video, Takaharu is a town steeped in myth, legend and beautiful nature. Although it isn't featured in the video, Takaharu is also famous for its statue of Studio Ghibli's Totoro. Be sure to keep your eyes open for it! Takaharu is a great place to enjoy Japanese festivals, learn more about Japanese culture, and enjoy nature to its fullest. We hope that after watching this video you are eager to visit! The area is scattered with hot springs and ryokan (Japanese style inns) and is a lovely place to take a trip! 【Official Website】Takaharu town hall official website https://www.town.takaharu.lg.jp/ 【Official Website】Kirishima Geopark http://www.mct.ne.jp/users/kiri-geopark/en/index.html 【Official Website】Ministry of the Environment, Kirishima National Park https://www.env.go.jp/en/nature/nps/park/kirishima/index.html -
Video article 4:45
Uchiko, Ehime: A Charming Town in Shikoku Where You Can Experience Tradition, Culture, History, and Delicious Local Cuisine. Come Feel the Traditional Japanese Atmosphere!
Local PR Travel- 174 plays
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The Traditional Japanese Atmosphere of Uchiko, Ehime This is a PR video for Uchiko, titled ‘UCHIKO GENIC Trailer,’ made by the Uchiko Tourism Association in Ehime prefecture on Shikou Island. The town of Uchiko, in Ehime Prefecture, is home to a strong tradition of Japanese performing arts and traditional events. population of about 300 people, is a beautiful place where traditional culture has been preserved through "village-preservation activities" by the residents. In Ishidatami district, the local people hold festivals in every season, such as the "Water Wheel Festival" and the "Soba Festival," and many tourists visit the festivals to experience traditional Japanese culture. This video introduces the traditions, culture, history and cuisine of Uchiko, Ehime with fantastic music. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! A Heavenly Time in Uchiko, Ehime Source :YouTube screenshot Ishidatami no Yado hotel in Uchiko, Ehime is an inn with a traditional Japanese style house, where you are served Japanese cuisine using local ingredients. You can relax in the onsen bath and enjoy delicious Japanese meals. This can be seen at 1:30 in the video. A popular cultural experience in Uchiko, Ehime is strolling through the town in Kimono. We recommend giving it a try to relax. In the video, you can see a woman strolling through the streets of Uchiko while wearing a kimono at 0:26. You can also get some great Instagram pictures of yourself in a kimono! When you're sightseeing in Uchiko, be sure to stop drop in on the local shops, such as Road Station Uchiko's Fresh Park Karari and Odanokyo Seseragi, where you can buy local sake, as well as Uchiko's famous traditional bamboo crafts and souvenir. Karari Bridge (からり橋 Kararibashi) at Uchiko Fresh Park Karari, is decorated with Koinobori streamers in spring. It's a truly beautiful scene. You can see the Koinobori streamers at 2:34 in the video. Many Koinobori streamers, big and small, elegantly swim through the air of Uchiko. Traditional Entertainment and Events in Uchiko! Photo:Uchiko-za Yokaichigokoku in Uchiko, has been given the status of "Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings." Once upon a time, this district was a busy merchant town with a focus on candle making. There's a theater for plays in this district, called Uchiko-za. This theater has been operating since the Taisho period, showing traditional Japanese bunraku plays. The theater can be seen at 0:47 in the video. The Kite Festival, shown at 2:38, has around 400 years of history and is an event in Uchiko that we highly recommend checking out. It's held on May 5th every year, so be sure to line up your visit if you can. At Takekobo Studio, shown at 0:31 in the video, you can see traditional bamboo crafts being hand crafted by artisans. These are perfect as souvenirs from Uchiko. Experience the Natural Landscape Uchiko! Photo:Taiko Bridge, Yuge Shrine Uchiko also attracts people with its beautiful natural landscape. We recommend walking around Odamiyama Valley (小田深山渓谷 Odamiyama Keikoku) in the deep forest and visiting the beautiful rice terrace at Izumidani. Uchiko has a lot to offer when it comes to scenic views. The rice terraces are can be seen throughout the video, and thanks to the drone footage, you get a great aerial view! We also recommend visiting Kosho Temple (高昌寺 Koshoji) and seeing the beautiful view from Yuge Shrine (弓削神社 Yuge Jinja). Don’t forget to try some tasty soba made with the pure water of Uchiko. You can see it at 2:24 in the video. Summary of Uchiko, Ehime Uchiko is a famous tourist spot in Ehime Prefecture where you can experience unique Japanese history. There are many more sightseeing spots in Uchiko that we couldn't get to in this article, so be sure to watch the video to see more of the charms that Uchiko has to offer! We hope we sparked your interest in Uchiko. Visit Uchiko, a town where you can discover Japanese culture and beautiful scenery! 【Official Website】Ehime prefecture Uchiko Town Hall Website https://www.town.uchiko.ehime.jp/ 【Official Website】Uchiko Town Official Tourism Site Uchiko Sanpo https://www.we-love-uchiko.jp/ -
Video article 2:04
Spur-Of-The-Moment Sightseeing in Chiba Prefecture! Wilderness, Historical Buildings, and Amusement Parks! Is It Possible to Have So Many Attractions in One Place?
Local PR Travel- 498 plays
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From Historic Buildings to the Great Outdoors! Get a Taste of Japanese Culture With a Visit to Chiba Prefecture! This video is “CHIBA promotion movie (120-sec 2nd version)【2017】” (【2017】千葉県イメージアップ動画(120秒)), created by the Official Chiba PR Channel. Chiba prefecture is excellent not only for its magnificent natural scenery, such as the sea and mountains, but also for its many historical and cultural monuments. Chiba prefecture is full of attractive characteristics of Japan. As a door to Japan, Narita Airport welcomes many foreign visitors with the Japanese spirit of hospitality every day. In this article, we will introduce amazing sightseeing spots in Chiba prefecture. Be sure to follow along with the video. Enjoy All Four Seasons in Chiba! Photo:Boso Flower Line, Chiba If you visit Minamiboso in Chiba, you can enjoy driving through the Boso Flower Line with colorful flowers in bloom between January and April. If you want to go swimming in the sea or enjoy fireworks, it’s best to go in July or August. In fall, it’s worth going to watch the "Ohara Naked Festival" in Isumi, where more than ten portable shrines are thrown into the sea all at once. You can see it at 1:06 in the video. At Kameyama Lake in Kimitsu, you can try cycling, hiking, boating, and fishing. Many tourists visit there during fall. You can see the beautiful autumn leaves at Kameyama Lake from 1:19 in the video. Kominato Railway is a retro-inspired local train line running around Ichihara city, Chiba. There are nostalgic atmospheres along the railway lines and station buildings, and they are often used for shooting TV dramas and commercials. In spring, the area around the railway track is filled with rapeseed, and you can see the scenery as if you were running on a yellow carpet. This video shows Kominato Railway running through yellow fields filled with rape blossoms from 2:04. Surrender to the Nature of Chiba Prefecture Photo:Mt. Nokogiri, Chiba A tour of the majestic oceans and mountains, is an essential part of any visit to Chiba Prefecture. You can enjoy hiking and climbing at Mt. Nokogiri, which is famous for its panoramic view of Futtsu Cape in Tokyo Bay, and fruit picking experiences such as strawberry picking. Byobugaura in Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture, introduced at 0:56 in the video, is a rough-hewn cliff formed by wave erosion, and is so spectacular that it has been called the "Dover of the East." As Chiba prefecture is surrounded by the sea, you can also try marine sports like kite-surfing or enjoy whale watching. Historical Monuments and Cultural Spots Photo:Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple is famous for Hatsumode (the first shrine visit of New Year). Approximtely three million people visit the temple for Hatsumode. Many tourists visit this temple throughout the year, not only for worship and sightseeing, but also for experiencing Japanese culture, such as Gogoma and Zazen. This video introduces some of Chiba Prefecture's most famous historical attractions, including Tateyama Castle, a koto (Japanese harp) performance at Tojo House, and Kotokuji Temple. Also, Suigo Sawara, (the image at the top of this article), is known as “Little Edo in Hokuso,” This is an artistic town where buildings from the Taisho period still remain. During the Edo period, wholesalers and breweries used to line the banks of the Ono River. Fortunately, this town survived World War II and was not damaged during the war. In 1996, it was registered in the "Groups of Traditional Buildings," and many buildings are still used as restaurants and shops to this day. One of the pleasures of sightseeing in Sawara is visiting the chic townscapes on a boat operated by a sento (a traditional Japanese boatman). Popular Sightseeing Spots to Visit! This isn't everything Chiba has to offer either. A day trip to Chiba is also possible from Tokyo, so you can visit Chiba easily for a date or family day trip. In addition to the spots in this video, you can also visit Tokyo Disney Land, Tokyo Disney Sea, Kamogawa Sea World, Mother Farm, Mitsui Outlet Park, Funabashi Andersen Park, Nomizo Waterfall, Oyama-Senmaida, Umihotaru, IKSPIARI, La La Port Tokyo-Bay, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba Prefectual Museum of Art, Sanyo Media Flower Museum, AEON Mall Makuhari New City, Choshi Fishery, Tokyo German Village, Yoro Keikoku, and more. Find your favorite sightseeing spot in Chiba! Popular Local Food in Chiba Don't miss out on the food when traveling to Chiba, either. Chiba has a wide range of local dishes, such as a namero (minced fish) bowl, a fresh water bowl, Katsuura dan-dan noodles, and even peanuts. Which local food in Chiba are you interested in most? Overview of Chiba Sightseeing Introduction Chiba prefecture is the best place for a day trip in Japan, and it's very close to the capital Tokyo. If you want to fully enjoy your stay in Chiba, we recommend booking an overnight stay at a one of the nearby hotels. There are plenty of hot springs, hotels, and inns in the area. It's a great way to casually experience Japanese culture through nature, hot springs, historical monuments, etc. The video introduces many events, activities, sightseeing spots, and photogenic scenery that we couldn't get to in this article, such as the Tateyama Bay Fireworks Festival, marine sports, and the Chiba Aqua Marine Marathon. Be sure to take a look at the video and see what else Chiba has to offer. You can enjoy traveling in Chiba however you like, so take your time planning out everything you want to do before visiting. Also take a look at the websites below for more information about what Chiba has to offer. 【Official Website】Chiba Prefectural Government Website https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/english/index.html 【Official Website】Official Chiba Travel Guide http://japan-chiba-guide.com/en/index.html -
Video article 5:00
There Are Many Things To See in Hiroshima! Don't Miss Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima and Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Where You Can Feel the History and Culture!
Local PR- 139 plays
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Sightseeing Destinations and Popular Attractions in Hiroshima This video, titled "LOVE HIROSHIMA Promotional Video|Full Ver|English Edit" (LOVE HIROSHIMA プロモーションビデオ Full Ver 英語編), was uploaded by the "Hiroshima Prefectural Tourism Federation." The video gives aerial drone footage of sightseeing destinations around Hiroshima Prefecture. Just watching the video will have you feeling like you're on a full blown trip to Hiroshima! Most people start their trips from Hiroshima Station or Hiroshima Airport. Enjoy an amazing trip full of history, culture, and the unique food of Hiroshima! Sightseeing Destinations in Hiroshima Photo:The Torii Gate at Itsukushima Shrine, Hiroshima Prefecture At the beginning of the video we're introduced to Itsukushima Shrine (厳島神社, Itsukushima Jinja), a popular sightseeing destination in Miyajima, Hiroshima, and from 0:21 in the video, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and the Atomic Bomb Dome are introduced. Itsukushima Shrine and the Atomic Bomb Dome have both been designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites. If you're traveling in Hiroshima Prefecture, be sure to stop by Yamato Museum in Kure and see the white walls of Joge, Fuchu as well. Going to Bayside Beach, Mikumarikyo Forest Park, Bungo Channel, and Sandan-kyo is popular too. We also recommend outdoor activities, such as driving around the islands of the Setouchi area and Shimanami cycling. You can watch the Hiroshima Toyo Carp play baseball at Hiroshima Stadium as well! If you're into sports, check out a game at the Hiroshima Green Arena. Delicious Hiroshima Cuisine! Photo:Hiroshimayaki Hiroshima is also popular as a city where you can eat delicious food. Many travelers return to get a sweet taste of Hiroshimayaki, a type of okonomiyaki. There are other foods, such as oysters, a specialty in the Setouchi area, anagomeshi (eel rice), Onomichi ramen, navy curry from Kure, and horumon tempura. We recommend sipping on some wine at Hiroshima Miyoshi Winery, shown at 4:19 in the video. Many food events are held in Hiroshima throughout the year, so a lot of people come to visit and enjoy them. Summary of Sightseeing in Hiroshima Photo:Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park As you can see in the video, there are many famous sightseeing spots and hidden gems in Hiroshima. Be sure to try the many different seafood dishes in Hiroshima as well! If you're looking to relax and take your time exploring the area, consider booking a hotel. That being said, you can of course enjoy a one day trip to Hiroshima, so be sure to check it out if you have the chance! 【Official Website】Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture|City Hall Website https://www.city.hiroshima.lg.jp/site/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Hiroshima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298561-Hiroshima_Hiroshima_Prefecture_Chugoku-Vacations.html