Video article 3:31
A Close Look At the Master Craftsmanship of Japan's Temple & Shrine Carpenters! Discover the Amazing Traditional Japanese Technique of Building Without Using Nails
Art & Architecture Traditional Culture- 1K plays
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Japan's Temple & Shrine Carpenters This video, titled "In Japan, Repairing Buildings Without a Single Nail," was uploaded by "Great Big Story." It introduces a traditional Japanese temple and shrine carpenter, called "Miyadaiku" (宮大工) in Japanese, from Kamakura (鎌倉). Japanese temple and shrine carpenters specialize in temples and shrines and construct/repair traditional buildings. Some of the craftsmen work on the construction and repair of historical buildings, such as Japan's national treasures and world heritage sites. Japan's temple and shrine carpenters must possess a high-level of skill and knowledge to repair traditional buildings. A building repaired by Japan's Miyadaiku carpenters allows the beautiful architecture of Japan to remain the work of art that it is. This article covers some of the amazing traditional techniques of Japan's temple and shrine carpenters and their journey to becoming full-fledged craftsmen. Kigumi - A Traditional Carpentry Technique Used by Japan's Miyadaiku Carpenters Photo:Kigumi, traditional Japanese architecture Some wooden architecture in Japan, including temples and shrines, is built by assembling wooden materials together as though it were one large 3d puzzle. This method is called the "Kigumi" method, meaning "wooden framework." This impressive craftsmanship can be seen from 0:21 in the video. The traditional skill of framing and jointing wood, characterized by very precise cutting and coupling of wood, requires countless hours of training and experience as a Miyadaiku carpenter. Traditional Japanese architecture is made possible thanks to the high-quality craftsmanship of Japan's temple and shrine carpenters. The Long Road to Becoming a Miyadaiku Carpenter Photo:A wooden shrine, traditional Japanese architecture Acquiring the skills of a Miyadaiku carpenter requires on-the-job training, so the first step is to become an apprentice at a workshop or construction firm and learn the repair processes and traditional methods used by observing the skills of a master Miyadaiku carpenter up close. The history of Miyadaiku carpenters dates back more than a thousand years. In the past, Japan's temple and shrine carpenters were referred to as "Wataridaiku," and they lived in areas with many shrines and temples, working from one location to the next. Miyadaiku carpenters also repair historic World Heritage buildings and prominent national treasures, such as the one's you'd find in Kyoto. Thus, Miyadaiku carpenters are required to have advanced knowledge in various fields, not just architecture, but religious studies as well. Summary of Japan's Traditional Miyadaiku Carpenters Photo:A wooden temple being built Miya-Daiku carpenters have been repairing Japan's temples and shrines since ancient times with their advanced skills that can be used to construct wooden buildings without the use of nails. This traditional Japanese culture is handed down from one generation of craftsmen to the next. It's no secret that all of Japan's beautiful temples and shrines look like the amazing works of art they art thanks to the amazing craftsmanship of Japan's Miyadaiku carpenters. -
Video article 3:42
Fluffy Omelettes Flying Through the Air! Yokohama Tachibanatei's Professional Omelette-Making Skills! A Look at What Goes in To the Dishes of the Popular Restaurant in Yokohama, Kanagawa
Food & Drink- 356 plays
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Introduction of the omelette rice recipe divine video of "Yokohama Tachibana-tei" in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. This video is titled “Graceful Skills, Yokohama Tachibanatei, Omelette Rice Performance, Uncut | Awesome Cooking Demo of Fluffy Japanese Omurice(華麗な技 横濱たちばな亭 オムライスパフォーマンス ノーカット | Awesome Cooking Demo of Fluffy Japanese Omelette Rice)” created by “LifeWith505” and it introduces the omurice-making process of “Yokohama Tachibanatei,” a famous Japanese restaurant introduced in television programs and magazines. The quick hands when stir-frying the chicken rice in the pan and the incredible skill of making the fluffy omelette that is placed atop the chicken rice is artistic and flashy. What is Yokohama Tachibanatei? Photo: Yokohama Minatomirai|Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Yokohama Tachibanatei, located in Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse and Cubic Plaza Shin-Yokohama in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is a famous restaurant where you can enjoy authentic Western dishes in Japan and whose most popular dish is its omurice. It’s always crowded during lunch, and its artistically-made omurice is enjoyed not just by the Japanese, but by foreigners as well. The key to its popularity is not just its aesthetic beauty, but also the fact that you can watch the live performance of the omurice being cooked, as this video introduces. In fact, omurice is said to be a Japanese dish made in Japan and its recipes and ingredients differ from restaurant to restaurant. However, this omurice “Omurice of a Western Food Restaurant” uses a recipe where a runny half-cooked egg is placed on the top of some chicken rice. In this video, you can see the amazing performances of the omurice-professionals of Yokohama Tachibanatei, a source of pride for Japan. The Chicken Rice Recipe of Yokohama Tachibanatei Source :YouTube screenshot The key to making the chicken rice, which will become the foundation of the omurice, is to stir-fry it with lots of butter and to make use of the savory flavor of the sauce and ketchup! While stir-frying the rice on a pan with hot butter, you add the first sauce (0:37). After adjusting the flavor with some salt and pepper and then giving it a mix, you add the second sauce at (1:13). Their ability to shake the frying pan without dropping a single piece of rice is truly the skill of a professional. The Fluffy Half-Cooked Egg Recipe of Yokohama Tachibanatei Source :YouTube screenshot The cooking process of the omelette that will be placed on top of the chicken rice begins at 2:28. You make the runny half-cooked eggs by putting a generous amount of mixed eggs in a pan with hot butter and then adjusting the intensity of the heat while finely shaking the chopsticks and the pan. This is the biggest highlight of this video! When the cooked egg flies through the air and lands on the chicken rice, the omelette splits beautifully, showing its fluffy, runny insides! This amazing cooking skill, that separates the amateurs from the pros, will make you go wild. You can see this from 3:21 in the video. If you want to carefully observe the omelette being placed on the chicken rice, we recommend watching the slowed-down version from 3:25. Summary of Yokohama Tachibanatei's Omurice “Yokohama Tachibanatei,” is a Western restaurant where you can enjoy not just the delicious omurice made with a special recipe, but also the incredible professional skills of the cooks. An original demi-glace sauce full of savory deliciousness is poured over the omurice, and you you'll be filled with satisfaction for the mere price of 880 yen (~$8 USD). Yokohama Tachibanatei, the restaurant introduced in this video, is located in Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, which is overflowing with diverse foreign cultures, gives the feeling of being inside a Western-style house, and is a popular restaurant highly rated on gourmet websites. In addition to the omurice, the menu also has dishes such as cutlet sandwiches and curry rice. In the Shin-yokohama restaurant, you can also get some take-out dishes such as tonkatsu bento (pork cutlet lunchbox). It’s a popular restaurant, so you may need to reserve some seats depending on the time you visit, but please visit the restaurant and enjoy the delicious taste of the omurice and the amazing cooking skills that you can watch live, both the pride and joy of Japan! ◆Yokohama Tachibanatei, Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Restaurant◆ 【Address】First floor of Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Building No.2, 1-1-2 Shinko (新港, Shinko), Naka Ward (中区, Nakaku), Yokohama City 【Access】6 minutes by foot from Minatomirai Line Bashamichi Station (馬車道駅, Bashamichieki), Nihon-Odori Station (日本大通り駅,Nihonodorieki) 【Hours】11:00〜21:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】045-650-8752 【Official Website】Red Brick Warehouse Restaurant | Western Food Yokohama Tachibanatei https://yokohama-tachibana.net/akarenga/ -
Video article 24:56
Blue Impulse's Impressive Acrobatics Are Sure to Impress! Japan's Aerobatic Team, Which Draws Loud Cheers From the Crowd, Is a World-Class Entertainment of Japan!
Festivals & Events- 52 plays
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国内外問わず注目を集めている日本のブルーインパルス ブルーインパルスとは、日本の航空自衛隊に所属をしている曲技飛行隊(アクロバット飛行チーム)を指す愛称です。 統率の取れた飛行機が織りなすアクロバット飛行の数々は、人々の目を惹きつけ、今では日本でも屈指のイベントとして人気を集めています。 今回紹介をさせて頂いている動画は、日本の入間基地で行われた『入間基地航空祭』でのブルーインパルスの演技です。 ブルーインパルスの主なプログラム 動画の5:00のアクロバットはダイヤモンド・テイクオフと呼ばれるもので、ダイヤモンドの形のまま4機の飛行機が離陸をします。 そして、動画の9:08は、レインフォールと呼ばれるもので、垂直に降下した5機の飛行機がそれぞれの方向へと開花するアクロバット飛行となります。 次に、動画の13:10からご覧になれるのがフォー・シップ・インバートと呼ばれる、4機の飛行機全機が180度回転してからの、背面飛行を行う飛行です。 そして13:38からはブルーインパルスから出されているスモークによって空に描かれる絵の数々を見ることができます。 空に描かれる大きなハートとスターは、それだけでロマンがあります。 最後は、動画の22:12でご覧になれる、2機の飛行機がすれすれで交差する、スリル満点のタッククロスとなっています。 入間基地航空祭とブルーインパルスまとめ 入間基地航空祭ではブルーインパルス以外にも、多くの展示機を見ることが出来ます。 基本的には11月3日、日本では文化の日となっているので、多くの人が参加しやすい日取りとなっています。 航空ショーでは、オープニングフライトでの曲技飛行は勿論のこと、降下展示での落下傘降下も見ごたえがあるものとなっており、一度見れば思い出になること間違い無しでしょう。 日本のみならず、世界でも高い評価を受けているブルーインパルスの展示飛行を見ることが出来る機会の一つである入間基地航空祭。 ブルーインパルスに興味を持たれた方は、ぜひ展示飛行のスケジュールを確認して、足を運んで見てはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 4:32
This Japanese University Team Takes the #1 Spot With Their Wicked Dance Moves! Check Out Their Dynamic Dance Moves in Perfect Unison!
Celebrities Entertainment & Music- 31 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Japanese University Team Wins Gold With Their Breathtaking Dance [FISU 1st World University Cheerleading Championships] Team Cheerleading and Hip Hop Dancing" (日本人大学生チームが息の合ったキレキレダンスで金メダル獲得 「FISU第1回世界大学チアリーディング選手権大会」 チームチア・ チームヒップホップ), was released by "oricon."br> You can watch the dance performances of Soka University students who represented Japan at the FISU (Federation of International University Sports) 1st World University Cheerleading Championships in Poland in 2018.br> The Soka University dance team won gold medals in two competitions: the Team Cheer/Hip Hop Doubles and the Team Cheer/Team Hip Hop. -
Video article 2:10
This Robot Is Sinking Shots Left and Right! Its Smooth, Light Movement Is Just Like That of a Professional Basketball Player!
Sports- 40 plays
- YouTube
The Basketball Robot, CUE4, in Action! This video, titled "CUE4, a Basketball Robot Powered by Cutting Edge AI Technology, Takes on the World's First 3-Point Contest! B.LEAGUE ALL-STAR 2020 IN HOKKAIDO" (最先端の AI テクノロジーを結集したバスケットボールロボットCUE4が世界初3ポイントコンテストに挑戦! B.LEAGUE ALL-STAR 2020 IN HOKKAIDO), released by "B.LEAGUE," introduces the latest basketball robot. The first thing you see when you play the video is the amazing sight of an AI basketball robot making a spectacular shot. Let's take a look at this basketball robot, which moves with the dexterity of a professional basketball player! The Basketball Robot, "CUE4" Source :YouTube screenshot CUE4, the basketball robot sinking shots left and right, was created by a group of Toyota volunteers, and is an AI technology robot filled with the wisdom of its development team. CUE4 is the fourth robot in the CUE series, and joined Alvark Tokyo, a professional basketball team in the B1 professional basketball league, in 2018 as a professional basketball player. CUE4 made a whopping 12 successful shots in the few minutes shown in the video. What Kind of Activities Is CUE4 Used For Source :YouTube screenshot This video shows footage from the B-League All-Star game held at the Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center. CUE4, a basketball robot wearing a team uniform, makes a spectacular shot at the half-time show, as shown in the video. It uses an avant-garde system in which sensors determine the location of the hoop and artificial intelligence takes a series of shots. In the video, the robot grabs the balls lined up next to it and makes free throws with impressive form. You can also see it smoothly glide across the court at 0:39 in the video, exciting the fans! His fluid movements are like those of a real professional basketball player! CUE4, the first robot to play professional basketball, made headlines when he was loaned to the Levanga Hokkaido in 2020. CUE4's uniform number is "94". CUE4 Certified in the Guinness Book of World Records! Photo:Guinness CUE4 was registered in the Guinness Book of World Records under the category "most consecutive free throws made by a humanoid robot." The previous record was held by his predecessor, CUE3. In the future, the team aims to improve the power, speed and accuracy of CUE4 so that it may take on the 3-point contest. Summary of the Basketball Robot, CUE 4 Source :YouTube screenshot CUE4, featured in the video, is a professional basketball robot developed by a team at Toyota. The video, which is only about 2 minutes long, has been played over 1 million times in the months since its release. Check out the amazing skills of CUE4 as he sinks shots left and right! 【Official website】B.LEAGUE https://translation2.j-server.com/LUCBLEAGUE/ns/tl.cgi/https://www.bleague.jp/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XJSID=0 -
Video article 9:23
Flashy Memorial Pained Jets Take to the Skies at the Nyutabaru Air Base Air Festival! The Flashy, Kabuki-Printed Color Scheme Is a Crowd-Pleaser!
Transportation Festivals & Events- 31 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[HD] C-1 ド派手な記念塗装機 新田原基地航空祭 2018 / JASDF Nyutabaru Air Festa 2018 - C-1 Demo Flight," was released by "j-sky on YouTube." The C-1 transport aircraft is the first domestically produced post-war military transport aircraft deployed by the JASDF. Japan's defeat in the war sealed off the technology for developing aviation, but the ban was finally lifted in the 1970's and the first jet-powered transport aircraft made its debut. The C-1 features a loading system that allows the vehicle to be loaded quickly and, with metal rods on the floor, it can transport up to 36 patients at a time. The aircraft has been dispatched to many disasters and is a reassuring tool in the event of a recent spate of disasters and epidemics. Check out the awesome kabuki paint job in the video! -
Video article 7:43
Racing Through the Skies! Sharp Turns! The F-15 Fighter Jet Displays Its Capabilities at the Nyutabaru Air Base's Air Festival in Miyazaki Prefecture!
Transportation Festivals & Events- 28 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[4K] 縦横無尽に飛び回るF-15! 新田原基地航空祭 2018 事前公開 / JASDF Nyutabaru Air Festa 2018 - F-15 Demo Flight," was released by " j-sky on YouTube." Air festivals are regularly held at JASDF bases around Japan. The gallant F-15 shown in the video was shown to aviation fans at the air festival at Nitta Air Base, which is shown in the video. The F-15 was developed by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) of the United States and is commonly known as the "Eagle." Fans cheered as the F-15, which has a maximum speed of Mach 2.7, flew through the skies. At 4:38 in the video, you can see the F-15 flying in a beautiful line of clouds, so check it out! -
Video article 4:48
It Takes Time and Advanced Skills To Make Edo Sashimono, a Traditional Furniture of Tokyo That Uses 0 Nails! One Woman, Fascinated by the Traditional Techniques of the Edo Period, Passes on the Essence of Edo to the Modern World
Traditional Crafts- 290 plays
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About the Edo Sashimono Introductory Video This video, titled "Edo Sashimono, Traditional Furniture Made Without Using Nails - Tokyo Craftsman" (釘を使わない伝統の家具 東京職人「江戸指物」), was released by "Kyodo News." In Japan, there is a traditional way of building, creating furniture, and woodworking without using a single nail. This woodworking technique is called "sashimono" and has a long history dating back to the Heian Period (794-1185). Professionals who build Japanese shrines are called Kudenshi (宮殿師, "Buddhist altar craftsmen") or Miyadaiku (宮大工, temple carpenters), and it is said that the methods for crafting Edo Sashimono were inherited from these craftsmen. The origin of the name "sashimono" comes from fitting wood together (指, "sashi" means "put into"). You can see the female Edo Sashimono furniture craftsman "Motoko Kawauchi," who works at a workshop in Higashi-Nippori, Arakawa, Tokyo, in the video, carefully carving the mortice and tenon so that the dresser can be put together tightly. One can see that when the boards are put together, they fit together in a very satisfying way, creating a sturdy dresser. You can see a close look at the mortises at 1:02 in the video. Traditional Sashimono Craftsman Source :YouTube screenshot Unlike ordinary furniture craftsmen, Edo Sashimono, which is inherited from the advanced woodworking techniques of traditional Japanese craftsmen, the people who specialize in this are called "Sashimonoshi" (指物師). The history of the sashimonoshi is long, and it is said that it was during the Muromachi Period (1336-1573) that the techniques began to be passed down for a profession. The main crafts of Edo Sashimono consists of chests and shelves. Since ancient times, sashimono were used by noble houses and aristocrats in Kyoto and in the Edo Period (1603-1868), when they became the purveyors to the Tokugawa Shogunate, many sashimono craftsmen were invited to Edo, and the furniture they made became so popular that it became indispensable to samurai life. Many Edo sashimonoshi lived in the current Taito Ward, which was lined with daimyo residences. From the remnants of those days, Edo Sashimono workshops are still concentrated around Tokyo's Taito Ward. Characteristics of the Edo Sashimono, a Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot The characteristic of Edo Sashimono is the texture of woodwork furniture that makes the best use of the beauty of the wood grain. Also, because no nails are used, the appearance is clean and beautiful, and you can see from the video that the craftsmanship is utilized on all parts of the furniture. Edo Sashimono carves mortises and tenons so that the wooden joints cannot be seen from the outside when putting them together, because of this, the less you can see them, the higher the level of craftsmanship. Looking at the finished product of Edo Sashimono, you can see a glimpse of the simple and sturdy spirit of the craftsmen of the Edo Period. As shown at the end of the video, when you press one drawer, a different drawer pops out; which is evidence that the inside of the chest is very airtight because the wooden joints fit tightly together. The mortises are carved in such a way that if you put something in a drawer, the weight of it will prevent it from popping out. Edo sashimono craftsmen have passed down the traditional Japanese techniques to the present, from the selection of mulberry, zelkova, and paulownia wood to methods for assembling different pieces. You can see the beautiful completed wardrobe, like a work of art, from 3:03 in the video. Summary of Edo Sashimono, a Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we introduced Edo Sashimono, a traditional Japanese craft, alongside the video. When you go sightseeing in Japan, consider checking out an Edo Sashimono Exhibition and experiencing Edo Sashimono and the craftsmanship of traditional Japanese culture! 【Official Website】Edo Sashimono - Traditional Crafts | Taito Ward Official Traditional Crafts Site https://craft.city.taito.lg.jp/craft/893/ -
Video article 5:27
Fluffy and melt-in-your-mouth artistic omelet rice! Don't miss the video showing the omelette rice recipe of “The Western Restaurant Kichi Kichi”, a very famous restaurant in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, where reservations are required!
Food & Drink- 272 plays
- YouTube
Introduction of video demonstration of omelette rice at “Kichi Kichi”, a western-style restaurant in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. This is a video created by "Sushi Bomber TV Cooking Frontline" that introduces an omelet recipe made by the famous chef of the super-famous restaurant “Kichi Kichi Omurice.” “Omurice” is a national dish that was born in a Japanese Western restaurant during the Meiji era (1868-1912 AD) and is favored by many Japanese. The recipe introduced here is an omelet from “Kichi Kichi Omurice" in Nakagyo ward, in Kyoto City that uses a special demiglace sauce. You can see the cooking process of Kichi Kichi Omurice's omelet, which has been featured on many TV programs, in this under-5-minute video. Don't miss the ultimate omelet introduction video that'll make your mouth water! The Recipe for the Famous Fluffy Omelet Is Open to the Public! Source :YouTube screenshot Kichi Kichi Omurice's specialty is the omelet, but it's no exaggeration to say that the chef's talk is another highlight of the experience. Also in this video, the chef explains how to make it. First, you fry the ingredients. When the frying pan warms up, add the chicken and fry it, raise the flame, fry the chicken, and saute some onions. This can be seen at 0:06 of the video. After that, add ingredients like green soybeans, which are rare in most omelets, boiled mushrooms, and after stir-frying, add rice to fermented butter, salt pepper and black pepper. After seasoning the rice, placing it in a mold and placing it on a plate, you've got an omelet that both looks and smells amazing. This can be seen from 3:07 in the video. The food is of course delicious, but the chef's light-hearted banter is what keeps customers coming back for more. Look at Those Quick Hands! The Climax Is a Fluffy Egg! Photo:Omelet Once the rice is ready, it is time for the climax, the egg. The making of the eggs starts at 3:27. Spray vegetable oil on a frying pan and put in plenty of eggs. Mix the eggs quickly so that they do not burn. The omelet is shaped properly with fast, yet delicate hands. When the egg is completed, put it on the chicken rice and here comes the climax. Now, here is the biggest highlight of this video! Check out 4:31 in the video to see it! When you cut the egg with a kitchen knife, the fluffy simmering eggs flow like a waterfall! Finally, add the demiglace sauce full of umami and parsley and you're done! Summary of the Ultimate Omelet! Source :YouTube screenshot Watching this video, you'll want to go to Kichi Kichi Omurice when you visit Kyoto. Although Japanese food has a strong image of Japanese food, there are many famous restaurants and chefs in Japan who serve Western food that is second to none. The price of Kichi Kichi Omurice’s omelet is 2700 yen (~$27 USD)! The shop is easily accessed, as it's only about 5 minutes from Sanjo / Kawaramachi Station in the center of Kyoto. There is no parking so we recommend going by public transport. Also, don't forget to make a reservation on the homepage, since Kichi Kichi Omurice is reservation only! The video features a very tasty omelette recipe, so be careful watching it when you're hungry! ◆ The Western Restaurant Kichi Kichi Omurice ◆ Store Overview ◆ 【Address】185-4 Zaimokucho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto 604-8017, Japan 【Access】5 minutes by foot from Keihan Sanjo Station 【Hours】From 17:00 to 21:00 【Closures】Irregular holidays 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】075-211-1484 【Tripadvisor】Kichi Kichi Omurice https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g14124519-d3788825-Reviews-The_Youshokuya_Kichi_Kichi-Nakagyo_Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html 【Yelp】 Kichi Kichi Omurice https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E3%82%B6-%E6%B4%8B%E9%A3%9F%E5%B1%8B-%E3%82%AD%E3%83%81%E3%82%AD%E3%83%81-%E4%BA%AC%E9%83%BD%E5%B8%82-2 -
Video article 16:37
Enjoy the Famous "Illumination Flight" at the Ashiya Air Base Air Festival in Fukuoka Prefecture! Watch as the Fighter Jets Take off Into the Sky With a Roar!
Transportation Festivals & Events- 28 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[4K] 芦屋名物 T-4 イルミネーションフライト 芦屋基地航空祭2018 航空自衛隊 / Ashiya Air Show 2018 - T-4 Illumination Flight," was released by " j-sky on YouTube." The JASDF's (Japan Air Self Defense Force) top gun group is the well-known Blue Impulse, and the T-4 aircraft flown by the Blue Impulse is a purely domestic aircraft. Despite being a training aircraft, it is an essential part of the JASDF's pilot training program. Compared to the F-15, the T-4 has a slightly rounder design, and is therefore nicknamed the "Dolphin." An aviation festival is held at the JASDF's Ashiya Base every year, and the exhibition flights by T-4s are a specialty of Ashiya Base. The climax of the festival is the illuminated flight of 7 aircrafts, which even Blue Impulse (6 aircrafts) does not do. Enjoy the video! -
Text only
Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA 2022! A Gathering of the Fascinating Cultures of Niigata!
Festivals & Events Life & Business News Local PR- 375 views
Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA 2022! Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA was held at Toki Messe Niigata Convention Center's exhibition hall in Niigata Prefecture on November 5 (Sat.) and 6 (Sun.), 2022. The expo is a gathering of cutting-edge information in all fields related to 'Cool Japan' and is held in Niigata Prefecture. The event allows exhibitors with a variety of products and business solutions to interact with visitors from various industries, professions, and positions. With approximately 175 booths, it's a major gathering of 'Cool Japan' contens from all across the country. This year's Cool Japan Expo in NIIGATA also brought together all manner of genres, from modern cultures, such as anime and video games, to traditional crafts that Japan has long preserved. We, the staff of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, personally attended the event, and in this article, I'll go over the live atmosphere of the event with lots of photos! In the last part of the article, I'll introduce some of the delicious foods and sightseeing spots you can find in Niigata that I enjoyed between interviews, so I hope you stick with me until the end. What is 'Cool Japan'? 'Cool Japan' is a term used in the "Cool Japan Strategy," a brand strategy to achieve economic growth in Japan by capturing international attention through the dissemination of information about the cool things that Japan has to offer, as well as overseas expansion, and inbound tourism promotion. Reference: Wikipedia The Main Genres of Exhibits at Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA had a large number of booths from a variety of different genres on display. ・Koi ・Sake ・Beer ・Wine and other spirits ・Agricultural products ・Agricultural, forestry, and fishery products ・Manga ・Anime ・Traditional crafts ・Cosplay ・Fireworks ・Embassies ・International companies ・Household goods, interior design, health care, etc. ・Leisure ・Entertainment, lodging, tourism, transportation, hands-on experiences, etc. ・Cosmetics, hair care, etc. ・Manufacturing, craftsmen, etc. ・Clothes, watches, accessories, etc. ・Artists, creators, venture companies, etc. ・Food, beverage, etc. Tsubame-Sanjo Booth at Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA: World-Class Traditional Crafts and Metalworking Products At the Tsubame-Sanjo booth "Tsubame Sanjo Factories," 15 companies from the Tsubame-Sanjo area (Gyokusendo (玉川堂), Marunao (マルナオ), Tojiro (藤次郎), Tadafusa (庖丁工房タダフサ, Hocho-Kobo Tadafusa), Mura no Kajiya (村の鍛治屋), Fujinos (フジノス), Yamazaki Kinzoku Kogyo (山崎金属工業), OHIZUMIBUSSAN (大泉物産), TSUBAME BUSSAN (燕物産), Dots and Lines (ドッツアンドラインズ), MGNET, MARUTO HASEGAWA KOSAKUJO (マルト長谷川工作所), As it is, Nakano Kagaku (中野科学), PLUS Y'S (プラスワイズ), and Guardians of the Artisans all gathered at the event. The Tsubame and Sanjo areas of Niigata Prefecture are famous for metalworking, and their products have many overseas fans due to their high quality and functionality. The history of hardware in the Tsubame-Sanjo area of Niigata dates back many years, and the area has flourished as a metalworking and manufacturing town since around the early Edo period (1600 AD). Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA featured a variety of metal products, such as kitchen knives, glasses, spoons, etc., and their beauty is simply astonishing. Traditional crafts in the Tsubame and Sanjo areas of Niigata Prefecture have also been introduced in articles by COOL JAPAN VIDEOS. Be sure to take a look at them as well. Video article 4:19 Tsubame-Tsuiki Copperware - A Traditional Craft From Niigata Prefecture That's Been Passed Down for More Than 200 Years! Watch as a Plain Iron Plate Becomes a Beautiful Teapot Through Masterful Craftsmanship! YouTube Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA allowed visitors to see the refined skills of artisans at the Niigata Prefecture Traditional Crafts booth At the Niigata Prefecture Traditional Crafts booth, visitors were able to see engravers, maki-e artisans, kazari-shi metalworkers, and other craftsmen performing their work from up close. I couldn't take my eyes off the delicate craftsmanship of the artisans! Beautiful Koi Fish Decorating the Event Site of Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA At the opening of the exhibition, beautiful koi of all colors swam in a special booth lit up with lights. The large variety of koi, measuring approximately 90 centimeters long and weighing about 25 kilograms, were a sight to behold. Koi (colored carp) were created through crossbreeding, and the patterns of today's koi emerged in the late Edo period (1800s A.D.). Today, the high-class ornamental fish, also referred to as "living art" or "swimming jewels," has become very popular outside of Japan, especially among wealthy people in Europe and the United States. Overseas exports have increased nearly five-fold in the past 20 years. The birthplace of these globally popular koi, is right here in Niigata. Koi from Niigata have also been introduced in articles by COOL JAPAN VIDEOS. Be sure to take a look at them as well. Video article 4:19 Koi Are Often Called "Swimming Jewels" and "Swimming Art" in Japan... A Look at the Secrets of These Beautiful Aquarium Fish, Including the Different Varieties and Their Characteristics! YouTube Enjoying Some Sake, Wine, and Whiskey From Niigata... Niigata is a major rice-producing region, which means you know it has great sake! There were many booths run by various sake breweries, and enjoying the various tastings was a dream for sake lovers! I was in the midst of covering the event, but couldn't help but do a little tasting myself. Niigata's local spirits include more than just sake! Local beer, wine, whiskey, and gin were also on display at the event. After finishing my work, I enjoyed some drinks along with some delicious delicacies of Niigata! And a bit more sake... Delicious Niigata Delicacies at Food and Beverage Booths at Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA The food and beverage booths were lined with shops offering hegi soba, Italian cuisine, ramen, and more. All of the shops attracted many customers, who were eager to taste the delicious flavors of Niigata. I enjoyed a bowl of rice topped with half-cooked salmon roe and totomame-don from Sushi Tokiwa! This was sooo good! The salmon roe totally melts in your mouth. I've never had such a delicious salmon roe bowl before, and I'm not exaggerating! On the second day, I tried a delicious bowl of ramen from the ramen restaurant Suzu to Rin (鈴と凛) topped with mouthwatering slice of char siu. It was a tasty shrimp broth and the strong aroma of the seashore had my stomach growling for seconds! Many Very Popular Entertainers Performed on Stage! The stage set up at the event site was filled with popular entertainers. Main Performances Saturday, November 5, 2022 ・OURIN ・Furumachi Geigi ・RYUTist & courtesea ・CHIBIUNITY ・Shinobu Enami x Furumachi Geigi ・ASHITAKA ・Jonnobi Community Corp. ・Albirex Niigata ・YOUNG CABBAGE ・Nangu & NiigataNeesan Sunday, November 6, 2022 ・Show Aikawa ・The Sato Brothers ・Toshihiko Nakazawa ・Eri Ogawa ・NGT48 ・Hinata & Rafvery ・Jackpot ・Hirokazu Nakamura I saw the popular TV personality OURIN and NGT48 right before my eyes♪ Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA – Venue Information Date & Time: November 5 (Sat.) & 6 (Sun.), 2022 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (2 days) Venue: Toki Messe Niigata Convention Center Exhibition Hall Address: Bandaijima 6-1, Chuo-ku, Niigata City 950-0078 Admission: Free Access by train: Approximately 20 minutes from Niigata Station on foot. Official Website: https://cje-niigata.jp/en/ Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA – Event Information Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA was an event that brought together tradition, culture, sake, gastronomy, entertainment, and other aspects of 'Cool Japan' that can be found in Niigata. The venue was filled with the passion for sharing the attractive culture of Niigata with both other parts of Japan and with people around the world. I had a chance to talk with many of the exhibitors, and although everyone was from a different field, they all shared the same desire to inform more people about the products, goods, and cultures that they have proudly developed. It was chilly in Niigata as it's nearing winter, but the venue was nice and warm! It was such an awesome two-day event. On a final note, here are some photos from the event that I couldn't cover in this article. I Also Enjoyed Sightseeing in Niigata and Some Delicious Local Fish! In between work, I had a chance to do a little sightseeing and enjoy some delicious local fish. This was my first visit to Niigata, so everything during these two days was fresh and exciting! Niigata is all about sake and fish, so I decided to enjoy some delicious sushi and sake! I couldn't get enough of the fresh, mouthwatering fish! I haven't been able to eat out much in the past few years due to the Coronavirus pandemic, but it was totally worth the wait! For lunch on the second day, I had a nodoguro-don (blackthroat seaperch over rice) at Sushi Marui in Niigata City. The bowl of rice topped with a generous helping of seared seaperch was a flavor you could never experience in Tokyo! I highly recommend trying it if you visit Niigata. When I went for a leisurely drive in Niigata City, I stopped by the Sea of Japan, where I was able to see Sado Island in the distance because the weather was so nice. On the way home, I saw many people visiting Niigata Gokoku Shrine for Shichi-Go-San. Near the Cool Japan EXPO in NIIGATA venue, there's also a photogenic "What's NiiGATA" monument! You can buy souvenirs at Minato Marche Pier Bandai! This is a good place to visit when sightseeing in Niigata, as you can enjoy shopping, as well as a variety of different restaurants. You can also buy fresh fish here. The new coronavirus has prevented me from traveling and sightseeing for nearly three years, but going on a trip like this allowed me to spend some much needed time away in an atmosphere far removed from my daily life. Although I was not able to do any "proper" sightseeing, I'm sure I'll be coming back to Niigata after seeing how much it has to offer. I'm definitely looking forward to it!