Video article 2:15
Hiking at Yoshino Kumano National Park at Higashi-Odaigahara! There Are Many Highlights, Including Beautiful Scenery Woven by Nature and Powerful Cliffs!
Nature- 54 plays
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奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ヶ原」紹介動画の見どころ この動画は「atsushi matsumoto」が公開した奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ヶ原」を紹介した公式プロモーション動画「奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ケ原」公式プロモーション(春夏編)」であり、東大台ヶ原における綺麗な自然の変化を高画質で楽しむことが出来る。 「東大寺」や「奈良公園」など日本屈指の観光地である奈良県。 ここには日本の国立公園に指定されている「吉野熊野国立公園」が存在する。 この記事では吉野熊野国立公園の中でも「東大台ヶ原(ひがしおおだいがはら)」エリアのハイキングコースやおすすめの楽しみ方などを紹介する。 奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ヶ原」とは? 吉野熊野国立公園は、1936年に日本の国立公園に指定された自然豊かな公園であり、総面積61,406haという広大な地域は、奈良県・三重県・和歌山県にまたがっている。 また公園のほとんどは奈良県に属しており、大きく分けて山岳部・河谷部・海岸部に分類される。 吉野熊野国立公園の山岳部に属している「大台ヶ原山」は、奈良県と三重県の県境にある山で、「日本百名山」「日本百景」「日本の秘境100選」に選ばれるほど、日本でも有数の景勝地として観光客が訪れる。 大台ヶ原山に建設されている「大台ヶ原ビジターセンター」では大台ヶ原山の歴史や文化を学ぶことができる観光施設だ。 また、ビジターセンターより東側の「東大台ヶ原」では一般開放されたハイキングコースがあり、日本の四季を楽しむ事ができるため、観光客に人気だ。 充実したハイキングコースは初心者でも楽しめる! 東大台ヶ原では日本の四季を楽しむ事ができるハイキングコースが観光客に人気である。 ハイキングコースのスタート地点となる大台ヶ原ビジターセンターには駐車場があるため、気軽に観光で来ることが出来る。 ハイキング初心者の方にもおすすめだ。 東大台ヶ原のハイキングコースには様々な見どころが存在し、コースのほとんどは遊歩道により整備されている。 「苔探勝路(こけさがしかつみち)」ルートは、かつて苔が生い茂るほどの自然だったが、現在は苔を再生させるため生物の侵入を妨げる柵が設けられている。今は、ササを多く見ることが出来る。 「中道」ルートは、自然の変化と鳥たちのさえずりを感じることができる場所だ。 東回りのルートにある展望台「日出ヶ岳」は、大台ヶ原山の山頂であり、遠くに富士山が見えることもある。また、倒木が広がる「正木峠」やシロヤシオの自生地である「シロヤシオのトンネル」も見どころだ。 西回りのルートでは、「シオカラ谷」の吊橋を越えると「シャクナゲ群落」があり、5月から6月にかけて綺麗なシャクナゲがトンネルを作る。 また、約800メートルの断崖絶壁の絶景を楽しめる「大蛇嵓(だいじゃぐら)」は、インスタ映えするスポットだ。 日本の四季を楽しみたいという方におすすめの季節は、シャクナゲの咲く5月から6月ごろや紅葉の季節である11月ごろだ。 姿を変えた東大台ヶ原を見ることが出来るだろう。 奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ヶ原」紹介動画まとめ 奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ヶ原」の魅力を紹介した。 東大台ヶ原は、自然を肌身で感じることができるハイキングにおすすめの観光地だ。 動画をご覧になって東大台ヶ原が気になった方は、ぜひ観光に行ってみてはいかがだろうか。 東大台ヶ原のハイキングコースへのアクセスは、車で大台ヶ原山の麓から国道169号線を抜け、大台ヶ原ドライブウェイを通ることで到着できる。 この道は自然環境の変化によりたびたび通行止めになるため、東大台ヶ原を観光に訪れる際は、事前に気候を調べて行くと良いだろう。 -
Video article 2:11
View nature from the sky with the Tateyama Ropeway in Nakashinagawa-gun, Toyama Prefecture! The spectacular view, which shows various expressions depending on the four seasons, is a sightseeing spot you should visit at least once!
Travel- 74 plays
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立山黒部アルペンルートとは ここでは、立山黒部アルペンルートに広がる観光スポット"立山ロープウェイ"について『(TKAR011)立山黒部アルペンルート 立山ロープウェイ- Tateyama Ropeway -【4K】JAPAN』という動画を元に紹介していきます。 立山黒部アルペンルートとは、標高3,000mにもなる山々で構成された北アルプスを貫く、世界でも有数の山岳観光ルートのことを指します。 バスやトロリーバス、ケーブルカーにロープウェイという乗り物を乗り継いでいくだけで、立山黒部アルペンルートの素晴らしい絶景を堪能することが出来ます。 立山ロープウェイとは 立山ロープウェイは、立山黒部アルペンルートの途中にある大観峰駅と黒部平駅を繋いでいます。 立山ロープウェイは、ワンスパン方式という雪崩を防ぐために支柱を1本も使わず、駅と駅の間に張られたメインロープ(支索)の上を走行する方式を景観と環境の為に採用しています。 ワンスパンロープウェイとして日本一の運行距離を誇り、動画でも紹介されている立山黒部アルペンルートにある立山連峰等の絶景の大パノラマを堪能することが出来る有数の観光スポットです。 大観峰駅には展望台もあるので、ぜひ美しい景色をご覧下さい。 立山ロープウェイだけじゃない!立山黒部アルペンルートの魅力 立山ロープウェイに焦点を当てた動画でしたが、立山黒部アルペンルートの観光名所としての魅力はそれだけに留まりません。 立山山麓の絶景を楽しむことが出来る美女平、トロリーバスで通る立山トンネル、4月から6月にかけて巨大な雪の壁を見ることが出来る雪の大谷等、観光スポットが盛り沢山です。 立山ロープウェイのまとめ 四季や気候によって違った美しさを見せる立山黒部アルペンルート、動画では紅葉がメインでしたが、冬には雪によってまた違った顔を見せてくれるので、ぜひ観光目的で足を運んで見て下さい。 立山ロープウェイと立山黒部アルペンルートが織りなす景色の素晴らしさに、動画以上の感動を味わえること間違い無しです。 -
Video article 6:44
How long will it be open for business in 2024? One hour from central Tokyo! Cheers to beer with delicious food while enjoying the best view at "Mt. Takao Beer Mount" in Hachioji City, Tokyo!
Food & Drink Nature Travel- 93 plays
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Video introduction of "Mt. Takao Beer Mount" in Hachioji City, Tokyo This video, titled "Solo Drinks at a Beer Garden - Mt. Takao Beer Mount" (おひとりさまでもビアガーデン・高尾山「ビアマウント」で呑む), was uploaded by "furo1010." In the video, furo1010 is shown heading to Mt. Takao Beer Mount. With its beautiful scenery, delicious food, and tasty beer, Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a place you'd want to visit even if you are not a mountaineer or a hiking enthusiast. Be sure to check out the video to see how the buffet-style food and beer, as well as local sake and other beverages, are enjoyed. Mt. Takao Beer Mount – Experience Hospitality at 488 Meters Above Sea Level! A Look at the Event's Nearly 70 Years of History Photo:Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden), Mt. Takao Located in Hachioji, Tokyo, in Japan's Kanto region, Mt. Takao boasts the largest number of climbers in the world. In the summer, the observation deck restaurant, which is adjacent to the Mt. Takao cable car, transforms into Mt. Takao Beer Mount and hosts a beer garden. Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a beer garden that began in 1954 as a film festival and summer evening karaoke contest held to encourage the use of the Mt. Takao cable car and has been ongoing for nearly 70 years. The view from the top terrace of the observation deck restaurant—located 488 meters above sea level—is spectacular, offering a panoramic view from the Tokyo cityscape to the Boso Peninsula during the day. It's also a popular spot on Japanese Instagram for its beautiful night views. Being just an hour away from central Tokyo, you can enjoy delicious food and beverages while surrounded by nature at Mt. Takao Beer Mount. When does the 2024 Beermount start? Learn about the duration and fees! Photo:Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden), Hachioji, Tokyo The Mt. Takao Beer Mount has been held as usual since 2022. In 2024, it will be open from Saturday, June 15 to Tuesday, October 15, from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The price for all-you-can-eat and drink is 5,000 yen for adults, 4,700 yen for seniors (65 and older), 2,800 yen for junior high school students, 1,800 yen for elementary school students, and 500 yen for infants (3 years old to under elementary school students). It is a great opportunity to enjoy delicious gourmet food and a wide variety of beverages at this price with all-you-can-eat and all-you-can-drink options. Please enjoy it with your family and friends. Food at Mt. Takao Beer Mount – The Perfect Dishes to Go With Your Beer! Photo:The buffet at Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden) Dishes served buffet style will include Japanese, Western, and Chinese menu items. [Video] 2:55 - Buffet-Style Dishes Among the dishes we recommend are local specialties of Hachioj, including salads using vegetables grown in Hachioji and Hachioji Ramen. [Video] 4:00 - Local Specialties of Hachioji, Tokyo The beer goes perfect with the delicious food, and there's beers being served from four major breweries, allowing you to sample a variety of flavors. [Video] 4:13 - Beers From 4 Major Breweries In addition to beer, there's a wide range of beverages, including sake, sours, highballs, etc. Of course, non-alcoholic drinks for children are also available. [Video] 4:52 - A Wide Selection of Alcoholic Beverages Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a great place to enjoy delicious food and drinks, and is recommended for both families and solo guests alike. Information About Wait Times, Crowding, Recommended Seats, Reservations, and More! Mt. Takao Beer Mount has approximately 500 seats and all guests can enjoy the buffet for up to 2 hours. Although there are many seats, the beer garden can be quite crowded on weekends and during the Bon Festival, so be sure to keep this in mind if you're planning on visiting. If you want to enjoy the restaurant without any hassle, we recommend making reservations in advance. Reservations can be made for a minimum of 4 people on weekdays, and for 10 or more people on weekends and holidays. The best seats at Mt. Takao Beer Mount are on the top floor, called the slab. The night views from here are incredible. For those who want to enjoy nature, we recommend the garden surrounded by the forest. You can dine while relaxing in nature. The indoor hall is perfect for rainy or windy days. For rainy days, there's no need to worry, as there is also tent seating set up in the outdoor area. Use the Cable Car for Easy Access to the Mt. Takao Beer Mount Photo:Mt. Takao cable car To get to Mt. Takao, where the beer garden is located, first take the Keio Line from Shinjuku for 53 minutes to Takaosanguchi Station. From Takaosanguchi Station, head to the Kiyotaki Station cable car, a 5-minute walk away. Take the cable car (a 6-minute ride) and get off at Mt. Takao Station to reach the venue. Mt. Takao Beer Mount can also be reached on foot without using the cable car. The food and drinks will taste even better after a nice hike up the mountain! Trail 1 – Hiking Mt. Takao as an Inexperienced Climber/Hiker Source :Hachinavi Mt. Takao Feature Mt. Takao is so famous among mountaineering enthusiasts that around 3 million climbers visit the mountain each year. For those who wish to hike up to the beer garden, here are some recommendations. To get to Takao Beer Mount on foot, we recommend Trail 1. There are seven trails on Mt. Takao: Trails 1-6 and the Inariyama Course. Trail 1 is easy for beginners to climb as most of the course is paved and there are rest areas. It takes approximately 100 minutes to reach the summit and around 60 minutes to reach the beer garden. After a nice workout, why not enjoy the beer garden with some friends in the outdoors? Things to Do Near Mt. Takao There are a number of things to do near Mt. Takao. Below we'll introduce some places we recommend checking out when visiting the area. Takaosan Yakuoin Temple Takaosan Yakuoin Temple is a temple located on Mt. Takao. They have many seasonal events, such as New Years events and Setsubun, and they even have a fire walking event that's held during March each year. The temple is a 20-minute walk from the same cable car used to access the beer garden. Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Admission Fee: Free Takao 599 Museum A museum with a relax atmosphere that features exhibits relating to the unique ecosystem on Mt. Takao. The museum is located just 4 minutes from Takaosanguchi Station by foot. Hours: April to November: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Last admission 4:30 pm), December to March: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Last admission 3:30). ※Hours are subject to change due to events. Admission Fee: Free ※Some events/exhibits may have an admission fee Keio Takaosan Onsen Gokurakuyu Keio Takaosan Onsen Gokurakuyu is a natural hot spring located at the foot of Mt. Takao. The facility offers hot springs and massages, as well as restaurants where you can enjoy delicious soba and sashimi after relaxing in the hot springs. The facility is a quick 2-minute walk from Takaosanguchi Station. Hours: 8:00 am - 10:45 pm (Last admission 10:00 pm) Admission Fee (Weekdays): Adults: 1,100 yen, Children: 550 yen (Weekends/Public holidays/Peak season): Adults: 1,300 yen, Children: 650 yen ※Peak season fees apply during the following periods: December 29 - January 3, Golden Week, mid-August, November 1 - November 30, and other dates ※Free admission for children under 3 Mt. Takao Monkey Park & Wild Plant Garden A monkey park on Mt. Takao home to some 70 monkeys. The park also features a garden with walkways made from tree cookies and beautiful autumn leaves in the fall. The park is a 3-minute walk along Trail 1 after taking the cable car to Takaosan Station. Hours: December - February: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm, March - April: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm, May - November: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Admission Fee: Adults (Junior high school students and older): 430 yen, Children (Ages 3 and older): 210 yen Takao Trick Art Museum A museum full of mind-bending, Egyptian-themed optical illusion art where you can enjoy taking funny photos. The museum receives support from the Egyptian Embassy, and so the souvenir store has popular souvenirs imported directly from Egypt. The museum is a 2-minute walk from Takaosanguchi Station. Hours: April - November: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, December - March: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Closed: Thursdays Admission Fee (General): Adults: 1,300 yen, Junior high and high school students: 1,000 yen, Elementary school students: 700 yen, Young children (ages 4 and under): 500 yen (People with disabilities): Adults: 1,100 yen, Junior high and high school students: 800 yen, Elementary school students: 500 yen, Young children (ages 4 and under): 300 yen ※Discounts available for groups. Please see the official website for more information Summary of Mt. Takao Beer Mount Mt. Takao Beer Mount is held both in the summer and in the fall. Last year, it was held from October 19. The atmosphere is quite different during autumn, but just as enjoyable! Also, until the summer beer garden begins, the Mt. Takao Beer Buffet event is held, where visitors can enjoy barbecue cooked on an eco-friendly craft grill imported specially from Denmark. Mt. Takao, is a great place where visitors can enjoy both mountain climbing and gourmet food. Mt. Takao Beer Mount is the perfect for those looking to enjoy a cold beer to beat the summer heat! Relax and take a break from the daily grind and head to Mt. Takao Beer Mount, where you can enjoy nature, tasty food, and satisfying drinks! 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Takao Beer Mount -
Video article 7:09
Feed the cute little monkeys at Arashiyama Monkey Park Iwatayama in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture! It is very popular among foreigners! Watch a video of one of the world's rarest monkey parks!
Living Things Travel Things to Do- 117 plays
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Video introduction of “Arashiyama Monkey Park Iwatayama” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "" (嵐山モンキーパークいわたやま ちび小猿ちゃんにリンゴをあげたいが横取りされる Baby Monkeys? IWATAYAMA MONKEY PARK Kyoto, Arashiyama Japan), was uploaded by "Juntsu" (淳つ). At the top of the open mountain, at the observatory overlooking the city of Kyoto, international tourists' eyes are glued to the wild monkeys. The video shows how humans and monkeys coexist in a place where there are no barriers or fences keeping them apart. Be sure to check out the video to see the cute baby monkeys smiling and playing as well as, the unique monkey feeding experience which can be enjoyed from the rest area. Iwatayama Monkey Park – The History of the Park in Kyoto Photo:A monkey at Iwatayama Monkey Park, Arashiyama Iwatayama Monkey Park, located in Arashiyama, Kyoto, in Japan's Kansai Region, opened in 1957. The park is known for its wild Japanese macaques. Officially called "Arashiyama Monkey Park Iwatayama," the parks origins can be traced back to 1954 when monkeys were fed by researchers from the Kyoto University Department of Science. The following year, monkeys began to gather at the feeding ground, and "Arashiyama Monkey Park" was opened to the public. When the park first opened, there were around 50 Japanese macaques, but now there are approximately 120. Enjoy Arashiyama, a Popular Tourist Attraction, With a Hike Up Mt. Iwata! Arashiyama Monkey Park is located at the summit of a 160-meter-tall mountain. From the entrance to the top of the mountain, it's a short 20-minute hike. Visitors can enjoy a nice little hike while basking in the forest amidst the beauty of Arashiyama's natural surroundings. The first part of the hike consists of a 120-step staircase. After making your way up the stairs, the rest of the hike is a gentle ascent. The path is well-maintained, so even children can enjoy hiking to the top of the mountain at their own pace. Feeding the Baby Monkeys – A Popular Activity Among Tourists Photo:Monkeys gathering at the feeding station, Iwatayama Monkey Park, Arashiyama From the rest area at the top of the mountain, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Kyoto, and if the weather is nice, you may even be able to see Kyoto Tower. Iwatayama Monkey Park is a very popular spot in Arashiyama for both foreign and domestic tourists, as there are no fences and you can see wild monkeys from up close. Visitors can purchase a bag of monkey feed for 100 yen per bag at the rest area and experience feeding the monkeys from inside the rest area. Here are some scenes from the video. There's also a scene where newborn baby monkeys can be seen at the rest area. When the monkeys are given chopped apples, they skillfully grab them from the outside of the fence. The baby monkey looks hungry too, so the filmmaker tries several times to give the apple to the baby monkey, but each time, it is snatched away by an adult monkey. [Video] 1:37 - Feeding the Monkeys Through the Fence The monkeys at Iwatayama Monkey Park are accustomed to humans, and a mother monkey with her baby passes by the tourists without batting an eye. Some monkeys watch visitors from a high vantage point, while others lie on their haunches and groom one another. It's interesting to see the monkeys from such a close distance. [Video] 1:30 - Monkeys Seen From Inside the Rest Area [Video] 4:04 - Monkeys Watching Visitors From Above When feeding the monkeys, there is one important thing to be careful of; Do not give the food directly to the monkeys. Place it on the feeding rack to avoid having your fingers grabbed. Also, feeding the monkeys is only allowed from inside the rest area. Please note that you are not allowed to bring your own food to give to the monkeys. When to Visit Iwatayama Monkey Park & When to See Baby Monkeys in Arashiyama, Kyoto Photo:A baby monkey at Iwatayama Monkey Park, Arashiyama The baby monkeys are born from March to May, so the possibility of seeing baby monkeys is higher from spring to summer. If you want to see baby monkeys, this is the best season to do so. [Video] 0:32 - Baby Monkeys at the Park! Arashiyama is a scenic tourist destination in Kyoto, Japan. In the fall, the mountains are decorated by the autumn leaves, making it a great time to visit, as you can appreciate the breathtaking autumn colors and see the cute monkeys. In winter, you can see the monkeys curling up on the backs of their mothers in the cold of winter, or hanging out with their friends. Please note that Arashiyama Monkey Park itself will be closed in the event of heavy snowfall. Iwatayama Monkey Park Prices, Hours, Etc. Photo:A monkey at Iwatayama Monkey Park, Arashiyama Entrance fees and hours of operation for Iwatayama Monkey Park are as follows: ● Entrance Fees Adults (high school students and older): 600 yen Children (Ages 4 to junior high school): 300 yen ※Cash only. Credit cards and electric money are not accepted ● Hours of operation 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (The summit is open until 4:30 pm) The park has no regular closing days except on January 1, but will be closed in the event of extremely inclement weather, such as heavy rain, heavy snow, typhoons, etc. The monkeys at Arashiyama Monkey Park, no matter how cute and charming they are, are still wild animals. It is very dangerous to touch them. As a rule of thumb, try to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters between you and the monkeys. Also, do not stare into the monkeys' eyes. Making eye contact indicates intimidation to the monkeys. When a monkey opens its mouth and bares its teeth, it's a sign that it's angry. If this happens, slowly look away and move away from the area. How to Get to Iwatayama Monkey Park + Togetsukyo Bridge & Other Nearby Attractions in Arashiyama, Kyoto To get to Iwatayama Monkey Park in Arashiyama, walk upstream along the river from the south side of Togetsu Bridge for about 20 meters. The entrance to Iwatayama Monkey Park is just after Ichitani-Munakata Shrine (櫟谷宗像神社, Ichitani-Munakata Jinja). ● How to get to Iwatayama Monkey Park (Public transportation) A 7-minute walk to the entrance from Arashiyama Station on the Hankyu Railway. A 10-minute walk to the entrance from Arashiyama Station on the Keifuku Electric Railway (Randen Tram Line) line. A 15-minute walk to the entrance from JR Saga-Arashiyama Station. A 5-minute walk from the Arashiyama Park (嵐山公園, Arashiyama Koen) bus stop via Kyoto City Bus/Kyoto Bus. For those coming by car, there is no dedicated parking lot, so please use a nearby toll parking lot. Arashiyama is one of the most popular sightseeing spots in Kyoto. Here are some things to do near Iwatayama Monkey Park. Photo:The bamboo grove at Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple, Kyoto ● Arashiyama Bamboo Forest This 400-meter-long bamboo grove stretching straight up to the sky is a symbolic landscape of Arashiyama, one of Kyoto's most iconic tourist attractions. The Arashiyama Bamboo Forest is also completely free! Photo:Cherry blossoms at Togetsukyo Bridge, Arashiyama, Kyoto ● Togetsukyo Bridge Togetsukyo Bridge, which spans the Katsura River between Arashiyama and Sagano, is one of the most famous spots in the Saga-Arashiyama area. The bridge was named Togetsukyo (渡月橋, lit. 'Bridge of the Crossing Moon') because of a comment made by Emperor Kameyama as he watched the moon moving over the bridge. Photo:Tenryuji Temple, Kyoto ● Tenryuji Temple Tenryuji Temple is recognized as a World Heritage site. It is the head temple of the Tenryuji School of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism, and was founded by Ashikaga Takauji to pray for the repose of the soul of Emperor Godaigo. The dragon depicted on the ceiling of the lecture hall appears as though it's staring at you no matter what angle you look at it from. ● Horinji Temple Horinji Temple is dedicated to and features a statue of Akasagarbha (one of the eight great bodhisattvas). The temple is famous for the "Jusan-mairi," in which 13-year-old children make a pilgrimage to the temple to receive wisdom and good fortune. Photo:Autumn leaves and houseboats on the Oi River in Arashiyama, Kyoto ● Arashiyama Pleasure Boat Rides The Arashiyama sightseeing boats are rowed by a boatman with a bamboo pole. After visiting the monkeys, consider going for a ride on a sightseeing boat to the upper reaches of the Oi River! ● Arashiyama Kimono Forest The Kimono Forest is an art installation at Randen Arashiyama Station, operated by the Keifuku Electric Railroad, that features 2-meter-tall poles with kyo-yuzen, a special type of kimono fabric, inside of them. There are 600 poles and at sunset they are beautifully illuminated. It's a great place to take photos! Summary of Iwatayama Monkey Park in Arashiyama, Kyoto Arashiyama is said to be the most scenic spot in all of Kyoto. It's home to cherry blossoms in spring, fresh greenery in summer, colorful autumn leaves in fall, and beautiful snow in winter. Arashiyama is a tourist destination where visitors can enjoy elegant landscapes in spring, summer, fall, and winter. Iwatayama Monkey Park, located in Arashiyama, is home to 120 wild monkeys, making it one of the few places in the world where monkeys can be observed in such a way. As you can see in the video, it is a very popular hands-on sightseeing tourist attraction for both foreign and domestic tourists. As the weather gets warmer, you will have more chances to see cute baby monkeys, so we highly recommend this spot for a date or a family trip. Be sure to heed the precautions for the wild monkeys, and enjoy meeting the cute monkeys. 【Official Website】Iwatayama Monkey Park, Arashiyama 【TripAdvisor】Iwatayama Monkey Park, Arashiyama -
Video article 2:19
Mt. Sobo - Easy Mountain Climbing and Hiking Courses Through Valleys and Lush Virgin Forests! Famous Peaks and Breathtaking Views in Oita and Miyazaki Prefectures!
Travel Things to Do Nature- 43 plays
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Mt. Sobo Video Introduction This video, titled "Kobara Gorge [Gorge Walking Video] Sobo, Katamuki and Okue Biosphere Reserve" (神原渓谷【渓谷散策動画】祖母・傾・大崩ユネスコエコパーク), was uploaded by "Sobo, Katamuki and Okue Biosphere Reserve" (祖母・傾・大崩ユネスコエコパーク). Mt. Sobo, one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains, is the source of Kobara Gorge. Designated as Sobo-Katamuki Quasi-National Park, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the fresh greenery in summer and colorful autumn leaves in fall while enjoying a relaxing hiking experience. The Sobo, Katamuki and Okue Biosphere Reserve – Tons of Popular Tourist Attractions Photo:Takachiho Gorge Straddling Oita and Miyazaki prefectures, the area surrounding Mt. Sobo, Mt. Katamuki, and Mt. Okue is home to lush virgin forests, numerous valleys, and rare flora and fauna. The area is known as the "Sobo, Katamuki and Okue Biosphere Reserve." The Oka Castle Ruins, the motif of Kojo no Tsuki, a famous Japanese song, as well as Harajiri Falls, selected as one of the top 100 waterfalls in Japan, and Takachiho Gorge, a place of scenic beauty and natural monument, are also located in the area. In addition, popular sightseeing spots such as Seiun Bridge, which is the largest bridge on a national highway in Japan, are scattered throughout the area. In order to protect the area's rich natural environment, the municipalities in the vicinity of the Mt. Sobo, Mt. Katamuki, and Mt. Okue mountain ranges have launched efforts to have the area registered as a UNESCO Eco-Park (Biosphere Reserve). Having been recognized as a registered site in 2017, the area is expected to conserve biodiversity, revitalize the local community, and serve as a center for environmental education and research. Mt. Sobo - Virgin Forests and Beautiful Valleys, Popular Among Mountaineers Mt. Sobo has an elevation of 1,756 meters and is located on the borders of Oita and Miyazaki Prefectures, and has been selected as one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains. It is also known for its rich natural forests, numerous valleys suitable for exploring waterfalls, and is a treasure trove of rare wildlife, with animals like the Japanese serow, which is a protected species. While there are well-maintained climbing routes and walking trails, the trail near the summit is a steep mountain path that involves rocky climbing. Mt. Sobo - Enjoy Extensive Hiking Trails Source :YouTube screenshot The Kobara Gorge Trekking Course, which climbs from the first to the fifth station of Mt. Sobo, is a course that's great for shorter mountaineering trips, with well-maintained trails and promenades. The video introduces the highlights of this trekking course. Gyouran Falls, located just outside the entrance of the first station, is one of the 100 Views of Oita. [Video] 0:38 - Gyouran Falls Ahead you'll find Oyashiro Falls, where it's said that Shugendo monks once purified themselves to reach the summit of Mt. Sobo. [Video] 1:07 - and 1:53 - Oyashiro Falls Other highlights include the fifth station hut, which is the turnaround point of the course, "Seirei no Ki" (精霊の木, lit. 'Spirit Tree'), a mysterious-looking tree with several intertwining trunks, and "Nezame Falls" (寝覚の滝), which has a drop of about 10 meters. [Video] 1:21 - The Fifth Station Hut [Video] 1:34 - Seirei no Ki [Video] 2:00 - Nezame Falls On the downhill route, stone walls that are believed to be the remains of a lumber trail, which was used to transport lumber, can still be seen, and precious remains of various industries can also be seen. An Easy Hike Up Mt. Sobo - Enjoy a Gorge Walk Recommended for Beginners The "Fujikawachi Gorge Walking Course" is recommended for a short mountain climbing, hiking, or waterfall touring trip on Mt. Sobo. The valley is dotted with unique spots that are great for taking Instagram photos, such as "Senmaidaira" (千枚平) where you can play in the water, "Hyotanbuchi" another place surrounded by nature, and "Odoiko Doi," an interesting rock formation that looks like an irrigation canal. Visitors can also use campgrounds with bungalows and camp sites, and "Fujikawachi Yu-topia," a day-trip hot spring facility. Summary of Hiking Information for Mt. Sobo Photo:A woman enjoying mountain climbing The popular Mt. Sobo/Kobara Gorge offers a relaxing experience for both body and soul, with waterfall tours and light hiking. The Kobara Valley Trekking Course and the Fujikawachi Valley Walking Course are great for beginners to try. However, climbing Mt. Sobo is not completely free from danger of accidents and other hazards. Please be sure to double check climbing routes and gather information on the day's weather and climbing conditions before setting out on the trail. A direct bus service runs from Bungo Taketa Station to the Mt. Sobo trailhead (Kobara), and a parking lot is also available. In the video, you can enjoy the rich nature and beautiful scenery of Mt. Sobo, the trekking course in the Kobara Valley and its attractions with vivid footage. In addition, spots where you can take awesome Instagram photos are introduced with still images as examples. be sure to check it out so you can get some photo ideas of your own! 【Official Website】Sobo, Katamuki and Okue Biosphere Reserve http://sobokatamuki-br-council.org/home-en -
Video article 3:16
Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine - Learn About One of Japan's Most Famous Power Spots, Located in Yamanashi Prefecture, Where the Sacred Mt. Fuji Resides, and Information About Popular Amulets and Shuin Stamps for Tourists!
Travel Art & Architecture- 273 plays
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Video introduction of "Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine" in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture This is an aerial video of Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine in Yamanashi prefecture, Japan, created by 「crescendo L DESIGN」. Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine is located at Yoshidaguchi, one of the starting points of the climbing trail for Mt. Fuji. In this article, we're going to explore the charms of the world cultural heritage site Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine. The video will introduce must-see places inside the shrine as well as give an aerial view of the facility. Be sure to follow along as you read the article. The History of Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine ©ShozzaTrip Modifying Mt. Fuji is a World Cultural Heritage site, and Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine, which has a history of over 1900 years, has been designated as a National Important Cultural Property. Throughout history, Mt. Fuji has erupted several times. In the past, people believed the eruptions indicated the anger of the gods. Because of this, they built many Sengen shrines around Mt. Fuji and revered them as the gods of the volcano. The deity of beauty, Princess Konohanasakuya (木花咲耶姫, Konohanasakuya hime), is the primary god of the Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine. It is said that the shrine brings success in love, relationships, and business. Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine, located at the foot of the revered Mt. Fuji, attracts attention as a power spot where you can feel the energy of nature. Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine Precinct Touring Route As you walk through the huge gate toward the shrine precinct, there is a grand Zuishin Gate (随神門, Zuishin mon) (a gate that prevents evil spirits from entering the shrine) welcoming visitors. Many stone lanterns guide you to the shrine. After purifying yourself at the Chozuya (a place for ritual cleansing of hands and mouth with water when visiting shrines), go on to Haiden (the hall of worship) where the large Tengu (Long-nosed goblin) masks are enshrined. After visiting the sacred trees Fujitarosugi (Japanese cedar) and FufuHinoki (Japanese cypress), pray at the main hall in the back. Don't forget to visit Suwa shrine (諏訪神社, Suwa jinja) as well. When you're done praying, we recommend visiting Otsuka Yama (大塚丘, Otsuka Yama), the birthplace of Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine, and also where Yamato Takeru no Mikoto (日本武尊, Yamatotakerunomikoto) and Asama no Okami (浅野大神, AsamanoOkami) are enshrined. The view from the huge main gate through the main hall is introduced in the video at 0:47. Sightseeing at Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine Photo:Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine There are two types of seals visitors to Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine can receive. We recommend getting both! The fortunes that come with the charms and Netsuke (miniature sculptures) you can get at the shrine are also popular. The Yoshida Fire Festival is held at the shrine annually on the 26th and 27th in August. This festival is known as one of the "three most unique festivals in Japan." This fantastical fire festival is a must-see. Recap of Kitaguchi Honfu Fuji Sengen Shrine Mt. Fuji has long been revered as the god of volcanos in Japan. In the Edo period (1603-1868), numerous artists took up Mt. Fuji in their Ukiyo-e paintings, showing that Mt. Fuji has long been an object of worship. When you have a chance to take a trip to Mt. Fuji, it's worth visiting Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine, known as a sacred historical spot where the light filters through the trees beautifully. Yoshida Udon is a famous local food in Yoshida City, Fuji, Yamanashi, where Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine is located. Be sure to try this delicious treat on your return from the shrine. Watching the video showing the powerful Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine will give you the great power of Mt. Fuji! ◆Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine◆ 【Address】5558 Kamiyoshida Fujiyoshida-shi Yamanashi-ken 403-0005, JAPAN 【Access】20 minutes on foot or by bus from Fujikyukousen Fujiyama Station, or 20 minutes on foot from Fujikyu Highland by bus (Fujikko-go) 【Hours】Reception Hours : 9:00 to 16:30 【Closures】Open everyday 【Parking】Available 【Phone Number】0555-22-0221 【Official Website】KitaguchiHongu Fuji Sengen Shrine https://sengenjinja.jp/english/index.html -
Video article 3:55
Full of power! Full of thrills! Jigoku-nozoki (peering into hell) at "Mt. Sawtooth Mountain" in Awa-gun, Chiba Prefecture is absolutely thrilling! Recommended Hiking & Climbing Spots and Sightseeing around Mt.
Local PR Travel Nature- 402 plays
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Video introduction of "Mt. Sawtooth" in Kyonan-cho, Awa-gun, Chiba Prefecture What is Mount Nokogiri (鋸山, Nokogiriyama)? The video is an introduction to Mt. Nokogiri entitled [“Breathtaking views at Nokogiri mountain known as saw-tooth mountain” Promotion movie【2017】], directed by Chiba Prefectural Government. Mount Nokogiri, sitting on the border between Kyonan Town (鋸南町, Kyonanmachi) and Futtsu City (富津市, Futtsushi) in Chiba Prefecture, gets its name from its saw-like spiky ridgelines. A breathtaking panorama opens itself up to you from the 329m-high peak. Photo: Mt. Sawtooth Mountain If you’re lucky with weather, you can enjoy Mt. Fuji (富士山, Fujisan), Mt. Amagi (天城山, Amagiyama) and Oshima (大島, Oshima) on the Pacific in a single sight. Especially, the nearby Three Great Mountains of Awa (安房三名山, Awasanmeizan), Mt. Fuji, Mt. Gotemba (御殿場山, Gotembasan), Mt. Iyo (伊予ヶ岳, Iyogatake), are a sight to behold. Immerse yourself in the pre-experience of hiking & mountaineering by watching the video! Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery of Mt. Nokogiri through Hiking & Mountaineering/h2> The main attraction of Mt. Nokogiri is hiking & mountaineering. Mt. Nokogiri Nihon Temple (鋸山日本寺, Nokogiriyamanihonji), located on Mt. Nokogiri, is the oldest imperial temple in Kanto, founded through an order given by the emperor about 1,300 years ago. Within its vast realm, one of its routes contains various tourist attractions such as the biggest stone-made Buddha in Japan, Sengohyaku Rakan, and the “View of Hell”. A low mountain of just 329m, you can casually enjoy hiking & mountaineering with a route that takes you to the peak within a couple of hours.Some routes are unpaved, and it is recommended that you climb with exercise clothes and suitable hiking shoes on. Mt. Nokogiri is a part of “Kanto Fureai-no-Michi”, a long natural hiking-course passing through the 7 Prefectures in Kanto. The course is 1,799km long in total, and lets you indulge in the beauty of nature around Kanto, connecting Mt. Takao (高尾山, Takaosan), Okutama, Chichibu, Mt. Tsukuba (筑波山, Tsukubasan), Kujukuri Beach (九十九里浜, Kujukurihama), Boso, Miura Peninsula (三浦半島, Miurahanto) and Tanzawa. Source :YouTube screenshot A spot you cannot miss in Mt. Nokogiri is Hyakushaku-Kannon (Buddha), the guardian of traffic safety. The Kannon, 30.3m high, was carved out of the stone over 6 years. You can watch this from 1:16 in the video. Sengohyaku Rakan is the most prominent sacred place dedicated to Rakan in the world, replete with Buddha sculptures carved by the most eminent sculptors of the Edo period. You can watch this from 0:56 in the video. No single pair of 1,500 sculptures share the same facial expression. In the Buddha plaza, sits the tallest Buddha in Japan towering at the height of 31.05m. He welcomes numerous visitors with his 6.5m face and 608 hair spirals. Photo: Sawasan Peak Observatory The main attraction of the course is the Peak Observatory. The observatory is on the outcropped rock sticking out of the cliff and is known as the “View of Hell”. Be brave enough to peek down from this thrilling observatory. The video introduces this from 1:52. The video alone gives you the impact. The mountain is also popular for watching sunsets and sunrises. Ropeway Route Makes Mt. Nokogiri Accessible for All! Ropeway provides a good alternative to cars to reach the peak. Why not enjoy a relaxing 4-minute voyage in a coach with amazing scenery? The video introduces the view from the ropeway from 0:18. Take home the beauty of a myriad of colorful autumn leaves with you. Summary of Mt. Nokogiri A series of work entitled ‘Fuji Sanjurokkei’ by Hiroshige Utagawa, a Ukiyoe artist developed during the Edo period, depicts the mountain lively with the title ‘Awa Nokogiriyama’. This suggests that Mt. Nokogiri was a sacred property of local belief from ancient times. Kyonan, Futtsu, and Fuppo area in which Mt. Nokogiri sits is known as a port city along the Tokyo Bay, and restaurants provide cuisines with fresh fish. Mt. Nokogiri not only is a site of beautiful landscape, it is an indispensable tourist attraction in Chiba where you can enjoy its history, art, local cuisine and hot spring. The video introduces many of the tourist attractions along the hiking course of Mt. Nokogiri including information on photogenic sights perfect for your Instagram. Enjoy! -
Video article 8:19
Enjoy the autumn leaves of "Mt. Nasu (Chausu-dake)" in Nasu-gun, Tochigi Prefecture in 4K video! What are the autumn foliage hiking course and the best view points?
Nature Travel- 159 plays
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Autumn color video introduction of "Mt. Nasu (Chausu-dake)" in Nikko National Park located in Nasu-gun, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. Photo:Autumn on Mt. Nasu (Mt. Chausu), Tochigi Prefecture This video, titled "[4K]【Nikko National Park】 Autumn leaves of Mt. Nasu Kanto No. 1 autumn leaves spot 2020," was uploaded by "Superb view of Japan." Mt. Nasu, which boasts some of the best autumn leaves in the Kanto region, is located in Nikko National Park in Tochigi Prefecture. What makes Mt. Nasu so great in autumn is that visitors can enjoy hiking while viewing the beautiful autumn leaves. The combination of the majestic Mt. Nasu and the blazing red autumn leaves, as shown in the video, will make you want to see it in person! Be sure to check out the incredibly scenery in the video in 4K! When to See Autumn Leaves on Mt. Nasu Photo:Mt. Nasu (Mt. Chausu), Tochigi Prefecture Mt. Nasu, the main peak of the Nasu Mountain Range, a volcanic group centering on the five peaks of Nasu, is also called Mt. Chausu, and has been selected as one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains. Located in the northwestern part of Nasu, Tochigi, in Japan's Kanto region, Mt. Nasu is 1,915 meters (~6,283 ft.) above sea level. Together with Mt. Asahi to the north, it's a great place to enjoy the autumn colors of mountain maples and azaleas in the fall. Because Mt. Nasu is an active volcano even today, you can smell sulfur in the air around it. The best time to view the autumn leaves is usually from late September to early October, and since there is a ropeway, both beginners and advanced hikers can enjoy them. The area is crowded with hikers who come to see the autumn colors every year. Highlights & Where to See the Autumn Leaves on Mt. Nasu Photo:Autumn leaves at Ubagadaira, Mt. Nasu (Mt. Chausu), Tochigi Prefecture The highlight of the autumn leaves on Mt. Nasu is the collaboration between the active volcano, Mt Nasu, and the fiery red autumn leaves that can be seen all the way up to the top of the mountain. [Video] 1:33 - Beautiful Autumn Leaves on Mt. Nasu While the view from the top of the mountain is, of course, spectacular, the panoramic view of the town below and the colorful autumn leaves will take your breath away. There is also a well-maintained hiking trail at the top of the mountain, so you can make a round trip around the caldera. If you go when the leaves are changing colors, the spectacular view from Ubagadaira is something you don't want to miss. The volcanic gasses and autumn leaves atop the majestic Mt. Nasu are sure to leave a lasting impression! Don't forget to bring a camera, because this is an excellent spot for taking photos. [Video] 5:57 - Ubagadaira at the Foot of Mt. Nasu Hiking Trails and What to Wear When Hiking Mt. Nasu in Autumn Photo:The Mt. Nasu Ropeway, Tochigi Prefecture Mt. Nasu is a great mountain for both beginners and experienced hikers alike. There are several hiking trails on Mt. Nasu with varying levels of difficulty, but the course using a ropeway is recommended for beginners. For those interested in hiking Mt. Nasu but feel that they are not ready for the challenge of a full-scale hiking adventure, we recommend using the ropeway. It takes about 50 minutes to reach the top of Mt. Nasu from Nasu Ropeway Station. This is a hiking course where you can casually enjoy climbing the mountain while viewing the autumn leaves. For those looking to hike Mt. Nasu, here are some tips on what to wear and what temperatures to expect when hiking during autumn. From late September to late October, the best time to view the autumn leaves, the temperature is usually around 10°C (50°F). Mornings and evenings are cold and there can be strong winds when you reach the summit, so be sure to wear clothing that is easy to put on and take off, as well as layers of clothing to regulate your body temperature. For shoes, wear hiking boots or other suitable footwear for hiking, and don't forget rain gear as the weather in the mountains can be unpredictable. Climbing Mt. Nasu for Beginners – Ropeway Fees, How to Get There, Etc. Photo:Mt. Nasu and the Mt. Nasu Ropeway, Tochigi Prefecture When accessing the trailhead by car, there are three parking lots. Nasu Ropeway parking lot: 175 cars Nasu Toge no Chaya Parking Lot 1 & 2: 167 spaces Daimaru Parking Lot: 160 spaces The round-trip ropeway fee is 1,800 yen for adults (junior high school students and older) and 900 yen for children (Ages 3 to elementary school students). The ropeway recommended for those who are just looking to see the autumn leaves, as they can be seen from the ropeway when they're in season. It takes about 4 minutes to reach the station at the top from Nasu Ropeway Sanroku Station. You'll reach the 9th station of Mt. Nasu in no time. Things To Do Near Mt. Nasu Photo:Tsutsuji Suspension Bridge, Nasu Kogen, Tochigi Prefecture Here are some places of interest that we recommend checking out when visiting Mt. Nasu. Nasu Onsen Mt. Nasu is located right next to Nasu Onsen, and in the nearby onsen town, visitors can enjoy a variety of different hot springs to relax after a day of sightseeing or hiking. The oldest hot spring at Nasu Onsen is Shika no Yu, meaning "Deer Hot Spring." This hot spring is 1,300 years old and is the origin of Nasu Onsen. Its name comes from a legend that the local villagers saw an injured deer limping around, but after falling into the hot spring it miraculously recovered. Tsutsuji Suspension Bridge Tsutsuji Suspension Bridge is a beautiful bridge that stretches across a low valley. In the fall, the surrounding trees change to beautiful shades of yellow and orange and delight the eyes of visitors. The bridge itself is aesthetically pleasing as well, so be sure to take a photo with it when visiting. Besides the two places mentioned above, there are a number of other attractions in the area, including the famous "Killing Stone" located across the bridge. According to legends, the stone was said to hold the spirit of a nine-tailed fox demon that turned into such after being vanquished after attempting to assassinate Emperor Toba (1103-1156). In recent years, the stone suddenly split in half, and can still be seen by visitors. Also in the area are numerous waterfalls, museums, and many more exciting things to see and do. There are also some lovely azalea fields nearby that can be seen blooming in the spring. During autumn, they're known for their wonderful foliage. Summary of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Nasu Photo:Autumn leaves on Mt. Nasu (Mt. Chausu), Tochigi Prefecture The beautiful autumn leaves against the white smoke and black surface of the mountain make Mt. Nasu a sight that should be on anyone's bucket list. Mt. Nasu is expected to see heavy traffic during the autumn months. When visiting, it's recommended that you check not only the weather forecast, but also how far along the leaves are and how crowded the parking lots are with live cameras. After climbing the mountain, you can stop by an onsen (hot spring) to relax after a long day of hiking. Hot springs can be enjoyed by visitors on even one-day trips at Holiday Village Nasu. In addition to Mt. Nasu, Nikko National Park is home to a variety of scenic locations. If you're visiting Tochigi, be sure to take a moment to appreciate its natural beauty as well! [TripAdvisor] Mt. Nasu -
Video article 1:55
Video of mountain climbing in the Hakuba mountain range of the Northern Alps, including the spectacular natural scenery, sea of clouds, and star-filled sky in Hakuba Village, Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture, which you should see at least once!
Local PR Nature- 509 plays
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Introduction of the official "Mountain Climbing in the Hakuba Mountain Range of the Northern Alps" video from Hakuba Village, Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. This official PR video of Hakuba village, titled “Hakuba village [Dramatic Nature Days – Mountain]"(白馬村公式ムービー【Dramatic Nature Days - Mountain】)” is a time-lapse video produced by the Hakuba tourist office. The Northern Alps' Hakuba Mountain Range is located in the middle of the Japanese archipelago. Its structure, which lies between the Japanese sea and the Pacific Ocean, creates dynamic scenery. This two minutes video features the beautiful views of the Hakuba mountain range and recommended tourist spots in Hakuba village. Events in Hakuba, Nagano Photo:Hakuba Village in the Spring Hakuba village in Nagano prefecture is a popular tourist spot in Japan. Tourists can enjoy various activities throughout the year, such as hot springs, mountain climbing, skiing, cycling, and camping. It is also famous as a summer resort where many tourists visit due to it's comfortable climate. The Northern Alps is a great location where people can enjoy various outdoor activities such as trekking and mountain climbing while seeing fabulous natural views including flowers, snow, wildlife, and more. The Northern Alps - The Mountaineer Mecca Photo:The Northern Alps The rugged mountains shown in the video are the Northern Alps. Hakuba Village is one of Japan's most famous mountaineering spots thanks to the Hakuba mountain range. The Japanese Alps and Mt. Fuji are two of the world's most sacred mountaineering destinations and attract many climbers every year, but the Hakuba mountain range has more than 17 of the most famous peaks. “Shirouma-dake,” “Shakushi-dake,” and “Yariga-dake” are well-known as “The Three Peaks of Hakuba.” Some of the peaks are: ・Goryu-dake (9,232 ft.) (~0:44) ・Karamatu-dake (8,845 ft.) (~0:49) ・Yariga-dake (9524 ft.) (~1:22) ・Shakushi-dake (9,225 ft.) (~1:26) ・Shirouma-dake (9,619 ft.) (~1:42) If you enjoy climbing, be sure to carry rain gear and a map, even if you're enjoying a beginner's trekking trail, as the weather in the mountains can change easily. In the Hakuba mountain range, you can see rare alpine flowers and animals that cannot be found in the plains. Taking a commemorative photo with the Hakuba mountain range in the background is a great way to remember your trip. Be sure to share it on Instagram! The Hot Springs of Hakuba Village Source :YouTube screenshot Hakuba village is very popular as a hot springs area. The most recommended spot is "Hakuba Yari Onsen" (白馬鑓温泉) in the middle of Yariga-dake. You can see this hot spring in this video at 0:33. The view of the rising sun and star sprinkled sky from the open air bath are remarkable! 100 people can stay at the Hakuba Yari Onsen lodge and about 15 people can stay in a tent. The Yari Onsen lodge is a great spot where visitors can enjoy both hot springs and nature. If you would like more information about other accommodations in Hakuba village as well as access information, please see the official website of Yariga Onsen or the Hakuba village tourist office's website. The Nagano Olympics in Hakuba Village Be sure to check out the following facilities used as competition venues during the Nagano Olympics: ・HAPPO ONE SNOW RESORT ・Hakuba Ski Slope ・Hakuba Cross Country Stadium "Snow Harp" Hakuba village is in a snowy area of Japan. Visitors can enjoy skiing or snow boarding in fresh powdery snow. You'll be amazed at the amazing snowscape that stretches as far as the eye can see. Summary of Hakuba Village Photo:Hakuba mountain and Oide Park in spring Hakuba village is a great tourist spot with fierce weather and rich natural surroundings. There are other attractive places that weren't shown in the video as well. For example, you can remnants of the Jomon period at Aoni in Hakuba village. Also there are other experienced based activities where you can feel the history and culture of Japan, such as making Tonbo dama (glass beads), watching fireflies, or making soba (Japanese noodles). You can enjoy the magnificent views of Hakuba mountain range in this video. The vast sea of clouds extending to the horizon (0:06) and the star sprinkled skies (1:08) will take your breath away. 【Official Website】Hakuba Village Official Tourist Website https://www.vill.hakuba.nagano.jp/english/ 【Official Website】Hakuba Village Office Official Website https://www.vill.hakuba.lg.jp/ -
Video article 3:51
Enjoy the Charms of Kobayashi With Both Your Eyes and Taste Buds! Discover What Miyazaki Prefecture Has to Offer!
Local PR- 30 plays
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見どころいっぱい!宮崎県小林市をご紹介! 今回は、自然の多く残る宮崎県小林市について『Pure Green Kobayashi-City Miyazaki, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 宮崎県小林市』という動画を元に、ご紹介させて頂きます。 豊かな気候が生み出す絶景 宮崎県南西部に位置する宮崎県小林市は、歴史的建築物がたくさんあります。 自然にも気候にも非常に恵まれていて、各所に存在する観光名所からの景観はまさに絶景です。 星空の美しさでも知られていて、日本一星空の美しいまちに何度も選出されています。 山頂からの景色は絶景!霧島連山の最高峰「韓国岳」 動画の冒頭でも紹介されている韓国岳。 23の火山により成り立っている霧島連山の中でも最高峰の"1700m"という高さを誇る、美しく雄大な山です。 有名な観光スポットの一つで、山頂からの景色は絶景の一言に尽きます。 道が整備されていて登りやすく、韓国岳の周りには"夷守岳"等の多くの有数の山々も巡ることができます。 温泉に果樹園!自然豊かな霧島山麓 滝や牧場等の自然の多く残る美しい景色、そして日本でも指折りの温泉や旅館の名所がこの霧島山麓です。 動画でも見ることが出来る「ままこ滝」や「小野湖」があるのも霧島山麓です。 自然にも恵まれているので、水田や田園、果樹園も周辺に点在しています。 名水として知られる出の山湧水もここが貯水源となっています。 宮崎牛にマンゴー!味覚が満載の宮崎県小林市 宮崎県と言えばグルメについてもしっかり語らなければなりません。 有名な地鶏や宮崎牛の他に、特産品としても人気の高いマンゴーは、動画でもその美味しさが十二分に伝わってくるのでは無いでしょうか。 同じく動画で紹介をされている日本の郷土料理であるぼたん鍋(通称"しし鍋")も、自然の多く残る小林市では更に美味しく味わうことが出来るので、ぜひ味わってみて下さい。 自然豊かな宮崎県小林市のまとめ 以上、宮崎県小林市について紹介をいたしました。 見て楽しい、味わっておいしい宮崎県小林市。 みなさんも是非訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 2:44
Enjoy the Wilderness of Tokyo’s Akiruno City! Healing Scenery, Full of Greenery and Plenty of Negative Ions!
Local PR- 399 plays
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An Oasis in Tokyo "Akiruno City Tourism PR Video" The video “[4K] Akiruno city-the unknown Tokyo / JAPAN / Akiruno City Sightseeing PR Video([4K] Akiruno city - the unknown Tokyo/ JAPAN / あきる野市観光PR動画)" released by "NAKAJI" mainly focuses on recommended sightseeing spots such as the natural scenery of the Kanto region and the city of Akiruno in Tokyo. If you watch the video, you'll be surprised by the natural beauty of greenery that you couldn't possibly attribute to Tokyo. Akiruno is recommended as a place to relax and get away from the crowds. This article introduces sightseeing spots in Akiruno where you can enjoy nature, history, culture and delicious food. More About Akiruno, Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot Akiruno, Tokyo is a place rich with nature, about 40 to 50 km west of central Tokyo. With a population of about 80,600 (March, 2020), the climate is colder than in central Tokyo, and the altitude is high, so the area is not so hot in the summer. Akigawa and Itsukaichi merged in 1995 to form Akiruno. The name of the city is derived from the fact that "Akiru Shrine" was located in the former town of Itsukaichi. It is a recommended travel destination for those who are tired of urban life, and has places such as instagram spots and stylish cafes that can be seen in the video. Photo:Yozawa River Speaking of Akiruno's symbol, the clear stream Akigawa, the largest tributary of the Tama River, definitely comes to mind. It flows about 20 km from Hinohara Village to Akiruno, and the surrounding scenery is superb. You can see various landscapes depending on the season, such as fresh greenery in the spring and autumn leaves in the fall. In addition, Ishibune Bridge in the Akigawa Valley is one of the places to see when you go to Akiruno. It is a must-go-to location for checking out the scenery of the river and the autumn leaves that you can see from the top of Ishibune Bridge. The lush nature of Akigawa and the surrounding area can be seen at 0:12 in this video. Akiruno is also famous for Shiroyama. Shiroyama in the Togura district, is a mountain that used to be called "Togura Castle". From the top of Shiroyama, if the weather is nice, you can see the city center, and you will be impressed by the superb view. Since the altitude is not high and it is a gentle mountain trail, it is also a recommended route for beginners climbing and hiking. In addition, "Yamasaki no Oukashi," "Itsukaichi Basin," "Otake Limestone Cave," and "Akirudai Park" are other recommended scenic spots. Information About Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Akiruno, Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot One of the recommended spots when visiting Akiruno is Seotonoyu. Seotonoyu, located near the Akigawa Valley, is a popular hot spring facility surrounded by greenery. The quality of the hot spring is highly talked about, and its modern interior is also very popular. It is a must-visit place when visiting Akiruno. Other recommended sightseeing spots include Kotoku Temple, Daihigan Temple, Ryushuin Temple, Fukazawa Small Art Museum, Akigawabashi River Park Barbecue Land, and Tokyo Summerland. Also, if you want to enjoy gourmet food in Akiruno, we recommend Kurochaya, where you can eat exquisite Japanese food. Cuisine using river fish such as sweetfish and the famous Tama Yuzu cider are popular. You can also enjoy the atmosphere at an old house. There is also a place in the garden where you can view the bamboo forest. The video also introduces plenty of these local gourmets from 1:37. Akigawa corn, norabou greens and Akigawa pears are also popular foods in Akiruno. Summary of Akiruno Photo:Akiruno・Autumn Colors at Ishibune Bridge "[4K] Akiruno city-the unknown Tokyo / JAPAN / Akiruno sightseeing PR video" is a video introducing recommended sightseeing spots in Akiruno, Tokyo. In addition to the ones introduced in this article, there are also traditional events such as Ninomiya Shrine Fall Festival (Ginger Festival), Shoichiiiwabashiri Shrine Festival (Ina Festival), and Akiru Shrine Festival (Itsukaichi Festival). Akiruno is full of nature. It has access from the city center, and it is a hidden healing location. Why not give it a visit? 【Official Website】Akiruno-shi, Tokyo https://www.city.akiruno.tokyo.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Akiruno-shi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1060923-Akiruno_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 4:31
Kamado Shrine – A Real Life Demon Slayer Location?!Introducing a popular spot for autumn foliage
Nature Travel Art & Architecture- 69 plays
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Autumn Foliage at Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine and KamadoShrine: Video introduction Photo:Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, Fukuoka Prefecture This video, titled "Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, Mt. Hozan|Hiking and Autumn Leaves at Kamado Shrine SONY a6500" (太宰府天満宮 Dazaifu tenmangu宝満山 登山 紅葉の竈門神社(かまど) SONY a6500), was uploaded by "Ishii Valley" (石井渓谷). The 4.5-minute video shows the beautiful autumn foliage found at Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine and Kamado Shrine. The video provides a realistic feeling as if you were actually visiting Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine and Kamado Shrine. Be sure to check out the beautiful autumn leaves in the video, especially around the 2-minute mark! How to Get To Homanzan Kamado Shrine From Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine Photo:Kamado Shrine, Fukuoka Prefecture Dazaifu, located in Fukuoka Prefecture, in Japan's Kyushu region, is widely known for Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. However, if you visit in the fall, there's another spot that we highly recommend you visit in conjunction with Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. That is, Kamado Shrine. Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine and Kamado Shrine are located very close to one another, so it's possible to visit both places in the same day. If you're going from Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, a 5-minute walk from Dazaifu Station, to Kamado Shrine, it will take you about 30 minutes on foot. If you use public transportation, the Mahoroba bus (まほろば号) is a convenient way to get to the shrine. Take the bus bound for Uchiyama (内山) from the bus stop Miyamae (宮前) (in front of the Sanjo 7-Eleven), and you will arrive at the last stop, Uchiyama (in front of the shrine), in about 7 minutes. Since there are not many buses, you may want to check the bus schedule in advance before visiting Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. On the approach to Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, you'll find a variety of snacks, such as umegae mochi, a specialty of Fukuoka, as well as Japanese sweets made from strawberries, and Mont Blanc. There is also a wide variety of restaurants in the area, and other stalls selling things like steamed buns. If you have time to spare, consider taking a break for lunch or a quick snack. Kamado Shrine and the Anime Demon Slayer + Popular Charms Photo:Mt. Homan, Fukuoka Prefecture Homanzan Kamado Shrine has seen an increase in the number of visitors to the shrine, due to the enormous popularity of Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba). However, not many people know much about Kamado Shrine itself. Kamado Shrine is located at the foot of Mt. Homan, known as a sacred mountain of Dazaifu. Mt. Homan is the located in the northeast, an unlucky direction, and rituals were held here to protect Dazaifu and the nation, leading to the construction of the Shinto shrine on the site. The main deity is Tamayori-hime no Mikoto. This deity is known as a god of marriage because of her divine power to attract souls ("tama," in Japanese). In addition, the shrine is also blessed with the power to ward off bad luck and evil spirits. It's said that the shrine's popularity was sparked by the fact that the surname of Tanjiro Kamado, the main character of Demon Slayer, is the same as that of the Kamado Shrine. The shrine is said to have been named after Mt. Homan, the mountain on which it stands, because of its shape, which resembles a kamado (a type of traditional Japanese stove). As mentioned above, the fact that the shrine was built to ward off demons is also a point of interest to fans of Demon Slayer. One of the most popular spots at the shrine is the amulet office. The building was designed based on the concept of "a building that will continue to be loved even 100 years from now," with pink and white as its base color, creating a modern atmosphere. When the shrine office was rebuilt, world-renowned interior designer Masamichi Katayama participated in the project, and the benches and chairs on the observation terrace were designed by Jasper Morrison. Be sure to take a look at the stylish shrine office, as it's not something you'd expect to find at a Shinto shrine. One of the most popular spots at the shrine is the amulet office. The building was designed based on the concept of "a building that will continue to be loved even 100 years from now," with pink and white as its base color, creating a modern atmosphere. When the shrine office was rebuilt, world-renowned interior designer Masamichi Katayama participated in the project, and the benches and chairs on the observation terrace were designed by Jasper Morrison. Be sure to take a look at the stylish shrine office, as it's not something you'd expect to find at a Shinto shrine. As for good luck charms, or "omamori" (お守り) in Japanese, the most popular is the ichigo omamori (いちごお守り, strawberry charm). In the old days, the four-character idiom "Ichi-go ichi-e" (一期一会), a Japanese phrase used to describe once-in-a-lifetime encounters, was used to describe a marriage or an important match, and this amulet is a prayer for such precious encounters to come true. There are many other cute charms and amulets sold at the shrine besides the strawberry charm, so consider purchasing one to commemorate your visit to the shrine. Hiking Mt. Homan, a Popular Sacred Mountain in Dazaifu, Fukuoka Photo:A hiking trail on Mt. Homan, Fukuoka Prefecture Mt. Homan, located in Dazaifu City, is a sacred mountain that has been praised since ancient times as a mountain where the gods dwell. It's a very popular mountain among hikers, many of whom visit the mountain to climb it. There are several trails for hiking Mt. Homan, but the most popular is the standard trail starting from Kamado Shrine. After passing through the Ichino-torii (first shrine gate), you'll find a full-fledged trail with stone steps. The ascent will take about 2 hours, and the descent will be a little quicker, at around 1.5 hours. Although the trails on Mt. Homan are well maintained, there are some steep points, such as "Hyakudan Ganki" (100段ガンキ), a series of 100 steep steps. Please make sure you are fully prepared for the challenge when hiking up the mountain. A breathtaking panoramic view awaits you after you reach the summit. Enjoy the cherry blossoms in spring, autumn leaves in fall, and seasonal flowers along the trail as you climb the mountain. You can also pay a visit to the Jogu (the highest point of the shrine) of Kamado Shrine, which is located at the top. The Autumn Festival at Kamado Shrine and the Best Time to See the Autumn Leaves Photo:Autumn leaves at Kamado Shrine, Fukuoka Prefecture In autumn, Kamado Shrine is enveloped in a vibrant palette of colorful. The best time to view the autumn leaves at Kamado Shrine is usually from early November to early December, with the Autumn Leaves Festival being held at the end of November. The Autumn Leaves Festival usually attracts many visitors, with stalls selling freshly picked vegetables and refreshments, flea markets selling a variety of goods, and even stalls seasonal spirits. The best time to see the autumn leaves at the shrine is at night. The contrast between the blue skies, green trees, and the bright red autumn leaves is different from the atmosphere of the shrine at night, when the autumn leaves are illuminated. Be sure to enjoy the night view from the observatory. Things to Do Near Kamado Shrine Photo:Kyushu National Museum. Fukuoka Prefecture Despite Dazaifu and Kamado Shrine being located on the outskirts of Fukuoka City, there are a number of attractions to check out in the area. Kyushu National Museum Kyushu National Museum features an Entrance Hall with a variety of facilities, and also hosts special displays, concerts, and events. There is also a Special Exhibition Hall that hosts a number of special exhibitions, a Cultural Exchange Exhibition Hall featuring regularly rotation exhibits, and Interactive Exhibition Gallery where guests of all ages can learn about Japan and countries that Japan has interacted with throughout history. Don't forget to check out the Museum Shop for souvenirs! Hours: 9:30 am - 5: 00 pm (last entry 4:30 pm). 9:30 am - 8:00 pm (last entry 7:30 pm) on Fridays and Saturdays during special exhibitions. Closed: Mondays and public holidays. If Monday is a public holiday, the museum will open and the following day it will be closed. Admission Fee: Adults: 700 yen, University Students: 350 yen, High school students and younger: Free, Seniors (70+): Free, Persons with disabilities: Free Dazaifu Amusement Park For those traveling with kids, the Dazaifu Amusement Park is a great place to relax and have fun with a family. The park roller coasters, water coasters, merri-go-rounds, petting zoos, and all sorts of activities that families can enjoy together. Additionally, there are food areas where you can grab lunch, shops for buying gifts, and even nursing facilities that can be used freely, and stroller rentals available. Hours: (Weekdays) 10:30 am - 4:30 pm, (Weekends & Holidays) 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Closed: No regular closures. Please check the official website for more information. Admission Fee: Admission only - Adults (Middle school students and older): 600 yen, Seniors (65+): 500 yen, Children (Ages 3 to Elementary school students): 400 yen. Free ride pass - Adults (Middle school students and older): 2,900 yen, Seniors (65+): 2,800 yen, Children (Ages 3 to Elementary school students): 2,700 yen. Nearby Onsen Also located nearby are a number of onsen (hot spring) facilities. If you're looking to relax after a day of traveling or just looking to enjoy a nice warm bath, be sure to look up some hot springs in the area when visiting. Summary of Kamado Shrine, Mt. Homan, Fukuoka Prefecture Photo:Autumn foliage illumination at Kamado Shrine, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan Kamado Shrine is located at the foot of Mt. Homan. In autumn, when the approximately 300 maple trees change color, you can see a different view of the shrine than in other seasons. Kamado Shrine is enshrined at the foot of Mt. Homan, which is revered as a mountain where the gods dwell, and we recommend that you visit the shrine not only in autumn but also in other seasons, as it's a place rich in nature. Don't forget to stop by when visiting Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. Also, if you're planning to climb Mt. Homan, please make sure you are fully prepared with appropriate footwear and clothing, and enjoy the spectacular view from the top. The mountain is also dotted with historical sites, such as the Gohaku Rakan (500 arhats), so be sure to keep an eye out for them as you make you way up and down the mountain. 【TripAdvisor】Kamado Shrine -
Video article 6:15
Learn About the Nature and Profound Traditions of Aira City in Kagoshima Prefecture. Introducing the Beauty of Aira City With Stunning Aerial Footage!
Local PR Travel- 102 plays
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九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「姶良市公式youtubeチャンネル」が公開した「姶良市PR動画「AIRA CITY」(full version)」です。 今回は鹿児島県の姶良市(あいらし)を紹介します。 こちら記事では、日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市の情報や、おすすめの穴場スポットなどを紹介します。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地の姶良市は、鹿児島県の中央に位置する町です。 自然、歴史、文化、特産品、温泉とさまざま観光資源がある魅力のある観光地で、鹿児島を旅行する際にはぜひ寄りたいエリア。 活火山である桜島の景勝を楽しんだり、緑豊かな山々に癒されたりと自然が好きな方にとくにおすすめの場所です。 鹿児島県姶良市で自然、伝統文化を思う存分体験し、心に残る旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の景勝エリア 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市には、自然の美しい景観を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 まず、おすすめの観光スポットは龍門滝。 龍門滝は「日本の滝百選」にも選ばれた日本を代表する滝。 46メートルの高さから流れ落ちる滝はとても雄大で、見るものを圧倒させる力があります。 続いてのおすすめが、美しいアーチが特徴の金山橋です。 金山橋は明治12年頃に築かれた歴史ある石橋。 近くにある板井手の滝とのコントラストが美しく、インスタ映えのおすすめの撮影スポットでもあります。 他にも、網掛川や錦江湾、重富海水浴場、布引の滝、龍門司坂など鹿児島県姶良市には絶景を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の伝統文化 九州のおすすめの観光地、鹿児島県姶良市は、伝統工芸が盛んな観光地でもあります。 300年以上の歴史がある伝統工芸の龍門司焼は、薩摩を代表する焼き物として有名。 帖佐人形は、鹿児島県姶良市に残る伝統工芸で鹿児島県の伝統的工芸品にも選ばれています。 他にも、和紙漉きが楽しめるなど、鹿児島県姶良市の魅力的な伝統文化を体験できるスポットがあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の紹介まとめ こちらの動画は鹿児島県姶良市のおすすめの観光地を美しい映像でご覧になることができます。 美しい自然や歴史のある伝統文化を楽しめる鹿児島県姶良市。 九州観光の際には、鹿児島姶良市に是非、足をお運びください! -
Video article 2:56
Uenohara, Yamanashi: A 1-Hour Day Trip Destination From Tokyo. Nature, Local Cuisine, and Hot Springs to Unwind From Your Travels. The Beautiful Uenohara Awaits Your Arrival!
Local PR Travel- 192 plays
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Uenohara Tourism Promotional Video This video is a promotional video on Uenohara, titled "Uenohara - It's Closer Than You Think! Guy's Trip" (実は近いぞ上野原。男たちのアクティビティー編), produced by the Uenohara Tourism Board, in which the destination is explored by three young male travelers. Located on the extreme eastern edge of Yamanashi Prefecture, Uenohara has an estimated population of 23,160 (July 2019). It is also known as the location for the Teikyo University of Science. The video portrays the three young men enjoying the diverse tourist experiences in Uenohara while highlighting the beautiful natural environment. The natural beauty of Uenohara is sure to get you fired up for a journey into the wilderness. And why not go? It's only an hour from Tokyo. Uenohara Is a Great Place to Visit! Does Uenohara sound familiar to you? Probably not unfortunately... Too bad... because Uenohara is such a great destination! The three travelers in the video seem to be having a really great time in Uenohara. This article is to give more detailed information about the places in Uenohara that appear in the video, so be sure to follow along. Source :YouTube screenshot First up, we have Mt. Yaeyama which can be seen at 0:12 in the video. Mt. Yaeyama is easily accessible by car (15mins from Chu-o Ko-soku National Highway, Uenohara IC) and there are parking lots at the foot of the mountain. The recommended activity in Yaeyama is hiking. A 20-minute hiking trail leads to an observation deck where you can even see Mt. Fuji, when the weather is nice. Then they visit Fudo no Taki (a waterfall) from 0:44. Being showered with negative ions, you may get the chance to encounter wild animals. After being immersed in Mother Nature, the travelers go to have lunch at the local market, Yuzurihara Furusato Cho-jukan. "Cho-ju" means longevity in Japanese, and Yuzurihara is known as a village whose residents have a long lifespan. You can try their "healthy diets" in the restaurant that supports their longevity, with meals such as homemade Tofu, Miso, Yuba, etc. Liked Even by Hollywood Stars?! "Seida no Tamaji," a traditional local dish with small potatoes boiled in Miso, is introduced from 1:16. Uenohara's Mascot character "Tamaji-maru" represents this popular local dish. Source :YouTube screenshot Satisfied With Lunch? Time for a Swim! The travelers try fishing at local campground at 1:27 (The campsites in Japan are often more like a forest park offering outdoor activities). Surrounded by vast landscapes, Uenohara features many campsites. Catching and cooking fresh trout on the grill is a great way to spend the day and enjoy the fruits of your labor. After a good time fishing, they head to "Nagai Saka Manju store" from 1:57, which sells a famous speciality of Uenohara- Saka Manju (Manju is a bun filled with sweet bean paste). Saka Manju, although pronounced Saka, actually comes from the word "Sake" a type of Japanese alcohol. It is a type of Manju where "Koji" is used to produce fermentation in the dough, which gives it a unique taste and smell. There are a variety of flavor filled options you can choose from, such as miso, salt, or takana (pickled mustard leaf). After getting their fill of outdoor activities, the travelers bathe in the hot springs to relieve the wearies of their travels. The sauna at the day visit spa, Akiyama Onsen, appearing from 2:17, is a steam sauna where you can work up a nice sweat. It also has a swimming pool to cool down afterwards. The quality of the hot spring is high carbon dioxide gas alkaline. Akiyama Onsen is easily accessible from the JR Uenohara Station. A pickup shuttle bus is also available. You can stay overnight in Akiyama Onsen as well, as there are plenty of hotels in the area. It's time to wrap up the trip -- The three travelers enjoy taking a nice open-air bath. Festivals and Events in Uenohara Photo:Uenohara Tsukimigaike Benzaiten Festival Uenohara boasts a year-round event calender: Spring - Kotaneishi Shrine Fire Festival, Oome Cherry Blossom Festival, Gundari Shrine Grand Festival, Hirano Takyuyoson Campsite Trout Fishing Championship, Katsuragawa Festival, Yaeyama Trail Race. Summer - Tsukimigaike Zaibenten Firework Festival, Akiyama Furusato (Local) Festival, Mushono Dainenbutsu, Suwa Shrine Festival, Ushikura Shrine Grand Festival, Nishihara Fujio Lion Dance. Fall - Yuzurihara Lion Dance performed for the gods, Nishihara Furusato Festival, Gundari Shrine Autumn Festival, Uenohara Commerce and Industry Festival. Winter - Agricultural and Forestry Festival, Ushikura Shrine Setsubun Festival, Mushono Dainenbutsu. Other Tourist Attractions in Uenohara Photo:Sagami River cherry blossoms The natural environment in Uenohara provides travelers with a view of the colors of season - pastel pink and fresh green in spring time, or majestic autumn colors. Mt. Nijurokuya, one of the 100 most famous mountains in Yamanashi; Mt. Gongen, one of the three mountains in Kitatsuru, and also one of the 100 most famous mountains in Yamanashi; Mt. Mikuni, where you can see beautiful Mt. Fuji from the top of the mountain; the clear waters of Sagami River; and Tsurukawa Gorge. The 500-year-old Gundari Shrine is famous for warding off evil spirits and for good luck in match-making. There are many sightseeing spots where you can feel the history of the city, such as Aonori Temple, where you can enjoy vegetarian cuisine as well. Aogoke Temple serves traditional Bhuddist cuisine, known as Shojin Ryori, to the visitors. Uenohara features many golf courses too, including "Maple Point Golf Club" and "Olympic Country Club." One of the most popular Service Areas on the Chuo National Highway, the Dangozaka Service Area, is also a part of Uenohara (Every Service Area in Japan has unique characteristics selling local products) and is famous as a tourist attraction. A Summary of Uenohara So what'd you think of Uenohara? Hopefully we were able to convey some of what it has to offer. Wilderness awaits you, just an hour from the heart of Tokyo! 【Tripadvisor】Uenohara https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1021450-Uenohara_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu-Vacations.html -
Video article 8:02
Enjoy the Great Outdoors of Hokkaido at Lake Toya in Toyako, Hokkaido! Winter Sports, Events, Spectacular Natural Scenery... The Landscape You've Always Dreamed of Lies in Hokkaido!
Local PR Travel- 34 plays
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日本で人気の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」の動画について 「洞爺湖町公式」が公開した「洞爺湖町観光PR映像(8分篇)」は、北海道のおすすめの観光地の洞爺湖を紹介している動画です。 アクティビティ、イベント、自然の景観など、洞爺湖町にはさまざまな魅力が多く紹介されています。 こちらの動画で北海道洞爺湖町の魅力を知れば、実際に旅行したいと思うはずですよ。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町の魅力を動画と共に紹介いたします。 日本で人気の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」の情報紹介 日本で人気の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町は、各国の首脳が集まって開催された洞爺湖サミットの場所として有名です。 さまざまなアクティビティを体験できる観光エリアとしてとても人気があります。 湖畔の雄大な景色のすぐそばにあるキャンプ場や、洞爺湖湖上クルーズの遊覧船は洞爺湖の自然を満喫できるのでおすすめ。 洞爺湖を美しさを堪能できるカヌー、絶景を眺めながら北海道の大地を歩く乗馬なども人気です。 ほかにも、ハイキング、サイクリング、登山やスノーモービル、スキー、スノーボード、スノーモービルなどのウィンタースポーツも洞爺湖町で楽しめます。 また、北海道洞爺湖町は魅力のあるホテルも充実しています。 「洞爺湖畔亭」「洞爺サンパレス」「ウィンザーホテル」は、温泉・グルメを楽しめるおすすめのホテルです。 宿泊プランもたくさん用意されているので、あなた好みをお探しください。 日本の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」のおすすめスポット 日本の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町では、観光スポットがたくさんあります。 日本有数のカルデラ湖をご覧になれる「洞爺カルデラ」、足湯につかりながら洞爺湖の四季を眺められる「洞龍(とうろん)の湯」、洞爺湖と島々を一望できる「サイロ展望台」などが人気のスポットです。 ほかにも、「洞爺湖町立火山科学館」「ツボ足健康通り」「有珠山噴火記念公園」「とうや・水の駅」「西山山麓火口散策路」「洞爺湖温泉の桜」もおすすめ観光スポット。 日本の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」の人気のイベント 日本の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町には、人気のイベントもたくさんあります。 北海道内で最大規模の花火大会の「洞爺湖ロングラン花火大会」は、450発もの花火が打ち上げられ夜の洞爺湖を鮮やかに彩ります。 洞爺湖温泉街のにぎわい広場に電飾が輝く「イルミネーショントンネル」も美しい景色を眺められるのでおすすめ。 インスタ映えする景色を撮影できますよ。 「洞爺湖温泉イルミネーションストリート」「洞爺湖マラソン」「水中花火108連発」「爺湖温泉夏祭り」「洞爺夏まつり」「洞爺湖温泉冬まつり」といった洞爺湖で開催されているイベントも注目です。 日本で人気の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」紹介記事のまとめ 北海道洞爺湖は自然の景色を楽しめる名所。 洞爺湖の観光スポットを巡れば充実した旅行になりますよ! -
Video article 2:38
Located in the Western Part of the Tokyo Metropolis, Hachioji Is Home to the World Famous Mt. Takao. A Mixture of Great Foods, Sightseeing and History That Offers Endless Fun!
Local PR Travel- 226 plays
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About Hachioji's Promotional Tourism Video The video, titled "Hachioji Promotional Video 'Colorful Life'" (八王子市シティプロモーション動画「Colorful Life」), was uploaded by "HachiojiCityOffice." It captures the various charms of Hachioji. Being a part of the Greater Tokyo metropolitan area, Hachioji features many shopping districts such as "CELEO," a mall that is attached to the station. But being the closest hiking destination from Tokyo is what makes it popular among the city dwellers who day trip up there to get some fresh air. Hosting as many as 23 university campuses, Hachioji is also known as a college town. There are many historical and cultural sites where one can be exposed to Japanese culture and tradition as well. In this article, we'll introduce popular tourist spots in Hachioji alongside the video. The video includes a powerful image of a basketball game that the local team, "Tokyo Hachioji Bee Trains," is playing in. It also showcases the natural scenery that makes Hachioji a popular day-trip destination for local Tokyoites. Take a Hike and View Hachioji From the Summit of Mt. Takao Source :YouTube screenshot Hachioji is a popular natural recreational area in Tokyo. From 0:06, the video captures refreshing images of Hachioji's natural environment such as the "Takatsuki paddy field zone" (the largest agricultural zone in the Tokyo metropolitan area), or the stunning rows of Ginkgo trees. Mt. Takao is the most popular natural attraction in Hachioji. The 2,000 ft. tall mountain debuts at 0:32. Awarded 3 stars by the Michelin Green Guide, it is the most visited mountain in the world, with 2.6 million visitors annually. There's also a chair lift and cable-car that can take you halfway up the mountain, which makes it suitable for casual climbers as well. Climbers can enjoy a beautiful view and magnificent autumn colors, as well as the get an overlook of the city of Tokyo. Source :YouTube screenshot Introduced from 1:09 is "Takaosan Beer Mount," a renowned beer garden where we you can enjoy a stunning night view from up high. It even offers a view of the urban core of Tokyo or Yokohama on clear days. The open air beer garden and breathtaking view are sure to get you in the spirit for some spirits! The temple introduced at 2:03 is Mt. Takao Yakuoin, which is said to be a very spiritual site. The statue found by the cable-car stop is of Saburo Kitajima, a well-known Japanese enka singer who lives in Hachioji. The statue is popular among Instagrammers! Hachioji’s Gastro Culture! Source :YouTube screenshot Don't forget to explore the foodie attractions during your trip to Hachioji. The video introduces some recommended restaurants and local dishes as well. Spotlighted from 0:39 is a bakery "Boule Beurre Boulangerie". The specialties here are the butter-rich croissants or pain au fruit with walnuts. Photo:Hachioji Ramen Hachioji Ramen is a great choice for lunch as well! Its distinguishing features are the simple soy sauce-based soup and the chopped onion topping. There are also many different Hachioji Ramen specialty restaurants around the train station. The most celebrated ramen restaurant is "Goemon" located by the JR Chuo Line Nishihachioji Station, which is introduced at 0:55. The image is sure to make your mouth water. Other hidden gems throughout the city include "Nameko-jiru" (Miso-soup with Nameko mushrooms) of Shiroyama Chaya, a tea-house that sits on the summit of Shiroyama, the Konnyaku of the long standing shop "Nakano-Ya," or the old-fashioned izakaya "Shimura Hall"'s Satsuma-age (deep fried fish paste). "Hachioji Neapolitan," a favorite among the locals, is also a must-try. In 2019, the breakout TV celebrity Roland opened his bubble tea store "The Pearl" in Hachioji. Hachioji also features farmers' markets such as "FIO" (FIO野菜直売所) or "Juke Juke" (ジュークジューク) to provide a direct sale of locally grown organic vegetables. Japanese History and Culture in Hachioji Source :YouTube screenshot There are many cultural or historic sites and events in Hachioji. The Hachioji Festival in August is the city's primary event. The parade floats, gorgeous Mikoshi (portable shrines) carried around the city, and the Lion Dance performance are the highlights of the festival that attract many visitors from the Kanto area. Some other notable cultural or historic sites/events are: Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo (a traditional puppet theater), Hachioji Geisha, Hachioji Firework Festival, Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, Mt. Takao Trick Art Museum, Musashi Imperial Graveyard, Takaosan Yakuoin Yukiji Temple, Hachioji Castle, Takiyama Castle, Nakamachi Kurobei (black wall) district (a remnant of old geisha district), and the Okuda silkscreen factory. The rows of ginkgo trees shown in the video from 0:53 were planted by the Imperial Household Agency in 1929 to commemorate the completion of the Musashi Imperial Graveyard. The annual Ginkgo Festival is held in November along the Koshu Kaido Road where the stunning ginkgo trees are lined up. A Summary on the Introduction of Hachioji Photo:Hachioji, Minamiasa River cherry blossoms The Hachioji promotional video captures the charm of the city that's a hometown to many different Japanese musicians, comedians, and TV personalities. Featuring Mt. Takao that captures the attentions of instagrammers, Hachioji is a great destination for a wide range of travelers. Having turned 100 years old in 2018, Hachioji is a city loved by many people. We definitely recommend giving it a visit! 【Tripadvisor】Hachioji https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1060898-Hachioji_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:08
The Thousands of Years Old Wilson Stump on Kagoshima Prefecture's Yakushima Island Is One of Japan's Most Famous Power Spots, and Also a World Natural Heritage Site! Journey Inside the Stump That Once Towered Over the Island!
Local PR Travel Nature- 236 plays
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Yakushima, Kagoshima- A Popular Tourist Destination This video, titled "YAKUSHIMA WONDERLAND"(【HD】屋久島ワンダーランド _ YAKUSHIMA WONDERLAND), was created by “happydayztag,” and it introduces you to the beautiful scenery of Yakushima. The video shows you scenes of an ancient Jomon Cedar standing in a mystic forest, sea turtles, and other wildlife living in Yakushima. Enjoy the dynamic nature view of Yakushima! Yakushima is an island located at the southernmost tip of Kyushu island. The island contains more than 90% forest. Yakushima is designated as a National Natural Monument, Special Natural Monument, as well as the first place to become a designated UNESCO World Heritage site. In 2012, Yakushima park was registered as a national park. Yakushima is a subtropical forest that contains waterfalls, a clear ocean, a moss covered forest, local wildlife, ancient Jomon cedars, and more. It's a place that many Japanese and international visitors long to visit. Sightseeing at Yakushima, Kagoshima Photo:Wilson’s Stump Yakushima island has a lot of rain throughout the year. The video contains footage of mystic cedars in the fog, the blue ocean and water falls in Yakushima. If you'd like to enjoy the nature of Yakushima, we recommend hiking or trekking. Yakushima's trekking tour is quite popular. In the middle of the old railway line that connects the logging village to the coastal village, sits Wilson’s Stump, the remains of a giant cedar tree that toppled over roughly 400 years ago. If you look up inside Wilson’s Stump, you can see a heart shape, making it a very popular place for taking photos. You can also see the heart of Wilson's Stump at 0:57. Photo:Jomon Cedar The ancient Jomon Cedar is the the symbol of Yakushima. It is estimated to be around 2170 to 2700 years old and is the largest cedar in Yakushima. The trip to visit the Jomon cedar takes about 5 hours of hiking. Seeing the mystic cedar after the long hike is a truly rewarding experience. You can see the dynamic view of the Jomon cedar at 1:07 in the video. Trails are available and well maintained for hikers. Mt. Nagatadake and Mt. Miyanoura, the highest peak on Yakushima, are two more popular spots and are both made of granite. You can check out this beautiful view at 1:55. Other Tourist Spots in Yakushima, Kagoshima ©Kagoshima prefecture Modifying Another must-see sight in Yakushima is Shiratani Unsuikyo, a fantastic mossy forest filled with water that glistens and is said to have been the inspiration for the famous Japanese animated film, Princess Mononoke. The water overflowing from the mountains creates magnificent waterfalls, such as the Okonotaki and Senpiro Falls, which flow out to the sea. You can see this at 0:25 in the video. A short hike around Yakusugi Land is an ideal route as you can see the spectacular road into the interior of the island. Yaku Shrine is a masterpiece swallowed by nature. Yakushima lighthouse is located at the westernmost tip of Yakushima. "Hirauchi Onsen" is available only for 2 hours between high tide and low tide, but we definitely recommend checking it out if you have the chance. The Yakushima Environmental Culture Village Center is a museum you can visit to learn more about the history and nature of Yakushima. In early summer, sea turtles come to the beaches in Yakushima to lay eggs. You might be able to see local deer and monkeys on the Seibu Rindo Forest Path as well. The dense forests of Yakushima cover 95.5% of the island. There are wild Yakuzaru monkeys as well as Yakushika deer, and the chances of seeing them are high. You'll see these natural animals throughout the video too, so be sure to check it out! Summary of Yakushima, Kagoshima Photo:Fried flying fish There are 2 ways to access to Yakushima: either by a plane or by ship. Direct flights are available from Osaka (Itami), Fukuoka, and Kagoshima. There are many hotels, ryokan, onsen facilities, pensions, and guest houses are available. If you plan to visit the Jomon cedar, you'll need to stay at least one night at Yakushima. Try some fresh seafood dishes at Yakushima, such as deep fried flying fish and mackerels. As you can see in the video, there's a lot of natural scenery left in Kagoshima prefecture. Be sure to check out the video to see how fascinating Yakushima is! Are you packing your bags yet? 【Official Website】Yakushima, Kagoshima Town http://www.town.yakushima.kagoshima.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Yakushima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g3211144-Yakushima_Yakushima_cho_Kumage_gun_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:23
Shiga Otsu City Sightseeing! Full of installations with a sense of Japanese tradition! Video introduction to the nature and cityscape of ancient times!
Travel Nature Things to Do- 57 plays
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Video introduction of sightseeing in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture This video shows a man traveling from Otsu, Shiga to Kyoto, while touring historic temples, enjoying natural scenery, and interacting with locals on an atmospheric shopping street. Otsu is home to Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater lake in Japan, and Biwako Valley, a resort complex that offers panoramic views of Lake Biwa from 1,100-meters in the air. It's a treasure trove of tourist attractions, with everything from nature to photogenic townscapes that capture the long history of the area, and can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. Enryakuji and Other Famous Temples Around Otsu, Shiga Photo:Enryakuji Temple, Mt. Hiei, Shiga Prefecture Besides Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei (Mt. Hiezan), the Lake Biwa area is dotted with many famous and historic temples. In addition to Enryakuji Temple, we recommend visiting Omi Shrine (近江神宮, Omi Jingu), Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine, and other power spots as well. [Video] 0:14 - Walking the Nyoi Kodo to Miidera Temple ●Enryakuji Temple Enryakuji Temple is the head temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism with a history dating back more than 1,200 years. It's said that monks and warrior monks have been coming here to study since ancient times, and the temple has produced famous monks, including as Honen and Shinran. It's a recommended power spot where visitors can experience a moment of clarity and confidence. ●Miidera Temple One of the most famous of Shiga Prefecture's ancient temples. It's also known for its beautiful cherry blossoms in spring. Climbing the stone steps, there's an observatory from which you can view the majestic Lake Biwa. The spacious temple grounds are home to many national treasures and stone walls using a unique type of masonry. Many of Japan's most notable cultural assets can be found here. ●Saikyoji Temple The head temple of the Tendai Shinmori Sect of Buddhism, which has more than 450 branch temples throughout Japan. It's said to have been founded by Prince Shotoku. The main hall of the temple is sublime, and the Kyakuden (reception hall), which was built from the remains of Fushimi Castle, has many attractions, including fusuma paintings of by the Kano school, a famous school of painting prominent in 15th century Japan. Akechi Mitsuhide, who contributed to the restoration of Saikyoji Temple after it suffered damage during the Siege of Mt. Hiei in 1571, is enshrined at Saikyoji Temple, along with the tombs of his relatives. Photo:Omi Shrine, Shiga Prefecture ●Omi Shrine Omi Shrine is dedicated to Emperor Tenchi, who is said to be the founder of the Hyakunin Isshu Karuta, an ancient card game involving classical Japanese poetry, and attracts many visitors each year. The shrine is said to bring prosperity to business, ward off bad luck, ensure safe childbirth, bring academic success, protect one's family, cure illnesses, and protect against traffic accidents, among other blessings. Surrounded by greenery, the main approach to the shrine is a soothing space. ●Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine Located at the foot of Mt. Hiei, this is the head shrine of the Hiyoshi, Hie, and Sanno shrines, of which more than 3,800 exist in Japan. Since the shrine was located in an unlucky direction from the capital during the Heian period (794-1185), it's known for its blessings to ward off bad luck and evil spirits. A monkey named Masaru is said to be a messenger of the gods at the shrine, and symbolizes protection against evil, and charms and amulets with Masaru are also sold at the shrine. Immerse Yourself in the Ancient History and Culture of Otsu After touring famous ancient temples, you can experience the culture passed down to the common people of Otsu. Otsu-e, an art form popular among commoners during the Edo period (1603-1867), has a unique design that many visitors find attractive. You can also try your hand at painting clay bells resembling oni (Japanese ogre demons). Also, be sure to visit the Otsu Festival Float Exhibition Center, an exhibition hall themed on the Otsu Festival, one of the three major festivals in the area. In Otsu Hyakucho, visitors can enjoy a tour of traditional shops where they can buy a wide variety of souvenirs. Along the way, you can find the famous Miidera Chikara Mochi rice cakes. A map of Otsu Hyakucho is also available, so you can enjoy exploring the town without a guide. That being said, you can also take advantage of the guided tours of Otsu Hyakucho. It is a unique opportunity to experience the unique culture of Otsu. [Video] 0:48 - Sightseeing Around Otsu Hyakucho A Model Course for Sightseeing in Otsu Photo:Miidera Temple, Shiga Prefecture If you want to enjoy Otsu to the fullest, we recommend taking a tour of the temples and shrines to experience the history of Otsu. You can also visit Miidera Temple, which appears in the video. [Video] 0:38 - Miidera Temple There's also a course specifically for female photographers, which includes Saikyoji Temple, where participants can stroll around photogenic temples, and more. [Video] 2:04 - Saikyoji Temple If you're looking to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the area, check out Mt. Hiei and enjoy a sanctuary in the sky where the entire mountain is considered part of the temple. Shuttle buses are available to take visitors around the mountain. Travelers can also collect shuin stamps from the different temples, up to a dozen of them. There are also courses related to famous historical figures, such as Akechi Mitsuhide. Be sure to check them out! Sushi, Confectioneries, and More – Experience the Cuisine of Otsu! Photo:Funa-zushi, a specialty of Shiga Prefecture Funa-zushi is one of the most popular dishes in Otsu. Sakamoto-ya is a long-established shop that sells funa-zushi, and is designated as a Tangible Cultural Property of Japan. Sakamotoya's funa-zushi is made with a rare species of wild carp from Lake Biwa, and local Omi rice. We hope you will enjoy this traditional Japanese food made with a time-tested family recipe. [Video] 0:53 - Ganso Sakamotoya In Otsu, there's also Yaoyo, a shop that sells pickled vegetables under the Imperial Household Agency's warrant. This store was established in 1850 and has been around since the Edo period. In addition to its pickled vegetables, the shop also sells its specialty Nagarazuke, which are Omi turnips pickled in sake lees, for just a few hundred yen per bunch. You can also buy in bulk for souvenirs. [Video] 1:03 - Yaoyo If you're a fan of traditional Japanese sweets, consider dropping by Kano Shojuan Sunai no Sato (叶匠寿庵 寿長生の郷). On the expansive garden-like grounds, there is an atmospheric traditional Japanese-style teahouse, a restaurant, and a confectionery shop as well. Enjoy the delicate sweets made from carefully selected ingredients and the greenery outside the window. Experience the seasons and indulge your senses in a relaxing environment. [Video] 1:34 - Kano Shojuan Sunai no Sato Hirasansou offers Yamanobe Ryori, a type of cuisine that uses seasonal ingredients foraged from the nearby mountains of Otsu. Visitors can enjoy wild vegetables in spring, sweetfish in summer, matsutake mushrooms in autumn, and wild boar and bear in winter. The restaurant utilizes a wide variety of delicious ingredients nurtured in Japan's Shiga region. [Video] 1:46 - Hirasansou Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho – A Traditional Japanese Townhouse Turned Hotel While you're in Otsu, use this opportunity to stay at a hotel with a different kind of atmosphere. Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho is located inside of a shopping arcade. This is an accommodation facility with a new concept that opened in August 2018. Guest rooms are scattered along the shopping street and the Old Tokaido Road, with a total of 13 rooms consisting of 5 suite-type rooms and 8 hotel-type guest rooms. The townhouses, which are more than 100 years old, have been fully renovated. All rooms are equipped with bathrooms and toilets, famous designer furniture, and top-quality bedding, allowing guests to experience a luxury space that cannot be found in ordinary hotels or ryokan. [Video] 1:18 - Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho Summary of Sightseeing in Otsu, Shiga Photo:The view of Otsu from Miidera Temple, Shiga Prefecture In addition to Lake Biwa, Otsu, Shiga is a hidden treasure trove of wonderful sightseeing spots that have yet to be fully recognized. Otsu is a town where time seems to have stood still, as it still retains the atmosphere of a Japan from a bygone era. There are plenty of natural recreational activities for children as well as adults, as well as photogenic tours for women, and even stylish date plans. We hope you get the chance to experience Otsu, a place with unique history and traditions, unlike the neighboring city of Kyoto. 【TripAdvisor】Otsu, Shiga https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298202-Otsu_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki-Vacations.html -
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Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji
Nature Travel- 792 views
COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is always holding photo contests. This time, we have selected photos that capture the majestic Mt. Fuji, located on the border of Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures. We'll also introduce the locations where the photos were taken, so be sure to enjoy each one so you don't miss out on some useful information! COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Mt. Fuji in Past Photo Contests The Aftermath of the Hoei Eruption Swans at Lake Yamanaka The Tea Fields of Obuchi Sasaba Fujiyoshida Oshino Hakkai Aka-Fuji The Daikanzan Observatory Kawaguchi Asama Shrine The Fumotoppara Campground The Takabocchi Highlands - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Mt. Fuji in Past Photo Contests Let's take a look at some of the wonderful photos taken of Mt. Fuji from the many fantastic works that convey the beauty of Japan. COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 01ktk15 Location: Mizugatsuka Park (Susono, Shizuoka) A Place Where You Can Photograph the Aftermath of the Hoei Eruption Fuji's flanks were blown away by the Hoei Eruption in 1707 during the Edo period (1603-1868 AD), forming the bowl-shaped Hoei Crater. At Mizugatsuka Park, you can photograph the crater in its entirety as it changes from season to season. The crater is located along the Fuji Skyline, near the second station of Mt. Fuji at an elevation of 1,450 meters. You can capture powerful compositions that include the beauty of Mt. Fuji, while reminding you that it's still a mighty volcano. An Article About Mt. Fuji Video article 4:21 Fuji - Japan's Largest Tourist Attraction and the Pride of the Country. Its Mysterious Beauty Fascinates All Who See It YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: タケタロ Location: Lake Yamanaka (Minamitsuru, Yamanashi) When to See Swans at Lake Yamanaka Swans can usually be seen at Lake Yamanaka around December and fly back north around March or April. Some species of swans are don't migrate, and instead lay eggs and raise their young in the grassy knolls along the shores of Lake Yamanaka in spring. Mt. Fuji is located to the southwest of Lake Yamanaka. If you're looking to capture the majestic Mt. Fuji with beautiful swans and snowy winter scenery in one photograph, the northern shore of Lake Yamanaka is your best bet. A Sightseeing Article About Lake Yamanaka Video article 1:53 Go Sightseeing at Lake Yamanaka, Nestled at the Foot of the Sacred Mt. Fuji! The Yamanakako Area, Surrounded by Nature, Is One of the Top Sightseeing Destinations in Japan! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: phantastic420 Location: Obuchi Sasaba (Fuji, Shizuoka) The Tea Fields of Obuchi Sasaba Obuchi Sasaba in the Obuchi district of Fuji City is a photo spot where you can capture Mt. Fuji over vast tea fields with no power lines or buildings to obstruct your view. Many photographers come to capture the verdant tea fields with the towering Mt. Fuji in the backdrop. Located about 10 minutes by car from the Tomei-Fuji and Shin-Tomei Shin-Fuji interchanges, the best time to visit is when the tea leaves are sprouting, particularly from mid-April to mid-May. An Article About Tea Fields and Mt. Fuji Video article 2:09 Obuchi Sasaba - Beautiful Tea Fields and Mt. Fuji in Shizuoka, Japan! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Yuto Yamada Location: Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Fujiyoshida, a Town With an Amazing View of Mt. Fuji Fujiyoshida, in Yamanashi prefecture, is the closest town to Mt. Fuji and features spectacular views of the mountain. In particular, at Arakurayama Sengen Park, it's possible to capture Mt. Fuji, cherry blossoms, and the 5-story Chureito Pagoda in one frame. Fuji, cherry blossoms, and the five-story pagoda in the frame. On top of the cherry blossoms in spring, visitors can enjoy the depth and splendor of each season here, including the fresh greenery of summer, the autumn foliage in fall, and the splendid snow landscapes in winter, all of which are sure to delight. An Article on Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine in Fujiyoshida Video article 3:16 Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine - Learn About One of Japan's Most Famous Power Spots, Located in Yamanashi Prefecture, Where the Sacred Mt. Fuji Resides, and Information About Popular Amulets and Shuin Stamps for Tourists! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Nguyen Vu Location: Oshino Hakkai (Minamitsuru, Yamanashi) The Beautiful Oshino Hakkai Oshino Hakkai is a sacred spring located at the foot of the natural monument, Mt. Fuji, and is considered a power spot. The pure spring water from Mt. Fuji, a sacred mountain, is said to hold sacred power. This photo conveys the atmosphere and purity of Oshino Hakkai. If you visit Oshino Hakkai, be sure to take a picture, as it will be treasured for a lifetime. An Article on Oshino Hakkai Video article 4:22 Oshino Hakkai - Breathtaking Scenery at the Foot of Mt. Fuji! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Phúc Jindo Location: Oshino, Yamanashi Photographing the Auspicious Aka-Fuji Aka-Fuji (Red Fuji) has long been a symbol of good luck for warding off evil spirits and bringing prosperity to business. It is a sight that photographers all over Japan hope to see. However, the conditions for photographing Aka-Fuji are very specific. Aka-Fuji can only be seen from the eastern side of the mountain from late summer to early autumn, just after sunrise, and on a clear day after rain. If you're a photographer and up for a challenge, we definitely recommend trying to capture this beautiful sight. An Article About Narusawa, Yamanashi, Located at the Foot of Mt. Fuji Video article 2:40 Introducing “Narusawa, Yamanashi,” Home to the Tallest Mountain in Japan. Behold the Jaw Droppingly Beautiful Scenery of Mt. Fuji. YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 01ktk15 Location: Daikanzan Observatory (Ashigarashita, Kanagawa) A Breathtaking View From the Daikanzan Observatory The name "Daikanzan" (lit. "Large Viewing Mountain") comes from the artist Yokoyama Taikan, who liked to paint Mt. Fuji from the Sky Lounge at the summit of the 1,011-meter-tall mountain. The spectacular view makes for an excellent photo and will take up a special place in your heart. It's especially popular in winter when the air is crisp and clear. Mt. Fuji and Lake Ashinoko covered with snow is guaranteed to result in a dignified work of art. An Article on the Best Places to View Mt. Fuji Video article 7:32 The Graceful Sight of the World-Famous Mount Fuji Can Be Enjoyed From All Over Japan. This Article Will Help You Find a Spot to View Mt. Fuji That’s Just Right for You! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Phúc Jindo Location: Kawaguchi Asama Shrine (Minamitsuru, Yamanashi) Kawaguchi Asama Shrine – A Torii in the Sky Kawaguchi Asama Shrine was built to worship Mt. Fuji's god, Sengen-O-no-kami, in order to quell a major volcanic eruption of Mt. Fuji. The torii gate is located approximately 30 minutes on foot from the shrine grounds, and the view of Mt. Fuji is beautiful beyond words. It's also called the "Torii in the Sky," and is a recommended spot known for being especially picturesque. An Article on Kawaguchi Chigo no Mai at Kawaguchi Asama Shrine Video article 3:15 Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine, Now a World Cultural Heritage Site! A Look at the Beautiful Traditional Dance, "Kawaguchi Chigo no Mai"! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: mioka Location: Fumotoppara Campground (Fujinomiya, Shizuoka) Mt Fuji From the Fumotoppara Campground The best part about the Fumotoppara Campground is that you can see Mt. Fuji in its entirety from the summit to the base. It is truly a picturesque view. Located in Fujinomiya, the Asagiri Plateau, known for its foggy appearance, is also in the vicinity. At the Fumotoppara Campground, a place loved by campers, you can experience the outdoors with a magnificent view of Mt. Fuji. An Article on the Yamanakako Fuji Snow Festival Video article 3:10 Enjoy the Beauty of Mt. Fuji to the Fullest at the Yamanakako Fuji Snow Festival! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: HKP Location: Takabocchi Highlands (Shiojiri, Nagano) Mt. Fuji From the Takabocchi Highlands From the summit of the mountain, which offers a 360-degree view of the Takabocchi Highlands, Lake Suwa, the lights of the city by the lake, and the sea of clouds all add to the main attraction of Mt. Fuji. The area is especially spectacular from autumn, when the air is clear and the night views are spectacular, to the time when the access road is closed for the winter. It's hard to take a better picture than Mt. Fuji and a sea of clouds, early in the morning, before the sun rises and when the sky is tinted orange. An Article on the Mt. Fuji World Heritage Centre Video article 2:32 The Mt. Fuji World Heritage Centre Is a New-Age Museum That Fuses Digital and Analog! The Museum, Located in Fujikawaguchiko, Yamanashi, Is Full of Facilities That Convey the Beauty of the World Heritage Site Mt. Fuji! YouTube Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that showcases the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Click here for more information about COOLJAPANVIDEOS Anyone can enter COOL JAPAN VIDEOS' photo contests! Below are some of the features of our contests. ・On top of single-lens reflex cameras and digital cameras, photos taken with smartphones and other devices can also be submitted. ・Each person can submit as many photos as they like during the contest period. ・Editing of images, such as cropping and color changes, is also allowed! Here you can find all of the past photo contest winners in one place. You can also see the prizes for each contest, as well as the locations where the photos were taken and the judges' critiques. Click here to see past photo contest winners Text only Photo Contest Results - COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Winning Photos - Discover the Charms of Japan! Current Photo Contest The following is information about the current photo contest. [Ongoing From November 2023] The 20th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest Theme: The Beauty of Japan Submission period: November 1, 2023 0:00 AM – December 31 2023 11:59 PM(JST) Prizes: ■Grand Prize: 30,000 yen Amazon gift card (1 Winner) ■Honorable Mentions: 10,000 yen Amazon gift card (5 Winners) The Beauty of Japan Photo Contest Landscape Photography Summary Did you enjoy these landscape photos from past photo contest entries? Some of these landscapes can only be seen in specific conditions. Japan is full of rich nature, historical locations, and seasonal events! Share your photos with the world and help showcase the beauty of Japan through COOL JAPAN VIDEOS! Related Articles Text only Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face! Text only Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Autumn in Japan Text only Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. 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Text only Cherry Blossoms in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Amazing Views of Cherry Blossoms, from Castles and Temples to Rows of Cherry Blossom! .separation_line { border-width: 0 0 8px; border-style: solid; border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,') 0 0 100% repeat; width: 216px; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 50px; } -
Video article 2:07
Things to Do in Ogimi, One of the Three Yanbaru Villages in Okinawa Prefecture! Experience Nature, Food, History, and Culture in the Village With the Longest Life Expectancy in Japan!
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■Table of Contents Overnight Tours in Ogimi, Okinawa: Video Introduction Ogimi Village – One of the Three Yanbaru Villages in Northern Okinawa Ogimi Village, Known as the "Village of Longevity" Ogimi Village, the "Village of Bashofu" Ogimi Village, the "Village of Shikuwasa" Ogimi Village, the "Village of Bunagaya" Enjoy an Overnight Tour and Experience the Lifestyle of Yanbaru in Ogimi Village! 1 Night/2 Day Overnight Plan Recommendations 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan – Schedule & Experience Details 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan – Tour Details The Best Experience Plans in Yanbaru, Starting From 2 Hours! Ta Waterfall Trekking E-Bike Tour E-Bike Tours & Sabani Boat Cruises Cycling Tour Plan Canoe Tour Yanbaru Forest Starry Sky Tour Popular Spots When Sightseeing in Ogimi Village, Okinawa Kijoka Seven Waterfalls Ishiyama Observatory Roadside Station Ogimi Yanbaru Forest Visitor Center Ogimi Village Tour Plan Summary Overnight Tours to Enjoy Ogimi, Okinawa: Video Introduction The video introduced in this article begins with lighthearted cycling footage that showcases the great nature of Ogimi Village in Okinawa, Japan. It shows how you can experience the food and activities of Ogimi Village with a local guide, and enjoy the sound of a sanshin while camping under a starry night sky, and more! The contents of this video are a condensed version showcasing only a handful of things to do in Ogimi Village. With a tour to Ogimi Village, you can experience the culture and lifestyle of the people of Ogimi Village in a relaxed and casual manner. We hope you'll experience the wonderful time that these exciting tours can provide! Photo:Ogimi Village In this article, we'll introduce things to do in Ogimi Village, as well as some stay plans. After reading this article, you'll be captivated by Ogimi Village and will want to experience what life is like in this village in Northern Okinawa! Ogimi Village – One of the Three Yanbaru Villages in Northern Okinawa Ogimi Village, located in the northern part of Okinawa's main island in Kunigami, consists of 17 villages with a total population of 3,034 and a total of 1,716 households (as of March 2023). The village is about 64 square kilometers (15,800 acres) in size. Ogimi is approximately 87 km (54 mi.) from Naha City and can be accessed in about 2 hours via National Route 58 or about 1 hour and 30 minutes via expressway. Ogimi Village and the neighboring villages of Kunigami and Higashi are called the three villages of Yanbaru (Yanbaru means "the forested northern area of Okinawa"), which was recognized as a World Natural Heritage site in 2021, and is home to many endemic species that can only be seen here, such as the Okinawa rail and Okinawa woodpecker. Photo:The Okinawa rail Ogimi Village is also called the "Village of Longevity," "Village of Bashofu," "Village of Shikuwasa," and "Village of Bunagaya." Ogimi Village, Known as the "Village of Longevity" Ogimi Village is known as the village with the highest longevity in Japan, with a very high percentage of the total population aged 65 years or older (32.5%) as well as people who are 90 years old or older (4.2%), according to the 2015 census. ※The percentage of people over 90 years old in Japan as a whole is 1.6%. Photo:An elderly man in Ogimi Village In 1987, the area was declared the "Village of Longevity" as the area with the highest percentage of elderly people in Japan, and in 1996, it was recognized as the "World's Longest Living Region" by the World Health Organization (WHO). The book "IKIGAI," published in Spain in 2016 and covering the secrets of longevity in Ogimi Village, became an international bestseller, selling more than 5 million copies. The text of the book introduces the ideal life as "the sight of a grandfather or grandmother living a vibrant and rewarding life in Ogimi Village." The book has led to an increase in the number of foreign tourists visiting Ogimi Village and in the number of foreigners who know about Ogimi Village even if they don't know much about Japan. Ogimi Village, the "Village of Bashofu" In Kijoka, an area in Ogimi Village, Kijoka Bashofu, a cloth woven from the fibers of the plantain plant, has long been popular as a fabric for kimono. It's considered a fantastic type of cloth because of how thin and light it is, almost like the wings of a dragonfly. In Okinawa, a place with high humidity, this breathable, light-as-air fabric has been very useful. It takes about three years to grow to a height taller than a person, and each stalk of plantain yields only about 20 grams of fiber, so 200 stalks are needed to weave one roll of Bashofu cloth. Photo:The plantain plant The history of Bashofu dates back to the 13th century, and during the Ryukyu Dynasty (approximately 450 years from the 1400s to the 1800s), there was a position called "Basho Toushoku" (芭蕉当職, lit. "Bashofu Manager") who managed a Basho garden exclusively for the nobility so that they could wear high-quality Bashofu. During the Meiji period (1868-1912), plain or striped Bashofu began to be decorated with kasuri patterns, and developed into a craft. Bashofu was designated an Intangible Cultural Property of the prefecture in 1972, the year Okinawa was returned to Japan, and two years later, in 1974, it was designated an Intangible Cultural Property by the Japanese government. Ogimi Village, the "Village of Shikuwasa" Most of the shikuwasa (flat lemons) distributed in Japan are produced in Okinawa, with Ogimi Village accounting for approximately 60% of the total. Photo:Shikuwasa Shikuwasa is a food rich in nutrients and is considered one of the foods for health and longevity in Okinawa. The nobiletin contained in shikuwasa is said to have the following effects: ・Helps prevent rheumatism, osteoporosis, and cancer ・Lowers blood sugar and blood pressure ・Burns fat, strengthens liver function, improves urination, and improves cognitive function ・Helps relieve complications from urinary disorders, such as frequent urination and enuresis. ・Helps prevent diabetes The secret to Ogimi Village's longevity may be its shikuwasa. Shikuwasa is one of the most popular Furusato Nozei tax return gifts as well. If you're a resident of Japan, be sure to visit the Ogimi Village Furusato Nozei website (※Japanese). Ogimi Village, the "Village of Bunagaya" It's said that Bunagaya, spirits of the forest, live in Yanbaru, a rich natural environment that has been registered as a World Natural Heritage site. Photo:A Bunagaya forest spirit These mysterious bunagaya are said to love peace and nature, and use nature's bounty to show us what they look like. Since World War II, due to the modernization of postwar reconstruction, it's said that they can only be seen in Ogimi Village. Bunagaya live amongst banyan trees and are said to have red hair and are covered with grass and trees. In 1998, Ogimi Village was declared the "Village of Bunagaya" to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Ogimi Village's establishment. Life in Ogimi Village is full of charms, from its longevity, traditional culture, and unique food, to its ancient legends. Overnight tours to Ogimi Village are growing in popularity as a way to experience the secrets of longevity while interacting with local people. Enjoy an Overnight Tour and Experience the Lifestyle of Yanbaru in Ogimi Village! Overnight tours to Ogimi Village are trips to enjoy the nature, food, culture, and history that Ogimi Village has been carefully cultivated throughout the years. This plan allows you to experience the history and culture of Ogimi Village and its people, who live a happy and joyful life in the great outdoors, and to enjoy activities such as cycling, canoeing, trekking, BBQ camping, and a home-stay accommodation, allowing you to choose how you experience Ogimi Village. A basic tour plan is provided, but customers can also consult with the tour guide in advance about a plan that suits them and what they would like to experience. You can choose between private accommodations or camping, and also choose from a variety of exciting activities. There are also experience plans that allow you to fully enjoy Ogimi Village in a short time (2 hours to half a day), so those who cannot stay overnight can also take advantage of these plans. Those who choose the overnight plan can choose to camp overnight at the Miyagi Community Center Plaza, or stay overnight in a home with elderly residents. Those who choose to stay at a private home can experience harvesting in the fields managed by the private home as a member of the family (depending on the season), and enjoy chatting over Okinawan dishes prepared together with the private home owner while learning from him or her. You can see what a meal is like at 0:56 in the video. ※Be sure to consult with the staff in advance if you are a vegan or allergic to any foods. Photo:Homestay Farm Life Experience Tour This Ogimi Village overnight plan is a popular tour among students from all over Japan who are on school trips. There are agricultural experiences to learn the challenges of farming, farm life experiences where you stay in a farmer's home and spend time as a member of the family, nature experiences that make the most of Ogimi Village's natural environment, and cultural experiences where you are taught how to make Okinawan cuisine and play the sanshin (an instrument similar to a banjo). The days spent experiencing the environment, customs, and culture of Ogimi Village and interacting with the elderly residents of the village are a great asset to the students. There are also school trips and educational trips that can accommodate up to 280 people at a time, which are also utilized by the general public. Families with children can enjoy learning during summer vacation, and friends can experience the traditions of Ogimi Village while camping under the starry skies! There are a million ways to enjoy Ogimi Village. One of the charms of the overnight tours is that they not only follow a fixed plan, but can also be tailored to fit your ideal plan through prior consultation. 1 Night/2 Day Overnight Plan Recommendations This plan lets you enjoy canoeing and trekking in the jungle-like subtropical forests and rivers of Yanbaru. You can also look for endemic species of creatures and plants that can only be found in Yanbaru. Outdoor activities will be accompanied by local guides, so you can also learn things that only the locals know about! ※Optional plans must be requested separately. Photo:Yanbaru In the evening, enjoy a barbecue using local ingredients with your host grandmother and grandfather. Enjoy singing and chatting around the campfire while listening to the sound of the sanshin with your host family. Before bedtime, enjoy the grandeur of nature while gazing up at the starry night sky over Yanbaru! 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan – Schedule & Experience Details Here is an example of the schedule and activities of the basic plan for the 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan in Ogimi Village. ※This is an introduction to the camping plan. ■Day 1: 1:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. (Tour base: Miyagi Community Center Plaza and Shioya Bay) [1:00 p.m.] ・Gather at Shioya Miyagi Community Center Plaza ・Self-introductions and explanation of the tour by the staff ・Camp preparations (tent setup, etc.) Photo:Setting up camp [2:00 p.m.] ・Tour around the villages by e-bike with staff guide (choose from Kijoka or Shioya villages) Photo:E-bike village tour [5:00 p.m.] ・Free time after returning to Miyagi Community Center Plaza [6:00 p.m.] ・Start preparing a BBQ dinner made with local ingredients - Enjoy the delicious flavors of Yanbaru with outdoor camping utensils and offal soup. ・Dinner with a view of the sunset ・Enjoy chatting with locals while listening to the sound of the sanshin and watching kachasi (traditional Okinawan dance) ・Stargazing with commentary by a starry sky sommelier who is well versed in the night sky above Yanbaru ※You can see what camping is like at 01:25 in the video. Photo:Camping at night [11:00 p.m.] ・Bedtime prep ■Day 2: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. [8:30 a.m.] ・Wake up ・Prepare breakfast ・Camp equipment clean up [10:00 a.m.] ・Miyagi Community Center beach cleanup (SDGs) [11:00 a.m.] ・End of tour In the afternoon, you can apply for various experience plans. ※The above is the schedule for the basic model plan, so you can choose the plan that best suits your preferences by consulting with the tour guide in advance. ※If you wish to stay overnight, please specify this in the inquiry details when you apply. Multiple night stays are available as well. For inquiries about tour plans, please contact the guide through the application and inquiry form on the official website. Yonna-Ogimi【Official Website】 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan – Tour Details Here, we'll provide you with the details of Ogimi Village's 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan tour price and duration. [Price] 2 persons・・・43,500 yen (tax included・per person) 3 persons・・・43,000 yen (tax included・per person) 4 persons・・・40,000 yen (tax included・per person) 5 persons・・・40,500 yen (tax included・per person) ※Transportation to the meeting place (airfare, rental car, bus, etc.), drinks, alcohol, etc. are charged separately. For those who choose to stay at a private residence, drinks and alcohol may be provided by the private residence. Optional experience plans require a separate application. Please refer to the bottom of this article for details regarding the experience plans. [Tour Period] February - November (※Tours are not available in December and January). [Group Sizes] 2-5 people Tents are limited to up to 5 tents, each of which accommodates 5 people (up to 25 people). ※The number of people who can stay in one house is limited, so large groups may be divided into several houses. [Meeting Place] Meeting place: Roadside Station Ogimi Yanbaru Forest Visitor Center Address: 95 Tsunami, Ogimi Village, Kunigami District, Okinawa Prefecture [Clothing] We recommend that you bring clothes and shoes that can get wet and are easy to move around in for the different activities you might take part in. [What to Bring] Drinks, towel, toiletries, sandals, overnight amenities The Best Experience Plans in Yanbaru, Starting From 2 Hours! These experience plans allow those who cannot stay overnight but want to enjoy Ogimi Village to fully enjoy Ogimi Village in a short time (2 hours to half a day), or they can be incorporated into a 2-day/1-night plan. Choose the activities that are right for you and experience Ogimi Village to the fullest! Ta Waterfall Trekking & Playing Around the Basin [Tour Outline] Enjoy trekking at Ta Waterfall, located in the upper reaches of the Heinan River where tropical and subtropical plants grow. You can also play in the waterfall basin of the mysterious 15-meter-tall waterfall. Enjoy the nature of Ogimi Village, experience the sounds and smell of the forest and the earth, and listen to the singing birds while the trees dance in the wind. You may even come across flora and fauna that can only be found in Yanbaru. ※Life jackets must be worn when playing in the waterfall basin. You can see the what trekking is like at 0:43 in the video. Photo:Ta Waterfall trekking [Price] 7,000 yen/person [Time Required] 2 hours [Group Sizes] 2-20 people [Tour Period] January, February, March, July, August, September [Relaxed Stay With a Local Guide] Ogimi Village/Kijoka Village: The Key to Longevity on an E-Bike Tour [Tour Outline] This is a cycling tour around the world's longest-lived region. A local guide will accompany you on the tour, so you will be guided to places of interest that only locals know about, which you wouldn't be able to see on a regular tour. Cyclists who aren't confident in their physical abilities will be able to use e-bikes (sports-type bicycles with electric power assistance) for the tour. Learn the secrets to longevity in Kijoka village! This plan is included in the basic plan of the 2-day/1-night tour. You can see the cycling from 0:12 in the video. Photo:E-bike tour [Price] 6,000 yen/person [Time Required] 3 hours [Group Sizes] 2-6 people [Tour Period] Year-round (closed during the year-end and New Year holidays from December 29 to January 4) Tour From a Local Guide and Shipbuilder! Shioya Bay E-Bike Tour to Discover the Traditional Event "Ungami" & Sabani Boat Cruises [Tour Outline] On the first day of the Boar after the Kyu-Bon (Old Bon) Festival (September 2, 2023), Shioya Bay will host "Ungami," a traditional event to pray for a good harvest and good health. The men of the village row a haarii boat (a traditional Okinawan dragon boat) to the goal in Shioya Bay. The women, waist-deep in the sea, cheer enthusiastically while beating drums and welcoming the competitors with songs and dances. Ungami, held in Shioya Bay, is designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property by the government of Japan, and is a festival that has continued for more than 400 years without change. Visitors can explore the spirituality and mystique of the festival by e-biking around the area where Ungami is held. You can also cruise the clear blue waters of Shioya Bay on a Sabani (a boat used in Okinawa and surrounding islands since ancient times). Photo:Ungami [Price] 9,000 yen/person (※Minimum of 2 people) [Time Required] 3 hours [Group Sizes] 2-6 People [Tour Period] Year-round (closed during the year-end and New Year holidays from December 29 to January 4) [Yanbaru World Natural Heritage Site] A Cycling Tour Around the Area Where the Traditional Event Ungami Is Held [Tour Outline] Cycling through the traditional area where Ungami is held, you can explore the spirituality and mystique of the area. Guided by local guides, the tour will take you along paths known only by the members of the community. Photo:Cycling around the village [Price] 6,000 yen/person [Time Required] 2 hours [Group Sizes] 2-20 people [Tour Period] January, February, March, July, August, September Canoe Trip Around Miyagi Island [Tour Outline] Travel around the small island in Ogimi Village's Shioya Bay by canoe. This is a rare experience with which to explore Ogimi Village, the Village of Longevity, from the open sea! A local guide will take you around, so first-timers need not worry. You can see the canoe tours at 01:10 in the video. Photo:A canoe tour [Price] 7,000 yen/person (Tax included) [Time Required] 2 hours [Group Sizes] 2-20 people [Tour Period] January, February, March, July, August, September The Best Place to See the Southern Cross! Yanbaru Forest Starry Sky Tour With a Local Guide [Tour Outline] Local guides, who are certified starry sky sommeliers, will provide commentary that will allow you to enjoy the starry sky of Yanbaru, which stretches as far as the eye can see. Binoculars and telescopes are provided, so you can enjoy a real starry sky tour without any equipment. Okinawa is the only place in Japan where the Southern Cross can be seen, and this beautiful starry sky keeps watch over the residents of Ogimi Village. ※This plan is included in the basic 2-day/1-night tour plan. You can see the starry skies of Yanbaru at 01:51 in the video. Photo:The starry sky above Yanbaru [Price] 6,000 yen/person [Time Required] 2 hours [Group Sizes] 2-6 People [Tour Period] Year-round (closed during the year-end and New Year holidays from December 29 to January 4) Guided tours to activities and sights not listed above are also available by consultation. For inquiries about tour plans, please inquire using the application and inquiry form on the official website of Yonna-Ogimi. Yonna-Ogimi【Official Website】 Popular Spots When Sightseeing in Ogimi Village, Okinawa There are a ton of places to check out when visiting Ogimi Village! From famous sightseeing spots to spots hidden gems, Ogimi Village is full of scenery that will make for lifelong memories. Kijoka Seven Waterfalls The Kijoka Seven Waterfalls is a popular power spot in the Kijoka area. It's called "Seven Waterfalls" because the water changes its course seven times before cascading down into the basin. Since it's an object of worship for the local people, there is a sacred torii gate at the entrance to the waterfall and a place of worship to view the waterfall from. The clear water is sold as the mineral water "Okinawa no Meisui, Nanataki no Mizu" (沖縄の命水 七滝の水, Life Water of Okinawa, Water of the Seven Falls). Photo:Kijoka Seven Waterfalls General Information 【Address】2234, Kinyuka, Ogimi-mura, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, Japan 【Access】Approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes from the Kusuda IC on the Okinawa Expressway. 【Parking】Available Ishiyama Observatory The Ishiyama Observatory is located at the top of Mt. Ishiyama in Ogimi Village. The forests and villages of Yanbaru lie below, and the blue waters of the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean can be seen beyond. A large parking lot is available as well, so feel free to drop by with a rental car or other vehicles. Photo:Ishiyama Observatory General Information 【Address】2268-1 Nejime, Ogimi-mura, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture 【Access】Approximately 40 minutes from the Kusuda IC on the Okinawa Expressway 【Parking】30 cars Roadside Station Ogimi Yanbaru Forest Visitor Center Opened in 2020, Roadside Station Ogimi has a shop selling vegetables, meat, fish, and other specialties of Ogimi Village and northern Okinawa, as well as Restaurant Yanbaru Seaside, so you can enjoy lunch or a café and buy some souvenirs from Ogimi Village. At the 360° Dome Theater, visitors can learn about the flora and fauna of Yanbaru and life in Yanbaru through images. The top of the building is an observatory where you can view the beautiful sea. Photo:Roadside Station Ogimi Yanbaru Forest Visitor Center General Information 【Address】95 Aza-tsunami, Ogimi-mura, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture 【Access】Approximately 40 minutes from the Kusuda IC on the Okinawa Expressway 【Parking】Oversized vehicles: 9 cars, regular vehicles: 109 cars 【Business hours】 Direct sales counter: 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Restaurants: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. weekdays, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. weekends and holidays Tourist Information Center: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Ogimi Village Tour Plan Summary Ogimi Village has been recognized as the "World's Longest Living Region." What is the secret behind its longevity? What is the "Ikigai" that captivates people from around the world? The Ogimi Village tours introduced in this article offer experiences that you won't find when traveling in Okinawa normally. Sightseeing at major tourist attractions in Okinawa and staying at a resort hotel is sure to make for a great trip, but, if you're looking to get to know the people of Okinawa and the culture and history of Okinawa, then a stay in Ogimi Village is the best way to do so. Learning about the culture, history, and daily life of Ogimi Village through a tour, you might start to understand why Ogimi Village is known as the "Village of Longevity." It'd be no exaggeration to say that this trip could change your outlook on life. The local staff is looking forward to welcoming you! Photo:Ogimi Village, Okinawa For more information about the Ogimi Village tour plans introduced in this article, or if you have any questions, concerns, or would like to apply, be sure to inquire via the application and inquiry form on the Yonna-Ogimi official website. 【Official Website】Yonna-Ogimi The COOL JAPAN VIDEOS social media account for the Ogimi Marugoto Tourism Association, where you can apply for Ogimi Village tour plans is as follows: For the latest information on Ogimi Village, check out these posts. COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a Social Networking Site Dedicated to the Beauty of Japan .caption-heading-2 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.7rem; margin-bottom: 15px; max-width: 800px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 60px; } .mod-article-caption .caption-text { margin-bottom: 40px; } .caption-information-table { background-color: #efefef; margin-top: -20px; margin-bottom: 50px; padding: 20px; border-radius: 8px; width: 90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .caption-information-table.blue { background-color: #fffaef; } .caption-information-table .title { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.7rem; } @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) { .caption-information-table { width: 95%; padding: 30px 15px 30px 15px; } } .caption-heading-table .caption-text li { line-height: 2.5rem; margin-top: 1.3rem; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { position: relative; border-left: 5px solid #ff1300; padding-left: 10px; margin-top: 60px; } .mod-article-caption .caption-text { margin-bottom: 50px; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading-table { width: 95%; padding: 30px 15px 1px 15px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .caption-heading-table ul{ counter-reset: listnum; /* カウンターをリセット */ list-style: none; /* 標準のスタイルは消す */ font-size: 1.5rem !important; } .caption-heading-table ul.list-style-number-jp>li{ margin-left: 1.1em; text-indent: -1.1em; font-weight: bold; } .caption-heading-table ul.list-style-number-jp>li::before{ counter-increment: listnum; /* counter-resetと同じ文字列 */ content: counter(listnum); /* カウントした数に応じて番号を表示 */ content: counter(listnum) ". 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Video article 3:07
A Look at the Japan of Today! A Gem of a Video That Condenses Nature, Traditional Culture, and Information on Popular Tourist Spots in Japan!
Travel- 382 plays
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Highlights in the Video This video, titled "[ver.2] JAPAN - Where tradition meets the future | JNTO," was created by "visit japan." It summarizes popular sightseeing spots in Japan, the charms of Japan, the wonders of Japan, and recommended destinations in Japan. Many people think of Tokyo and Kyoto as tourist destinations. However, there are many other traditional tourist spots in Japan as well. This video introduces Japan’s scenic beauty and superb views, tradition and beliefs, traditional performing arts, martial arts, and festivals, using the latest technologies, such as time-lapse and drones, in a quick, 3-minute video. There's a lot of scenery introduced in the video that even Japanese people don't know about! I hope that everyone can discover the wonder and beauty of Japan by watching this video! The video introduces countless tourist destinations, the charms of Japan, the splendor of Japan, recommended spots in Japan, and Japanese culture. This article will also introduce some of the information in the video, so be sure to follow along with the video as you read this article! Recommended Tourist Destinations in Japan ©Michio_Matsuoka Modifying This video also introduces many tourist destinations in Japan. There are many World Heritage Sites in Japan, some of which have unique cultures and history that you can't experience in other countries. For example, Itsukushima Shrine, which has an impressive vermillion red torii gate standing in the sea, and Himeji Castle, which has impressive, white castle walls, are both popular with domestic and foreign tourists. Itsukushima Shrine is shown from 0:35 in the video. Shirakawa-go, where you can stay in historic thatched-roof houses, is another tourist destination in Japan. Other tourist destinations that we highly recommend visiting include Shuri Castle (1:26) and Osaka Castle (1:41). If you're looking to go for a walk amongst magnificent natural scenery, we recommend places like Mt. Fuji and Kumano Kodo. Beautiful Sightseeing Destinations in Japan's Great Outdoors ©Kagoshima Prefecture Modifying The magnificent view of the natureof Japan shown in the video is spectacular. As of June 2019, Japan's four natural heritage sites are Shiretoko in Hokkaido, Shirakami Mountains that span Aomori and Akita, the Ogasawara Islands of Tokyo, and Yakushima in Kagoshima prefecture. Natural heritage spots where you can enjoy seasonal landscapes unique to Japan are also attracting attention as a valuable tourist destinations. Yakushima is shown from 0:35 in the video. We recommend it to those looking to go on a trip to unexplored places with spectacular views of nature that will make you forget all about the troubles of daily life. The video introduces a ton of other spots full of natural beauty that aren't listed above. There are still so many wondrous views in Japan! Sightseeing in Japan's Lively Cities! Photo:Dotonbori Walking through the bustling cities of Japan also makes for an unforgettable experience. If you're looking to visit lively spots, we recommend the Dotonbori area in Osaka. This is shown from 1:14 in the video. There are many restaurants and shopping districts around Dotonbori, Osaka, which is known as Kuidaore Town. Many popular events are held in tourist areas as well, so be sure to keep your eyes open for them. In Osaka, there's the Tower of the Sun, which was created by the artist Taro Okamoto as a symbol for the Japan World Exposition (Osaka Expo) held in Suita City, Osaka Prefecture in 1970. This famous tourist destination is introduced from 2:16 in the video. Going out to see Japanese festivals and learning about traditional Japanese performing arts and martial arts is sure to make for an unforgettable experience. Summary of Modern Day Japan After watching the video, which place caught your eye? Of course, there are many more tourist destinations, charms, and wonders in Japan, but at the very least, this article and video will get you started on your adventure! One of the best parts about sightseeing in Japan is that you can enjoy it in a way that will suit each and every person. We hope that with this video and article you've found something that piqued your interest in Japan! -
Video article 3:00
Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture - A Sightseeing Destination Embraced by the Calm Sea! Check Out Kumano Nachi Taisha and Many More Attractive Locations in Nachikatsuura, Where You Can Feel the History of Japan!
Local PR Travel- 93 plays
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About Nachikatsuura, Wakayama Prefecture This video is a promotional video titled "[Natchikatsuura Town Tourism Promotional Video] Wakayama Prefecture" (【那智勝浦町観光PR動画】和歌山県), produced by Nachikatsuura, Wakayama. Located in the warm Kansai region of Japan, the area around Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture is surrounded by some of the best tourist spots for enjoying a casual resort atmosphere on the main island of Japan. Tourists can enjoy satisfying trips to the beautiful sea, as well as to shrines and temples where you can get a taste of Japan's culture. Enjoy the beauty of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama through this article. Be sure to follow along with the video! The Rich Ocean Environment of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama Source :YouTube screenshot Located at the southern end of Honshu, Nachikatsuura, Wakayama has a mild climate throughout the year. A large amount of fish and shellfish are caught at the rich port facing the Pacific Ocean. This includes tuna as well. As Japan’s largest longline fishing port, the town has a lot of restaurants where tourists can eat fresh tuna for lunch, so we definitely recommend grabbing a bite to eat here. Tuna fishing at Katsuura Port is shown in the video at 0:10. The morning market, where visitors can taste fresh seafood, is also organized, and is usually crowded with locals and tourists alike. Another popular attraction is the market tour, where tourists can see tuna up close, guided by the staff of the fish market, in an area that is usually closed off from tourists. The Katsuura Port is five minutes walking from Nachikatsuura Station. Enjoy the Picturesque Ocean View of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama The more than 100 natural hot springs in the Nankikatsuura Onsen street are the best places to relieve yourself of fatigue! Wakayama has many Japanese ryokan where visitors can bathe in hot springs while admiring the ocean view. Bokido Cave (忘帰洞, Bokido) in Kanko Ryokan Hotel Katsuura is a rare spot where the hot spring is said to flow from a natural grotto. There's also hot springs that can be visited on a day pass, so if you're not looking to commit to an overnight stay, consider looking into this. Nankikatsuura Onsen can be seen at 0:57 in the video. Enjoying the scenic beauty of the ocean aboard the Kinomatsushima Sightseeing Boat is another great way to spend your time in Nachikatsuura. Temples and Shrines in Nachikatsuura, Wakayama Photo:Kumano Nachi Taisha Located in Kumano Kodo in Wakayama, Kumano Nachi Taisha is one of Three Shrines of Kumano, as well as a famous historical site, registered as a World Heritage Site, in Japan. You can also hike through Daimon-zaka from Kumano Nachi Taisha to Seigantoji Temple (青岸渡寺, Seigantoji) or Hiro Jinja Shrine (飛龍神社, Hiro Jinja). This can be seen in the video at 2:02. The most dangerous parts of the Kumano Kodo trail are Okumotorigoe and Kokumotorigoe at Nakahechi. The Okumotorigoe trail is an advanced course that will take up the entire day. At Hiro Jinja Shrine, an associated shrine of Kumano Nachi Taisha, tourists can visit the Nachi Falls (the largest falls in Japan) as shown in the video at 1:21. As the waterfalls themselves are worshipped as deities at this spot, the falls attract popularity as one of the most spiritual locations where visitors can be blessed by the rich natural environment. It's also a popular location for instagrammers. Another must-visit secret historical spot is Fudarakusan-ji Temple (補陀洛山寺, Fudarakusanji), on the beach facing Nachi Bay. Event Information for Nachikatsuura, Wakayama! Kumano Nachi Taisha is crowded during the Nachi Fire Festival (Nachi No Ogi Matsuri) held in July. There's also the Nachikatsuura Fireworks Festival held in August. Visiting traditional Japanese summer festivals in Wakayama will make for an unforgettable trip! Summary of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama ©T-KIMURA Modifying As shown in the video, the town of Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture has an amazing natural view of the sea and many historical temples and shrines. After watching the video I bet you're itching to book your tickets! Access to Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture is approximately 3.5 to 4 hours by train from both Osaka and Nagoya. Please visit Nachikatsuura in Wakayama – one of Japan's leading resort areas. If you haven't yet, be sure to watch the video to get a better idea of what Nachikatsuura is all about! 【Official Website]】Nachikatsuura Tourism Association https://www.nachikan.jp/en/ -
Video article 4:21
Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture Is an Amazing Tourist Destination Overflowing With Nature! Kamikochi and Matsumoto Castle Are Just Two of the Must-See Destinations! A Look at the Culture, History, and Cuisine of Matsumoto City!
Local PR Travel Nature- 659 plays
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The Popular Tourist Destination, Matsumoto This video, titled “Matsumoto Area Sightseeing Excursion” (松本地域観光周遊プラン動画), is a promotional video for Matsumoto produced by the “Matsumoto Region Union” of Matsumoto City Office. The city of Matsumoto, the second largest city in Nagano Prefecture, in Japan's Koushin'etsu Region, is a former castle town surrounded by the Japanese Alps, with Japan's national treasure Matsumoto Castle at its center. Its population is 240,415 as of June, 2019. Since the city of Matsumoto was unaffected by the allied bombing in WW2, plenty of valuable landmarks and cultural properties still remain in and around the city today. Movies and TV shows are often set in the city; visiting Matsumoto is a must when traveling around Nagano Prefecture. There are quite a few famous tourist spots in Matsumoto that are also featured in the video. As well as the natural landscape, culture, history, cuisine, and so on. Which one caught your eye? Sightseeing and Instagrammable Locations Around Matsumoto Photo:Matsumoto Castle Matsumoto Castle, a national treasure, is undoubtedly the most instagrammable spot around Matsumoto. Matsumoto Castle's towers against a backdrop of nature are shown at 0:15 in the video. Of course, there's much more to see than just the castle; there are a myriad of hidden gems throughout the city where you can enjoy the seasonal scenery of Matsumoto as well. Places rich in nature such as Takabocchi Highlands, Sashikirikyo, and Lake Hijiri are famous for their beautiful scenery. For example, Kiritoshi, a road cut through the hilly terrain, leading to Zenko Temple. There's also the mountainous villages of Asahi, Yamagata, Omi, and Ikusaka that pass on the traditions of good old Japan. Kamikochi (0:29) is a popular resort in the Northern Japan Alps with two million visitors each year; it offers one of the most famous mountain views in the country. You can both go on a hike and try mountain climbing here as well. Kamikochi, a prominent mountain resort, has attracted many foreign visitors in recent years as hiking and mountain trails at the foot of Mt. Yakedake (burning mountain) have been well developed. Photo:Kappa Bridge The hiking trail through a virgin forest, starting from Kappa Bridge to Myojin Bridge around Myojin Pond, is another great way to see the natural scenery, and is very popular. The shiny emerald color of the rivers and ponds is incredibly beautiful. Walter Weston, an English missionary, introduced the Japanese Alps to the world for the first time in the early 1900’s. He is called the father of modern mountain climbing; Weston Monument, a relief to honor his memory, is situated on the gigantic rocks facing Mt. Kasumizawa and Mt. Roppyaku. The Weston Festival is held annually in June. In terms of lodging, there's Kamikochi Onsen Hotel, Kamikochi Imperial Hotel, and Kamikochi Taishoike Hotel. For reservations and pricing, please refer to the official website. These tourist hotspots are shown throughout the video, so be sure to check out what Matsumoto has to offer. The local horse race held in Takabocchi Higlands (1:10) is another popular event. Seeing the race horses running before your eyes is an exhilarating experience. If you go up north a bit, Chikuhoku Village (2:25) will welcome you with Shunara Buddha Stone Statues and Mount Kamurigi, also called Ubasuteyama after an old fable. There are many other tourist spots, such as Kiritoshi, in the area. You can also get a taste of art at the Matsumoto Museum of Art in downtown Matsumoto. The History of Matsumoto Photo:Narai-juku Matsumoto is now a part of central Nagano Prefecture, and one of the most famous places in the city is Kaichi School, the oldest elementary school in Japan. It's often featured in the media, and is registered as an important cultural and historical property. There are many other places to visit in Matsumoto, but if you're looking for a place to walk around, Narai-juku is the best place to visit. Narai, located in the middle of Nakasendo, flourished as a prominent post town. It was once referred to as "Narai of a Thousand Houses." It used be at the highest altitude among all the 11 towns of Kiso; the townscape is registered as an "Important Preservation District of Historic Buildings." Dining in Matsumoto Photo:A Watermill at Azumino Daio Wasabi Farm, Nagano Prefecture The area around Matsumoto is known for its deep mountainous villages and harsh weather, yet these very conditions make it possible for you to enjoy the rustic food of the mountains. The countless local products include Shiojiri Grand Wine, Azumino soba noodles, wasabi from Daio Wasabi Farm, Ikusakarat, premium branded grapes of Ikusaka village, and various highland vegetables which are grown utilizing the high altitude. In addittion, Karasawa Soba Village boasts seven soba restaurants on a single street. You should try Takana-meshi (rice), a leading local specialty of Nagano. Takana (mustard leaf) is very popular as a souvenir as well. Furthermore, the Shinshu Region, where Matsumoto is located, is the second largest apple producer in the country ranked second only after Aomori Prefecture. The smell of sweet apples fills the orchards of Misato in the fall. The video shows ripe apples at 1:48. There are 14 major streets in the downtown area around Matsumoto Station. Nakamachi and Nawate Street provide you with a plethora of cafes, sweets parlors, and ramen restaurants; you can pick any of them for lunch or enjoy several as you eat your way through the area. Summary of Matsumoto, Nagano There are numerous fun-filled sightseeing spots around the city where you can take in the magnificent scenery and sweeping views. We can’t cover all the attractions here, but the video, “Matsumoto Area Sightseeing Excursion,” shows everything you need to know about the beautiful city. Once you see the images yourself, you'll be packing your bags in no time! Come check out Matsumoto- It'll be an experience you won't soon forget! -
Video article 2:12
Tokamachi City in Niigata Prefecture is a great sightseeing spot where you can experience the great outdoors in a natural setting! Which activity would you like to experience, skiing, SUP, rafting, etc.?
Local PR Things to Do Nature- 72 plays
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Outdoor Sightseeing Video Introduction of Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture This is a video to promote outdoor tourism in Tokamachi, a city located in the southern part of Niigata prefecture. Here, we will introduce you to some of the nature-rich sightseeing spots in the Shinanogawa area of Niigata Prefecture. The video introduces a variety of outdoor activities in various spots and seasons, including rivers, plateaus, and snowy mountains. There's sure to be something for everyone! Outdoor Locations in Tokamachi, Niigata Photo:glamping If you want to go camping in Tokamachi city, we recommend the beautiful Daigonji Kogen Camping Ground or the Fushikurojoseki Camping Ground. You can see the scenery at each campground at 0:29 in the video. Besides that, there are also facilities where you can enjoy the popular activity "glamping" around Tokamachi. There are various outdoor activities to enjoy in Tokamachi city, such as cycling along the Shinanogawa river, SUP (Stand Up Paddle Boarding) at the Shinanogawa river, canoeing, and rafting down the amazing Shinanogawa river. These can be seen at 0:39 in the footage. Known as one of the areas of Japan that has extremely heavy snowfall, there are many famous tourist spots where you can enjoy winter activities in Tokamachi city. It's been designated a special heavy snowfall area, so you know the snow will be great! You can also try cross-country skiing in the scenery of the great outdoors, or airboarding and snow biking at the Matsunoyama Onsen Ski Resort. These winter activities are shown from 1:24 in the video. Appealing Tourist Spots in Tokamachi City ©Koichi_Hayakawa Modifying In addition to Chotokuji Temple, which is famous for Senju Kannon (the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy), the stone Buddha of Hachi, where approximately 200 stone Buddhas are enshrined, Suwa Shrine and Matsuo Shrine, Saieiji Temple, and Jinguji Temple, a nationally renowned sight and national monument, and Tashiro no Nanatsugama, are all must-see tourist spots that show the history of Tokamachi city. You can also visit the ruins of Oida Castle, which was home to a local wealthy family during the Kamakura period. At the Tokamachi Museum, you can see the flame-shaped earthenware that was found in the area. Kiyotsu Gorge, the Hoshitoge rice terrace fields, and the beech forest, given the name Bijinbayashi, are all secret tourist spots overflowing with natural beauty. The Art Festival of the Earth - Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, one of the world's largest art festivals, attracts many visitors as well. When you visit Tokamachi city of Niigata prefecture, be sure to try the local cuisine. The Kashiwazaki Tai Chazuke (sea bream rice with tea), Soba inari, and Hegi soba are famous local specialties. Traditions of Tokamachi City In Tokamachi, Shinbo Kodaiji Bushi, which is said to be the root of Japanese folk music, has been passed down since ancient times. Akakura Kagura, which has been passed down from one generation to the next in Akakura Village, is a Shinto ritual within which you can feel the traditions of Japan. Tokamachi Kouta, which was made for the commercial of the traditional "Akashi Chijimi," is performed at the Tokamachi Summer Festival. In the city, the Tokamachi Snow Festival is held in the winter season and it's always a lively event. There are places where you can experience making Tsumariyaki, a traditional craft of Tokamachi, using soil from the area. Tokamachi city is also the second largest producer of silk fabrics after Kyoto, and is even called “Kimono town” for having many kimono and fabric shops. Accommodations in and Around Tokamachi If you're traveling to Tokamachi, we recommend staying at Hikari no Yakata, a hotel built by James Turrell in the image of Junichiro Tanizaki’s book “In the Praise of Shadows.” There are also many appealing hot spring inns in the city, so choose the one that suits you best. Summary of Tokamachi, Niigata Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we introduced the outdoor activities in Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture as well as tourist attractions and traditional performing arts that are featured in the video. We hope you enjoyed reading about some of the attractions of Tokamachi, as it has a lot to offer. As you can see in the video, Tokamachi city, where the magnificent Shinanogawa river flows, is a great place to visit for those looking to actively experience nature. This video introduces many outdoor activities, such as skiing and SUP. Find anything you're interested in? It might be difficult deciding what to do when there's so many options! 【Official Website】Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture Town Hall Website http://www.city.tokamachi.lg.jp/english/index.html