Video article 10:53
Ayano Nakamura - The Breathtaking World Champion Karate Practitioner Shares Her Thoughts on the Sport
Sports Traditional Culture Celebrities- 3.05K plays
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World Karate Champion, Ayano Nakamura This video shows an interview with world champion Ayano Nakamura, about karate. Approved as an official game of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, karate is very popular internationally as a form of self-defense, mental training, and sport. Have you hear of the movie Karate Kid? If you recall, the story is about a boy who practices karate, and through that he grows as a person. Three entries were made for the blockbuster, and it captured the hearts of audiences all over the world with its themes of martial arts and spirit. Currently, there are about 70 million karate practitioners worldwide. This interview with Ayano Nakamura, winner of the 2017 Karate World Championships, introduces what karate is and what makes it appealing. What is Karate? Photo:Karate Karate is a Japanese martial art that focuses on using the hands and elbows for defense. Although there are various views on the origin of karate, it is rooted in an old Okinawan martial art called "te" (手, te) or "karate" (唐手, karate) which was popular among samurai in the Ryukyu Kingdom (present day Okinawa) as an art of self-defense. Later, it was blended with a Chinese martial art and the base for the karate we know today was formed. The martial art has adopted the three elements: spirit, technique, and physique. Karate has countless styles. The most famous ones are the four major styles of karate: Shotokan style, Goju style, Wado style, and Shito style) and the three major styles of Okinawan karate (Goju style, Uechi style, and Kobayashi style). Although the names of the kata (form of movement, posture, etc. in martial arts) are the same, each school has its own characteristics. At countless gyms and schools of karate throughout Japan, many people are practicing karate to learn about the Japanese spirit and manners as well. Two Types of Sports Karate: Kata and Kumite Sports karate has two types: kata and kumite. In kata, practitioners compete on precision and speed, while in kumite, practitioners compete on how precisely they can hit a certain body part of the opponent. Basic Kata of Karate Photo:Karate Ayano Nakamura mastered Shotokan style karate which has 25 types of kata. As the phrase goes "karate is not for attacking" every kata starts with a block instead of an attack. Trainees master basic kata such as punches, kicks, and blocks first, then move on to more complicated kata. Well-known kata are "Bassaidai," "Kankudai," "Enbi," and "Jion" etc. What Can You Learn From Karate? Learning techniques is of course important in karate. However, observing rules always comes first in the martial art. As "karate is not for attacking" implies, controlling your techniques is more important than anything else in karate. Summary of Karate Source :YouTube screenshot In this interview, Ayano Nakamura describes the traditional Japanese culture "Karate." She focuses more on the mental aspect of karate, manners, etc., rather than the aspect of karate as a martial art. Karate gives more importance what it means to be a fighter, such as making eye contact while talking and greeting. To be strong is one of the ultimate goals of martial arts. Ayano Nakamura hopes, however, that everyone develops a tender heart to care for others, and develops the courage to overcome obstacles through karate. In this video, Ayano Nakamura explains what makes karate attractive and demonstrates her karate techniques. Check out her sharp, impressive movements and powerful will! -
Video article 3:20
Traditional Japanese Wagashi Is Now a Work of Art! Why Is Wagashi Suddenly Gaining So Much Attention?
Food & Drink- 164 plays
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日本伝統の「和菓子」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Japan Video Topics - 日本語」が公開した「伝統の和菓子が魅せる新しい世界」です。 日本人の伝統料理「和食」が無形文化遺産に登録されたのが2013年。 和食はたちまちブームになり、世界中に日本料理店ができました。 そして今、日本食の中でも伝統のお菓子「和菓子」が人気を集めています。 日本特有の季節の風情を反映させ、おもてなしの心が込められる和食と和菓子は、その繊細な見た目と味、そしてヘルシーさが世界中で評価されているのです。 美しい様々な和菓子やその歴史、作り方をこちらの動画でお楽しみください。 日本伝統のお菓子「和菓子」の種類と原料 和菓子には、生菓子、半生菓子、干菓子の大きく3つの種類があります。 生菓子はおはぎや羊羹、練り切りなど水分量が30%以上のお菓子のことを言い、干菓子は落雁(らくがん)やあられなどの水分量が10%以下のもの、半生菓子は最中や饅頭などの生地や餡を組み合わせたものを指します。 いずれの和菓子も基本的な原料として、豆、米類などが使われていて、砂糖以外の食材の甘味を生かしています。 食材は和食のように種類豊富ではありませんが、出来上がるお菓子はその形や色で季節を感じさせてくれます。 見る人の目を楽しませる「練り切り」とレシピ 様々な種類がある和菓子ですが、中でも見た目が美しくて繊細なのが「練り切り」です。 練り切りの材料には、白いんげんなどの白い豆が使われています。 修行を積んだ職人が、豆を煮て潰し、それを練り上げ、色をつけて形を整えて作られます。 この形を整える過程で様々な繊細な細工が施され、四季を色鮮やかに表現することが特徴です。 日本の伝統的なおもてなしの場で 練り切りは、お客様を日本伝統の「お茶」でおもてなしをする際に古くから使われています。 苦味の強いお茶の味を、見た目が美しい和菓子の繊細な甘さがまろやかにするのです。 アートとしての練り切り このように見た目が美しい練り切りを、お菓子の枠を超えて一種の芸術として表現しているのが、和菓子職人の三堀純一氏です。 食べる和菓子としての完成品の練り切りのみならず、その練り切りを作るための様々な小道具、作る過程の和菓子職人の所作など一つ一つに、一般的には見られることがなかった趣があります。 三堀氏は、この練り切りが作られる過程を楽しんでもらう空間を作り上げ、たちまち世界で評価されるようになりました。 見たこともないような専門道具を使いながら繊細な曲線を描き、華やかなアート作品に仕上げていく。 舌を楽しませる前に、目と心を楽しませ、伝統を感じさせる、まさに日本が誇る“おもてなし”の空間を作っていると言えるでしょう。 日本伝統の「和菓子」紹介まとめ 和菓子は四季の情景、静寂、繊細さを感じさせる特有の美しさを持ち合わせています。 ため息が出るほど美しい職人技。 日本のおもてなしの心を伝える和菓子の動画をぜひご覧ください。 -
Video article 3:04
Unnan City in Shimane Prefecture Is Full of History and Nature! A Legendary Place of Lore, Power Spots, and Nature.... You'll Fall in Love With This Place!
Local PR Travel- 38 plays
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日本の歴史と自然が詰まった「島根県雲南市」の動画について 「島根県雲南市公式YouTube」が公開した「雲南市観光PV」は、島根県雲南市の観光スポットを紹介している動画です。 日本の歴史文化を中心に、紅葉などの美しい自然や温泉など魅力的なスポットが充実している雲南市。 インスタ映え間違いなしの景色を撮影できる場所もたくさんあるので、SNSで発信したい人にもおすすめの旅行地ですよ。 こちらの記事では、日本の歴史や自然を楽しめる島根県雲南市の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の伝統的な歴史を感じられる「島根県雲南市」 島根県雲南市といえば、ヤマタノオロチ伝説が有名。 ヤマタノオロチ伝説とは、巨大な体をした大蛇(ヤマタノオロチ)が毎年人を食べに来ていたが、スサノオノミコトが酒で酔わせてからその大蛇をやっつけたという伝説です。 雲南市にはこのヤマタノオロチ伝説の伝承地となっているスポットが数多く存在します。 その中のひとつである須我神社は、スサノオノミコトとヤマタノオロチに食べられそうになっていたクシナダヒメが造ったとされている神社です。 由緒のある日本初之宮として、多くの人が参拝しています。 スサノオノミコトが詠んだ歌の歌碑も見ることができ、古事記や歴史が好きな人には必見のスポット。 また、本殿東にある奥宮は、人気のパワースポットになっており多くの人が参拝します。 こちらの動画の0:34より見ることができます。 八口神社には、印瀬の壺神と呼ばれるヤマタノオロチを退治したときに使われた「八塩折の酒」の壷が祀られています。 ヤマタノオロチが棲んでいたといわれている天が淵という場所も穴場の歴史スポットです。 こちらの動画の1:07より見ることができます。 「島根県雲南市」で自然を楽しめる絶景スポット 島根県雲南市には四季折々の自然を鑑賞できる場所もたくさんあります。 斐伊川堤防桜並木は、さくら名所百選に選ばれている日本の景勝スポット。 川沿いに全長2kmにわたり桜並木が続いており、美しい自然を見ることができます。 また日本棚が百選にも選ばれている山王寺棚田も必見。 古き良き日本の風景や自然を堪能できます。 紅葉時に絶景を見ることができる秋の八重滝も人気の観光エリアです。 ほかには、菅谷たたら高殿、鉄の歴史博物館、近代たたら操業といった文化を楽しめるスポットも充実しています。 日本の歴史と自然が詰まった「島根県雲南市」の記事のまとめ 「島根県雲南市公式YouTube」が公開した「雲南市観光PV」では、伝統的な日本の歴史や美しい自然を楽しめる島根県雲南市を紹介している動画です。 神秘的な雰囲気のある須我神社は古事記の物語を知っているとよりいっそう楽しめる場所になっていますよ。 田舎の風景や自然に癒やされたい人にもおすすめの場所です。 -
Video article 17:39
More Than Just the Tottori Sand Dunes! Enjoy Nature, Food, and Culture in a Land of Myths and Popular Anime!
Local PR Travel- 68 plays
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人気観光スポット鳥取県の魅力を伝える動画の見どころ こちらの動画は「とっとり動画ちゃんねる」が公開した「The Choice of Tottori」です。 あなたは鳥取の観光に対してどれほどの関心があるでしょうか。 今回の動画は鳥取県の魅力を伝える動画になっています。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の豊かな自然 動画の0:47で、鳥取の情報を伝えてくれるのは鳥取観光大使の松本若菜さんです。 鳥取鳥取へのアクセスは以外と近く、羽田空港からは1時間15分でアクセスできます。 1:19から松本若菜さんが紹介するのは、鳥取県の自然観光です。 穏やかな気候の多い鳥取の自然を6つご紹介します。 1) 山陰海岸ジオパーク 浦富海岸では遊覧船やカヌーなどのアクティビティが楽しめます。 2) 鳥取砂丘 日本でも屈指の名所である鳥取砂丘に自然に作られる風紋は圧巻の景色です。 また、砂の美術館も併設され、砂の制作による様々な展示が行われています。 3) 白兎海岸 日本神話「因幡の白兎」がモチーフとされ、周辺には白兎神社も併設されています。 4) 大山 登山やハイキングだけでなくスキーも楽しめ、秋の紅葉は大山の妖艶な一面を見せてくれます。 5) とっとり花回廊 日本最大級のフラワーパークで四季を通して様々な草花をご覧になることができます。 6) 智頭町 鳥取の観光で穴場で、総面積の9割が山林で、森を散策する「森林セラピー」も体験できます。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の絶品グルメ 5:59からは鳥取観光で楽しみなご当地グルメのご紹介です。 鳥取の夏は新鮮なクロマグロが楽しめます。 さらに岩ガキは生でいただける非常におすすめの魚介です。 白イカも楽しめます。 地元でしか楽しめないものとしてモサエビも挙げられます。 なにより有名な冬の鳥取のご当地グルメが松葉ガニです。 二十世紀梨も鳥取を有名にしているものです。 甘みのある味わいをぜひ現地でお楽しみください。 さらに鳥取和牛もブランドを確立しています。 しゃぶしゃぶ発祥地と言われる鳥取で、郷土料理の鳥取和牛しゃぶしゃぶをお楽しみください。 人気観光スポット鳥取県で楽しむ癒しの温泉 9:18からは温泉の様子を動画で紹介しています。 鳥取には日本の中でも個性豊かな温泉が10箇所以上あります。 中でも三朝温泉の河原風呂や海水浴場を擁する皆生温泉、はわい温泉などです。 皆生温泉ではトライアスロンのイベントが行われていることでも有名です。 岩井温泉では湯かむり唄という風習もあります。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の知られざる歴史と文化 動画の12:07からは、鳥取県の大山にある大神山神社奥宮の社殿と断崖に建てられた三徳山三佛寺が紹介されています。 特に三佛寺は日本国宝の投入堂があります。 この景勝地は日本の国宝で最も危険なものとも言われており、断崖からの景観は絶景です。 鳥取の歴史文化では白壁土蔵群・赤瓦の町並みエリアが有名です。 浴衣の女性が歩く景色が白壁に非常に映えます。 また、伝統芸能と民芸品を集めた鳥取民藝美術館には多くの民芸品が展示されています。 漫画家の水木しげる先生、青山剛昌先生、谷口ジロー先生なども鳥取の出身で、日本有数の漫画王国とも言われています。 水木しげるロードには妖怪の銅像が並ぶ新たな観光スポットとして有名になりました。 人気観光スポット鳥取県紹介まとめ 動画を通じて鳥取の魅力をたっぷり紹介しました。 今回の動画を参考に鳥取旅行のプランやルートを考えて、素敵な観光をお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:55
An Introduction to the Traditional Summer Festivals of Minami Uonuma, Niigata Prefecture. Fireworks, Taiko Drums, Portable Shrines, Bon Dances... This Japanese Summer Tradition Is Full of Smiling Faces!
Local PR- 86 plays
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新潟県南魚沼市の人気夏祭りを紹介 こちらの動画は「南魚沼市観光協会」が公開した「南魚沼市観光PR動画【夏まつり】/ Japan's Must-See Destination: Niigata Minamiuonuma【SUMMER FESTIVAL】」です。 「夏は日本のお祭りをたくさん体験したい!」 日本の伝統的なお祭りや花火大会など、たくさん夏祭りに参加したいと思っている方は多いのではないでしょうか? そのような方に、新潟県の南魚沼市で体験できる夏祭りを紹介いたします。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光地である南魚沼市の人気の夏祭りや、少し変わった夏祭りなどの情報を紹介します。 南魚沼市で開催されている夏祭りを紹介している動画も是非ご覧ください。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市の伝統的な夏祭り 日本の観光地である南魚沼市には、盆踊りや、神輿、獅子舞、御囃子といった伝統的な行事を楽しめる祭りが多くあります。 塩沢まつりは南魚沼市を代表する夏祭りです。 踊り屋台や樽神輿、神楽、よさこい踊りといった、さまざまなイベントが開催されており、大人から子どもまで楽しめる祭り。 南魚沼市兼続公まつりも、南魚沼市で人気のある夏祭りです。 美しい伝統芸能が特徴の夏祭りで、たくさんの人が訪れます。 直江兼続と姫の恋物語を謳った民謡でおどる「お六流し」はとても人気のイベント。 樽みこしや、和太鼓の迫力のある演奏も聞くことができ、とても盛り上がります。 日本の伝統的な行事を楽しめる夏祭りは、どれもおすすめです。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市の絶景の花火大会 南魚沼市で開催される花火大会もすばらしい景勝を楽しめるのでおすすめです。 しおざわ夏祭り花火大会は、地域密着型の人気の花火大会です。 花火の打ち上げ数はそこまで多くはないですが、花火の打ち上げ場所の近くで鑑賞することができ、目の前で大迫力の花火を体感できます。 また、地元の人は自宅で見る方が多いのであまり混まないのも特徴。 ゆったり美しい花火を鑑賞したい人には特におすすめの花火大会です。 他にも南魚沼市地域最大級の花火大会である南魚沼市兼続公まつり大煙火大会もおすすめです。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市のちょっと変わった夏祭り 新潟県の南魚沼市にはちょっと変わった夏祭りもあります。 鮎やアトラクションを楽しめる、鮎まるかじり祭りです。 鮎まるかじり祭りは鮎を焼く広い施設があり、炭火焼きのおいしい鮎を焼いてくれます。 その鮎を河川敷で食べることができ、美しい景色とおいしい鮎を同時に楽しみ、贅沢な時間を体験できます。 南魚沼市の夏祭りの紹介まとめ こちらの動画は、南魚沼市の魅力あふれるさまざまな夏祭りを紹介しており、日本の祭り好きには必見の動画。 さまざまな夏祭りを体験できる南魚沼市。 気になる祭りがあったら、ぜひ参加してみましょう! -
Video article 5:14
Choshi City in Chiba Prefecture Was Once a Port Town That Supported the Food Culture of the People of Edo. Even Today, Choshi, Which Was a Favorite Among Ukiyo-E Artists, Still Attracts Many People
Local PR- 31 plays
- YouTube
千葉県銚子市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「千葉県銚子市」が公開した「【銚子市PR動画】日出ずる街 銚子 -Here Comes The Sun-【Choshi City】」です。 千葉県銚子市にはさまざまな魅力がつまり、日本を観光するなら是非チェックしてください。 千葉県銚子市紹介動画の見どころ 動画の1:33からは日本酒の製造過程をご覧になることができます。 2:20からは銚子市名物のひ志おと呼ばれる味噌のような見た目と醤油に近い風味を持ち合わせた調味料が。 動画の2:37からご覧になれる銚子電鉄で鉄道の旅を楽しんでみてはいかがですか。 千葉県銚子市とは 銚子市は千葉県に存在している日本の港町の1つ。 しらすをはじめ、さまざまな海鮮物が楽しめます。 千葉県銚子市紹介まとめ 千葉県銚子市には魅力的な観光スポットが数多く存在します。 日本へ観光の際には是非訪れたいスポットです。 -
Video article 12:08
Kyoto's Summer Attractions Introduced in Beautiful 4K! Cool River Terraces, Obon, the Goryo Festival, and More... Check Out Some of the Best Ways To Enjoy Summer in Kyoto!
Travel- 163 plays
- YouTube
Tons of Fun To Be Had During a Summer Trip To Kyoto! This video, titled "[4K]Kyoto summer JAPAN 京都の夏 観光 旅行 五山 送り火 灯篭流し 清水寺 鴨川 納涼床 風物詩 川床 Festival August Trip Visiting Guide," was published by Discover Nippon. Kyoto is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan and is an ancient capital that has been around for more than 1,000 years. Kyoto, being a basin, gets very hot during summer! However, it's exactly because of Kyoto's harsh summers that there are many summer poems and cool spots that you can enjoy in the ancient capital. In this article, we'll introduce some of Kyoto’s summer traditions alongside a high-resolution video! Cool off Along Kyoto's Kamo River on the Way To Arashiyama Photo:Pontocho, Kyoto On days when it's so hot you start sweating just lying about, taking a stroll along the Kamo River to Arashiyama (嵐山, Arashiyama) is a great way to cool off and is a popular sightseeing route. There are many restaurants along the riverbank that offer platforms to cool off over the Kamo River, and we recommend enjoying a delicious lunch while soaking up the negative ions. This can be seen from 5:48 in the video. After that, consider checking out Arashiyama, one of the most popular tourist spots in Kyoto, and enjoy Togetsukyo Bridge (渡月橋, Togetsukyo) and other popular tourist spots in Kyoto? Gozan Okuribi - One of the Main Attractions of Kyoto During Summer Photo:Gozan Okuribi, Kyoto When it comes to summer in Japan, Obon is one of the most celebrated festivals. Gozan Okuribi has been designated an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan by the city of Kyoto as an important Bon event to send off ancestors to Buddhist paradise. The festival is nicknamed "Daimonji-yaki" (大文字焼き) because on August 16, during the sending off of ancestors during the Bon Festival, the character "大" meaning "big" (pronounced “dai”) is lit on Higashiyama after the sun goes down. Following Higashiyama, the characters "妙" and "法" (wondrous dharma, referring to Buddhism) are lit on Matsugasaki, a fire resembling a boat is lit on Nishigamo, and another "大" is lit on Kita Daisen. Lanterns then float down the river, illuminating the beautiful summer nightscape of Kyoto. This can be seen from 8:15 in the video. If You’re Visiting Kyoto in Early Spring, We Recommend the Goryo Festival Source :YouTube screenshot Shown at 3:33 in the video is the Goryo Festival (御陵祭り). This festival is held at Goryo Shrine, which is said to be the birthplace of the Goryo faith practiced in various parts of Japan. Since 2009, the parade of portable shrines through the city has been revived, making early summer sightseeing in Kyoto even more exciting! The Gion Festival - The Most Popular Event in Kyoto During the Hot Summer Months Photo:The Gion Festival, Kyoto The Gion Festival (祇園祭, Gion Matsuri), one of the three major festivals of Japan, is an event that heralds the arrival of summer in Kyoto. It's no exaggeration to say that Kyoto is consumed by the Gion Festival in July. The Gion Festival is a traditional festival held at Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto. The climax of the festival is Yamaboko Junko, a parade of floats through the city, held on July 17 and 24. On this day, many tourists dress up in kimono or yukata and enjoy the beautiful and majestic Yamaboko floats as they parade through the city. On the day of Yamaboko Junko, many travel agencies offer special tatami room dinner plans for tourists. When It Comes To Kyoto, the Temples and Shrines Are a Must-See! Photo:Ryozen Gokoku Shrine, Kyoto Touring shrines and temples is an essential part of sightseeing in the ancient capital of Kyoto, a place where one can feel the history in the air. Here we'll introduce a tour of temples and shrines in Kyoto that you can visit at night during the hot summer, as seen in the video. ・Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Shrine (京都霊山護国神社, Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Jinja) (video 3:35-) Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Shrine is a shrine dedicated to the spirits of the dead, and during the Mitama Festival, the shrine is lit up with many lanterns to welcome the spirits of the dead. ・Kiyomizudera Temple (清水寺, Kiyomizudera) (video 4:45-) In the summer, Kiyomizudera Temple hosts "Sennichi-mairi," a thousand-day pilgrimage where you can accumulate the virtue of a thousand days by visiting the temple for just one. On this day, there is also a special "Yoi-mairi" event that allows visitors to visit Kiyomizudera Temple at night making the temple bustling with visitors all day long. Gourmet Food in Kyoto You Don't Want To Miss When Sightseeing! Photo:Japanese sweets Kyoto is a city where you can enjoy a variety of gourmet foods from all over the country, but this time I want to recommend some gourmet spots between Nijo Dori and Gojo Dori. The area is lined with popular Kyoto kaiseki restaurants, international cuisine, and famous Japanese confectionery shops. Summary of Summer Sightseeing in Kyoto Photo:Kaju-ji Temple, Kyoto Kyoto is a popular tourist destination with many sightseeing spots, such as temples, shrines, and rich natural scenery that attract tourists all year round. The beautiful green maple leaves at Kifune Shrine (貴船神社, Kifune Jinja), "Kyo no Tanabata" at Nijo Castle, and the lotus blossoms at Kaju-ji Temple (勧修寺, Kajuji), a place famous for its cherry blossoms, are all places that you won't want to miss during your summer sightseeing adventure in Kyoto. In Kyoto, the roads are laid out in a grid formation, a remnant of Heian-kyo (平安京, Heian-Kyo), and the entire city is seemingly one massive tourist destination. During the harsh summer months, it's popular to take a one-day tour of Kyoto's sightseeing spots on a rickshaw with a sunshade, as you can see at 1:37 in the video. -
Video article 2:06
Nishinoshima Is an Island in Shimane Prefecture Home to a Spectacular View of the Sea of Japan and an Abundance of Traditional Culture. Enjoy the Charms of Nishinoshima Island, Where You Can Live With Nature!
Local PR- 32 plays
- YouTube
日本海に位置する島根県の隠岐諸島・西ノ島 こちらの動画は「島根県 西ノ島町」が公開した「Nishinoshima Town 自然と生きる、自然に生きる。島根県、西ノ島。Japan in its natural state. You in your natural place.」です。 島根県の隠岐諸島に属する西ノ島は、島根県本土から約65km離れた日本海沖合の島。 そこには、西ノ島独自の歴史を残す観光スポット、自然の恵みを受けたグルメ、インスタ映えする景勝地などのたくさんの魅力と出会うことができます。 そんな日本の穴場人気エリアである島根県西ノ島の観光動画をご紹介します! 島根県西ノ島への交通アクセスは? 島根県西ノ島へ旅行する際には航路がおすすめです。 島根県七類港か鳥取県境港からフェリーや高速船が出ており、日本海の景色を楽しみながら移動することができますよ。 西ノ島の玄関・別府港にある西ノ島町観光協会で借りられるレンタサイクルでは、西ノ島大橋から臨む日本海をぜひ味わっていただきたいです。 別府港周辺では隠岐国賀海岸を借りられるお店もあるので、島内の移動に便利。 島根県西ノ島の自然の壮観美! 日本有数の景観美を誇る西ノ島の隠岐国賀海岸は、動画の0:18から紹介されています。 西ノ島町沿岸にそびえる荒々しい岩や地層の美しさは圧巻。 国賀海岸浜辺からは、独特な姿の通天橋、高さ257mから絶景を味わえる摩天崖などに続く遊歩道が整備されています。 また、国賀海岸めぐり遊覧船では海上から、赤尾展望所では上空から国賀海岸を観光できます。 島根県西ノ島の豊かなグルメ 西ノ島では、動画の0:27で流れる浦郷漁港などでの漁業、0:20からの草地や山林で放牧した牛や馬をはじめとする自然の恵みを受けたグルメを味わえます。 人気の日本食である刺身や寿司などの海鮮が盛んで、特に釣りたてのサザエは絶品! 観光で歩き疲れたら、おいしい西ノ島グルメで一休みしましょう。 島根県西ノ島の歴史的建造物と伝統文化 日本海の海上安全の神とされる隠岐諸島最古の神社・焼火神社(焼火権現)、イカの伝説をもつ由良比女神社、後醍醐天皇が過ごしたとされる黒木御所跡など、観光名所の歴史的建造物が多く存在する西ノ島。 また、古くから続く祭りも多く継承されており、動画の1:05から紹介されている「美田八幡宮の田楽」「日吉神社の庭の舞」は日本の無形民俗文化財に指定されています。 「由良比女神社大祭」では花火も打ちあがり、西ノ島の夜を彩ります。 自然あふれる島根県西ノ島の魅力紹介まとめ 西ノ島の絶景の中を駆け抜けるハーフマラソンや、隠岐の雄大な海を楽しめる外浜海水浴場など、親子でも楽しめるイベントや観光スポットもたくさんの島根県西ノ島。 日本海の絶景や伝統文化など、ここ西ノ島でしか味わえない体験ができます。 動画で紹介されている観光地や観光イベントを通して、西ノ島の魅力を味わう旅に出かけましょう! -
Video article 19:15
The Grandeur of Nature on Tokunoshima in the Amami Islands! Kagoshima Prefecture's World-Class Tourist Attractions Are a Tropical Paradise That Should Be on Your List of Places to See!
Local PR- 73 plays
- YouTube
鹿児島県奄美市エリアの絶景をご紹介! こちらの「徳之島観光「島たび」(ロングバージョン)」は、鹿児島県の南に位置する奄美群島の一つである徳之島の絶景が堪能出来る動画となっています。 雄大な自然の景色が特徴の徳之島。 日本の自然を思う存分に堪能できる絶景観光スポットとなっています。 また、日本の歴史や文化を知ることが出来る建造物も数多くあり、島唄、美味しいご当地グルメ等、見どころが目白押しです。 今回はそんな日本の鹿児島県奄美群島の一つである徳之島について、詳しく紹介をしていきます。 徳之島には珍しい動植物が沢山! 奄美群島の中でも二番目に大きいとされる徳之島は、『東洋のガラパゴス』と言われるほどに数多くの貴重な動植物を有しています。 森の中には、徳之島固有種でもあるアマミノクロウサギが、海には最大の野生動物とされるザトウクジラや日本一と言えるくらい多くのウミガメが生息していたりと、本州では中々お目にかかれないような動物が多く生息しており、中には絶滅危惧種の生物もいます。 鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の観光名所! 奄美群島・徳之島周辺の観光スポットは、いずれも自然が織りなす美しい絶景が魅力。 インスタ映えする景色には事欠きません。 現在の天皇陛下が皇太子時代に訪れたことが由来で、動画2:48に紹介されている畦プリンスビーチ、動画4:25で紹介されている樹齢300年以上のソテツで構成された金見崎ソテツトンネル、動画5:03で紹介されている釣りやダイビングの地として有名なトンバラ岩、徳之島の魅力溢れる断崖絶壁の地である犬の門蓋など、多くの観光スポットが存在します。 特に動画6:23で紹介をされているメガネ岩や動画14:13で紹介されている樹齢300年にもなるガジュマルは、その特徴的な見た目からインスタ映えスポットとして注目を集めています。 見るだけでは終わらない鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の魅力! 日本でも屈指の観光名所である鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島ですが、勿論見るだけでは終わりません。 まずは動画10:55で紹介されている島レストラン「ヤドゥリ」で徳之島のご当地グルメに舌鼓を打つのも悪く無いでしょう。 その後は、夜行貝のペンダントを実際に作ることが出来る「夜行貝ブルーシェル」で伝統工芸を、三味線教室で伝統文化を体験するのもおすすめです。 これらの他にも、時期によってはトライアスロンやサーフィン等のマリンスポーツ、キャンプも楽しむことが出来るので、鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島を余すところなく堪能しましょう。 鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の魅力紹介まとめ 貴重な動植物を多く残す、鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島について紹介をさせて頂きました。 綺麗な自然ならではの景色と生物、そして全国でも希少な闘牛など、動画でたっぷりと堪能出来るので、ぜひご覧下さい。 見るだけでなく体験もして楽しむことが出来る鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島。 ぜひ動画とこの記事を参考に、観光を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 3:14
Aomori Is a Place Overflowing With Nature and Culture! Gourmet, Traditions, Festivals, You Name It. Aomori Has Plenty to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 30 plays
- YouTube
青森県エリアのグルメと文化の紹介動画の見どころ こちらの動画は「AOMORI JAPAN」が公開した「Aomori Gourmet & Culture Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 青森」です。 青森県を観光する際に押さえておきたいグルメ、歴史や文化について簡潔に分かりやすく紹介されています。 こちらの記事では、動画で紹介されている青森県のグルメや歴史・文化を動画と共に紹介します。 青森県のグルメはこんなに沢山ある! 青森県は、皆さんご存じの林檎の名産地としても知られていますが、海に面していることから、日本食と深い繋がりのある海鮮系の料理が豊富なことでも有名です。 動画の0:10で紹介をされている『弘前中央青果』、動画の0:22で紹介されている『古川市場』はその象徴とも呼べる人気のグルメスポットです。 市場ではその場で料理をしてくれるところもあり、動画の0:36からご覧になれる人気の「のっけ丼」は、青森観光では絶対に外せない逸品です。 他にも、動画の0:45で紹介をされている煮干しで出汁を取った煮干しラーメン、青森県の豊かな自然で産まれた倉石牛、ほたてのしゃぶしゃぶ、大間のマグロに八戸えんぶり、イカの炭火焼や十和田バラ焼き等、青森観光の際には外せないグルメが多くあります。 日本酒も有名で、代表銘柄『玉垂』の中村亀吉酒造や代表銘柄『陸奥八仙』の八戸酒造はご存知の方も多いのでは無いでしょうか? 観光に訪れた際のお土産には、津軽路手焼きせんべいをおすすめします。 青森県で日本の文化を楽しむ! 青森県には日本的な文化が多くあり、グルメと共に、ぜひ足を運んでみたい観光名所が沢山あります。 代表的なのが『ワ・ラッセ』という青森市文化観光交流施設で、青森県の文化と深い繋がりのある「ねぶた祭り」について、体験をしながら学ぶことが出来ます。 その美しさから日本のみならず世界でも注目をされている津軽打刃物と日本の伝統工芸品である津軽塗、この青森の地方の名前がついている津軽三味線、他ではあまりご覧になることの無い津軽鉄道ストーブ列車等、古き良き日本の文化を堪能することが出来ます。 青森県の文化とグルメ紹介まとめ 日本の伝統文化や自然が残る、都会とは違った日本らしさを感じさせてくれる青森県は、気候も穏やかで観光スポットも多く、旅行には最適な人気観光地です。 グルメや文化、そして自然に溢れた美しい景色や絶景も魅力で、十和田湖や相坂川はインスタ映えするスポットでもあるので、ぜひ立ち寄って見て下さい。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事が青森県への観光をご検討する後押しとなれば幸いです。 -
Video article 6:11
The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival Is One of the Five Major Festivals in Tagawa, Fukuoka, With 2 Portable Shrines and 11 Colorful Nobori Yamakasa Floats Crossing the River!
Festivals & Events Travel History- 231 plays
- Vimeo
The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival "#02 KAWAWATARI JINKOSAI" (#02 風治八幡宮 川渡り神幸祭) is a video created by "Higashikara." It introduces Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival (Fuji Hachimangu Kawawatari Jinkosai) in Tagawa, Fukuoka. The "Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival" is one of the five major festivals of Fukuoka and the largest in the Chikuho region. The five major festivals in Fukuoka include “Oniyo (Kurume),” “Hakata Gion Yamakasa” (Hakata, Fukuoka), “Kokura Gion Daiko” (Kokurakita, Kitakyushu), and “Tobata Gion Yamakasa” (Tobata, Kitakyushu). This article introduces the history and highlights of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival, which is listed an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Fukuoka. The video shows the powerful river crossing and colorful floats of the festival. What is the "Fuji Hachimangu Shrine Kawawatari Shinko Matsuri"? What is the schedule? Source :YouTube screenshot The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival, one of the five major festivals of Fukuoka, is held on the third Saturday and Sunday in May. 100,000 people visit to see the festival; twice the population of Tagawa. Eleven Nobori Yamakasa of the Uji clan, cross the Hikosan River (彦山川, Hikosangawa) accompanied by grand mikoshi (portable shrine) of Fuuji Hachimangu Shrine and the mikoshi of Shirotori Shrine (白鳥神社, Shirotorijinja). Nobori Yamakasa are portable shrines and floats with colorful flags. They can be seen throughout the video from 0:17, 3:01, and 4:45. Nobori yamakasa are decorated with five colored flags, which represent the image of rice plants and wish for bountiful harvests and good health. The highlight of the festival is “Gaburi,” in which the yamakasa is swung back and forth in the Hikosan River to splash one another. This is shown from 4:55 in the video. The Origin and History of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival has a long history, dating back 450 years (1558 to 1569). The origin of the festival is said to be the outbreak of an epidemic disease in Itamachi. The villagers prayed to Fuuji Hachimangu Shrine, the village's guardian deity, for an end to the epidemic and offered a nobori yamakasa as a sign of their gratitude. In 1970, it was listed as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Fukuoka. Highlights of the Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival is held in the Hikoyama River area between the Uomachi, Banda and Kawabata districts of Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The main event of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival is the river crossing between the Shinbashi and Banda bridges of the Hikoyama River. The festival is only about 30 minutes by car from Kyushu Expressway's Yahata Interchange, and is a short walk from the nearest station, Tagawa Ita Station on the JR and Heisei Chikuho Railway. Free parking is available during the festival, but it can get very crowded, so we recommend using public transportation. The festival has a story where the god of Fuji Hachimangu gets on a float and goes on a trip to Otabisho across the river and stays for 1 night and 2 days. The first day of the festival is called “Okudari” and the second day is called “Onobori.” The course on the second day is the opposite of the first day and returns to Fuuji Hachimangu Shrine. On the first day, “Fujihachimangu Jinkosai Shigyo” takes place. The shintai is transferred to a Mikoshi and prepares for departure. The shintai must not be seen by the public, and the body of the deity is hidden behind a white curtain and moved into the portable shrine. This can be seen at 0:47 in the video. After that, the parade is carried out through the town and is filled with sounds of whistles and drums. “Odachi no Shishimai” is also performed to pray for the safety of the festival. This can be seen at 4:00 in the video. There are food stalls and night stalls lining the streets as well. Finally, the main event of the festival- the river crossing. This is shown at 4:18 in the video. First, a mikoshi with a shintai goes enters the river, accompanied by a brightly colored nobori yamakasa. Water is poured on the pullers and the bearers and the mikoshi is swung up and down, splashing water all about. This is called “Gaburi.” The powerful splashing of the mikoshi is incredible. It can be seen at 5:45 in the video. Summary of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival Did you enjoy learning about the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival? You can enjoy the powerful festival and beautiful nobori yamakasa by watching the video. Fukuoka is famous for Hakata Gion Yamakasa, but the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival is also amazing. If you can, we recommend lining up your visit to Fukuoka with the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival! -
Video article 12:33
Noh - Fall in Love With the Classical Japanese Dance Theatre. A Look at Its History, Charm, and Aesthetics
Traditional Culture Celebrities- 477 plays
- YouTube
Introducing the Traditional Japanese Theater, "Noh" I reckon that many international tourists who visit Japan are interested in experiencing a traditional Japanese performing art. If you're one of those people, I recommend catching a Noh performance that integrates a number of performance elements handed down over the centuries. "ANA Global Channel" aired the promotional video "NOH- Yaemon Yamashita/Interview - IS JAPAN COOL? " (NOH - Yaemon Yamashina/Interview - IS JAPAN COOL? DOU(能 - 山階 彌右衛門), (English subbed) featuring Noh actor, Yaemon Yamashita. The video contains his interview where he talks about the history and charms of Noh as well as his actual performance of "Aoi no ue" from 9:29 which is even more eloquent than he describes. Noh: Origins Yamashita talks about the history of Noh from 0:34. The classical Japanese performance art, Noh was formalized into the present-day's form (known as Kanzeryu) during the Muromachi period (1336-1573) by Kan'ami and his son Zeami. Noh involves chants, drama, dance, basic movement patterns (known as Kata) or narration (known as Katari) and actors convey the emotions of characters using the entire ensemble. The audience is increasingly captivated by the effects. According to Yamashita, Noh can be compared to western theater, such as opera or musicals, that is loved around the world. Noh was designated as an Important Intangible Cultural Property in 1957, and as a UNESCO intangible Cultural Heritage in 2001. Noh is often confused with Kabuki outside of Japan. While Kabuki performances are attended by the general public, Noh is a refined performance art meant for the upper classes and was later made the official ceremonial art by the shogunate. Noh is a comprehensive art form that involves dance, music and drama, just like western theater, but what makes it unique is that it is based on a stylization of the external expressions. The Charms of Noh Photo:Noh Yamashita speaks about the Noh performance from 1:13. On a mysterious stage known as Noh Butai, a story unfolds through the performances of Shite (the leading character) and Waki (the supporting actor), where plots are usually drawn from legend, history, and literature. Shite is also a main organizer of the Noh performance, and furthermore, a prop maker. The instrumentalists (known as hayashi) play the four Japanese instruments used in Noh theatre: transverse flute, hip drum, the shoulder-drum, and the stick-drum. Kyogen is a comedy piece performed at intervals between the main Noh performance. Thus, a Noh program usually includes both Noh and Kyogen, and offers 2 types of entertainment. Shite wears a mask as seen in the video from 3:14. The masks tell the audience what kind of character he portrays, such as a divine, old man, old woman, villain, or demon. Although there are a few roles Shite plays without wearing a mask, such as Musashibo Benkei (a Japanese warrior monk from the 12th century), Yamashita says that an actor plays the part without any facial expression as to convey emotion through only movements and body language (3:42~). The masks cover an actor's facial expression, but this stimulates the imagination of the audience. Plot development and the accompanied music induces a variety of emotions and creates an illusion of reality. Another interesting aspect of Noh is that each viewer has their own understanding of the scenes being portrayed. From 5:13, Yamashita says that an essential part of Noh performances is to maintain a stable posture, known as "Kamae," while using the basic Hakobi step where the feet are slid across the floor one after another without lifting them. In Noh performance, the beauty must lie in the visible elements (movement, body language or posture) rather than on the inside of actors, and this external beauty is what brings out the internal beauty. - This is the Noh aesthetic handed down for generations. Noh Is Performed at Theaters Called "Nohgakudo" Noh is typically performed at theaters called "Nohgakudo." There are plenty of renowned Noh theaters including Kongo-Nohgakudo in Kyoto, National Nohgakudo and Hohsho Nohgakudo in Tokyo, and Nagoya Nohgakudo in Nagoya. The visit will afford you the opportunity to experience Noh performance. Source :YouTube screenshot Summary of Noh Theatre The video captures Yaemon Yamashita's performance of "Aoi no ue" from 9:29, after his interview. The video deepens our understanding and gives the performance depth. It's worth watching to get an idea about the history and aesthetics of Noh. It leads us into the profound beauty of the art form. If you want to experience a Noh performance, "Nohgaku Dairengin" is a great program to check out. It allows beginners to take a 4-month training of "Takasago" and perform it on stage. If you want to know more about Noh, check the lineup of items published from Nohgaku Shorin, a publishing house specialized in Noh. It also stocks the audiovisual materials such as CDs, DVDs and cassette tapes that non-Japanese speakers can enjoy, as well as a variety of Noh props and stationary goods. -
Video article 3:31
A Close Look At the Master Craftsmanship of Japan's Temple & Shrine Carpenters! Discover the Amazing Traditional Japanese Technique of Building Without Using Nails
Art & Architecture Traditional Culture- 993 plays
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Japan's Temple & Shrine Carpenters This video, titled "In Japan, Repairing Buildings Without a Single Nail," was uploaded by "Great Big Story." It introduces a traditional Japanese temple and shrine carpenter, called "Miyadaiku" (宮大工) in Japanese, from Kamakura (鎌倉). Japanese temple and shrine carpenters specialize in temples and shrines and construct/repair traditional buildings. Some of the craftsmen work on the construction and repair of historical buildings, such as Japan's national treasures and world heritage sites. Japan's temple and shrine carpenters must possess a high-level of skill and knowledge to repair traditional buildings. A building repaired by Japan's Miyadaiku carpenters allows the beautiful architecture of Japan to remain the work of art that it is. This article covers some of the amazing traditional techniques of Japan's temple and shrine carpenters and their journey to becoming full-fledged craftsmen. Kigumi - A Traditional Carpentry Technique Used by Japan's Miyadaiku Carpenters Photo:Kigumi, traditional Japanese architecture Some wooden architecture in Japan, including temples and shrines, is built by assembling wooden materials together as though it were one large 3d puzzle. This method is called the "Kigumi" method, meaning "wooden framework." This impressive craftsmanship can be seen from 0:21 in the video. The traditional skill of framing and jointing wood, characterized by very precise cutting and coupling of wood, requires countless hours of training and experience as a Miyadaiku carpenter. Traditional Japanese architecture is made possible thanks to the high-quality craftsmanship of Japan's temple and shrine carpenters. The Long Road to Becoming a Miyadaiku Carpenter Photo:A wooden shrine, traditional Japanese architecture Acquiring the skills of a Miyadaiku carpenter requires on-the-job training, so the first step is to become an apprentice at a workshop or construction firm and learn the repair processes and traditional methods used by observing the skills of a master Miyadaiku carpenter up close. The history of Miyadaiku carpenters dates back more than a thousand years. In the past, Japan's temple and shrine carpenters were referred to as "Wataridaiku," and they lived in areas with many shrines and temples, working from one location to the next. Miyadaiku carpenters also repair historic World Heritage buildings and prominent national treasures, such as the one's you'd find in Kyoto. Thus, Miyadaiku carpenters are required to have advanced knowledge in various fields, not just architecture, but religious studies as well. Summary of Japan's Traditional Miyadaiku Carpenters Photo:A wooden temple being built Miya-Daiku carpenters have been repairing Japan's temples and shrines since ancient times with their advanced skills that can be used to construct wooden buildings without the use of nails. This traditional Japanese culture is handed down from one generation of craftsmen to the next. It's no secret that all of Japan's beautiful temples and shrines look like the amazing works of art they art thanks to the amazing craftsmanship of Japan's Miyadaiku carpenters. -
Video article 4:15
There's More to Morioka Than Just Chilled Noodles and Wanko Soba! Lots to See and Do, and Some of Japan's Top Tourist Attractions in Iwate Prefecture!
Local PR Travel- 49 plays
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岩手県盛岡の観光地は魅力がたくさん こちらの動画は「webmorioka」が公開した「MORIOKA(long ver.)」です。 動画では日本の岩手県盛岡の観光スポットを様々な角度からご紹介しています。 盛岡観光で訪れるべき名所 岩手県盛岡には日本でも有数の名所が多く存在します。 石川啄木の出身地であることから「啄木詩の道」や、レンガ作りが美しい「岩手銀行赤レンガ館」、盛岡で最も古いレンガ作りの「旧石井県令邸」など多くの景勝地があります。 盛岡駅から20分ほどの場所には日本の天然記念物として指定された石割桜もあります。 樹齢は300年を超え、日本の樹木のなかでも最も有名なものの一つです。 また盛岡駅のそばにはマリオスという商業施設があり、展望室から岩手の景観を一望できる穴場のスポットです。 ホテルだけでなく、ショッピングや焼肉といったグルメもあるので、デートとしても便利でしょう。 盛岡駅からは観光地を循環するバスも定期的に運行しており、観光ルートをたどってくれるので、旅行の際には利用するのをおすすめします。 周辺には盛岡城址公園があります。 多くの自然が残り、春には桜が満開になります。 気候も穏やかなので花見には観光客が大勢訪れます。 盛岡の自然を満喫するために散策の際は多めに時間を確保しておきましょう。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市で楽しめるアクティビティ 日本の中で川下りのアクティビティが行える場所はいくつかありますが、盛岡でもボートを利用して川下りのアクティビティが楽しめます。 夏には800以上の装飾されたボートが競う大会も開催され、盛岡の一大イベントにもなっています。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市で楽しめる盛岡の行事 岩手の中で盛岡は様々な行事が行われています。 特に酒買地蔵尊例大祭の神輿は日本文化の一つとして一見の価値があるので動画の1:40の中でご覧ください。 インスタ映え間違いなしです。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市の文化を伝える施設 岩手県盛岡の文化を伝える施設としてもりおか町家物語館があります。 こちらでは日本の伝統工芸を広めるための工房などが敷設されており、南部鉄器を始めとした様々な岩手の伝統工芸にふれる事ができ、さまざまな情報が満載です。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡観光で楽しむご当地グルメ 日本のなかでも岩手エリアのご当地グルメは非常に有名です。 盛岡せんべいや「わんこそば」、盛岡冷麺など挙げればきりがありません。 特にわんこそばは日本のグルメの中でも特徴的なもので、少量のそばが入ったお椀を何十杯と食べていくエンターテインメント性に富んだ人気グルメです。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市の観光をもっと楽しむ 盛岡観光で訪れるイベントとして、盛岡競馬場での競馬観戦や、盛岡さんさ踊りなどもあります。 息のあった踊りは圧巻です。 8月に行われる盛岡さんさ踊りでは3000人の演奏者が同時に太鼓の演奏をして、世界一の記録となりました。 また、毎年夏のイベントとして盛岡市の花火も人気です。 1万発以上の花火が上がる景色は絶景です。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市紹介まとめ 盛岡には多くのパワースポットを持つ盛岡八幡宮や五百羅漢堂がある報恩寺など、歴史ある神社仏閣がたくさんあります。 日本の神様へお参りをして盛岡観光を安全に過ごせるように祈願しましょう。 グルメやイベントが盛りだくさんの盛岡の魅力をたくさん知ってください! -
Video article 6:36
Mashiko, Tochigi Prefecture, a Place Where the Tradition and Culture Are Palpable. a Variety of Popular Sightseeing Spots in the Town Are Introduced in Just Six and a Half Minutes!
Local PR- 22 plays
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栃木県益子町エリアの魅力をご紹介! この記事では、「栃木県益子町 観光プロモーション映像/日本語版」という動画を元に、栃木県益子町について紹介いたします! 日本の文化を色濃く残している栃木県益子町は、見て体験して日本の文化を知ることが出来ます。 今回はそんな栃木県益子町について、動画と共にご覧ください。 日本の文化を堪能するまち歩き! 栃木県益子町は別名『陶芸の街』とも呼ばれています。 動画0:11でも紹介をされているメインストリート『城内坂』は、日下田藍染工房を始めとした陶芸や民藝等を売っているショップやギャラリーが並んでいるので、観光する際には立ち寄ってみてはいかがでしょう。 他にも、動画1:08の、日本国宝として有名な『濱田庄司』が最初に購入した古民家『旧濱田邸』や、数多くの有名な陶芸が展示されている益子陶芸美術館、動画1:46で紹介されている数多くの作品が作られてきた『登り釜』などは、ぜひ押さえておきたい観光スポットです。 春と秋の人気イベントである陶器市も開催をされるので、ぜひ日時を合わせて観光をすることをおすすめします。 グルメと体験で栃木県益子町を楽しむ! 動画2:10で紹介をされている通り、栃木県益子町には多くのパン屋や蕎麦屋があります。 こだわりグルメを楽しみながらの食べ歩きもよいでしょう。 酒造りが盛んなこともあり、酒造見学をすることも出来ます。 「陶芸の街」益子町では陶芸教室が数多く開かれています。 ろくろや手びねり、絵付け等の益子焼を実際に体験してみてください。 四季によって色んな楽しみ方も出来る栃木県益子町。 例えば夏なら沢山のひまわりで、秋ならコスモスを背景に記念撮影をすればインスタ映えすること間違いなしでしょう。 いちご狩りぶどう狩りや楽しめるので、ぜひ観光の際には検討してみてはいかがでしょうか。 栃木県益子町魅力紹介まとめ ここまで紹介させて頂いた場所の他にも、歴史的建造物が数多く存在します。 動画3:30でも紹介をされている西明寺は、珍しい笑い閻魔が飾られている面白いスポットです。 日本の古き良き文化が多く残る栃木県芳賀郡の益子町。 ぜひ現地を訪ねて観光してみてください! -
Video article 3:30
There's an Infinite Number of Ways to Enjoy Your Visit to Onna Village in Okinawa! From Natural Landscapes and Gourmet Food to Festivals and the Great Outdoors, Discover New Ways to Enjoy Your Trip to Okinawa!
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 74 plays
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Sightseeing Spots at Onna Village, Okinawa This introductory video of Onna Village is brought to you by Onna Town Hall (恩納村役場, Onnasonyakuba). It's a promotional video introducing various sightseeing spots, festivals, and events held in Onna, a village situated on the west coast of central Okinawa. Onna is easily accessible from Naha Airport (那覇空港, Nahakuukou), taking around 1 hour to get to by car, and is a good base for a sightseeing trip on Okinawa's main island. Onna is regarded as one of the best resort locations in Okinawa, dotted with many large resort hotels, beaches with crystal clear water, such as those found at Cape Manzamo (万座毛, Manzamou), golf courses, and much more. This three and a half minute long video introduces various sightseeing spots in Onna. You'll surely find a new and exciting way to enjoy your stay in Okinawa! Experience Okinawan Cuisine in Onna! Photo:Pineapple The opening scene of this video (0:16) introduces Onna station (恩納の駅, Onnanoeki) market, where you can purchase freshly picked fruit and vegetables, such as mango, pineapple, passion fruit, goya and dragon fruit, grown at nearby farms. There are also bakeries and a popular food court where you can try tropical fruit shaved ice and Okinawan soba noodles. The locals regularly shop here instead of going to supermarkets. You can also purchase original Onna village souvenirs here to take home with you. Unique Experiences in Onna Village, One of Japan's Most Outstanding Tourism Spots Photo:Underwater We recommend sugarcane harvesting and Okinawan brown sugar making as an activity to enjoy with the family. You can taste the freshly picked sugarcane straight from the field and experience turning it into sugar. You can see this at 0:48 in the video. The fresh sugar is guaranteed to taste delicious! Onna village is known for having some of the clearest waters in Okinawa and is a popular spot for scuba diving, snorkeling, and other marine activities. Cape Maeda (真栄田岬, Maedamisaki), also known as the Italy of Japan, hosts tours of the Blue Cave (青の洞窟, Aonodoukutsu) where you can make memories that will last a lifetime. Manza beach (万座ビーチ, Manzabiichi) and Kariyushi beach (かりゆしビーチ, Kariyushibiichi) are popular destinations for sunbathing or swimming in the sea. Some of the most Instragrammable spots in Okinawa can be found here! At 1:06 in the video, you can see some of the beaches around Onna village. Please enjoy the scenery of the beautiful turquoise blue sea of Okinawa. The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (沖縄科学技術大学院大学, Okinawakagakugijutsu Daigakuindaigaku, OIST) is a university conducting research of the highest level, using world-class technology. Feel free to look around the facilities or take part in a guided tour of the campus. It's a great opportunity to experience the unique international atmosphere of the university and witness first-hand some of the cutting-edge research taking place. The university is featured at 1:20 in the video. Onna Village Is Becoming Increasingly More Popular as a Wedding Resort Location Photo:Resort wedding bride There are many large resort hotels in Onna where you can have a wedding. These hotels have spacious, beautiful bright white chapels inside where you can walk down the aisle to the sound of the sanshin, an instrument fundamental to Okinawan music. Experience a wedding truly unique to Okinawa. This is introduced at 1:38 in the video. Make some lasting memories in Onna, Okinawa! Other Sightseeing Spots You Can Enjoy in Onna Photo:Okinawa Hari Ryukyu village (琉球村, Ryuukyuumura) is a theme park in Onna showcasing Okinawan culture through various experiences, attractions, shows, and events. There are also a large number of restaurants where you can try Okinawan cuisine and shops to buy souvenirs. Even on a rainy day there is plenty to enjoy at this theme park. You can take a look at Ryukyu village from 1:57 in the video. Maeganeku Hari is a boat race that takes place at Maeganeku fishing port (前兼久漁港, Maeganekugyokou) in June each year. Fishermen compete using traditional row boats called Sabani. Around the same time, ANA InterContinental Manza Beach Resort hosts the Manza Hari Festival. You can take a look at this at 2:08 in the video. A well-established American-style restaurant called the Seaside Drive-In (シーサイドドライブイン, Shiisaidodoraibuin) was opened in 1967. They serve a variety of American dishes such as rib steak and fried chicken which you can enjoy for lunch or just for grabbing a cup of coffee in the cafe. When the weather is nice, you can order your food to go and enjoy the stunning scenery of the sunset here as well. In winter, how about enjoying the night view of the Chrysanthemum illuminations? Using artificial lighting, the Chrysanthemums here bloom in the winter creating a romantic atmosphere, one of the best-kept secret spots in Onna. There are also events such as Unna Festival held at the end of July and the Churaumi Fireworks Display held in October, which are extremely popular among both locals and tourists. Summary of Onna Village- Japan's Leading Travel Resort Photo:A superb view of Okinawa・Manzamo We hope you enjoyed the video introducing various sightseeing spots in and around the village of Onna, in the southern paradise that is Okinawa. You can view the sightseeing spots mentioned in this article in the video provided. After watching the video we're sure you'll want to start planning your trip to Onna! Which sightseeing spot would you most like to visit? We hope this video inspires you and offers some new and exciting ways to enjoy your next resort visit! -
Video article 4:44
Fukushima Oze - A Plateau Brimming With Natural Scenery! Embark on a Journey Through the Beautiful Scenery of Japan's Four Seasons!
Local PR Things to Do- 148 plays
- YouTube
About the Fukushima Oze Introductory Video This video, titled "OZE.jp Fukushima Oze PR Movie," was released by "PrefFukushima." "Fukushima Oze," introduced in the video, is the nickname for the route and area leading to Oze from the Fukushima Prefecture side. Oze National Park is a vast area of natural marshlands that spans four prefectures: Fukushima prefecture, Gunma prefecture, Niigata prefecture, and Tochigi prefecture. Oze is famous for Ozegahara, a marshland on the Gunma side, but the route that enters Oze from the Fukushima prefecture side is called Fukushima Oze, and it has also been gaining popularity as a sightseeing route full of natural scenery. In this video, you can see two women trekking the mountain while traveling around Fukushima Oze. Hiking at Fukushima Oze Photo:Lake Ozenuma, Fukushima Prefecture Walking along the promenade of Fukushima Oze Route, you can enjoy the natural scenery of Japan's four seasons. Take a shuttle bus to Numayama Pass, the starting point of the Oze Route, and then proceed to the Oe Marsh, which can be seen from 1:15 in the video. You'll also find seasonal alpine plants, such as skunk cabbage and day lilies, blooming in the Oze Highlands and around Lake Ozenuma in the spring, creating a magnificent view, as shown at 0:51 in the video. Sightseeing Locations at Fukushima Oze Photo:Ozegahara seen from Hiuchigatake, Fukushima Prefecture There is a fishing pond full of char in Hinoemata, a village where you can enjoy fishing surrounded by nature. We definitely recommend stopping by Sanjo Falls, one of the Top 100 Waterfalls in Japan. In Oze, be sure to drop by famous places, such as Hashiba no Banba and Seirou-zukuri Itakura (セイロウ造り板倉), a famous place in Nushiri-daira. Hinoemata Shrine also has a stage where you can see traditional Hinoemata Kabuki. The area around Hiuchigatake, one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains, that can be seen from 1:34 in the video, is another recommended sightseeing route. Visit the summit of Hiuchigatake from Lake Miike via Hirosawa Tashiro and Kumazawa Tashiro. After sightseeing in Oze, you can head over to Hiuchi no Yu (燧の湯), a hot spring at the foot of Mt. Hiuchigatake. There is also an open-air outdoors bath, so you can spend an excellent time bathing while gazing at the vast nature. Events and Gourmet Food in Oze Photo:Shrine at Mini Oze Park, Fukushima Prefecture The "Fukushima Oze-Hinoemata Mountain Festival" is held every year at Fukushima Oze. There are hiking tours, outdoor events, stage shows and workshops, and markets where you can shop for outdoor goods, so we recommend lining up your trip to visit Fukushima Oze at the time of this event. If you're looking to enjoy delicious food in Oze, we recommend Aizu's famous mountain dish, "Tachi-soba." At Mini Oze Park, you can buy a mysterious dessert called "salamander gelato" (サンショウウオジェラート). Summary of Fukushima Oze Photo:Fukushima Oze, Fukushima Prefecture Oze, with its abundance of nature, is closed in the winter due to the cold weather, but is a great tourist attraction for hiking in the warmer months. In addition to beautiful natural spots like the ones shown in the video, there are also spots where you can enjoy traditional performing arts and local cuisine, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 3:30
The "Kanazawa Odori" (Kanazawa Dance) is a gorgeous stage, as well as tea ceremony and tatami rooms in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
Traditional Culture- 308 plays
- YouTube
Kanazawa Odori, traditional performing arts of Kaga Hyakumangoku, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Geisha Performing Kanazawa Odori: Kaga Domain, Castle Town Kanazawa" (芸妓衆が舞う金沢おどり:加賀百万石の城下町 金沢 | nippon.com), was created by "nippon.com". Kanazawa was previously a castle town known as "Kagahyakumangoku" (加賀百万石), located in the Chubu region (中部地方) of Japan and ruled by the Maeda clan during the Edo Period. The area was very prosperous during this time and traditional arts, performing arts, and culture also flourished. Kanazawa Odori was one such performing art. In the video, you can watch the beautiful dance performance and learn more about the history of Geisha. Learn More About the Geisha Who Perform Kanazawa Odori! Photo:Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture・Higashi Chaya District Kanazawa Odori is performed during a festival in September each year by the Geisha who work on Kazuemachi Tea House Street in Kanazawa City. The festival is usually held in Ishikawa Ongakudo (石川音楽堂) and lasts a total of 4 days. The three chaya districts (teahouse districts) of Kanazawa date back to the Bunsei Era (文政) of the Edo Period. The expansion and development of art and culture was highly supported throughout the Kaga Domain (加賀藩) and Noh theater became very popular at this time. The words "Sora kara utai ga futtekuru" (空から謡が降ってくる, Songs Will Rain From the Sky) which can be seen in the video from 0:44, refer to the singing that could be heard all over the town of Kanazawa during a period in which Noh theater was extremely popular. The Geisha continued to perfect the art of hospitality and entertainment over the years eventually becoming an integral part of the culture of Kanazawa City. The three remaining chaya districts of Kanazawa City are an important piece of Japanese history and are a good demonstration of the atmosphere and lifestyle of the Kanazawa Geisha of the time. The three chaya districts of Kanazawa City are called the Higashi Chaya District (東茶屋街), Nishi Chaya District (西茶屋街) and Kazuemachi Chaya District (主計茶屋街). Seijirou Shimada (島田清次郎), the author of the Taisho period (大正時代) (1912AD-1926AD) bestselling novel "Chijo" (地上), was said to have lived here when he was a young boy. The Higashi Chaya District and Kazuemachi Chaya District were added to the list of "Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings" (重要伝統的建築物群保存地区) in 2001 and 2008, respectively. Kanazawa Geisha have also had a great impact in areas of writing and architecture in Japan. If you'd like to try an ozashiki experience (Geisha dinner experience), you have to make sure you follow proper etiquette. For the Kanazawa Geisha, these experiences are a serious part of their training. There are set times when alcohol and food may be enjoyed and also times where one must refrain from eating or drinking to fully enjoy the performance. The Three Highlights of Kanazawa Odori! The Grand Finale "Kanazawa Fuuga," Ozashiki, and Tea Ceremony! Source :YouTube screenshot Teahouses have a tradition of generally turning away first-time customers, therefore it may be difficult to try Ozashiki as a tourist. However, you can purchase a ticket called "Kaga no Utage" (加賀の宴) which allows you to experience the Geisha dining experience easily. You can also take part in a tea ceremony during the Kanazawa Odori festival. Taking part in these experiences will help you learn more about the life of Geisha. The real pleasure in Kanazawa Odori is that there are a variety of programs to enjoy. These include "Icchoichibu" (一調一舞) which is a dance performed to a small hand drum, "Subayashi" (素囃子) which is a song and dance performed to shamisen and taiko drums, and "Ozashikidaiko" which is performed using drums called "Shimedaiko," "Odaiko" and more. From 2:31 in the video, you can take a look at "Kanazawa Fuuga," which is performed by a group of Geisha in unison. It's a must see for those interested in Kanazawa Odori! The lyrics were written by Naoki Prize (直木賞) winner Tomomi Muramatsu (村松ともみ), the music was written by Hisamatsu Yamato (大和久松), the head of the Yamatogaku School (大和楽), and Ukon Nishikawa (西川右近), the head of the Nishikawa Nihonbuyo School, (日本舞踊西川) was in charge of choreography. Summary of Kanazawa Odori Source :YouTube screenshot Kanazawa Odori is highly praised and admired not only in Japan but also overseas. Enjoy watching the Geisha demonstrate the spirit of Japanese "omotenashi" through their elegant dance and other performances in the video! -
Video article 19:48
Takoyaki, Sweets, High-Speed Mochi Making... A Visual and Auditory Feast for the Eyes and Ears! Enjoy the Cooking Process of Japan's World-Class Cuisine!
Food & Drink- 55 plays
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Takoyaki, Sweets, High-Speed Rice Cake Making... Check Out the Amazing Artisanship in the Video! This video is a collection of artisanship from a variety of restaurants. Watching such skilled chefs creating amazing cuisine is something you never get tired of. You can watch the different shops using the timestamps below. Tsukiji - Gindaco: 0:08 Kyoto - Kyogoku Kaneyo: 3:50 Nara - Nakatanidou: 6:52 Osaka - Rikuro: 8:34 Kyoto - Tsurumusha: 11:22 Kyoto - Caffè Latte: 14:28 Kyoto - Gomaya Crepe-Do17:45 Unfortunately, Gomaya Crepe-do closed in 2019, but if you're in the Kansai region, be sure to stop by their shop there as well. 【Official Homepage】Tsukiji Gindaco Official Site https://www.gindaco.com/ 【Official Homepage】The Finest Eel in Japan, Kyogoku Kaneyo https://www.kyogokukaneyo.co.jp/ 【Official Homepage】Nakatanidou http://www.nakatanidou.jp/english/ 【Official Homepage】Osaka Confectioneries "Freshly Baked Cheesecakes," Rikuro Ojisan http://www.rikuro.co.jp/en/ 【Official Homepage】Ramen Tsurumusha https://www.tsurumusya.com/ 【Official Homepage】Caffè Latte http://caffe-llatte.com/index_e.php -
Video article 39:12
Drink All the Japanese Sake You Could Want! One Man Enjoys Japanese Sake While Meeting Locals Across Japan!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
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Beer, shochu, wine, sake, whiskey, cocktails... conquer the spirits of Japan! In this video, Jack Maxwell of the Discovery Channel introduces the alcohol of Japan, touching on the history and the people of the region. From 00:13, they're at Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, enjoying not wine or sake, but rather, a bath. From 02:32 they take a visit to the Tomozuna stable. From 03:44 they enjoy sake at Chanko Nabe Kai with the wrestlers of the Tomozuna Stable. From 06:25 they observe ice making at the warehouse of Chuoreito Industries. From 07:04 they enjoy cocktails made with ice from Chuoreito Industries at Bar High Five, run by the same company. At 12:39, Jack Maxwell, who has moved to the Kansai region, gets his portrait painted at a portrait shop. From 13:39 he experiences a Japanese drinking party with his friend Mark, toasting with shochu and beer. From 18:43 he visits the Konishi Sake Brewery. His first time experiencing hirezake. From 27:00 he experiences a traditional Japanese festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha in Osaka. At 33:49 he visits the Suntory Yamazaki Distillery and tries different whiskeys. In the video, there were many different types of alcohol, not only to drink, but also to enjoy taking a bath with, for use in Shinto ceremonies, as sacred wine, and enjoying fillet wine made from pufferfish fillet, which is poisonous. Be sure to check out the video to see all the different types of alcohol and interactions with the locals of Japan! -
Video article 6:06
Gifu City in Gifu Prefecture, the Very Center of Japan- Where Oda Nobunaga Aimed to Unify the Country. A City With a Wide Variety of Food, History, Culture and Beautiful Natural Scenery!
Local PR Travel- 95 plays
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The center of Japan! What is Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture? Gifu City Sightseeing Spots Video Introduction This video is titled “Gifu City Promotional Video [Original Version],” and is produced by "Gifu City Official Channel." Gifu City, Gifu in the Tokai region of Japan, is located in pretty much the dead center of Japan. Therefore, the city is sometimes referred to as “the belly of Japan.” Being the capital of Gifu Prefecture, the city is full of tourist spots, such as the clear Nagara River flowing through the city center, and the verdant Mt. Kinka. Gifu has many traditional crafts, including Gifu Wagasa (Japanese umbrellas), Gifu Chochin (lanterns) and Gifu Uchiwa (fans). These crafts have helped the everyday life of locals and are perfect for souvenirs! It's only about 18 minutes from Nagoya City on the JR Tokaido Line, and with easy access to the city, it's become popular in recent years as a good spot for domestic travel. This article introduces the tourist spots, traditional events and food in Gifu. Enjoy famous tourist spots in Gifu to your hearts content. Be sure to follow along with the video! Recommended Tourist Destinations in Gifu Photo:Mt. Kinka (金華山, kinkazan) Gifu has many scenic spots and popular places like Mt. Kinka (金華山, kinkazan), Nagara River (長良川, nagaragawa), Gifu Castle (岐阜城, gifujo), also known as Inabayama Castle (稲葉山城, Inabayamajo), Nagaragawa Ukai (cormorant fishing), latticework architectures, and the Great Buddha Hall of Shohoji Temple (正法寺, shohoji), and many more. The Gifu Great Buddha here is known as one of the "Three Great Buddha" of Japan. The Gifu Great Buddha appears at 2:56 in the video. You can feel the godliness of his gentle stare, as if he was smiling down at you, just by watching the video. A lot of events and festivals, such as the firework festival at Nagara River, Tejikara Fire Festival, Gifu Half Marathon, Dairyuji Lantern Festival and Ayu-kuyou are also held here, and the city is attracting an increasing number of both domestic and overseas tourists. The footage of the Tejikara Fire Festival starts at 3:37 in the video. You can see a spectacular pillar of flame spread across your screen! The History and Traditional Ceremonies of Gifu Photo:Nagaragawa Ukai At Nagara River in Gifu, the 1300-year-old Nagaragawa Ukai is held. During the evening, fishermen in traditional garments climb aboard boats with fishing fires and fish sweetfish in the clear river. Nagara River appears at 0:31 in the video. You can see the beauty of the river through the footage. Gifu has played an important role in connecting Kyoto and Nagoya (Owari) since ancient times, and the city developed as the Rakuichi Rakuza market was established in the city center during the Azuchi Momoyama period (1573 – 1598 AD). The market was a part of the economic policies made by Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi with the aim of revitalizing the economy by opening a market in the castle town of Gifu and reducing taxes. Oda Nobunaga, one of the most famous warriors of the Sengoku period, appears with Gifu Castle at 0:56 in the video. Thanks to the success of the market, many historical sites, post-towns and red-light districts appeared around Gifu, and you can still see geisha and geiko, a reminder of the prosperity of those days. The Azuchi Momoyama period is an important turning point in the history of Japan, with the relationship between samurai and townspeople, the Rakuichi-Rakuza market system is said to have become a model for the economic policies that brought about the era of peace in the Edo period (1603 – 1868 AD). Local Food in Gifu Photo:Hida beef Gifu is also renowned for its hot springs. Gifu Grand Hotel in the city center has a hot spring facility, and similar inns and hotels with hot spring facilities are dotted around Gifu Station. The footage of the relaxing hot spring facility starts at 3:52 in the video. When it comes to food in Gifu, Hida beef is something you have to try. Tourists can enjoy Japanese cuisine using ingredients from the local mountains, including Hida beef steak/hot pot, sweetfish dishes and Botan nabe in Gifu. Summary of Sightseeing in Gifu Located in deep mountains, the large city of Gifu is surrounded by a rich natural landscape. The video shows a lot of tourist spots that we weren't able to cover in the video. Please enjoy the attractive city of Gifu city, in Gifu Prefecture, through the video! As Gifu is located near Nagoya, be it as a stepping stone in your trip to Nagoya or your main destination, definitely come visit Gifu and experience delicious food, history, culture, and beautiful scenery! 【Official Website】Website of the Gifu City Office https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&tab=wT&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.gifu.lg.jp%2F -
Video article 4:40
The Nikko-Nasu Area - Shrines, Hot Springs, and More at These Travel Destinations in Tochigi, Japan
Local PR Travel Nature- 28 plays
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Nikko-Nasu, Tochigi: Video Introduction This video, titled "[Summer] Tochigi Japan in 8K - Nikko, Nasu / Tochigi" ([Summer]Tochigi Japan in 8K - 日光・那須/栃木), was uploaded by "Genuine Encounters Tochigi" (本物の出会い栃木). It's a promotional video that introduces Nikko and Nasu in Tochigi Prefecture in Japan's Kanto region. Please take a look at the beautiful footage of Nikko and Nasu, which is filled with the charms of the area. The Nikko-Nasu Area The Nikko-Nasu area is located in the northern part of Tochigi Prefecture and is a tourist destination blessed with abundant natural beauty, including plateaus and mountains. There are many wonderful sightseeing spots in Japan, and Nikko and Nasu are among the most attractive tourist destinations in Japan. There are hot springs all over the area as well, so staying at a hot spring hotel is highly recommended. Families with children can also enjoy the area's theme parks and places for interacting with animals. Kinugawa Onsen, Kegon Falls, and Other Popular Sightseeing Spots in Nikko, Tochigi Photo:Akechidaira Ropeway, Nikko, Tochigi The video begins by showing a magnificent verdant green landscape. This is Nikko's Akechidaira Observatory. This is followed by the beautiful Kegon Falls. Nikko has many waterfalls, among which Kegon Falls is the most famous. In the video, you can see an aerial view of Kegon Falls and Ryuokyo Gorge. The road with a series of sharp curves is called 'Irohazaka.' The road itself has a total of 48 curves, making it quite scenic when viewed from above. [Video] 0:10 - Kegon Falls [Video] 0:14 - Irohazaka [Video] 1:28 - Ryuokyo Gorge Kinugawa Onsen is the most famous hot spring in Nikko. It is a clear, colorless, tasteless, odorless, alkaline simple hot spring that is gentle on the skin and safe for everyone from children to the elderly. At Kinuko no Yu, you can also enjoy a footbath. [Video] 0:35 - Kinugawa Onsen/Kinuko no Yu Nikko Toshogu Shrine, a Historical Tourist Attraction in Tochigi, Japan Photo:Nikko Toshogu Shrine, a World Heritage Site in Tochigi Prefecture Nikko Toshogu Shrine is a World Heritage Site home to numerous National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties. Built in 1617, the shrine is dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first Shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The five-story pagoda, unusual to find at a shrine, is decorated on all four sides with animals of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkey sculpture is also famous. Among other things, the representative power spot, Yomeimon Gate, also called "Nipporimon," is a must-see for its intricate carvings, which one could look at all day long and not get tired of it. [Video] 1:17 - Nikko Toshogu Shrine Nasu Highland, the Killing Stone, Nasu Highland Park, and Other Sightseeing Spots in Nasu, Tochigi Photo:A farm and blue skies in the Nasu Highlands In the video, tourist spots in Nasu are shown one after another, including Nasu Highland, the Killing Stone, and Shika no Yu, the oldest hot spring in Tochigi. In addition, there are many family-friendly spots in Nasu, such as Nasu Highland Park, a leisure land surrounded by nature, Nasu Animal Kingdom, where you can enjoy interacting with animals, and Nasu World Monkey Park. Nasu Highland is also beautiful. At Nasu Heisei no Mori Forest, viewing the beautiful autumn leaves makes for a relaxing stroll. Going down to the foot of the mountain, you can also visit Sessho-seki (the Killing Stone) and Nasu Onsen Shrine. Yuba, Nasu Wagyu, and Other Local Delicacies One of the most enjoyable parts of traveling is tasting the local cuisine. We recommend trying Jingo-yaki from Nasu, yuba and soba noodles from Nikko, and Nasu Wagyu beef steaks grilled over a powerful flame! Check them out in the video. [Video] 1:00 - Jingo-yaki (Miyajima Tsuribori-en (みやじま釣堀園)) [Video] 2:13 - Nasu Wagyu Beef (Teppan Steak Kiku (鉄板ステーキ きく)) [Video] 3:39 - Yuba Cuisine (Nikko Yubamaki Zen (日光湯波巻き 全)) Lake Chuzenji and Mt. Chausu – Two Places with Enchantingly Beautiful Scenery Photo:Autumn leaves at Lake Chuzenji, Nikko National Park, Tochigi The video moves from Nasu Highland and the mysterious skyline of Senjogahara to Lake Chuzenji. Located at the entrance to Oku-Nikko, Lake Chuzenji is a lake located inside Nikko National Park. Riding the Nasu Ropeway, the majestic scenery of Nasu unfolds below you, and since the ropeway takes you up to the 8th station, Mt. Chausu is a great place for families to enjoy hiking. Mashiko Ware – A Unique Pottery With a Rustic Feel Mashiko Ware has been produced in Tochigi Prefecture since the Edo period (1603-1867). It's characterized by its rustic appearance and has many fans. The video shows a craftsman spinning a potter's wheel. Dokutsu Sake Brewery, Kita Onsen Ryokan, Nasu Shrine... Nikko & Nasu, 2 Historical Towns Dokutsu Sake Brewery (Shimazaki Sake Brewery) uses a former wartime factory as a sake brewery. The inside of Dokutsu is kept out of the light and the temperature is as low as 10 degrees Celsius, making it suitable for storing local sake and wine. In the Nikko and Nasu areas, there are many other places of historical interest, such as Kita Onsen Ryokan, where you can bathe with tengu masks, Nasu Shrine, Oya History Museum, and Ashio Copper Mine. Tochigi is also known as a town of historical storehouses. Nikko and Nasu Promotional Video Summary Photo:Kinugawa Onsen While it's easy to visit on a day trip after a drive, we recommend staying overnight in the Nikko and Nasu areas, which offer plenty to see and do. In Kinugawa Onsen, there are many tasteful inns such as Kaniyu (加仁湯), Sanraku (山楽), Nanaeyae (七重八重), and Wakatake no Sho (若竹の庄). For the best deals, you can also look for hotels where with coupons. There is a rusk shop in Nasu that has good reviews, so consider stopping by if you're looking for souvenirs. In addition to standard tourist attractions such as Kegon Falls, Momijidani Suspension Bridge, and Senjogahara, British Embassy Villa Memorial Park and Italian Embassy Villa Memorial Park are great for photography! Be sure to visit them. Nikko and Nasu are home to magnificent and beautiful natural landscapes that seem to go on forever. We hope that people around the world will discover the charm of the Nikko and Nasu areas. 【TripAdvisor】Nasu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121057-Nasu_machi_Nasu_gun_Tochigi_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:26
Kagoshima: Sakurajima, Satsuma Kiriko Cut Glass, and of Course, Food! Join Us on a Journey to Discover the Charms of This Beautiful City!
Local PR Travel- 167 plays
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Japan’s Sightseeing Destination, Kagoshima “What does Kagoshima even have?” For those searching for sightseeing spots in Kyushu’s Kagoshima Prefecture, Kagoshima City (九州鹿児島県鹿児島市, Kyushu Kagoshima-ken Kagoshima-shi), this video is definitely for you. 「Kagoshima City, Japan in 8K-鹿児島市」is a video created by the "Kagoshima Convention" to promote the beautiful sightseeing spots of Kagoshima. By watching this video, you'll learn how to enjoy the beautiful scenery and history of Kagoshima City. Let’s take a look at Kagoshima’s various sightseeing spots and plan a fun and fulfilling trip! In this article, places to enjoy Kagoshima’s scenery and culture will be introduced. In the 3-and-a-half-minute video, Kagoshima’s sightseeing locations, food, and nature are introduced. It's really something else. Scenic Areas in Japan’s Popular Sightseeing Destination- Kagoshima ©Kagoshima Modifying In Japan’s popular sightseeing destination Kagoshima, there are numerous Insta-worthy places where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. One place we recommend is the Senganen Garden (仙厳園, Sengan-en), one of the Daimyo gardens (大名庭園, Daimyo tei-en) unique to Japan. At Senganen Garden, you can view the exquisite garden scenery as well as the majestic Sakurajima, It's a great way to experience Japan's harmony with nature. Among the many places in the video, this is the first to be introduced. You can view Senganen Garden at 0:04 in the video. The Shoko Shuseikan Museum (尚古集成館, Shoko-shuseikan), with exhibitions about the Shimazu clan (島津家, Shimazu-ke), as well as a factory where you can view the manufacturing process of Satsuma Kiriko cut glass, are also nearby. This area is a must-visit for fans of Japanese history and traditional culture. There's also the Kagoshima City Tram that runs through the city and the scenic townscape, the views from the Shiroyama Park Observation Deck (城山展望台, Shiroyama tenboudai) the Sakurajima ferry (桜島フェリー, Sakurajima feri), the Kagoshima Kinko Bay Summer Night Fireworks Display (かごしま錦江湾サマーナイト大花火大会, Kagoshima Kinko-wan sama-naito dai-hanabi-taikai), and more - Kagoshima is full of beautiful sights to enjoy. These spots are all shown in the video, so do keep a lookout for them! Kagoshima is rich in nature. Firstly, as shown at 0:31 in the video, you can experience kayaking while enjoying a view of Sakurajima. In addition, as seen from 1:16, there is also the “Natural Foot Bath Digging,” a unique experience where you can dig a hole on the beach and enjoy your very own foot bath. Please enjoy the nature of Kagoshima City. Places to Experience Japanese History and Culture in Kagoshima Photo:Tsurumine Shrine There are famous places to experience Japanese history and culture in Kagoshima. One such place is the Tsurugane Shrine (鶴嶺神社, Tsurumine-jinja), where the head of the Shimazu clan is enshrined. The solemn atmosphere of the shrine will have a sobering effect on you. It is also said that a visit to Tsurumine Shrine will make you beautiful both physically and mentally, thus making the shrine a popular destination with female visitors. The Former Shuseikan Machinery Factory (旧集成館機械工場, Kyu shuseikan kikai kojo), where the fixing of steam locomotives and the arrangement of machinery parts was carried out, is another place we recommend for learning about Japan’s culture and history. This is introduced at 0:13 in the video. Food in Kagoshima! One more drawing point of Japan’s popular sightseeing area, Kagoshima, is the mouthwatering food! If you visit Kagoshima, one delicacy you can’t afford to miss is the Kagoshima Kurobuta pork (かごしま黒豚, Kagoshima kurobuta). Kagoshima Kurobuta pork is special for its melt-in-your-mouth texture, with high-quality marbled fat and no unpleasant odor at all. If you have a taste of this pork from pigs raised in the natural landscape of Kagoshima, you can't possibly have a bad trip. It's that good. If you do anything in Kagoshima at least try the pork! For those who enjoy shochu (焼酎 shochu), consider paying a visit to the shochu brewery. There are also popular shochu bars in Kagoshima, so for those interested, do make sure to pay them a visit. Beyond that, Kagoshima Kuroushi beef (鹿児島黒牛, Kagoshima kuroushi), Kagoshima ramen (鹿児島ラーメン, Kagoshima ramen), Sakurajima radish (桜島大根 Sakurajima daikon), and udon are all foods which you should definitely try out in Kagoshima. This information is introduced from 2:08 in the video. You are sure to find at least one dish to suit your tastes! Summary of Kagoshima Photo:Kagoshima Sea The video referenced in this article, 「Kagoshima City, Japan in 8K-鹿児島市」, created by the "Kagoshima Convention," comprises numerous scenes showing the various attractions of Kagoshima. The beauty of Kagoshima is too much to explain in just one article, so please take the time to watch it if you still haven't yet! Where do you plan on visiting? Kagoshima City, is not only full of beautiful sights, but also teeming with Japanese culture. Do enjoy both the sightseeing spots and food, and have an amazing trip! 【Official Website】Kagoshima Prefecture, Kagoshima City Municipal Hall Homepage https://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/gaikokugo/english/index.html -
Video article 5:00
There Are Many Things To See in Hiroshima! Don't Miss Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima and Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Where You Can Feel the History and Culture!
Local PR- 136 plays
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Sightseeing Destinations and Popular Attractions in Hiroshima This video, titled "LOVE HIROSHIMA Promotional Video|Full Ver|English Edit" (LOVE HIROSHIMA プロモーションビデオ Full Ver 英語編), was uploaded by the "Hiroshima Prefectural Tourism Federation." The video gives aerial drone footage of sightseeing destinations around Hiroshima Prefecture. Just watching the video will have you feeling like you're on a full blown trip to Hiroshima! Most people start their trips from Hiroshima Station or Hiroshima Airport. Enjoy an amazing trip full of history, culture, and the unique food of Hiroshima! Sightseeing Destinations in Hiroshima Photo:The Torii Gate at Itsukushima Shrine, Hiroshima Prefecture At the beginning of the video we're introduced to Itsukushima Shrine (厳島神社, Itsukushima Jinja), a popular sightseeing destination in Miyajima, Hiroshima, and from 0:21 in the video, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and the Atomic Bomb Dome are introduced. Itsukushima Shrine and the Atomic Bomb Dome have both been designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites. If you're traveling in Hiroshima Prefecture, be sure to stop by Yamato Museum in Kure and see the white walls of Joge, Fuchu as well. Going to Bayside Beach, Mikumarikyo Forest Park, Bungo Channel, and Sandan-kyo is popular too. We also recommend outdoor activities, such as driving around the islands of the Setouchi area and Shimanami cycling. You can watch the Hiroshima Toyo Carp play baseball at Hiroshima Stadium as well! If you're into sports, check out a game at the Hiroshima Green Arena. Delicious Hiroshima Cuisine! Photo:Hiroshimayaki Hiroshima is also popular as a city where you can eat delicious food. Many travelers return to get a sweet taste of Hiroshimayaki, a type of okonomiyaki. There are other foods, such as oysters, a specialty in the Setouchi area, anagomeshi (eel rice), Onomichi ramen, navy curry from Kure, and horumon tempura. We recommend sipping on some wine at Hiroshima Miyoshi Winery, shown at 4:19 in the video. Many food events are held in Hiroshima throughout the year, so a lot of people come to visit and enjoy them. Summary of Sightseeing in Hiroshima Photo:Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park As you can see in the video, there are many famous sightseeing spots and hidden gems in Hiroshima. Be sure to try the many different seafood dishes in Hiroshima as well! If you're looking to relax and take your time exploring the area, consider booking a hotel. That being said, you can of course enjoy a one day trip to Hiroshima, so be sure to check it out if you have the chance! 【Official Website】Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture|City Hall Website https://www.city.hiroshima.lg.jp/site/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Hiroshima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298561-Hiroshima_Hiroshima_Prefecture_Chugoku-Vacations.html