[Image1]Obihiro, Otofuke's Specialties
[Image2]Obihiro, Otofuke's Specialties

Obihiro, Otofuke's Specialties "Indian" ?
This time, I went ✨ to the Indian West 18-jo store in Obihiro
The Indians here have an "egg" topping menu that other Indians don't have! ?
Finely cut hard-boiled eggs and rich roux go well together! ?
The overall richness was good, and it was delicious and I couldn't ? stop my hands
If you like eggs, please give this phantom set a try ✨

Address: Hokkaido Obihiro City Nishi 18 Jo North 11-30
在北海道位於帶廣市、Otofuke,有一家名為「Indian」的咖哩飯chain店?,因在札幌和其他日本地區沒有展店,因此成為當地名店,前來帶廣市、Otofuke、Tokachi地區旅遊的大家,都會去品嚐咖哩的美味 ?
這次介紹於帶廣市西18條的Indian,這家店有別家Indian沒有的「水煮蛋」加點菜單 ?
切碎的水煮蛋加上濃郁的咖哩,讓整體的風味更加的濃郁和fusion,好吃到停不下來~ ?
建議大家一定要來試試這夢幻的咖哩 ✨

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