Video article 11:45
Japan's Delicious Wagyu Beef Is Extremely Popular Overseas! Even in Australia, Another Country Famous for Its Beef, Japanese Wagyu Beef Sales Are on the Rise!
Life & Business- 93 plays
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Japanese Wagyu Beef This video, titled "Wagyu Beef Sales in Australia!," Was created by JETRO. In recent years, the ban on the importation of Japanese Wagyu beef into European and Asian countries has been lifted, and since 2018 the exportation of Wagyu beef from Japan to Australia has become possible. That being said, is there really a demand for Japanese Wagyu beef in Australia, the number one producer and exporter of "Aussie Beef"? What Breeds of Cattle Are Being Raised in Australia and Japan? Source :YouTube screenshot When you think of Wagyu beef, the native Japanese species Hidagyu (飛騨牛), Kagoshima Wagyu (鹿児島和牛), and Omigyu (近江牛) probably come to mind (or not). There are four types of cattle in Japan raised for Wagyu beef production: Japanese Black (黒毛和種, kurogewashu), Japanese Brown (褐毛和種, akagewashu), Japanese Shorthorn (日本短角種, nihontankakushu), and Japanese Polled (無角和種, mukakuwashu). Independent rules in Australia state that only beef from cattle with a 50% or higher Wagyu lineage may be classified as Wagyu beef. From 9:20 in the video, Australia's Wagyu farming representative, David Blackmore, explains that Japanese and Australian cattle are being cross-bred to produce Australian Wagyu beef. More About Japanese Cuisine, Food Products, and Business Dealings in Australia Source :YouTube screenshot Since the ban on the importation of Japanese Wagyu beef was lifted, Japanese agriculture, business negotiations regarding marine and food products have been held in Sydney. Various companies, organisations, distributors and buyers such as Osawa Enterprises (大沢エンタープライズ, oosawa enta-puraizu) and Kirishima Ranch (霧島ランチ) have taken part in the business meetings. Japanese restaurants in Australia are using imported Japanese Wagyu beef to attract customers to their restaurants. From 2:08 in the video, you can see Japanese Wagyu beef being sold at 3-5 times the price of Australian beef at the store Tokyo Mart (東京マート, toukyouma-to). Even at such a high price, Japanese Wagyu beef continues to sell well. The Key to Increasing Exportation of Japanese Wagyu Beef? Photo:Sukiyaki Japanese cuisine holds the key to increasing the exportation of Japanese Wagyu beef in Australia. From 1:29 in the video, we're introduced to the Japanese restaurant Masuya (鱒屋). High quality Japanese Wagyu beef can be best enjoyed not only as steak, but also in traditional Japanese dishes such as Sukiyaki and Shabu Shabu. The high quality products, manufacturing techniques, and food culture of Japan is gaining popularity worldwide. Summary of the Exportation of Japanese Wagyu Beef As you can see from the video, Australia is currently one of the top exporters of beef in the world. However, recently there is growing demand for tender and delicious Japanese beef such as Wagyu or Kuroge. Since the ban was lifted on the importation of Japanese Wagyu beef, distribution has spread worldwide and the superb taste of Wagyu beef is attracting attention from foodies overseas. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for Wagyu beef! -
Video article 11:51
That's How You Slice a Wagyu Inner Thigh! It Feels So Good to See the Soft, Lean Inner Thigh Being Expertly Cut!
Food & Drink- 37 plays
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This video, titled "【WAGYU】和牛 ウチモモ 分割法 TopRound Topside 肉磨き," was released by "Meat Resistance" (ミートレジスタンス). This video introduces how to cut up a cows inner thigh, which is an incredibly delicious cut! The inner thigh on wagyu cows has become a popular cut with little fat. As you can see from its impressive appearance, it's recommended for use in dishes, such as beef cutlets and roast beef, as well as as a fillet. In this video, you can see a professional dismantling of the inner thigh, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 8:55
Nikunotakumi Miyoshi - Japan's Finest Kappo Restaurant! A Glimpse at Some of the Finest Dishes Japan Has to Offer!
Food & Drink- 30 plays
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This video, titled "[Kyoto Gourmet] Nikunotakumi Miyoshi - Japan's Top Restaurant! a Michelin-Starred, Top-Quality Meat Experience in Gion Shijo, Kyoto! Niku Kappo Nikunotakumi Miyoshi ウニ王子チャンネル#57" (【京都グルメ】肉割烹の日本最高峰「にくの匠三芳」京都祇園四条でミシュラン1つ星の極上の肉体験!Niku Kappo Nikunotakumi miyoshi ウニ王子チャンネル#57). It was released by "Uni Prince Channel" ( ウニ王子チャンネル). This video introduces Nikunotakumi Miyoshi, a famous restaurant in Kyoto which was awarded a Michelin star in the Kyoto Guide. They use only the finest quality meat and best cuts, making it a place worthy of its stars. You can taste some of the most delicious meat dishes you can imagine here, so we recommend checking it out at least once! In this video, you'll see Nikunotakumi Miyoshi, one of Japan's best restaurants. -
Video article 11:03
Kobe beef, with its beautiful sashi (marbling) and melt-in-your-mouth meat, is served at Yakiniku Ka, a Kyoto machiya in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture! The restaurant offers a whole head of Kobe Beef for your dining pleasure!
Food & Drink- 40 plays
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Kobe beef gourmet video introduction of “Yakiniku Ka” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "Buying an Entire Kobe Beef Cattle and Trying All of the Different Cuts at 'Yakiniku Yoshimi'" (神戸牛を一頭買い 多彩な部位を焼肉で堪能できる、和の趣き溢れる京町屋 焼肉 嘉 YOSHIMI), was released by "T-BOX Japan." It showcases the luxurious yakiniku at Yakiniku Yoshimi. The menu item shown in the video is the Kobe beef special assortment of the day. From 0:17 in the video, you can also check out their exquisite yukhoe, bibimap cooked in a stone bowl, and more. The Different Cuts of Kobe Beef Shown in the Video Photo:Tajima cattle The Kobe beef served at "Yakiniku Yoshimi" in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, introduced in the video, is a brand name of beef that is used when meat from Tajima cattle (Japanese black cattle) produced in Hyogo Prefecture meet certain standards. Kobe beef is well known not only in Japan, but also in Europe and the United States, and has been selected as one of the three major Japanese beef breeds. Kobe beef has many different names in Japanese, sometimes going by the English "Kobe Beef" or "神戸ビーフ" (kobe beef transliterated) "神戸肉" (kobe niku), and "神戸牛" (kobe gyu). All of these mean the same thing, however. The Requirements of Kobe Beef Photo:Wagyu beef There is a clear definition of Kobe beef which refers to beef that has been carefully selected from Tajima cattle. Whether the meat is Kobe beef or not is determined at the time of shipping, which means there is no such thing as live Kobe beef. In addition, only heifers (females that have not yet given birth) and male castrates are recognized as Kobe beef. On top of that, the Beef Marbling Score (BMS) value must be No. 6 or higher, with a carcass weight of 270-499.9 kg for females and 300-499.9 kg for males. Carcasses with flaws are judged by the Kobe Meat Marketing Promotion Council to determine whether they are Kobe beef or not. Check Out the Delicious Kobe Beef in the Video! Photo:Kobe beef, wagyu As you can see from 1:16 in the video, Kobe beef has beautiful and vivid "marbling" with a reddish color, and the meat is characterized by its mildness and richness. Kobe beef is stamped with an image of a chrysanthemum as proof that it is Kobe beef. The name "Kobe Beef" and its logo are registered as trademarks, and in order to use them, you need to have the trademark rights held by the Kobe Beef Marketing and Distribution Promotion Association. Summary of Japan’s Exquisite Kobe Beef Photo:Kobe beef teppanyaki The delicious Kobe beef introduced in the video is enough to make one's mouth water just by looking at it. Kobe beef lunches are also available in Ginza and other areas, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for delicious yakiniku restaurants! 【Official Website】Yakiniku Yoshimi http://yakiniku-yoshimi.com/ -
Video article 7:21
Sukiyaki - A Dish Highly Recommended by Food Connoisseurs Around the World! Ningyocho Imahan, a Popular Restaurant in Chuo City, Tokyo With 120 Years of History, Teaches You the Best Way to Enjoy It!
Food & Drink- 77 plays
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人形町今半のすき焼き、醍醐味は生卵と仲居のおもてなし精神 こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「SUKIYAKI - IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKU - 和食 (すき焼き)」です。 明治時代に登場した牛鍋。 そこから発展して生まれたのがこの動画で紹介されている「すき焼き」です。 関西と関東で調理の仕方が違う、また各家庭でそれぞれの味付けがあるなど多少の違いはあるにしろ、日本人にとって「すき焼き」はハレの日に食べる特別料理、つまりごちそうのひとつとして多くの方に親しまれています。 この動画で紹介されている人形町今半では、日本の最高峰のすき焼きを提供しています。 今半のすき焼きは肉の品質だけでなく、具材や具材の切り方、調理の方法にまでこだわり抜いた絶品の和食グルメです。 人形町今半のすき焼きの調理方法 動画でご覧になれるように、人形町今半のすき焼きは煮るのではなく「焼くように炊く」のが特徴です。 まずは割り下を薄く引いた鍋に牛肉を一度に食べる量だけ入れます。 その際、牛肉は広げて並べ、重ならないようにするのがポイント。 そうすることで味がぼやけることなく、ダイレクトに肉の旨味が口の中に広がります。 肉がピンク色から茶色に変わったらひっくり返す合図です。 その後の火の通し方でミディアムロゼからウェルダンまでお好みでどうぞ。 肉の焼き方でそれぞれ旨味が変わってくるので、自分好みのこだわりを探してみるのも一興です。 すき焼きには牛肉のほか、ネギは欠かせません。 しっかりと火を通したネギは甘くて舌触り、歯触りも抜群です。 そのほか焼き豆腐、春菊、白菜、さらに椎茸や白滝、お麩もすき焼きの定番の具材です。 人形町今半では、すき焼きの肉や具材は生卵にくぐらせて食べることを推奨しています。 とはいえ、生卵に抵抗感をもつ外国人は多いものです。 宗教や文化の違いがあるため無理強いはできませんが、甘辛く煮えた具材と生卵の食べ合わせはすき焼きの醍醐味とも言えるので、是非チャレンジしてみてほしいものです。 人形町今半のおもてなし 鍋物といえばだしの中で具材をグツグツと煮てそれぞれ箸を進めるものですが、人形町今半のすき焼きに限っては仲居の存在が欠かせません。 仲居は鍋奉行のプロとして、鍋の中すべてのことを管理するほか客の小皿に取り分けまでしてくれます。 プロが付きっ切りでお世話してくれるからこそ、お客さんは食べることに専念でき、さらにちょうど頃合いの肉や具材を口に入れることができるのです。 このことから人形町今半のすき焼きは一般的な鍋物ではなく、鉄板焼きと同じようなパフォーマンス料理とも言えるかもしれませんね。 人形町今半のすき焼き紹介まとめ 外国人の方の中には日本食の代表であるすき焼きを食べたいと思っても食べ方が分からない人も多いようです。 人形町今半のように仲居の存在があると心強いことでしょう。 120年以上もの長い歴史と伝統を受け継いできた人形町今半のすき焼きで、日本食の真髄とおもてなしの精神を同時に味わってみませんか。 -
Video article 7:44
Shabu-shabu, a Popular Japanese Menu Item, Wows the Palates of New York Foodies! The Female Chef of Shabu Shabu Macoron, a Japanese Restaurant in New York City, Talks About Her Passion for Shabu-shabu!
Food & Drink- 115 plays
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A Look at the Japanese Hot Pot Dish Shabu Shabu Omakase This video, titled "Chef Mako Okano Serves the World's Only Shabu-Shabu Omakase — Omakase," was released by "Eater." The video introduces Mako Okano, a female chef at a Japanese restaurant in New York that offers "Shabu-shabu," a Japanese style hot pot dish, in an "Omakase" format. Introduced in the video is the Japanese restaurant "Macoron," a new style "Shabu-shabu" restaurant in New York where Mako Okano cooks dishes using traditional Japanese ingredients while guests enjoy the show from their counter seats. Shabu-shabu - Original Japanese Cuisine Photo:Shabu-shabu "Shabu-shabu" is a Japanese dish in which thinly sliced meat is dipped in a pot containing soup stock to cook, and then dipped in ponzu or sesame sauce. In addition to meat, vegetables, tofu, and other ingredients are also boiled and then dipped in sauces creating a delicious assortment of flavors. It's said that the name comes from the onomatopoeia "shabu-shabu," which is the sound the meat makes while being pulled through the soup stock while held with chopsticks. "Shabu-shabu" is popular as a Japanese gourmet food, and it is a popular dish you can enjoy at Japanese restaurants as well as at home, with family and friends gathered around the pot. In Japanese shabu-shabu, there is no person designated to do the cooking, rather, each person "shabu-shabus" (dips the meat into the pot) and eats their desired portion. Mako Okano's Original "Shabu-shabu Omakase" Source :YouTube screenshot The dishes offered by Mako Okano start with appetizers, such as "Dashimaki Tamago" (a type of Japanese rolled omelet), abalone, yuba (tofu skin) and raw sea urchin, and tofu that is cooked via shabu-shabu. After that, the main Wagyu beef shabu-shabu is served with vegetables. This can be seen from 1:30 in the video. Mako Okano dips the thinly sliced meat of A5 or A4 ranked beef, which has the highest balance of lean and fat, several times in the boiling soup stock and serves it to customers after it's perfectly cooked. There are 4 types of sauces used in addition to the major Japanese ponzu and sesame sauces. The course is also original in that it's finished with soba noodles made by Mako Okano, who has worked at a soba restaurant herself. Soba is also one of the representative gourmet foods in Japan. Summary Shabu Shabu Macoron - A Popular Shabu-shabu Restaurant in New York Source :YouTube screenshot Mako Okano points out that the charm of her original Japanese shabu-shabu is that boiling the meat removes excess fat, so that the stomach doesn't feel heavy after eating it, and it also doesn't leave you feeling lethargic. Mako Okano also mentions that she wants to combine Japanese soba with shabu-shabu as it's good for one's health. By using Japanese ingredients and shabu-shabu recipes outside of Japan, she's able to share Japan's delicious cuisine with the world. -
Video article 25:00
Teppanyaki Cuisine With a View of Nagoya Castle!
Food & Drink- 40 plays
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Teppanyaki Cuisine With a View of Nagoya Castle - Crown Teppanyaki! This video shows someone enjoying a meal at "Crown," a teppanyaki restaurant in Hotel Nagoya Castle in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. You can see Nagoya Castle from the window, and enjoy teppanyaki cuisine with fresh vegetables and Wagyu beef in an elegant setting. In this video, you can see the chef cooking on the teppan right before your eyes! Check out the video to see her amazing skills. ◆Crown Teppanyaki Store Information◆ 【Address】Hotel Nagoya Castle 11F, 3-19 Hinokuchi-cho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture 【Access】Taxi: 10 minutes from Nagoya Station / Subway: An 8 minute walk from Asama-cho Station (Exit 1) on the Tsurumai Line / Shuttle bus: departs every hour from JR Nagoya Station 【Admission Fee】15000円〜 【Store Hours】11:30-14:30 (Last Order 14:00) / 17:30-21:30 (Last Order 20:30) 【Holidays】Occasional Closures 【Parking】Availableり 【Phone】052-521-2121 【Home Page】Crown Teppanyaki https://www.castle.co.jp/hnc/restaurant/crown_tpn/ 【Tabelog】Contemporary Dining Crown Teppanyaki https://tabelog.com/aichi/A2301/A230109/23069347/ -
Video article 1:46
Ranked No. 1 in the Udon Category in Japan on Tabelog! A Look at the Wagyu Bukakke Udon of "Rakuraku," in Osaka!
Food & Drink- 28 plays
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The Wagyu Bukkaku Udon of Rakuraku! This video shows what dining at Raraku, an udon shop in Katano, Osaka, is like. Rakuraku has been ranked number one in Japan in the udon category by the Japanese food review site "Tabelog." People who love udon come from all over Japan to eat here, and even on weekdays, there are long lines of people. As you can see in the video, these udon noodles made with Wagyu beef are very popular. In addition, the boiling of the udon in a pressure cooker gives them a unique texture and elasticity. It's a very popular udon shop, so you should definitely check it out. 【Tabelog】Rakuraku https://tabelog.com/en/osaka/A2707/A270704/27011240/ -
Video article 16:50
Iga Beef - Enjoy The Finest Japanese Beef At Sukiyaki Kanaya, A Popular, Long-established Japanese Restaurant In Iga, Mie! The Soft, Melt-in-your-mouth Texture Of The Grilled Beef Will Take You To Cloud Nine!
Food & Drink- 71 plays
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Video introduction of Iga beef grilled at the long-established “Kanaya Head Office” in Iga City, Mie Prefecture. This video, titled "Iga Beef Amiyaki - Gourmet Food in Japan," was released by "Aden Films." The video showcases Iga Beef being grilled at the long-established shop "Sukiyaki Kanaya" in Iga City, Mie Prefecture. "Sukiyaki Kanaya" in Iga, Mie is a Japanese sukiyaki restaurant that produces Iga Beef and offers some of the finest cuts of beef around. It's very popular as a long-established restaurant where you can relax and enjoy Iga Beef in a Japanese-style atmosphere. This time, we'll introduce the characteristics of Iga Beef and the grill menu of Sukiyaki Kanaya, the restaurant introduced in the video. Iga Beef, a High-end Brand of Japanese Beef Photo:Iga Beef Iga Beef refers to female Japanese Black heifers fattened in Japan's Tokai region in Iga and Nabari in Mie prefecture. Specifically, the cattle are fattened females born to Tajima bulls in Hyogo Prefecture and virgin cattle from Miyazaki Prefecture. Since its founding 100 years ago, Kanaya has been producing Iga Beef with its advanced fattening techniques. Also, it's said that the livestock production of Iga Beef became known nationwide when Seizaburo Kanaya shipped Iga Beef to Tokyo for the first time in 1883. The clean air and water of the Iga Basin and the abundant pastures of the natural environment make it suitable for cattle breeding. The Iga Beef bred there has a unique fragrance and richness to it and is characterized by its melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. Iga Beef is sold as a high-end beef brand at 18 certified butcher shops. As a special product of the Iga region, it is also sold online, and its flavor is recognized both in Japan and overseas. The Grilled Beef Dishes of Sukiyaki Kanaya Source :YouTube screenshot The long-established Iga Beef restaurant Sukiyaki Kanaya is a Japanese restaurant that has been producing Iga Beef for four generations. The menu at Sukiyaki Kanaya includes, of course, sukiyaki, as well as butter-grilled beef, regular grilled beef, shabu-shabu, and Iga Beef steaks for both lunch and dinner. The video will introduce the "Amiyaki" method of grilling over charcoal, which brings out the flavor of the meat more directly. You can see the Iga Beef grilled with plenty of sauce at 2:28 in the video. At Sukiyaki Kanaya, the veteran Chef Nakai attends to the table and grills 3 pieces of A5 rank marbled meat and vegetables, such as onions and shiitake mushrooms, to utter perfection. Check out the video at 4:09 and you'll be able to get an idea for just how tender this meat is. Summary of Iga Beef, the So-Called"Phantom" Beef Photo:Iga Beef In the video "Iga Beef Amiyaki - Gourmet Food in Japan" that was shown here, you can thoroughly enjoy the grilled cuisine of Sukiyaki Kanaya. Watching the video of the delicious Iga beef grilled over charcoal with special sauce... If this doesn't make you want to go sightseeing in the ninja village of Iga then I don't know what will. -
Video article 6:18
Kagurazaka Ishikawa - a Famous Restaurant Awarded Three Stars by Michelin! Their Kaiseki Dishes Are Made With Only the Finest Seasonal Ingredients!
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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This video is titled "Dinner at Kagurazaka Ishikawa (神楽坂 石かわ).. 3 Michelin Star Kaiseki!" It was released by Glorious Gluttony! This video introduces the restaurant Kagurazaka Ishikawa, a high-class restaurant that has been awarded three stars in Michelin Tokyo. Opened in 2003, Kagurazaka Ishikawa is a famous Japanese restaurant that has been awarded three stars by Michelin since 2009. The numerous kaiseki dishes prepared using a wealth of seasonal ingredients are sure to leave you satisfied, and it is the first restaurant that you should consider if you're looking to try Japanese cuisine. In this video, you can see some of the dishes at Kagurazaka Ishikawa, so if you're interested in the restaurant, check it out in the video! -
Video article 19:35
The ultimate in luxury at the exquisite Japanese Teppanyaki! Tantalize your taste buds with exquisite gourmet food prepared by the chefs of a restaurant in Minami-ku, Tokyo!
Food & Drink- 269 plays
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Teppan-yaki "Kisentei" in Minato-ku, Tokyo - Video Introduction of the finest steaks This video, titled “$144 Steak Lunch in Tokyo - Teppanyaki in Japan,” was released by "Aden Films." It introduces the exquisite Japanese cuisine, teppanyaki. Teppanyaki is a popular dish that is loved both inside Japan and abroad. There are many high-end teppanyaki restaurants in Tokyo that continue to offer authentic teppanyaki flavors, and they have gained the attention of many gourmet tourists. No trip to Japan is complete without trying some of the delicious Japanese cuisine at the many popular gourmet restaurants scattered throughout the country. It's good to splurge every now and then, and going to a Japanese teppanyaki restaurant where you can eat delicious Japanese beef steak is one rewarding way to do so. The History and Menu of Teppanyaki Photo:Teppanyaki, Kobe Beef Teppanyaki is a Japanese dish in which ingredients such as steak and other meats, seasonal vegetables, and seafood are grilled on an iron griddle. Teppanyaki is a Japanese dish with a long history that originally started with dishes such as okonomiyaki and monjayaki. At renowned teppanyaki restaurants, the chef will grill the seasonal ingredients right before your eyes, serving only the finest cuts of meat. In the video, you can see how several exquisite dishes are prepared: white fish from 3:39, vegetables such as shiitake mushrooms at 8:01, the main course, wagyu steak, at 11:06, and finally, the closing dish, garlic rice, at 14:44. If you book a course meal at a popular teppanyaki restaurant, you'll be able to enjoy the best in Japanese cuisine. The Masterful Techniques of Teppanyaki Chefs Photo:Teppanyaki Japanese chefs have mastered the art of cooking with seasonal ingredients. At teppanyaki restaurants, you not only get to enjoy the taste of the food, but you also get to sit back and watch the expert knife skills of the chef as he grills up the most delicious teppanyaki dishes. Teppanyaki recipes and menus vary greatly from restaurant to restaurant, so we recommend that you try a variety of teppanyaki restaurants to experience the differences. Depending on the restaurant, you may be able to try noodle dishes or garlic rice as well! Summary of Japan's Teppanyaki Cuisine Photo:Teppanyaki meat If you want to enjoy Japan's unique food culture, or are looking to try some of the delicious flavors of Japan, we highly recommend trying teppanyaki cuisine for lunch or dinner. Some of the more popular teppanyaki restaurants, such as the one shown in this video, are often fully booked, so it's best to make a reservation in advance. -
Video article 19:34
The Cooking at Okinawa's Teppanyaki Steak Restaurant, "Heki," Will Have Your Mouth Watering Just Seeing It... So Delicious You Can FEEL the Flavors!
Food & Drink- 44 plays
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Heki - A Teppanyaki Steak Restaurant in Okinawa This video shows the chef grilling vegetables, shrimp, and wagyu steaks on a teppanyaki grill at the teppanyaki steak restaurant "Heki" in Okinawa Prefecture. Teppanyaki is a dish in which vegetables, fish, meat, etc. are grilled and served on a teppan, and many restaurants cook right in front of you. Another attraction of teppanyaki is that you can eat freshly prepared, hot food. Just watching the video seems to give you a sense of how delicious it is. Be sure to check out the teppanyaki steak restaurant "Heki" when you visit Okinawa. ◆Heki Higashimachi Store Information◆ 【Address】900-0034 Okinawa-ken, Naha-shi, Higashimachi 19-25 【Access】A 4-minute walk from Asahibashi Station 【Avg. Cost】¥3,000+ 【Hours】11:30-22:00 (L.O. 20:30) 【Closures】None 【Parking】Available 【Phone】098-917-3205 【Official Homepage】Teppanyaki Steak Restaurant HEKI https://heki.co.jp/ 【Tabelog】Heki (碧) Higashimachi Store https://tabelog.com/en/okinawa/A4701/A470101/47016210/ -
Video article 6:00
Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture: A Town With Tons of History, Gourmet Food, Tradition, and Culture. In This Video, Two Beautiful Women Wander Around the Tourist Spots of Matsusaka!
Local PR Travel Food & Drink- 88 plays
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Matsusaka City Is More Than Just Matsusaka Beef This video was created by the Matsusaka Tourist Association. This video will introduce you to Matsusaka, Mie, in Japan's Tokai region. It's called "Matsusaka-city tour video [Japanese]" (松阪市観光動画【日本語】). Matsusaka city is located in the center of Mie prefecture. Matsusaka is a gateway to Ise Shima, and it is about 15 minutes by train to Ise, a castle town with a traditional atmosphere. In this video, two beautiful ladies tour Matsusaka in order to introduce you to gourmet food, tradition, and culture. You'll be raring to visit Matsusaka after watching the video. What to Eat in Matsusaka Photo:Sukiyaki Lots of good food can be found in Matsusaka city. We especially recommend Matsusaka beef, introduced in the video at 0:33. A world-famous brand, Matsusaka beef comes from Matsusaka cows that drink beer and get massages. This peculiar way of raising cows gives the meat an amazing flavor, and no other beef has the same taste. It is so soft that if you touch the beef, the fat starts to melt. In the video at 1:02, Shigenobu Kajio from the Matsusaka Tourist Association talks about the beautiful marbling, sweetness, and top quality of Matsusaka beef. If you're visiting Matsusaka, the most famous Matsusaka beef dish, sukiyaki, is one you've gotta try! They show how to cook this at 1:21 in the video. Of course, there's more ways than just sukiyaki to enjoy Matsusaka beef. Other ways include steaks, yakiniku, and more! Matsusaka local food includes Japanese sweets like Oinotomo, Matsusaka tea, Monaka Ice cream (wafers filled with bean jam), and there's the popular Japanese sweets store, Yanagiya Hozen, where you can buy some of these. There are also many restaurants serving lunch as well as popular ramen stores throughout the area. A restaurant called "Kappo Ryokan Yachiyo" serves many different Matsusaka beef dishes such as shabu-shabu, steaks, rare, lightly roasted beef, and beef stew. Matsusaka is full of flavor! Historical Spots in Matsusaka Photo:Gojoban Yashiki After filling up at a local restaurant, enjoy a walk around the city and admire the history. During the warring states period (late 1400s to late 1600s), Matsusaka City in Mie Prefecture prospered as a merchant city under the command of Gamo Ujisato, a military commander of the Warring States period. At the "Matsusaka Cotton Hand Weaving Center" introduced in the video, they sell Matsusaka cotton textiles, such as dresses, accessories, Kimonos, and Yukata (summer Kimono). You can also try the weaving experience to get more in touch with Japanese culture. In the castle town, Matsusaka, there are number of tourist spots where you can enjoy the city’s history such as Gojoban Yashiki, Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Ozu Yasujiro Seishunkan Museum, Matsusaka City History and Folklore Museum, Former residence of Hasegawa, Ozu Seizaemon, Hasegawa Jirobei, and the birthplace of the Mitsui Family. You can see the details in the video at 3:39. There are many great places for taking Instagram photos as well. Norinaga Motoori, a famous person in the Kojiki (A record of ancient matters), was from Matsusaka, and there are facilities related to Motoori Norinaga such as the Museum of Motoori Norinaga, and the former residence of Motoori Norinaga "Suzu-no-ya." Japanese explorer, Takeshiro Matsuura, who was the first person to document the inner reaches of Hokkaido, was also from Matsusaka. He is the one that named Hokkaido "Ainu." Access to Matsusaka It's more convenient to use trains to get to Matsusaka. From Osaka or Kyoto, it takes just under 2 hours, while from Nagoya it's only a 70 minute journey. From Kansai International Airport, change at Namba Station, and from Chubu International Airport Centrair, change at Nagoya Station. It is also easily accessible from Kyoto and Nara. Festivals in Matsusaka Source :YouTube screenshot There are many events in Matsusaka. Take a look at the video at 4:48 to see some of them. The Ujisato Festival held in autumn in memory of Gamo Ujisato is a very powerful event! There is also the Hatsuuma Festival, the Norinaga Festival, and the Matsusaka Gion Festival. Many people come to the Matsusaka Beef Festival where they auction off Matsusaka cattle. The Matsusaka City Marathon is also very popular. Other Tourist Spots Around Matsusaka There are number of tourist spots that weren't introduced in the video. If you want to relax, we recommend visiting Mie Ureshino hot springs and Matsusaka Kumano-no sato hot hprings. If you want to buy souvenirs and Matsusaka goods, you can visit roadside stations Iitaka and Chakura, or places like Matsusaka Bell Farm, Matsuzakashi Santaro, and local street markets. We highly recommend having lunch at Matsusaka's local restaurants! There are more exciting spots in Matsusaka as well: Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Matsusaka Park, Chubudai Athletic Park, Komyo-ji Temple, Matsusaka City History and Folklore Museum, wealthy merchant town Matsusaka, Matsusaka Tourist Information Center, Takeshiro Matsuura Museum, ceramic art space “Niji no Izumi,” Matsusaka Suzu no Mori Park, and Mount Takami. Find your favorite place amongst the beautiful scenery of Matsusaka. Overview of Matsusaka Interested in checking out Matsusaka city? Don't forget to try Matsusaka's local cuisine, Matsusaka beef when you visit! Check out the video to see the delicious Matsusaka beef. We don't recommend watching it on an empty stomach! 【Official Website】Mie Prefecture Matsusaka city, city hall https://www.city.matsusaka.mie.jp/site/userguide/foreignlanguage.html -
Video article 25:06
Ningyocho Imahan is a Japanese restaurant specializing in sukiyaki and shabu-shabu in Chuo-ku, Tokyo! Sukiyaki with the finest beef selected by the connoisseurs of the long-established restaurant! Everything from appetizers to desserts!
Food & Drink- 53 plays
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This video, titled "【#すき焼き】「人形町 今半 本店」の個室で、絶品一人すき焼き? WAGYU SUKIYAKI at Ningyocho IMAHAN Honten," was released by "ごはん日記 - where and what locals eat in TOKYO." This is a video showing how sukiyaki, a Japanese cuisine, is served at the long-established restaurant "Imahan" in Ningyocho. Ningyocho Imahan in Tokyo's Chuo Ward is a long-established sukiyaki and shabu-shabu restaurant. The restaurant is particular about identifying the beef and serving only the finest cuts. In this video, they enjoy sukiyaki in a private room on the second floor with an upscale atmosphere. From appetizers to sukiyaki, rice with egg, and dessert, check out the vast menu they have to offer! -
Video article 3:25
Frost Tipped Trees and Winter Scenery in the Wild North; Tsubetsu, Hokkaido Is Like a Fantasy World. 110% Fun in the Harsh but Beautiful Winter Wonderland!
Local PR Travel- 429 plays
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Tourist Information for the Winter Months in Tsubetsu, Hokkaido The tourism promotional video produced by the Tsubetsu's tourism board, "Welcome to Winter in Tsubetsu!"(いらっしゃい津別!冬(津別町観光PRビデオ)), captures the beauty of the wild winter wonderland at its best. Tsubetsu is adjacent to Akan Mashu National Park located in the east inland of Hokkaido prefecture. Tsubetsu Outlook is a popular viewpoint overlooking Kussharo Lake during the summer months, but the road leading to the outlook is closed in winter. However, there are some unique attractions in Tsubetsu during the winter. Displayed in the video is a fantastic snow-covered world of minus 20 degree weather with frost-covered trees and wild animals - The harsh beauty of the Wild North. How to Enjoy Tsubetsu's Magnificent Winter Wonderland Source :YouTube screenshot Tsubetsu is an hour drive from Memanbetsu Airport in Abashiri, and the city has no local train. About 80% of its total municipal area is covered by forest, surrounding tourists with the vast landscape as soon as they arrive. You may be wondering if there's anything to see there other than the silvery white plains during the bitter winter, but that same landscape is what makes the visit so worth your time! The trees in the forest are covered with ice, and when the weather is nice they sparkle, creating a fantastic scene of glittering lights. Popular winter activities in Tsubetsu include ice skating at the Tsubetsu Elementary School grounds or smelt fishing at Chimikeppu Lake. You can see smelt fishing at 1:30 in the video. Catching and cooking your very own smelt is a great way to enjoy the cold weather. The subtitle that appears at 1:42 says how "The mountain has become an amusement park," and that's exactly what we see! This amusement park offers a wide range of enjoyable experiences, such as eating fresh snow with condensed milk poured on it. Dining in Tsubetsu Source :YouTube screenshot After spending some time in the magnificent snowscape, viewers are taken to Michi no Eki Aioi (Roadside Station Aioi) that sells healthy snacks using local vegetables. This can be seen at 2:02 in the video. We recommend Kumayaki; it's a snack you can't find anywhere else. Kumayaki is a type of Japanese confection with bear-shaped patties (Kuma means bear in Japanese) and a sweet red bean filling using local flour and locally grown adzuki beans. There are four types of bear-shaped dorayaki (similar to Kumayaki) made of Hokkaido wheat and azuki beans, which are popular in Japan. Local gourmet delicacies such as Tsubetsu Wagyu steak, a brand of beef from Tsubetsu, Hokkaido, which is said to be a rare Japanese wagyu beef, and extra-large kakiage soba noodles made with local vegetables are also worth trying. And there is of course the renowned local dish of Hokkaido, Genghis Khan (a Japanese BBQ mutton dish), which is served at some restaurants in Tsubetsu. Tourist Information for Tsubetsu Source :YouTube screenshot Lamp no Yado Mori Tsubetsu Hotel is a hotel that features an outdoor hot spring bath where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the snow. In summer, tourists come from all over Japan to tour the spectacular sea of clouds from Tsubetsu Pass to Lake Kussharo. "Non-no no Mori Nature Center" is a rare park in Japan that has been scientifically recognized as a "forest therapy base" for its healing properties. The forest therapy guided tour or a walk on the hiking trail through the snow-covered forest will help you get reacquainted with nature. Summary of Tsubetsu, Hokkaido The natural beauty of Tsubetsu instills wanderlust in those who see it. You get a sense that even in this harsh winter wonderland you can enjoy a fantastic experience in the great outdoors. The harshness is exactly what makes it so beautiful. Many festivals and events are lined up in Tsubetsu all throughout the year, such as the ceremony to open the Tsubetsu pass, the "Primrose Festival," "Tsubetsu Summer Festival," the "Tsubetsu Tanabata Festival" in July, the "Bon Dance Festival" in mid-August, and the "Tsubetsu Local Festival." We recommended visiting Tsubetsu to see the events. The detailed information of events and festivals is published on the city's official website. The specialties of Tsubetsu include the traditional wooden crafts and Japanese black beef "Ryu-sui Gyu," which make great souvenirs. I bet this video already has you packing your bags, doesn't it? 【Official Website】Tsubetsu Tourism Association http://www.tsubetsu.net/english/index.html