Video article 9:41
Yubara Onsen in Maniwa, Okayama Is a Tourist Spot With a Variety of Seasonal Attractions! The Different Faces of Nature Will Create Lifelong Memories!
Local PR Travel- 51 plays
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四季を通じて自然豊かな温泉の郷「湯原温泉」について こちらの動画は「真庭市公式チャンネル」が公開した「湯原温泉」です。 湯原温泉は岡山県にある自然豊かな温泉郷です。 昔から自噴する温泉が数多く存在し、湯治客や観光客で賑わってきました。 また古墳時代より「たたら製鉄」が盛んだったエリアで、金山(製鉄後のくず鉄を積んでできた山)や史跡がそこかしこに残っています。 人気アニメ「もののけ姫」にもたたら場が登場し、そのモデルが湯原温泉郷だったと言われており、聖地巡礼の場としても旅行客の人気を集めています。 岡山県湯原温泉郷のイベント情報 湯原温泉では夏の季節はイベント満載ですが何と言っても「はんざき祭り」が一番の目玉です。 このお祭りは日本の特別天然記念物に指定されているオオサンショウウオ(岡山の方言ではんざき)にちなんだお祭りで、「はんざき山車(はんざきねぶた)」が湯原温泉郷を練り歩きます。 華やかな道中ばやしが鳴り響き盆踊りも開催! また美甘夏まつりで行われる花火大会は中国山地の山々に音が反響するので海辺の花火大会よりも迫力満点でとても人気のあるイベントです。 さらに秋には紅葉、冬は雪見風呂や冬至のゆず湯、雪景色の中のキャンドルファンタジー、正月明けのしし祭り、6月の砂湯が人気の露天風呂の日など、湯原温泉では一年を通じてさまざまなイベントを楽しむことができます。 岡山県湯原温泉郷のグルメ情報 清流と山間の自然あふれる湯原温泉では毎年1月になると伝統的な「しし祭り」が開かれ多くの人がご当地グルメのイノシシ料理を楽しみます。 そして清流釣りの本場としても人気のスポットなので、ヤマメやイワナ、マスなどの川魚料理が多くの観光客に愛されています。 ホテルや旅館では本格的な山の幸をふんだんに使った郷土料理をお楽しみいただけますよ。 岡山県湯原温泉郷周辺の観光スポット情報 はんざきセンターはオオサンショウウオに関する資料や湯山温泉郷との文化・歴史的なつながりを示す資料を展示している隠れた観光名所です。 また「はんざき祭り」のルートには「はんざき大明神」の祠があり、ここもおすすめの穴場景観地。 ご祭祀のオオサンショウウオがとても可愛いと評判なのです。 湯原温泉郷旅行では絶対に外せないインスタ映えポイントとしておすすめ。 さらに、絶景好きな方やダムマニアにとって欠かせない景勝地が「湯原ダム」です。 湯原ダムは昭和23年に岡山県が立案し昭和30年に完成した歴史あるダムです。 今でも湯原温泉郷の大切な水源として、また電力供給源として活躍しています。 スポーツ好きな方は湯原温泉トライアスロン大会がおすすめ! そしてとっておきの観光スポットをもう一つ!温泉街の中央に位置する温泉薬師堂をご紹介。 温泉薬師堂は無くしたものが返ってくるお薬師様として信仰を集め、すぐ近くから温泉がこんこんと湧き出ているので手湯足湯が無料で楽しめるんです。 湯原温泉郷紹介まとめ 湯原温泉郷へのアクセスは米子自動車道湯原ICより約3キロ、JR岡山駅またはJR中国勝山駅から路線バスを乗り継いで湯原温泉バス停のご利用が便利です。 湯原温泉郷に旅行するなら日帰り温泉が楽しめる湯元温泉館にも足をお運びくださいね。 -
Video article 1:30
Nagi MOCA - A Museum of Contemporary Art in Nagi, Okayama. A Collaboration of Installation and Landscape Art Created With Nature
Travel Modern Culture Art & Architecture- 45 plays
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A Café with Works of Art and Magnificent Scenery At the café of the Nagi Museum of Contemporary Art, visitors can enjoy works of art and magnificent views. The café is a place where visitors can relax and enjoy the exhibits while also gazing out at the peak of Mt. Nagi. Various works can be seen in the foreground, while Mt. Nagi is used as a sort of "Borrowed Scenery" in the background. Also nearby is La gita, which serves authentic Neapolitan pizza and pasta, and Café Calme, which is attached to a rental gallery and offers baked goods and coffee. [Video] 0:31 - Nagi MOCA Café Enjoy Sightseeing Nearby at Waterfalls and Temples! Photo:Yashiki Falls Surrounded by a rich natural primeval forest, Yashiki Falls (屋敷の滝, Yashiki no Taki) features a beautiful view of cascading water falling from a height of about 40 meters. The area is also known as the place where Honen, a famous Japanese Buddhist monk, first studied, and is home to the Great Ginkgo of Bodaiji Temple, (菩提寺の大イチョウ, Bodaiji Dai-Ichou) a 900-year-old tree that has been designated a Natural Monument by the Japanese government. [Video] 1:08 - Yashiki Falls Summary of Nagi MOCA, a Popular Installation Museum in Okayama, Japan Photo:Nagi MOCA (Nagi Museum of Contemporary Art) Okayama Art Trip is a trip to enjoy the Nagi Museum of Contemporary Art and the surrounding tourist spots. The museum is integrated with the artworks, which show different expressions depending on the season and time of day, along with the view of Mt. Nagi, a majestic natural landscape. It's truly an area where nature and art collaborate beautifully. In this video, you can enjoy the charms of a place full of art, including Nagi MOCA, a pioneer in interactive art museums. 【Nagi MOCA Facility Information】 【Address】441 Toyosawa, Nagi, Katsuta District, Okayama 708-1323 【Telephone】0868-36-5811 FAX 0868-36-5855 【Hours】9:30-17:00 (admission by 16:30) 【Closures】Mondays (open if Monday is a national holiday) and the day following a national holiday 【Admission Fee】 General, College Students - ¥700 (¥500) High Schoolers - ¥500 (¥350) Junior High Schoolers – ¥300 (¥200) ※Brackets () indicate prices for groups of 20 or more people. ※Free admission for those 75 years of age or older, those with disabilities, and one caregiver (must show proof). 【Access】 ●Local bus (approx. time - 30 mins one way): From Tsuyama Bus Center (津山バスセンター) at JR Tsuyama Station, take the Chutetsu Hokubu Bus bound for Maguwa (馬桑) and get off at Nagi Terrace (ナギテラス) (Nagi Town Hall), and it's about a 5-minute walk. ●Chizu Express/Chizu Line (approx. time - 2 hrs and 40 mins. from Shin-Osaka Station): From JR Shin-Osaka Station, take the "Limited Express Super Hakuto" (特急スーパーはくと) and get off at Chizu Station, and then take a taxi to the museum. ●By Air (approx. time - 1 hr and 40 mins from Okayama Airport): Take a limousine bus from Okayama Airport and get off at Tsuyama Station (津山駅). Take a local bus or taxi to the museum. ●Highway Bus (approx. time - 2 hrs and 50 mins from Osaka Station): From Osaka Station, take the Chugoku Jukan Jidosha Highway Bus (中国縦貫自動車ハイウェイバス) via Shin-Osaka Station and get off at the Mimasaka Interchange stop (美作インター停留所). Take a Nagi Bus or taxi to the museum. [Parking] 30 standard cars, 2 buses 【Official Website】Nagi – Museum of Contemporary Art https://www.town.nagi.okayama.jp/moca/ 【TripAdvisor】Nagi Museum of Contemporary Art https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1027144-d2688080-Reviews-Nagi_Museum_Of_Contemporary_Art-Nagi_cho_Katsuta_gun_Okayama_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 4:15
Put on a Kimono and Stroll Through Yakage Town in Okayama Prefecture, Where the Good Old Days of Japan Remain! The Daimyo Procession Through the City Will Have You Feeling as Though You've Traveled Back to the Edo Period!
Local PR Travel History- 129 plays
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Yakage Town, Okayama Prefecture! This video is titled "A Town Full of Culture and History - Yakage Town, Okayama Prefecture." It introduces Yakage, Okayama, located in Japan's Chugoku region. Yakage Town is referred to as the "back seat of Kurashiki." Yakage, Okayama prefecture is a historical lodging town, where Princess Tenshoin Atsu is said to have stayed. In Yakage Town, Yakage Honjin and Waki Honjin, which were official lodgings for Daimyo, still exist today. They also hold an event called the Yakage Shukuba Festival Daimyo Procession in autumn. The main attraction at the festival is the luxurious Daimyo Procession shown from 0:07 in the video. The procession goes through town shouting "Kneel! Kneel!" You can hear this throughout the video. Okayama Prefecture is known for fine weather. It has more nice weather than other places in Japan, making it the perfect place to visit on the weekends. Enjoy the video of Yakage, Okayama, a town full of culture and traditional Japanese scenery. A Look at Yakage Source : YouTube screenshot Yakage, Okayama has various historical buildings from the Edo Period (1603~1868), Meiji Period (1868~1912), Taisho Period (1912~1926), and the Showa Period (1926~1989). You can experience all of the different eras within one town, which is one of the things that makes Yakage so interesting. This is explained by the town guide at 2:40 in the video. Traditional Japanese Kimono such as those shown in the video match very well with the traditional Japanese atmosphere of the streets, which are perfect for taking Instagram photos. You can also enjoy a leisurely stroll around Yakage Town Hall and the Rural Environment Improvement Center. Eraya is a hole in the wall spot that you can visit if you're into plastic models. Yakage, Okayama Is Full of Popular Tourist Attractions! Photo:Kibino Makibi Park (Yakage Town) In Yakage, where the streets of Edo remain, we recommend visiting the Old Yakage Headquarters Ishii Family Residence and Old Yakage Waki Headquarters Takakusa Family Residence. Other places to visit include Koian, where you can see antique art, Yakage Town House Exchange Center (やかげ町家交流館 Yakage Machiya Koryukan), Yakage's Local Art Museum (やかげ郷土美術館 Yakage kyodo Bijutukan), Unai Firefly Park (宇内ホタル公園 Unai Hotaru Koen), History Park (歴史公園 Rekishikoen) and Kibino Makibi Park (吉備真備公園 Kibino Makibi Koen). We recommend visiting Yakage for the Camelia festival (つばき祭り Tsubaki Matsuri) in April and the Kibikosai Festival (吉備公祭 Kibikosai) in May, as well. There are many hot spring facilities in the Yakage Town area. We recommend staying at Yunohana Hot Springs (湯の華温泉 Yunohana Onsen) to relax and unwind. Create your own sightseeing route in Yakage Town, Okayama Prefecture and enjoy sightseeing, nature, and culture! Delicious Food in Yakage, Okayama! Okayama prefecture is famous for its soy sauce. The video shows you how they make soy sauce at 2:30. Why not try some delicious Yubeshi dumplings, a local specialty of Okayama Prefecture, dipped in some locally made soy sauce? After strolling through town, enjoy lunch at a one of the old fashioned cafes or restaurants in the area. You can also pick your own fruit at Suisha no Sato Fruits Topia (水車の里フルーツトピア). Summary of Yakage, Okayama Source :YouTube screenshot In Yakage Town, Okayama prefecture, you can stroll around the historical Japanese streets and sightseeing locations with amazing views. Plan a memorable trip to Okayama using the information in this video! There are also hotels and inns nearby, so we recommend staying overnight! 【Official Website】Yakage Town, Okayama PR Website https://japan-yakage.jp/en/ 【TripAdvisor】Yakage Town https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121388-Yakage_cho_Oda_gun_Okayama_Prefecture_Chugoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:12
Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum – The Second Largest Railroad Museum in Japan! See Rare Locomotives and More at the Exciting Museum in Okayama!
Transportation Travel Things to Do- 57 plays
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Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum, Okayama: Video Introduction Photo:Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum This video, titled "[Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum] A Great Facility for Kids! A Railway Museum Full of Learning and Discovery (Tsuyama, Okayama)" (【津山まなびの鉄道館】こどもたちも大喜び!まなびと発見がいっぱいの鉄道館(岡山県津山市)), was uploaded by "Okayama Haretabi: Okayama Prefecture Official Tourism Guide" (おかやまハレ旅:岡山県観光連盟). Check out what the facility is like in the short, 1-minute video! Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum: Admission Fees, Opening Hours, and Facility Information Photo:A steam locomotive at the Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum is a museum (railroad preservation and exhibition facility) that exhibits railway-related items, opened at Tsuyama Station in Tsuyama, Okayama, in Japan's Chugoku Region. The museum is operated by the Tsuyama City Tourist Agency. The former Tsuyama Fan-Shaped Locomotive Depot was reopened on April 2, 2008, with the aim of enabling visitors to enjoy learning about the relationship between society, regional development, and the railroad. In addition to trains, railway turntables, and a steam locomotive driving wheel, the facility includes a corner where visitors can learn about the history of railroads in Okayama and how railroads work. There is also an exhibition corner with a diorama of the cityscape of Tsuyama. Admission is 310 yen for adults, 100 yen for junior high school and elementary school students, and free for children not yet of elementary school age. The museum is open from 9:00 am to 16:00 pm and closed on Mondays. A Locomotive Depot With a One-Of-A-Kind Train Photo:A DE50-1 diesel locomotive at the Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum The former Tsuyama Fan-Shaped Locomotive Depot, built in 1936, is the second largest existing facility of its kind in Japan, following the Kyoto Railway Museum in Umekoji, Kyoto. The fan-shaped locomotive depot has 17 tracks and is 22.1m (72.5 ft) deep, and displays a total of 13 locomotives, including a DD51 diesel locomotive, KiHa 58 and KiHa 28 diesel locomotives, and a KiHa 181 diesel locomotive. The highlight of the Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum is the DE50-1 diesel locomotive. This diesel locomotive is equipped with a high-horsepower engine, and only one was manufactured in Japan in 1970. This diesel locomotive is a must-see for railroad fans, and is only exhibited in Japan at the Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum. Another eye-catching feature of the museum is the steam locomotive driving wheel. The driving wheel belong to a JNR Class C57 No. 68, the largest size of steam locomotives of its kind in Japan, and is 5 ft. 8 in. across and weighs 3,480kg (3.8 tons). The powerful whistle of the Class D51 No. 755 steam locomotive is sounded at 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm on days when the museum is normally open, delighting the ears of visitors. Family-Friendly Facilities Photo:A diorama in the Machinami Room at the Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum In addition to exhibits such as steam locomotives, the Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum is also equipped with family-friendly facilities that children and families can enjoy together. First, visitors can learn about the history of railroads in Okayama and how they work through hands-on activities. The Ayumi Room introduces the history of the Okayama Railroad and events from when railroads first appeared in Japan up to the present day. In the Shikumi Room, visitors can learn about the technology and ingenuity used to ensure the safety and comfort of the railroads, using hands-on equipment. Next is the Machinami Room, which displays a diorama of the Tsuyama cityscape. Visitors can see N scale model trains running through the Tsuyama cityscape, which even includes the former Tsuyama Fan-Shaped Locomotive Depot. It's an enjoyable time for both children and train enthusiasts. You can also learn about the history through photos, tickets, timetables used during that period, and retro station name plates. The Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum also has a Manabi Room that can be used for field trips, where a DVD introducing the Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum is shown together with an orientation session. There are also railway-related souvenirs that can only be purchased here, goods made in collaboration with the Kyoto Railway Museum, and original goods of the Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum are also available. Other Things to Do in Tsuyama Here are some other things places to throw on your itinerary when visiting Tsuyama. Tsuyama Castle Photo:Tsuyama Castle, Okayama Tsuyama Castle is a castle built by order of Mori Tadamasa, a military commander of the Warring States period, and younger brother of Mori Ranmaru, who was killed in the Honnoji Incident (the assassination of Oda Nobunaga). Although the main castle tower was demolished in accordance with Haijo Edict (a law abolishing castles in Japan during the Meiji Period), many other structures still remain, and spring sees the blooming of cherry blossoms around the castle. Hours: (April - September) 8:40 am - 7:00 pm, (October - March) 8:40 am - 5:00 pm. ※7:30 am - 10:00 pm during the Tsuyama Cherry Blossom Festival Admission Fee: (Adults) 310 yen. Middle school students and younger are free ※Discounts are available for groups of 30 or more. Shurakuen Garden Photo:Shurakuen Garden, Okayama Shurakuen Garden is a Japanese garden located in Tsuyama, Okayama, that was built in 1658 by Mori Nagatsugu, the lord of the Tsuyama Domain. The garden has beautiful ponds and is a great place to go for a walk. Visitors to the garden can enjoy viewing cherry blossoms in spring, water lilies in summer, and beautiful autumn leaves in the fall. Hours: (April - October) 7:00 am - 8:00 pm, (November - March) 7:00 am - 5:00 pm. Admission Fee: Free Summary of the Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum Photo:Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum The Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum is a family-friendly facility that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. It's a valuable facility for passing on the valuable history of railroads to future generations, as it's designed to help elementary and junior high school students deepen their understanding of railroads. The Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum has a parking lot that can accommodate approximately 35 cars, making it possible for families to visit by car. That being said, if you're a train enthusiast, you'll probably enjoy coming by train! The museum also hosts various events, such as a quiz rally and a train-washing experience. If you're traveling to Okayama and looking for things to do, consider stopping by! 【Official Website】Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum 【TripAdvisor】Tsuyama Railroad Educational Museum -
Video article 1:00
The Jet-Black Okayama Castle Standing Beautifully in the Darkness of Night! Discover the Amazing Light Up Event That Turns This Travel Destination Into a Land of Fantasy!
Art & Architecture- 43 plays
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Ujo Togenkyo, a Brilliant Illumination Event at Okayama Castle! This video, titled "Okayama Castle|Ujo Togenkyo|Summer 2018|4K" (岡山城 烏城桃源郷 2018夏 4K), was uploaded by "Takashi Matsuo." It introduces a breathtaking light up event at Okayama Castle in Okayama Prefecture. Okayama Castle is also known as "Crow Castle" or "Golden Crow Castle" because of its black lacquered appearance, and is designated as a National Historic Site. Three times a year at Okayama Castle (spring, summer, and autumn), a fantastic event called "Ujo-Tougenkyo" (summer) is held, and you can see the fantastical scenery in this 4K video. What Kind of Event Is Ujo Togenkyo, the Light Up Event at Okayama Castle? Photo:The Okayama Castle light up event, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture Okayama Castle is often called "Crow Castle" after the black lacquered walls built at the order of Toyotomi Hideyoshi during the rule of the Ukita clan. Later, the lord of Okayama Castle changed from Kobayakawa Hideaki to the Ikeda clan, but its majestic appearance has remained unchanged and continues to delight visitors to the castle. In addition, Korakuen Garden was built when the Ikeda Clan ruled the castle, and visitors can still feel the relaxing atmosphere of that time. Ujo Tougenkyo is a seasonal light up event held at Okayama Castle. The theme of the event is "a soft light surrounding the castle," and the castle tower and its surroundings are lit up to the delight of many tourists every year. The area around the castle is decorated with paper lanterns, garden lanterns, and candles, and the scenery is nothing short of fantastic. You can see the beautiful, mystical scenery of Okayama Castle during the event throughout the video, including the trees surrounding the castle glowing in a variety of colors from 0:39 in the video. At the same time, an event called "Fantasy Garden" (幻想庭園, Genso Teien) is also held at Korakuen Garden on the other side of Okayama Castle. This light up event at Okayama Castle has become famous as a photogenic and Instagrammable event. More Exciting Highlights of Okayama Castle! Photo:The castle keep of Okayama Castle, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture While the photogenic event "Ujo Tougenkyo" is indeed fascinating, Okayama Castle is a delight in itself. For example, the goshuin stamp of Okayama Castle (currently sold via post due to the renovation of Okayama Castle) and the "Top 100 Japanese Castles" stamp are very popular among history buffs and castle lovers. And what's more, visitors can enjoy lunch and delicious parfaits inside Okayama Castle's castle tower. At "Castle Tea House - Yuki" (お城茶屋ゆき, Oshiro Chaya Yuki) in Okayama Castle's castle tower, visitors can enjoy both food and a variety of sweet treats. In particular, the popular "castle parfait" was depicted in the famous anime "Detective Conan" (Case Closed) with scenes of Conan and Kogoro Mouri eating it, sparking its popularity. Okayama Castle is currently closed for renovation in preparation for its renewal/reopening in November 2022. However, to coincide with the renovation, a new logo using the family crest was unveiled, and the duo "Okayama Ninja" appeared at events in and around the city, donning their black and gold gear to liven up Okayama Castle. Summary of "Ujo Tougenkyo," the Breathtaking Light Up Event at Okayama Castle Photo:Okayama Castle, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture Ujo Tougenkyo is a fantastical, photogenic event that is sure to delight any visitor to Okayama Castle. The parking lot can accommodate up to 570 standard vehicles, and the admission fee is 410 yen for adults. Come and enjoy the fantastical scenery of "Ujo Tougenkyo"! 【TripAdvisor】Okayama Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298134-d323963-Reviews-Okayama_Castle-Okayama_Okayama_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 3:24
Experience Traditional Japanese Weaving on Shiraishi Island in Okayama Prefecture, a Place Full of Nature! The Traditional Textiles and Beautiful Scenery Are Sure to Revitalize!
Traditional Crafts- 272 plays
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Traditional Japanese Weaving on Shiraishi Island! Shiraishi Island belongs to the Kasaoka Islands (笠岡諸島) found near Kasaoka City, Okayama Prefecture in Japan's Chugoku region. The island has an area of 1.86 km², a max elevation of 169 meters, and has a population of 750 people. The island is known for being an exceptionally scenic area in Japan. The island's traditional woven goods are made using a loom called a "hata" (機). This has led to products made with this method being known as "hata-ori" (機織り). In this article, we'll introduce the weaving experience available on the island. Try Your Hand at Weaving on Shiraishi Island Photo:Hata-ori During the Genroku Period (1688-1704), the weaving trade thrived on the reclaimed settlement of Shiraishi Island. In recent years, in an attempt to revive the tradition, a weaving workshop where visitors can experience "hata-ori" was started. As seen from 0:42 in the video, the relaxing sound of the cotton gin is one of the features of the weaving experience. You might even find it therapeutic. Next, the cotton is spun into threads on a spinning wheel. The finished product is unimaginably soft to the touch. The woven products of Shiraishi Island are colored using dyes made from plants grown on the island itself. As shown at 2:05 in the video, onions, safflowers, persimmons, and cherry blossoms, and even chestnuts are used for the dyes. Visitors are treated not as customers, but as fellow weavers and are encouraged to freely try out the weaving experience. The management’s motto is to allow visitors to fulfill their dreams of mastering weaving. You might now be wondering about the price of the weaving experience. At a mere 500 yen, you should definitely give it a try if you’re interested! Summary of Shiraishi Island's Weaving Experience Photo:Kasaoka City and Shiraishi Island coastline, Okayama Prefecture Shiraishi Island is a place where you can enjoy not only weaving, but also the natural sights and sounds. As shown in the video, visitors from overseas can have fun learning about Japanese traditions while taking in the beautiful scenery. You can even go for a dip in the sea! Consider making a visit to Shiraishi Island during the warm summer! -
Video article 3:42
Discover the Secrets Behind the Beauty of Bizen Ware, a Ceramic Craft From Okayama Prefecture Handed Down Since the Heian Period! A Craft That Captures the Hearts of Tourists!
Traditional Crafts- 204 plays
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Introducing the Beautiful Ceramic Art, Bizen Ware This video, titled "TEWAZA (Handicraft) Bizen Pottery / Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square" (手技TEWAZA「備前焼」Bizen pottery/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square), was released by "Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square." Bizen Ware is a traditional Japanese craft with a long history and is known as one of the "Six Ancient Kilns of Japan" and well as being known as "Inbe Yaki." Bizen Ware is a traditional pottery that is popular for its solid reddish/brownish color, glassy surface, and rugged texture, which are brought out by its unique unglazed appearance through a method of high-temperature firing via direct contact with the flame. A Closer Look at Okayama's Bizen Ware Photo:Bizen Ware Bizen Ware is made of unique clay obtained from the rice fields in Okayama Prefecture. It is called one of the "Six Ancients Kilns" because it can be found in literature dating back to the Heian period (794-1185 AD). Since then, Bizen Ware has continued to produce tea ware masterpieces and successors are still being trained today. Bizen Ware has long been a prominent part of the culture and industry of Okayama Prefecture, located in Japan's Chugoku Region (中国地方, Chugoku-Chiho), and is a representative pottery of Japan. Bizen Ware is a popular pottery with ancient traditions and prestige, and is valued highly, as some of the most famous kilns have produced artists and craftsmen who have been designated as living national treasures. Having said that, modern Bizen ware is not so expensive that its unaffordable. After the Kamakura period (around 1185 to 1333 A.D.), Bizen Ware was no longer used solely by nobles and aristocrats, but was also popular as everyday utensils used by samurai and townspeople alike. The beautiful brownish and reddish color surfaces of Bizen Ware are created by the minerals contained in the special clay obtained in the vicinity of Okayama. It's fired by covering it with oily pine ashes and placing straw over it so that it is in direct contact with the flame. By firing it at high temperatures, the minerals contained in the clay become vitrified, increasing the strength and luster of the surface. Because no chemicals are used, the texture is not smooth like porcelain, but rugged with a rustic texture. How Bizen Ware is Made Source :YouTube screenshot 1. Kneading the clay (Video 0:34~) Bizen Ware commonly uses clay that lies 3-5 meters below the surface of a rice field. 2. Molding (Video 0:48~) Remove the air from the clay making it sticky and preventing cracks and crevices from forming. A potters wheel is used here. 3. Drying (Video 1:29~) Allow it to dry thoroughly. 4. Setting in a kiln (Video 1:44~) Pieces are carefully placed into the kiln to achieve the most beautiful firing results. 5. Firing the kiln (Video 2:28~) Each piece is fired for more than 10 days. Bizen Ware Patterns as Shown in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot You can see the finished pieces in the video. ・Goma (Video 3:03~) Ashes from the firewood fall on the pieces during the firing process. The ashes react with the soil and become vitrified, creating a variety of patterns. ・Sangiri (Video 3:12~) Charcoal is thrown into the kiln at the end of the firing process to create a pattern of contrasting color changes from white, blue, and yellow in parts. ・Hidasuki (Video 3:20~) This pattern is created by the reaction of the alkaline content of the straw and the iron content of the base material. Summary of Okayama's Bizen Ware Photo:Bizen ware The other name for Bizen Ware "Inbe Yaki" (Imbe Yaki) came from the local place named "Inbe." Now there are many Bizen Ware Pottery kilns and studios with galleries around Inbe Station in Okayama Prefecture, and the Bizen Ware Festival (also called the "Bizen Pottery Festival") held every autumn attracts many pottery fans and tourists from all over Japan. Even today, Okayama Prefecture promotes the history and culture of traditional Japanese crafts through Bizen Ware works. There are everyday products that can be used for everyday living, such as mugs and glasses for beer as well. 【Official Website】Bizen Ware | Traditional Crafts | Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/craft/0418/ -
Video article 3:41
Dojigiri - The Famous Japanese Sword Recreated With the Combined Technology of Modern Sword Masters! A Project to Recreate the Legendary Sword in Okayama, Japan!
Traditional Crafts- 286 plays
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Introducing a video of Sadanao Mikami’s Dojigiri Yasutsuna! This video, titled "Famous Swords Under the Heavens|Recreating Dojigiri Yasutsuna and Ishida Masamune! (Tsuyama Yukari’s Sword Reproduction Project Vol.1)" (天下の名刀『童子切安綱』と『石田正宗』を再現!(津山ゆかりの刀剣再現プロジェクトvol.1)), was released by "TsuyamaCityPR." In recent years, the popularity of swords has suddenly increased, especially among the younger generation in Japan. Also, beautiful Japanese katana have been attracting a lot of attention from foreign tourists to Japan. In response to such popularity, the city of Tsuyama in northern Okayama Prefecture commissioned swordsmith Sadanao Mikami to create replicas of famous swords, under a project titled "the Sword Reproduction Project." In this video, you can see the precious production process of Japanese katana forged by craftsmen. The Famous Japanese Sword, Dojigiri Yasutsuna Source :YouTube screenshot Dojigiri Yasutsuna is first on the list of the Five Greatest Swords Under the Heavens from around the Muromachi Period (1336-1573) to be called a famous sword. It's a legendary katana used to defeat the Shuten-doji. This is explained at 0:26 in the video. It's said that Dojigiri Yasutsuna was later given to Toyotomi Hideoyshi by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the Shogun of Ashikaga, and was said to be passed down from Tokugaya Ieyasu to Tokugawa Hidetada. Dojigiri Yasutsuna and Ishida Masamune, introduced in the video, are famous katana from history that were handed down to the Matsudaira Clan of the Tsuyama Domain, who followed the ways of Yuki Hideyasu, the second son of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Presently, the national treasure Dojigiri Yasutsuna (blade length 80 cm), which is in the collection of the Tokyo National Museum, is said to have been made by Yasutsuna, a swordsmith of Houki (present-day Tottori), during the Heian Period and is characterized by its blade which looks as though it's shrouded in mist. Sadanao Mikami the Swordsmith Introduced in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot Mikami Sadanao, the advisor of the All Japan Swordsmith Association, is shown at 1:10 in the video. Sadanao Mikami is a leading master swordsmith, who has created many swords. Sadanao Mikami uses Tottori’s tamahagane, which is made from iron sand, to make katana with pressed gold and pig iron. There are several techniques used to forge swords, including "makuri," "kobuse," and "sanmai gitae." You can see the forging and hitting of the heated red-hot iron from 2:04 in the video and watch as the shape of the Japanese sword is gradually completed. You can see Dojigiri Yasutsuna completed by the craftsmen from 3:41 in the video. The replica swords created by Sadanao Mikami have a reputation for being excellent katana. At the ceremony to unveil the Dojigiri Yasutsuna made by Sadanao Mikami, the sword being handed over to Mayor Taniguchi became widely talked about. Summary of Sadanao Mikami's Dojigiri Yasutsuna Source :YouTube screenshot Sadanao Mikami's katana, introduced in the video, was exhibited at the exhibition "100 Famous Swords and the Famous Sword Replica Exhibition" (天華百剣と名刀写し展) at the Tsuyama City Museum and was evaluated as a masterpiece of arts and crafts. Japanese katana, such as Dojigiri Yasutsuna and Mikazuki Munechika, are weapons that have been used for thousands of years in Japan and are now exhibited in museums as works of art. There are times when priceless katana are exhibited, so be sure to check exhibit schedules. -
Video article 2:14
Enjoy the Historical Townscape of Kurashiki, Okayama! From Popular Tourist Attractions to Hidden Gems, This Town Is Full of Beauty!
Local PR Travel- 118 plays
- Vimeo
Sightseeing in Kurashiki, Okayama The video this time is a PR video for Kurashiki, Okayama prefecture, titled "Kurashiki, Japan Promotional Video" (Kurashiki, Japan Promotional Video 岡山県倉敷市プロモーションビデオ), by "Sho Fujii." Okayama prefecture is classified as part of the Chugoku region of Japan and is also a part of the region that was referred to as "Kibi no kuni" in ancient Japan. In terms of the population ranking in Okayama prefecture, Kurashiki is the second largest city after Okayama. In this video, you'll see a woman traveling to famous tourist attractions in Kurashiki, Okayama . You'll definitely see something you like while watching this video! The woman was traveling alone at first, but met someone on her trip and they began to travel together. It even has a nice story for you to enjoy! Famous Tourist Spots in Kurashiki, Okayama Photo:Kurashiki's river boats and the Bikan Historical Area First, the tourist spot being shown at 0:07 in the video is "Kurashiki-kawa Funenagashi." A boatman wearing a happi will guide you downstream in a river boat called Tenryo Maru, along the Kurashiki River, which flows through "Kurashiki Bikan Chiku, where historical buildings with white walls and tiled roofs line the river. The townscape of the Kurashiki Bikan Chiku area was created during the Edo Shogunate era and it is one of the more popular sightseeing places in Kurashiki. If you take a walk in the Kurashiki Bikan Chiku, you'll find people wearing yukatas, a traditional Japanese aesthetic, tea making, rickshaw rides, traditional Japanese style lunches, souvenir shops, and more. There's plenty to do, so you'll definitely be able to enjoy the atmosphere of Japan. The Ohara Museum, which can be seen from 0:16 in the video, is a 15-minute walk from Kurashiki station, and it is the first private western art museum in Japan. The area around Kurashiki is an area in which many museums and archaeological museums are situated. Besides the Ohara Museum, there's the Igarashi Yumiko Museum and the Kurashiki Folk Art Museum. In Kurashiki, there's plenty of ways to experience Japanese history and culture. Achi Shrine, which is shown at 0:22, is known for having the oldest and largest Akebonofuji tree in Japan. The tree is said to be 500 years old. If you travel out of Kurashiki to Soja, you can also see the five-story pagoda of Bicchu Kokubunji Temple which can be seen from 0:51 in the video. Okayama prefecture is also the birthplace of the Japanese folk tale legend, Momotaro. Kinojouzan (Kinojou), which can be seen at 1:01 in the video, is a strange mountain castle, with a history shrouded in mystery. There's a legend that says that the demon that appeared in the Momotaro legend lived in this castle. Traditional Crafts of Kurashiki, Okayama Photo:Kojima Jeans Street - The birthplace of domestic denim - Kojima, Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture When traveling in Japan, going to the tourist spots is a given; however, we also recommend checking out the traditional crafts rooted in the region's history. At 1:05, you can see Okayama's Bizen swords, which are of the highest quality and quantity in Japan. Okayama is even called "The Sacred Land of Swords." It's also famous for finely woven floral patterns and geometric patterns woven into mats called Hana-goza. Shown at 1:51, is a "Rokuro" (pottery wheel). You can enjoy a pottery making experience here as well! Other traditional crafts of Kurashiki include, Kurashiki Hanpu (Kurashiki canvas), Kurashiki glasswork, and Kurashiki denim. There's also Kojima Jeans Street, where many jeans makers have their shops. Kurashiki is also famous for its masking tape, and there is a tour of a masking tape factory where you can tour the factory of "mt," a manufacturer of masking tape. The Local Cuisine of Kurashiki, Okayama Kurashiki is also famous for producing fruit and is called "The Kingdom of Fruit." Okayama is called "The City of the Fruit Parfait," and you can taste unique fruit parfaits at hotels, cafes, and other confectionery shops. You can also eat fresh seafood in Okayama prefecture, as it's next to the sea. Sawara is a sashimi especially popular among the locals. In addition, there's a lot of popular local cuisine, such as oysters, Hiruzen yakisoba, Tsuyama hormone udon, Nissei kakioko, and Okayama demi-glace katsudon! Other Appealing Tourist Spots Around Kurashiki, Okayama Photo:Kurashiki-kan There are still a ton of great sightseeing spots in Kurashiki that aren't shown in the video! Ivy Square is a tourist complex that includes a hotel and cultural facilities. It's a western-style wooden structure that was built in the Taisho era and was made using the exterior of a factory built in the Meiji era. It has since been reborn as the tourist information center "Kurashiki-kan." There's also Kurashiki Coffee’s "Kurashiki Teien," "Hayashi Genjuro Shoten," and "Kurashiki Roji Ichiba," all of which use old-fashioned warehouses and townhouses as they were built in the past. Kurashiki hall is also a retro-style building that blends into the townscape. If you want to see the sea, you can go to the port town of Shimotsui and stroll around Shimotsui or Tamashima, a retro town of Kurashiki from the Showa period. On a clear day, you can view the islands in the Seto Inland Sea and the Seto Ohashi Bridge from Washuzan in the Seto Inland Sea National Park, the first national park of Japan. It's a scenic location in the great outdoors, and a great place to take Instagram photos. The sea in Kurashiki is also developing as an industrial zone, and you can check out the Mizushima Industrial Zone in the Mizushima Waterfront DIstrict. As for the shopping areas, there's the Kurashiki Aeon Mall and Mitsui Outlet Park Kurashiki so you'll have no trouble find places to shop. You can also visit Kurashiki Civic Center, where music and drama events are held from time to time. Summary of Kurashiki, Okayama This article introduced many sightseeing spots in Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture. The solo traveler from overseas who was enjoying her solo trip in Kurashiki managed to befriend a Japanese woman who she met coincidentally at a guest house. They went sightseeing in Kurashiki together and enjoyed their trips in Kurashiki even more. Maybe you can make a friend on your journey as well! She enjoyed the summer festival (Kurashiki Tenryo Summer Festival/Kurashiki Haruyoi Akari) by wearing a yukata and going to the food stalls; however, this kind of sightseeing was most likely made possible by meeting a local. We hope that we've piqued your interest in visiting Kurashiki, Okayama. It's a great place to travel alone or with a friend! You can visit Kurashiki by plane, bullet train, overnight train or express bus from famous cities in Japan. Unfortunately, the heavy rains of 2018 caused extensive damage to Mabi-cho, Kurashiki, but the city has been gradually recovering since then. There are tourist spots such as the Bisha monten ritsu-zo and Kibiji temple in Mabi-cho, Kurashiki as well. Why not visit here and help support the victims? 【Official Website】Kurashiki, Okayama City Office Website https://www.city.kurashiki.okayama.jp/ 【Official Website】Kurashiki Tourism WEB | Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture Tourism・Travel Information・Introducing famous spots and recommended spots! https://kurashiki-tabi.j-server.com/LUCKKJH/ns/tl.cgi/https://www.kurashiki-tabi.jp/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XCHARSET=utf-8&XJSID=0 -
Video article 3:33
Okayama Castle Attracts Many Tourists to Okayama, Okayama Prefecture With Its Beautiful Black Figure! The Historically Valuable Exhibits of the Warring States Period Are Guaranteed to Captivate!
Art & Architecture- 84 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Okayama Castle! "【Touken World】「Okayama Castle - A Castle of Swords and Armor|Armor Displays in the Castle|YouTube Video" (【刀剣ワールド】「岡山城」刀剣・甲冑に会える城|刀剣・甲冑展示の城郭 YouTube動画), released by "Virtual Sword Museum [Touken World]," is a video that introduces the popular tourist spot Okayama Castle, located in Okayama prefecture. At Okayama Castle, there many historically valuable artifacts on display, such as the popular sword "Tachi Unsho," or the armor that belonged to Hanabusa Masanari. In this article, we'll talk about Okayama Castle and the swords/armor that are exhibited inside of the castle. For those interested in Japanese history, this video is a must watch. Be sure to follow along with the video as we introduce Okayama Castle! About Okayama Castle Photo:Okayama Castle Okayama Castle is a Hirayama-type castle built in the Teikaku style. It is designated as a national historic site and stands in Kita-ku, Okayama city, Okayama prefecture. The castle was built by Ukita Hideie, a member of the Council of Five Elders of the Toyotomi family and a feudal lord in the Warring States period, under the guidance of Hideyoshi Toyotomi. The historic castle was completed in 1597 after eight years of work. The 3-layer, 6 story castle tower was burnt down during the air raids in 1945; however, it was rebuilt in 1966 and the room of the castle's lord was also restored. Okayama Castle’s castle tower is said to have been modeled after the castle tower of Oda Nobunaga’s Azuchi Castle. The base of the castle tower is unique in that it is in the shape of an irregular pentagon and its appearance changes depending on where it is viewed from. As you can see from 0:26 in the video, Okayama Castle stands on a small hill along the Asahikawa River and the river runs through the east outer moat of the castle. The characteristic of Okayama Castle is its beautiful black appearance reminiscent of a crows feathers. It is also referred to as “Crow Castle” and “Golden Crow Castle.” The stone wall of the ruins of Honmaru which can be seen from 1:31 in the video, is a valuable spot for capturing the appearance of the castle as it once was. From 1:52 in the video, you can see the legendary sword "Tachi Unsho," armor used by Hanabusa Masanari, and the armor of Ukita Hideie, Kobayakawa Hideaki, and Ikeda Terumasa. There are many things to see in Okayama Castle, such as the Moon Viewing Tower and Western Observation Tower, registered as Important Cultural Properties, and “Omoteshoin,” the biggest palatial residence within the grounds of Okayama Castle. Tourist Information for Okayama Castle Photo:Okayama Castle at night Access to Okayama Castle is as follows: To get to Okayama Castle, take the streetcar from Okayama Station toward Higashiyama, get off at the Joka stop and it's 10 minutes walking. If you are coming by car, it's a 20-minute drive from the Okayama Interchange. Admission to the castle is ¥320 for adults and ¥130 for elementary and junior high school students during the permanent exhibition period, and ¥160 for adults and ¥65 for elementary and junior high school students when exhibitions are being changed. Various events are held at Okayama Castle as well. At the “Autumn Ujo Togenkyo” event that is held every November, the castle tower of Okayama Castle and its surroundings are lit up by illuminations and you can enjoy the magical scenery. In the spring, you can enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms. There is a lot of information posted on the official website, including maps of the area and the annual calendar. There are also many hotels around Okayama Castle, so even if you're coming from afar for sightseeing, you shouldn't need to worry about lodging. Okayama prefecture also has a variety of local gourmet foods such as “Demi Katsu-don” and “Ebi meshi,” so you can enjoy sightseeing in the area while eating delicious food. Summary of Okayama Castle Source :YouTube screenshot "【Touken World】「Okayama Castle - A Castle of Swords and Armor|Armor Displays in the Castle|YouTube Video," released by "Virtual Sword Museum [Touken World]," introduces the allure of Okayama Castle. Okayama Castle is a black, beautiful Japanese castle. They also have illumination events where you can enjoy beautiful views. If you visit Okayama Castle, you can get a goshuin stamp to commemorate your trip to Okayama as well! 【Official Website】Okayama Castle – The Jet Black Castle That Gleams by the River https://okayama-kanko.net/ujo/english/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Okayama Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298134-d323963-Reviews-Okayama_Castle-Okayama_Okayama_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 6:36
Wake, Okayama’s Local Seasonal Feast. Introducing Traditional Mitten Crab Fishing, Mitten Crab Recipes, and the Mitten Crab Dish “Kakemeshi”!
Food & Drink- 336 plays
- YouTube
Mitten Crab Fishing and Mitten Crab Kakemeshi! The video(岡山・和気町に伝わるモクズガニ漁に密着「ズガニのかけ飯」の味は) closely covers Keiji Mandai from the Yoshiikawa Southern Fishery Cooperative, who runs a mitten crab fishing business in Wake, Okayama in Japan's Chugoku. The title of the video roughly translates to “Japanese mitten crab fishing In Wake, Okayama. Mitten crab fisheries and a taste of Kakemeshi." Kenji Mandai is a veteran fisherman with 70 years of experience. Mitten crab is called "Zugani" by the local people and it is used in the local special dish “Zugani Kakemeshi.” Please watch the video to see some of the characteristics of mitten crab fishing, or to check the recipe for Zugani Kakemeshi. Mitten Crab Fishing Photo:Mitten crab Mitten crabs are found in the river and the local people call it “Zugani.” The mitten crab is part of the crustacean species. Its carapace is 7-8 cm, and it weighs around 180g. The fishing process is actually quite easy as well. Being nocturnal, mitten crabs usually stand still in between rocks. Knowing this, fisherman put net traps into the river and the mitten crabs have a tendency to just walk inside them. That's it! If you want to see this in action, take a look at the video starting from 0:16. Mitten crab fishing peaks in the fall since the crabs travel down the river to breed. They're packed with meat during this time of the year so it's definitely the best season to try them. If the crabs legs crabs are yellow, that means it's a lunker! Unfortunately, because their size is relatively small and it takes time and effort to cook, there are fewer and fewer people eating mitten crabs nowadays . As a result, not many fishermen are involved in mitten crab fishing, and the tradition has been on a steady decline. What Is Mitten Crab Kakemeshi? Recipes and Popular Ways to Cook Mitten Crab Source :YouTube screenshot Mitten crab kakemeshi is loved by the local people in Wake, Okayama and a feast is held during the rice harvesting season in the fall. After cooking vegetables in a pot, chop up the mitten crabs (including the shells), and strain the crabs using a strainer. In order to get the best tasting crab, it is best to spend time chopping up the crab as finely as possible. The shell of the crabs used to be the main source of protein for the people of Wake. After seasoning the soup with soy sauce, the standard way to enjoy this meal is to put it over rice. Mitten crab kakemeshi has a very rich taste, and you can taste every ingredient. For a more in-depth explanation on how to prepare mitten crab, take a look at 3:16 for the recipe on how to make mitten crab kakemeshi. There are several other recipes using mitten crabs, such as Takikomi gohan (this involves cooking the crab with other ingredients inside of a rice cooker with rice), Tsugani soup, steamed crabs, miso soup, and crab pasta. Mitten crab is a perfect ingredient for both Japanese and western dishes. Also shown in the video at 5:58, the local people cut a steamed crab in half and eat it straight. A Summary of the Mitten Crab Fishing and Mitten Crab Kakemeshi Introduction Photo:Mitten crab Mitten crabs taste the best, and are beefiest in Autumn, and although it has a strong smell, if cooked properly it can become a delicious meal. If you are planning to visit Japan, we recommend trying different kinds of Japanese food to feel the culture of Japan. If this article has got you interested in trying some crab dishes after watching the mitten crab fishing video, there's no better place to get your fill than Wake, Okayama. Although mitten crab fishing has been on the decline, mitten crab is a taste that deserves to be passed down for generations. -
Video article 2:45
The Hottest Ryokan in Town! Yubara Onsen Hakkei in Okayama Prefecture Offers an Amazing Location With Fresh, Delicious Vegetable Dishes! The Popular Open-Air Mixed Bathing Hot Springs Await You!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 196 plays
- YouTube
The Popular Japanese Inn "Hakkei" at Yubara Onsen This video, titled "'HAKKEI' YADO PV Premium Special Long Ver / JAPAN: Yado PV Hakkei 03" (“HAKKEI” YADO PV Premium Special Long Ver /JAPAN : 宿PV 八景03), was produced by "private-onsen JAPAN." It introduces the charms of the popular ryokan (Japanese style inn) Hakkei at Yubara Onsen in Okayama Prefecture, in Japan's Chugoku region. Yubara Onsen's Hakkei, with its open-air baths and cheerful landlady in a location rich in nature, has a high level of customer satisfaction and a very large number of repeat customers on hotel and ryokan review and comparison sites. If you're looking to relax and enjoy your holidays, this is the place for you! A Look at Yubara Onsen's Hakkei Source :YouTube screenshot Yubara Onsen's Hakkei, a popular Japanese inn, is a warm and welcoming facility that opened 20 years ago in Okayama Prefecture. The inn was started with the owner's wish for guests to eat plenty of fresh vegetables from the naturally rich mountainous area. Access is about 15 minutes by car from the Yubara Interchange on the Yonago Expressway. On the shore opposite the ryokan lays "Sunayu," which is regarded as one of the best open-air baths around, and behind it lays the Yubara Dam. The ryokan is located in a beautiful setting, with a suspension bridge on the approach to the facility. You can see it at 0:04 in the video. The inn's proprietress is also said to be very popular, having a charming personality, and some people stay here for just that reason. There are a variety of rooms available, including a Japanese-style room, the twin Japanese style room with a view of Sunayu, a Japanese-Western-style suite with an open-air bath, a vegetable garden, a grand suite with an open-air bath, a living room, and a double room. This can be seen at 0:53 in the video. Accommodation rates vary by season and plan. One day bathing and meal plans are also available for those with a tight schedule. For details and reservations, see the official website and travel websites. The hotel is also well-equipped with facilities such as "Souvenir shop - Takara-do," "Karaoke Box No Usagi," the Children's Corner, and the "Aesthetic Room - Fuwari". With so many facilities to choose from, you can spend your time relaxing however you like. The Hot Springs of Yubara Onsen's Hakkei Source :YouTube screenshot The main attraction of Okayama's popular inn, Yubara Onsen's Hakkei, is of course the hot springs. At this inn, you can enjoy a variety of hot spring facilities such as Kawa no Yu, Sora no Yu, Nagomi no Yu, and Ega no Yu, as well as a mixed bathing open-air bath. The baths can be seen at 0:36 in the video. It is a low-tonic alkaline hot spring, and is said to be effective in treating motor paralysis, bruises, gastrointestinal disorders, neuralgia, sprains, joint pains, stiff shoulders, cold sensitivity, and more. Forget about the troubles of every day life and melt away in the relaxing baths of Yubara Onsen's Hakkei. Dining at Yubara Onsen's Hakkei Source :YouTube screenshot At the popular Yubara Onsen inn "Hakkei," in Okayama Prefecture, visitors can enjoy seasonal, vegetable-centered, mountain village cuisine made with carefully prepared broth at "Hanaguruma. With more than 50 different kinds of vegetables between the dinner and breakfast menus, you can enjoy the vibrant, delicious Japanese cuisine. They also offer Western dishes for breakfast. Chef Masahara cooks Hakkei's Japanese cuisine with vegetables as the main ingredient. He is very particular about preparing "delicious" food, such as multi-course meals and daily specials, and warmly welcomes visitors. Eating delicious food at Hakkei and soaking in the Yubara hot springs will make for an unforgettable trip. Summary of Yubara Onsen's Hakkei Yuzawa Onsen's Hakkei supports families traveling with children and offers a full range of amenities such as diaper bins and baby baths. Yuzawa Onsen's Hakkei is located in Okayama Prefecture, which is home to the Kurashiki Bikan district, where you can enjoy the nostalgic scenery of the olden days, and Bichu Matsuyama Castle, which is called the Castle in the Sky and was used in the opening scene of the Taiga drama "Sanada Maru." There are many hot spring spots in Okayama Prefecture. Among them, the most popular hot spring spot is Yuzawa Onsen, where the popular ryokan Hakkei and Aburaya are located. There are plenty of instagrammable spots where you can enjoy superb views and seasonal views as well, so we recommend checking out the area. ◆Yuzawa Onsen Hakkei Introduction of facility outline◆ 【Address】〒717-0406 Toyosaka 1572, Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture 【Access】About 15 minutes by car from Yubara IC on Yonago Expressway 【Parking】Available. 【Telephone No】0867-62-2211 【Official Website】Okayama Yubara Hot Spring Inn Hakkei https://hakkei-yubara.jp/english/ -
Video article 0:58
The Genso Garden Event: Enjoy the Beauty and Romantic Scenery of Okayama Korakuen. The Illuminated Garden in Okayama City, Okayama Truly Makes for a Special, Unforgettable Experience!
Travel- 85 plays
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The Okayama Korakuen Genso Teien Event The video, produced by "Takashi Matsuo", catches a glimpse of the 2018 Okayama Korakuen Genso Garden summer event. Korakuen, situated in Okayama city, capital of the Okayama prefecture in Japan's Chugoku region, is one of Japan's three great gardens. A wonderful light-up event called “Genso Garden” is held in this gorgeous garden every summer, and in less than a minute the clip manages to convey the beauty of its scenery and its illumination under the night sky, all in 4k quality. What Is Korakuen? What Are Its Attractions? Photo:Okayama Korakuen Built 300 years ago by Tsunamasa Ikeda, the second daimyo of the Okayama clan, Korakuen is a historical cultural heritage and one of Japan's three most famous gardens. In addition to being designated as a national special place of scenic beauty, it has been awarded a three-star rating by the Japan Michelin Green Guide. The garden, which also goes by the name of Gokoen, is a stroll garden based on classic Japanese gardens, where the visitors can enjoy the most emblematic features of the four seasons such as cherry and plum blossoms in spring, or moonlit skies and autumn leaves in the fall. The Enyotei house and the Yuishinzan Hill are a must-visit, and if you happen to be there at the right time you should not miss the early summer tea picking and the traditional lawn burning. The garden currently hosts eight Japanese cranes, which freely range around the park from fall to winter. Also, buildings that are generally reserved for private rental, such as the Noh Stage and the Eisho room, are open to the public once a month so that anyone can enjoy the views the they offer. The "Genso Garden Event" Source :YouTube screenshot Korakuen's "Genso Garden" is a popular sightseeing event meant to bring some extra color to Okayama’s summer. In 2019, it was held at the same time as Okayama Castle's Ujo Togenkyo. In addition to the summer event shown in the video, there is a spring version of it which is held between late April and early May. Going through the video, at 0:17 you can see some tourists walking around the Japanese garden in their light yukata. A stroll through the park featuring wind chimes (0:22) and the carp pond (0:29) will certainly make for a relaxing visit. The highlight of this video is the illuminated view of Okayama Castle, featured at 0:41. The magnificent Okayama Castle shines in its pure white tones behind two of the garden’s main features, the Asahigawa and Tsukimi Bridges. Both are sights you want to experience at least once in your lifetime. The garden hosts a number of events throughout the year, such as a beer garden, a Japanese culture experience tour and Yukata Day, and many people regularly come even just to have a nice, cool evening while strolling around the park. Other Sightseeing Spots Around Korakuen Photo:Momotaro Some of the most popular places in the area are the Okayama Castle's Castle Tower, Ujo Park, and Mt. Mikai Zenkoji Temple with its wonderful treasure towers. Many people also like strolling through the retro-style streets of Izushi-cho in Monzen-machi, or visiting the healing spots in Nishigawa Green Road Park and Edagawa Green Road Park. And since we are talking about Okayama, one can’t forget about the statue of Momotaro, the iconic Japanese fairy tale character. Pottery from Bizen is another very popular feature from this area. You can also have lunch at at one of the many nearby hotels, eat local gourmet dishes such as the castle parfait and Okayama Castle rice cakes, or savory Japanese sweets and matcha from the local cafes. Korakuen Genso Garden Video Summary In less then a minute, this video manages to capture the atmosphere of both Korakuen and the summer atmosphere of Japan. Historic Japanese gardens change radically between day and night. That being said, if you want to walk through this beautifully lit up Japanese garden, don’t miss your chance to visit Korakuen during the Genso Garden event! ◆Overview of the Okayama Korakuen Garden◆ 【Address】1-5 Korakuen, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture 【Access】10 minutes by bus from Okayama Station or 25 minute walk from the Okayama station 【Admission Fee】Adults 410 yen, seniors 140 yen, free for high school students and younger children (* 2019) 【Hours】From 17:00 to 20:30 【Average time spent here】30-60 minutes 【Parking】Available (100 yen per hour) 【Telephone】086-272-1148 【Notice】Pets are not allowed to enter the park, admission is until 20:00 【Official Website】Okayama Korakuen https://okayama-korakuen.jp/foregin_taravelers.html 【Tripadvisor】Okayama Korakuen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298134-d321203-Reviews-Okayama_Korakuen_Garden-Okayama_Okayama_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 13:01
Okayama Prefecture's Kurashiki City Is a Beautiful Japanese Tourist Spot With Traditional Streets and Waterways. Kurashiki City's Popular Character "Denim Ninja" Introduces Popular Sightseeing Spots in a Comedic Way!
Local PR Travel- 62 plays
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岡山県倉敷をデニム忍者が紹介! こちらの動画は「観光課倉敷市」が公開した「【English】DENIM NINJA in KURASHIKI - DENIM NINJA solves the 30 mysteries of Kurashiki!! (Long ver.)」です。 日本の観光地というと東京・京都・大阪が有名ですが、岡山県倉敷市も昔ながらの街並みがあることをご存知ですか? 岡山県倉敷市は美観地区を中心に屋敷に水路・川舟といった日本の昔ながらの風景が残っているのです。 また、日本で初めてデニムを生産した場所として名を知られています。 では動画でデニム忍者と一緒に倉敷の観光名所を巡っていきましょう! 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスが良く日本の観光ルートに入れやすい 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスは京都駅からおよそ1時間半・大阪より1時間です。 また、関西から四国や九州へ行く途中に位置していている倉敷。 日本を周遊するルートで訪れやすい観光地です。 岡山県倉敷の美観地区は川舟・屋敷が残っていて日本への観光に最適 倉敷市にある美観地区は日本でも昔ながらの街並みが残るとして有名。 川舟に乗れば数多くの屋敷や水路を楽しめます。 この美観地区ではなまこ壁の屋敷を見てみましょう。 壁の模様がなまこのように見えることが名前の由来。 また、大原美術館はヨーロッパの美術品を多数取り揃え、和と洋の昔ながらの町並みが堪能できます。 また、着物を着て観光することも可能。 着物という日本の伝統文化に触れて周辺を観光してみませんか? 日本のデニム発祥の地、港町児島を観光してみよう 岡山県南部に位置する倉敷市。 その中でも瀬戸内海に面した港町児島地区は「日本のデニム発祥の地」とされ、駅前にはジーンズストリートがあります。 また、本州の岡山県と四国の香川県のアクセスルートとなる瀬戸大橋があるのも倉敷。 瀬戸大橋の横にそびえる鷲羽山(わしゅうざん)からの景色は瀬戸内海の自然を楽しるおすすめの穴場スポットです。 日本一の◯◯!岡山県が誇る名物をデニム忍者が堪能♫ 果物王国の岡山県! マスカットをはじめとして桃の生産が有名です。 特にマスカットの生産量は日本一を誇る岡山県。 マスカットを使ったワインが人気でお土産にも最適です。 高級感があり日本料理をはじめとした和食にも合います。 みなさんもグルメな街・岡山県倉敷市を楽しんでみませんか。 岡山県倉敷市紹介まとめ 今回は岡山県倉敷市の観光動画を紹介いたしました。 動画をご覧になり岡山県倉敷市の観光名所が多いことに驚いたはずでしょう。 岡山県倉敷市は観光スポットが豊富です。 次は皆さんの足で倉敷を体感してみてくださいね。 -
Video article 2:35
The Autumn Foliage of Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A Spectacular View of the "Castle in the Sky" Floating on a Sea of Clouds!
Art & Architecture- 33 plays
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This video, titled "[Autumn Foliage in Reiwa] Bitchu Matsuyama Castle" (「令和の紅葉」 備中松山城), was released by Yomiuri Shimbun Online Videos" (読売新聞オンライン動画). Bitchu Matsuyama Castle is one of the twelve existing castle towers that stands at the top of a mountain 430 meters above sea level. It is the only existing castle with a castle tower and is designated as a National Important Cultural Property. In autumn, the castle is called "Castle in the Sky" for its fantastic appearance in a sea of clouds. The best time to see the autumn foliage is around the end of November. During the fall foliage season, taxis are available from Bicchu Takahashi Station off the JR Hakubi Line. Many people visit here every year. Enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and the authentic wooden castle tower.