Video article 3:13
Izumo, Shimane - A Town Steeped in History and Home to the Popular Izumo Taisha Shrine. Sightseeing, Delicious Food, and Natural Scenery; A Look at What the Mythical Town Has to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 174 plays
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Introducing Izumo, Shimane! This 4K video, titled "Izumo, Japan 4K (Ultra HD)" (Izumo, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 出雲) introduces the popular tourist destination of Izumo, Shimane in Japan's Chugoku region. The video was created by "Izumo JAPAN." There are so many popular tourists spots in Izumo, including the famous Izumo Taisha (Izumo Grand Shrine). Let’s start off with Izumo Taisha and experience the traditional Japanese culture. This 4K video shows you the beautiful scenery of Izumo, as well as the tradition, gourmet food, and beautiful natural scenery. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read all about the mythical town of Izumo! The Historical Izumo Taisha Photo:Izumo Taisha Izumo Taisha is the most popular tourist destination in Izumo. Every October, a myriad of gods are welcomed to Izumo, in an event that attracts many visitors. Check out the video at 0:28 to see a quick clip of it. Izumo is known as the "Home of Japanese mythology." "Yamatano Orochi" is a myth that has been passed down in Japan since ancient times. Tourist Spots in Izumo, Shimane Photo:Izumo Hinomisaki Light House One of the best views in Izumo is the panoramic view of the Japan Sea. To see it, just head over to Izumo Hinomisaki Coast. Check out the video at 1:20 to see a beautiful scene of the light house reflecting the sunset. You can also take a stroll along Inasa Beach, or Sagiura, where you can enjoy the natural scenery and visit Tachikue Valley. Kabuki is also popular in Shimane, so if you're looking to see some traditional theatre be sure to check it out. There's also Izumo no Okuni, a tomb near Izumo Taisha. Gourmet Food and Local Specialities in Izumo, Shimane Source :YouTube screenshot In Shimane Prefecture, there are many well-established aizome shops with a long history. Aizome is a very beautiful traditional Japanese dyeing technique, and there is a custom in Shimane Prefecture of people carrying pieces made using the technique as a trousseau. Shussai pottery is another specialty of Izumo, made using kilns called "shussai gama." On the historical Japanese street Momen Gaidou, there are many traditional stores selling traditional crafts. If you're struggling to come up with ideas for souvenirs, this is the perfect place to go. The rich soil of the Izumo plains also produces a lot of brand-name rice and sake. After visiting Izumo Taisha, we recommend trying the Izumo soba noodles. You can see the noodles at 0:53 in the video. If you like soy sauce, we recommend picking some up here, as it's another specialty of Izumo. Summary of Izumo Shimane Izumo is a historical city with myths that have been passed down in Japan for generations. A tour of Izumo Taisha Shrine and the surrounding area's famous landmarks provides you with a breathtaking view. There are many more fascinating sights in the Izumo area that this article can't cover in detail, so be sure to check out the video to get a better idea of what Izumo has to offer. Plan a trip to Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture, a tourist spot where you can experience Japanese culture to your heart's content! 【Official Website】Izumo, Shimane City Hall http://www.city.izumo.shimane.jp/foreign-language.html -
Video article 12:01
Hokkaido's Hamatombetsu Is Surrounded by Lush Nature, Including a Paradise for Waterfowl! The History of the Gold Rush and the Baths of Beauty... It's a Place Where Time Seems to Stop...
Local PR- 58 plays
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日本の穴場観光地!北海道浜頓別町ってどんなところ? こちらで紹介する動画は「Hamatombetsu Hokkaido」が公開した「北海道浜頓別町観光PV【日本語】」です。 日本には風光明媚な観光地が数々ありますが、今回は北海道の人気観光地、野鳥の里「浜頓別町」をご紹介したいと思います。 浜頓別町は北海道最北端にある宗谷岬に近く、北海道浜頓別町内にあるクッチャロ湖には白鳥やコハクチョウなどの渡り鳥がたくさん集まることで知られ、ラムサール条約保護区の指定を受けています。 豊かな自然が残る絶景の景勝地、野鳥、砂金、そして温泉の様子を動画でお楽しみください。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「クッチャロ湖と野鳥」 北海道浜頓別町最大の魅力は豊かな自然景観を見せるクッチャロ湖の湖畔観光です。 大沼と小沼の二つの沼が細い水路で繋がれていて、ひょうたんのような形をしたユニークな形をしています。 湖の南側には北海道浜頓別町クッチャロ湖水鳥観察館、キャンプ場、温泉施設、白鳥公園などがあり、夏はマリンスポーツが楽しめます。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「ウソタンナイ川と砂金」 北海道浜頓別町は日本のゴールドラッシュの地としても有名です。 明治時代までウソタンナイ川では良質な砂金が採れていました。 そしてかつて砂金採掘が盛んに行われていた時期に建てられた神社が金山神社(現在は金山神社跡)です。 昭和63年にウソタンナイ砂金発見90周年を記念して造られたゴールドハウスでは取れた砂金を加工してくれます。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「温泉&ホテル宿泊情報」 美人の湯として有名な浜頓別温泉は良質の天然温泉です。 おすすめは宿泊可能なとんべつ温泉ウイングです。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「ベニヤ原生花園」 日本最大級!330ヘクタールの広大な園内には遊歩道が整備されているので、ゆったりとした時の中で自然を満喫しながらの散策を体験できます。 おすすめ観光スポット「オオワシの森」 頓別湖畔には国の天然記念物に指定されている大ワシの姿を観察できるおすすめのスポット「オオワシの森」があります。 北海道浜頓別町のその他の観光エリア 北海道浜頓別町には他にも ・クローバーの丘 ・斜内山道 ・北見神威岬 などのインスタ映えする名所があります。 日本最北の地、北海道浜頓別町周辺のグルメ情報 北海道は日本でも有数の酪農地です。 北海道浜頓別町でも酪農が盛んで、周辺のレストランやカフェでは地元産の牛乳やバター、チーズといった乳製品を使った料理やスイーツが堪能できます。 そしてオホーツク海にも面しているので新鮮な海産物も楽しめます。 ホタテや鮭をふんだんに使った海鮮料理は絶品です。 日本最北の地、北海道浜頓別町周辺のイベント情報 手つかずの自然が残る北海道浜頓別町ではさまざまなイベントも企画されています。 ・クッチャロ湖湖水まつり:湖上に咲く花火大会が人気です。 ・マラソン大会 ・ウソタン砂金フェスティバル ・ふるさとまつりin浜頓別:オホーツク海の新鮮な魚介類が大集合します。 ・クッチャロ湖氷上ウォーキング など。 日本最北の地、北海道浜頓別町紹介まとめ ゴールドラッシュの歴史と豊かな自然が残る北海道浜頓別。 観光と酪農が主な産業のこの町には四季折々の自然の景観を楽しむための散策ルートが設定されています。 中でもおすすめなのは町のシンボルであるスワットンの名前がついたスワットンロードです。 クッチャロ湖やベニヤ原生花園など浜頓別町の観光名所が散策できます。 北海道浜頓別町の美しい景色を動画でお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:27
Hakodate, Hokkaido Is an Attractive Tourist City Full of Delicious Seafood and Historical Buildings! Take a Trip to a City Full of Smiling Faces From Around the World!
Local PR Travel Food & Drink- 80 plays
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北海道函館市の魅力を紹介動画の見どころ こちらの動画は「極東電視台 -Far Eastern TV-」が公開した「北海道PR「世界中の笑顔が溢れる街 函館」」です。 北海道の南部、渡島半島に位置する都市「北海道函館市」。 この街は、北海道と本州を結ぶ結節点として発展してきた町で、2016年に北海道新幹線が開通されて以降、年間で500万人もの観光客が訪れる観光都市である。 「ブランド総合研究所」が発表した「地域ブランド調査2018」においては、魅力度第1位に選ばれており、日本国内のみならず海外でも有名な都市となりつつある。 そんな北海道函館市は、観光スポットや美味しい料理が数多くある。 この動画では、北海道函館市の観光地やグルメ情報を余すことなく紹介しているほか、海外からの観光客が函館市を楽しんでいる姿や、優しい地元の方の笑顔などを収めた魅力的な動画だ。 北海道函館市といえば海鮮料理!人気の美味しいグルメとは 北海道函館市は、全国でも海鮮料理が美味しい街として知られている。 特に「函館朝市」は絶品の海鮮料理が食べられるグルメスポットとして人気だ。 海鮮料理の中でもおすすめのメニューは、ウニやカニ、旬のネタをふんだんに使った「海鮮丼」だ。 また、「一花亭たびじ」の「活イカの踊り丼」は、海外の観光客にも人気であり、新鮮なイカを一匹まるごと刺身で食べることが出来る。 その他にも函館市には「函館ラーメン」やご当地ハンバーガーの「ラッキーピエロ」など様々な美味しいグルメがある。 函館市のグルメは動画の0:22から紹介されている。 北海道函館市の珍しい星型要塞の城「五稜郭」 北海道函館市の歴史的な建造物といえば「五稜郭(ごりょうかく)」だ。 五稜郭は、江戸時代末期に建設された城であり、真上から見ると綺麗な星形の堀があることが特徴的だ。 五稜郭のような大型の星型要塞は日本では非常に珍しい。 五稜郭跡を含む「五稜郭公園」の中(堀の中)には、春夏は5時~19時まで秋冬は5時~18時まで入る事ができるので、観光する際には五稜郭公園で日本の文化を感じてもらいたい。 また五稜郭のすぐ近くに建てられている「五稜郭タワー」の展望台からは、五稜郭を上から見ることができ、綺麗な星型の全容をご覧になることが出来る。 五稜郭タワーは、動画の2:23から紹介されている。 北海道函館市のロマンチックな夜景は夜のデートスポットにぴったり 北海道函館市の夜景は、「日本三大夜景」に数えられる景色であり、かつては「世界三大夜景」にも選ばれた。 北海道函館市の夜景を見るためには、「函館山」をロープウェイで登り、「函館山展望台」に行く必要がある。 函館山展望台から見下ろす函館市の夜景は、まさに絶景。 函館山展望台は、夜のデートスポットとして人気であり、ロマンチックな雰囲気を楽しむことが出来る。 函館市の夜景は、動画の2:16から紹介されている。 また、函館山は夜景だけでなく、秋になると一面がオレンジ色に染まり、紅葉が綺麗な穴場にもなる。 北海道函館市の魅力紹介まとめ 北海道函館市の魅力的な観光地やグルメ情報を紹介した。 動画では記事では紹介しきれなかった函館市の魅力がたくさん紹介されている。 北海道函館市は、函館空港が市街地の近くにあることや北海道新幹線の開通により、非常にアクセスしやすい観光地になっている。 北海道旅行の際にはぜひ函館市に訪れてみてはいかがだろうか。 素晴らしい観光地と暖かい人々があなたを迎え入れてくれるだろう。 -
Video article 2:52
Experience the great outdoors in Kiso-cho, Kiso-gun, Nagano Prefecture! Refresh your mind and body with canoeing and mountain yoga in the forests of Shinshu, a green-filled region in Nagano Prefecture!
Local PR Things to Do Travel- 75 plays
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Video introduction of activities in Kiso Town, Kiso County, Nagano Prefecture If you're interested in enjoying fun activities in Nagano prefecture, we highly recommend you check out this video! This video, titled "Tons of Fun in Nagano Prefecture! Kiso Edition" (信州でアクティビティを楽しもう!~木曽 編~), created by "Shinshu Furusato Wari Channel" (信州ふるさと割チャンネル), introduces various activities in the Kiso area. Kiso in Nagano prefecture is gaining popularity as a spot to enjoy various outdoor activities, such as canoeing at the beautiful, yet not-well known, Ontake lake (御岳湖), or taking part in a yoga classes at Mt. Ontake (御嶽山). There's plenty of fun activities for you to try in Kiso, all packed into this short 3 minute long video! Make sure you get the most out of your trip to Nagano prefecture by trying out some of the activities featured in this video! Activities to Try Out at Mt. Ontake Source :YouTube screenshot Kiso is a beautiful town in Nagano prefecture, surrounded by nature and situated at the foot of Mt. Ontake. Mt. Ontake is popular among mountain climbers, and thanks to the Ontake Ropeway (御岳ロープウェイ) beginners can also enjoy the scenery from the top of the mountain. It's the perfect spot to take photos. Don't forget to share them on your Instagram! You can take a look at the scenery from 1:51 in the video. There are several mountain retreats situated halfway up the mountain for those who wish to stay overnight. There are many fun tours and activities to take part in as well, including lunch and yoga on the mountain. For those who wish to be one with nature, we highly recommend taking part in one of the outdoor yoga classes. At 2:21 in the video, you can see students practicing yoga on top of Mt. Ontake under the beautiful blue sky. It provides a great opportunity to refresh both your body and mind. Lake Activities in Kiso, Nagano Source :YouTube screenshot At the foot of Mt. Ontake lies Ontake lake and Lake Shizenko (自然湖). In the village of Otaki (王滝), you can take part in the "Ontake Adventure Shizenko Nature Canoe Tour" (おんたけアドベンチャー自然湖ネイチャーカヌーツアー), and at Ontake lake you can try out "Ontake Lake Canoe Touring" (おんたけ湖カヌーツーリング). Even if you're a complete beginner, you can still take part in the canoe tours as there will be instructors to guide you along the way. Canoeing amidst the beautiful scenery of Nagano prefecture is an experience that you can't afford to miss! You can take a look at the canoe tours from 0:13 in the video. As you can tell from the video, the view of Kiso from the canoe is really something special! There are many tours and activities to enjoy in the beautiful town of Kiso! Summary of Kiso, Nagano The town of Kiso suffered a lot of damage due to the eruption of Mt. Ontake in 2014. However the town is recovering and the number of tourists is increasing every year. There are now many facilities where you can enjoy activities such as those featured in this video. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out the video and take a look at the beautiful scenery Kiso has to offer. After watching the video, you're sure to want to take a trip to Kiso and experience it all for yourself! -
Video article 3:23
Shiga Otsu City Sightseeing! Full of installations with a sense of Japanese tradition! Video introduction to the nature and cityscape of ancient times!
Travel Nature Things to Do- 62 plays
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Video introduction of sightseeing in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture This video shows a man traveling from Otsu, Shiga to Kyoto, while touring historic temples, enjoying natural scenery, and interacting with locals on an atmospheric shopping street. Otsu is home to Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater lake in Japan, and Biwako Valley, a resort complex that offers panoramic views of Lake Biwa from 1,100-meters in the air. It's a treasure trove of tourist attractions, with everything from nature to photogenic townscapes that capture the long history of the area, and can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. Enryakuji and Other Famous Temples Around Otsu, Shiga Photo:Enryakuji Temple, Mt. Hiei, Shiga Prefecture Besides Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei (Mt. Hiezan), the Lake Biwa area is dotted with many famous and historic temples. In addition to Enryakuji Temple, we recommend visiting Omi Shrine (近江神宮, Omi Jingu), Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine, and other power spots as well. [Video] 0:14 - Walking the Nyoi Kodo to Miidera Temple ●Enryakuji Temple Enryakuji Temple is the head temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism with a history dating back more than 1,200 years. It's said that monks and warrior monks have been coming here to study since ancient times, and the temple has produced famous monks, including as Honen and Shinran. It's a recommended power spot where visitors can experience a moment of clarity and confidence. ●Miidera Temple One of the most famous of Shiga Prefecture's ancient temples. It's also known for its beautiful cherry blossoms in spring. Climbing the stone steps, there's an observatory from which you can view the majestic Lake Biwa. The spacious temple grounds are home to many national treasures and stone walls using a unique type of masonry. Many of Japan's most notable cultural assets can be found here. ●Saikyoji Temple The head temple of the Tendai Shinmori Sect of Buddhism, which has more than 450 branch temples throughout Japan. It's said to have been founded by Prince Shotoku. The main hall of the temple is sublime, and the Kyakuden (reception hall), which was built from the remains of Fushimi Castle, has many attractions, including fusuma paintings of by the Kano school, a famous school of painting prominent in 15th century Japan. Akechi Mitsuhide, who contributed to the restoration of Saikyoji Temple after it suffered damage during the Siege of Mt. Hiei in 1571, is enshrined at Saikyoji Temple, along with the tombs of his relatives. Photo:Omi Shrine, Shiga Prefecture ●Omi Shrine Omi Shrine is dedicated to Emperor Tenchi, who is said to be the founder of the Hyakunin Isshu Karuta, an ancient card game involving classical Japanese poetry, and attracts many visitors each year. The shrine is said to bring prosperity to business, ward off bad luck, ensure safe childbirth, bring academic success, protect one's family, cure illnesses, and protect against traffic accidents, among other blessings. Surrounded by greenery, the main approach to the shrine is a soothing space. ●Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine Located at the foot of Mt. Hiei, this is the head shrine of the Hiyoshi, Hie, and Sanno shrines, of which more than 3,800 exist in Japan. Since the shrine was located in an unlucky direction from the capital during the Heian period (794-1185), it's known for its blessings to ward off bad luck and evil spirits. A monkey named Masaru is said to be a messenger of the gods at the shrine, and symbolizes protection against evil, and charms and amulets with Masaru are also sold at the shrine. Immerse Yourself in the Ancient History and Culture of Otsu After touring famous ancient temples, you can experience the culture passed down to the common people of Otsu. Otsu-e, an art form popular among commoners during the Edo period (1603-1867), has a unique design that many visitors find attractive. You can also try your hand at painting clay bells resembling oni (Japanese ogre demons). Also, be sure to visit the Otsu Festival Float Exhibition Center, an exhibition hall themed on the Otsu Festival, one of the three major festivals in the area. In Otsu Hyakucho, visitors can enjoy a tour of traditional shops where they can buy a wide variety of souvenirs. Along the way, you can find the famous Miidera Chikara Mochi rice cakes. A map of Otsu Hyakucho is also available, so you can enjoy exploring the town without a guide. That being said, you can also take advantage of the guided tours of Otsu Hyakucho. It is a unique opportunity to experience the unique culture of Otsu. [Video] 0:48 - Sightseeing Around Otsu Hyakucho A Model Course for Sightseeing in Otsu Photo:Miidera Temple, Shiga Prefecture If you want to enjoy Otsu to the fullest, we recommend taking a tour of the temples and shrines to experience the history of Otsu. You can also visit Miidera Temple, which appears in the video. [Video] 0:38 - Miidera Temple There's also a course specifically for female photographers, which includes Saikyoji Temple, where participants can stroll around photogenic temples, and more. [Video] 2:04 - Saikyoji Temple If you're looking to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the area, check out Mt. Hiei and enjoy a sanctuary in the sky where the entire mountain is considered part of the temple. Shuttle buses are available to take visitors around the mountain. Travelers can also collect shuin stamps from the different temples, up to a dozen of them. There are also courses related to famous historical figures, such as Akechi Mitsuhide. Be sure to check them out! Sushi, Confectioneries, and More – Experience the Cuisine of Otsu! Photo:Funa-zushi, a specialty of Shiga Prefecture Funa-zushi is one of the most popular dishes in Otsu. Sakamoto-ya is a long-established shop that sells funa-zushi, and is designated as a Tangible Cultural Property of Japan. Sakamotoya's funa-zushi is made with a rare species of wild carp from Lake Biwa, and local Omi rice. We hope you will enjoy this traditional Japanese food made with a time-tested family recipe. [Video] 0:53 - Ganso Sakamotoya In Otsu, there's also Yaoyo, a shop that sells pickled vegetables under the Imperial Household Agency's warrant. This store was established in 1850 and has been around since the Edo period. In addition to its pickled vegetables, the shop also sells its specialty Nagarazuke, which are Omi turnips pickled in sake lees, for just a few hundred yen per bunch. You can also buy in bulk for souvenirs. [Video] 1:03 - Yaoyo If you're a fan of traditional Japanese sweets, consider dropping by Kano Shojuan Sunai no Sato (叶匠寿庵 寿長生の郷). On the expansive garden-like grounds, there is an atmospheric traditional Japanese-style teahouse, a restaurant, and a confectionery shop as well. Enjoy the delicate sweets made from carefully selected ingredients and the greenery outside the window. Experience the seasons and indulge your senses in a relaxing environment. [Video] 1:34 - Kano Shojuan Sunai no Sato Hirasansou offers Yamanobe Ryori, a type of cuisine that uses seasonal ingredients foraged from the nearby mountains of Otsu. Visitors can enjoy wild vegetables in spring, sweetfish in summer, matsutake mushrooms in autumn, and wild boar and bear in winter. The restaurant utilizes a wide variety of delicious ingredients nurtured in Japan's Shiga region. [Video] 1:46 - Hirasansou Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho – A Traditional Japanese Townhouse Turned Hotel While you're in Otsu, use this opportunity to stay at a hotel with a different kind of atmosphere. Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho is located inside of a shopping arcade. This is an accommodation facility with a new concept that opened in August 2018. Guest rooms are scattered along the shopping street and the Old Tokaido Road, with a total of 13 rooms consisting of 5 suite-type rooms and 8 hotel-type guest rooms. The townhouses, which are more than 100 years old, have been fully renovated. All rooms are equipped with bathrooms and toilets, famous designer furniture, and top-quality bedding, allowing guests to experience a luxury space that cannot be found in ordinary hotels or ryokan. [Video] 1:18 - Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho Summary of Sightseeing in Otsu, Shiga Photo:The view of Otsu from Miidera Temple, Shiga Prefecture In addition to Lake Biwa, Otsu, Shiga is a hidden treasure trove of wonderful sightseeing spots that have yet to be fully recognized. Otsu is a town where time seems to have stood still, as it still retains the atmosphere of a Japan from a bygone era. There are plenty of natural recreational activities for children as well as adults, as well as photogenic tours for women, and even stylish date plans. We hope you get the chance to experience Otsu, a place with unique history and traditions, unlike the neighboring city of Kyoto. 【TripAdvisor】Otsu, Shiga https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298202-Otsu_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki-Vacations.html -
Video article 4:21
Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture Is an Amazing Tourist Destination Overflowing With Nature! Kamikochi and Matsumoto Castle Are Just Two of the Must-See Destinations! A Look at the Culture, History, and Cuisine of Matsumoto City!
Local PR Travel Nature- 665 plays
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The Popular Tourist Destination, Matsumoto This video, titled “Matsumoto Area Sightseeing Excursion” (松本地域観光周遊プラン動画), is a promotional video for Matsumoto produced by the “Matsumoto Region Union” of Matsumoto City Office. The city of Matsumoto, the second largest city in Nagano Prefecture, in Japan's Koushin'etsu Region, is a former castle town surrounded by the Japanese Alps, with Japan's national treasure Matsumoto Castle at its center. Its population is 240,415 as of June, 2019. Since the city of Matsumoto was unaffected by the allied bombing in WW2, plenty of valuable landmarks and cultural properties still remain in and around the city today. Movies and TV shows are often set in the city; visiting Matsumoto is a must when traveling around Nagano Prefecture. There are quite a few famous tourist spots in Matsumoto that are also featured in the video. As well as the natural landscape, culture, history, cuisine, and so on. Which one caught your eye? Sightseeing and Instagrammable Locations Around Matsumoto Photo:Matsumoto Castle Matsumoto Castle, a national treasure, is undoubtedly the most instagrammable spot around Matsumoto. Matsumoto Castle's towers against a backdrop of nature are shown at 0:15 in the video. Of course, there's much more to see than just the castle; there are a myriad of hidden gems throughout the city where you can enjoy the seasonal scenery of Matsumoto as well. Places rich in nature such as Takabocchi Highlands, Sashikirikyo, and Lake Hijiri are famous for their beautiful scenery. For example, Kiritoshi, a road cut through the hilly terrain, leading to Zenko Temple. There's also the mountainous villages of Asahi, Yamagata, Omi, and Ikusaka that pass on the traditions of good old Japan. Kamikochi (0:29) is a popular resort in the Northern Japan Alps with two million visitors each year; it offers one of the most famous mountain views in the country. You can both go on a hike and try mountain climbing here as well. Kamikochi, a prominent mountain resort, has attracted many foreign visitors in recent years as hiking and mountain trails at the foot of Mt. Yakedake (burning mountain) have been well developed. Photo:Kappa Bridge The hiking trail through a virgin forest, starting from Kappa Bridge to Myojin Bridge around Myojin Pond, is another great way to see the natural scenery, and is very popular. The shiny emerald color of the rivers and ponds is incredibly beautiful. Walter Weston, an English missionary, introduced the Japanese Alps to the world for the first time in the early 1900’s. He is called the father of modern mountain climbing; Weston Monument, a relief to honor his memory, is situated on the gigantic rocks facing Mt. Kasumizawa and Mt. Roppyaku. The Weston Festival is held annually in June. In terms of lodging, there's Kamikochi Onsen Hotel, Kamikochi Imperial Hotel, and Kamikochi Taishoike Hotel. For reservations and pricing, please refer to the official website. These tourist hotspots are shown throughout the video, so be sure to check out what Matsumoto has to offer. The local horse race held in Takabocchi Higlands (1:10) is another popular event. Seeing the race horses running before your eyes is an exhilarating experience. If you go up north a bit, Chikuhoku Village (2:25) will welcome you with Shunara Buddha Stone Statues and Mount Kamurigi, also called Ubasuteyama after an old fable. There are many other tourist spots, such as Kiritoshi, in the area. You can also get a taste of art at the Matsumoto Museum of Art in downtown Matsumoto. The History of Matsumoto Photo:Narai-juku Matsumoto is now a part of central Nagano Prefecture, and one of the most famous places in the city is Kaichi School, the oldest elementary school in Japan. It's often featured in the media, and is registered as an important cultural and historical property. There are many other places to visit in Matsumoto, but if you're looking for a place to walk around, Narai-juku is the best place to visit. Narai, located in the middle of Nakasendo, flourished as a prominent post town. It was once referred to as "Narai of a Thousand Houses." It used be at the highest altitude among all the 11 towns of Kiso; the townscape is registered as an "Important Preservation District of Historic Buildings." Dining in Matsumoto Photo:A Watermill at Azumino Daio Wasabi Farm, Nagano Prefecture The area around Matsumoto is known for its deep mountainous villages and harsh weather, yet these very conditions make it possible for you to enjoy the rustic food of the mountains. The countless local products include Shiojiri Grand Wine, Azumino soba noodles, wasabi from Daio Wasabi Farm, Ikusakarat, premium branded grapes of Ikusaka village, and various highland vegetables which are grown utilizing the high altitude. In addittion, Karasawa Soba Village boasts seven soba restaurants on a single street. You should try Takana-meshi (rice), a leading local specialty of Nagano. Takana (mustard leaf) is very popular as a souvenir as well. Furthermore, the Shinshu Region, where Matsumoto is located, is the second largest apple producer in the country ranked second only after Aomori Prefecture. The smell of sweet apples fills the orchards of Misato in the fall. The video shows ripe apples at 1:48. There are 14 major streets in the downtown area around Matsumoto Station. Nakamachi and Nawate Street provide you with a plethora of cafes, sweets parlors, and ramen restaurants; you can pick any of them for lunch or enjoy several as you eat your way through the area. Summary of Matsumoto, Nagano There are numerous fun-filled sightseeing spots around the city where you can take in the magnificent scenery and sweeping views. We can’t cover all the attractions here, but the video, “Matsumoto Area Sightseeing Excursion,” shows everything you need to know about the beautiful city. Once you see the images yourself, you'll be packing your bags in no time! Come check out Matsumoto- It'll be an experience you won't soon forget! -
Video article 3:36
The San'in Region Has Everything! The Tottori Sand Dunes, Lake Shinji, Matsue Castle, Mt. Daisen, Izumo-Taisha... This Video Introduces All of the Popular Tourist Attractions and Little-Known Spots in the Area!
Local PR Travel- 598 plays
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About the San’in region promotion video "San'in, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 山陰" is a promotional video produced by "San’in JAPAN" that introduces famous sites and sightseeing locations in the San'in region, a nature rich area facing the Sea of Japan. Located in the southwestern area of Honshu, Japan's main island, the San'in region spans along the coast of the Japan Sea and consists of Shimane and Tottori prefectures, as well as the northern area of Yamaguchi Prefecture. It also includes the northern area of the prefectures of Kyoto and Hyogo as well, depending on who you ask. The total population of the San'in region is about 1,230,000 as of June 2019. Popular destinations in the region are: Lake Shinji, the Tottori Sand Dunes, Matsue Castle, Mt. Daisen, and Izumo-taisha. There's also nature, historic buildings, and local seafood dishes. All of this is condensed into the 3-minute video of San'in. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a look at Japan's San'in region. Japan's San'in Region- Tottori Sand Dunes Photo:Camel in the tottori sand dunes The Tottori Sand Dunes in Tottori Prefecture, the largest in Japan, are a popular tourist attraction in the San'in Region, and are the only sand dunes in Japan designated as a natural monument. Japan’s amazing desert-like Tottori Sand Dunes has a 90-meter difference in elevation, and visitors can enjoy beautiful views of the Sea of Japan from atop them, as well as the wind-wrought pattern, known as Fumon, on the surface of sand. There's also a beautiful sunset at the Tottori Dunes. You can see the Tottori Sand Dunes from 0:06 in the video. It's the only place in Japan where you'll find sand in every direction. The dunes also attract Instagrammers looking for photogenic scenery. Recommended Spots in Shimane- Oki Islands & Tachikuekyo Photo: Iwakura Chichi-sugi The Oki Islands in Shimane Prefecture consists of 4 inhabited islands and a dozen uninhabited islands. Due to their geological heritage, the Oki Islands have been designated a UNESCO Global Geopark. When you set foot in Oki, you'll encounter a deep forest, home to Chichi-sugi, a mysterious 800-year old Japanese cedar tree, the coasts of Shirashima, and Jodogaura. The Oki Islands appear at 0:21 in the video. Next is Tachikuekyo, a narrow gorge with a beautiful suspension bridge and spires of uniquely-shaped rocks rising high into the air. It's a great place to visit because of its five hundred Arhat statues and Reikoji temple. Recommended Locations in Tottori- Uradome Coast & Mt. Daisen The next spot introduced in the video is “Uradome coast” in Tottori. A beautiful ria coastline surrounded by the clear, rough waters of the Sea of Japan. Mt. Daisen shown in the video from 1:21, is the highest mountain in Japan's Chugoku Region. It's shape changes vastly depending on which side of the mountain you are standing on, and also changes its color depending on the season. The beautifully autumn foliage is a sight to behold. The view of Sakasa Daisen, a view of Mt. Daisen together with the upside down Mt. Daisen reflecting off the water's surface, is also a popular tourist attraction. Nariishi Beach in Kotoura has stones that have been rounded off by the rough waves, and that rattle as the waves roll in. The beach is shown at 1:34 in the video. Food, Culture, and Tradition in Japan's San'in Region Photo:Matsuba crab in Tottori prefecture At Tottori’s Sakaiminato port, one of the largest landings of queen crabs in Japan, queen crabs start being caught while it's still dark. You can eat fresh seafood in the fish market as shown in the video at1:46. Sakaiminato is also known as the home of Mizuki Shigeru, creator of the famous cartoon series "Gegege no Kitaro." Mizuki Shigeru Road, a street dedicated to all the yokai characters that appear in his stories, attracts many visitors as well. If you're stopping by the area, don't forget to try Izumo Soba. It's to die for! Iwami Kagura, a Japanese heritage that has been handed down in Shimane Prefecture since ancient times, is a fantastic representation of the world of mythology. It has events all year round as well so be sure to check it out. This can be seen at 1:52 in the video. It's a great way to familiarize yourself with traditional Japanese culture. In the Izumo region of Tottori Prefecture, there's a history of Tatara iron manufacturing. The Okuizumo Tatara Sword Museum is a great place to visit to learn about old iron making technology. You can also see a sword forging demonstration as well. The Nakai Pottery of Inshu, Tottori Prefecture, another traditional handicraft, is introduced at 2:28 in the video. Historic Buildings & Gardens in the San'in Region Photo:Matsue Castle The next spot shown in the video is Miho Shrine in Shimane. This solemn shrine is dedicated to Ebisu (the Japanese god of fishermen). The beautiful Matsue Castle, also known as Chidori Castle, is one of the few remaining castles from the Edo period in Japan, and is known as a spot where you can see the entire city of Matsue from the castle tower. The castle can be seen at 2:48 in the video. It's a must-visit destination for history lovers. Shimane also features one of the most ancient and important Shinto shrines, "Izumo Taisha." Its shimenawa (a rope used to cordon off consecrated areas) triumphs as the largest in Japan. It's believed that Izumo Shrine enshrines a matchmaking deity, and is a famous power spot. At the Adachi Museum of Art, you can enjoy Japanese paintings and ceramic works by masters from modern to contemporary times. The 50,000-square-meter Japanese garden is so beautiful that it was ranked number one on the list of best Japanese gardens. It consists of 6 beautiful gardens, such as the "White Gravel and Pine Garden," the "Moss Garden," and more. In Yonago, Tottori, dozens of jizo statues (statues of Buddhist deities) are lined up along the Kamogawa riverside. One of the main events at the Kamogawa Festival in August is the "Jizo walk," where participants walk across the city hunting for jizo statues. Taikodani Inari Shrine in Tsuwano, Shimane is one of the most important Inari Shrines in Japan, and features an approach lined with closely placed torii gates, forming a red, tunnel-like entrance. We strongly recommend visiting here if you're traveling to the San'in region. By the way, the name "San'in" comes from the name of the road "San'indo," a road in the San'in region from when the province was divided into seven administrative divisions. Summary of Japan's San-In Region The San'in region is full of nature, history, and has plenty of sights to see. Hopefully we've got you interested in this hidden gem. Be sure to check out the video if you haven't yet, as it contains some great footage of the San'in region, as well as information not featured in the article. Enjoying fresh crab, soaking in the Misasa hot springs... the ways to enjoy the San'in region are endless! -
Video article 3:03
Takaharu - A Town Steeped in Myth and Legend. Enjoy a Trip to See the Natural Surroundings of the Town in Miyazaki Prefecture, While Learning About the History and Culture of the Area!
Local PR- 165 plays
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The Beautiful Town of Takaharu, in Miyazaki Prefecture This promotional video titled "Takaharu" (高原町), was created by Miyazaki Prefecture’s Town and Village Association in order to promote various festivals, cultural experiences, tourist attractions and the natural scenery found in Takaharu, a town in south-west Miyazaki prefecture. You can reach Takaharu in about 1 hour by car from either Kagoshima or Miyazaki airport. It's a town nestled in the middle of the Kirishima mountain range (霧島連峰, kirishimarenpou), surrounded by nature. In 2006, Takaharu joined the official list of the most beautiful villages in Japan. It is also home to the Kirishima National Park (霧島錦江湾国立公園, kirishima kinkouwan kokuritsukouen), the first national park in Japan, and Kirishima Geopark, which is a popular destination for tourists. This short video introduces recommended cultural and sightseeing spots in Takaharu. We hope you enjoy it! About the Japan Hasshouchi Festival (Festival of the Birthplace of Japan) Source :YouTube screenshot The Japan Hasshouchi festival (日本発祥地祭り, Nihonhasshouchi matsuri), held in February, tells the story of the descent to Earth by the grandson of the sun goddess, as told in the oldest writings in Japan- the Kojiki (古事記, Records of Ancient Matters) and the Nihon Shoki (日本書紀, Chronicles of Japan). During the festival there is a long procession from Sano Shrine (狭野神社, sanojinja) to Ojibaru Park (皇子原公園, ojibarukouen), presentations of traditional performing arts, such as Sano kagura and Haraigawa kagura (dances dedicated to the Shinto gods, registered as Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties), and also a barbecue festival to take part in. In the evenings, the fire festival is held, giving a sense of the mysterious and mythical world of the Shinto gods. At 0:08 in the video, you can see some of the ancient traditions that have been passed down through the ages. The fireworks in the summer night sky are a beautiful sight. Takaharu's Traditional Performing Arts: Sano Kagura and Haraigawa Kagura Source :YouTube screenshot Sano Kagura is a Shinto ritual held every year on the first Saturday in December, mainly by visitors to the shrine. It is a traditional dance performed with a real sword, and has been designated an Important Intangible Cultural Asset of Japan. It attracts many visitors each year. It can be seen from 0:30 in the video. It's one of the most popular festivals held in Takaharu, Miyazaki prefecture. Haraigawa Kagura is another traditional dance performed using real swords. It's held every year on the second Saturday in December. During the intermission there's an opportunity for children to practice dancing with the swords which is always a crowd pleaser. Similarly to Sano Kagura, Haraigawa Kagura is also on the list of Important Intangible Cultural Assets of Japan. Enjoy the Beautiful Rural Landscape of Takaharu Photo:Rhododendrons Mt. Kirishima is a mountain range in Takaharu where you can find the beautiful Mt. Takachiho (高千穂峰, takachihonomine). The reflection of the mountain on the nearby rice paddies creates some magnificent scenery. In Ojibaru Park there is a fish pond where you can catch rainbow trout, ride go-karts, and lodging as well, making it a wonderful place to enjoy nature. You can see this at 1:36 in the video. You can also take part in a soba noodle making experience using water from the Haraigawa river. Mt. Takachiho, which has been selected as one of Japan's top 100 mountains, is covered in Rhododendrons from spring to the beginning of summer . The purplish red carpet of flowers that covers the mountain has made it a very popular tourist destination. There are two paths to climb the mountain, and once you reach the top you'll find a famous spear called "Amenisakahoko," which is said to have pierced the ground upon Ninigi no Mikoto's (grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu) descent to Earth. Here you can feel the divine presence of the Shinto gods. From 2:19 in the video, you can see the beautiful scenery of the Kirishima mountains. Summary of Takaharu, Miyazaki Prefecture As you can see from the video, Takaharu is a town steeped in myth, legend and beautiful nature. Although it isn't featured in the video, Takaharu is also famous for its statue of Studio Ghibli's Totoro. Be sure to keep your eyes open for it! Takaharu is a great place to enjoy Japanese festivals, learn more about Japanese culture, and enjoy nature to its fullest. We hope that after watching this video you are eager to visit! The area is scattered with hot springs and ryokan (Japanese style inns) and is a lovely place to take a trip! 【Official Website】Takaharu town hall official website https://www.town.takaharu.lg.jp/ 【Official Website】Kirishima Geopark http://www.mct.ne.jp/users/kiri-geopark/en/index.html 【Official Website】Ministry of the Environment, Kirishima National Park https://www.env.go.jp/en/nature/nps/park/kirishima/index.html -
Video article 2:46
Superb Seasonal Views and Hot Springs! With Red Autumn Leaves in the Fall and Pure White Snow in the Winter, the Many Different Faces of Akita Prefecture's Towada Hachimantai National Park Make It One of Japan's Most Scenic Places to Visit!
Local PR Travel- 234 plays
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Enjoy the Natural Scenery of Tohoku at Towada-Hachimantai National Park! If you're thinking about visiting Japan's Tohoku region but aren't quite sure where to go, then this is the video for you! Akita Prefecture (秋田県, Akitaken) is the epitome of natural scenic beauty! Let's take a look at what it has to offer. The video "Towada-Hachimantai National Park, Japan 4K (Ultra HD)," created by "National Parks of Japan," is a promotional video for Towada-Hachimantai National Park, a tourist site rich in nature, stretched over a vast area in Aomori Prefecture (青森県, Aomoriken), Iwate Prefecture (岩手県, Iwateken), and Akita Prefecture. Beautiful natural scenery, various onsen spots… the video is filled with the charms of Towada-Hachimantai National Park. This video will surely leave you craving to travel to Towada-Hachimantai National Park! This article will provide relevant information about attractions at Towada-Hachimantai National Park, where you can indulge in the nature of Japan, along with the contents of the video. Towada-Hachimantai National Park Photo:Aerial view of Lake Towada Towada-Hachimantai National Park, a tourist site in Japan, offers numerous spots where you can enjoy the amazing natural environment. Mt. Hakkoda (八甲田山, Hakkodasan), introduced at the beginning of the video was selected as one of the "100 Famous Japanese Mountains," and is a signature scenic site in Akita Prefecture. The view of Mt. Hakkoda from Hakkoda Ropeway is a must-see, particularly in the autumn when the autumn leaves decorate the mountain in beautiful colors. Besides that, the Hakkoda area also provides places where tourists can see peculiar views, such as Japanese beech forests, Lake Jigokunuma (地獄沼, Jigokunuma), and more. You can see the Mt. Hakkoda covered in autumn leaves in the video as well. It makes a great backdrop for photos as well. Be sure to take some pictures and post them on your Instagram! We recommend stopping by Lake Towada (十和田湖, Towadako) when you visit Towada-Hachimantai National Park as well. If the weather is nice, you can witness an entrancing view of the sky and clouds reflecting off of the surface of the water. It's a famous sight in the Tohoku Region (東北地方, Tohokuchiho). In addition, the lake is well known for kokanee fishing and canoeing, and many people visit there to indulge in these activities. This can be seen at 0:12 in the video. There are many places where you enjoy the natural landscape around the national park such as Towada Gold Line, Kakkonda Valley (葛根田渓谷, Kakkondakeikoku), Mt. Iwate (岩手山, Iwatesan), the Snow Monsters of Mt. Hakkoda, Oirase Stream (奥入瀬渓流, Oirasekeiryu), and so forth. The video introduces many of these sites where you can witness the breathtaking nature of Towada-Hachimantai National Park. Hot Springs at Towada-Hachimantai National Park Photo:Tamagawa Hot Springs in autumn Towada-Hachimantai National Park is, as we mentioned rich in nature, and also has a variety of natural hot springs in the area. Tamagawa Onsen is the best strong-acid spring in Japan, located at the foot of Mt. Akitayakeyama (秋田焼山, Akitayakeyama). It is an onsen for recuperation, making it a rare onsen worldwide. It is also notable for its abundant water supply. Its spring is effective at fighting high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, women’s diseases, neuralgia, dermatitis, asthma, and more. It takes a while to get used to the water as it is a strong-acid spring, but we recommend giving it a try, especially if you're feeling fatigued. In addition, the national park is home to other onsen spots such as Kamanoyu Onsen, Amihari Onsen (Video 0:40), Kunimi Onsen (0:47), Tsuta Onsen (0:58), Nyuto Onsen (乳頭温泉郷, Nyuto Onsenkyo) (1:02, 1:39), and more. Other Sightseeing Locations at Towada-Hachimantai National Park Source :YouTube screenshot "Hirakasa Naked Pilgrimage" (平笠裸参り, Hirakasahadakamairi), introduced at 1:10 in the video, is a female-led festival where people in white clothing walk roughly 8 km from Miyata Shrine (宮田神社, Miyatajinja) in Hirakasa to Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社, Yasakajinja) in Obuke to pray for health, family security, and fertility. We recommend trying the local cuisine when you visit Towada-Hachimantai National Park as well. Kiritanpo Hot Pot (きりたんぽ鍋, Kiritanponabe), a local specialty of Akita, is shown at 1:45 in the video. You can indulge in superb seasonal views, including autumn leaves in the Fall and snow corridors in the winter, at Hachimantai Aspite Line, a highland-road introduced at 1:49. There are many more places to visit, such as Dragon Eye Lake Kagaminuma (ドラゴンアイ・鏡沼, Dragon Eye・Kagaminuma) where you can see the mystical scenery resembling a dragon’s eye, Towada Shrine (十和田神社, Towadajinja), Lake Suirennuma (睡蓮沼, Suirennuma), Lake Tsutanuma (蔦沼, Tsutanuma), Lake Onuma (大沼, Onuma), and more! Summary of Towada-Hachimantai National Park So, what did you think of Towada-Hachimantai National Park? There are a number of attractive sightseeing locations at Towada-Hachimantai National Park that we couldn’t cover in the article, so be sure to check out the video! Towada-Hachimantai National Park, is a popular tourist destination in Akita. Enjoying the rich natural landscapes of Japan as well as the various hot springs in the area, will surely make for a fulfilling vacation. ◆Towada-Hachimantai National Park◆ 【Access】About 170 minutes from Aomori Station by bus, about 110 minutes from Morioka Station by bus 【Parking】Charged parking area nearby 【Telephone No】Tohoku Region Environment Administration Office 022-722-2870 【Official Website】Towada-Hachimantai National Park https://www.env.go.jp/en/nature/nps/park/towada/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Towada-Hachimantai National Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g319096-Towada_Hachimantai_National_Park_Tohoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:04
Spur-Of-The-Moment Sightseeing in Chiba Prefecture! Wilderness, Historical Buildings, and Amusement Parks! Is It Possible to Have So Many Attractions in One Place?
Local PR Travel- 503 plays
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From Historic Buildings to the Great Outdoors! Get a Taste of Japanese Culture With a Visit to Chiba Prefecture! This video is “CHIBA promotion movie (120-sec 2nd version)【2017】” (【2017】千葉県イメージアップ動画(120秒)), created by the Official Chiba PR Channel. Chiba prefecture is excellent not only for its magnificent natural scenery, such as the sea and mountains, but also for its many historical and cultural monuments. Chiba prefecture is full of attractive characteristics of Japan. As a door to Japan, Narita Airport welcomes many foreign visitors with the Japanese spirit of hospitality every day. In this article, we will introduce amazing sightseeing spots in Chiba prefecture. Be sure to follow along with the video. Enjoy All Four Seasons in Chiba! Photo:Boso Flower Line, Chiba If you visit Minamiboso in Chiba, you can enjoy driving through the Boso Flower Line with colorful flowers in bloom between January and April. If you want to go swimming in the sea or enjoy fireworks, it’s best to go in July or August. In fall, it’s worth going to watch the "Ohara Naked Festival" in Isumi, where more than ten portable shrines are thrown into the sea all at once. You can see it at 1:06 in the video. At Kameyama Lake in Kimitsu, you can try cycling, hiking, boating, and fishing. Many tourists visit there during fall. You can see the beautiful autumn leaves at Kameyama Lake from 1:19 in the video. Kominato Railway is a retro-inspired local train line running around Ichihara city, Chiba. There are nostalgic atmospheres along the railway lines and station buildings, and they are often used for shooting TV dramas and commercials. In spring, the area around the railway track is filled with rapeseed, and you can see the scenery as if you were running on a yellow carpet. This video shows Kominato Railway running through yellow fields filled with rape blossoms from 2:04. Surrender to the Nature of Chiba Prefecture Photo:Mt. Nokogiri, Chiba A tour of the majestic oceans and mountains, is an essential part of any visit to Chiba Prefecture. You can enjoy hiking and climbing at Mt. Nokogiri, which is famous for its panoramic view of Futtsu Cape in Tokyo Bay, and fruit picking experiences such as strawberry picking. Byobugaura in Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture, introduced at 0:56 in the video, is a rough-hewn cliff formed by wave erosion, and is so spectacular that it has been called the "Dover of the East." As Chiba prefecture is surrounded by the sea, you can also try marine sports like kite-surfing or enjoy whale watching. Historical Monuments and Cultural Spots Photo:Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple is famous for Hatsumode (the first shrine visit of New Year). Approximtely three million people visit the temple for Hatsumode. Many tourists visit this temple throughout the year, not only for worship and sightseeing, but also for experiencing Japanese culture, such as Gogoma and Zazen. This video introduces some of Chiba Prefecture's most famous historical attractions, including Tateyama Castle, a koto (Japanese harp) performance at Tojo House, and Kotokuji Temple. Also, Suigo Sawara, (the image at the top of this article), is known as “Little Edo in Hokuso,” This is an artistic town where buildings from the Taisho period still remain. During the Edo period, wholesalers and breweries used to line the banks of the Ono River. Fortunately, this town survived World War II and was not damaged during the war. In 1996, it was registered in the "Groups of Traditional Buildings," and many buildings are still used as restaurants and shops to this day. One of the pleasures of sightseeing in Sawara is visiting the chic townscapes on a boat operated by a sento (a traditional Japanese boatman). Popular Sightseeing Spots to Visit! This isn't everything Chiba has to offer either. A day trip to Chiba is also possible from Tokyo, so you can visit Chiba easily for a date or family day trip. In addition to the spots in this video, you can also visit Tokyo Disney Land, Tokyo Disney Sea, Kamogawa Sea World, Mother Farm, Mitsui Outlet Park, Funabashi Andersen Park, Nomizo Waterfall, Oyama-Senmaida, Umihotaru, IKSPIARI, La La Port Tokyo-Bay, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba Prefectual Museum of Art, Sanyo Media Flower Museum, AEON Mall Makuhari New City, Choshi Fishery, Tokyo German Village, Yoro Keikoku, and more. Find your favorite sightseeing spot in Chiba! Popular Local Food in Chiba Don't miss out on the food when traveling to Chiba, either. Chiba has a wide range of local dishes, such as a namero (minced fish) bowl, a fresh water bowl, Katsuura dan-dan noodles, and even peanuts. Which local food in Chiba are you interested in most? Overview of Chiba Sightseeing Introduction Chiba prefecture is the best place for a day trip in Japan, and it's very close to the capital Tokyo. If you want to fully enjoy your stay in Chiba, we recommend booking an overnight stay at a one of the nearby hotels. There are plenty of hot springs, hotels, and inns in the area. It's a great way to casually experience Japanese culture through nature, hot springs, historical monuments, etc. The video introduces many events, activities, sightseeing spots, and photogenic scenery that we couldn't get to in this article, such as the Tateyama Bay Fireworks Festival, marine sports, and the Chiba Aqua Marine Marathon. Be sure to take a look at the video and see what else Chiba has to offer. You can enjoy traveling in Chiba however you like, so take your time planning out everything you want to do before visiting. Also take a look at the websites below for more information about what Chiba has to offer. 【Official Website】Chiba Prefectural Government Website https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/english/index.html 【Official Website】Official Chiba Travel Guide http://japan-chiba-guide.com/en/index.html