Video article 3:12
Chamomile in full bloom enjoyed from the treehouse at Chamitsure no Sato in Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture! Surrounded by flowers, why not experience what it is like to be in a fairy tale world?
Travel Nature- 47 plays
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Video introduction of "Chamitsure no Sato" in Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "[4K] A Tree House & Chamomile Flower Garden in Fairy-Tale-Like Place. Kamitsure No Sato (Nagano Prefecture)" ([4K] おとぎの国のツリーハウス&カモミールのお花畑。カミツレの里(長野県) Fantasy Tree House in Fairyland,Kamitsure-no-sato,NAGANO.), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." The video features scenery of the likes you'd find in a fairy tale, with a treehouse surrounded by beautiful German chamomiles in full bloom. Be sure to check it out. Kamitsure no Sato – A Tourist Attraction in Nagano Prefecture Photo:A field of chamomile Kamitsure no Sato is located in Ikeda, Kitaazumi, Nagano, in Japan's Koshin-etsu Region and is a popular sightseeing spot in Nagano Prefecture. Kamitsure is chamomile in Japanese. Kamitsure no Sato is a tourist attraction rich in nature, with a factory that grows chamomile and manufactures and sells products using said chamomile, as well as a lodging facility, Yasuesou. When the chamomile is in full bloom, the area is filled with the sweet and gentle scent of the flowers. Standing amidst the chamomile garden is a treehouse, a popular sightseeing spot in Kamitsure no Sato. The charm of the treehouse at Kamitsure is that anyone can freely use it. The chamomile fields in full bloom can be viewed from the treehouse as well. The treehouse, which looks like something out of a fairy tale, is great for taking Instagram photos as well. Events at Kamitsure no Sato Various events are also held at Kamitsure no Sato. The "Nature Experience Class" has been held for 16 years, ever since pediatric and dental doctors brought their children with allergies and atopic dermatitis to Kamitsure no Sato. In addition, there's a chamomile harvesting event in early June each year. One of the major events is the "Ikedamachi Hirotsu Kamitsure Matsuri" (いけだまちひろつカミツレ花まつり), a festival held in early June when the chamomiles are in full bloom. The festival includes a walk through chamomile fields, a chamomile harvesting experience, and sales of products manufactured at Kamitsure no Sato. Bloom Dates and the Language of Flowers for Chamomiles in Japanese Culture Chamomile is a type of herb native to the Mediterranean region. It is also known for its harvested flowers and leaves, which are dried and used to make tea and traditional medicines. The flowering season for chamomile is from May to September in Japan. The flowers have small, white petals and a sweet fragrance. According to the language of flowers, the chamomile is associated with the birthdays February 14, March 14, and November 3. The meaning of the chamomile is "perseverance in adversity" and "strength in adversity." Yasuesou Bio Hotel and the Tree House at Kamitsure no Sato Source :YouTube screenshot Kamitsure no Sato has an accommodation facility, Yasuesou, attached to it. This inn offers the aroma and warmth of wood made from local Shinshu timber. Certified by Bio Hotels Japan, guests can enjoy meals made with organic vegetables at Yasuesou. In addition, for lunch during your stay, you can enjoy a boxed lunch with pesticide-free rice and seasonal ingredients. Yasuesou pays extra attention to not just the food, but the bathing facilities as well. "Hanamitsu Koi no Yu" is a bath that uses water from Japan's Northern Alps, which is boiled in a wood-chip boiler, and chamomile extract, extracted through a special process, is added to the water. In addition, visitors can freely use special skin care and hair care items containing chamomile extract. Furthermore, the guest rooms are named after trees used as building materials at Yasuesou, for example, "Sugi" (Cedar) and "Hinoki" (Cypress). Bedding is made of organic cotton and down, and even the detergent used for laundry is carefully selected to create a comfortable environment for guests. Summary of Kamitsure no Sato in Nagano, Japan Azumino, where Kamitsure no Sato is located, is home to many other tourist attractions as well. A two-minute drive from Yasuesou is a 250-year-old tree called Nanairo O-kaede (七色大カエデ). This large tree shows its seven beautiful colors every year from October to early November. Its fresh greenery can also be enjoyed during spring and summer, and it has become a symbol of the town of Ikeda, where Kamitsure no Sato is located. The beauty of the Northern Alps from Azumino is nothing short of breathtaking, attracting the eyes of many tourists. The sweet scent of chamomile and the fairy-tale-like world of the treehouse are just two of the many attractions that visitors can experience. When sightseeing in Nagano, consider stopping by Kamitsure no Sato, a place where you can experience the gentleness of nature! -
Video article 2:11
View nature from the sky with the Tateyama Ropeway in Nakashinagawa-gun, Toyama Prefecture! The spectacular view, which shows various expressions depending on the four seasons, is a sightseeing spot you should visit at least once!
Travel- 75 plays
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立山黒部アルペンルートとは ここでは、立山黒部アルペンルートに広がる観光スポット"立山ロープウェイ"について『(TKAR011)立山黒部アルペンルート 立山ロープウェイ- Tateyama Ropeway -【4K】JAPAN』という動画を元に紹介していきます。 立山黒部アルペンルートとは、標高3,000mにもなる山々で構成された北アルプスを貫く、世界でも有数の山岳観光ルートのことを指します。 バスやトロリーバス、ケーブルカーにロープウェイという乗り物を乗り継いでいくだけで、立山黒部アルペンルートの素晴らしい絶景を堪能することが出来ます。 立山ロープウェイとは 立山ロープウェイは、立山黒部アルペンルートの途中にある大観峰駅と黒部平駅を繋いでいます。 立山ロープウェイは、ワンスパン方式という雪崩を防ぐために支柱を1本も使わず、駅と駅の間に張られたメインロープ(支索)の上を走行する方式を景観と環境の為に採用しています。 ワンスパンロープウェイとして日本一の運行距離を誇り、動画でも紹介されている立山黒部アルペンルートにある立山連峰等の絶景の大パノラマを堪能することが出来る有数の観光スポットです。 大観峰駅には展望台もあるので、ぜひ美しい景色をご覧下さい。 立山ロープウェイだけじゃない!立山黒部アルペンルートの魅力 立山ロープウェイに焦点を当てた動画でしたが、立山黒部アルペンルートの観光名所としての魅力はそれだけに留まりません。 立山山麓の絶景を楽しむことが出来る美女平、トロリーバスで通る立山トンネル、4月から6月にかけて巨大な雪の壁を見ることが出来る雪の大谷等、観光スポットが盛り沢山です。 立山ロープウェイのまとめ 四季や気候によって違った美しさを見せる立山黒部アルペンルート、動画では紅葉がメインでしたが、冬には雪によってまた違った顔を見せてくれるので、ぜひ観光目的で足を運んで見て下さい。 立山ロープウェイと立山黒部アルペンルートが織りなす景色の素晴らしさに、動画以上の感動を味わえること間違い無しです。 -
Video article 9:31
Video of the night at Shibu Onsen, Shimotakai County, Nagano Prefecture, which was the model for the animated film "Spirited Away"! The fantastic atmosphere is like a different world! Get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life for a trip to heal your mind and body!
Travel Hotel & Japanese Inn Things to Do- 450 plays
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Sightseeing video introduction of "Shinshu Shibu Onsen" in Shimotakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "Walking Around Shibu Onsen Hot Spring" (渋温泉の街並 : Walking Around Shibu Onsen Hot Spring), was uploaded by "Anna Film Production." The video features the streets of Shibu Onsen at night, accompanied by quiet music. Enjoy 9 minutes and 30 seconds of wonderful video that will make you feel as though you've traveled back in time. Features of Shibu Onsen, a Hot Spring in Nagano Prefecture Photo:Shibu Onsen, Nagano Prefecture Shibu Onsen is a hot spring town located in Yamanouchi, Nagano, in Japan's Koshin'etsu region. It is said to have been one of the models for the internationally acclaimed animated film Spirited Away. The world illuminated by streetlights is an otherworldly place with a retro atmosphere. The atmospheric buildings and alleys are also very impressive. Shibu Onsen is a place where there are so many hot springs, that it's said that if you dig into the ground, hot water will start emerging immediately. It's also known as Gensen Oukoku (源泉王国, lit. "Kingdom of Hot Spring Sources") and boasts an abundance of hot springs with excellent quality, a rarity even in Nagano Prefecture. All ryokan and outdoor baths in Shibu feature 100% free-flowing hot-spring water. Each source has a different composition, with brownish, iron-rich water, cloudy water, greenish water, and clear, colorless water, allowing visitors to enjoy a variety of colors and hot spring qualities. One of the attractions of Shibu Onsen is that visitors can both stay overnight or stop by during their travels for a one-day bathing experience and enjoy the footbaths. Experience Pure Bliss With a Tour of 9 Popular Hot Springs Photo:Hatsuyu, Shibu Onsen Shibu Onsen has nine outdoor hot springs that are used by the locals. Here are the names and benefits of each. No. 1 [Hatsuyu] Benefits: Good for the stomach No. 2 [Sasa no yu] Benefits: Good for eczema No. 3 [Wata no yu]: Benefits: Good for cuts, pimples, and promotes fertility No. 4 [Take no yu] Benefits: Good for gout No. 5 [Matsu no yu] Benefits: Good for spinal diseases No. 6 [Mearai no yu] Benefits: Good for eye diseases No. 7 [Nanakuri no yu] Benefits: Good for disorders related to emotional trauma No. 8 [Shinmeidaki no yu] Benefits: Good for women's diseases No. 9 [Shibu Oyu] Benefits: Good for childbirth, rheumatism, neuralgia If you stay at an inn in Shibu Onsen, you can borrow a special key that allows you to visit the nine outdoor hot springs for free. (For those visiting on a day-trip, only the 9th outdoor hot spring can be used). You can also collect stamps at each location on a special tenugui towel, and after doing so, if you pay a visit to Shibutaka Yakushi located at the top of 78 stone steps, it's said that your wishes will come true. It's also said to protect you from bad luck, provide blessings of safe child rearing, and bring you eternal youth. Events at Shibu Onsen Some of these events have been cancelled in recent years, but here is a partial list of events held at Shibu Onsen. ● Firefly Appreciation Party (蛍鑑賞会, Hotaru Kanshokai) This event allows visitors to view genji fireflies at Ishinoyu in Shiga Kogen by bus from Shibu Onsen. The fantastic atmosphere is enhanced by the light of the fireflies. ● Shibu Onsen Summer Festival Pedestrian Paradise (渋温泉夏祭り歩行者天国, Shibu Onsen Natsu Matsuri Hokosha Tengoku) This event is held every day from mid to late August. The cobblestone streets are closed to traffic and visitors can walk through the retro Showa-era streets while enjoying a variety of events. ● Charity Lantern Festival (チャリティー万灯会, Charity Manto-kai) A charity event held in May. Visitors light cup candles with their wishes written on them on the stone steps. The long staircase, beautifully illuminated, is a great photo spot and is sure to look good on Instagram as well. Summary of Shibu Onsen Photo:Shibu Onsen, Nagano Prefecture As the model for the film Spirited Away, Shibu Onsen has a fantastic atmosphere. While walking through the streets of Shibu Onsen, visitors can enjoy onsen manju (hot spring buns), onsen tamago (hot spring eggs), and even shooting galleries. If you're tired from sightseeing, you can stop by for a footbath or enjoy the hot springs on a day-trip. If you want to enjoy the hot springs and do some sightseeing in the area, you can also book a relaxing stay at an inn. Experience the historic atmosphere of Shibu Onsen. When sightseeing in Nagano, be sure to stop by and enjoy a visit to the nine wonderful hot springs. 【Official Website】Shibu Onsen 【TripAdvisor】Shibu Onsen -
Video article 7:04
Visit Scenic Spots in Toyama Prefecture on the Tateyama Line Train in Winter! The Age-Old Traditions and Beautiful Silver World Will Be Etched in Your Memory for a Lifetime!
Travel- 75 plays
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富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線エリアの魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では「富山地方鉄道 冬の立山線PR映像 (ロング版)」という動画を中心に、冬の立山線エリアの魅力を紹介します。 冬の時期に旅行をするなら、日本ならではの自然と気候をたっぷりと堪能が出来る観光スポットがいいですよね。 ここでは、日本の冬にぜひおすすめしたい観光スポットである富山地方鉄道、冬の立山線について詳しく紹介をしていきます。 景色を堪能出来るだけでなく、富山の地産地消のグルメでお腹も満たされる素晴らしい観光スポットである立山線について、少しでも知って頂ければ幸いです。 富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線おすすめ観光名所! 富山地方鉄道観光のスタートは、動画0:33でも紹介されている『電鉄富山駅』から。 そこで名物でもある『アルプスエキスプレス』という電車に乗って、立山線の道のりに広がる雪で彩られた路線と幻想的な景色を堪能しましょう。 途中には、動画1:12で紹介をされている日本の伝統工芸として有名な和紙製造をされている『川原製作所』や動画1:29で紹介されている漆器製造をされている『荻野漆工房』があり、どちらも日本の歴史と文化に興味がある方にはおすすめです。 そして更に進んでいくと、動画2:29で紹介をされている『陶農館』があります。 ここでは実際に伝統工芸品の陶芸体験や園芸教室が開催されているので、ぜひ参加してみてくださいね。 そして、動画3:00で紹介されている富山地方鉄道立山線の名物で選奨土木遺産にも認定されている『千垣橋梁』を通ります。 そして動画3:35の立山駅に着いたら、富山地方鉄道立山線での旅は終了となります。 富山地方鉄道立山線を堪能した後はここ! 鉄道での旅も終了したことで、ご当地グルメを味わいところ。 ですが、まずは長い旅の疲れを癒す為にも、動画4:39で紹介をされている立山吉峰温泉ゆーランドへ寄ることをおすすめします。 サウナやハーブ湯等の4種類のお風呂が楽しめ、身も心も温まるはずです。 その後は、動画4:50でも紹介をされているグリーンパーク吉峰にて、立山の旬の素材をふんだんに活かした『立山育ち御膳』を。 もしくは『立山芦峅ふるさと交流館』にて日本の古き良きお食事を頂きましょう。 日本ならではの四季によって彩られた景色を堪能し、温泉で疲れを癒してご当地グルメに舌鼓を打つ、これこそ観光の醍醐味と言えるでしょう。 富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線の魅力紹介まとめ 立山線、そして立山駅周辺のおすすめ観光スポットについて紹介をさせて頂きましたが、いかがだったでしょうか。 インスタ映えのする景色や絶景は勿論のこと、食事や温泉、伝統文化の体験など楽しみが盛りだくさん。 ぜひ今回紹介させて頂いた記事と動画がきっかけとなって、富山県への観光を検討してくれる方が少しでも居て下されば、幸いです。 -
Video article 1:30
Extend Your Journey to the Yamashiro Hotspring in Kaga and Enjoy the Beautiful Japanese Scenery! A Look at Recommended Spots, Food, and Ryokan in the Onsen Village!
Travel Things to Do- 140 plays
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About the PR Movie for Yamashiro Onsen in Kaga, Ishikawa "山代温泉 PRmovie 【short ver.】" made by the Yamashiro Onsen Tourist Association is a promotional video of popular tourist spots in Kaga city, Ishikawa prefecture. Yamashiro Onsen in Kaga is located in the Hokuriku region of Honshu. It is known as the only Onsen town in the region and referred to as "Ideyu no machi" (The Town of Onsen) with its 1300 years of history. It has been loved by a number of Japanese writers and artists, with a heart of hospitality times past. It's one of the most popular Onsen places on Japanese travel review & comparison sites. many of the charms of old Japan are captured in this one and a half minute video, so be sure to take a look! Attractive Spots Introduced in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot If you want to have a relaxing time, Rosanjin's Hut "Iroha" introduced from 0:24 is a highly recommended tourist spot. Other sightseeing places, such as the foot baths, Kutani Kamaato Museum and the steps of the Japanese alphabet to the Hattori Shrine are shown as well. The unique observatory of Sazaedo at 1:00 in the video is also a very attractive place to visit. Presented at 0:13 in the video is Sohachi's Roppo Yaki, which is great for having a snack while you walk or lunch as well. Kaga parfait presented at 0:47, with it's delectable sweets, is also something you don't want to miss. Onsen and Ryokan in the Area Photo:Yamashiro Onsen Soyu and Kosoyu introduced from 1:09 are Yamashiro's representative traditional Japanese public baths. Enjoy good old Japanese baths tiled with Kutaniyaki ceramics. In Yamashiro Onsen there are various select onsen ryokans such as Rurikoh, Yuzankaku, Housyoutei, Yamashitaya and Yoshidaya Sannoukaku. We also recommend lodging such as Araya Totoan, Yayunokuni Tensho, Tachibana Shikitei, Hatori, Beniya Mukayu, Morinosumika Resorts & Spa, Yukai Resort Saichoraku and Hoshino resorts. Of course there are places you can enjoy without staying the night at a hotel as well. The natural minerals in Yamashiro Onsen's spring water are: sodium, calcium, monosulfate, and chloride. The health benefits include: the easing of chronic pains, such as muscle pain, joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain, neuralgia, frozen shoulder, bruises, sprains. On top of that, it is also effective in easing muscle stiffness caused by motor paralysis, poor circulation, peripheral circulatory disturbance, intestinal disorders, mild cases of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, pulmonary emphysema, hemorrhoids, autonomic instability, sleep disorders, depression and aids in recovery from fatigue and promotes health. Things to do When Visiting Yamashiro Onsen There are a variety of things to do when staying at the Yamashiro Onsen. There is "Hazuchio Gakudo" which is a supporting institution for local communication, "Gallery PANNONICA" where unique exhibitions of all genres are held, "Izukuraya Buzangama" where you can see ceramic artworks, "Utsuwazo" where local Kutani ceramic artists' works and other great artworks of Yamanaka's lacquer ware are exhibited, and "Kamamoto Kutani Bitouen" where you can enjoy original ceramic wares. There are a lot of places where you can actually experience the traditional craft Kutaniyaki (A type of Japanese porcelain). If you have a chance to visit Yamashiro Onsen, why not give some of these places a visit as well. Summary of Yamashiro Onsen Photo:Onsen After staying at one of Japan's ryokan, visiting Yamashiro Onsen, spending a wonderful time in the large public baths and open-air baths, you may want to put on your yukata, relax and enjoy some private time exploring the Ryokan. If the weather is nice, you can have a nice time walking around the Onsen village just like in the video. Access is about 30 minutes by car from Komatsu Airport and the closest station is Kaga Onsen Station of Hokuriku-honsen, West Japan Railway. Spend time at Shiroyama Onsen, the popular Onsen area of Kanazawa and Kaga of Ishikawa prefecture will definitely make for an unforgettable experience. 【Official website】Yamashiro Onsen Tourist Organization Kanazawa & Kaga|27 minutes from Kanazawa station of Hokuriku Shinkansen http://www.yamashiro-spa.or.jp/foreign/en 【Tripadvisor】Yamashiro Onsen Kosouyu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g651648-d3782601-Reviews-Yamashiro_Onsen_Kosouyu-Kaga_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 19:38
A Trip to the "Great Snow Corridor," a Stunning Landscape Created by Nature That Towers Over the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route! Enjoy the Great Outdoors of Japan With a Panoramic View of the Northern Alps in Toyama and Nagano!
Local PR Travel- 83 plays
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About the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Promotional Video This video, titled "(TKAR010) Long Version 'Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Promotional Video' Japan" ((TKAR010)立山黒部アルペンルート long version "Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route promotional video" JAPAN), was released by "[Official] Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Video Channel" (【公式】立山黒部アルペンルート絶景動画チャンネル). The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route is a popular mountain sightseeing route with a series of 3,000-meter tall mountains. It offers observation decks with incredible views of the Tateyama Mountain range, a sightseeing route through a massive snow wall that appears at 0:48 in the video, and the stunning scenery of the Northern Alps. Check it out in the video! The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Sightseeing Route Photo:Kurobe-daira, cable car The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route is a 37 km long mountain sightseeing route that starts from Tateyama Station in Toyama Prefecture and ends at Shinano-Omachi (信濃大町, Shinano-Omachi) in Nagano Prefecture. The route starts by taking the cable car from Tateyama Station on the Toyama Prefecture side, seen at 0:58 in the video, to Bijodaira (美女平, Bijodaira), and then to Tateyama Murodo (立山室堂,Tateyama Murodo) via Midagahara (弥陀ヶ原, Midagahara. Murodo is known as the highest station in Japan. You'll be able to enjoy a panoramic view of the Northern Alps from the sightseeing observation deck on Mt. Murodo (室堂山, Murodo-Yama). Explore the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Using Local Transportation! Photo:Kurobe Lake and a ropeway Take the Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus from Murodo to Daikanbo Station, which can be seen at 1:42 in the video. The Tateyama Ropeway takes you to Kurobe-daira (黒部平, Kurobe-daira) from Daikanbo (大観峰, Daikanbo) in just 7 minutes. Take a ride on Japan's longest ropeway, a single-span ropeway with no aerial lift pylons, and experience the beautiful scenery. You can also take the Kurobe Cable Car from Kurobe-daira to Kurobeko (黒部湖, Kurobeko). The Highlight of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route - The Great Snow Corridor Photo:Toyama Prefecture, Yuki no Oya The area around Snow Corridor of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route has the most snowfall on the route. The snow that falls in winter forms two massive wall of snow, and even in mid-May, visitors can walk through a wall of snow more than 10 meters tall. The buses that run through the snow corridor were discontinued in April 2019, but you can still enjoy touring the sights on an environmentally-friendly hybrid bus. The bus may be cancelled depending on the weather, so be sure to check ahead of time and make reservations before your journey. After passing through the Kurobe Dam area of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, you'll be heading to Shinano Omachi, passing through the scenic landscape of Ogisawa (扇沢, Ogisawa) and the Hinatayama Plateau (日向山高原, Hinatayama Kougen). Summary of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Photo:Kurobe Dam and Tateyama Tourism on the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route peaks from winter through spring. You should expect there to be a large number of visitors on the route during the peak of the season, as many people will come to see the massive snow corridor. When the weather is nice in the summer, try the sightseeing route from the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route to the summit of Mt. Tsurugi (剱岳, Tsurugi-dake). We also recommend sightseeing in the fall when the Northern Alps are covered in beautiful autumn colors. As shown in the video, wildflowers, birds, and other wildlife that can only be seen here will make your trip unforgettable. 【Official Website】Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Official Guide https://www.alpen-route.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121155-d1220498-Reviews-Tateyama_Kurobe_Alpine_Route-Tateyama_machi_Nakaniikawa_gun_Toyama_Prefecture_Ho.html -
Video article 7:32
Straight Out of the Edo Period! Enjoy Traveling Back in Time With the Quaint Atmosphere of Kanazawa City!
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 154 plays
- YouTube
Kanazawa City, a Place Overflowing With History This video, titled "[4K] Kanazawa JAPAN|Kanazawa Sightseeing|Kenroku-en|Hyakumangoku Matsuri|Higashi Chaya District|Beautiful" ([4K]Kanazawa JAPAN 金沢観光 兼六園 百万石まつり ひがし茶屋街 Beautiful), was created by "Discover Nippon." Enjoy scenes of Kanazawa’s popular sightseeing areas and lively festivals in high 4K quality. Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture in the Hokuriku area of Japan (北陸地方, hokuriku chiho) is a popular place for sightseeing. The city is easily accessible, with Kanazawa Station linked to Tokyo Station through the Hokuriku Shinkansen. The trip by shinkansen takes around 3 hours, making it possible to plan a one-day trip. This video will introduce Kanazawa’s Kenroku-en Garden (兼六園, kenrokuen), the Hyakumangoku Festival at Oyama Shrine (尾山神社の百万石まつり, oyama jinja no hyakumangoku matsuri), Kanazawa Castle (金沢城, kanazawa-jo), and the Higashi Chaya District (ひがし茶屋街, higashi chayagai). Learn about the charms of Kanazawa! Kenroku-en Garden, the Representative Sightseeing Destination of Kanagawa Photo:Kanazawa Kenroku-en Light Up Autumn Stage Kenroku-en Garden is one of the most popular sightseeing areas in Kanazawa. The garden can be seen from 0:42 of the video. The garden was built in 1676 by Maeda Tsunanori (前田綱紀), the feudal lord at the time. It was originally meant to be used as a villa. On the grounds of Kenroku-en, you can see old-fashioned Japanese-style gardens. In addition, the view in the gardens changes depending on the season. In fact, Kenroku-en’s blooming cherry blossoms in spring have earned it a spot on the list of "Top 100 Cherry Blossom Areas of Japan." Kanazawa Castle, One of Japan’s Top 100 Castles Photo:Kanazawa Castle at dusk When visiting Kanazawa, one spot you definitely don't want to miss is Kanazawa Castle. The castle can be seen from 3:33 in the video. It was built by feudal lord Maeda during the Edo period (1603~1868), and is ranked as one of "Japan’s Top 100 Castles." Sadly, due to numerous fires in the past, much of the castle has been destroyed. The current outer citadel and castle walls have been rebuilt, and work is ongoing to restore the rest of the castle to its former glory. At the beginning of every year, the Kaga Hashigo Nobori (加賀はしご登り, kaga hashigo nobori), or "Kaga ladder acrobatics," is held. This is a proud tradition with a history of more than 300 years. The magnificent demonstration of traditional Japanese culture can be seen at 3:39 in the video. The Higashi Chaya District - Kanazawa’s "Mini-Kyoto" Photo:Higashi Chaya District This area can be seen at 1:00 of the video. The Higashi Chaya District can be found in what was formerly the castle town of Kanazawa. The district retains its Edo-period design and atmosphere, making visitors feel as if they’ve traveled back in time. At night, the paper lanterns of the low-roofed wooden houses and former samurai residences light up beautifully, and you can hear geisha singing along to the music of the shamisen and Japanese drums. Yukata and kimono rental shops are also available, making it possible for visitors to immerse themselves even more fully in the historical atmosphere while strolling around the district. There are also many cafes and souvenir shops where you can eat or shop to your heart’s content. The Higashi Chaya District is definitely a must-visit area. The Festivals of Kanazawa City Photo:Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Procession Every year in June, the Hyakumangoku Matsuri (Festival) is held at Oyama Shrine. The shrine is located right in the center of the city, and the festival is the largest in Ishikawa Prefecture. The festival lasts for 3 days, drawing more than 4 million visitors annually. It can be seen at 3:05 in the video. The highlight of the festival is the Hyakumangoku Procession (百万石行列, hyakumangoku gyoretsu), a reenactment of the entrance of feudal lord Maeda Toshiie (前田利家, maeda toshiie) into Kanazawa Castle. The magnificent procession is made up of 2,500 people, including locals dressed in Edo-period armor, Japanese drum performers, and falconers. Besides the procession, there are also tea-drinking ceremonies and lantern-floating ceremonies as well, and the festival can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The ethereal beauty of the lanterns floating on the water can be seen at 6:32 in the video. Summary of Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture Kanazawa City, also known as the "Kyoto of Hokuriku," is an area steeped in history reminiscent of the Edo period. The city is also well-known for its traditional crafts, such as the Kanazawa-Haku (金沢箔, kanazawa-haku), Kutani ware (九谷焼, kutani-yaki), as well as Kaga-yuzen fabric dyeing (加賀友禅, kaga yuzen). If you're traveling to Kanagawa, definitely use this video and article as a guide. Don’t forget to enjoy the fresh, delicious seafood and hot springs as well. We hope this video and article have given you an idea about what Kanagawa has to offer! 【Official Website】Ishikawa Prefecture Kanazawa City, City Hall Homepage https://www.city.kanazawa.ishikawa.jp/index_e.html 【Official Website】Kanazawa Sightseeing・Tourism Information Site https://visitkanazawa.jp/ -
Video article 7:41
Former Morning Musume Member AI Takahashi Introduces Her Hometown, Fukui Prefecture! You'll Love This City Where You'll Meet Lots of People and Have Lots of Smiles!
Local PR Travel- 89 plays
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元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県の観光動画について 「福井県観光連盟」が公開した「福の便り ~しあわせが届く故郷 福井~」は福井県出身の高橋愛が福井県の魅力を紹介している動画です。 福井県は福井県立恐竜博物館、ソースカツ丼、メガネ、越前和紙などさまざまな魅力があり、観光地としておすすめのスポットです。 美しい景観が見られる自然スポットも充実しているので、心をリフレッシュしたい人にもおすすめですよ。 こちらの記事では、高橋愛の故郷である福井県の観光名所や穴場スポットなどを動画と共に紹介します。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県で人気の歴史スポット 福井県で人気の歴史スポットといえば、曹洞宗の大本山永平寺です。 とても厳しい禅修行をする場所として有名です。 一般人でも短期間の修行体験ができ、座禅などで心身を鍛えることができます。 とても神聖なお寺なので参拝するだけでも気が引き締まり、リフレッシュできますよ。 こちらの動画の1:38より見ることができます。 一乗谷朝倉氏遺跡も福井を代表する歴史スポットのひとつ。 戦国時代に朝倉氏五代が越前の国を支配した城下町で、国の重要文化財に指定されている場所です。 当時の城下町の様子をほぼ完全な姿で再現されており、戦国時代にタイムスリップしたような感覚を味わえます。 他にも、平泉寺白山神社、旧松平家別邸「養浩館庭園」、百名城、丸岡城、羽賀城、国宝明通寺、鯖街道熊川宿、小浜三丁目など人気の歴史スポットがたくさんあります。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県でおすすめの絶景エリア 高橋愛の地元の福井を観光するなら美しい景色を見られるエリアもおすすめです。 龍双ヶ滝は「日本の滝100選」に選ばれている絶景スポットです。 落差60メートルある龍双ヶ滝の姿はとても美しく、マイナスイオンが充実した滝壺の周りにいると心が癒やされるはずです。 お花が好きな人は、足羽神社しだれ桜でゆっくり桜鑑賞するのもおすすめです。 桜の枝が綺麗なドーム型になっており、他ではなかなか見ることができません。 夜はライトアップされ幻想的な景勝を楽しめます。 他にも、金ヶ崎赤レンガ倉庫、足羽川桜並木、西山公園、花はす公園、名水百選瓜割の滝、水晶浜、水島、明鏡洞、九頭竜湖、世界三大奇勝東尋坊、百名山荒島竹、刈込池、もみじ百選萬徳寺などが福井県の見どころです。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県で人気のグルメ 福井県でおすすめのグルメはカニの王様である越前がにです。 日本海で育った立派な越前ガニは、他の産地のカニと比べて身がしっかりしていて美味しいと評判でとても人気があります。 また、高級な若狭ふぐもおすすめです。 身が締まってプリプリで刺し身やしゃぶしゃぶで食べると絶品です。 浜焼き鯖、葛まんじゅう、コシヒカリ、越前・若狭の地酒、越前おろしそばなどが福井県を代表するグルメです。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井観光の記事のまとめ 高橋愛の地元である福井県には、さまざまな観光スポットやグルメが充実しています。 三国祭、三国水中花火、スーパー大火勢、いけだエコキャンドル、永平寺大燈籠流し、今庄羽曽踊りなどがあり、季節ごとにさまざまなイベントを楽しめます。 インスタ映えする景色を楽しみたい方、日本の歴史や文化を感じたい方には福井観光はおすすめですよ。 -
Video article 18:23
Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival" in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture is raining fire sparks! The fireworks up close are a sight to behold! A spectacular display of beauty created by local pyrotechnists!
Festivals & Events Travel- 126 plays
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The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival of Ueda, Nagano: Video Introduction This video, titled "[4K] An Up-Close & Powerful Display! Sparks Rain From Above! The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival 2018 Highlights" ([4K] 激近大迫力!- 火の粉が上から降ってくる - 信州上田大花火大会 2018 ハイライト - Shinshu Ueda Fireworks 2018 Highlights -), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." When is the Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival 2024? Photo:Ueda from the Arato Castle Ruins Ueda, Nagano, located in Japan's Koshin'etsu region, is known as the birthplace of the three generations of Sanada, one of the most influential clans in Japanese history, and is a popular tourist destination with its historical and cultural heritage, magnificent nature, and hot springs that can be enjoyed in Japan's four seasons. The historical atmosphere of the city has led to it being used as a filming location for movies and TV dramas. Since it was the setting for the animated movie Summer Wars, some fans go on a tour of the places that served as models in the movie itself. The Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival is held every year on August 5 on the banks of the Chikuma River (downstream from Tsuneda Shinbashi Bridge) in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, and usually attracts over 100,000 spectators. About 8,000 fireworks, including starmines, are launched into the air. The dates and times of the 37th Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival in 2024 are as follows. Date and time: Monday, August 5, 2024 from 19:00 Street stalls and other vendors are scheduled to open in 2024. Fire sparks falling? What are the attractions and highlights of the "Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival"? Photo:Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival 2018 The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival consists of a competition among three local fireworks companies. ・Beniya Aoki Fireworks (紅屋青木煙火店) ・Shinohara Fireworks (篠原煙火店) ・Musha Fireworks (武舎煙火工業) The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival, which has become a summer tradition in Ueda, Nagano, is made possible by the advanced technology of three local firework companies. Normally, 3,000 stars are packed into a firework shell. If even a few of them are out of alignment, the resulting explosion will be lackluster. It is no exaggeration to say that the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is a success due to the incredibly skilled pyrotechnicians. The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival – Up Close and Personal The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is a popular fireworks display in Nagano Prefecture because of its diverse program. The night sky is completely lit up as approximately 10,000 fireworks of various sizes are launched, centering on the gorgeous starmine and musical fireworks. In addition, the finale, a series of launches, is a spectacle that captivates the audience. The powerful music and the continuous launching of fireworks herald the arrival of summer in Ueda. One of the reasons why the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is said to be so powerful is that the spectator seats are close to where the fireworks are launched. Because of the proximity, the spectators are sometimes sprayed with sparks from the fireworks. Popular Tourist Spots in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture Here are two popular tourist attractions. Ueda Castle and Ueda Castle Ruins Park In addition to the East Toraguchi Yaguromon gate, North Yagura, and South Yagura, the stone wall with the "Sanada-ishi" stone, which is 2.5 meters high and 3 meters wide, is a popular photo spot. The "Ueda Castle Thousand Cherry Blossoms Festival" is held in spring and attracts many visitors. Rice terraces in Inakura This is a spot where you can enjoy the cityscape of Ueda City and the scenery of terraced rice paddies at the same time. The best time to view the terraced rice paddies is from late May to late October. There are several yokoana burial mounds dating back to the 700s along the rice paddies, providing an original Japanese landscape. Summary of "Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival" in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture The Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival is a summer tradition. It is conveniently located just a 5-minute walk from Ueda Station, where the Shinkansen bullet train stops, and is also close enough to take a day trip from Tokyo. If you would like to experience not only the beauty of the fireworks seen in this video of the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival, but also the power sounds and vibrations, considering seeing the fireworks in person. ◆The 37th Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival in 2024 Date: Monday, August 5, 2024 from 19:00 Place: Chikuma River riverbed (downstream of Tsuneda Shinbashi Bridge) Access:Public transportation: JR Ueda Station, Shinano Railway Ueda Station, Ueda Electric Railway Ueda Station→5 min. walk Car: 6 km 15 min. from Ueda Sugadaira IC of Joshinetsu Expressway via Route 144 Parking: No parking (please use pay parking lots around the venue) -
Video article 2:53
A condensed animation of summer sightseeing attractions in Echizen-cho, Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture! Enjoy the Echizen Coast's spectacular scenery, marine sports, seafood gourmet food, festivals, and endless ways to have fun! Let's go out to the sightseeing spots in Hokuriku Region!
Local PR Travel- 59 plays
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Video introduction of summer sightseeing spots in Echizen-cho, Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture The video “JAPAN TRIP ECHIZEN COLORS – Summer/ Echizen-town Tourism Promotional Video” is created by “Tourism Echizen JAPAN Channel/ Echizen-town Tourism Federation Fukui Prefecture.” It's a promotional video for Echizen, Fukui prefecture, that introduces sightseeing destinations and local cuisine. Echizen is known for Echizen-crab, a brand of snow crab (queen crab). In summer, there's gorgeous views, marine activities, traditional fireworks and festivals to be enjoyed in Echizen. In this article, we'll introduce recommended destinations and food you should try. The video is taken by drone, so you get some beautiful aerial footage. By the time it ends, you'll be itching to go to Echizen! What is Echizen Like? Photo:Echizen Ono Castle in the Sky, Fukui Prefecture In 2005, the 4 towns of Asahi, Miyazaki, Echizen and Oda, merged together and formed Echizen. The population of Echizen is 21,500. (as of April, 2019) Echizen sits on the coast of the Sea of Japan and its roughly 2 and a half hours from Kyoto by car. There is no train or highways, so you can feel the beauty of the surrounding natural environment. We recommend going by car or rental car. Where's That Beach Shown in the Video? Photo:Kochou gate From 0:10 in the video, we see the main tourist attraction (with a beautiful view), Echizen Coast. Echizen coast is one of the three major places where bunch-flower daffodils are grown. Awaji Island (淡路島, Awajishima) and Boso Peninsula (房総半島, Bosohatou) are the other two areas. The bunch-flower daffodil is the city and prefecture flower. Echizen coast is a Quasi-National Parks, with upheaved seashore. Driving along the coast and seeing the large tunnel, eroded by wind and waves is very popular. Echizen cape was also chosen in the top 100 sunsets of Japan. Scuba diving at the beautiful Echizen coast is popular among tourists in summer. It can be seen at 0:28 in the video. Here, you can try diving and snorkeling as well, without the need for a license. There are a lot of sea-bathing places in Echizen with sandy beaches and rock shores. Families with children can enjoy endless fun here. Enjoy the Culture, Nature and Food of Echizen Source :YouTube screenshot If you head toward the inland from the Sea of Japan, you can see rural landscapes and beautiful green mountains. By visiting the Echizenkogama Museum, (越前古窯博物館, Echizenkogama hakubutsukan) you can learn about the history and techniques of Echizen ware, a Japan Heritage, as well as see one of the six ancient kilns of Japan. You can also enjoy 5 different kinds of hot springs here. The rice field art introduced at 1:09 is breathtaking. Definitely check it out! After sightseeing and enjoying some marine activities, we recommend trying local cuisine. Especially the Echizen soba, packed with grated Japanese radish, and fresh seafood. Usuya Shokuhin’s Ota Tofu is also popular as a souvenir. It uses only domestically grown soybeans. Usuya Shokuhin was established in 1854, in Echizen-cho Ota, which also happens to be the birthplace of Oda Nobunaga’s (one of the three great unifiers of Japan) clan. Another great thing to try during summer in Echizen is the squid-fishing experience. Riding on a fishing boat at night, turning on a fishing lamp and catching squid is sure to make for a lifelong memory. The food in Echizen can be seen from 1:12 in the video. Enjoying both sightseeing and delicious food on vacation... what more could you ask for? Traditional Japanese Festivals in Echizen Photo:Asahi festival Andon floats We highly recommend checking out Echizen's summer festival! In mid-July, “Echizen summer festival” is held. Fifty-thousand tourists visit the port town every year to see the amazing fireworks. “Asahi festival” is a fantastic festival where 20 Andon floats pass in front of the town hall. In Ota, there's a tradition called “Myoujin Bayashi” dedicated to “Tsurugi Shrine” (劔神社, Turugi jinjya) where Lord Oda Nobunaga worshipped. Currently, there is an event called “Ota Festival &O・TA・I・KO Hibike” in mid-August, where you can listen to powerful drum performances. The information is shown in the video at 2:00. The fireworks festival shown at 2:35 is incredibly lively. Summary of Echizen “JAPAN TRIP ECHIZEN COLORS – Summer/ Echizen-town Tourism Promotional Video” introduces tourist attractions in the summer, along with gorgeous views of Echizen. Echizen is a very attractive town where you can enjoy a gorgeous view of the Sea of Japan, marine activities, traditional festivals, fresh seafood, and more. Be sure to watch the video to see the beautiful summer views of Echizen. There are many hotels and hot springs too, so if you want to be active during summer, we highly recommend Echizen. 【Official website】Echizen town hall homepage https://www.town.echizen.fukui.jp/ 【Official website】Echizen: Echizen-town Tourism Federation https://www.town-echizen.jp/en/ -
Video article 9:24
Shirakawa-Go in Gifu Prefecture and Gokayama in Toyama Prefecture: 2 UNESCO World Heritage Sites Featuring Superb Views of Gassho-Zukuri Farmhouses. These Fantastic Snowy Landscapes are Some of Japan's Most Insta-Worthy Spots!
Local PR Travel Art & Architecture- 555 plays
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Video introduction of spectacular views of the gassho-zukuri villages of Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture and Gokayama in Toyama Prefecture. This promotional video, produced by “Discover Nippon,” shows the snowy landscapes of Shirakawa-go (Gifu Prefecture) and Gokayama (Toyama Prefecture). Shirakawa-go and Gokayama are two popular tourist destinations in Japan known for their Gassho-zukuri farmhouses with a unique sloped roof supported by A-frame crossbeams and thatched with the straw of crops. The beauty of these farmhouses, with snow capped, thatched roofs, can be seen in the video. This article will supplement the video by giving information about must-visit places in Shirakawa-go and Gokayama, where you can enjoy ancient Japanese landscapes. Sightseeing Locations at Shirakawa-go During the Winter ©Koichi_Hayakawa Modifying Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995, Shirakawa-go is a famous place in northern Gifu Prefecture (known as the Hida Region), home to the thatched-roof Gassho-zukuri farmhouses. The structure of the steeply sloped roofs can withstand the heavy winter snowfall. Wada-ke house, a well preserved house located in Ogimachi (the largest village in Shirakawa-go), is designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan and is now open to the public as a museum. There are many other recommended locations, hidden gems, and “instagrammable” places, such as Shiroyama Viewpoint, Ogimachi Castle Observation Deck, Tohyama-ke House Museum and Myo-zenji Temple and House. Although Shirakawa-go has charms in every season, it's best seen covered in snow. The illumination during winter makes the village snowscape even more amazing. This can be seen at 3:33 in the video. The pure white landscape, lit up beautifully, is a sight to behold even on video. Recommended Tourist Locations in Gokayama Photo:World Heritage Site Gokayama Ainokura Village Gokayama is a part of Nanto City in Toyama, an area consisting of nostalgic villages featuring Gassho-zukuri farmhouses. Ainokura village and Suganuma village are the main attractions of Gokayama, and are both registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites together with Shirakawa-go. The Iwase-ke House and Murakami-ke House are two buildings of high cultural value, with both being designated Important Cultural Properties of Japan. The best time to visit Gokayama is either in winter, when the village is covered in snow, or during the Ainokura Gokayama Music Festival in June. If you like Tofu, be sure to try the Gokayama Tofu. It's a local specialty made using pure mountain water and locally grown soybeans. Access to Shirakawa-Go and Gokayama Many people visit Shirakawa-go and Gokayama by bus tour or car, as there are no railway lines running through the area. If you're planning on staying overnight, the hotels around Hirase Onsen in Shirakawa-go or Gokasansou in Gokayama are the best options. Some of the Gassho-zukuri farmhouses now function as an inn. It's a great way to experience a traditional Japanese home that has tatami mat floors and an “Irori” (Sunken Hearth), used for both cooking and heating. The video shows the inside of a Gassho-zukuri farmhouse from 6:53. Staying in a traditional Japanese home guarantees a unique experience. Summary of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama ©Koichi_Hayakawa Modifying Shirakawa Village in Gifu Prefecture and Nanto City in Toyama Prefecture have released live informational cameras that allow you to check out Shirakawa-go and Gokayama at all times. Consider checking them out before you head out for sightseeing. Enjoy seeing the nostalgic Japanese villages snow capped by snow. It's a scene you won't come across often. Shirakawa-go Tourist Office http://ml.shirakawa-go.org/en/ -
Video article 2:53
Is Tojinbo in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture, a sacred place for suspense drama fans? The power spot on the precipitous cliff with a spectacular view is a thrilling experience!
Nature Travel- 169 plays
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Tojinbo" in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture Video Introduction Tojinbo, in Fukui prefecture, located in Japan's Hokuriku region, is a series of vertical cliffs created by the rough waves of the Japan Sea. It is a rare type of sea cliff which can only been seen in 3 other places in the world. This video, titled "(4K) Aerial Drone Footage / Flown in Tojinbo in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture" (【4K】福井県坂井市 東尋坊で飛ばしてみた / ドローン空撮), was produced by "Mattsu." The video shows the exposed rock face and jagged landscape of Tojinbo via aerial drone footage. The geological composition of the cliffs of Tojinbo is made up of pyroxene andesite and some of the cliffs tallest points are approximately 25m tall. Its strangely shaped pillars extend for 1km and it has been designated a Natural National Monument and Scenic Spot, and is also a part of the specially protected area of Echizen-Kaga Kaigan Quasi-National Park. It is also one of the world's 3 most geologically rare scenic spots, and therefore it is well known around the world. The origin of the name Tojinbo is said to have come from the name of a monk "Tojinbo" who lived long ago and was affiliated with Heisenji Temple and lost his life after being thrown off the cliff in a romantic tangle. After Tojinbo was thrown into the sea; another monk, his rival in love, was also pulled into the rough waves and tempestuous weather continued for 49 days. Or so the legend goes anyways... It is also famous for being used as a film location for climactic scenes in which the culprit tries to throw him or herself into the sea after making a confession in suspenseful TV dramas or movies. Tourist Attractions Around Tojinbo Photo:Tojinbo, Fukui Prefecture The Tojinbo cliffs, which is a rare rock formation even outside of Japan, is a famous place that even many Japanese would like to visit at least once. In order to preserve Tojinbo's amazing view there are no safety features such as fences installed there. You are able to walk around Tojinbo freely, however, please watch your step. The recommended tourist sites around Tojinbo are, Tojinbo Tower, Echizen Matsushima Aquarium, the caravan campsite Kyukamura Echizen Mikuni, Echizen Matsushima, Minato-machi Mikuni, Shibamasa World, and the Araiso Shoreline Esplanade. Also, if you take the Tojinbo/Oshima sightseeing boat tour, you will be able to see the cliff face from the ocean and will be able to enjoy all of the Instagrammable locations such as Lion Rock and Candle Rock. In addition, the Mikuni Fireworks Festival is held near Tojinbo in the summer and every year many tourists flock to see this event. Tojinbo's Famous Hot Springs and Gourmet Food! Photo:A crab dish When you the town Mikuni, in Sakai city, Fukui prefecture, that Tojinbo is in, try to stay at the Mikuni Kanko Hotel. Japan's Hokuriku region is famous for Echizen crab and the crab dishes made from Fukui's freshly caught crab are absolutely delectable! You should also definitely go to the nationally famous, Mikuni hot springs. Relax and rid yourself of stress by sightseeing in Tojinbo, eating delicious seafood and relaxing in the hot springs- All at the Mikuni Kanko Hotel. Summary of Tojinbo in Fukui Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot One of the world's most beautiful sights! Directions (access by public transportation such as bus), parking, events and other information about Tojinbo in Fukui prefecture, can be seen on the Mikuni hot springs official website "Mikuni Marugoto Navi." Now that you've seen the beautifully taken drone footage, it’s time to see it in person! Tojinbo|Sakai City Tourist Spots|Sakai Tabinavi, the official tourism guide to Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture https://kanko-sakai.com/spot/k001/ 【Tripadvisor】Tojinbo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021160-d1385002-Reviews-Tojimbo_Cliff-Sakai_Fukui_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 6:46
Recharge Your Body and Mind at Kaga Onsen in Kaga, Ishikawa! Experience a Healing Trip to Enjoy Japanese Culture and Hot Springs!
Local PR Travel- 32 plays
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日本の文化と温泉を満喫できる「石川の加賀温泉郷」の動画について こちらの動画は「観光チャンネル石川県 加賀市 加賀温泉郷」が公開した「加賀百万石の温泉郷「石川県 加賀温泉郷」 / 「加賀ていねい」コンセプトムービー」です。 石川県加賀温泉郷で体験できる日本文化や温泉などの魅力が詰まった動画となっています。 加賀温泉郷は「加賀ていねい」の心で観光客の心を魅了し、癒やし続けています。 こちらの記事では、日本の文化や温泉を楽しめる石川県加賀温泉郷の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の文化と温泉を満喫できる石川の加賀温泉郷とは? 人気の観光名所である加賀温泉郷は北陸三県の真ん中にある温泉地です。 この地域は九谷焼きや茶道、漆器、祭り、日本料理といったさまざまな文化が詰まっている魅力ある町。 加賀温泉郷は、文人墨客たちに愛されていた街として有名。 文化や温泉で著名人たちの心を癒やしてきました。 今も人気の観光スポットとなっており、北陸新幹線が開通したことで観光客が増えています。 おもてなしの心で出迎えてくれる旅館や、おいしい和食、ご当地グルメなど、見どころはいっぱい。 癒しの旅として石川県の加賀温泉郷を観光するのはいかがでしょうか? 石川の観光エリアである加賀温泉郷の日本文化 石川の加賀温泉郷では、さまざまな日本文化を見ることができます。 歴史好きな方におすすめなのが、江沼神社の長流亭です。 重要文化財に選ばれているこの建造物はとても神聖な雰囲気のある場所。 周りは自然に囲まれており、インスタ映えするきれいな景色を楽しむことができます。 伝統芸能が好きな方には山中節を体験するのがおすすめ。 日本らしい民謡でゆったりした踊りが心を和ませてくれます。 また山中座では山中節の他に、山中温泉の総湯・菊の湯と山中漆器も体験できるぜいたくなスポットです。 他にも、山代大田楽や芸術を生み出した城下町の大聖寺でも日本の伝統文化を堪能できます。 石川の観光エリアである加賀温泉郷の温泉について 石川の観光スポットの加賀温泉郷は、小松市の粟津温泉、加賀市の片山津温泉、山中温泉、山代温泉の4つの温泉の名称として使われています。 4つの温泉には長い歴史があり、それぞれで特徴のある泉質を楽しめます。 温泉の温度も微妙に異なる4つの温泉の違いを楽しむ湯巡りをしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 石川の観光エリアである「加賀温泉郷」紹介記事のまとめ 心のこもった日本文化や温泉を堪能できる加賀温泉郷で、癒しの旅行を体験してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 2:33
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa: Full of Japanese Contemporary Art That Will Look Great on Your Instagram! This Popular Tourist Destination in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Is Great for Families and Dates, and Has Even Been Featured on TV and in Magazines!
Art & Architecture Travel- 268 plays
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21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa" Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan Video Introduction This video is titled "A Trip to 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa♪ Check Out the Famous Swimming Pool Artwork!" (金沢21世紀美術館でアートな旅♪有名なプールの作品を見に行こう!). The video is about of 2 minutes long and introduces various photogenic spots in Kanawaza, Ishikawa prefecture, with a focus on the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. The Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa in the Hokuriku region, is also called "Marubie" and "21 Beauty." Enjoy a variety of contemporary pieces at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, called "the mecca of contemporary art." The Top Works at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa Source :YouTube screenshot Introduced at 0:09 in the video is "Color Activity House," an art piece of glass in the three primary colors that swirls and changes color depending on where it is viewed from. Other works of art include "Wrapping," a children's favorite at 0:45 in the video, "Maru," a spherical piece at 0:57, as well as "Crankfelt Number 3 for the Arena," a piece of art that changes colors as you look at it. The artwork introduced at 1:07 in the video is "Swimming Pool," a particularly popular piece of art at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. There's actually a space inside the pool where visitors can go in and out, making it feel like you're underwater. For more information on other works, please see the official website. The collection policy of the collections at the Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, is as follows from the catalog. ・ Works of art created after 1900 that serve as historical reference points. ・ Works produced after the 1980s that propose new values. ・ New and creative works by artists associated with Kanazawa Highlights of 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa Photo:21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa has a free exhibition space, an exchange and exhibition zone, a café and restaurant where visitors can enjoy lunch and sweets, and a museum shop where Japanese souvenirs can be purchased. The see-through elevator is also one of the works of the museum. You can also take a break with art works such as cute rabbit-shaped chairs and long chairs that can be seen at 1:38 in the video. Many of the artworks on display are only available for a limited time. The ones created by TeamLab are especially popular, drawing crowds day after day. There are also long-term exhibitions that can be viewed for free. The museum also has a library and a children's studio, both of which have art on display that will keep you entertained all day long. One of the Museum is that you can enjoy the free area alone. Summary of 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa Photo:21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa Summary of 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, in Ishikawa Prefecture, introduced in the video, is a great art spot for family trips and dates. Since the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen, the number of Japanese and foreign tourists visiting sightseeing trips to Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture has increased. Please visit the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, in Ishikawa Prefecture, along with other nearby sightseeing spots. ◆21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa◆ 【Address】1 Chome-2-1 Hirosaka, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-8509 【Access】10 minutes by bus from JR Kanazawa Station, a short walk from the Hirosaka bus stop, and a 5 minute walk from the Korinbo bus stop. 【Hours】Exhibition zone 10: 00-18: 00 (Friday and Saturday until 20:00), Exchange zone 9: 00-22: 00 【Stay time】1-2 hours 【Telephone No】076-220-2800 【Parking】Available (30 minutes free, 150 yen every 30 minutes thereafter, 1000 yen/night maximum) 【Admission fee】Varies by exhibition (free areas available) (advance tickets available) 【Director】Atsuhiko Shima 【Official Website】Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art. https://www.kanazawa21.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298115-d1439759-Reviews-21st_Century_Museum_of_Contemporary_Art-Kanazawa_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chu.html -
Video article 1:30
Beautiful terraced rice fields leading to the Sea of Japan! The spectacular view of Shiromai Senmaida in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, on the Noto Peninsula is a representative sightseeing spot of Okunoto, designated as a national cultural asset and place of scenic beauty!
Nature Travel- 333 plays
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Video introduction of "Shiromai Senmaida" in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture This video, “Ishikawa Shiroyone Senmaida - 白米千枚田 - 4K Ultra HD”, was created by “TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful.” It shows the exquisite view of the Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces dyed in brilliant shades of green. The rice terraces are located in Wajima City (輪島市, Wajima-shi), of Ishikawa Prefecture. The Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces are located in Shiroyone, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture in the Hokuriku region (北陸地方, Hokuriku chiho) of Japan. The view of the rice terraces changes with the seasons, making it a popular sightseeing area. In this article, we'll introduce the history and appeal of the Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces, as well as information for visitors. The rice terraces are considered the epitome of Japanese agriculture, as well as the definitive landscape of Japan. Enjoy exploring the rice terraces shown in the article. Be sure to follow along with the video as well! The Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces Photo:Ishikawa Shiroyone Senmaida The Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces can be found on Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture. The rice terraces are said to have been created nearly 400 years ago. There are around 1,004 paddy fields arranged on the steep slopes, each about 20 squares meters in size and in a variety of shapes. The view of the rice terraces descending into the Sea of Japan can be seen at 0:05 in the video. The Shiroyane Senmaida Rice Terraces are designated not only as a national "Place of Scenic Beauty," but also as one of "Japan's Top 100 Terraced Rice Paddies." In addition, the rice terraces are also a "Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System," known as "Noto's Satoyama and Satoumi." As farming machinery is too large for the paddy fields, the traditional hand-farming method "Nawashiroda" (苗代田) is used. The paddy fields all belong to certain owners who are in charge of their maintenance. Every year, the Shiroyone Senmaida Planting and Harvesting Event is held, with the owners and volunteers working together to plant and harvest rice by hand. Photo:Ishikawa Shiroyone Senmaida As you can see in the video, you can enjoy the summer view of the refreshingly green rice terraces. However, the rice terraces change with the seasons, making it a gorgeous view all throughout the year. In the spring, water soaks the paddy fields for rice planting, causing the terraces to sparkle and reflect the blue sky. In autumn, the rice has grown and the terraces turn a beautiful golden-yellow. During the peak rice-harvesting season, there are even wedding ceremonies held at the rice terraces. In winter, the sight of snow covering the rice terraces is absolutely beautiful, and you can also enjoy the illumination along Aze Street, "Aze no Kirameki" (あぜのきらめき, Aze-no-kirameki). The official mascot "Senren-chan" occasionally participates in events as well. The Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces can be accessed through public transport. The rice terraces are a 5-minute walk from the Shiroyone Senmaida bus station, which is 2 and a half hours by bus from Kanazawa station (金沢駅, Kanazawa-eki) in Ishikawa Prefecture. For visitors travelling by personal or rental car, there is a parking area available at the roadside station "Senmaida Pocket Park." The address is- Ishikawa Prefecture, Wajima City, Shiroyanecho 99-5 (石川県輪島市白米町99-5, Ishikawa-ken Wajima-shi Shiroyane-cho 99-5). Summary of Ishikawa Prefecture’s Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces Photo:Aze no Kirameki illumination In this video, “Ishikawa Shiroyone Senmaida - 白米千枚田 - 4K Ultra HD,” you can enjoy the beautiful view of the rice terraces. The sight of the rice terraces and the sea, dyed red by the setting sun, is breathtaking. Furthermore, at the roadside station “Senmaida Pocket Park,” onigiri made from rice harvested at the rice terraces, as well as various related souvenirs, are also available. In Noto Peninsula, there are many other sightseeing areas such as the Kamogaura Promenade (鴨ヶ浦遊歩道, Kamogaura yuhodo), Makaki no Sato Seiho (間垣の里 西保, Aidagaki-no-sato seiho), Elephant Nose Lookout (ゾウゾウ鼻展望台, Zozo-hana tenboudai), Oketaki Falls (桶滝, Oketaki), as well as Nametaki Falls (男女滝, Nametaki). Of course, you can enjoy fresh seafood as well. If you happen to be visiting Kanazawa City, besides the nearby attractions, why not try making a trip to Noto Peninsula as well? It'll definitely be a trip to remember! 【Tripadvisor】Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g1021242-d1384989-Reviews-Shiroyone_Semmaida-Wajima_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:01
Have an exquisite time at Awara Onsen "Grandeur Hosen" in Awara City, Fukui Prefecture! Check out the recommended ways to spend your time and spots for healing!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 152 plays
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Grandeur Hosen" Awara Hot Spring in Awara City, Fukui Prefecture Video Introduction This video, titled "Grandia Housen" (グランディア芳泉), is a PR video for Awara Onsen's 'Grandia Housen' in Fukui prefecture, in the Hokuriku region of Japan. Awara Onsen is located in an Onsen district near the famous tourist spots Tojinbo Cliffs (東尋坊) and Oshima island (雄島) (2:44). Enjoy a relaxing time at the popular inn that has high ratings on hotel review and comparison websites. Watch the video and enjoy the atmosphere of Awara Onsen's 'Grandia Housen,' in Fukui prefecture. About Grandia Housen Source :YouTube screenshot If you are staying at Grandia Housen in Fukui, you might as well enjoy the finest onsen there. At Grandia Housen, you can enjoy a variety of hot springs, including the large footbath "Tenjo-no-SPA," a large Japanese cypress bath, the lie-down bath bath "Neyu," an open-air bath, Tsuki-no-Yu (a moon bath), and Hoshi no Yu. There is also a footbath called 'Ashigaru-no-Yu.' The baths can be enjoyed at your leisure, making it a great place to relax and unwind. The springs are alkaline simple hot springs (a low tonicity alkaline low hot spring), and they are effective against neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, frozen shoulders, motor paralysis, joint stiffness, bruises, sprains, chronic digestive tract disease, hemorrhoids, and cold sensitivity, and they aid in recovery from injury, recovery from fatigue, and improve health. Guest Rooms at Grandia Housen Source :YouTube screenshot When staying at a luxury Japanese ryokan such as this, you'll want to be sure to choose the room that's right for you, such as one with an open-air bath in the garden. You have choices between a suite room with an outdoor onsen, the resort style wing Yutorogi-tei (0:55), or the Annex, Kotobuki-Tei (1:06). Choose the one that suits your style, so you can enjoy your stay to the utmost. You'll also find Japanese-style rooms, barrier-free rooms, and maisonette rooms with Jacuzzi baths. You can rest assured that they'll provide all of the amenities you require. Food at Grandia Housen Source :YouTube screenshot You can enjoy excellent Japanese cuisine at the restaurants 'Yuzen' and 'Kinokura' at Grandia Housen. Enjoy local Echizen crab, Yuzen-kaiseki and Housen-kaiseki, Kaiseki course dishes that use fresh, seasonal ingredients. Their breakfast buffet is also a must-try. There are other facilities, including a banquet hall, conference rooms, a wedding hall, a Karaoke room, a Mah-jong Room, and more. We also recommend having an evening meal at 'Umaimon-dokoro Echizen.' Guests can enjoy cooking their own "onsen egg" for free at 'Yutorogi Tamago Boiled Egg' as well. At 'Grandia Housen' there's plenty of facilities for you to enjoy however you wish. You can enjoy the moon viewing platform and lounge "Kangetsu" with a view of the Japanese garden, and the 200kg feng shui ball, which is said to improve your luck. Summary of Grandia Housen If you're planning on visiting the Awara Onsen area in Fukui Prefecture, you should definitely stop by Mikuniminato and Onsen-Yatai Village Yukemuri-yokocho. The first Echizen crab auction of the year (2:58) and the Awara Yukake festival are also held here. In addition, you can enjoy the Echizen Matsushima Aquarium, Maruoka castle, Roadside Station Mikuni, Angel Land Fukui, Mikui-Minatomachi, Shibamasa World, and a day trip to hot spring facilities in and around Awara Onsen. If you're thinking of going sightseeing in Hokuriku, definitely stay at Grandia Housen. Prices vary by season and plan, so please check the official website or travel websites for more information. ◆Awara Onsen, Grandia Housen Facility information◆ 【Address】43-26 Funatsu, Awara, Fukui 910-4193, Japan 【Access】15 minutes by car from Kanatasu IC and 10 minutes by free shuttle bus from JR Awara Onsen Station. 【Parking】Available. Limited to 300 cars 【Telephone No】0776-77-2555 【Official Website】Awara Onsen, Grandia Housen https://www.g-housen.co.jp/lg_en/ 【Tripadvisor】Grandia Housen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1021158-d654197-Reviews-Grandia_Housen-Awara_Fukui_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html