Video article 5:17
Three Popular Sightseeing Spots in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture! The Powerful Koan Gorge, Kawaragae Jigoku, One of the Three Most Sacred Places in Japan, and Akinomiya, a Popular Hot Spring Resort!
Travel- 61 plays
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秋田・湯沢の「小安峡・川原毛地獄・秋ノ宮」の動画について 「JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC」が公開した「JG 4K HDR 秋田 湯沢の地熱地域 小安峡/河原毛地獄/秋ノ宮 Yuzawa Geothermal Area,Akita」は、秋田県湯沢市の地熱地帯を紹介している動画です。 峡谷の中で迫力ある大噴湯を見られる小安峡。 灰白色の溶岩に覆われた川原毛地獄。 秘湯と一緒に紅葉を堪能できる秋ノ宮。 それぞれで美しい景色を楽しめる魅力あるスポットです。 こちらの記事では、秋田県湯沢市の小安峡・川原毛地獄・秋ノ宮の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 秋田県湯沢市の地熱地域にある小安峡とは? 秋田県湯沢市にある小安峡は、雄物川支流、皆瀬川上流にある峡谷です。 小安峡では迫力ある大噴湯を見ることができ、人気の観光スポットになっています。 98℃にもなる蒸気が噴出する光景は必見ですよ。 こちらの動画の0:17より見ることができます。 また小安峡は紅葉の名所としても知られており、その景観を目当てにたくさんの観光客が訪れます。 交通アクセスも湯沢駅前からバスが出ており、宿泊場所も充実しています。 「日本秘湯を守る宿」のひとつに選ばれている阿部旅館や囲炉裏で食事を楽しめる多郎兵衛は、昔ながらの雰囲気を味わえる素晴らしい旅館です。 家族や恋人との旅行にぜひ利用してください。 レストランなどグルメを楽しめる施設も充実。 ランチに名物の稲庭うどんやソフトクリームを食べて楽しい観光にしてください。 秋田県湯沢市の地熱地域にある川原毛地獄とは? 秋田県湯沢市にある川原毛地獄は、灰白色が特徴の噴気地帯です。 標高は約800mで草木が生えない灰色の山肌があたり一面に広がっています。 いたるところから蒸気が吹き出し、硫黄臭の匂いが漂っています。 川原毛地獄を観光する際に、必ず訪れたいスポットが大湯滝。 滝そのものが温泉という珍しい温泉滝です。 滝壺や渓流が天然の露天風呂になっており、水着を着用して入浴できます。 駐車場から遊歩道で徒歩20分ほどの場所にあります。 また、地元の人が大切にしている行事「川原毛地蔵祭」もおすすめ。 秋田県湯沢市の地熱地域にある秋ノ宮とは? 秋田県最古の温泉地として知られる秋ノ宮。 とても落ち着いた雰囲気のあるスポットで多くの観光客に愛されています。 栗駒山のふもとにある役内川のほとりの景色は、とても美しく目を奪われますよ。 秋ノ宮温泉郷の「湯ノ又温泉」「鷹の湯温泉」「稲住温泉」はどれも泉質のいい名湯。 日帰りで温泉を楽しむのもよし、旅館に宿泊してゆったりつかるのもよし。 秋ノ宮温泉郷で体をしっかり癒し充実した旅行にしてください。 秋田・湯沢の「小安峡・川原毛地獄・秋ノ宮」紹介記事のまとめ 秋田県湯沢市の小安峡・川原毛地獄・秋ノ宮の魅力をたっぷりと紹介しました。 美しい景色を楽しめるインスタ映えスポットや温泉を楽しめます。 -
Video article 13:59
Enjoy the Snowy Landscape of Japan's Tohoku Region! These Winter Sightseeing Spots Tinged With Snowy Scenery Have a Unique Beauty That Can't Be Seen Anywhere Else
Travel Nature- 95 plays
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Enjoy Sightseeing in Japan's Snowy Tohoku Region in the Cold Winter This video, titled "[4K] Snowy Landscapes in Tohoku, Japan|Winter Travel in Japan's Tohoku Region|Sightseeing in Tohoku|Ouchi-Juku, Tsugaru Railway Stove Train|Samurai Houses in Kakunodate|Mogami River Boat Ride|Ginzan Onsen" ([4K]JAPAN 東北の雪景色の風景 Winter travel in Tohoku region 東北の観光 大内宿 津軽 鉄道ストーブ列車 角館武家屋 最上川舟下り 銀山温泉), is a 4K video released by "Discover Nippon" that introduces the Tsugaru Railway stove train running in Aomori Prefecture, as well as tourist information on Japan's Tohoku region in winter. In the Tohoku region, where you can enjoy the natural scenery of Japan's four seasons, you can also enjoy the snowy landscape in winter. The Tsugaru Railway, which goes through the snowy scenery of the Tohoku region, is a simple sightseeing train with a potbelly stove, through which you can feel the culture of Japan while riding the train. This can be seen from 3:05 in the video. Take the Tsugaru Railway Stove Winter Train, known as the winter event train, and experience a fascinating trip to enjoy the scenery around Japan's Tohoku region in winter. Recommended Tourist Destinations in Fukushima, Yamagata, Akita, Aomori Photo:Ouchi-juku Ouchi-juku in Fukushima Prefecture, which can be seen from 0:23 in the video, is a popular tourist destination where the landscapes of old Japan remain. Take a leisurely stroll through the quaint cityscape that will have you feeling as though you've traveled back in time to the Edo period. In Yamagata, we recommend experiencing a Mogami River boat ride that can be seen from 7:55 in the video, and enjoying the views of nature, or stopping by Ginzan Onsen, which has a beautiful "Taisho Roman" style scenery. Ginzan Onsen can be seen from 10:07 in the video. We also recommend stopping by Tamasudare Falls, a lesser-known tourist spot, and enjoying the amazing view. If you stop by Akita, be sure to take a commemorative photo with the armored warrior on the Kakunodate Samurai House Museum Street, and take in the history. It will make your sightseeing trip an even more memorable experience. If you're traveling along the coast of Aomori, we recommend trying some of the delicious seafood. After strolling through the snowy landscapes, enjoy the luxurious "Aomori Nokke Don," a seafood bowl at Aomori Gyosai Center & Auga Shinsen Ichiba (魚菜センター&アウガ新鮮市場), which can be seen from 5:37 in the video. Spending the Winter in Japan's Tohoku Region Photo:samurai doll Icicles hang from the eaves of the historic Japanese houses in the winter, creating a beautiful scene. People in Tohoku spend their time in traditional Japanese-style rooms with an irori hearth on cold days, looking out at the snowy landscape from the snow-viewing window of the shoji screen. Some families make snowmen or igloos after shoveling snow. In Tohoku, there are many local dolls, such as Hina dolls and various samurai dolls. After sightseeing in the snowy Tohoku region, consider picking one up as a souvenir. Summary of Snowy Landscapes of Japan's Tohoku Region Photo:Ouchi-juku In the Tohoku region, we recommend taking the winter stove train shown in the video to experience the wonderful scenery, or relaxing at a traditional Japanese inn. If you want to enjoy the snowscapes of Japan, then the Tohoku region during winter is the place to be! -
Video article 8:15
Enjoy Autumn Leaves and Hot Springs at Popular Sightseeing Spots in Japan's Tohoku Region! Heal in the Scenic Hot Springs of Hachimantai, a Place in Akita and Iwate Prefectures Loved by Many!
Travel Nature- 59 plays
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秋田・岩手の観光スポット「八幡平の紅葉」の動画について/h2> 「JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC」が公開した「JG 4K 秋田/岩手 八幡平の紅葉 Akita/Iwate Hachimantai」は、秋田・岩手の自然の景色を見られる八幡平を紹介している動画です。 八幡平の雄大な自然の中で楽しめる温泉や紅葉が紹介されています。 秋田・岩手の観光スポットの八幡平とは? 秋田・岩手の観光スポットの八幡平は、奥羽山脈北部にある山郡です。 日本百名山に選ばれている八幡平は、手軽な登山・ハイキング・トレッキングコースを楽しめる名所。 1956年には十和田八幡平国立公園に指定され、多くの観光客が訪れる人気のスポットです。 八幡平は、広い高原に火山起源の小さなピークや無数の沼、湿原が点在します。 9千~5千年前に発生した水蒸気爆発によって出来た火口に水がたまり、「めがね沼」「八幡沼」「ガマ沼」といった火山沼が形成されました。 また、八幡平は素晴らしい宿泊施設が充実しています。 「マウンテンホテル」「八幡平ハイツ」「ロイヤルホテル」などがおすすめ。 ホテルで温泉やグルメを楽しみ、充実した旅行にしましょう。 秋田・岩手の観光エリアである八幡平の人気スポット 数多くの見どころがある八幡平ですが、アスピーテラインの紅葉は外せません。 全国でも有数の美しさを誇る紅葉を堪能できます。 ゴルフを楽しみたい人には「八幡平カントリークラブ」。 日帰り登山を楽しみたい人は「八幡平山」。 鏡沼の雪解けの変わった風景を見られる「八幡平ドラゴンアイ」。 美しい花々を鑑賞したい人は「お花畑」がおすすめ。 ほかにも、「藤助森」「源太森」「見返り峠」「安比高原」「八幡平樹海ライン」「岩手山焼走り溶岩流」など見どころがたくさんあります。 秋田・岩手の観光スポット「八幡平の紅葉」の記事のまとめ 温泉、紅葉、登山とさまざまな魅力がある八幡平。 温泉や紅葉を楽しむのはもちろん、気軽に登れる登山はおすすめ。 八幡平登山口ルートや茶臼岳登山口ルートは初心者におすすめのルートなので、ぜひ挑戦してみてください! -
Video article 6:19
Truly Breathtaking! Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate and Hinokinai River Are Two of the Most Famous Cherry Blossom Sites in the World! Enjoy the Sight of This Historical Village in Akita Prefecture Dyed Pink by Cherry Blossoms!
Travel- 653 plays
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Akita - One of the Most Famous Cherry Blossom Sites in the World This video, titled "KAKUNODATE|A Famous Cherry Blossom Spot in Tohoku|Bukeyashiki Street and Hinokinai River Bank, Akita|4K UHD Cherry Blossoms, Akita Tohoku Japan" (KAKUNODATE 東北の桜名所 秋田・角館武家屋敷通りと桧木内川堤の桜並木 4K UHD Cherry Blossoms, Akita Tohoku Japan), was uploaded by "Japan Videography." Cherry blossoms are now a popular flower all over the world, but many of them were selectively bred in Japan and have been designated as protected species. The Yoshino Cherry, which came to be in the Edo period (1603 to 1868) is exported the most around the world and many people enjoy viewing it during the blooming season because of its beauty. Japan is said to be a mecca for cherry blossom fans around the world, which means that Japan's cherry blossom viewing spots are some of the best in the world. This is a 4K video showing Yoshino Cherry trees along Kakunodate's Bukeyashiki (武家屋敷, Samurai Residence) Street and the Hinokinai River in Akita Prefecture, which are said to have the most beautiful rows of weeping cherry trees in Japan. Enjoy the beautiful footage of the entire area dyed pink. The History of Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 0:39 in the video, Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate is a sightseeing destination in Semboku, Akita. The samurai residences of the Edo Period stand side by side in a 2 km radius, and in the spring, beautiful weeping cherries on the stylish black fences, decorate the street. Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate is called "the Little Kyoto of Michinoku" and every year during the cherry blossom season, many tourists from both Japan and abroad come to enjoy the contrast between the gorgeous weeping cherries and solemn samurai residences. Kakunodate is a historical castle town that has thrived since the Edo period. Akita was ruled by the Satake clan, and the Kakunodate of today is the domain of Satake Yoshichika who was the first deputy of the Satake Clan of Kakunodate, and his birthplace still retains its former appearance. The history of Kakunodate as a cherry blossom site began when the feudal lord of the Satake domain who loved cherry blossoms brought in a weeping cherry from Kyoto and planted in his garden. Now, there are approximately 400 cherry blossoms stretching from Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate to Hinokinai River. It has also been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom sites in Japan. You can see weeping cherries filling Bukeyashiki Street from 1:26 in the video. The Yoshino Cherries Along Akita's Hinokinai Riverbank Source :YouTube screenshot The Hinokinai Riverbank, shown from 3:04 in the video, is a bank built along the Hinokinai River, that runs behind Bukeyashiki Street. Unlike the weeping cherries on Bukeyashiki Street, the ones planted here are Yoshino Cherries. The Yoshino Cherries on the banks of Hinokinai River were first planted in 1934 to commemorate the birth of the Emperor. Why not visit to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms and experience the history of Japan? When are the "Kakunodate Cherry Blossom Festival" and "Someiyoshino cherry trees on the Hinokinai River bank" at their best? Photo:Cherry blossom tunnel, Akita Prefecture Both Kakunodate Takeya Residence Street and Hinoki Uchikawa Tsutsumi Somayoshino will be at their best in late April and late May. The Kakudate Cherry Blossom Festival is held at its best, and not only cherry blossom viewing during the day, but also illuminated night cherry blossom viewing, stalls and stages are also held, making it crowded with many people.2024 will be held from April 15th to May 5th. "If you are visiting during this time of year, you can enjoy gourmet food such as sweetfish fishing, oyakodon of Akita's local specialty "Oyakodon," "Inaniwa Udon," and beautiful Japanese sweets, and experience visiting the birch museum." There is also a shop nearby that rents a set of kimonos, so taking a walk while riding a rickshaw along a row of cherry trees in Japanese clothing is also a stylish way to enjoy it. Summary of Kakunodate Source :YouTube screenshot The cherry blossoms along Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate and Hinokinai River in Akita have been designated a National Site of Scenic Beauty. Akita is located in the northwestern part of Honshu, so the cherry blossoms bloom later than the Kanto region. There is a live camera on Bukeyashiki Street, so you can check out what the bloom is like on the website. Bukeyashiki Street is about a 20-minute walk from JR Kakunodate Station. Check the website for information on nearby sightseeing spots and parking. 【Official Website】Live Camera https://www.city.semboku.akita.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Hinokinai River https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022324-d15296391-Reviews-Hinokinai_Kawa_Tustusmi-Semboku_Akita_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 1:40
Unshoji Temple" in Oga City, Akita Prefecture, with 1,500 blue hydrangeas in full bloom, a world of blue woven in collaboration with the sea and sky, and illuminated at night with fantastic beauty.
Travel Festivals & Events Nature- 180 plays
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Unshoji Temple in Oga, Akita: Video Introduction This video, titled "[4K] A Temple Where Hydrangeas in All Shades of Blue Bloom Across the Precincts: Oga, Akita|nippon.com" (【4K】青一色の紫陽花(あじさい)が境内一面に咲き誇る寺:秋田県男鹿市| nippon.com), was uploaded by "nippon.com." The 1,500 hydrangeas that cover the temple grounds, also known as 'Blue Heaven,' make Unshoji a popular spot in Oga, Akita. It was also selected as one of "The Best Scenery in Japan" in 2017. Hydrangeas at Unshoji Temple Photo:Hydrangeas at Unshoji Temple, Oga, Akita The highlight of Unshoji Temple is the beautiful blue world that can be seen there. On a clear day, the blue of the cloudless sky, the blue of the sea in Oga, and the blue of the hydrangeas at Unshoji Temple all combine to create a unique view that you won't find anywhere else. Hydrangeas at Unshoji Temple, also known as "hydrangea temple," date back to when the temple's deputy chief priest was captivated by the beauty of a single hydrangea that was blooming quietly in a corner of the temple's grounds. After seeing this he began to take cuttings and plant the hydrangea to the delight of his parishioners and local residents. After 15 years, the hydrangea bloomed like a carpet of blue, moving the hearts of all who saw it. At night, when the hydrangeas are lit up, their blue color becomes deeper and more beautiful than in the daytime, creating fantastic scenery. The best time to view the hydrangeas is usually from mid-June to early July, and they are in full bloom in late June. [Video] 0:55 - Hydrangeas Lit Up at Unshoji Temple Unshoji Temple and Highlights of the Temple Photo:A cute Jizo statue at Unshoji Temple, Oga, Akita Usually in June and July, the precincts of Unshoji Temple are filled with vivid blue hydrangeas. Even before you pass through the temple gate, you'll be overwhelmed by their beauty, and your soul will be spirited away. Now we'll introduce some of the other highlights of Unshoji Temple besides the hydrangeas. Unshoji Temple belongs to the Soto sect of Japanese Buddhism. The temple was founded in 1624 (early Edo period). In the main hall, there are statues of the Gautama Buddha, Kannon, the Goddess of Compassion, Bodhidharma, and Manjushri. In addition to the joint tomb of the statues of Kannon and Kshitigarbha, the temple grounds are dotted with photogenic spots where you can take great pictures for Instagram, including elegant bamboo groves, Japanese umbrellas (wagasa), and the view from the observation deck. There are also "heart stones" in seven locations around the temple, which are said to grant wishes if found, and the gentle-looking Smiling Jizo. Be sure to check them out when you visit. [Video] 1:26 - Smiling Jizo Charms and Souvenirs at Unshoji Temple Charms and other souvenirs, like shuin stamps available only at Unshoji Temple, are also popular. One charm containing a single hydrangea petal costs 700 yen. Hydrangeas are believed to ward off evil spirits, prevent women from getting sick, bring families together, and bring good luck. There are three types of shuin stamps available at Unshoji Temple, all Hydrangea-themed, and they can be purchased for 500 yen each. However, during the hydrangea viewing period, there are special shuin stamps you can collect as well. Summary of Unshoji Temple, a Hydrangea Temple in Akita, Japan Photo:Hydrangeas at Unshoji Temple, Oga, Akita The deputy chief priest of Unshoji Temple spent 15 years painstakingly cultivating the hydrangeas, and this 4K video enhances their beauty and transports the viewer into a fantastical world. With 1,500 blue hydrangeas blooming all over the temple grounds, Unshoji Temple is a must-see spot! ◆Unshoji Temple◆ 【Address】Kitaura-57 Kitaurakitaura, Oga, Akita 010-0683 【Access】 ・Approximately 45 minutes (34 km) by car from the Showa Oga Peninsula IC. ・Approximately 1 hour from JR Akita Station to Oga Station or Hattachi Station on the Oga Line. Approximately 20 to 40 minutes (16 km) by Namahage shuttle (なまはげシャトル), local bus, or cab. ・From Oga Onsen (Oga Hot Spring), it's about 7 minutes (4 km) by car. 【Parking】Designated parking lots are available. Free parking for standard cars. 【Hydrangea viewing (2022)】 Period: Saturday, June 11, 2022 - Monday, July 18, 2022 Viewing Hours and Admission Fees: ・Daytime: 9:00-17:00 (last admission 16:30) 500 yen (200 yen for admission fee + 300 yen for special admission fee during hydrangea viewing period) ※6/25 (Sat), 6/26 (Sun), 7/2 (Sat), 7/3 (Sun): 800 yen (200 yen for admission fee + 600 yen for special admission fee during hydrangea viewing period) ・Special nighttime illumination viewing: 18:45 - 21:30 (last admission 21:00) 1,000 yen (200 yen entrance fee + 800 yen special nighttime admission fee) ※6/24 (Fri.) - 6/26 (Sun.) and 7/1 (Fri.) - 7/3 (Sun.) 1,300 yen (200 yen for admission fee + 1,100 yen for special nighttime admission fee) Free for junior high school students and younger. Regular admission fee outside the hydrangea viewing period is 200 yen. -
Video article 7:26
Japan's Most Beautiful Snow-Covered Scenery and Popular Tourist Spots That'll Look Great on Your Instagram! The Country, Dyed in a Beautiful White, Shows a Different Face Than Most Are Used To
Travel- 239 plays
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The Beautiful Snowscapes of Japan This video, titled "4K Beautiful snow scene in Japan 日本の雪景色 TOP14名所 winter scenery snowscapes snow light tourism trip," was produced by Discover Nippon. Japan is a country where you can enjoy the nature of all four seasons. The Japanese archipelago has a unique vertical topography, which means that in winter, the temperature in Hokkaido, located in the north of the country, can drop below 10 degrees Celsius, while in the subtropical region of Okinawa, it's possible to wear a t-shirt year round. In this article, we'll introduce you to some of the most beautiful snowscapes of winter in Japan alongside a beautiful 4K video! Sightseeing in Tokyo on a Snowy Day When people think of snow in Japan, they generally think of the snowy landscapes of Tohoku and Hokkaido; however, several times a year, snow falls in the capital city of Tokyo as well. The snow brings the city to a halt, making the Imperial Palace and Sensoji Temple, with its low traffic (both human and vehicle), a tasteful, hidden tourist destination. Tokyo's snowy scenery, which can only be seen once or twice a year, is a rare sight. However, transportation is tremendously impeded, so please be cautious when collecting information on traffic and weather forecasts. Places to See Japan's Representative Snowscapes If you're looking for beautiful snowscapes in Japan, then we've got just the list for you: ・Akita Prefecture:Igloos ・Gifu Prefecture:Shirakawa, The Northern Alps ・Hokkaido:Otaru Canal, Sapporo Snow Festival ・Yamagata Prefecture:Ginzan Onsen, The Ice Trees of Zao ・Ishikawa Prefecture:Kenroku-en covered in snow Even if you're not in the Tohoku region, you can still enjoy the spectacular snowscapes of the mountains, and even in the Tohoku region, there's not so much snow on the Pacific side. We recommend the hot springs in the mountains and onsen areas on the Sea of Japan side. Active Snowfall Scenery and Sights to Enjoy There are also plenty of places to enjoy winter sports in Japan. Japan is a popular destination for winter sports, having hosted two Winter Olympics to date. Many of the ski resorts where you can snowboard are located near hot spring resorts, so you can relax after a long day of skiing/snowboarding with delicious food and hot springs. If You're Traveling the Snowscapes of Japan, Hot Spring Tourism Is the Way to Go! Here's a list of hot spring resorts with snowy landscapes and winter sports: ・Nagano Prefecture has a great view of the Northern Alps and popular hot springs and ski resorts such as Hakuba. ・Niigata Prefecture is famous for its snow, hot springs and delicious seafood. ・Hokkaido is a paradise of hot springs, where many foreign tourists come to enjoy the large scale resort hotels with ski slopes. After skiing and snowboarding, you can replenish your stamina with Ghengis Khan (Jingisukan), a Japanese lamb dish. ・After skiing, you can enjoy playing in the snow in an igloo and relaxing in hot springs in Akita Prefecture. Kiritanpo hot pot is the specialty in this area! All of these are great places to visit, so find which one suits you best! Hokkaido and Nagano Prefecture are the host cities of the Winter Olympics, so it's safe to say that they're the Meccas of winter sports in Japan. Sightseeing at Temples and Shrines Where You Can Enjoy the Majestic Snowy Scenery Here are some temples and shrines we recommend checking out: ・Yamadera (Yamagata Prefecture): Yamadera, also known in children's songs, is a famous temple located in Yamagata Prefecture. ・Chuson-ji Temple (Iwate Prefecture): Chuson-ji is a World Heritage Site! The beauty of Konjikido with a snowy landscape is unbeatable. ・Iwakiyama Shrine (Aomori Prefecture): Iwakiyama Shrine, located on Mt. Iwaki, which is often mentioned in songs, is an Important Cultural Property of Japan and is the setting for Sansho the Bailiff. ・Towada Shrine (Aomori, Japan): A historical shrine with a lake with a beautiful emerald green surface. The contrast between the snowy winter landscape and the lake is like a beautiful painting. Summary of the Snowscapes of Japan Winters in snowy countries can be hard in terms of climate, but the beautiful, ink-painting-like world created by the snow that covers Japan's beautiful natural landscape is well worth seeing. Enjoy Japan's snowy landscape in the beautiful 4K video. -
Video article 3:45
Enjoy the Charm of Kita-Akita in Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture! Akita Prefecture Is Full of Things That Attract Tourists, From Exotic Foods to Enormous Lanterns!
Local PR Travel- 76 plays
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秋田県能代市エリアのおすすめ情報の動画を紹介! こちらの動画は「decapants2010」が公開した「【秋田県】能代市・北秋田地域観光PR映像」です。 こちらの動画では秋田県能代市・北秋田の絶景やおすすめスポット、日本文化やグルメを紹介しています。 インスタ映えする旅行のルートや穴場も紹介いたします。 秋田県能代市の観光地で人気なのが、きみまち坂です。 屏風岩という景観の良い場所からの紅葉は見ものです。 またその周辺にはきみまち阪県立自然公園があり、自然と温暖な気候を感じる穴場のエリアです。 秋田県能代市は木都とよばれ、日本産の秋田杉などの木材を多く産出してきました。 その中でも秋田杉を使って建てられた歴史ある旧料亭金勇は日本の国登録有形文化財に認定され連日多くの観光客が訪問しています。 秋田県能代市の火力発電所の電力を利用した施設に能代エナジアムパークがあります。 排熱を利用した植物園やエネルギーの情報を学べる博物館など観光でも楽しめる場所がたくさんです。 さらに観光地として、能代港にある「はまなす展望台」からは能代だけでなく、日本列島の白神山地を一望することができる絶景のスポットです。 秋田県能代市の文化を堪能するなら、能代市文化会館もおすすめです。 毎週様々な催しが行われ、日本伝統の文化芸能に触れることができます。 北秋田の観光では、太平湖上流に桃洞の滝と呼ばれる滝があり、山林をハイキングがてら2キロほど歩くと、名所の景勝地からの絶景を眺めることができます。 イベント盛りだくさんの秋田県能代市を見てみよう! 動画の1:02からは秋田県能代市の花火大会の映像がご覧になれます。 日本の伝統的な文化である花火は日本の各地で行われますが、秋田県能代市の港で行われる港まつりの花火は絶景です。 2019年には15,000発もの花火がスターマインを中心にプログラムされ、壮大な規模で楽しめるエンターテインメント花火になっています。 この花火の時期に合わせて観光をするのもいいでしょう。 さらに秋田県能代市で行われる伝統文化の能代七夕「天空の不夜城」と呼ばれる伝統的な夏の七夕行事は日本の夏祭りでも屈指の盛り上がりを見せます。 太鼓や笛、田楽や灯籠を子どもたちが頭に載せ、さらに巨大な鯱を模した灯籠を引き回し、街中を練り歩きます。 17.6mにもなる巨大な灯籠が街を進む光景は目を見張ります! また、能代の日吉神社では、御神幸祭として神輿を担ぐ歴史文化のある祭りが行われます。 秋田県能代市にはグルメが唸る豊富な日本料理も! 秋田県能代市は納豆が有名です。 こしが強く香り高い納豆は日本の中でも人気上位に入ります。 北秋田の名産は日本でも珍しいあわびです。 とれたてのコリコリした食感を楽しむアワビ専門店が多くあります。 また、独特のぬめりが特徴的なじゅんさいも北秋田の名産です。 食べるエメラルドと呼ばれる輝きを堪能してみてください。 秋田県能代市紹介まとめ いかがでしたか? 独特な文化や観光地がたくさんある秋田県能代市・北秋田地域へ観光に行って訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 3:18
Shimizu-no-Sato in Misato, Akita: With Its Sea of Lavender, and Having Been Selected as One of the “Top 100 Waters of Japan,” You Won’t Be Able To Resist Visiting This Beautiful, Nature-Filled Tourist Destination!
Local PR Travel- 131 plays
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About Misato, Akita Prefecture “The Promotional Video for Misato, Akita Prefecture(秋田県美郷町プロモーションビデオ)” produced by “Misato Hall” is a video introducing popular sightseeing spots in Misato, Akita Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku Region. Misato is a tourist destination in Japan that has plenty of perfect spots for Instagram, and for enjoying the beautiful scenery. It is a town with an estimated population of about 20,000 (As of May 2015). This is a must-see spot for those who want to get outside and relax! This article introduces the recommended sightseeing spots and famous places to visit in Misato, Akita Prefecture. Enjoy One of the "Top 100 Waters of Japan" in Misato, Akita Prefecture Photo:Niteko Shimizu, Rokugo Yūsui Spring There are 126 springs around Misato, Akita Prefecture, and there are many places where you can see beautiful springs. Misato formerly know as Rokugō (六郷町, Rokugō-machi), has been called "The Home of a Hundred Springs" since ancient times. The fresh water gushing out of the pool and the trees surrounding it are full of greenery. In the slow-moving countryside, the natural sound of flowing spring water soothes people's hearts. Some famous spring water spots in Misato are: "Rokugo Yusui Spring," "Kogane Shimizu (Shimizu no Sato)," "Fuji Shimizu," "Niteko Shimizu," "Hatachiya-Shimizu," "Odaidokoro Shimizu," and "Meisui Ichiba Yūtaro." These are listed under "Japan's 100 Exquisite Well-conserved Waters," "100 Selected Best Water Spots," "100 Best Water Source Forests," "100 Restorative Waters," and "100 Best Promenades for Walking." You can also see the beautiful fish “Ibaratomiyo” (Harizakko), that lives in the beautiful clear spring water. This video introduces famous springs in Misato, Akita Prefecture, starting at 0:39. Popular Sightseeing Spots in “Shimizu No Sato,” Misato, Akita Prefecture Photo:Lavender field Misato, Akita Prefecture, a highly recommended place for sightseeing, is full of spots where you can enjoy beautiful, natural scenery and history. Misato's lavender farm is a superb sightseeing spot that represents Misato. From here you can see the lavender blooming across a vast expanse of land. The best time to enjoy the beautiful scenery here is mid-June to mid-July every year. The contrast between white lavender and purple lavender is beautiful. You can see this in the video from 1:25. Matsunamiki, introduced in the video from 1:51, is a pine tree lined avenue that has been selected as one of the 100 most beautiful tree streets in Japan and is a great place to enjoy natural scenery. Also the Sakamoto Tōgaku Residence, introduced at 2:11, is the mansion of an innovator from the Meiji Period. You can really feel the history here. There are plenty of other spots that we recommend, where you can feel the rich culture and history of Japan! There's: "Ōu Sanroku," "Ōdaino-hiroba," "Senboku Plain," "Suwa Shrine," "Misato Lodging Facilities, Wakuasu," "Michi-no-eki Karinosato Sennan," "Ichirizuka," "Taiko arched bridge," "Rokugo Onsen Attaka-Yama," "Misato Tourism Association," "Senhata hot spring," and many more! Popular Events in Shimizu No Sato, Misato, Akita Prefecture Photo:Rokugo no Kamakura We also recommend participating in events and other festivals in Misato, Akita Prefecture. "Rokugo no Kamakura" is a traditional event that has been designated as an important intangible folk culture asset. It is a new year event that has lasted more than 700 years, and it is held every year from February 11th to the 15th. There are other events held in Misato, such as "Shimizu Festival," the river festival "Funekko Nagashi," and the "The All-Prefecture singing competition." Rice is another thing in Misato, Akita Prefecture that we recommend. The rice grown with the exquisite clean water tastes excellent. It's introduced at 2:36 in the video. Summary of Misato, Akita Prefecture The Promotional video for Misato, Akita Prefecture, produced by "Misato Hall," is a promotional video filled with the attractions in Misato, Akita prefecture. In this video, you can see the various sights that were introduced in this article. Be sure to visit and find your favorite spot! There is a lot of culture and history to be seen in the nature-filled town of Misato in Akita Prefecture. If you're feeling tired from your work or whatever else life is throwing at you, consider making a trip to Misato, Akita Prefecture, and experiencing the rich nature that will heal both your body and soul! 【Tripadvisor】Misato https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121579-Misato_cho_Higashiusuki_gun_Miyazaki_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:04
Nyuto Onsen "Tsuru no Yu" introduction video in Senboku City, Akita Prefecture, where "hot spring tours" are recommended. Shizukuri in a world like a Japanese folk tale.
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 142 plays
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Video introduction of "Nyuto Onsen Tsuru no Yu" in Senboku City, Akita Prefecture This video, titled "Akita Prefecture, Nyuto Onsen Village, Tsurunoyu" (秋田県 乳頭温泉郷 鶴の湯 | Akita pref Nyuto-Onsen TSURUNOYU), was uploaded by "Low Altitude Flight High Resolution Tour" (低空飛行HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR). Akita's Nyuto Onsen hot spring village (乳頭温泉郷, nyuto onsen kyo) is one of many secluded hot spring resorts in Japan's Tohoku region. Tsurunoyu is said to be the oldest of the onsen ryokan (traditional Japanese hot spring inn) in the hot spring town at the foot of Mt. Nyuto (乳頭山, nyuto-san). Rising up among the rapidly falling snow, the hot spring resembles something from a Japanese ink painting. Enjoy the subtle contrast between the white snow and the milky hot spring water in the video. [Video] 0:19 - Outdoor Bathing in a Winter Wonderland; Sure to Be a Hit on Instagram! Nyuto Onsen – Facts About the Famous Hot Spring Photo:Tsurunoyu Onsen, Nyuto Onsen Nyuto Onsenkyo (Nyuto Onsen Hot Spring Village) is the collective name for the numerous hot springs located at an elevation of between 600 and 800 meters at the foot of Mt. Nyuto in Towada Hachimantai National Park, in Senboku, Akita, in Japan's Tohoku region. The origin of Nyuto Onsen's name comes, not from the milky white color of its waters (Nyuto is the Japanese word for "teat," and is written with the characters 乳, meaning milk and 頭, meaning head), but from its location at the the foot of Mt. Nyuto. Incidentally, Mt. Nyuto's name comes from its characteristic shape… As for the characteristics of Nyuto Onsen hot spring village itself, it's known for having a number of different types of onsen. Tsurunoyu and Kuroyu Onsen (黒湯温泉, kuroyu onsen) contain elements of sulphur and sulphuric acid, which are said to be effective at fighting high blood pressure and hardened arteries. On the other hand, Ganiba Onsen (蟹場温泉, ganiba onsen), containing sodium bicarbonate, is said to be good for diabetics, and Sonroku Onsen, containing radium, is said to be effective at fighting gastrointestinal and skin diseases. There are plenty of different types of hot springs to choose from, so be sure to try as many as you can! Hanare Honjin, a Hidden Gem at Nyuto Onsen's Tsurunoyu! Photo:Salt-grilled char Tsurunoyu is one of eight onsen at Nyuto Onsen hot spring village, located at the foot of Mt. Nyuto (1478m). It is the oldest of all the hot spring inns at Nyuto Onsen hot spring village. At Tsurunoyu, there are four different onsen to experience: Shirayu (白湯, lit. 'white bath'), Kuroyu (黒湯, 'black bath'), Naka no Yu (中の湯, 'middle bath') and Taki no Yu (滝の湯, 'waterfall bath'). Booking a room in "Honjin," a thatched-roof longhouse, preserving its now historic appearance for more than 350 years, is notoriously difficult due to its popularity. One building not listed on the inn's homepage is "Hanare Honjin." It features high ceilings, a sunken hearth, and lighting consisting of a lamp and a single light bulb, it has the deep, tasteful appearance of a secluded hot spring resort. You can enjoy a secluded, luxurious time not available anywhere else at Hanare Honijn. Despite the old-fashioned building, visitors can rest easy knowing that the toilets are heated and washable, and you can even get cell phone reception. If you're looking for dining recommendations, the potato hotpot made with Tsurunoyu original miso (a Japanese flavoring made with soybeans) is definitely something worth trying. Visitors can enjoy seasonal flavors, including salt-grilled Japanese char, slow cooked for an hour over the sunken hearth, served in Kawatsura lacquer (a famous Akita lacquerware) tray. [Video] 0:47 - Enjoying Delicious Salt-Grilled Char by the Sunken Hearth Nyuto Onsen's Hot Spring Tour Photo:Kuroyu Onsen, Nyuto Onsen One way to enjoy Nyuto Onsen Village is "Yumeguri," a tour that involves visiting multiple hot springs and sampling their water. Available for purchase only to those staying at one of the onsen town's hot spring inns is a "Yumeguri Cho" (湯めぐり帖, Hot Spring Passbook), allowing the holder to use each onsen once during the day, making it easier to take a dip at each of the hot springs inns. In addition, this hot spring pass remains valid for up to a year, and can be used at any time during the period of validity. Next, we'll talk about the characteristics of each hot spring. ◇ Tsurunoyu Onsen (鶴の湯温泉) The water is milky white, with a slight blue tinge. The facility has four different kinds of hot spring, and in the inn's famous mixed outdoor bath, you can see the spring bubbling up from the bottom. ◇ Taenoyu (妙乃湯) Colorless and transparent, this hot spring's soft, almost syrupy, gentle water is known for its strong warming properties. ◇ Kuroyu Onsen (黒湯温泉) This sulphur hot spring is milky white in color, and is also known as "Bijin no Yu" (hot spring of beauty) for its ability to promote smooth skin. ◇ Ganiba Onsen (蟹場温泉) The water is clear in color, and Karako no yu, a sodium bicarbonate bath, is quite popular. ◇ Magoroku Onsen (孫六温泉) This hot spring's water is transparent, and it boasts an open-air bath where you can feel the great outdoors on your skin. The hot spring has four different sources, each with their own properties, and is known affectionately as the "yama no kusuriba" (山の薬場, mountain healing spot). ◇ Ogama Onsen (大釜温泉) This hot spring's water is milky white, and the facility was built from the remains of an abandoned elementary school, making for a unique atmosphere. You can experience the hot spring at different temperatures, as there are both hot and warm baths available. ◇ Kyuka-mura, Nyuto Onsen Village (休暇村 乳頭温泉郷) This is the newest, largest hot spring facility at Nyuto Onsen hot spring village. The indoor bath is a natural hot spring, combining two different sources; one milky white, and one brown. Nyuto Onsen Sightseeing Roundup Nyuto Onsen's surrounding mountains boast autumn colors in the fall, and the white snow in winter accentuates the buildings with a sense of history. Nyuto Onsen is a place where you can really get a feel for the healing springs of the good old days of Japan. There are a variety of inns in the area, including inns in old private homes that have been relocated to the area, and you wash away the fatigue of everyday life in a quiet space. Escape from the bustle of the big city, and experience a taste of rural Japan. 【Official Website】Welcome to Nyuto Onsen – Nyuto Onsen Hot Spring Village Association 【TripAdvisor】Nyuto Onsen Hot Spring Village -
Video article 3:09
The Carpet of the Gods – Aerial Footage of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Kurikoma. Experience a Sea of Clouds, Sunrise, and Brilliant Autumn Colors on the Mountain Spanning Miyagi, Iwate, and Akita Prefectures!
Nature Travel- 149 plays
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The Carpet of the Gods – Autumn Leaves on Mt. Kurikoma: Video Introduction This video, titled "Autumn Leaves on Mt. Kurikoma|The Carpet of the Gods|Amazing Aerial Footage (Shot on a Phantom 4 Pro)" (栗駒山の紅葉 神の絨毯 絶景空撮 - Autumn Foliage at Mt.Kurikoma, Aerial Footage - (shot on Phantom 4 Pro)), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Straddling Miyagi, Iwate, and Akita prefectures, Mt. Kurikoma is a mountain known for its beautiful autumn leaves. Its appearance is said to resemble that of a carpet for the gods. Mt. Kurikoma is a bucket-list location, and this video shows footage of the breathtaking mountain from the sky. Be sure to check it out as you read along. The Beautiful Autumn Colors of Mt. Kurikoma Photo:Mt. Kurikoma, Miyagi Prefecture Mt. Kurikoma is a 1,626-meter-tall volcano located in the central Tohoku region of Japan. It's known for its abundance of alpine flora, and is popular not only for hiking in the fall, but also in the spring and summer. Thanks to its many deciduous trees, including primeval beech forests and maple trees, the entire mountain changes color in autumn. The summit is of course spectacular, but the mountain features excellent viewpoints for the red and yellow autumn leaves as you hike your way to the top. The mountain is crowded with hikers who come to see the beautiful autumn leaves in the fall. There are nine different hiking courses on Mt. Kurikoma, and hikers can choose the one that best suits their fitness level and experience, which is one of the reasons it's so popular. When to See the Autumn Colors on Mt. Kurikoma Photo:The Carpet of the Gods - Autumn on Mt. Kurikoma Mt. Kurikoma is usually at its best from late September to mid-October. The autumn foliage begins near the summit and gradually spreads over the entire mountain, creating what is called "The Carpet of the Gods," as seen in the video. In 2022, the autumn foliage reached Iwakagami-daira at the trailhead on October 6. The "Carpet of the Gods" is so beautiful you can't help but gasp [Video] 0:33 - Autumn Leaves and the "Carpet of the Gods" on Mt. Kurikoma The entire mountain is truly a photogenic sight during the autumn, leading to crowds every year. When the autumn leaves are in season, the trailhead parking lot fills up quickly, creating traffic jams. For a limited time on weekends and holidays, an bus runs between Kurikoma-Kogen Station and the Iwakagami-daira trailhead, so visitors may want to consider using this service. Hiking on Mt. Kurikoma – Great for Beginners! Photo:Hiking on Mt. Kurikoma in autumn, Miyagi Prefecture Mt. Kurikoma has many well-maintained hiking trails. All trails can be enjoyed on a day trip, making it a pleasantly accessible hiking destination. Among the nine mountain trails, the Chuo Course and Higashi Kurikoma Course, which start from the Iwakagami-daira trailhead, are recommended for beginners. The Chuo Course, in particular, is the shortest trail (about 3 km) and it takes about 2 hours on average to hike it. It's recommended for beginners and families. The Sukawa Course from Sukawa Kogen Onsen is another trail suitable for beginners, but please note that it is currently partially closed due to high concentrations of volcanic gases (please check the latest news of the Iwate Prefecture official website). You can see what the hiking trails look like in the video as well. [Video] 1:39 - Mt. Kurikoma Hiking Trails Hot Springs Near Mt. Kurikoma; a Great Way to Relax After Hiking & Enjoying the Autumn Leaves Photo:Oyasu Valley in Autumn Next, we'll introduce some nearby sightseeing spots you can enjoy after viewing the autumn leaves at Mt. Kurikoma. There are several hot springs around Mt. Kurikoma where you can relax after a nice day of hiking: Sukawa Kogen Onsen (Ichinoseki, Iwate), Sukawa Kurikoma Sanso (Ogatsu, Akita), Shinyu Onsen Kurikomaso (Kurihara, Miyagi), Oyasukyo Onsen (Yuzawa, Akita), and Doroyu Onsen (Yuzawa, Akita). In addition to overnight stays, day-trip hot spring visits are also available, so consider stopping by one of these hot springs after a drive. Please keep in mind that traffic jams can occur and parking lots may be full during fall when the autumn leaves are in season. In addition, there will be sections where cars are restricted as well, so be sure to check hot springs' website for up-to-date information. In addition to the hot springs, other popular tourist attractions include the Kurikoma Foothills Geopark Visitor Center, Fukayama Pasture, and the some of the local restaurants. Summary of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Kurikoma Mt. Kurikoma, one of Japan's "Top 100 Mountains for Flowers," is a popular tourist attraction for viewing both the fresh greenery of summer and autumn leaves in the fall, as well as alpine flowers and grasses throughout the year. If you're visiting from far away, we recommend staying at a hot spring hotel after hiking the mountain and enjoying delicious sake and local cuisine from Japan's Tohoku region! It's also a wonderful way to enjoy the autumn leaves. In the video, you can see the sunrise over a sea of clouds, as well as splendid views of the autumn leaves. [Video] 0:00 - Sunrise Over a Sea of Clouds on Mt. Kurikoma Mt. Kurikoma is called the "Carpet of the Gods" because of its spectacular views. We invite you to visit Mt. Kurikoma and experience its beauty for yourself! 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Kurikoma https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023415-d1386243-Reviews-Mt_Kurikoma-Kurihara_Miyagi_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 2:46
Superb Seasonal Views and Hot Springs! With Red Autumn Leaves in the Fall and Pure White Snow in the Winter, the Many Different Faces of Akita Prefecture's Towada Hachimantai National Park Make It One of Japan's Most Scenic Places to Visit!
Local PR Travel- 233 plays
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Enjoy the Natural Scenery of Tohoku at Towada-Hachimantai National Park! If you're thinking about visiting Japan's Tohoku region but aren't quite sure where to go, then this is the video for you! Akita Prefecture (秋田県, Akitaken) is the epitome of natural scenic beauty! Let's take a look at what it has to offer. The video "Towada-Hachimantai National Park, Japan 4K (Ultra HD)," created by "National Parks of Japan," is a promotional video for Towada-Hachimantai National Park, a tourist site rich in nature, stretched over a vast area in Aomori Prefecture (青森県, Aomoriken), Iwate Prefecture (岩手県, Iwateken), and Akita Prefecture. Beautiful natural scenery, various onsen spots… the video is filled with the charms of Towada-Hachimantai National Park. This video will surely leave you craving to travel to Towada-Hachimantai National Park! This article will provide relevant information about attractions at Towada-Hachimantai National Park, where you can indulge in the nature of Japan, along with the contents of the video. Towada-Hachimantai National Park Photo:Aerial view of Lake Towada Towada-Hachimantai National Park, a tourist site in Japan, offers numerous spots where you can enjoy the amazing natural environment. Mt. Hakkoda (八甲田山, Hakkodasan), introduced at the beginning of the video was selected as one of the "100 Famous Japanese Mountains," and is a signature scenic site in Akita Prefecture. The view of Mt. Hakkoda from Hakkoda Ropeway is a must-see, particularly in the autumn when the autumn leaves decorate the mountain in beautiful colors. Besides that, the Hakkoda area also provides places where tourists can see peculiar views, such as Japanese beech forests, Lake Jigokunuma (地獄沼, Jigokunuma), and more. You can see the Mt. Hakkoda covered in autumn leaves in the video as well. It makes a great backdrop for photos as well. Be sure to take some pictures and post them on your Instagram! We recommend stopping by Lake Towada (十和田湖, Towadako) when you visit Towada-Hachimantai National Park as well. If the weather is nice, you can witness an entrancing view of the sky and clouds reflecting off of the surface of the water. It's a famous sight in the Tohoku Region (東北地方, Tohokuchiho). In addition, the lake is well known for kokanee fishing and canoeing, and many people visit there to indulge in these activities. This can be seen at 0:12 in the video. There are many places where you enjoy the natural landscape around the national park such as Towada Gold Line, Kakkonda Valley (葛根田渓谷, Kakkondakeikoku), Mt. Iwate (岩手山, Iwatesan), the Snow Monsters of Mt. Hakkoda, Oirase Stream (奥入瀬渓流, Oirasekeiryu), and so forth. The video introduces many of these sites where you can witness the breathtaking nature of Towada-Hachimantai National Park. Hot Springs at Towada-Hachimantai National Park Photo:Tamagawa Hot Springs in autumn Towada-Hachimantai National Park is, as we mentioned rich in nature, and also has a variety of natural hot springs in the area. Tamagawa Onsen is the best strong-acid spring in Japan, located at the foot of Mt. Akitayakeyama (秋田焼山, Akitayakeyama). It is an onsen for recuperation, making it a rare onsen worldwide. It is also notable for its abundant water supply. Its spring is effective at fighting high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, women’s diseases, neuralgia, dermatitis, asthma, and more. It takes a while to get used to the water as it is a strong-acid spring, but we recommend giving it a try, especially if you're feeling fatigued. In addition, the national park is home to other onsen spots such as Kamanoyu Onsen, Amihari Onsen (Video 0:40), Kunimi Onsen (0:47), Tsuta Onsen (0:58), Nyuto Onsen (乳頭温泉郷, Nyuto Onsenkyo) (1:02, 1:39), and more. Other Sightseeing Locations at Towada-Hachimantai National Park Source :YouTube screenshot "Hirakasa Naked Pilgrimage" (平笠裸参り, Hirakasahadakamairi), introduced at 1:10 in the video, is a female-led festival where people in white clothing walk roughly 8 km from Miyata Shrine (宮田神社, Miyatajinja) in Hirakasa to Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社, Yasakajinja) in Obuke to pray for health, family security, and fertility. We recommend trying the local cuisine when you visit Towada-Hachimantai National Park as well. Kiritanpo Hot Pot (きりたんぽ鍋, Kiritanponabe), a local specialty of Akita, is shown at 1:45 in the video. You can indulge in superb seasonal views, including autumn leaves in the Fall and snow corridors in the winter, at Hachimantai Aspite Line, a highland-road introduced at 1:49. There are many more places to visit, such as Dragon Eye Lake Kagaminuma (ドラゴンアイ・鏡沼, Dragon Eye・Kagaminuma) where you can see the mystical scenery resembling a dragon’s eye, Towada Shrine (十和田神社, Towadajinja), Lake Suirennuma (睡蓮沼, Suirennuma), Lake Tsutanuma (蔦沼, Tsutanuma), Lake Onuma (大沼, Onuma), and more! Summary of Towada-Hachimantai National Park So, what did you think of Towada-Hachimantai National Park? There are a number of attractive sightseeing locations at Towada-Hachimantai National Park that we couldn’t cover in the article, so be sure to check out the video! Towada-Hachimantai National Park, is a popular tourist destination in Akita. Enjoying the rich natural landscapes of Japan as well as the various hot springs in the area, will surely make for a fulfilling vacation. ◆Towada-Hachimantai National Park◆ 【Access】About 170 minutes from Aomori Station by bus, about 110 minutes from Morioka Station by bus 【Parking】Charged parking area nearby 【Telephone No】Tohoku Region Environment Administration Office 022-722-2870 【Official Website】Towada-Hachimantai National Park https://www.env.go.jp/en/nature/nps/park/towada/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Towada-Hachimantai National Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g319096-Towada_Hachimantai_National_Park_Tohoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:35
Namahage Sedo Festival – A Unique Festival in Akita Prefecture! These Namahage, Messengers of the Mountain Gods, Pray for Bountiful Harvests and Health!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events Travel- 228 plays
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Video Introduction of "Namahage Shibatou Festival" in Oga City, Akita Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "50 Incredible Namahage! Namahage Sedo Festival in Oga" (50匹のなまはげに圧巻!!男鹿の「なまはげ柴灯まつり」), was uploaded by "JAPAN CALENDAR." Every Japanese person has seen the frightening faces and heard the terrifying cries of these mask-wearing figures. Namahage are part of a traditional event that takes place in Oga, Akita in Japan's Tohoku region, and is very popular among tourists. The video shows footage from the Namahage Sedo Festival. You can enjoy the traditions of Akita, including solemn scenes and local folk performances. Check out the video to see what the event is like! Namahage, a Unique Japanese Folklore – Demons or Gods? Photo:Namahage Are you familiar with Japan's namahage culture? Namahage are creatures that go from house to house with scary masks and knives looking for bad children, and are often mistaken as yokai. The word "namahage" comes from the phrase "namomi wo hagu" (ナモミを剥ぐ, to tear off "namomi") which comes from the Akita dialect. Namomi are red scab-like sores caused by low-temperature burns from sitting next to a fire for too long. In other words, namomi represent a lazy person who spends too much time sitting by the fire. Thus, the word "namahage" is derived from the existence of a being who comes to "tear off a lazy person's sores" (namomi hagi) and warn them not to be lazy. Although namahage look like evil ogre demons, they are in fact messengers of the gods and are responsible for exorcising evil spirits. So then, why do Namahage act in such a terrifying manner? Namahage, as messengers of the gods, go into villages and are invited into homes where they are treated hospitably. The namahage not only warn children and lazy people, but also bring blessings of good health, bountiful harvests, and a safe year for people. The straw that falls from the namahage's garments is sacred, and is said to bring blessings such as protection from evil and good health. Children Scared to Death at this Traditional Japanese New Year's Eve Event Namahage are part of a traditional event held on New Year's Eve around the Oga Peninsula in Akita Prefecture. Young men in the village wear oni masks and go from house to house dressed in straw costumes, holding large knives or machetes in their hands. They come into houses shouting and asking if there are any bad children or lazy people inside. The sight of the namahage banging on doors and swinging around knives and other objects in their hands frightens the children and makes them cry. On TV each year in Japan, you can see children vowing to be good while simultaneously crying. This custom, which has a long history as a folk tradition in Akita Prefecture, was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Japan by UNESCO in 2018. Learn About Namahage at the Oga Shinzan Folklore Museum's Namahage Museum! Photo:Namahage Museum For those unable to watch the actual New Year's Eve event, we recommend checking out the Namahage Museum and Oga Shinzan Folklore Museum located in Mayama, Oga. At the Namahage Museum, visitors are greeted by namahage masks from various villages in Akita, as well as namahage costumes, and other materials on display that will help you learn about the culture and history of Oga. At the Oga Shinzan Folklore Museum, visitors can watch a short movie called "Namahage no Ichiya" (なまはげの一夜, The Night of the Namahage) to learn about the traditions, and experience namahage in an old private Japanese house. This rare experience of seeing a conversation between a namahage and the homeowner and watching the namahage search for children is quite interesting. If you're interested in learning about traditional Japanese culture and enjoying some beautiful scenery, we highly recommend visiting Akita Prefecture! Namahage Sedo Festival – A Fusion of Traditional Events and Namahage at Shinzan Shrine Photo:Namahage Sedo Festival The Namahage Sedo Festival is a combination of namahage, a traditional culture of Akita, and the Sedo Festival, a Shinto ritual held annually on January 3 at Shinzan Shrine in Oga, Akita. The event started in 1964 as a winter event in Oga, Akita. The festival is usually held over three days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), including the second Saturday in February. Namahage Taiko is a sightseeing event that involves namahage drumming loudly and dancing and is quite popular among tourists. [Video] 1:06 - Namahage Taiko The fantastic sight of Namahage coming down the snowy mountain path with torches in their hands as messengers of the mountain gods is truly a captivating experience. It's like stepping back in time. [Video] 1:20 - Namahage Descending From the Mountain As shown in the video, this Namahage Festival marked the 50th anniversary since the event began, and 50 namahage made an appearance! They prayed for the safety of tourists and locals alike. [Video] 1:55 - Children Frightened at the Sight of Namahage The festival will be held for three days from Friday, including the second Saturday in February, as in 2022, with advance registration and infection control measures, etc. Since 2023 marks the 60th anniversary of the festival, various gifts will be given to visitors. For more information, please visit the official website. Summary of Akita's Namahage Did you watch the video of the Namahage Sedo Festival? Despite their scary faces, namahage are loved by the local people of Akita as messengers of the gods. The voice of the namahage as they search for children, while of course scary, has a kindness to it as well, reminding us that they are not evil, but rather messengers of the gods that prevent people from being bad or lazy. There's even an application where parents can apply for a special phone call from an oni when a child does something bad. Experience the charm of namahage in Oga, Akita! The spectacular sight of the namahage holding torches is sure to make for some memorable Instagram photos as well! -
Video article 1:48
What are the highlights of the Akita Kanto Festival in Akita City? The skillful manipulation of the lanterns and the sandongs that light up the night sky Video of Akita's traditional festival, now in its first holding in three years, is getting more exciting
News Traditional Culture Travel- 96 plays
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Akita City "Akita Kanto Festival" Video Introduction This video, titled "Akita Kanto Festival to Be Held for the First Time in 3 Years" (秋田竿燈まつり 3年ぶりに開催), was uploaded by "The Asahi Shimbun Company." The Akita Kanto Festival, held in Akita City, Akita Prefecture, is known as one of the three major festivals in Japan's Tohoku region. Approximately 280 poles and 10,000 lanterns light up the summer night sky. This year's festival, which was held for the first time in three years due to the effects of the novel coronavirus, can be enjoyed in this immersive video. Akita Kanto Festival – The History of the Festival Photo:Akita Kanto Festival The Akita Kanto Festival attracts people with its amazing lantern-balancing performances. The festival is held every year from August 3 to 6. Along with Aomori's Nebuta Festival and Sendai's Tanabata Festival, the Akita Kanto Festival is one of the three major summer festivals in Japan's Tohoku region. It's an event that has been passed down for approximately 270 years to pray for the exorcism of evil spirits and a good harvest, and is designated as a National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property. According to literature, the Akita Kanto Festival first appeared in 1789 in a travelogue by Tsumura Soan, a merchant, poet, and scholar of Japanese studies in the mid-Edo period, titled "A Snow-Covered Road." It is said to have originated from an event called "Neburi Nagashi" held around Akita City on July 6 of the lunar calendar, in which people decorated bamboo branches and silk trees with strips of paper with wishes written on them, walked through the town, and finally floated them away in the river. Later, the spread of candles during the Horeki period (1750-1765) and the use of tall paper lanterns were combined to form what we see today. Akita Kanto Festival 2023 - Highlights, Goods, and More! Source :YouTube screenshot The many hanging lanterns shown in the video show the beauty of the event as they light up the summer night sky. [Video] 0:16 - Lanterns Lighting Up the Night Sky The largest of the poles, called 'Owaka,' is 12 meters long and features 46 64cm x 45cm lanterns hanging from it, weighing a whopping 50 kilograms (110 lbs)! The highlight of the festival is watching the skilled performers holding these lanterns high in the air on the palm of their hand, while transferring them to their foreheads, shoulders, and even waists. [Video] 0:31 - Skilled Performers Balancing Lantern Poles The Akita Kanto Festival is also popular for the many food stalls set up at the festival site, including Kanto Yatai Village (竿燈屋台村, Kanto Yatai Mura), which has two locations, and the Local Gourmet Festival (ご当地グルメフェスティバル, Go-Touchi Gurume Festibaru) hosted by the Akita Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where visitors can enjoy local delicacies. In these food and beverage areas, consideration has been given to preventing the spread of the new coronavirus, such as by changing spaces to avoid dense crowding. Access to Akita Kanto Festival + Spectator Tickets Photo:Akita Station The venue for the Akita Kanto Festival is Kanto Odori Street (竿燈大通り, Kanto Odori), a 15-minute walk from JR Akita Station. Spectator seats are set up around the center strip of the 800-meter-long boulevard, and traffic will be limited around the venue in the evening. Tickets for spectator seats are also available, with prices varying by seat type. The price for the "Masu-seki" (box seating with a capacity of 6 people) is 28,000 yen, S seats are 4,500 yen, A seats are 4,000 yen, and B seats are 3,500 yen. If there are too many reservations for box seats, a lottery will be held. Please check the official website for more details, including the timing of ticket sales. In addition, events such as "Fureai Kanto" and the "Citizens' Parade" (市民パレード, Shimin Pareido) will be cancelled due to the coronavirus, and pre-recorded voices will be used for chanting. Summary of Akita Kanto Festival The many lanterns that light up the night sky and the skill of the performers who manipulate the lanterns is what makes the Akita Kanto Festival one the most popular summer events in Akita Prefecture. Each year, the festival attracts many people from both inside and outside of the prefecture. There are many hotels near Akita Station and the festival site where visitors can stay overnight. Easy access from the station makes it convenient for travel and sightseeing. In this exciting video, you can see the charm and highlights of the Akita Kanto Festival, as well as the fresh faces reflecting the joy of the people who are celebrating the festival for the first time in three years. [Video] 1:05 - Comments from Performers at the Festival We hope that at next year's Akita Kanto Festival, we'll be able to hear the taiko drums, hayashi band, and the chanting of the performers and crowd instead of prerecorded voices! 【Official Website】Akita Kanto Festival https://www.kantou.gr.jp/english/ 【TripAdvisor】Akita Kanto Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298239-d8820142-Reviews-Akita_Kanto_Festival-Akita_Akita_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 1:59
The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival – Paper Balloons & Fireworks in the Winter Night Sky in Semboku, Akita
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 71 plays
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Video Introduction of “Kami-Hikkiuchi Paper Balloon Raising” in Senboku City, Akita Prefecture This video, titled "[Aerial Footage] Paper Balloon Festival Kamihinokinai Night Flight Filming" (【空撮】2017冬祭り上桧木内の紙風船上げ Paper Balloon Festival Kamihinokinai Night Flight Shooting) was uploaded by "DIRECT Kaneko." The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is a winter festival in Nishiki, and the one shown in the video was held on February 10, 2017 in Semboku, Akita, in Japan's Tohoku region. During the day, you can see the unique scenery of Japan's snow country, and at night, when the moon comes out, you can see the exciting aerial footage taken via drone. Please enjoy the collaboration of paper balloons and fireworks soaring high into the night sky! [Video] 1:27 - Paper Balloons and Fireworks in the Night Sky Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival – The Characteristics and History of the Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is a winter festival held in the Kamihinokinai district of Nishiki, Semboku, Akita on February 10 in the middle of winter. The festival features around 100 large paper balloons with paintings of warriors and beautiful women rising into the winter night sky like hot air balloons. It's a winter tradition in the Kamihinokinai area and attracts many visitors every year. The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is an event that has been handed down as a winter festival in one of Japan's higher snowfall areas. It has been handed down along with "mushiyaki" (虫焼き, an event where rice straw is piled up in a rice field and burned) to pray for a bountiful harvest and the safety of one's family. According to legends, the origin of the Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is said to come from Hiraga Gennai, a scientist from Edo period Japan who passed on the principles of hot air balloons. Highlights of the Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival Photo:Paper balloons The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is an Intangible Folk Cultural Property designated as such by the city of Semboku, Akita. Lit paper balloons soar one after another into the cold winter night sky. Roughly 100 paper balloons of various sizes are said to be made by residents of the Kamihinokinai area. The highlight of the festival is the giant paper balloons. In recent years, the paper balloons are getting bigger and bigger. They are made of commercial Japanese paper about 1 meter wide and 3 to 12 meters long, pasted together. The sight of the giant paper balloons rising into the night sky as the fire inside them rages on is quite the spectacle. Be sure to bring a camera as well, because the lit paper balloons rising up into the night sky surrounded by the beautiful snowy landscape of Akita are sure to be popular on Instagram. [Video] 1:20 - Paper Balloons Soaring Up Through the Snow What are the dates for the 2024 "Paper Balloon Raising in Kami-Hinokouchi"? The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is held every year from 6:00 p.m. on February 10th at the Nishiki Paper Balloon Square (紙風船館広場, Kami Fusen-kan Hiroba). In 2022, the event was canceled to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection, but a small-scale paper balloon event was held by locals to carry on the culture. No official announcement has been made at this time (December 2023) regarding the 2024 event; if you would like to attend the 2024 event, please check the event information before you go. Rice Paddy Art – Summer in Kamihinokinai! Photo:Rice paddy art Rice field art can be seen from late June to early September along the Akita Nairiku Line, which connects Takanosu Station in Kitaakita and Kakunodate Station in Semboku, Akita. There are works that can be viewed from the platform of Kamihinokinai Station as well. Akita Inland Area Public Transportation Association and Kita-Akita Regional Development Bureau are recruiting design proposals for rice field art.Four 2024 designs have been decided out of 101 entries, and rice planting will take place around late May 2024, based on the design proposal. Among the selected works are cute works drawn by elementary school students with colored pencils.The design requirement of the Uehiki area is that it expresses the characteristics of paper balloon hoisting in Uehiki.The 2024 film also features a dog along with paper balloons flying into the night sky.It may be an Akita dog. It will be interesting to see how it looks as rice paddy art! Sightseeing in Kamihinokinai Photo:Dogtooth Violet Colony, Akita Prefecture Kamihinokinai, in Semboku, Akita, where the Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is held, is located to the northeast of Lake Tazawa, the deepest lake in Japan, and is a peaceful area surrounded by rich vegetation. Below is a list of some sightseeing spots in the area. ● Dogtooth Violet Colony (かたくり群生の郷, Katakuri Gunsei no Sato) Katakuri (dogtooth violet) is a bulbous plant of the lily family. At the Dogtooth Violet Colony, the largest colony of dogtooth violet in Japan, visitors can walk along a carpet of pretty flowers blooming at the foot of the mountain in spring. Check the Katakuri-kan (かたくり館) website for information regarding the blooming of the flowers and the opening of the facility. ● Semboku City Paper Baloon Museum (紙風船館, Kamifusenkan) This is a facility that displays the paper balloons used in the Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival ● Lake Tazawa (田沢湖, Tazawako) Lake Tazawa, home to the legend of Princess Tatsuko, is a beautiful blue lake where visitors can enjoy various views from season to season. In addition to historic sites, there are plenty of leisure spots to enjoy here. Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival Summary The Kamihinokinai Paper Balloon Festival is a winter festival in one of Japan's heavy snowfall areas. It's a lovely festival where paper balloons made by the locals soar in to the night sky. If you're traveling to Akita in winter, consider visiting to see the fantastic balloons rising into the night sky. Don't forget to warm up in the hot spring village around Lake Tazawa as well! -
Video article 5:38
Omagari Fireworks" in Daisen City, Akita Prefecture, one of the three major fireworks festivals in Japan! The highlight of the event, the wide starmine, is shown in the video! History and features are also introduced.
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Entertainment & Music Travel- 161 plays
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Video introduction of "Omagari Fireworks" in Daisen City, Akita Prefecture, Japan This time, we would like to introduce a video titled "[4K HDR] Omagari Fireworks Festival Offering Fireworks Suite "Pictures at an Exhibition" 900m Super Wide Starmine 2023" produced by "HANABI". This 5 minutes and 37 seconds video shows the Omagari Fireworks Festival in 2023. The powerful fireworks and music spreading across the night sky, the artistic fireworks set to the "Pictures at an Exhibition" suite, and the powerful wide starmine are breathtaking. Please take a look at the beautiful video first. What are the three major fireworks festivals in Japan? Photo:Omagari Fireworks It is said that there are more than 1,000 fireworks displays held throughout Japan. Among them, the Tsuchiura All Japan Fireworks Competition in Ibaraki Prefecture, the Nagaoka Fireworks Festival in Niigata Prefecture, and the Omagari Fireworks Festival in Omagari in Daisen, Akita, in Japan's Tohoku region, are considered to be the Top 3 Fireworks Festivals in Japan. The official name of the Omagari Fireworks Festival is the "All Japan Fireworks Competition." It is held every year on the last Saturday in August. What is the highlight of the Omagari Fireworks Festival, the "Wide Starmine"? While many fireworks displays are held as local town revitalization events or as summer traditions, the Omagari Fireworks Festival is a competition in which pyrotechnicians from all over the country compete with each other. Therefore, pyrotechnicians carefully prepare for this event with passion and pride. The "Wide Starmine," a 500-meter-long firework that has become a specialty of the event every year, takes as long as a year to produce. Starmine" is a method of setting off a number of fireworks at once at different times, ranging from a few dozen to hundreds of shots. Wide Starmine" is a set of the above "Starmine" fireworks set off at equal intervals. All sets of fireworks can be set off simultaneously or in sequence to create a powerful and dynamic display. The History of the Omagari Fireworks Festival and What Makes It Unique Every year, many people visit the festival to watch the passionate competition between the best pyrotechnicians in Japan, and the 93rd event attracted approximately 750,000 spectators! The city is said to have been flooded with people. Another feature of the Omagari Fireworks Festival is that there is not only a nighttime fireworks display, but also a daytime fireworks display. The daytime fireworks, which are colorfully depicted in the bright sky using multicolored smoke, have been popular among fireworks connoisseurs for many years. Currently, daytime fireworks can only be seen at the Omagari Fireworks Festival. If you are planning to visit the festival, be sure to get there early to see the daytime fireworks as well. What are the dates, times, and bleacher seating for Omagari Fireworks 2024? Date and time: Saturday, August 31, 2024, daytime fireworks: 17:10~ / nighttime fireworks: 18:50~. Tickets for paid spectator seats will be sold directly at the Omagari Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as on the Internet. They are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please check the official website in advance before obtaining tickets. Access and Location of the Omagari Fireworks Festival The Omagari Fireworks Festival is held at the Omono Riverside Ryokuchi Athletic Park in Daisen, Akita. Access to the venue is a 30-minute walk from JR Omagari Station. On the day of the event, traffic will be regulated around the venue due to the large number of people expected to attend the event. Since public transportation is not available, the only way to get there is on foot. If you are coming from other prefectures, it's better to cross the prefectural border before noon. Summary of the Omagari Fireworks Festival, One of the Top Three Fireworks Festivals in Japan Photo:The Omagari Fireworks Festival Have you seen the video of the Omagari Fireworks? If you want to see the Omagari Fireworks Festival, where pyrotechnicians from all over Japan come to compete, be sure to make plans sooner rather than later! With fewer spectator seats available, seating competition is expected to increase. If you're coming from far away on a tour or trip, you'll need to make reservations for hotels and other facilities. The official website also says, "walking is unavoidable on the day of the event," so it's advisable to wear shoes that are easy to walk in and carry minimal luggage. It's said that people who see the Omagari Fireworks Festival often become repeat visitors. Create some lasting end-of-summer memories with this amazing fireworks show in Akita Prefecture! Omagari Fireworks Festival is also held in spring and fall. Omagari's Fireworks -Spring Chapter The event was held on April 27, 2024 under the name of "New Fireworks Collection 2024: Fireworks of the World, Fireworks of Japan". The program includes opening fireworks, competition fireworks, interval fireworks, and finale fireworks, with approximately 8,000 shots. Omagari Fireworks -Autumn Chapter This festival was held on October 7, 2023 under the title of "Fireworks Art Festival. The program includes opening fireworks, presentation of works by local pyrotechnicians, Tsuchiura fireworks, fireworks theater "magic," and finale fireworks, with approximately 8,000 fireworks launched. If you travel to Akita Prefecture in the spring or fall, why not check out the schedule for the spring and fall chapters of "Omagari Fireworks" to see the fireworks? 【TripAdvisor】Omagari Fireworks Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022315-d10019456-Reviews-or10-Omagari_Fireworks-Daisen_Akita_Prefecture_Tohoku.html