Video article 8:02
Enjoy the Great Outdoors of Hokkaido at Lake Toya in Toyako, Hokkaido! Winter Sports, Events, Spectacular Natural Scenery... The Landscape You've Always Dreamed of Lies in Hokkaido!
Local PR Travel- 33 plays
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日本で人気の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」の動画について 「洞爺湖町公式」が公開した「洞爺湖町観光PR映像(8分篇)」は、北海道のおすすめの観光地の洞爺湖を紹介している動画です。 アクティビティ、イベント、自然の景観など、洞爺湖町にはさまざまな魅力が多く紹介されています。 こちらの動画で北海道洞爺湖町の魅力を知れば、実際に旅行したいと思うはずですよ。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町の魅力を動画と共に紹介いたします。 日本で人気の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」の情報紹介 日本で人気の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町は、各国の首脳が集まって開催された洞爺湖サミットの場所として有名です。 さまざまなアクティビティを体験できる観光エリアとしてとても人気があります。 湖畔の雄大な景色のすぐそばにあるキャンプ場や、洞爺湖湖上クルーズの遊覧船は洞爺湖の自然を満喫できるのでおすすめ。 洞爺湖を美しさを堪能できるカヌー、絶景を眺めながら北海道の大地を歩く乗馬なども人気です。 ほかにも、ハイキング、サイクリング、登山やスノーモービル、スキー、スノーボード、スノーモービルなどのウィンタースポーツも洞爺湖町で楽しめます。 また、北海道洞爺湖町は魅力のあるホテルも充実しています。 「洞爺湖畔亭」「洞爺サンパレス」「ウィンザーホテル」は、温泉・グルメを楽しめるおすすめのホテルです。 宿泊プランもたくさん用意されているので、あなた好みをお探しください。 日本の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」のおすすめスポット 日本の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町では、観光スポットがたくさんあります。 日本有数のカルデラ湖をご覧になれる「洞爺カルデラ」、足湯につかりながら洞爺湖の四季を眺められる「洞龍(とうろん)の湯」、洞爺湖と島々を一望できる「サイロ展望台」などが人気のスポットです。 ほかにも、「洞爺湖町立火山科学館」「ツボ足健康通り」「有珠山噴火記念公園」「とうや・水の駅」「西山山麓火口散策路」「洞爺湖温泉の桜」もおすすめ観光スポット。 日本の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」の人気のイベント 日本の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町には、人気のイベントもたくさんあります。 北海道内で最大規模の花火大会の「洞爺湖ロングラン花火大会」は、450発もの花火が打ち上げられ夜の洞爺湖を鮮やかに彩ります。 洞爺湖温泉街のにぎわい広場に電飾が輝く「イルミネーショントンネル」も美しい景色を眺められるのでおすすめ。 インスタ映えする景色を撮影できますよ。 「洞爺湖温泉イルミネーションストリート」「洞爺湖マラソン」「水中花火108連発」「爺湖温泉夏祭り」「洞爺夏まつり」「洞爺湖温泉冬まつり」といった洞爺湖で開催されているイベントも注目です。 日本で人気の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」紹介記事のまとめ 北海道洞爺湖は自然の景色を楽しめる名所。 洞爺湖の観光スポットを巡れば充実した旅行になりますよ! -
Video article 4:56
Enjoy Glass, Music Boxes and Freshly Caught Seafood in Otaru, Hokkaido! We Bring You the Charms of Some of Hokkaido's Most Beautiful Places!
Local PR Travel- 27 plays
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グルメ・自然・歴史が凝縮した街「北海道小樽市」 こちらの動画は「小樽観光協会Otaru Tourism Association」が公開した「北海道小樽・観光プロモーションムービー」です。 北海道小樽市は札幌市に隣接した日本海の玄関口として栄え、北海道内でも歴史のある都市として観光客を魅了しています。 小樽運河や旧日本郵船などはその名残の名所として人気で、日本国内でも価値のある歴史的スポット。 今回紹介するのはそんな小樽市の自然や文化などの魅力が詰まった動画です。 レトロな歴史的建造物の立ち並ぶ小樽市 動画の冒頭は、日本を代表する歌人・石川啄木が北海道小樽市について詠んだ歌から始まります。 0:05からは、日本の重要文化財に指定されている旧日本郵船・小樽支店、昭和9年に建てられた小樽駅、小樽市指定歴史的建造物指定の小樽市役所、旧小樽倉庫を利用した運河プラザ(小樽市観光物産プラザ)などの風情を感じる歴史的建造物を紹介。 小樽市観光では必ず立ち寄りたい、日本を代表するおすすめスポットです。 北海道小樽市に泊まる 動画の0:41から紹介しているのは、小樽市内のホテルや旅館。 温泉が自慢の「おたる 宏楽園」や高級感あふれる「ホテルノルド小樽」では日本ならではのおもてなしを受けられ、観光の疲れが癒されます。 北海道小樽市で楽しむ 動画の1:01からは家族で楽しめる小樽市内の観光スポットを紹介。 小樽市総合博物館には、蒸気機関車「しづか号」をはじめとする北海道を代表する鉄道車両が展示されています。 他にも、北海道ならではの生物を見られる「おたる水族館」やその近くのガラス工房「キム・グラス・デザイン」、吹きガラス体験ができる「小樽 il PONTE」では小樽観光の想い出が作れるはずです。 北海道小樽市で買う 動画の2:21から紹介しているのは小樽市内のお土産です。 人気の小樽土産であるオルゴールを購入するのは「小樽オルゴール堂」「オルゴール堂海鳴楼」がおすすめ! 「ビブレ・サビ・プレス・ミーユ」ではかわいらしい雑貨を、「小樽市漁業協同組合 地方卸売市場」や「小樽三角市場」では新鮮な魚介類を購入することができますよ。 北海道小樽市で食べる 3:07からは小樽市内のグルメスポットを紹介。 「小樽三角市場」「日本橋本店」では北海道の獲れたて海鮮を食べられ、「蕎麦屋・藪半」「中華食堂・龍鳳」は小樽市民にも愛される名店です。 小樽市の夜を楽しむなら「小樽ビール・小樽倉庫No.1」「炉ばた屋・鶴吉」「おたる屋台村レンガ横丁」で地元の方と一緒にお酒を楽しみましょう。 また来たくなる街・北海道小樽市紹介まとめ 動画のラストを飾るのは、小樽市の美しい景観が凝縮されたようなカフェ「北一ホール」の美しいガラスランプ。 ほかにも、小樽市には動画では紹介しきれなかった観光スポットがまだまだあります。 小樽旅行で人気ルートの小樽運河クルーズや小樽天狗山ロープウェイ、絶景スポットの祝津パノラマ展望台、日本国内で人気の小樽洋菓子舗ルタオ本店などの魅力があふれています。 日本有数の人気の観光地・小樽市に、ぜひ足を運んでみてくださいね。 -
Video article 7:21
Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Is Steeped in History and Culture. Enjoy Kusatsu City as Introduced by Local Idols and Mascots!
Local PR Travel- 54 plays
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滋賀県草津市の魅力を満載した動画の見どころ こちらで紹介する動画は「滋賀県草津市役所」が公開した「草津ストーリー」です。 今回は「草津ストーリー」と題した7:21秒の動画をご紹介! 案内役は今滋賀県で売り出し中のご当地アイドル「フルーレット」と「草津市観光使節グッドウィルナー」です。 滋賀県草津市のご当地ゆるキャラのたび丸も出てくるのでちびっこも楽しめますよ。 みんなが楽しめる観光名所がいっぱいある草津! 動画の冒頭は草津のフルーレットと草津市公認マスコットキャラクターのたび丸君が滋賀県草津の魅力と観光名所を案内してくれます。 豊かな自然が残る景勝地、そして日本の歴史文化を今に伝える街、近畿圏住みやすさナンバーワンの街など様々な魅力溢れる草津にあなたも一度観光で訪れてみてはいかがでしょう? 草津の絶景ポイントでインスタ映えする記念写真を撮ろう! 日本最大級の本陣と言われる草津宿本陣は400年の歴史を持ち、当時の日用品や資料を見学することができます。 さらに江戸時代を再現した衣装体験ができるので、殿様や姫君気分の仮装でタイムスリップ!インスタ映えする記念写真を撮ることができますよ。 滋賀県草津で歴史文化を体験しよう 街道の宿場町として400年の歴史を持つ草津には伝統工芸を体験するイベントやお土産もいっぱい! お土産として有名な瓢箪専門店の加工品や銀峰工房、吾亦紅を使った草木染め工房ではオリジナルストール作りが体験できます。 滋賀県草津のグルメをご紹介! 草津はご当地グルメの宝庫!その一部をご紹介しましょう。 一つ目は近江草津産コシヒカリ「匠の夢」というブランド米!琵琶湖は淡水と海水が交わる湖。琵琶湖から引かれた水には豊富なミネラルが含まれ、伝統的な製法で栽培されたブランド米は甘みと歯ごたえが絶妙のおいしいお米です。 動画の5:30頃から登場する「草津市観光使節グッドウィルナー」が紹介するのは江戸城改築にも携わった太田道灌を先祖に持つ太田酒造という日本酒の酒蔵。 滋賀県産の原料にこだわった日本酒やワインを製造しています。 まだまだあるよ!滋賀県草津の穴場的おすすめ観光スポット 滋賀県草津の穴場的なおすすめ観光スポットはまだまだあります。 例えば東海道と中山道が通っていたことを示す道標や、1200年の歴史を持つ立木神社をはじめとした弁天池や印岐志呂神社、荻の玉川、宿場町裏路地など街のあちこちに歴史と文化、そして人々の信仰を感じる穴場スポットがたくさんあるのです。 これらのエリアは草津観光の散策ルートとしてもおすすめです。 滋賀県草津市の魅力紹介まとめ 滋賀県草津では宿場まつり、熱気球フライト、草津街あかりなどの人気イベントも行われます。 是非あなたもこの歴史ある滋賀県草津市に訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 4:15
There's More to Morioka Than Just Chilled Noodles and Wanko Soba! Lots to See and Do, and Some of Japan's Top Tourist Attractions in Iwate Prefecture!
Local PR Travel- 49 plays
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岩手県盛岡の観光地は魅力がたくさん こちらの動画は「webmorioka」が公開した「MORIOKA(long ver.)」です。 動画では日本の岩手県盛岡の観光スポットを様々な角度からご紹介しています。 盛岡観光で訪れるべき名所 岩手県盛岡には日本でも有数の名所が多く存在します。 石川啄木の出身地であることから「啄木詩の道」や、レンガ作りが美しい「岩手銀行赤レンガ館」、盛岡で最も古いレンガ作りの「旧石井県令邸」など多くの景勝地があります。 盛岡駅から20分ほどの場所には日本の天然記念物として指定された石割桜もあります。 樹齢は300年を超え、日本の樹木のなかでも最も有名なものの一つです。 また盛岡駅のそばにはマリオスという商業施設があり、展望室から岩手の景観を一望できる穴場のスポットです。 ホテルだけでなく、ショッピングや焼肉といったグルメもあるので、デートとしても便利でしょう。 盛岡駅からは観光地を循環するバスも定期的に運行しており、観光ルートをたどってくれるので、旅行の際には利用するのをおすすめします。 周辺には盛岡城址公園があります。 多くの自然が残り、春には桜が満開になります。 気候も穏やかなので花見には観光客が大勢訪れます。 盛岡の自然を満喫するために散策の際は多めに時間を確保しておきましょう。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市で楽しめるアクティビティ 日本の中で川下りのアクティビティが行える場所はいくつかありますが、盛岡でもボートを利用して川下りのアクティビティが楽しめます。 夏には800以上の装飾されたボートが競う大会も開催され、盛岡の一大イベントにもなっています。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市で楽しめる盛岡の行事 岩手の中で盛岡は様々な行事が行われています。 特に酒買地蔵尊例大祭の神輿は日本文化の一つとして一見の価値があるので動画の1:40の中でご覧ください。 インスタ映え間違いなしです。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市の文化を伝える施設 岩手県盛岡の文化を伝える施設としてもりおか町家物語館があります。 こちらでは日本の伝統工芸を広めるための工房などが敷設されており、南部鉄器を始めとした様々な岩手の伝統工芸にふれる事ができ、さまざまな情報が満載です。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡観光で楽しむご当地グルメ 日本のなかでも岩手エリアのご当地グルメは非常に有名です。 盛岡せんべいや「わんこそば」、盛岡冷麺など挙げればきりがありません。 特にわんこそばは日本のグルメの中でも特徴的なもので、少量のそばが入ったお椀を何十杯と食べていくエンターテインメント性に富んだ人気グルメです。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市の観光をもっと楽しむ 盛岡観光で訪れるイベントとして、盛岡競馬場での競馬観戦や、盛岡さんさ踊りなどもあります。 息のあった踊りは圧巻です。 8月に行われる盛岡さんさ踊りでは3000人の演奏者が同時に太鼓の演奏をして、世界一の記録となりました。 また、毎年夏のイベントとして盛岡市の花火も人気です。 1万発以上の花火が上がる景色は絶景です。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市紹介まとめ 盛岡には多くのパワースポットを持つ盛岡八幡宮や五百羅漢堂がある報恩寺など、歴史ある神社仏閣がたくさんあります。 日本の神様へお参りをして盛岡観光を安全に過ごせるように祈願しましょう。 グルメやイベントが盛りだくさんの盛岡の魅力をたくさん知ってください! -
Video article 6:01
Kagoshima's Okinoerabujima Has Emerald Green Waters That Are Out of This World! Water Sports in the Outdoors and a Historic Culture Awaits You!
Local PR Travel- 89 plays
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鹿児島の沖永良部島(おきのえらぶじま)の観光動画について こちらの動画は「GHIKLI」が公開した「沖永良部島PR(奄美の隠れ観光スポット!)Okinoerabu island」です。 エメラルドグリーンの美しい海や、独自の景観を楽しめる鍾乳洞など、沖永良部島の自然の豊かさが伝わってくる動画です。 こちらの記事では、日本の綺麗な海を楽しめる鹿児島の沖永良部島の絶景スポットや周辺情報を動画と共に紹介します。 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島の沖永良部島とは? 鹿児島の沖永良部島は、奄美群島の南西部に位置する美しい海が特徴の島で、沖縄のような雰囲気があります。 スキューバダイビングやフィッシングなどのアクティビティを求め、人気が急増中の観光スポットです。 雄大な自然に恵まれた沖永良部島は、西郷隆盛ゆかりの地としても知られており、大河ドラマ「西郷どん」の撮影地としても使われました。 美しい景観を楽しみたい方、アクティビティを満喫したい方、歴史を感じられるスポットを見たい方、さまざまな方が楽しめる観光地となっています。 沖永良部島へのアクセス方法は、鹿児島空港や那覇空港から飛行機で行くのが一番早くおすすめ。 南国のような景色を楽しめる鹿児島の沖永良部島の海 日本で人気上昇中の観光地である沖永良部島の海では、南国のような雰囲気のある美しい景色を楽しめます。 島の北側にあるワンジョビーチは、沖永良部島でもっとも人気のビーチです。 ワンジョビーチの穏やかな波を綺麗な砂浜のビーチで眺めているだけで、とても癒やされるはず。 海の透明度が高く、インスタ映えスポットでもあります。 映画のロケ地にもなったことがある半崎は、沖永良部島の美しい海を一望できる場所。 緑豊かなエリアでもあり、自然を満喫できます。 ウミガメなども鑑賞できる美しい海で、沖永良部島の景色を堪能しましょう。 日本の観光スポットである鹿児島の沖永良部島の人気エリア 日本のおすすめ観光地の沖永良部島は、海以外にも楽しめる場所がたくさんあります! 沖永良部島に旅行する際に、ぜひ体験したいのがケイビングです。 沖永良部島にはフーチャ(潮吹き洞窟)や大蛇洞、銀水洞といった洞窟や鍾乳洞がたくさんあるので、洞窟探索をしてみましょう。 迫力のある鍾乳石など自然の景勝を楽しめますよ。 他にも沖永良部島には、自然を満喫できる名所の笠石海浜公園や奄美群島国立公園、ソテツジャングル。 歴史好きな人には西郷南洲記念館や和泊町歴史民俗資料館といったスポットもあります。 日本の観光スポット「鹿児島の沖永良部島」紹介記事のまとめ 南国のような自然を満喫できる鹿児島の沖永良部島。 日本で美しい海を堪能したいならおすすめの観光スポットです。 -
Video article 4:59
The "Budo Tourism" Gaining Popularity From Foreign Visitors to Japan! Experience Traditional Karate and Come To Understand the Japanese Spirit!
Sports Travel Traditional Culture- 126 plays
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The Martial Arts Tourism Gaining Popularity Among Tourists Visiting Japan This video, titled "[Japan Sports Agency] Foreign Visitors to Japan Taking Interest! A Report on the 'Budo Tourism' That Can Only Be Experienced in Japan" (【スポーツ庁】訪日外国人が注目! 日本でしか体験できない「武道ツーリズム」の現場をレポート), was released by "Japan Sports Agency" (スポーツ庁). Budo Tourism refers to foreign visitors to Japan going on sightseeing trips to experience traditional Japanese martial arts. In addition to sumo, Japan's national sport, Japan has various traditional martial arts, such as kendo, judo, karate, and aikido, which attract a lot of interest from foreign tourists. With Budo Tourism, some foreigners visit Japan to try Kyudo, Shorinji Kempo, Naginata and Iaido. Karate, A Martial Art Gaining Popularity in Budo Tourism Photo:Martial arts Karate, seen from 0:34 in the video, is one of the most popular forms of martials arts in Budo Tourism, and has also officially been made into an event at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. It is said that there are around 130 million karate enthusiasts around the world, and the number of foreign tourists visiting to experience karate through Budo Tourism is increasing year after year. There are various theories about the origin of karate, but it is believed that the history of Japanese karate begins with the self-defense techniques of the Ryukyu Kingdom, which can be seen in the video. The Chinese martial art "Toude," which was introduced to the Ryukyu Kingdom, later become what we know as traditional Okinawan karate. Eventually, karate was divided into several schools, and performances and matches began to be held throughout the country. The Appeal of Budo Tourism Photo:Karate The fascinating experience of practicing in a dojo while wearing traditional uniforms typical of Japanese martial arts is not something you can easily experience outside of Japan. What kind of experience are foreign tourists looking for when training in classes held at traditional martial arts dojos? One reason is that Japanese martial arts place a large importance on etiquette and many people feel that they can experience spiritual growth through these experiences. Japanese martial arts have the idea of "Shin-Gi-Tai" (心技体: heart, technique, strength) This is a term that refers to the three qualities of a martial artist: mental strength (心, heart), skill (技, technique), and physical strength (体, body). It is said that training the mind and body in a well-balanced manner is the most important thing to consider when practicing martial arts. Summary of Japan's Budo Tourism Photo:Karate, kata As mentioned before, the number of foreign tourists interested in traditional Japanese martial arts, such as karate and kendo, is increasing year after year. Many Japanese people and foreign tourists are looking forward to seeing traditional martial arts at the Tokyo Olympics. Going forward, Budo Tourism will become a bridge between Japan and the rest of the world. -
Video article 6:46
Recharge Your Body and Mind at Kaga Onsen in Kaga, Ishikawa! Experience a Healing Trip to Enjoy Japanese Culture and Hot Springs!
Local PR Travel- 32 plays
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日本の文化と温泉を満喫できる「石川の加賀温泉郷」の動画について こちらの動画は「観光チャンネル石川県 加賀市 加賀温泉郷」が公開した「加賀百万石の温泉郷「石川県 加賀温泉郷」 / 「加賀ていねい」コンセプトムービー」です。 石川県加賀温泉郷で体験できる日本文化や温泉などの魅力が詰まった動画となっています。 加賀温泉郷は「加賀ていねい」の心で観光客の心を魅了し、癒やし続けています。 こちらの記事では、日本の文化や温泉を楽しめる石川県加賀温泉郷の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の文化と温泉を満喫できる石川の加賀温泉郷とは? 人気の観光名所である加賀温泉郷は北陸三県の真ん中にある温泉地です。 この地域は九谷焼きや茶道、漆器、祭り、日本料理といったさまざまな文化が詰まっている魅力ある町。 加賀温泉郷は、文人墨客たちに愛されていた街として有名。 文化や温泉で著名人たちの心を癒やしてきました。 今も人気の観光スポットとなっており、北陸新幹線が開通したことで観光客が増えています。 おもてなしの心で出迎えてくれる旅館や、おいしい和食、ご当地グルメなど、見どころはいっぱい。 癒しの旅として石川県の加賀温泉郷を観光するのはいかがでしょうか? 石川の観光エリアである加賀温泉郷の日本文化 石川の加賀温泉郷では、さまざまな日本文化を見ることができます。 歴史好きな方におすすめなのが、江沼神社の長流亭です。 重要文化財に選ばれているこの建造物はとても神聖な雰囲気のある場所。 周りは自然に囲まれており、インスタ映えするきれいな景色を楽しむことができます。 伝統芸能が好きな方には山中節を体験するのがおすすめ。 日本らしい民謡でゆったりした踊りが心を和ませてくれます。 また山中座では山中節の他に、山中温泉の総湯・菊の湯と山中漆器も体験できるぜいたくなスポットです。 他にも、山代大田楽や芸術を生み出した城下町の大聖寺でも日本の伝統文化を堪能できます。 石川の観光エリアである加賀温泉郷の温泉について 石川の観光スポットの加賀温泉郷は、小松市の粟津温泉、加賀市の片山津温泉、山中温泉、山代温泉の4つの温泉の名称として使われています。 4つの温泉には長い歴史があり、それぞれで特徴のある泉質を楽しめます。 温泉の温度も微妙に異なる4つの温泉の違いを楽しむ湯巡りをしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 石川の観光エリアである「加賀温泉郷」紹介記事のまとめ 心のこもった日本文化や温泉を堪能できる加賀温泉郷で、癒しの旅行を体験してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 5:06
Discover the Charms of Shinshiro, Aichi Prefecture, a Tourist Destination to Feel the Four Seasons of Japan! Don't Miss the Seasonal Scenery That Shows the Romance of History and Nature!
Local PR Travel- 47 plays
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自然を楽しめる観光地「愛知県新城市」の動画について こちらの動画は「新城市見どころ動画」が公開した「新城市PR映像 5分版」です。 こちらは愛知県新城市のさまざまな観光スポットや文化を紹介しているプロモーション動画です。 緑に囲まれた、気持ちのいい空気が流れる新城市の魅力がたっぷりと詰まっています。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光エリアである愛知県新城市の魅力や周辺情報を動画と共に紹介します。 日本観光でおすすめの愛知県新城市について 新城市は、愛知県東部奥三河の玄関口になっています。 緑に囲まれた自然が豊かなで、独自の文化や景色を楽しめる観光地。 四季によって町の風景が変わるのも新城市の魅力。 秋には紅葉が咲きほこり、春は桜が新城市の町を彩ります。 ゆったりとした時間が流れる田舎の中で、ここでしか体験できない絶景や祭り、温泉、グルメを楽しみましょう。 きっと満足する旅行になるはずです。 愛知県新城市で日本の自然を楽しめる観光スポット 愛知県新城市には自然の景勝を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 四谷の千枚田や阿寺の七滝、鳳来寺山などは新城市でしか味わえない絶景をご覧になることができます。 新城市の山間集落の斜面に広がる四谷の千枚田。 日本のおとぎ話に出てくるような風景を見ることができ、日本らしい景色が好きな人には必見の場所。 先人たちが残した遺産を今も地域の人たちが守り続けています。 愛知県新城市には、他にも桜淵公園や巴川などの美しい自然の景色を楽しめるスポットがたくさんありますよ。 愛知県新城市で日本の歴史を感じられる観光スポット 愛知県新城市の設楽原決戦場祭りは日本の歴史を感じられる多くの人が訪れる人気の祭りです。 日本で初めて大量に鉄砲が使われた長篠、設楽原の戦い。 その設楽原の地で火縄銃の演武や武者行列などが行われています。 当時の戦を再現している祭りなので熱気がすごく、特に火縄銃の音は迫力満点。 歴史が好きな人にはたまらない祭りでしょう。 新城市の美しい自然と歴史を感じられるスポットを満喫し、充実した旅をお楽しみください。 日本のおすすめ観光スポット「愛知県新城市」紹介記事のまとめ こちらの動画では新城市の湯谷温泉や旅館などさまざまなスポットが紹介されているので、興味のある方はぜひ見てください。 日本の緑豊かな観光地の新城市。 日本の原風景を楽しめる貴重なスポットへ観光してみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 4:13
Nishiki, Yamaguchi Is a Museum of Nature! Spend a Relaxing Time in a Town Where You Can Enjoy the Essence of Nature...
Local PR Travel- 68 plays
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山口県岩国市錦町紹介動画について こちらの動画は「錦川観光協会」が公開した「岩国市錦町(にしきまち)観光PR動画」です。 山口県岩国市は瀬戸内海に面し、錦帯橋を始めとするおすすめスポットが多数点在するエリアです。 その中で今回の動画では山あいにある錦町を紹介します。 皆さんもこの動画をご覧になれば山口県岩国市錦町のファンになるでしょう。 山口県の錦町は滝の宝庫!日本を実感できる観光ができる! 今回の舞台は山口県岩国市にある錦川の上流にある錦町。 この山口県岩国市錦町には五竜の滝があり多くの観光客が訪れています。 竜頭の滝、龍門の滝、白竜の滝、登竜の滝、竜尾の滝と五竜の滝が山口県岩国市錦町訪れた観光客を楽しませてくれます。 滝の下流にある宇佐川は山口県を代表する清流としても有名。 宇佐川に住む鮎は全国の鮎の中でも最上級とされています。 また、錦川には日本の特別天然記念物オオサンショウウオも生息。 オオサンショウウオ目当てに山口県岩国市錦町へ観光で訪れる人も多くいます。 山口県岩国市錦町の中心観光地が昔ながらの日本の街並み!錦町駅前を歩いてみよう! 山口県岩国市錦町へ訪れたら錦川清流線の終点、錦町駅周辺を観光してみてはいかがですか。 駅前には広瀬映画館資料館やお菓子の館といった日本の昔ながらの風景が多数あります。 また、山口県を代表する温泉地雙津峡(そうづきょう)温泉にも足を運んでみてはどうでしょうか。 雙津峡温泉までは「とことこトレイン」が走り、温泉までの道のりには絶景の数々。 特にきらら夢トンネルは観光客を魅了します。 紅葉の時期は木谷峡も穴場スポットして有名です。 錦川清流線の車窓は日本の絶景!電車に乗って山口県の錦町を観光へ! 山口県岩国市錦町への観光は、JR山陽本線の岩国駅から錦川清流線で訪れることができます。 錦川清流線の車窓からは多くの絶景を楽しめます。 錦川沿いを走り景色を眺めながら錦町へ。 のんびりした電車旅も日本観光の思い出となることでしょう。 山口県岩国市錦町紹介まとめ こちらの動画では山口県岩国市錦町を紹介いたしました。 皆さんも山口県岩国市錦町の美しさへ魅了されたのではないでしょうか。 山口県は日本でも自然豊かな人気の観光スポットが豊富です。 皆さんも山口県の岩国市錦町へ訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 10:56
Fukuzaki in Hyogo Prefecture Is a Place Where History, Literature and Nature Mingle. Visit the Town With Nostalgic Scenery and a Hint of Mystery...
Local PR Travel- 31 plays
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兵庫観光のかくれた観光名所「福崎町」の魅力とは? こちらの動画は「福崎町観光協会」が公開した「福崎町観光PR動画「観光PR」」です。 兵庫県福崎町は民俗学者柳田國男を始めとした多くの偉人を排出した町です。 清流市川に育まれる豊かな風土と気候に恵まれ、古くから交通の要衝として宿場町としても栄えた場所です。 風光明媚な景勝地として、また学問と歴史の町として兵庫県の穴場的な観光スポットでもあり、知る人ぞ知る名所の宝庫。 大庄屋三木家住宅や旧辻川郵便局、学問成就の道は必見です。 兵庫県福崎町の歴史 兵庫県福崎町は昭和31年に田原村、八千種村、旧福崎町が合併してできた町です。 周囲を緑豊かな自然に恵まれた静かな町ですが、古くには東西南北に伸びる街道の交差する要衝の宿場町として栄えました。 今でも当時の名残が残っており、南北はJR播但線と播但連絡道路、国道312号線、東西には中国自動車道と県道が交わる動脈として機能し、福崎町東部工業団地(福崎工業団地)は兵庫県の重要な産業の一翼を担っています。 兵庫県福崎町周辺の観光スポット&イベント情報 周囲を豊かな自然に恵まれた兵庫県福崎町には歴史的に重要な史跡などの観光スポットが数多く点在しています。 おすすめの観光エリアは福崎東洋ゴルフ倶楽部、春日山、作門寺山門、七種の滝、田口奥地、七種神社(七種山)、清流市川、駒が岩などです。 また古くから宿場町として栄えた名残りで古刹が多く、苔むした風情はインスタ映えすること間違いなしです。 兵庫県福崎町を代表するおすすめの古刹は應聖寺、金剛城寺、神積寺、鈴ノ森神社、北野天満神社、本覚寺、日光寺など…。 小さな町にこれだけの寺院仏閣がひしめくのは日本有数の密度なので、寺院仏閣巡りが好きな方にもおすすめです。 四季を通じてイベントも多く、春は桜の花見や民俗辻広場まつり、夏の虫送りなどが開催されます。 柳田國男とかっぱの出会い 兵庫県福崎町出身の日本民俗学者柳田國男がいなければ「妖怪」という存在がこれほど多くの人たちに認識されることがなかったと言われています。 妖怪は怖いだけでなくどこかユーモラス。 ゲゲゲの鬼太郎やポケモン、妖怪ウォッチなどの作品は柳田國男の影響が強く出ていると言われているほどです。 柳田文学でも特に有名なのは「かっぱ」との出会いを記した遠野物語です。 日本の昔話につきものの妖怪の数々を紹介した功績をたたえ、柳田國男生家を文化財として保護し、神崎郡歴史民俗資料館などにその足跡を記録しています。 そして福崎駅前商店街には柳田國男の石像と妖怪ベンチを設置、兵庫県福崎町を訪れる観光客のインスタ映えポイントとして人気を博しています。 兵庫県福崎町周辺のグルメ情報 兵庫県福崎町は日本有数のもちむぎの産地です。 おすすめのグルメは何と言ってももちむぎ麺でしょう。 福崎駅やホテル周辺にはいたるところでもちむぎ麺を楽しむことができます。 もちむぎ麺をお土産として求めるなら「もちむぎのやかた」がおすすめです。 もちむぎともう一つの名産品ツノナスは夏に収穫されるのでお盆のころには新麦のおいしいもちむぎ麺とツノナスの郷土料理を食堪能することができます。 兵庫県福崎町紹介まとめ 兵庫県福崎町は西日本陸路の要衝地、また歴史と文学と自然が混じり合う町として人気のある観光地です。 四季折々の豊かな自然、そして妖怪と人との共生を動画と共にお楽しみください。 -
Video article 5:39
The USA of Kyushu! Usa City, Oita Prefecture, Is Full of Fascinating Places to Visit! Enjoy Food, Nature, History and More!
Local PR Travel- 40 plays
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大分県宇佐市の魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では「宇佐市インターネット作成局」が公開した動画「宇佐市2016観光プロモーション動画」を紹介します。 今回紹介するのは大分県宇佐市。九州の中でも、昔ながらの日本の街並みが残り、ゆったり日本を観光できると人気です。 九州の空の玄関口である福岡空港からも近く、訪日観光客にも観光ルートとして、訪れやすいエリアです。 では、大分県宇佐市の素晴らしさを動画と共にご覧ください! 大分県宇佐市でゆったり日本の自然を満喫! 動画の冒頭でダイナミックに「USA」と書道で書く彼女たち。 大分県宇佐市には日本の自然を満喫できる観光スポットがたくさんあります。 日豊本線宇佐駅周辺の観光スポットから一緒に見ていきましょう。 まず、最初に訪れた観光スポットは千財農園フジ園とバラ園。 ここはインスタ映えスポットです。 宇佐神宮は大分県でも有名な神宮。 参道を歩くだけで日本らしさを感じることができるでしょう。 日本のグルメを大分県宇佐でいただく! 大分県宇佐市に訪れたら、ご当地グルメを味わいたいですね。 まず訪れたのは長洲港。 ここでは浜の市が楽しめます。 宇佐から揚げを楽しみ、海を見ながら浜焼きをするのも良いでしょう。 また、すっぽん料理やどぜう料理も宇佐市を代表する名物。 ブドウ狩りやワイン・麦焼酎も宇佐市の観光には欠かせないものです。 大分県宇佐市の大自然を感じるパワースポットへ! 海の次は山へ訪れてみませんか。 「宇佐のマチュピチュ」と言われる西椎屋の景(にししいやのけい)は絶景です。 院内石橋(いんないいしばし)は景勝地としても有名。 東椎屋の滝(ひがししいやのたき)や岳切渓谷(たっきりけいこく)ではマイナスイオンいっぱい。 安心院盆地(あじむぼんち)は雄大な山々に田んぼと日本らしい風景です。 大分県宇佐市の日本家屋にはカラフルな鏝絵(こてえ)があり、散策も楽しめます。 お子様と一緒の観光では九州自然公園アフリカンサファリへ行ってみるのもいいでしょう。 はちまんの郷、双葉の里もおすすめ。 宿泊はホテルではなく農村民宿で日本文化を体験することもできます。 宇佐市には日本を代表する祭りがいっぱい 日本へ観光に来たら祭りにも参加したいと思いませんか。 大分県宇佐市は祭り・イベントが豊富です。 市民にも人気なのが七夕夏祭り。 漁港ではみなと祭りも行われ、花火大会も。 夏越祭りでは日本の伝統的な祭りを体感できます。 大分県宇佐市の魅力紹介まとめ 今回は動画で大分県宇佐市の素晴らしい観光名所を紹介しました。 こちらの記事で紹介しきれなかった素晴らしい情報や、大分県宇佐市の魅力はまだまだたくさん動画で紹介されています。 訪日外国人にもおすすめの大分県宇佐市へ遊びに来てみませんか? -
Video article 14:40
Introducing the Charms of Shinjuku, Tokyo, the Largest City in Japan. Check Out Tourist Attractions of Shinjuku, the Nightless City Where History, Culture, Past, Present and Future All Intersect!
Local PR Travel- 79 plays
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日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「一般社団法人新宿観光振興協会 Shinjuku Convention & Visitors Bureau」が公開した「SHINJUKU 9Stories【English】」です。 新宿には数多くの観光スポットがあります。 映画、ランチやディナーなどのグルメ、ショッピング、文化や歴史の散策など新宿にきて揃わないものはないと言われるほどディープな大都市「新宿」の魅力をたっぷりとご紹介します。 日本一の大都会「新宿」の人気スポット まず、新宿といえば高層ビル群。 西新軸エリアには未来的なデザインがオシャレな東京モード学園を始めとした数多くの高層ビルが見られます。 そして西新宿一帯は東京でも一二を争うシティホテルの激戦地! 世界的にも有名なホテルが数多く軒を連ねています。 「新宿」の日本一とは? また、新宿には数多くの日本一が存在します。動画でも頻繁に新宿の日本一が登場していましたが皆さん気づきました? 一つ目は日本一乗降客数が多いと言われるJR新宿駅。 毎日300万人以上の人が新宿を利用しています。 二つ目の日本一は不夜城歌舞伎町。 新宿ゴールデン街やゴジラヘッドのある映画館など、毎日朝まで多くの観光客で賑わうスポットです。 しかし、歌舞伎町には喧騒ばかりではありません。 実は花園神社を始めとした多くの神社仏閣があることでも有名です。 毎年11月になると花園神社では人気のお祭り、酉の市が開催されます。 三つ目の日本一はアジア最大とも言われているゲイタウン新宿二丁目です。 お値段はとてもリーズナブル! 女性が安心して遊べる上にディープな魅力に溢れた街。 そしてグルメも充実している新宿イチオシの観光スポットです。 四つ目の日本一が新宿伊勢丹! ここは何が日本一かというとデパートの年間売上が毎年日本一なのです。 まさにショッピングの殿堂ですね。 新宿には他にも高島屋や小田急をはじめとした高級百貨店やブティックがひしめき合っています。 代々木方面にはスポーツの聖地、東京体育館や神宮球場、秩父宮ラグビー場を有する明治神宮外苑、新宿二丁目と三丁目、広大な新宿御苑と緑もたっぷり!大都会の真ん中で森林浴が楽しめるのです。 日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介まとめ 新宿で歴史や文化を感じたい人は新宿三丁目周辺がおすすめスポットです。 落語小屋や能楽堂、美術館、新宿ピカデリーなどの映画館などが楽しめます。 新宿では古くから伝わる伝統のお祭りも開催され、日本の古き良き時代も感じることのできる街です。 歴史と現代が交錯する大都会新宿の魅力を動画でご堪能ください。 -
Video article 7:39
Scuba Diving and Other Things to Do on Okinawa's Miyako Island! Enjoy Beautiful, Maze-Like Sea Caves, Mystical Underwater Worlds, and Sandy Beaches!
Things to Do Living Things Travel- 110 plays
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Popular Scuba Diving Spots in the Sea of Miyako Island (Miyakojima): Video Introduction This video, titled "The Unbelievably Beautiful Diving in Miyako Island" (宮古島のダイビングがありえないほど綺麗な件), was uploaded by Ldive, a scuba diving specialty store located in the Nagoya area of Aichi prefecture. In the video, you can explore maze-like caves that will make you feel like an explorer and the fantastical blue light illuminates them. The video captures what it feels like to go scuba diving, with encounters with sea creatures, the sound of divers breathing, and the changing colors of the sea as light filters down. Be sure to enjoy the video as you read on. Miyako Island, a Great Place for Scuba Diving in Okinawa, Japan Photo:A diver Miyako Island, located approximately 300km southwest of the main island of Okinawa, between the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea, is a popular destination for scuba diving. The island is surrounded by several smaller islands, including Irabu Island, Tarama Island, and Shimoji Island. It has a subtropical maritime climate that is warm, hot, and humid throughout the four seasons. Most of the strata are Ryukyu limestone from uplifted coral reefs, formed by overlapping blocks of sandstone and mud slabs. The entire island has an almost flat, low plateau-like landscape. The area around Hirara Port, a 15-minute drive from the airport, has accommodations, restaurants, and dive stores, making it a convenient spot for sightseeing on the island. A rental car is recommended for sightseeing. However, sightseeing cabs and local buses are also available to take you to popular sightseeing spots. Miyako Island and Ishigaki Island are the most popular remote islands in Okinawa. However, if you want to take your time to enjoy the water, we recommend Miyako Island, with its many attractive scuba diving sites. The West Coast of Shimoji Island: A Popular Spot for Scuba Diving Photo:Cave diving on Miyako Island One of the characteristics of Miyako Island's diving spots is the abundance of caves. Some caves are so narrow that only one person can pass through and there are also places where it is pitch black without an underwater light. The darkness of the caves is what makes the blue light that filters through the openings even more incredible. The blue light and the bubbles exhaled by the divers create a fantastic scene. Be sure to check it out in the video. [Video] 3:00 - A Narrow Cave [Video] 3:50 - A Diver and the Mystical Blue Light In the video, you can also see various encounters with sea creatures and other moments that can only be experienced while scuba diving. The Palace of the Demon King is a popular spot among divers, with its structure resembling a labyrinth with three rooms connected by corridors. The light that filters through the opening and into the corridor 25 meters deep makes it seem like an underwater palace. [Video] 4:40 - Encounters with Marine Life [Video] 6:42 - Encounters with Marine Life [Video] 7:26 - Encounters with Marine Life Toriike Pond, a Natural Monument Known as the 'Dragon's Eye' Photo:Toriike Pond, Miyako, Island Toriike Pond, often called 'The Dragon's Eye" is a National Place of Scenic Beauty and a Natural Monument. The two ponds are connected via an underground cave, with the pond on the west side being connected to the ocean. There is also a nearby mini-grotto, which is said to have incredibly beautiful water. In addition to these, there are other popular diving spots such as "Antonio Gaudi" with artistic overlapping arches that change depending on the angle from which they are viewed, is also located nearby. "Nakanoshima Hall" has a fantastic view of blue light pouring straight down through a series of vertical caverns to a depth of approximately 25 meters. Another popular dive site is "Marine Lake," where you can see a long cave and a view of strong sunlight that shines into the cave like a laser beam. Irabu Bridge and the Scuba Diving Sites of Irabu Island That Await You Photo:Irabu Island, Okinawa Irabu Bridge, which connects the main island of Miyakojima and Irabu Island, offers beautiful scenery surrounded by the blue seas and skies. Beyond that, Irabu Island is also dotted with popular diving sites. Blue Cave, is a mysterious cave glowing with blue light located on the north side of Irabu Island, where you can see colorful coral and schools of tropical fish. Near Blue Cave, there is also Cross Hole, which is said to be the most beautiful place on Irabu Island. "Shiratori Kindergarten," uniquely named because of the large number of juvenile fish there, and "Snake Hole," where fog is generated due to waves and manta rays often pass by in early spring, are also popular dive sites with many attractions. Scuba Diving Tours to Popular Points on Miyako Island Photo:A woman diving There are various types of diving tours available, including tours that include free rental of equipment such as underwater cameras, underwater lights, and dive computers, tours that include round-trip airfare, lodging, and diving, tours that include rental cars, tours that include box lunches made from local ingredients, and tours that include free photos as a gift. There are two types of scuba diving: experience diving, in which beginners can participate, and fun diving, in which only licensed divers (C-card holders) can participate. The experience diving course for beginners includes basic training, such as how to breathe, how to remove pressure in ears, how to handle equipment, and hand signs (hand signals), and you can also enjoy a walk underwater with a guide or instructor. The popular diving license acquisition course includes a plan that allows you to stay at a hotel with a diving store attached to it, and is recommended for those who want to acquire a license in a short period of time (2 to 3 days). Miyako Blue: The Beautiful Waters of Miyako Island Photo:Coral reefs at Yabiji, Miyako Island Miyako Island has many breathtaking spots where you can enjoy its beautiful waters which have been dubbed "Miyako Blue." ●Yabiji Yabiji is Japan's largest coral reef group, consisting of over 100 large and small coral reefs. Known as the Great Barrier Reef of Japan, it's a popular spot where you can see vibrant coral, tropical fish, and sea turtles in the emerald green sea. ●Yonaha Maehama Beach Yonaha Maehama Beach is a 7km long stretch of white sandy beach and is said to be the most beautiful sea in the East. The sea is a gradient of emerald green to deep blue, and is especially beautiful at sunset. ●Cape Higashi-Hennazaki Located at the easternmost point of Miyako Island, sits the approximately 2km beautiful cape of Higashi-Hennazaki. It offers a panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean to the south and the East China Sea to the north, and it has been designated as a Place of Scenic Beauty. Other popular spots include the Sunayama Beach, known for its fine powdery snow-like sand and rock arches formed via erosion from waves, as well as Irabu Island's Triangulation Point, where you can enjoy a beautiful view of Miyako Blue from a 70-meter cliff. Traditional Crafts, Delicious Food, and One-Of-A-Kind Souvenirs on Miyako Island Photo:Miyako Soba (Soki Soba), Okinawa Miyako Island is known for its unique cuisine and traditional crafts that are popular as souvenirs. Miyako Island's gourmet foods include Miyako soba, which is Okinawa soba that originated on Miyako Island, Miyako beef, which must be raised on the island for at least 15 months, Miyako adzuki a traditional vegetable, and Doug's Burger," made with yellow fin tuna from Miyako Island and Japanese black beef from Tarama Island. Other popular products include ripe mangoes with a perfect balance of sugar, acidity, and flavor, chunky sweet and sour island bananas, and additive-free pure brown sugar made from nutrient-rich sugarcane. The Miyakojima City Traditional Crafts Center sells various items and hosts tours where visitors can experience traditional Miyako Island crafts, such as Miyako Jofu, a traditional textile which is woven with threads made from fibers of the ramie plant, Miyako-ori, a hand-woven fabric made using cotton for the warp and spun ramie fibers for the weft, and Miyako-asaori, in which hemp is used both for the warp and weft. Other Things to Do on Miyako Island (Miyakojima) Besides the beaches and scuba diving, there are a variety of other things you can do on Miyako Island. It's recommended that you stay for at least two days to see everything the island has to offer. Here are a few places we recommend checking out when visiting the island. Miyako Shrine Miyako Shrine, built in 1590, is the southernmost shrine in Japan (as a shrine under the comprehensive administration of the Jinja Honcho or Association of Shinto Shrines). The shrine has a unique architecture and color that can't be found in other shrines in Japan, and is great for taking photos and exploring the history and culture of Miyako Island. Hours: Open 24 hours Admission Fee: Free Seasah Story Shisa are mythical lion-dogs found in Okinawan mythology. Seasah Story is a shop that specializes in shisa statues. There are all sorts of unique shisa that can be seen and purchased inside the store. It's a great place to go for souvenirs! Hours: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Taragawa Brewery Taragawa Brewery has been brewing awamori, a strong alcoholic beverage unique to Okinawa, for more than 70 years. The brewery also has a unique method for storing awamori in a 60-meter-longcave located 5 meters underground. You can take a tour of the brewery and even purchase your own awamori at the end. Hours (Tours): 11:00 am, 1:30 pm, 3:00 pm. Each tour is 45 minutes to an hour long. Admission Fee: Free How to Get To Miyako Island (Miyakojima) Despite being technically a part of Okinawa, Miyako Island is located quite a ways south of Okinawa. Because of this, the only way to get to the island is via plane. From Tokyo, you can take a 3-hour flight from either Haneda Airport or Narita Airport. From Naha, Okinawa, you can take a 50-minute flight to directly to Miyako Airport. From Osaka, it's a 2 hour and 15 minute flight from Kansai International Airport. Summary of Miyako Island, a Place Dotted With Popular Scuba Diving Spots The maze of caves and the underwater world with blue light pouring in from the surface, makes diving on Miyakojima a one-of-a-kind experience. The fantastic caves will make you feel like an explorer as you encounter all sorts of fascinating marine life. We hope that watching the video and reading this article has you interested in a trip to Miyakojima! 【Trip Advisor】Miyako Island (Miyakojima) https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g680765-Miyakojima_Okinawa_Prefecture-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:06
Tokyo Tower “333 Koi Noboris” in Minato-ku, Tokyo is an annual event to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival! Watch the video to see the spectacular sight of brightly colored carp streamers swimming in the urban sky!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 183 plays
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Tokyo Tower's 333 Koinobori: Video Introduction This video, titled "Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers" (東京タワー 333匹のこいのぼり), was uploaded by "Tokyo Tower Official Channel." Koinobori, or carp streamers, are a springtime tradition in Japan. They are displayed all over the country to wish for the healthy growth of children, just like the strong and sturdy carp of legend. Carp streamers (鯉のぼり, koinobori) used to be hung outside of houses with children, but in recent years, due to changes in housing conditions, fewer and fewer people decorate their homes with them. Tokyo Tower, located in Minato, Tokyo in Japan's Kanto region, also holds an annual spring event called "333 Carp Streamers" to celebrate Children's Day. In honor of Tokyo Tower's 333-meter height, 333 colorful carp streamers and a giant 6-meter-long "Sanmanobori" (Pacific Saury streamer) are flown in front of the main entrance on the first floor of Tokyo Tower, colorfully decorating the foot of the tower. The spectacle of so many carp streamers blowing in the wind and swimming in the sky at once is a sight to behold. [Video] 0:13 - Tokyo Tower and 333 Carp Streamers Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers – The History of the Event and the Reason For the Large Pacific Saury Streamer Photo:Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers, a spring event at Tokyo Tower Tokyo Tower, a well-known symbol of Tokyo, is a former Japanese radio tower that was opened in December of 1958. At 333 meters tall, it was the world's tallest freestanding steel tower, surpassing the 312-meter Eiffel Tower in Paris. In 2011, Tokyo Tower handed over its role as a radio tower to Tokyo Sky Tree, but it continues to be loved as a symbol of Tokyo for its design and nostalgia. Located in Minato, the heart of Tokyo, Tokyo Tower's observation deck offers a panoramic view of the city of Tokyo. Various events and light ups are held throughout the year, making it a great tourist attraction for families and even couples. The Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers is an annual spring event at Tokyo Tower that began in 2009. During the event, 333 brightly colored carp streamers and giant sanmanobori (Pacific Saury streamer) are displayed at the foot of the tower to symbolize the tower's 333-meter height. The sanmanobori were first displayed in April 2011 as a symbol of support for those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, who had forged friendships with one another through the Sanriku Ofunato Tokyo Tower Sanma Festival. Since then, the 6-meter-long pacific saury streamer from Ofunato, Iwate, has been displayed every year as a symbol to encourage the recovery of the area. If you visit Tokyo Tower for the event, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the large pacific saury swimming with the carp streamers. [Video] 0:30 - The Pacific Saury Streamer Highlights of Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers Light-Up Event! Photo:Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers lit up Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers is a popular event for its photogenic views. Families and camera enthusiasts visit from all over to take pictures of Tokyo Tower together with the carp streamers during spring. Tokyo Tower is also illuminated at night. The tower under the blue sky is beautiful enough, but when it's lit up at night, it's simply marvelous! During Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers festival every year, the carp streamers are also lit up fantastically with Tokyo Tower. The composition of Tokyo Tower and carp streamers from below makes for some incredible photos. It's also great for visitors who come during the late afternoon. How long will the "333 Carp Streamers" be held in 2024? Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers event is usually held from early April to early May, In 2023, the "333 Carp Streamers" took place from March 24 to May 7; in 2024, it will be held from March 20 to May 6. Taking photos of your kids with the carp streamers at Tokyo Tower is a great way to celebrate Children's Day on May 5! Other Events at Tokyo Tower Photo:Tokyo Tower's outer staircase Tokyo Tower hosts a number of exciting events like Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers. One event in particular is the "Open-air Outdoor Stairs Walk," which is a great way to enjoy Tokyo Tower to the fullest. Normally limited to Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, Tokyo Tower's famous 600-step staircase, which rises 150 meters into the sky, is open to the public every day during the event. 600 steps may sound daunting, but it takes an adult about 12 to 13 minutes to climb the stairs, and a child can complete the climb in about 15 minutes. There are also quizzes from the Noppon Brothers (the Tokyo Tower mascots) displayed along the climb, and there's even a Noppon Approved Stair Climbing Certificate waiting for you at the end, which cannot be purchased regularly. Ascending Tokyo Tower on your own, step by step, while enjoying the pleasant breeze and a view of Tokyo, is a unique and precious experience that you can't experience anywhere else! The tower is also brilliant when illuminated at night. The Open-air Outdoor Stairs Walk event has been extended due to its popularity, so be sure to check it out. How to Get to Tokyo Tower, Plus Admission Fees & Hours There are a number of ways to get to Tokyo Tower. Here, we'll introduce a few. A 5-minute walk from Akabanebashi Station via the Metropolitan Subway Oeda Line. A 15-minute walk from Hamamatsucho Station via JR lines. A 1-minute walk from the Tokyo Tower Bus Stop via Tokyu Bus from Tokyo Station (Approximately 30 minutes). This is likely the simplest way to get to Tokyo Tower if you're at Tokyo Station. Hours: Main Deck (150m) 9:00 am - 10:30 pm (Last admission 10:00 pm) Top Deck Tour (150m & 250m) 9:00 pm - 10:15 pm (Last Tour 9:30 pm - 9:45 pm) Admission Fees: Adults (Main Deck): 1,200 yen, Adults (Top Deck Tour): 2,800 yen (Online), 3,000 yen (Ticket counter) High school students (Main Deck): 1,000 yen, High school students (Top Deck Tour): 2,600 yen (Online), 2,800 yen (Ticket counter) Junior high school students (Main Deck): 700 yen, Junior high school students (Top Deck Tour): 1,800 yen (Online), 2,000 yen (Ticket counter) Children (Main Deck): 500 yen, Children (Top Deck Tour): 1,200 yen (Online), 1,400 yen (Ticket counter) Be sure to check out the official website for more details. Summary of Tokyo Tower's Koinobori Tokyo Tower's 333 Carp Streamers is a well-known springtime tradition. The collaboration of Tokyo Tower and the carp streamers is a must-see and can only be seen during spring. Consider a visit to Tokyo Tower this spring to see 333 colorful carp streamers and one giant 6-meter-long pacific saury streamer swimming powerfully in the heart of Tokyo! 【Official Website】Tokyo Tower 【TripAdvisor】Tokyo Tower -
Video article 5:25
Hinamatsuri & Other Things to Do in Futami, Mie in Spring! Video of the Traditional Japanese Festival + More
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 68 plays
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Video Introduction of “Ohinasama Tour in Futami” in Ise City, Mie Prefecture This video, titled "Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival) in Futami, Ise, Mie" (Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival) ひな祭り「おひなさまめぐり in 二見」三重県伊勢市), was uploaded by "Discover Nippon." What Is Hinamatsuri + A Brief Introduction to Mie Prefecture Hinamatsuri, also known as Girls' Day, is a traditional Japanese event/festival to celebrate the health and happiness of girls that takes place on March 3rd each year in Japan. The festivals generally feature dolls (called 'hina') dressed up in kimono, along with decorations, such as peach and cherry blossoms. During Hinamatsuri, the dolls are placed on a platform called a "Hina-dan," which generally features 7 tiers of dolls and a red cloth covering. The dolls used in Hinamatsuri can often be quite expensive, but they are more commonly handed down from the grandparents of the child as heirlooms when the baby is born. Common foods eaten during Hinamatsuri include different types of sushi, amazake (a type of sake with little or no alcohol content), mochi, etc. Mie Prefecture is located in southern Honshu, Japan's main island. It shares borders with Kyoto, Nara, Wakayama, Gifu, Shiga, and Aichi Prefectures, as well as the sea, allowing for it to have a thriving fishing industry. Mie is home to a number of attractions, including various shrines, the most famous of which is Ise Grand Shrine. Each year in Futami, Mie, where Futamiura, a National Site of Scenic Beauty famous for Meoto-iwa (夫婦岩, lit. "Wedded Rocks"), a pair of sacred rocks said to represent a married couple, is located, a Hinamatsuri festival is held. Approximately 1,500 hina dolls are displayed at Hinjitsukan, a historic building that once served as lodging for distinguished guests. Enjoy the historic, museum-like building and the various Hina dolls displayed there in the video. How Hinamatsuri is Celebrated in Futami, Mie Photo:Hina dolls The Hinamatsuri festival is held annually for about a month from February to March in the Futamiura area centering on the Meoto-iwa. The first Hinamatsuri festival in Futami was held by local volunteers in order to revitalize tourism in the area, which had been experiencing a decline due to aging facilities and changes in transportation. During the event period, visitors can see Hinamatsuri decorations everywhere, including public facilities, inns, restaurants, souvenir stores, and even in the yards of ordinary houses. There are many elaborate exhibits and plenty of things to see! The Hinamatsuri festival in Futami also offers workshops and events for visitors to enjoy Hinamatsuri and has become a spring tradition that many people participate in. What are the dates and highlights of the 2024 Ohinasama Meguri in Futami? The 20th Ohinasama Meguri in Futami was held from February 4 to March 5 in 2023, and will be held from February 4 to March 10 in 2024 in Futami-machi, Ise City, Mie Prefecture, in the Futamiura area. Since the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.), Futamiura has been visited by many people as a place to purify oneself before visiting Ise Grand Shrine. During the event, Hina dolls will be displayed at the traditional Japanese-style inns along the Meoto-iwa approach to the inns. At the Futami Lifelong Learning Center (二見生涯学習センター, Futami Shogai Gakushu Senta), visitors can enjoy all sorts of popular Hinamatsuri decorations. You can enjoy the creative display in collaboration with Hinjitsukan. There are approximately 1500 priceless Edo period hina doll decorations and creative hina dolls on display at Hinjitsukan! The hina dolls depicting nobles sitting in the palace are really something else. [Video] 1:11 - Splendid Hina Doll Decorations Next, we'll take a look at Hinjitsukan, one of the exhibition halls during the Hinamatsuri festival of Futami, Mie. Unique Events at Hinjitsukan, a Guest House Turned Museum Photo:Hinjitsukan in Futami, Mie During the 20th Hinamatsuri festival in Futami, special exhibitions, workshops, and events are planned to take place at Hinjitsukan, an Important Cultural Property of Japan. The interior of the museum has a historic atmosphere, with gorgeous dolls from the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.) to the Showa period (1926-1989 A.D.) displayed in various places. There are also a number of dolls and decorations with unique designs. Visitors can take their time to appreciate the unique hina dolls here. [Video] 2:22 - Unique Hina Doll Displays The theme for 2023 was "Nostalgic School Trips," and the theme for 2024 will be "Futami no Shinji" (the Shinto rituals of Futami), with exhibits depicting the "Mogari Shinji," "vegetable and fruit cultivation at Jingu Gyoen," and "hard salt production at Goshiohama and Goshioyakijo" with hina dolls. There are also workshops offering a pearl hina doll-making experience that both children and adults alike can enjoy. On weekends, there will be various events, such as gospel concerts, erhu (Chinese violin), koto, and shakuhachi (bamboo flute) performances, rakugo (comedic Japanese storytelling), magic shows, and more. Kimono Rental Experiences and Discounts for Wearing Them! Guests who visit Hinjitsukan while wearing kimono on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays during the Hinamatsuri festival will be admitted free of charge! On days with free admission for those wearing kimono, there will be a matcha (powdered green tea) ceremony as well, and you can enjoy tea while viewing the strolling garden. [Video] 0:22 - Hinjitsukan, an Important Cultural Property of Japan Summary of Hinamtasuri in Futami, Mie Photo:The Meoto-iwa at Futami Okitama Shrine The Hinamatsuri festival of Futami, Mie started as a way to revitalize the community of Futami, and is now a springtime tradition and event enjoyed by many people in Futamiura. If you come to Mie, Japan for sightseeing during the spring, we definitely recommend coming by and enjoying a kimono rental experience while enjoying the attractions in the area. From JR Futamiura Station to the Meoto-iwa and Futami Okitama Shrine, it's about 10-15 minutes walking. This is a great chance to experience Japanese culture and traditions and see unique hina doll decorations you won't find in other parts of Japan. There's also a stamp rally that visitors can complete to receive a commemorative gift, providing another enjoyable way to tour the area. There are also restaurants serving special foods unique to Hinamatsuri that are only available during the festival. Enjoy Hinamatsuri in Mie, Japan with a sightseeing trip to Futamiura! ◆Hinjitsukan◆ 【Address】566-2 Futamicho Chaya, Ise, Mie 519-0609 【Hours】9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 【Closures】Tuesdays (If Tuesday is a national holiday, closed the following day) 【Admission Fee】Adults: 310 yen, Children (elementary, junior high, high school): 150 yen ※During the Hinamatsuri festival: Adults: 400 yen, children: 200 yen 【Parking】None 【Access】Nearest station: An approximately 12-minute walk from Futamiura Station via the JR Sangu Line 【TripAdvisor】Hinjitsukan -
Video article 5:56
Cherry blossoms in full bloom in winter at Hirosaki Park, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture? Video of the "Winter Blooming Cherry Blossoms Light-up" with beautiful shimmering pink. Seasonal light-up information is also introduced.
Festivals & Events Nature Travel- 304 plays
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Hirosaki Park, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture "Winter Blooming Sakura Light-up" Video Introduction This video, titled "【4K】2022 Hirosaki Park 'Sakura Illumination Blooming in Winter'" (2022年 弘前公園「冬に咲くさくらライトアップ」【4K】 2022 Hirosaki Park 'Sakura Illumination Blooming in Winter), was uploaded by "TheEAGLEBOM." Did you know that you can see cherry blossoms blooming in the snow? We hope you'll enjoy these winter cherry blossoms filmed at night at Hirosaki Park, located in Hirosaki, Aomori, in Japan's Tohoku region. Snow piles up on the cherry blossoms, which are imbued with a light pink hue. It truly looks as though these cherry blossoms are actually in full bloom. The snow gathering on the river's surface is reminiscent of cherry blossoms floating on the surface of the water, and stretches out like a carpet of petals. Keep thoughts of spring in your mind as you enjoy this supremely breathtaking scenery, dyed in a heart-warming pink. [Video] 2:39 – Snow Floating on the Water Like Cherry Blossoms Hirosaki Park and Its Popular Winter Cherry Blossom Illumination Photo:The winter cherry blossoms illumination at Hirosaki Park What exactly are these season-defying winter cherry blossoms? Well, in reality, this winter cherry blossom illumination makes use of the fact that snow accumulated on the branches of cherry trees makes it look like the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. This illumination event takes place during winter at Hirosaki Park, in Hirosaki, Aomori. The inspiration for the event came from a single photo taken by a member of the regional development team. The photo caused a stir on social media, with commenters unable to tell whether it was taken in spring or winter. The event carries with it the feelings of Hirosaki citizens who long to see the warming views of cherry blossoms in the cold of winter. Illuminated in pink in the moat surrounding Hirosaki Park, the subtle coloring almost makes it look as if the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and help onlookers to forget about the cold weather. To see the cherry blossoms, you'll need to arrive the same day the snow settles on the branches. The best days to see the cherry blossoms are on days when it snows heavily and it's not too cold or windy. [Video] 0:53 – What Inspired the Illuminations? What are the duration and hours of the Winter 2023-2024 "Winter Blooming Sakura Light-up"? Photo:Weeping cherry blossoms of snow at Hirosaki Park Winter 2023 will be held as follows.I hope you have a heartwarming time with your lover, family, and loved ones. The recommended time to visit the cherry blossom light-up in winter is from late December to mid-February. [Period] December 1, 2023 - February 29, 2024 *The lights may be turned off from December 1st to 7th due to equipment adjustment. [Lighting time] Sunset to 21:00 *Extended from December 22nd to January 3rd, and from February 9th to 14th until 23:00 [Parking] Hirosaki City Tourist Hall/Underground Parking Lot (24 hours in and out) 2-1 Shimo-Shirogane-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (Otemon/Hirosaki City Hall Headquarters Soba) *Parking is free for one hour [Parking] Hirosaki City Tourist Hall/Underground Parking Lot (24 hours in and out) 2-1 Shimo-Shirogane-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (Otemon, near Hirosaki City Hall headquarters building) *1 hour free parking Hirosaki City Hall (7:00~21:30) 1-1 Kamishiroganmachi, Hirosaki City (Otemon soba) *1 hour free parking *Please note that you cannot leave the warehouse after 21:30 just before lighting up ends Outair Motoko-cho (24-hour entry and exit allowed) 2 Motoko-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (near the main building of Hirosaki City Hall, Otemon) Springtime at Hirosaki Park – Spectacular Cherry Blossom Illuminations! Photo:Hirosaki Park cherry blossom illumination, Aomori Prefecture From the end of April and throughout Golden Week (a period of around one week at the end of April/beginning of May containing a number of Japanese national holidays), Hirosaki Park hosts the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival" (弘前さくらまつり, hirosaki sakura matsuri), timed to coincide with the cherry blossom season. This cherry blossoms festival at Hirosaki Castle has been touted by some as the best in Japan. The rooftop of Hirosaki City Hall - usually inaccessible to the public - is opened up, and the festival receives over 2 million visitors each year. While the location of the "cherry blossoms heart" popular on Japanese social media is sadly not in the public domain, we hear that there will be heart shaped tree stumps placed to lead you in the right direction. Be sure to keep an eye out for it as you explore the park! What's more, during the cherry blossoms festival there's a special train linking Hirosaki to other famous cherry blossoms spots around Japan's northern Tohoku region. Why not take a ride and go on a tour to view the cherry blossoms? [Cherry blossoms Festival Opening Dates] Late March–Early May (Generally held to coincide with the blooming of the cherry blossoms) [Hours] Special nighttime lighting (illuminations): Sundown – 8:30 p.m. ※Subject to change depending on cherry blossom blooming conditions. The Colorful Autumn Illuminations of Hirosaki Park Are a Must-See as Well! Photo:Hirosaki Park's autumn illumination In the fall, the autumn leaves that have for so long added a touch of color to Hirosaki Castle, the symbol of this ancient Japanese city, are brightly illuminated. The elegant lights, which are as beautiful as any other seasonal light up, are sure to impress. While enjoying the various events and stalls, visitors can catch a glimpse of Hirosaki's history by viewing the old castle in its colorful autumn attire and the autumn leaves adorning the castle walls. [Hirosaki Castle Chrysanthemum and Autumn Leaves Festival Dates] Late October–Early November [Hours] Sundown – 8:00 p.m. And as the 1000 Japanese maples and 2600 cherry blossom trees take on the colors of fall, make sure you don't forget to check out the giant 300-year-old ginkgo tree, "Neagari Icho" (lit. lifted-root ginkgo, so named for its exposed roots). Hirosaki Park Illuminations: Roundup With illumination events in each season, Hirosaki Park, located at Hirosaki Castle, a symbol of the historical Japanese city, adds a layer of excitement to the beauty of its bountiful nature. This place deserves a spot in any travel itinerary, no matter the season, as it's one of the most popular places to visit in Japan's Tohoku region. Take your family, friends, or loved one with you, and breathe in the history in this vast park! ◆Hirosaki Park◆ 【Address】1 Shimoshirogane-cho, Hirosaki, Aomori 【Admission Fee (for paid areas)】 [Hirosaki Castle center/northern section] Adults: ¥320 | Children: ¥100 [Hirosaki Castle Botanical Garden] Adults: ¥320 | Children: ¥100 [Discount bundle tickets for the above areas] Adults: ¥520 | Children: ¥160 【Hours】Please check the official website for opening times for paid areas. 【Access】 On foot from Hirosaki Station (弘前駅, hirosaki-eki): Around 30 minutes Taxi from Hirosaki Station: Around 10 minutes From Hirosaki Station by bus: 4 minutes on foot when disembarking from the City Hall (市役所前, shiyakushomae) 【TripAdvisor】Hirosaki Park -
Video article 3:45
Wakakusa Yamayaki is a winter feature of Nara!A thorough explanation of everything from viewing spots to history!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 152 plays
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Wakakusa Yamayaki: Video Introduction This video, titled "'Yamayaki' Mountain Burning and Fireworks at a Traditional Winter Event on Mt. Wakakusa, Nara" (冬の風物詩・奈良の伝統行事『若草山焼き』:『Yamayaki』Mountain Burning and Fireworks at Mt.Wakakusa in Nara), was uploaded by "Nara Tourism Concierge JUN" (奈良観光コンシェルジュ JUN). Wakakusa Yamayaki is a traditional winter event held on Mt. Wakakusa in Nara city, Nara prefecture, as a requiem for the souls of the deceased that rest in Uguisuzuka Kofun (Uguisuzuka Tumulus), a keyhole-shaped burial mound located on the summit of Mt. Wakakusa. Today, the three major temples and shrines in Nara, Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Kofukuji Temple, and Todaiji Temple, unite to hold this event to repose the souls of our ancestors, to pray for protection of the entire Nara area from fire, and to wish for the peace of people all over the world. Wakakusa Yamayaki takes place on the fourth Saturday of January every year, and many tourists come to Nara to watch to see the both the event and the fireworks show. Amidst the solemn atmosphere, the night sky of the ancient capital of Nara is decorated with fireworks and roaring flames, and the sight of the mountains rising up in the darkness is truly divine. Be sure to check out the amazing footage in the video before reading along. [Video] 0:53 - Wakakusa Yamayaki [Video] 1:50 - Wakakusa Yamayaki [Video] 2:55 - Wakakusa Yamayaki Mt. Wakakusa Highlights and Characteristics Photo:A deer on Mt. Wakakusa, Nara Prefecture Mt. Wakakusa is a famous tourist spot and a symbol of Nara. It is a small, gently sloping mountain 342 meters above sea level with an expanse of grass called "Noshiba." The mountain is also referred to as "Uguisuyama" due to the presence of the large keyhole-shaped tumulus Uguisuzuka Kofun, and "Mikasayama" (三笠山, lit. "Mountain of three hats") because it looks like three kasa (straw hats) stacked on top of each other. The mountain is also home to many deer. The summit provides a panoramic view of Nara Park and the city of Nara, and the night view of Nara from the top of the mountain has been recognized as one of the Top 3 Night Views of New Japan because of its beauty. When the mountain is open to the public, visitors can enjoy a 30-minute climb to the summit. The mountain is home to cherry blossoms, autumn leaves, and mountain burnings, offering beautiful views in every season. Wakakusa Yamayaki, a fire festival that signals a visit from spring, is popular among Nara residents and tourists alike as a wintertime tradition in Nara.It is held on the fourth Saturday of January each year, with the 2024 event scheduled for January 27. The History and Significance of Wakakusa Yamayaki Photo:Uguisuzuka Kofun, Mt. Wakakusa Wakakusa Yamayaki originated as a festival to appease the spirits buried in Uguisuzuka Kofun at the top of Mt. Wakakusa. People in the past feared that ghosts buried in Uguisuzuka Kofun would appear, so they decided to burn the mountain to prevent ghosts from appearing. From there, superstition spread that bad things would happen if Mt. Wakakusa was not burned, and there have been many incidents of people passing by the mountain setting it on fire without permission. In December 1738, the Nara Magistrate's Office issued an ordinance banning arson on Mt. Wakakusa, but even still it continued, and nearby temples and shrines, including Todaiji Temple, a famous World Heritage site, were in danger of catching fire. As a result, toward the end of the Edo period (approx. 1853 to 1868 A.D.), Todaiji Temple, Kofukuji Temple, and the Nara Magistrate's Office, all of which are located near Mt. Wakakusa, began to cooperate in the burning of the mountain. Today, the Shinto and Buddhist traditions of Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Kofukuji Temple, and Todaiji Temple work together to conduct this traditional event, which is meant to repose and comfort the souls of the dead, prevent fires throughout Nara, and pray for the peace of people around the world. Where to See Wakakusa Yamayaki and Fireworks Photo:Wakakusa Yamayaki, Nara Prefecture One of the reasons why Wakakusa Yamayaki is so popular is that visitors can enjoy fireworks in winter. During Wakakusa Yamayaki, a large fireworks display is held with beautiful midwinter night sky. Once the fireworks start, the mountain is ignited simultaneously. Among the fireworks, there's Nara Prefecture's specialty "shakudama." This massive firework, with a one-foot diameter, measures 320 meters in diameter when it explodes, making it one of the most powerful fireworks in Nara Prefecture and heightening the anticipation for the Wakakusa Yamayaki fireworks display. [Video] 0:25 -Fireworks [Video] 1:22 - Fireworks [Video] 2:18 - Fireworks [Video] 3:01 - Fireworks Here, we'll introduce viewing spots where you can enjoy both the fireworks and the Wakakusa Yamayaki mountain burning. ●Daibutsuden Intersection (Ukigumo Enchi) At the Daibutsuden Intersection in front of Ukigumo Enchi (Ukigumo Park, 浮雲園地) and by the Daibutsuden Kasuga Taisha-mae Bus Information Center (大仏殿 春日大社前バス案内所, Daibutsuden Kasuga Taisha-mae Basu Annaijo), visitors can enjoy a nice view of Wakakusa Yamayaki. There's a bus stop and a parking lot as well, making this a popular spot for viewing the event. ●Kasugano Enchi Kasugano Enchi (Kasugano Park, 春日野園地) is a grassy open space located near the Daibutsuden Intersection. It's a spacious location where visitors can enjoy the fireworks and Wakakusa Yamayaki with an outstanding view. For details on traffic regulations, etc., please check the official website for the latest information before you go. Other viewing spots are as follows: ●Sarusawa Pond Sarusawa Pond (猿沢池, Sarusawa-ike) is a good spot to enjoy fireworks under the five-story pagoda of Kofukuji Temple. Although you have to climb up the hill to the five-story pagoda of Kofukuji to see the fireworks, you can take pictures of the five-story pagoda illuminated by the fireworks and the flames from Wakakusa Yamayaki. ●Rooftop of Nara Prefectural Office The rooftop of the Nara Prefectural Office Building (奈良県庁屋上, Nara Kencho Okujo) is open to the public on the day of Wakakusa Yamayaki. There is a lottery system in place to select viewers, so you need to apply in advance, but if you win, you can enjoy a relaxing view from the rooftop of the Nara Prefectural Office Building. ●Heijo Palace At Heijo Palace, visitors can enjoy a fantastic collaboration of Suzakumon Gate, fireworks, and the burning mountainside. The romantic view from here is recommended for dates. Wakakusa Yamayaki will be streamed live on YouTube, so if you're unable to make the event, consider watching it from the comfort of your own home! Summary of Wakakusa Yamayaki Photo:Wakakusa Yamayaki, Nara Prefecture The sight of the flames spreading over Mt. Wakakusa, a symbol of the ancient capital of Nara, is unforgettable. The night sky becomes colored by the flames from Wakakusa Yamayaki and the fireworks that are set off just before the event, and you'll be able to enjoy the divine sight of the mountain emerging in the darkness. Come to Nara this winter and experience a visit from spring with a trip to Wakakusa Yamayaki. ◆Mt. Wakakusa◆ 【Address】469 Zoshi-cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture 【Mountain Opening Period】The Third Saturday in March - Second Sunday in December 【Hours】9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Excluding temporary openings of the mountain) 【Admission Fee】Adults (Junior high school, high school, and college students) ¥150, Elementary school students ¥80 【Access】A 12-minute walk from the Daibutsuden Kasuga Taisha-mae bus stop by city loop bus from JR Nara Station or Kintetsu Nara Station. Car: Nara Okuyama Driveway's "Shin-Wakakusa Mountain Course" (新若草山コース, Shin-Wakakusa Yama Kosu) 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Wakakusa -
Video article 2:54
Setsubun Matsuri” at Yoshida Shrine, Kyoto, Japan, Enjoy the video of the Tsuina Ceremony ‘Oniyarai’! Highlights of the festival!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 236 plays
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Video Introduction of “Setsubun Matsuri” at Yoshida Shrine in Kyoto This video, titled "Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival, Kyoto, 2016|Demon Exorcising Ritual (Oniyarai)" (京都 吉田神社 節分祭2016 追儺式(鬼やらい)), was uploaded by "Kyo-yumoto Hatoya Zuihokaku" (京湯元ハトヤ瑞鳳閣). Every year, a Setsubun Festival is held at Yoshida Shrine in Sakyo, Kyoto, in Japan's Kansai region. In this video, you can see the traditional event "Oniyarai," a ritual to drive away demons that has been passed down for many years. Three oni (demons), blue, red and yellow, rush into the shrine grounds, shouting and scaring the shrine-goers. This is followed by spear and shield-wielding officials valiantly driving away the demons. Children attending the festival sometimes even cry at the terrifying sight of the demons. The powerful performance with the demons is a must-see! [Video] 1:17 - The Vigorous Red Oni The History and Benefits of Yoshida Shrine, Kyoto Photo:A torii gate at Yoshida Shrine, Kyoto Yoshida Shrine, located in Sakyo, Kyoto, is famous for its traditional wedding ceremonies and for warding off bad luck. The shrine is located at the foot of Mt. Yoshida, right next to Kyoto University's Yoshida Campus, where beautiful autumn foliage can be seen in the fall. The history of Yoshida Shrine dates back to 859, when Fujiwara no Yamakage invited the four deities of Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara to serve as shrine deities. The four deities enshrined at the shrine are Takemikazuchi no Mikoto, Iwainushi no Mikoto, Amenokoyane no Mikoto, and Himegami, and are believed to ward off evil and bring good fortune. Various deities, including the god of cooking and the god of sweets, are enshrined in the shrine grounds, and many aspiring chefs and pastry chefs from all over Japan visit the shrine. The Setsubun Festival, a major event of faith and tradition in Kyoto since it began in the Muromachi Period (1336-1573 A.D.), attracts many tourists as well as locals. In this article, we'll introduce some of the highlights of Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival. Oniyarai, a Demon Exorcising Ritual at Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival Photo:Oniyarai The Tsuina Ceremony held every February 2nd at Yoshida Shrine is also called "Oniyarai." Setsubun is commonly associated with mamemaki (bean throwing), but at Yoshida Shrine, Oniyarai is the main attraction. In this ceremony, three oni (demons), red, blue, and yellow, are chased away by "Housoshi." The Housoshi, who wears a mask with four golden eyes, is a sorcerer with divine powers originating from China. Holding a shield and a halberd, he walks through the shrine to ward off evil spirits by striking the ground with the halberd and shouting loudly. Children who cry out loudly in fear of the oni are said to grow up healthy. Since actual oni are gentle, it is common to see them comforting children who cry. We recommend bringing a camera so you can take some awesome photos of the oni during the ceremony. [Video] 1:58 - Housoshi Driving Away the Oni When will Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival be held in 2024? Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival is scheduled to be held from February 2-4, 2024. The festival usually attracts around 500,000 visitors, and the shrine grounds are filled with crowds of people who come to pray for good luck and to receive the popular "fuku-mame," or lucky beans. The festival will feature 800 booths and food stands on the 2nd and 3rd, making it an exciting event. For three days from February 2nd to 4th, you can make a special visit to the Imperial Palace. Win Lucky Beans and Other Prizes at the Yoshida Shrine Lottery! The "Yaku-yoke Fukumame" (lucky beans to ward off bad luck) that come with lottery tickets are extremely popular each year. Those who purchasers the lucky beans are entered into a drawing for a chance to win a variety of prizes sponsored by a number of famous companies. The event has long been enjoyed by visitors to the shrine. Visitors are sure to be amazed by the luxurious prizes! The luck that comes with the lucky beans, which may bring you a car, electrical appliances, or other items, makes one's heart leap with excitement. Each bag of lucky beans is priced at 300 yen (~$2.30), and each bag comes with one raffle ticket. The lottery is usually held on February 4 at 1:00 p.m., and the winners will be announced simultaneously at the shrine grounds and on the website after February 5. The deadline for redeeming a lucky drawing is usually around February 20, so don't forget to redeem your prizes if you win! Summary of Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival Photo:Yoshida Shrine, Sakyo, Kyoto Yoshida Shrine has a temporary parking lot, but it is not available during the three days of the Setsubun Festival. There are several paid parking lots, but not many parking spaces are available, so you may have less trouble with congestion if you use public transportation. Please note that there will be extensive traffic restrictions in the surrounding area (from Yoshida Shrine to Higashi Ichijo Intersection (東一条交差点, Higashi Ichijo Kosaten)). Winter in Kyoto can be quite cold, so be sure to pack warm clothing for your visit. For those with small children, it's recommended that you visit the shrine during the daytime when there is less crowding. The three oni who are driven away during the Tsuina Ceremony walk around the shrine grounds and along the approach to the shrine during the daytime. It can be a bit scary, but you can only encounter the oni during the Setsubun Festival. It's sure to make for good memories. 【TripAdvisor】Yoshida Shrine -
Video article 9:16
Nagasaki Kunchi – Experience Suwa Shrine's Autumn Festival!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 103 plays
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Nagasaki Kunchi, an Autumn Festival of Suwa Shrine: Video Introduction Photo:A float at Nagasaki Kunchi, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture This video, titled "【8K UHD】Nagasaki-Kunchi Festival 8K (2018)" (【8K UHD】Nagasaki-Kunci Festival 8K / 長崎くんち(2018)), was uploaded by "8K Video Album." Nagasaki Kunchi, an autumn festival of Suwa Shrine in Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, located in Japan's Kyushu Region, is a traditional event that has been held for more than 380 years since the Edo period (1603-1868). For three days from October 7 every year, the town of Nagasaki is full of festivities! A number of unique dances are performed, gathering large audiences. Be sure to check out the video to see the dances at Nagasaki Kunchi and tourist attractions in the area, which attract crowds of people to Nagasaki each year. The History of Nagasaki Kunchi and Dances During the Festival Photo:A dragon dance at Nagasaki Kunchi, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture Nagasaki Kunchi is an autumn festival of Suwa Shrine in Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, held for three days from October 7 to October 9 each year. It's said that the festival began in 1634 when two women dedicated song and dance to the god of Suwa Shrine. For more than 380 years since then, these dances have been handed down by shrine parishioners of Nagasaki, and has been designated an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property by the government of Japan. The 58 towns in Nagasaki are divided into 7 groups, with each group dedicating a dance once every 7 years, and each town having their own unique performance. The festival features many attractions, including Japanese dance to the accompaniment of nagauta (traditional Japanese music played on the shamisen), dragon dances to the sound of exotic musical instruments, and powerful floats and bearers! The festival becomes even more exciting as the audience cheers in response to the various performances. Where to See the 2023 Nagasaki Kunchi Dance Performances Photo:A dragon dance at Nagasaki Kunchi, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture The 2023 Nagasaki Kunchi event will be held in Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, for three days from October 7 to 9, 2023. The dances and portable shrine procession were canceled for three years starting in 2020 due to the global pandemic, but the festival is finally back in 2023 and is expected to be even more exciting than usual! In 2023, just like previous years, there will be a number of dances and performances. For these, paid spectator seats will be set up at Suwa Shrine, Yasaka Shrine, the Otabisho, and the Central Park Kunchi viewing area. The performances can also be seen at the Niwasaki Mawari (dances performed for homes, businesses etc. to share good fortune) in the town center. Around the end of September, a map/schedule with the schedule of the Niwasaki Mawari will be distributed at various locations in the city. "Kokkodesho," a Highlight of Nagasaki Kunchi Photo:Kokkodesho at Nagasaki Kunchi, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture Nagasaki Kunchi, an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property designated as such by the government of Japan, features a number of performances, including "Kokkodesho." The following is an introduction to the performance. ●Kokkodesho "Kokkodesho" is a dynamic performance in which 36 performers carry a 1-ton palanquin, which 4 drummers ride on, vigorously throwing it into the air and catch it with one arm each. [Video] 5:32 - Kokkodesho ●Kujira no Shiofuki "Kujira no Shiofuki" is a performances based on whaling that occurred in the past. The whale-shaped float spews water 4 to 5 meters into the air and wildly rampages around. On the 9th, a whale (fake) caught in a net will be shown. ●Oranda Manzai "Oranda Manzai" is a votive dance in which performers dressed as Dutch men, and other performers with drums and dressed in yellow, dance to the accompaniment of "Minshingaku" (Ming and Qing period music popularized in Japan). ●Goshuinsen "Goshuinsen" is a votive dance based on the theme of the wedding of Araki Sotaro, a Nagasaki merchant, and a Vietnamese princess. The audience is mesmerized by the float atop which noh musicians ride. ●Hon Odori "Hon Odori" is short for "Honcho no Odori" meaning "The dance of our country," and refers to a traditional Japanese dance. The dance is performed on various themes to the accompaniment of nagauta. [Video] 3:27 - Hon Odori ●Ryu Odori "Ryu Odori" (lit "Dragon Dance") is a typical Nagasaki Kunchi votive dance performed by four towns. The dragon dancers manipulate the dragon as if it were alive and dance to the unique music played on gongs, drums, trumpets, and other musical instruments. The dynamic floats and carriers, which can only be seen once every seven years, fascinate people every year. Food During Nagasaki Kunchi Photo:An okonomiyaki stall In the past, Nagasaki Kunchi had a unique type of cuisine called "Kunchi Ryori" (Kunchi Cuisine). Kunchi Ryori includes "azuki gohan" (red bean rice), "zakuro namasu" (a vegetable dish with pomegranate seeds), amazake (sweet sake), and other traditional dishes. During the festival period, many people make these dishes at home to celebrate the festival. While you're unlikely to find them at the festival, you can still enjoy a variety of Japanese festival foods. Like most Japanese festivals, there will be a number of food stalls open where festivalgoers can purchase snacks like okonomiyaki, yakitori, candied applies, parfaits, and more. Be sure to pick up some delicious snacks when you visit! How to Get There Photo:Suwa Shrine, Nagasaki Prefecture There are several venues where Nagasaki Kunchi will take place. Below, we'll introduce how to get to each location. Suwa Shrine From Nagasaki Station, take the streetcar to Suwa Shrine (~10 mins), or walk from Nagasaki Station (~20 mins). Yasaka Shrine Take the streetcar bound for Sofukuji Temple and get off at Sofukuji Temple (~7 mins). From there, it's a short walk to Yasaka Shrine. Otabisho Take the streetcar bound for Sofukuji Temple and get off at Ohato Station (~7 mins), or walk from Nagasaki Station (~12 mins). Central Park Take the streetcar bound for Sofukuji Temple and get off at Meganebashi Bridge (~6 mins), or walk to Central Park from Nagasaki Station (~15 mins). Summary of Nagasaki Kunchi Photo:A dragon dance at Nagasaki Kunchi, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture Nagasaki Kunchi, an autumn festival held at Suwa Shrine, begins on June 1. Caretakers and performers of the various towns involved pray for the safe completion of their major roles by undergoing purification before the deities of Suwa Shrine and Yasaka Shrine, and begin rehearsals for their performances. In 2023, the festival will be held for the first time in four years. There will be many locals as well as tourists from all over Japan and abroad looking forward to the event! If you have the chance to visit Nagasaki during the event, be sure to join in the festivities! 【Official Website】Nagasaki Kunchi|Nagasaki Traditional Performing Arts Promotion Association 【TripAdvisor】Nagasaki Kunchi -
Video article 1:25
A New Symbol is Born in Shinjuku, Tokyo! Enjoy deep Shinjuku at Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, a flamboyant entertainment complex!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Things to Do Travel- 45 plays
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Tokyu Kabukicho Tower" in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Video Introduction Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku This video, titled "Tokyu Kabukicho Tower: A Hotel and Entertainment Complex Aimed at International Tourists" (【東急歌舞伎町タワー】インバウンド需要狙い ホテルとエンタメの複合施設), was uploaded by "NTV News24" (日テレNEWS). The video introduces the entertainment facilities of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, which opened in April 2023. The video is full of exciting images, such as the flashy food hall Shinjuku Kabukicho Hall, where guests can enjoy sampling cuisine from different regions of Japan, and the movie theater, where every seat is a premium seat. [Video] 0:48 - All Premium Seats [Video] 0:57 - The Flashy Food Hall What is Tokyu Kabukicho Tower in Shinjuku, Tokyo Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku On April 14, 2023, an entertainment complex tower that allows visitors to play, watch, eat, and stay opened in Kabukicho in Shinjuku, Tokyo. The 225-meter-tall skyscraper complex stands majestically on the former site of the sadly closed Shinjuku Milano-za Theater. Its name is Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. The exterior of the tower is extremely stylish, and the skyscraper, designed in the image of a fountain, has a strong presence in Shinjuku's Kabukicho district. The concept of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is to "pursue your passions." Admission to Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is free, and anyone can enter. The tower houses restaurants, cafes, an evolutionary food court in the style of an alleyway you'd find in Tokyo, live music clubs, cinemas, theaters, and accommodations, offering a variety of experiences within a single building. In addition, reflecting the diversifying society, gender-less restrooms have been introduced on the 2nd floor. The revolutionary restrooms, which can be used by both men and women, have been quite the controversy on social media. Experience Japanese Festival Culture and Delicious Food on the 2nd Floor at Shinjuku Kabuki Hall Photo:Shinjuku Kabuki Hall, Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku Shinjuku Kabuki Hall is a flashy food hall with a Japanese festival theme. Located on the 2nd floor of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, the interior combines the glitz and glamour of Kabukicho with authentic alley-way-style areas that Tokyo is known for. Delicious foods from all over Japan and cuisine from the neighboring country of Korea can be enjoyed here as well. Hours for Shinjuku Kabuki Hall are from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day. Events are held every night on the stage set up inside the food hall, adding to the festive nighttime atmosphere of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. [Shop Information for the Food Hall] ●Hokkaido Food Festival (北海道食祭) Visitors can enjoy local delicacies of Hokkaido, such as ramen, zangi (a special type of fried chicken), Tokachi pork bowls, Muroran yakitori (pork and onions skewers), and various seafood products. ●Tohoku Food Festival (東北食祭) A restaurant where you can try beef tongue from Sendai, a major city in Japan's Tohoku region, Morioka reimen (cold noodles), Hinai Jidori chicken characterized by its firm texture and umami flavor, and Fukushima enban gyoza (disc dumplings) beautifully arranged in the shape of a frying pan. ●Kanto Food Festival (関東食祭) Kanto Food Festival is popular for its sushi platters and Edo tempura rice bowls, which allow visitors to enjoy Edomae techniques, motsuyaki (grilled beef offal) from Shibaura, Sano ramen from Tochigi, and Tochigi gyoza (dumplings). ●Yokohama Chinese Food Festival (横浜中華食祭) A restaurant where you can enjoy popular dishes from Yokohama Chinatown in a casual atmosphere. ●Chubu Food Festival (中部食祭) Here, visitors can enjoy dishes such as Nagoya's classic miso pork cutlet and chicken wings, dishes made with Japanese glass shrimp, the jewels of Toyama Bay, and Hanton Rice from Kanazawa, which has become a popular tourist destination since the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen bullet train. ●Kinki Food Festival (近畿食祭) Visitors can enjoy "B-class gourmet" foods such as Osaka's okonomiyaki and kushikatsu, as well as Kyoto's udon noodles and obanzai (traditional Kyoto-style cuisine), famous for their elegant soup stock. The lineup also includes first-class Japanese beef dishes, such as Kobe Beef and Omi Beef! ●Chugoku-Shikoku Food Festival (中四国食祭) This restaurant focuses on fresh ingredients sent from the regions that produce them, such as bonito (dried skipjack tuna flakes) shipped directly from the remote Okinoshima island in Kochi, oysters shipped directly from Hiroshima, and noodles from a long-established Sanuki Udon noodle store in Kagawa that attracts large crowds of customers. ●Kyushu-Okinawa Food Festival (九州沖縄食祭) A restaurant where you can try Hakata's yakitori ramen, torikawa (chicken skin) skewers, and tetsunabe gyoza (a special type of dumpling). You can also try chicken dishes made with Miyazaki jidori chicken, goya chanpuru (Okinawan bitter gourd stir-fry), rafute, and more. Enjoy a combination of foods together with shochu and awamori. ●Korean Food Festival (韓国食祭) From Korean dishes like cheese dakgalbi, sundubu, and samgyeopsal, which are very popular in Japan, to sweets from Korean food stalls, you can enjoy a wide variety of Korean food here. ●KABUKI CAFÉ A casual Italian restaurant that can be enjoyed as a café or a bar. The Arts at Tokyu Kabukicho Tower! Theater, Cinema, a Live Music Club and More! Source :YouTube screenshot No matter how rewarding the tourist attraction or wonderful the live performance is, if your accommodations are far away or if you have to travel by crowded train, you won't be able to enjoy it as much as you'd like... With that said, we recommend utilizing the accommodations inside Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. Tokyu Kabukicho Tower has two hotels opening on May 19, 2023. They are "BELLUSTAR TOKYO, A Pan Pacific Hotel," a facility that offers one of the most luxurious lodging experiences in Japan, and "HOTEL GROOVE SHINJUKU, A PARKROYAL Hotel," which features pop-style guest rooms with art and music inspired by Shinjuku. After a long day of fun at Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, an entertainment complex tower, you can return to your hotel room at the press of a button! You're sure to have an enjoyable time if you do so! Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is also connected to airports via a direct limousine bus service. If you're looking for a base to explore tourist attractions around Tokyo, this is it! Tokyu Kabukicho Tower: An Entertainment Facility & Hotel in Shinjuku, Tokyo Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower at night, Shinjuku Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, an entertainment complex and tower, combines a state-of-the-art theater, movie theater, and a live music hall. Located on the 6th, 7th, and 8th floors of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, THEATER MILANO-Za has been opened, taking the name of Shinjuku Milano-za, a beloved movie theater that was open in Shinjuku for 58 years, as a live entertainment theater. It offers a top-notch stage for artists, not only for plays, but also for seated live music performances and visual events. 109 Cinemas Premium is located on the 9th and 10th floors. The viewers-only lounge, which can be used one hour before a movie starts, has a relaxing atmosphere and is decorated with artwork inspired by Shinjuku's Kabukicho district. All seats are premium seats, and the design of the sound system was overseen by Ryuichi Sakamoto. Zepp Shinjyuku (TOKYO), located in the basement of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower from B1F to B4F, can accommodate 1,500 people standing, making it one of the largest live music halls in Shinjuku. Equipped with the latest video equipment, it offers a special live performance experience in a luxury venue where music and video are fused together. Tokyu Kabukicho Tower Floor Guide Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku Tokyu Kabukicho Tower has 48 floors above ground and 5 floors below ground for a total of 53 floors. Of the 53 floors, 45 floors are accessible by the public. Below is a floor guide for Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. BELLUSTAR TOKYO, A Pan Pacific Hotel (39-47F) A luxury hotel at the top of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower with a panoramic view of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. The hotel has 97 rooms and 5 penthouse suites where you can enjoy an unforgettable stay. Floors 45-47 feature a bar and restaurant that can be used by all visitors to the hotel. HOTEL GROOVE SHINJUKU, A PARKROYAL Hotel (18-38F) A hotel with a view of Tokyo with fancy furnishings and unique art installations. The hotel has 538 rooms that come in a variety of styles. From suites, to rooms with tatami flooring, and rooms designed by artists, there's something for everyone here. JAM 17 DINING & BAR (17F) JAM 17 DINING & BAR features an Italian restaurant with an open kitchen and fresh vegetables from Japan's Kanto region. The restaurant also features a rooftop terrace where you can enjoy dinner with friends or a romantic night out with your special someone. The bar is a great place to relax after enjoying other facilities in the tower, and features guest bartenders, original cocktails, and a tasteful ambience. 109 Cinemas Premium (9-10F) A movie theater with completely premium seating inside Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. THEATER MILANO-Za (6-8F) Carrying on the name of the former Shinjuku Milano-za, this theater is used for plays, live performances, etc., and seats up to 907 guests in relatively spacious seating. EXSTION (5F) EXSTION is a members-only wellness club located inside of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower with a relaxing atmosphere. It features a lounge, sauna, gym, pool, restaurant, art gallery, and other facilities. THE TOKYO MATRIX (4F) A real-life dungeon based on the story of Sword Art Online. Players will have to use sword skills, and critical thinking to solve puzzles and collect items for a chance to face off against Kirito and Asuna. namco TOKYO (3F) Namco TOKYO is an arcade located inside of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. The arcade features 250 gachapon machines, a variety of games, as well as food and drinks with which to enjoy a break between fun. Shinjuku Kabuki Hall (2F) Shinjuku Kabuki Hall is a café inside of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower with 10 restaurants all offering a different style of cuisine from somewhere in Japan, and even with Korean food. Tourist Information Center (1F) The first floor is where you can get father tourist information if you're visiting the area, but also houses a Starbucks, a burger and taco restaurants, and a variety of other facilities. Zepp Shinjuku/ZEROTOKYO (B1-B4) The basement floors are home to Zepp Shinjuku, a live music hall with state-of-the-art video equipment for live performances that can accommodate up to 1,500 guests, and ZEROTOKYO, a club where you can enjoy music, DJs, scenography, and all kinds of awesome performances. Summary of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, a Flashy New Tourist Attraction in Shinjuku Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is a new type of entertainment complex that is raising the bar for quality entertainment in Japan. You can experience the Japanese spirit of hospitality, which is to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable, together with endless entertainment and state-of-the-art facilities. 【Official Website】TOKYU KABUKICHO TOWER -
Video article 6:44
How long will it be open for business in 2024? One hour from central Tokyo! Cheers to beer with delicious food while enjoying the best view at "Mt. Takao Beer Mount" in Hachioji City, Tokyo!
Food & Drink Nature Travel- 87 plays
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Video introduction of "Mt. Takao Beer Mount" in Hachioji City, Tokyo This video, titled "Solo Drinks at a Beer Garden - Mt. Takao Beer Mount" (おひとりさまでもビアガーデン・高尾山「ビアマウント」で呑む), was uploaded by "furo1010." In the video, furo1010 is shown heading to Mt. Takao Beer Mount. With its beautiful scenery, delicious food, and tasty beer, Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a place you'd want to visit even if you are not a mountaineer or a hiking enthusiast. Be sure to check out the video to see how the buffet-style food and beer, as well as local sake and other beverages, are enjoyed. Mt. Takao Beer Mount – Experience Hospitality at 488 Meters Above Sea Level! A Look at the Event's Nearly 70 Years of History Photo:Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden), Mt. Takao Located in Hachioji, Tokyo, in Japan's Kanto region, Mt. Takao boasts the largest number of climbers in the world. In the summer, the observation deck restaurant, which is adjacent to the Mt. Takao cable car, transforms into Mt. Takao Beer Mount and hosts a beer garden. Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a beer garden that began in 1954 as a film festival and summer evening karaoke contest held to encourage the use of the Mt. Takao cable car and has been ongoing for nearly 70 years. The view from the top terrace of the observation deck restaurant—located 488 meters above sea level—is spectacular, offering a panoramic view from the Tokyo cityscape to the Boso Peninsula during the day. It's also a popular spot on Japanese Instagram for its beautiful night views. Being just an hour away from central Tokyo, you can enjoy delicious food and beverages while surrounded by nature at Mt. Takao Beer Mount. When does the 2024 Beermount start? Learn about the duration and fees! Photo:Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden), Hachioji, Tokyo The Mt. Takao Beer Mount has been held as usual since 2022. In 2024, it will be open from Saturday, June 15 to Tuesday, October 15, from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The price for all-you-can-eat and drink is 5,000 yen for adults, 4,700 yen for seniors (65 and older), 2,800 yen for junior high school students, 1,800 yen for elementary school students, and 500 yen for infants (3 years old to under elementary school students). It is a great opportunity to enjoy delicious gourmet food and a wide variety of beverages at this price with all-you-can-eat and all-you-can-drink options. Please enjoy it with your family and friends. Food at Mt. Takao Beer Mount – The Perfect Dishes to Go With Your Beer! Photo:The buffet at Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden) Dishes served buffet style will include Japanese, Western, and Chinese menu items. [Video] 2:55 - Buffet-Style Dishes Among the dishes we recommend are local specialties of Hachioj, including salads using vegetables grown in Hachioji and Hachioji Ramen. [Video] 4:00 - Local Specialties of Hachioji, Tokyo The beer goes perfect with the delicious food, and there's beers being served from four major breweries, allowing you to sample a variety of flavors. [Video] 4:13 - Beers From 4 Major Breweries In addition to beer, there's a wide range of beverages, including sake, sours, highballs, etc. Of course, non-alcoholic drinks for children are also available. [Video] 4:52 - A Wide Selection of Alcoholic Beverages Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a great place to enjoy delicious food and drinks, and is recommended for both families and solo guests alike. Information About Wait Times, Crowding, Recommended Seats, Reservations, and More! Mt. Takao Beer Mount has approximately 500 seats and all guests can enjoy the buffet for up to 2 hours. Although there are many seats, the beer garden can be quite crowded on weekends and during the Bon Festival, so be sure to keep this in mind if you're planning on visiting. If you want to enjoy the restaurant without any hassle, we recommend making reservations in advance. Reservations can be made for a minimum of 4 people on weekdays, and for 10 or more people on weekends and holidays. The best seats at Mt. Takao Beer Mount are on the top floor, called the slab. The night views from here are incredible. For those who want to enjoy nature, we recommend the garden surrounded by the forest. You can dine while relaxing in nature. The indoor hall is perfect for rainy or windy days. For rainy days, there's no need to worry, as there is also tent seating set up in the outdoor area. Use the Cable Car for Easy Access to the Mt. Takao Beer Mount Photo:Mt. Takao cable car To get to Mt. Takao, where the beer garden is located, first take the Keio Line from Shinjuku for 53 minutes to Takaosanguchi Station. From Takaosanguchi Station, head to the Kiyotaki Station cable car, a 5-minute walk away. Take the cable car (a 6-minute ride) and get off at Mt. Takao Station to reach the venue. Mt. Takao Beer Mount can also be reached on foot without using the cable car. The food and drinks will taste even better after a nice hike up the mountain! Trail 1 – Hiking Mt. Takao as an Inexperienced Climber/Hiker Source :Hachinavi Mt. Takao Feature Mt. Takao is so famous among mountaineering enthusiasts that around 3 million climbers visit the mountain each year. For those who wish to hike up to the beer garden, here are some recommendations. To get to Takao Beer Mount on foot, we recommend Trail 1. There are seven trails on Mt. Takao: Trails 1-6 and the Inariyama Course. Trail 1 is easy for beginners to climb as most of the course is paved and there are rest areas. It takes approximately 100 minutes to reach the summit and around 60 minutes to reach the beer garden. After a nice workout, why not enjoy the beer garden with some friends in the outdoors? Things to Do Near Mt. Takao There are a number of things to do near Mt. Takao. Below we'll introduce some places we recommend checking out when visiting the area. Takaosan Yakuoin Temple Takaosan Yakuoin Temple is a temple located on Mt. Takao. They have many seasonal events, such as New Years events and Setsubun, and they even have a fire walking event that's held during March each year. The temple is a 20-minute walk from the same cable car used to access the beer garden. Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Admission Fee: Free Takao 599 Museum A museum with a relax atmosphere that features exhibits relating to the unique ecosystem on Mt. Takao. The museum is located just 4 minutes from Takaosanguchi Station by foot. Hours: April to November: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Last admission 4:30 pm), December to March: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Last admission 3:30). ※Hours are subject to change due to events. Admission Fee: Free ※Some events/exhibits may have an admission fee Keio Takaosan Onsen Gokurakuyu Keio Takaosan Onsen Gokurakuyu is a natural hot spring located at the foot of Mt. Takao. The facility offers hot springs and massages, as well as restaurants where you can enjoy delicious soba and sashimi after relaxing in the hot springs. The facility is a quick 2-minute walk from Takaosanguchi Station. Hours: 8:00 am - 10:45 pm (Last admission 10:00 pm) Admission Fee (Weekdays): Adults: 1,100 yen, Children: 550 yen (Weekends/Public holidays/Peak season): Adults: 1,300 yen, Children: 650 yen ※Peak season fees apply during the following periods: December 29 - January 3, Golden Week, mid-August, November 1 - November 30, and other dates ※Free admission for children under 3 Mt. Takao Monkey Park & Wild Plant Garden A monkey park on Mt. Takao home to some 70 monkeys. The park also features a garden with walkways made from tree cookies and beautiful autumn leaves in the fall. The park is a 3-minute walk along Trail 1 after taking the cable car to Takaosan Station. Hours: December - February: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm, March - April: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm, May - November: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Admission Fee: Adults (Junior high school students and older): 430 yen, Children (Ages 3 and older): 210 yen Takao Trick Art Museum A museum full of mind-bending, Egyptian-themed optical illusion art where you can enjoy taking funny photos. The museum receives support from the Egyptian Embassy, and so the souvenir store has popular souvenirs imported directly from Egypt. The museum is a 2-minute walk from Takaosanguchi Station. Hours: April - November: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, December - March: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Closed: Thursdays Admission Fee (General): Adults: 1,300 yen, Junior high and high school students: 1,000 yen, Elementary school students: 700 yen, Young children (ages 4 and under): 500 yen (People with disabilities): Adults: 1,100 yen, Junior high and high school students: 800 yen, Elementary school students: 500 yen, Young children (ages 4 and under): 300 yen ※Discounts available for groups. Please see the official website for more information Summary of Mt. Takao Beer Mount Mt. Takao Beer Mount is held both in the summer and in the fall. Last year, it was held from October 19. The atmosphere is quite different during autumn, but just as enjoyable! Also, until the summer beer garden begins, the Mt. Takao Beer Buffet event is held, where visitors can enjoy barbecue cooked on an eco-friendly craft grill imported specially from Denmark. Mt. Takao, is a great place where visitors can enjoy both mountain climbing and gourmet food. Mt. Takao Beer Mount is the perfect for those looking to enjoy a cold beer to beat the summer heat! Relax and take a break from the daily grind and head to Mt. Takao Beer Mount, where you can enjoy nature, tasty food, and satisfying drinks! 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Takao Beer Mount -
Video article 1:24
The Otaue Rice Planting Festival – A Summer Festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine in Osaka! Experience Japanese Culture at This Traditional Japanese Summer Event!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 75 plays
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The Otaue Rice Planting Festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine: Video Introduction This video, titled "Osaka Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine's Otaue Rice Planting Festival" (大阪・住吉大社「御田植」 3年ぶりに歌や踊りも披露), was uploaded by KYODO NEWS. The "Otaue Shinji (rice planting ritual)" is usually held on June 14 to pray for a bountiful harvest. It was suspended after the Corona disaster, but will be restored in 2022. The video shows how the "ueme" (rice planting maidens) receive the seedlings from the gods and how the farmers plant them in the paddy fields on the shrine grounds, as well as the samurai event and the dancing of the yaotome maidens. Be sure to check out the footage of the Otaue Festival held at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine in the video. The Otaue Rice Planting Festival of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine: History, Etc. Photo:The samurai procession during the Otaue Rice Planting Festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Osaka, Japan The history of the rice planting ritual held at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is long, dating back to the time when the legendary Empress Jingu was enshrined at the shrine, according to legends. It appears that the festival was held on a large scale as well, as there are records of performing arts such as sarugaku and dengaku being performed during the Kamakura period (circa 1185-1333 A.D.). Although the festival was in danger of being discontinued during the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912 A.D.), it has continued to survive to the present day and has been designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property by the government of Japan. It's also known as one of the three major rice planting festivals in Japan, along with the festivals held at Katori Jingu Shrine and Izawa no Miya Shrine. The rice planting festival of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine has many highlights. The first is the dance performed in the center of the rice field by the yaotome. Eight Yaotome dancers dance around an umbrella to the accompaniment of songs sung by the priests. [Video] 0:06 - Yaotome Dancing There is also a samurai procession, in which brave warriors in armor appear. It is said that the warriors prayed for the longevity of their military fortunes, and the highlight of the festival is the warriors showing off their military prowess. The event is also believed to be a prayer to ward off evil spirits. [Video] 0:18 - The Samurai Procession The children can also be seen performing the traditional rice planting dance and songs for the first time in three years, reviving one of the highlights of the festival. [Video] 1:09 - The Rice Planting Song and Dance Another highlight of the festival is the Sumiyoshi Odori dance, performed in unique costumes to the sound of tapping umbrella handles. Deities Worshipped at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine Photo:Hatsutatsu-mairi, a visit to four shrines, at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Osaka Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is said to have been established approximately 1,800 years ago. The shrine was originally built by Empress Jingu upon her safe return from the Silla (an ancient Korean kingdom) invasion. It is also known as the head shrine of the more than 2,300 Sumiyoshi shrines throughout Japan. The three deities of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine are Sokotsutsuno-o no Mikoto, Nakatsutsuno-o no Mikoto, and Uwatsutsuno-o no Mikoto. Amaterasu and Empress Jingu are also enshrined here as well. These gods were born when Izanagi no Mikoto cleansed the land. These deities are said to have been born when Izanagi no Mikoto performed misogi (A Shinto water purification ritual), and are said to protect against all kinds of misfortune by purifying the body and mind. Many Japanese shrines use dragons as motifs for their handbasins, but Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine uses rabbits. There is also a "nade-usagi" (petting rabbit) made of stone on the shrine grounds that can be stroked to pray for good health. The origin of this festival is said to be that Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine was founded on the first day of the first month of the year of the hare in the year of the "Kano-tou" (the year of the hare). In the year of the Rabbit, the shrine is especially crowded with people. Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine: A Power Spot in Osaka Photo:The light-heavy stone at Shumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Osaka Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is well-known by the people of Osaka and Japan's Kinki region. The shrine has been worshipped as the first shrine in the Settsu Province since ancient times, and is now regarded as one of the best power spots in Osaka. Power spots are places in Japan that are deemed sacred, and are said to be places where one can receive healing or blessings. Additionally, there are many good luck charms that can be purchased at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. One attraction at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is the "Omokaruseki" (light or heavy stone), which will tell you if your wishes will come true, and a rare maneki neko (beckoning cat) wearing a kamishimo (formal samurai attire). It's very photogenic and many people come visit to take Instagram photos here. The Sumiyoshi Festival: A Unique Summer Festival in Osaka Photo:The portable shrine washing ritual of the Sumiyoshi Festival, Osaka The Sumiyoshi Festival is the last of the three major festivals of Osaka. It's a summer festival of Osaka that is said to begin with the Aizen Festival and end with the Sumiyoshi Festival. It's held as an annual festival of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, and the portable shrine procession is held on the last day of the festival. ●Mikoshi Arai Shinji (washing of the portable shrine) Mikoshi Arai Shinji is a ceremony to purify the portable shrine by sprinkling seawater on it prior to the portable shrine procession on the last day of the Sumiyoshi Festival. In the early morning, a special boat is launched with the cooperation of the local fishermen to pump the seawater. ●Nagoshi no Harae Shinji (summer purification ceremony) After the purification ceremony, visitors to the shrine, together with shrine maidens and children, walk through a ring of cogon grass to cleanse themselves of the impurities of the past six months. This is a ceremony to pray for good health for the remaining six months of the year. ●Mikoshi Togyo (portable shrine procession) Mikoshi Togyo is a ceremony held on the last day of the Sumiyoshi Festival. The portable shrine carries the spirit of Sumiyoshi Ookami in a portable shrine and parades along the road to Shukuin Shrine in the city of Sakai. Weighing nearly 2 tons and measuring 11 meters long, the sight of the extremely large portable shrine crossing Sorihashi Bridge is a heroic sight. When it arrives at the Shukuin Shrine, a purification ceremony is held. Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine: Admission Fee, Hours, and How to Get There Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is located slightly south of central Osaka where major tourist attractions like Osaka Castle are located. The easiest way to get to Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is to take a train to Sumiyoshitoriimae Station. After arriving at the station, it's an approximately 3-minute walk to the shrine. From Osaka Station you can take the Osaka Loop Line to Tennoji Station, walk to Tennojiekimae Station (5 minutes) and then take the Hankaidenki-Uemachi Line (阪堺電気軌道上町線)—a streetcar—to Sumiyoshitoriimae Station (住吉鳥居前) (approximately 40 minutes). Admission Fee: Free Hours: 6:00 am - 5:00 pm (April to September), 6:30 am - 5:00 pm (October to March) ※The Souvenir shop is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Summary of Festivals at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine Various events and rituals are held at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. However, in the past few years, events and rituals have been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now that travel restrictions have been lifted, the Otaue Rice Planting Festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is now able to include worshippers and we can once again see the splendid dances of the shrine maidens and heroic appearance of the samurai procession. Sumiyoshi Taisha's rice planting festival is held to pray for a good harvest and to ward off epidemics. If you're in Osaka around this time of year, be sure to stop by and see the festival. You're sure to be fascinated by the solemnity and splendor of the ancient Shinto rituals! 【Official Website】Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine 【TripAdvisor】Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine -
Video article 2:23
Shiroi Koibito Park – A Guide to the Chocolatey Theme Park in Sapporo, Hokkaido! Attractions, Hours, Admission Fees, and More!
Food & Drink Things to Do Travel- 102 plays
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Video introduction of "Shiroi Koibito Park" in Sapporo, Hokkaido This video, titled "Shiroi Koibito Park 4K/A Must-See in Hokkaido [BESTHOKKAIDO_VOL.97]" (『白い恋人パーク4K/北海道の絶景景色』【BESTHOKKAIDO_VOL.97】), was uploaded by "BESTHOKKAIDO." Shiroi Koibito Park is operated by Ishiya Seika, the maker of Hokkaido's famous "Shiroi Koibito" biscuits. Shiroi Koibito biscuits are one of the most well-known and popular souvenirs of Hokkaido. They're popular both in Japan and also among overseas tourists. Shiroi Koibito biscuits are cat tongue cookies (a long and flat cookie said to resemble a cat's tongue) with white chocolate sandwiched inside them. The exterior of this sweets theme park is inspired by the appearance of a Western castle. Take your time to watch the video through which you can practically smell the sweet aroma of roses and chocolate. What is Shiroi Koibito Park? Admission Fees + Average Time Spent at the Park Photo:Shiroi Koibito Park, Sapporo, Hokkaido Shiroi Koibito Park is a factory and sweets theme park of Ishiya Seika located in Sapporo, Hokkaido. It's a wonderland-like facility with experiences that stimulate all five senses, and where both adults and children can enjoy an exciting time. Shiroi Koibito have become a popular souvenir among travelers to Hokkaido. The park is a popular tourist spot in Sapporo where visitors can learn about the history of chocolate by seeing how it's made and trying a hands-on sweets making workshop. It's approximately 7-minutes from Miyanosawa Station (Sapporo City Subway-Tozai Line) on foot, and approximately 25-minutes from the center of Sapporo via car. A parking lot is available that can accommodate 130 vehicles. The following information includes admission fees, hours of operation, and travel time. Please refer to it when planning your Sapporo travel itinerary. Admission Fees Adults (high school students and older): General admission / 800 yen, Sapporo residents / 500 yen, Groups / 500 yen Children (4 years old to junior high school students): Adults/400 yen, Sapporo residents / 300 yen, Groups / 300 yen Ages 3 and under: General admission / Free of charge, Sapporo citizens / Free of charge, Groups / Free of charge All prices include tax. Business hours 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Average Time Spent at Shiroi Koibito Park Museum facilities only: approx. 1 hour If you wish to explore the outdoors: approx. 2 to 3 hours If using the Premium Factory Course in the paid area: approximately 1 to 2 hours in addition to the above. Free Areas at Shiroi Koibito Park! Photo:The rose garden at Shiroi Koibito Park, Sapporo, Hokkaido Besides the paid area, Shiroi Koibito Park also has a free area. It's popular among both tourists and families with children. Here are some spots we recommend checking out in the free area. Mechanical Clock Tower The Chocolate Carnival Parade with automatons is held every hour from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. [Video] 0:33 - Mechanical Dolls Moving to the Music Chocolate Pump A dreamlike pump that gushes out chocolate. Try pumping the lever and let your inner child out! Rose Garden The English-style garden, which includes a rose arch, is a popular photo spot. Around 200 roses can be seen blooming in the garden, making it a spectacular sight! Enjoy the fragrance of English roses, classic roses, and all of the other 120 varieties of roses in the garden. Attractions in the Paid Area of Shiroi Koibito Park Photo:Shiroi Koibito being made, Shiroi Koibito Park Shiroi Koibito Park offers a wide variety of ways to enjoy the park. In the paid area, you can see, learn, taste, and experience a wide variety of attractions. CHOCOTOPIA FACTORY Visitors can see how Shiroi Koibito and Baumkuchen are made. Sweets Workshop DREAM KITCHEN Visitors can experience making sweets while having fun. Enjoy making it with your children or friends and take it with you as a souvenir to commemorate your trip? The following section introduces the different experiences available at Shiroi Koibito Park. Gulliver Town POKKE In this children's town lined with small stores and houses, you can feel as if you're Gulliver, from Gulliver's Travels. ※Please take note of the business hours ※Closed for the winter, reopening on April 15th, 2023. [Video] 0:53 - Gulliver Town Pokke Study Base CACAO POD Visitors can enjoy learning about tasting methods using chocolate developed by Dr. Chocolate. CHOCOTOPIA HOUSE (projection mapping) Visitors can enjoy learning about chocolate while watching a projection mapping video. Hands-on Experiences at Shiroi Koibito Park! Here is the menu of sweets that you can experience in the park. [Sweets Workshop Dream Kitchen] ●Experience menu● ・Chocolate Pie Sandwich - Using mille-feuille Pie sandwiches made with mille-feuille ・Making colorful cupcakes with bunnies Cupcakes full of spring colors Unfortunately, as of March 2023, the "My Shiroi Koibito Baking Course," "My Shiroi Koibito Painting Course," and "Hokkaido Cookie Painting Course" have been suspended due to a shortage of raw materials. Please check the latest information on the official website when applying for the experiences. Roses in Early Summer, Illuminations in Winter, and Popular Sweets Year-Round. Enjoy Shiroi Koibito Park in Every Season! Photo:An illumination at Shiroi Koibito Park, Sapporo, Hokkaido The brick-lined courtyard's rose garden is a must-see! The best time to see the roses in the English-style garden is from mid-June to early July. The heart-shaped arch in the Rose Garden is especially popular as a good place to take photos. ※Pets are allowed in the rose garden, which is a free area. During the winter season (November to the end of March), illuminations add color to the cool, clear air. A 10-meter tree, lovely objects twinkling in the windows of the English-style building, and the magical scenery warmly welcomes visitors to the park. We definitely recommend visiting during the winter season as well! Chocolate Lounge Oxford is the perfect place to go if you've got a sweet tooth. There are parfaits, and other sweets, as well as a wide selection of chocolate fondue. The "ISHIYA Mankitsu Set" allows you to taste white sweet potatoes, Swiss rolls, and soft-serve ice cream all at once. The three-tiered plate and the clock tower in the background makes for a great photo. During the Christmas season, a limited Christmas menu will also be available. Be sure to stop by! Things to Do Near Shiroi Koibito Park While there aren't many things to do in the immediate area near Shiroi Koibito Park, there are plenty of attractions waiting for you a train's ride away. Here are 3 places we recommend visiting near Shiroi Koibito Park: Hokkaido Jingu (Hokkaido Shrine) Hokkaido Shrine was built in 1869, after the Meiji Restoration. The shrine has 4 torii gates which are said to bring various types of luck to those who pass through them, and the shrine is also known for its cherry blossoms in the spring and beautiful autumn leaves in the fall. Hours: February: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm, March: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, April - October: 6:00 am - 5:00 pm, November - December: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm ※Special hours during the New Years Holiday Admission Fee: Free Sapporo Beer Museum A brick museum in Hokkaido where visitors can learn about the history of beer in Hokkaido. Visitors can tour the museum for free, but there are also premium tours that are 50 minutes long. The tour is held in Japanese, but after the tour visitors can enjoy sampling Sapporo Beer Kuro Label, a recreation of one of the original beers from when the firm was founded. Hours: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm (Last entry 5:30 pm) Admission Fee: Free ※Paid premium tours available at 11:30 am, 3:30 pm, and 4:30 pm. Please check the official website for more information. Tanukikoji Shopping Street Tanukikoji Shopping Street is one of the oldest shopping arcades in Hokkaido. Established in 1873, it's made up of 7 districts home to more than 200 stores. The shopping street stretches multiple blocks and has a variety of restaurants, places to go shopping, and even maid cafes. There are a number of attractions between Tanukikoji Shopping Street and the Sapporo Beer Museum, such as the Sapporo Clock Tower and Sapporo TV Tower, so we recommend checking out Tanukikoji Shopping Street and then sightseeing while making your way over to the Sapporo Beer Museum. This is a great way to fit in more tourist attractions on your Sapporo travel itinerary. Summary of Shiroi Koibito Park in Hokkaido Shiroi Koibito Park, with its many attractions, also offers a variety of restaurants, cafes, and snack houses, all with different styles of food. From original confections and sweets to lunch at a secluded restaurant, you're going to be spoiled for choice. The elaborate seasonal events, attractions that will bring smiles to children's faces, and affordable prices are all great features for those traveling with family. Sapporo is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan and offers a wide variety of hotels. If you visit Sapporo during your summer trip to Hokkaido, consider visiting Shiroi Koibito Park! 【Official Website】Shiroi Koibito Park 【TripAdvisor】Shiroi Koibito Park -
Video article 11:10
Ito for Shark Diving in Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan! Introducing videos that let you enjoy the beautiful and mysterious marine world.
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Diving Video Introduction at Ido, Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "Tateyama Ito Diving" (館山 伊戸ダイビング), was uploaded by "munecyan." It introduces diving in Ito, Chiba. If you're interested in diving but aren't very familiar with it, be sure to check out the diving you can do in Ito, Chiba in the video! Are There Sharks in Tokyo and Chiba? There are a variety of different sharks in both Tokyo and Chiba. Some sharks you can find in Tokyo are houndsharks, sawsharks, angelsharks, etc. Additionally, in Chiba there are shortfin mako sharks, salmon sharks, thresher sharks, and many more varieties. Going on the shark diving tour in Ito is the best way to see sharks near Tokyo, but there are also other diving spots in Japan where you can go shark diving. Ito, Chiba Prefecture – A Popular Diving Spot Close to Tokyo! Ito, Chiba, in the Kanto region, is known as the southernmost diving spot in Japan's Kanto region. Divers from all over the world gather here to enjoy the diving spots of the Boso Peninsula. Ito is also known as a shark diving spot. You can see schools of sharks from up close. In addition to sharks, Ito is also a fascinating diving spot where you can see sunfish, nudibranchs, and a variety of other marine creatures up close. The Various Marine Life You Can See in Ito, Chiba Photo:Banded houndsharks and red stingrays One of the greatest attractions of diving is to be able to see sea creatures swimming in the sea up close. As mentioned above, in Ito and the Tateyama area, you can see beautiful coral reefs as well as various types of creatures up close. You can enjoy the marine world of Ito through an unforgettable diving experience. [Video] 4:55 - Coral Reef [Marine Life in Ito, Chiba] Here are some of the sea creatures you may encounter in the sea of Ito. ・Short barbeled velvetchins ・Longtooth groupers ・Banded houndsharks ・Goniobranchus tinctorius (sea slug) ・Red stingrays ・Dorid nudibranchs (sea slug) ・Striped boarfish ・Asian sheepshead wrasse ・Spotted white sea slugs ・Sun fish Tateyama Shark Scramble – The Main Attraction in Ito, Chiba! Photo:A group of banded hounsharks Tateyama Shark Scramble is attracting a lot of attention in the Tateyama/Ito area. Tateyama Shark Scramble refers to the phenomenon when more than 100 sharks can be seen swimming in a whirlpool in the ocean. It's also known as the "Shark Tornado." Ito was originally called Shark City because of the large number of sharks that inhabit the area. However, serious damage was caused by the large number of sharks. The problem was that the sharks ate the fish caught by fisherman, who were left with insufficient catches. The local fishing cooperative wanted to somehow solve this problem, so they consulted a man named Mr. Shiota, who provides diving services in Ito. As a result, a shark guiding operation was launched in 2009 which successfully kept sharks away from captured fish. As a result of these efforts, Okimaene, a dive point in Ito, Chiba, is now attracting attention from all over the world as a spot where you can swim with sharks. Underwater Bird Watching in Ito, Chiba? Photo:A Japanese cormorant Underwater bird watching might sound like a fever dream, but it's actually something that can be enjoyed in the Tateyama and Ito areas in winter. During the winter you can see Japanese cormorants diving into the ocean. This bird is native to Japan, Korea, and other parts of East Asia. Its body is 84-92 cm in length and it's generally greenish-black with a yellow beak. In addition to the cormorants that originally inhabit the Tateyama/Ito area, some cormorants come to Ito from other areas for the winter. In winter, the water temperature drops and the cormorants cannot catch fish in the shallows, so they dive into the water to catch fish. You can watch them catch fish underwater when diving. Another attraction of diving in Tateyama and Ito is that you can experience underwater bird watching of sea cormorants only in winter. When Is the Best Season to Go Diving in Ito, Chiba? Photo:Diving Diving is possible throughout the year in the Tateyama/Ito area in Chiba, and from late August to early September, the water is warm enough to dive in a wetsuit. Shark schools can be seen throughout the year, but some species and scenes can only be seen at certain times of the year. ・January to March: Underwater bird watching The water is crystal clear and the cormorants can be seen diving up to 20 meters below the surface. ・June-August: You can view the courtship ritual of the longtooth grouper from up close. ・Autumn - Winter: You can see powerful scenes of large fish attacking their prey. How to Get to Ito, Chiba Since it's only a two-hour bus ride from Tokyo, visitors can enjoy diving on a day trip. There are also restaurants in the area, with the seafood restaurant "Gyoko Shokudo Daibo" being particularly popular for its delicious seafood and hamayaki (a style of cooking where the entire fish is skewered and cooked whole over a grill). While the Tateyama/Ito area is popular for diving, it's also a great place for sightseeing and fishing, as there are many fishing ports, restaurants, guest houses, and hotels, some of which have open-air baths with a view of the sea. Summary of Diving in Ito, Chiba The Tateyama/Ito area is a popular diving spot for beginners and experienced divers alike, and has attracted attention from around the world. The shark diving is especially exciting! You can see sharks swimming around from up close in the video. Located just 2 hours from Tokyo, Ito, Chiba is a great spot for a day trip. Why not try diving in the Tateyama/Ito area, where you can see schools of sharks and sea cucumbers being captured in the ocean? It's an experience you can't have anywhere else in Japan! [TripAdvisor] Ito, Chiba