[Image1]I went to
[Image2]I went to
[Image3]I went to

I went to "Kofuku Station" in Obihiro City! 💖
It was opened in 1956 (Showa 31)) and was abolished in 1987 (Showa 62) with the Abandoned railway lines of the Hiroo Line.
Aikoku Station and Kofuku Station 💓, which became Famous for their catchphrase "From the Land of Love to Happiness"
The station and cars still exist as they were at that time, and many pink "happiness yuki" tickets are attached to the building, so I felt 🥰 the atmosphere of the old days and the feeling of happiness
Please go and check it out!
Famous "Happiness Car Station" 💖
當時愛國Car站到幸福Car站有著「從愛的國家往幸福前往」的意,因此這兩個Car站成為Famous的「愛國Car站」和「幸福Car站」。 💓
現今幸福Car站保留了當時的Car站和列Car,Car站建築周圍貼滿了粉紅色的「前往幸福」Car票,深刻感受當時的Car站氛圍和幸福的氣氛 🥰
大家有來北海道玩時,一定要來Tokachi 地區走走喔!

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