[Announcement of completion of tourism pamphlet]
\Arao City Tourism Pamphlet Completed/
A tourist brochure full of the charm of Arao City has been completed!
Famous landmarks and recommended spots, as well as delicious Gourmet Spots ☘️
It is located inside and outside the city, including the Manda Pit and the Arao Tidal Flats Waterfowl and Wetland Center! Please pick it up ✨
The pamphlet is also available in an electronic version, so be sure to check it out 👀.
#Arao Genic #Arao City #Kumamoto #Tourism Brochure #arao #arao.genic #kumamoto
#Arao #Sightseeing #Outing #Gourmet #Greenland #Manda Pit #Arao Higata
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