I went to Izumi Shrine in Hitachi City.
One day, a spirit ball a crystal-like ball fell from heaven and hit this land, and it is said that the goddess of beauty was the goddess of heavenly fast tama princess who deified this spirit ball that boiled and became a spring.
Beside the torii gate was the main hall of Prince Shotoku.
In the center of the spring that springs is Benzaitensha, and the pond on the left where the red bridge hangs is quite normal 😮 for some reason.
On the left is a spring that springs up from a power spot that has the benefit of matchmaking, and the emerald green water that springs up while blowing up white sand was ✨ too beautiful and mysterious.
#Travel #Photo Contest #Izumi Shrine #Ibaraki #Hitachi City #Mystic Fountain
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